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A02930 The curtaine of Church-povver and authoritie in things called indifferent Drawne and laid open, to shew the many infectious sores and maladies they bring in, and cover. Together with sundry infallible reasons, proving that the service of God, and the generall good of the Church and common wealth require that they should be abolished. By Ia: Henric Henric, James. 1632 (1632) STC 13071; ESTC S111374 72,115 112

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Which indeed may rather be said of the Bishops themselves and their defenders for though one prove never so plainly that the government of Diocessan Bishops though as old as the pretended primacy and usurpations of Antichrist is but a new way and very pernicious to the kingdome and people of Christ and to the honour peace and happinesse of that King and kingdome that maintaines it and further that the government by the common counsell of the * Act. 6.5 Cha. 15.22 Cha. 20.17 28. 1 Cor. 5 4. Tit. 1.5 Iude 3. Presbyters and voices of the brethren members of the congregation is the old and good way of God best for his Church and service and likewise that the convincing of Pelagianisme and Popery defending of the truth contending earnestly for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints and walking in the light thereof are the old paths the good way bee they proved never so old never so good the Prelates and their pertakers doe but geere and scoffe at them and further are so impudent as to say non ambulabimus in ea we will not walk in it Their manifest hating persecuting such as shew them these old paths this good way doe sufficiently prove it Iudge then Christian Reader if the Bishop have not abused his * Ier. 6.16 text and that Princely and most honoured audience Is such a man fit to governe and order one of those two fountaines of learning and nurseries of Divines the Vniversity wherof he is Chancelour and most of the affaires of Religion in his Majesties dominions as a Pope of those Kingdomes or to be the spirituall guide of Princes and Councellors who onely besides the Bishops beare all the sway in matters of Religion How is it possible that they should be well informed by such Prelates or their partakers And yet God knowes and we see it plainly they will heare no others no not though it be manifestly proved that the Prelates are as deafe and obstinate in these points as the Pope Cardinals and Iesuites are in these points and in others Neither let any man thinke it strange that these shall be compared to them of the Church of Rome For the Bishop of Rome and his Clarkes that are now corrupt in the superlative degree were not so bad in the dayes of the first Christian Emperours but beginning then to make the word of God of none effect by their traditions power and ceremonies they grew worse and worse and so have our English Bishops who follow them apace See an instance in the worst sort of Papists The Iesuites being banished for their practices out of the State of Venice at Padua Quarrels of Paul 5. lib. 2. p. 94 were found many copies of a certaine writing of 18. Rules under this title Regulae aliquot servandae ut cum orthodoxa Ecclesia verè sentiamus Certaine rules to be observed that with the orthodoxall Church we may judge or hold aright In the third it is ordained that men should beleeve the Hierarchical Church although it tell us that that is blacke which our eye judgeth to bee white Would not the Bishops have us beleeve the Hierarchicall Church of England when it saith of the Presbyterall government that it is blacke which our eye judgeth to be white And of the other side of their owne dominion and traditions so contrary unto Christs that they are white which our eyes see to be black In the seventeenth there is a prescription to take heed how men press or inculcate too much the grace of God Doe not the Arminian Prelates teach us the same lesson Bishops were not so corrupt or blinde in Queene Elizabeths dayes they had not this art but seeing their office and authority hath no root in Christ the Truth it is not of God but of mē they cannot but grow worse and worse They that thinke it strange that English Bishops should be Iesuited must yet confesse that it hath beene affirmed of the late Duke of Buck and some others of their abettors supporters and confederates Howsoever we may see that these and the like are the fruits of maintaining their government ceremonies and traditions against the light of Gods truth All these and divers other corruptions in religion and mischiefes in the State are crept in and covered under the Curtaine of Church power in matter of order decency and things indifferent And if they be still maintained greater abominations must needs follow things cannot but grow worse and worse both in Clergy and people ignorance and errour must needs be thereby more and more ingendred and propagated For they see well enough that many are so observant of these traditions and ceremonies that they dwell in them they serve them for an entire Religion or a cloak of one and of mocking and persecuting of professors they have little or none besides no love to the preaching and hearing of Gods most holy word wherby faith knowledge repentance humility and other graces are wrought in the soule but like many simple and ignorant women that will needs weare kerchers at their churching and yet in the afternoone or soone after run to playes and alehouses they are very observant of such ordinances and yet seldome come to a Sermon and scarce once a yeare to the Communion And these and others are not ordinances and ceremonies so innocent indifferent and profitable as some would make them Yea therefore it is but a meere mockery and delusion to say that though they be in themselves indifferent yet being commanded by authority they become necessary and men ought to be conformable not onely that they may hold their Ministery and doe good in it but even for conscience sake For 1. the Article saith They may be changed according to times and mens manners but the times and mens manners who now make a religion of them and a cloake of persecution do require that they should be changed and abolished therefore they ought to bee changed and abolished 2. What a gappe doe they hereby open for authority to impose what it list and to have it received by the same argument though superstitious and hurtfull to the kingdome in the free power of the word preached which is to abuse Princes and Synods and to infer they may impose maintaine and increase ordinances and ceremonies that thus make the word of none effect For grant that they may impose these and it followes they may impose others as hurtfull Yet some are not ashamed to preach and write much in the defence of them Coloss 2.8 2 Cor. 4. but this is after the traditions of men after the rudiments of this world and not after Christ to corrupt the earth and preach themselves not the Gospell when they should rather put the higher powers in minde of that Why tempt ye God Act. 15.10 to put a yoake upon the necke of the Disciples which neither our fathers nor we are able to beare wherein they are the lesse
freely preached in all other things and no Minister hindred in them but now it is come to another evill the bondage and limitations are more increased For the Clergy and especially the Bishops have not onely temporised with the Duke and other hispaniolized and popish agents and practisers but even for their favour let in Arminianisme neither opposing it themselves nor suffering others that would but because light remedies alwayes cherish an evil they got the King to prohibite disputes on both sides not to hinder Arminianisme for the bookes of Doctor Iackson and others were suffered to come out after that but others from confuting it in their disputations books and sermons and in stead of the Scriptures to make the Articles the Rule and them the interpreters of them who have not onely protected the Appealer Doctor Iackson Doctor Cousens and some others that savour of Arminianisme and Popery hindred the Parliament and others from convincing them of errour and so emboldned others to broach worse errours in flattery of mighty favourites helped to get Parliaments dissolved wherein men had some hope of remedy but have themselves preached some passages savouring of Romish and Trent corruption seeming to approve the vulgar edition that the Sacraments confer grace ex opere operato and to tye the understanding of the Scriptures to the interpretation of the Fathers to make the best of moderne Divines little regarded In these and the like they being powerfull in Court cannot want followers and flatterers and therefore men of understanding say they are not so well read in the Rules of piety as in those of policy used against the desired reformation in the time of Luther which being set forth in the history of the Councell of Trent though it anger the Papists in regard it discovereth a world of their various dissimulations cunning shifts and devices yet it pleaseth them in this that they serve to teach the Bishops and Arminians how to frustrate and delude all the fairest proofes and attempts of their adversaries And because some have written to discover the errours practices and dangers they have not onely put all they could catch in the high Commission but lest such should get out and themselves be any way hindred or discovered in such proceedings they have obtained authority that if any writer Printer or Book-seller come with a prohibition he shall be presently censured Some will say this is but reason I anwser true if their hierarchie and practices were according to Gods word and they seditious and hereticall that they trouble but being as it is and this power seldome or never extended against any but such as stand for Gods truth against Arminians popish practisers and defenders of the hierarchy they abuse the King and Councell in getting them to be their protectors and are themselves blinde and Antichristian tyrants Such as in stead of following the rules of the Gospell seeme rather to encline to that of Paul 4. who set on foot the Inquisition Hist of the Councell of Trent pag. 405. 409. which he said was the principall secret and mystery of the Papacy the true Ramme to beat down heresie and defend the Apostolike sea by advancing another which like it shall prevaile by power and terrour in stead of good reason namely the high Commission Court The Councellors of the Parliament of Paris seeing the Articles of reformation published in the Councell of Trent opposed saying the Ecclesiasticall authority was enlarged beyond its bounds with the wrong and diminution of the temporall by giving power to Bishops to proceed to pecuniary mulcts and imprisonment against the laity whereas no authority was given by Christ to his Ministers but meere and pure spirituall that when the Clergy was made a member of the policy the Princes did by favour allow the Bishops to punish inferiour Clergy men with temporall punishments that discipline might be observed amongst them but to use such kinde of punishment against the laickes they had neither from the law of God nor of man but by usurpation onely All which sheweth that diocessan Bishops are great impostors though the Pope bee indeed the grand impostor And let men be sure that as they and their hierarchy are more and more defended so will their power encrease and grow more popish blinde erroneous and Antichristian as that of the Church of Rome did their feare towards God being in these things taught by the precepts of men the wisedome of them and their supporters must needs decay and perish to the extreame danger of the Church and Commonwealth By all which may bee seene that the kingdome of God in the true free and full power of the word preached is incompatible with the hierarchy they cannot stand together but the maintenance of the one is the breaking of the bands of the other and of the true peace and happinesse of the Church and State and that therefore there is necessity of a reformation in the Church and restoring the ordinances of God to that forme which not any humane but his divine wisdome ordained Some have pretended that it is good policy to uphold the Hierarchy for say they no Bishop no King there must be order in the Church and Bishops are they that preserve it This is that bulwark which they used to beat off all just complaints and save themselves their cause their friends and followers such as the Duke the Appealer and Cousens from the parliamentary power Crushed and dissolved it must be rather then such a one or his trechery be brought to triall though they thereby make such the more bold to attempt the like or worse evills overthrow the power and use of Parliaments that confirmed their hierarchy a requitall not so strange in them as just with God and so alienate the heart of the King from his subjects and the subjects from the King though they know a kingdome divided in it felfe cannot stand that having their hearts hee is strong and a King indeed that otherwise hee cannot well subsist as a King should nor be supplied with money and men but must bee forced to make peace with the enemies of religion on the harder conditions and home-bred Papists and Arminians would thereby grow the bolder to encrease their religions and parties the Palatinate could not well be recovered but the enemy must needs be made the more absolute and resolute to root out our religion and brethren in forraigne parts and at last seeing division in England to venture thither to endanger the Church and Commonweale the Kingdome and all Wherein what have the Prelates shewed lesse then that they had rather all these should be shaken and endangered then their hierarchy or then one proud Appealer one popish Cousens should be questioned in disparagement thereof For these evils could not have beene effected against so many endeavours of Parliaments without the helpe of their religious pretences nor passed without the cloake of their Episcopall gravity And lest things should bee
dominion of Antichrist nourish superstition errour and ignorance are against Christs Kingdome and ordinances or in any particular make the word of none effect whence it must needes follow that because they like the Church of Rome 2. Thess 2.10 received not the love of the truth in these things therefore God must needes give them over to beleeve lies in other points and because in these things their feare toward God is taught by the traditions of men therefore the wisdome of their wisemen must needes decay Isa 29.13 Mat. 15.8 and perish A proofe whereof wee have seene in the Appealer now B. of Chichester Dr. Iackson and others justified in their errours by the reward they obtayned for them as also in their approved friend the Bishop of London who besides the erecting of Altars and Images hath not shamed to urge the Edict forbidding to write dispute or preach against the Arminians And to put Mr. Davis by the lecture at Christs Church because he would not subscribe to this that in baptisme orginall sin is wholie taken away in all Infants baptised Which is as much as to say that the Sacraments confer grace ex opere operato to overthrow all that the Scriptures say of Gods eternall election of some and leaving of others It is true that when the parish besought the Bishop to admit Mr. Davis answer was made he had not satisfyed his poser in that point of baptisme where one may see that whereas some say there must bee Bishops to trie such as would be admitted to cures or lectures this is but a mockerie the Bishops stand like great Andirens in a chimney which only serve for pompe and shew all the burthen lies on the creepers their Chaplaines which worke might be better and more uncorruptly performed by three or fower learned Ministers dwelling neere the parish and being such as doe the worke of Christ in their owne charges For though the Bishops have not yet put that to every one which was put to Mr. Davis certainly if their Hierarchie stand the power therof must needes increase till they force all to subscribe to these or worse things or suffer themselves to bee silenced And how prone divines are to follow and flatter them is manifest in this B. of London who being in high favour mighty and able to reward whom he list is flattered and humoured like a Pope by the Bishops Prelates and Preachers And because he is in such honour and authoritie therefore it is held great presumption to taske or question any thing he doth the Prelates that are best affected dare not lest they should be counted captious envious and factious puritanes ordinary Ministers are over-awed by his power And yet because some have adventured it he shamed not openly to complaine of them to the King Feb. 15. 1631. Ier. 6.16 in his last sermon on that text of Ieremie Stand ye in the waies and see c. And first to infer that the Lent fast may be called the old and good way that yet manie are so bold as to say wee wil not walk in it That disobedience to God is commonly accompanied with disobedience to the King and disobedience to the King with disobedience to God which is true but not as he meant it that they that doe not obey the Prelates in such things are disobedient to God and the King For if Prelates bind heavie burthens on men and strive to make them subscribe to errour whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto them more then unto God judge ye Act. 4.19 Againe he inferred from his text that if Kings doe not defend the Church God justly suffers the people to disobey them which is true if you take it of such Church Governours and ordinances as Christ ordained but not as the Bishop meant it of English Bishops and their power constitutious Rites and ceremonies as if he and a few such Prelates as himself were the Church of Christ making it a great greivance that any suffered to write or preach against their practises which is the only hell they seeme to feare or to have the benefit of a prohibition when they are plagued for it in the High Commission where in though he did not plainely threaten the King yet his speech glanced that way It is true that he said much for the authoritie of Kings obedience to them and against the disobedience of subjects which doctrine he pressed not against the Papists whom he scarce named in his sermon so far is he from the old way of Protestant preaching but against such as he esteemes puritans and in such cases as were agitated the last Parliament also in prohibitions forbidding the convincing of the prelacie or their government traditions and ceremonies Arminianisme or any other points of revived Pelagianisme or poperie as an enemie of calling Parliaments of other proceedings in such cases That he said that this was a fit subject for the court for there never was disobedience abroad but there was a Court conventicle at home which was the head or cause of it striking at them Who as he said as well in State policie as in matter of Religion find out new waies and will not walke in the old and good pathes which was not so true of them against whom he intended it as of his bosome freind the late Duke of Buc or of himself and his faction as the sequell wil manifest and namely that they have traduced and wrested the most honest counsailes and indeavours of the most noble Counsellours and wisest Parliaments under pretences of maintaining the prerogative a trick that they have rather learned of Davus in the Comedie then of Christ in the Gospel or if of any in the Scriptures then of proud Haman who for his hate to Mordecai Esth 3.6.8 said unto the King touching the Iewes It is not for the Kings profit to suffer thē or of the high Preists Scribes and Pharises who with praevaricating devices would prove Christ and his Disciples that convinced them of errour and malice to bee enemies of Caesar and such as forbad tribute In the primitive Church when Christians talked of the Kingdom of Christ and the comming thereof in the free power and use of the Gospel and ordinances of Christ their enemies perswaded the Emperours that this doctrine endangered the Imperiall government the taking of the Empire from him and was against his prerogative So when any talke of the restoring of Christs Kingdome and ordinances in the government of Parochiall * Or Elders Bishops and of the abolishing of Diocessan and Provinciall Bishops and their unprofitable traditions and ceremonies the English Prelates say this endangers the Regall authority and is against the Kings prerogative and government yea that is to refuse the old paths the good way of God and their King and impudently say non ambulabimus in ea wee will not walke in it as the Bishop inferred on that text
word And though in England the hierarchy and her traditions and injunctions have not had so many and so bad fruits because it hath not reigned so long yet as wee have seene for the time they have beene if not alike yet very injurious to Gods kingdome and the good of the Church It helpes them not to say that some great Divines in other Churches have approved them or counted them tollerable For strangers cannot so well see the fruits of them and bee sure that if they were brought into the Reformed Churches of Germany and France divers would bee found to receive them and give arguments of their necessarie use they are so full of honour and profit For we have lately seene it in Scotland and we know the Scriptures say Deut. 16.19 Gifts blinde the eyes of the wise This made them thinke it a sufficient authority that the ancient Church invented and used diocessan and provinciall Bishops though in a manner different from ours that not onely Councels but even Emperours and Kings confirmed and augmented their authority and that much good might bee done by the same When first King Edward and after Queene Elizabeth came in the Nobles and people were almost all Papists and it was thought they would bee the sooner drawne to Church if Bishops and their power and authority were retained having still their Courts Chancelours Officials Deanes Subdeanes Quiristers Organs Surplesses and other habits the crosse in baptisme kneeling at the receiving of the Sacrament bowing toward the Altar and divers other ceremonies For this end also the forme of Common Prayer Service was little altered but taken out of the Masse-booke and put into English which makes many Papists in Germany and France say sure the Romish is the true and right religion else the heretikes in England would never have received so much of it for some have avouched it to my face that the service there is nothing but the Masse in English others that it wants nothing but the consecration These things thus retained it was also thought that popish Kings and Princes would be the lesse offended what marvell seeing the Iesuites themselves are so well pleased with the ceremonies and service that I heard one of them God is my witnesse herein make it his hope that the maintenance of them against the Puritans Quovadis Sect. 4. would make England the sooner returne to Rome in the rest Mine eyes and eares saith Bishop Hall can witnesse with what approofe and applause divers of the Catholikes royall as they are termed entertained the new translated Lyturgie of our Church Which is the lesse wonder Cambden in an 1560 seeing Pope Pius the 4. sending Vincentio Parpatia Abbot of S. Saviours to Queene Elizabeth offered to confirme the English Liturgie by his authoritie if she would yeeld to him in some other things Indeed it pleased them so wel that for the first eleven yeares of Queene Elizabeth L. Cooke de Iure Regis Ecclesiastico Fol. 34. Papists came to the English Churches and service as the Lord Cooke sheweth All which things prove it to be a poore brag of some who thinke it a good justification in the common prayer booke that Papists have approved it and could never finde any fault in it As it is true that there are many godly and zealous men and some others also who thinking it a glory to be of their party are more of faction then well grounded knowledge and love to Christ against the forme and some other things in the book of Common praier So is it as true that there are many both of the Clergy and laity and some both learned and godly such as sincerely love the preaching and power of the Gospel that yet hold the booke of Common prayer both tolerable profitable and necessarie and are not willing to heare any thing to the contrary and therefore God may say of our times as of those wherein Ieremy lived Ier. 5.1 Run to and fro and see now if yee can finde a man that seeketh the truth I would desire such to take a few things into consideration Where first I must acknowledge that though divers faults are found in the book of common prayer which makes it so agreeable to the Papists for there is scarce a Church papist in England that doth not applaud and admire it yet doe I not finde it so corrupt as some would make it In it wee finde this prayer O God from whom all holy desires all just counsailes and all good workes doe proceed give c. this is certainly translated out of the Romish Liturgie yet is it in it selfe so faultlesse that I will not dispute against him that thinkes hee may daily say it either with a congregation or in private and so many other of the prayers that is if he doe not the lesse but rather the more hearken to Gods word in all points otherwise his prayer will certainly be abominable But if all the prayers be as uncorrupt why doth Dr. Iackson with the consent and approbation of the Bishops Pro. 28.9 Dr. Iackson 1. part alledge divers of them for points savouring of Arminianisme and Poperie and if they bee so necessary to salvation as some make them other reformed Churches are but in an ill case that have them not so was the primitive Church also especially for three hundred yeares Howsoever what need is there so much to flatter the Papists as to translate prayers out of their Masse book and do so many things in service after their forme when God saith 1. Sam. 15.22 Isa 1.12 Obedience is better then sacrifice Who hath required this at your hands which are now so far from making them come the sooner to Church unles it be to continue papists there and false brethren to us that they hence draw arguments to strengthen them in their religion saying sure theirs is the true religion or else these parts of it would not be so constantly defended against the puritans and in the meane that kept out which Queene Mary ordained should be razed out of all bookes of Rites used in the time of Henry 8 and Edward the 6 Hist of the Councel of Trent pap 385. wherein God is prayed To deliver the Kingdom from sedition conspiracie and the tyrannie of the Pope Can not other common praiers be made as good The french Churches have some that are used in the pulpit by him that preacheth and no other that so he may not make a sufficient Religion service of praier nor account the cure to be served without preaching In them they pray Deliver thy Churches from the mouthes of ravening wolves and all hirelings who seeke their owne ambition and profit and not the exaltation of thy holy name and the salvation of the whole flock This also is ordinary before sermon to pray that the word may be then preached in that puritie and sinceritie wherein it was left by the Apostles and Prophets So that
tirannous dominion Beza in Act 1.23 or Lordship in the Church but left them free voices and free election and to be an Apostle is to be sent of God with an immediate embassage to laie the foundation in practise and ordinances as Paul did but the Embassage of Bishops is mediate they have theirs from the Apostles neither can they lay another foundation nor ordaine new things though they oft assume it in some decrees canons and ceremonies as they did who established diocessan Bishops to say they might doe it or that their act was of the holy Ghost it will follow that others might with like reason ordaine Archbishops and Patriachs and in the end a Pope over all and that all these their acts were of the holy Ghost but Bishops and Councells are not Masterbuilders as the Apostles were for every one is willed to take heed how he buildeth for other foundation can no man lay 1 Cor. 3.10.11 then that is laid which is Iesus Christ. In this sense each Apostle was a generall officer in all Churches as Paul saith 2 Cor. 11.28 He had the care of all Churches But herein no Bishop will call himselfe his successour unles it be the Pope who exalts himself above all that is called God 1 Pet. 5. Peter would not have any Elder to be a Lord ouer Gods heritage much lesse ouer other Elders It shall not be so amongst you Mat. 20.25 Chap. 23.8 saith Christ One is your Maister even Christ and all ye are brethren There is no other Bishop over these Bishops the Presbyters or Elders He is the King of his Church and the only chiefe Bishop 1 Pet. 2.25 Chap. 5.4 It is a poore answer to all this to say this opinion was condemned for an heresie in Aerius seeing Chemnitius hath so well cleared him Chemnit examen concil Trid. Bellarm. de Clericis lib 1. cap. 14. and Medina alleadged by Bellarmine confesseth that saint Hierom was herein wholy of opinion with the Aerians and not only S. Hierom but likewise Ambrose Augustin Sedulius Primasius Chrysostome Theoderet Oecumenius and Theophilact If these or other Fathers did yet hold diocessan Episcopacie to be lawfull and necessarie it may be answered that otherwise the mysterie of iniquitie could not have proceeded as it did they lived not to see such fruits of it as wee have seene it was not then come to the height of tyrannie they therefore were more excusable then wee can be and therefore the cause is not bettered by this that English Prelates hold with Bellarmin and Rome in this point seeing other reformed Churches finde it safer in this case with Calvin Chemnitius Beza and others to cleave unto the Scriptures and be reformed by them In the Revelation Rev. 4.1.2 3.4 Cap. 5.6 saint Iohn seeing the Church that was to be after him saith Behold a Throne was set in heaven and round about the throne were foure and twentie Elders And in the midst of the throne and in the midst of the Elders stood Christ to shew they belong to his government as Diocessan Bishops to that of Antichrist for note he saith not Bishops but Elders or Presbiters lest after it should have bin taken for diocessan Bishops And whē Babylon is destroied the Elders give thankes Rev. 19.4 All this sheweth that Christs Church ought to be governed by Elders that so it was and so it shal be this is the government of Christ who is the king and annointed to it Now Diocessan and Provinciall Bishops hinder this government and are therein Antichrists therefore that is true which Iohn said in his time 1 Iohn 2.18 Even now are many Antichrists There is a veile upon some Protestants hearts a curtaine of Church power before their eyes that they cannot see this and the infectious sores and maladies that their power and ceremonies bring in and cover I hope this curtaine is now so drawne that Princes will for Christs sake lay it to heart and take away their dominion and riches which make them thus blinde and corrupt For that is the end of this worke Secondly Because it is cleare to all the wisemen in the Christian world that as many great troubles have risen in former times about Prelates as in England about Thomas of Becket Stephen Langthon and others so of late all the warres and stirres in Germany and other parts have risen from Bishops Iesuits and other Clergie men they have made the Emperour and other Princes to kill and drive the Protestants out of their Countries and livings All the doe and hurliburly is raised to restore them to their Antichristian power in Bishopricks Deanaries Cloisters and their revenues Howsoever the fire began these are the bellowes that blow it and such as minister the oyle and sulphure that have nourished and increased the flame This ambitiousnesse of the Clergy that doth so much mischiefe in the Church Common wealth is a hellish flame that cannot begin to go out til Rome be burned the Clergy reformed by the Scriptures True peace unity there can be none till their dominion riches authority be taken away and they reduced to the truth of the Gospel Looke into England and see if these vices and pride in the Clergy have not beene cause of all the dissentions and disgraces of that Country The late Duke knew well that he could not stand practise and prevaile without their countenance and authority to maintaine their greatnesse save their honour and power entire keepe their practices and corruptions in matter of religion from being questioned and reformed Parliaments must bee disturbed yea crushed and dissolved and as men say the most sincere lovers of justice and piety in that high Court must be disgraced accused and imprisoned for discovering the practices of the Arminian Popish or Spanish factions and such flatteries and errours of the Clergy as appeare in Pulpit print and practice The Bishops see all this and know that by all these meanes their power and authority is encreased as that of the Church of Rome and other popish Bishops was by the like But they that by these meanes cherish such factions countenance or suffer Arminian Bookes and practices to passe and doe little against the Popish are not so cold in defending that tradition of theirs or rather of the Papists that Diocessan Bishops and their authority in things called indifferent are of God but to shew that like the Papists they are more jealous sensible and zealous of any thing done against these then against those that are done against the kingdome word and ordinances of God they are ever watchfull carefull and zealous to hinder all bookes and discoveries that are against any of their traditions and ceremonies not one must be suffered to be seene that hath any proofe for the Eldership or against the Hierarchy pretending still they are hereticall and dangerous which is but a Popish tricke and a mockery while in the meane those
conversion of his power and not of mans free will that men doe beleeve and persevere because they were predestinated though they be plainly taught in the Scripture yet they will not have them nor the like points cleared by Preachers in Pulpit nor Print nor by Divines in the Vniversities no not in a time when Papists Arminians corrupt men in them but they must be left to them the Fathers and Rulers as if diocessan Bishops never ordained of God being many of them Courtiers swolne with ambition depending on the interests of favourites such as the Duke parties in such factions corrupted with flatteries contesting against the endeavours of Parliaments daily busied at the Councell table in the Star chamber or high Commission Court should better know how to cleere and determine these and other high points then Preachers that study nothing else but Divinity and are not led by such particular interests There is no man that hath but an indifferent judgement and any sparke of true love to Gods Kingdome but will say it is impossible that these men or their flatterers should bee fit Iudges or give just lawes to men in such cases yet they governe all in Synods and elsewhere and if they have but colourable pretences like the Papists who doe resist or question them These are they that ruling all and having many things in their gift are sure to be flattered and followed in Court Synods and Vniversities and if as the Appealer doth they can but alledge the opinion of Bishop Bancraft or any such politician Prelate like themselves they care for no better authority Onely strengthned by the secular arme they know how to prevaile by power All which considered it is no marvell that they have decreed so many things to so little profit yea to so great damage to the Church and kingdome of God And all true Christians are the rather to take heed of them and their decrees and not to say it is either necessary to have Bishops or a thing indifferent seeing they so much endanger the faith and that in these respects it greatly concernes the faith and all the faithfull to have their government abolished and the Eldership restored lest by them as by the Bishops in the Church of Rome religion come to be corrupted It will be objected the most ancient Councels were governed by Bishops I answer that otherwise Popish errours could not have beene established nor so long maintained against the truth that at first Presbyters had their voices in them that Bishops of old differed little from Presbyters had pastorall charges and were not like ours but onely began to decline and therefore I wonder not that Nazianzen so long since observed that there came little good yea much hurt of them and that contentions have alwayes beene encreased by the Episcopall assemblies as also Bishop Iewel proves in many particulars In an Epistle annexed to the history of the Counc of Trent I wonder not if in our dayes some Bishops are learned affect some good things make some good bookes and tollerable constitutions For some of them have beene great Divines Pastors and of a good conscience in many things but might not a man have found the like in some of the Sadduces Heredians Arrians 〈…〉 P●pists and other heretikes that is take them out of their heresies in such things as they hold common with other Iewes or Christians yet many things determined by them were dangerous so must it needs be in the diocessan Bishops of England who are of a humane law and heretikes in matter of the Eldership if not Arminians Therefore in this cause that may be said of them which Paul 4. said of the Bishops of his time that it was a vanity to assemble 60. Pa. 339. Bishops of the least able and 40. Doctors of the most insufficient as was twice done already in Trent and to beleeve that by those things could bee well regulated All which considered who can thinke that the Hierarchy or any Synod of English Bishops can be for the service of God In the meane the Churches or at least many thousands in them in their practice receive the hierarchy ceremonies and traditions Pari pietatis affectu ac reverentiae with like affection of piety and reverence as the written word of God and many with greater There are foure pillars that uphold the Hierarchy 1. Traditions and ceremonies 2. Spirituall ignorance and blinde devotion in the Nobility and Laity For that makes them take it for granted that Bishops and obedience to their traditions are de jure divino hence proceedes a 3. Riches and authority and from these a 4. reciprocall resolution combination with such Statesmen as the Duke and his confederates so to maintaine each others cause against al accusers as if they were one and they each others Advocates And as a branch of this the severe suppression of all bookes and complaints that discover their errors or practices There is no need to prove further that the three last are against the service of God it will suffice to shew that they are against the service of the King and State But first of ceremonies and traditions received in the Church of England Histor of the Councell of Trent pag. 259. It is remarkable that when some German Protestants for feare received those appointed in the Interim saying after they were indifferent Others whom necessity had not compelled said it was true that indifferent things concerne not salvation yet by meanes of them pernicious things are brought in and going on they framed this generall conclusion That ceremonies and rites though by nature indifferent doe then become bad when he that useth them hath an opinion that they are good or necessary Which hath beene proved of them in England and that generally they are men popish neutrall or of least sincerity that stand most for them as for the best meanes to uphold the hierarchy because they know that rule to be true No ceremonie no Bishop which as it seemes is the reason that the Bishops looke to little else though that bee to confesse that they serve for nothing but to uphold their owne traditions and ceremonies wherein they are very zealous like the Trent Bishops that anathematized them that say that the ceremonies Pa. 574. vestments or externall signes used in the Masse are rather incitements to ungodlinesse Pa. 548. then offices of piety Where if by ungodlinesse you understand superstition and ignorance the Trent censure is extreame harsh the rather because Antonius of Veltelina a Dominican had proved unto them that the Rite of Rome had beene received to gratifie the Pope but not in all places and by a booke called Ordo Romanus that it hath had great alterations not onely in ancient times but even in the latter ages also that the Roman Rite observed within 300. yeares is not that which is now observed by the Priests in that City For the vestments vessels and other
85. consider of the errours for redresse The Prelates made the Collection in writing the Pope proposed it in the Consistorie But Nicholas Scomberg a Dominican and a Cardinal opposed the reformation saying It would give occasion to the Lutherans to brag they had inforced the Pope to make that reformation and above all it would be a beginning to take away not only the abuses but the good uses also and to endanger the whole state of religion For by the reformation it would be confessed that the things provided against were deservedly reprehended by the Lutherans which would be a great abetting to theire whole Doctrine In the councell after celebrated divers things were found amisse Sess 22. Can. 9. The Bishops and Fathers of the Coūcell made a decree for a reformatiō but little could be obtained much was shufled of because it could not be effected but the authoritie and practise of the Pope and Cardinals must be questioned and reformed if not overthrowen The like may be said of the Reformation of the Church of England many things have beene propounded in Bookes and Parliaments but little or nothing can be heard or reformed least a gap should be opened whereby the authoritie practise of the Bishops should be questioned and overthrowen and if any Bishops be better inclined to reformation then others they shal be sure to be hindred by the rest as these Popes were by the Cardinals and with like reasons For English Bishops in like wisdom will not be knowen of any errour in the hierarchie canons traditions ceremonies and government but maintaine all least confessing somewhat amisse they should loose all and be reduced to the government of other reformed churches There was a fault that hindred the Church of Rome from yeilding to reformation Cassander consult 56. and 57. And the fault saith Cassander a learned Papist is to be laid upon those which being puft up with vaine insolent conceits of theire Ecclesiasticall power proudely and scornfully contemned and rejected them which did rightly and modestly admonish the reformation That the Church can never hope for any firme peace unles they begin to make it which have given cause of that distraction That this cannot be effected vnlesse those that are in place of Ecclesiastical government would be content to remit somthing of their too much rigour and yeild somwhat to the peace of the Church and hearken to the earnest prayers and admonitions of godly men will set themselves to correct manifest abuses according to the rule of the divine Scriptures and the primitive Church from which they have swerved He might have said till the Kings hate the whore make her desolate naked and burne her with fire Shall I say this may also be said of English Bishops in case of theire hierarchie and traditions I may add this to it that God can never be pleased nor the Church and State of great Britaine enjoy true happines till the Prelates cast their crownes at the feet of the Lord Iesus or rather because men dispaire of that till they be taken from them and they subjected to the ordinances of God Rev. 5.6 least otherwise Christ that hath the Elders about his throne and is in the midst of them say in his wrath Luk. 19.27 Those mine enemies that would not that I should raigne over them bring hither c. When reformation is desired some flattering preachers Canti 8.4 Chap. 1. to make men desist put it off with preaching on those passages and the like I charge you o daughters of Ierusalē that ye stir not up nor awake my love vntill he please I am black but comly c. The church hath spots but they should not be mentioned Pray for the peace for Ierusalem they shall prosper that love it which if they of the Church of Rome had not in like manner a bused they could not have proceeded so far in errour as they did and yet they might as well alleadge these plates and the like to prove that prelates ought to procede Earles and Barons to have pallaces and coaches as to hinder and reprove men that seeke a due reformation Others would have the people beleeve in this point as the Church beleeveth to relie on the understanding and judgment of the preists and prelates like the papists Mal. 2.7 alleadging that place The preists lips should keepe knowledge and they should seeke the law at his mouth which doth as well serve the papists Buckler of faith as them in this point For as maister Moulin observeth this is not a promisse but a commaundement shewing preists their dutie which they had not observed as the following words manifest But ye are departed out of the way ye have caused men to stumble which is as true in this point of the Prelates and others in England as of the Papists in the same point and in others We are therefore to remēber that rule 1 Ioh. 4.1 Beleeve not every Spirit but trie the Spirits God gives such knowledge to whom he pleaseth the wind bloweth where it listeth Iohn 3. They may perhaps find some other arguments to prove that the hierarchie traditions and ceremonies should be upheld but none fairely deducted from the holy Scriptures but rather grounded on humane policie which therefore are not worth the answering For wee know likewise the papists presse many faire-seeming reasons for the Popes supremacie and succession in Peters chaire merits praying to Saints forbidding mariage to Preists and other points of poperie To which it is answer enough to prove that those reasons fight against the word and ordinance of God and so doe theirs that pleade for the English hierarchie and traditions as is already proved Men therefore should not be caried away with them nor with an opinion of their learning and multitude that preach them but rather thinke Surely their kingdom is of this world It makes so many that fight for it because there are in it many places of profit honour and authoritie to reward them like as in the Romish Church that if Christs kingdome were of this world he should have as many for him that to bee well informed in these points it is no asking of them who are interessed and partiall in the cause but to remember what God saith Isa 8. Should not a people seeke unto theire God To the l●w and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Which in these points may be said of 100 many to theire great shame because it so muth concerneth the faith and all the faithfull to have them well knowne as is proved above least by the power and great names of the Bishops the faith come to be corrupted the name of the Church and the holy Ghost usurped and abused as they have beene in divers Synods of Bishops to the destruction of many soules Let us therefore pray earnestly and uncessantly to Almighty God the giver of all grace to purge the Church of England and the members thereof that they with the reformed Churches may be like minded in seeking the kingdom of God and the righteousnes thereof And seeing questionles that God hath many of his deare and elect people there that are only blind in some few things let us beg of God that they may now see the things that belong to their peace 1 Cor. 1 9. Heb. 10.23 1 Thes 5.24 Isa 25.6 least after they should be hid from theire eyes And let us aske with confidence that he is faithfull that hath promised who will also doe it For it is said In this mountaine shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things a feast of wine on the lees of fat things full of marrow of wine on the lees well refined Seeing therefore his ordinances are corrupted with mens inventions wee may presse him with this promise that he will give us wine fined and purified even his purest ordinances as also with that which followeth vers 7. And he will destroy in this mountayne the face of the covering cast over all people and the vaile that is spread over all nations Chap. 30.21 And thine eare shall heare a word behind thee sayinge This is the way walke yein it when ye turne to the right hand and when ye turne to the left And though wee feare Satan will hinder it what he can Rom. 16.20 let us beleeve that promise The God of peace shall shortly bruise Satan under your feet Neither thinke this impossible because yet not only the Prelates but divers religious Ministers have neglected this knowledge and reasoned against it so that there is great difference about these things for God hath said I will give them one hart and one way Ier. 32 39. I will give you pastors according to mine hart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding Cha. 3.15 Neither be dismaied because as yet those that have laboured most in this behalfe have beene forced into corners and to live like Banished men in murh sorrow for wee have this promise Isa 35.10 The ransomed of the Lord shall returne and come to Sion with songs and everlasting ioy shal be upon their heads Neither say how shall this be seing as yet so many greedie and corrupt shepheards are over us For thus faith the Lord God Behold I am against the shepheards and will require my flock at theire hand and cause them to ceasse from feeding the flock neither shall the Shepheards feed themselvs any more For I will deliver my flock from their mouth that they may not be meate for them Acquaint thy self with these and the like promises and beleeve that he sits at the right hand of God to intercede for the performance who saith whatsoever ye shall aske in my name Ioh. 14.13 that will I doe that the Father may be glorified in the sonne And if wee beleeve not yet he abideth faithfull 2 Tim. 2.13 he cannot denie himself To him therefore with the Father and the holy Ghost three persons and one God be rendred as due is all power might majestie and dominion now and for ever Amen
Episcopall power and if they were there is as was shewed no reasoning from the consent or connivance of the Fathers if the institution bee not warrantable by Gods word There were then divers things which had got beginnings in those times against which the Fathers did not much inveigh because they were then held indifferent and not established as since for matters of faith and necessitie as the primacy of the Pope single life of Priests set fasts deferring baptisme till death the use of salt holy water and divers other things in their rites the antiquity whereof makes them never a whit the more lawfull Ioh 8.44 The devill was a seducer and a lyar from the beginning Whether it were in a vaine policie of some Bishops of those times the sooner to draw Iewes and Heathen to Christianity as some of ours pretend the indifferencie and wisedome of using some Romish rites the better to draw Papists to Church or for other like reasons Sure it is that many institutions of religion began in those daies to be taken from the Iewes and ancient heathen as divers have proved to the Papists out of their owne authors Among others Mr. Derlingcourt Minister of the Reformed Church of Paris in his booke of the Iubilee shewes in it many things to omit other particulars Iubile of the reform Chur. part 2. c. 11. The whole Papall Hierarchie saith he is founded on the example of the Iewes who had their soveraigne Pontife their sacrificers and their Levites and among them divers orders and functions And that the Church of Rome hath founded her Hierarchie and the diversity of her orders on the example of the Iewes besides that the thing is cleere enough the Author of the Canon Decretis acknowledgeth it And Polidor Virg. de invent rerum lib. 4. cap. 5. 7. where he also confesseth Decree of Gratian part 12. dift. 21. that the Romish Priests have borrowed of the Iewish Priests the most part of their habits that it is most evident that the institution is rather Hebraicall then Apostolicall And indeed the Apostles were never cloathed in the habits of Bishops nor Popes Reade on this subject Pope Innocent the 3. Mysteriorum Missae lib. 1. and the Bishop of Manda Ration divin officior lib. 3. And a little after We have seene that the Church of Rome authorizeth her hierarchie on the example of the Iewes but shee also avoucheth that it is a pagan invention for the decrees of Gratian after hee had represented the diversitie of the Romane Clergie composed of simple Priests Archpriests Bishops Archbishops Primates Metropolitanes Patriarches Popes addeth that this diversitie proceedeth principally from the ancient Pagans who had their Priests their Archpriests c. a confession which is drawne from the Master of the Sentences lib. 4. dist 24. lit M. The Bishop of Manda doth also acknowledge the same truth Ration divin offic lib. 2. c. 1. n. 22. But there is none more formall in this subject then G. du Chol. who saith G. du Choul discours of the Religion of the ancient Romans pag. 337. 335. That Romanes had another fashion of making their priestly dignities as the great Pontifes the little Pontifes Flamins Archflamins just so as we have the Pope Cardinals Bishops Archbishops and Patriarchs c. And if we here observe it curiously we know that many institutions of our religion are taken and translated from the ceremonies of the Egyptians and Gentiles as are the copes and surplesse the Priests shaven crownes the bowing of the head to the Altar the sacrificall pompe the musicke of the Temples adorations prayers and supplications processions and Letanies and many other things which our Priests usurpe in our mysteries Of which indeed many are anciently assumed of Christians but that makes them never a whit the more lawfull How little then doe they helpe themselves who say the Church of England in her hierarchie and ceremonies is most like to the Church which was soone after the death of the Apostles that is if it were so as it is not for they had not such dominion over Presbyters nor such Courts Chancellors Deanes Officials power in probates of Testaments to governe and command give licences and dispensations nor such rulcs and canons to suspend and silence about surplesses ceremonies c. nor yet such service and ceremonies and if they had yet that were nothing being thus invented and received by the Papists and after retained in the English reformation either for policie or for the profit and honour that comes by them Many more zealously defend these then they doe the Gospell against Papists and Arminians Surely the Angell speakes not of such men but rather of such in the reformed Churches as have abandoned these inventions Rev. 19.10 Eph. 1.13 when he saith I am of thy brethren that have the testimony of Iesus which is to have the marke or seale of God in the forehead by professing they will receive no other doctrine and religion but what is rightly drawne from his testimony as on the contrary to professe the Romish faith and superstition is to have the beasts mark in the forehead by profession and any way to defend it is to have it in the right hand by operation and therefore though it seeme harsh to say that the champions of the hierarchie and ceremonies have the mark of the beast because in other things they are Protestants yet can it not be maintained but that they are guilty of having some part and print of that marke because they obstinately maintaine them against all proofes shewing them to be popish in favour Iewish and Heathenish against the word of God and to make the same of no effect in divers particulars The wisedome of God saith by the Apostle Tit. 1.13 Rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith not giving heed to Iewish fables and commandements of men which turne from the truth So doe these in England in divers respects Because while some Prelates and Ministers make a noise and a blustring with crying out against Puritans and a great flourish with exalting the name and authority of the Church in such cases and the ancient use of the diocessan and provinciall Bishops ordinances and ceremonies Princes and people thinke they serve God in obeying her in them and therefore stop their eares to all proofes to the contrary and mocke at them like the Bishops that both scorne and suppresse them all even as others did in the Church of Rome in the same and other causes who otherwise had never attained that dominion she thereby got nor to have her traditions errours and superstitious rites received for lawes which were the terrible fruits of mens blind obedience to provinciall Bishops and their power and ordinances which ever increased more and more as they were more and more obeyed and defended to the great hinderance of the kingdome of God and the due preaching and obedience of his