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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B08023 A notable discourse of the happinesse of this our age, and of the ingratitude of men to God for his benefites: written in Latine by that godly learned man Iohn Riuius, and now Englished for the comfort, and commoditie of the vnlearned, by W.W. student..; De seculi nostri felicitate, et hominum erga Dei beneficia ingratitudine, liber. English Rivius, Johann, 1500-1553. 1578 (1578) STC 21064.5; ESTC S94909 108,359 160

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¶ A NOTABLE discourse of the happinesse of this our age and of the ingratitude of men to God for his benefites Written in Latine by that godly learned man Iohn Riuius and now newly Englished for the comfort and commoditie of the vnlearned by W. W. Student Iohn 17. 3. This is life euerlasting that men knowe thee to be the onely verie God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ Horat. Interdum vulgus rectum videt est vbi peccat Imprinted at London for Tobie Cooke and Philippe Eede 1578. To the Right Honorable M. Doctour Wilson one of the principall Secretaries to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie and of her Highnesse most honorable priuie Counsell W. W. wisheth increase of all godlinesse in this present life and in the life to come eternall happinesse in heauen THE wonderfull varietie and diuersitie of opinions and iudgements amongst the Philosophers concerning mans summum bonum or chiefest happinesse in this life is not vnknowne to your Honour and other learned men how that some said it did consist onely in vertue othersome in beautie othersome in honour othersome in wealth othersome and that no small summe in pleasure and some in a certeine mixture or medlie of all these It were needlesse to reckon vp in this place all their idle fansies fond dreames about this one point Howbeit I would certifie the simpler sort of this thing how that all of them erred and wandered in bywayes how that euerie seuerall sect and familie of Philosophers shot farre wide of the marke For as S. Paule testifieth They became vaine in their thoughtes and their foolish heart was full of darknesse When they professed themselues to be wise they beecame fooles We Christians that haue bene trained vp in Christes schole haue learned a better profession of our Maister and Sauiour Iesus Christ We know and are taught so to say that God maketh the wisedome of the world foolishnesse We are instructed and so we stedfastly beleeue that the onely true felicitie of this our life and the true happinesse of this our age standeth in the publishing and preaching of Christes Gospell which is to the Iewes a stumbling blocke to the Graecians foolishnesse and to the Papistes new learning but in deede the power of God to the saluation and the wisedome of God to the instruction of as many as are called both of the Iewes Graecians and Papistes This glorious Gospell of our God was first preached here on earth by our Redeemer and Sauiour Christ himselfe then after his ascension it was carried into all partes of the worlde by the Apostles and their successours with such successe that Christes spirituall kingdome was by the scepter of his worde enlarged farre and wide Which thing the deadly enimie of mankind Sathan greatly enuying knowing that the flourishing state of Christes kingdome would be the decaie and downefall of his laboured by all meanes possible to beare downe his scepter and scepter bearers by force and violence which thing he after a sorte brought to passe by raising vp the ten bloudie persecutions against the Christians vnder the ten Tyrantes or Emperours of Rome But the Diuell seeing that this his former policie would not preuaile seeing that the Christians the more they were tormented for their faith the more they grewe and multiplied deuised to deale no more by violence and bloudshed but chaunging himselfe into an Angel of light sought meanes how in time of peace he might withdrawe men by little and little from the true Religion of Christ to the counterfeit and hypocriticall religion of Antichrist This craftie counsell and pestilent practise pleased the subtile Serpent well which wrought this effect that it eclipsed and diminished the fulnesse beautifull light of Christes kingdome which was onely mainteined by the sworde of the spirit that is to say by the worde of god And because he might the more easily leade the people out of the way of trueth his purpose was wholy hitherto bent to ouerwhelme the candle vnder the bushell to darken the light of the Gospell which he brought accordingly to passe by corrupting and infecting the Priesthood with the glorious pompe and vanities of the worlde with the wanton delightes and vaine pleasures of this present life Then euen then he set Antichrist of Rome in his royall seate as his vicar and lieftenant generall there to rule and reigne as God of this world in the children of vnbeliefe bewitching them with strong delusions that they shoulde beleeue lies that all they might be damned which beleeued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse This is that man of sinne by which is ment not one particular man but a succession of men as by the beare in Daniel is not ment onely one King of the Persians but a succession of Kinges this I say is that man of sinne and that aduersarie that exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he doth sit as God in the Temple of God shewing himselfe that he is god This is that wicked man whose comming is by the effectuall working of Sathan with all power and signes and lying woonders and in all deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse among them that perishe because they receiued not the loue of the trueth that they might be saued By this meanes Sathan lulled as it were the worlde a sleepe for the space of these seuen hundred yeeres last past Now some man will maruell much how the Pope should growe to such an vnbridled authoritie as he hath gotten Surely we can assigne no other cause but this such was the will of God and such was the depth of his secrete iudgement for the contempt of his Gospell Was it not I pray you reuealed to S. Iohn that the purple whoore of Babylon shoulde make all the Kinges and Princes of the earth and the inhabitantes thereof to drinke of the golden cuppe of wine full of the abhominations and filthinesse of her fornication The verie beginning and foundation of Antichristes kingdome was laied euen in the Apostles time For S. Paule writ to the Thessalonians that the mysterie of iniquitie began then to woorke but it was then hindered by the brightnesse and puritie of doctrine receiued in the Primatiue Church Afterwardes it grewe vp by degrees and specially by three steppes First by the great errors of the heretikes in the East Church which Chrysostome doth call the armies of Antichrist Secondly by the lamentable contention and emulation amongst the Christian Bishoppes in the Orientall partes Thirdly by the superstitious deuotion for I will not call it liberall donation of Princes and Emperours For after that the wicked parricide Phocas Emperour of Constantinople had geuen the Primasie or name of vniuersall Bishop vnto Boniface the third the Popes authoritie or rather tyrannie increased excedingly Then they sought not onely to be Lordes within themselues but also to be aboue all higher powers yea aboue the
Emperour himselfe This kingdome of Antichrist from that time forward grew mightily specially vnder the Emperours of Constantinople and namely vnder the Emperour Constantinus Pogonatus or Barbatus and vnder the Emperours of Germanie Henries and Frederikes Now in this time of darkenesse it is much to be maruelled vnto what vile slauerie and thraldome Emperours and Princes were brought by the Bishop of Rome Some of them being resolutely persuaded by the Romish Cleargie that the Pope was Christes vicar vicegerent yea halfe a God refused no Popish subiection One waited at his gate barefoote and barelegge another was tied fast with chaines vnder the Popes table there to picke vp crumbes like a dogge another suffered him to set his feete vpon his necke another held his stirrop when the Popes holinesse vauted vpon his horse another was thrust into a Monasterie and made a Monke In such slauish subiection were Princes in those dayes Then in deede the Churche of Rome the whoore of Babylon was gloriously in open rule but the true Churche of Christ was not in any visible gouernment no more than it was in the time of Elias the Prophet And this was that the Scriptures might be fulfilled and founde true which say that there should be an Apostasie or defection from the faith that is a generall reuolting from true Religion that iniquitie shoulde haue the vpper hand that no man should haue the libertie of his life but he that should take vpon him the character or mark of the beast O wofull and lamentable times O most miserable and vnhappie dayes And yet the Papistes at this day crie with open mouth most impudently The Catholike church The Catholike Church saying that it hath alwayes bene to be sene at Rome They tell vs with shame inough that the Pope can not erre that his faith is Catholike and pure without all blot or blemish and that if we beleeue iumpe as he beleeueth we shall surely be saued But we will neuer beleeue Antichrist nor run to Rome albeit sometime a faithfull citie to inquire after our faith and Religion We wote well that now it is and hath bene a great while the sinke of all sinne and iniquitie in the world the verie seate and habitation of Antichrist himselfe We will not haue that proude Italian Priest to be our Doctour and generall Scholemaister a man made of all abhominations and whoredomes We will not lay the foundation or ground-worke of our faith vpon the glorious name of any mortall man whatsoeuer We see the end of all Poperie to be ignorance We see they derogate and detract all from Christ and his Passion and attribute their saluation to Masses to mens merites to Saintes prayers to Pilgrimages to vowes of virginitie to their owne good workes and to a thousand other trifling toyes We see they preferre mens traditions inuentions before the truth of Gods word We can shewe if neede be at what time and by which Popes euerie parcell of Papistrie was deuised He that will make a true Anatomie of it and examine it from point to point shall finde that it tendeth wholy to gaine and no whit to godlinesse To be short we knowe by the Scriptures of God that their Religion which forbiddeth marriage and meates is a doctrine of Diuels This was the miserie and infelicitie of former ages in which times notwithstanding God had his Church though not alwayes subiect to mans senses in which ages God raised vp euermore some good men which inueihed bitterly against the Popes intollerable pride and tyrannie as namely Hilarie Bishop of Vienna in Fraunce Paulus Cretensis and Iohannes Lampeon both Bishoppes denied his supremasie the Church of Rauenna in Italie would not acknowledge the Pope for her head Nilus Archbishop of Thessalonica writ a learned booke against the Popes primasie Afterwardes in Italie yea euen in Rome Arnoldus Brixianus an eloquent man oppugned stoutely the Popes primasie and tyrannie Counsels and Synods condemned the Popes supremasie after whom God raised vp here in England a valiant stoute souldier Iohn Wickleffe and in Bohemia Iohn Hus Hierome of Prage with many others as histories record and witnesse But at the length when it pleased the great goodnesse and riche mercie of God to take compassion on the world then drowned in darknesse he renewed the heauenlie light of his Gospell by which Antichrist of Rome should be reuealed and by little and little vtterly destroyed Then he raised vp mightie Capteines to make warre against that spirituall Pharao whom he appointed like Moses and Aaron to safe conduct vs out of the land of Aegypt out of the house of bondage out of the sorowfull seruitude of Poperie in comparison of which that Aegyptiacall slauerie was great libertie To this end and purpose he raised vp in this most happie and blessed age sundrie learned Diuines as namely Martin Luther Zuinglius Oecolampadius Caluine Peter Martyr Bucer Bullenger Gualter Theodore Beza Chemnisius Hemingius Riuius Zanchius Daneus Cranmer Ridley Latimer Hooper Bradford M. Iewell M. Nowell M. Iohn Foxe with infinite others both Englishmen Scots Frenchmen Germanes Italians Spaniards and Danes Surely this the happie age which Chrysostome fortold speaking of the last times Ad nullam rem fugient nisi ad Scripturas alioqui incident in abhominationem desolationis Then saith he will they flee vnto nothing but vnto the Scriptures otherwise they shall fall into the abhomination of desolation To whom agreeth S. Hierome writing vpon the Prophet Nahum And Gregorie prophesieth plainely of our time thus Ecclesia post eosdem dies quibus deprimitur tamen circa finem mundi grandi praedicationis virtute roborabitur The Church saith he after those dayes wherin she is depressed and holden downe shall for all that about the end of the worlde be strengthened with the great power of preaching Which thing is come nowe to passe in these dayes as we may see how that the preaching of the Gospell hath greatly preuailed against all the raging persecution of the Papistes the Lordes name be praised for it As oft as we thinke vpon this Gospell we dare auouch that these latter times are better times that this age is a golden age For if Aristides the iust was called Graecorum foelicitas that is The happinesse of the Graecians we may more worthily call Christ our felicitie and if the age wherein he liued was called Aureaaetas that is A golden age because iustice flourished in it verelie we may more iustly call this our age a golden age because the glorious Gospell of God shineth nowe most clearely in the eyes and soundeth most shrilly in the eares of all Israel O that men would therefore praise the Lorde O that men would acknowledge before the Lorde his louing kindnesse and his wonderous woorkes before the sonnes of men Thus we haue seene the chiefest happinesse of this our age to be the preaching of the Gospell of God amongest vs A