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A00505 A discouery of the great subtiltie and wonderful wisedome of the Italians whereby they beare sway ouer the most part of Christendome, and cunninglie behaue themselues to fetch the quintescence out of the peoples purses: discoursing at large the meanes, howe they prosecute and continue the same: and last of all, conuenient remedies to preuent all their pollicies herein.; Traité de la grande prudence et subtilité des Italiens. English G. B. A. F. 1591 (1591) STC 10638; ESTC S101803 74,257 108

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they haue giuen the name of Cardinals to the priestes of Rome granting the sonnes and brethren of kinges and christian princes to be honoured with the same title and estate suffering them also to remaine with their traine amongst them To the end that by these their creatures they might handle and turne the other at their deuotion make them arme their people and march against their neighbours at their pleasure and disarme againe and retire their forces when they should serue God Considering also that by such persons the Councels wils and determinations of kinges and christian princes to the which they are called should thereby be reuealed and manifested to them The quicke spirited Venetians hauing long time since discouered this pollicie being a people of Italie verie subtill and well aduised would neuer permit that any ecclesiasticall person should be admitted into their Councell because they had all taken the oth of the Pope of Rome Sée then it appeareth that the Romanes are priuie to all the counsels and enterpriser of the princes of the earth and of their highest and soueraine courtes they discouer all their actions as well as if they were present where on the contrary not one of these can come within them to vnder féele their consultations and dealinges they are so close and secrete whereby we may iudge clearely how farre they surpasse all other people in inuention and subtiltie of wit Cap. 19. The great force of Excommunication to put the kinges of the arth in feare to make them their tributaries and the magnanimitie of our kinges in France NOw I come to another deuice of theires by the which they haue so cunningly triumphed ouer the kinges of the earth neuer striking stroke for the matter and without any daunger at al and yet they haue brought them vnder as much or more then euer the auncient Romanes did by their Trophées and great victories to wit by excommunication with the which they so frighted them that if they had neuer so little displeased them by and by they were threatned with rebellion of their subiectes to haue their scepters taken from them and others to be inuested therewith incontinent hauing no way in the world to resist or saue them selues but in humbling them selues vnder the greatnesse of their Bishops yéelding them selues to be the Popes vassals or in paying them otherwise some great and intollerable tributes By this meanes they exacted from Iohn king of England that all his subiectes should pay him a penny sterling for fire for the murther by him committed on the person of Arthure Duke of Britanie his owne Nephew and heire which tribute the Italians mined from them more then the terme of trhée hundred yeares albeit the fault of this murther was not in the people therefore they payed this tribute verie vniustly and against all reason Yet they found meanes to augment this tribute verie much by the death of the Archbishop of Cauterburie who was executed by command of the king Yet had the Italians nothing to doe in the matter hauing no interest at all therein being neither his heires nor children Another tribute was exacted of the Polonians for the murther committed on the person of Stauislaus their Arch-bishop to which is paide for S. Peters tongue The Pope hauing thundered by excommunication against the duke of Venis he was faine to make him quiet to créepe on all foure like a Dog hauing a rope about his necke to be absolued The kinges of Nauarre and Granade for disobeying him were dispossessed of their kingdomes which were bestowed on Ferdinand king of Spaine yet the Italians did not forget themselues in this match as in déed they must nener for it was vpon this condition that they should afterwarde be held of their Pope of Rome Pope Nicholas excommunicated the kinges of Naples and Sicilie and making them turne ouer a new leafe inuested the Duke of Aniow brother to Lewes the ninth yet not forgetting him selfe as we saide before vpon condition to pay him eight thousand ounces of gold yearely reuenue He excommunicated also Philippes le Bel king of France because hee would not hold his kingdom of him as his vassall but he being discended of the race of Hue le grand Countie of Paris quaked not a whit at the matter but with a magnanimious courage proper to the kinges of this race constantly resisted and neuer trembled at the hearing thereof as other christian kinges did whose great magnanimitie hath béene continued by his successours This was the cause that the Italian Councell laide their heades together to doe their vttermost to ruine this Monarchy by forraine forces making it to bee assailed on euerie side and hauing set the Armies of the Empire of Spaine and England to thrust this race out of their kingdom which séemed to them inuincible But perceiuing all that tooke not effect as they did wish they haue filled the State full of ciuill warres thereby to weaken and diminish the force of this kingdome and to make way to inuest some other with y e Crowne who should thinke him selfe borne vnder an happie planet and greatly beholding to them to come by it so easily yéelding him selfe therefore there vassall and homager hauing purloyned a kingdome by there meanes Who also would be easily entreated to let slip the accords confirmed betwéene our kings and the popes for the priuiledges and liberties of the French Churches and touching the presentations of Benefices reserned to the Nobilitie and other patrones of the Layty onely translating them ouer wholy to the Pope and so to enrich more and more the citie of Rome And by this meane we should sée this flourishing kingdom parted as a bootie pray betwéene the Italian kéeping for his part the spirituall and his confederates who shoulde haue the temporall for their shares Cap. 20. That it is a verie false pretext that they take to refuse the King for his religion sake seeing they haue a spite at all his race and wish them no more well although they were neuer so great catholikes THat this hath béene the drift of the Italians the proofe is most manifest in this that although Charles the ninth and Henrie the third of this name his brother were the most religious obseruers of the ceremonies of the church of Rome and more precise then any kinges that had béene before them sparing nothing to ruine and rout out the religion of the protestant Huguenots not so much as their owne persons life treasure nor liuings nor their faith and honour beside which is more Yet for all that could they neuer winne the fauour and good will of the Italians nothing neare other princes who had wrought little in comparison of them And what was the cause hereof but that the Italians foresaw that a race of auncient and so long time inuested with the Crowne of France would neuer abide that they should haue anie rule or prerogatiue ouer them nor in no waies permit that the liberties and
How in the persons of Romulus and Numa Pompilius their were two kindes of gouernmentes prefigured among the Italians FIrst we will consider euen as in the murther of Abell committed by Cain God did prefigure vnto vs that the good should be persecuted by the wicked for his seruice sake till the end of the world so also in the person of Romulus first founder of Rome murtherer of his brother Romus and Tassius his companion as also in the person of Numa Pompilius a most subtill and ingenious inuentor of a forged religion to establish his owne gouernment God would manifest vnto vs that this nation should serue it selfe héereafter with murthers and apparance of a counterfet religion to laie hands on others kingdomes and to snatch away the substance of other peoples for we sée euen as their first domination began at the first by effusion of bloud and after by cloake of religion so also it is come to passe that the first glorie of the great Empire of the Italians to the which all Europe was brought in subiection and made tributarie was gotten by the great murthers so commonly committed in the time of Marius and Sylla contriued by Augustus Caesar and by Anthony which lustre being by long tract of time dimmed and extingnished is by a cleane contrarie maner restored and restablished vnder a faire shew and cloake of religion Cap. 3. How the subtill Italian borroweth the name of the Pope to come to his pretences with more facilitie NOw I pray thée Reader be not persuaded that I meane by this discourse contemptuously to blame the Popes of Rome in their owne persons or any holy constitution in the Church of Rome My desire is only to lay open the déep reach and subtiltie of the Romanes who by a great foresight and immutable order haue béen able so to handle their affaires and to dispose of Popes of Kings and Princes of the earth in such sort that they haue got the head and rule ouer them and fetch round summes of deniers out of their cofers and from their commons besides For proofe hereof I will maintaine the like preposition that was held to Augustus Caesar the greatest happiest subtillest and most pollitike Monarke of the worlde It was this That he commanded indéed all nations and all the world trembled at the excellencie of his nature but yet that his wife commanded him and his daughter her mother giuing thereby to vnderstand that it was they that ruled only borrowing his name to authorise and establish what they listed So I say that whatsoeuer is ratified published and receiued vnder the name and authoritie of the Popes it is but the counsell and inuention of the Italians of Rome who to authorise their doings couer them with the name of the Pope and therefore must be attributed to them as to the inuentors persuaders and contriuers of that which procéedeth from his holines Cap. 4. A liuely patterne of Italian subtiltie in the person of Katherine de Medicis and her Florentine Counsell FOr confirmation of that which goeth before and for demonstration of the matter let vs set before our eyes the estate of France in the time that Katherine de Medicis Quéene-Mother liued and we shall sée as in a cleare glasse that she and her Councell of Italians got betwéen them the whole gouernment disposing of all the affaires in France into their hands and like bloodsuckers sucked the bloud of the poore people so dry as if it had béene crushed out in a wine-presse so that by such crueltie men perished in France by famine nakednes hearts griefe by thousands and millions and neuer were there so many died by poyson of Serpents and other venimous beasts nor by the crueltie of Tygers Lybbards Crocodiles Lynres Beares and other deuouring beasts since the creation of the world as by their tyrannous crueltie shewed whilest they bore the sway This could not any one French man perceiue to come to passe for so smal a matter as to haue matched y e daughter of an Italian Duke with a younger brother of France But herehence procéedeth it that this nation is so ingenious and subtill that vpon the least occasion which may be it maketh way and meane to enterprise and effect the greatest matters in the world and moreouer to laie the blame and grudge that commeth by their stingings exactions vpon other mens shoulders fine workemen I warrant you that can so closely couer their dealings with the name authoritie of great Prelates Kings or Princes that the hatred and blame may lie vpon their neckes and the profite be put in their owne purses And sure this nation can make so sure way so far before hand and so contriue their plots that then at the length onely men can perceiue them when it is cleane past their power to finde out any remedie to preuent them Cap. 5. How of anie light occasion this Nation can deuise to effect great matters FOr euident proofe hereof this Italinesse had not remained lōg time in France but Monseur le Dauphin who was to rule ouer vs as lawfull heire to the Crowne vanished quickly by some perfume or by some other Italian deuise thereby to giue entrance and make a gap for the Italians to rush in to the managing of the greatest partes of the affaires of France And this occasion béeing redoubled by the death of King Henry they tooke fast hold of her haire which groweth before not letting her slip out their hands to runne after her iudging the two best means to procure the gouernment of this estate to this woman and themselues was first of all to bring vp those which should rule ouer vs in all lasciuiousnes and pleasure to make them more effeminate then their owne mother and likewise in the ignorance of good letters and in well gouerning an estate to the end that their Italinesse being more forward in knowledge of these things then they to the great aduantage of Italians might sease wholly on the gouernment of the kingdome and the entire disposing of all France and secondly to sow debates stir vp warres among the French least that their vnion and concord might disturbe or not permit the rule gouernment and aduancement of a straunge nation ouer them who could not suffer or permit any gouernment to the onely daughters of our Kings of France it selfe Cap. 6. The Romane soweth diuisions and putteth away the snbstance of a people to enrich himselfe and to do with it at his pleasure THese two breaches being made in the body of France the Italians persuading themselues that if then when they had yet no way to set in foote which was but in the time of K. Henry they were able to frame among them such disorder that Francis the first hauing left seuentéene hundred thousande crownes in his coffers albeit he had paide ransome in Spaine the said Henry hauing raigned but a while had left his heire behinde him indebted fortie thrée
passing the time in al voleptuous pleasure neuerthelesse they haue the most pretious and fayrest fléece of their conquestes reserued for them euen as well as if they themselues had bine the onely attempters and atchiuers of theise so hawty and dangerous exploytes But let vs looke a little yf there were euer any Kinges or Emperours who griped so easily whole countries and kingdomes from others as these doe Cyrus one of the first after hee had sustayned infinit turmoyles and trauels lost his life and had his head put in a bole of bloud to quench it so insaciable desire of blood Alexander the great found himselfe in oftē Ieoperdies to lose his also and was many times ouer matched and put to the worst Iulius and Augustus Caesars the most politicke and wisest heads of the world neuer made any conquest but by bloody fightes and victories exposing themselues to a thousand dangers both by sea and land But now the counsell of Rome taking there ease at thir owne home neuer approching any dāger for the matter haue inuested themselus with the Seigniorie and Domination of the greatest countres that euer haue bine conquested by the sword O subtill heades more subtil and cawtelous then subtiltie it selfe O that the high reache of thine inuentions are eleuated many degrées abone all other nations of the earth O that thou forséest long before the euent of things and canst choose the gaynest wayes to attayne thy desires few or none there be that can discouer thy meanning thou winnest first the heart of the greatest part of those the third of whose ruine thon meanest to spin afterwardes to vnderprop thy selfe against those that refuse thy Domination and will not become thy tributary vassals Thon wilt knowe all things and yet thou wilt kéepe other people in such ignorance that they shall know nothing thus thou vsest them at thy pleasure lest they should bewray thée in thy subtill shifts and beware of them hereafter This is they reason why a long time thou hast layd a blocke in the way that all matters of great consequence either concerning Religion or otherwise of any other great importance could not be registered but in thine old mother toung the Latine and sore against thy will it hath bine if the haue bine written or Printed in any other language because that it maketh a breach and sheweth a readie way for many to come to discouer the fertilitie of thy spirit abounding with so many subtilities fetches drifts and deceites Sée this is the cause also why thou wilt not permit the nations of the new conquested countries to vnderstand any thing concerning religion or matters of State that thou maist lead them by the noses and handle them as if they were so many bruit Animals that had neither wit nor reason Cap. 22. The causes why the mony that is transported to Rome is called by the name of Quintessence NOw we haue sufficiently spoken of the Dominations of the Romanes we will passe to the next point touching the extraction of the Quintessence of purses where ye must note that I take purses for the gold and siluer that is put in them speaking by a figuratiue spéech for I borrow these termes by a similitude for euen as in all liquers be it of Wines Oyles Plants Sulpheres Allums Antymoines and other Mynerals they who are skilled to draw out the tinctures or proprieties and can seperate them from the terrestriall and elementall bodie as could that great Philosopher Paracelsas Gesnerus and he that wrote the booke intitled le Medecin Liebant these haue the swéete fruition of the finest and most precious part of the bodies and naturall substances whereof the more celestiall and spirituall part is called Quintessence In like maner the Romanes hauing learned by incomparable skil and artistry to draw vnto themselues the most noble portable the most desirable and fairest coyne of all Christendome leauing the grosser and more terrestriall sort of baser monies to the Kings Princes and people of Christendome for their vsage appropriating to themselues the more spirituall and celestiall part which they can tell how to seperate from the temporall and earthly are verie well said to draw the Quintessence out of their purses Cap. 23. Of the excellencie of the mony which is carried to Rome out of other countries and how the Italians onely can fetch it thither TO shewe this by a familiar example regarde but a man that is of base condition who hath onely but fiftie or sixtie crownes of yéerly rent for a péece of land that he holdeth by féefarme lying within the demaines of some Baron or Countie he will make more account of that péece then of thrée or foure times so much lying among Pesants or that he gathereth among country Farmers bragging of it euerie where Now sée we some Bishop or poore Monke comming to bée Pope to haue rentes and tributes out of the kingdomes of Spaine Portugall Naples Sicily and Polonia and as hée was woont also out of the kingdome of England where as all Christian Kings and Princes take no tribute but for the most part of poore base and miserable people their subiects readier to take then to giue and this must they do by Taxes Subsidies Fiftéenes and such like paiments Herein we may sée the marueilous excellencie of the Popes tributes aboue those of all our Kings And to shew how the swéetest mony and most desired of all goeth still to the partes of Rome marke but the common fashion of euerie one that falleth into want of mony hée wisheth straight but to haue a hundred or two of crownes out of the Abbots or Bishops purse who is next to the place where he dwelleth as being such fellowes which haue least néed and yet haue the greatest plentie of all albeit they may wish for it long inough before they haue it to fill their purses because they can deuise no shift proper for the obteining of their desire although they be his verie next neighbours But the Italians they can worke such a way and handle their matters so well that they can scrape hooke to them a thousand crownes from one place and twise as many from another the distance of an hundreth leagues or more and the difficultie of passing ouer the mountaines cannot hinder them a iote Cap. 24. How that this mony when it is transported to Rome doth flie with an incredible swiftnesse YEt to prooue better that the name of Quintessence is properly attributed to the gold that they share from other people of Christendome I pray thée gentle Reader consider that the substance of Quintessence is of so celestiall a nature that if it be not verie closely kept and enclosed within some vessell for that purpose it léeseth straight the vertue and flieth away by vapours into the ayre so this gold which they fetch so farre to Rome hath such an excellencie more then all other money hath and hath both value vertue none like it that we
haue not onely for that it is leuied with such wonderfull celeritie and vnusuall spéed For when they purchase any collection of mony or any other Bull of an Abby or a Bishoppricke they spare no Horse flesh to gather vp the summes taxed hauing gotten them vp once they must go in post and chaunge Horse so often that it séemeth the Flie with a Swallowes wings no height of mountaines no rough narrow stéepe stony hellow crooked nor raggie waies no depth of snowes nor hardnes of yse or frostes no riuers that can staie or stop the passage of this mony it must to Rome it must flie it must not créepe on the face of the earth and sure it is of a wonderfull swiftnes in comparison of the heauines delaie and long time that the monies of Kings Princes and other great Estates are in getting into their coffers whē oftētimes before they can get it in they must force the good wil of their subiects be driuen to chuse out men that shall sit vpon their Subsidies other Imposts others to collect the same they which will not take such charges vpon them but by great constraint and being vrged by necessitie and then the poore people paie such summes sore against their will putting it of as long as they may Then must there be straining of moueables and much heauing shouing to haue them againe hatred despleasure anger ill will much adoo and great delaie on euery side so that it will aske commonly thrée or foure moneths at the least to collect and deliuer in these Deniers to the receipts although it might easily be carried thither in thrée or foure houres and in verie déede may be saide to march but with wodden legges in respect of the swift course and great celeritie of that which is transported to Rome This may verie well shew that the qualitie and nature thereof is farre more excellent and pretious then of that coine which the Kings and Princes of the earth possesse Yet some may peraduenture reply that that which commeth by the sale of offices approcheth verie néere the nature thereof I will confesse so but I will also answere that such trafficke is but an Italian tricke and inuention for that by all lawes and ordinances both of God and man all such sales are forbidden as most pernicious and greatly damageable to the common wealth and matters most vnworthie vnbeséeming all good Christians that haue the feare of God before their eyes Cap. 25. A description made by learned men which hath alwaies feared the Councell of Rome and the causes why I Thinke I haue said inough of the Domination and filching of mony wherewith the Italians haue a great while preuailed to fill their pockets to master the world Now must I speake of the meanes wherwith they serue their turn to maintaine thēselus in their estate to make it good against al other And albeit in inuention and deuising the yare so cunning and can passe and make séeme good to euerie one that which they haue inuented and deuised yet are they farre more expert in kéeping their estate and can remoue and preuent all lets that may endamage them to hold their owne Foreséeing then that they had intangled the people of Europe within their Domination vnder the pretence and cloake of religion there was no more likelihood that the people might euer pull their neckes out of their yoake being farre grosser and harder to receiue anie chaunge then the people of Affrike séeing also that all that they feared was lest that some addicting themselues to the contemplation of Gods workes to the studie of Philosophie and to the reading and perusing of the holie scriptures in the language wherein they were written might view all the religions that are vsed vnder the scope of the heauens and séeke out the first causes principles and inuentors thereof and hauing curiously examined all might make these conclusions viz. that all religion is either diuine or humane that the diuine is procéeded from God the other from men that by the diuine there is nothing required at our hands but to offer our selues soules and bodies to God to do that which is his will which is to follow vertue and to flie vice to call vpon him and adore his holie name and for our sinnes I haue recourse vnto the mercie that he offereth vs in Iesus Christ the which he offereth vs fréely without our mony or riches onely enioyning vs charitably to helpe and loue one another On the other side casting their eyes vpon humane religion they shall sée that all religions that men haue whether they be Pastors of the church or who soeuer they be for their authours tend onely but to get rule to draw away the substance of those that embrace them and are fitter to tye men by the féete to this earth then to carrie them vp to heauen where the seate of God is Concluding likewise this that that religion is best by the which God is best serued then it must néedes follow that following his will declared by his word he is better serued then by the traditions of men wherefore we must not go beyond that as being the onely obiect of faith and as being the onely thing which agreeth with his Doctours and Preachers in all the partes of the world to wit the Firmament with his admirable greatnes and beautie almost incomprehensible the Planets placed betwéene it and vs the ayre and that which is engendred therein the earth the water and the creatures which liue and moue in the same altogither setting forth from the one ende of the world to the other the greatnes maiestie wisdom prouidence power and bountie of God the Creator and preseruer of the same On the other side seruing to conuince vs of weakenes of spirit of ignorance of blindnes and vncapablenes to comprehend his essence his profound wisedome and the meane wherby he hath created all these things how he conserueth them in their being and how he worketh euery daye in the diuersitie of so many things which we sée before our eyes to learue vs thereby that it is an intollerable auragancie and presumption in men to thinke to be his councellers to make lawes like lictle Kings in his Church which he calleth the Kingdome of heanen and his Spowse to there great shame which name themselues seruants in the same by whome agreat ouersight and rashnes not to be borne with all goe about to establish in it certaine humaine Constitutons as though they weere to commād and not to obay For séeing that it is his Spowse seruantes must not be so saucie as to make Lawes for her to bee at their checke Séeing then that hée is the soueraigne King and him before whome all things are present no man may enterprise such things without encroching vpon his kingdom reputing himselfe of greater wisedome then hee who is his creatour which are greuous offences deseruing very great punishments and cleane
Millions which was a most straunge and maruellous debt considering the great tributes which he had exacted of his subiects of the employing whereof there could be none account heard notwithstanding the best friendes and louers of the communaltie made a motion were verie instant They haue at this present farre more abilitie by the authoritie and subtilitie of their Italinesse to prosecute the ruine and vtter subuersion of this estate the which to bring to a low ebbe they must fill full of ciuill warres and so ouer loade with such heauie burthens of subsidies taxes and new rereages that they poore people remained quite ruined and troden downe so that it could neuer since recouer foote againe and the better to feare and torture them thereunto to locke them vp in prisons and there to make them rot miserably if they did not pay their intollerable ransomes excéeding in many partes of France more by the third part then the yéerely reuenue of the poore Pesant did amount vnto not disburdening him therby any thing at all of his charges in finding souldiers of whom he was daily sore gnawen deuoured beaten and oppressed besides the extremitie shewed vnto him in paying the fines of his wine without the which he could by no meanes be discharged Thus this subtill nation hauing gotten on their side some Italionate Frenchmen to take their partes and to fortifie them somewhat more as also to laie part of the blame of these pilleries on their backs do all things at their owne will and pleasure to the enriching of themselues and to the vtter ruine of the poore commons who abide the greatest smart of all And he which would desire to know what is become of all these excessiue heapes of mony leuied in this kingdome let him goe to Florence to behold the sumptuous buildings which there haue béen erected by our ruines and there let him sée the wondrous wealth wherein many Florentines swimme which came but like poore snakes into France and now how they haue altered their state But if the people of France had had as much witte and wisedome as they they should at the first haue laide their heads togither and concluded to haue chased them backe into their owne countrey and foreséeing the debates and quarrels that they began to sow euery where in France haue sent them backe to their owne home as they themselues once serued the French when they were in their country in like maner Cap. 7. How this Nation going about to ruine a countrie beginneth with some one estate and from thence commeth to all the rest by degrees and how the French can by no meanes take such opportunitie when it serueth them ALthough they haue béen alwaies voyd of all mercie and compassion towardes the poore people hauing drenched them drie and brought them to great miserie yet they haue shewed as little fauour as might be to Churchmen making them to be gnawen to the bare bone with tenthes and to be puld a hole lower by sale of their goods maintaining all inequalitie amongst them making floods of riches to run downe the héeles of some Italianate spirits their coherents and as for those who take paines daily in diuine seruice which the French Romans wil not meddle withal nor so much as with the tip of their finger to turne ouer one leafe of it they may haue a sore drowth but the diuell a whit of drinke will they giue them to coole their thirst Their Nobles they were saluted so oftentimes with summonings to assemble themselues who held any landes of the Crowne to bee seassed for the affaires of the warres and paiment of souldiers and withall put to such pinches and daungers to ruine one another with such extreame costs and charges raised by the vaine enhancings of their gold chaines of their Order for all paiments and wages employed onely for the payes of the Italians and other strange nations As for the Officers although that their offices were sold vnto them in the wane of the Italian power ten times dearer then in the raigne of any former Prince or King they were so fléeced and pulled away by substitution of others that did robbe them of all the profit and honour that might grow therby who in their turne also were pilled and brought to nothing by restoring the mony that was sucked from them that first bought them so that by that time all their landes were counted there was nothing to be laughed at on no side but only the Florentines and their partners who might wel laugh in their sléeues hauing so much the more to drinke filling their purses with the emptyings of others so that by such deuises they haue so well sucked out the substance of the French that since the comming of this Italianesse into France they haue picked more pence out of the coate of this people then during the raigne of twelue Kings before The tokens wherof most manifestly appeare especially vpon the poore pesants by their nakednes who go apparrelled but with old linnen cloth in the greatest coldes and are besides constrained to humble themselues so low as to liue vpon Oates and Pease like bruit beasts The cause and originall of all these miseries procéeding of the marriage of one Italinesse in France aspiring to make way for her adherents and to get the Crown into her own hands making our kings odious to the whole world and this sheweth well that they are so ingenious that of the least occasion that may serue to fauour them they know how to finde and fetch out greater aduantages farre beyond the reach of any nation in the world beside This thou shalt easily perceiue if with the consideration of that which goeth before thou cast but thine eye of vnderstanding vpon the French to sée how great a number of the Kings daughters haue béen married into Italy as Madame Renee daughter of King Lewes the twelfth to the Duke of Ferrara others to the King of England into Spaine to the Dukes of Sauoy and of Lorraine By meanes of whom although they were all descended of farre more noble houses then her yet the French could neuer by any such occasion tyrannise and impouerish these people neuer making the least commoditie thereby or get any other preferment but to the contrarie they still left behinde them verie much of their owne as in the marriages of the King of Spaine and of the Duke of Sauoy where they got to their shares the fairest fléeces and conquests of France And this may verie well shew how grosse witted we are in France and how ingenious and subtill the Italian is at euerie opportunitie that may happen Sée wherfore I wold faine be able to perswade the Popes quite to forsake this nation to come into Swicerland and into France verie curteous and good people to deliuer themselues from the yoake of that nation which is the most corrupt in the whole world for if one onely Italinesse were able to chaine our Kings at Paris
and within a litle therabouts and with one winke of her eye make tremble Constables Marshals of France gouernours of prouinces and by the least word or letter alter the Parlaments of France what may ten 1000. Italians do enuironing a Pope It is certaine they may force his will by violence depriuing him of his libertie in his gouernment of y e church Or if he bow not that way which they wold haue him they wil not sticke to giue his holines some dramme of such perfume as they did to the deceassed Quéene of Nauarre This is the cause why commonly we sée foure or fiue Popes to die during the raigne of one Emperour Wherefore he should do well either for loue of his life or his libertie to retire and come away from amongst them Cap. 8. Vpon what occasion the Romanes changed their Monanarchie into a populer estate that is to wit vppon the rauishment of Lucretia committed by their king Tarquinius BVt to make a more liuely representation of the great wisedome of the Italian we must mount a litle higher to the beginnings progresse and aduancement of this admirable domination whether by degrées it hath eleuated it selfe in perceiuing the Tarquins their kings were verie vicious and nothing valerous they spied out matter inough quickly against them to be rid of them so iumpe at that time fell out for their purpose the rauishment of Lucretia perpetrated by Tarquinius their King wherupon they made a commotion against him by and by to thrust him out of his kingdome not that they meant to restablish any other in his place but to alter this forme of gouernment although it be absolutely the best when kings rule as they should do and behaue themselues well and to institute another which should exalt them as they thought most likely aboue all other peoples and make them all tributarie to them Now this was their order to haue a Senate wherein men of the greatest spirites verie well learned and experienced were only admitted by whom euery yéere should two Consuls be chosen who should alwaies haue the conduct of warres and besides if any important affaires chanced then was there elected one to be a Dictator and such a one as was most worthie of all Italy to command to resist whom soeuer came against the Romanes So that if one Consull lost a battaile the estate was not thereby ouerthrowne because his fellow had mustered in a readines another Army readie to fight and giue battell againe so that if he also were vanquished they had for all that good hope yet being the Dictator to come vpon whose valour and experience they most of all relied as on Marius and Fabius for he set in incontinent for the third man This is the reason that when the enimies of the Romanes had gotten two fieldes against them as diuers times did Pyrrhus and Hanniball they were not dismaied for all that and thought themselues thereby neuer a whit the more ouercome whereas contrariwise if any King Prince or common wealth had once had an ouerthrow by a battell in the field they could not so soone recouer their losse but would iudge themselues straightwaies ruined and ouerthrowen By this meane their domination séemed altogither inuincible till by their owne Armies by ciuill broyles and domesticall iarres they conspired their owne ruine and destruction Cap. 9. How the Romanes by pretence of their Faith founde meanes to augment their Domination ALbeit that this so goodly order and forme of gouernment might haue béene sufficient to make them surpasse all other people yet they perceiuing that the breaking of faith and promises did worke the ruine of all estates that made no conscience to violate them the Italians well aduised hereof as those that saw well inough that Faith was the most firme bande of humane societie and that where it raigned not euen did stand verie flipperie and were alwaies staggering tottering and shakyng with feare and mistrust to the end to binde themselues most strictly to the obseruation of the same and to make all the world belieue that they would inuiolably kéepe their promises they builded a Temple of FAITH to the which they gaue great honour and reuerence Whereupon euerie one assuring them selues in their fidelitie desired their league and friendship and to couer them selues with their protection and fauour sparing neither tribuite nor subiection to obtaine the same This was a most rare péece of pollicie and wisedom found out by them whereby they bore sway and drew profit from all other peoples albeit otherwise the Italians were farre surpassed by them in number forces Hereby may we then sée euidently that they haue a spirite more sublimate and ingenious then any other nation that liueth vnder the scope of the heauens Cap. 10. The ruine of the first Romaine Domination and the causes thereof BVt as all earthly thinges come in processe of time to faile in glorie and naturall force so this braue Signiorie which seemed to sway the whole earth fell at last to decay and ruine because at the first beginning they did but shaue and clip those which were subiugated and forced to take hold on the cordes of the empire to make them a little gentler and tamer afterwardes they fell roundly to fleying of them besides the horrible and detestable cruelties of Nero Caligula Commodas Heliagabalus and other such like monsters made this nation odious and spited of manie others who beginning a little to discouer that the Romaines had not brought them in subiection by any greater power or multitudes whereby they excelled them too that waies but rather had gotten the vpper hand by sowing quarrels amongst them by supprising them vnawares and establishing among them a better order of militarie discipline then was before they resolued with hazarde of their liues to ouerthrow their tirannie and to pull downe their intollerable Domination to the ground Amongst other the people of the North enuironing the left arme I mean the Gothes the Saxons and Hungarians who hauing experience of their strength to bee farre passing that of Italians obseruing a better order in their warfare then before set forwarde and prosecuted so lustilie the course of their hartie enterprises that they became in short time maisters of the citie of Rome and many other partes of Italie In like manner Arthure a most valiant king of England accompanied with sixe hundred thousand men victoriously ouerthrew Lucius the Romaine Senator marching with no lesse number of souldiours then he pretending to make the English tributarie as they were before time The Gaules likewise cast of their yoke and the Almaines got from them the dignitie imperiall into their owne handes whereupon ensued the totall subuersion of this their first earthly violent and forced Domination vnder the which they had yoaked in the neckes of all the rest of the people of Europe Cap. 11. Of the beginninges and first foundations of the second Domination of the Romanes in christiandome THey then perceiuing
couenants made betwéee their predecessors the kinges and the Popes for the benefit of their kingdome should be infringed This is the reason why the Councell of Rome hath sought all meanes possible to enstall other princes in their roome and to bring it to passe haue emploied all their Preachers begging Friers and other Ecclesiastikes to vomit out all kinde of blame and shame most opprobriously against the said King Henry the third deceassed placing him in the rancke of the most abhominable tyrants murtherers of the world whome by their count hee should surpasse in the periode of all mischiefe extolling aboue the heauens with the highest titles of praise which they could deuise some other Princes thereby to adiure them and make euerie one honour them loue them and make much of them But to shew that the Italians and their partners meant no good not onely to the deceased Kings person but also to all his race in generall sée wée not plainly that when they had by treason caused him to bée murthered they continue their selfesame practises towardes those of the house of Bourbon issued of the last sonne of S. Lewes called Robert Countie of Clermont vpon whom seeing they can laie no blame for that they are the true and lawfull heires of this Crowne they thinke to disherite him who is the eldest son and heire whose place he holdeth and representeth vpon a coulour onely that he beléeueth not as much or more in the Constitutions of the Church of Rome as in the word of God and by this text they win the good will of the people and of other ignorant people But when they contemne those of this house making warre against them who haue béen most zealous and affectionate to their Constitutions who haue also for defence thereof exposed their liues and goods to all daungers as haue done the Dukes of Mont Pensier both father sonne do they not shew that they are thorowly resolued to destroy this race and to translate this Crowne vnto some other progeny Touching the Kinge who is at this present they should neuer be able to attaint or staine him with note of any crueltie tiranny nor any other insufficiencie to rule for to blame him for sticking to that religion wherein he hath béen brought vp it is not likely they will for the same reproch would fall vpon their pates if they should not perseuere in these But he offreth them faire and more then they will accord to that is to be heard in a place of frée assembly to eramine louingly all these thinges to stand to that which shal be awarded for both sides Wherin he sheweth how impudently and falsly they argue and condemne him to be an heretike And as for those who magnifie and exalt the ofspring and descent of other houses to make the world beléeue that this whence he is descended is base poore and of no name they are lesse able to speake of the great high and noble families of Christendome then are Bats and Moles to discourse of the greatnes height essence beautie and admirable operations of the Sunne for séeke among all the Empires of the Assirians Persians Grecians Romans Almans Iewes Tartarians Mahometans and ouer all the face of the whole world beside and you shall not finde a King of greater race nor of more auncient family then this hauing had xxviii Kings in his house before him and all lineally in race masculine and of his mothers side being the issue heire of a Quéen who with her mother the sister of Francis the Great excelled in wit learning and hautie courage all other Christian Princesses that euer haue béen before them And touching the great bountie and vertue both in time of warre peace of the house of Bourbon neither Kings nor Princes since the death of S. Lewes but this race hath farre gone beyond them as all the Cronicles of France shall witnes sufficient And touching his wealth he hath alway had twentie times as much as hath had any aduersarie he hath hauing at y e time of his succession more then a million of rent by his patrimony and yéerely reuenue which he might haue multiplied to as much more if hée would haue pinched sucked his subiects by taxings sales of Offices and rearing of tributes as some Italians haue caused to bee done in France Let them then laie away these false cloakes wherewith they disguise the truth of things and let vs beléeue for a troth as it is true indéed that the Italians séeke nothing els but to translate the Crowne into some other house which will bow their neckes vnder their commandements and suffer them to fish this Realme for siluer to plant amongst vs the Spanish Inquisition to admit the Councell of Trent and to take the right of presentations from the Nobles to finger them themselues and wipe their noses of the best and swéetest profits that belong to the Realme Cap. 21. The great subtilty of the counsell of Rome in getting into their hands the Souerantie of the newfound world conquered by the Spaniards BVt I cannot so often call to minde the conquest of the new world as I wounder at the great subtiltie of the counsell of Rome and againe at the more then great simplicitie in the Spanyards and Portingales behalfe for the Italians perceauing to their great griefe their Domination and tributes to bee cut of in the East and North partes as well by the conquests of the Turke as by the preaching of Luther as also Pope Alexander the sixt had set in his foote at the parting of stakes and made the diuision geuing on halfe to the one king and the other to the other reseruing for himselfe the séesimple principall Iurisdiction and Souerayntie making these two Kinges consent to bee his vassals and to holde their countries of him although he had neither right of seruice nor of possession and was not the discouerer neither Yet sée this parte was handled with such cuning and craft that the Italian became therby Souerayne Lord of twise so much soyle and country as all Christendom vnder the name of their Pope And by what meane you shall not finde it to bee by his great trauels perils and expences but by the laboures bloudshedings and armes of the Spanyardes who venture bodyes and goodes exposing themselues to infinte perils troubles and hazardes to shipwracks of the sea in danger of many Pyrates and Rouers before the can come thether and when the are once there and entred into the country fainte to fight many combats and battels and worse then all this to fall into many strange and incurable diseases which procéede of chaunge of ayer and habitation when men transporte themselues into farre countryes where the clymate is of farre more excessiue heate and colde then their owne was Now whileste these nations endure these trauels and sorrowes worse then twenty deathes the Italians are at whome in there sumptuas and braue pallaces out of all daunger
contrary to our dutie towards God which is to shew our selues humble lowly and glad to bee taught by him and to tremble at his words as this Dampish earth an insensible and deafe creature taught vs at the publication of the law when it reeled trembled and was readie to shake in sunder at the voyce of God Moreouer what fayre shew soeuer they can set on the Constitutions of Pastors the shall alwayes be humaine and whosoeuer obayeth them obayeth but men and there inuentions But he that woulde looke with a vigilant eye to the neere examination and déepe sownding therof shal easily discouer that their only purpose is to amplifie there authoritie more and more still and to drawe coyne from people secretly selling that at an hard and deare rate which God geueth vs fréely and offereth vs most gratis And this is the reason why the Italyans fearing lest the publications of such doctrine altogether heauenly and diuine would make there Domination shake from the top quickly turne it vp side downe and soone diminish all the profits that the reape out of the countries of all Christendome by meanes of their reaching inuentions they haue therefore by a most subtill péece of prouidence toke order in the matter that the Doctrine and lessons of these men come not to light by remedies which séeme to be the fittest in the world for their purpose Cap. 26. The first meanes that the Romanis vse to maintaine their Domination FIrst to preuent lest any should attaine to so great knowledge in the holy Scriptures that they should finde out of themselues the most perfect and onely wholsome meanes of saluation to consist therein and to despise all other humaine seruices the haue caused all that concerneth the Diuine seruice to be written and pronounced in a tongue out of vse with all nations the vnderstanding whereof cannot be attayned but in consuming many yeares great trauels and much cost to th ende to kéepe the people still in ignorance of the true way to serue God Taking good héede not to translate it into Italian lest by and by they should proue to lerned to suffer the councell of Rome to handle them as they haue done And beside all this to vse the matter so that the that vnderstand Latine should not learne to much by the lecture of the Epistles and Gospels the haue set downe an order that the shall sing thē with such a Note that those which vnderstand the tongue very well otherwise shall not vnderstand much more in that place then the ignorant people for to speake troth the councell of Rome vseth the word of God no further but so fare as it will serue for there Domination and enriching in other partes of Christendome and would be willing that whatsoeuer therin is contained importing any disaduantage to their dealinges had bine cut of fiue hundred yeares since for that they haue no néede of it obseruing therein verie well the saying of a certaine Philosopher vsed in these speaches Take heede leste in seeking to much the Heauen yee loose not the earth Which is as much to say that they must prefere earthly things before the kingdome of God As we sée the Italians doe interpreting or reading Gods commandements when the cutof the defences made in the law of God againste Images whereof one is not to make Images another not to bow downe to them and the third not to worship them Would they euer do this thinke you but that they foresée that the true vnderstanding of this commandement wold coole fréeze the zeale of those that bring offrings to the worshipping of their Images with the which they licke their lippes full swéetly But they will not I warrant you peruert or misconster this article Thou art Peter and vpon this Rocke will I build my Church All the world shall heare what these wordes signifie they will want no Trumpets for the matter that they may therby be Dominators and Kings and fetch in mony by Cart lodes to Rome such force and vertue haue those wordes so sure a staffe vnto them is the rocke of S. Peter Sée then this is one mean most ingeniously inuented to containe the people within the obedience of the Romane Councell Cap. 27. A second meane that they haue to keep men in their seruice still BVt iudging that to be a sufficient remedy to withhold learned men who by reading of the holie scriptures by true contemplation of thinges created by the handie worke of God and by the great harmony of both these ioyned togither should be brought to the knowledge of the Creator and to the true seruice conuenient for his holie name and so fall to be opinatiue reiecting the Italian Domination and by such meanes shake their so sure gouernment make it totter a litle Against whom being men well armed with sound arguments it were a most dangerous thing for the Italians and their suppostes to deale by way of disputations yet sée they haue defenses ramparies to let them for making any breach in their Domination First to make them hold their tongues no more but to giue them some fat benefice some Abbey or Priory and to schoole them a litle with this lesson that the veritie which they saie they know is but poore and bare god wot wearing but a thrid bare coate neuer able to make a man rich as it was apparant indéed in him who was the Veritie it self hauing no place to hide his head in that beside it had the world all Kings and Princes of the earth for enemy On the other side he that wold be employed for Rome she had to command all ouer y e world and had the bestowing of Bishoppricks Abbies Priories and Parsonages to aduance and make happie all those that imbraced their part Now of a great number few or none stand out with them but are ouercome with such temptations if there be any that will not yéeld to them we sée by and by that the Bishops and their Officials haue them in chace and do their vttermost to inflame the Magistrate against them to put them to death as did the Priests of the old law against Helias Ieremias and the rest of the Prophets their successors against Christ But if the Magistrates chance to wincke at them the Councell of Rome hath caused Ecclesiasticall Counsellers to bee admitted into all Courtes of Parlament to aduise stire vp and inflame all Presidents Proctors of the King and all other councellours to make open warre with fire and sword against such people not without sore charge to the Iudges to looke vnto them menacing their negligence herein with double punishment By reason whereof it shal be heard for them to escape their handes Whereby appeareth how great the carnall wisedome of this nation is to maintaine and hold fast their reuenues and Domination Cap. 28. The third meane whereby they fortifie thēselues with the Forces of three of the most mightiest in al Christēdome NOt to
be destitute of any one aide that might stand them in stéed they found meanes to arme themselues with the greatest Forces y e Christen men may yéeld when they perceiued that by such fellowes as are abouesaid Princes Cities and common weales might be puld from them which were no fish for Prouosts Controllers nor Sergeants mouthes they backed themselues better with the most strong redoubtable and puissant forces of all Christendome as with the K. of Spaine for the head with the King of France for the stomacke and the Emperour for the belly which are the principall parts of Europe So that if a man open his mouth to speake against their Domination you shall sée the Catholike straightway thunder downe all with his Inquisition euerie man haue a fling at him Is there any that will set vpon them by main strength for any other matter Be the Lombards Venetians Neapolitans or whatsoeuer they be they will but whistle at Rome and by and by ye shal sée marching to their succour the Armies of these mightie Princes aboue named But the Romans they will make themselues poore when they should paie them and recompence their trauels they can abide nothing worse then that For Childericke the King of France for sending them aide lost the Crowne of France And as for satisfaction for any other aide that other Kinges of France haue giuen them they neuer put their hand to their treasures yet to recompence them nor neuer adioyned any Duchy or kingdome to their Empire but haue alwaies béen pulling from them But in recompence of all their labours losses and expences they haue giuen this word THRISE which is vsed in forming a superlatiue to the King of France although hée had as much and more authoritie to take it to himselfe then the Romanes to giue it him And to the King of Spaine they haue giuen this word Catholike which he might haue taken himselfe if hée would haue challenged it no man to say nay These names haue continued from father to sonne as if they came by inheritance by which the Italians haue plaied and wrought vpon as well the one as the other as though the bare names had any vertue or operation in them to transforme the persons and to make them any other then they were which should bee a most manifest abuse But when that a man hath any qualitie of great vertue or vice he may verie fitly haue some name of honour or dishonour attributed vnto him As S. Lewes was so called for his holines of life Philip le Bel for his excéeding beautie and Philip le Hardi for his hardines valour But all this cannot be translated to their heires and successors because they are but qualities of speciall persons and are proper to them onely from whom they cannot passe For as it had bin a most absurd thing to haue termed Commodus an Emperour of Rome and a most cruell tyrant a Saint and a Philosopher because Marcus Aurelius his father for his rare vertues sagesse and eloquence was so named so also is there none apparent reason why the Councell of Rome should denominate for flatterie indifferently all the successors of this crowne Kinges most Christian No more then with the Epitheton that was giuen to Charles le grand 1. the great And as for the title of Catholike it was falsly attributed to the King of Spaine because it signifieth as much as vninersall King that is King euer all Whereas at that time he was King only but of the Spaines for as yet then raigned the King of Portugall and beside he is not so much yet neither as King ouer all Christendome Although that such Epithets haue béene verie vnfit falfly attributed indifferently to all yet we sée by such toyes and deuises they haue with a wet finger drawen more Forces to their succour out of these kingdomes then at this present twentie millions out of any other Princes purse would do out of all Germany By giuing them only these names and titles they make them march when they list vsing them like the great Canary Dogs which are tied fast with a long chaine and a coller As for the Emperour to kéep him vnder they haue bestowed on him some kingdome or Princedome to make him their owne creature and vassall yet vnder the name of their Pope to set him forward or pull him backe as they list and at their deuotion And all this to the end that if any went about to shake or endomage their Domination at the head hée should straight assaile and bee shaken off by the Catholicke King if he came against the breast the most Christian King should trownce him if he made at the bellie the Emperour should teare him so that he should be met withall what way so euer he came Turne ouer read the Histories of the memorable actes and déeds of all nations in the world and finde none that euer hath so iusteled Kings and Emperours by a voluntarie Domination to make them march without any pay at all as hath done the Councell of Rome I speake not only by these but by an infinit number of others so he haue bin glad to obey and follow them at all times whensoeuer they stood in néed Cap. 29. A Demonstration how the Councell of Rome winneth to their side Princes younger brothers and maketh them their voluntarie slaues BVt the sublimation of the Italian spirit is remarked to flie farre aboue all other nations of the world herein especially that perceiuing a few yéeres since there were found many men of great spirit in the Councelles of these Monarkes who discouering their drifts began to counterchecke them a litle not stirring a whit at the first sound of the Trumpet comming from Italy as they were wont to do in times past they haue made a cunning prouiso for this matter drawing into their confederacie and league certaine younger brethren of the best houses of the Princes in Christendome who being not surcharged with too much reuenues nor too great gouernments to imploy themselues runne like swift footed Greyhounds at the first call that is made for them To make them march with more then humane expedition they must be charmed with praises up to the heauens far higher then the praises of many of those which the Paynims held for Gods in this world Comparing them with the most worthy and valiant warriours which euer haue béen terming them the verie portraitures of Alexander in diligence and hautinesse of courage verie Images of Augustus Caesar in subtilitie and wisedome and in zeale for the enlarging and glorie of the Romane Church true imitators of Constantine the great resemblers of Charlemaine and as great warriours as euer was the Romane Fertorius to resist and stand out boldly against all humane powers And to set a better hue on these so high commendations if there be to be found any externall beautie or corporall force in these Princes that must not be forgotten in no wise