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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15859 Speculum Christianum or, A Christian suruey for the conscience Containing, three tractates of that eminent, graue, and learned diuine, maister Hierome Zanchius. 1. Of the end of the world. 2. Of the perseuerance of the saints. 3. A summarie abridgement of his protections. Englished for the good of Gods church, and for a warning to wicked and impenitent men. By H.N.; Speculum Christianum. English Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590.; Nelson, Henry, fl. 1614. 1614 (1614) STC 26121A.7; ESTC S111786 125,039 404

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Daniel 2. 7. The case thus standeth The foure Monarchies are described so that one doth succeed another The first is the Monarchy of the Chal●eans and Assyrians the second of the Persians the third of the Graecians the fourth of the Romans Those foure Monarchies beeing ruinated that is three of them vtterly desolate and the fourth as into seuerall parts diuided into seuerall Kingdomes Dan. cap. 7. prophecieth That a little hor●e shall arise amongst those ten other former hornes that is one Kingdome more potent and strong then the rest which shall vtter great things c. And when that Kingdome signified by one horne shall come to a consummate power so that it will thinke it selfe to alter times and lawes then presently shall bee the iudgement and Christ to raigne for euer And this horne which shall arise out of the Roman Empire they interpret to be the Turks Kingdome Thus therefore they gather Three Monarchies are vtterly extirpate the fourth Monarchie also is extinct because it is diuided into diuers parts Now the horne that is the Turkish Empire began to break out about the time of Hera●lius ●or at that time Mahome● began to raigne And this Kingdom of Turkes is now welnigh growne to the greatest height he preuailleth against the Saints and in a maner he doth make account that he hath power to change lawes and times When this shal come to passe then shall come the Ancient of daies Therefore the time is but short vntill the second comming of Christ shall be My answere is this If they vnderstand that lesse time now remaineth then before that is most true If also that which is remaining they shall affirme to be very little in comparison of the eternitie of the Kingdome of Christ this like wise wee will assen● vnto as most certainely true But if they should vnderstand a little remainder of time to be behinde that is that there is yet behinde either a hundred two hundred or three hundred yeares c. I say that nothing can be concluded from these places of Daniel which are diuersly expounded by interpreters For that I may follow the vsuall interpretation first he describeth in the second chapter the foure Monarchies and concerning the Empire of the Romans he prophecieth fiue things first hee setteth out the power thereof That verily as iron it should surprise all other Kingdomes then the di●ision thereof that is to say it should be diuided in it self thirdly the crueltie and fiercenesse thereof that without regard of consanguinitie or alliance it should not respect the bands thereof by reason of crueltie fourthly the variable calamities and ruines that is that it should bee afflicted with sundry Massacres and specially intestine or homebred dissensions and warres Fiftly the continuance thereof that although being diuided into many parts as it were ●wo feete into ten fingers it should be broken in peeces in respect the ●eere w●re of clay yet because the plants thereof were of iron it should endure euen to the second comming of the King of Heauen But after that Daniel had thus disputed of the Romane Empire presently he adioineth a prophecle of the Kingdome of Christ I say That Christ should so dai●ely ruinate all those Kingdomes and he alone should raigne for all eternitie And he prophecieth of the double comming of Christ of 〈◊〉 which was in the flesh with the preaching of the Gospell and of that which shall be in glorie And of the first he saith And in the daies of those Kings the God of Heauen shall set vp a Kingdome which shall 〈◊〉 be demolished He doth not say After the daies of those Kings but in the daies of those Kings c. For the Kingdome of Christ was raised 〈◊〉 vp on the Earth when as yet the Romanes reigned and did gouerne the world and endured almost six hundred yeares the Romanes ●●a●ing rule euen vnto the times of 〈◊〉 us and doth still and shall continue euen to the end of the world Afterward hee saith of the second comming of Christ when hee shal deliuer vp the Kingdome to God his father all enemies being put vnder his feet finally whereas thou ●●dst see that the stone cut out of the mountaine without handes doth breake in peeces Iron Brasse Clay Siluer Gold the great God did intimate to the King what should follow after these thinges Thus the Prophet And thus readeth and expoundeth that most learned man Oecolampadius citing withall Saint Hippolitus who saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The stone which shall quell and crush the Image in peeces is Christ who filleth the Earth comming frō Heauen and bringing iudgement to the world But in this place is put downe no praescription of time from the first vntil the second comming of Christ wherefore out of this prophesie which is in the second Chapter of Daniell nothing can bee concluded concerning the end of the world whether it shall bee from that time within a hundred or two hundred or more yeares Although as others would haue it the more sincere explanation of that place would bee if it should bee vnderstood not so much of the vprising of the person of Christ as of his Kingdome and the progresse thereof throughout the whole world vnto the end therof and of the endlesse continuance of the same for so it is interpreted of Daniel himself in the same Chapter But by this tenor what can then be collected touching the definite time of the end of the world the Kingdome of Christ as it was propagated by the preaching of the Gospel throughout the whole earth so likewise withall did it ouerturne the Empire of Rome that is the fourth Monarchy with the Idolatries thereof as also now the Image of that Monarchy the Kingdome of Autichrist it doth and shall continue to ouerthrow to the end of the world vntill it be totally abolished For it is infallible that the end of the world shall not be before the whole Kingdome of Antichrist be abolished as the Apostle teacheth Thes 2. 2. But who is able to determine of the time when the Kingdome of Antichrist shall totally come to an end Hee that can effect the one may likewise performe the other Besides some there bee who would haue the prophesie of Daniel in no case to bee vnderstood of the second but onely of the first comming of Christ and so also that which in the 7. chapter and therefore this to haue beene the counsell or purpose of God to giue signification to Nabuchadnezar what Kingdomes should succeed and which should be the last of all that is the Kingdome of Christ and that to continue perpetually all others being ruinated But how long it should endure vpon the face of the Earth is not heere debated neither that God intended by Daniel to giue notice vnto vs thereof seeing it was not his pleasure no not by his sonne to reueale it According to this interpretatiō nothing can be dēuised more fondly then out of this praediction of
Daniel to goe about ●o conclude any determination touching the finall end of this world Finally some there be who would so expound the chapters of Daniel as that in no respect they wil haue him speake of the Romane Monarchy but what all others haue interpreted thereof they will haue vnderstood of the Kingdome of the Selucians specially for this reason because the Church of the Iewes was neuermore hardly and extreamly intreated by any other then by that Kingdome before the comming of Christ and most of all by Anti●chus Epipha●es whom they vnderstand by the last horne Dan. 7. And these expositors haue reasons of no small consideration for this their interpretation Read the Annotations of Tre●●elli●s and 〈◊〉 And if we approue this exposition what need haue we to borrow any coniecture from Daniel of the time of the end of the world whereas he had not the least thought of this matter And out of this an answer to the 7. of Daniel is apparant where they would vnder the name of the last horne that the Turkes Empire must be vnderstood For first of all it may be denyed and that not without cause that by that last horne is not signified the Empire of the Turkes For the antient Fathers both Greeke and Latine by that horne vnderstand Antichrist with his Kingdome and here I report the iudgement of the Fathers that he indeed shall come towards the end of the world and that sodainely he shal rise vp among the ten hornes that is ten Kinges but when he shal come that it can not be known of vs therefore that we ought not to preu●t Gods counselin searching out whē thesethings shall come to passe Let vs h●●re St. Hippolitus expounding this place of Daniel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wherfore touching the Leopard the prophet foretold how there should be 4. heads to him that had the dominiō so it came to passe the Kingdome of Alexander was deuided into foure principallities so euen now we must expect how the ten hornes shall come out euen of this same that is the Kingdome 1. Empire of Rome when the time of the beast shall be accomplished And alittle horne which is that Antichrist Shal out of them sodainly appeare and Iustice shal be taken from off the Earth and the whole world shal melt into a consumption VVherefore we must not anticipate the will of God but patiently perseuere and pray that we fall not into those times neither be vnbeleeuing but that these future thinges shall be fulfilled For if those first thinges according to the praedictions of the Prophets were not effected then wee cannot expect these but if they were fulfilled in their due times accoiding to the prophesies accordingly also these thinges shal plenarily come to passe Hierome also doth expound this place of Daniel of Antichrist and he manifesteth what hee meaneth by Antichrist and this saith he is the iudgement of al writers Ecclesiasticall his wordes are these Ergo dicamus c. Therefore let vs affirme that which all Ecclesiastical w●●●ers haue deliuered in the consummation of the world when the Romane Empire is to bee destroyed that there shall bee ten Kinges who shall deuide the Roman world betweene themselues and the eleuenth a little King to arise who shall conquer three Kinges of the ten that is the Kinges of Egipt Africa and Aethiopia as by the processe we will more manifest which being slaine euen seauen other Kinges shal submit their necks vnder this Conqueror And behold saith hee the eyes were as the eyes of a man in the horne least according to the opinion of some wee should repute him either to bee the diuell or some Ghost or els a singular man whom Diabolum vel Doemonem the deuill should possesse bodily and a mouth speaking proud things For he is the man of sinne the sonne of perdition so that hee dare sit in the temple of God making himselfe as God Maister Bullinger a most graue writer doth accord in iudgement with the Fathers touching this interpretation of this horne but yet out of histories demonstrating that Antichrist is come already that the three other hornes are broken downe and that he is increased by the subiection of those others and his kingdome to be inlarged and to haue his seate at Rome But what if we should with Mr. Caluin a most acute and learned interpreter by the name of this horne vnderstand as many indeed of his followers doe Iulius Casar himselfe and others his successors Augustus Tiberius Caligula Claudi●● Ner● and other Casars and the very Empire of these Caesars what if we shall vouch with others by that horne to be signified Antiochus Epiphanes for he did most cruelly of all others aflict the polliticall state of the Iewes and subuert the religion and erect idolatry as is plainely made manifest in the first booke of Macchabees as that wee stand in need of no other interpreter wherein was a true type of Antichrist But what from thence can be gathered touching the end of the world Daniel as yet hath treated nothing of that other comming of Christ seeing he is wholly employed in explaning those Monarchies which are to preuent his first comming The third coniecture is drawne from the time that Anrichrist being reuealed should raigne The Scriptures seeme to deliuer say some that Antichrist shall raigne three yeares and a halfe To this purpose is referred that formerly mentioned time of Daniel a time two times and halfe a time But the place is more perspicuous in Apoc. 11. It is giuen to the nations that is Antichrist and his members and they shalt read downe the Citty 42. Months and 42. Monthes do amount to three yeares and an halfe After this time granted to Antichrist ouer the Saints be run out Iohn teacheth Apoc. 17. that a Lambe shall come who shall kill Antichrist Thus therefore they reason Antichrist being manifested shall practise his tyranny ouer the Saintes three yeares and a halfe and after shall Christ come Those years as they expound are the yeares of Iubelee So that one yeare shall signifie fifty naturall yeares and so three yeares and an halfe shall amount to 175 yeares The Pope is Antichrist and hath hi● now reuealed already about 45. yeares Therefore there remaineth as yet about the Lords second comming vntill a hundred and thirty yeares and soe some certaine time of the end of the world may bee gathered out of the Scriptures I answere that this coniecture is very feeble and infirme For first the name of three years and an halfe the Fathers doe account for naturall yeares and they said that Antichrist should raigne so many naturall years before the comming of Christ wherefore this is a poore collection that they expound it of the yeares of Iubilee Further although I doe not deny the Popes Kingdome to bee the Kingdome of Antichrist for that therein many thinges are defended which diametrically are repugnant to the doctrine of CHRIST and therefore I
accuse God of iniustice that he beblindeth them A summe of the Treatise concerning the Redemption of the Church by Christ and the certaintie of our Praedestination and saluation comprised in twenty nine Positions TERRENE or earthly Hierosoleme was a Type of the Church of Christ and such things as most ordinarily fell out therin were figures of such things as were to come to passe in the Church of Christ 2 Therefore the deliuerance of Hierosoleme accomplished in the time of Esaias whereof Esai 9. was a Type of the Deliuerance of the whole Church to bee made by Christ 3 As in that Terrene Hierusalem there were grieuous darknes that is calamities so most greeuous are the darknesses that is calamities both terrene and spirituall into which partly the Church of God did fall presently after the sin of Adam partly wherewith it is dayly pressed 4 As that Hierusalem by the Angell of the Lord through the great power of God found deliuerance insomuch as that the Prophet saith truely To the people ●alking in darknes hath the light appeared so the Church of God by Christ was in part once deliuered in part dayly more and more is freed from her darknesse the diuine light by degrees dispelling the darknesse thereof vntill in the end which shall bee at the end of the World she● bee deliuered from all aduersities and enemies 5 And although there were more Israelites which were besieged of the enemies then Iewes yet not they but onely these were deliuered so though there bee much more Reprobate then Elect yet the Deliuerance made by Christ did not appertaine to the Reprobate but to the Elect so that the Prophet truely admiring spake thus Thou hast multiplyed the Nation but hast not encreased the ioy 6 For Christ according to the purpose of his Father for the Elect onely that is for those who according to the eternall Election should beleeue in him was borne suffered died and rose againe and Mat 1. Ioh. 17. maketh intercession at the right hand of his Father 7 Moreouer the Redemption of the Church by Christ may be considered after foure sorts First in what respect she is totally redeemed before the Father in that Christ died for her for then were all the Elect truely redeemed and reconciled to God Next in as much as by faith shee is made acquainted and partaker of this Redemption for when as the Elect doe yeeld true faith to the Gospell of reconciliation they are said to be iustified and reconciled to God to wit for that they doe vnderstand receiue and embrace the reconciliation perfected by Christ Thirdly in as much as the Church dayly by the same Christ is deliuered more and more from enemies continually besetting them for that though she be daily oppugned yet neuer for all that through Christs defence is she surprised Lastly in as much as all enemies being vtterly dispoiled and euen death it selfe which the Apostle calleth the last enemie so it shall be delivered from all euils as that it shall neuer after haue any encounter with any kind of enemies 8 Now the principall fruit which springeth vp in the hearts of the faithfull by the redemption apprehended is true and solid spirituall and aeternall reioicing before God of which the Prophet also speaketh They shall reioice before thee as men in haruest 9 For the matter of true ioy is when we perceiue by faith the yoke of Sinne Death the Law Satan the World wherewith wee were oppressed to be broken asunder by Christ 10 For none either by their strength or their merit hath deliuered themselues from the yoke of the seruitude of Sinne Death Satan and the Law but Christ onely hath deliuered vs. Therefore our saluation entirely is to be ascribed vnto Christ alone 11 But though it be Christ himselfe which hath obtained victorie to vs without vs against all enemies yet can we not bee partakers of this victorie but as the true Israelites in the voyage against the Madianites wee carry the light of faith in our hearts and haue the trumpet thereof to wit Confession in our mouth as also it is written Ro. 10. With the heart we beleeue but with the mouth we confesse to saluation 12 Furthermore the cause of mans whole Redemption is double One by which and for which this is Christ the Mediatour and Christs merits The other efficiens primarie and principall that is both the aeternall and constant loue of Vaticinia alia aperta alia velaminibus tecta zanch. GOD towards his Church to wit the Elect as also the zeale of his glorie and honour Of the first the Prophet speaketh To vs a child is giuen to vs a Sonne is borne to beare the rule Of the second hee speaketh The zeale of the Lord of Hostes shall doe this 13 Christ doth beare vppon his shoulders the whole principalitie and burden thereof as the Prophet teacheth saying Whose gouernment is upon his sholders Now the Kingdome of Christ is the Church of the Saints therefore all wee faithfull ones are carried vpon his shoulders And whom Christ hath once taken vp to bee borne vpon his shoulders them hee neuer deiecteth downe from off his shoulders according also vnto that Iohn cap. 17. I haue kept those whom thou hast giuen mee Therefore our saluation is secure in Christ 14 The burdens of the principality or Kingdome of Christ are our sinnes but the gouernment with all his burdens is vpon his shoulders Therefore Christ doth beare the sinnes of all the Elect according to Esay 13. that also of the Prophet God hath put vppon him the iniquities of vs all 15 If the gouernment be vpon his shoulders Christ therefore himselfe Esay 9. doth perpetually protect gouerne his Church 16 If the Church be the Kingdome of Christ therefore the Church in respect of her Prince is a Monarchy and hath Christ only their Monarch And hee is an immortall prince and doth continually gouerne his Monarchy Therefore the Church is neuer nor can be without an Head 17 Hierusalem that is the Church is not only deliuered by Christ but also for Christ and that into two sorts first because for the merits of Christ it is redeemed and deliuered then for Christ as the finall cause because therefore the Church is deliuered that is the Kingdome of Christ is freed from the handes of the enemies and daily more and more inlarged that he alone at last himselfe together with the Father may enioy it in Heauen according to that also of the Apostle 1 Cor. 15. Then shall he giue vp the Kingdome of God againe to his father as wee also on the other side shall enioy God and our Prince Christ 18 The fountaine and originall of our saluation is the eternall and constant Loue of God to-vs-ward aeternall for that he hath loued vs to life aeternall not in time but from aeternity before we were borne constant for that whom once hee hath imbraced with that his eternal loue he holdeth on