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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A28224 Two sermons the first shewing the mischiefs of anarchy, the second the mischiefs of sedition, and both of them the mischiefs and treasons of conventicles : preached at the assizes held for the county of Suffolk, ann. 1682/3 : and published at the request of Tho. Waldegrave, Esq. ... / by Nath. Bisbie ...; Mischiefs of anarchy Bisbie, Nathaniel, 1635-1695. 1684 (1684) Wing B2984; ESTC R3888 38,700 75

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do or can harden themselves unless they be their fathers own sons in principles as in blood I know not may perhaps pity but I am afraid never reform And yet verily there is a generation of men in the world who need none of this repentance who have been neither enemies to their King nor opposers of their Priests who in the heat of the mutiny have been neither Schismaticks with Korah nor Rebels with Dathan but fidi Achates trusty and Loyal Subjects good old Barzillai's who are feign God knows to be content with their olim meminisse their wounds and scars and dy'd garments from Bozrah the services they have done and the sufferings they have undergone yea and others who following their fathers steps have fought with beasts at Ephesus ventur'd at the dens of Lyons stood the shock of Schismatical envy and Democratical fury and whenever the records be search'd I wish their names and their merits may not be overlook'd But and if this be that Dathan and Abiram or if these be the sons of that Dathan and Abiram whose names are to be branded to all posterity for their Schismatical rebellious doings what ought to be done to those that have been thus faithful and loyal valiant and serviceable ever striving against the strivers and as need requir'd resisting the resisters unto blood Verily Silver and Gold I have none but what I have give I heartily unto you may the blessing therefore of Aaron and of his rod fall upon you and follow you may the King of Jeshurun whose Champions and worthies you have been with his oyl and his fatness reward you and when the day of account comes may you never be found Rebels to your God more than you have been unto your King Remark we 3. That Sedition and Rebellion are two such sins that will destroy the whole fabrick of Government though never so well rear'd and run it eftsoon into confusion and slavery if not timely and carefully prevented They 'l divide the house and if the house be divided truth it self will tell us that it cannot stand Humanity will turn into cruelty nature and friendship into Faction and fury to kill one another will be called valour to disobey the King accounted loyalty plain robbery and oppression the best of zeal and Religion the Sword the bloody heedless devouring Sword the only Lord Chief Justice of the Land We shall soon see an overthrow of all order and Law a confusion in our duties both to God and man and a Kingdom which for its pleasure may be a Paradise for its Light a Goshen for its plenty a Canaan chang'd into a Chaos a worser Chaos than that which the world came out of for a word put an end to that God spake and the world was made Psalm 38.9 nay God divided the light from the darkness and he called the light day and the darkness he called night and the Evening and the Morning were the first Day Gen. 1.5 But if these take place Evening and Morning will be both alike we may know their beginning but never their ending darkness and horror of darkness till we our selves if we be not careful fall thereby into the pit of darkness Wherefore let me perswade you you who are this day to number the people and to view the several inheritances among us that there be no Mutineer nor Rebel in our Tribes or families To be careful and jealous in that your enquiry that none such pass your Tribunal much less go off from you with Ceremony and Complement too customary a thing with some as if you were lovers of their Nation and would build them Synagogues It is not their being an holy Congregation that will make them when they are Seditious Holy neither will your punishing them be a slaying the people of the Lord. We live you see in an age full of Sedition and Conspiracy where neither our Moses can well keep his Crown upon his head nor our Aaron his Ephod upon his breast the Seditious Levite on one hand the Rebellious Reubenite on the other are so industriously concern'd in the undermining and supplanting them both that if heaven interpose not to defend the one and to root out the other both Moses and Aaron Priesthood and Government must sink and fall together Wherefore to your respective Stations and Charge and know 1. That Dathans Conspiracy is still on foot in the land alive and alive like to be The Cause saith one of our late Regicides lies in the bosom of Christ and as sure as Christ arose the Cause will rise again I believe saith another of them no less Prophet than the former that at long running there is not a man that fears the Lord will have any reason to be sorrowful for engaging in the Cause for though the Lord hath been pleased to let it be as it were the Sun-setting for a night yet it will certainly arise next Morning very gloriously again Neither was it for ought that I cand find ever thorowly brow-beaten or hiss'd off the stage These saith the publishers of their death all dy'd in the Faith Saints who through Faith of the Gospel have entered into rest Nay who of the Company of them especially if they were famous either in the Assembly or in the Congregation ever went unto their graves from that day to this without an Herse full of Scripture Scutcheons and Religious Labels The memory of the Just is blessed precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints enough to give credit to the worst of Causes and to draw all the Saints of the land after them And yet with horror be it spoken some of them have had their bowels burnt alive and went down into the earth like Dathan others of them liv'd and dy'd in the company of Korah and never repented them of their sins though stained with the blood of the best of Kings and the devoutest of Prelates Shall I re-mind you of what one of the Korathites still living hath said of himself That he hath often searched into his heart whether he did lawfully engage in the late War against the King or did well to encourage so many thousands to it and that he cannot as yet see that he was mistaken in the Cause neither dares he repent of it nor forbear to do the same if it were to do again And yet this man lives and repents him not nay hath his Company with him still to whom he preaches Sedition as of old and with whom thousands of the Dathanites and Abiramites of the land do Confederate whereby you may see the stubbornness and hopes of the Faction and how the good Old Cause will go on if God by his judgments and the Magistrate by his care and severity prevent it not Awake and know 2. That the Cause not only lives but there are multitudes in the Land ready fixt and prepar'd to carry it on dissatisfied Reubenites who for their own or their fathers sins
have lost their offices their honours their birth-rights and perhaps not a few of them neither even among the very Senators of the Land who by their having been there gather hopes to recover the greatness they have lost at least to make themselves too great ever after to be crushed or degraded again But lodge they where they will I will be bold to say they are all of the Company of Korah frequenters of his Tents or lovers of his Company let but his Conventions be searched and you will find them all for of this sort are they which creep into houses 2 Tim. 3.6 However of such pernicious influence they have been that it will be difficult to say whether the Barrels of Powder once under the Senate or the Conventicles afterwards adjoyning have been the most fitted and adapted to blow it up or indeed whether Faux with his Dark Lanthorn and his Match in his hand or these with their New lights and their white and black Caps on their heads are the most likely to do the mischief pardon the expression but assuredly I my self in my days of Curiosity have heard such dangerous Positions such Fiery conclusions such Flambeau Divinity vented in those Assemblies that I never read nor met with the like in Bellarmin Mariana Reynolds nor the worst of Jesuits Let the Pillar then stand for a lasting Monument to instruct all that pass by where the Fire that consumed the City and impoverished the Nation first began but there are and have been of late so many incendiaries Firers of the City and Country for I look upon every Conventicler to be one that if a Column were to be erected at every place where the Nation hath been enflam'd we should not have Purse nor Piety enough to erect them Habent Vespae favos It seems Wasps as well as Bees have got their hives but if they be suffered to breed and to plant new Colonies the Hony of the Land will soon be eaten up and the Bees that should gather new destroy'd Wherefore awake awake you Sampsons of the Age you men of Loyalty and of strength and know that the Philistins are upon you think not that to Address your selves to your King to Congratulate his late preservation is Loyalty enough the better way in these times of Conspiracy to express it will be to Address your selves unto his business to seize the Tents of Dathan and to scatter the Company of Korah for assuredly if Korah hath his Company Dathan will have his and it shall not be long ere both of them take Men. May the God therefore of Peace who stilleth the raging of the Sea and the madness of the People whose is the Kingdom and the Power and who sent his Son to reconcile the world unto himself and each one therein unto the other make us all to be of one mind and of one tongue and through the assistance of his holy Spirit to live in the true faith and fear of God in humble Obedience to our King in brotherly love and Charity one to another that there may be no more Schisms nor Conspiracies among us but that we may all and every one of us obey them that have the rule over us and submit our selves to them who watch for our souls To whom three Persons one God be ascribed all Honour Glory Power Adoration now and for ever Amen FINIS Books Printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Pauls Church-yard PRosecution no Persecution or the difference between Suffering for disobedience and Faction and suffering for Righteousness and Christ's sake in a Sermon preached at Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk being the time of the General Assizes there held The Modern Pharisees or a Sermon shewing the Principles of the present Jesuites and Puritans to be of the same evil influence with the ancient Pharisees and equally vexatious and destructive to Government Both by Nath. Bisbie D. D. Mr Milbourn's Samaritanism Revived A Sermon preached on the Ninth of September being the day appointed for a solemn Thanksgiving for the Discovery of the late Horrid Plot against his Majesties Person and Government Mr Payne Of the unlawfulness of stretching forth the hand to Resist or Murder Princes with the principal cases about Resistance considered in Two Sermons the first preached upon the last Thirtieth of January the other upon the day of Thanksgiving for the Deliverance of the King and Kingdom from the late Treasonable Conspiracy Ahitophel's Policy Defeated a Sermon preached on the Ninth of September being the day appointed by his Majesty for a Publick Thanksgiving for his and the Kingdoms great Deliverence from the late Treasonable Conspiracy Mr Payne's Sermon Learning and Knowledge recommended to the Scholars of Brentwood School in Essex Preached at their first Feast June 29. 1682. Published at the earnest desire of the Stewards