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A88994 A shadovv of the victory of Christ, represented to the Honourable House of Commons, in a sermon preached at Margarets Westminster on the day of the publick fast, Octob. 28. 1646. / By John Maynard, Minister of the Gospel at Mayfield in Sussex. Maynard, John, 1600-1665. 1646 (1646) Wing M1453; Thomason E359_5; ESTC R201167 22,927 30

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A SHADOVV OF THE VICTORY OF CHRIST Represented to the Honourable House of COMMONS IN A SERMON Preached at Margarets Westminster on the Day of the publick Fast Octob. 28. 1646. By JOHN MAYNARD Minister of the Gospel at Mayfield in SUSSEX Rev. 17. 12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings which have received no kingdom as yet but receive power as Kings one houre with the Beast 13These have one minde and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast 14These shall make war with the Lambe and the Lambe shall overcome them For He is Lord of lords and King of kings and they that are with Him are called and chosen and faithfull LONDON Printed by F Neile for Samuel Gellibrand and are to be sold at his Shop at the Brasen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard 1646. TO THE HONORABLE House of COMMONS Assembled In PARLIAMENT WHen Joshua was by Jericho there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua seemeth in a military way to examine him Art thou for us or for our adversaries Nay saith he but as Captain of the host of the Lord am I now come This answer maketh him fall on his face to the earth and worship acknowledging Him for Commander in chief and humbly subjecting himself to Him as His Lieftenant Generall ready to receive His Commands What saith my Lord unto his servant It is one of the greatest honours the sons of men are capable of here on earth to follow the Ensignes of this victorious Captain of the Lords host and to wait upon his triumphant chariot If herein the Lord hath honoured You above many thousands of your brethren it concerneth You much to imitate Joshua First as he questioned the Son of God whom he knew not in that apparition at the first sight so ye knowing Christ to be that Captain of the Lords host who will subdue all things to Himself ought in an holy jealousie to search your own hearts and to examine all your counsels and proceedings Are we in these things for Christ or for His adversaries for Him or against Him Secondly I beseech You be willing to lye lowe before him and to say What saith our Lord unto His servants Ye expect not His immediate voice and therefore in all humility hear Him by His Ambassadours when they speak according to their Commission as if His mandates were delivered unto You by His own mouth Admirable is that of Valentinian recorded by Theodoret when Ambrose had freely reproved some things amisse in his government said the Emperour I knew well thy zeal and courage and therefore was so far from opposing that I was forward to promote thine election to this pastorall charge Go on therefore to cure the diseases of our Souls according to the prescript of Gods Word And it is reported of Albert Duke of Mickleburgh that when a flattering Courtier sought to incense him against a Preacher for dealing roundly with him He told him he loved the man so much the better and willed him in his name to give him thanks for his pious Sermon If Ye follow Christ as your Captain not turning to the right hand or to the left who knoweth whether after six yeers compassing the w●ls of Jericho they may not on the seventh fall to the ground before You. The Lord Jesus direct You by His Spirit and gird You with His strength to endure unto the end that no man take Your Crown So prayeth Your unworthy Servant in the Lord JOHN MAYNARD Die Mercurii 28 Octob. 1646. ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament That Collonel Stapeley do from this House give thanks to Mr. Maynard for the great pains he took in the Sermon he Preached this day at the intreaty of this House at St. Margarets Westminster it being the Day of publick Humiliation and desire him to Print his Sermon And he is to have the like Priviledge in Printing of it as others in the like kinde usually have had H Elsyng Cler. Parl Dom Com. I Appoint Samuel Gellibrand to Print my Sermon John Maynard A SERMON Preached before the Honourable House of COMMONS Phil. ● 21. According to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself THe Apostle giveth a large testimony to the Saints of Philippi concerning the sincerity and eminency of their graces yet not being satisfied with the measure to which they had attained he presseth them to a farther growth and progresse And for this end having laid before them his own example he exhorteth them Brethren be followers of us and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example Which exhortation he enforceth by two main arguments 1 From the basenesse of their way who took a contrary course and the wofull issue of that way they were enemies to the crosse of Christ their God was their belly their glory was in their shame they minded earthly things the issue is answerable their end is destruction 2 From the excellency of the way wherein he walked and the blessed and glorious issue of that way His way is described in these words Our conversation is in heaven the issue in the words following where he sheweth that as the conversation of the Saints is in heaven so their expectation is from heaven Where may be observed 1. The Person whose appearing they expect The Lord Jesus Christ their Saviour in whom all their hopes are treasured up 2. The fruit of His appearing and that is a glorious change to be wrought in their whole man though that of the body onely be here expressed In this change may be noted foure things 1. The terminus à quo the condition wherein their bodies shall be found before they are transformed a state of vilenesse Secondly The terminus ad quem the condition into which they shall be changed a state of glory Thirdly The pattern according to which they shall be changed the glorious body of Christ Fourthly The power by which this glorious change shall be wrought and that is the efficacy or working of Christ whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself which is the thing I intend to insist upon This change is wonderfull that such vile bodies should be transformed into a condition so exceedingly glorious yet no way incredible if we consider that it shall be done by the working of him of whom it was prophecied of old His Name shall be called Wonderfull The mighty God who wrought such wonders in the dayes of his humiliation and discovered so much of God in the form of a servant and which was the height of wonders when he was dead by his own power by the Almighty working of his eternall Spirit and Divine nature raised himself from death to life So that here we see the Apostle ascendeth very high in asserting this truth which seemeth so far above reason he hath recourse to Christ his omnipotency who hath all
sometime puting a two-edged sword into the hands of his Saints giving them this honour to become victorious instruments of his wrath upon His and their enemies But at the length He will break in peices the iron and the clay the brasse the silver and the gold and make them like the chaffe of the summer threshing fl●ores and the wind shall carry them away and no place shall be found for them He will put down all rule and all authority and power Lastly As for creatures voyd of reason I will not now dispute that question whether after the worlds dissolution the species or severall kind of creatures shall be restored But thus Christ hath already in part subdued and shall in the end bring under all those creatures not endowed with the principles of reason and amongst these the very towns cities buildings wherein he hath been dishonoured Some experience of this the world hath already had in the Eastern Babylon in the City of Jerusalem after that Himself was crucified there his Gospel rejected his people persecuted to what a fearfull desolation did he bring it by the hands of the Romanes and the Temple it self when it was kept up as a Monument of defiance against him for the continuance o those sacrifices which were abolished by his death by a people blaspheming his Name he destroyed it and when that wretched people attempted to rebuild it through the incouragement of Julian the Apostate he fully as is conceived accomplished his prophecy upon it not leaving one stone upon another And at this day how are the expectations of the Saints raised to see the power of Christ put forth in subduing and consuming with fire the Western Babylon the City of Rome in which was found the bloud of Prophets and of Saints and of all that were slain upon the earth In a word as the creatures have been abused or desired by the sins of men to the dishonour of Christ being made either instruments of rebellion against him or corrivals with him the hearts of men being stolen away from him and going a whoring after the creatures so shall all be subdued by his mighty working The old world was subdued by a floud of waters But the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of Judgement and perdition of ungodly men If any ask why the world standeth so long being planted and peopled with rebels and filled with rebelion against Christ The Apostle telleth us it is kept in store by his word the world would dissolve like water when it is powred on the ground were it not kept in store as in a vessel by the word and will of Christ until the appointed time and then the heavens shall passe away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up both the works of God which some call the works of nature and the works of man the works of art and all these things shall be dissolved Neverthelesse saith the Apostle we according to his promise looke for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousnes If the frame of heaven and earth shal be renewed and so kept pure from all spot of sinne to eternity this may be a farther evidence to the truth in hand that Christ by His mighty working shall subdue all things to himself But what is the last enemy that shall be brought under The Apostle telleth us The last enemy that shal be destroyed is Death Then shal be brought to passe the saying that is written Death is swallowed up in victory And the Apostle seemeth as one ravished with assurance of this victory over death to sing an {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} a song of triumph insulting over this old and last enemy O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the Law But thanks be unto God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ This is therefore for the comfort of the Church of Christ against all her enemies Their workings plots contrivings attempts have been many and desperate from age to age and particularly in this age in this land and elsewhere and I beleeve the people of God do generally expect they should go on whil'st they have power even untill Antichrist be destroyed The Church is said to be terrible as an Army with banners A learned expositour taking this song for a prophecy of the state of the Church from Solomons time unto the Jews conversion and carrying on his interpretation according to the succession of time took this place to note the condition of the Church from about the beginning of Queen Eliza●eths reign and so downward until the destruction of the Pope and Turk that in these daies the Church which had bin troden under foot in former ages should become formidable to her enemies as an army with banners and thence inferreth that these times should be plenabellicis tumultibus full of the troubles and tumults of war between the Church and her enemies wee have had much experience of this and are likely to have more wheresoever the seat of the war shall be The great battel of Armageddon I am perswaded is yet to come And therefore I expect that the adversaries should exercise the height of their policy and put forth the uttermost of their power finding themselves stoutly assaulted by this Army with banners But here is the comfort of the Church the mighty vertue and working of Christ shall subdue them all It is said that the Lord Christ shall consume that man of sin with the spirit or breath of His mouth and destroy him with the brightnes of His coming Certainly Christ His approaches have been very glorious of late and the Antichristian faction hath been much weakened by Him very much of the power of Christ hath been put forth against those who have sided with the Beast But I am perswaded the time is at hand when Christ shall come in a more glorious manner and give forth more admirable demonstrations of His power in subduing those enemies who have for so long a time opposed and exalted themselves against Him For I conceive we are under the seventh trumpet to which all the seven vials full of the wrath of God to be emptied upon the enemies of the Church do belong and under the fourth viall powred on the Sun Now mark what is said upon the sounding of the seventh trumpet And the seventh Angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever Now is the time when Christ shall conquer kingdoms and subdue Nations to Himself to reign over them for ever And the
foure and twenty Elders which sate before God on their seats fell upon their faces and worshipped God saying We give thee thanks O Lord God Almighty which art and wast and art to come because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast reigned Where they seem to speak of Christ as of some mighty Prince who seeing his kingdom to be invaded by forraign enemies suffereth them to go on in acts of hostility for a time as if he had laid by his great power but when he seeth his time taketh up his power again raiseth his Armies to suppresse them So Christ may seem for divers ages to have laid by His great power suffering the Dragon and his Angels and then the Beast and his ten horns to reign and domineer But at the sounding of the seventh trumpet He should take to Himself His great power and reign And therefore now let the people of God expect wonders to be wrought by the great power of Christ daily It followeth And the Nations were angry the devill being cast out of the throne by Christ stirreth up his vassals to anger and we have had great experience of their fury Some of them have seemed even mad with anger so as to run on desperately upon their own ruine when the hand of God hath been apparently against them when the Lord hath blasted their counsels crossed and confounded their plots broken their strength leaving them no such grounds of hope as might encourage rationall men yet on they would and why they were angry and their anger and rage carried them headlong But I beleeve Christ will anger them yet more whilest He goeth on conquering and to conquer Again the Elders proceed in their doxology And thy wrath is come and the time of the dead that they should be judged the time when Christ should judge and avenge the cause of His servants that have been slain by executing vengeance on their bloodie enemies And that thou shouldst give reward to thy servants the Prophets and to thy Saints and to them that fear thy Name small and great and shouldst destroy them that destroy the earth Christ shall raise the spirits and encourage the hearts of his despised Ministers and people and destroy their destroyers This hath been done in part and shall be more fully accomplished And the Temple of God was opened in heaven the glory of Christs Church shall become more visible and it shall have a free and open passage many which were without entring into it And there was seen 〈◊〉 his Temple the Ark of his Testament the secrets of his kingdom shall be manifested the Ark it self that was hidden from the multitude within the veil shall be discovered And there were lightnings and voices and thundrings and great hail dreadfull judgements upon those who will not see and submit to the mighty power of Christ And an earthquake dreadfull concussions great changes and alterations in the kingdoms of the world The hearts of God his people should now be filled with expectation of the glorious acts of Christ in asmuch as the time is come that He hath taken to Himself His great power Secondly If Christ most certainly will subdue all things to Himself it is our wisdome willingly to stoop unto Him Let us assure our selves Christ will not part with his royalties in the least degree He will maintain to the uttermost his supremacy and soveraign authority We must bow or break one way or other we shall undoubtedly be brought under either we must willingly yeeld to the golden Scepter of his love or we shal be crushed with the iron rod of his wrath Joseph I conceive was a type of Christ both in his abasement and exaltation when he was made ruler over the land of Egypt it is said they cryed or proclaimed before him Bow the knee let all people throughout the Knigdom submit to his authority So when Christ for his Fathers glory and mans salvation had greatly humbled Himself even to the death of the Crosse God highly exalted Him and gave him a Name above every Name that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things vnder the earth He proclaimed before Him throughout heaven earth and hell Bow the knee All men angels devils and other creatures shall be subjected to Him A necessity lyeth upon us and woe unto us if we do not willingly submit For this end take these three considerations 1. The glorious and magnificent titles attributed to Christ in Scripture The Blessed and Onely Potentate earthly Potentates have but a shaddow of power in comparison of Him though all due honour and subjection must be given them by those under their Government But in respect of Christ their power and authority is no more than the light of the Starrs in the presence of the Sun He is Lord of Lords other Lords are but his vassels King of Kings other Kings are but his Subjects so they are de jure so they ought to be and they shall de facto actually at one time or other one way or other be brought under Yea He hath this Name written upon his thigh and upon his vesture King of Kings and Lord of Lords The Name which He weareth on His lower parts upon the skirt of his robe proclaimeth Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords If we poore worms are so apt to tremble at the name of an earthly King or Ruler Oh let all the powers of our souls prostrate themselves and lie lowe before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Secondly consider what a blessed condition they are in who in sincerity have subjected themselves unto him 1. In regard of His singular love toward them He is infinitely above all others the most gracious Master toward those whose spirits are subdued to His government Saith the Spouse His banner over me was love What an encouragement is it to Souldiers to have the love of their Generall Thrice happy souls that have Christ for their Commander and are led governed and conducted by Him as their King and Captain of their salvation His very banner over them is love all His Commands are commands of love all the service He requireth of them is imposed in love He never enjoyneth them any thing but what is for their good they are never losers by obeying his pleasure all their losses come by their disobedience He never putteth them upon any suffering but it is done in love He chasteneth us for our good that we might be partakers of His holinesse If He leadeth them into the field and letteth them meet with any sharp encounters He maketh them more than conquerours The Apostle having as it were searched Satans muster-rolls and taken a view of his severall brigades tribulation distresse persecution famine nakednesse perill sword enemies of a terrible aspect to the eye of flesh as the grim visages of Ariovistus his Germans