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A37102 The history of His Sacred Majesty Charles the II, third monarch of Great Britain, crowned King of Scotland, at Scoone the first of Ianuary 1650 begun from the death of his royall father of happy memory, and continued to the present year, 1660 / by a person of quality. Dauncey, John, fl. 1663. 1660 (1660) Wing D291; ESTC R5096 69,173 262

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under the Command of Huntley Atholl Seaforth c. who declared purely for the Kingly Authority disclaiming and disowning all power or order of the Kirk Parliament or Committee of Estates These having gotten together a considerable party it was supposed by the Committee of Estates that his Majesty was gon to them whereupon to quiet and allay them if possible an Act of Indemnity was passed by Parliament for what they had done but they sleighted it fell upon Sir Iohn Brown's Regiment slew and took prisoners many of his men Whereupon Lieu. General David Lesley was sent against but the whole businesse after the King's return to S. Iohnston●s ended in a Treatie The third and greatest party were the Parliament and Committee of Estates Kirk who were equally for King and Kirk these were highly perplexed and discontented at the King's going away from S. Iohnston's and the more because they feared he was gon to the Atholmen many controversies and consultations were had about it some were so rigid as to propose that since he had diserted them they should look no more after him but let him take his own wayes Others were more mild and would yet have him understand their resentment for his leaving them nor wanted there some sticklers for his Majesty at length it was concluded that Major General Montgomery should speedily march after him and earnestly intreat him to return to S. Iohnston's Montgomery according to his order went and having had secret information that his Majesty was at the Lord Dedup's house in the North confines of Fife he first surrounds the house and then sends in a Messenger to acquaint the King with the earnest desires of the Committee of Estates that he would graciously be pleased to return with him to Saint Iohnston's but his Majesty at first absolutely refused as scorning to endure that slavery which they had subjected him to he was in the mean time earnestly solicited by Huntley and the Gordons to adhere solely to them which he so much seemed to incline to that he had almost made the breach implacable between that party and the Kirk but at length upon several propositions granted him he returned with Montgomery to S. Iohnston's The King being thus returned and Huntley's party come in by admitting those with him to bear publick Offices a general Meeting was resolved on to be held at Saint Iohnston's which should consist of King Lords Barons Burgesses and the Assembly of Ministers whereupon the Committee of the Kirk are summoned to meet but stand off alledging that Sterling was the more convenient place to meet in To which the States answered that they esteemed S. Iohnston's the fitter that if they would not meet they should consult for their own securities but at length they consent The grand Assembly meets and all parties seem now agreed Several Lords formerly in disfavour with the Kirk are received into Command in the Army or have liberty to sit in Parliament such as Hamilton Lauderdale Leith Bucheim Dedup and Crawford Major General Massey of the Engl●sh was admitted to a Command in the Army Thus did their divisions begin to be Cemented which else must necessarily have hastened their Ruine About this time the King received the sad newes of the Death of the thrice Illustrious Prince of Orange Brother-in-law to his Majesty and who had demonstrated himself a true and faithfull friend to him in his necessities his Lady the Royal Princesse Mary was by him left great with Child and soon after his death delivered of a Posthume son And now on the first of Ianuary the day appointed by the grand Convention at S. Iohnston's the solemnity having been removed to Scone the usual place for the Coronation of the Kings of Scotland First his Majesty in a Princes Robe was conducted from his Bed-chamber by the Constable and Marshal to the Chamber of presence where he was by the Lord Angus Chamberlain placed in a chair under a cloth of Estate Then the Nobles and Commissioners of Barons and Burroughs entred the Room and having shown themselves to his Majesty the Chancellor spake to this effect Sir your good Subjects desire you may be crowned as righteous and lawfull heir of the Crown of this Kingdome that you would maintain the present professed Religion the National Covenant and Solemn League and Covenant That you would graciously be pleased to receive them under your protection to govern them according to law to defend them in their rights and priviledges by your Royal power they offering themselves in humble manner to your Majesty with their vowes to bestow land life and what else is in their power for the maintenance of Religion for the safety of your Majesties sacred person and maintenance of your Crown which they entreat your Majesty to accept and pray Almighty God that for many years you may enioy the same The King to this made Answer I do esteem the affections of my good people more then the Crowns of many kingdoms and shall be ready by Gods assistance to bestow my life in their defence wishing to live no longer then I may see Religion and the kingdom flourish in all happiness This ceremony performed the Nobles and Commissioners of Barons and Burroughs accompanied his Maiesty to the church of Scoone the spurres being carried before him by the Earl of Eglinton the sword by the Earl Rothes the sceptet by the Earls of Craford and Lindsay the Crown by the Marquess of Argyle ●mmediately before the Kings Ma●esty who followed supported by the Constable and Marshal his train ●orn up by the Lords Montgomory Ereskine Newbottle and Machelene under a Canopy of crimson velvet supported by the Lords Drummond Garnegie Ramsey Iohnston Brechin and Y●ter which six were supported by six Noblemen's sons Thus they went to the Church which being fitted for the purpose the Honors were laid upon a Table provided for them and his Majesty asc●nded on a stage 24. foot square and seated himself in a chair to hear the sermon upon this stage there was another smaller stage erected wheron the Throne stood His Majesty being seated on the Chair a sermon was preached by Robert Douglas Moderator of the Commission of the General Assembly Sermon being ended the National Covenant of Scotland the solemn League and Covenant were distinctly read which done the Oath was ministred in these words I Charles King of great Britain France and Ireland do assure and declare by my solemn Oath in the presence of Almight God the searcher of all hearts my allowance and approbation of the National Covenant of the solemn League and Covenant and faithfully oblige my self to prosecute the ends thereof in my station and calling and that I for my self and successors shall consent and agree to all Acts of Parliament enjoyning the National Covenant and the solemne League and Covenant and fully establish Presbyterian Government the Directory of Worship Confession of Faith and Catechisms in the Kingdome of Scotland as they
desirous to settle a clear and right intelligence between us and our Subjects of our ancient Kingdome of Scotland which may be an assured foundation of their happinesse and peace for the time to come and an effectual means to root out all the seeds of animosity and divisions caused by these late troubles and also to unite the hearts and affections of our subjects one to another and of them all to us their King and lawfull Soveraign to the end that by their Obedience to our Royal and just Authority we may be put in a Condition to maintain them in peace and prosperity and to protect them in their Religion and Liberty as it appertains to us according to our charge and office of a King And as we have alwayes resolved to contribute whatever is to be done by us to obtain these good effects and for the just satisfaction of all our Subjects in this Kingdome We have now thought fit upon the Return of Mr. Windram to command and desire you to send unto us Commissioners sufficiently authorized to treat and agree with us both in Relation to the Interest and just satisfaction of our Subjects there as also concerning the aid and assistance which in all reason we may expect from them to bring and reduce the murtherers of our late most dear father of happy memory to condigne punishment and to recover our just rights in all our Kingdomes And we will that they attend us on the fifteenth of March at the Town of Breda where we intend to be in Order thereunto And in confidence of a Treaty as also to make known to you and all the World that we sincerely desire to be agreed VVe have resolved to addresse these unto you under the Name and Title of a Committee of Estates of our Kingdome of Scotland and will and expect that you use this grace no other wayes for any advantage to the prejudice of us or our affairs beyond what we have given this Qualification and Title for namely for the Treaty and in order to it Although we have considerations sufficient and very important to disswade and oblige us to do nothing in this kind antecedently at this time Also we hope the confidence which we declare to have in your clear and candid intentions towards us will furnish you with strong Arguments to form in your selves a mutual confidence in us which by the blessing of God Almighty by your just and prudent moderation and by that great desire we have to oblige all our Subjects of that Kingdome and by the means of the Treaty which we attend and hope for may be a good foundation of a full and happy peace and an assured security to this Nation for the time to come which we assure you is wished of us with passion and which we shall endeavour by all means in our power to effect This is the full of his Majesties Letter to the Committee of Estates in Scotland and much to this effect was there another writ by him to the Committee of the Kirk But this I the rather fully insert in regard of the many Calumnies cast upon it and by it upon his Majesty His enemies hereby taking occasion to carp upon him by pretending his inveterate desire of revenge which was so contrary to the last precepts given him by his dying father I think I need not answer his enemies objection they by those carps only condemning themselves of a self-guiltinesse but to the more sober sort of people I shall referre it and let them seriously consider whether the beginning progresse and end of the Letter demonstrate him not a man more addicted to peace and quietnesse then to revenge and destruction The principal Objection which his enemies have against him is that he desires the aid of his Scotch Subjects to bring the murderers of his Father to condigne punishment does this shew him a lover of Revenge or of Justice I would fain know which of his enemies or of his Fathers Murderers would not should I have done the same to any of their so near Relations have endeavoured to have brought me under the utmost censure of the Law But to proceed these letters are seriously debated both in the Committee of Estates and Kirk the first order its confideration to a select sub-Committee of their own consisting of nine Lords and others who present their opinions upon it to the grand Committee and these provide ready a state of the Case to be presented to the Parliament of Scotland which was shortly after to assemble But mean while a select number of the Kirk and State make up a Committee who by common consent were to consider what was to be done about sending Commissioners and Propositions to his Majesty these had strong and serious debates for the arrogant Kirkmen would not have his Majesty admitted into Scotland but upon Conditions which should make him wholly subservient to their commands but the State would have such tart conditions wholly waved and though their own were rough enough yet at length a mediation is concluded on between theirs and the Kirks And the Earle of Castles the Lord Lothian Burley and Libberton Sir Iohn Smith and Mr. Ieoffreys for the Estates Mr. Broady Lawson and Wood are appointed Commissioners for the Kirk These having received their Commissions and Instructions took their journey for Holland arrived at Breda some few daies before his Majesty got thither On the 16. March 1649. he also arrived there and on the 19. the Lord VVent worth Master of the Ceremonies conducted them to Audience being come before his Majesty who in a large Chamber purpose provided expected them The Lord Castles in behalf of the Estates and Mr. Lawson in behalf of the Kirk having made their Speeches declared the occasion of their coming and shewing their Commissions they delivered the ensuing Propositions in the behalf both of the Kirk and States of Scotland 1. That all those who had been excommunicated by the Church still continued so should be forbid accesse to Court 2. That all Acts of the Parliament of Scotland should be by him ratified and approved of That the solemn League and Covenant the Presbyterian Church-government The Directory Confession and Catechisme should be enjoyned in Scotland and the same used and practised in his family and an Oath to be taken by him that He would never oppose it or endeavour to alter it 3. That he would by solemn Oath and under his hand and seal declare and acknowledge his allowance of the solemn League Covenant and the National Covenant of Scotland 4. That he would consent and agree that all civil matters might be determined by subsequent Parliaments in Scotland and all Ecclesiastical matters by the General Kirk assembly as was formerly granted by his Royal father To these Propositions his Majesty demanded Whether this were fully and wholly all that the Committee of Estates and Kirk in Scotland had to desire or propound and whether these Commissioners
blandishents then force He knows that whilst he kills a Subject he weakens his kingdom Rebels themselves may be found usefull and though justice can not yet his Majesties clemency will admit their pardon but if they resist to the utmost their blood is on their own heads What man is not willing to destroy him who he knows would be his murderer Thus is his justice and his clemency mixt together he would not kill where he might with safety save ●●r does his unspotted innocency raise fancies or fears in him As he is guilty of nothing so ther 's nothing hee fears Whilst he endeavours to be true to his subjects those endeavours force a belief in him that his subjects will be true to him His very nature enclines him to a compassion He pitties those that will not pitty themselves and whilst they are conspiring his destruction his prayers procure their safety Nor can the utmost of their injuries provoke him to a retalliation He hath learned not only of God but of the King his father to forgive his enemies Nor is it his desire to obtain his Kingdomes that makes him willing to forgive his enemies but his desire to forgive his enemies that makes him willing to obtain his Kingdoms he counts the possession of his Royalties but as a transitory dignity the pardon of his enemies a Divine and lasting one Neither is his piety lesse then his justice they are both in the Superlative degree he hates wickednesse not because the world should see him glory that would make him an Hypocrite but because God abhors it t is Love not Fear makes him Religious he Fears God only because he Loves him He hates not the Vicious but abhominates their Vices his hatred extends not to persons but to things He dislikes not the Swearer t is his Oaths he abhors he hates not the Drunkard but his Drunkennesse Yet does his mercy extend beyond their sins as he is a King so he is a God he is gracious to pardon as well as just to punish nor can a submission or reformation but overtake his remission His constant service of God excites others to live by his example he sleeps not without invoking the blessing of the Almighty nor do his eyes open without a returned thanks He knows 't is God alone which can restore and protect him nor can the wickednesse of man prevail against Him Nor does his publick devotion shew him less zealous then his private the one demonstrates him full of Zeal the other void of Hypocrisie he would have others holy as well as himself he knows that saying concerns him being a King above all private Men Non nobis solis nati sumus Private persons are not alone born for thēselves muchless Kings the publique concern is their duty 't is not enough for the Master of the house that he be godly whilst his Family is wicked There must be Precept as well as Example and if need be correction as well as instruction This makes his Majestie deservedly famous he counts it as great a fault to suffer a sin in another whilst he hath power to correct it as to commit it himself he knows that what crimes soever a Magistrate suffers willingly to be committed he brings upon his own head He is therefore above all things carefull not to father vice lest he should be accounted vicious he detests that in another which did he commit he knows he might justly detest himself for and endeavours by Example to reforme that in others which he knows were it in him would seem odious to them He abhors vice as well because it is so as because God abhors it His nature inclines him to vertue and as he cannot admit ' its contrary in himselfe so he cannot endure it in another His constancy in Religion is no less conspicuous then his piety His discerning judgement knows what is truth and that truth is followed by his setled will Yet he hates not the Popish Religion but their Idolatry he abhors not them but their false worship He loves all that know Christ at all but wishes that they might know him more His stedfastnesse in Religion proceeds not from self-interest he sticks not so much to the true Protestants because he knows the English to be addicted to that Religion because hee thinks it for his benefit because he imagines that it would prove very difficill to obtaine his Crown and leave it But because he knows it to be true He knows the Prince is born for the people as well as the people for the Prince He knows their interests to be inter woven He knows that without them he cannot stand yet will he sooner loose them then relinquish verity He is the perfect pattern of Piety but more of Patience his afflictions have not made him repine he knows God to be just he believes that as God restored Iob twofold so will he likewise restore unto him his Kingdomes Yet he thinks it just in God to suffer them to be detained from him He laments more his Subject slavery then his own Exile he grives that they have been so long blind yet rejoyces for their sakes that they have now a Glimmering he constantly prays for the restoring of their fight not so much because they should restore his as their own Rights and Priviledges He is inwardly troubled and perplexed at the many Schisms Sects and Heresies that are raised in the Church of England he is sorry that their rise is from some mens envy towards him he pities and his pitty produces his prayers for them He is willing that though they will not obey him yet that they may serve God He was never heard to curse his Enemies many times to pray for them and desire God to forgive even his Fathers Murtherers his good will surpasses their cruelty And whilst they are conspiring his Destruction he is praying for their Salvation He is a perfect Enemy to all Debauchedness he is sorry those who pretend themselves his friends in England are so great a scandal to him He wishes that they would so carry themselves that he might adventure to own them as his Friends for he understands not the good will of those who drink his Health for the liquors sake nor wishes for their help who over their Sack only swear they will Fight for Him He is no greater a hater of vice then a Cherisher of vertuous Actions he loves them in his very Enemies and often grives when he finds occasion to think that many of them will rise up in Judgment against his most pretended Friends He is most exactly just in all his Commands and faithful in performance of all his Promises Take the Character given him by the dying Marquesse of Montrose For his Majesty now Living saith he Never People I believe may be more happy in a King his commands to me were most Iust in nothing that he promiseth will be fail He deals justly with all Men c. So punctual is he
had power to remit or recede from any of these particulars and further what they had to propound concerning his affairs in England To which the Commissioners replied That they had acquainted him with their full power according to the instructions they had received from the Committees of Estates and Kirk in Scotland Upon which his Majesty made Answers That he would consider of their Propositions and doubted not but to return them such an Answer as might give his Kingdome of Scotland satisfaction and so dismissed them for the present But let us thus leave his Majesty and Council debating about the Scotch Commissioners propositions and discourse a little about his affairs under the conduct of the thrice noble and Illustrious Marquesse of Montross who having notwithstanding the opposition which Hamilton gave to the design obtained Commissioners from his Majesty to levy what force he could on that side the sea endeavoured to the utmost of his power to effect it but chiefly among the Princes of the German Empire where he found large and fair promises but very little real assistance onely the Duke of Holstein suppled him with four ships well arm'd and mann'd though these were likewise by some strange neglect delayed a long time at Amsterdam which much retarded the service Colonel Cochran likewise who had been sent Agent into Poland to the Scottish Merchants there for assistance of men and money having received a considerable quantity of money and good supply of corn disposed of the first to his own use sold the other and himself revolted from the service General King who was expected out of Sweden with a party of Horse came not all so many crosses there were in the beginning of the businesse as bad Omens to it's future ill successe But at length the Marquesse fearing least if the King should conclude with the Scots before he had attempted any thing his Commissions would be recalled fatally resolved to depart Scotland as he was so with four ships indifferently well armed but with not above six or seven hundred men and those most strangers besides a small Frigat of sixteen Guns and one thousand five hundred good Armes given him by the Queen of Sweden he set sail and this was all the strength he carried with him from Hamburgh to assault that potent Kingdome Two of these ships and those the biggest were sent before and directed to steer their course for the Orcades but these unfortunately met with a storm and were amongst those rocky Islands their men armes and ammunition cast away so that a third part of the force raised for this expedition was lost But notwithstanding these fatal disasters the sad presages of his ruine the noble Marquess proceeds and with the small number that was left him lands amongst the Islands where he gets together a pretty considerable number which had almost the face of an Army but was for the most part composed of raw and unskilfull fellows a party of these he sends out who without resistance enter the Isle of Orkney there being no Garrison there from thence he dispatches Commissions to Scotland and the Islands adjacent for the levying of Horse and Foot which because the inhabitants of those places to which they were sent could not resist obeyed and not long after the sending of those Commissions Montrosse himself with those forces he had and those Gentlemen resolved to engage in partaking of his fortune landed in Scotland at the point of Cathanes the very farthest land to the Northwest of that Kingdome The people here whom he expected to have joyned with him were so sensible of the miseries of the former war and now more terrified with the name of Foreigners deserted their dwellings and fled away some never stopping till they came to Edenburgh The Parliament of Scotland who were now assembled though they had former advice of the Marquesses designs yet could not tell the place of his landing but now alarm'd by the flying Countrey David Lesley is commanded with the body of the Army to march directly towards them for fear Montrosse should grow too numerous and Colonell Straughan whose valour the States highly approved is ordered with a party of select Horse to advance before to hinder the Marquesses levyes and if he saw opportunity to fight him Montrosse in the mean time to satisfie the World and because the people should not be startled at his invasion whilst the King was upon Treaty publishes a very patheticall Declaration declaring the justnesse of his cause and to clear himself from the aspersion of sinister ends and that his intention was onely against some particular persons who had against the Laws of the Kingdome raised and maintained a war against his Majesties father and did now by their wiles and subtile practices endeavour to destroy the son also and therefore exhorting all Subjects of that Nation to endeavour to free themselves from the tyranny of those who then by an usurped power ruled over them But notwithstanding this Declaration the Countrey came very slowly in Straughan in the mean time advances with all possible speed towards the Royal party whilest Montrosse had not for indeed he could not effect any thing Material besides the fortifying of Dunbath Castle but the Marquess hearing of the Enemies approach made his whole Forces march at a great rate to recover a passe yet neverthelesse before they could come at it the front of the Army discovered Straughan's forlorn hope who marching with hast upon the Marquesses Army found them both almost tired and out of breath and Order however a forlorn hope of 100. Foot are drawn out to meet them who giving them a resolute Charge forced them to no Orderly Retreat but being seconded by Straughan's whole body of Horse they again maintained their ground resolutely Charging upon the Marquesses main Body the Islanders immediately threw down their arms and cryed for quarter but the Holsteiners and Hamburgers made an Orderly retreat for the present into some bushes which having a short time defended they were at last enforced to yield This was a sad blow to his Majesties affairs in Scotland there being great hopes that had Montrosse succeeded and kept them in play both Kirk and State would have come to milder Conditions with him Yet the Marquess himself escaped for the present out of this Battel Though there were near two hundred slain and twelve hundred taken in the field for the Country coming in upon them few Escaped Amongst the Prisoners of Note there were taken Col. Hurry the Lord Frenderick Sir Francis Hay of Dalgettey Col. Hay of Noughton Col. Grey and several other Officers together with the Kings standard which contained this Emphatical Motto IVDGE AND REVENGE MY CAVSE O LORD and whereon was pourtrayed to the life the Effigies of his Majesties Father beheaded But long it was not ere this thrice Heroick Marquess fell into the hands of these his cruel Obdurate and inveterate enemies for though when he saw the battel at a
are approved by the general Assemblies of this Kirk Parliament of this Kingdome and that I shall give my Royal assent to Acts and Ordinances of this Parliament passed or to be passed injoining the same in my other Dominions And that I shall observe these in mine own practice and Family and shall never make opposition to any of those or endeavour any change thereof The King having thus solemnly sworn the National covenant the solemn League and Covenant with the Oath subjoined was by him underwritten in the presence of them all which done the King ascended the other Stage and sate down in the Throne Then the Lords great Constable and marshal went to the four corners of the Stage Lyon king at Arms going before them who spoke these words to the people Sirs I do present unto you the King CHARLES the Rightful and undoubted heir of the Crown and Dignity of this Realm this day is by the Parliament of this Kingdom appointed for his Coronation And are you not willing to have him for your King and become subject to his commandments At this action the king stood up and shewed himself to the people round about who expressed their consent by their joiful acclamations crying God save King CHARLES the Second Then his majesty descended from his Throne into the chaire where he sate to hear the Sermon of whom the minister accompanied with som others of his Tribe demanded if he were willing to take the Cornonation Oath according as it was contained in the eighth Act of the first Parliament of King James the VI his Royal grandfather The King answered he was most willing Then was the oath read aloud by the Lyon King at Arms in these words Because that the encrease of Virtue and suppressing Idolatry craveth that the Prince and People be of one perfect Religion which of God's mercy is now presently professed within this Realm Therefore it is statuted and ordained by our Soveraigne Lord my Lord Regent and three Estates of this present Parliament That all Kings Princes and Magistrates whatsoever holding their place which hereafter at any time shall happen to reigne and beare rule over this Realm at the time of their Coronation and receit of their Princely Authority make their faithful promise in the presence of the Eternal God That enduring the whole course of their lives they shall serve the same Eternal God to the uttermost of their power according as he hath required in his most holy Word revealed and contained in the New and Old Testaments and according to the same words shall maintaine the true Religion of Christ Jesus the preaching of his holy Word and the due and right ministration of the sacraments now received preached within this Realm and shall abolish and gain-stand all false Religions contrary to the same shall rule the people committed to their charge according to the will and command of God revealed in his foresaid Word and according to the laudable Laws and Constitutions received in this Realm no waies repugnant to the said Word of the Eternal God and shall procure to the utmost of their power to the Kirk of God and whole christian people true and perfect peace in time coming The rights and rents with all just priviledges of the crown of Scotland to pre serve and keep inviolated neither shall they transfer or alienate the same They shall forbid and repress all in all Estates and Degrees Leases Oppression and all kinde of Wrong in all Judgement They shall command and procure that Justice and Equity be kept to all creatures without exception as the Lord and Father of mercies be merciful unto them And out of their Lands and Empire they shall be careful to root out all Hereticks and enemies to the true Worship of God that shall be convict by the true Kirk of God of the aforesaid crimes and that he shall faithfully affirm the things above written by the solemn Oath The Oath thus read the Minister tendered it to the King who kneeling and holding up his right hand sware thus By the Eternal Almighty GOD who liveth reigneth for ever I shall observe and keep all that is contained in this Oath Then was the King disrobed by the Lord Chamberlain of the Princely Robe with which he entred the church and vested with his Royal Robes so supported as before he removed to the chair placed on the North side of the Kirk whither the sword was first brought from the table by Sir William Cockburn of Langtown Gentleman usher who delivers it to the great Chamberlain and he making a short speech delivers it to his Majesty by whom it was given into the great Constable's hands and by him girt to the King's side Then his Majesty sitting down in the Chair the spurs are put on him by the Earl●marshal After which Archibald Marquesse of Argyle takes the Crown into his hands and after a short Prayer made by the minister puts it upon his Majesties head Which done the Lion King of Arms the great Constable standing by him called the Nobility one by one who came all and kneeling and touching the Crown upon the King's head with their right hand swore thus By the Eternal and Almighty God who liveth and reigneth for ever I shall support thee to the uttermost The obligatory Oath was likewise read to the people they holding up their hands Lastly after the Earls of Craford and Lindesay had delivered his majesty the Scepter he returned again to the Stage where he was installed in the Throne by the Marquess of Argyle and after a short exhortation of Master Robert Douglasses returned to his Pallace with the Crown upon his head in the same manner as he came This is a full relation of the ceremonies performed at his Majesties Co●●●●●ion at Scoone on the first of January 1650. which I the rather fully insert because the World may take notice of those hard Covenant Pills which the Kirkmen made him swallow Presently after the coronation the King and Nobles returned in a most solemn manner to S. Johns town the Kings Majesty having a guard to attend him consisting of most Lords and Gentlemen's sons and the Lord Lorne son to the Marquess of Argyle was made Captain of it And now his majesty intends with all possible speed the raising of an Army for the Scots having had all this while no Army on the other side the Fife to oppose the English proceedings they had reduc'd all places there under their force even Edenburgh Castle it self to which effect he orders his Standard to be set up at Aberdeen himself nobly resolving to be Generalissim●●●● his Army the other general commands were now given as well to the Royalists as Presbyterians for Duke Hamilton was made Liev. General of the Army and Middleton Lieu. General of the Horse The levies came in apace to the general Rendezvouse which was appointed on the East part of Fife whither his Majesty in person went
under But let him that shall look upon the several passages of his read them over and over consider the several difficulties he passed the many dangers he was in to be betrayed the countrey being up round about the summe of money set upon his head for which many hundreds out of covetousness made it their business to search for him and they wil confess ingenuously that God was never so merciful to any people as to us in delivering his sacred Majesty so wonderfully out of the hands of his Enemies who breathed out no thing but his death and destruction that we may yet have hopes to be a happy Nation But let us now return to give a ful account of this dismal loss at Worcester in which most of his Maiesty's foot were either made a prise or a sacrifice to their enemies swords of the horse there escaped 3000. out of the field but were most afterwards either taken or knockt on the head by the Countrey in their flight three thousand were judged flain in the Field and about seven thousand taken prisoners whereof the chiefe were the Earls Derby Lauderdale Cleaveland Shrewsburgh and the Lord Wentworth and many other noble persons taken in the pursuit And the chief of those taken in the battel were the Earls of Carnwarth and Kelly the Lord Synclare Sir Iohn Packington the Maior Generals Montgomery and Piscotty and the Virgil of this Age that thrice worthy Mr. Richard Fanshaw Translatour of the renowned Pastor Fido and Secretary to his Majesty As for the thrice noble Duke Hamilton he was taken but not overcome over-powred but not vanquish't For after having made a most Heroick resistance he was reduced under his enemies power more for want of strength then valour but death entring in at those wounds which he so gallantly received in defence of his Soveraign soon after released him Major General Massey though he escaped the field yet his wounds being desperate he was forced to surrender himself to the Countesse of Stamford and was by her son the Lord Grey of Groby after the recovery of his wounds sent up prisoner to the Parliament and by them committed to the Tower from whence he not long after escaped and went to his Majesty beyond sea This strange and wonderful Victory as the Juncto at Westminster gave it out to be though they had six to one in the field made that sectarian party cock-a-hoop and to make it the greater publick days of Thanks-giving are appointed to make God the patronizer of their villanies murders tyrannies and treasons and now they boast in all their discourses how clearly it might appear that God owned their cause and disowned their adversaries I think a modern Writer hath sufficiently confuted that commonly received tenent of Polititians * That success denotes actions to be either just or unjust I shall therefore leave the sober Reader here to satisfie himself and refer it to him whether such do not justly deserve Ovid's wish Careat succèssibus opto Quisquis ab eventu facta notanda putat Let him for ever in success be poor That thinks it justifies his cause the more But this Nation is so highly sensible of the injustice put upon them by those who pretend so much right in their Cause that there 's no Loyal Subject but will think according to reason that it was not the justice of their cause but our own and the Nation's sinnes which caused God to raise up these men as scourges both to Prince and people and to the Prince onely for the Peoples sake Some I have heard which out of a spirit which I cannot well define have endeavoured to brand his Royal Majesty with Cowardize in this battel which from whence it could proceed unlesse from their own coward nature which would insimulate another in that of which themselves are guilty I cannot imagine since Cromwell the greatest of his Enemies because the most desirous of his Kingdoms yet had so much of truth in him as to give a high and noble Character of his Valour But to proceed We have now said enough of this fatal battel the seeming ruine of the Royal Interest in England unless God of his mercy be pleased to restore it for the good peace and quiet of these Nations since without it we cannot hope to enjoy any His sacred Majesty being landed in France near Havre de Grace from thence with a Noble Lord in his Company posted directly for Roan where they stayed to alter their disguises and furnish them with habits answerable to their Qualities his Majesty from thence having dispatch't Letters to the French Court to acquaint his friends there of his safe arrival which doubtlesse caused no little joy in those who were real to him and almost despaired ever again to have seen him The Duke of Orleans sends his own Coach to fetch him several persons of quality go to meet him by whom he was attended to Paris and there received with all possible expressions of joy lodgings and attendants being forthwith provided for him in the L●uure where at his first arrival he was visited by the Queen his Mother the Duke of Orleans who of all persons in the Kingdome exprest himself the most ready to do him service and the next day visits him again accompanied with his Daughter Madamoiselle He is likewise courted by the Dukes of Beaufort Longueville Guize the Marshal Thurine and many other Peers and Nobles of France who all congratulate his safe deliverance And now his Majesty having lost all hopes of any further means of attaining his Dominions by force leads here a retired life yet living in regard of his high alliance extraction in great esteem with all the French Nobility Insomuch that notwithstanding his present low condition there was very great talk of a match to be made up between him and the Madamoiselle de Orleans the richest Princes in Christendom yet by some means or other it came to no effect though the Queen of England his Mother was an earnest promoter of it and also of the Duke of York to Longneville's daughter Whilest these things were transacting hapned that lately reconciled Fracture between the Prince of Conde Cardinal Mazarine most of the Princes of the Blood siding with the first the King of France who was newly declared of age to sway the Scepter himself with the last The cause of the quarrel was that extravagant power which Mazarine a stranger had usurped in the government of the Kingdome both depriving the Princes of the Blood of their Right and oppressing the people whose daily murmurings more encouraged the Princes against him This power he had got into his hands in the Regency of the Queen Mother whose grand favourite he only was The Princes therefore though they could not during her Regency who so much loved him yet hoped they might effect something now the King himself is come to govern to which intent they charge him with several miscarriages
of State which the Cardinal defends and the King also enclines to his side by the instigation of the Queen his Mother yet nothing but the Cardinal's banishment will satisfie the Princes who join the Duke of Lorain to them then in the service of the Spaniard with an Army of ten thousand men so that they intend with his assistance if they could not obtain their desires by fair means to have forc't it Thus these differences were arrived at such a height that nothing but a Civil War was like to ensue which made his Sacred Majesty of England use his utmost endeavours to compose and stay this breach before it came to an utter overflow to which effect he daylie went to and fro betwixt the King the Princes endeavouring to bring them to a reconciliation urging by his own example the miseries and calamities that must necessarily fall upon every man's head by a Civil War telling the King that the late Example of his Royal Father of happy memory might be an inducement to him to be at peace with his Subjects rather then embroil his Kingdoms in a bloody War by which though he might for the present gain the better yet in the end he would still be sure to have the worse Yet these Arguments and his Majesty's earnest endeavours for peace and reconciliation produced nothing but only contract an unjust odium upon him from both parties for his good will the Princes believing that he counselled the King against them and the Cardinal again him So that he lost the love of both by endeavouring to make them love one another yet notwithstanding the ill successe he had this Noble Prince stil pursues his pacifick intentions til such time as he gains a conference between the King Cardinal and Princes but this proves ineffectual for the Princes heightened with the aid they expected from the Duke of Lorain instead of coming to an accord onely exasperate differences Yet his sacred Majesty ceases not but indeavours to bring them yet to a peaceable compliance and in order thereunto procures another conference where he himself would be Moderatour but this proves as ineffectual as the former For the Prince of Conde was above all others outragious and would come to no agreement except Mazarine were first banished France and the French King as violently persisted in his resolution against it alledging That he had approved himself both a faithfull servant and an able Minister of State So instead of agreement both sides prepare for Warre yet are both sides equally angry and exasperated against his sacred Majesty for his good will towards them and the nation the one and other party imagining that both he and his Mother had given counsels opposite to their designs But that which above all exasperated the Princes against his Majesty of England was the sudden luke-warmness of the Duke of Lorain in the businesse For though he had drawn off his Army as though he had complied with their resolutions to come to a battel yet being sent for by the Princes to advance towards Paris he refused to come which made the Princes believe there had been some underhand-dealing with him and that which most of all increased their jealousies that King Charles had a hand in it was this The Duke of Beaufort coming to the Camp of Lorain to desire him in the name of the Princes to come up and fight found there his M●jesty his Brother the Duke of York in private conference with Lorain who withdrawing when Beaufort appeared Beaufort finding the Duke's aversness to the enterprize confirmed him and he confirmed the Princes of the King of England's endeavours whereby he had withdrawn Lorain from their party This coming to the peoples ears who were absolute favourers of the Princes and invetrate enemies to Mazarine so extremely incensed them against the English Princes that they threaten violence and indignities to their persons and are not afraid to affront the Queen their Mother in her Coach which made his Majesty to avoid the popular fury retire himself from the Lovure to St. Germane Nor is the Cardinal less incensed though under a more politick vail For though both Princes People might imagine and believe that his Majesty had counsel'd things opposite to their intentions yet the Cardinal very wel knew that he had advised the King as the best course to consent to his departure out of the Kingdom and that if he had endeavoured to draw Lorain from their party 't was only out of a desire he had to expedite their agreement he therefore resolves to thwart him in all his designs And so he did to the utmost of his endeavours For his Majesty though suspected by the Princes in his several conferences with Lorain to have endeavoured to divert him from them was onely transfacting with him for the recovery of his Kingdome of Ireland out of the hands of the English Republick to which effect several Articles were drawn up between the Duke of Lorain and the Lord Taaf two of which were 1. That the Duke of Loraine should transport an Army of 10000. men at his own charges into Ireland there to join with such as should be found Loyal for the Recovery of his Majesties Rights in that Kingdom 2. That the Duke of Lorain should by his Majesty be invested with the Power and Title of Protector Royal of Ireland These Articles though drawn up never came to be signed the cause of which some have imagined to be the disability of the Duke to perform the Enterprize without the Aid of some other Prince but we may in more reason guesse it proceeded from the strenuous endeavours of Mazarine his Majesty 's so lately made-enemy to divert the Duke's Army then from any other cause Many in England upon hearing of these Propositions made to the Duke of Lorain which I must confess some believe to have never proceeded any farther then Discourse of the Dukes feared his Majesties too great inclination to the Romish Religion which fear his after-retirement at St. Germain's convinced there was no need of For here he spent his time wholly in Piety and Devotions according to the best Worship of the Church of England never forgetting to pray for those his Enemies who were not only content to have deprived him of his Kingdomes but continually belched forth both slanders and maledictions against him His Majesty having staid at S. Germaines till such time as the heat of the popular fury was over which decreased still towards him as they found Mazarine more averse to him returned again to the Lovure where during his abode his brother the Duke of Glocester who had a long time been detained by the Iuncte of England in the Isle of Wight and was lately permitted by them to go to his Sister the Princess Royall in Holland came to him accompanied from the Hague by Sir Marmaduke Langdale and Sir Richard Greenvile he was at his arrivall at Paris honourably received by the
King of France and Queen Mother and courted according to his birth by the rest of the Grandees and Peers of the Kingdome Likewise during his Majesties abode here arrived his Quondam Preserver Mrs. Iane Lane who after she had taken leave of his Majesty at Bristow returned home and lived for some space in a great deal of security not doubting she could be betrayed Yet at length by what means I know not though indeed I have heard of many relations that I dare not relate any it came to light yet she had some timely notice of it whereupon she who had formerly disguised his Majesty in a Serving-mans habit now disguises her self in that of a Country wench and that trots on foot to save her life which she was like to loose for having formerly saved his sacred Majesties quite crosse the Countrey to Zarmouth where she found shipping which convey'd her safe into France great search after her departure there was made for her but in vain which so incensed the Souldiers that they burnt down to the ground that poor Cottage where his Majesty first took shelter after his Escape from Worcester She being arrived in France sends a Letter to the Court whereupon his Majesty almost overjoyed at her Escape who had been the cause of his immediately sends some persons of quality in Coaches to conduct her to Paris whither being near come himself with the Queen his Mother the Duke of York Glocester went out to meet this Preserver of the life of their Son Sovereign and Brother the Coaches meeting and she being descended from her Coach his Majesty likewise descends and taking her by the hand salutes her with this gratefull expression Welcome my life and so putting her into his own Coach conducts her to Paris where she was entertained with the applause wonder of the whole Court she could indeed deserve no less for I believe neither past or future ages can or will ever parallell so great a pattern of female Loyalty and Generosity Whilst his Majesty was thus passing away his time in France more in contemplation then action Oliver Cromwel made General of all the Iuncto's forces in England Scotland and Ireland finding now a fit opportunity to put his long-laid ambitious designs in execution had dissolved that Iuncto which had usurped the Kingly power or more over England and taken upon himself though not the title yet the Royall power authority over these Nations which the people though unwilling yet were forced to submit to and though he had not at first any basis whereon to ground his new usurped Regality yet in stead of one Iuncto he pluckt down he easily sets up another which I may the more justly call so in regard there was not one of them chosen by the free Votes of the people but by his own Arbitray Election those such persons who knew well enough what they had to doe before they met these after a short time of sitting without doing any thing besides the making of some impertinent laws which were forceably imposed on the people surrender their power as dying men do their souls to God into his hands that gave it who by the help of the Officers of the army Lamberts instrument makes himself immediatly King of England Scotland Irelaand which government he had often swore against though under the title of Protector This I must needs say Noble Tyrant having got the Dominion of three such Kingdomes into his possession made it now as much his study to preserve himself safe in his Estate and Grandezza as he did before to acquire it to which purpose he thought it most suitable to that design to make some remarkable disturbance amongst the neighbouring Princes then to contine that War begun by the Iuncto of Parliament with the Dutch to which purpose several motions of a Treaty passed His sacred Majesty though he had sundry times before solicited the assistance of those United Provinces for the regaining of his Right in his Kingdomes now more earnestly upon secret intelligence of the first motions of this Treaty sends the Lord Gerard his Embassadour to the United States more earnestly intreating them to own his Interest then before proffering that if they would vest out a squadron of good Ships under his Flag he would command them himself in person His Sister the Princess of Orange and other of his friends in the Low Countries addicted to his Interest earnestly prosecutes his desires and use their utmost influence on the States of the United Provinces for the performance of his propositions Nor are there five of these Provinces nor Van Trump himself their Admiral unwiling to comply with him Only the Province of Holland the most potent at sea stands out chiefly out of the disgust they had lately taken to the family of Orange whose Interest and command they were fearfull might be restored should his Majesty who was Uncle to the young Prince be invested in his Territories His Majesty likewise to advance his hopes of their assistance when Monsieur Bortell came from those United States to negotiate a League with the King of France used his utmost Interest to promote the Treaty and in fine brought it to a desired period notwithstanding the United States sent no other answer to his Embassy then a cold Letter of Complements His designs thus failing him here he directed himself to a more hopefull course by interposing himself a Mediator with the Pope other Catholick Princes for an accord and peace between the two mighty Crowns of France and Spain And indeed two such potent Monarchs had been in better capacity with their joynt forces to have assisted him had the peace went forward as there was great hopes then the United States of the Netherlands but Cardinall Mazarine by a piece of secret State-policy endeavoured to obstruct all proceedings which might tend to a Treaty or accord Nor was this Cardinal's Spleen to his Royall Majesty yet allayed for his supposed Council against him in the forementioned difference between the King and Princes but farther to prejudice him his affairs he endeavours the promotion of a peace betwixt the Protector of England the French King his Master which though opposed by all the force Interest that either himself or the Queen his Mother had in the French Court yet was by the Cardinal whose will was a law all other government in that Kingdome being but a meer shadow vigorously carried on and an Ambassadour sent over to treat of an accord where having been sometime in England his Majesty was by secret intelligence informed that the chief Article insisted upon in the Treaty by the Protector of England was the excluding himself relations and followers out of the Kingdome of France and it 's Territories wherefore least the treaty should be suddenly concluded upon those terms and he ceremoniously excluded he thought it more honourable himself to leave that Kingdome of his on accord and having
taken his leave of the King of France the rest of the Nobility accompanied with his Cousin Prince Rupert he departed for Germany where the Lord Wilmot had long been Ambassador for him to solicite aid and assistance Yet notwithstanding his Brothers the Duke of York and Glocester staid still in France The first having under the Command of the Marshal of Turine against the Spaniards performed such Eminent services as had made him deservedly esteemed a most valorous and prudent Prince insomuch that notwithstanding his Youth he was made Lieu. Generall of the French Army and thought so well worthy that Command that when Turine the most esteemed Generall the French have for a long time had lay desperately sick and it was expected that he should breath his last he was by the King of France sent to to desire him that seeing there were so little hopes of this life he would nominate such a General of his Army as he might judge fit to succeed him To which Turine answered that if his Majesty would have his affairs prosper he should make choice of a Noble valorous and fortunate Generall which if he did he could make of choice of no fitter person then the thrice Heroick Duke of York As for his Brother the Duke of Glocester he remained at the Pallace Royall in Paris with the Queen his Mother who shortly after the Departure of his Royall Majesty endeavoured by all the bonds of filial obedience and the most prevailing Arguments could be used to perswade him to become Roman Catholick no● did she alone but the Queen Mother of France and the prime Nobility of that Kingdom attempted the same when the Rhetorique of the Court could not prevail the most eminent for learning set upon him with that depth of reason as long acquired study and their own interest could oblige them to use or furnish them withall nor were Arguments and Reaonly used but the highest temptati●ns this world could present to a Prince in Adversity such were a Cardinals Hat and a Revenue suitable to his Dignity when these could not prevail the indign●tion of a Royall Mother was poured forth upon him which brought him the deprivation of his Tutor his Servants and all Comforters in these temptations But that Noble Prince was so far indowed during this affliction with the Principles of the Religion of the Church of England besides that naturall piety and constancy flowing from his most religious Father of blessed Memory that by the depth of Truth and Reason he defended himself against these attempts After this he is committed to the care of one Mr. Walter Mountague Abbot of Nantueil living at Pontoise who keeps him in very closely and works and persists still in ende●●ouring to pervert him using the Argument of Duty and obedience to his Mothers commands which she did injoyn him to doe or never more to see her face which from that day to this he hath not seen This Noble soul replyed with a sorrowful heart That as the Queens Maje●ty was his Mother he ought her duty but as his Brother was his King and Sovereign he ought him Duty and Allegiance which he could not dispute Whilst he is at Pontoise the most noble and religious Lord 〈◊〉 takes occasion to go wait upon the Duk● according to private instructions received from his Majesty who to his great sorrow had advised of these particulars he is admitted with much trouble to the presence of the Duke who imbraced him as his Deliverer with some difficulty urging the commands of his Majesty and his own arguments he is delivered to his care who conducts him with a speciall respect and diligence to his house in Paris where he is entertained divers daies with all honour confirmed with all diligence by that learned Lord in his so well imbued Principles untill the arrivall of the Marquesse of Ormond who by the Kings Command receives and conducts him to his Majesties Court His Majesty in his journy towards Germany came first to Chatillon a Castle belonging to the Prince of Conde whither he was accompanied by his Brother the Duke of York● and his Cousins Prince Rupert and Edward Palatines here Prince Edward and the Duke of York left them the one going to Bourbon the other returning to the Army where he continued a good while after his Majesty and Prince Rupert continu●d for some few daies their journy together 'till the Prince parted from him to go visit his Brother Frederick at Hidelberg his Majesty passing through Cambray and Leige to the Spaw where he took up the first place of his Residence in Germany whither his Sister the Royall Princess of Orange came to visit him and they no doubt during the time of their being there were as merry as two such afflicted Princes could But let us a little leave his Majesty at the Spaw and look into his Kingdomes where Cromwell that he might secure himself in his ill-gotten Estate endeavours by all means possible either to take away the lives or wholly impoverish and disable his Majesties loyal Subjects who are continually charged with something which he by his usurped power takes hold of to destroy them several persons are apprehended and charged with a design to have seized on the Tower and proclaimed his Majesty King of those Kingdoms which by right were his for tryall of which persons a High Court of Justice a thing we now in England know very well was erected for the tryall of those persons and Col. Iohn Gerard Mr. Peter Vowel and Sommerset Fox were condemned to be hanged drawn and quartered for no lesse then High Treason forsooth though there were then no Act in being making it Treason to conspire against the Power then in being in England But somewhat of the sentence was remitted and Col. Gerard was beheaded and Mr. Vowel only hanged Mr. Fox reprieved I have always observed that in all the tryals made by those High courts of Justice for plots as they call them there hath still been some one person who though brought to tryall have either not been condemned though look't upon by the people as eminent in the businesse as any and though Condemned yet have been reprieved what others guesse of it I will not determine I know what I do The truth is that his Majesty had alwaies the ill fortune to have such false servants about him as have for the Lucre of money either betrayed any enterprize of his for the gaining of his right the Protector especially being very prodigal in such expences his intelligence as most affirm standing him in no less then two hundred thousand pounds per annum or else those persons engaged for him being many of them deboist fellows and who often ran upon designes uncommissioned have in a Tavern both layd and betrai'd their own undertakings or else some here in England who have undertaken in such businesses have either for fear or gain betrayed both their Prince friends and Countrey Thus much for
privately taken out of their houses and shipt away in like manner it not being enough for him when he had impoverished them by taking away their Estates to look upon and insult on their misery at home but to make them as much as in him lay the scorn and derision of the World by selling them to those Plantations a punishment usually inflicted on none but thives and vagabonds Yet I hope those Noble soules who were thus dealt withall account those miseries and hardships they have endured but little in respect of the cause for which they suffered them But to return to our Princes abroad The Duke of Glocester in his journy from Paris with the Marquess of Ormand touched at the Hague where he found his Sister newly returned from her journey with his Majesty and having staid with her some time there she accompanied him to visit their Brother the King again at Colen with whom she staid till after the Fair at Franckford whither his Majesty accompanied with his Royal Sister the Duke of Glocester the Marquesse of Ormond the Earl of Norwich the Lord Newburg and seueral Ladies and persons of Quality went in progresse part of the way they went by Land and the other part by water being complemented in all Princes Countries through which they passed by their chief Ministers of State and saluted with the great Guns from their Towns and Castles but particularly being come into the Terrritories of the Elector of Mentz they were saluted by his grand Marshal who in the name of his Master the Elector invited his Majesty the Princesse Royal and the Duke of Glocester to his Court but in regard that the intent of their progress was to see that renowned Faire at Franckfort which now drew nigh his Majesty sent the Lord Newburgh back with the grand Marshal returning thankes to the Elector for his civilities but desiring to be excused rill their return when his Majesty with his Royal Sister and Brother would not faile to come and give him thanks in person and so his Majesty with his Noble company continued their journey Being arrived at Franckford advice was brought to his Majesty that the Queen of Swethland who had some time before voluntarily surrendred her Kingdom into the hands of Carolus Gustavus her Kinsman was passing that way in her intended Journey for Italy whereupon his Majesty sent a Noble Lord to acquaint her Royal Highnesse the Queen Christina that he was ready to wait upon her at what place soever she should be pleased to appoint for an interview her Majesty received the message with a great deal of affection telling the Messenger That she was highly obliged to his Majesty of England for so great an honour and that if he pleased she would not fail to meet him at Conningstein a villiage not farre from Franckford where his Majesty for the time resided And accordingly there these two Potentates both equally deprived of their Kingdomes onely with this distinction the one voluntary the other by force and Tyranny met The Queen of Sweden being there first attended his Majesty he being come was immediately admitted in a room there purposely provided and having had neer half an hours private discourse with her the Duke of Glocester was admitted and presently after the Lords that attended his Majesty there passing between their two Majesties many ceremonious complements and so after a little longer discourse they took their leaves The Princess Royal being a little indisposed went not to this interview His Majesty having tarried at Franckford as long as seem'd convenient to that Royal Company in his departure thence according to the promise he had before made by the Lord Newburgh passed through the Elector of Mentz his Countrey resolving to give him a visit but that Noble Prince had so much of honour in him that he met his Majesty a great part of the way and conducted him with his Royal Company to a Pallace of his where he sumptuously entertained them for three or four dayes and then himself in person accompanied them a good part of their way to Colen from whence shortly after his Majesties arrival there the Princess Royal departed for Holland In the mean the Protector of England having a good while before made a peace with the Hollander fearing that the Nation should grow rebellious to him if they lay free from Warres which would fill their purses resolues to keep them low and at diet to which effect he begins a war with Spain at first in his Western Territories but soon after that businesse not succeeding in his Europaean quartars which made Mazarine with all hast possible endeavour the concluding the League Offensive and Defensive with the Protector which being by him considered to be as benificial for his own interest as for the French was easily and willingly assented to but the chief Article of this Peace was that his Majesty the Dukes of York and Glocester with all their relations and friends should be expelied out of and no more admitted into the Kingdome of France Certainly had the French King had but the least touch or sense of honour he would have counted this the hardest condition in the World or indeed he would never at all have treated with the Protector but that he should yield to such a condition as to banish out of his Kingdome those who came to him for succour and relief in the utmost extremity that ever Princes were put to and these too his nearest relations being Brothers and Sisters children And this to make a league offensive with him who had murdered their Father and expelled them out of their Dominions What was this but the owning of that murder and aggravating their oppressions instead of relieving them But neither honour nor relation can stand in competition with self Interest His Majesty had before fore-saw what the event of this treaty would be and had therefore wisely withdrawn himself from France to prevent a complemental Explusion But the Duke of York who in regard of the great command which he had in the Army had stai'd there till the conclusion of the League was now warned to depart with all his retinue consisting of a gallant number of young English gentlemen bred up under his valour and conduct notwithstanding those many great services which he had performed for that Kingdom in requital of which he had only a complemental Apology made him for the necessity of his departure a small time respited for his stay during which he was visited by the Duke of Modena then in France and other French Grandees but more especially by the Marshal of Turine who extreamly loved im and above all others expressed a sorrow for his dismissement but at length the day perfixed being come his Grace having solemnly taken his leave of the King of France the Queen his Mother and the rest of his friends at the French Court he takes his journey towards Flanders accompanied by the Earle of Yarmouth and
that when a word is once gone out of his Mouth he will rather suffer by it then break it To conclude he is the pattern of Patience and Piety the most Righteous and Justest of Kings The most knowing and experienced of Princes The Holiest and the best of Men The severest punisher of Vice The strictest rewarder of Virtue The constantest perseverer in Religion And the truest lover of his Subjects This a short Character of his illustrious Majesty which I fear those that know him will rather think to come short of then reach his due praise so sweetly vertuous is he in all his Carriages so affable in his discourse so void of passion and anger that he was never yet heard or seen in Chollor the utmost extent of any passion that ever was discerned in him being towards one of his Menial Servants who justifying himself in what he had done amiss his Majesty with some motion told him that he was an insolent Fellow Yet this is that Prince whose vertues we have given leave to Forraign Nations to admire whilst we our selves have rested as well ignorant of his deserts as destitute of our own Liberty whilst either infatuated or blinded by those who have Tyrannically usurped governments over us we have been contented to sit still and see him expulsed and exiled from his due Rights and Royalties and our selves from our Freedome and Priviledges Nor hath God alone been merciful to us in endowing his sacred Majesty with such Heroick virtues but he hath given us a stock of noble Princes who seeme to emulate Virtue in one another and grow up like Royal Oaks to maintain the Honour and Glory of this Nation but are yet and have a long time been the disgrace of it all the Nations in Europe laughing at the English folly who slight that happinesse which they might enjoy As for the illustrious Duke of York his Fame is spread so farr over the World that my self have heard the very Turks commend and applaude his Vallour which was so esteemed of among the French that before he arrived at twenty one years of Age he was by that King thought worthy the command of Liev. General of his Army's which he managed with such care and prudence that seldome any affair he took in hand produced not its desired success and since his being in requital of his services complemented out of that Kingdome of France though he hath not had such eminent commands conferr'd on him by the Spaniard yet have they alwaies thought him worth the Highest imployment and respect As for the Duke of Glocester he is esteemed by most to be fitter for a Counsellour then a Souldier His Carriage is grave and somewhat severe of a Sagace Genious and understanding very much prying into State Affairs which have made most judge him the fitter for a Council board These three Princes are like three Diamonds or Pearls which we have ignorantly cast away not come to know the worth of them till we come to want them Their vertues having made them resplendent throughout all the World and rendred them if we justly consider it the only means whereby we can attain to happinesse for what Nation can be more blessed then that which hath for her Prince a just King to Govern a Valiant Duke to Defend and a Wise Counsellour to Advise May the God of Heaven then open our Eyes and let us at length see our Errour and heartily repent of it by calling our Native Soveraign to the possession of his due Rights Which the Divine Majesty I hope will be Graciously pleased to grant FINIS On his Majesties Picture Anno 1659. BOth Good and Just though forc'd by Tyrants powers Hard Fate denies thee to be Great or ours Illustrious CHARLES more loss to us then we Three wretched Nations can be gain to thee Yet Thou 'lt reigne since though Traitors force denies Angels will bring the Scepters from the skies * See Modern Policy