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A92967 Christ under the law with the times of the Gospel, and fullness thereof. Sadler, John, 1615-1674. 1664 (1664) Wing S274; ESTC R227055 102,835 92

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Throne of his Kingdom should Write out the Law and read it and keep it All his dayes that he might not exalt himself above his Brethren but might so prolong his Kingdom So When he was Brought In Great Solemnity to sit upon the White Throne of his Kingdom in the Revelation He biddeth it be Written As a most True Saying of God Behold I make All things New A very sweet and Precious Promise Which we ought to plead and press when ever we finde our Hearts Old or the Old man stirring or abiding in us And it may mind us of That strict Injunction on their coming to enjoy their Promised Land to Break down All Idols Groves and Temples with High Places and Images and what ever was or might be any meane or Inclination to Idolatry or Superstition So that They might follow none of the Old manners of the Land before them In Worship of Their Gods or of the True God in their manner For the Lord declares himself As Strict or more in Manner of his Worship then in Matter Or as Jealous in the Matter of the 2d Command or more then in the First Which hath not That note of Jealousie which the 2d hath And yet This also springeth from Love Being as the Apostle expresseth it a Godly Jealousie Least having Espoused us to one husband We should wander to the flocks of his Corrivals And for This also we are bid to call Wisdom our Sister that she may preserve us from the deceiving flattering Spirit And Christ hath also undertaken All This to God and Man also So to Declare the True and Right way of worshipping the Only True God that There shall be No more Idol or Superstition As in Esay the 2d And the Idols he shall Vtterly Destroy Which is also Promised as well as commanded in the first and second Commandement For so the Words in Hebrew are promissive in the Future rather then Imperative Thou shalt not have Or Worship Any Other God Or me in any other way then I prescribe And so the Psalm repeateth it Open Thy Mouth wide and I Will fill Thee O that thou wouldest Hearken And Thou shalt have no strange God We are come to Christs Peculiars and his Proper Work As Heyr of the World As the Seed of Ab. and the 2d Adam As the First was in the Image of God and Therefore made to Rule Let us make man in our Image and after our Likeness and let Them have Dominion As if This did only follow That And though the Prophets call it the Kingdom of God and Matthew the Kingdom of Heaven Yet it is a Kingdom on Earth And so the Psalms and Daniel plain enough For God doth Reign in Heaven still and so he will upon Earth but In and By and Through a man And therefore he hath Given Christ All Judgment Because he is the Son of Man For God will Judge us by our Peers And He hath Given Earth to Men. And though the Baptist and our Saviour and Apostles preached that the Kingdom was at Hand or Coming Yet it was not Come And Christ doth never call himself a King Till his 2d coming Then the Son of Man shall send His Angels which before he calls his Fathers Angels and the Holy Angels to gather out of His Kingdom And the King shall say Come ye Blessed and the King shall say Go ye Cursed And he had a Tast of This Kingdom at his Transfig As he said Some shall not tast of Death Till they see the Son of man coming in His Kingdom And from That Time Forth he spake of That Kingdom As beginning In them But when They looked that it should appear he hinted first that he must take a Long Journey to receive his Kingdom and after a Long time come again And at length he plainly told them that the Kingdom was offered Them To Thee O Daughter of Zion shall the Kingdom come the First Dominion But should Then be Taken From Them and be Given To A Nation some peculiar Nation as in Moses and the Romans which should bring forth Its Fruits When They should be scattered and Trodden down by the Gentiles and not a Stone left upon a Stone in all Their Glorious Temple And when They asked the Signs of Those things and of His coming and of the End of the World He gave them Signs of the 2 first and confesseth the Last was Hidden But addeth When you see These Signs of the Son of man coming Lift up your Heads with Joy O Jews For your Redemption commeth or Return and Then the Kingdom of God is Coming at the very door Till then he bid us say Thy Kingdom Come and Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven And that it meant a Kingdom on Earth also we may learn in the Church Chatechisms of Edward 6th with Notes on the Lords Prayer and Creed of the Catholique Church and Communion of Saints And yet His Kingdom is Spirituall To command the Spirits of men and other Spirits For If I by the Spirit of God which was Then as the Little Finger cast out Evill Spirits know that the Kingdom of God is among you And now is Salvation and the Kingdom of our God and of Christ Come For the Accuser of our Brethren is cast out And for a Type of This also Coming from Transfig he cast out the Foul Spirit which his Ministers could not And yet he left them Power Over All Vnclean Spirits But they met with one they could not Tame 3 Evangelists agree in One but give it 3 Epithets As if Sathan also must have His Trinity The Dragon Beast and False Prophet In the World In the Temple and our Heart also The Man of Sin The Old Adam with the Serpent and Eve or False Prophet in Paradice But All must out when he commeth to Walk in his Garden At the Cool or Evening of the World As he came From the Holy Mount as Peter calls it speaking of his Power and Coming which they joyn with his Kingdom As Paul to Tim. And when he came from the Holy Mount the People left Contest and Run and Salute him As All Kingdoms shall at his Coming From the Mount Where he now is But Receiving his Kingdom And the Psal For the Afflicted tells us When the Lord shall Build up Zion he shall appear in his Glory When the Peoples are Gathered together and the Kingdoms to serve the Lord. But may we hope to finde when this shall be In the Great and Good things of the Bible With the Meek and quiet Spirit of Christ and Prayers of his People For it searcheth All things Yea the Baths and Hidden things of God And in them of Old it searched Times also And so it may do now in the Gospel-Times Our Saviour Called all the People Only Twice To shew what makes a Christian what Free Moses Twice or Thrice To hear the Law To Consecrate the Levits by Their Hands in Ordinati●n
Even a Blessing in the midst of the Land Whom the Lord shall Bless saying Blessed be Aegypt my People Which was gotten by some Cruel Lord Oppressing them For the Lord shall smite and he will Heal. As Esay 19. And though Christ be also a King yet even so also He was Vnder the Law and Made Vnder it For the great Law of the King was This that even when he sat upon the Throne of his Kingdom he should write out the Law and read it All his dayes that so he might be sure to keep it and not exalt himself above his Brethren but Prolong his Kingom in the Midst or heart of his Subjects And it is a Great Character of Antichrist to think himself Above the Law or to attempt to Change the Times and Laws As in Dan. 7. 25. and if God have put All men below Coertion of the Law Then who can Exempt them or set them Above it And perhaps there is nothing more Dangerous to Any Man then to presume or to pretend himself to be Above the Law which God hath set a bound to Kings it may be Rather then to Private Men whom others still will bound enough as Deut. 17. And the Great Law of a King is Mercy Rather then Any thing else For so Solomon saith Mercy and Truth preserve a King but his Throne is Established by Mercy By Mercy rather then Any thing else or before All other things As the words plainly imply And shall a Man Dye This Day Am I not King of Israel And we may press it much on Christ as the Great Law of a wise King to Preserve his Throne by Mercy that it do not Totter For of Him and His Throne it is especially said In Mercy shall the Throne be Established As Esay 16. In allusion to That of Solomon The Throne is Established by Mercy And the Psalms say His Throne is Everlasting because Mercy and Truth are Ever before it and above it and he fings of Mercy with his Greatest Judgements and Happy are They that Hear and Vnderstand That Joyful Sound For In Thy Righteousness Thy very Righteousness they shall be exalted All the day long or as another Psalm They shall rejoyce in All thy Righteous Judgements For If his tender Mercy be above All his Works Then sure Above his Judgements also which he calls his Strange Acts. But Mercy is his own Child For he is the Father of Mercies which are therefore One with Christ his Only Son and yet a little while and Mercy shall Triumph against or Over Judgement as we read in James And Christ also bids them Go and learn That I will have Mercy rather then Any Sacrifice And to him it was spoken Ride on Prosperously because of Truth and Meekness of Righteousness And He hath shewed thee O man what is Good and what the Lord Delighteth in To do Justice but in that Also To Love Mercy Or as Jeremy expresseth it To Exercise Loving Kindness and Judgement For in These I delight And in the next Chapter the Prophet prayeth For Gods Correction O the blessed Rods of the Covenant and with Judgement also but with such Judgement as the Chapter before still tempered with Mercy And Solomons Son lost the Kingdom of the 10 Tribes by not observeing his Fathers Good Rule of Establishing his Throne by Mercy neglecting the Wise Councel of the Old Men that told him his Way to get and keep the hearts of his Subjects was to be more Merciful then his Father Which we may Presse on Christ as the wisest Councel that he get and keep his Subjects Hearts by being More Mercifull then his Father yet hath shewed himself And yet our Saviour gives it As a sufficient Reason why the Father also should grant All that is asked of him because he is a Great and Glorious King And so he concludeth All his Prayer with no other For but This For thine is the Kingdom Power and Glory As if This alone were Cause enough why he should do All that is Asked And when Solomons Mother describeth the Law of Kindness in the Good Womans Tongue She gives her Son This Law of Kindness for his Heart Open thy mouth for the Dumb in the Case of All appointed to Destruction And again Open Thy Mouth Judge Righteously and Plead the Cause of the Poor and Needy So that while the King sits upon the Throne As Judge His own Heart and Bowels must be Advocates to Plead for All the Prisoners at the bar Yea for All that be Appointed for Death Even for the worst offenders who may not have Councel in some Cases and Places because indeed the Judges are to be their Counsel in All they can and that was Lemuels Councel to her Son and the Prophesie she taught him as for a Great King to come in the Last of Proverbs And Solomon gives it to his Son also If thou forbear to deliver them that are Drawn unto Death and Those that are ready to be Slain If thou sayest behold we know it not Doth not He that p●nders the Heart consider it and He that keeps Thy Soul even Thy Soul that hath so often deserved Death and Liveeth still but on the Free Grace of God! And the 102 Psal that is made For One Afflicted tells us that God looked down from the Height of his Sanctuary to Hear the Groaning of the Prisoners and to Loose Them that are Appointed unto Death And Were we not All Appointed to it And may we not Presse it on Christ to open his mouth and Plead for All Appointed unto Death And will not This shew his Intercession Larger then we do believe not only a King as Solomon was but a Priest also and so the Great Intercessor For the ●riests that were Men only were the Great Mediators and They had the Work of Expiation with a Wo if they did it not Yea and that with Tender Pitty and Compassion to the Souls of Men. And Every High ●riest Taken from among men is ordained For men in things partaining to God that he may offer Gifts and Sacrifices For sins Who can have Compassion on the Ignorant and on them that are out of the Way For that he Himself is Compassed with Infirmity and by reason hereof He ought He ought to offer for sin As we read in the Hebr. and the Law also Which did not leave it to Aarons Choise and Pleasure to do it If he would and when he would but laid it on him and his Sons As their Great Duty to make Expiation for Sin and to Bear the Iniquity of All the Congregation and of All their Holy Things And to Heal the Lepers Or pronounce them Clean when Ever they Could And Wo unto them If they did it not And how Zealous was Moses himself the King of Jessuron in Interceding when he saw the Marks of Gods displeasure How did he fall on his Face and Bow his Heart by Fasting 40 da●es together how quickly did he bow for them
Aske of Me and I will Give thee Most of All for the poor Prisoners and such as are Ready to Perish And the Psalme for the Afflicted telleth us That God looked down From Heaven and the hight of his Sanctuary to hear the Groaning of the Prisoners and to Loose those that are Appointed to Death It being the Great Quarrel he had with the King of Babylon That he Smote in Anger with a Perpetual Stroke and made the Earth to Tremble and did shake Kingdoms and make the World a Wildernesse and Then Opened not his Prison doores to Visit his Prisoners and let them go home again As in Esay 14. and 24. Now we All were Prisoners and Appointed to Dye Till God Pleased to Raise up the Interceding Spirit of Christ which is Ever Crying in the Language of the Psalmist O Let the Sighing of the Prisoner come before thee and by the Greatness of thy Name or Power Preserve them that are Appointed to Dye For Unto Christ it was first said If thou shalt forbear to deliver them that are drawn Vnto Death and those that are ready to be slain If thou sayest Behold we know it not doth not he that pondereth the Heart Consider it And He that Keepeth thy Soul doth he not know it and will he not render unto Every Man the Best of Men according to his works which Solomon hath now laid upon his Son or on Every Man And what Christ doth For All Appointed for Destruction is not easy to determine But we find him Praying for All that Crucified him As Stephen did To Him and by His Spirit for All that stoned him Whence Paul might learn the Certain Character of a Christian so to pray to Christ As Act. 9. 14. 21 and 22. 16 17. Rom. 10. 12. 1. Cor 1. 2. And Solomon saith that Wisdom doth and shall Call to the Scorners also And the Man of God must be Gentle Even unto Those that oppose themselves As Paul writeth to Timothy And our Saviour Received Gifts for Rebels also and saith it is a more Blessed thing to Give then to Receive and that They which Receive Freely must Give Freely And if God be Glorified most in Us when we bring forth Most Fruit and do All the Good we can do Is it not So in Christ also will he not do All the Good he may do Or will he not Aske All he may Will he not have as much as he can and the Full Price of his Death and bitter Passion Dyed he as a Fool dyeth Were His Hands bound or his Heart rather and his bowels unto Poor men or to his Father or his Own Glory that he would not Aske for All he might Seeing it was the First and Chiefest Only thing his Father laid upon him Aske and I will Give thee Yea and Aske again and yet again that so Thy Joy may be Full. And I never speak but What the Father spoke to Me and As the Father spoke to Mee the Great Key to open All the Bible And the Prophet was displeased that the King of Israel shot but Thrice And sure we may plead it with Christ that he bids us Pray Continually and be Ever Asking that we may receive And it is backed with This For For Every One that Asketh shall Receive And may we not say to him Aske us of the Father and he will Give us to thee But Aske as thou biddest us Fervently and Heartily For thou hast said to us What ever you do Do it Heartily As to the Lord. And how he Asked or his Father Took his Asking We may See by Gods Giving and His Receiving What was Promised upon his Asking Even All Nations for his Inheritance and the utmost ends of the Earth for His Possession Yea and to sustain his Spirit in his Dying Pangs upon the Crosse in Psal 22. it is expresly promised that All the Ends of the World shall Remember and Turn unto the Lord and All Kings and Nations shall worship before him For he is the Blessing to all Nations and to Every Family And in the 72 Psalm All Kings shall Fall before him All Nations shall serve him For O the Mighty Fo rs of the Bible For he shall deliver the Needy when he Cryeth the Poor and him that hath no Helper Though he cannot Cry He shall Redeem their Souls from Deceit and Violence And again All Nations shall come and Glorifie Thy Name For It is Holy And in many Places His Holiness is the Great Cause and Object of All our Praising him and yet All shall Praise him and his Holy Name So that he is bold to Swear by himself which he would not do If there had been a Greater then himself That Every Knee should how to Him and yet to the Glory of the Father And if God be Glorified in Them shall he not also Glorifie them with himself Yea he will straitway Glorifie them As himself Argueth And This he maketh the Great Foundation of his Calling All to him because the Father hath loved the Son and bath given All things into his hands As Mat. 11. 27. Luke 10. 21. John 3. 35. And again in the 13. of John Knowing that his Father had Given All things into his hands he riseth from Supper and Girded himself An Emblem of Power and Freedom as when thou wast Young Thou diddest Gird thy self And in his Great Prayer he saith As thou hast Given him Power Over All flesh that he should Give Eternal Life to as many as Thou hast Given him And All thine are mine and I om Glorified in them And will not he Then Glorifie them with himself Or where is the force of that Argument Nor doth he say I will not Pray for the World but I do not in That instant or present time And so he saith I came not to Judge the World but to save it and yet he did come to Judge it also And so he said I say not that I will Pray for you and yet he did Pray for them And so also I pray not that thou take them out of the World which yet he would and did desire in due season but not Then At that present And so he did not Then Pray for the World but only for them which God had Then Actually Given him and Chosen out of the World and for them Only at that present and not Them that should Come After Yet before the End he doth also pray for Others whom at first He did not Pray for And how many might come into the Latter End of That Prayer I know not Or how many may come to Believe on him by Their Word But if he had before expresly said I will not Pray for the World which yet he doth not say but only I do not Yet he also said I will no more have Mercy on the House of Israel and yet it was but Conditional or for such a Time or Season Only For in the same Chapter it is said Even Unto Them
From Aegypt 12 Tribes 12 Fountains 12 Stones in Jordan 12 more at Gilgali and at Eball God Appointed 12 Princes and Then 12 Par●ers to Divide the Land And who made me a Judge or a Divider David was the 12th from Jacob and the 24th from Noah Then a Giant had 24 Digits And his Last Battle with Abner Father of Light destroyed 12 on either side with 360 for Dayes and Hours also To make a New World at His New Jerusalem And Time Passed away Vpon Him and All Kingdoms As 1 Cron. 29 30 As Time Passeth away at the 7th Trumpet before the New Jerusalem And for Watches of 3 Hours Samuel spake to Saul of 3 Dayes 3 Men 3 Kids and 3 Loaves David had 3 Brethren with Saul who had 3 Sons Slain together hid himself 3 Dayes and then bowed 3 times to Jonathan and had 3 Sons of Serviah with 3 other Worthies 3 years of Famine and 3 Dayes of Pestilence which he Chose before 3 Months War or 3 years Dearth Absalon was banished 3 years and had 3 Sons and 3 Darts in his Heart Elijah Stretched on the Child 3 times and bid them pour water thrice on his Altar Which had 12 Stones and 12 Barrels of Water And Elisha ploughed with 12 Yoak of Oxen and himself with the 12th Ezra from Ahava the 12th Day with 12 Priests and 12 Levites offering 12 Bullocks and 12 Goats at Jerusalem Nehemiah's Time had 12 Elders and 12 Levites keeping Watches in Reading Singing Praising and Praying Whence haply Watching to Pray And comparing him with Zech. we may find 12 Gates in his New Jerusalem on the 24th of the 6th Month As His Covenant on the 24th of the 7th As Daniels Great Vision was the 24th of the first Zechs the 24th of the 10 h Haggies the 24th of the 6 t and 24th of the 9th From this Day I will Bless you As the 2 d Temple was Founded on the 24th and afterwards clensed on the 25th of the 9th in Hag●y and Machabes Our Saviour wi●h the Doctors at 12 years had 12 Disciples 12 Baskets and 7 Loaves for 7 Dayes and 12 Hours and healed an issue of 12 and Raised one of 12 years Which may allude To the 12 hours of Darkness As the 12 years of Sodoms Bondage which may be Types of 12 Prophetick years before His Coming To fulfill That of Ab. and Melchizedeck Blessing him by the Most High God Possessor of Earth as of Heaven before As our Saviour when he exulted in Spirit and the 24 Elders or Presidents of All the 24 Hours At the Trumpet of the 7th Month in Rev. 11. For Every month began with Trumpets But the Feast of Trumpets did begin the 7th For Atonement Release and Tabernacles The Jews Holy things in 12 and 24. The Common Title of their Bibles is The 24. And the First hath 12 Great Sections As the last 12 Little Prophets And the Priests had 24 things from God and offered 24 or 12 Cakes in 24 halves Dayly And the Shew-bread was in 12 of 24 Omers As 24 Leviticus 12 Holy Garments had 12 Pretious Stones in Ouches K●hath 24 Cities Or Levi Twice 24. As the Little Sections of Genesis The Temple Courts 24 Cubits high and either walk had 24 Pillers of 12 Cubits round As the Brazen Sea had 12 Oxen and Both Temples As Ezekiels 12 Little Chambers on either side As Day and Night had 12 hours apiece Their Last Altar 24 Cubits As they took Ezech 43 of 12 and 12. Though some of 12 by 12 or 144 As the Walls of the New Jerusalem With 12 Gates 12 Pearls 12 Fruits The Woman in the Sun with the Moon and 12 Stars As Josephs Dream of Sun and Moon and 12 Stars All the Standers or their Representatives As the Priests and Levits with Nethinims Singers Porters or Watchers at 24 places in 24 Courses by David from Noah the 24th The Camp and Levits Under 4 Standards as the 4 Watches And our Saviour walked on the Sea at the 4th Watch. As the Roman Times had 4 Watches both of Day and Night in Censorinus First about Camillus Time we find their Hours in Livy Watches in their Ancient Laws and Histories As Scipio came to Trebia the 4th Watch. Hanibal for Tarentum at the 4th Watch. Antiochus fled To Sardis by Midnight and to Apamea by the 4th Watch. Crassus jested at Dejotarus Building in the 4th Watch or 11th Hour of his Life The Little Watches had but 3 Hours a piece Though some contend for 4 and a Middle Watch in Judges As our Saviours Twelve Hours parted at the 3 d and 6 t and 9th And so the Watchers which is Daniels word Cryed Holy Holy Holy Thrice As 3 Hours in a Watch. But Antient Copies have it 9 times the square of 3 and both were Sacred to Others also For their 3 Graces and 9 Muses And as 1 and 2 make 3 and 3 more 6 or twice 3 So the Sum of These 3 differs from the next 3 by 9. and the 3 d 3 maketh 24. As the 3 d from it 42 which is 24 Turned 24 and 42 make 66. As the 7th 3 60. and the 8th 69. For the Summes differ All by 9. And They are Up and down or forward and backward the Same figures 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. As in this Table 1. 2. 3. = 06. 4. 5. 6. = 15. 7. 8. 9. = 24. 10. 11. 12. = 33. 13. 14. 15. = 42. 16. 17. 18. = 51. 19. 20. 21. = 60. And supposing Numbers to be Lines As there are but 4 Simple Chords as 4 Watches So but 8 Simple Arks As the parts of Day and Night are Arks in Heaven And as 4 is the First of All Sonares as its Name in Heb. So is 8 of Cubes which may All be Resolved by 8 As Sonares by 4. And as 4 and 8 make 12 which is 3 times 4 So 3 times 8 make 24 As Hours in All the Watches Arks of Heaven Which are All easily parted by 3 which is to Slice in Hebr. As Each Ark is made of 3 differing lesser Arks or Sides of a Triangle Which may also be represented by 3 Points As a Chord by 2. And if we find the Proper sound of All these Characters and give them Proper Names We may express All Persons Things and Motions with their Moods and Times In an Easy way of Speaking and Writing With an Alphabet of Natures plainest Characters As Points for Spirits and Vowels Chords for the 4 Liquids and Simple Bodies As Archs for Mixt or M●●es which may be made Aspirate Or Animate by a Point or Spirit in them and of Things also To be Known by Characters expressed by Proper Sounds But to the Jewish Watches As the Less had 3 Hours apiece so the Greater 6. and so the Greatest Harmonies are made by Halves and Quarters to their Wholes As Eights and Fifts and Thirds in Musick And As Day or Night had 4 of 3 a piece So Both together 4 of 6 apiece
4 in breadth do make 1320. And so many days do make 44 months and beginning at Nisan they end at the 9th month of the 4th year which had the Great Feast of Dedication for the Temple freed from the Rams or Goats hair of Antiochus Or beginning in Tizri as in Civils They bring up All the 3 years Tithes and Offerings with the First Fruits and First born and both Solemn Confessions and Doxologies of Deut. 26. At the Pentecost of the 4th year Which was 1320 days After the Passover of the 4th year before it As 1335 days After the Feast of Trumpets or the Trumpet of Release As 1335 Hours After the first Hour of the day of Trvall And so many years come from the Tabernacle Reared To the Great Dedication in the Machabes Death of Antiochus or Nicanor As we may find at the Temple Gate Nicanor If the 3 Outer Coverings are equall of 330 by 4 in each They make 3960 Cubits 40 short of Ezechiels 4000 As the 40 years After Christ to the City Sacked And to our Saviours First Acting in the Temple there are just 3960 years of the World in Scaliger and Those that follow him And from the Flood so many years come out about 1666 now coming and so do the 2 Utter Coverings from Jeroboams Flood As a Type of that to Fill the Breadth of Thy Land O Emanuel which come out at 1666. The Badgers Skins as uppermost may be Largest And 1335 as in Daniel But 1320 come from Christs Being in the Temple or the Temples End To the Templers End in one day and the Popes Flying to Avignion At the shaking Times of Ottoman and the Imperial States Protesting against the Popes Right in Electing Emperours And from the Great Apostacy in Julians days They come to the Times in which we live But we come to the Temple Measures And if Josephus rightly place the 2 d Walls on the first Pillars called Solomons Walks or Porches in our Saviours Time They were 500 Cubits every side As the Sept. Vulgarlat read Ezech. 42. not 500 Kanes as others So that All the Sides of the Square did make 2000. As the Levites Suburbs the Distance of the Ark and the Sabbath days Journey and the Square Cubits in the Tabernacle before the Oracle And the years from Abraham to our Saviour 2000. We shall begin As They Entred with the Sun from East to West and so from Haran at first and from Moab Over Jordan and from Babylon and Persia With its Royall Shushan on the first Eastern Gate of the 2 d Temple called Shushan 80 Cubits to the Rising of the Womens Court. As 80 days before the Woman came Thither of a Woman Child As Zion of her Daughter in Mic. 4. The Man-childe was not Born till her Last Throwes as themselves express on Es 66. As 80 Hours of Creation before the Moon and Sun did meet For they were not seen till the 4th Morning And 80 years From Shushan and Cyrus to Ezra Seperating the strange Women and making This Womens Court called Aezra from Ezra Help and so they Blessed as the Ps taught them when the Women or the Mourners took the Left hand Walk as others did the Right The Lord Bless thee out of Zion and send thee Help Out of his Holy Place though thou may not come in it But only look towards it As Jonah did when he was cast out of His Holy Place or Presence The 80th year from Cyrus Taking Babylon As he is called K. of Babylon in Ezra 5. And Thence he gave the Temple Vessels falleth within the 80th Olymp or the 8th of Artaxerxes Long and just 490 years before the Last of Olymp 202 d. Agreed for our Saviours Passion by the Great Earth-make and the strange Eclips in Phlegon and many others The 13 First Cubits in the Gate-house as Ezech. 40. 11. may represent the First Light coming up at 13 Hours of Creation and the 13 Days of their year before the Passover and the first 13 weeks in the year between the Solstice and the Tropick As the 13 months of the year and the 13 years between the Temple Founded and Finished or at least Revived in the 2 d of Darius in the 65 t Olympiad And the 65 Cubits before the Holy Courts As 65 Hours to the Noon of the 3 d Day and the 65 Days in the Jewish year as before and 65 years between the 2 d of Darius in the 65 t Olympiad and the 7th or 8th of Artax When Ezra came up at Olympiad 80 and 80 years After Zerubbabel from about 80 Degrees of Longitude To Jerusalem at 65. As the first Fruits of Emanuel in Esay 7 were 65 years before Jerusalem was freed from Those 2 Kingdoms and our Emanuel 65 years before the Christian Persecutions and the Roman Times Shadowed in the Cuthites contending with Nehemiah Who came after Ezra full 11 years and so there were 11 Cubits in the first Verge of the Holy Courts they called Heb Between The Hill and the Help As Heaven After Hell with its Staires and Latices As the Canticles allude in the Gentiles or Unclean Vnder the Staires and behind the Latices Then came the Womens Court and Ezra's Great Work was To Seperate the Women As their Ruine came by Women Esay 3 d and 32 d with Ezra and Nehemiah just 135 Cubits Long and in the Talmud Square As 135 Hours of Creation before Any Woman Or To the First Morning of Adam and From Tying up the Lambs to Heaving up the First Omer were 135 Hours As 135 Days between the Pentecost and Palms or Great Hozannah Closing the Tabernacles And 135 years To the Great Era of the Greeks and Jews Great Friend Nicanor And 135 more to Antiochus and their Great Enemy Nicanor As the Gate Nicanor At this Womans Court 135 Cubits from Hell and the Death of Nicanor on the 13th of Adar 135 Dayes After the Day of Solemn Covenant both of Men and Women in This Womens Court At the close of the Tabernacles Nehemiah 8 and 9. As 135 years before from the First Temple Founded to Joash who Repaired it From the Gate of Nicanor The Inward Court of Israel and the Priests In length 187 Cubits that is 135 and 52 for Nehemiahs Days As Weeks in a year and 187 Hours came to the Evening Sacrifice of the 8th Day For Circumcision and the Christian Sabbath And 187 Days To the Great Atonement As Autumnal Equinox 187 Days After the Vernal And the Great Feast in Ester was 187 days And the Pentatcuch 187 Chapters And 187 years From the 2 d Temple Begun or Finished To Alexanders Reign or Coming To it Or Taking Babylon and Dying at it much about 11 years before the First Nicanor As there were 11 Cubits From the Gentiles Court To That of Nicanor and 11 more from the Gate of Nicanor To the Levits Railes and Ducans parting Israel and the Priests As Twice 11 Before the Altar Twice 11
Methuselah To Abraham Or from Noah To M●ses and Aaron From the Flood To the Ark in Zion or the Temple As from Joseph and Jacob To Nehemiah Or from Egypt and the Wilderness To the Dedication by the Machabees And Thence to the Christians Getting Jerusalem As from Gideons Eph●d To our Saviour and from the Romans First Taking Jerusalem To the Popes Decretals and Councel of Lateran For Transubstant In the Time of Innocent the 3 d Excommunicating the Emperour As From Christ To the Sicilian Vesters Or the First Roman Jubilie with the Second Wo. or House of Ottoman As from the Sack of Ierusalem or Revel written To the 2 d Roman Iubilie Or To the Golden Bull and order of Iesuans or Iesuats As From the 10 Persecutions ending in Constantine To the Great Change at Queen Elizabeth And From Iulians Time To the Persans Taking Babylon and to K. Charles in England and Free Religion in France And although there were Great Defections in the Christian Churches before Iulian Yet Then was the Great Ap●stacy which seemeth Pointed out To the Thessalonians And the Last Oracles said that Christian Religion should Stand but a Great Year Which came out in Iulians Time about 365. And Thence the Roman Empire did begin its Mortal Wound As first by the Gauls about 365 of the City Built And whatever else the Revelation Beast may be vet we must All agree To That last verse of the 17th Chapter And the W●man which thousawest is That Great City which Reigneth over the Kings of the Earth Which certainly was Rome in some State or Other That we say nothing of Mysterium written in the Popes old Frontal In Constantine the Empire Trembled In the Western Legions drawing off to New Rome with 7 Hills also but not 7 Kings or Governments And a Kingdom Divided cannot stand The Church did Creep again a little After Julian But with standing stools and Forms of some that did pretend to Teach it first to Go with a strange Chaos of Jewish Rites or Heathen And the Tares of the Envious one grew up Till They could not be Rooted out but with Danger to the Wheat also First in Lent only Till Easter which Crucified all the Body of Christ Marriage is Forbidden And at Laodicea the signal place in the 3 d of Revelation Then at Other Times and Then To the Clergy at All Times in Siricius When the name of Catbolique came up with the Golden Law for Lent about 380. Then Canonical Hours about 390 A very signal Number both to Jewes and Gentiles for the Last Olympiad and the First Vse of Mass with the head of John the Baptist and Then the Bones of Samuel and ere long of Stephen and Nicodemus Brought into Europe The Empire shakes upon Contest of the Emperor and Stilico by whom Alaci●us was Beaten Yet so countenanced That he sacketh Rome From That Deadly Wound 1260 years come out about 1666 Or somewhat sooner At the End of the Three Great Years and half or 3500 years of Esaus Strugling with Jacob. Which Esdras makes the End of the Old World and Beginning of a New And all the Bible maketh Them the Great Types of Election and Reprobation or of Children of Light and Darkness The first Dragon or Beast of the Bottomless pit with 7 Heads and 10 Horns or 10 Hours for 7 dayes of the week And the shortest Night had 10 Hours And as the Light might Rise in 7 hours so the Sun might Rise in 10. And Those 2 Numbers of 7 and 10 were Sacred to others also As in Justine Curtius Arrianus and others of the Persians and Alexanders Weeks before the Roman in the Attick Nights or Genial Days and Saturnals And as the Revelation hath its 4 Watchers and 24 Elders for the 24 hours So the 7 Spirits For the 7 days of the week which return in a Circle As the Months of Nisan and Tizri Which were Sevenths to each other and had ●easts alike As 7 equal Circles in a Ring of 6 and one in the Centre as 6 Tones and 2 Halvs in and an Eight or Diapason 7 being the only Number of 3 Wholes and a Half The Jews Law had 7 Heads to Noah 10 Horns to Moses with 666 Sections or at most 669. And its Heb name is akin to Thorus or Taurus a Beast wch in Hebr leters maketh just 666. And None might buy or sell among them or be Denisons that did not submit to the 7 Heads of Noahs Laws 7 Things were left by Moses for the Poor 7 Sabbaths 2 in Tabernacles one in Pentecost and 2 at Pass and 7 Passovers in Script besides Atonement and the weekly Sabbath Which 2 last forbad All work the other 5 but Servile only 7 Servitudes in the Iudges 7 Liquors in Moses Song 7 Lamps and 7 Spirits on the Messiah Esay 11 As 7 Spirits before the Throne or 7 Eyes or 7 Planets in Heaven and 7 Metals in Earth seven pair of Nerves and 7 Principal parts in the Bowels So they had 7 Elders or Deacons in their Churches or Synagogues wch must be of 10 at least As usually a Paschal Lamb was for 10 Recorded and so the Romans could reckon them at the Last Passover And at 10 they brought their Children to Fast and other points of the Law and their Lowest Consistories were at places of 10 Families As the Saxon Decennars or Tithings And the Romans had their signal Tithings and 10 Circuits in their Provinces 10 Kingdoms as Horns on the Last Head of the Beast Which may be the Great Spirit of the World with 7 Heads and 10 Horns As God also pleased to manifest himself in 10 Laws and 7 Spirits for 7 Days of the week and One of Them had also a Deadly Wound as it was the Jewish Sabbath but Got up again and yet so changed That it was as an Eight Day and yet but One of the 7 As the 7 or 8 Heads in Revel But there is a Man can be our peace when the Assyrian Overflows us When he shall Tread in our Palaces Then we shall raise against him 7 Shephards and 8 Principal Men. Yea and the Spirit of the Lord shall set up a Standard against him The Revelation doth require a Volume by it self Now Only the Holy City Trodden down As David Got it from the Tredding Jebusites and Nehemiah from the Cuthites and Machabeus from Antiochus And Jerusalem shall be Trodden down of the Gentiles Till the Times af the Gentiles be fulfilled Or as Paul Until the Fulness of the Gentiles And Then All Israel shall he saved or Redeemed For the Time of your Redemption draweth Nigh The 42 Months are 1260 Dayes as 5 months of the First Wo are 150 days As the 5 first months of the Flood quite hiding the Earth in Water as the Baptists Mother was Hidden 5 months and in the 6 t the Angel came to the Virgin And at 30 Dayes apiece 42 Months are 1260 Dayes As the Dayes of the Woman and
and There Where it was said Loam●ni and Lorubama I will yet have Mercy on you and you shall be my People and I will be your God And in other places he saith he will have Mercy on the Whole House of Israel Though he had said I will not have Mercy on them Or I will not declare it for a Long or Vncertain Time Which is often called Ever or Never As the servant shall serve for Ever yet but Till the Jubilie and Moth shall Never Enter which another text limits by 10. Generations and Ruth was about the 10th from Lot As Boaz from Abraham Or at most I will not have is but I will not shew Mercy on them Or I will so Chasten As if I meant to shew No Mercy Thus Solomon bids a Father Chasten his Son and not spare or Pardon And Esay saith Forgive them not And He will not Forgive or not Acquit the Guilty Which is said of Job and of Gods Dearest Children several times in Jeremy with the very worst phrase ever used in the Law which is the Root or measure To the Worst in all the Bible And Christ doth demean himself To the World As if he did not Pray for them And yet he saith God sent him not to Condemn but to save the World And again I came not to Judge the World but to sa●e the World And so he is called The Saviour of the World and That Lamb of God that beareth away the Sins of the World And God was in Christ Reconciling the VVorld to himself And He often speaketh of Gods Loving the World also As Moses in his Blessing Israel saith God loved the Nations or All Peoples also as the words import a Carrying in his Bosom but he hath a peculiar Chosen People who sit at his Feet and receive the Law at his M●uth And these he Loveth with Delight and others with Pity And in That very Prayer also Christ seemeth to Act as at his Going to the Feast of Tabernacles ●ot Openly but as it were Secretly And so he prayeth for the World also That they may know God hath sent him and hath Loved His as he Loved Him And he Plainly saith that To know God and Christ is Life Eternall Which is yet promised to All and All shall Know my Name And himself remembers it written in the Prophets You shall All be Taught of God And All flesh shall see the Glory of God As it is in Esay with some of the Psalms but in others Thus All flesh shall praise him and All the Trees of the Forrest shall Clap hands and rejoyce and every Eye shall see his salvation As also the Gospel expresseth it For our Salvation is the Glory of God And he promised to Convince the World of Sin Righteousness and Judgment And When I am lifted up I will Draw All men unto me And he is gone up Above all Heavens To fill All things And when Paul received his Commission to the Gentiles It was to make All men see What is the fellowship of the Mistery which from the beginning of the VVorld was hid in God who Created All things by Jesus Christ That the Angels also might know by the Churches and of several Forms and Latitudes and yet by All and manifold Churches the Angels must Vouchsafe to Learn the manifold wisdom of God According to his Eternall purpose Which in 2. Epistles he declareth to be To gather together in One and to Reconcile All things to himself by Jesus Christ Whom we preach Warning Every Man and teaching Every Man in All Wisdom That we may present Every man Perfect in Christ Jesus Whereunto also I labour striving according to his working which worketh in me mightily For I would you knew what Great Agony I have For you and for them of Laodicea and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh that their Hearts might be comforted being knit together in Love And when King Agrippa said Thou doest almost perswade me to be a Christian he replyed I would to God not only Thou but All that hear me this day were both almost and altogether such as I am except these bonds And I could wish my self Accursed For my Brethren and my Kinsmen in the flesh And to the Thessalonians he writeth thus Now the Lord make you to increase and abound in Love to one another and to All men even as we do towards you That so he may establish your hearts Vnblameable in Holiness As plainly shewing Their hearts would not be established in Holiness Without Abundant Love to All Men. And To Brotherly Kindness Add Love And when he requireth Prayers For All Men he plainly saith This was Good and Acceptable unto God our Saviour VVho would have All men to be saved and come to the Knowledg of the Truth VVho gave himself a Ransome For All to be Testified in Its Proper Seasons As the Words are For as Peter expresseth it He is not willing that Any should Perish but that All should come to Repentance And account the Long suffering of God to be Salvation As our beloved Brother Paul hath written to you As before Whence was All This Striving and Longing in Paul or Any other for the Salvation of All men but from His Spirit who promised to Draw All men to him and though we do not yet see it done we may Remember who also said we do not yet see All things Put under him which yet must be Nor may we think he offereth Any thing to Men but what he Heartily desireth they should take and enjoy For he bids us not to eat the bread of Him that hath an evill eye Saying Eat and Drink When his Heart is not so And he that hateth Hypocrisie so much in Others Sure will hate it more in himself and He that sweareth he hath no Pleasure in the Death of a Wicked man but that he Turn and Live is very Active also in the use of means to turn him and Reall in it Devising meanes that his Banshed also may not Perish but return to him And as It is Said He doth not afflict from his Heart so when ever he doth afflict or punish his Greatest Enemies As Moab Ammon Edom yet he doth it Weeping So his Heart doth mourn for Moab and his Bowels yearn and are Pained for him And his fugitives shall flee to Zoar As his Father Lot from Sodom And the Heifer of 3 year old may allude to the Covenant made with Lot and Abraham as the Turtle and the Pigeon in Gen 15. 9. As the Lot or Veile in Esay 25 To Gen. 13. 14. And he pitties Edoms Widows and Children As the Daughters of Zelophehad Though their Father Dyed in his Sin And so he Wept over Jerusalem And in Judgment still remembreth Mercy As his Throne is White and yet the World will run away And so we shall All except he stay and Turn us And as the Law requireth that the King even when he sate upon the