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A28557 A continuation of the history of the Reformation to the end of the Council of Trent in the year 1563 collected and written by E.B., Esq.; De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo Quinto Caesare, commentarii Sleidanus, Johannes, 1506-1556.; Bohun, Edmund, 1645-1699. 1689 (1689) Wing B3449; ESTC R4992 218,305 132

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Liberty and yield that Obedience to the King they ought and that the King of Navar should still retain the Command of the Army The Prince of Conde perceiving by this Answer that the Triumvirate were resolved not to leave the Court and that they only pretended the Danger of laying down their Arms before him without taking any Notice of the Hostages he had offered fot their Security in that case suspected there was fraud in the bottom and would not comply neither alledging That the King's Presence was their security whereas he had nothing but the Equity of his Cause to Plead After this the Triumvirate put in a Petition to the King The Triumvirate desire no liberty should be granted to the Protestants Desiring that an Edict might be made 1. That no Religion but the Roman Catholick should be Admitted in the Kingdom 2. That all the King 's Domesticks Captains Governours and Magistrates should be of that Religion and whoever did not publickly profess it should be deprived of all Honour and Publick Employments saving to them their Estates 3. That all Bishops and Clergymen should profess the same or be deprived of their Revenues which should be brought into the Exchequer 4. That all the Churches which were destroyed spoil'd or defaced should be restored and those that were guilty of these Sacriledges punished 5. That all should lay down their Arms upon what pretence soever they had been Listed or by whom soever And they that had no Commission from the King should be treated as Traitors That the King of Navar only should have the Right of Levying Men till these Troubles were ended by a Treaty or a Victory and they to be paid out of the Treasury And on these Terms they were willing not only to leave the Court but the Nation and to go into Exile And till this was done they could not leave the Court. This was Answered at large by another Paper Printed the 20th of May with great sharpness The 26th and 27th of May the King of Navar commanded all the Protestants to depart from Paris The Triumvirate draw out of Paris ordering that no injury should be done to them or their Goods in their retreat or absence on pain of Death And perceiving that nothing could be effected by Treaties the Triumvirate drew their Forces out of Paris consisting in Four thousand Foot and Three thousand Armed Horse about which time the Queen invited the Prince of Conde to a Conference and they met in the beginning of June at Thoury a Village in la Beausse with all the Cautions usual in such Cases But that Treaty proving ineffectual the Prince of Conde drew his Army out too which was then Four thousand Foot and Two thousand Horse The Prince of Conde had more of the Nobility of France in his Army than the other fide either out of Love to the Religion or hatred to the Guises or by the secret Orders of the Queen The Prince of Conde maintain great Order in his Army at first Besides his Army had a severe Discipline and Publick Prayers were said Morning and Evening at the head of each Company There were no Oaths no Quarrels heard of but the Psalms were devoutly Sung in the Camp there was no Dice no Tables no Rapines all was Modesty and the least Faults were severely punished so that the Country Man or Merchant might live or travel by the Army in perfect security and their great desire was that they might be led against Paris The 21th of May the Army marched from Orleans and there was another Treaty for a Peace and another Conference with the Queen A second Treaty between the Queen and Conde who thanked him and all the Great Men that came with him for the good Service they had done her and the King in a time of such great need saying they were worthy of the highest Rewards and Honours and praying them to persevere in it and to Consult the good of the Kingdom She excused what she had done in the mean time for the other Party by saying They were more in number who embraced the Roman Catholick Religion and therefore it was necessary there should be no other Religion suffered in France than that At this Conde replied he could not submit to so hard a Condition For if the Peace of Religion were taken away a War would follow which would be very difficult and lasting This proving ineffectual too the Prince of Conde marched to La Ferte Alez Boigency sack'd Blois and took and sack'd Boigency a Town upon the Loire The Triumvirats Army marched right to Blois which the Protestants had taken not long before and Garison'd but the Place being weak they retreated to Orleans and left it to the Catholicks who Exercised unheard of Cruelties and put most of the Protestants to the Sword or drown'd them in the River though they recovered the Town without one blow striking From thence they marched to Tours Tours which had but a little before been surprized and reformed by the Protestants contrary to the will of the Wiser People who forclaw the ill consequence of it The Country in the mean time was exposed to Rapine under pretence of Extirpating Hereticks the great Men conniving at it or being well pleased And a War was Proclaimed against the Protestants and all Men were commanded to treat them as the Enemies of Mankind on the account of the Sacriledges committed in the Churches because the Church Plate was taken to be Minted for Money to pay the Army and the Images and Altars were generally beaten down where the Protestants prevail'd Whereupon the Peasants left their Work and fell to Rob and Plunder their Neighbours and to exercise unheard of Cruelties and Barbarities they thinking the Protestants were to be treated like Mad Dogs This forced the Gentry in a short time to Arm against them and they treated the Monks and Priests in their own Kind and Hang'd up those Catholick Peasants The Protestants took Anger 's the 5th of April Anger 's taken by the Protestants almost without any opposition and both Parties lived peaceably to the 21th when they pulled down the Images in the Churches which so incensed the Roman Catholicks that the 5th of May they let in Succours in the Night whereupon followed a Fight in which the Protestants were worsted and the Roman Catholicks prevailed The other Party were plunder'd whereupon some Women were ravished and others slain to the Number of about eleven Tours retaken by the Roman Catholicks Tours being retaken all the Protestants were by one means or another made away the President of the City not escaping their Cruelty because he was suspected to be a Protestant tho' he had never declared himself such so that the Governours were forced to erect Gallows to put a stop to the bloody Barbarity which they themselves had raised in the People The Protestants of Mans were much affrighted Mans deserted by the Protestants
one Horse for his own use having reserved an hundred thousand Crowns for his Subsistence which was not over well paid neither spending his Time in the innocent Arts of Grafting Gardning and Reconciling the Differences of his Clocks which yet he could never make to strike together and therefore ceased to wonder He had not been able to make Men agree in the Nicities of Religion Here he first heard of the breach of Truce between his Son and the King of France and though he was something concerned at it Thuanus yet he concluded the Rashness of the Old doating Pope and the Perfidy of the Caraffa's would end in the Ruine of the Prosperity of France as it came afterwards to pass The last Day of October saith the great Thuanus John Sleidan John Sleidan's Death and Character when he had brought down his History to that time with an exact Faith and Diligence dyed of the Plague at Strasburg in the one and fiftieth Year of his Age. He was born at Sleidan a Town in the Dukedom of Juliers near Dueren and from thence he took his Name a Person who for his Learning and great Experience in Affairs was much esteemed by that Age He had spent the greatest part of his Youth in France and being entertained in the Family of Bellay had both learned and done great things in the Service of Cardinal John Du Bellay but a sharp Persecution arising in France against those that were suspected of Lutheranisme he went and lived at Strasburg and served that Free City and being by his own Employments much enformed of the Carriage of Affairs he added to what he had seen what he had learned from Men worthy of Credit and wrote his Book of Commentaries Paul IV had succeeded Marcellus a short lived Pope the twenty sixth of May Natura iracundus pene implacabilis Natalis Comes Paul IV a furious Hare-brained Prince in the Year 1555 as John Sleidan has set forth in his last Book he was a Man of a Furious and unquiet temper and made it his great Design to raise the See of Rome to its former Greatness and Authority but not considering the present state of things mistook his Measures The Submission of England had raised in him extravagant Hopes of Reducing Germany too under his Obedience but then the Peace of Religion appeared so contrary to that Design that it irritated him to the utmost and he threatned the King of the Romans and the Emperour That in a short time he would make them know to their Sorrow how much they had offended him if they did not prevent it by revoking and disallowing the things they had granted That he might have no occasion to proceed as he intended to do not only against the Lutherans but even against them too as Abettors of them But all this Ranting Zeal missing its due Effect he began his Revenges on King Philip the Son of the Emperour who was the best Friend that See had then in Christendom by denying to admit him to the Kingdom of Naples Marc Antony Colonna a Favorite of Philip King of Spain had about this time dispossessed Ascanius his Father who was a Subject of the Popes but had a great Estate in the Kingdom of Naples of all that lay in that Kingdom upon pretence that he was infected with Heresie that he favoured the French Interest against the Emperour and that he lived a dissolute Life And the Accusation had been countenanced and encouraged by King Philip to that height that the Father as much as in him lay at his Death disinherited his Son giving his Estates in the Papacy to the See of Rome and those in the Kingdom of Naples to Victoria his Daughter the Wife of Garzia de Toledo This was made the Pretence of the ensuing War between the Pope and the King of Spain into which the French and English were drawn too and all Christendom almost imbroiled again The Pope however considering that he was not able to deal alone with so Potent a Prince as King Philip under pretence of sending Cardinal Caraffa into France to congratulate the five Years Truce imployed his Interest with the King of France to persuade him to break his Faith so lately given and to renew the War with Philip The Pope had before upon several Pretences clapt up the leading Cardinals and great Men of the Spanish Faction And when the King with all the Respect his Zeal for that See could inspire him with by his Ambassadour desired the Discharge of these Prisoners and the Restitution of Marc Antony Colonna to his Fathers Estate and Castles in the Papacy the angry Pope Replyed That he had Authority and Right to punish his Subjects for their Offences And commanded his Ambassadour to write to his Master not to meddle with what did not belong to him and that he should permit him as Pope to exercise his Soveraignty freely on his own Subjects And accordingly he seized all Colonna's Castles and Estates in the Dominions of the Church pretending to revenge the Wrongs he had done to Ascanius his innocent Father with the consent of his Mother who was also severely treated by the Pope and not contented with all this he declared the Kingdom of Naples forfeited to the See of Rome because King Philip had neglected the Payment of eight thousand Crowns due as a yearly Tribute for that Kingdom He annexes the Kingdom of Naples to the See of Rome and now many Years in Arrear whereupon his Holiness published an Edict by which he annexed that Kingdom as forfeited to the See of Rome and began to fortifie Paliano a City of Champagna di Roma thirty miles from Rome to the East and put a thousand French into it for a Garrison which the more exasperated the King of Spain The Duke de Alva who was then Vice-roy of Naples did all that was possible to mitigate the Pope The Duke de Alva begins a a War upon the Papacy but his Submissions and Protestations more incensed him his Flatterers persuading him they proceeded more from Fear than a Reverence of the Holy See which he so much pretended Whereupon the Vice-roy raised twelve thousand Foot and fifteen hundred Horse and entring the Popes Territories he took Ponte Corvo upon the River Garigliano one of the Pope's Towns in the Borders of Terra di Lavoro without resistance and after that Frusilione the Pope's Forces flying out of it in the Night Hereupon the Pope also levied ten thousand Italian Foot and seven hundred Horse to which he added two thousand Gascoigners which were old Soldiers sent him by the King of France and imprisoned one Lofredo who was sent by the Duke de Alva to persuade the Pope to a Peace before the War was begun and staid at Rome for the Pope's Answer The Duke de Alva hearing this presently marched to Anagni another City in the same Province Anagni taken which the Pope had made his Magazine but here
Advantage upon the Banks of a small River by Mr. James Halleburton Provost of Dundee a Man of good Experience and Valour and therefore made General that day made so formidable an Appearance that the Regent durst not hazard a Battel against them By this time she saw to her Cost how necessary it was for Princes not to break their Faith. For when she would have gladly come to Peace there could no reliance be made upon her Promise and she had nothing else to engage And when they demanded the French might be sent away she said that she could not do it without order from the King of France So she was desired to withdraw the Garrison out of St. John's Town which when she refused the Protestants marched thither the Twenty fourth of June and in a few days took it From thence they march'd to the Abbey of Scone and took and sack'd it and being informed the Regent designed to put a French Garrison into Sterling they went in the night from St John's-Town thither and surprized it and ruined all the Monasteries Images and Altars They also changed the Religion at Lithgo Linlithgow in the way to Sterling and wheresoever they prevail'd The Regent and the French in the mean time retired from Edinburg to Dunbar expecting till this Storm should blow over and here they heard of the Death of Henry II of France The Protestants rejoyced at it as a thing that tended to their Safety but had like to have made it the occasion of their Ruine by withdrawing from the Army The Regent thereupon marched with her Forces to Edinburg and in the way had a fair opportunity to have fought and overthrown the remainder of their Army which was prevented by the Duke of Hamilton and James Earl of Dowglass The Twenty fourth of July a Truce was made to last till the Tenth of January which the Regent observed so much the more exactly because she found by Experience that the former breach of Promise had involved her in greater Difficulties and Distresses Yet even here she could not totally lay aside her old wont but broke Faith as far as she durst It is necessary here to Transcribe some of our English Affairs which relate to Scotland The English Affairs relating to Scotland that we may see how far and upon what Provocations Queen Elizabeth was concern'd Henry II of France had no sooner ended his War with King Philip but he began to cast an Eye upon England as very convenient for the Dauphin King his Son and Mary Queen of the Scots and on that Account refused to recall the French Forces out of Scotland as by the last Treaty he had promised but instead of that he sent more thither by stealth and was very earnest with the Pope to declare Queen Elizabeth an Heretick and Illegitimate and Mary the Lawful Heir of England which yet was diligently but under-hand oppos'd by the Imperial and Spanish Agents at Rome However the Guises never left exciting the credulous and ambitious Hopes of that Prince of Uniting the Crown of England to that of France by the means of Queen Mary their Heir till at last they prevail'd on him to assert openly the Pretences of his Son and Daughter-in-Law and to consent they might use this Title Francis and Mary by the Grace of God King and Queen of Scotland England and Ireland and to quarter the Arms of England with those of Scotland upon their Plate and on the Walls of their Palaces and the Coats of their Heraulds The English Embassador complain'd of this but to no purpose as tending to the great Injury of his Mistress with whom they had lately made a Peace they having never done it in the Life of Queen Mary though there was a War between the Nations That there were great numbers of Soldiers Listed in France and Germany to be Transported into Scotland upon the same Continent with England So that Queen Elizabeth had just reason to suspect the Intentions of the French who now breathed nothing but Blood and Death against the Protestants but that Prince's Designs whatever they were perished with him to the great Advantage of Queen Elizabeth who had otherwise been attack'd by all the Forces of France and Scotland both as Illigitimate and an Heretick Yet she ordered his Exequies to be celebrated at St. Paul's with great Solemnity and by Charles Son to the Lord Howard of Effingham her Envoy condol'd his Death congratulated the Succession of Francis his Son and promis'd to observe the Peace between them religiously Yet Francis the new King Fradcis II of France claims England in the Right of Mary his Wife and Mary his Wife the Queen of the Scots by the Advice of the Guises who now had got the Government of France in a manner into their Hands still continued the Claim of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland and the use of the Arms thereof more openly And when Throgmorton the English Embassadour in ordinany a Wise and Stout Man severely expostulated the Business They replyed Queen Mary might assume the Arms of England with some small Distinction to shew her near Relation to that Royal Blood. But he denyed this could be done by the Laws of Heraldry if the Person using the Arms of another Family was not derived from a certain Heir After this they pretended They only used these Arms to force the Queen to lay aside the use of the Arms of France To which he answered That twelve Kings of England as Dr. Woton shewed in the Treaty of Cambray had worn the Arms of France with so undoubted a Right that no opposition had been made to it in any Treaty between France and England At last by the Interposition of Montmorancy who was no Friend to the Guises he prevailed and the Title of England and Ireland and the use of the Arms of those Kingdoms was laid aside because that great Man thought It was not for the Honour of France to have any other Title or Arms assumed or engraven on their Seal than that of the King of France That this one Title was as good as many And he also shewed That the former Kings used no other tho' they claimed the Dutchy of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples But however from this Use of the Title and Arms of England imposed on this young Queen by the Arts of the Guises and the Ambition of Henry II as from a Fountain sprung all those Calamities which afterwards ruined her For from this Time Queen Elizabeth was a declared Enemy to the Guises and a concealed one to the Queen of Scots which last enmity was by the Malice of cunning Men a growing Emulation and new Occasions which every day sprung up so improved that at last it ended in her Death For Princes will endure no Rival and Majesty is very sensible of Affronts The French by the Treaty were to give four Hostages for the Restitution of Calais within eight Years but when it was
to Saumur the Seventeenth of March was the day now appointed for this great Design and Renaudie who knew nothing of the Discovery marched boldly up to Ambois and though great part of his Foot were cut in pieces in the Woods as they came up in small Parties or taken Prisoners by the Horse who were sent out for that purpose many of which were presently hang'd on the Battlements of the Castle in their Boots and Spurs yet Renaudie their Chief Commander escaped and was not taken then The Duke of Guise obtained a Commission to constitute himself the King's Lieutenant General in France the Eighteenth of March and Oliver the Chancellor obtained before he would pass it a Pardon for all who should lay down their Arms within twenty four hours and return home with only two or three Companions giving them liberty to present what Petitions they pleased in a peaceable way to the King. The Nineteenth of March Renaudie met Pardaillan who was sent with a Party of Horse to take up such as he found in Arms. Pardaillan would have fired a Pistol against Renaudie but it missing Renaudie run him through Renaudie slain but was slain in the same moment by Pardaillan's Servant himself His Body was brought to Ambois and hang'd on a Gibbet with this Inscription The Leader of the Rebels Two of his Servants were taken at the same time and some Papers in a private Character which proved to be a Petition on the besalf of the Protestants designed to be presented to the King in an Assembly of the States Begging a Remission of the Severity of the Laws against them and Protesting the utmost Duty and Obedience to him Many of those who were taken were examin'd against the King of Navar and the Prince of Conde Who said They knew nothing of Navar The King of Navar Conde Coligni and Andelot suspected but heard that Conde should have been their Captain Whence the Duke of Guise concluded That Coligni and Andelot were certainly in it though Queen Catherine was of a contrary Opinion but however Conde who was then in the Castle with the King was commanded not to depart without leave which he wisely dissembled Some few were Tried for this Conspiracy but many more were Hang'd up by Night and many Merchants were Slain as they travelled about their business for their Mony but under Pretence they were in the Conspiracy so that there was nothing but Slaughter and Murthers to be seen About the same time Oliver the Chancellor dies Oliver the Chancellor of France died not so much of Old-age or Sickness as Discontent at the Cruelcy and Iniquity of the Times his Death was foretold by some of the Conspirators who reproached him for his unworthy Complyances And when the Cardinal of Lorain visited him in his last Sickness he express'd his Resentments against him and died weeping and sighing for what he had done Michel de l'Hospital a great and a good Man succeeded him by the procurement of Queen Catherine Though this Conspiracy was principally design'd against the Guises yet they desired the World should believe these Men had first made a Defection from God by Heresie and then had conspired against the King Queen Catherine and the King's Brothers The Thirty first of March the King wrote to all the Governors of the several Provinces to take great care that the Reliques of this Conspiracy did not imbroil their Provinces after which there was the like Account sent to the Elector Palatine and the rest of the Protestant Princes of Germany The Princes of Germany thereupon among other things desired the King to consider whether he had not yielded more than was fit to some about him meaning the Guises who out of an inbred Malice and Cruelty exercised great Cruelties on Men that were never convicted of any Crime There they beseech his Majesty that he would put a stop to the Sufferings of these Innocents and seeing they imbrace the same Religion with us we cannot but desire an end may be put to those cruel and hasty Executions This Germany has found say they to be the only Remedy and France has no other left to restore its Peace than by granting a Peace to the Minds and Consciences of Men. Coligni the Admiral leaving the Court Coligni sent into Normandy by the Queen Queen Catherine ordered him to go into Normandy and to enquire diligently into the Causes of the late Conspiracy He laid the blame of it on the boundless Ambition of the Guises and advised the Queen to observe inviolably the late Edict for Liberty of Conscience and to put a stop to the Persecution of the Innocent as she valued the safety of the King and the quiet of the Kingdom Some of the Captives who had escaped out of the Prisons at Blois wrote Letters to the Cardinal of Lorain telling him they knew the Escape of the Conspirators was very afflictive to his Eminence That therefore they were gone to seek them and hoped in a short time to return better attended This rallery was a great Mortification to that fearful Minister who feared new Commotions and persuaded the King to put out a General Pardon for all Roman Catholicks The Clergy labour to bring the Inquisition into France In May the King put out another Edict which was call'd the Edict of Romoraulin by which he took the Cognizance of Heresie from the Civil Magistrates and gave it solely to the Bishops which about five years before had been so vigorously opposed by the Parliament of Paris De l' Hospital the Chancellor is said to have consented to it only to prevent the violent Guises from introducing the Spanish Inquisition which they had recommended to Henry II and were now promoting with all their might in France From henceforward the Cardinal of Lorain became more placable to those of the Religion and to stop the Mouths of those who desired an Assembly of the three Estates persuaded Queen Catherine to call an Assembly of the Princes at Fountain-bleau to consult of the Publick Affairs About this time Conde left the Court Conde leaves the Court. and by a Letter gave his Brother the King of Navar an Account of the Ill-will the Guises bore towards him and that a Debate had been held in the King's Cabinet-Council for the taking him into Custody That therefore he had been forced to betake himself to him into Bearne This Letter was soon after discovered to the Guises who had entertained Spies in the Family of Conde who presently wrote a Letter to Conde full of sugared Expressions of Kindness and Affection which Conde presently sent to his Brother who very much approved his Resolution but advised him to return to Court and clear his Innocence which Conde did not think safe Perrenot the Brother of Cardinal Granvell in an Audience he had of Queen Catherine told her there was no way to restore the Peace of France but by Banishing the Guises some time from Court
Pretences of Delay and pretending he was going to Ancona and that by the way he would speak with the Duke of Florence who was a wise Prince and his Kinsman and regulate that Affair by his Advice Cos●us Duke of Florence The Duke of Florence come to Rome perceiving that this Journey of the Pope to Ancona was a Sham and being invited by the Pope to Rome resolved to go thither to promote this and some other Private Business he had with the Pope Before this King Philip having heard of the National Council designed in France had sent Anthony de Toledo to advise the King and Council in this and lay before them the inevitable Danger of a Schism which would follow upon it On the other side Ferdinand the Emperour insisted That seeing the Council was begun on the account of the Germans it should be renewed in Germany and all that was already determined should be re-debated anew Others thought it reasonable That seeing the French were now equally concerned with the Germans the Council should be assembled in some City in the Confines of France and the Empire as at Constance or if the Germans would agree to it at Besanzon The Pope was rather inclined to have it at Trent or rather to bring it deeper into Italy and had some Thoughts of Vercelli a City in the Borders of France though he could not yet resolve certainly to hold it any where for he good Man was more desirous that Geneva which had much infected France and Germany should be reduced by a War than that the Controversies of Religion should be committed to the peaceable Determination of a Council And to that end he had persuaded the Duke of Savoy to make a War upon the Vaudois his Subjects Whilst the Pope was in this incertainty in October the Duke of Florence came to Rome and persuaded the Pope by his Arguments to resolve on the calling of a Council the next Year that he might provide a General Remedy for a General Disease He shewed him That there was no Danger such a Council would pass any severe Sentence on the Manners and Abuses of the Court of Rome And that it was fit he should desire the Discipline and Corrupt Manners of the Church of Rome should be reformed That he ought sincerely to promote it His Arguments for a General Council and cause select Divines to be assembled out of all Christian Kingdoms and to hear them favourably that so the Peace of Christendom might be restored which was now torn in Pieces by Diversity of Opinions About the same time the Death of Francis II the Advancement of the King of Navarr and the great Kindness Queen Catharine on his account shewed to the Protestants very much terrified the Pope and compelled him to entertain the Thoughts of a Council in good earnest which till then had been talked of with no great sincerity The Pope thereupon sent Lawrence Lenzi Bishop of Firmo to King Philip With other concurrent Accidents at last prevail'd John Manriquez to the Duke of Florence and Angelo Guicciardin to the Queen of France who was to condole the Death of her Son to comfort her and to entreat her to undertake the Protection of the Religion she was brought up in and that she would not open a Door to the growing Schism nor seek any Remedy for the Disorders of France from any but the Church of Rome And to assure her The Pope's Ambassadors to thee Christian Princes That in a short time all their Desires should be gratified by the Calling of a General Council and therefore they prayed her to take Care That the flourishing Kingdom of France might not make a Defection from the Ancient Religion during her Government nor any Prejudices be raised against the Remedies which might justly be expected from it The Pope at the same time appointed Hercules Gonzaga Hierome Seripand and Stanislaws Hosio three of his Cardinals to be his Legates in the Council and sent Zachary Delfino Bishop of Zant and Francis Commendone into Germany to invite the Protestant Princes to it Canobbio was sent into Poland on the same Errant and had Orders to go on into Russia to exhort that Prince who was of the Greek Communion to send his Bishops and Divines to the Council but there being a War between the Russ and Poles at this time this Journey was prevented The Twenty ninth of September this Year died Gustavus King of Sweden Gustavus King of Sweden dies which was the Founder of the Line which now reigns in that Kingdom he was succeeded by Eriek his eldest Son. This Prince reigned Thirty eight Years with great Prudence and Commendation being only noted for a little too great Severity in his Taxes which was necessary in a Prince that was to Found a Family but he was otherwise a Prince of great Vertues and the Reformer of the Church of Sweden The same Year died Philip Duke of the hither Pomerania and Albert Count of Mansfield a great Favourer of the Reformation he died the Fifth of March in the Seventieth year of his Age and Sixtieth of his Government The same Year died the Cardinal du Bellay the Great Patron of John Sleidan a Person of great Merit and employed by Francis I in many Embassies He was a great and hearty Desirer of the Reformation of the Church and without all doubt shew'd our Author the right way to it though he miss'd it himself The Nineteenth of April died also Philip Melancthon at Wittemberg He was born at Brett a Town in the Palatinate of the Rhine and was the great Companion and Friend of Martin Luther but was more moderate and a great hater of Contentions and Disputes and a lover of Peace By which Vertues he won the Love and Respects of both Parties in those troublesom days on which account he was sent for into France by Francis I. The Celebration of the States of France was inter●●●tted by the sudden Death of Fracis II. But there being great Discontents at the numerous Assemblies of the Protestants in many Places which were now openly held the finding out a Remedy for this hastned the opening that Convention The Thirteenth of December was appointed for that Purpose and the Chancellor began the Affair with an Elegant and Pious Discourse In which having shewn the Use of these Assemblies and exhorted all degrees to Peace and Concord and shewn 'em the common Causes of Sedition and Rebellion he tells them That in their times a new Cause that of Religion had been added to all the former As if saith he Religion could or ought to be the cause of a Civil War which is the greatest Mischief that can befall a Kingdom and contains all others in it But then God is not the Author of Dissention but of Peace and other Religions because false may be founded and preserved by Force and Fraud but the Christian Religion which is the only true is only to be established by
well as I can I return now to Scotland The Messengers they had sent into France to procure the Royal Consent to the Acts they had made in their last Parliament were no sooner return'd with a positive denial and a dreadful Reprimand which frighted and exasperated the Nation both at once but they had the Joyful News of the Death of King Francis II. to their great satisfaction and the no less affliction of the French Faction in that Kingdom On the other side the Nobility who had lent their Assistance to the Expulsion of the French immediately met at Edinburg and after a Consultation sent the Lord James to their Queen to perswade her to return into Scotland Lesley however prevented them and got to her some days before the Lord James She was then at Vitrie in Campaigne whither she was retired to lament her Loss His business was Queen Mary● resolves to return into Scotland to bespeak her favour to the Catholick Party and return into Scotland The first she readily promised and as for the other she ordered him to Attend till she had resolved what to do It was soon after resolved that she should leave France so that the Lord James found her fixed to return when he came into France yet his Assuring her of the great desires the Nobility of Scotland had to see her there again much confirm'd her So she sent him back with Orders to see that nothing should be attempted contrary to the Treaty of Leith in her absence In March following M. Giles Noailles a Senator of Bourdeaux arrived at Leith with three Demands from the new King of France 1. That the old League between France and Scotland should be renewed 2. That the late Confederacy with England should be diss●lved 3. That the Church-men should be restored to all they had been deprived of But the Council replied That it did not befit them to treat of things of that Consequence before the Assembly of the States which was to be held the 21st of May when the Lord James made answer That the French and not the Scots had broke the old League by endeavouring to enslave them 2. That they could not violate the Treaty made with England and as to the third That they did not acknowledge those he interceded for to be Church men and that Scotland having renounced the Pope would no longer maintain his Priests and Vassals About the same time the Earls of Morton and Glencarn returned from England whither they had been sent with Assurances That the Queen would assist them in the Defence of the Liberties of the Kingdom if at any time they stood in need of her Help which was heard with much Joy. As the Lord James returned into Scotland he waited upon Queen Elizabeth and advised her to stop Queen Mary if she came by England as he expected she would 'till he had secured the State of Religion in Scotland The Pretestant Religion setled in Scotland for tho' she had promised She would continue all things in the State she found them yet he would not intirely rely upon her Promise having so often heard the old Maxim from the late Regent To make sure work therefore he procured an Act to be passed in this Convention for the Demolishing all the Cloysters and Abby Churches which were yet left standing in that Kingdom the Execution whereof as to the Western Parts was committed to the Earls of Arran Argile and Glencarn as to the North to the Lord James and as to the Inland Counties to some Barons that were thought the most Zealous Whereupon ensued a most deplorable Devastation of Churches and Church-buildings saith Spotiswood throughout all the Kingdom for every one made bold to put to their Hands the meaner sort imitating the Example of the greater and those who were in Authority No difference was made but all the Churches were either defaced or pulled down to the ground The Church Plate and what ever Men could make Money of as Timber Lead and Bells were put to sale and the Monuments of the Dead the Registers of the Churches and Libraries were burn'd or destroyed and what escaped the Fury of the first Tumults now perisned in a common Shipwrack and that under the colour of publick Authority John Knox is said to have very much promoted this Calamity by a Maxim he published That the sure way to drive away the Rooks was to pull down their Nests which in probability he meant only of the Monks but now their Hands were in was extended to all the Church Buildings Noailles was then in Scotland and carried the News of this dreadful Reformation to the Queen into France She was much enraged at it The Queen angry with the Proceedings and said to some of her Confidents that she would imitate Mary Queen of England but however she had wit enough to dissemble her Resentment for the present In order to her return Queen Mary goes into Scotland she left Vitri and went to Paris and having waited upon the King and Queen-Regent to take her leave of them she took her Journy towards Calais Queen Elizabeth had sent the Earl of Bedford to condole the Death of Francis her late Husband and to desire her Ratification of the Treaty of Leith but this she said she could not do 'till she had consulted with the Nobility of Scotland and when the Ambassador replied They could not but approve of what they had made she replied They did but not all and when I come amongst them it will appear what mind they are of The Duke of Guise and the rest of the great Men of that Family attended her to Calais and the Marquess of Elboeuf and Francis Grand Prior of France went with her She took Ship the 14th of August and arrived at Leith in Scotland the 20th She was much concerned for fear Queen Elizabeth might intercept her in her way home and therefore sent again for the English Ambassador but when he still insisted to have the Treaty of Leith ratified she delayed it Her Uncle the Cardinal of Lorrain advised her to leave her Jewels and Treasures in France 'till she were safe in Scotland but she said It was folly to be more concerned for her Jewels than for her Person which she must hazard The truth is her Fear was well grounded for Queen Elizabeth sent a Fleet to way-lay her but the two Navies passed by one another in a dark foggy day unperceived and she safely arrived at Leith the 21th of August The beginning of her Government was very gracious and she condescended to grant That no Change or Alteration should be made in the present State of Religion Her beginning very gracious to the Protestants only she said she would use her own Religion apart and have a Mass in private which was and by many was thought very reasonable she having been Educated in the Roman Church and being a Sovereign Princess Yet the Preachers in their Sermons publickly
Conde comes up towards Fontain-bleau Conde was coming to Court as the Queen had ordered him and was at Pont Sainct Clou within two Miles of Fontain-bleau which when the Queen heard all things were put into Confusion as if a Siege had been expected the Populace running into disorder and the Magistrates conniving at it Nor was the disorder less in the Court. The Queen fearing not without cause that some mischief would ensue if Conde came up the Confederates being in possession of the King and resolving to carry him and the Queen to Paris The Queen would gladly have stood Neuter but the Confederates told her plainly they knew Conde was come to get the King into his Power The Tyiumvirate seize the King. and they were resolved to carry him to Paris and if she pleased she might follow him and so they carried him to Melun not giving her any time to consider of it The Queen followed and took such Lodgings as they assigned her in the Castle Here she would have made her Escape with the King if the Jealousie of the Confederates had not prevented it They knowing this would give a great Reputation to the Party that could gain it and make the opposite Party look like Rebels Next Morning the Queen fell to flatter the Confederates to get them to go back to Fontainbleau and that she might speak with Conde But the Duke of Guise disappointed all her Projects and carried the King and his Brother to the Castle de Vincennes within two Miles of Paris the King weeping as if he had been carried into Captivity by force The next Morning Montmorancy entred Paris pull'd up the Seats and Pulpit of the Protestant Meeting-House near Port St. Jean in the Suburbs and burnt them publickly the people rejoycing greatly at it And in the Afternoon did the same thing without Port de St. Antoine to another such House but here the Fire took the next Houses which abated the Joy though there was at last too much bestowed on so ridiculous an Enterprize Upon this many good Men were injured by the Rabble in the Streets as being suspected in the Point of Religion yet it came not to Blood. The next day after Montmerancy appears very zealous against the Protestants at Paris the King and the Queen were brought up to the Louvre the Confederates pretending they were not safe elsewhere And here they began to talk of Declaring a War against the Prince of Conde which was opposed by the Chancellor whose Judgment was slighted by Montmorancy because he was a Gown-man But he replied That tho he was no Soldier yet he knew very well when War was fit and when not but the violence of the Confederates at last excluded him from that Consultation The Prince of Conde was coming towards the Court but hearing that the Queen out of levity or fear was joyned with the Triumvirate and was gone to Paris The Prince of Conde betrayed by the Queen into a disadvantageous War. he seeing the Enemy in possession of the King's Person concluded they had got a great Advantage over him and yet that the Die being cast it was too late to go back so he went to Orleans to meet d' Andelott and sent to Coligni the Admiral to come thither to him Innocent Tripier de Monterud was then Governour of Orleans for Charles de Bourbon Prince de la Roche-sur-Yon he in the beginning had been very favourable to the Protestants and had equally imployed them with the Catholicks in the Guard of the City but seeing the Queen was now joyned with the Confederate Catholick Lords he changed his Mind and took in more Forces by stealth that he might thereby over-power the Protestants But Andelott entering the place with a small Attendance quickly got together 300 of the Protestants Orleans surprized by the Prince of Conde and seized St. John's Gate and immediately sent to the Prince of Conde to come up so that though Mon. de Monterud endeavoured to recover this Post yet it was in vain and the Town fell into the Hands of the Prince of Conde and Monterud was forced to obtain the Prince's Leave to be gone The Seventh of April the Prince of Conde sent a Letter to all the Protestant Churches and Nobility in France Conde Justifies the War. to bring to him all the Forces and Moneys they were able to raise for the Rescuing of the King out of Captivity and the delivering him out of the Hands of some great Men who had first violated the Laws or Edicts of France and then seizing the Person of the King by force Abused his Authority to the breaking the Peace of that Kingdom The next day he put out a Manifesto wherein he largely unfolded the Truth that the bottom of their Design was to deprive the Protestants of France of that Liberty which had been granted them by the King's Edict The Catholicks begin the War to deprive the Protestants of the Liberty granted them by the Edict of January which he proved amongst other things by the Massacre of Vassy which he said was design'd for a Signal to the whole Nation to do the like He call'd God to Witness his only Intentions were to restore the King and his Brothers and the Queen and the Council to their Liberty to preserve the Veneration due to the Royal Edicts and especially that solemn Edict of January last and to prevent the Moneys given by the States in the last Assembly for the payment of the Debts of the Crown from being mispent or turned to other uses for as for him and his they would manage this War at their own Charges He desired that whilest the King was in their Power no Credit should be given to any Edict Warrant or Commission though under the great Seal or Signed by the King. As for his Brother the King of Navar he should pay him always the Respect that was due to his Character and Place but he desired the Duke of Guise and his Brothers and Montmorancy should lay down their Arms restore the King and his Council to their liberty and suffer the Edict of January to continue in force till the King were of Age and then he would lay down his Arms and he and his would return to their own homes If they refused these just and equal Conditions and attempted any thing with force against him he said he would not bear it but would rescue the King and his People from their violence and they should answer for all the Calamities and Miseries which should follow The Prince of Conde and the Ministers write to the Princes of Germany He wrote two days after this to the Princes of Germany and ordered the Ministers to do so too that the greater Credit might be given to his to the same purpose And in the Conclusion desired they would not be wanting to the King Queen and Kingdom at a time of so much need nor suffer themselves to be prejudiced by
the false pretences of his Enemies but rather would support and strengthen him in the War which he had engaged in for the Glory of God and the Safety of the King and Kingdom The 11th of April he caused the League which the Protestants had entred into to be printed also which was to last only till the King should be of full Age to undertake the Government of his Kingdom in his own Name and at the same time he caused that entred into by the Triumvirate to be printed which they pretended was Confirm'd by the Authority of the Council of Trent which was about that time opened The same Seventh day of April The King and Queen affirm they were at Liberty in their Declaration the King and Queen put out a Declaration at Paris wherein they affirmed that the report of their Captivity was false and scandalously feigned by the Prince of Conde for a colour to his Seditious Practises And that they came willingly and not by force to Paris that they might consult of the means of settling this Commotion The Third day after another Paper was Published by the Queen Navar Bourbon the Cardinal and Duke of Guise and Mentmorancy by the Advice of Aumale the Chancellor St. Andre Brisac and Montmorancy the Younger for the Confirming the Edict of January the Pardon of all past offences and forbidding the troubling or endangering any Man on the account of Religion And giving liberty to the Protestants to meet and Preach any where except in Paris and the Suburbs thereof At the same time an Envoy was dispatched to the Elector Palatine and the rest of the Princes of Germany to consult them about the Council of Trent About the same time there was a Barbarous Massacre made of the Protestants at Sens by the Procurement of Hemar President of Sens and as it was believed not without the knowledge of the Cardinal of Guise The Massacre of Sens. who was Archbishop of that See who was thereupon said to have had a hand also in that of Vassy There was a report spread in the City that the Protestants had a design to surprize the City and deface the Images whereupon the Rabble rose and drowned in the River and Slew in all 100 People of all Ages and Sexes Plundered and pull'd down their Houses and rooted up their Vines of which Conde made a grievous Complaint to the Queen in a Letter of the 19th of April But there being many Complaints of the like nature brought from other parts of the Nation against the Protestants the thing was neglected And Davila takes no notice of it About the same time many Cities throughout the Kingdom of France were surprized by the Protestants which was in many places not possible to be done without Slaughter and the Profanation of the Churches though their Captains at first carried themselves as moderately as they could The Prince of Conde understanding by a Letter he received from the Elector Palatin The Princes of Germany much divided about the true cause of this French War. That the Princes of Germany were much divided about the Causes of this War and Especially the Catholicks He wrote a Letter to Ferdinand the Emperor the 20th of April to inform him of the Causes of these Tumults asserting the King and Queen were carried away against their wills and that he had been forced to betake himself to Arms to restore them to their former Liberty and therefore he beseeched the Emperour to favour him as an Asserter of the Royal Interest The 15th of April Roan taken very easily by the Protestants Roan was taken by the Protestants almost without any Tumult or Resistance And when Henry Robert de la Mark Duke de Bouillon Governour of Normandy was sent thither by the King of Navar to Command them in the King's Name to lay down their Arms they slighted his Authority and gave Reasons for what they had done alledging amongst others the Attempts upon the Protestants at Amiens and Abbeville which they said were sufficient to terrifie the most Peaceable from laying down their Arms but then they were willing to deliver the Keys of the City to him and to keep it for his use and in his Name He leaving the City thereupon they took St. Catherine's a Monastery without the City and put a Garison into it A Tumult arising the next Night some of the Catholicks were slain and others put into Prison So from the Third of May till the City was re-taken the Exercise of the Romish Religion was totally omitted And after that Pont del ' Arche and Caudebec Soon after they took Pont de l' Arche which being taken by the Roman Catholicks the Protestants took Caudebec beneath Roan and when they might have demolished it they endeavoured to keep it but it was soon after re-taken by the Roman Catholicks and so the City was restrain'd on both sides Upon this 300 Horse and 1500 Foot were sent against them which for some time had the better of the Citizens Diepe The Protestants took Diepe the 21th of April without any Resistance and pull'd down the Images and Altars in the Churches The 21th of June Aumale left Roan and Besieged Diepe In the County of Calais the Protestants were the stronger Caen and Bayeux Caen Bayeux were also taken and Reform'd by the Protestants Man 's was taken by the Protestants the Third of April without Resistance Man 's taken by them and in the mean time Forces were raised by both Parties the Queen in her Heart being pleased to see the Prince of Conde Espouse her Cause and desiring to abate the Pride of the Guises and therefore she was earnest to have a Treaty hoping by this means to have both the Parties at her Devotion The Prince of Conde the first of May had sent her a Letter with some Terms for an Accommodation which were That the Edict of January which had been violated by the Conspirators should be observed 2. The Injuries committed upon the Protestants severely punished by the Magistrates 3. Guise and his Brothers and Montmorancy c. who had raised this War should leave the Court and return to their several Governments till the King was of Age to undertake the Government and determine himself this Controversy And then he would lay down his Arms and retire to his home The Fourth of May it was Answered That the King would observe the Edict of January every where but at Paris That all Slaughters Spoilings and Injuries committed should be inquired into and punished but he would not send Guise Montmorancy and St. Andre from the Court because he was satisfied as to their Loyalty needed their Counsel and ought not to set any Mark of Dishonour on them But then they were willing for the sake of the Publick Peace to retire if those that were in Arms in Orleans and all over the Nation would first go home restore the Places taken by them to their former
A CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION To the End of the COUNCIL OF TRENT In the Year 1563. Collected and Written by E. B. Esq LONDON Printed in the Year MDCLXXXIX A CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION BOOK I. The CONTENTS The Introduction The Revolt of Transylvania The Siege and brave Defence of Sigeth a Town in Hungary Charles V resigns the Empire He goes to Spain John Sleidan 's Death and Character Paul III a Furious Prince The War between him and King Philip in Italy The Peace between them The Affairs of England The Dyet of Ratisbonne The Death of Ignatius Loyola the Founder of the Order of Jesuites And of Albert Marquess of Brandenburg The unsuccessful Conference at Wormds between the Romish and Protestant Divines The War between France and Spain The Siege Battle and Taking of S. Quintin Charles V his Letter to his Son. The Spanish Army disperse and the French increase A Persecution in France The Siege and Loss of Calais The Situation and Form of that Town Guines taken A Turkish Fleet land in many Places in Italy and carry many into Captivity The Dauphin Married to Mary Queen of Scotland The first Overtures for a Peace between the Kings of France and Spain Andelot Marshal of France ruined by the Arts of the Duke of Guise Thionville Besieged and Taken by the French. The Defeat of the French near Graveling An unsuccessful Expedition of the English against France The Treaty of Cambray began The Parliament of England meet and Queen Mary Dies The German Affairs the Death and Character of Charles V. The Succession of Queen Elizabeth The Scotch Affairs and the first setling of the Reformation in that Kingdom IT was the Misfortune of this Great Man John Sleidan to die in that nick of Time when the Fates of the two contending Religions and of all Christendom were just upon the setling It is true The Introduction he lived to see the Augustane Confession setled in the Dyet of Ausburg and perhaps he might hear of the Resignation of the Empire by Charles V to his Brother Ferdinand but then Death surprized him before he could give any account of it for with it he designed to have begun the next Book in all probability and to have filled up this with some other Accidents such as a large account of the Revolt of Transylvania and the Siege of Sigeth would have afforded him But then had he lived till the Year 1563 he should have seen the Death of Queen Mary Henry II of France and Charles V and the setling of the Roman Catholick Religion by the Determination of the Council of Trent contrary to the Expectation of all Men which seems to be the first Period of the Reformation and absolutely necessary to give the Reader a clear Prospect and full View of the first Joynt of this great Revolution I have therefore persuaded the Stationer to add a Suppliment to this Version for that purpose and because I am a Member of the Religion by Law established and not willing to offend them of the other Persuasions I resolve to advance nothing in it but from Authors who lived and dyed in the Communion of the Church of Rome shewing the matter of Fact with great Brevity and making few or no Reflections of my own That so the Reader may be left entirely to himself to think what he Please and God shall direct him I will begin with the Business of Transylvania John the last King of Hungary dyed of Joy for the birth of his Son year 1556 in the Year 1539 His Son being left thus an Infant The Revolt of Transylvania his Mother the Queen Regent put him under the Protection of Solyman Emperour of the Turks to secure him from the Violence of Ferdinand who claimed that Kingdom and thereupon a sharp War ensued which ended in the advancement of the Turkish Interest and the loss of both those Princes the Turk taking Quinque Ecclesiae Gran and Albaregalis in the Year 1544 Temeswar Lippa and some others in the Year 1548 Whereupon Ferdinand finding himself too weak to deal with that potent warlike Prince in the Year 1549 offered him 30000 Ducats of yearly Tribute for Transylvania But this Design failing in the Year 1551 he forced the Queen of Hungary to resign Transylvania to whom in lieu of it he gave Cassovia and a Pension of 100000 Ducats yearly And in the Year 1552 he made Stephen Dobus who had performed great Services for him against the Turks this Year in the Defence of Agria Vaivode of Transylvania He continued quietly in the Possession of it till the Year 1556 and then another Disturbance arose in this Principality which is shortly hinted at by King Ferdinand in his Letter to the Dyet at Ratisbonne Among other things Ferdinand had promised That he would not burthen Transylvania with any Garrisons of Foreigners But whether out of Necessity or for fear of the Turks he had kept a strong Guard of Spanish Soldiers there who had done great Injuries to the Inhabitants whereupon one Peter Petrowic underhand dealt with Solyman for supplies and began a Revolt in favour of one John whose Family is not known who then aspired to this miserable Principality and hoped by drawing the Turks into Hungary to gain the greatest part of that Kingdom for himself and had called a Dyet at Thorda in March 1555 which was disappointed by the Spaniards The Turks were not without their Complaints too for tho' Ferdinand had sent Ambassadours to treat a Peace yet Solyman being engaged in a War with the Persians he was not at leisure or perhaps not much inclined to make a Peace with Ferdinand but kept his Ambassadours two Years at Constantinople to little or no Purpose and Ferdinand being thus held in Suspense was forced to keep great Garrisons in his Frontier Towns and among them the Heyducks were imployed who having no Pay made frequent inroads into the Turkish Quarters towards Quinque Ecclesiae and often surprized the Turkish Boats as they passed upon the Rivers nor was it in Ferdinand's power to restrain them as things then stood Hereupon the Turks began a War with the Town of Kaposwar which was treacherously resigned to them by the Garrison and after it Babotz and passing on they attempted Sigeth and came within Cannon-shot of it but Ladislaus Kerezen the Governour gave them such a warm Entertainment that the Bassa's Tent being pierced with a Cannon-shot he was forced to remove farther off and three hundred of his Men being slain in two Sallies and Winter coming on he was fain to Withdraw This passed in the Year 1555. In the beginning of the next Year Sigeth besieged and most bravely defended by the Germans Solyman sent Haly an Albanian whom he had recalled from the Wars of Persia to be Visier of Buda but with a Command not to enter that City till he had taken Sigeth He coming to Sirmish sent a Messenger to demand Sigeth
meeting some Resistance he sat down before it and sent the Duke of Toledo to take Veruli in which he found some Difficulty which he revenged by plundering the Town Another of his Commanders took Babuco and beat out the Pope's Forces the other Places made no resistance In the interim the Walls of Anagni being ruined the Governour in the night-time blew up the Powder and fled and left the City to the Mercy of the Spaniards who plundered it with great Security Whilst this was doing Commilo Orsino fortified Rome and prepared it for a Siege by cutting down all the Trees Rome prepared for a Siege and destroying all the Houses Walls Gardens and Vineyards about it to the Damage of ten millions of Crowns which enforced the Citizens to seek all the means that were possible to prevent this Devastation and Ruine but in vain and there was no less Care taken of the Castle of S. Angelo five Bastions and a Counterscharpe being added to its former Works But when the Noise of the taking Anagni and the other Towns came to Rome nothing could consolate the Citizens but fearing another Sack like that of Bourbon in the year 1527 they would not be quiet till the Pope sent Embassadors to Alva to Treat of Peace In the mean time Alva took Valle di Montone without resistance and finding himself deluded with the pretence of a Treaty he took Palestrina and Segni after this he marched to Tivoli which submitted without any dispute to his will who received the City under his Protection and would not suffer his Soldiers to enter into it Those of Vico-Varo a strong and populous Town upon the Teuerone promised Orsino to defend themselves bravely but seeing their Fields Gardens Vineyards and Countrey Houses go to wrack they desired Orsino to provide for himself who thereupon sent to Alva for leave to march away with Drums beating and Colours flying as if no enemy had been near which the civil good natured enemy granted and thereupon he entred the Town and though he promised to leave but sixty Spaniards in garison took the liberty afterward to do as he thought fit This Town by reason of its Greatness Strength and Populousness might have defended it self against a greater Army than that of the Spaniards if they had had the Courage and was surrendered very opportunely for the Spaniard The Pope began to want Money but durst ask none of the Citizens of Rome because they were at great charges to fortifie the City He solicited the Venetians also to enter into the War but they were for a Peace between the Parties but then there was so much Pride on the one side and so much Anger on the other that nothing could be effected The French that were in the City were very troublesome to the Romans for want of their pay which occasioned many Thefts and Robberies and that in the day time Alva having refreshed his Forces a small time after the taking Vico-Varo drew them into the Field and took Toscolano San Marino Grotta Ferrata and Gandolso and from Grotta Ferrata marched towards Ostia The inhabitants of Nettuno submitted to him and defended his men against those of Velletri who assaulted them in the Suburbs of Nettuno The Pope seeing his weakness sent again to the French King to declare a war against the Spaniards and at last obtained his desire in that point The Duke De Alva coming before Ostia this City was heretofore a very considerable place but being ruined by Wars and time and now almost desolate The Seige of Ostia though the Governour had bestowed some time and pains in fortifying it but however this place preserved it self and beat off the Spaniards with great loss several times but at last the Castle of it was taken too after which a Truce ensued and Alva return'd into the Kingdom of Naples with the Spanish Horse leaving the Foot in the Towns he had taken The Duke of Guise was on the way for Italy with a great supply and the Pope in the time of the Truce was very earnest with the Venetians to joyn with him but to no purpose And thus stood Affairs in the beginning of the next year in Italy In France Henry the Second having been won by the Arts of Cardinal Caraffa to break his Oath the Admiral Coligni the Sixth of January attempted to surprise Doway year 1557 but was discovered and prevented but he took and plundered Leus The French Affairs a Town in Artois using the people with great barbarity In the mean time the Duke of Guise had passed the Alps in the depth of the winter with an Army of Twelve Thousand Foot and Five Thousand and Three Hundred armed Horse and Eight Hundred and Eight Light-Horse with which Forces he besieged Valenza a strong Town in the Dutchy of Milan and after he had battered it five daies Valenza taken storm'd and took the Town the twentieth day of January and a few daies after the Castle He dismantled the Town but at the request of the Pope he preserved the Castle From thence he passed into the Dukedome of Ferrara where he was respectively entertained by the Duke who had declared for the Pope but he would not go with him to Bononia fearing his Countries might be invaded by the Spaniards and their Allies in his absence but however the Duke of Guise went thither with his Forces where he found an hearty welcome but no Forces to joyn with him which much displeas'd him In the mean time the Pope finding the inconvenience of having Ostia in the enemies hands which deprived Rome of the benefit of the Sea Ostia retaken by the Pope and sending some Forces thither it was Surrendred after a short defence upon the account of an Inundation of the River After which the Pope recovered most of the other Towns as easily as he had lost them In the Spring the Duke of Guise began the War with the Sack of Compli a small City of Abruzzo The War in Italy under the Duke of Guise which being taken by Scalado was severely treated the Spoil of this City was estimated at two hundred thousand Crowns great part of which was found in the Ruines of the City where it had been hid many Ages and was unknown to the Inhabitants The 24 of April the Duke of Guise sat down before Civitella a City of Abruzzo built upon an high Hill and very steep on the North on the top of which it had a Castle ruined by its own Inhabitants in the time of Charles VIII for fear it should have been Garrison'd by the French. This City would not yield and therefore the Duke of Guise was forced to stay before it till the Cannon could be brought from Ancona and Ferrara to batter it but when all was done this small place by the nature of its situation and the Courage of its Inhabitants baffled all their Attempts and forced the French after a long Siege to retire and leave it
on the Island who were all slain by the Islanders and Natives This Year also the Reformation of Religion was much agitated tho not effected in Scotland Scotland begins to entertain the Reformation Alexander Somervill Archbishop of S. Andrews with the assistance of the rest of the Churchmen condemned one Walter Mills an old Priest to be burnt for Heresie and banished one Paul Mefan hoping thereby to restore their lost Authority and curb the People but it had a quite contrary effect the patient and chearful Martyrdom of Mills incensing the People to that height that they spoke very freely or as my Author has it Licentiously and Seditiously of the Church-men and a Solemn Procession being made on the first day of September in memory of S. Eugenius or S. Gile's at Edenburgh of which he was Patron whose Image was then carried about with great Pomp the People tore it out of the Hands of those that bore it and threw it into the common Drought having first broke off the Head Hands and Feet of this Wooden Saint the Monks and the rest of his Friends fleeing and leaving him to shift for himself The Clergy seeing their Authority thus sinking assembled in a Synod the ninth of November to try if the seting a good Face and pretending great Considence would retrieve their sinking Cause But they of the Reformed Party on the contrary of all Degrees exhorted one another to persevere in the Truth and not to suffer themselves to be oppressed by a small and weak number of Men For if say they these Men proceed by Legal Courses we shall be too hard for them if they make use of Force we are a Match for them They drew up an Address also to the Queen Regent which they sent unto her by one James Sandelands an Honourable Baron and of great account in it desiring That the Publick Prayers and Administration of the Sacraments might be in the Vulgar Tongue and that the Ministers might be elected by the People The Regent tho' a zealous Catholick yet fearing a Tumult commanded the Priests to say the Prayers in the Scotch Language The same Demands were made by the Nobility of the Synod then assembled at Edinburgh Who replyed That they must abide by the Orders of the Canon-Law and the Decrees of the Council of Trent The Nobility perceiving them thus averse to a Reformation sent one John Aresken of Dundee a learned Man to appease them who with great respect besought them At least to grant the People the use of the publick Prayers in their Mother Tongue The Clergy would nevertheless abate nothing of their former Severity and the Queen regent by their Persuasion soon recalled what had been extorted from her But the Death of Queen Mary of England and the Succession of Queen Elizabeth which happened this Month soon turned the Scales and gave her Cause to repent her too great obstinacy The Learned Spotiswood observes That this Mills was the last Martyr that dyed in Scotland for Religion That Patrick Lermoth Bailiff of the Regality absolutely refused to pass Sentence of Death as a Judge upon him after the Bishop had delivered him up to the Secular Power that in the whole City of S. Andrews a Cord was not to be had for Money so that they were forced to take one of the Cords of the Archbishop's Pavilion to tie him to the Stake It had been good Prudence to have desisted when they saw the whole Body of the People thus bent against them but they were hurried on to their Ruine by a blind Rage The People of Scotland were no less incensed on the other Side and resolved openly to profess the Reformed Religion binding themselves by Promise and Subscription to an Oath That if any should be called in question for matters of Religion at any time hereafter they would take Arms and joyn in defence of their Religion and Brethren against the Tyranny and Persecution of the Bishops The principal Men who joyned in this Bond were Archibald Earl of Argile Alexander Earl of Glencarne James Earl of Morton Archibald Lord of Lorne Sir James Sandelands of Calder John Erskin of Dun and William Maitland of Lethington To this Bond vast numbers throughout the Kingdom subscribed so that they found their numbers were at least equal to those that opposed them A CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION BOOK II. The CONTENTS The Deaths and Characters of Frederick I and Christian II Kings of Denmark Frederick II conquereth Dietmarsh The Affairs of Italy New Bishopricks erected in the Low-Countries King Philip desirous of a Peace with France that he might be at leisure to extirpate Heresie That Design discovered to the Prince of Orange The Diet of Germany Conditions proposed in it by the Protestants for a Council The Emperor confirms the Peace of Passaw The French Ambassadors come to the Dyet The Life and Death of David George a famous Impostor The Treaty of Cambray produces a Peace at last The Peace occasioneth a Persecution in France The King goes to the Parliament of Paris to awe it into a Compliance Yet some retain their Freedom at the Price of their Lives The King's Answer A French Synod held by the Protestant Ministers The Protestant Princes of Germany write to the King of France in the behalf of the Persecuted A Commission issued to Try the suspected Members of Parliament Du Bourg first Tried The sad condition of France during the Persecution Henry II slain The various Characters of that Prince Francis II succeeds him a Lad of Sixteen Years of age The Persecution goes on Slanders against the Protestants Du Bourg Condemn'd Minart a Persecutor Assassinated Du Bourg Executed His Character The rest of the Members of Parliament restored King Philip prepares for Spain He takes Ship at Flushing Arrives in Spain Raiseth a great Persecution there The Death of Pope Paul IV. The Deaths of several other Princes Pius IV Elected Scotch Affairs The English Affairs relating to Scotland and France The Scotch Complaints against the French. The War against the French in Scotland The Death and Character of Mary Queen Regent of Scotland The French Expelled thence A Conspiracy in France The King of Navar Conde Coligni suspected to be in it An Assembly of the Princes of France A Decree passed for an Assembly of the three Estates The Protestants of France encrease Francis II dies A General Council desired and obtain'd by the Duke of Florence Gustavus King of Sweden dies The Estates of France open'd The Persecution of Piedmont which occasioneth a War. THE First day of January Frederick I King of Denmark who was Elected by the Dyat of that Kingdom in the Year 1523 instead of Christian II year 1559 deposed by his Subjects for his Cruelty died at Koldingen a Town in the Dukedom of Sleswick when he had lived Fifty six Years The Death of Frederick I King of Denmark Three Months and Twenty Days and reigned Thirty four Years He was
a Prince of great Moderation and Justice he overthrew the united Army of Christopher Duke of Oldenburg and of the City of Lubeck who had invaded his Inheritance near Alsens a City of Fionia with a great slaughter of their Forces Having by this Victory obtain'd a Peace he caused the holy Scriptures to be translated into the Danish Tongue and open'd an University and a Library at Coppenhagen Not long before his Death he visited his deposed Uncle who was then in Prison and having discours'd very friendly with him a great while they mutually forgave each other By his Queen Dorothy Daughter of Magnus Duke of Saxony he had five Children Frederick II who succeeded him in his Kingdom Magnus Bishop of Vpsal in Livonia Joane Ann married to Augustus Elector of Saxony and Dorothy married to Henry Duke of Lunenburg Christian II King of Denmark dies The Twenty third of the same Month Christian his Predecessor in that Kingdom followed him being in the Seventy seventh year of his Age he had lived in Prison ever since the Year 1532 having given saith my Author Thuanus this Lesson to all Princes That if they will Reign well and happily they must govern their Affections and not out of a violent lust of insulting over their Subjects give up themselves to the conduct of their Passions and that they ought to assure themselves that God is a severe Revenger always ready and delighting to pluck off their Thrones the most Proud and Insolent who shall abuse that Power he has intrusted them with Frederick I being dead who was a Prince utterly averse from war and neither moved by Ambition nor Covetousness to invade what was anothers Frederick II conquereth Diermarsh his Son Frederick began a War upon the Inhabitants of Dietmarsh who had heretofore been subject to the Dukes of Holstein the Bishop of Breme and the Kings of Denmark successively and had often regain'd their Liberty with great Loss and Dishonour to those Princes that had attempted to reduce this small Province but now their time was come and Adolph Duke of Holstein this year made a final Conquest of them for Frederick King of Denmark in the space of one Month. In the beginning of this Year was a great change of Affairs at Rome The Affairs of Italy The Kindred of the Pope had already made themselves hated by all Christendom and now the Pope himself too fell out with them they had engaged the Pope in the War with Spain which had brought so much Loss and Shame upon that See and its Dominions In the time of those Confusions they had acted many things with great Rapacity Intemperance and Insolence without the Pope's knowledge who finding his Treasure exhausted had by their Advice raised great and extraordinary Taxes upon his People and besides all this had sold the Places of the Criminal and Civil Judges suppressed the monthly Payments of his Officers and seized many of the Lands belonging to the Religious Orders and had levied two Tenths upon all the Benefices The War with King Philip being ended and the Pope having with a calm and dispassionate mind heard the Complaints made against his Relations by one Jeremiah a Fryer of the Theatin Order and especially against the Cardinal of Caraffa began more nearly to inspect his own Affairs and the Lives of his Relations About the same time Cosmus Duke of Florenee made great Complaint also of the Caraffa's because not content with the extorting what they pleas'd from the Hospitals Monasteries and Clergy within the Pope's Dominions which they lookt upon as their own they had also by their private Authority done the same Wrongs in the Dukedom of Florence and indeed all over Italy He thereupon order'd Bongianni Gianfigliacci his Resident at Rome to complain of this to the Pope but then the Caraffa's had prevented him from having any Audience whereupon Cosmus wrote a Letter to the Pope which was by the means of Cardinal Vitelli an Hater of their Insolence deliver'd to the Pope He having read it sent presently for his old Monitor Jeremiah and by him ordered Vitelli to give him a more exact account of their Misdemeanors There was nothing more incensed the Pope against them who was Imperious and Jealous of his Papal Power to the utmost degree than that the Cardinal had agreed without his knowledge or consent with the Duke de Alva that his Brother should accept of a Compensation from King Philip instead of Paliani which Place the Pope had designed to unite to his See. Whereupon he presently commanded the Cardinal to leave the Vatican and not to come any more into his Presence The Twenty seventh of January the Pope summon'd a great Consistory and in it discharged him of the Prime Ministry of Affairs and of the Government of Bononia He took also from the Duke of Paliani his Brother the Command of the Forces of the Ecclesiastick State and of the Gallies and deprived the Marquess di Monte Belli of the Custody of the Vatican Palace declaring against them with that fury that some of the Cardinals attempted to appease him and among them Ranutio Cardinal of Farness To whom he replied That your Grandfather had done much better if like me he had sacrificed his private Affections to his Pastoral Office and having severely chastised your Father's abominable Lusts and Villanies had thereby prevented the scandal the Impunity of them hath given to the whole World. So that nothing that could be said or done could reduce the old Man from his Resolves against them but tended rather to the encreasing of his Fury And hereupon he forthwith abolish'd some Imposts pretending they were exacted without his knowledge By all which he hoped to obtain the repute of a Just and Upright Prince and to cast the Odium of the ill things which had been done in his Popedom upon his Relations After this he betook himself wholly to the promoting the Inquisition which he call'd the most Holy Tribunal and here he shewed a very great severity bringing not only Men suspected of Heresie but of some other Crimes within their Jurisdiction Then commanding all Monks and Nuns to their several Houses he Imprison'd some and sent others to the Gallies for not presently obeying him His Rigour was so great in this last that many left his State and went and setled in the State of Venice He spent Fifty thousand Crowns in Corn to relieve the Poor in a time of Scarcity and setled Bishops at Malacha and Cochin two Cities belonging to the Portuguese in the East-Indies and made the Bishop of Goa an Archbishop exempting him from the Jurisdiction of the Bishoprick of Lisbon He also erected many new Sees in the Low-Countries at the request of Philip King of Spain to the Diminution of the Jurisdiction and Diocesses of many French and German Bishops These Sees were setled at Mechlen Antwerp Harlem Daventrie Leewarden Groningen Midleburg Bosleduc New Bishopricks erected in the Low-Countries Namur St.
his Goods they seiz'd to the Publick Treasure adding That if any Person presum'd to blame this their Decree he should be liable to the same Punishment His Body was found very perfect so that it might be known by his yellow Beard from another Man's though he had been buried two Years and six Months and was accordingly burnt in a vast concourse of Men. In the beginning of February the Ambassadours met again The Treaty of Cambray produces a Peace at last at the Castle of Cambray to conclude the Treaty which was broke up upon the Death of Mary Queen of England Queen Elizabeth who succeeded her Sister Mary a Princes of a Masouline Soul and of a Prudence above her Sex fearing if she relied upon the Spaniard she might either be deserted or dishonoured by his Protection had in the mean time made a separate Peace with France After which she changed the Religion of England in her first Parliament abolishing all the Laws made by her Sister Mary and reviving those made by her Brother Edward VI and rejecting all Obedience to the Pope of Rome This Peace with France did much facilitate the Treaty of Cambray In which among other things these Princes promised to do their utmost that a General Council should be held as soon as was possible to the Glory of God and the pacifying Men's Consciences This last Clause by the perverse Counsels of these Princes in a short time raised a War in the Low-Countries and France which was more lasting and more fatal than any former Wars This Treaty was signed at Cambray April 3. These two Kings having thus regained their Peace The Peace occasions a Persecution in France and disburthened themselves of the Cares which the War brought upon them they betook themselves solely to the Care of Religion which in France had been under consideration the two foregoing Years and was then omitted on account of the War and Treaty but was now reassumed in the heat of a Marriage-Feast There was one Diana Dutchess of Valentinois a Court-Lady and one of the King's Mistresses who used to beg the Estates of all such as suffered for any Crime And the Duke of Guise who were the Promoters of this Persecution the latter aiming at nothing but Popular Applause These two insinuated this Belief into the King That the Venome of Heresie was much spread in France and that in truth he was not King of those Provinces in which that prevailed That the Impudence of those who imbraced it was so great that they did not whisper it as heretofore in the Ear but preached it openly and boldly throughout the Kingdom by which the name of God was blasphemed and his Majesties Royal Authority was endangered for when the Law of God was once confounded who can Question say they but that all Human Laws will soon be subverted And that they might the more easily prevail they employed Giles Maistre president of the Parliament Jean de S. Andre Anthony Minart and Giles Bourdin the King's Attorney and principally the first of these who was a Man of a fierce Disposition and Temper to incense the King's Mind against the Sectaries he being no way inclined to such Severities To this end they tell him That there would little be gained by the Peace if a more cruel War was fomented and carried on at Home For that the Disease had already got such Strength that if his Majesty dissembled a little longer the Sword of the Magistrate and the Laws of the Land would not be able to suppress it but he must levy Armies and himself take the Field against them as had been done in the case of the Albingenses That what had hitherto been done had not had its desired effect because all the severity had been spent upon the populace and the mean people the hatred and detestation of which had affected all Men but very few had taken example by it That now it was fit to begin with the Judges many of which had imbraced their Doctrin secretly or favoured them on other accounts and by their connivance nourished the Distemper suffering this Offence either to go unpunished or very lightly corrected This they said was the very Root of the Evil and that all labour was in vain till it were pulled up Not long after this the King was prevailed * The King goes to the Parliament of Paris to aw it into a Compliance upon to come into the Parliament in Person whilst the Members were debating about the Punishment of the Sectaries June 14. He-seemed rather to labour to conceal his Anger than to have come with a calm Mind Among other things he told the Parliament That having made a Peace he hoped it would turn to the general Good but he was much concerned that the business of Religion which was one of the principal Cares of a good Prince had been during the War tumultuously and seditiously treated by some That therefore he desired for the future more care might be taken of the Christian Religion And because he heard that affair was this Day to be debated by them he was come thither and he admonished them to proceed in it with Freedom saying It was God's Cause who knew all our Hearts and Thoughts Tho' the Members of the Parliament knew the King was brought thither to deprive them of their Liberty Yet some retained their Freedom at the Price of their Lives yet there were some who resolved to retain their ancient Freedom at the price of their Lives and having declaimed against the Manners of the Court of Rome and its ill Customes which had degenerated into most pernicious Errors and given occasion to the rise of many Sects they thence inferred That the Penalties of Heresie were to be mitigated and the Severities of the Law abated till the differences of Religion were composed by the Authority of a General Council and the Discipline of the Church reformed And this was the Opinion of all the good Men in the Parliament Arnold du Ferrier President of the Criminal Court an honest and a wise Person and the best Lawyer in France was the first who proposed this Method and was followed by many others among which was Lewis du Faur a Man of great Sense and of a generous Temper who added That all were agreed that the Differences in Religion had occasioned great Disturbances but then said he we ought carefully to enquire Who caused these Disorders lest as Elijah answered Ahab when he reproached him as the Troubler of Israel it might be said to us It is thou that hast troubled Israel Then Anna du Bourg beginning with a Discourse of the Eternal Providence of God to which all things are subject when he came to the Question proposed said There were many Sins and Crimes committed by Men which the Laws had already forbidden and yet the Gallows and Tortures which were imployed had not been able to prevent the frequent Perjuries Adulteries profuse Lusts and Profane
dishonour and disquiet which too at last ended in the Ruine of those she most desired to Promote as it always happens in Breach of Faith. She would often say That if her own Counsel might take Place she doubted not but to compose all the Dissention within that Kingdom and to settle the same in a perfect Peace upon good Conditions Soon after her Death or as Thuanus saith The French forced to leave Scotland a little before it Embassadors from France and England came to Edinburg who sending for the Scoth Nobility began to treat about the sending the French out of Scotland which was at last agreed and the Sixteenth of July the French embark'd on the English Fleet for France and the English Army the same day began their march by Land for Berwick and the Fortifications of Leith and Dunbar were dismantled but sixty Frenchmen were left to keep the Castle of Dunbar and the same number the Isle of Inchkeeth until the States should find means to maintain the said Forts upon their own Charges from all Peril of Foreign Invasion In August the Parliament met A Parliament in Scotland which established a Confession of Faith contrary to the Roman Religion and pass'd three other Acts one for Abolishing the Pope's Jurisdiction and Authority another for Repealing the Laws formerly made in favour of Idolatry and a third for the Punishing the Hearers and Sayers of Mass and with these Acts Sir James Sandelands was sent into France for the Royal Assent of the King and Queen which was refused and he severely treated for undertaking that Embassy by the Guises The Oppression of the Princes of the Blood in France by the House of Guise A Conspiracy in France and of the Protestants by the Roman Catholicks caused a dreadful Conspiracy which drew in all the desperate People of that once most Fourishing Kingdom to the great hazard of its Ruine The concealed Head of this Conspiracy was Lewis Prince of Conde the apparent Godfrey de la Barre Sieur de Renaudie a Young Gentleman of an Ancient and Noble Family of Perigort who falling into a long and ruinous Suit for a Living which his Uncle had intercepted and detained from him in Angoumois had not only been overthrown by his Opposite but had also for some fraud in the management been severely Fin'd and Banish'd for some time he at Lausanne and Geneva had contracted a Friendship with some others of his Country who had fled thither on the account of Religion by whom he had been brought over to that Persuasion and after returning into France in disguise he had wandred over a great part of the Kingdom and made many Friends of that Religion and being a Stout Subtil Man and exasperated by the things he had suffered he undertook this dangerous Employment willingly as a means to revenge the Wrongs he had undergon The Conspirators met the First of February The Conspiracy of Blois formed at Nantes at Nantes in great numbers on diverse Pretences and there form'd the fatal Design of Blois for the Surprizing the King and the Court the Fifteenth of March and the bringing the Guises to a Tryal for all their Encroachments on the French Privileges and Abuses of the Royal Authority The whole Design is so well expressed in Davila his History of the Civil Wars of France that I shall rather refer the Reader thither for his Satisfaction in it than attempt to reduce it into a Dark and scarce perhaps Intelligible Compendium It was very extraordinary Thuanus his Reflection on this Conspiracy that before ever this Kingdom had in the least been shaken by any Commotion the Majesty of the King the Authrity of the Governors and Magistrates being all in their former vigor that such great numbers of Men in all Parts of the Kingdom should enter into so unheard so dangerous a Design But such was the Hatred they bore to the House of Guise and the Detestation that all Men began to entertain of the bloody Practises against the Protestants that though so very many were engaged in it yet they all kept Faith each to other and conceal'd the Secret so that the Guises had notice of it from Italy year 1559 Spain and Germany before any of their Spies in the Kingdom scented or suspected it At last one Pierre Avanelles an Advocate of the Parliament of Paris The discovery of the Conspiracy and a Protestant out of pure Conscience for the preventing so great a Scandal and Mischief discovered this Conspiracy to Stephen L'Allemont Sieur de Vouzay Secretary to the Cardinal of Lorain he having got knowledge of it from La Renaudie the Chief Agent in it who lodged in his House The King was then gone from Blois to Ambois which was a small and strong Town which had also a great and a very strong Castle and easily to be defended Here de Vouzay acquainted the King and the Council with it and was immediately Imprison'd to be produced as a Witness against the Conspirators if it proved to be true and to be treated as an Impostor Andelot and Coligny come to Court on an Invitation if it happened otherwise The Guises were very desirous that Andelot and Coligni the Admiral should be invited to Court fearing or hoping rather that they too were in the Plot. And they accordingly came presently to the Queen-Regent and Coligni in a Discourse before Oliver the Chancellor inveighed sharply against the violent Proceedings in Matters of Religion which had exasperated a great part of the People against the Government and concluded That he believed the granting Liberty of Conscience and suspending the Severity of the Laws till the Controversies of Religion were composed by a Lawful and Free Council would very much appease and quiet them Oliver who desired a Reformation Oliver the Chancellor of France hated the Persecution and desired a Reformation and hated the bloody Methods then in use was glad of this Proposition and recommended to the Guises the granting of a general Pardon and Liberty of Conscience till a Free Counsel could be had as an excellent Remedy of these Evils Which was presently granted excluding notwithstanding those who under pretence of Religion had conspired against the King his Mother Brothers or Ministers Which was published the Twelfth of March in the Parliament of Paris which yet never shock'd the Conspirators who were well resolv'd The same day Renaudie came to Carreliere in Vendosmois not far from Ambois and appointed the rest to meet him the Seventeenth of the same Month the King having changed his Abode they were forced to change the Day That day Deligneris another of the Conspirators and a Captain repenting the Undertaking discovered it to Queen Catherine The Guises had by this time got a good Body of the Nobility about the King and a Party of the Conspirators being met in Arms near Tours the Inhabitants of that City would not endeavour to take them but suffered them to escape
and Recalling the Princes of the Blood and Montmorancy to their former Stations The Twenty first of August An Assembly of the Princes of France the Assembly of the Princes and Notable Men of France was Opened at Founain-bleau The Chancellor in his Speech among other things complained That the Hearts of the People of France were incensed against the King and his Principal Ministers but the Cause of it was not known and therefore it was so difficult to find out and apply a fitted Remedy For That the greatest part of the Men of this Kingdom being weary of what is present fearful of what is to come divided by different Religions and desirous of Change are willing to imbroil the Kingdom And therefore their principal Business was to find out the cause of this Discase and apply a fitting Remedy to this Sickly Body Coligni the Admiral who was present the next day Coligni delivers a Petition from the Protestants to the King. presented a Petition to the King which had been given him whilst he was in Normandy by a vast number of his Subjects desiring that the Severity of the Laws against them might be mitigated till their Cause had been duly considered and determined That they might have Publick Places assigned them for the Exercise of their Religion lest their Private Meetings should be suspected by the Government And they invoked God to bear Witness That they had never entertained any disloyal Thought against his Majesty nor would do so But on the contrary they offered up to God most devout Prayers for the Preservation and Peace of his Kingdom The Bishop of Valence a Learned Grave and Experienced Person The Bishop of Valence seconds it confirmed this Opinion shewing the great Corruptions in the Church had given Birth and promoted these Divisions in the Minds of Men which were rather exasperated than extirpated by harsh means and bloody Persecutions Then he shewed the great Use of General Councils for the composing the Differences in the Church And adviseth the King to call a National Council And therefore he said He wondred how the Pope could quiet his Conscience one Hour whilst he saw so many thousand Souls perish which God without doubt would require at his Hands But if said he a General Council cannot be had the King ought to follow the Examples of Charles the Great and S. Lewis his Ancestors and call a National Council of France commanding the Teachers of the Sectaries to be present in it and to enter into Conference with the Divines concerning the Points in Controversie c. That the Sectaries were worthy of Blame for their Rebellion and the Roman Catholicks for having been too Bloody and Cruel in the Prosecution of them which had only served to irritate the Minds of Men and make them enquire more greedily into the Opinions of those they saw suffer so patiently That the ancient Fathers imployed no other Arms against the Arians Macedonians and Nestorians but the Word of God and the Princes then did only banish Hereticks The Archbishop of Vienne represented the great Difficulties that hindred the obtaining a General Council For said he there is none of us who doth not know what great pains Charles V took to procure a General Council and what Arts and Stratagems the Poples imployed to defeat that commendable hope this pious Prince had entertained The Disease is of too acute a Nature to attend long Delays which are very uncertain and therefore the best way was to call a National Council which the King had already promised and the urgent Necessities of the Church would not suffer him to delay any longer Having shewn how this had been constantly practised from the Times of Clovis to Charles the Great and so downward to the times of Charles VIII He concluded That the Necessity being Great they ought to delay no longer nor to regard the Oppositions the Pope would make against this Method For the appeasing the Civil Dissentions of France he advised the calling an Assembly of the three Estates The third day Coligni discoursed of the Petition he had presented and being asked why it was not subscribed He said There was above fifty thousand Men in the Nation ready to subscribe it Concluding That there was nothing more calamitous than for a Prince to fear his Subjects And they to be at the same time afraid of him That the House of God the Church was to be forthwith reformed the Army to be dishanded and an Assembly of the three Estates called as soon as might be The Cardinal of Lorrain was so inraged with Coligni's Speech The Cardinal of Lorrain replies to Coligni that he made a sudden reply to it That the whole scope of ill Men was to deprive the King of his military Guards that they might the more easily oppress him That the late Conspiracy was against the King and not against his Ministers as was pretended That as to what concerned Religion he would submit to Learned Men But then he protested That no Councils should be of that Authority with him as to depart in any thing from the Customs of his Ancestors and especially in the most sacred Mystery of the Lord's Supper And as to an Assembly of the States he submitted that intirely to the King. He concluded The Sectaries were a Seditious Proud sort of Men and that the Gospel and Faith of Christ was made an occasion of Tumults and Seditions by them and therefore they were to be severely prosecuted Yet he was for mitigating the Severity of the Laws towards such as met peaceably without Arms who were to be reduced to their Duty by more gentle Methods more than by Force To which purpose he would freely spend his Life That the Bishops and Curates should by their presence redeem the Time they had lost and the Governours of the Provinces be forced to do their Duties But then since there was nothing under Debate but want of Discipline and Corruption of Manners it seemed very unnecessary that either a General or a National Council should be called The free Confession of this Cardinal is the Opinion of the whole Party and though the name of a General Council makes a great noise yet we very well know how they have treated the ancientest and best Councils when they have in any thing crossed their Humors or Interests and from thence may conclude They will never submit to any that shall not be conformable to their Wills. The twenty sixth of August A Decree passed for an Assembly of the three Estates and the suspension of the Laws against Hereticks A design upon Lyons a Decree was past that an Assembly of the three Estates should meet before the tenth of December in the City of Meaux And that if a General Council could not be had a National Council should be assembled And in the mean time all Severities in matters of Religion should be omitted Thus saith Thuanus my Author the Protestant Religion which
his Heart failed him and he either repented or durst not proceed in this Design Queen Catharine was already weary of the Insolence of the Guises and desirous to save the House of Bourbon as a Curb upon them to this purpose she gave order to the Chancellor to put what Rubs he could in their way The Guises in the mean time hastned the Tryal of Conde as much as was possible esteeming all Delays dangerous to them The sixteenth of November the King being abroad to hunt Francis II dies was taken extream ill which caused Montmorency to make the more haste to Court. The twenty sixth of that Month the Kings Disease grew very great and hopeless This turned the Rage and Fury of the Guises into Fear and Consternation when they considered what they should lose in the Death of that Prince Thereupon they began to work upon Queen Catharine by other Methods to flatter and crouch to her and to represent the King of Navarr and Prince of Conde as exasperated to that height by their late Sufferings that without doubt they would seek her Ruine but they for their Parts would stand by her and serve her with great Fidelity They desired therefore Navarr might be committed as well as his Brother had been before the King dyed The Chancellor prevented this by shewing in a grave Oration That it would certainly involve France in a Civil War. The fifth of December the King dyed having lived seventeen years and ten Months and reigned one Year five Months and twenty Days His Youth and the shortness of his Reign makes it uncertain whether he ought to be ranged with the Good or Bad Princes and the more because not he but the Guises governed This Accident changed the state of things and saved the Life of Conde Charles IX succeeds or rather the House of Bourbon Charles IX his Brother succeeded him and Navarr of a Prisoner became the second Person in that Kingdom Queen Catharine having adjusted all things with him before the late King died She sent Letters also to Montmorency who was not yet arrived at Orleans to hasten his coming to the new King because she was desirous to use his Counsel and Advice When he came to Orleans he asked the Centinels By whose Orders they were placed there and for what End and commanded them to be gone or he would hang them The Guards presently disappeared and then it was visible that the Guises and not the King needed them Though Conde was freed the same moment the King died The Prince of Conde fre'd yet he would not go out of his Prison till he knew his Accusers and Prosecutors to which the Guises replyed It was by the late King's Order and would explain the Mystery no further About twelve Days after he went to the Castle of Hane in Picardy and there attended the Orders of the new King. Francis the Second was buried with small State and less Expence to the great hatred of the Guises who in the mean time were very busie to revive the Differences between Queen Catharine and the King of Navarr who wisely prevented their Design by offering the first Place to the Queen and reserving the second to himself as President of the Kingdom This passed into a Decree the twenty first of December The Protestant Religion The Protestant Religion breaks out in the Netherlands which had got such footing in France that it seemed not possible to root it out without the Ruine of that Kingdom began this Year to shew it self more openly in Flanders and the Netherlands the Nobility espousing it in great numbers together with the rest of the States Nor could Margaret their Governess under King Philip obtain the continuance of the Taxes for the maintenance of the Spanish Forces Nor would they of Zealand acquiesce tho the Pay was sent from other Places till these Troops were sent into Spain Nor would they grant any Supplies to be disposed of by the Governess but reserved that to themselves that the Soldiers in the Frontier Towns might be certainly and regularly paid This was vigorously opposed by the new Bishops instituted by Paul IV as tending to the remitting the Reins of the Ecclesiastical Government as well as the Civil Bartholomeo Caranza The Archbishop of Toledo suspected to be a Lutheran Archbishop of Toledo in Spain was also suspected to incline to the Protestant Religion and on that account was imprisoned by the Inquisition and his Revenues were brought into the King's Treasure By an Appeal to Rome he saved his Life but was never able to recover his See again but died many Years after at Rome in a Private State. Thuanus saith He knew him and that his Learning Integrity and the Holiness of his Conversation was such as made him worthy of that Dignity The great Progress of the Protestant Religion in all Places A General Council desired by many and opposed by the Pope made all Good Men saith Thuanus desire that the General Council which had been intermitted might be reassumed and carried on but Pope Pius IV had the same Fears of it his Predecessors had lest his own Power should be abated And therefore though he judged this the only means to root out Heresies and very necessary yet he delayed it and unless he were compelled by Force or some present Danger it was apparent he would never admit it But having resolved on the other side right or wrong by Force or Fraud to accomplish his own Desires and hoping to reap great Advantages from the Ruine of the Caraffa's though he had been much assisted by them in the obtaining of the Papacy he applied himself to this with great Application and Industry But prosecutes the Caraffa's to ruine and under the Mask of Friendship And having laid his Plot he committed Charles Caraffa the Cardinal and his Kinsman the Cardinal of Naples to the Castle of S. Angelo But Anthony Marquess de Monte Bello being then not at Rome though cited also escaped the Danger and fled for his Life Though daily Accounts came to Rome of the Tumults and Disorders of France the Pope took no notice of them Though the Duke of Florence who was great with him for he pretended to be descended of that Family did very much urge his Holiness to consider the State of Affairs in France and Scotland And told him It was Uncharitable to see so many thousands of Souls Lost and Impolitick to necessitate Princes by the despair of a General Council to betake themselves to National Synods This was much inforced by the Noise the Speech of the Chancellor of France had made in the late Assembly which was then very hot in Italy He had among other things assured the French Clergy That if the Pope would not hold a General there should very speedily be a National Council assembled in France and had exhorted all the Bishops to prepare themselves for it To this the Pope answered with great anxiety seeking
Patience Justice Prayers and Tears The ancient Christians accordingly chose rather to be Kill'd than to Kill and Signed the Truth of their Religion with their Bloods And yet it cannot be denied but that a false Religion is a very powerful Exciter of the Minds of Men and surmounts all other Passions and unites Men more strongly than any other thing so that we must confess that Kingdoms are divided in effect more by their Religions than by their Bounds and therefore it daily happens that those that are possess'd by an Opinion of Religion have little regard to their Prince their Country Wives and Children and from hence springs Rebellions Dissentions and Revolts And in the same House if they are divided in Religion the Husband cannot agree with the Wife and Children nor one Brother with another That therefore a Remedy might be had for so great a Calamity it had been decreed at Fountain-bleau That there was need of a Council and the Pope having since declared there should suddenly be one that Men ought not in the mean time to hammer on t for themselves new Religions Rites and Ceremonies according to their own Fancies For this would not only endanger the publick Peace but the Salvation of their Souls too That if the Pope and the Council fail'd the King would take the same Care his Ancestors had and provide for the Peace and Welfare of his Kingdom That it was to be hoped the Bishops would for the future exercise their Functions with greater Care and Diligence That the Cure might come from that Fountain which had caused the Distemper That they ought to arm themselves with Vertues Good Manners and the Word of God which are the Arms of Supplicants and then go out to War against our Enemies and not imitate unskilful Captains who disfurnish their Walls to make an Irruption The Discourse of one that lives well is very persuasive but the Sword has no other power over the Soul than to destroy it with the Body Our Ancestors overcame their Sectaries with their Piety and we ought to imitate them if we would not be thought rather to hate the Men than their Vices Let us therefore said he pray daily for them that they may be reduced from their Errors and discharging the hateful Names of Lutherans Huguenots and Papists which were introduced by the Enemy of Mankind and are too like the ancient Factions of Guelfs and Gibellins let us only retain the Ancient Appellation of Christians But then because there are many who only pretend Religion but are in Truth led by Ambition Avarice and Novelty it is fit to suppress these Men in the very beginning These are the Men that ought to be kept under by the Force of Arms. When the States came to debate A Difficulty proposed the Clergy and the Commons were of Opinion That their Powers were determined by the Death of the late King and that they ought to return Home Which was over-ruled by the King of Navar and the Council And they were ordered to proceed because by the Law of France the King never dies but the Lawful Succession is transmitted without any interruption The Cardinal of Lorraine had design'd in the former Reign to make a Speech in the Name of the three Estates which was then not opposed but now the Commons would not suffer it because contrary to the Ancient Usage And for that they had some things to object against the Cardinal himself Jean l' Ange an Advocate of the Parliament of Bourdeaux The Deputy of the Commons speaks against the Clergy spoke for the Commons and remarked three great Faults in the Clergy Ignorance Covetousness and Excessive Luxury which had given Being to the new Errors and Scandal to the People That the Preaching of the Word of God which was the chief cause of the instituting Bishops was totally neglected and they thought it a shameful thing and beneath their Dignity And by their Example the Curates had learned to neglect their Duty too and had ordered the Mass to be sung by Illiterate and Unworthy Stipendaries That the excessive Pomp and Avarice of the Clergy who pretended by it to promote the Glory of God had raised an Envy and an hatred of them in the Minds of the People And therefore he desired that a Council might be assembled by the order of the King to remedy these Mischiefs After him James de Silty Comte de Roquefort And is seconded by the Deputy of the Nobility made a Bold and an Elegant Oration in the Name of the Nobility and taxed the Clergy for invading the Rights and oppressing the People under Pretence of the Jurisdictions granted them by the Ancient Kings of France That therefore the King ought in the first place to take care to reform the Clergy and assign good Pensions to those that Preached the Word of God as had been done by many of his Ancestors which he named Jean Quintin le Bourguinon The Clergy apologize for themselves made a long tedious Speech in the behalf of the Clergy to shew I. That the Assembly of the three Estates were instituted for the providing for the Sacred Discipline II. That the King might understand the Complaints of his People and provide for the Necessities of his Kingdom by their Advice and not for the Reformation of the Church Which could not Err and which neither hath nor ever shall have the least Spot or Wrinkle but shall ever be Beautiful But then he ingenuously confest That the Sacred Discipline was very much declined from its Ancient Simplicity That therefore the Revivers of the the Ancient Heresies were not to be heard and all that had Meetings separate from the Catholicks were to be esteemed Favourers of Sectaries and to be punished Therefore he desired the King to compel all his Subjects within his Dominions to Live and Believe according to the Form prescribed by the Church That the Insolence of the Sectaries was no longer to be endured who despising the Authority of the Ancients and the Doctrine received by the Church would be thought alone to understand and imbrace the Gospel That this was the next step to a Rebellion and that they would shortly shake off the Yoak of the Civil Magistrate and with the same Boldness fight against their Prince that they now imployed against the Church if Care were not speedily taken He desired that all Commerce between them and the Catholicks might be forbidden and that they might be treated like Enemies and that those who were gone out of the Kingdom on the account of Religion might be banished That it was the King's Duty to draw the Civil Sword and put all those to Death who were infected with Heresie to defend the Clergy and restore the Elections of Bishops to the Chapters the want of which had caused great Damages to the Church That it had been observed That the very Year the Pope granted the King the Nomination of Bishops this Schism began and has
Peace which is disliked by Coligni THIS Year there began a sharp Persecution against all that were suspected to favour the Reformation in the Netherlands year 1561 and for the greater terror they burnt the Houses of all those they Convicted for holding private Meetings Perrenot Bishop of Arras A Persecution in the Low-Countries and Cardinal Granvel hoping by this means to prevent the spreading of a Religion in that Country which had made such progresses in Germany and France They that imbraced this Religion were no less scandalized by the multiplying the Bishopricks and thereupon drew up a Confession of their Faith to be exhibited to King Philip beseeching him in the end of it that he would put a stop to the bloody Executions which destroyed so many of his innocent People This Confession was the same in substance with that published by the French Protestants and amongst other things they took particular care to insert That the Civil Magistrate was the Ordinance of God and therefore was to be obeyed Their Tributes to be duly paid and all manner of Respect and Reverence to be shewed to them and that Prayers were to be made to God for their preservation In the month of February The French Affair the new King of France left Orleans and went to Fontainbleau where the Prince of Conde waited upon him and being introduced into the Privy Council asked the Chancellor if there were any Accusation depending against him and was told by him and the whole Council they were intirely satisfied of his innocence and leave was given him to demand an Acquital in the Parliament of Paris And a Decree was made to that purpose and Published by the Order of the Council March 13. after which he went to Paris to prosecute his Discharge before that Court. In the mean time Queen Catharine Queen Catharine favoureth the Protestants the Regent of France seemed very much to favour the Protestant Party and by her Arts and Dissimulation so far prevailed upon the spirit of the King of Navarre who was their Head that he told the Danish Ambassador he did not doubt but he should see the Reformed Religion settled in France within one year The Queen on the other side told Montmorency That she counived at them for the present that she might the more easily elude the designs of the King of Navarre by seeming to comply with him But then she said he and the other great Men of that Kingdom ought to oppose them and to complain that the Religion of their Ancestors was every where violated and despised She designed by this First To divide the great Men in the Point of Religion Secondly To weaken the Interest of the King of Navarre And thirdly To preserve the Romish Religion in France But Montmorency who was her Instrument designed only the last yet he was very active in it The Queen in the interim carried her dissimulation so far that she ordered Jean de Monluc Bishop of Valence who was a great favourer of the Reformation and no Enemy to the Protestants Doctrine to Preach frequently at Court and She and the King were sometimes present at his Sermons He would sometimes speak very freely against the Corruptions that were in the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church and obliquely tax the Papal Authority The favour the Queen shewed to this Bishop made Montmorency suspect that in her Heart she had a kindness for the Protestant Party and that underhand she and Navarre had one and the same design And thereupon he deserted her and joyned with the Guises his till then Mortal Enemies the Duchess de Valentois procuring the Reconciliation Magdalen of Savoy Wife to Montmorency was also an implacable enemy to the Reformation and hated Coligni the Admiral for that and other causes and therefore she perpetually stimulated him against the Protestants Francis Montmorency The younger Montmorency's Advice to his Father Son of the Constable was a person of great Prudence and he wisely advised his Father not to lose the least of his friends in so necessary a time for he foresaw a Tempest would arise in France of what Religion soever they were that it did not become a wise Man to endeavour to gain new friends with the loss of his old ones and to prefer the uncertain friendship of reconciled enemies before the tried affections of his old Acquaintances That if he rejected Conde Coligni and Rochefoucault on the Account of Religion he would deprive his Family of the affistance of three great Men and perhaps the Queen would think never the better of him therefore his advice to his Father was to sit still and let Coligni and the Guises fight it out without taking part on either side and in all probability Guise would be worsted and he would become the Arbitrator of the two contending Religions And in the mean time it was most certain there were many great Errors by length of time crept into the Church which he ought not to defend because they were injurious to the Majesty of God. The good old Gentleman was much moved at this Advice from his Son but made no other answer to it than That he certainly knew that if the Religion were changed the Civil Government would be changed too That he cared not what became of him if his little Masters did well and the Actions of Henry II. might not be called in question who was a wife Prince and his good Master So he perished in his first resolves believing he was obliged to defend the Cause of Religion against his best and most ancient and tried friends The Pope seeing his Jurisdiction and Authority decline so fast in Germany year 1560 England and France The pretended Submission of the Cophthites greedily embraced a pretended Overture made by one Abraham a Syrian Impostor who pretended he was sent by the Copthites an Eastern Sect of Christians to make a submission to the Holy See whereupon he sent Christopher Roderick and John Baptista Elianus two Jesuits to them who gained nothing by this Mission but an exact Account of the Opinions of these Cophthites and a certainty of the Frauds of this pretended Ambassador Abraham who had feign'd this Mission to the Pope for his own Ends. This Mortification was soon after attended by another Livonia falls off from the See of Rome not less afflictive to his Holiness for Gothard Ketler Master of the Teutonick Order in Livonia intirely submitted to Sigismond King of Poland which put an end to that Order when it had flourished there 357 years He was thereupon made Duke of Gurland and Semigallen and Governor of Livonia and Marrying a Wife withdrew himself and his Subjects from the See of Rome The Archbishoprick of Riga was also about the same time changed into a Dukedom John Kothewick ☜ ☜ the last Archbishop of that See embracing the Augustane Confession put himself under the Protection of the Crown of Poland and was by Sigismond made Duke
of Lithuania This Archbishoprick was founded in the year 1215 by the procurement of the Knights of the Teutonick Order the City being then and a long time after the Seat of the Master of it who divided the Sovereignty and Administration of Justice with the Archbishop After this short Digression which the Reader is desired to Pardon I shall now return to the prosecution of the French Affairs The new Friendship between Montmorency and the Guises was a very frightful thing to the Queen Regent The Queen suspects the designs of the Nobility who sought all the way she could possible to divide their Affections for the preserving her own Authority and therefore she was very Anxiously inquisitive to find whether this new Kindness between two such Ancient Enemies tended The Prince of Conde in the mean time was declared Innocent by the Parliament of Paris the Thirteenth of June and his Discharge Recorded The Differences in Religion not only disquieted the Court The Differences of Religion occasion Tumults but the Provinces also the two Parties reproaching each other with the Names of Papist and Huguenot There were frequent Tumults raised also by the Roman Catholicks to shew that Coligni was out when he said The Protestant Religion might be divulged throughout all the Provinces without any Disturbance And at Amiens and Pont-Oise things came to a Sedition the Catholick Artificers beginning the Quarrel and falling upon some of the Houses of some of the Protestants and they slew one Hadrian Fourre a Priest because he was reported to savour the Reformation and afterwards burnt his Body publickly for which only two were hanged An Edict to restrain them This necessitated the Council to forbid all Reviling Expressions and all Tumults on the Accounts of Religion And by it all that had been banished for Religion in the Reign of Francis II. were invited to return and promised they should enjoy their Goods and Estates if they would live like good Catholicks for the future or otherwise might sell them and retire elsewhere which was after opposed by the Parliament at Paris but yet many returned on that account and many that were in Prison were discharged so that the Protestant Party appeared numerous The Cardinal of Lorrain was Alarm'd at this and represented to the King and Queen That the whole Kingdom was fill'd with Conventicles That the meaner sort ran to the Sermons out of curiosity and were easily corrupted That the Ancient Ceremonies were little frequented or regarded and that they were already derided and scorn'd by many That great numbers every day forsook the Church and went over to the Protestants The Edict of July So he would needs have had a new Edict forthwith published to prevent these Inconveniences This being Debated in the Council in the Month of July there was another Edict published That all should live peaceably and without any fury each to other or reproaching one the other That there be no Listing or Inrolling Men on either side That the Preachers should use no Seditious or Turbulent Expressions upon pain of Death and the Presidents of the Provinces should determine of these Affairs and execute the Edict That no Sermons should be frequented by Men Armed or Unarmed in publick or in private nor any Sacraments Administred but according to the Rites of the Church of Rome And That if any Man was Convicted of Herefie and delivered to the Secular Power he should only be Banished and this was to stand till a General or a National Council should determine otherwise This was called the Edict of July The Cardinal of Lorrain had so good an opinion of his own Abilities The Carelinal of Lorrain procures the Conference of Poissy that he was fondly perswaded he could confute all the Doctrines of the Protestants out of the Fathers and thereby acquire a great Reputation to himself if he could procure a Conference with their Pastors It was therefore resolved that there should be a Meeting for that purpose at Poissy near St. Germain the Tenth of August and that Pasports should be granted to their Ministers which were to come thither on that account All of both sides being invited thither at the same time The Queen Regent was very much for this Disputation but the greatest part of the Roman Catholicks were against it as thinking it a dangerous thing to suffer the Doctrine which had hitherto been received to be brought under debate and the Religion of their Ancestors to be disputed In the Interim Mary Queen of the Scots left France Mary Queen of Scotland leaves France and return'd into Scotland the Cardinal of Lorrain attending her as far as Calais There was also a Theatrical Reconciliation between the Prince of Conde and the Duke of Guise by the Order of the King the later protesting That he had no hand in the Imprisonment of the Prince and the Prince telling Guise That the Adviser and Procurer of his Commitment was a Wicked Man and a Villain To which Guise Answered That he believed so too but was not concern'd in it After which by the King's Command they embraced each other as Kinsmen and Friends and promised a firm and sincere Friendship each to other and there was great Rejoycing in the Court. The Assembly of the States was Prorogued last year till May of this and then was on the account of the great Affairs prorogued to August and Appointed to be opened at Pont-Oyse In this Assembly The Three Estates of France Assembled at Pont-Oyse the Agreement between the Queen Regent and the King of Navar was Confirm'd by the three Estates which was very difficultly obtain'd by the later This Assembly was opened at St. Germain where James Bretagne d'Autum who spoke for the Commons declaiming sharply against the Ignorance of the Priests and the Corrupt Manners and Depraved Discipline of the Clergy so that they were unfit to Lead or Instruct the People but rather disgusted and displeased them doing all things for Hire and nothing as their Duty enslaving themselves to Pleasures and wallowing in Luxury and Idleness To this he assigned the Calamities which at present oppress'd France He therefore moved the King to take away all their Jurisdiction that he should employ their over-great Riches to Pious Uses and call a National Council which was the only present and certain Cure of those Evils That free Pasports should be given to all that would come to it and that the King or some of the Princes of the Blood should preside in it whilst Business of Religion was debated That the late Decree against Conventicles should be no prejudice to those of the Reformed Religion who rejected the Ceremonies of the Church of Rome nor any Prescription as to length of time which could not make what in it self was false true and the Business of Religion was to be quietly and friendly debated according to the Word of God and not with the Sword and Reproaches He that spoke for the
Martinego The English reject the Council who was sent to Treat with Queen Elizabeth for the same end as I have said already came into Flanders and from thence according to the ancient Custom sent for Leave to come into England but was denied it the Council of England not thinking it fit to admit a Nuncio from the Pope when there were so many Roman Catholicks in the Nation who being brought up in that Religion would be apt upon such an Encouragement to Imbroil our Affairs at home and abroad The Bishop of Viterbo the Popes Legate at Paris thereupon began to Treat with Throcmorton our Ambassador in that Court That Queen Elizabeth would be pleased to send her Ambassadours to the Council in which he was seconded by Letters from the Kings of France Spain and Portugal and the Cardinal of Portugal and the Duke de Alva To which she replied That from her Heart she desired a General Council but she would have nothing to do with a Papa That she would have nothing to do with the Pope neither whose Authority was banished out of England by the consent of the Three Estates That it belonged not to him but to the Emperour to call a Council and that she acknowledged no greater Authority in him than in any other Bishop The Twenty fifth of July Erirk King of Sweden was Crown'd with great Pomp at Stockholme upon the Baltick Sea. Erick King of Sweden Crown'd The Cardinal of Caraffa Hanged Charles Cardinal of Caraffa and Nephew of the last Pope was strangled the Sixth of March in the Castle of St. Angelo upon pretence That he had Exasperated Paul IV. his Uncle with his false Stories and put him upon a War That he had caused the Truce between France and Spain to be broken had entered underhand Treaties with the Protestant Princes of Germany and also with the Turk the Enemies of Christianity but in reality because the Pope was much offended with the sharp Answers the Cardinal made after he was imprison'd The Pope being thereupon made sensible that the Cardinal was a Person of great Spirit and Interest and if ever he were dismiss'd he would at one time or other Revenge the Quarrel upon the Popes Relations so that his Holiness contrary to his first Intentions found it was needful to cut him off though against Law as his own Canonists generally said The Count de Paliani Brother of the Cardinal of Carafsa had the same fate but on other pretences In France all that desired the Peace of the Church and the Reformation of Religion A National Council defired in France concluded the Pope would not hold a Council whatever he pretended and therefore urged the having of a National Council which was opposed by the Guises and their Faction for fear the Protestant Party should prevail in it against the Catholick They did whatever they could to perswade the King and Council from it and procured the Pope to perswade Philip King of Spain to interest himself in it who sent Anthony Bishop of Toledo to perswade the Queen to send the French Clergy to the Council of Trent and that in the mean time to prevent a Schism the thoughts of a National Council should be laid aside He had Orders also as occasion offered to threaten those who favoured the Protestants and to give assurances of his Masters readiness to support the young King which was ill taken in France as a kind of usurping a Right to interpose their Spanish Pride in the French Affairs Toledo died in France and Maurice his Successor for became very importunate with the Queen to begin a Persecution against the Protestants which was as stiffly opposed by the King of Navar year 1560 who demanded his Kingdom The King of Navar drawn over to the Popish Party by the King of Spain's Arts. and interrupted all the Spanish Proceedings by his frequent Complaints to the young King. King Philip finding to his Cost that this Princes Power was greater in France than he imagin'd began a Design upon him to make him more pliant to his Desires This was to reject his Wife and Marry Mary Queen of the Scots and then declaring himself Head of the Catholicks in France the King of Spain was to give him Sardinia for Navar and to help him to Conquer England and so two Heretical Queens were for Heresie to be laid aside and the Pope was to Consecrate and Bless the Business The King of Navar detesting the Project of Repudiating his Queen the Exchange of Sardinia was driven on with more eagerness pretending it was the greatest Island in the Mediterranean Sea next Sicily and the most fruitful rich and populous and situate very conveniently for a Conquest of Barbary This Project being also seconded by the Popes Nuncio the Cardinal of Ferrara prevented the calling of a National Council which Wise Men thought was the only thing that could have prevented the Civil War which after broke out to the almost total Ruine of France Though the Edict of July had forbidden all Meetings of the Protestants year 1561 yet their Number daily increasing and with it their Confidence A new invented Convention for the Regulating matters of Religion in France not only Sermons were openly made but the Priests were in many places forcibly expell'd and the Churches seized for the use of the Ministers which gave being to the Edict of the 3d of November for the Restitution of those Churches upon pain of Death which by the Perswasion of the Ministers themselves was obeyed throughout the Kingdom But when notwithstanding Men seem'd rather enraged than appeased by the Edict of July and the Conference of Poissy was broken up without any effect there being every day news brought of new Commotions they began to think of some more effectual Remedy which that it might meet with the greater approbation and by consequence be the more universally executed the Presidents and some chosen Members of all the Parliaments of France were summon'd before the King to St. Germain by whose Advice it was to be drawn and Moddel'd Upon which the Cardinal of Lorrain and the Duke of Guise left the Court conceiving the thing would do it self now Montmorancy and the King of Navar had espoused that Interest About the same time there was a dreadful Tumult at Dijon A Tumult a● Dijon whil'st the Protestants were assembled at their Sermon the Rabble thought fit to make themselves the Executioners of the Edict of July and having procured a Drum to beat before them they marched against the Huguenots but the Meeters made use of their Weapons and repell'd Force with Force The Rabble thereupon turn'd their fury against the Private Families and plundered several Houses There were also some Tumults at Paris on the same score and towards the end of the year all things tended to a general Revolution Having thus represented the State of Religion in all the rest of Christendom Scotch Affairs as shortly and as
since that time they have made it their business first to hinder all Treaties of Peace wherein any liberty was granted to the Protestants and when they could not gain that point to make them be broken as soon as was possible tho this too has for the most part turn'd in the end to their great loss and shame The French Court shew their Reasons for it The French Court perceiving how the Fathers of Trent took the Peace Ordered the Cardinal of Lorrain to shew the great Dangers which from the Civil War threatned that Kingdom and to assure the Council that it was the intention of the King to dissipate the Factions of France by a Peace that he might be at leisure to attend seriously the restitution of the Peace of the Church But when this would not be allowed neither the Queen sent Renate de Birague President of Dauphine to assure the Fathers That their Intentions were not to settle a New Religion in France nor to suffer it to grow up and encrease but that having disarmed their Subjects and quieted the Tumults they might with the less trouble return to the Methods used by their Ancestors for the reducing their people into the way and the Unity of the same Catholick Religion That this could never be done but by the Authority of a lawful and free either General or National Council that a General Council seemed the safer way but then it was necessary that a liberty and security should be given to all that would to come That tho' this had been done by the Pope and the Fathers yet the place was such and so situate that being rather in Italy than Germany the Protestants could not think themselves sufficiently secure For they desired a Council in Germany and thought they were not safe if it were any where else That not only they of Germany but the English Scotch Danes and Swedes were of the same mind and it was very unjust to condemn so many Nations unheard and besides it was unprofitable too for whereas all good men hoped that this Council would procure an Unity on the contrary it would cause a greater opposition and enmity when these Nations saw themselves neglected and by the inconvenience of the place as it were excluded out of the Council For it was fit for none but weak and credulous men to think they would ever submit to the Decrees of a Council in which they had never been admitted nor heard but it was to be feared on the other side that their minds being exasperated their patience would turn to fury and they would traduce to Posterity the Decrees of the Council and in the present age treat them with a virulent sharpness in their Writings Therefore Birague was Ordered to desire the Council might by the consent of the Fathers and Pope be transferr'd into Germany to Worms Spire Basil or Constance This Discourse would not edifie at Trent and he was sent on the same Errand to Inspruck to the Emperor and to Vienna to his Son Maximilian There were two others sent at the same time one into Spain and another to Rome but this latter found the Pope enraged to the utmost with the Peace so that he was resolved to treat France without any favour In order to this The Pope's Bull to the Inquifitors the Pope puts out a Bull dated the 7th of April by which he grants power to the Cardinals appointed Inquisitors General for all Christendom to proceed smartly and extrajudicially as shall seem convenient to them against all and singular the Hereticks and their Abettors and Receivers and those who are suspected to be such abiding in the Provinces and places in which the filth of the Lutheran Heresie hath prevailed and to which it is notorious there is not a safe and free entrance tho' the said persons are adorn'd with the Episcopal Archiepiscopal Patriarchal Dignity or Cardinalate without any other proof to be made of the safety or freedom of the Access But so that Information be first made and that they be cited by an Edict by them to be affixed to the Doors of the Palace of the Holy Inquisition c. admonishing and requiring them to appear personally and not by their Proctors before the said Inquisition within a certain and limited time as the said Inquisition shall think fit upon pain of Excommunication denounced Suspension and other lawful pains And if they shall not so appear they shall be proceeded against in the secret Consistory and a sentence decreed against them tho' absent as convict and confirm'd with a clause of Derogation Tho' this Bull was contrary to all Laws Several French Cardinals and Bishops cited to Ronte yet the Inquisitors presumed upon it to cite some Bishops of France and with them Odet de Coligni Cardinal de Chastillon who had embraced the Opinions of the Protestants and was now call'd Count de B●auvais he having been formerly Bishop of that City St. Roman Archbishop d'Aix John Monluck Bishop of Valence Jean Anthony Caracciolo Son of the Prince de Melphe Jean Brabanson Bishop of Pamiez And the Queen of Navarr also Charles Guillart Bishop of Chartres And as if this had been intended but for a step to her the Princess Joan Labrett Queen of Navarr Relict of Anthony late King of Navarr All which I say by a Bull dated the 28th of September and affixed at Rome were cited to appear before the Inquisition within six Months and the Queen was told That if she did not she should be deprived of her Royal Dignity Kingdom or Principality and Dominions as one convicted and the same should be pronounced to belong to whosoever should invade it The King and Queen of France and all the Nobility were extremely exasperated with these proceedings of the Pope and the Bull being read in the Council of State D'Oisel the then Ordinary Ambassador in the Court of Rome The French King declares against these Proceedings against the Queen of Nevarr was ordered to acquaint the Pope That the King could scarce give any credit to the first reports which were spread in several Pamphlets in France till the Citation which was fixed up in several places in Rome was read to him at which he was much troubled because the Queen of Navarr was in Majesty and Dignity equal to any other Prince in Christendom and had from them the Title of Sister 2. That the danger which threatned her was of ill example and might in time be extended to any of them and therefore they were all bound to assist and defend her in this common cause and the more because she was a Widow 3. But the King of France above all other because nearly related to her and her late Husband who was one of the principal Princes of the Blood Royal and had lost his Life in his service in the last War against the Protestants leaving his Children Orphans the Eldest of which was now in the King's Court and under
his care That the King could not neglect the cause of this sorrowful Widow and her Orphan and Children who appeal'd to his fidelity and the Memory of his Ancestors who had in all times of affliction succoured the Princes of Germany Spain and England That Philip the Bold the Son of St. Lewis had with a potent Army defended an Orphan-Queen of Navarr and brought her into France where she was after Married to Philip the Fair from whom Joan the present Queen of Navarr was lineally descended And that John Labrett the Grandfather of this Queen being in like manner persecuted by one of the Popes and driven out of a part of his Kingdom the rest had been defended and preserved by Lewis the Twelfth and his Successors That the Popes themselves have heretofore fled to the French for protection when they have been expelled out of their Sees who had often restored them defended and enriched them with the grant of many Territories That this Queen was so near a Neighbour and such an Allie to the Crown of France that no War could be made upon her without the great damage of France That all Princes were Interested in the Friendship and Peace of their Neighbours and obliged to keep all Wars at a distance from them for the preservation of their own quiet and security Since therefore his Majesty saw by this Bull that there was a design to deprive his Ancient Allies of their Dominions and at pleasure to set up others in their stead he had just reason to fear that as the Spaniards had heretofore on such pretences possess'd themselves of all the Countries to the Pyrenaean Hills so that in time they might pass them too and descend into the Plains of France and so a dismal and destructive War might be rekindled between these powerful Princes to the great hazard and ruin of Christendom Lastly the Queen of Navarr being a Feuditary of the Crown of France and having great Possessions in that Kingdom was under the Protection of the Laws of it and could not be drawn out of it to Rome either in Person or by Proxy no Subject of France being bound to go to Rome but if the Pope had any cause against them he was obliged to send Judges to determine upon the place even in those Cases that came before him by Appeal That therefore this Citation was against the Majesty Law and Security of the Crown of France and tended to the diminishing of the esteem of that King and Kingdom That if the Form of this Proceeding were considered what could be more contrary to the Civil Law than to force a man out of his proper Court and condemn him in another without any hearing For there are Laws That no accused person shall be cited out of the Limits of the Jurisdiction in which he lives and that the Citation shall not be obscure and perfunctory but declared to the proper person or to his family And the Constitution of Pope Boniface the Eighth That Citations set up in certain places of Rome should be of force was recall'd by Clement the Fifth and the Council of Venna as hard and unjust or at least mitigated and it was decreed that they should not be used but when there was no safe coming to the person accused But in France where the Queen of Navarr resides it cannot be pretended that there is no safe coming to her And what can be more contrary to Natural Equity than to condemn unheard It is forbidden by the Canons and Decrees of Councils and there is a noble example of this in Ammianus Marcellinus where Pope Liberius being urged by Constantius to condemn Athanasius chose rather to be banished than to sentence him without hearing And in the Judgment against Sixtus the Third who was accused of Incest Valentinian the Emperor observed the same method and made him appear and answer in a Synod before Fifty Bishops For the same reason the Sentence of Nicholas the First against Lotharius the Son of St. Lewis for having two Wives was thought void and null Nor was this Sentence against the Queen of Navarr of better force because she was absent and unheard That the Popes have always shewn that respect to Crown'd heads as to admonish them by their Legates before they decreed ought against them So Alexander the Third sent two Cardinals to Henry the Second into England when he was accused of the Death of Thomas a Becket A.B. of Canterbury That he might purge himself before them of this crime So of late Clement the Seventh did the like in the case of Henry the Eighth to whom he sent Cardinal Campeius And if it were granted that the Judgment were rightly passed how could the Dominions of the Queen be exposed for a prey and given to the first Invader they belonging to the King as Lord of the Fee Therefore the King believes that the Pope is deceived by false reports and instigated by the craft of his Ministers who not regarding the publick peace have drawn him from his natural goodness to Counsels which are dishonourable to his Holiness and destructive to his Authority and to that of the See of Rome tending to the alienating of the hearts of his friends from him and the disturbing of the Peace of Christendom And his Majesty is the more perswaded of the truth of this because his Holiness so earnestly espoused the Interest of Anthony the Husband of this Queen in his life-time and endeavoured to perswade King Philip to restore to him the Kingdom of Navarr or at least to give him the Island of Sardinia as an Equivalent But then there is nothing more offends the King than the considering that whereas so many Kings Princes and Free States above Forty years since have defected from the See of Rome and committed the offence charged upon the Queen and so by the rule of Justice ought to be first punished as first offending yet the Pope has not proceeded in the same way or with equal severity against any of them so that from hence it is clear that an occasion is sought by her enemies to oppress and ruin her by surprize whilest she is a Widow her Children Orphans the King of France who ought to protect her being a Minor and disturbed by Civil Wars and for this reason the King is the more obliged to defend her from injury and himself from contempt seeing without acquainting him with it they have begun this Process against a Queen so nearly related to him That if this Accusation had been made on the account of Religion and for the Glory of God the Pope ought in the first place to have shewn his care of her soul and from the Word of God to have administred fitting Remedies and not to have proscribed her Kingdoms and Dominions The Deposing of Princes and disposing of their Dominions the cause of great Calamities and given them for a prey to the first Invader The Pope has a Supremacy given him That he
may consult the Salvation of Souls and the repose of Christendom and not that he may deprive Princes of their Kingdoms and dispose of their possessions at his pleasure which the former Popes have never been able to do in Germany and other places without bringing great reproach and dishonour on the Church and disturbances upon the World. That therefore the King desired with the greatest humility that he could or ought that the Sentence against the Q. of Navarr should be revok'd and all the Pope's Ministers should be inhibited from proceeding in this cause by a publick Act and if this were not done the King should be forced against his will to make use of the same remedies his Ancestors had imployed in the like cases according to the Laws and Rights of his Kingdom But before all things he protested he should do this unwillingly and therefore they only should bear the blame who by their rashness had forced him to use the power God had given him in so just a cause and to implore the assistance of his friends against them There was at the same time distinct Memorials and larger Instructions sent to the French Ambassador for the Defence of the Bishops The Bishops defended by the King also and D'Oysel who was an active Minister prevail'd upon the Pope to have the Proceedings against the Bishops stopt and the Sentence against the Queen of Navarr revok'd and abolished So that at this day it is not to be found amongst the Constitutions of Pope Pius the Fourth The 18th of May there having been no consideration had of the XXXIII Articles put into the Council the 4th of January The Queen complains of the Proceedings of the Council the Queen wrote to Lanssac her Ambassador complaining very bitterly of the delays and shifts which had been made in this business and said that the hope good men had hitherto had of the success of this Council and the opinion of their sincerity who met in it would both vanish without any fruit and their dissimulation and connivance would more and more inflame the wrath of God against us who had now made it manifest unto all men that the affairs of the Church needed a Reformation and a severe correction and to that purpose had invited and brought together from all parts of the Earth so many men famous for their Piety and Learning to this Council and if after all this he shall see us still stubbornly resist his will he will be necessitated to punish those men who have hindred so good a work and so necessary to the peace of the Church That therefore the King had wrote to the Cardinal of Lorrain to assemble a Congregation of the French Clergy and after a mature deliberation had amongst themselves to demand earnestly of the Fathers of the Council that these things might be considered and determin'd as soon as was possible But the Cardinal was by this time won over to the Pope's side The Pope gained the Cardinal of Lorrain to his side and was willing to sacrifice the safety of France and the King's Will to the Interest of the former In order to this he delayed the Execution of his Orders from day to day and at last that he might totally disappoint them asked leave of the King to go to Rome believing the Kings Ambassadors would do nothing in his absence And not long after Lanssac obtained leave to return into France Who went to Rome The Cardinal of Lorrain went from Trent towards Rome the 18th of September and with him five of the French Bishops But the other French Ambassadors did nevertheless insist stoutly to have the Articles considered by the Council who that they might elude this pursuit made some Decrees which had some respect to those things the French had desired but which aimed at the granting a Liberty and Immunity to the Clergy against all the Laws Privileges Liberties and Jurisdictions and Lawful Authorities of all Kingdoms States and Princes which being seen by La Ferriere and Du Faur the King's Ambassadors at Trent they by their Master's Order opposed the said Decrees The 27th of September the King by a Letter having commanded his Ambassadors to insist upon their first Demands and to assure the Council that as none of the Christian Princes should exceed him in the fervor of true Piety and a desire to promote the Affairs of the Council so if they still went on to cure the desperate wounds of the Church with a light hand or rather to plaster them over and conceal than cure them whilest they omitted the proper and most necessary remedies and instead of considering the Reformation of the Church turn'd the edge of their Authority against the Power of Princes and the Decrees of Councils he would not have the Presence of his Ambassadors add Authority to such unjust Decrees to the great prejudice of his Royal Dignity and to the Damage of the Liberties of his Kingdom He said also that he had been informed that the Council had entertain'd a design to declare the Marriage of Anthony de Bourbon King of Navarr and Joan his Queen unlawful and to declare Henry his Son a Bastard and he commanded them not to be present at any such Act. Lastly he commanded them to repeat their former demands and if the Fathers of the Council would not grant them then to leave Trent and go to Venice and stay there till they had further Orders from him He told them also that his principal desire was by a serious Reformation of Church-affairs and manners the corruptions in which had caused so many to make defection from the Church of Rome by the Authority of a General Council to unite the divided minds of men in the matters of Religion That his Ambassadors and Proctors had often treated with the Pope and the Fathers of the Council about this and to that end had exhibited the said XXXIV Articles to which no satisfactory return had been made but on the contrary they having lightly touched the business of Reformation had exercised an Authority which belonged not to them against the Rights The Council has no Authority over Princes Liberties and Power of Soveraign Princes That they neither could nor ought to inquire into the Civil Administration which was not subject to their Court nor to derogate from those Constitutions and Customs which had been long enjoyed by Princes nor to Anathematize Kings all which things tended to Sedition and the interruption of the publick Peace That he would not suffer that Authority which he had received from his Ancestors to be weakned by their unjust censures Yea he commanded them to tell the Fathers That if they presumed any more to undermine the Authority of Kings and the Prerogatives of their Betters that they should then also protest against their proceeding and leave Trent Advising the Bishops and Divines of France who were in the Council to promote the Reformation of Religion as much as was
possible for the good of his divided Kingdom and to that end to stay still at Trent But then the King did trust to their wisdom and conscience that they would not approve of by their presence or consent to any thing which was prejudicial to the Royal Authority Prerogative or Dignity of the King or Kingdom of France But however the Council still persisting in their former Methods La Ferriere came into the Council and made a sharp Oration against the Pope and the Council Polano * Pag. 721. in his History of the Council of Trent has the sum of this Oration and Thuanus saith it was pronounced the 22d of September But however I will not trouble the Reader with it here because of its great length this Oration pleased none of the Fathers the French themselves not excepted because he set Princes as the Ministers of God above the Anathema's of the Clergy and made both their persons and revenues subject to the Laws and Authority of Kings telling them too plainly of their great prevarications obstinacy and unwillingness to reform or be reformed But however all the Fathers could do was to bring the Faith of the Ambassadors in question which they soon discuss'd by producing their Instructions This failing they cavell'd at the parts of the Oration and endeavoured to pervert the sense and meaning of it so that Ferriere was forced to publish an Apology for it And soon after this they mended the matter by a sharper Oration in which amongst other things they told the Council plainly The Ambassadors of France put a severet Protestation into the Council That Hadrian the Sixth was in the right when he told the world That what care soever was taken of the lower members of the Church that body could not be restored to its health if the Head also the Pope were not reformed Towards the end they said They protested only against Pius the Fourth They Venerated the Apostolick See the great Pontiff the Holy Church of Rome for the increase of whose Dignity their Ancestors had so often shed their blood and of late had fought in France but it was against the Soveraignty of Pius the Fourth that they protested all whose Decrees and Sentences they refused and despised and seeing there was nothing done at Trent but all was dispatched at Rome and what was here published was rather the Dictates of Pius the Fourth than the Decrees of a General Council they denounced and testified That whatever was decreed in that Convention or should hereafter be decreed or published they being only the Decrees moved by Pius the Fourth they should not be approved by the Most Christian King nor the French nor be taken for the Acts of a General Council And then commanded all their Archbishops Bishops Abbots and Divines to return into France till God should restore to the Catholick Church the ancient form and liberty belonging of right to General Councils and to the Most Christian King his just Rights Thuanus saith he can hardly believe this Oration was made tho' he finds it Printed in the Commentaries of Jacques de Bourdin Secretary of State. But however it shews the sense great men had of the Council of Trent at that time when it was best understood A little before this time the Emperor being about leaving Inspruck The Emperor opposeth the intended Proceedings of the Council against Queen Elizabeth discovered that they consulted at Rome and Trent about proceeding against Queen Elizabeth of England and he wrote to the Pope and the Legates that if the Council would not yield that fruit which was desired that they might see an Union of Catholicks to reform the Church yet at least they should not give occasion to Hereticks to unite themselves more which they would do in case they proceeded against the Queen of England For undoubtedly they would then make a General League against the Catholicks which would be the cause of great Inconveniences We may see by this how hardly this Holy Council was kept from giving the world a Cast of its office in deposing Princes and disposing of their Dominions and absolving their Subjects from their Allegiance tho' we are now told this is none of the Doctrines of that Church but however it is undoubtedly her practice This Admonition was so effectual that the Pope desisted at Rome and revoked the Commission given to that purpose to the Legates at Trent When the French Ambassadors had put these two Rubs in the way of the Council The French Ambassadors leave Trent and go to Venice they retired as the King their Master had before commanded them to Venice and gave an account of what they had done to the Cardinal of Lorrain at Rome and to the King of France this last approved it but the former having made his private Market with the Pope who extremely flattered this proud turbulent vain-glorious Prelate was very much displeased with what the French Ambassadors had done in his absence at Trent But when he came there and found the Ambassadors were supported by the King and that there was no fetching them back from Venice till the things proposed by the Council were revoked he perswaded the Legates to compound the difference and the Infallible Council laid by these Decrees which displeased the Crown of France and passed only a general Decree against the Violaters of the Ecclesiastical privileges and Immunities in the Twenty fifth Session This was the last Session of this Council The last Seffion of the Council of Trent and was held the fifth and sixth of December In it was determin'd the points concerning Purgatory the Invocation of Saints the Worship of Images and Reliques the Prohibition of Duels and all that pertain'd to the Reformation of the Manners of the Clergy All that had been done under Paul the Third Julius the Third and two Years before this in this Convention were then also ratified and confirmed And the Pope was desired to approve the same and so the Council was dismissed with Acclamations The Pope made a grave Oration in a Conclave of the Cardinals and giving God unfeigned thanks that the Council was ended he commended the Emperor the Apostolick Legates and the Bishops and said Tho' he was tree from the obligation of all Laws yet he would cause these to be exactly and inviolably preserved and if any thing was omitted he would supply it The Protestant Ministers of Germany at the same time put out a Protestation against this Council subscribed by many of them Thus ended the Council of Trent The censure of the Council which was desired and procured by Godly men to reunite the Church which began to be divided but hath so established the Schism and made the parties so obstinate that the discords are become irreconcileable And being intended by Princes for the reformation of the Ecclesiastical Discipline hath caused the greatest corruption and deformation that ever was since Christianity began The Bishops hoped to
by the French King it occasions a VVar ibid. Ferdinand Arch-Duke of Austria Marries 50. Executes the Ban severely against the Lutherans 54. Claims the Kingdom of Hungary after K. Lewis 's death 105. Is made K. of Bohemia 110. His Claim to Hungary what 114. Made K. of the Romans 144. The Terms upon which the Protestant Princes promise to acknowledge him 157. Makes a Treaty of Peace with the D. of Saxony 173. Allows Ulric to be D. of Wirtemberg ibid. Inhibits the Prosecutions of the Imperial Chamber 184. Suspends them till the Meeting of the next Diet 185. Sends an Embassie to the Switzers not to aid the French against the Emperor 207. Is routed by the Turks 231. Goes to the Diet at Haguenaw 267. His Proposals to the Protestants there 268. His Answer there about the Proceedings of the Imperial Chamber 269. Prepares to invade Hungary 270. Sends Alaski his Ambassador to Solyman ibid. Is overthrown at Buda 284. His Answer to the Austrian Nobility 287. His Speech to the Diet at Spire 288. Opens the Diet at Nurenberg 298. Makes an unsuccessful War in Hungary 304. Opens the Diet at Nurenberg 305. His Answer to the Protestants Petition 307. Is acknowledged King of the Romans by the D. of Saxony 325. His Daughter is Betrothed to the D. of Saxony 's Son ibid. Opens the Diet at Wormes 343. Answers the Deputies of the Protestants 345. Goes to the Diet at Ratisbon 374. Denounces War against the Saxons 409. His Answer to the Bohemians 417. His Demands to the Bohemians 420. His Letters to the Bohemians 423. He Answers their Letters 424. He writes to them again 425. His Commissioners to the Convention of States in Bohemia 426. His Army ibid. Writes again to the Bohemians 428. Writes to them again from Leutmeritz 431. Goes to Prague and forces the Bohemians to submit 434. Obtains vast Sums of Money from the Free Towns 436. Raises Money of the States at the Diet 460. Receives Constance and imposes strict Conditions upon them 474. Complains at the Diet of Augsbourg of the Irruptions of the Turks 511. Aid is granted him by the Princes at Norimberg 512. Treats with D. Maurice about Peace at Lintz 556. Goes to Passaw to Mediate a Peace 563. Presses D. Maurice to stay a while for the Emperor's Answer 568. Goes again to the Emperor to Villach ibid. Brings the Emperor's Answer back to Passaw 569. He there answers the French Ambassador in the Emperor's Name 570. Opens the Diet of Augsbourg 598. Publishes an Edict about Religion 602. Which is answered by the States of his Country ibid. He comes to Augsbourg 607. Opens the Diet with a Speech ibid. What effect it had upon the Diet 610. Banishes two hundred Protestant Ministers out of Bohemia ibid. Invites the Princes to the Augsbourg Diet 612. Mediates between Papists and Protestants at Augsbourg 624. Answers those Papers that were dispersed in the Diet 625. His Answer to the Protestants Reply 626. Sollicites the Princes of Germany against the Turk 628. Answers the Address of the Austrian Nobility 630. Replies to the Austrians Answer 631. Is Sollicited by the Bavarians for Liberty of Conscience 633. He goes into Bohemia ibid. Fevre d'Estaples vide Faber Stapulensis Fisher Bishop of Rochester Beheaded for not acknowledging King Henry Supream Head of the Church 180. Made Cardinal in Prison ib. Flisted Peter burnt at Cologne for his Religion 121. Florentines aid the French against Charles 131. Send Ambassadors to him with Submissions 132. They yield to him after a years Siege ibid. Fox Edw. Bishop of Hereford his Speech to the Protestants at Smalcald 188. Desires a Private Conference 189. Which is allowed ib. France a Persecution of the Lutherans there 175. Francis King of France Competitor for the Empire 13. Is troubled that Charles V. is preferr'd 19. Makes a League with the Switzers 48. Takes Milan 76. Besieges Parma ibid. Is taken Prisoner there 79 Writes into France in Favour of Faber Stapulensis 98 Falls sick in Prison 102. Treats a Peace with Char. V. ibid. Leaves two Sons Hostages in Spain 103. But makes a League with the Pope and Venetians against the Emperor 105. VVrites to the Princes of the Empire 108. Publishes an Apology for engaging in VVar with Char. V. ibid. Sends Letters of Defiance to Char. V. 112. Makes a League with Henry VIII ibid. Challenges Char. V. to a Duel 112. Concludes a Peace with him at Cambray 121. The Articles of it ibid. His Letter to the Protestant Princes 149. Marries Catharine de Medicis to his Eldest Son Henry 168. He goes in Procession to St. Genevieve 178. He writes to the German Princes to take off Misunderstandings 179. Sends Bellay to Smalcald to the Protestants 182. His Opinion about the Points of Controversie in Germany 186. He offers to enter into a League with the Protestants 187. Makes VVar upon Savoy 203. Defeats Charles 's Armies in Provence and Picardy 208. VVrites to the Princes of Germany inveighing against the Emperor ibid. Marries his Eldest Daughter Magdalen to James V. of Scotland 209. Complains of the Emperor in the Parliament of Paris 210. His Auswer to the Protestants Letter 230. Chides the D. of Wirtemberg by his Ambassador at Francfort 249. Gives private Assistance to the D. of Cleve to whom he proposes a Marriage with his Niece 266. He is displeased with the Emperor ibid. Sends an Ambassador to Haguenaw 267. Persecutes the Lutherans ibid. Commands Supplications for Peace to be made throughout his Kingdom 269. Sends Ambassadors to the Diet at Spire 289. Their Harangue there ibid. Prepares for a War against the Emperor 292. Purges himself of Pescara 's Accusations 296. Appoints Prayers for success to his Army ibid. Declares War ibid. Sends Longueville and Van Rossem into Flanders ibid. Attaques Charles in five places ibid. With not much Success ibid. He demands aid of the Turk ibid. His Speech to the Rochellers 305. His Answer to the Emperor's Letter to the Pope 307. Takes Luxembourg 316. His men retire from Landrecy 317. He sends an Embassie to Spire 319. His Herald is ill receiv'd at Spire ibid. He beats the Emperor at Carignan 323. The Speech of his Ambassadors who should have gone to Spire 324. Concludes a Peace with the Emperor at Soissons 327. His Answer to the Switzers about the Waldenses 347. He makes a Peace with King Henry VIII 382. He refuses to assist the Protestants 403. He suffered the Protestants to be Persecuted and 14 Burnt 411. He dies 424. Was a great Patron of Learning and Learned himself ibid. Gave 100000 Crowns apiece to the Landgrave and the Saxon ere he died 425. Is Buried 429. Francis the Dauphin dies suspected of Poison 208. Francfort upon the Oder a City in the Electorate of Brandenbourg 2. Francfort upon the Mayn a City in Franconia 13. A Diet held there 247. Where things are accommodated with the Protestants 248. Reconciled to the Emperor and Fined 414. A Diet held there 604. Their Answer to the French
vide Christiern Sturmius James dies 594. Sweden vide Gustavus Switzers oppose the Election of Francis I. to the Empire 14. An account of their Commonwealth 48. Had a Custom that Priests should publickly keep Concubines 51. They complain against Zuinglius in a Convention of Estates 66. They assemble at Lucern and make Edicts against the New Religion 67. They Remonstrate against those of Zurick 69. They join with Zuinglius in the Doctrine of the Eucharist 97. They meet 12 Cantons to Dispute at Baden 105. The Popish Cantons make a League with Ferdinand 118. Seeds of Civil Wars arise amongst themselves 120. Which are taken up ibid. They make a League for six years with the Landgrave of Hesse 141. Do not refuse to join in the League of Smalcald if Comprehension be allow'd them 148. Not admitted into the League 151. The Popish Cantons League against the Zurichers 155. They overcome the Zurichers 156. They overcome them again ibid. They conclude a Peace ibid. The Protestant Cantons interceed with the French King to remit his Severities towards the Protestants 210. They answer the Letter which was sent to them by the States of the Empire 323. Interceed to the French King for the Waldenses 347. They give an answer to the Protestants Embassy 392. They answer the Emperors Letter 398. The Protestant Cantons differ in their Answer about the War from the Popish ones 399. Their Answer to the Protestants demands 404. Two Protestant Cantons refuse a League with Henry II. King of France 484. Sylvius Aeneas vide P. Pius T. TEcelius John Tetzel a Dominican writes against Luther 's ninety five Theses 2. Teutonick order its institution 99. They subdue Prussia ibid. Thomas of Becket Arch-Bishop of Canterbury 241. Killed by some of King Henry II 's Court ibid. His rich Shrine ibid. Canonized 242. Toledo Don Francisco de Ambassador from the Emperor at the Council of Trent 374. Treats vigorously with the Protestant Ambassadors there 539. Transylvania Vaivod claims the Kingdom of Hungary against Ferdinand 112. Writes about it to the Princes of the Empire ibid. Invites Solyman into Germany 121. Is made King of Hungary by Solyman ibid. Dies 269. His Son is delivered up to Solyman 285. Made Vaivod of Transylvania ibid. Transylvania revolts from Ferdinand 633. Tregerus Conradus disputes with the Preachers of the Reformed Religion at Bern 111. Trent nominated by the Pope to hold a Council 292. Allowed by the Catholick Princes of Germany ibid. Protested against by the Protestants ibid. The Council called 296. It is opened 361. The first Session ibid. The decrees of it 362. The second Session ibid. The third Session 373. The fourth Session with its decrees 377. The French Ambassadors Speech in the Council ibid. It is put off 391. What number of Bishops were there ibid. Decrees made there about Justification 416. The seventh Session 422. The Council is divided and some go to Bononia 425. The Emperors Deputies commanded not to stir thence ibid. The Councilis divided 439. Cardinal of Trent speaks to the Pope about removing the Council 443. The Council meets once more at Trent 513. Sits formally 518. Receives the French King's Letter ibid. The Ceremony of their Sessions 520. The may of making Articles and Canons 521. They decree the business of the Lords Supper 525. They leave some things to be disputed when the Protestants should come to the Council 526. The form of their safe conduct ibid. They answer the French Kings Letter 527. They make decrees about Pennance and Extream Vnction 530. Long debates about a Safe Conduct at Trent 539. They are wonderfully divided 546. Fly from Trent in haste 547. And they prorogue the Council for two Years 548. Treves vide Triers Triers Elector makes a Speech for Francis I. 16. Perswades Luther to yield 46. Very courteously ibid. Richard the Elector makes War with Francis Sicking 56. Not for Religion ibid. Kills several Boors at Wormes 81. After they had thrown down their Arms ibid. Dies 149. The Elector of Triers leaves the Council of Trent 542. Truchses George Head of the Schwabian League 80. Routs the Boors in Schwaben ibid. And at Winsberg 81. Burns the Town ibid. Routs others in Franconia ibid. Makes a Speech to the Protestant Princes in the Emperors Name 134. Turegie vide Oxline Turks vide Solyman their Original 295. They invade Hungary 314. They take Tripoly 518. Their Fleet takes Corsica 591. Their Fleet scours the Coasts of Italy 617. V. VAiod vide Transylvania Valla Laurentius his book censured 28. Vargas Francisco de and Martino Velasco the Emperors Ambassadors protest against the Council at Bononia 446. Venetians make a League with the Emperor against Francis 204. They conclude a Peace with the Turk 252. They publish a Proclamation about Religion against the reformed 468. Venize Gabriel Provincial of the Augustans in Germany vide Leo. Vergerius Peter Paul the Popes Legate at Augsbourg 127. Had orders to manage the business of a Council cautiously 166. Is recalled into Italy by P. Paul III. 174. And sent back with the old Instructions 175. Consults with the Duke of Saxony at Prague 180. Sent to Naples to the Emperor 204. Appointed of the Committee to draw up a Bull for the calling of a Council ibid. His Speech at Wormes 272. Talks with Spira at Padua 475. Turns Protestant 476. Perswades his Diocess of Justinople to joyn with him ibid. Being Persecuted settles in the Valteline 477. And thence removes to Tubing ibid. Writes a Book to disswade the Switzers from sending to the Council of Trent 528. Vey a Lawyer of Baden speaks to Luther from the Commissioners at Wormes 45. Exhorts him to submit his Books to the Emperor and Princes 46. Vienna vide Solyman Visconti Dukes of Milan their Pedigree 203. Ulm receives the Protestant Religion and a Church is constituted there 149. Is reconciled to the Emperor and fined 413. A Diet called thither 428. What was done at it 431. Adjourned to Augsbourg 432. The Government changed by the Emperor 472. Their Divines refuse with great Courage to acknowledge the Doctrine of the Interim ibid. Their Ministers are released 479. Their answer to Albert 's Proposals 563. Ulric Duke of Wirtemberg claims his Country 79. Is repulsed by the Schwabian Confederates 80. Is restored into it by the Landgrave of Hesse 173. Engages to be Feudatary to Ferdinand ibid. And recovers his Country entirely 174. He acknowledges himself Feudatary to Ferdinand 180. Is admitted into the Protestant League 206. Excuses himself by Letter to King Francis 249. He with Vpper Germany first takes Arms 380. Writes Supplicatory Letters to the Emperor 413. Is received upon hard Conditions 415. He makes his Submission to the Emperor in Person at Ulm 421. Receives the Interim 462. Dies 502. Vogelsberg Sebastian raises Men in Germany for Henry King of France 434. Is beheaded at Augsbourg for it 456. W. WAradin George Martinhausen Bishop of made a Cardinal 528. Is killed for Commotions in Transylvania 535. Waldenses Persecuted
make a Speech for the three Estates 51. He opposeth the Progress of the Reformation 57. Procureth the Conference of Poissy 58. Disputes in it 60. Opposeth a National Council 64. Leaves the Court 65. Adviseth Mary Queen of Scots to leave her Jewels in France 66. Treats with the Protestant Princes of Germany 69. He goes to the Council of Trent 88. Visits the Emperor at Inspruck 90. He is ordered to defend the Peace of Orleans 91. He is gain'd over to the Pope's side 94. He goes to Rome ibid. Returns to Trent 96. M. MAns taken by the Protestants 74. Deserted 76. Mary Queen of England raiseth some Religious Houses 11. She joins with King Philip against France 14. Is advertised by him of the Designs of the French upon Calais 18. Makes an unfortunate attempt by her Fleet on France 21. She dies when there was a Parliament sitting 22. Mary Queen Regent of Scotland summoneth a Parliament 36. Breaks her Faith 37. She leaves Edinburg and goes to Dunbar 38. Reproaches the Lords of the Congregation for holding correspondence with the English 40. She is deposed 41. Her Death and Character 42. Mary Queen of Scotland Married to the Dauphine of France 19. Resolves to return into Scotland 65. Arrives there 66. Endeavoureth to restore Popery 67. Refuseth a Petition against it 99. Mary Queen of Hungary dies 36. Marriage of the Clergy why forbidden and continued so 97. Massacre at Vassy 70. Of Sens 74. Mills Walter the last Martyr in Scotland 24. Melancthon Philip dies 50. Minart Anthony a bloody Persecutor 30 31. He is shot dead in the Streets 34. Popish Misrepresentations of the Protestants in France 16 33 34. Montmorancy Constable of France averse to the Spanish War 14. Taken Prisoner in the Battel of St. Quintin 15. Discharged and laboureth for a Peace 22. Designed for ruin by the Guises 46. Procures the laying aside the use of the Arms of England 39. Entereth Orleans 48. He is set against the Reformation and the King of Navar by the Queen 56. Taken in the Battel of Dreux 80. He refuseth to consent to the Liberty of Conscience 84. He takes Havre de Grace 99. Montmorancy Francis Son of the former gives his Father wise advice 56. N. NAples the Kingdom of annexed to the See of Rome 9. Navar Henry King of suspected to be in the Conspiracy of Bloys 43. And in that of Lions 46. He is sollicited to come to the Assembly of the States by his Brother the Cardinal ib. Comes and is consin'd 47. Discharged and advanced ibid. Becomes terrible to the Pope 49. Favoureth the Reformation 56. Very earnest for a National Council 65. He joins with the Popish party 69. Excuseth the Massacre of Vassy 71. Is shot at Roan and dies 77. His Character ibid. The Queen Cited before the Inquisition after his Death 92. A National Council desired in France 45 64. O. O Liver Chancellor of France imployed against the Members of Parliament who were suspected of Heresie 33. Desious of a Reformation and an hater of Bloody Persecutions 43. Obtains a Pardon for the Conspirators of Boyse ibid. He dies weeping for what he had done 44. Orleans an Assembly of the three Estates of France opened there 47 50. Surprized by the Protestants 73. Besieged 82. Ostia besieged and taken 9. Retaken ibid. Otho Henry Duke of Bavaria dies 36. Orange William of Nassaw Prince of Ambassador for Charles V. 6. Being Ambassador in France he learns a Secret 27. P. PAliano Fortified 9. Restored to King Philip 11. A Parliament in England 22. In Scotland 36. Another that setles a Confession of Faith 42. Another which confirms and settles it 66. One held at Edinburg in which Mary Queen of the Scots passed several Acts in favour of the Reformation 99. The Parliament of Paris awed by Henry II. 31. Claims the Right of declaring the King out of his Minority 99. Paul IV. Pope his Temper 7. His War against King Philip 8. He ruins his Relations 26. He refuseth to acknowledg Ferdinand Emperor of Germany 22. And Queen Elizabeth Queen of England 23. Erects many Bishopricks 27. His death and the rage of the People against him 36. Peace made between King Philip and the Pope 11. Proposed between France and Spain 19. That of Passaw confirmed 28. That of Cambray fatal 30. That of Orleans disproved by Coligni 84. And by the Fathers of Trent 91. Perrenot Bishop of Arras 19. A Persecution in France 16. One designed in the Netherlands 27. One in France 30. In Spain 35. In Piedmont 52. In the Netherlands 55. Philbert Duke of Savoy his Marriage 33. Pius IV. Elected 36. Delays the calling of a Council 48. Is at last perswaded to renew that at Trent 62. Despiseth France 86. Afraid of the French Bishops coming to that Council 88. Is promised a victory over the Council 89. Reproached by the King of France 96. Pretends to be free from the Obligation of all Laws ibid. Philip II. King of Spain engaged in a War against Paul IV. 8. And France 9. Leaves the Netherlands 35. He is much commended by Pope Paul IV. 31. Endeavoureth to raise the power of the Bishops and depress the Pope's in the Council of Trent 90. His Severity much commended there 91. He is sollicited to endeavour the Preservation of the Romish Religion in France 61. Poltrot who Assassinated the Duke of Guise an account of him 82. Princes the Pope hath power to depose them and to dispose of their Dominions 62 92. Denied by the King of France 94. Prioli Lawrence Duke of Venice dies and is succeeded by Jerome his Brother 36. Q. QUintin Jean makes a long Apology for the Clergy in the Assembly of the three Estates at Orleance 51. He dies of Grief for the Reflections made on it ibid. St. Quintin besieged 14. Taken 15. R. REligion ought not to be the occasion of Rebellions 50. A Remonstrance of the Protestant Princes of Germany 12. Riga Reformed 57. Rouen or Roan taken by the Protestants 74. Twice besieged and at last taken by the Roman Catholicks 77. Rome prepared for a Siege 8. And might have been taken S. SArdinia the Isle of proffered to the King of Navar 65. Savoy enclined to a Reformation 97. St. Quintin See Quintin Sanfloriano a Cardinal 10. Sectaries never to be suffered 51. But to be severely treated 91. Segni a strong City in the Papacy taken 10. Seldius Vice-Chancellor Ambassador 6. Siena consigned to the Duke of Florence 10. Sigeth a City in Hungary twice besieged 4. Sleidan John his Death and Character 7. Succession in the Clergy 61. A Synod held by the Protestants of France in the time of a violent persecution 31. T. THermes a Marshal of France defeated 20. Thionville taken 10. A Toleration granted to the Protestants of France 68. Transylvania revolts 4. The Treaty of Cambray 22 30. V. VAlence the Bishop of favours the Reformation 45. Valenza taken 9. Vallidolid 35. Vassey a Town in Champaigne 70. Vergerius Paul a Cardinal writes against the Council of Trent 62. Vienne the Archbishop of for a National Council 45. The Vocation or Call of the Ministry 61. Vinoxberg taken 20. W. WAr in Italy 8. Between France and Spain 14. In Piedmont 53. The Reasons of the Scotch War 40. The beginning of the Civil War of France 72. Wentworth Lord Governour of Calais 17. William Prince of Henebery dies 36. Dr. Wotton Ambassador in France 14. At Cambray 39. Z. ZEaland the Province of oppose the Continuance of the Spanish Forces in the Netherlands 48. ERRATA In the History PAge 27. line 20. for Church read Lurch l. 23. r. Lewis XII p. 31. l. 7. r. Tortosa p. 32. l. 41. r. Ambitious as Lucifer himself That he p. 36. l. 38. concerning r. call'd p. 39. l. 47. r. Brindisi p. 43. l. 29. Ensure r. Ensnare p. 45. Work r. Rock p. 46. § 2. l. 1. resum'd r. repeated p. 80. Sturney r. Sturmius as oft as it occurs p. 94. l. 38. our r. your p. 115. l. 36. Cantreck r. Lautrec p. 119. l. 5. Anbald r. Anhalt p. 134. l. 52. r. Vey p. 143. l. 10. convenient r. inconvenient p. 157. l. 14. r. Nordlinghen p. 170. l. 37. 740. r. 728. p. 184. l. 58. r. Mecklenbourgh p. 189. l. 1. r. out of his c. p. 200. l. 63. danger r. hunger p. 206. l. 21. Campodune r. Kempten p. 209. l. 61. first r. fifth p. 215. l. 21. impression upon r. inroad into p. 230. l. 34. r. Pomerania p. 232. l. 36. r. Aleander p. 242. l. 10. r. John the Vaivod p. 264. l. 52. r. did not only c. p. 269. l. 45. r. Budaeus p. 270. l. 24. r. than that that long c. p. 284. l. 26. Indico r. Ynigo l. 45. r. Rene. p. 287. l. 16. Mark r. Work. p. 288. l. 48. Religion r. Provinces p. 289. Compert r. Rampart p. 292. l. 28. r. Vendosme l 29. Nivern r. Nevers p. 293. Concord r. Counsel p. 294. l. 6. r. first place to be c. p. 317. l. 14. edge r. Egge p. 338. l. 38. Ozias r. Uzziah p. 356. l. 40. r. Mentz p. 361. l. 53. Esdras r. Ezrah p. 363. l. 13. slept r. stept p. 443. l. 8. r. Ebbleben p. 435. r. Nevers p. 439. l. 30. implorable r. implacable p. 441. l. 50. severity r. security p. 447. l. 20. r. Vicenza l. 24. r. Morone l. 27. r. Santacruce p. 468. l. 35. Pecord r. Record r. Rifeberg l 48. r. Rochlitz p. 471. would r. should p. 473. l. 11. r. Fano p. 475. l. 28. r. Casa p. 477. l. 19. Gelou r. Gelenius p. 478. l. 50. Fez r. Tunis p. 481. l. 19. r. Matthias Flaccius Hlyricus and as oft as it occurs p. 518. l. 23. r. Vienna p. 519. l. 34. r. Lewis Hutin p. 531. l. 41. with r. of p. 545. l. 60. would r. should p. 554. l. 38. r. Bayonne p. 580. In the Contents l. 4. Albert r. Maurice p. 594. l. 33. r. Blasseburg p. 618. l. 58. r. Barbara In the Continuation PAg. 8. l. 55. Security r. Severity p. 10. l. 18. r. brought together an Army p. 28. l. 15. drought r. draught p. 25. l. 2. 1233. r. 1523. p. 28. r. 600000 Growns p. 56. l. 62. perished r. persisted l. 59. r. from Zurich p. 60. l. 41. thing r. nothing p. 90. l. 11. Annals r. Annates