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A35274 The resurrection of the witnesses and Englands fall from (the mystical Babylon) Rome clearly demonstrated to be accomplished, whereby great encouragement is administred to all saints, but especially to the saints in England, in the handling of a part of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation / by M. Cary ... Cary, Mary. 1648 (1648) Wing C737A; ESTC R33344 91,608 233

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feet were as the feet of a Bear and his mouth as the mouth of a Lion and the Dragon gave him his power and seat and great authority And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the Beast and they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast and they worshipped the Beast saying Who is like unto the Beast Who is able to make war with him And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue fourty and two months And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwelt in heaven And it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world The third place where the enemies of the Temple and the holy City viz. The Saints are described is Rev. 17. 3 4 5 6. as it followeth And I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured Beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns and the woman was arraied in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stone and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthinesse of her fornication and upon her forehead was a name written MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH And I saw the woman drunken with the bloud of the Saints and with the bloud of the Martyrs of Jesus and when I saw her I wondred with great admiration Thus now the enemies of the Church the Temple or holy City which in the text in hand are only described by this word the Gentiles in these passages are more largely characterized But these expressions used in these descriptions of these enemies being for the most part very mysterious we have these mysteries opened and unveiled in the 17. Chap. from the 7 vers to the end of the Chapter as it followes And the Angel said unto me wherefore didst thou marvel I will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of the Beast that carrieth her which hath the seven heads and ten horns The Beast that thou sawest was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomelesse pit and goe into perdition and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the World when they behold the Beast that was and is not and yet is And here is the minde which hath wisdome The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth and there are seven Kings five are fallen and one is and the other is not yet come and when he commeth he must continue a short space And the Beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and is of the seven and goeth into perdition And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings which have received no Kindome as yet but receive power as Kings one hour with the Beast These have one minde and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast These shall make warre with the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithfull And he saith unto me the waters which thou sawest where the Whore sitteth are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the Beast these shall hate the Whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire for God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and give their Kingdom unto the Beast untill the words of God shall be fulfilled And the woman which thou sawest is that great City which reigneth over the Kings of the Earth In these words we have the mysterie opened of what is delivered in the 12 13 and 17. Chapters concerning the Beast and the Woman and the Heads and the Horns and the many waters which are all mysterious expressions and hard to be understood as those were Dan. 7. from the 1 to the 9 ver untill the interpretation was given to Daniel at the 16 verse and so on but the Angel having in this 17 Chap. opened these mysteries now the meaning of them is more apparent So that First If it be queried What is the Beast We have it answered verse 8. in these words The Beast that thou sawest was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomlesse pit and go into perdition Now by comparing this with some passages in the 12 and 13. Chapters we shall plainly see what the Beast is In the 11. Chap. at the 9 verse the Dragon there mentioned is said to be That old serpent called the Devill and Satan which deceiveth the whole world And in the 13. Chap. at the 1 and 2. verses it is said That a Beast did rise up out of the Sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten Crowns and upon his heads the names of blasphemy and the Beast was like unto a Leopard and his feet were as the feet of a Bear and his mouth as the mouth of a Lion and the Dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority So then The Beast that hath seven heads and ten horns and is like unto a Leopard c. is some wicked one in whom the devil raigns who hath power and a seat and great authority in the earth which power and seat and great authority was given unto him of the devil And though that wicked one that hath that devilish power and authority be distinct from the devil as he that receives is distinct from him that gives yet they are so one as the devill is said to be in the Beast for what the Beast is said to doe the devill is said to doe for in the 13. Chapter at the 7 vers it is the Beast that is said to make war with Saints but in the 12. Chapter at the 17 verse the devill is said to doe it And again they are so one as the Beast is said to be the devill and therefore when the Angel comes to declare what the Beast is in the fore-mentioned place saies he The Beast shall ascend out of the bottomlesse pit It is not said he shall receive his authority from him that ascends out of the bottomlesse pit though that be the meaning of it as before appears but He shall ascend out of the bottomlesse pit to shew the onenesse of the devil and the Beast Thus the mysterie of the Beast is unfolded and it appears that the Beast is a wicked one that hath
a devilish power and authority and is one with the devil This is he of whom it is said All the world wondered after the Beast and worshipped the Dragon that gave power unto the Beast and worshipped the Beast saying Who is like unto the Beast Who is able to make warre with him And of whom it was said That there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue fourty and two months c. As you have it pages 46 and 47. But secondly If it be queried What that Woman is that is said Chapter 17. 3. to sit upon this Beast We have an Answer to this in the 18 verse of this 17. Chapter in these words And the Woman which thou sawest is that great City which raigneth over the Kings of the earth Now what that great City was that did then raign over the Kings of the earth though it were not so apparent in severall other histories as it is yet the Scriptures could sufficiently inform us for it informs us that Tribute was paid to Caesar Matth. 22. 17. And that because Caesar was he that raigned over the kings of the earth the Jews said to Pilate If thou let this man go thou art not Caesars friend And that Paul appealed to Caesar as being the highest authority that then was as appears Acts 25. 10 11. Now the place where Caesars royall seat was then was the City of Rome as appears in that Paul was sent thither So that Rome was the City that then raigned over the Kings of the earth And therefore it was that it was accounted such a priviledge to be a Roman Acts 22. 25 26. Now since it is clear in Scripture and all histories do acknowledge it that Rome was the great City that raigned over the Kings of the earth Then it appears That Rome is that Woman that is said to sit upon the Beast Now this being apparent it doth appear the more clearly what the Beast is It was clear before That the Beast was a wicked one in whom the Devill raigned that had received power and a seat and great Authority from the Devil but it did not so clearly appear who that wicked one in particular is But here it appears that it is particularly he upon whom the City of Rome sitteth he that supports it Now it is apparent that it is that wicked one the Pope that is the support of the cursed City He it is that bears her up in her pompe and pride and filthy abominable Sodomiticall practises He is the Beast upon which that great Whore sitteth And the City of Rome hath been and to this day is such a fountain of filthinesse and whoredoms and all cursed abominations as this name appears so perspicuously in her forehead as he that runs may reade it MYSTERIE BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH And it is apparent that She is drunken with the blood of Saints and the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus But thirdly If the Question be What the seven heads of the Beast are The Angel gives an answer to that at the 9 verse of the 17. Chapter The seven heads are seven mountains upon which the Woman sitteth The Woman being the City of Rome the seven heads of the Beast are said to be the seven mountains upon which that City was built And with this Historians agree 〈◊〉 say that the City of Rome was founded upon seven mountains Now these may as properly be said to be the seven heads of the Beast as the ten Kings may be said to be his ten horns as will appear by and by Fourthly If it should be enquired What the ten horns are mentioned Chap. 12. 3. and 13. 1. 17. 3 The Angel answers that in the 12 verse of the seventeen Chapter in these words And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings which have received no Kingdome as yet but receive power as kings one hour with the Beast These have one minde and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast these shall make war with the Lamb c. In these words the Angel unveils this also and tels us that those which are mysteriously exprest by the ten horns of the Beast are the ten Kings which did give up their power and strength unto the Beast with one consent one mind and thus it came to passe for when the devil gave the Pope that power and authority whereby the Emperor of Rome was subjected to him then the ten Kingdomes that were under Rome did likewise willingly give up their power to him also and were subjected to the Beast and as he so they also made warre with the Lamb the Lord Jesus in his Saints and so became the ten horns of the Beast by which he became the more dreadfull and terrible for he had not been so dreadful if he had but only had the strength of his seven heads of that great City that is seated upon seven hils but having these ten horns also these ten Kingdoms he was become very terrible But fifthly If it should be queried What the many waters are upon which the Woman sitteth mentioned Chap. 17. 1. 13. 1 The Angel answers that also in the 15. verse of the 17. Chapter in these words The waters which thou sawest where the Whore sitteth are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues So that this is not left in the mysterie neither but the Angel plainly declares That by the waters is meant the peoples and nations and multitudes and tongues And the Whore is said to sit upon them because they have willingly subjected themselves unto her to be as it were vassals to her Now by this time it appears from these 12 13 and 17. Chapters what those Gentiles mentioned in the text to whom the Temple and the holy City was given are in particular for it appears that as though the Church of old had many enemies yet they were particularly given to the Babylonians the Chaldeans So now the Church is particularly given to be trodden under foot of mysticall Babylon Rome and of that wicked one the Pope that hath received from the devil his power and his seat and great authority Now that these particular enemies did as the text declares Tread the holy City under foot appears also in these following passages Rev. 12. 13 14 15. The Dragon persecuted the Woman which brought forth a man-childe and to the Woman were given two wings of a great Eagle that she might flee into the wildernesse into her place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the face of the serpent and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the Woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood That by the Dragon here mentioned is meant the Pope who is one with him appears page 49. 50. Now he is here said to persecute
in sackcloth is expired First It may be some cannot receive it because they look for farther judgements to come upon this Kingdome wherein outwardly the Saints may suffer also because of the great provoking sins of this Kingdom as drunkennesse and adulteries and oaths and their entering into so many Covenants concerning religious things for which they have no sufficient warrant now in the times of the Gospel and the oppressions of the poor and meaner sort of people and the great neglect of doing justice generally c. Now to these I say That it is true that if God should deal with this Nation according to its demerits then indeed no other could be expected but an utter desolation of it that it might either swim in bloud or burn with fire untill it were consumed But First I desire you to consider That God hath a very great number of his dear Saints in this Kingdom in whom he delights and for whose sake he may and I had almost said will spare this Kingdome and spare the Cities and Towns and Counties where they are for if God would have spared Sodome for ten righteous persons we have a great ground of hope that he will spare London yea all England from a generall devastation and desolation having thousands of righteous persons in London and in all England a very great number And how many plots of wicked men wherein they endeavoured the ruine of this Kingdome hath God blasted Having such a great number of his precious jewels in it And secondly What though h●ere be in this Kingdome many that are great enemies to Jesus Christ yet God can by his Covenant of Grace bring many of them in to the obedience of Christ and make them of persecutors to become eminent Saints and call those his people that were not his people And why should we doubt whether he would do so since these are the times wherein he hath promised to do so and hath already begun to doe it But Thirdly If it be so that some are hardned to destruction and they are never quiet but still are plotting against the just to ruine them yet know they shall not prevail over the Saints but in opposing them shall ruine themselves Zech. 12. 3. as appears in the following Discourse Secondly Doubtfull thoughts may be in others that yet the Saints may be overcome because they see they have so many enemies abroad and at home and they are speaking great words and are still plotting against them To such I say Let them suppose that there were none that did dare to make any opposisition at all in this Kingdome but that all things went smoothly on in the hands of those that are carrying it on and if they could then beleeve that indeed God would not have his Saints in this Kingdome to be troden under foot by the Beast any more Then let them have the same faith to beleeve it now as knowing it is as easie with God to carry on this work over the mountains as over the plains and he will make the great mountain to become a plain before Zerubbabel before his people Zech. 4. 7. He can command those that are preparing warre against them to sit still and proceed no farther and put a fear upon them or if they doe goe on yet he can make it to come to nothing and to be the most effectual way to lay them lower and to raise his people higher Now if any particular man would be as sure of safety as all the Witnesses in generall are then if he be a man in any publike imploiment let him according to his place oppose the Beast and act for the welfare of all that wish well to Sion and doe justice unto all from the highest unto the lowest and be more forward to act for the meanest then for the highest Let him suppose the condition of the meanest man that seeks to him for just things to be his own condition and act for him as hee would be dealt with himself were he in that condition for thus relieving of the poor and distressed ones is most acceptable to the Lord of Sabbath and in so doing I am confident it will go well with him however it go with others Again If he be a private man let him also in his place wish well to Sion and oppose the Beast so shall he also prosper in the prosperity of Sion And now Reader who ever thou art if thou dost receive any benefit of any kinde by reading the ensuing Discourse whether of encouragement consolation information or quickning I beseech thee to return all the glory of it to the most High to whom alone it is due who for that end made use of so weak an instrument in whom if thou be a friend to the Lord Jesus Christ I am Thy friend 〈◊〉 serve thee M. Cary. Revel Chap. 11. from Vers 1. to 14. Verse 1. AND there was given me a reed like a rod and the Angel stood saying Rise and measure the Temple of God and the Altar and them that worship therein 2. But the Court which is without the Temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy City shall they tread under foot fourty and two months 3. And I will give power unto my two Witnesses and they shall prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth 4. These are the two Olive-trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth 5. And if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies and if any man wil hurt them he must in this manner be killed 6. These have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the daies of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to bloud and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will 7. And when they shal have finished their testimony the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomlesse pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them 8. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Aegypt where also our Lord was crucified 9. And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three daies and an half and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves 10. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoyce over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two Prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth 11. And after three daies and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them which saw them 12. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them Come up hither And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them 13. And the same hour was there a great
into them did hear a voice from the Churches of Christ from most of the Saints wherein they expressed their great affection to them and owned them and embraced them in their societies They said unto them Come up hither and they again mutually embraced them they went into the Heavenly societies of the Saints they ascended up to that Heaven but it was in a cloud it was not clearly seen of men but though not clearly yet it was seen by them for their enemies beheld them their enemies beheld them though in a cloud in an obscure manner And thus it was with those Saints that were in the Army on the Parliament side as before they stood upon their feet and prevailed against their enemies they had the praiers of all other Saints so afterward were they with great affection received into the societies of Saints and embraced by them and this did appear to their enemies though not very clearly Vers 13. And the same hour was there a great earth-quake The Kingdome of the Beast being called the earth it is that earth of whom this earth-quake is spoken Now this earth-quake is said to be the same hour when the Witnesses being risen from the dead did ascend into the societies of the Saints and were by them received and embraced in that same hour there was a great earth-quake The state of the Beast hath been shaken before The Witnesses have made a former earth-quake in the Kingdom of the Beast which was mentioned Chap. 7. 5. but that is not said to be a great earth-quake but this is said to be a great earth-quake And indeed this was a greater earth-quake a greater shaking to the Kingdome of the Beast then any that hath been before it as doth appear by the effects of it mentioned in this verse Though it is true this is not the greatest earth-quake that shall come on the Kingdome of the Beast for there shall be a farre greater earth-quake that shall come upon it as appears Chap. 16. 18. yet this was a very great earth-quake a very great shaking to the Kingdome of the Beast For in this earth-quake The tenth part of the City fell This word The City hath reference unto a City formerly mentioned in this Chapter and that is vers 8. and it is there so plainly described as it doth evidently appear to be the mystical Babylon And the tenth part The ten Kingdomes that were the ten horns of the Beast were ten severall parts of mysticall Babylon which did raign over them So that England being one of them was a tenth part of mystical Babylon And a tenth part of the City fell This was one of the effects of the earth-quake which was occasioned by the resurrection of the Witnesses the Saints in England it did so shake the great Babylon of the Beast as a tenth part of it fell And this most exactly came to passe in the year of the Resurrection of the Witnesses 1645. for then did the Kingdome of England which was a tenth part of great Babylon fall from Rome for then was that removed from it whereby it had continued to be a part of Babylon the place of Saints slavery namely the power of men over the consciences of Saints For after the Army which was for the Witnesses stood upon their feet in 1645. they so cast of that power that men had had over their consciences and over their persons and estates for their conscience sake as it was not possible for the Beast nor any of his Adherents to recover that power again over the consciences of the Saints in this Kingdome though they did with all their strength and greatest industry endeavour it afterwards for the Witnesses then standing upon their feet there was such an earth-quake great Babylon was so shaken as England fell from it the yoke of bondage which was upon the consciences of Saints in England was then cast off And this was one effect of the great earth-quake which there was in mysticall Babylon at the resurrection of the Witnesses that England fell from it Thus England is fallen from the great Whore mystical Babylon and is become a president to the other Kingdoms who must all in time cast off the yoke of bondage under which they are and hate the Whore and make her desolate and naked c. Revel 17. 16. And in the earth-quake were slain of men seven thousand This was another effect of the earth-quake that as a tenth part of the City fell so there were slain of men seven thousand What is meant by the fall of the tenth part of the City is already apparent and it is not the material falling of a tenth part of any material City but the mystical falling of the tenth part of a mysticall City And sutable to this is the meaning of this slaying of seven thousand men not by the material falling of any part of a material City But the earth-quake being a mysticall shaking of mystical Babylon this is a mystical slaying of seven thousand men whereby they die mystically that is cease to live any longer to mystical Babylon being by beholding the great victory which the Saints had over the Beast converted and fallen off from the Beast which seven thousand men were before either secretly or openly lovers and worshippers of the Beast But it may be objected How doth it appear that seven thousand men or persons were so converted by the resurrection of the Witnesses Answ Though it doe not visibly appear to the outward eyes of any yet it is sufficient to perswade me and should be to perswade all Saints to believe it in that this Scripture this oracle of Heaven saith it When there was no true worshippers of God in Israel that were visible to Elijah the Prophet and that then the Lord telling him that he had left seven thousand in Israel who had not bowed the knee to Baal nor had kissed him with the mouth it was sufficient to perswade Elijah to believe it although not one of those seven thousand did visibly appear to him Therefore much more ought Saints now not to question the truth of this that seven thousand are in this mysticall earth-quake mystically slaine though it be not altogether so visible to us as other things are because this Scripture saies it And besides what the Scripture saies in it there is a probability of it for it is very probable that many are convinced that the Witnesses the Saints are Gods people and those that sight against them are enemies of God and doe fight against God I say it is probable that many are convinced of this because God hath so owned his people and given them such victory over those vile wretches that did oppose them and formerly reproach them and say Where is your God And now God appearing to be for them when the enemy were come to such a height of impiety and insolency there is no question but that many were convinced by it and fell from the Beast
holy one into others the Spirit as it floweth from them sometimes penitrates into those that are strangers aliens to Jesus Christ whereby they are brought home to the imbraces of Jesus Christ and then Saints are excellent in their eyes also And so David cals them Psal 16. 2 3. My goodnesse extendeth not to thee but to the Saints that are in the earth and to the excellent in whom is all my delight And excellent they are Secondly Because they are not only as Olive-trees but as Candle-sticks For as it is said of Jesus Christ so it is said of them They are the light of the world Mat. 5. 14. They are as light shining in a dark place Now how precious is light to them that are continually in a sensible darknesse Light is one of the most precious things in the world it puts a beauty upon other things it chears and comforts the heart it causes men to see the dangers that are in their way that so they may avoid them and many others are the excellent properties of this naturall light but many more are the precious effects of spirituall light And this is that that Saints have though others are in the darknesse of hell yet they enjoy the light of heaven The Lord God almighty and the Lamb are a light unto them Rev. 21. 23. And in this respect also Saints are excellent and precious ones But I would be brief in this particular and therefore shall not further enlarge it Deduction 8. Eighthly The next Deduction in which I shall be brief also is to discover from the fifth verse the dangerous condition of those wicked men that are enemies to Saints Though Saints seem to be poor weak despicable creatures and their enemies in outward appearance seem to be strong and potent and to be overcomers of them yet these seeming weak Saints are strong and mighty for they can but send up a message to heaven and bring secret and invisible arrows from thence which shall destroy their enemies The breath of their mouth kindles coals of fire that destroies their enemies And if any man will hurt them he must with this fire be killed Little doe wicked men think that when they deal cruelly with Saints they bring coals of fire upon their owne heads yet so they doe if they continue irreconcilable enemies unto them There is a notable place to shew the danger men run upon when they offer to wrong the Saints of God it is Zech 12. 3. In that day saith the Lord will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces though all the people of the earth shall be gathered together against it Though the spirituall Jerusalem the Saints of God had all the people of the earth gathered together against them yet so potent and strong are they through the Lord of host their God as they should overcome them all they should be as a burdensome stone and should crush in pieces all that burden themselves with them Therefore it would be wisdome in men to beware how they offer any violence to any one of the Saints of God either to their lives or liberties how colourable so ever the pretences be upon which they doe it seeing it is such a dangerous thing to abuse Saints as that in wronging them men be devoured or destroied by them And so I have done with this particular also Deduction 9. Ninthly In the next place from the sixth verse might be discovered the reason why there hath been such a hardnesse of heart and impenitency upon the Beast and the Babylonish crew namely because that as a judgement upon them for persecuting the Saints of God the heavens have been so shut up against them as that none of the waters of the spirit have descended upon them But I passe this by with some other particulars that might be observed in that verse Deduction 10. The tenth Deduction is from the seventh verse where it is said The Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomlesse pit shall make warre c. It doth enform us that this title The Beast is the most proper title of the Pope as is evident in the comparing of the several passages in this prophesie where the Beast is mentioned together which is done in the explicatory part of this Discourse where it appears evidently that by the Beast is meant the Pope Now in all the other passages of the prophesie of this book where the Pope is mentioned and in this seventh verse he being called the Beast it is evident that this is his most proper title Though it is true the Pope is Antichristian yet we doe no where in the prophesie of this book nor in any other Scripture where he is expressely spoken of finde the title of Antichrist given to him But generally in the prophesie of this book and in the prophesie of Daniel where there are some things spoken of him he is called the Beast And for the 2 Thess 2. where he is also expresly spoken of and plainly described he is not called there Antichrist neither but is there called That man of sin the son of perdition and that wicked Now it is said there are many Antichrists 1 John 2. 19. But it is no where said There are many Beasts and therefore he is called The Beast and that man of sinne the sonne of perdition and that wicked As we use to say The King of such a Kingdome and The Governour of such a place and The Maior of such a City or Town importing there is but one So the Pope is called The Beast For though there be many Antichrists yet there is but one Beast but one Pope who is The Beast I doe the rather observe this first to discover the exceeding greatnesse of the wickednesse and the abominablenesse of the Pope who for his opposition to God and his enmity to the Saints is exprest by a peculiar title that is proper only to that wicked one to shew that he is above al others hateful and cursed And secondly I doe the rather speak of this because some doe confusedly speak of the Beast and Antichrist confounding the Beast with Antichrist whereas there be many that are and may be called Antichrists especially some that are risen up lately That deny that Jesus is the Christ making themselves equal with the Lord Jesus Christ and who do also deny That Jesus Christ is come in the flesh or at least have a light esteem of Christs coming in the flesh by looking upon that flesh which was so united unto the God-head as when the life of it was laid down it was said to be the life of God 1 John 3. 16. as no more to be esteemed then the flesh of a common man I say these and such as these are Antichrists as is clear 1 John 2. 22. and 1 Joh. 4. 3. But though there be many Antichrists yet there is but one that may be called the
Beast but by confounding the Beast with Antichrist some look upon the Beast onely as Antichrist whereas there be many Antichrists which are to be rejected and avoided besides the Beast though they have more specious pretences than the Beasts pretences now are and are thereby the more like to prevail upon the more knowing professors of the time So much for this particular Deduction 11. Eleventhly In the eleventh place it serves to justifie the Parliament and all that joyned with them in the late defensive war Now although they have been branded with the odious titles of Rebels and Traitours and what not yet here their justice and righteousnes in that act appears as clear as the Sunne For first we see here that the enemies which they did oppose was the Beast that did ascend out of the bottomlesse pit And who the Beast is and how the Beast did appear to be he that did wage the late warre in England and Ireland is made evident in the explicatory part of this Discourse Now since it was the Beast that cursed enemy of Jesus Christ and all his Saints that raised this warre it was a most righteous act in the Parliament and all that did adhere to them to oppose him and his party in it But here by the way I desire to declare That though I doe affirme that that warre was raised by the Beast that cursed enemy of Jesus Christ yet doe I not hereby condemn every particular man that did engage in this warre nor any particular man high or low for I know not but that it might be possible for some by colourable pretences to be drawn to engage in this warre that never intended to fight for the Beast but on the contrary hated him But this I affirm that the generality of those especially of the chiefest that engaged in this warre were such as were thereunto incited by the Beast and intended the advancement of the Beast And now I say seeing the warre that was raised against the Protestants in Ireland and against the Parliament and such as were stiled Puritans and round-heads in England was a warre made by the Beast that ascended out of the bottomlesse pit and contrived in Rome and hell it was a most righteous thing for the Parliament and those that adhered to them to defend themselves against it God having put a power into their hands to do it and yet were they no Rebels unlesse it were rebellion to oppose the Pope and the devil And secondly The righteousnesse of the Parliament and those that adhered to them is made further evident by considering the ends for which the Beast did raise this war and they were First To destroy the Witnesses to make an utter end of all the Saints and servants of Jesus Christ and to leave none that should oppose or speak against the Beast the Pope that so he might bring all men into a professed subjection to himself And knowing that the Puritans were the only obstructers hereof for others would easily enough have been perswaded unto a uniformity and would say that there was little or nothing in the Romish doctrines but might have been imbraced rather then to make any division if the Puritans were removed out of the way therefore one main end the Beast had in this warre was to overcome the Witnesses Now this being one end of the Beast in that warre it was a righteous thing for the Parliament and those that adhered to them to oppose the Beast for the rescuing of and preserving of the Saints of Jesus Christ from the tyranny of the Beast It being a righteous act in Abraham to rescue and deliver one just Lot from those that would have captivated him and his family It is much more a righteous act in the Parliamentary party to rescue and deliver all the precious Saints of Jesus Christ for al Saints had a share in this deliverance from the cruelty and tyranny of the Beast that sought their ruine But Secondly Their righteousnesse in that act will appear if we consider the other end of the Beast in the late warre and that was to thrust out Jesus Christ from raigning as King and to set up his owne Kingdome by subjecting the consciences of all that professe Jesus Christ both in this Kingdome and all others unto his laws Now this being his other great design in that war it was a most righteous thing to oppose him in it And it had been a great sinne for the Parliament to stoop themselves and to suffer all the rest in the Kingdome thus to be subjected to the Beast and lay aside the Regall power of Jesus Christ God having put power into their hands to oppose the Beast herein Thus the righteousnesse of those that did oppose the Beast appears if we look upon the ends of the Beast in that warre And Thirdly Their righteousnesse in that act of opposing the Beast is made the farther evident because it is in part a fulfilling of that righteous sentence which God hath past upon the Beast Revel 18. 6 7. where God saies to his people thus Reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double how much she hath glorified her self and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her Now this sentence is in this warre wherein the Beast hath been overcome and his designs frustrated and a tenth part of Babylon is fallen in part fulfilled for in this warre Babylon hath in part had of the same cup which she filled to the Saints as she overcame them so they have in part overcome her and this is the beginning of her torments which are coming on apace and ere long the cup that she hath filled shall be filled to her double Now the Parliament and those that adhered to them having in the late defensive warre in part fulfilled that righteous sentence of God upon Babylon it doth therein most clearly appear to be a righteous act Deduction 12. Twelfthly In the next place here is a discovery of the reason why the Parliamentary Army did not more prevail for the first three years and an half and why after that period of time it was so successefull and victorious The reason of it here plainly appears to be because it was according to fore-appointment the minde of God to have his people brought to a low ebb for such a period of time so that they should be lookt upon as dead men and the enemy should rejoyce over them as if they were all totally overcome for three years and an half And since it was so it was not possible for the instruments that were then imploied if they had been never so faithfull so active and diligent to do any more then that which God had raised them up for which was only to keep the dead bodies of his people from being buried and so much they did they still defended the cause of the
to lose much of these outward things the things of the world which at best are but vanity for it is far better to be without these and have a good conscience than to enjoy much of these either with a troubled or seared conscience and a hardened heart It is better to be at emnity with the Beast heerin and lose much of the world then to enjoy abundance of the world and soon after to perish with the Beast Again This let me tell you with all that if you shall persist in endeavouring to get such an imposing power it being that by which the Beast raigns in any place where it is it is in vain for you to endeavour it in England for England is fallen from Rome and is no more a part of Rome and therefore it is in vain to seeke to exercise a Romish power any longer in it And England being thus fallen is become a president to the other Kingdomes so to doe and shall not return to Rome again for England and all the other Kingdomes must hate the whore and make her desolate And thus much I cannot but speake to you that endeavour to take such a power upon you whether you will hear or whether you will forbear Deduction 16. 16. The next particular arising from these verses thus opened is an exhortation to all the Saints in England to dwell together in unity O you precious sonnes and daughters of the Almighty the Saints and Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ that are in this Kingdome of England Consider you what your condition was about seven or eight year ago at what time you were trampled upon by the Bishops which was a treading under foot of the Beast Call to minde how some of you were pillored and had your eares cropt and many of you imprisoned and fined and by severall other waies were persecuted and troubled by the members of the Beast your adversaries and that onely for acting that which in your conscience you were parswaded was according to the minde of God and which if you had for fear of men or for any other reason left undone your conscience told you that you should in so doing be disobedient to your heavenly Father I say call these things to minde and what a great pressure it was to your spirit that you could not with liberty and freedome follow the Lamb but men did what in them lay to enforce you to worship the Beast and to embrace for doctrine the commandments of men O how grievious was this oppression to you And what a burden was it And how did you groan in your spirits to be delivered What a grief was it to you to see precious Saints cruelly and ridgedly dealt with by the enemies of Iesus Christ And how many frequent prayers did your souls breath out and lift up to heaven against your enemies and for deliverance from their yoake of bondage I say call these things to minde and remember that this was the condition of you all whether you are such as are commonly called Presbyterians or Independents or Anabaptists if you were Saints if you loved the Lord Iesus Christ in sincerity you were all a like hated of and opposed by the Beast and it was a grief and burden to all your spirits to see the enemies of Iesus Christ to prevail so much and you all both Presbyterians Independents and Anabaptists did pour out many effectual fervent praiers against the Beast and the Bishops his adherents in England Again Consider as the Beast was thus an enemy to you all alike so it was a mercy to you all alike when in the year 1645. God gave you all a full victory over the adherents of the Beast in this Kingdom for then the Bishops and them that fought for them and in them the Beast was overcome And this I say was a mercy to you all alike and it was alike answer to all your praiers and alike joy to all your spirits to see your enemies and the enemies of Jesus Christ overcome And now since you are all children of the same Father and have all one Lord Iesus Christ and have all one Spirit and have all drank of one cup of affliction and had all one common enemy that hated you all and persecuted you all because you had all the one holy Spirit of the Father and of the Son in you and since your Father in love to you all and in answer to the praiers of you all gave you all alike deliverance from that enemy of you all O unite unite unite since your God hath made you one in his love O be you one in your love one to another and let it appear that you dwell in God by dwelling in love What a low unworthy thing is it for you that dwell in God to grow cold in love towards your brethren the children of your Father for differing from you in judgement in some circumstantiall things only What if some be weak and doe not know so much of the minde of God in some circumstantial things as you whether you be Presbyterians Independents or Anabaptists conceive you doe Will you therefore not love your weak brother for whom Christ died and who is beloved of your Father because your Father in his wisdome hath yet with-held that light from him which he hath given to you What a weaknesse is this in you thus to doe Doe you not know that it is not for your merits that you have more then him but it was from grace from free favour that you have it And doth what you have received from grace worke such an effect in you as to make you grow cold in love toward your brethren O let it be far from you And what though some are Presbyterians and some Independents as they are commonly distinguished Though I could wish that these distinctions of difference might be all laid aside and that all that belong to Jesus Christ might only be called Saints and the servants of Jesus Christ and by such generall expressions as include them all though they still differ in circumstances for there were no such distinctions used among Saints in the primitive times though there were differences in some circumstances But I say What though some are Presbyterians and some Anabaptists c. Yet if they are such as you judge to be in Christ Jesus and to be beloved of the Father resolve you in the strength of Christ to suffer none of their differences from you in judgement to with-draw your affections from them but since you love your God and Father love you his beloved children and your brethren and since you sincerely love the Lord Jesus Christ let it appear in loving of those upon whom his image is stampt For there is no reason why you should not love Presbyterians as well as Independents and Anabaptists as well as Presbyterians c. unlesse you look upon them as no Saints as such as are no lovers of the Lord Jesus but if you
where it is said That upon the raising of the Witnesses and their having a Spirit of life from God put into them and their standing upon their feet A tenth part of the City fell And it also appears That England being that tenth part of the City is fallen from mysticall Babylon and is no longer a part of it but is overcome by the Lord Jesus hee is now King of it who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords who will keep it for himselfe and will not suffer it to be subjected to the Beast any more The Saints in England are brought out of the bondage of mysticall Babylon and shall return no more to it and therefore they may be confident That none of the Romish power of any of the other nine Kingdomes neither those that are more remote or those that are nearer neighbours to it shall ever be able to prevail over England Thirdly The third ground of my affirming that the Parliament Armie and Witnesses in England shall hence-forth overcome all the enemies that shall rise up against them is evident also in Scripture for it appears also in the Explicatory part of this Discourse That the one thousand two hundred and threescore daies in which it is said in this Scripture That the holy Citie should be troden under foot and that the Witnesses should be in sack-cloth by reason of the Gentiles the spirituall Babylonians tyrannizing over them is one thousand two hundred and threescore yeares and did expire Anno Domini 1645. as appeares by computing the time of the Beast's continuance as it ought to bee computed by the Scripture account And also this one thousand two hundred and threescore yeares of the Beast's continuance appeares to be then expired because it is said That when the Witnesses had finished their prophesie in sack-cloth that then the Beast should make warre with them and overcome them Now the Beast having made warre against them and overcome them and they being raised again and set upon their feet to the feare of their enehemies in the yeare one thousand six hundred fourty and five It is by this evident that that year the one thousand two hundred and threescore yeares wherein the holy City the Saints should be troden under feet by the Beast did expire And now you Witnesses in the Parliament and Parliamentary Armie and Kingdome of England may be confident that all the combined power both of men and devils which shall conspire against you shall never be able to prevail against you for you shall be troden under foot no more the Beast shall prevail over you no more for the time of his prevailing over you is expired and he must hence-forth be troden under foot himselfe and you must henceforth prevail over him and you must reward great Babylon as she hath rewarded you the Cup which shee hath filled you must goe on to fill to her double Now in these considerations and from these grounds held forth in the Word of Truth the Scripture and that part of it in this booke of the Revelation which Revelation God gave unto his Sonne Jesus Christ to shew unto his servants Let all the Saints in England be strong and of a good courage and feare not what man can doe unto them Let not the heart of any one Saint be troubled fearing that either Poperie Prelacie or Presbytery shall recover any power in England to Lord it over Gods heritage to tyrannize over the Witnesses of Jesus Christ or to restrain them from walking in that way which appears to them to be according to the minde of God But Saints be you assured it shall never be since you have a Spirit of life from God put upon you and since England is fallen from Babylon and since the time of the Beast's tyrannical power over you is expired therefore cast off all unbeleeving thoughts and all distrustfull feares of these things and be confident That Jesus Christ will by you goe on conquering and to conquer And what though a great Armie should be a preparing to overcome you as there was in July one thousand six hundred and fourty seven Yet as then they were soon blasted so they shall be for the future For you have a Spirit of life and courage from God put into you therefore men shall not prevaile over you And you are no more a part of Babylon therefore you cannot be kept in bondage and the time of your being troden under foot is expired and therefore though all the Malignants in this Kingdome and in Scotland and all those forraign Forces that those factours of Rome that are gone from England into France or else-where can possibly procure were conjoyned together in one body and marching against you yet should not your hearts be troubled nor be affraid but be assured they should be overcome by you And what though you seem to be small in number You know that God hath formerly commanded others to stand for you and can doe so still if it be consonant to his wisdome now also but if it were not so it were an evil in you to distrust his power to whom it is all one to save by few or by many For victory commeth not from the strength of horses or the legs of men but from the Lord of hosts And therefore upon these grounds let all the Witnesses of England be confident of overcomming all that shall rise up against them by the strength of the Lord of hoasts their God And having experience that God hath done thus for them ever hitherto since one thousand six hundred and fourty five let them not be of such unworthy spirits as to be distrustfull for the future Deduction 18. The last particular that I shall hence observe is To stirre up the hearts of Saints to joyfulnesse and praises O Saints considering what God hath done for you seeing hee hath put a Spirit of life upon you and hath made you that lay dead to stand upon your feet And seeing that England is fallen from mysticall Babylon and that now your enemy the Beast shall have no more power over you he that hath troden you under feet a thousand two hundred and threescore yeares shall tread you under foot no more and that now your time of prophesying in sack-cloth is expired Put you now on in stead of your sack-cloth the garments of joy and praise and walk no longer sadly being delivered out of the bondage of spiritual Aegypt and from the oppression of your enemies let your hearts be affected herewith and your souls rejoyce in the apprehension of it For suppose that when you were under that bondage so that you were driven into corners and your enemies hunted after you to make a prey of you and having taken some of you did imprison some and fine others and banish others and pillory others if one should then have come into your meetings and told you as an infallible truth That within one moneth your enemies should be brought down