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A81249 The quarrell of the covenant, with the pacification of the quarrell. Delivered in three sermons on Levit. 26. 25. and Jere. 50. 5. / By Thomas Case, preacher of the Word in Milk-street, London; and one of the Assembly of Divines. Case, Thomas, 1598-1682. 1643 (1643) Wing C838; Thomason E78_4; ESTC R832 84,281 116

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Ahab when demanded to yeeld up his Vineyard to his Majesty God forbid that I should give the Inheritance of my father 〈…〉 These be the Out-works of Religion the Lines of Communication as I may so say for the defence of this City which the Prelats well knew and therefore you see it was their great designe first by Poli●y to have surprised and when that would not do then by main strength of Battell to storme these Out-works Well knowing That if they once had won these they should quickly be Masters also of the holy City Religion it self and done what they listed And therefore the securing of these must of necessity be taken into the same Councels and Covenant with Religion it self This premised in generall Particular Objections or Seruples 1. Ignorance in them that take this Covenant of the ●ights and Priviviledges of Parlilament we shall easily and a pace satisfie the particular Scruples and Quaeries as I go 1 Scrupl The most part that swear this Covenant are in a great degree if not totally ignorant what the Rights and Priviledges of the Parliament and the Liberties of the Kingdomes are and how can they then swear to maintain they know not what Answ 1. By the same argument no man or very few might lawfully swear to maintain the Kings Prerogatives in the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy nor the King himselfe swear to maintain the Liberties of the Subject as he doth in his Oath at his Coronation Answ 1 2. But there is hardly any person so ignorant but knowes there are Priviledges belonging to the Parliaments and Liberties belonging to the subject 3. And that it is the duty of every Subject according to his place and power to maintain these So that in taking of this Covenant we swear to do no more then our Duty bindes us to in which there is no danger though we do not in every point know how farre that duty extends in every branch and severall thereof 4. In swearing to do my duty whether to God or man if The ignorant of many particulars I oblige my self to these two things 1. To use the best means to inform my self of the particulars 2. To conform my self to what I am informed to be my duty Which yet in the case in hand doth admit of a further latitude namely That which lies in the very word and letter of this Article as in most of the rest In our severall Vocations which doth not binde every one to the same degree of knowledge nor the same way of preservation As for example I do not conceive every Magistrate is bound to know so much no nor to endeavour to know so much as Parliament-men nor every member of Parliament so much as Judges nor Ministers so much as the Lawyers nor ordinary people so much as Ministers nor servants so much as Masters nor all to preserve them the same way Parliament-men by demanding them Lawyers by pleading Judges by giving the sense and minde of the Law Misters by Preaching Magistrates by defending people by assisting praying yeelding obedience c. All if the exigencies arise so high and the State call for it by engaging their estates and lives in case they be invaded by an unlawfull power And in case of ignorance the thing we binde our selves to is this That if at any time any particular shall be in question What the Parliament shall make appear to be their right or the liberty of the Subject we promise to contribute such assistance for the preservation or reparation thereof as the nature of the thing and wisdome of the State shall call for at our hands in our severall places Obj. 2 2 Scruple But some are offended while they conceive in the same Article The Kings Person and a●t●ority in the p●eservation of Religion c. That the Clause wherein we swear the preservation and defence of the Kings person and Authority doth he under some restraint by that limitation In the preservation and defence of the true Religion and the Liberties of the Kingdom To which we reply Answ 1. It maintains him as far as he is a King He may be a man but sure no King without the lists and verge of Religion and Laws it being Religion and Laws that make him a King 2. See his Maiesties Declarations It maintains his person and estate as far as his Majestie himself doth desire and expect to be defended for sure his Justice cannot desire to be defended against but in the preservation of Religion and Laws and his wisedom cannot expect it since he cannot believe that they will make conscience of defen●i●g his person who make no conscience of preserving Religion and the Laws I mean when the ruine of his person and authority may advance their own cursed designes They that for their own ends will defend his person and Authority against Religion and Liberties of the Kingdome will with the same conscience defend their owne ends against his person and authority when they have power in their hands The Lord deliver his Majesty from such defenders By what Names or Titl●s soever they be called 3. Who doubts but that Religion and Laws wherein the Rights and Liberties of Kingdoms are bound up are the best security of the persons and authority of Kings and Governours And the while Kings will defend these these will defend Kings It being impossible that Princes should suffer violence or indignity while they are within the Munition of Religion and Laws or if the Prince suffer these must of necessity suffer with him 4. I make a question Whether this limitation lie any more upon the defence of the Kings person and authority then it doth upon the Rights and Privil●dges of Parliaments and the Liberties of the Kingdom since there is no point or stop in the Article to appropriate it more to the defence of the Kings Person and Authority th●n to the preservation of the Rights and Priviledges ledges of the Parliaments and the Liberties of the Kingdomes 5. And lastly This Clause is not to be understood exclusive as excluding all other Cases wherein the Kingdoms stand bound to preserve his Majesties Person and Authority but onely pro subjecta materià as expressing that case wherein the safety of his Person and Authority doth most highly concern both King and Kingdoms especially at such a time as this is when both are so furiously and implaceably encountred by a malignant Army of desperate parricides Papists and their Prelaticall party These Objections answered and Difficulties removed we proceed to the examining of the rest of the particulars in the following Articles The discovery of incondiaries or malignants that have been or shall be To which the fourth Article bindes us Fourth Article Discovery of Incendiaries and Malignants Doth it not lie also in a necessary tendency to the securing and preserving of this Covenant inviolable with the Most High God in point of Reformation For can we hope a thorow
Reformation according to the minde of Christ if opposers of Reformation may escape scot-free undiscovered and unpunisht or can we indeed love or promote a Reformation and in the mean time countenance or conceal the enemies of it This is cleer yet it wants not a scruple and that peradventure which may trouble a sincere heart Object It is this Having once taken this Oath This Oath will binde us to discover children or parents or husbands wives c. if we hear a friend or brother yea perhaps a Father an Husband or a Wife let fall a word of dislike of the Parliament or Assemblies proceedings in either Kingdom or that discovers an other judgement or opinion or a word of passion unadvisedly uttered and do not presently discover and complain of it we pull upon our selves the guilt or danger of perjury which will be a mighty snare to thousands of well affected people To which I answer Answ 1. The objection layes the case much more narrow then the words of the Article which distinguisheth the Incendiary or Malignant which is to be discovered by a threefold Character or note of Malignity First Hindering the Reformation of Religion Secondly Dividing the King from his people or one Kingdom from 〈…〉 Thirdly Making any faction or parties amongst the People contrary to the L●●●ue and Covenant Now every dislike of some passage in Parliament or Assemblies proceedings every distent in judgement and opinion every rash word or censure that may possibly be let fall through passion and inadvertency will not amount to so high a degree of Malignity as is here exprest nor consequently bring one within the compasse of this Oath and Covenant A suitable and seasonable Caution or conviction may suffice in such a case 2. But suppose the Malignity do arise to that height here exprest in any of the Branches thereof I do not conceive the first work this Oath of God binds us to is to make a judiciall discovery thereof while without all controversie our Saviours * Matth. 18. Rul● of dealing with our Brethren in cases of offence is not here excluded which is 1. Vers 15. To see what personall admonition will do which toward a Superiour as Husband Parent Master or the like must be managed with all Wisedom and Reverence if they hear us we have made a good dayes work of it We have gained our br●ther if not then the Rule directs us yet 2 In the second place to take with us two or three more if they do the deed thou in yest sit down with peace and thankfulnesse if not 3. If after all this the party shall persist in destructive practises to hinder Reformation to divide the King from his People or one Kingdom from another or lastly to make factions or parties among the people be it the man of thine own House the Husband of thy youth the Wife of thy bosome the Son of thy loynes c. L●vi must know neither Father nor Mother private Relations must give way to publike safety thou must with all faithfulnesse endeavour the discovery thine eye must not pity nor spare D●ut 1 6 7 8. It is a case long since stated by God himself and when complaint is made to any person in Authorite the Plantiff is discharged and the matter rests upon the hands of Authority Provided notwithstanding that there be in the use of all the former means that latitude allowed which the Apostle gives in case of Heresie sc A first and second Admonition Ti● 3.13 This course not only the Rule of our Saviour in generall but the very words of the Covenant it self doth allow for though the clause be placed in the sixth Article yet it hath reference to all viz. What we are not able our selves to suppresse or overcome we shall reveal and make known So that if the Malignity fall within our own or our friends ability to conquer we have discharged our duty to God and the Kingdoms and may sit down with comfort in our bosomes That which remains in the other two Articles I cannot see how it affords any occasion of an objection and the reference and tendency it hath to the Reformation and preservation of Religion is easie and cleer to any eye that is not wilfully blinde The preservation of Peace between the two Kingdoms Fifth Article The preserv●tion between the Kingdoms in the fifth Article being the pillar of Religion for how can Religion and Reformation stand if any blinde Malignant Sampson be suffered to pull down the pillars of Peace and Vnion Besides it was a branch of that very Covenant in the Text as well as of that in our hands The Children of Israel and Judah which had a long time been disunited and in that disunion had many bloody and mortall skirmishes and battles now at length by the good hand of God upon them taking counsell to joyn themselves first one to another and then both unto God First Let us joyn our selves and then to the Lord in a perpetuall Covenant Surely not onely this Copy in the Text but the Wormwood and the Gall of our civill combustions and warres which our souls may have in remembrance to our dying day and be humbled within us may powerfully perswade us to a cheerfull engagement of our selves for the preservation of a firm peace and union between the Kingdoms to all posterity And lastly as Peace is the pillar of Religion Article sixth Mutuall assistance so mutuall assistance and defence of all those that enter into this League and Covenant in the maintaining and pursuance thereof mentioned in that sixth and last Article is the Pillar of that Peace Divide impera Desert one another and we expose our selves to the Lusts of our enemies And who can object against the securing of our selves Indifferency and Neutralitie and the state against a detestable indifferency or neutrality but they must ipso facte proclaim to all the world that they intend before hand to turn Neutralls or Apostates To conclude therefore having thus examined the severall Articles of this Covenant and the materiall Clauses in those Articles and finding them to be if not of the same nature yet of the same designe with the preface and conclusion the one whereof as I told you at the entrance obligeth us to the Reformation of Religion the other of our Lives as serving to the immediate and necessary support and perfecting of these blessed and glorious ends and purposes I shall need to Apologize no further in the vindicating and asserting of this Covenant before us could we be so happy as to bring hearts suitable to this service could we set up such ayms and ends as the Covenant holds forth The glory of God The good of the Kingdoms and Honour of the King to which this Covenant and every severall thereof doth humbly prostrate it self Article sixth would all conspire to make us and our posterity aftter us an happy and glorious
Apostacies and black-flidings calling one upon another and ecchoing back one to another Come let us joyn our selves to the Lord in a perpetuall Covenant that may not be forgotten You see by this time I have changed my Text though not my project to which purpose I shall remember that in the handling of these words I must not manage my discourse as if I were to make a new entire Sermon upon the Text but onely to improve the happy advantages it holds forth for the pursuite and driving on of my present Vse of Exhortation Come let us joyn c. To this end therefore from these words I will propound and endeavour to satisfie these three Quaeres 1. What 2. Why 3. How 1. What the duty is to which they mutually stirre up one another 2. Why or upon what considerations 3. How or in what manner this service is to be performed And in all these you shall see what proportion the Text holds with the Times The duty in our Text with the duty in our Hands pressing them on still in an Exhortatory way For the first sc What the duty is Answ You see that in the Text is to joyn themselves to the Lord by a solemn Covenant and so is that which we have now in our hands to joyn our selves to the Lord by a Covenant how farre they correspond will appear in the sequell This is the first and main End of a Covenant between God and his People as I have shewed you To joyn themselves to the Lord. The sons of the stranger that joyn themselves to the Lord Isa 56.6 c. And take held of his Covenant This I say is the first and main end of the Covenant in the Text The second is subordinate unto it namely to Enquire th● way to Sion i. e. To inquire the way and manner how God would be worshipt that they might dish●nour and prevoke him no more by their Idolatries and Superstitions which had been brought in upon the Ordinances of God by the means of Apostate Kings and Priests and Prophets as in Jeroboams and Ahabs reigns c. And for which they had been carryed into Captivity And such is the Covenant that lies before us in the first place as I say to joyn our selves to the Lord to be knit unsepaparably unto him that he may be our God and we may be his People And in the next place as subservient hereunto to ask the way to Sion to enquire and search by all holy means sanctified to that purpose what is that pure way of Gospel worship That we and ou● children after us may worship the God of spirits the ●●od of truth in spirit and in truth in spirit Joh 4. ●3 opposed to car●all w●y●s of will-worship and inventions of men and in truth opposed to false hypocriticall shews and pretences since the Father seeks for such to worship him Now That this is the main scope and aym of this Covenant before us will appear if you read and ponder it with due considerations I will therefore read it to you distinctly this Evening besides the reading of it again to morrow when you come to take it and when I have read it I will answer the main and most materiall objections which seem to make it inconsist●nt with these blessed ends and purposes Attend diligently while I read it to you The Covenant WE Noblemen ●his Co 〈…〉 it 〈◊〉 ha●d to c●m 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 several pafa●●s of the C●●●nant to which 〈…〉 Barons Knights Gentlemen Citizens Burgesses Ministers of the Gospel and Commons of all sorts in the Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland by the Providence of God living under one King and being of one Reformed Religion having before our eyes the glory of God and the advancement of the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the honour and happinesse of the Kings Majesty and His Posterity and the true publique Liberty Safety and Peace of the Kingdoms wherein every ones private condition is included and calling to minde the treacherous and bloody Plots Conspiracies Attempts and Practices of the Enemies of God against the true Religion and professors thereof in all places especially in these three Kingdoms ever since the Reformation of Religion and how much their rage power and presumption are of late and at this time increased and exercised whereof the deplorable state of the Church and Kingdom of Ireland the distressed estate of the Church and Kingdom of England and the dangerous estate of the Church and Kingdom of Scotland are present and publike Testimonies We have now at last after other means of Supplication Remonstrance Protestations and Sufferings for the preservation of our selves and our Religion from utter Ruine and Destruction according to the commendable practice of these Kingdoms in former times and the Example of Gods People in other Nations after mature deliberation resolved and determined to enter into a mutuall and solemn League and Covenant wherein we all subscribe and each one of us for himself with our hands lifted up to the most high God do swear I. THat we shall sincerely really and constantly through the Grace of God endeavour in our severall places and callings the preservation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland in Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government against our common Enemies the Reformation of Religion in the Kingdoms of England and Ireland in Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government according to the Word of God and the Example of the best Reformed Churches And shall indeavour to bring the Churches of God in the three Kingdoms to the neerest Conjunction and Uniformity in Religion Confession of Faith Form of Church-Government Directory for Worship and Catechizing That we and our Posterity after us may as Brethren live in Faith and Love and the Lord may delight to dwell in the middest of us II. That we shall in like manner without respect of persons indeavour the Extirpation of Poperty Prelacy that is Church-Government by Arch-Bishops Bishops their Chancellors and Commissaries Deans Deans and Chapters Archdeacons and all other Ecclesiasticall Officers depending on that Hierarchy Superstition Heresie Schisme Prophanenesse and whatsoever shall be found to be contrary to sound Doctrine and the power of Godlinesse least we partake in other mens sins and thereby be in danger to receive of their plagues and that the Lord may be one and his Name one in the three Kingdoms III. We shall with the same sincerity reallity and constancy in our severall Vocations endeavour with our estates and lives mutually to preserve the Rights and Priviledges of the Parliaments and the Liberties of the Kingdoms and to preserve and defend the Kings Majesties person and authority in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdoms that the world may bear witnesse with our Consciences of our Loyalty and that we have no thoughts or intentions to diminish His Majesties just power and greatnesse IV. We shall
also with all faithfulnesse endeavour the discovery of all such as have been or shall be Incendiaries Malignants or evill Instruments by hindering the Reformation of Religion dividing the King from his People or one of the Kingdoms from another or making any Faction or parties amongst the people contrary to this League and Covenant that they may be brought to publike tryall and receive condign punishment as the degree of their offences shall require or deserve or others having power from them for that effect shall judge convenient V. And whereas the happinesse of a blessed Peace between these Kingdoms denyed in former times to ou● Progenitors is by the good Providence of God granted unto us and hath been lately concluded and setled by both Parliaments we shall each one of us according to our place and interest indeavour that they remain conjoyned in a firm Peace and Union to all Posterity And that Justice may be done upon the wilfull Opposers therof in manner expressed in the precedent Article VI. We shall also according to our places and callings in this common cause of Religion Liberty and Peace of the Kingdoms assist and defend all those that enter into this League and Covenant in the maintaining and pursuing thereof and shall not suffer our selves directly or indirectly by whatsoever combination perswasion or terrour to be divided and withdrawn from this blessed Union and Conjunction whether to make defection to the contrary part or to give our selves to a detestable indifferency or neutrality in this cause which so much concerneth the glory of God the good of the Kingdoms and honour of the King but shall all the dayes of our lives zealoufly and constantly continue therein against all opposition and promote the same according to our power against all Lets and Impediments whatsoever and what we are not able our selves to suppresse or overcome we shall reveal and make known that it may be timely prevented or removed All which we shall do as in the sight of God And because these Kingdoms are guilty of many sins and provocations against God and his Son Jesus Christ as is too manifest by our present distresses and dangers the fruits thereof we professe and declare before God and the world our unfained desire to be humbled for our own sins and for the sins of these Kingdoms especially That we have not as we ought valued the inestimable benefit of the Gospel that we have not laboured for the purity and power thereof and that we have not endeavoured to receive Christ in our hearts nor to walk worthy o● him in our lives which are the causes of other sins and transgressions so much abounding amongst us And our true and unfained purpose desire and endeavour for our selves and all others under our power and charge both in publike and in private in all duties we owe to God and man to amend our lives and each one to go before another in the example of a reall Reformation that the Lord may turn away his wrath and heavy indignation and establish these Churches and Kingdoms in truth and peace And this Covenant we make in the presence of Almighty God the searcher of all hearts with a true intention to perform the same as we shall answer at that great day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed Most humbly beseeching the Lord to strengthen us by his holy Spirit for this end and to blesse our desires and proceedings with such successe as may be deliverance and safety to his people and encouragement to other Christian Churches groaning under or in danger of the yoak of Antichristian Tyranny to joyn in the same or like Association and Covenant to the glory of God the enlargement of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the peace and Tranquility of Christian Kingdoms and Common wealths THis Brethren is the Covenant before us to which God and his Parliament do invite us this day wherein the Ends propounded lye fair to every impartiall eye The first Article in this Covenant binding us to the Reform●tion of Religion and the ●●st Article to the Reformation of our Lives In both we joyn our sil●s to the Lord and swear to ask and receive from his Lips the Law of this Reformation Read them else again and consider And trudy this is a why as well as a what that I may a little prevent my self A ●otive of the first Magnitude Oh for a People or Person to be joy●● unto the Lord to be made one with the most high God of Heaven and Earth before whom and to whom we swear is a priviledge of unspeakable worth and excellency Se●meth it said David once to Sauls servants a small thing to your eyes to be son in law to a King seeing I am a poor man 1 Sam 18.23 Seemeth it may I say a small thing to you for poor creatures to be joyned and married as it were to the great GOD the living God who are so much worse then nothing by how much sin is worse then vanity yea to be one with him as Christ saith in that heavenly Prayer of his John 1● 21 22 23. As he and his Father is one That they may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one with us And again That they may be one even as we are one Yea perfect in one not indeed in the perfection of that unitie but in unitie of that perfection not made perfect in a perfection of equality but of conformity This is the fruit of a right managed Covenant and the greatest honour that poor mortality is capable of Moses stands admiring of it Deut 32.33 You may read the place at your leisure But against this blessed Service and Trueth are there mustered and led up an whole Regiment of O●j●ctions under the conduct of the father of lies though some of them may seem to have some shadow of truth and therefore so much the more carefully to be examined I shall deal onely with some of the chief Commanders of them if they be conquered the rest will vanish of their own accord Objections propounded and answered Obj. 1 Object 1. If this were the end of this service yet it were needlesse since we have done it over and over again It is needlesse in our former Protestations and Covenants and so this repetition may seem to be a prophanation of so holy an Ordinance by making of it so ordinary and nothing else but a taking of Gods name in vaine To this I answer Answ 1. It cannot be done too oft if it be done according to the Law and Order of so solemn an Ordinance 2. The people in the Text might have made the same Objection it lay as strong against the work to which they encourage one another For surely this was not the first time they engaged themselves to God by way of Covenant but having broken their former Covenants they thought it their priviledge and not
procuring of such a Peace as might render both King and Parliament Church and State truely happy and glorious which is the Cordinall desire wherewith every good Christian and Loyall Subject doth travell that wisheth and studies the recovery and preservation of these three Kingdoms what further security this Sacred Covenant may adde believe and waite There is another Accommodation which may do as much mischief and is the more dangerous by how much more it is secret which it concerns thee with all care and diligence to prevent and that is an Accommodation with base sinfull Lusts which fight against thy soul and the Kingdoms safety How low they have brought the Kingdom is too apparent to every eye what they have done to thy soul is best known to God and thine own Conscience God calls not onely upon Parliament and Assembly but upon Familes and Persons for a Through-Reformation If thou compound thou destroyest thy self and three Kingdoms One sinner destroyes much good Eccle. 9.18 This Covenant conscienciously made and kept will prevent this evill For thy encouragement and direction wherein these three Sermons are prest The first discovering the great Quarrell of Covenant-violation either in refusing prophaning or breaking thereof The second answering according to my Model such Objections against the taking of this Covenant as I met withall and laying down some encouragements and engagements to the taking of it The third holding forth such directions as may serve for thy help so to make and so minde thy Covenant as thou mayest do it both to Acceptation and Perpetuity If God please to adde his blessing neither I in publishing nor thou in reading shall have cause to be ashamed of our pains If God be dallied withall in this Covenant I tremble to think what will become of us It is the strongest Physick that ever the Kingdom took and I am almost confident That as in the publike State it will either put a period to our distempers or to our Being so in thy personall condition It will either blast thy Lusts or slay thy Soul My Reason is Because God is engaged If we be found conscientious of this Covenant he is engaged to us against our enemies without and our Lusts within and they shall not be able to stand upon us If after so solemn an Obligation we shall be found to mock God we have engaged him against us and adde the Almighty to the number of our enemies a swift and a powerfull Witnesse and Avenger of our perfidiousnesse Nor will Refusall of this Covenant help us when God shall come to interpret It will be found I fear in most but a depart from us And when God shall answer the daring sinner in his own language woe to the poer wretch that ever he was born I have therefore three humble Requests to make First To our truely Honourable and worthily Honoured Senators That in the Wisedom and Zeal of good King Hezekiah 2 Chro. 30.1 in a concernment of the like nature They would be pleased with their Commands for the taking of the Covenant To send forth also such timely Laws and Directions into the Kingdom as may prepare the people and fence this holy Ordinance from that contempt and prophanation which will otherwise be unavoideably cast upon it The second is to my Brethren in the Ministry That to the same end they with the good Priests and Levites in Hezekiahs time would be active and diligent to put in execution those Directions and Ordinances and to do what else may be found in their severall places advantagious to the sanctifying of their people for so holy a service lest if they sin through their neglect they translate the peoples guilt upon their own heads Yea I could wish That all the faithfull Ministers of Christ through the Kingdom as they are the Lords Remembrancers to the people and the peoples Remembrancers to God would frequently in their Sermons minde people of the Vow of God that lies upon their souls and in their prayers make frequent mentions of it to God with holy Davids holy jealousie and compassion over his people in the day of their willing and liberall contributions to the House of God O Lord God of Abraham Isaac and of Israel our Fathers keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people Or●stab●●th and prepare their heart unto thee 1 Chro. 29.18 That so the memory of so solemn and sacred an engagement may not die off from the heart of the Kingdom for ever L●stly To every soul that shall enter into this holy League and Covenant my request is That they would look about them Life and death is before them if we break with God now we have just cause to fear God will stand to Covenant no more with us but will ave●ge the Quarrell with our utter destruction if we be sincere and fa●●●full t●●s Covenant will be a foundation of much Peace Joy Glory and Security to us and our seed to the coming of Christ which that it may be shall be the earnest Prayer of him who is Thy servant for Jesus sake Tho. Case The first Sermon Preached at Laurence Church on the Fast-day Septem 27. 1643. Leviticus 26.25 And I will bring a sword upon you that shall avenge the quarrell of my Covenant THis Chapter contains a gradation of sins and a gradation of punishments higher degrees of plagues threatning to overtake higher degrees of Sin And if you will not yet for all this hearken unto me then will I punish you seven times more for your sins four times repeated over in this Chapter The words read they are the top or rather the sum of both 〈◊〉 violation the top or sum of all the evils of sin mentioned in this Chapter and the sword with it's concomitants the top or sum of all the evils of punishment threatned And so you have the division of the words before I thought of it scil The peoples sins Gods judgements Their sin the abuse and violation of Covenant Gods Judgement the Sword c. In the one they walk contrary to God in the other God walks contrary to them From whence observe Doct. Covenant violation is matter of a high Quarrell between God and a people which God threatens to avenge with the sword You see there are two Branches in this Doctrine I. Covenant abuse is matter of an high Quarrell between God and a people II. God threatens to avenge this Quarrell with the Sword 1. For the first That Covenant-violation is matter of high Quarrell between God and a people Quarrell you finde in the Text and high you finde it in the s●ituation of the Text This standing as I shewed you at a top of the gradation of the sins here specified or being the summa totalis of them all Abuse of Covenant It is this first Branch I shall chiefly pursue The second I shall but touch upon as time and occasion will serve In the managing therefore
a monstrous nature namely perjury which is a blasphemy against the Truth of God and against the God of Truth while His Sacred Name is sworne by and himself cald in to witnesse to a Lye and so that sin or sins which in reference to the Law of God is disobedience in reference to love of God inviting pardoning healing is rebellion in reference to our promise is treachery is now at last in reference to the Oath aggravated into perjury and blasphemy This is much but this is not all Reason 4 Consider the Parties entring this Oath and you will finde a fourth and yet a strong ground and reason The parties swearing why Covenant-violation is so high a quarrell The parties striking this Covenant which are God and his People and this doth exceedingly aggravate the sin since by how much the parties interested in the Covenant are more high and honourable by so much the more solemne and venerable is a Covenant esteemed So Covenants entred into between Kings and Kings and between Kingdoms Kingdoms are accounted more solemn and sacred then those that are past between private persons What is it then think ye when a Kingdom yea Kingdoms on one side and the great Almighty God on the other side swear mutually one to another And the more Sacred the Covenant the more prophane the Violation Oh for a People to swear not onely By God but to God and yet dally or prevaricate this must needs be a mockery of an high provocation If God so threaten the breach of Oaths wherein he was but witnesse how impatient will he be of those forseitures wherein he is both Witnesse and Partie A People or Person swearing By God to God Reas 5 And yet once more consider the End of a Covenant between God and a People 1 1. End of a Covenant and you will see more matter of provocation in the prophanation of it Now the end is twofold Primarie or Essentiall Secondarie or Consequentiall The Primarie or Essentiall End is to knita sure indissoluble knot Jer 50.5 between God and his people Come let us joyn our selves to the Lord in a perpetuall Covenant c. Let us joyn A Covenant is the joyning Ordinance the Marriage knot as it were wherein God and a People are made one for as in Marriage 1 Cor 6.16 17. two saith he shall be one flesh so in a Covenant he that is joyned to the Lord is one spirit Those be high and glorious expressions which our Saviour useth in that heavenly Prayer John 17.21 22 23. That they may be all one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us That the world may know that thou hast sent me And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them That they may be one even as we are one I in thee and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one All one and one in us and one as we are one and made perfect in one These be expressions and priviledges of unspeakable worth and excellency and these are the fruits of a Covenant rightly struck between God and a People when both sides do it with all their heart and with all their soul as God himself renders it more then once or twice in Scripture I will be their God and they shall be my People Jere. ●4 7 c. 31 33. c. 30.22 c. 32.38 i. e. I will be to them what they can expect from a God and they shall be to me what I expect from a People All I am and have shall be for their good And all they are or have shall be for my glory and so the Spouse triumphs Cant. 2.15 chap. 6.3 I am my Beloveds and my Beloved is mine This is the first and main end of a Covenant 2 2. End And the second is like unto it which is to put an end to all strife Heb. 6.16 An Oath for confirmation is an end of all strife i. e. If here be any doubts or haesitations or diffidence on either side an Oath by the swearing party is or should be the removeall of that doubt or distrust whatsoever It should I say be so managed and entertained as that it should put the matter out of question to make all sure Whether it be in matters of fact de praeterito for the time past or engagements de futuro for the time to come so it is between God and man Man swears to God to secure God as it were that there shall ●e no more tergiversations or treacherous dealings as in times past Let us joyn in a perpetuall Covenant that shall never be forgotten q. d. Other Covenants have been forgotten this shall never we will backslide no more break Covenant no more or rather a People or Person swear to God to secure themselves against themselves to prevent and shut the dore against all future sollicitations importunities and Temptations whatsoever That when any of their old Lovers should come and bespeck their affections they may be able to put them all by that there might be no possibility of yeelding or hearkning to the voyce of this Charmer charm he never so wisely while the soul may answer them all as sometime Jepthah did his daughter though with more warrant and lesse trouble of minde Judg. 11.35 I have opened my mouth to the Lord and I cannot go back And with David Psal 119.106 I have sworn and will performe it I will be as good as my word though I die for it That I will keep thy righteous judgements And again Thy vows are upon me O God I will render praise unto thee I am not mine own to dispose of I have given my heart and my loves and my self unto another and I do not repent of what I have done if it were to do again I would do it and were I worth a thousand times more then I am he to whom I have sworn should have it all And so on the other side God swears to his People That ●s I may so say he may leave himself no possibility of recanting or recalling his word Heb. 6.13 Vers 16. if he had a minde to it The Ap●stles expression hints such a kinde of supposition God when he could swear by no greater swore by himself Why That by two immutable things sc His Word and his Oath in which it was impossible for God to lye Impossible for him to lye A very strange expression As if God would lock up himself under an Oath from all possibility of lying or recalling the word out of his mouth he would not trust himselfe as if the Apostle should say with making a bare promise but claps an oath upon it also that so if be would yet he could not go back This seems to be implyed in this expression out the truth is though we need such bolts and locks to keep us from starting God doth not he hath as much and more mind to
sworn to preserve the Laws and therefore to swear to indeavour the extirpation of Prelacy which is establisht by Law is to contradict their own Oath and run the hazard of perjury It is easie for any one to observe and answer Answ 1. That by the same Argument neither may King and Parliament together change or annull a Law though found destructive to the good of the Kingdoms since His Majesty as well as His Subjects is bound up under the same Oath at His Coronation 2. But again There is a vast difference between the Members of Parliament simply considered in their private Capacities wherein they may be supposed to take an Oath to maintain the Laws of the Land and that publike capacitie of a Parliament whereby they are Judges of those Laws and may as I said before endeavour the removeall of such as are found pernicious to the Church or State and make such as will advantage the welfare of other His Majesty being bound by His Coronation-Oath to confirm these Laws Quas vulgus elegerit which the Commons shall agree upon and present unto His Majesty Object Object I but it seems this objection lies full and strong upon them that stand in their single paivate stations Answ I answer That if there be any such Oath which yet I have neither seen nor heard of unlesse the objection mean that clause in the late Parliament Protestation wherein we vow and protest to maintain and defend the lawfull Rights and Liberties of the Subject Surely Neither in that nor this do we swear against a lawfull endeavour to get any such Laws or Clause of the Law repealed and abolisht which is found a wrong rather then a right and the bondage rather then the Liberty of the Subject as Prelacy was Had we indeed taken the Bishops Oath or the like never to have given our consent to have the Government by Episcopacy with its endlesse c. Changed or altered we had brought our selves into a woefull snare but blessed be God T●●t snare is broken and we are escaped while in the mean time without all dou●t the subject may as lawfully use all lawfull means to get that Law removed which yet he hath promised or sworne to obey while it remains when it proves prejudiciall to the pu●like safety and welfare as a poor captive that hath peradventure sworne obedience to the Turk while he remains in his possession may notwithstanding use all fair endeavours for an escape or ransome or a prentice that is bound to obey his Master yet when he finds his service turned into a bondage use lawfull means to obtain his freedom 3. But once more to answer both all objections it is worth your enquiry Whither the Plea of a Legall establishment of this Prelacy sworn against in this Covenant be not rather a tradition then any certain or confessed Truth Sure I am we have it from the hands of persons of worth and honour the a● l●st Secretaries of Laws and Antiquities in our Kingdom that there is no such Law or Statute to be found upon the file among our Records Which assertion if it cannot finde faith we will once more joyn issue with the Patrons or followers of this Prelacy upon this point That when they produce that Law or Statute which doth enact and establish Prelacy as it is here brancht in the Article we will then give them a fuller answer or yeeld the question To conclude therefore since this Prelacy in the Article t●●is many headed Monster of Archbishops Bishops their Chan●●●rs and Commissaries Deans Deans and Chapters Arch-D●●●ons and all other Beel s●●●licall Officers depending on that Hierar●●y is the Beast wherewith we fight in this Covenant which hath been found so distructive to Church and State Let us not fear to take this Sword of the Covenant of God into our hands and say to this Enemy of Christ as Samuel said once to Agag at what time he said within himself Surely the bitternesse of death is past As thy sword hath made women childl●sse 1 Sam. 15 so shall thy mother be childlesse among women So hath Prelacy flattered it self finding such a party to stand up on it side among the rotten Lords and Commons the debauched Gentry and abused people of the Kingdom Surely the bitternesse of death is past I sit as a Queen and shall not know Widdow-hood or l●sse of children In the midst of this security and pride the infallible forerunners of her downfall let us call her forth and say As thy sword Prelacy hath made many women child●lesse many a faithfull Minister peoplelesse houselesse and libertylesse their wives husbandlesse their children and their Congregations fatherlesse and Pastorlesse and Guidelesse So thy mother Papacy shall be made childelesse among harlots your Diocesse Bishoplesse and your Sees Lordlesse and your places shall know you no more Come my Brethren I say and fear not to take this Agag Prelacy I mean not the Prelats and hew it in pieces before the Lord. Obj. 4 A fourth and main Objection that troubles many is That in the following Article there are divers things of another nature then falls within the compasse and list of such a Covenant This Covenant is not purely religious as that in the Text. as that which the Text holds forth To joyne our selves to the Lord. There be State-matters and such too as are full of doubt and perhaps of danger to be sworn unto Answ I shall answer first the generall Charge and then some of the Particulars which are most materiall In generall I answer 1 1. In generall Whatever is contained in the Covenant is either religious or tending to Religion There is nothing in the Body of this Covenant which is not either purely religious or which lies not in a tendency to Religion conducing to the securing and promoting thereof And as in the expounding the Commandments Divines take this Rule That that Command which forbids a sin forbids also all the conducibles and provocations to that sin All the Tendencies to it And that Command which enjoyns a duty enjoyns all the mediums and advancers to that duty as the Schools say Modus cadit sub precepto Circumstances fall within the latitude of the Command so in religious Covenants not onely those things which are of the substance and integralls of Religion but even the collateralls and subserviencies that tend either to the establishing or advancing of Religion may justly be admitted within the Verge and Pale of the Covenant The Cities of Refuge had their Suburbs appointed by God as well as their ha●itations and even they also were counted holy The Rights and Pr●●●ledges of the Parliaments and the Libert●●s of the Kingdom mentioned in the third Article They are the aburbs of the Gospel and an Inheritance bequeathed by God to Nations and Kingdoms and under that notion holy Concerning which a people may lawfully reply to the unjust demands of him perours Kings or States as Naboth once to
that the work shall go on and prosper yea prosper gloriously it having a stronger foundation to support it then Heaven and Earth for they are upheld but by a word of power but this work which is called Hob. 3 1. the New-Heavens and the New-Earth is uphold by a word of promise For We according to his promise look for New-Heavens 2 Pet. 3.15 and a New-Earth wherein dwels righteousnesse I say by a word of prophesie and promise which it seems is stronger then God himself for his word binds him so that he can as soon deny himself as deny his promise There shall be therefore an undoubted accomplishment of these things which are told us from the Lord Luk. 1.45 God will finde or make a people who shall worship him in this holy Ordinance and upon whom he will make good all the mercy and trueth all the peace and salvation which is bound up in it Onely therefore let me Caution and beseech you not to be wanting to your selves and your own happinesse * Acts 13. Judge not your selves unworthy of such a priviledge nor * Luke 7 3● reject the Counsell of God against your own souls sin not against your own mercies by withdrawing your selves from this service or rebelling against it God will exclude none that do not exclude themselves Yea further This seems to speak an Argument of Hope That the calling of the Jews and the fulnesse of the Gentiles is not farre behinde in as much as God begins now to poure out this promise in the Text upon the Churches in a more eminent manner then ever we or our fathers saw it in a Gospel sence And surely Gospel performance must make way for that full and universall accomplishment thereof which shall unite Israel and Judah Jew and Gentile in one perpetuall Covenant unto the Lord that shall never be forgotten The Gospel Day is nothing else but the dawning of that great universall Day in the Text wherein God will make one glorious Church of Jew and Gentile The Day-starre whereof is now risen in our Horizon So that I am humbly confident That the same shores shall not bound this Covenant which bound the two now-Covenanting Nations but as it is said of the Gospel so it will be verified of this Gospel Covenant The sound thereof will go into all the Earth Rom. 10.18 and the words of it to the ends of the world There is a spirit of Prophesie that doth animate this Covenant Psal 14.15 which will make it swift and active swift to run His word runs very swiftly and active to work deliverance and safety not onely to these two Kingdoms but to all other Christian Churches groaning under or in danger of the yoak of Antichristian Tyranny whom God shall perswade to joyn in the same or like Association and Covenant So that me thinks all that travell with the Psalmists desire of seeing the good of Gods chosen Psal 106.5 and rejoycing in the gladnesse of his nation and glorying with his Inheritance Will certainly rejoyce in this day and in the goodnesse of GOD which hath crowned it with the accomplishment of such a pretious promise as hear lies before us While none can withdraw from muchlesse oppose this service but such as bear evill will to Sion and would be unwilling to see the ruine and downfall of Antichrist which this blessed Covenant doth so evidently threaten Fourthly Fourth Motiv● The example of the Churches of God and This hath been the practice of all the Churches of God before and since Christ after their Apostacies and Captivities for those Apostacies and recoveries out of these Captivities The first thing they did was to cement themselves to God by a more close entire and solemn Covenant then ever Nehemiah Ezra Hezckiah Jeremiah Josiah will all bring in cl●er evidences to witnesse this practice This latter Churches have learned of them Germany France Scotland c. But what shall I need to mention the Churches when as the God of the Churches took this course himself who when he pleases to become the God of any people or person it is by Covenant as with Abraham Gen 17.2 Behold I make a Covenant with thee and what ever mercies he bestows upon them it is by Covenant all the blessings of Gods people are Covenant-blessings to wicked men God gives with his left hand out of the Basket of common providence but to his Saints he dispenceth with his right hand out of the Ark of the Covenant Isa 55.3 I will make an everlasting Covenant with you even the sure mercies of David Yea which is yet more to our purpose When the first Covenant proved not but miscarried not by any fault that was in the Covenant-Maker no nor simply in the Covenant it self Of the God of the Churches for if man could have kept it it would have given him life I say when it was broken God makes a new Covenant with his People Not according to the Covenant which I made with their Fathers which my Covenant they brake c. Jer. 31.31 Heb. 8 8. But this shall be the Covenant c. I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my People c. Because they could not keep the first Covenant God made a second that should keep them Oh that while we are making a Covenant with our God he would please to make such a Covenant with us so would it be indeed a perpetuall Covenant that should not be forgotten Well you see we have a Covenanting God a Covenant Making God and a Covenant renewing God be we followers of God as dear children Let us be a Covenanting people a Covenant making a Covenant renewing people and as our God finding sault with the first Heb. 8.8 Let us make a new Covenant ●●●n a perpetuall Covenant that shall never be forgotten A fifth Motive to quicken us to this duty F●th Mo●● The practi●●●f the Pope and Preletes may be even the practice of the Antichristian State and Kingdom Popery hath been dexterous to propagate and spread it self by this means What else have been all their Fraternities and Brother-hoods and Societies but so many Associations and combinations politique compacted and obliged by Oaths and Covenants for the advancing of the Catholike Cause whereby Nations and Kingdoms have been subdued to the obedience of the Roman Miter And Prelacy that Wh●lp hath learned this polisieof its mother Papacy that Lionesse to corroborate and raise it self to that height we have seen and suffered by these Artifices while by close Combinations among themselves and swearing to their o●edience all the Inferiour Priesthood and Church Officers by Ordination-Engagements and Oaths of Canonicall Obedience c. A few have been able to impose their own Laws and Canons upon an whole Kingdom yea upon three Kingdoms it being an inconsiderable company either
That by keeping Covenant it should stand and the breaking of that Covenant was the breaking of Zedekiah and his whole Family and Kingdom Now was Covenant-breach or fid●litie the foundation of stabiliti● or ruine to that Kingdom which was struck but with a dying man how much more is the rise or fall of this Kingdom yea of these two Kingdom bound up in the observation or forfeiture of this Covenant which we make this day with the living God You that wish well to the Kingdoms that would not see the downfall and ruine thereof be from henceforth more conscientious of your Covenant then ever heretofore for surely upon the successe of this Covenant we stand or fall as we deal with the Covenant God will deal with us if we steight the Covenant God will sleight us if we have mean thoughts of the Covenant God will have mean thoughts of us if we forget the Covenant God will forget us if we break the Covenant we may look that God shall break these two Nations and break us all to pieces if we reject it God will reject us if we regard our Covenant God will regard his Covenant and regard us too if we remember the Covenant God will remember his and remember us if we keep the Covenant the Covenant will keep us and our posteritie for ever Oh that this Consideration might be a Motive to whet on that Exhortation of the Apostle Let him that stole Ephes 4.28 steal no more And so let him that was drunk be drunk no more he that was uncl●an let him be unclean no more they that were worldly proud secure carelesse of receiving Christ in their hearts and of walking worthy of him in their lives be so no more he that hath been Malignant or Neutrall let him be so no more For I protest against every man that after the striking of this so solemn and sacred a Covenant with the most high God shall dare knowingly and willingly to persist in any one of these mentioned abominations or any other he is an enemy to Jesus Christ a Traytor to the Kingdoms a State-murderer and a destroyer of himself and his posteritie and at his hands if they miscarry God will require the blood of all these But there are a people of whom and to whom I hear God speaking gracious words Surely they are my people children that will not lie Isa 63.8 My people mine by Covenant I have brought them into the bo●d of the Covenant I have made my Covenant with them and they have made their Covenant with me and they be children that will not lie I know they will deal no more as a lying and treacherous generation with me but will be a faithfull people in their Covenant and I will be a faithfull God unto them I will be their Saviour th y will serve me and I will save them Now the Lord make us such a people unto him children that will not li● and he be such a God to us He be our Saviour a Saviour to both Kingdoms and every soul that makes this Covenan● to save us from sin and to save us from d●struction to save us from our exemies without and to save us from our enemies within to save us from the divell and to save us from the world and to save us from our selves to save us from the lusts of men and to save us from our own lusts to save us and to save our posterity to save us from Rome and save us from Hell to save us from wrath present and from wrath to come to save us heer and to save us hereafter to save us to himself in grace and to save us with himself in glory to all Eternitie for Christs sake Amen and Amen FINIS
with none but such as will bear weight in the ballance of the Sanctuary such as the Word will secure such as to which the Word will bear witnesse that they are inconsistent with any Christlesse man or woman whatsoever And pray with unweariable suppliceations that God will not onely give thee interest but cleer thy interest and seal up interest upon thy soul and thee to the day of Redemption And then secondly 2 2 Go to Christ for influence Studie influence when once in Christ then hast thou right and liberty to draw vertue from Christ For behold All the fulnesse that dwels in Christ is thin all that life and strength and grace and redemption that is held forth in the promise it is all laid up in Christ as in a Magazine and by vertue of thy interest in and union with the Lord Jesus it is all become thin● Hence you hear the believing soul making her boast of Christ as before for righteousnesse Isa 45.24 so also for strength In the Lord I have righteousnesse and strength as righteousnesse for acceptance so strength also for performance of such duties as God in his Covenant doth require and expect at the beleevers hands I have no strength of mine own but in Christ I have enough In the Lord I have righteousnesse and strength Christ is the Lord-keeper or Lord high Steward or Lord-Treasurer to receive in and lay out * Psal 68.18 ●e received ●phe 48 beg●e gifts c. for and to all that are in Covenant with the Father And this is one main Branch of Gods Covenant with the Redeemer that he give out to the Heirs of promise wherewithall to enable them to keep their Covenant with God so that they never depart from him As for me Isa 59.25 this is my Covenant with them saith the Lord My spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy Seeds seed saith the Lord from henceforth and for ever They be the words of God the Father to the Redeemer concerning all his Spirituall Seed The Redeemer shall come to Sion Vers 24. And that spirit and these words of life and grace which were upon the Redeemer must be propagated to all his believing Seed by vertue whereof their Covenant with God shall in its proportion be like Gods Covenant with them for indeed the one is but the counterpart of the other unchangeable everlasting I will make an everlasting Covenant with them Jer. 32 40 that I will not turn away from them to do them good but I will put my fear in their hearts and they shall not depart away from me Now therefore my Brethren since there is enough in Christ study how to draw it out Indeed it will require a great deal of holy skill to do it It requires wisedom to draw out the excellencies of a man Counsell in the heart of a man is deep Prov. 20.3 but a man of understanding will draw it out It is a fine art to be able to peirce a man that is like a Vessell full of Wine and set him a running but to draw out influence and vertue from the Lord Jesus is one of the most secret hidden Mysteries in the life of a Christian indeed we may complain John 4. The Well is deep and we have nothing to draw withall But labour to get your Bucket of faith that you may be able to draw water out of this Well of Salvation Isa 12. Labour by vitall acts of a powerfull faith set on work in Mediation and Prayer to draw vertue and influence from Jesus Christ the Mouth of Prayer and the breathings of Faith from an heart soakt and steept in holy Meditations applyed to Jesus Christ will certainly though perhaps insensibly draw vertue from him Behold Faith drew vertue from Christ by a touch of his Garments shall it not much more draw out that rich and precious influence by applying of him in the promises and in his Offices unto our souls Consider oh Christian who ever thou art even thou that art in Christ consider God hath not trusted thee with grace enough before hand for one moneth no not for a week a day Nay thou hast not grace enough before hand for the performance of the next duty or the conquering of the next temptation nor for the expediting thy self out of the next difficulty And why so But that thou mayst learn to live by continuall dependance upon Jesus Christ as Paul did Gal. 2.20 The life that I now live in the flesh I live it by the faith of the Son of God Paul lived by fresh influence drawn from Christ by faith every day and hour study that life it is very Mysterious but exceeding precious Had we our stock before hand we should quickly spend all and prove bankrupts 1 Cor. 1.36 God hath laid up all our treasure of Wisedom Righteousnesse Sanctification and Redemption in Jesus Christ and will have us live from hand to mouth that so we might be safe and Gods free grace be exalted Rom. 12.16 It is of faith that it might be by grace to the end your promise might be sure to all the seed Wherefore holy Brethren partakers of this heavenly calling look up to Jesus Christ who is the Covenant of his Father and your Covenant loe he calls you Look unto me Isai 48.22 and be yee saved all the ends of the earth Surely they are worthy to perish who will not bestow a look upon Salvation Oh look humbly and look beleevingly and look continually look for Interest look for Influence look for Righteousnesse look for Strength and let Jesus Christ be All in All to thy soul thou wilt never be any thing nor do any thing in Christianity till thou comest to live in and upon Jesus Christ and him onely Humbly entreat the Lord and give him no rest That he will make a Covenant with thee in Christ which shall keep thee and then thou wilt be able to keep thy Covenant Look up to Christ for Covenant-grace to keep Covenant-engagement and so shalt thou do this service in a Gospel-sence to Acceptation to Perpetuitie I have now done with these three Quaeres What Why How How to Acceptation Perpetuitie I know much more might be added but the work to which we are to addresse our selves will take up much time the Lord set home what hath been spoken Onely give me leave to tell you thus much in a word for the close of all As this Covenant prospers with us so we are like to prosper under it The welfare of the Kingdom and of thy soul is bound up now in this Covenant For I remember what God speaks of the Kingdom of Israel brought into Covenant now with the King of Babylon to serve him and to be his Vassals 〈◊〉 17.13 14. Vers 16.17