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A43282 Seder olam, or, The order, series or succession of all the ages, periods, and times of the whole world is theologically, philosophically and chronologically explicated and stated also the hypothesis of the pre-existency and revolution of humane souls together with the thousand years reign of Christ on earth ... : to which is also annexed some explanatory questions of the book of the Revelations ... : and an appendix containing some translated out of Latin by J. Clark, M.D., upon the leave of F.M., Baron of Helmont.; Seder olam. English Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699.; Clark, J., M.D. 1694 (1694) Wing H1394; ESTC R235336 106,660 246

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71. Now what is the seventh Head whose coming Iohn foretold Is it yet come or is it rather to come A●d how is the eighth Head distinguished from the seventh And why doth Daniel number no more than four Kings and Iohn seven Doth not the seventh Head seem to be some new Monarchy which is not as yet come but is now very near under which will fall the last Persecution of the Church which will be the greatest of all and shall last but three Years and an half and therefore it is said it shall continue but a short time Lastly is not the eighth Head one of the seven and only in certain Circumstances distin●guished and one of the ten Ho●ns of the Beast which will at length prevail over th● other Horns according to Daniel 7. v. 20 21 And whereas Daniel numbers four Kings and Iohn reckons two was it not because Daniel looked no high●r than Nebuchadnezzar but Iohn to the first King of all that Pe●secuted the Chu●ch of God and this was Pharaoh King of Egypt And why should these seven Monarchies be called one Beast but because tho' these Men were personally distinct in such and such Ages of the World yet were they Acted by one and the same Spirit to P●rsecute the Church Quest. 72. Doth not Iohannes Slei●anus in his Treatise of the four Monarchies truly distinguish and com●ute the number of the ten Kingdoms which Iohn call'd the Horns of the Beast into the which the Roman Monarchy was at last divided in the following order 1 Syria 2 Egypt 3 Asia 4 Greece 5 Affrica 6 Spain 7 France 8 Italy 9 Germany 10 Brittaine And why is it said that those ten Horns or Kings in Iohn's time had received no Kingdom chap 17 12. but had Power given them as Kings with the Beast for the space o● one hour Was it not because for the space of a Mystical hour or 333 years a●●er Io●n's time those Kings were not to have a distinct but a j●ynt Power to Reign with the Beast but after the expiration of that hour the ten Kings aforesaid arose up having their Kingdoms divided and as it were pluckt by ●orce from the Roman Monarchy ● and these indeed did more vehemently Persecute the Church of God Quest. ●3 What is to be unders●ood by that passage where one of the Heads of the seven Beasts is said to be smitten with a mortal wound and was made whole again May not this prope●ly signifi● that the R●man Emperors received this wound after the Empire was transferr'd from the Heathens to th● Ch●is●i●ns then that bit●er Spirit of Persecution that dwelt in the preceding Emperors was afflicted as it were with a mortal wound ●or some considerable time as appears in the case of Constantine the Great the first Christian Emperor who granted to all Liberty of Conscience and suddenly after Constantine his Successor under the name and prof●ssion of Christianity as severely persecuted the true Servants of God as the Heathen Emperors had done before A●d in this respect may it not be truly said that the deadly wound of the Beast was healed again when the S●irit of Persecution had recovered fresh strength in new Christian Emperors so called Quest. ●4 What a●● those 42 Months in which ●●wer is given 〈◊〉 the Beast that he should continu● during all that time and make War wi●h ●h●●●i●ts and overcome them Is not the ●●ore-mentioned number of 12●0 Y●●rs to be understood by those Months M●reover doth not the too certain and ●●●●ntable experience of the aforesaid ●●ges as appears from History sufficiently prove that this Spirit of Antichrist flourishing in the Christian Kings and Emperor● so called did persecute the true Servants of God and faithful Followers of Christ almost 1●60 Years And is not that space of 1260 Years almost come to an end And shall not he that lives to the Year of Christ 1700 or there-abouts see the total end and period o● i● Quest. 75. How are those wo●ds to be understood chap. 13. v. 10. He that leads into Captivity shall go into Cap●ivi●y and he that kills with the Sw●rd shall be kill●d with th● Sword And why are those following words added which run thus Here is the Faith and Pati●nce of ●he Saints For did not a great many Persecutors Die a natural D●ath in their Bed● and in their own Houses and we have not a● yet he●rd any thing o● their Captivi●y Did he not the●e●ore say this is the Patience and Fai●h of the Saints Because that Judgment was to be fulfilled upon the Persecuto●s a●ter some long tract of time which how it shall come to pass deserves an Explanation o● which in another place Quest. ●6 What is the Beast which Iohn saw arising out of the ●arth for the first Beast rose out of the Sea having two Horns like a Lamb but spe●king like th● Dragon and exercising all the power of the first Beast And ●inally why is his numb●r ●●id to be 666 and he that is endued with unde●standing was bid to compute the number Is not this s●cond B●a●t the Papal power arising out o● the Earth For the Popes are very o●●●n of a low extraction and of an inferior Race and Descent even as the Earth is inferior to the Sea and other Elements And do not his two Horns like a Lamb plainly denote the twofold Authority which the Popes pretend is commit● to them to wit both Spiritual and Temporal And whereas he spoke as a Dragon doth not this eminently express the Pope's Bulls and Sentences of Excommunications which he thundred out against Men of all Ranks and Degrees that were not Obedient to his Decrees And from the Year of Christs Nativity 1034 An. 1034 which is from his Resu●rection 1000 did not the Popes excercise all the Power of the first Beast advancing and li●ting themselves above Emperors and all Kings and making them Instruments and Ministers of his Wrath and Malice against the Elect Servants of God And whereas 't is said he had power to give Life to the Image of the Beast what else can be hereby signified● but that the Popes have snatched all their power and Authority from the Emperors and settled it upon themselves leaving in a manner nothing but a kind of an Image or Shadow of an Empire For it is manifest that from the time the ●econd Beast arose the Christian Kings and Emperors derived all the Life and Power they had to Rule or Command from the ●econd Beast to wit● the Pope For whereas anciently the Popes where dependent on the Emperors after the Popes were arrived to that greatness the Emperors became dependent on the Popes Moreover doth not this papal number 666 point out so many Years An. 666 which signifie two Mystical Hours or Revolutions beginning at the Year of Christs Resurrection 100● and ending at the Year 1666 or at the Year of his Nativity 1700 An. 1700 And indeed within this time the Popes of Rome thus advanced
he shall quicken us and in the third Day he shall raise us up and we shall live in his Sight What can be here signified by two Days but two thousand years● as in Psal. the 90. as in 2. Pet. 3.8 And therefore by the third Day he plainly means that Sabbatick Millenium of the World wherein he and all the Saints were to be raised up to live intirely a thousand years neither to dye any more but to ascend into the celestial Country when the Millenium o● thousand 〈◊〉 is fi●i●hed Now Osea lived in the fourth Millenium and therefore when said after two days c. he had respect to the seventh Millenium but compare this Prophesy with that of Daniel concerning 2300 years and thou shalt plainly perceive that both extend unto the Sabbatick Millenium 9● But because those 1335 Days Dan. 12.12 contain 1335 years to wit the whole time of the Apostacy after the Apostles to the beginning of the Millenium therefore from 2300 years 1335 years are deducted and the remainder 965 contains the time from the beginning of the Babylonian Captivity to the beginning of the Apostasie after the Apostles and therefore subtracting 556 from 965 there remains 409 years the time from the Resurrection of Christ to the beginning of the Apostasie to which add 33½ from the Nativity of Christ to his Resurrection the sum is 442 years and an half ●rom the Nativity of Christ to the beg●nning of the Apostasie 95. Add to this Number 442 1260 years mentioned in the Revelation the sum is 1702 years from the Nativity of Christ to the end of the first Period of the Reign of Antichrist 96. The second Period of 1290 years in Daniel extends 30 years further that is from the Birth of Christ to the year 1732. 97. The third Period of the reign of Antichrist extends 45 years further which is 1335 years viz. to the year of Christ's Nativity 1777. 98. Therefore the year 1777 from the Nativity of Christ ends the reign of Antichrist and the four Monarchies and all the Kingdoms of the World and from that very year begins the reign of Christ and of the Saints over the whole Earth 99. But 't is uncertain whether this present Epocha or date from the time of Christ's Nativity in the Flesh commonly received among Christians be true or no for Usher thinks the Vulgar Epocha to fail of the true Epocha about four years 100. Also the great Coversion of the Gentiles by the preaching of the Gospel in its purity and efficacy must preceed this happy Millenium of the World and then will follow the Conversion of the Iews to the Christian Faith to wit from the year 1702 unto the year 1777 but 30 years from the ye 1702 unto the ye 1732 have respect to the Conversion of the Gentiles then 45 years from the year 1742 unto ●777 do in a special manner respect the Restoration Conversion and return of the Iews into their own Country 101. But from the year of Christ's Nativity 652 to the year of Christ 1702 are prepar'd and gather`d unto God and the ●amb 144000 Saints which are the first Fruits for as the Feast of the first Fruits under the Law was kept 50 days before the Feast of Autumn so also now the Feast of the first Fruits preceeds the Feast of Autumn 50 years 1. But the time of the ●uture Millenium seems to have been prefigured to Abraham in the Sacri●ices which God commanded him to offer Now God commanded Abraham to take a Hei●er of three years old a Goat of three years old a Ram of three years old with a Turtle Dove and a young Pigeon Now suppose the Turtle Dove to be one year old and the Pigeon twenty days old the days of all those years according to the prophetick Style signifie years and all being added together make up 3620. Admit also that Abraham saw this Vision when he was 83 years old which was the year of the Wo●ld 2120 according to the aforesaid Chro●ology the number 3620 being added to the number 2120 makes up 5740 the year of the World when the Millenium will begin 2. In the future Millenium all the Saints that ever lived since the beginning of the Wo●ld will be rais'd up to live a Holy and Blessed Life upon Earth for the space of a thousand years Dan. 12. Hos. 6. Revel 20. 3. This Resurrection of all the Saints to Life is the first Resurrection expresly so call'd by the Apostle Iohn Revel 20.5 4. In this first Resurrection the Saints are raised to Life in a Carnal and Terrestial Body not such as we now have but such as Adam had in Paradise before he had eaten the Fo●bidden Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and such a Body likewise had Christ wherein he suffer'd Death for all Mankind 5. Therefore there is a twofold Resurrection of the Saints the first is in a carnal and Terrestrial Body in which they shall all live for the space of a thousand years The second is that in which that Carnal and Terrestrial Body after the expiration of a thousand years shall not dye but be changed in a moment or in the twinkling of an Eye into a Spiritual and Coelestial Body and ascend into Heaven even as Christ ascended into Heaven after his Resurrection from the Dead 6. Of which twofold Resurrection of the Saints the Apostle Paul speaks clearly in 1 Epist. to the Corinth Chap. 15. That is not first which is Spiritual but that which is Natural and then that which is Spiritual as we have born the Image of the Earthly and we shall also bear the Image of the Heavenly But we shall not bear the Image of the Earthly in the Body in which we now live viz. of the ear●hly Adam as he was after the fall but in the first Resurrection we shall bear the Image of the earthly in the future Millenium living such a Blessed and Holy Life as Adam ●ould have lived if he had not sinned ●hen at the end of the Millenium we shall not dye but be changed and this Mortal shall put on Immo●t●lity and this Corruptible Incorruption 7. Yet the Body of the first Resurrection may be said in some sence to be Mortal and Corruptible not that it shall ever dye or be corrupted but because in respect of a spiritual Bo●y it is as it were Mortal and Corruptible that is at least not beyond a possibility of dying or being slain by external violence if God were so pleased even as the Body o● Christ suffered Death which notwithstanding in it's own Nature cou'd not dye 8. And that the Saints shall be raised to Life in a Carnal or Natural Body appears from that which Paul said speaking of himself and others we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed and this Mortal shall put on Immortality Paul therefore expected to be raised up to Life in a Body of Flesh in the future
King 11. Athalia reigned 6 Years 2 King 12. Ioas reigned 40 Years 2 King 14. Amazias reigned 29 Years 2 King 15. Azarias reigned 52 Years 2 King 15. Ioathan reigned 16 Years 2 King 16. Achaz reigned 16 Years 2 King 18. Ezechias reigned 29 Years 2 King 21. Manasses reigned 55 Years 2 King 21. Amon reigned 2 Years 2 King 22. Iosias reigned 31 Years 2 King 23. Ioathas reigned 00 Years 2 King 23. Ioach●m ●eigned 11 Years 2 Kin. 24. Zehoja●hin reigned 3 Mon. Years 418 Note also that the Captivity must be reckoned 70 Years from Zehojathin but not from Zedekia as appears from the Epistle of Ier●miah ch 29.10 But if according to others the Captivity of 70 Years be computed from the third year of the Reign of Ioachim according to that of Dan. 1●1 the fifth Period from the foundation of the Temple unto the Babylonian Captivity will contain only 410 and therefore that the number of Years from the Creation of the World to the Captivity may be 3440 there must be 37 Years added to Cainan in the second Period So that 't is all one whether the Captivity be reckon'd from the third Year of Ioachims Reign or after the eleventh Lastly 't is to be observ'd that the truth of this Period is proved from the Fourth Chapter of Ezekiel ● for those 390 Days signifie 390 Years from the time Ieroboam erected the Golden Calf to the Destruction o● Ierusalem therefore 36 Years of Solomon's Reign are deducted and two of Rehoboam's Reign To which 10 Years of Zedekia`s Reign unto the Destruction of Ierusalem being added the whole amounts to the number of Years 390 Lastly the sixth Period of 556 years and an half is proved for the Captivity lasted 70 Years and from the end of 70 years viz. of Daniel's Weeks 3 years and an half being deducted there are to be accounted 486½ Years when Cyrus publish'd an Edict for the rebuilding of the Temple 556½ Observe how exceedingly they wander from the Truth who contend that the 70 Weeks of Daniel are not to be reckon'd from the Edict of Cyrus and suppose the beginning of the said Weeks to be long since Cyrus`s Time forsaking the Truth of Scripture and giving credit to heathenish Historians and so indeed they abandon the Holy Scripture as tho` it were a maim'd and imperfect thing which true Christians and such as are studious of the Scripture should not do Admit it be according to them who follow the Historical falshood of the Heathens that Daniel's 70 Weeks were long since● Cyrus that is as they will have it 70 Years after the end of the Captivity to wit by their computation in the second Year of Darius Longimanus after this rate there will be 560 Years from the end of the Babylonian Captivity to the Death of Christ but this doth in a wonderful manner contradict Esdras in that he saith ten parts and ½ of the World are elapsed from the Creation to the Death and Resurrection of Christ. For suppose that there were 560 Years 1 21 and ½ of 1 12 from Adam to the Death of Christ all the twelve parts taken together would make up 4480 Years which far exceeds the years feigned by the followers of the Heathenish History 89. Now from the foremention'd Chronology the years from the beginning of the World to the Babylonian Captivity are 3440 as it is inserted in the Margin to which if 2300 be added those Years which the Angel spoke of to Daniel Dan. 8.14 prophe●ically signified by Days make up the number of 5740 Years which being complea●ed the Sanctuary shall be purged that is that happy Millenium of the Sabbath shall begin and then adding to it the aforesaid Millenium and 260 Years more thereof comes the sum of 7000 Years which makes up the intire age of the whole World from the Creation of Adam to the End Now the said 260 Years is that little time mentioned by Iohn in the Revelations Chap. 20. which commences after the expiration of the Millenium and therefore that Sabbatick Millenium begins 260 Years before the end of the Sixth Millenium of the World 90. And ●o indeed the whole age or time of the Sabbatick Happiness comprehends 1260 Years even as much as the Kingdom of Babylon and Antichrist contained that the Day of Christ`s glorious Reign upon Earth may be equal to the Reign of Antichrist in his base and filthy Kingdom of Darkness And either Period contains three years and an half that is seven years taken together which answers to the seven last years that Iacob served Laban 91. And indeed that whole time that Iacob served Laban making about twenty years elegantly divides the whole age of the World into its distinct P●riods by a marvellous Analogy for as 360 makes up one mystical and prophetical Year so 7●00 makes up 19 Y●ars 5 Months and 10 Days that is in a manner 20 Years but such is the Analogy The first seven years of Iacob`s Service extend from the beginning of the World to Israel's departure out of Aegypt now the Time of Iacob`s Marriage with Leah signifies that time wherein the Lord engaged the Childr●n of Israel to himself by the outward Law and the ●our Sons of his Wife Leah Ruben Simeon Levi Iuda extend from the Law to Christ's Incarnation who was to spring out of Iuda Lastly the Children of the Concubines signifie the Gentiles who were to believe in Christ in the days of the Apostles even almost until the end of the Babylonian Apostacy And Rachel's Barrenness signifies the Iewish Church which during all that long space was as it were barren● in the Christian Faith which Rachel was af●erwards to bring forth Ioseph whose time certainly reaches to the Sabbatick Millenium but the Birth o● B●njamin being last of all apparently signifies the Apostle Paul who was of the Tribe of Ben●amin with other Saints who were last o● all to come into the World to wit about the year of the World 6000 and shou`d remain in the World even till the coming of Christ from Heaven And ●inally the death of Rachel and the departure of Iac●b and his Sons out of Padan Aram into his own Count●y signifies the end of the World and the ascension of the Saints from Earth into the Heavenly Country in glorified Bodies all this is confirmed from Gen. 49. from vers 1. to the 28. 92. But that little time aforesaid of 260 years in which begins the Sabbatick Millenium within the sixth Millenium of the World to wit at the year 5740. was prefigur'd under the Law by the Sabbath which began in the Evening of the sixth Day wherefore those 260 years are as it were in the evening of the sixth day that is the sixth Millenium of the World 93. Moreover it is clearly demonstrated ●rom the Words of Osea when that most blessed and truly Golden Age of the Sabbatick Millenium shall begin Os. Ch. 6. v. 2. after two days
to 4●0● The interval of the first Trumpet from the year of the World 4180 to 444● 89. And from the Nativity of Christ ●hus 1 218 2 478 3 738 4 998 5 1258 6 1518 7 1778   2038 The interval of the first Trumpet begins at the year of Christ's N●tivity 218 which ●s the 184th year from Christ's Resurrection which number ●●4 answe●s to half an hour ●ithin which time the Saints of●ered many prayers to God by ●esus Christ. Revel 90. Now the said Events plainly answer ●o those Intervals At the sound of the ●●rst Trumpet there follow●d Ha●l and ●ire mixt with Blood The Interval of his Trumpet is from the year of Christ`s Nativity 218 to the year 478 within ●hich space of time the Roman Empire ●●gan to be vexed with grievous Wars At ●●e ●●und of the second Trumpet a great ●●●ning Mountain was cast into the Sea ●nd t●e t●i●d part of the Sea it sel● wa●●●rn'd into Blood the interval of this ●rumpet is from the year 478 to the 738 ●i●hin which interval or space of time ●●●re was most cruel and hideous Wars in 〈◊〉 Roman Empire At the sound of the ●●i●d Trumpet a great Star fell from Hea●en upon those that were living and up●n the fountains of Waters and burned like a Lamp by reason whereof the waters were made bitter and killed many The interval of this Trumpet is from the year ●●8 to the year 998 by this Star● without all peradventure the Pope o● Rome is to be understood who within thi● interval advanced himself above all othe● Bishops whom he corrupted with himsel● At the sound of the fourth Trumpet fro● the year 998 to the year 1258 the thir● part of the Sun Moon and Stars wa● smitten and da●kened This doubtle● signifies that the Emperour and Empere● together with the Nobility and Princes o● the Empire should be very much eclipse● and darkned within this interval and th● too by the power of the Pope who i●●he same interval set himself above the ●●●perour 91. When the fifth Angel sounded 〈◊〉 Trumpet a Star fell f●om Heaven a●● to him was given the key of the bo●t●●●less pit c. And when the bottomless 〈◊〉 was open'd and a smoak ascended fro● thence and from that ●moak proc●ede● locusts u●on the Earth which c●uelly v●●●ed and tormented Mankind c●rt●●inly 〈◊〉 all these is meant the School Men and D●●ctors who have so miserably ga●l'd a●● disquieted Men with their p●rv●rse Opi●●nions and Controversies and infested the● with their sharp and venemous stings that many choose rather to die than to live and this happened ●rom the year 1258 to 1518 but their chief time was 5 Months viz. 150 years to wit from the year 1368 to 15●8 92. Lastly at the sound of t●e sixth Trumpet the four Angels bound at the River Euphrates are loosed which doubtless signifies the vast and mighty pow●r of the Turks which they had prepared 390 yea●s ago that is from the year 1228 and poured in upon E●rope like an inundation to slay the third pa●t of Mankind as it were the third part of the World and this began from the year 1518 whosoever doubts o● the truth hereof let him consult the Turk●sh Hi●●o●● and he will find how great success the Turk has had in Eur●pe and what progress he hath made ●rom that time to this very day 93. The inter●als of the Seals and Trumpets being known the myste●y of the seven Phials with the intervals o● every one of them unsolds and displays it self 94. For the interval of the last Trumpet comprehends th● interval● of all ●he seven Phials and the interval o● each P●ial contains 3● years 9● Therefore the intervals of the Phi●●s are thus computed The Interval of the first Phial from the Year 1518 to the Year 1558 1 And so of all the rest to the seventh 1592 2 1629 3 1666 4 1703 5 1740 6 1777 7 96. Now the event of these things wonderfully answers those Intervals for in the Year 1518 that is according to the vulgar Computation in the year 1515 which if we believe Uscherus fails of the true Computation three or four Years Luther was rais'd up who was as it were the first Phial poured out on the Earth of the Antichristian World for he did as it were sensibly touch the Kingdom of Antichrist from the top to the bottom again From the year 1558 to the year 1595 the second Phial was poured out for then the whole Sea of the Antichristian Wor●d became as the Blood of the Slain and thence began fierce and bloody Wars almost in all parts of the Antichristian Kingdom so that the very Sea seem'd to be dyed with Blood From the year 1592 to the year 1692 the third Phial was poured out upon the Rivers and Fountains of Water and they were turn'd into Blood And this also answers to the said Interval for certain Dukes and Noble-men were kill'd with the Sword under that Interval Again from the 1629 to the year 1666 the fourth Phial was pour'd out upon the Son of Antichrist because in that Interval Jesus Ch●ist the Son of Righteou●ness shone clearly in the Hearts of many which scorcht and burnt up those Men who had the mark of the Beast And from the year 1666 to the year 1703 the fifth Phial is poured out upon the Throne of the Beast which very thing is already begun wherefore we joyfully expect his Ruin and Downfal till the aforesaid year 1703. The effusion of the sixth Phial hath re●pect to the Slaughter and Destruction o● the Turks to make way for the Kings of the East that is the Iews and Israelites to return into their own Country Lastly the effusion of the seventh Phials bring utter destruction to the Kingdom of Antichrist and all the Enemies of the Gospel Babylon is utterly overthrown and New-Ierusalem appears as a Bride adorn'd for her Husband 97. But it remains that we explain what the four Beasts and 24. Elders are By four Beasts t is meant the whole Assembly of the Saints and term'd four from their four great Revolutions afore●mention'd and likened to four Beasts And by the 24 Elders are unde●stood the twelve Proph●●● and ●welve Apostles of Christ who are thos● P●ophets in the Law in the second Book of Esdras Chap. 1. where God expresly promised and nominated them together with Abraham Isaac and Iacob for Captains and Leaders to the Iewish and Israel●tish People when the Kingdom of God shall be restored to them 98. First of all therefore the Prophets shall be born into the World in the beginning of the Millenium who are the Captains and Ring leaders to all that shall be born afterwards and the Apostles shall be the last of all who shall remain on Earth to the coming of Christ. 99. But as touching Abraham Isaac and Iacob they are of an higher rank than the rest whether Prophets or Apostles 100. Moreover it is worth our diligent enquiry whether Isaac be
the second Face is of a Man therefore the number 666 is the number of a Man to wit containing 666 Years from the Year sin●e Christ's Nativity 1036 to the Year 1702 for about the said Year 1036 the second Beast whose number is here computed Ascended out of the Earth vix in the time when Gregory the seventh flourish't who Exalted himself above the Emperor 2 Seeing the Intrerval of every Seal except the seventh contains 333 Years hence it appears that from the Death and Resurrection of Christ to the first part of the Millenium there are about 2000 Years and therefore from Christ's Death and Resurrection to the end of the World there are about 3000 Years which confirms the aforesaid Chronology the same is also confirmed by the Intervals of the Trumpets 3. Now whereas the Interval of each Trumpet is 260 Years this doth not seem to want a mystery for so many days as it were doth the Infant remain in his Mothers Womb and in Esdras the Lodging Rooms or Chambers of the Soul are likened to the Womb of a W●man because then exactly in 260 Years the Soul is recall'd to live again in a Body of Flesh as it were at the sound of the Trumpet of God himself therefore the Interval of every Trumpet is 260 Years to which if 73 Years be added for the age of M●n in a Body of Flesh the sum will be 333 Years aforesaid 4. Mor●over God out of his great Goodn●ss and Wisdom has so decreed that Men should not live altogether and at one time a thousand Years compleat in the corrupt ●tate of a Carnal Body and it stands with the justice of God that they shall live the said thousand Years by parts for by the frequent Death of Men Mankind is better provided for and their Benefit and Advantage consulted for thus God often cuts off Men to plant and ingraft them anew Whereas if Men should at once live a thousand Years compleatly in the State of Corruption they would so degenerate that their Repentance and Salvation wo●ld be far more difficult 5. But if any shou●d demand to what purpose God should call his Saints to live in a Terrestrial and Carnal Body a thousand Years and whether it were not better for them and more desirable to them to remain with God in the Heavens I answer God knows better than we what is most conducive to our Profit and Advantage And therefore the Saints ought to live a thousand Years on Earth partly that they may receive a visible Reward from God in the sight of the Wicked and Ungodly to their greater shame confusion and Condemnation and partly and indeed chiefly that they may be prepared and quali●ied in that Millenium or thousand Years of Life to obtain so much and so great Glory as they shall be invested with when they shall ascend Bodily into Heaven A FEW QUESTIONS BY Way of Exposition ON Each Chapter of the Revelations of St. Iohn Wherein little or in a manner nothing except what pertains to the History is positively concluded but all are left to the free and Impartial Iu●gment and Ezamination of the lovers of Truth CHAP. I. QU●st 1. What may we understand by the seven Churches of Asia By Churches seven States of the Vniveersal Ch. to whom Iohn wrote Whether seven Churches then in being Or rather whether they were not seven States of the Universal Church from the time of our Saviour Christ's Resurrection to that so famous and noted time of the Restoration of all things called in sundry places of Scripture a Sabbath And in the old Testament prefigured under the common Sabbath of Days and Years Which if Iohn had intended of particular Churches then in Being why did he confine himself to a septenary Number● were there not in Asia more than seven Churches Again seeing he termed that which he wrote unto them a Prophesie which hath respect to the time to come this doth not seem to agree so well with certa●n particular Churches then in being as with the Universal Church understood by seven States or Conditions this Church was in for the space of 2000 Years and seeing a septenary number is a mystical Number whether or no this doth not seem to be adapted to the Mystery of the seven Spirits Stars or Angels Quest. 2. Who are we to understand by the seven Angels of the seven Churches Whether are they Presidents or Pastors or Angels properly so called having distinct Administrations over those Churches For it appears from D●niel and other places of Scripture that they were set over Kingdoms and Nations as God`s Vicegerents Why not then over Churches Seeing they are call'd mi●●●t●●ng Spi●its sent out to minister t● all those who shall be Heirs of Salvation He● 1.14 And Heb. 2.5 it is 〈◊〉 unto the Angels he hath not as y●t put in subjection the World to come Whether or no this doth not intimate that this present World is subject to Angels but the World to come only subject to God and Christ And lastly seeing the Kingdoms of this World have their Ages and periods of time the Church will likewise have her Ages and Periods And why may not peculiar Angels be understood to preside and govern in particular Ages of the Church appointed and ordained by the most high to execute that Function CHAP. II. QUest 3. Whether or no the interval of the Church * The Church of Ephesus from the year 1● to the year ●●● since Christs Resu●rection of Ephesus according to the a●ores●id Hypoth●sis will not contain 33●● years from the Resurrection of Christ and in like manner the Church of Smyrna the same and so understand o● the rest except the Church of Laodic●a concerning which it may be qu●stioned whether it doth no● belong to the interval of the Church of Philadelphia For in respect of its State and Condition where●of Iohn gave an excellent description it extends to the Sabbath of the World Then whether the Church of Laodicea will no● have the same interval of time with it tho● it be not the same with the said Church but widely different from it Who are to be understood by the Church of Laodicea ● but certain luke-warm professours of the Christian Religion having a great notion and profession of the truth but possessing in a manner nothing of the Life and Power of it And doth not this clearly appear from the signification of the Words Philad●lphia and Laodice● For Philadelphia signifies the love of the Brethren including certain Christian Virtues but Laodicea imports as much as popular Justice which for the most part is in a manner none at all● Furthermore by the same Reason th● whole interval of two thousand years may be distributed into six equal parts● whereof each will contain 333 years and ⅓ of a year Whether is it not more consentaneous to reason that those intervals of the Churches be equally divided if the Historical events of them do better agree with these
and Hail signifie great Strife and Contention that arose among the Members of the Church within this Interval which indeed did very much injure and prejudice the tender Branches of Celestial and Divine Life among Christians as Iohn said the third part of the Trees were consumed with Fire and all the green * Grass Grass was burnt up Now by the † Trees Trees are not the stronger and as it were ●ounder Christians to be understood and by the Grass such as are more feeble and unsound And how exactly do these Predictions agree with the first Interval of the seven Trumpets viz. from the year of Christ's Nativity 214 to the year 474 For how miserably during all this time was the Church afflicted with the Debates and Controversies of divers Bishops and Presbyters that erred from the true Faith of Christ such as were Novatus Sabellius Samosatenus * Authors of Heresie Manes Arrius Donatus Macedonius Apollinaris Pelagius Nestorius Eutyches all these were so many principal Authors of Sects and Heresies within this Interval whose Heresies and false Opinions wherewith they broke the peace of the Church would be too tedious here to recite † Fire mixt with Blood And was it not Fire mixt with Blood when many of those Sects and Heresies killed others call'd Christians and their Brethren with the Sword Quest. 46. What ought we to understand by the great * The Mountain cast into the Sea Mountain cast into the Sea by which the third part of the Sea turn'd into Blood within the Interval of the second † The second Trumpet Trumpet from the year 474 to the year 734 Doth not this apparently signifie the Defection and Apostasie of many ●rom the Christian Faith which seemed like some great Mountain as the Roman Church was at that time And behold how this great Mountain burns with the Fire of Envy and Malice and tumbles into the Sea and turns the third part thereof into Blood involving a great part of the Roman Empire in Destruction War and Blood-shed as indeed it f●ll out For in the greatest part of this Interval much Blood was spilt insomuch that Rome was burnt and pillag'd about the year 550 by Totila and all Italy about that time was miserably wasted and destroyed by the Goths and Lombards are not all these most just punishments in●licted by God on the Roman Church for their Apostasie And that she lifted her self above all other Churches and set up her Bishops above all other Bishops of the World and this proud Usurpation of the Roman Bishops over others quickly began after the days of Zosimus Boniface the first and Coele●tine the first who assumed to themselves this P●eheminence and Authority over their Brethren a little mo●e than 400 Years after the Birth of Christ yet could not absolutely obtain it untill the Year 606 when Boniface the third was constituted the first Universal Bishop over all Churches by the Authority of Phocas who killed his Master the Emperor Mauritius and by villainy assumed his place Quest. 47. What may we understand by the great Star * What the great Star mean● falling from Heaven on the Rivers of Water and turning the Waters into Wormwood within the Interval of the third Trumpet viz. From the Year 734 to the Year 994 was it not a greater degree of Apostasie the great Star that fell from Heaven on the Rive●s signifying some evil Angel inspiring the Doctors and Preachers of the Roman Church with the worst and most pernicious Doctrines which Doctrines certainly were like to Wormwood for bitternes● And did not this evidently come to pass at what time the Bishops and Doctors of the Roman Church eagerly preach'd up the Pope's Supremacy and Jurisdiction above all other Bishops likewise they set up and established a multitude of humane Traditions as Masses to be said for the Dead that Men should be confin'd by an Oath or a Vow to a Monastical Life that Priests ought not to Marry with many more of the like nature Besides also within this Interval the Popes and Bishops of Rome did mightily promote the Adoration and Worship of Images and thus not without great reason was the third part of the Waters said to be turn'd into Wormwood and it is affirmed that many dyed by drinking those bitter waters But some there were preserv'd alive who did not drink of those bitter waters but of the pure Water of the word of eternal Life and sound Doctrine and indeed these were the Witnesses of God in those corrupt times such as were Adelbertus a French-Man Clement and Samson Scotch-Men with sundry others in divers Kindoms and Provinces of the World Quest. 48. How must we understand that the third part of the Sun Moon and Stars were smitten within the Interval of the fourth Trumpet viz. From the Year 994 to the Year 1254 Doth not this signifie that the Grandure and Majesty of Emperors and Christian Kings should be very much eclipsed within this Interval And did not this certainly come to pass when the Pope challeng'd to himself and proudly usurp'd Power and Authority over divers Emperors Kings and Princes in the whole Christian VVorld And indeed obtained it Gregory the seventh otherw●se call'd Hildebrand excommunicates an● deposes the Emperor Henry the fourth abou● the year of Ch●ist 1073. About the yea● 1100 Paschal the second ceases to recko● the date by the years of the Empire b●● contra●y to the ancient custom begins ● new Account from the Popes ex gr Sayin● in this year of th●s or that Pope instead o● this or that Emperor Pope Hadrian th● fourth bestowed ●reland upon Henry the se●cond King of England as a Gift for whic● the said Henry became tributary to the Pope● and every Family in the whole Kingdom wa● oblig'd to pay to the Pope one Penny per ann● Pope Alexand●● alias Barbarossa set hi● Foot upon the Neck of Fr●derick the Emperor Innocent the third takes care to constitute Otho Emperor and afterwards ex●communicates him I●hn King of Englan● was deposed by the Pope and as some affirm poyson'd at last by some o● the Pope's Emissaries Gregory th● Ninth Gregory the Ninth An. 1233. who was Pope abou● the year 12●3 said there wer● two g●eat Lights the Pope and the Em●pe●or the Pope like the Sun and the Em●peror as the Moon this so vexed the Em●peror that he call'd the Pope Antichrist Likewise about the year 124● Frederi●● was deposed by the Pope's Authority 〈◊〉 not all these Transactions wi●h many mo●● clearly explain to us the effects of the † The fourth Trumpet fourth Trumpet Quest. 49. What may we understand by the Star that * A Star falling on the Earth The fi●th Trumpet fell from Heaven to the Earth within the Interval of the fifth Trumpet to which was given the Key of the bottomless Pit and a●ter the bottomless P●t was opened there arose a smoake from thence c. And what may be thought the
Is not this Holy City the true Church of God purely reformed and purged from all Antichristian Pollutions which is signified by Philadelphia Moreover will not the Iews and Israelites after their conversion to the Christian Faith make up a good part of this Church of Philadelphia and who peradventure will have a great or it may be the chiefest share in these sufferings And beca●se the 42 Months belong unto the Interval of the sixth Trump●● as is evident from the Revelations is it not impossible for those Months to signifie so many Years as there are days contain'd in all the sa●d Months viz 12●0 whereas the whole Interval of the sixth Trumpet contains but 260 Years Again if those 42 Months should contain 1260 Years they would certainly make this great Persecution to be inflicted on the Church within the seventh Mill●nn●um of the World which is very absurd therefore are not those 42 Months p●operly to be understood of common Months making up three Years and an half which indeed is a short but a sharp time in which will happen the last Persecution the Church shall ever undergo And doth not Daniel at the end of the eleventh Chapter and beginning of the eighteenth plainly touch upon the manner of this P●rsecution And will not the chief Author of this Persecution be that King describ'd Daniel T●● King descr●b●d in Daniel 16.36 to the end of the Chapter whom Iohn in his Revelations calleth the seventh King yet to come and it is said of him when he com●th that he shall remain but a short time Quest. 58. What are those two Witnesses cloath'd in Sackcloth who shall prophesie during the whole time of the last Persecution 12●0 Days Sh●l they not be Moses and Elias raised up to live again in a Body upon Earth And is not this clearly enough hinted in these words of Iohn Ch. 11. viz. that they shall have Power to shut up Heaven Their Power that it shall not rain in the days of their P●ophecy as they did in times past and to turn the Waters into Blood and to smite the Earth with Plagues as often as they li●t even as Moses did heretofore Quest. 59. And why should it be thought incredible that Moses and Elias should come again into the World when as it sufficiently appears from Scripture as well from the Book of Revelations as from other places of Scripture that all the Saints shall come again into the World within the Millennium And whereas Iohn says 144000 Isra●●lites were to be the fir●● Fruits of this Kingdom and glorious State will not Moses and Elias belong unto those first Fruits Mo●eover as touchi●● Elias did not Christ ●ay ●hat Elias should come or that he came and restored ●ll ●hings after the ●eath o● Iohn the Baptist ● whom he called E●ias And finally why were Moses and Elias ●een with Chri●● in the Moun● at his Transfiguration before he had suffer'd death Was it not to signifie that they should be nearest to Christ and the very next after him who should obtain the Resurrection from the Dead and in like manner ascend into Heaven unto him Quest. 60. Shall not those two Prophets be really slain and suffer a corporal Death as Christ really did and after three days and an half shall they not rise again from the Dead even as Christ arose on the third day And why should Men betake themselves to a mee● Allegoral Sense of the words touching the Death Resurrection of these two Witnesses when as the proper and literal Sence of the words is sound and contains no Absurdity but tends greatly to demonstrate divine Glory and Omnipotence Quest. 61. What is that great City spiritually call'd Sodom and Eg●pt What Sodo● and ●gypt is where also our Lord was Crucified wherein the Bodies of the t●o Witnesses which were slain lay unburied th●ee days and an half May not thi● be the place where Christ was externally Crucified And may not ●ome great City be built the●e and stand in the ●ame place at that time And may not some great Mystery be coucht under it viz. That Moses and Elias should be slain in the same place where Ch●ist was slain and afterwards to be rai●ed up again tho' they were killed about 1740 years apart And it appears from History that Elias Adrian built there a City upon the Mountain to wit Golgotha where Christ was Crucified and call'd it Elias but the Chr●st●ans call'd it Ierusalem and so it is call'd to this day now under the power of the Turks And doth it not also appear from Dan. 11. v. 4. That the King who shall immedia●ely follow upon the Iews Conversion to the Chri●●ian Faith shall inhabit Ierusalem which he calls the Holy Mountain of Beauty and Delight Situated between the Seas for this place was commonly held as an Holy place and really seated between the Sea● Quest. 62. To what time is the killing of the two VVitnesses and their Resurrection to be Referred Is it not to be Referred to the three last Years and an half immediat●ly preceedi●g the Millennium because the Resurrection and Ascension of the two VVitnesses is joyned with the Sound of the seventh Trumpet also in Dan. 12. that time wherein Michael shall stand up for the Salvation of the Iewish People is joyned with the first Resurrection of the Dead Quest. 63. VVill not the Sound of the seventh Trumpet introduce that famous and renouned Millennium The Sound of the seventh Trumpet and the first Resurrection from the Dead in its due order viz. From the Year of Christ's Resurrection 1740 From 1740 to 2000 viz. From the Resurrection of the Dead to about the Year 2000 the Interval of the seventh and last Trumpe● containing the same number of Years as the rest above-cited to wit 260 and all the Intervals of the seven Trumpets together with the half hours silence do comprehend 2000 years For 260 multiplyed by 7 produces 1820 The duration of e●ery Trumpet is 260 Years to which if 180 the said number as it were of the half hours silence be added the Sum is 2000. And do not the words of Iohn in chap. 11. v. 15. manifestly declare that the beginning of the Millennium and the first Resurrection is to be taken from the beginning of the seventh Trumpet For he saith in the place here cited The seventh Angel sounded and there were great Voic●s in Heaven saying The Kingdoms of the World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ who shall reign for ever and ever c. Read to the end of the Cha●ter and especially Verse 18. And the Nati●ns were angry and thy Wrath is c●m● and the time of the Dead ●hat they should be judged and that th●u sh●uldst give Reward unto thy ●ervan●s the P●ophe●s and to thy Saints and to them that fear thy name small and great and sh●uld'st destroy them that d●st●●y the Earth c. Quest. 64. Was not that Vision des●rib'd by
Iohn ch 12. The Vision Ch. 12. Contemporary with ch 8. Synchronical or happening at the same Interval of time with the aforesaid Vision of the half Hours silence and the seven Trumpets And is not the Woman here describ'd the Church and her Male-Child the Life of Christ or the true Spirit o● Christianity brought forth in the New-Birth or Spiritual Regeneration And was not this Spirit or Life of Christ most clearly revealed and brought forth in those Primitive times for the space of 300 Years and more after Christ's Resurrection and Ascens●on into Heaven And is not that great red Dragon the Devil And are not his seven Heads seven Monarchies or Kingdoms orderly succeeding each other● whereof five were elapsed before I●hn's time And finally Doth not the Tail of this Dragon signifie the false Prophets even as that true Prophet had said The Pr●phet that teaches Lyes is the Tail Moreover this Tail drew the third part of the Stars of Heaven● and cast them on the Earth Doth not this signifie some great number of Professors of the Christian Religion but of little Stability who did not persist or remain in the Truth or Life of what they professed Quest. 65. What is signified by the Woman ●lying into the Wilderness Is it not a ce●tain solitary and obscure State the Church of God shall come into wherein the true Champions and Defenders of Christianity were very much dispersed and as it were in the Wilderness or hid in a Wood and making but little outward Show or Appearance and but little obvious to the external Observation as it was in the days of Elias who thought himself to be left alone but God told him he had 7000 who had not bowed the Knee to Baal Quest. 66. How much is that time of 1260 Days wherein the Woman fled into the Wilderness Doth it not contain 1260 common Years For in Scripture a day is sometimes taken for a year in a Prophetical or a Mystical Se●c● And doth not experience it self● and Ecclesiastical Histories conspicuously demonstrate for some Ages back that this solita●y and obscure State of the Chu●ch has been continued for above 120● Years already past and that by reason of Antichristian Darkness and Tyranny And doth not that time of 1260 Years expire at the beginning of the Interval of the Philadelphian Church which falls in the year of Christ's Resu●rection 1●6● o● in the year of his Nativity 1700 Therefore will not the afo●esaid time of 1260 Years begin ●t the year of Christ's Nativity 440 A●d indeed about the same time viz. 440 Years after Christ's Nativity the W●st●rn Empire almo●● totally fell together and in the Fall of it was divide● into ten le●ser Empires or Kingdoms which are called by Iohn the ten Horns of the Beast and these Horns miserably smote the Servants of God here and there dispersed Q●est 67. About what time shall Michael ●nd his Angels overcome the Dragon and his Angels A●d when will that Dragon and his Angels be cast down to the Earth and the Saints overcome them in the Blood of the Lamb and the word of his Testimony Will not that time be about the end of the 1260 Years afore-mentioned And that the Dragon shall be cast down from Heaven unto the Earth doth not this signifie that the Church is here pu● for Heaven and shall enjoy both outward and inward Peace and Tranquility and be f●ee from Calamities ●or a considerable time a●ter the ●erm of 1260 Years is expir'd And doth not the casting of the Dragon down unto the Earth signifie his power which he will have over Carnal Men and such only as are Earthly wise whereby he will cause horrid and detestable Wars to arise among them And finally will not the Church about this time appear going out of the Wilderness and Satan the Accuser of the Brethren be cast down that he may not accuse them of Heresie Sedition and other crimes of the like nature as he hath formerly done Moreover shall not this time during which the Church shall enjoy outward Peace remain for some time as it were about 70 Years whilest the remaining part of Mortals shall be exceedingly pressed with Wars and many and great Calamities Quest. 68. And shall not the Church after she is return'd ou● of the Wilderness and hath for a good season enjoy'd outward Peace and Tranquility fly the second time into the Wildernes● And is not this second ●light of the Church cl●arly enough describ'd v. 14 And wherefore is it said that in her second flight ●●e had two Wings of an Eagle given her unless it be to denote the v●locity or swiftness of her flight and return And therefore will no● the time of this second flight be of a short continuance viz. 1260 Days even as the ti●e of her first flight had been long and tedious to wit 1260 Years whereas i● both times had consisted of 1260 Years it would certainly have made the last flight of the Church to have happen'd within that most happy age of the World the future Millennium which is very absurd Moreover is not the time of this second flight viz 1260 Days the very same with that wherein the two Prophet● should Prophesie cloath'd in Sack cloth and the Holy City be trodden under foot Quest. 69. What is signified by that where the Earth helped the Woman and opened her Mouth and swallowed up the Flood which the Dragon cast out of his Mouth Is it not thus to be understood to wit that the Flood of the Dragon's Wrath fell on some other People and those as well Heathens and professed In●idels as Christians falsly so call'd that were only nominal and titular who made War one upon another that so the Church might with more ease and facility slip out of the Jaws of the Dragon CHAP. XIII QUest ●0 What is that Beast which Iohn saw arise out of the Sea having seven Heads and ten Horn● Doth not this Bea●t signifie the Body of 7 great Monarchies whereof 5 Heads we●e even then expired be●ore Iohn's time Revel 17. and two remained to come Moreover are not those which were already past before Iohn's time these ●ollowing that is to say the first the Egyptian M●narchy under which the Iewish Church or Israelitish People suffer'd much in times past and therefore the Subversion and Overthrow of Pharaoh and his Army in the red Sea is call'd in Scri●ture the wounding of the Dragon the second the Assyrian Monarchy ● under which the ten T●ibes were put ●n●o Exile the third the Babylonish M●narchy whereof Nebuchadnezzar was Head who led the other two Tribes Captive into Babylon and destroyed the Temple and City of Ierusalem the ●ourth the Monarchy of the Medes and Persians the fifth was the Graecian Monarchy whose Head was Alexander call'd the Great which five Heads or Monarchies fell before Iohn's time Therefore is not the sixth Head the Roman Monarchy which in Iohn's time only remained The seventh Head Quest.