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A10036 The doctrine of the sacrament of the Lords Supper handled. And plainely layd open out of the 1. Cor. 11. 23.24. &c. Wherein the nature of this sacrament is faithfully discussed, the matter of it, together with the necessity of often receiuing, truly declared; the words of consecration embowelled, and errours with the cauills of papists soundly confuted. By Richard Preston preacher of Gods word at Rushden in Northamptonshire. Preston, Richard, d. ca. 1624. 1621 (1621) STC 20283; ESTC S115177 102,646 398

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the eating of so blessed a banquet as the Lords Supper is Herein the Papists haue much slandered our Church as that we should giue allowance for obseruation of this time after the Imitation of Christ and should make this Supper of the Lord Iesus a nightly feast of good cheere But the practise of our Church wil shew how vniust this stander is and how wrongfully they accuse vs. The same night that he was betrayed he tooke c. When Christ was ready to yeeld himselfe to the death hee institutes and ordaynes a Sacrament Hence learne That God hath had a speciall care Doct. 1. that as his Word so also his Sacramēts might frō time to time be continued in his Church Before the fall in Paradise God was so carefull for the good of man that he gaue him 2 Sacraments 1. Gen. 2.9 The Tree of Life and 2. The Tree of Knowledge of good and euill Afterward in the time of the old Testament he did institute the Circumcision and Paschall Lambe Gen. 17.10 Exod. 12.3 Mat. 3. 28.26 and now in our time vnder the Gospell we haue Baptisme the Lords Supper Now God is thus carefull that his Sacraments might bee continued in the Church both that they might strengthen our faith and bee notes and badges of our Profession whereby the members of his Church may be distinguished Exod. 12.43 and discerned from all Infidels and Heathens The Passeouer did belong to Gods people they might eate it but strangers might not and Circumcision was of the Iewes for they were called circumcised but not of the Gentiles for they were called the vncircumcised Vse 1 1. If God then bee thus carefull for our good for the strengthening of our faith and to make vs his peculiar people by setting his badge vpon our shoulders let vs for shame bee true vnto our Lord and Master let vs aduenture our selues in his campe against all his enemies and fight his battailes The word Sacrament hath his name from the vse and practise of souldiers in warre For looke as in ancient time the souldier did binde himselfe by an oath solenni sacramento with his sword girded vnder his arme to fight his Captaines battailes So wee being partakers of the holy Sacrament doe receiue the Lords badge and binde our selues for euer to fight his battailes let vs not then for shame carrie his badge vpon our sleeues and take part with his enemie the Deuill by continuing any longer in our sinnes but let vs arme our selues and take vnto vs the sword of the spitit and manfully stand out in the Lords cause that wee may bring glory 〈◊〉 God and comfort to our selue● Vse 2 2. This may teach vs to make high account of the Lords Supper and to receiue it reuerently because Christ did institute it and left it vnto vs as his last legacie a little before his death Wee see that what a man doth when he is toady to yeeld vp the Ghost is of speciall moment Christ when hee was to depart this life to leaue his Church commends this Sacrament to his Disciples and in them to vs as his last legaciez therefore it must hee had in singular respect and in no fort profaned and contemned Now followeth the treason that befell our Sauiour Christ and was plotted against him that night hee did ordayne his last Supper which may bee set downe both by the qualitie of it and also by the time when it was plotted the qualitie of it is plaine in these few things It was high treason against the King of heauen and earth conspired vnder showes of friendship and loue for the damnable traytor could speake Christ faire in the face Mat. 26.49 God saue thee Master A sinne most haynons if we marke the circumstances of it for first who was the actor of this treason It was Iudas a seruant of Christ an Apostle Christs steward for hee bate the bagge Secondly against whom was it committed Against Christ the sonne of the liuing God Mat. 16.16 his Master whom hee had followed whose Sermons he had heard whose kindnesse hee had receiued whom twice together hee resused and neglected when his Master a little before the treason was put in practise spake in a wonderfull milde manner vnto him Friend saith hee wherefore art thou come Mat. 29.50 And againe when he came neere to him to kisse him Iudas saith he betrayest thou the Sonne Luk. 22.45 of Manwith a kisse These word● might haue broken an heart of brasse yet they neuer mooued him Thirdly by what meanes was it wrought secretly for a little after supper he went from his Master and compacted with the Iewes who forthwith tooke the aduantage of the time it being darke when Christ could not see to goe abroade and of the place being so neere them that hee could not flee from them Fourthly for what end did hee treacherously seeke his Masters death To enrich himselfe and yet he obtayned but a ●tifle euen thirty peeces of siluer if he could haue obtayned any honour or great possession or any great and high office by this treachery it had beene something but all that he got was a little filthy lucre the wages of iniquitie and the price of innocent bloud What should I vrge this treason any more in the circumstances of it when the Scriptures handle it plainely all men know it readily The truth is Doctr. 2 that it is an odious sinne worthy all mens hatred Haman though neuer so secretly contriued mischiefe against the good Iewes yet his proper portion for his intended mischiefe was detestation and so it was with Nabuch adnezzars treacherous seruants that conspired against the three Children when all would not worke wel as they looked for then they found their great Lords loue turned to absolute hatred It is not likely that any wise mā cā either speake well or wish wel to a traytor that intendeth mischief Treason is odious in respect of the authors of it Reas 1. they are bloud-thirstie men such as cast off all pitty and put off all humanity naturall affections and the bowels of compassion they are fierce and cruell furious full of rage and alwayes their out crie against Gods Church is Downe with it downe with it euen to the ground Psal 137. ● 2 In respect of the effects Reason which are many sword and slaughter spoyle and robery It spareth neither life nor goods but killes and rifles all before it Vse 1 1. Who can think or speake well of the treacheries of Papists or of their bloody Religion that maintaines all treasons that holds vp violence and gunpouder plots by the chinne that sets vp all subtilties and euersions of king and kingdomes We haue had so long experience of their notable villainies that reason hath taught vs to cast off all loue of them whether they speake faire or foule and to flye all communion and company with them
THE Doctrine of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper handled And plainely layd open out of the 1. Cor. 11.23.24 c. Wherein the nature of this Sacrament is faithfully discussed the matter of it together with the necessity of often receiuing truly declared the words of consecration embowelled and errours with the cauills of Papists soundly confuted By Richard Preston Preacher of Gods word at Rushden in Northamptonshire Ho euery one that thirsteth come Isay 55.1 LONDON Printed by N. O. for Iohn Bellamie and are to bee sold at the South entrance of the Royall Exchange 1621. To the right worshipfull religious and vertuous Lady the Lady Alice Pemberton wife to the noble and worthy Sir Lewis Pemberton of Rushden Knight high Shriffe of Northhampton shiere grace and peace with all other blessings accompanying saluation MADAM THere is an old Prouerbe vsed among vs and no lesse true then old that Wheresoeuer God buildeth his Church there the Diuell buildeth his Chappell This Prouerbe hath beene found true in euery age euen from the beginning of the world and is found true at this present day For as God began to build his Church in righteous Abell so likewise the diuell began to build his Chappell in wicked Caine the brother of Abell and as God in these our dayes doth build his Church in Christian Princes vertuous rulers holy and reuerend Church gouernors learned writers and zealous Preachers whom the enemies of God call Lutherans Zwinglians Caluinists Heretiques Schismatiques Teachers of new learning confounders of good order c. So the diuell ceaseth not to build his Chappell in the Papists in the Adiaphorists in the Anabaptists in the Arminians in the Libertines in the Epicures in other such horrible monsters of wickednes Nay more in what field the good man soweth his wheate Mat. 13.24.25 in the very same field the enuious man soweth his tares And albeit this Sathanicall dragon by Luciferian limbes and hereticall Hypocrites hath euer labored to enlarge his house yet in this our age because his kingdome draweth to an end he carketh and careth rageth and roareth like a right diuell bestirreth himselfe to make his Den of theeues more ample and large not only among Infidells but also among those that professe Christ which is lamentable to see and heare I let passe to make you acquainted with the great swarme of Sectaries which almost couer the earth like Egyptian flies Ex. 8.21.22 being indeed those Locusts which came out of the bottomlesse pit Reu. 9.2.3 Neither need I recite how large and wide a Synagogue the diuell hath built him in the pernicious sect of the bloud-sucking Papists who are the more pestiferous to the Church of Christ because that being inwardly rauening Wolues Mat. they cloathe thēselues in sheeps apparell No sect that euer Sathan brought into the world is more iniurious to the blood of Christ more despitefull to Gods word more cruell to the Saints of the Lord more hurtfull to true Religion then that sect of the Papists They ouerthrow holinesse of life and Gods power of remiting sinnes by a distinction of veniall sinnes by a conceited Purgatory by saying ouer a Pater noster an Aue Maria cortaine times together by Indulgences Trentalls Diriges Pardons and such like trumperies They make the obedience of Christ of no force by their merits his sufferings of no value by their satisfactions their pennance whippings eremitical progressions c. They ouerturne the institution of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper by their idolatrous sacrifice of the Masse To instance in some particulars Christ fare at the table when hee instituted his last supper and turned his face to his Disciples the Papists stand at an Altar turne their backes to the people Christ spake openly and in a plaine manner the papists either whisper to themselues or speake in such a tongue as cannot bee vnderstood Christ gaue the Sacrament of his body and blood to his Disciples for to eate and drinke the Papists vncharitable Helluones giue nothing to any man but eate and drinke all alone Christ ministred the mystery of his body in common bread the Papists minister printed waser-cakes Christ ministred pure wine the Papists wine if they minister any mixt with water Christ gaue the sacrament into his Disciples hands the Papists put it into the peoples mouthes as if their fingers were too base Christ deliuered the sacrament to his Disciples saying Take ye eate ye drinke ye the Papists deliuer it not but say Behold honour worship reuerence your Maker here and then they hang it vp in a pixe or a boxe in so much that often in the interim of the priests absence a mouse creepeth into the boxe and eateth vp their great Creator Christ gaue the sacrament vnder both kindes the Papists but vnder one kinde they steale away the wine Christ commanded his Disciples to eate his Supper in remembrance of him the Papists say they haue him already in their hands in their mouthes in their boxes in their pixes c. These and other such errours else-where met with-all hath the diuell brought into the Church of Christ by the Papists about the doctrine of the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ And such is their impudency they shame not to father them vpon the word of God and ancient Fathers when as both the word of God and the writing of ancient Fathers are extreame enemies vnto thē I cease to speake how they hinder the liberty and dignity of the Word how they inuert the order of the institution of the Lords Supper how they peruert the meaning of our Sauiors words how they trouble the Church with a late deuised but not their least respected errors of Transubstantiation Your Ladiship cannot bee ignorant how Satan by these his hellish instruments and by all means which they put in practise endeauoureth to pull down the sides of Gods house that the walls of his owne Chappell might be the bigger Who then must stand in in the gap rolle away this stone preuent this euil stop those wide mouthes pluck the venome from vnder their tongues and bee able to keepe in Grace the ordinances of the Lord but you such as be of your worth ranke and profession Therfore I haue made the more bold to prefixe your Ladiships name in the front of this my weake Infant as a Patronage of it against al its enemies And though it be a recompence too mean for your good word and countenāce toward me yet it being the best gift that my pouerty can affoord I doubt not but according to your milde disposition you will accept of of it The matter it brings is the Doctrine of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper opened in a plaine and familiar manner not sutable to the nice curiosity of our times not elegant in words and without all affectation vnlesse of plainnesse which in preaching I euer counted the best eloquence The naked and naturall sense of the
came to apprehend him although they see his power in casting them all to the ground yet he resisted not but offered himselfe vnto them saying v. 3.4.5 Whom seeke yee who made him this answere Iesus of Nazareth and he replied I am hee 4. When hee was brought before the Iudge he denied no part of the truth but as one willing to yeeld his life into their hands witnessed a good confession before Pontius Pilate 1. Tim. 6.13 5. Lastly when hee was brought to the place of execution it is sayd of him that hee sent out his soule and gaue vp his spirit All these testifie this truth That Christs passion was a free and an acceptable sacrifice as God gaue him willingly so as willingly did he bestow himselfe Vse 1 1. As this may serue to ouerthrow the idoll sacrifice of the Masse so it may iustly confute the Masse mongers and sacrificing Priests who are drawne to the Altar as the swine to the stie Christ gaue himselfe freely but they will not giue their breaden God except they be hyred They will neither say Masse nor sacrifice for any man without money according to the prouerbe No penie no Pater noster Quid non Regina pecunia donat The soules in Purgatory that imaginary fire wherein conceitedly they are tormented and endure shaddowed paines cannot be released without mony if that bee present all things shal be current if that be wanting their sacrifice of the Masse will do no good Vse 2 2. This may serue to commend vnto vs the exceeding loue of our Sauiour Christ greater loue then this hath no man then when a man bestoweth his life for his friends Ioh. 15.13 No man is able to expresse this loue of our Sauior that so willingly he would lay downe his life for vs yea for vs that were his enemies Rom. 5.8 We reade of certaine men that through their loue to particular places and people haue layd down their liues as of M. Curtius that cast himselfe into a dangerous lake for his Countries sake as of Codrus the King of the Athenians who offered himselfe to the swords of his enemies for the preseruation of his Kingdome As of Decius the consull that deuoted himselfe to death for the Romane armie These testimonies are something yet nothing in comparison of Christ they died for a few people he for the whole world they dyed not meerely out of loue but for vaine glory he willingly and louingly without al respect of ambition they died for their Country and friends he for his aduersaries and foes they died men full of sinne he without any sin of his owne Oh then admire this vnspeakeable loue of Christ the like we neuer heard of that a man out of his tendet loue to his friends yea to his enemies should shed the best blood in his heart which here Christ hath done for vs. 3 The consideration of this loue of Christ should teach vs in token of thankfulnesse to loue him againe by offering vp vnto him our bodies and soules as acceptable seruices This was Paules practise Gal. 2.20 In that that I now liue in the flesh I liue by the faith in the Sonne of God who hath loued mee and giuen himselfe for mee Therby giuing vs to vnderstand that the greatest and strongest reason why wee should liue to the Son of God is this because he hath loued vs and giuen himselfe for vs yea we should hereby learne to giue reliefe to the poore and help them that stand in neede of vs. Thus much of Christs actions Take eate drinke c. Now follow the words of our Sauior Christ to his Disciples In which obserue the actions of receiuers and the persons whom Christ admitted to receiue The Actions Take c. The persons Yee Take and eate From the manner of Christs speech vsed in this place we learne That It is not left a thing indifferent to come vnto this holy Table Doct. so as wee may at our owne pleasure come and at our owne pleasure againe absent our selues from communicating at this holy feast with Gods Saints Reas 1 1 For it is commanded Take yee c. Now euery commandement of the moral Law binds the conscience to obedience euen so this commandement of our Sauiour Christ which is indeede a speciall part of Gods worship included in the second and fourth commandement of the morall Law is to bee obeyed vnlesse a man bee preuented by sicknesse or bee depriued of fit opportunity by reason of persecution or imprisonment c. Reas 2 2 As it is necessary in regard of Christs commandement so also in respect of the great fruite and profit it brings to the Cōmunicants for this Supper as in part we haue heard was ordained for these two reasons 1. As a mother hauing brought forth a little infant doth not forsake it but nurseth and bringeth it vp so Christ hauing initiated vs and brought vs into the Church by baptisme a pledge of our spirituall newe birth and initiation and entrance into his Kingdome doth not leaue vs there but hath instituted his holy Supper to the end that wee by participation in his body and blood might be the more strengthened in this assurance that Christ is ours with all his benefits And although Christ be well presented vnto vs by the preaching of his Gospell yet there are notable points in this Supper especially to be obserued 1. In the Ministery of the Word God speaketh generally to all Repent and beleeue and so bee saued But in this Sacrament hee speaketh in particular directeth his promise as it were by name to euery Communicant This is my body to thee as thou tastest the bread and wine so assuredly thou shalt taste and receiue Christ by faith in him 2. God is not herewith contented but furthermore with this his promise for the further confirmation of their faith he giueth them the outward Elements of bread and wine to bee visible pledges of the ratification of his promise saying to euery Communicant Take thou eate thou c. 2 By receiuing this Sacrament and presenting our selues thereunto we make as it were a publike protestation that wee haue no fellowship with Idolatours Heretiques Atheists prophane and vngodly persons of this world but that wee take our selues to bee the children of God and haue fellowship with Christ vnity loue and friendship one with another Vse 1 This may serue to confute the Papists that hold and say Easter is the time when the common people should come flocking together to receiue the Sacrament Pope Zepherinus institution and command or to speake in their owne phrase to take their Hushell or to receiue their Maker The Priest hee perswades the simple people that it is neither necessary nor fit for them to receiue often and all that he might fill his owne panch Iude 12. and glut himselfe This is contrary to Christs institution and the practise of the Primitiue Church
and furely hee that dwelleth amongst them dwelleth amongst Diuells Rome is called an H●bitation of Di●●ells R●u 1● ● Vse 2 2 This may be a warning to all men that seeing treacherie is thus odious euen to take heed of it and to contain themselues in all bounds of loyalty towards those to whom they owe their duties then they shall giue cause of better speeches more loue and greater regard of their persons Againe the Apostle saith The night that he was betraied obseruing that Iudas tooke the time of darkenesse to practise his treachery Learne That It is the property of wicked men to obserue the closest times for wicked practises they loue holes and cornes that their mischeiuous proiects may bee kept secret and close Iudas takes his fit time of darkenes to worke the death of our Sauiour Iesus Christ he was loath that his ●●llo●● Apostles should bee acquainted ●●d with his intended treacherie which makes him go so s●●●●tly to worke And to ●●sist in some other particulars we shall see that it hath beene euermore the practise of all wicked men to employ themselues busily in most wicked and vngodly practises when they are priu●te or in dark So Paul doth testifie 1. Thes 5.7 that They who are drunken are drunken in the night and Iob saith Iob 24.15 That the Adulterer waites for the twilight The theefe steals in the night Mat. 13.3 The enemy soweth Tar●s when m●n are asleepe and murderers come in darknesse to w●●cke then malic● vpon their enemies c. 1 Their deedes are euill Reas 1. and they date not shew them openly like Owles vnder couert all day long but whē night comes they let them flye abroad like flinder mice and bold Backs in the aire Ioh. 3.20 Euery man saith the Euangelist that doeth euill hateth the light neither commeth to light lest his deedes should bee reprooued These euill doers are like bad shop-keepers that trade in naughty wares they commonly haue darke ware-houses and shops to keepe their ware in that the buyer might not discerne whether it be merchantable or vendible The vncleane person will not act his filthinesse in the brightnesse of the Sunne nor before any people no not before a little child lest he shold be discried and his vncleannesse made knowne Vse 1 1 This may serue to ouerthrow the practise of the Papists those Iesuit is all Friers 〈…〉 bellied Monkes that lye close in holes and corners in c●lls ●●ues and cloysters farre ●●●●p●●d from the society of ●●●s that they may set their wits on ●enter-hookes to ouerthrow the Church of God and destroy the Lords annoynted they pretend much good by their ●●●ke life and er●mit●call solitarinesse The yeare ●8 gunpouder plot when their heads ●●st out proiects for the destruction of Gods seruants Let their owne purposes speake for them how much good they intēded to bring to passe by their exemption from humane society This I dare speake for them that if the men of their confederacy Obad. 7. and they that were at peace with them h●●● not d●c●●●● them they had vtter●y d●stroyed v● and 〈◊〉 ●and and let me t●●● them that the Lord wil one day magnifie his iustice against them 〈◊〉 their ●●●●●tifull maintenance of their secret ●●●●●ons then neither th●● t●n ho●●s or Kings nor the seuen heads nor their power and bloody warres their Spanish Inquisition their ●assacres their two ●●aiterous ●olledges Buls and E●com●●nications not the Councell of Tr●nt Order of Iesult●s ●●gling of Images false miracles and Legends lies and equiuocations falsifying of authority and Cloyster policies will vphold their tottering state but down it must with al their props and be burnt with fire Reu. 17.16 Vse 2 2. This may be a terror to all wicked men that work mischief in the darkest night and closest place the Lord will one day lay open and discouer their close and mischeiuous practises when nothing shall be giuen them for their reward but horror shame and confusion of face Consisider this thou hypocrite thou parricide thou that giuest faire words but obseruest the times of darkenesse for the worke of mischiefe and to destroy thy best friend as Iudas did his Master the Lord hath taken notice of thy wickednesse and wil punish thee openly for it Consider this thou vnchaste and lecherous person An pudet id facere in conspectudes ac testibus Angelis quod nō pudet facere in conspe ●tu hominum Erasm that can●●● o● away with the light but takest thy pleasure in the closest hooks and darkest nights that blushest to sinne before men though not so in the sight of God the Lord will open thy sinne also and exclude thee out of the Kingdome of heauen 1. Cor. 6.3 Consider this you couetous Magistrates that take close bribes which for feare of the law you dare not bring to the light 1. Cor. 4.5 Ad Lunae ●umina visus eris The Lord that lightens things hidde in darkenesse will bring to light your bribing and close wicked dealing Yet let all sinners that haue hitherto committed sinne in secret consider that if they run with Sisera into some priuate house or with Adam into some secret bush or compasse themselues with the darke hangings of the bed or runne with Sarah behinde the dore or take the midnight with the theese yet the Lord will find them out and at the last day punish them in the view of the whole world Vse 3 3 This may teach vs to bring our works to light and not as Backes and Owles to bee ashamed of the day Oh let the light try our practises whether they bee sound and sincere and the people of God know them that we may not be ashamed of thē at the last day Ioh. 3.21 Hee that doeth truth comes to the light that his deedes might bee made manifest that they are wrought according to God If we should flye the face of God and take the night for a maske and darkenesse for a couering 1. Thes 5.5 walking not as children of the day but as children of the darkenesse the light of the day would vtterly shame vs and the beames of the Sunne would witnesse against vs. Oh therefore let vs so worke while it is yet day and neuer feare to bring all our workes to the triall of the day Let vs be bold in this Psal 139.23 and say with the Prophet Dauid O God try me and search my thoughts Thus much of the time of the institution of the Lords Supper now it remaineth to deliuer the matter and the manner of the institution which things wee shall the better know and learne if wee lay downe what a Sacrament it Definition of a sacrament Sacrificiū visibile inuisibilis sacrificij sacramentū Aug. de ciuit dei li. 10 c. 5. A Sacrament is a visible signe of an holy thing or a visible forme of an inuisible Grace but because in this briefe definition