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A62642 Sixteen sermons preached on several subjects and occasions by the most reverend John Tillotson ... ; being the second volume, published from the originals, by Ralph Barker ...; Sermons. Selections Tillotson, John, 1630-1694.; Barker, Ralph, 1648-1708. 1700 (1700) Wing T1269; ESTC R18542 169,737 479

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World and does provide for himself lasting Comforts and faithful Companions which will never leave him nor forsake him a Happiness large as his Desires and Durable and Immortal as his Soul Let us then do all the good that possibly we can whilst we have opportunity Let us serve God industriously and with all our Might knowing that no good Action that we do shall be lost and fall to the ground that no Grace and Virtue that we Practise in this Life nor any Degree of them shall lose their Reward If we faithfully improve the Talents which are committed to us to our Masters advantage when he comes to call us to an Account and finds that we have done so we shall not fail to receive both his Approbation and Reward And what a Comfort will it be to any one of us to hear those Blessed words from the Mouth of our Lord Well done thou good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful in a little I will make thee ruler over much enter thou into the joy of thy Lord We shall not need to plead our Services to him and put him in Mind of them Our Judge himself will celebrate our good Deeds upon the Theatre of the World and commemorate them to our advantage and interpret every good Office we have done to any of his Poor and Afflicted Members as if it had been a Kindness immediatly done to himself So our Lord represents the Proceedings of the great Judge and King of the World in the great day of Recompence Mat. 25.34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World For I was an hungred and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in naked and ye cloathed me I was sick and ye visited me I was in prison and ye came unto me Then shall the righteous answer him saying Lord when saw we thee in any of these circumstances hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and ministred unto thee And the King shall answer and say unto them Verily I say unto you In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my Brethren ye have done it unto me Who would not be ambitious and glad to serve such a Prince who will so benignly Intepret and so bountifully Reward the least Service we do to him III. The Consideration of this should likewise be a great Argument and Support to our Patience under all those Evils and Sufferings and Persecutions which many times attend Good Men in this World They are for the present perhaps very heavy and grievous But there is a time shortly coming when we shall be at ease and perfectly freed from them when we shall find rest from our labours and sufferings when we shall enter into peace and rest in our beds every one walking in his uprightness that is reaping the Comfort and enjoying the Reward of his Sincerity towards God and constant Suffering for his Cause and Truth And therefore it was well said of a Good Man Blessed be God that we are to die because to Good Men that is a certain Remedy of all the Evils of this Life and will unquestionably put an end to them The Grave is a place of Rest and discharge from all Trouble as Job elegantly describes it Chap. 3.17 18 19. There the Wicked cease from troubling there the weary be at rest There the prisoners rest together they hear not the voice of the oppressour The small and the great are there and the Servant is free from his Master So soon as we enter into the other World we are secure against the Pursuit and Danger of all those Evils which Afflicted us in this World and nothing will remain but the joyful remembrance of our Sufferings and the plentiful Reward of our Constancy and Patience under them And the more our Tribulations and Persecutions have abounded the greater will our Comfort and Happiness then be which saith St. Paul is a manifest token a clear demonstration of the righteous judgment of God that ye may be accounted worthy of the kingdom of God for which ye also suffer seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompence to you who are troubled Rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his Mighty Angels 2 Thess 1.5 6 7. IV. The Consideration of the extream Sufferings which are to fall upon the faithful Servants of Christ in the last times and which seem now to be begun in the World should make us very contented to leave this World and glad of any fair Oportunity and Excuse to take our leave of it and to be out of the reach and danger of those violent and more than humane Temptations with which our Faith and Constancy may be assailed Nay to esteem it a particular Grace and Favour of God to us to be taken away from the Evil to come and to prevent if God sees it good those Extremities of Sufferings which are coming upon the World These seem now to be begun in some part of it They in our Neighbour Nation have a bitter Cup put into their hands a Cup of Astonishment to all those that hear of it Whether this be that last and extream Persecution spoken of here by St. John I shall not pretend positively to determine It is plainly distinguish'd in the Visions froth that under the first Beast described Rev. 13. from Verse the first to Verse 11. And Chap. 17. there is a description of the Beast upon which the woman sitteth on whose forehead is a name written Mystery Babylon the Great And this Beast is there said to have seven heads and ten horns which are thus explained by St. John Chap. 17.9 10. And here is the Mind which hath Wisdom the seven Heads are seven Mountains upon which the Woman sitteth and there are seven Kings that is as is generally agreed by Interpreters a succession of seven Governments And Verse 12 13 14. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings which have received no Kingdoms as yet but receive power as Kings one hour with the Beast These have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast and shall make war with the Lamb. And Verse 18. And the woman which thou sawest is that great City which reigneth over the Kings of the earth So that this Beast is plainly the Roman Empire and the Woman that sitteth upon her is the great City standing upon seven mountains which reigneth over the Kings of the earth which can be no other than Rome as is agreed by Interpreters on all sides Bellarmine l. 2. c. 2. de Rom. Pontif. confesseth that St. John in the Revelations every where calleth Rome Babylon as Tertullian saith he hath noted and as is plain from Chap. 17. where Babylon is said to
shall come This we as the ancient Jews also did take to be a plain Character and Description of the Messias he is the desire of all nations he whom all Nations had reason to desire because of those great Blessings and Benefits which he was to bring to the World Thus Interpreters generally understand these Words and it is very true the Messias was so But this does not seem to be the true importance of this phrase for the Hebrew Word signifies Expectation as well as Desire and so I should rather choose to render it the Expectation of all Nations shall come which signifies that about the time of the coming of the Messias not only the Jews but other Nations should be in a general Expectation of some great Prince then to appear which was most eminently accomplished in our Blessed Saviour as I shall shew by and by And I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord of hosts speaking of the Second Temple which was then in building which though it fell very much short of Solomon's in point of State and Magnificence yet by being honoured with the Presence of the Messias it should be much more Glorious than Solomon's Temple The silver is mine and the gold is mine saith the Lord of hosts not that God wanted the command of Gold and Silver to have made the Second Temple equal to Solomon's in outward Glory and Splendour he could easily have made it so in that respect and Josephus tells us that not long before the time of our Saviour's coming Herod had built and beautified it to that degree that in some respects it excelled Solomon's and of this some understand the next words The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former namely that this was accomplished in that Beauty and Magnificence which was added to it when it was re-edified by Herod the Great But however that be this is certain that it was much more Glorious in another respect namely that it entertained the Messias the great Expectation and Blessing of all Nations And in this place will I give peace saith the Lord of hosts Some understand this of that Universal Peace which was throughout the World when our Saviour was born in the Reign of Augustus Caesar Others with great probability interpret this of the Messias himself who is called here by the name of Peace and so some of the ancient Jews understood it in this place will I give peace that is the Messias For the Hebrew Word signifies all kind of Happiness and so it includes all those Blessings and Benefits that Happiness and Salvation which the Messias brought to the World And this will appear very probable if we consider how frequently in Scripture this Title is given to the Messias Isai 9.6 he is called the Prince of peace and Zach. 9.10 it is said of him that he should speak peace to the nations and the Apostle to the Hebrews parallels him with Melchisedech in this Particular that he was King of Salem that is King of Peace and which is very little different from this he is frequently in Scripture called Salvation which signifies the Happiness of being rescued and delivered from all kind of Evil as Peace signifies all kind of Good Isai 49.6 I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles that thou mayest be my Salvation to the end of the earth And Luke 2.30 when Simeon had our Blessed Saviour in his Arms when he was first brought into the Temple he calls him the Salvation of God Mine Eyes saith he to God have seen thy salvation and John 4.22 Salvation is of the Jews that is the Messias was to be of that Nation But which is more express Christ is called our peace Eph. 2.14 nay he is expresly called peace or the peace Micah 5.5 and this man speaking of the Messias shall be the peace that is one of his Names or Titles shall be peace So that I make little doubt but that in this Expression in the Text of giving peace is meant giving the Messias and that this is render'd as the Reason why the Glory of the Second Temple should be greater than of the First because in that place the Messias should appear and remarkably shew himself God could have given this Second Temple if he had thought fit as much outward Glory and Beauty as that of Solomon's Building for silver and gold are his and all the Riches of the World are at his Command but he chose to put a far greater Honour upon it than that of Silver and Gold and to make it much more Glorious in another respect the glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former because in this place I will give the Messias the peace and Happiness and Salvation of Mankind and incomparably the greatest Blessing that ever was given to the World The Words being thus explained it will now be more easie to shew how the several parts of this Prediction do agree to our Blessed Saviour and to no other I. That there should be great Changes and Commotions in the World before his coming I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land and I will shake all nations and then he should come II. That about the time of his coming the World should be in a general Expectation of him and the expectation of all nations shall come III. That he should come during the continuance of the Second Temple for it was his coming that should fill that House with Glory and in that place the Messias who is called Peace is promised to be given and in this place will I give peace saith the Lord of hosts IV. That this coming of the Messias should be the last dispensation of God for the Salvation of Men and consequently should be perpetual and unalterable yet once more and I will shake the heavens and the earth yet once more from whence the Apostle to the Hebrews argues that the Gospel should be a perpetual and unalterable dispensation Of these I shall speak severally and as briefly as I can I. Here is a Prediction of great Changes and Commotions in the World before the coming of the Messias thus saith the Lord of hosts I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land and I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come plainly signifying hereby that before the coming of the Messias who is here called the desire and expectation of all nations there should be very great Commotions and Changes in the World that the Empire of the World should be overturned for so I have told you that this Expression of shaking the heavens and the earth is explained verse 21. of this Chapter I will shake the heavens and the earth and will overthrow the throne of kingdoms And this was fulfilled in a most remarkable manner between the time of this Prophecy and the coming of our Blessed
Saviour during which time though it was but four hundred Years there happened great Commotions and much more considerable Revolutions in the great Kingdoms of the World than had done in above two thousand Years before and in almost One thousand seven hundred Years since so that it is no wonder that the Prediction of these things is by God himself exprest in so very solemn a manner as I observed before At the time of this Prophecy the Empire of the World was newly translated from the Assyrians to the Medes and Persians and not long after the Grecians under Alexander the Great quite overthrew the Persian Empire and that by as sudden a Change as was ever perhaps made in the World possessing themselves by so swift and speedy a Conquest of a great part of the then known World as if to pass through it and to conquer it had been all one After the death of Alexander the Empire of the Grecians was shared among his great Captains whom the Romans by degrees conquered besides a great many other Kingdoms which Alexander never saw and some of them perhaps had never heard of At last the Empire of the World in all its greatness and Glory was possest by Augustus in whose time our Blessed Saviour was born So that here were mighty Commotions in the World wonderful Changes of Kingdoms and Empires before the coming of the Messias far greater and of much larger extent than those that were in Egypt and Palestine at the bringing of the Children of Israel out of Egypt and the giving of the Law from Mount Sinai And these did not only go before the coming of the Messias but they made way for the more easie propagating of his Doctrine and Religion for the Grecians and especially the Romans setled their Conquests in such a manner as in a good measure to propagate their Language among the Nations which they conquered and particularly the Romans did make the Ways for Travel and Commerce much more easie and commodious than ever they were before by employing their Armies when they had no other Work to make High-ways for the convenience of Passage from the Station of one Legion to another the Benefit and effect whereof we in England enjoy to this day a Pattern to all Princes and States that have necessary occasion for Armies how to employ them And this very thing proved afterwards a mighty Advantage for the more easie and speedy spreading of Christianity in the World II. Another part of this Prophecy is That about the time of the coming of the Messias the World should be in a general expectation of him and the Expectation of all Nations shall come And I doubt not but this Character of the Messias is taken out of that famous Prophecy concerning him Gen. 49.10 The scepter shall not depart from Judah till Shiloh come and by Shiloh the ancient Jews generally understood the Messias and to him shall the gathering of the people be or as it is render'd by the Septuagint and several other Translations and he shall be the Expectation of the Nations In allusion to which ancient Prophecy concerning him he is here in the Text called the Expectation of all Nations and so by the Prophet Malachi chap. 3. ver 1. and the Lord whom ye expect or look for shall suddenly come into his temple Now this part of the Prediction in the Text was most eminently fulfilled in our Blessed Saviour For about the time of his coming the Jews were in a general expectation of him as appears not only from that ancient and general Tradition of theirs from the School of Elias that at the end of the second two thousand years of the World the Messias should come and our Blessed Saviour's coming did accordingly happen at that time but likewise from that particular Computation of the Jewish Doctors not long before our Saviour's coming who upon a solemn debate of the matter did determine that the Messias would come within fifty Years And this is farther confirmed from the great Jealousie which Herod had concerning a King of the Jews that was expected to be born about that time and from that remarkable Testimony in Josephus who tells us That the Jews rebelled against the Romans being encouraged thereto by a famous Prophecy in their Scriptures that about that time a great Prince should be born among them that should rule the World And Josephus flattered Vespasian so far as to make him believe that he was the Man and thereupon perswaded him to destroy the Line of David out of which the Tradition was that the Messias should spring as if the Accomplishment of a Divine Prediction could be hinder'd by any Human endeavour And this was not only the generl Expectation of the Jews about that time but of a great Part of the World as appears from those Two famous Testimonies of Two of the most Eminent Roman Historians Suetonius and Tacitus The words of Suetonius are these Percrebuerat Oriente toto vetus constans opinio esse in fatis ut Judaeâ profecti rerum potirentur There was an ancient and general Opinion famous throughout all the Eastern Parts that the Fates had determined that there should come out of Judea those that should govern the World and he adds what I quoted before out of Josephus Id Judaei ad se trehentes rebellarunt that the Jews taking this to themselves did thereupon rebel Now it is very remarkable that the very words of this Tradition seem to be a verbal Translation of that Prophecy in Micah That out of Judah should come the Governour Vt Judpaeâ profecti reruni potirentur The other Testimony is out of Tacitus and his Words are these lib. 21 Pluribus persuasio inerat antiquis Sacerdotum libris contineri eo ipso tempore fore ut valesceret Oriens profectique Judaeâ rerum potirentur A great many says he were possessed with a Persuasion that it was contained in the ancient Books of the Priests that at that very time the East should prevail and that they who should govern the World were to come out of Judeâ By the ancient Books of the Priests he in all probability means the ancient Prophecies of Scripture for the last Expression is the same with that of Suetonius taken out of the Prophet Micah and the other that the East should prevail does plainly refer to that Title given to the Messias by the Prophet Zachary chap. 6.12 where he is called The Man whose name is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies Oriens and Germen both the East and a Branch our Translation hath it the Man whose name is the Branch but it might as well be render'd the Man whose name is the East Thus you see this Character of our Saviour in this Prophecy most literally fulfilled that he was the Expectation of all Nations I proceed to the III. Circumstance of this Prediction That he who is here foretold should come during the continuance of this second
Temple because it was his Presence that should fill that house with glory and it was in that place that the Messias who is called the Peace is promised to be given and in this place will I give Peace saith the Lord of Hosts And this is likewise most expresly foretold by the Prophet Malachi chap. 3.1 Behold I will send my Messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom ye look for shall suddenly come into his temple even the Messenger of the Covenant whom ye delight in behold he shall come saith the Lord of Hosts And accordingly Jesus our Blessed Saviour came during the second Temple he was presented there by his Parents and owned by Simeon for the Messias he Disputed there and Taught frequently there and by his Presence filled that house with glory For that the Son of God Taught publickly there was a greater Honour to it than all the Silver and Gold of Solomon's Temple And not long after his death according to his express Prediction this second Temple was destroyed to the Ground so that not one stone of it was left upon another And when some Hundred of Years after it was attempted to be Rebuilt Three several times the last whereof was by Julian the Apostate in opposition to Christianity and to our Saviour's Prediction Fire came out of the Foundation and destroyed the Workmen so that they desisted in great Terror and durst never attempt it afterwards And this not only the Christian Writers of that Age in great numbers do testifie but Ammianus Marcellinus a Heathen Historian who lived in that time does also give us a very particular Account of this memorable matter So that if by the Expectation of the Nations be here meant the Messias as I have plainly shewn then he is long since come and was no other than Jesus our Blessed Saviour who according to this Prophecy was to fill the second Temple with glory which hath now been demolish'd above One thousand six hundred Years ago and the Rebuilding whereof hath been so often and so remarkably hinder'd from Heaven The Consideration of all which were sufficient to convince the Jews of their vain Expectation of a Messias yet to come were they not so obstinately rooted and fixed in their Infidelity There remains now the IV. And Last Circumstance of this Prophecy viz. That the coming of the Messias was to be the last Dispensation of God for the Salvation of Men and consequently was to be perpetual and unchangeable Yet once more and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land And I will shake all nations and the Expectation of all nations shall come Yet once more from which Words the Apostle to the Hebrews argues the Perpetuity of the Gospel and that it was the Dispensation which should never be changed Heb. 12.27 And this word Yet once more signifies the removing of those things which are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain And then it follows Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved c. It was usual with the Jews to describe the times of the Gospel by the Kingdom of the Messias and accordingly the Apostle here calls the Dispensation of the Gospel a kingdom which cannot he moved In opposition to the Law which was an imperfect and alterable Dispensation For this is plainly the scope of the Apostle's reasoning namely to convince the Jews that they were now under a more gracious and perfect Dispensation than that of the Law ver 18. Ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched and that burned with fire meaning Mount Sinai which was a sensible literal Mountain a mountain that might be touched in opposition to the mystical and spiritual Mount Sion by which the Dispensation of the Gospel is described Which by the way prevents the Objection of its being called the Mountain that might be touch'd when it was forbidden to be touch'd upon pain of Death Ye are not come to the Mount that might be touched that is I am not now speaking of a literal and sensible Mountain such as was Mount Sinai from whence the Law was given but of that Spiritual and Heavenly Dispensation of the Gospel which was typified by Mount Sion and by Jerusalem but ye are come to mount Sion and unto the City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to Jesus the Mediator of the new Covenant And then he cautions them to take heed how they reject him that came from Heaven to make this last Revelation of God to the World which because of the clearness and perfection of it should never need to receive any change ver 25. See that ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth viz. Moses who delivered the Law from Mount Sinai much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven whose voice then shook the earth alluding to the Earthquake at the giving of the Law but now he hath promised saying Yet once more I shake not the earth only but also heaven that is the whole World in order to the coming of the Messias and the planting of the Gospel in the World and then he argues from the Words once more that the former Dispensation should be removed to make way for that which should perpetually remain And indeed there is no need of any farther Revelation after this nor of any change of that Religion which was brought from Heaven by the Son of God because of the Perfection of it and its fitness to Reform the World and to recover Mankind out of their lapsed and degenerate Condition and to bring them to Happiness both by the Purity of its Doctrine and the Power of its Arguments to work upon the Minds of Men by the clear discovery of the mighty Rewards and Punishments of another World And now the proper Inference from all this Discourse is the very same with that which the Apostle makes from the Consideration of the Perfection and Excellency of this Revelation which God had made to the World by his Son See that ye refuse not him that speaketh for how shall we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven And at the 28th Verse of that Chapter Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear that is Let us Live as becomes those to whom God hath made so clear and perfect a Revelation of his Will We have all the Advantages of the Divine Revelation which the World ever had and the last and most perfect that the World ever shall have We have not only Moses and the Prophets but that Doctrine which the Son of God came down from Heaven on purpose to declare to the World God hath vouchsafed to us that clear and compleat Revelation of
us from the first Spring and Original of Mankind of which general Consent and Tradition it is one of the hardest things in the World to assign any good Reason if the Things themselves were not true Therefore I shall not go about to force my way into this Argument concerning the Existence of Spirits and Beings distinct from Matter by dint of dispute which perhaps would neither be so proper nor so profitable for this Assembly but shall take the thing as I find it received by a general Consent of Mankind And so the Books of Divine Revelation do Nor was there Reason to proceed in any other method than to suppose these things and take them for granted as generally assented to by Mankind without either asserting them for new Discoveries or attempting to prove what was so universally believed The Scriptures indeed have more particularly declared the Nature of these Spirits as also their Order and Employment as in the words which I have read to you where the Office and Employment of Good Angels is more particularly discovered Serm. VI. Are they not all says the Text ministring Spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation The Author of this Epistle to the Hebrews having had occasion in comparing the two Dispensations of the Law and the Gospel to speak of the Angels by whose Ministry the Law was given did not think fit to entertain those to whom he wrote with any nice and curious Speculations for School Divinity was not then in fashion about the Nature and Order of Angels but tells us what it concerns us more to know namely what their Office and Employment is in regard to us Concerning their Nature he only tell us that they are Spirits as to their Office and Employment he says in general that they are Ministring Spirits that is that they stand before God to attend upon him ready to receive his Commands and to execute his Pleasure more particularly that they are upon occasion appointed and sent forth by God to minister on the behalf and to do good Offices for them that shall be heirs of salvation Which last words are a description of pious and good Men such as had sincerely embraced the Christian Religion and were thereby become the Children of God and Heirs of Eternal Salvation So that these words are a brief Summary of the Doctrine of Good Angels and of what the Scripture has thought fit to reveal to us concerning them Which may be referred to these Three Heads First Their Nature Are they not Spirits Secondly Their general Office and Employment Are they not Ministring Spirits Thirdly Their special Office and Employment in regard to good Men they are sent forth to minister for them that is in their behalf and for their benefit who shall be heirs of salvation And this is as much as is necessary for us to know concerning them and all this is very agreeable to the general Apprehension of Mankind but the Scripture hath very much cleared and confirmed to us that which was more obscure and less certain before I shall briefly explain and illustrate these Three Heads and then draw some useful Inferences from the whole First For their Nature they are Spirits This is universally agreed by all that acknowledge such an Order of Beings that they are Spirits But whether they are pure Spirits devested of Matter and all kind of corporeal Vehicle as the Philosophers term it hath been a great Controversie but I think of no great Moment and Consequence Not only the ancient Philosophers but some of the ancient Christian Fathers did believe Angels to be cloathed with some kind of Bodies consisting of the purest and finest Matter which they call Aetherial And this Opinion seems to be grounded upon a pious Belief that it is the peculiar Excellency and Prerogative of the Divine Nature to be a pure and simple Spirit wholly separate from Matter But the more current Opinion of the Christian Church especially of later times hath been that Angels are mere and pure Spirits without any thing that is Material and Corporeal belonging to them but yet so that they have a Power to assume thin and airy Bodies and can when they please appear in Humane Shape as they are frequently in Scripture said to have done And this seems most agreeable to the Scripture Account of them tho' I think it is no necessary Article of Faith either to believe that they are cloathed with some kind of Bodies or that they are wholly devested of Matter But however this be they are described in Scripture to be endowed with great Excellencies and Perfections they are said to excell in strength Psal 103.20 and in Knowledge and Wisdom Hence are those Expressions of being as an Angel of God to discern good and bad 2 Sam. 14.17 Wise according to the wisdom of an Angel v. 20. To be of great Activity and Swiftness in their Motions hence it is that they are represented in Scripture as full of wings and to excel in purity and holiness hence is that Title given them in Scripture of the Holy Angels This is the Summ of what the Scripture hath in several places delivered to us concerning the Nature and Properties of good Angels and beyond this all our Kowledge of them is mere Conjecture and Uncertainty and the nice Speculations concerning them idle and wanton Curiosities Indeed the Scripture gives sufficient intimation of several Ranks and Orders among them by calling Michael an Archangel and Chief Prince and by distingushing them by the names of Principalities and Powers and Thrones and Dominions But what the difference of these Names import though some have attempted to explain yet I do not find that they have discovered any thing to us besides their own Ignorance and Arogance in pretending to be wise above what is written intruding into those things which they have not seen being vainly puft up in their fleshly minds as the Apostle censures some in his time Secondly We have here their general Office and Employment they are ministring Spirits they are as I may say domestick Servants and constant Attendants upon that great and glorious King whose Throne is in the Heavens and whose Kingdom ruleth over all they stand continually before him to behold his face expecting his Commands and in a constant readiness to do his Will For tho' the Omnipotence of God and his perfect Power of acting be such that he can do all things immediately by himself whatever he pleaseth in Heaven and in Earth can govern the World and steer the Affairs of it and turn them which way he thinks best by the least nod and beck of his Will without any Instruments or Ministers of his Pleasure yet his Wisdom and Goodness has thought fit to honour his Creatures especially this higher and more perfect Rank of Beings with his Commands and to make them according to their several Degrees and Capacities the ordinary Ministers of his Affairs in the
for his Religion when he cannot be persuaded to live according to it So that by this we may try the Sincerity of our Resolution concerning Martyrdom For what Profession soever Men make he that will not deny himself the Pleasures of Sin and the Advantages of this World for Christ when it comes to the push will never have the Heart to take up his Cross and follow him He that cannot take up a Resolution to live a Saint hath a Demonstration within himself that he is never like to dye a Martyr SERMON X. The Blessedness of Good Men after Death Preached on All-Saints Day REV. XIV 13. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me Write Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth Yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them I Will not trouble you with any nice Dispute about the Author of this Book of the Revelation or the Authority of it VOL. II. tho' both these were sometimes controverted because it is now many Ages since this Book was received into the Canon of the Scriptures as of Divine Authority and as written by St. John Nor shall I at this time enquire into the particular meaning of the several Visions and Predictions contained in it It is confessedly in several parts of it a very obscure Book and there needs no other Argument to satisfie us that it is so than that so many Learned and Inquisitive Persons have given such different Interpretations of several remarkable Passages in it as particularly concerning the slaying of the Two Witnesses and the number of the Beast The words which I have read to you tho' there be some difficulty about the Interpretation of some particular Expressions in them yet in the general Sense and Intendment of them they are very plain being a Solemn Declaration of the Blessed State of Good Men after this Life And that we may take the more notice of them they are brought in with a great deal of Solemn Preparation and Address Serm. X. as it were on purpose to bespeak our attention to them I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me Write Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth And for the greater Confirmation of them the special Testimony of the Spirit is added to the voice from Heaven declaring the Reason why they that die in the Lord are Pronounced to be in so happy a Condition Yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them In the handling of these Words I shall First inquire into the particular Sense and Meaning of them Secondly Prosecute the general Intendment of them which I told you is to declare to us the Blessed Estate of those that die in the Lord that is of Saints and Good Men after they are departed this Life First I shall enquire into the particular Sense and Meaning of the Words To the clearing of which nothing will conduce more than to consider the Occasion of them which was briefly this In the Visions of this and the foregoing Chapter is represented to St. John the great Straits that the Christians the true Worshipers of the True God should be reduced to On the one hand they are Threatned with Death or if they be suffered to live they are interdicted all Commerce with Humane Society Chap. 13.15 And he had power to cause that as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast should be killed And Verse 17. That no man may buy or sell save he that had the Mark of the Beast And on the other hand they that do Worship the Beast are Threatned with Damnation Chap. 14.9 10. If any man do worship the Beast the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone So that whenever this should happen it would be a time of great Trial to the sincere Christians being threatned with Extream Persecution on the one hand and Eternal Damnation on the other and therefore it is added in the 12 Verse Here is the Patience of the Saints Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus This is represented in St. John's Visions as the last and extremest Persecution of the true Worshipers of God and which should preceed the final Downfall of Babylon And when this should happen then he tells us the Patience of the Saints would be tried to purpose and then it would be seen who are faithful to God and constant to his Truth and upon this immediately follows the Voice from Heaven in the Text And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me Write Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth Yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them The main Difficulty of the words depends upon the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from henceforth which Interpreters do variously refer to several parts of the Text. Some by changing the Accent and reading it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 would change the signification of the word into omninò omninò beati sunt they are altogether blessed very happy who die in the Lord. But this is altogether destitute of the Countenance and Warrant of any ancient Copy We will then suppose that the word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and to be rendered as we Translate it from henceforth from this time All the Difficulty is to what part of the Text we are to refer it Some refer it to the word Blessed Blessed from henceforth are the dead which die in the Lord As if from this time and not before the Souls of Good Men were immediately after Death admitted into Heaven which many of the Ancient Fathers thought the Souls of Good Men who died before the coming of Christ were not But then this Blessedness ought to have been dated not from the time of St. John's Vision but of Christ's Ascension according to that of St. Ambrose in the Hymn called Te Deum When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers Others refer it to dying in the Lord Blessed are the dead that from henceforth die in the Lord. But this hath no peculiar Emphasis in it because they were blessed that died in the Lord before that time Others refer it to the words following concerning the Testimony of the Spirit yea from henceforth saith the Spirit All these Varieties agree in this Sense in general That some special Blessedness is Promised and Declared to those who should die after that time But what that is in Particular is not easie to make out But the most plain and simple Interpretation and that which seems to be most suitable to the Occasion of these words is this that the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from henceforth is to be referred to the whole Sentence thus from henceforth blessed are the
against them and I punished them often in every Synagogue and compelled them to blaspheme and being exceedingly mad against them I persecuted them even to strange Cities Gal. 1.13 14. Ye have heard says he of my conversation in times past in the Jews Religion how that beyond measure I persecuted the Church of God and wasted it being exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers 1 Tim. 1.13 Who was before a blasphemer and a persecuter and injurious So that he chargeth himself with the guilt of Blasphemy and Murder and a most furious and outrageous Persecution of Good Men for which elsewhere he pronounceth himself the chief of Sinners From whence it evidently appears that Men may do the most Wicked and Damnable Sins out of a zeal for God And this was the case of many of the Jews as our Saviour foretold that the time should come when they should kill men thinking they did God good Service But yet for all this the Apostles of our Lord make no scruple to charge them with downright Murder Acts 2.23 speaking of their putting our Saviour to death whom ye by wicked hands have crucified and slain And Acts 7.52 The just One of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers Yet notwithstanding their Sin was of this high Nature in it self yet it was some mitigation of the fault of the Persons that they did these things out of an ignorant zeal and rendred them more capable of the Mercy of God upon their repentance And upon this account our Saviour interceded with God for Mercy for them Father forgive them for they know not what they do St. Peter also pleads the same in mitigation of their fault Acts 3.17 And now brethren I wot that through ignorance ye did it as did also your rulers And St. Paul tells us that he found mercy upon his repentance on this account 1 Tim. 1.13 But I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly and in unbelief But still for all this wicked things done out of Conscience and Zeal for God are Damnable and will prove so without repentance I shall now draw some Inferences from this Discourse by way of Application 1. If it be so necessary that our Zeal be directed by knowledge this shews us how dangerous a thing Zeal is in the weak and ignorant sort of People Zeal is an Edg-Tool which Children in understanding should not meddle withal and yet it most frequently possesseth the weakest Minds and commonly by how much the less knowing People are by so much the more zealous they are And in the Church of Rome where Knowledge is professedly discouraged and supprest in the common People Zeal is mightily countenanced and cherish'd And they make great use of it for this blind and furious Zeal is that which inspires diem to do such Cruel and Barbarous things as were hardly ever acted among the Heathen Zeal is only fit for wise Men but it is chiefly in Fashion among Fools Nay it is dangerous in the hands of wise Men and to be govern'd and kept in with a strict Rein otherwise it will transport them to the doing of Undue and Irregular things Moses one of the wisest and best of Men and most likely to govern and manage his Zeal as he ought and to keep aloof from all Excess and Extravagance being the meekest Man upon Earth yet he was so surprised upon a sudden occasion that in a fit of zeal he let fall the Two Tables of the Law which he had but just received from God and dasht them in pieces A true Emblem of an ungoverned zeal in the transport whereof even Good Men are apt to forget the Laws of God and let them fall out of their Hands and to break all the Obligations of Natural and Moral Duties 2. From hence we plainly see that Men may do the worst and wickedest things out of a Zeal for God and Religion Thus it was among the Jews who engrost Salvation to themselves and denyed the possibility of it to all the world besides and the Church of Rome have taken Copy by them as in an arrogant conceit of themselves so in the blindness and fury and uncharitableness of their Zeal towards all who refuse to submit to their Authority and Directions And as the Teachers and Rulers of the Jewish Church did of old so do the Church of Rome now They take away the Key of Knowledge from the People and will neither enter into the kingdom of Heaven themselves nor suffer those that would to enter in They Brand for Hereticks those who make the Holy Scriptures the Rule of their Faith and Worship as St. Paul tells us the Jews did in his Time Acts 24.14 After the way which they call Heresie so worship I the God of my Fathers believing all things which are written in the Law and the Prophets They Establish the Merit of their own Righteousness not submitting to the Righteousness of God by the Faith of Jesus Christ So St. Paul tells us the Jews did in the Verse immediately after the Text For they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God And as the Jews Anathematiz'd and Excommunicated the first Christians and Persecuted them to the Death as our Saviour foretold That the time would come when they should put them out of their Synagogues yea and kill them thinking they did God good service so the Church of Rome hath for many Ages used the sincere Professors of the same Religion Persecuting them first with Excommunication and then with Fire and Faggot and with all the violence and fury in the world endeavouring the utter extirpation and ruine of them by bloody Croisado's and a barbarous Inquisition by treacherous Massacres and all sorts of hellish Plots and Machinations witness the monstrous Design of this day never to be remembred or mentioned without horror To have destroyed at one blow and have swallowed up in one common ruine our King and Prince and Nobles and the Represent ative Body of the whole Nation witness the bloody Massacre of Ireland and all their wicked Designs and Practices continued to this very day 3. And lastly That zeal for God and Religion does not alter the Nature of Actions done upon that account Persecution and Murder of the sincere Professors of Religion are Damnable Sins and no zeal for God and Religion can excuse them or take away the guilt of them zeal for God will justifie no Action that we do unless there be discretion to justifie our zeal There is nothing oftner misleads Men than a misguided Zeal it is an ignis fatuus a false fire which often leads Men into Boggs and Precipices it appears in the Night in dark and ignorant and weak minds and offers it self a guide to those who have lost their way it is one of the most ungovernable Passions of Human Nature and therefore requires great knowledge and judgment to manage
Nations and his selling it to inrich his Family quod non fecerant Barbari fecerunt Barberini may with changing the Name and Occasion be applyed to a great many others that they have been guilty of those Cruelties against Christians upon account of difference in Religion which the most Barbarous Nations never exorcised upon one another I have done with the Observations and the Text and shall I now need to make any Application of what hath been said to the Occasion of this day The thing applys it self since the horrid Design of this Day was undertaken and carried on upon the same Pretences and Principles upon which the Jews persecuted the Disciples of our Lord and much in the same Method for they first thunder'd out an Excommunication against them and then took it for granted that it would be an acceptable Sacrifice to God to destroy them I will not go about to aggravate the Comspiracy of this Day it is past my skill nor will I extend the blame and guilt of it any farther than the plain Evidence and Reason of the thing does enforce It is a thing so scandalous to Humane Nature and so great a Reflection upon any Church and Religion to be accessory to the contriving or countenancing of any such Design that I am very well contented that it should be confined to as narrow a compass as may be and none esteemed guilty of it but those that were openly in it or have since endeavour'd to excuse it All that we desire of others is that they would declare their hearty detestation of such abominable Practices and be as good as their word and that they would not account it a service and sacrifice to God to destroy all that cannot be of their Mind So that the Inference from all this Discourse in short shall be this that Men should take great care to inform their Consciences aright and to govern them by the plain Rules of Good and Evil the Law of God written upon our hearts and revealed in his Word which forbids such Practices as I have been speaking of as clearly as the Sun shines at Noonday and that we would always be afraid to do a bad thing tho' gilded over with never so glorious Colours and specious Pretences of zeal for God and his Truth For a Man may do a thing with an honest Mind and for a religious End and be Commissioned and Countenanced as St. Paul was by them who take themselves to be the only true Church in the World and yet at last prove to have been all the while a Blasphemer and a Murderer and the greatest of Sinners for none of these Pretences are sufficient to warrant and sanctifie a wicked action Before this can be done the immutable nature of Good and Evil must be changed I will conclude all with that gentle Reproof of our Blessed Saviour to his Disciples when their Zeal for him had transported them to make that cruel Request to him that he would as Elias had done upon a like occasion call for fire from heaven to destroy the Samaritans Ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of for the Son of man came not to destroy mens lives but to save them hereby declaring to us the true Spirit and ●●●per of Christianity and that they 〈◊〉 contrary to it are ignorant 〈…〉 ●ature of the Christian Religion Ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of for the Son of man came not to destroy mens lives but to save them SERMON XV. The Duty and Reason of Praying for Governours Preached on the 29 of May. 1693. 1 TIM II. 1 2. I exhort therefore that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for Kings and for all that are in authority that we way lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty I Need not tell any here that this Day is appointed by Authority for an Anniversary Solemnity in a grateful Commemoration of the great Mercy of God to these Nations VOL. II. in putting an end to the intestine Wars and Confusions of many Years in restoring to us our own ancient Government and Laws and in bringing home as upon this Day the rightful Heir of these Kingdoms to the Crown and Throne of his Fathers And tho' the Glory of this Day hath been not a little sullied and obscured by many things which have happened since that Time fitter now to be buried in Silence and Oblivion than to be mention'd and raked up yet it hath pleased God in scattering those black Clouds which not long since hung over us to restore this Day to its first Lustre and brightness so that we may now with great joy look back upon it as designed by the wise Providence of God to make way for the Happiness which we now enjoy under their present Majesties by whom under God we have been delivered from that terrible and imminent Danger which threatned our Religion and Laws and the very Constitution it self of our ancient Government And to this Occasion no kind of Argument can be more proper and suitable Serm. XV. than that which the Text affords to our Consideration in this Injunction of St. Paul to Timothy to take care that in the Publick Worship of God Supplications and Thanksgivings be put up to God for Kings and all that are in authority I exhort therefore c. In which Words there are Four things considerable First The Duty here enjoyn'd which is Prayer expressed to us in several Words which seem to denote the several kinds or parts of Prayer I exhort therefore that supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men For Kings and for all that are in authority c. Some of these words are of a very near signification and yet there seems some difference betwixt them most probably this 1. By 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which we render Supplications is probably meant that part or kind of Prayer wherein we supplicate God for the Pardon of our Sins and for the averting and removing of Evils whether Temporal or Spiritual from our selves or others 2. By 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which we render Prayers seems to be meant Petitions for Blessings and good things from God and these are most properly call'd Prayers 3. By 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 seems to be particularly meant Pleadings and Intercessions on the behalf of others 4. By 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is certainly intended Praises and Thanksgivings to God for his Blessings and Goodness to our selves and others This seems to be the difference between them which whether it be exactly so or not is not very material since these are unquestionably the several kinds or parts of Prayer And these several sorts of Prayer St. Chrysostom in his Comment upon this Text tells us were Publickly used in his Time in the daily Service of the Church this says he all Communicants do know is done every day Morning and
is nor any fear of becoming less And all Temptation is founded either in hope or fear and where neither of these can have any place there can be no occasion no possible Motive or Temptation to Evil for to be Evil and to do Evil is always an Effect of weakness and want of Power The summ of what I have said upon this Argument and the design indeed of it is to shew that the greater Power and Authority any one hath the less Liberty he hath to do any thing that is bad And I have been the larger upon this because I would fain imprint upon the Minds of Persons whom the Providence of God hath invested with great Power and Authority that as they have great opportunities of doing more good than others so they have greater Reason and more Advantages of doing it and are more inexcusable if they do any thing that is bad not only because their Actions are of a more publick influence and observation but because their Temptations to Evil how great soever they may seem to be are in truth and reality much less than other Mens Happy are those Princes that wisely consider this and make their Power and Authority over others an Argument to be so much better themselves and to do so much more good to others and because they are less subject to the coercive Power of Law do for that Reason think themselves so much the more obliged to be a Law to themselves Blessed be God for the Happiness which we enjoy in this respect and let us earnestly beseech him that he would be pleased to bestow such a plentiful measure of his Grace and Holy Spirit on our most Gracious King and Queen as may Effectually both engage and enable them to use their Power to the best purposes for the Publick good And thus I have briefly gon over and explained to you the several Particulars in the Text the duty of Prayer here enjoyned for whom we are to pray in general for all Men and for whom more especially and in the first place for Kings and all that are in authority and upon what Considerations we are to pray for them and to Praise God in their behalf because of the great Benefits we receive by them and because both in respect of the Dangers and Difficulties of their Condition they stand in need of our Prayers above other Men besides that in praying for their Welfare and Prosperity we pray for our own Peace and Happiness And now to apply this to our selves and to the Occasion of this Day By all that hath been said we cannot but be convinced what Cause we have to bless God for that happy Government which we live under that excellent Constitution under the gentle Influences whereof we enjoy more Liberty more Plenty and more Security from all manner of Injury and Oppression than any Nation this Day on the Face of the Earth Therefore with what Thankfulness should we this Day commemorate the happy Restauration of this Government to us after the miserable Distractions and Confusions of twenty Years by the Restauration and Return of our banisht Soveraign in so peaceable and yet so wonderful a Manner that a Remembrance of it even at this Distance is almost still Matter of Amazement to us Blessed be the Lord God of Israel who alone doth wondrous Things And with our joyful Praises let us joyn our most devout and fervent Prayers to Almighty God for the King 's and Queen's Majesties and for all that are in Authority And I may truly say that there was hardly ever greater Reason and Occasion for it both from our Distractions at Home and our Dangers from abroad never was there greater Need of our earnest Supplications and Prayers than at this Time when our Armies and Fleets are in Motion and when God seems already to have given us some Earnest of good Success blessed be his great and glorious Name We have indeed a great Army and a more powerful Fleet than ever this Nation sent forth but unless God be on our Side and favour our Cause in vain are all our Preparations for whenever his Providence is pleased to interpose by strength shall no Man prevail Have we not Reason then to cry mightily unto God when the only Strength of the Nation is at Stake when our Sins and Provocations are so many and great and there lies so heavy a poal of Guilt upon us When the person of his Sacred Majesty is exposed to so much Hazard not only in the high Places of the Field but from the restless Attempts of the malicious and implacable Enemies of our Peace and Religion that he would be graciously pleased to go forth with our Armies and Fleets and not remember our Iniquities against us but save us for his Mercies sake We are too apt to murmur and complain of Miscariages and the ill management of Affairs but surely the best thing we can do and that which best becomes us is to look forward and to turn our Censures of our Governours and their Actions into humble Supplications to God in their behalf and in behalf of the whole Nation that he would be pleased to turn us every one from the Evil of our Ways that he may return to us and have mercy on us that so Iniquity may not be our Ruin that he may rejoyce over us to do us good and may at last think Thoughts of Peace towards us Thoughts of Good and not of Evil to give us an expected End of our Troubles Let us then betake our selves to the proper Work of this Day hearty Prayers and Thanksgivings to Almighty God for the King and Queen and for all that are in Authority that as he hath been pleased by a wonderful Providence to rescue us from the imminent danger we were in and from all our fears by the happy Advancement of their Majesties to the Throne of these Kingdoms so he would of his infinite goodness still preserve and continue to us this Light of our Eyes and Breath of our Nostrils Princes of that great Clemency and Goodness which render them the true Representatives of God upon Earth and the most Gracious Governours of Men. And let us earnestly beseech him that he would confirm and strengthen them in all goodness and make them wise as Angels of God to discern betwixt Good and Evil that they may know how to go in and out before this great People that be would give them the united affections of their People and a heart to study and seek their good all the days of their lives And Finally That he would be pleased to continue so great a Blessing to us and to grant them a long and Prosperous Reign over us and that their Posterity in this Royal Family may endure for ever and their Throne as the Days of Heaven that under them the People of these Nations we and the Generations to come may lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty for