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A28575 The Indian history of Anaxander and Orazia wherein are mingled the adventures of Alcidaris of Cambaya, and the loves of Piroxenus / written in French by Monsieur de Boys-Robert ; and translated into English by W.G., Esq. ...; Histoire indienne d'Anaxandre et d'Orazie. English Boisrobert, sieur de (François Le Métel), 1592-1662.; W. G., Esq. 1657 (1657) Wing B3468; ESTC R18176 151,152 298

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disavowed for rude or evill natures and I think truly we shall seem excusable it being considered that if we have been faulty t is but for having too much loved and when it shall be seen that we have not been so foolish nor so stupi'd but by our industry we have obtained each of us a Kingdom Gothen Pirobus and the gods favour you we will shortly follow as soon as Anaxander is recovered of his hurts in the interim do not for get to tell the King and Queen all that hath befallen us they will undoubtedly be much pleased at it and especially when they shall know that my Orixa lives and that her Kingdom which we have helped to recoven from the two slaves Usurpers will be hers without dispute when the King of Narsinga shall as you do know the strange History of her life Pirobus would fain have seen Anaxander before his return but seeing that Piroxenus thought is not best he went right to the port of God to pursue his way to Gouzarat and there to embark himself for saving much travel and with tears in his eyes departed from Piroxenus who returned to his Cousin with all speed at Saradins Cafile where we will leave him recovering his hurts to tell you what passed in the Kingdom of Cambaya About eight or ten daies after Pircbus departure from Cumpanel the ordinary aboad of Alcidaris in his Embassage to the King of Narsinga the good Evander who long since went from Visaporus and had been hardly used on the way by a great sicknesse from which he had much a do to recover being at length by the gods permission restored arrived happily at the Capitall City of Gouzarat had there been nothing considerable but his person which was dear to the whole Kingdom all the Court had received an exceeding contentment at his comming but when from him in was known that the two Princes were living and that from the time they were supposed to be dead they had performed a thousand goodly actions Bonefires were kindled through the City and there was not one from the greatest to the least who did not witness one equall impatience for their return upon which they already established all the hope and safety which the rudeness of young Alcidaris had even ravish'd from them But that publique joy however great was nothing in comparison of the Kings and Queen Anazarettes who weary of the impertenencies of that Prince ill affected by every body which they had still before their eyes and having forgotten all their anger and resentments caused by the idle absence of Anaxander and Piroxenus whom indeed they had believed dead sailed not from that instant to make vows and prayers for their preservation and return They caused their adventures to be told them a thousand times over wherein they could not enough admire the goodness of the gods which had preserved them their greatest wonder was that Orixa yet lived and had they heard it from others mouth then Evander who had been witnesse of her resurrection they might had cause to doubt it for Alcidaris had understood by report that her pretended death had been one of the principall causes that had obliged our two young Princes to make that great sally wherein it was believed they were slain but when they knew by Evander how contrary to all hope she was recovered out of that deadly swound and that she was alive and well in a private quality under the name of Asteria in the City of Visaporus which had been yield to the two slaves and in which capitulation he had assisted they wondered more than ever for they had known all that had past since that Siege during Evanders sickness in Decan they had learnt how Rozalcan and Zahain having in pursuit of their tyrannical victory usurped the Province of Canara from the King of Narsinga had been castised by the Prince Arontus in short they were not ignorant that that Prince aided by two valliant Persian Cavalliers whom they had heard named Ariomant and Calistenus had regained whatsoever was unjustly usurped by the slaves which were in Battel defeated the gain whereof had cost the generous Prince Arontus life Sir said Evander interrupting him he who hath done so many wonders under the name of Ariomant is no other than your son Anaxander and that Calistenus is his Cousin who hath given no lesse testimony of himself by his arms That word so much redoubled the joy of the Kings heart as it shewed plainly in his countenance and the good Evander ravish'd to see their Majesties so attentive to his discourse continued it as followeth When they purposed to disguise themselves under those two names because they had been too well known by those of Taxilus and Cleontus which besides had been so satal to them they acquainted but their Gentlemen Almerin and Neander and my self with that secret and caused Neander who was carried sorely hurt into the besieged City to entreat me that I would hasten to you obtain your favor for them which they believed lost but my misfortune stay'd me on the way in a remote place from all commerce where 't was impossible to let you know what was become of me or of the Princes Undoubtedly they are yet with the King of Narsinga unknown to any save the fair Orazia to whom your dear Anaxander before he went from hence did vow himself He afterwards told them whatsoever he knew of the History of the Loves of those two generous Princes which was likely to have made Alcidaris to send another Embassadour instantly to the King of Narsinga but Evander diverted it for seeing the War was ended he assured the King that they would return at soon as Arontus Funerals were solemnized for which they had under stood so many sad preparation were making in the City of Baticalus The King and Queen then ezpect Pirobus his return who could not be long ere he came intending to send him instantly back again in case they learnt that some new obstacle stayed those two Hero's in Narsinga And to expresse the great contentment which they had received from Evanders news and the other great services he had done them they gave him the Government of Bazain which had of late been vacant and as soon as the good old man had a little reposed himself at Campanel he departed by the King and Queens leave to take possession of it promising to be with them again by that time Pirobus should be returned to resolve with their Majesties of what were best to be done for Anaxanders contentment for they were already resolved fully to give Orazia to him in case that Pirobus had obtained the promise of her and thought the change would not be unacceptable to the King of Narsingas who had been witness of the fair deeds of their young Prince Not above three daies after the good Evanders arrival at Bazain about the evening out of the Port guard came to tell him that there was arrived a forein
had brought that little Prince into the world with pains incredible she choaked in her Convulsions and the first hower of her childbed gave the last unto her life Now though Alcidaris were not ensirely so much tender of her at she of him nor had the just same feelings that she had yet could not chuse but by that unexpected death receive most strong impressions great was the grief he shewed and whatsoever pomp the quality of so great and vertuous a Princesse as she was requir'd did wait upon his mourning and her Funerals But as there is no wound however it may seem incurable but time may heal this which Alcidaris received was not so great as that there needed a whole age to comfort him for after one year ended he became most passionably enamored of the Queen Anaxareta who by the death of her brother Spimantus newly being arriv'd was heir unto the Kingdom of Dulcinda which does on the one side border on the King my fathers Countries and on Persia on the other The reason why so passionately he pursu'd that Love was that besides his pleasure there was profit in it and thought that by uniting Dulcinda to his other Kingdoms he should be an equal powerful neighbour to the Persian Perswaded by these reasons but more by love that forced him he sent one named Pirobus and of the ablest of his Kingdom in Embassage to the Queen Anaxareta He was receiv'd as coming from so great a Prince with much magnificence but wondred greatly that the answer he received was no more favorable She only told him thus that the King of Cambaye had done her a great deal of honour but that the King her brother being so lately dead and having scarce wip'd off her tears it could not be she should so soon forget him nor in such haste run from his Funerals to her own espousals and therefore pray'd the King his Master not to hold it strange that she desired more time to think thereof This Embassador who was a man of great discretion and knew the extream passion of Alcidaris resting but poorly satisfied with this answer and knew his Master would be likewise so bethought him that of Force some greater reason must restrain the Queen than of her brothers death who almost two years since had died and should have caus'd her greater joy than sorrow for which cause he makes adresses to the chiefest Statist there and dives into him to discover if he could his Mistriss meanings he shews him how the King of Cambaye was her neer neighbour and one of the most powerful Monarchs of the Indies That over and above his greatness and his wealth he had all qualities which might commend a man to a fair Ladies acceptation that in all Asia his Mistresse could not finde a fitter match that there needed no long time to think upon a matter which depended only on her will And that he knew not what to infer by the coldness of her answer save that she loved some other since she neglected the desires of a Prince so mighty and one who could not be but a great strength unto her This States-man who desired to pay him with more solid reasons than the Queen had done thought t was no matter of importance if he told him what he guest she thought which was that being of a mighty spirit and knowing that Alcidaris had had a son by the Queen Berenica who as himself was call'd Alcadaris and should when he were dead possesse his Kingdoms she could not abide that those that should proceed from her should ever happen to be seconds or in rank or in affection and being able to dispose of the Kingdom of Dulcinda she thought she might do better to chuse out a Gentleman her Subject who should be her creature and by whom she might have children heirs to her possessions than to match a King of whose inheritance she could not see a hope for hers And this said he in my opinion is the cause that backs the Queen for she is not so ignorant both of the qualities and vertues of the King your Master but that she holds him for the man of most advantage for her choice save only that his heir is born already Pirobus more satisfi'd herewith than by the reasons given him from the Queen though very little notwithstanding seeing how far from giving comfort to his Master returns towards him and from point to point gives him account of his Embassage Alcidaris as well as possible he could dissembled the disquiet this il news procur'd him and I know not if his love oblig'd him or that as yet some little hope remained for him But as if heaven would favour his desires about eight or ten months end report ran all about that the young Prince Alcidaris was very sick and that his tender age not able to defend it self against the strong assaults of a continued Feavor death had delivered him The sorrow which the King put on was so great that for the space of forty daies he suffred not himself to be seen by any creatures except Pirobus his faithful Counsellour The noise of his great losse immediately was spread throughout and came to the Queen Anaxaretas ears who seeing that great obstacle remov'd desir'd no greater thing in all the world than that alliance and in a word to end Pirobus being sent the second time had his desire and some few daies after did Alcidaris possesse both Anaxaretas beauties and her Kingdoms peacefully Now Madam from that happy Marriage I am sprung and named Anaxander from my Mothers name Almost about the same time I was born Ametista Queen of Citor and only sister to the King my father was delivered of Piroxenus whom you see here under name of Callistenus we were bred up and taught together and besides our age and blood which knit us in a perfect friendship nature augmented it by so exact a correspondency of humours as never was observed the least disparity in our opinions and truly since our friendship hath foundation but on vertue only t is not to be admired that from a cause eternal such effects of everlastingness are seen The wise Evander from my tendrest youth had me in government and Alcidaris who much desired to frame me after the example of that honorable man drew him from the Province of Carmanie on very great expence for he was Master of some nine or ten Languages and ignorant of nothing that another man did know He had not only care of me but likewise had an eye to Piroxenus whom he found exceeding capable of his good doctrines and we both so well profited by his instructions as we soon learned all the secrets of the Persian and Arabique tongues which travel mostly throughout all the Indies this side Ganges Besides the recreations of our minds we exercis'd our bodies likewise and familiarly disguising our selves on daies of ceremony or delight we got the prizes with our Lances and at Fencing too and
and more he was confirm'd in his belief and apprehension when he understood that that same night wherein we had departed a Ship having the wind at large had from the Port of Cambaye hoysed Sail towards the Isle of Zeilan Where the War was hot against the King of Maldives that either for renown we would go serve under one of those two Kings or else land i● some one of the King of Narsingas havens whose neighbour and all●● and friend the King of Zeiland is Having a good while thought thereon he went and told the King of his opinions who presently believ'd we had indeed that way escaped and protested that the Captaines life should answer as he thought for carrying us away without his leaves Wherefore a Post was preently dispatch'd from Campanel to Cambaye with directions that hee should set forth with speed a light Vessell to seek afer that which three or four dayes past had put to Sea and for more surety he dispach'd another Messenger by Land to Bazaim to send out another Vessell to surprize that which he thought had wafted us and that if happily the first might not light on him the other should not chuse but meet him however they were charg'd to go as farre as zeilan in their chace and that before he could have doubled the Cape of Commorin they should have some newes of him Here Madam you may see what news Neander brought us from the Court for which cause having call'd a Councill among us we resolv'd to put off our journey to Narsinga for a while and spend delightfully some time in the King of Decans Court which sometimes is at the City of Bider and otherwhiles in the great City of Visaporus and because those goodly cities are far in the Countrey we conceiv'd they would not come and seek us there and that after the time were past wherein those that were gone in quest of us had in vain enquired in Narsinga we would freely go on our jouruey under the names which we had newly taken of Taxilus and Cleontus Wherefore we departed from Pala and us'd such industry as we arived at Bider where we thought to find the King of Decan as being the chiefest City of his Kingdom But we understood that he was but a little while before retir'd to Visaporus which over and above that it is better fortified with men and walls is likewise seared in an air more temperate and pleasing And here Madam it is fit I tell you something of this poor Prince who not long ago was Master of so many Countreyes and such mighty wealth and through his own default hath caused the ruine of himself and them I doubt not but you know the whole story of his life and therefore will I say no more of his behaviours nor his doings than to the purpose of my History This miserable King who car'd for nothing more than how in ease and quietnesse to spend his time and buried in voluptuousnese being both lasie in his nature and distrustfull even to fear his own Children whose names were Demonax the one as he himself was called and Araxus the other that at greater case hee might enjoy his soft contentments cast the burden of his State from off himself and gave the charge of his twelve great Provinces to twelve of his free'd slaves upon condition that each of them should send his Eldest Son into the City of Visaporus there to remain as pledges to him where for greater safety he retir'd He had besides those Sons a Daughter of exceeding beauty who as the Kingdom and the City she was born in● was call'd Orixa for in former time King Demonax his father and the Queen his wife went thither great with child as then she was to wash her in the River Ganges which passeth through the Kingdom of Orixa and hath this secret vertue that it clenseth from all sorts of sins and I have understood the King your father whose it is draws a large tribute from it for the Pilgrimage is famous through the Indes But for it does not appertain to my discourse I say no more thereof to tell you only in the pursute of my History that we went from Bider unto Visaporus where we were sure to finde the King of Decans Court and just as we arrived at the great City we heard many Trumpets sounding flourishes with distinct pauses betwixt each flourish and three times renew'd and this within the great place where stands the Royal Palace and after saw a great man clad in a rich Coat of Arms accompanied by four Heralds and because after having gone three or sour times about at the sound of those Trumpets and brazen Drums they at length stayed about the middle of that place we drew us neer to understand what they would say and heard that one of them with louder and resounding voice than the rest uttered these following words Be it known unto all Princes Lords Knights * Are amōg the Indians as the Janizaries among the Turks Naires their Chiefs throughout the whole Kingdom of Decan and Malabares adjoyning and of whatever Kingdom or Country else excepting such as have been banished or are enemies unto our Sovereign Lord King Demonax that the eighth day from this being he twentieth of the Moon in this same place shall be a great defiance at arms amost noble and magnificent Combate sought with Darts and Lances in their fit caparisons with Crests Coats of Arms Foot-cloaths and Targets garnished with sine devices as bra● Combatants according to the antient customs of this Kingdom and as Chiefs Prince Demonax defendant on the one side and Araxus as ass●ilant on the other all for the glory of the King and celebration of the happy day of his nativity which falls to be the twentieth of this Moon And for those causes know ye moreover Princes Lords and Knights and Capains of Naires as well of this Kingdom as whatever Country else who for the love of honor shall desire to excrcise themselves and for the pleasure of the Ladies that they must think thereon and chuse them God-fathers that their names may be written down before the Judges of the Combate of whom they must be taught the rules and that they will be more encouraged to glory when they knew the Ladies purpose to bestow most fair and costly prizes as well upon the Darts and Persian Lances as the Fencing after the custom of Molabar which will be exercis'd the following daies As soon as this Proclamation by the Herald was concluded we withdew our selves out of the throng that compassed him extreamly pleas'd that an occasion should so soon be offered after our arrivall wherein our skill might be commended and knowing very well the Language for the great conformity it hath with ours having enquired of the first we met where we ruight be conveniently lodged we were conducted by one of them unto a house of his which was both great and spacious where certain other
scandal for we sometimes spend a good part of the night as scarless of the air as our domesticks who are acquinted with the pleasing freedom of our secret entertainment No creature hears us nor is there entred in the garden but a little Page who holds a Torch ready to light us at the door when we return unto our chambers Wherefore the Prince seeing there was no danger in so long communication shewing all due obedience to the Princesses proceeded thus in his discourse THE INDIAN HISTORY OF ANAXANDER AND OF ORAZIA The third BOOK THe customary prayers for our souls before they cast us into the fire were begun when as that Bramin which had serv'd the Princess and who since her comming to herself had leasure to cast about his sight look'd earnestly into my face which formerly he had not done and being he had spent all the last year in the King my fathers Court where he had opportunity enough to note me Unfortunate Prince said he to me for doubtless if my eyes deceive me not you must be Anaxander son and only heir unto the great Alcidaris King of Guzarat what desparation may have made you hide your name and birth and so prefer a shamefull death before a happy Marriage Born as you are a Prince and above all I know accomplished this Kingdome Laws have no pretension to your life since you are he who have enjoy'd the Princess favours Boldly then shew your self for t is yet time and with one word believe me you may save her life and honour and your own I was exceedingly indeed surpriz'd for being known for thought it would have troubled me enough to die it would much more have grieved me to live with such an infamy as to have matried a wife who had been bedded by another and who had nere been thought upon by me the last consideration therefore ruled me and thus I answered him Good father you are not the first that have mistaken me for the Prince Anaxander a whole City have been deceiv'd as well as you for comming out of Persia whence originally I am about some twelve or fifteen months since with a purpose to ●ee all the Indes and especially these parts where I imagin'd not to finde such barbarism I passed through the great City of Campanol where King Alcidaris holds his Court and was amaz'd t● see that every body saluted and made me great obeysance as I pust the streets To be short I found they took me for the Prince and even the King himself who saw me was transported at the great resemblance and detained me there some while with him and sent me afterwards away with costly presents No No said he to me no halting before Criples I am no whole City I have but two eyes but you cannot deceive me for you are even the same I mean nor hath the apprehension you may have of death so changed you but that I know you Anaxander and desery the fraud of your disguisement For howsoever should you not be glad to be esteemed such a one as if it did not wholly save it might at least prolong your life and see I not that you deny your self for nothing else but through a brute aversion in you to contractia Princess whom you have abus'd but I profess unto you Anaxander that her life and honor and contentment are more dear to me than your chimeraes And therefore Gentlemen said he to the Guard while went by the Chariot go tell the King that for the honor of hi-daughter and his house t is sit to stop the execution and that I have found out a truths which doubtlesly will ravish him with joy Then instantly one of the Troop went to adveruse the King hereof and in the interim● some went to a Fountain which was in the great place for water to cast into the Princess face who was scarce come out of her swounding when a Captain of the Kings Guard accompanied with an unknown old man divided the throng with an incredible diligence crying withall their might to have the execution stay'd hold the King commands it Immediately a very great noise was moved through the whole assembly and followed with great acclamations of joy for there was not one of all the company who was not touched at our fortune and shed not tears for our distress And surely all were much amazed at the comming of the Captain of the Guard for our deliverance for that the officer who went to advertise the King was but then gone and all men thought he must have had some notice from elswhere which notwithstanding had not secur'd our lives had not the Bramin so much observed me as to know who I was and sure this last means had arriv'd too late for that there was not any ceremony more which might retar'd the execution As soon as the Captain whom they made room for was advanced as far as where we were the old man who accompanied him did all he could to cast his arms about my neck but not able to reach me for that the Chariot was somwhat high Anaxander said he my dear Anaxander my Prince and Sovereign Lord what evill fortune hath guided you to this sad place and you dear Piroxenus what have you done to have deserv'd this cruell usage My dear children for so may I call you since from your infancy you have had under me your education is it a dream or reall act of your ill destiny which makes me finde you in this lamentable taking and after such a tract of infinite misfortunes which have crost me since your absence is it possible the gods would give me this much happiness to see you ere I die and guide me to this Country at the instant when you must have otherwise been put to death You may imagine Madam whether I were surpriz'd finding it was the wise Evander who spake to us whom the King my father had ordain'd our Governor and unto whom I bare as great repect as if he had been my father Wherefore howsoever much I was afflicted and notwithstanding any resolution I had taken to conceal my self I could not chuse but shew him tokens of my friendship and answer with my tears that tenderness of his so that none doubted but I was the man for whom indeed the Bramin took me Piroxenus who till then had neither wept nor said one word because the greatness of his grief had drown'd his senses and shut up the powres of his soul waking as from a most deep sleep by the found of Evanders words and seeing they were like to be delivered from that danger hich he thought inevitable or that at least their death●should be deferr'd he somewhat recollected his spirits and exchanging tears and kinde embraces with the old man he did for him what for Orixa he could not The Princess only remain'd silent as of all most surprized and amazed and through wonderfull displeasure she conceiv'd at my denying her had her whole mind
sole consideration which you stuck on was that by the Queen Berenisa my first wife I had a Son and that my heir already born you would not suffer that your Children should be second in affection or degree to any This being return'd me by my faithfull Pirobus I seem'd to take no notice of it but after some time was past wee both agree'd together that if I meant to compass my desire in that sute where-on depended all my happiness I must needs send away my Son and spread a noyse that he was dead And judge you Madam to what extremity I loved you being compell'd to take so contrary a resolution to the lawes of nature For this cause I commanded a Coffin to be laid with Royall pomp into the earth and suffered none in forty dayes to see me that I might better act the part of a lost Father Mean while I gave my Son in charge to Pirobus whose name was like mine own Alcidaris not to be sent so far away but that I might when I desir'd hear often of him He had acquaintance with an Arabian Merchant and an honest man named Eurimedes who was most frequent in the City of Deu one of the best havens of my Kingdom and teaded to Cambaye where at that time he was To him he went and gave that pledge into his custody which for your love I had abandoned He told the Merchant how he had receiv'd that child from a woman of great quality commended him to his best cate and that he might be bred among his own and told him one day it m ight happen that a worthy recompence might grow unto him In the inferior because he might be known again and for he had no mark about him Pirobus made one upon his arm where he imprinted the Arms of Cambaye with a needles point and the joyce of a certain herb wch never wears away which done he does again commend him to the Merchant whom that he might the better love the child and be more carefull of him he enjoyned to beslow his own name of Eurimedes upon him In so much as very often I have heard of him also known the Merchants care as well for the great p●y● cause him every year to receive as for the love he bears to Pirobus to whom he thinks he is obliged for that favour But Madam said the King moreover the Gods can bear me witness I had tane your deer Anaxander into so great affection as I forgot the love I ought his Brother and if he had well behav'd himself I think his humor which beyond all others that I know delighted me together with my wonderfull affection to your self had so much won upon me as I had made him heir to all my three Crowns but seeing he hath shewn himself so giddy-headed and so ill advised as to leave me to pursue his foolish fantasies as well as his Cousin whom so deerly I had loved having no other prop to rest on left me Think not a miss Madam that I send Pirobus to Diu to seek me out Alcidaris 't is now no longer fit he should be hid nor that on my part I should more conceal the love I bear my proper Son These my deer children said Evander are the very words the King himself delivered who without alteration at the Queens complaints and tears dispatched Pirobus immediately Being ariv'd at Diu he wonderfully amazed the Merchant when he told him that ye child whom he so long had bred was heir unto the King The noise hereof was spread incontinently through the City and all the inhabitants came in throngs to kisse their Princes hands Pirobus who had not seen him since his first delivery into the Merchants hands could know him only by the mark he graved on his arm The young man more than any other grew in admiration at the honors which were done him For he believ'd he was that Merchants son and look'd for nothing lesse than to be honor'd as a Prince He was by Pirobus conducted to the City of Campanel and carried both the Merchant and his children with him on whom he afterward caus'd goodly Offices to be conferred As soon as his arrival was but known the greatest of the Court went forth to meet him and the King with testimonies of exceeding joy received him but this did not long endure For that young Prince was so ill bred and had among those people of inferiour quality who had kept him gotten such evill habits as that his presence served but to make you more lamented but above all the Queen could not endure that in your stead a beast should have such worship who by his filthy carriage had made himself contemptible to all the world The King commanded me to take him to my Government But finding in him no appearance of common sense and seeing him too old to form his mind to any good I did despair ever to make of him a civill man and you may think my dear children whether I finding in that poor Prince spirit nothing but thornes and briers instead of goodly seeds of vertue which I found in you I had great cause to be delighted with my charge The King who in that ill made Picture could not know himself made Pirobus a thousand times to swear he was the same which he had from him As for my self seeing I lost my labour and my time in teaching him besides the finall d fire or none at all I had thereto being afflicted as I was for losse of you and dreaming nothing ●●sse than ere again to see you I a●th last resolv'd to go and seek ye out in what part of the World soever ye might be And that which more old god me thereto was that knowing all the sec●e●s of Astrology and having by that Art foreseen that at two severall times ye should run hazard of a violent death I would make tryall if by my diligent and carefull seeking after you I might divert the mischiefs which the S●●rs had threatened ye● withall Besides my own affection thereunto I was incited by the general complaints of all the better sort of people in the Kingdom who could not without sorrow yield obedience to a Prince of so ill making and so evill doings and who already did begin to apprehend his future domination Therefore as soon I had known no news was to be h●d of you at sea and that as many as had gone after you were come again no wiser than they went remembring I had in secret heard your meditations on the Princess Oriz●a's Picture and that I had often heard ye though in and out to name the word Narsinga I imagined you might be gone disguised thither and have passed over land that you might crosse through that unhappy Kingdom of Decan whereof I remembred to have heard you mention so many wonders of their gallantry But unfortunate as ye are by what I see ye have met nofavored me by my arrivall here at Visaporus just
of all Atollon in the Province of Padipol but the poor Arbiran was slain when he had don a thousand memorable exploits of valour This our irreparable losse was so felt by all the Army and in such sort troubled it not knowing where to go for counsel and not daring yet to trust its conduct to my youth although I were Lieutenant to the Admiral that we returned without doing any thing and without so much as leaving a Garison in the place we had taken I bare with great impatience truly the sorrow of that losse and at my return I had the honor to be comforted by the Kings own mouth who better than any other knew the cause I had to be afflicted But alas it was not from him I look'd for the healthful remedies of my sensible griefs one only word from Lisimenaes mouth had comforted me not only for the losse of my friend but also of my heart in serving her and of all the troubles I endured for her But I was very far from the hope of that favor she shun'd me more than before and her scorns which I could not endure by little and little choack'd the respect which remained for her in my soul As though nature had made me sensible of what I was I thought in my self that I deserved a milder usage and if not as a Lover yet in the quality of Lisimenaes Knight I deserv'd a freer accesse unto her than she gave me I could not conceal my displeasure but gave my passion so much considence as it came to the Kings cars as I have since known who feigned to know nothing because I was so necessary for his service however he feared lest that affection might take too deep root in my heart and besides the extravagance which I might shew to all the Court I might do him ill service and make my self unworthy to command his Armies if I should lose the Mastery of my self He therefore removed from my sight that divine object upon a pretence favorable enough to his distrust for as after Arbirans death I had very ill handled the Maldives in two or three rancounters who were put to sea to repair their losses and former outrager they resolved to make one final attempt and having shut up all their Ports lest news might be brought us of their design they prepared a great and mighty Fleet to powre on us but they could not work so privately but that a Spie came to advertise us of their enterpriz● and assur'd us that all that great preparation was for the City of Collombo which these Barbarians had a purpose to besiege by Sea and Land The King who commonly aboad in that Capital City of his Kingdom thought not his daughter which was his most precious jewel in too great a surety there insomuch as for delivering her from my troublesome sute and to secure her from the enemies in vasion whose threatnings he thought not ●i● to scorn he sent her to her Unkle the King of Narsinga to accompany her fair Cousin Orazia untill the troubles of Zeylan were over Judge Sir by what I have told you of my Love if this seperation must be grievous to me however I must bear it and constrain my self in the Kings sight who observ'd me more than he was wont to see if my spirit were chang'd or whether I had rigor enough to digest that trouble without distraction I was indeed very happy in my constancy to resist my resentment in that occasion where it may be any other than my self might have suffered himself to be overcome for the King who had a very good opinion of my courage believing I had quire forgotten that passion which kindled in my heart by Listmenaes presence only did me the honor with the general consent of the whole Army to make me heir of all Arbirans command As soon as I found the whole force of the Kingdom in my hands a new desire of glory entred my heart and seeing that our enemies were slow in comming to us and that they could not be a long time ready I perswaded the King to give way that I might go and assault them in the Isle of Bandos neer the City of Male where I had intelligence What more shall I say all succeeded happily unto me as you have known from others and in spire of all the King of Maldives strength who came with a powerful Army to hinder my design I took the C●stle of Bandos which was of greatest importance of all for keeping of his thirteen Provinces or Atollous whereof I became master within the spa●r of eighteen months and having defeated himself with all his power I compelled him to s● into the remotest parts of the Island of Palandurus I had pursued him even there but that I pirried the misery of that poor Prince who wanted no courage and who intruth would have done things worthy of his birth if fortune had but seconded his ambition I contented my self them to have augmented the King of Zeylans possessions by the whole extent of the Kingdom of the Maldives where when I had left good Garisons I returned Victorious to Tanadarus honored by the King and reverenc'd by all his Subjects who could not but admire at my prosperities and who imputed to me only that particular favour of the heavens to accomplish all my enterprizes Scarce had I the refreshment there of one whole month for we being advertised that Rozalcan and Zabain who to make themselves Lords of the Kingdom of Decan by a cruel and tyrannous usurpation had again dared to assault the King of Narfinga from whom we had had so great aids in all our Wars and necessities The King without expecting his defire of succours from him sent back all his Troops which had assisted him in the Conquest of the Maldives and having added half so many of the best Souldiers in his Army unto them which he must else have dismissed he commanded me to lead them and present them to his brother in law and that I should receive directions from him of what we had to do for his service It would be needlesse for me to tell you what I did after I had the honor done me to have the Command of the Army divided between the Prince Arontus and my self and after what manner I regain'd the Country of Canara which had been usurped from the King of Narsinga I know Sir that you can speak of all those matters as well as they that did them and that nothing since the death of Arontus hath passed whereof you have not had very faithful relations Wherefore I will return again to my Love and tell you some particulars of that sad passion which more than ever renewed in my soul at the sight of Lisimena whom I found in the Kingdom of Narsinga But I know not how I shall yet remember that ungrateful beauty who hath alwaies been so cruel to me and to oppresse me with misfortune and disgrace hath caus'd me
Anaxander piroxenus and Falantus who however well prepared for that visit had much to do to disuise her contentment and retain her joy so long it was that she had not seen her dear Anaxander as that only consideration was enough to shake her resolution and her constancy and discover openly to the King her father the impatiency of her mind and violence of her love yet she contain'd her self and save one amorous glance she cast by stealth on Anaxander nothing unordinary was observed in her welcome Daughter said the King comming neer her you had reason to solicit for Anaxanders freedom and I confesse I was too blame in not satisfying my self of a truth which you so resolutely maintained but fince that errour is remitted me le ts talk no more but how to remedy it and forget all our displeasures past to invent delights and give our selves over to ou● joy I declare that heartily I confirm that Marriage contracted secretly between you seeing t is true that honor was the ground of your lover and that nothing but vertue and modesty hath appear'd in you embraces and for a testimony of my consent I will in my presence have you now renew your vows and that Falantus may assure his Master of my granting all he asks while I take order that your Marriage be solemniz'd with a pomp to set all Asia in astonishment and make my greatnesse be admir'd of all my neighbours At these words our lovers could no longer conceal their transports they chang'd not only faiths but kinde embraces before all the company and with mutual tears of joy which ran from their eyes they dewed one another Meanwhile the King having learn'd that Lisimantus was comming with so mighty an Army which advanced to no purpose and that he was to marry his Neece Lisimena he sent an Embassadour with speed to meet him and acquaint him what had past and to enquire whether he would not partake of their contentment and desire to celebrate his Marriage with his brother Anaxanders in his Country Only Piroxenus now as to be pleased whose story the King was very glad to hear and much more to see that he was able to shew such arguments of his generosity as to the rest for though the whole Kingdom of decan was re-restablish'd under his obtdience and he the sole and peaceable possessor of it knowing that the fair Orixa was yet living he restor'd her presently her twelve Provinces and thought fit that Piroxenus should go to her who liv'd unknown still and carry her this good news himself and bring her to Bisnagar with Royall equipage that those three happy Marriages might be solemnized at once After his dispatch to Lisimantus and Orixa he sent back Falantus to Alcidaris that he better than any man might expresse his own and all his subjects joy whereof that great monarch intended to come and share in his own person The Queen Anaxarette not contented with the relations which would be made her of the magnificences prepared for her sons Wedding resolved to accompany him in that journey They then fitted themselves as soon as they could and having left good Garisons in their Countries although in peace they chose out the most expert Cavalliers of their Court and the handsomest women of Amadaba Campanel and Cambaye to conduct them to that delightful place where so many felicities expected them and causing a good part of the preparations for Lisimantus entrance and for Anaxanders and Piroxenus return to follow them in Chariots The King of Zeylan having known hereof by a Post dispatched to him by the King his brother in law he would likewise carry with him his daughter whom with a great deal of contentment he had vowed to Lisimantus whose birth he learnt from Albalot whom Alcidaris had sent him and failed not to be waited on by all the beauty of his Island that his Subjects might be seen to want nor skill nor power and that they might compare with all other nations He did Albalot the honor to take him into his own Ship with all the Cambayan Knights whom he brought with him that in a more stately train they might go all to Baticalus which is the next Haven to Bisnagar That City was exceeding great and one of the most renowned of the East but by reason of the great multitude and innumerable affluence which came from all parts of Asia to make some at the sports prepared and magnificencies which invited every body to them they were fain to set up Tents and Pavillions without the Walls and mark out all the lodgings of the City for the followers of those three Kings who came with the fairest and the richest ornaments of their Courts They all arrived severally at that stately City which at that time might justly boast to be the splendor and the glory of the East So great a pomp and so many wonders were never seen before together and I must make a Volume greater far than this if I would undertake to describe them all exactly and expresse the ravishments of all our Princes in their common rancounters as the Author of this book hath done with all the Conquests they have made since their Marriages of Lands usurped from Tamberlins children from whom they were descended but besides that other occasions busie me I should fear that this History might passe for a Fable becanse it would not be believed that Indian King● were so mighty in their States as in my writings It shall suffice that I tell you how that great Mogull who at this day makes all the East tremble and who justly boasts to be the greatest Monarch of the World vaunts him also to be issued out of Alcidaris the sole remainder of great Tamberlins race and to descend in a right line from Anaxander This whole History is painted in his great Palace Gallery at Lahor and in that of Dely which he hath had with the Kingdom of Citor and Decan by succession of Piroxenus who died childlesse as he hath inherited Cambaya and divers other Kingdoms lost and gotten again by the death of such as have descended from Lisimantus He got other great Countries and Kingdoms by his valor as all Indostan which is bounded by Indus and Ganges where the great City Agria is situated which is one of the chiefest scats of his Empire for he remaineth mostly at Lahor which is above fix score leagues from the Coast of Cambaya of whose magnificences all the East do talk with wonder He possesseth likewise Bengalus Aracam Ava Verma and an infinite number of other Kingdoms on this side Ganges and beyond but som likewise have been taken from his Prdeceessors of those which lawfully belonged to him as Narsinga Calicut and all the Coasts of Malabor which after Piroxenus death were divided into divers little Kingdoms of some of which the Portugals have made themselves Masters during the reign of Emanuel and since Yet at this time the Idalcan and the Nissamaluque enjoy all
THE INDIAN HISTORY OF ANAXANDER AND ORAZIA WHEREIN Are mingled the Adventures of ALCIDARIS of Cambaya and the Loves of PIROXENUS Written in French by Monsieur de Boys-Robert and Translated into English By W. G. Esq CONCERNING The excellency of this History read the Letter of Monsieur du Balzac next after the Preface LONDON Printed by S. G. for J. Kirton and are to be sold as his Shop at the Kings Arm● in S. Paul's Church yard 1657. AN ADVICE OF THE AUTHOR OF THE ORIGINAL Which may serve as a Preface to the Reader ALthough I list to passe here but as a bare Translator of Anaxanders Loves Alcidaris Adventures and to make my self more recommendable to thee seek my authority from the Arabians and Indians I assure my self Reader thou wilt be hardly perswaded that this History is true However it be seeing my aim is but to please thee and with pleasure to divert thee I care not much whether thou read my Book as a History or Fable so it do content thee If I did love to say much I would easily prove that there are in those brave Romances which are after the nature of Epique Poems instructions fit for all States that vice may be abhorred and vertue cherish'd as well as in Histories and in Romances so much the more as he that writes them proposes ever perfection to himself and sets those vertues in a more eminent degree whereof examples are presented us by Histories Besides there are but few Histories which do not either lie or flatter as they forget troublesome truths they publish lies that do oblige and commonly discover other mens imperfections to comply with some malicious minds and sacrifize to envy But the composers of Epique Poems and Romances are exempt from that black malice and most base complacency They describe things not as they are but as they ought to be T is without interest that they condemn foul deeds and Treasons and that they honor Justice Wisdome and Valor They make the guilty blush in their Consciences as well as true Historians and can tell better how than they to animate mens hearts in the defence of right and reason even to the last breath of life Besides that their design is but to be acceptable and stir up divers passions in the Readers they instruct them nevertheless and edifie them so as after reading them they grow much greater friends to vertue than before As for my self who cannot brag of those perswasive moving gifts I boast at lest to come thus neer a true History that I observe the justness of times that I describe exactly the Situation of Countries and Regions and that I relate the customs and ceremonies of the people at least of such as may give any pleasure to the Readers estranging my self from such things as may be harsh to their minds or trouble them As many as have been in the eastern voyage seen the Mogul's Court who is call'd great Achebar of his Subjects know that of all Asia they are the best men on horseback that they are great makers of Carrouzels but that at their publick feasts they mostly use the sports of Fencing Those who have seen as well as those that have described the Kingdom of Narsinga agree all of them that duels are more used there than in any part of the world that in times past they have been condemn'd and the duellists grievously punished but that of late years they were fain to suffer them hoping by that means to abolish them What I have said of the nuptials and interments of their Princes is confirmed likewise by divers as well antient as modern Historians So as Reader it rests only that I satisfie thee of the time amnd true race of Tamberlain from whom I make Anaxander to be descended Thou shalt know then if thou pleasest to believe what Albacen an Arabian Historian says who liv'd in Tamberlains time and who in two different Volumes hath writ his two childrens lives that after the death of that great Captain who was the Prince of Zaguetays son all his Countries which were of a great extent were divided between the two children Santochio and Letrochio and his chief Captains Axallo Odmar Synopes Colonel of his Infantry and the Prince of ●●●ai● his kinsman that Santochio had for his share being the ●●dest son Zaguetay which was his fathers inheritance and Letrochio the younger took possession of a good part of the Indes on this side Ganges A hundred years after Alhacen another Arabian called Ologbet who hath written the History of the Kings of Gouzarate says that Letrochio Tamberlains son left his Countries and possessions to his only son H●mar who was able to preserve Cambaya only by reason his other Subjects revolted from his obedience This Hamar had divers children of whom the eldest was called Alagmet who died very young and from the second called Abduli came the great Alcidaris the father of Alcidaris and Anaxander which he had by two wives He was surnamed the great because he had done many memorable actions from his youth up chastis'd many of his rebel Subjects having overcome them in sundry Battels and recovered much Land and many Provinces which had been taken from his father Hamar among others the Kingdom of Candahar otherwise called Sablestan situate on the North of the Kingdom of Cabul and that of Mandoa situate between the Kingdoms of Cambaya and Cytor Neverthelesse he left the enjoyment of them to King Babor he paying the accustomed Tribute imposed on him by his ancestors This Babor had one only daughter called Berenica whom Alcidaris married from her came the young Alcidaris and our Anaxander came from Anaxarette Queen of Dulcinda These two brothers being well united regained by their valour in time whatsoever Hamar had lost and conquered a part of those countries possessed this day by the great Mogul who boasheth to be the sole remainder of their race But I describe their Loves only and their first adventures purposing to do some better thing hereafter if I understand Reader that this little work hath pleased thee And now I intreat thee not to blame me for sundry faults escaped by misfortune in the impression I have corrected such as have come to my knowledge and if I have been so happy as to have stolen some importunate hours from thee I crave no other reward but that thou wilt amend what I have not observed Farewell A letter written by Monsieur du Balzac To a Lady of quality accompanied with the Indian History of Anaxander and Orazia Madam BEing not able to wait on you according to my promise when you went from hence I believe I shall not do you injury if I commend you better company T is that book I send you which you heard so much prais'd and which you thought to carry with you into those parts for a comfort in your absence from the Court It is certainly worth your estimation and as great impatience as I knew
you did expect it with And if in times past the belly of a Queen from whence a Prince was to be born us'd to be crown'd I wonder not that you before the birth thereof approv'd it 'T will without doubt rellish again your palate which those ill lines of mine you have sometimes made me send you have much distasted It will afford you wherewithall to shorten the longest daies even of this season and means to entertain your self lone and reason too to thank me for my abence For to speak truth all visits will be uneasie to you during so sweet diversion as so fine a lecture hath prepared for you and whoever shall disturb you in it must undoubtedly receive your secret cu●se whatever complements good manners may oblige you to make shew of For me Madam who will have me believe my judgment not extremely ill and that my opinions are sound enough I must confesse that laying aside the love I bear the Author of this work I have observed many things therein which I would praise even in my enemy He will pardon me if I tell you he is one of the most acceptable liars I yet ever saw and it is very certain that I never complained of his cheats till he had done deceiving me because they lasted no longer I will not conceal my weaknesse I knew I saw the picture of a feigned thing and yet I felt as violent motions as the thing real would have stirred in me if it had been true and that I had beheld it with mine own eyes sometimes I was sorry and sometimes glad as Monsieur de Boys-Robert was pleas'd to tell me of good or ill fortune me though I was in earnest interested in the affairs of his imaginary Kings I had many fears for poor Anaxander which are beyond expression and Lisimantus misfortunes very littleless troubled my mind and in the very extremities I saw them both I offered vows for their safety at the instant when they were delivered miraculously In fine Madam although my heart be reasonably hard and my eyes not very inclinable to water some tears fell from me in spite of my teeth and I was asham'd that they were another mans dreams and visions which mov'd me to so feeling and so real sorrows and not my own evils It is a most tyranni●al power which a mans sense usurps over his reason and which manifestly shews us that the neighbourhood of the imagination is extr●mely contagious to the parts intellectual and that that proud creature which thinks 〈◊〉 made to command all others consists of a great deal more body than soul The Author of the Ethiopian History gave me many times such frights and I cannot at this day read him but with being deceiv'd As for other Romances you know I am not greedy of them and indeed the greatest part are 〈◊〉 Heliodorus's disguis'd or as the late ●ishop of Ayre said of the children that came to Theagenes and Cari●leas Marriage who so exactly resentbled their father and mother as not a hair difference I promise you Madam you shall here see what is new and the Courts true tongue speak of which you have so perfect a knowledge I confesse somewhat there is in some places a little like roesie and not entirely according to the strictnesse of our rules But I am told that those kinde of beauties become Romances and that all that manner of writing is without the reach of our jurisdiction Before I shut up my letter I have something pleasant to tell you of c. These Books are lately printed and are sold at the Kings Arms in Pauls Churchyard The Administration of Cardinal Richelieu containing the History of the most important Aff●irs of Christendom more particularly of England from Anno 1624. to 1634 A Collection out of the best approved Authors containing neer six hundred several Histories of Visions Apparitions Prophecies Spirits Divinations and other wonderful Illusions of the Devil also of divers Astrological Predictions The Man in the Moon or a Discourse of a Voyage into the Moon by Domingo Gonzales Also Nuncius Inanimatus Englished A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities concerning the English Nation by the Study and Travel of Richard Verstegan The History and Character of the Bishop● in the Reigns of Q. Elizabeth and K. James written by Sir John Harrington The Magistrates Authority in matters of Religion Or the right of the state in the Church a Discourse written by the learned Hugo Gro●ius Of Government and Obedience as they stand directed and determined by Scripture and Reason Four books by John Hall of Richmond Two Play 's of M. James Shirley The Constant Maid a Comedy and S. Patrick for Jreland That Excellent Tragedy of Bussie D' Ambois written by M. George Chapman The Philosophy commonly called the Morals written by the learned Philosopher Plutarch THE INDIAN HISTORY OF ANAXANDER AND OF ORAZIA The first BOOK As soon as the sad knowledge of Arontus death arrived at Baticalus where the King but late retired to enjoy the fruits of Lisimantus Victorie who had regained from his Enemies the Countrey of Canara As soon I say as that sad noise had run throughout the City all Sports and Passe-times ceast and their triumphant Tunes were chang'd to woefull Moanes and the unlook'd-for mourning which the Court put on spred suddainly thorowout the Kingdome of Narsinga which in that youthfull Prince had loft the flower of all their hopes This sorrow was so universall and this loss so generally felt that any man seem'd guilty without tears and none did dare although in publick to keep in his sorrow for fear of being judg'd persidious or a Traytor But the fair Orazia more than all with grief unspeakable receiv'd the knowledge of that loss and though her self obtain'd thereby three Kingdoms she could not yet endure the everlasting seperation from that only brother whom she so tenderly had loved and of whose dear regards of her she had so great assurances Her beauteous mouth which through excess of love had caused all the world to sigh sigh'd now its self through her excess of sorrow her lovely eyes which commonly were call'd the living Fountains of the Graces and of Loves were now but lasting springs of ever-flowing tears And though she strove her utmost to destroy that beauty by the clouds she daily cast upon them yet did they not forbear to send their beams abroad and shine with equall force as does the Sun sometimes betwixt two showers The Princess Lisimena whose society but lately was so sweet and acceptable to her and in whose bosome she was wont to lock in safety her displeasures and delights grew now uncapable of serving her with any consolation nay to speak truth her self much needed it This Goodly Princess whom late incensed war within the King her Fathers Country of ●eylan had drawn into those parts shar'd greatly in the common sorrow of the Kingdome which was then her sanctuary and seem'd as much
few dayes conducted hither drawn in a triumphant Chariot which shall accompany his pompous funerals It cannot be long ere they returne for the Decanians ravished with joy to be delivered from two slaves who have driven out all their blood Royall from their government came every day to yeeld themselves unto the valiant Ariomant and bring him still their City keyes and Castles likewise And that poor people incapable of defending themselves with pleasure rank them under the Kings dominion whose clemency they know as surely as his justice The fair Orazia not able at that time to learn more newes of her deer Ariomant with much impatience look'd for his return and still she sought her common comforts from Lisimena from whom she could not hide the new occasions of her joy nor yet conceal her Lovers birth which from her Brothers Letter which the Gods would not allow an end to she began to know But she conjur'd her she should keep it secret and make no mention of it till a fitter season Mean while for her diversions and to beguile the time of Ariomants absence she often talked with Saradin and made him repeat the prayses which she already had tasted with so much content in his behalf whom more than all the world she lov'd And because she would make Saradin entirely hers whose faithfulnesse she knew unparallel'd her chief squire being slain in the battell she chose Saradin to succeed him to which she got the King her Fathers consent who was much pleas'd to give him that reward as worthy of his long good services If hitherto I have not spoken of that great Monarchs sorrow and excessive grief for losse of his dear son upon whose magnanimity and valour he had built his rest and hopes 't is to speak truly that I hold his woes unspeakable Besides in telling you the little strength he had to meet that unexpected newes and the despair which more than once had tempted him to do violence on himself I fear to lay a blemish on the other actions of his life Let us forget his sorrows and his over-passion then and call to mind the constancy wherewith he shortly after arm'd himself and resolution which he took to honour as his army had desir'd his deer Arontus memory and funerals He alwayes kept the brave Lisimantus with him and so much valued the courage of that invincible Knight as that he dar'd not in his presence shew his great resentments and truly 't was from him he had more comfort than from any other being a man who had despis'd a thousand deaths and one who though his life were glorious for a thousand brave exploits yet found no sweetness in it for the bloody discoutentments he each day received in the scorn of beautious Lisimena But whiles accommodations are preparing to solemnize the funerall pomps of that Prince whom they expect and whose body glorious though without a soul craves the honour of a triumph 't is requisite that by the way I tell you somewhat of this Lisimantus who for his vertue merits in this place to have a short abridgement of his life recorded He was a Souldier under fortunes banner who from his infancy being given a Page unto the Princess Lisimena and after given again unto the King of Zeilan her father as you shal see in the sequell of this story from step to step advanc'd him by his courage and by his excellent conduct rose to the greatest charges in the Kingdom and so far forth as after Arbiran's death he followed him and was made generall of that great Army which hath of late triumphed over the King of Maldives All the Indian Chronicles are full of memorable actions by him done in that long war and you shall by and by learn from his own mouth the reason why to take upon him the name of Lisimantus he forsook his own a name he borrowed from the King his Masters only daughter to whom from his first rising he was bold to send sighs and amorous aspects The fair Lisimena so was the Princess cald besides a private inclination which she had to cherish that accomplisht Knight for his own merits sake did yet besides account her self oblig'd thereto for great and noted services which every day he did unto the Crown of Zeilan whose chief support and prop he was but the great courage of her heart and honour which she valued more than all things else caused her to undervalue in her thoughts the secret love of that unknown young man whom she had seen to come so poorly fitted to the King her Fathers Court who knew no more than she his birth and could not enough wonder at the boldness which he took not only to send forth his looks towards her but even to sigh in presence of her whiles the whole Court saw and knew it because it was a Law throughout the Indes that a Princess could not marry but her equall nor without much dishonour suffer the addresses of a man who were not Kingly born And in some parts the Law was more severe than others as in the Kingdome of Decan where death was added to the shame of that Princess who should unequally dispose her self Which is at present yet the Custom among the Negres as well of the Kingdome of Cambaye as Calecut and all the parts of Malabar Not one however dar'd to speak his thoughts of Lisimantus open love envy it self was silent as well for that they knew the greatness of his humour as the respect which they were bound to owe the power of his command wherein he did so worthily acquit himself The King observed him as well as others but that his wisdome did oblige him to distemble what he saw because in truth he was very necessary as the chiefest instrument of that revenge he had ordained for his greatest enemy the King of Maldives who had for wantonnesse assaulted him and sworn his ruin But for fear of causing greater passion which he daily saw to grow in Lisimantus it seem'd him best to separate his daughter for some time and send her to his brothers in Law and friend the King of Narsingus Court to keep her Cousin Orazia company He wanted not a colour for this act for they had lately understood by an intelligencer that the King of Maldives who was then lately beaten in two sea fights by Lisimantus made great preparation to besiege the City of Colombo where the King of Zeilan commonly held his Court and he conceiv'd he should have lesse cause to fear when as his daughter who was the greatest treasure that he had though in his Countries Pearl and Emeraulds Saphires are found aboundantly should remain in safety This resolution he no sooner took but put in execution and sent his only daughter who long since lost her Mother to Narsinga with an equipage which well became her greatnesse Lisimantus would most gladly have diverted that voyage had he dared and had opposed his courage to the Kings
fear if that he should not have too openly declared himself and with insolency abused the prosperity of his fortune and his Armes this made him hide his discontent and yeelding to necessity permitted her to go away who had fomented still his courage and was cause of all the goodly actions he had done It was indeed the King of Maldives project to besiege the City of Colombo that in some sort he might repair his severall assronts receiv'd in many Sea fights But by the impatient courage of Lisimantus he was prevented who sinding they were slow in comming and perceiving how the King his Masters Forces were augmented by the late ayd sent by the King of Narsinga his Brother in Law thought sit to prevent the enemy and go lay battery to Bandos his chiefest fortresse which was not far from the Isle of Male where then he made his war-like provisions And that which put him upon the enterprize was that he had intelligence within the place he proposed it to the councill of warre who approv'd thereof and was so happy as his plot succeeded for the King his Masters advantage he took that Castle under the King of Maldives nose who was come to succour it sunck divers of his great ships and in a word to finish all his victories he defeated absolutely the King of Maldives who fled into the farthest parts of the Isles of Palandurus he got all his Countries wherewith he enlarged his Masters and did such notable things and worthy of admiration as will never be forgotten as you shall more at large perceive in the fifth Book of this History for I mean now to tell you only what adventures brought him to the City of Baticalus No sooner was he return'd victorious into the Island of Zeilan but the King had notice that the two revolted slaves the faithlesse Rozalcan and his Brother Zabain who had usurp'd the Kingdome of Decan and driven out of all their lawfull Princes not contented with the Signiories of those twelve mighty Provinces would yet augment themselves at the charges of the King of Narsinga from whom already they had taken the Country of Canara which bordered on them and lay convenient for their purpose As soon as the King of Zeilan knew hereof having no more to fear now from the King of Maldives whose pride was well abated though nothing more than how to succour and revenge his friend his neighbour and allie the King of Narsinga to whom he sent back his Troops adding as many of his own subjects under the conduct of Lisimantus whose service by the same occasion he presented him if in the present necessity of his affairs he thought him needfull You may imagine if our Heros who did seek but new occasion to employ his courage in was very glad to find it in a place where he was sure to see the sweetest object of his thoughts he did not run he flew unto it and being arriv'd at Bisnagar where then the King of Narsinga was he had the honour to divide the Royall Army with the Prince Arontus only heir to those great Kingdoms of Narsinga Bisnagar and of Orixa But Arontus as great reason was did choose and took the greatest and the hardest task to undergo Lisimantus then with those Troops which he brought out of Zeilan were sent to re-obtain the Country of Canara from the enemies and the Prince Arontus led his Army into the Kingdome of Decan resolving to root out those two slaves which had revolted from their Prince and caus'd so many and so divers mischiefs he therein bore himself so bravely that having met them in the field and with the pride of all their Army he gave them battail he slew Zabain with his own hand and aided by the valour of Ariomont and Callistenus had so glorious a success as that he rooted out those Monsters of whom the one as I have said with his own hand he slew but from the other had his mortall wound who was then presently tane prisoner by and by shall serve to adorn the Funerall Triumph of that Prince falln in his victory and whom to sorrow for we begun already Before those passags in Decan Lisimantus had already done so well his duty as he regain'd the Province of Canara so famous for those three Cities Onor Mangalor and Baticalus and after he had put to death or banisht far enough from thence all those who had been constant to those slaves who faith-less had oppos'd themselves against his power he sent a post to give knowledge of it to the King of Narsinga which when he understood as well because he would enjoy the fruits of that valiant Cavaliers victory as for his neer being to Decan and sooner having advertisements from his Son he left the great City of Bisnagar removed his whole Court to Baticalus wich heretofore had been the antient burying place of the first Kings of Narsinga when they aboad in the Country of Canara and shall serve shortly in the same stead unto the generous Arontus There 't was that Lisimantus saw again the dearest object of his passion there 't was that all his great desires awaked and where he thought having orecome his enemies he should obtain fair Lisimena But though that beautious Princess knew sufficiently Lisimantus merits and was not ignorant of one of all those services he did her Father the evill relish of his petty birth diverted her from loving him and from his conversation too for fear lest those perfections which she noted in his mind and body might at length gain on her and light a fire which was already kindling in her heart which then she might not know to quench The fair Orazia knew all the secrets of her soul as she had likewise opened hers to Lisimena and whiles each entertained other with their amorous resentments there came a Post from the King of Zeilan who crav'd again his daughter and pray'd the King of Narsinga to send her back because there was no stir or trouble now within his Countries But this news greatly grieved Orazia who was like to lose and may be lose for ever that deer Princess unto whom besides so neer a bloud so great and perfect friendship had united her However little was that sorrow to another which befell her shortly after by the arivall of a Post come from Decan who as I said brought her the wofull newes of her only brother Arontus death But for we have already mentioned the honours meant unto him although dead and the provisions fitted for his triumph Let us go on in our story and renew no more the plaints and griefs which but too oft already I have for a losse so generall repeated Scarce had a Month been spent since that sad news had entred Baticalus when a Post from Ariomant came to the King to give him notice of his Victorious Armies coming home which waited on the glorious body of his Son Immediately that valiant King forgetting or dissembling
his inward sorrow caus'd the stately sumptuous Convoy to be fitted which by night and with this ceremony passed from the gate of the great street of Baticalus to the Royal Palace First the whole street was spread with black Velvet and at each window burnt six Torches throughout every story of Virgin wax to shew the pomp of that Solemnity All the Souldiers who in that War had followed him past File and File in streaming tears trayling their Pikes upon the ground as conquer'd people rather than victorious their brazen Drums in mourning cases beat but now and then and gave a certain doleful sound which mov'd new horror in the people when as the Foot companies which were a great number had all pass'd by the Cavalry in Sable Armes appeared their horse Caparisons of the same colour having the fights of their Helmets down and holding but the shivers of Lances in their hands their Trumpets but half blown sent forth most lamentable sounds or rather cries which now made melt the hearts of those who formerly they had encouraged next them came Ariomant who really afflicted hid not his face as did the rest but in his eyes would have them see the sadness of his heart and in this sorrowful appearance he did seem so handsome that Orazia who observ'd him passing by was doubly but for divers causes moved by his tears ●allistenus was by his side who nothing differ'd from him save that his Sable plume was not so long as his the Chariot followed them close after which drawn by six black horses carried the Cypres smelling Coffin where lay the body of Arontus and over it his Image fixt in Kingly rober holding his Scepter in his hand Rosal●on was on his knees chain'd at the feet of this Effigies who looked in his face and round about him there marched in much pain by reason of their chaines the chief of those who had rebelled and Trayterous Villains to their King had taken party with a pair of Slaves Before the pillar● of the Chariot there hung as Trophies every piece of the Princes Armour from head to foot and at the hinder pillars were made fast some of the Ensigns and the Warlike spoyl●s which he had gotten from the two Usurpers and what the Chariot could not carry were borne on Elephants which follow'd them in coverings of black Velvet In this glorious and mournful equipage Arontus body was carried as far as the Temple of the Royal Palace which was the ancient place of burying their Kings There had they rais'd a stately Altar on which was set the Image of the Prince exceeding like him which they honored with Persumes and lighted Lamps were plac'd about it And that according to the ancient custom that ceremony might last for ever a yearly sum was settled and people appointed who with great molten Censers almost like those wherewith they worshipped the gods should still persume that Image and see that everlastingly those Lamps should burn at the feet of the Effigies was set this inscription in Arabique verses which I have in our language thus translated In thickest of my Victory When my strong arm in honor high Did strew their Camp with dread and fear Twice wounded by two deadly darts Triumphing ore the rebels hearts Death did his triumphs on me rear As soon as they were gone forth from the Temple Rosalcan whom the Executioners had seazed by the Kings command had his head struck off at the gate and was slain as a sacrifice unto the Princes Guardian Angels When all the Funeral ceremonies were ended and the great sorrow overpast the King who had a manlike heart diverting by degrees his trouble sought comfort in the great perfections of his Daughter which was left him the rare Orarza who gaining every day new charmes from the return her of deerest Lover grew a continual object of delight to all that saw her her beautious face shining within that great and obscure Veil had more force than when the Sun bursts through the cloud which in foul weather environ it Love never leaves her eyes in greatest sadness nor in her strictest mourning do her graces ever quit her Before the Kings departure from Baticalus he made provision for disorders in the Kingdom and chiefly to restrain the liberty of private Combates which the War had lately very much renew'd among his brave Nobility Indeed they gave too great a way unto that brute and boundless fury and thereby too much wrong'd their courage which exalted them above all other Nations far For preventing therefore anew the progresse of this mischief which from day to day got strength the Councill was assembled and the King ordained a Law severe whereby without exception of or rank or quality whatever it was decree'd that the infringers should unpardonably passe the Hangmans hands and have their heads struck off besides the losse of offices and goods which should remain confiscate to the King and that the execution might be sure and that all hope of favour for the future might be clean taken away his Majesty swore solemnly before the Altars on the sacred Books and by his Fathers soul to make due execution of it nor that his Son if yet alive should have exemption from the Law if he should give himself to that inhumane course and thereby run the hazard of it This strict Ordinance repress'd exceedingly the fierceness of that ready youth who were compelled to hide their often resentments after injuries received and restrained their too too heady forwardness wherein so indiscreetly they had laid the chiefest point of honor When as sufficient provision had been made for this disorder and that the King had for the good and quiet of his people settled other wholsome Laws and strengthned all the Holds of Canara with faithful Governors and meet provisions he commanded all manner of Carriages and Wagons to be ready for that within eight daies he would depart from Baticalus and for more acceptation to the King of Zeylan who desir'd his Daughter he meant to wait on her himself unto the neerest Port for her conveniency with which advertisement he bid the Post return unto the King his Master This resolution of the Kings pleased greatly Lisimantus who being to be chief of that Conduct meaned to declare himself upon the way and let Lisimena know who saw too much already his great passion so her love In Baticalus he had never opportunity to speak in private to her though for that end he had imployed his subtilest contrivances and so far forth as what by gifts and flattering he had won a little Page of hers call'd Aquilant whom she much loved and was ever of her train with him he had the boldness to trust a Letter which contained his secret Loves and told him t was an intelligence that much concern'd his Mistresse service and that he should not fail to be careful in the delivery without telling her from whence it came for that she would her self finde well
that can reserve your self and keep so strict a silence before ●ose from whom you have not kept your most concealed thoughts But if my ears have not deceiv'd me you should be rather glad than sorry that have your Love in your possession are sure that dainty Picture will refuse not one of your embraces Verily Madam I was never so surpriz'd in all my life by any accident as at his words and t was great hap but in the exigent I was I had from point to point discovered all our purposes and conjur'd him to assist us but when I saw he continued on his jesting spake not of our voyage I guest he had discover'd nothing so as we were content to keep on sporting with him without so much as striving to deny the love whereof he had accused us However since that time we more reserv'd our selves and that at length we might be free from those disturbances our fears and our continual jealousies had kept us in we took a firm and valiant resolution to go on with our design which we conceal'd from all the world except two Gentlemen that had from youths been bred with us and whose entire affections and fidelity to do us service we had known He whom I took and who is with me still is called Almerin and he alone wen tout of Campanel with us because we thought it sit to leave Neander for so was piroxenus Squire called as a spie some daies at Court to learn what would be said of our departure and gave him Pala for a randezvous which is some either or nine daies journy off from Campanel and for that Town is in the desert and neer joyning to the ountains of Gate a little from the apssage to Narsinga which we went we thought that few would have imagined we had gone a way so steep and difficult We were a thousand times about to ship our selves at the Port of Cambaye but thought the voyage would be over-long by sea and happily the King your fathers Court might be an Bisnagar which would much shorten our journey and save us labour to crosse over the high Mountains of Gate which as we understand do separate your two Kingdoms and have such property as to divide the Winter and the Summer so betwixt them as when t is could at Bisnagar t is warm at Narsinga We were the more invited to go by land for the defire we had to passe through the Kingdom of Decan which lay in our way whereof we had heard great praises and that among all the Royal Courts of Asia there was not any which exceeded that whereof the gallantry was a the highest degree that could be wisht and Ladies courteous as in any part of the World we therefore resolv'd to go that way in some sort to refresh our selves as to observe whether it were a truth was said of it that of all parts of India men were best on horsoback there and where all the Rules of fencing which my Couzin and my self knew very well were best observed We therefore Piroxenus and my self when as the Moon was one night very favourable to our flight stole out of Campanel without more company then Almerin for we had left Meander in the City and when we had advanc'd some ten Leagues forward I found my Cousin had had more foresight than I for doubting that we might be followed when 't was day being found wanting he had commanded a servant of his call'd Madaron whose honesty he long time knew to go two dayes before with a couple of excellent horses upon one of which himself was mounted and led the other in his hand and gave him charge to stay for us at a little Town call'd Oby which is some twenty Leagus from Campanell upon the road of Pala and was Neanders Rendezvous After the whole nights travell and that day began to break Piroxenus seeing me troubled for the fear I had left they might send through all parts after us he told me of his providence and taking provender out of a Sck which Almerin carryed for our horses gave them an hours space to breath and ●id as fast as we could possible till we had teached Oby and commanded Almerin to come but slowly after us a far off as well because we had no fresh horse for him as that if we were follow'd on that way where neer he had a house he might diver● their course and when he should be come where Madaron was at Oby they should find us in the City Bialis which is from thence two little journeys where we would expect them and with earnestnesse injoyn'd them from thence forward to forget our names of Anaxander and Piroxenus and to call us Taxilus and Cleantus Some two houres after the sun was up we ariv'd at Oby where we left our horses with Madaron who had sufficient time to walk and refresh them before Almerin could come and after we had eaten somewhat making great hast three or four times resting our horses and our selves and feeding them with what we had we got to Bialis withall the speed we could Next day our people without any accident came to us and we altogether undiscover'd took our way to Pala. We had not long been there before Neander came unto us from whom we learnt in how great trouble all the court was at our absence and that indeed the first two or three dayes they were not so much troubled because they thought we had been gone about some secret wantonnesse but when the King perceiv'd no newes was to be had of us his anger mastred him and if the Queen had not restrained him he would have gone beyond the bounds of Fatherly affection These are said she but tricks of youth which are to be excus'd and me thinks no strange matter that young Princes living in continual restraint run out a little and a while seek the freedom which our Court affords them not 'T is altogether contrary said the King for Princes ought not to commit such follies Their Governours and good instructions given them together with their births should make them old before their time and being enlightned as they are from every where their meanest actions should be squared so as to be good examples for the world and me thinks they that cannot rule their passions are unworthy to have power of men But neither King nor Queens displeasure might compare with sage Evanders discontent That Grave old man who loved us only and who amongst his other excellent Sciences had also cunning in the art of divination which among the Persians is a common thing had found among his other Speculations that Piroxenus and my self should at two severall times run hazard of an extraordinary and a violent death and fearing lest effects might follow his predictions remembring us so often to retire in private and to have heard us speak of Orazia's Picture he suspected we might secretly have undertaken a voyage to Narsinga
strangers were already entertain'd which flockt from at all parts there against the great solemnity During the time which we were there before the Combate because the Herald in the en dof his Proclamation had prescrib'd the manner of the furnitures and Crests Coat●armours Saddles Frontstalls Foot-cloaths Targets Darts and Spears we fitted all and went and rank'd our selves under the Prince Araxus Standard who was Chief of the adventurers and having a good liking to us although he took us but for Persian Knights assign'd us God-fathers and entertain'd us with all manner of civility and because he would not discontent a great many Lords of note who had as well as we disposed themselves under his colours he privately passed a most obliging complement unto us endeavouring to make us think he held his party much inforced by our helps But as you shall perceive that argument of his friendship cost us very dear for from that time his Brother Demonax grew very jealous of us and delighted ever since to shew us publique scornes and sought by all occasion how to hurt us But we were comforted to see how even to his own Sister Orixa he shew'd a very ill affection because she could never endure his Couzin the Prince Palandurus love whom Demonax esteem'd and favour'd all he could and this withdrew him from his Sisters friendship wholly with a protestation that at length she should repent the scorn she had of his dear friend To come again to my discourse after according to the order and the ancient custom of Decan the defendant and assaylant the Judges and the Heralds had made a pompous entrance into the City together with the Knights who had dispos'd themselves to eithers Standard the night before the Eve unto the Sports and Combates the Ladies by the Queens commands assembled in the Palace hall to Dance of whose pomp it may be Madam if I speak a word or two it may not be unpleasing At one end of the room there was a Theater erected where the Queens State was placed and over it did sparkle twelve Candlesticks of Rnbies and of Saphirs mixt together fill'd with an infinite number of Waxlights about it were three degrees of seats above each other where the Princesses the Ladies of honor and the Queens Maids were set and above all the Queen her self upon a Chaire of black Velvet embroydered with Pearl was rais'd about the middle of the most eminent degree and on her right hand sat the Princesse Orixa All the Ladies that should dance were clad in a clean other habit than their custom and which they never used but on such daies of ceremony or of publique feasts First they were dressed in their hair with a number of little flowers and great sprigs of Silver came out at the middle of their Garlands made of Pearl and Diamonds their veils were made of cloth of Silver strewed with little Pearl and edged round with great their Gowns of white Sattin embrodered with Gold and Silver and throughout in works of greater Pearl whose hanging sleevers were likewise covered and their coats about below the edges were in scollops and hem'd about with Pearl and above all the dressing the Gold and Silver embrodery was so raised as it seem'd to be of Gold-smiths work They had all of them a kinde of great band after the Persian manner with peakes and big Pearl hanging at them The shining of the precious stones which were in their chains joyning with the gliftring of Gold about their cloaths did diversly multiply the reflections of the light which came from the twelve Rubie and Saphir Candelsticks and of thirty more of Christal ena●●● milled with divers colours which gave light to all the rest of the Hall where both the Court and City-Ladies had their places Right opposite unto the Queens was likewise rais'd a Theater for the King who had on either hand the two Princes Demonaz and Araxus and at their feet were all the Knights of note almost in the same order that the Ladies were dispos'd as well the Subjects of that Kingdom as the Strangers who were come to honor that feast all of them richly clad and glistring with the luster of their Pearl and Diamonds and Rubies which they wore in skarffs The Master of the ceremonies by Araxus commands gave us our places and though our habit was not so costly as the rest because we had not time to invent them richer or more brave for Piroxenus and my self had spent our time in practising the Persian manner of dancing as soon as we began to move they all rose up to note our action which was accompanied with a particular good grace and the Princesse Orixa after the Country custom comming to take me and commanding me to lead her a Dance I so far pleas'd her with my fashion and my Complements that from that time she shew'd me more of her good will than I desir'd she should and truly I may say that fatal enterview was the original of hers and my misfortune I will not busie my self Madam to describe unto you here all the figures of the Combate at that feast and publique joy although their manner were the finest of the world their entries stately and the form of their field the most glorious that I ever saw becomming such as often exercise such gallantries and who were held the most expert of all Asia and happily of all the world as well in horsemanship as all brave exercises us'd on foot to give delight and recreation unto Ladies It sufficeth me to tell you that after Piroxenus and I had in the combate of Spears well acquitted our selves under araxus Sandard which Combate was perform'd after the Moorish fashion and the Persian and wherein I was in my fathers Court well exercis'd I was amazed when the Dancing began as on the former night the Princesse Orixa waied on by six fair Ladies and accompanied by the Judges and the Heralds came and staid her just before that place of the Scaffold where I was and the King of Arms who went before her breaking the silence made me this complement aloud before them all Taxilus observe thy worth and glorifie thy self before this famous assembly seeing a stranger and unknown among us as thou art thou hast been judged worthy of the prize disputed by the Combate of Spears which here the beauteous Princesse Orixa daughter to our great King Demonax comes to preent thee waited on by the impartial'st judges of the World which show that favour is not used in this Country and that the vertue rather than the greatness of the Combatants all whom thou hast exceeded by thy skill is here preferred wherefore receive this prize which our Princesse prays thee to accept and descend from thence that as the ancient custom of this Kingdom is thou mayst by her be honored I then in haste came down and the Princesse opned the prize which was a big Ruby of great value I bowed my self very low
when you were about to die a shamefull death that I might turn from off you one of those blows your evill destinies had threatned you withall See Madam what discourse Evander entertain'd us with which set my thoughts into as great confusion as they were but two hours before for I believ'd I was Alcidaris his only son and much it angred me a fool should be my elder brother However I cheer'd up my self in hope or one day having the fair Kingdom of Dulcinda which could not be taken from me And however I despaired not of gaining others which my courage and my sword did promise me But as on our parts we were recounting our adventures to the wise Evander who much blamed us after having told him of Orixas loves and the change we us'd towards her for not revealing our selves to the Prince Araxus a Page came to advertise us the King was comming to see us in our Chamber I was a little surprized at it because I foresaw already what would be the issue of that visit However Piroxenus and I composing our selves as well as we could we went forth to meet him and after mutuall salutations he began and thus said to me I much admire Sir that being born as you are and for our neighbourhood knowing my greatness and my Lordship of the famous Potts of Chaul and Goa which adjoyn to yours you would chuse rather death than my alliance when you had first abused my daughter who had been alwaies till your comming hither the pattern both of honor and of vertue I finding his discourse grew to be long and that he went on reproaching me and excusing himself for the violence had been shewen us suddainly interrupted him to tell him every circumstance that passed I told him of the passionate affection Piroxenus bare the Princess his daughter how that he was my Conzin germain and the only heir unto the Kingdom of Citor how he had borne so great respect unto her as not to dare declare himself her husband though never any save hithself had known her how when he saw things grown to such extremity as they were and me condemned for his fault he went and cast himself at his Majesties feet who would not hear him At length I so far perswaded him as having appear'd his spirit and freed him from the trouble which his former rage had put him in he relished my reasons which he found most just and likely and taking us by the hand that he might suddenly finish Piroxenus Marriage he lead us to the Princess Chamber who was very sick a bed and by her sat the Queen in tears Although amid so many accident● and misfortunes her soul were laden with profound and fearfull thoughts the spite she had conceiv'd against me had not gained so much over her but that her wasting body was still battered with love whose heat joyning to that of her Feavor kindled so great and violent a five within her as Physicians did despair already ever to be able to quench it Seeing me come into her Chamber and the King her father leading me by the hand believing he was come to confirm our Marriage and that it had been done more through compassion of her friends than of my own good will the tears ran in her eyes and to conceal the passion which surprized her she turn'd her head the other side My daughter said King Demonax unto her behold your husband whom I bring you and would it had so pleased the Immortall gods that I had had but patience enough to have understood the truth of a History which will no less amaz your self than me we should not then have had the labour to oppose our Laws against you nor threaten with a shamefull punishment your life and honours which at once I now do warrant you Know if as yet you do not know that those two Knights who have been condemned with you are sons to the most puissant Kings of India this same said he pointing at Piroxenus has the Kingdom of Citor already in possession and is Ceuzin germain to this other who lives in hope after the death of Alcidaris to reign over the Empire of Guzarat They have not only chang'd their names but their hearts also and he who you as you believed chose for husband was never yours more than for manners sake or for civility but hath in that good fortune given his Cousin place who only for his marvellous affection to you merits your possession Turn your self towards me think no more of what is past for which I am more sorry than your self and hence forth studying but to please your self receive with courtesie your real husband whom I here present you Here at the Princess turn'd her face towards the King and seeing it t was Piroxenus he presented her How Sir said she to him that impostor then is constant in denying me after renouncing of himself to quite undo me and you believe him and I shall be so miserable as that you will put off your common knowledge to be overtaken by his lies she would have prosecuted her reproaches when Piroxenus who till then had not dar'd speak a word emboldning him by presence of the King who favoured his love took liberty to interrupt her and casting himself down at her feet he fram'd her this discourse Madam said he though you should heap your scorns upon me and all my life I should repent me of my rashness yet I finde fit I should no longer hide it from you but make known the errour you till now have been in Know fair Orixa that I have never loved any save your self and that the meer consideration of my love and of your beauty hath compelled me to keep Anaxander so long in this Country we have between us both but one desire and one affection wherefore I having learnt by him that your unhappy Inclination carried you to bear him love who was already gaged in affection to another I conjur'd his help and favour to my sute he had compassion on me and admitted me instead of him and that which by good forune I was not able to deserve I got by subtility Love fair Orixa made me bold to deceive you blame therefore him not me who weak against so strong a Master was compelled to yield and follow him T was I whom Callias under favour of the darkness guided where you look'd for Anaxander and in short t was I who in your Nurses presence sware to be your lawfull husband and who made you a thousand protestations of unalterable Love which since I 'me sure I never violated the fear of death has not been able to do it nor shall your scorns of me prevail at all no though you should be more cruell to me than the destinies who have so threatned me with punishments and though by taking all hope from me of your favour you should condemn me unto death I vow I will preserve your love even in my grave Orixa
with I know not what kinde of obliging neglect which made him know you disapprov'd my rashness but condemn'd it not that you counterfeited much anger with me and him also who had brought you the news of my Love but that you forbare not however to read my Letter which with a feigned action of disdaign you opened and presently gave him back again without saying ought else to him than Go tell thy Master that his too great boldness does not please me and bid him call to mind I am the daughter of a King But Sir said Almerin at the recitall which he made of that adventure Assure your self the fair Orazia loves you she could not hide from me the least thought of her heart her eyes reveal'd her most secret purposes and though they had been shut up too as was her mouth I should have found that love was mixed with that blood which came so often up into her cheeks The Princess very well remembring with what innocency that action had passed when she had counterfeited anger against Almerin and that with indeed a feigned anger she had opened that letter which she had a mind to see because to say truth she even at that time burnt for love of Anaxauder she could not chuse but laugh and blush at once and the Prince Anaxander being by that natural shamefastness sufficiently assured of the truth thereof proceeded thus in his discourse You have known all Madam said he whatsoever hath since passed in that Court and that as well which does concern my love as that which toucheth Piroxenus melancholy who would be hardly seen in any company and cloathed in a long and mourning habit which yet more his heart put on did plant a grief and sorrow in the minds of all that saw him You saw how notwithstanding the most strong commands given by the King your father against single Combates whereunto those of this Kingdom more than all I know are most addicted and which but yesterday with so much earnestnesse was reinforced I slew that proud Lerian who through his jealousie of the extraordinary favors I received from the generous Aronthus chalenged me who thought I had diverted from him those affections he pretended to deserve and how after that Combate I had enough to do to save me from the rigor of the Law if the Prince your brother had not engag'd himself in my affairs and urg'd the service I had done him You have I say seen all these things Madam and divers others which I cannot but unnecessarily repeat and therefore mean to tell you only what you do not know A little before that news came to the King your father that those two revolted slaves the perfidious Rozalcan and his brother not contented to have made themselves Kings and absolute Lords of the whole Kingdom of Decan grown proud in their successes would yet more advance their Victories even to assault the King your fathers power from whom they newly had usurp'd and most unjustly taken the Country of Canara with those three goodly Cities Onor Mangalor and Baticalus which bordered on their neighbourhood and lay convenient for them a little I say before this ill news arriv'd at Court we were in a maze to see comming towards us Neander whom we were forc'd to leave by reason of his wound in the besieged City who assured us that the Princesse Orixa whom we mourned for was well alive and more than ever beautiful I will not dwell in telling you after what fashion sorrowfull Piroxenus did receive this happy news which at a suddain overcomming him thought by excesse of that unhop'd for joy to work the same effects upon his heart that sorrow did and truly Madam I apprehended it my self with such contentment for his sake that I was like to fall into a Feavor by the extraordinary motion of my spirits But because we both made shew to doubt the truth of what he told us so contentfull though related by a servant of as perfect credit as fidelity Neander for our better satisfaction made us a discourse as I remember thus of all had past at Visaporus since we left it Know Sirs said he that as soon as they had carryed me into the besieged City and that I had caused the bodies of the two Princes Araxus and Demonax to be carried with me to have them buried according to the order you gave in their fathers burying place Desiring to acquit my self of such other commands as ye had given me as soon as I was laid in my bed and that my wound was drest I sent to entreat the wise Evander and the Princesse Nurse to come unto me to declare them your intentions which I in person could not execute Although the old man were exceedingly pleas'd to understand of your safe escape out of the danger of that sally which ye undertook yet was he extremely afflicted that he was enfore'd to lead his life so far off from ye As for the Nurse I cannot chuse but wonder that she had not died a thousand times of grief since first she thought her dear and beautious Mistresse lost but when she went into her Chamber to perform towards her her last offices with grave Evandes only in her company she fell to admiration that when clasping her within her arms and with her tears bedewing all her face she found a kinde of respiration and that she mixt a sigh with hert Immediately she clap'd her hand upon her heart where she perceiv'd the warmth was all retir'd and holding of her arm she felt her pulse began again to beat Evander cry'd she out in great amazement● come and draw neerer I believe the Princess is not dead and if I am not deceived in my belief since your knowledge hath a great extension lend her readily your aid The good old man at first imagined the Nurse had somewhat lost her understanding and than her passion for Orixa made her ●hink that real which was only strong in her desires because it was now fourteen hours that she had lain as dead without either pulse or heat or motion But comming neer he found the same appearances of life the Nurse had noted then cast he presently cold water in her face and made her fumes and practis'd all the means which in the like extremities are held requisite because indeed the Princess whom they took for dead was only faln into the last great conflict betwixt Nature and her grief a deadly swouning which the Greeks 〈◊〉 L●thargy which as Evander tells us is only a forgetfulness not barely for that in that mi●●●able condition a man forgets every thing but also that nature forgets her self and quits her ●unctions The Princess senses then by Evanders remedies being well come to e●●e●●sh● opened first h●r eies and was agreat while d●zled not knowing whence she came or where she was and no● of power to speak a word but when she came to full remembrance she enquir'd what was become of Piroxenus
and shortly after she demanded how the state of the b●sieged City stood and how her friends all did But Evander keeping from her the misfortunes bapned in her ho●●e Madam said he take courage for if you preserve your self all will go well and ●assure you Piroxenus florisheth in life and glory At two or three daies end he found a grea● amendment in her and thought it fit not to make known to any body that she was reviv'd but when she wondred that the King nor Queen her brothers nor your selves had come to visit her after a number of excuses and disguisements Evander was at length enfore'd to ●ell her even the naked truth of that lamentable History in which she found yet cause of comforting her self for that her husband liv'd and that her self remained only heir unto the Kingdom of Decan the gods undoubtedly would guard her since they had had such a particular care of her life untillthat time I will not repeat you the complaints she made unfeignedly they were extreme and if any thing oblig'd her to out-live her Parents and without desperation to endure their losse it was the comfort only they had given her in assurance that her Husband liv'd in his escape who taking it for granted she was dead as all we did he had resolv'd to follow her but that his friend had hindred him and by constraint enforced him to live for love of him though in such case as by affliction he was cast into death had been sweeter to him far than life and that no longer able to endure that City which had heap'd so many miseries upon him he undertook that sally which succeeded to them and had been so fatal to the brother Princes who could not with more glory have expir'd At length Madam said Evander to her where ever Piroxenus be I can assure you he is living if a continual tract of torments may be called life and even as soon as Neanders would is whole he shall go tell him how you do and well I know those Princes will use all their power to settle you again within your fathers Throne Meanwhile I pray have patience Madam and take comfort from the gods but because all the world thinks you are dead and that the noise thereof is spread into the enemies Camp I think t is best to let it run so still and even that all the inhabitants of Visaporus may believe it likewise that when the enemies shall become Masters of the City which in a day or two will be when I have capitulated with them they may not satisfie their cruelty on you who would undoubtedly aswage their tyranny Meanwhilke you should conceal your self and taking on you another name and parentage should passe as a kinswoman to your Nurse who shall take you into her house which she hath in the City where we desire we may to morrow conveigh you secretly The Princess who expected aid and Comfort no where else except from us did all she could to pacifie her sorrow in obedience to the Counsel we had given her and when she was in place of safety Evander call'd the chiefest of the City to my Lodging who being battered with their losses and misfortunes were of our opinion that it was expedient they should send to tell the two usurpers that the Magistrates were ready to give up themselves unto them as their Lords and Matters on condition they should use them favourably Rozalcon and Zabain whose great fury died with those whose lawfull possession of the Crown stood as an obstacle to their ambitious desires received acceptably such just terms as we propos'd to them and having granted all we ask'd we opend them the gates As soon as they had taken possession of the Royal Palace and strong places they sent their Army being well paid into small Towns and Cities bordering about them into Garrison and took the dead King Demonax his Na●res under their command and us'd the inhabitants of that unhappy City as their Subjects not their enemies As for my part they offred me very good conditions if I would have served them and having learnt who Evander was they gave him goodly presents for Alcida●is King of Cambayes sake to whom he did belong and whose good will they passionately desird and sent him to his Master He took his leave of me with tears in his eyes and gaveme a great charge of you at parting Haste thee Neander said he to be well and go finde out our Masters with as much good speed as may be and tell them from me they no longer please themselves to go unknown for I foresee more miseries do threaten them under the names of Ariomant and Calistenus and bid them not forget the hazards they have run whiles they were known as Taxilus and Cleontus As for me said the good old man as soon as I have receiv'd the Princesse commands I purpose to make all the haste my age will give me leave to carry news of them unto their parents if so the gods allow me strength enough to do my journey Orixa meanwhile under the name of Asteria which she had taken on her lived in private manner in her Nurses house and hopefull that she should again behold her husband and recover by his courage and his might what was usurped from her once her fathers just possession she by some and some forgat her past misfortunes and resolved to think upon her self again As for my self Sirs because I had a bone which was exceedingly hurt I was almost three months in cure during which time the feign'd Asteria had recovered all her beauty and strength and having understood which we were glad for that Rozalcan and Zabain making ill use of their prosperity were gone to Conquer the Country of Canara under the King of Narsinga Cheer up Neander said the Princess to me the gods undoubtedly are weary of ●m●●hing more those Tyrants seeing their arogance hath carried them to set upon the mightiest Monarch of the Indes who wellknows how to pay their rashness and seeing thy Master and his dear friend are at present with that King whose rage our enemies have now provoked Go go with speed Neander to them tell them I am yer alive and that amidst a thousand crosses and misfortunes the gods have kept me to delight my faithful husband from whom for my past negligences I crave humble pardon tell them they hasten to my succour and use all their power with the King of Narsinga whom the gods for punishment of our common Usurpers have interrested to revengeme I have told you now whatever hath fallen out in V●saporus since your leaving it which I have us'd much diligence to come and do Surely Madam this relation of Neanders did so mollifie Piroxenus heart that at one time he shed both tears of joy and of compassion from that instant he consider'd nothing but which way to re-establish the deposed Princess and revenge her wrongs upon her enemi●s and Madam as you
Father for at voiding such inconveniencies as might happen she was thereto more pressed by the perswasions of Lisimena who seeing the Kings rage each hour increase for want of news was of opinion that by telling him the true extraction of those two Princes it was best to hold him no longer in errour who were not Subject to his jurisdiction nor the observation of his Laws But whatever great appearances obliged her to this discovery Orazia feared to be worse than that word she had given the two Princes not to make them known untill they were returned to Gouzarat and therefore she entreated Lisimena to continue the secret and not reveal it till the time were come So our two Heroes remain'd conceal'd in Saradins Castle untill Anaxander were recovered and being both assured of their mistresse savours burnt with one equal impatience of returning to their own Provinces where they expected earnestly that the good Evander who should have been long since returned should have regained for them Alcidaris good will but this sage old man was taken and held sick some six or seven daies journey from Visaporus which hindred the performance of his commission so soon as he ought and that he could not come time enough to divert an Embassage which tended to the ruin of Anezanders contentment as you shall understand by what does follow Alcidaris the great had by the common noise learnt all that had befaln his son Anaxander and his nephew Piroxenus in the Kingdom of Decan which gave him wonderful discontentments And because in that great sally they had made where the two Princes Araxus and Demonax were slain upon the place some of those who sled from the confusion as well as they themselves had spread the news of their deaths as in truth sew men knew what was become of them the King of Cambaya believing them out of the world notwithstanding all their youthful parts and follies past was hardly able to be comforted especially when he reflected on their amiable presence and the good education which they had gotten in his house and that which added to his affliction was to see that that child which remained to him by his former wife was so unhappy born as not be acceptable to one subject he had the most complacent and foulest flatteners of his Court wanted boldnesse to applaud his ridiculous actions or commend him be never did any thing but out of season if he had a mind to oblige he did the contrary and dulnesse was as natural as vice unto him however this unhappy father who believed that he had no other child alive finding himself obliged to marry him not for any good inclinations he had for him but for the proper interest of his greatnesse and to perperuate his name and memory having known of the death of Arontus sole son unto the King of Narsinga who had remaining but one only daughter heir to all his Estates thought good together with his Counsell to seek her in Marriage for his son for this purpose he dispatched Pirobus who had worthily served him in divers other occasions in an Embassage towards the King of Narsing a as well to condole with him the losse of his son as to desire his daughter of which the young Alcidaris had no sooner understood but he burst out a weeping as if he had lost all his friends For he had fallen in love with a mean towns-mans daughter whom by all means he would marry and for her sake despised the love of the greatest Ladies and the rarest beauties of the Court This faithful Pirobus whose age and abilities made him very venerable soon after departed from Campanel and having learned on the way shat the King to whom he was sent remained yet at Baticalus made so good journeys as he arrived there the very next day after that Duel had been fought The King received him magnificently and dissembling the displeasure he took at that so late fought Combate he resolved to give him Audience before he would depart for Bisnagar that the grave oid man might have lesse labour and journey to return He knew not the cvill conditions of the Prince of Gouzarat nor any thing but of the greatness of his race and his possessions for that indeed there was not in all India a more mighty Monarch than the King his father He stood not long deliberating whether or not he should satisfie Pirobus and prefer the alliance offered by him before all other that might be hereafter And a speciall motive which so much rather made him give him his desire was the assurance given in the King his Masters behalf that be had but that child only hopeful to inherit four Kingdoms And thus you see how the King of Narsinga sent back Pirobus with great embraces and fair presents and fully pleased every way with his so happy imployment Before he departed he was by the Kings leave to kisse the hand of his future Princess who having nothing dearer in the world than that name of Cambaye to whose lovely Prince she had already vowed her self receiv'd him with a smiling countenance and dessembling the knowledge of his evill parts for whom he sought her said to Pirobus that the gods had favored her too much that had design'd her for the most perfect and accomplished Prince of Gouzarat She was even on the point of opening her self wholly to the grave Embassadour because she knew he was the man that had treated the match for Anaxanders mother and that she happily might do him an exceeding favour to declare him his adventures and to tell him where with Piroxenus he was concealed for having been one of that Combat which he heard so much noise of in Baticalus but she thought best to say nothing for fear of disobliging Anaxander who would not be known in Narsing a but with a Royal train and worthy of the love he made to Orazia However because she had a perfect knowledge of her Lovers story and because she had learnt it from his own mouth that after the taking of Visaporus the good Evander his old Governor returned to Gouzarat where he was to declare unto Alcidaris the adventures of his son and nephew she very much wondred that Pirobus assured the King her father and her self likewise that the Prince in whose behalf he was sent was the only son of his Master among other questione which she made him of the Kingdom of Cambaya she askt him what was become of the wise Evander of whose abilities she had heard so much discourse Madam answered the Embassador we know not what fortune he hath run since he stole from our Court to pursue the two Prince whose losse we have felt so sensibly as we shall never come again to our selves and for mine own part Madam I should be the unthankfollest man alive if I did not weep for their losse as long as I lived The Princess imagined by this disoourse that some accident had befallen Evander on the way
Vessel weather beaten seemed to be rather forced in by contrary winder than come voluntary wherein were two Cavalliers of good countenance who craved leave to refresh themselves in the Town the most eminent of them was in ill case being hurt in divers places of his body Now by reason that place was of great importance to the King of Cambaya they accustomed to keep a good guard and to suffer none to enter whose name and quality and business thither was not known and because those two Gentlemen who arrived then newly in that Vessel being ignorant of the custom had refused to name themselves advertisement was given the Governor and his farther pleasure demanded Evander imagining that it might happily be the two young Princes his Pupels who it may be would not discover themselves till they came to Court and surpriz all people he went himself unto the Haven and borded the Bark wherein he found a young Knight lain all his length upon a Matteresse who althuogh he seemed greatly suffering by his hurts which the tempest had augmented shewed notwithstanding a certain majesty in his eyes and face which made him reverenced of all that saw him Evander knew well enough that t was some personage of note and as he was extremely full of charity and hospitable seeing the Gentleman who accompanied him would not tell his name he thought however that the laws of civility did command and oblige his succour and to offer them not only the Town but his Castle also for their better accomodation The strangers accepted his offer and so much care was had of him that was hurt as that in eight or ten daies he gave undoubted signes of an approaching health Now as he was very generous and infinitely sensible of the good entertainment and usage shewn him by Evander her thought he could not do lesse in gratitude than discover himself unto him that he might know he had obliged Lisimantus that vallorous Lisimantus who had got so great a fame and whose glorious name was renowned through all Asia Poor Lisimantus how much had it been better that thou hadst not discovered thy self than to have payed so dearly for the honor given thy excellent vertues at thy first comming at lest shouldest thou have been contented to have told thy name without particulars of thy quarrel which will set thee into the strangest confusion thou yet ever sawest Evander knowing that this stranger was the valiant Lisimantus who had so worthily served the King of Zeylar and who so lately had perform'd so brave exploits in the Kingdom of Narsinga had a double cause of being glad not only for that he had it in his power to oblige a man of that condition but that the assured himself he should learn news of Anaxander and Piroxenus under the borrowed names of Ariomant and Calistenus but before he enquired seeing that the Cavallier disposed himself to recount unto him his adventure and how after being so grievously hurt he came to the Port of Bazain being very glad to be enformed willingly gave his attension and Lisimantus innocently began his discoarse without considering what manner of man he was to speak unto or what kinde of people he was to have to do with Know said he most reverend father that alter my triumph over the King of Maldives and if I had set all the Island of Zeylan at quiet and been very helpful to the King of Narsingas peace I quitted the Wars and finding again in Baticalus the only object of my passion that adorable Lisimena who had alwaies payed my love with ingratitude and but whose name I well perceive I shall alone possess my flames renewed and I felt my self so to the quick sollicited by my amorous desires as I used all manner of subtilties and invention to be in private with her but she ungrateful who never sufficiently acknowledge the services which I have done her Crown augmenting her disdains as my pains grew instead of enduring me neer her as my fidelity alone obliged her enough rebuking and repelling whosoever spake to my advantage she at length committed the most notable Treason against me that was ever contrived against a miserable Lover There was in the King of Narsinga Court a young Knight of Persia very accomplished indeed and worthy of great praise who having by much industry the honor to be known by her was notwithstanding preferred before my long and faithfull services I understood by a little Page of the Princessers that every night he was brought secretly into her company and spent six hours together with her and how that ungratefull Princess breathed nought but love for him I will not deny but that hereat so jealous a madness in such sort transported me as not able to endure the happinesse of that Rival I waited for him on an evening where he vsed to passe towards his amorous randezvous and not able for my anger to understand his reasons I call'd him instantly to fight with me Evander who with impatience looked that he should name that young Knight and finding that he was too long about it interrupting him demanded it His name was Ariomant said Lisimantus and well said Evander full of fear what is become of him I slew him said Lisimantus and truly I have since lamented it for a more valiant Knight I never met He was about to continue on his discourse and tell them how after the death of Ariontant whom he verily believed was slain because Zenobus had assured him that he saw him stretched out in his blood without warmth or motion being in but little better case himself he was carried to a Bark which attended him and how thinking to avoid the coast of Zeylan to shun the King of Narfinga his anger whose Edict they had broken a contrary winde arising which begot a furious tempest had cast them on the Coast of Cambaya neer the Haven of Bazain He was I say about to have recounted all these particulars but that he was prevented by an accident which did surprize him and which no lesse a mazed all that were about him that himself for at the recital of Ariomants death Evander fell into a swound on Lisimantus bed They all ignorant of the reason of this suddain change threw water in his face and when he was come to himself which a deep sigh cry'd out my friends we have embraced the murtherer of your and my Master and uttering these words he gave plain evidence of a second weaknesse which grew on him but being prevented by the ready help administred Unhappy and most cruel hospitallity said he we shew kindenesse and are civil unto one who vaunts that he hath cut our Princes throat and who unjustly stirred his courage and without cause provoked it Let the wicked man be set safe added he and seaze upon his second in the quarel and as they are let them be instantly conveighed towards the King that even himself may order what he please concerning them
giving the Gods thanks for the recovery of her only son whom she had so lamented touch'd to the quick by the sense of that irreparable losse and for that time losing all patience and accustom'd modesty could not for bear accusing heaven and injuring its powers Ye unjust gods said she whom too in vain I have invoked with so great fervency and zeal for my sons safety I see plainly ye are deaf that have not heard me he that burns insense on your Altars foully deceives himself your power is but opinion or have you any it serves but to offend those that distressed make their vows to you Alas I had regain'd my dear child but for invoking you and you even since my vows and prayers have snatch'd him from me I perceive my dear Anaxander that I have lost thee for ever I shall no more see thee in this world and yet where ere thou art I am resolv'd to seek thee and die for sorrow if no other remedy But ere that be I mean to satisfie thy good Angel and since thy murtherer is fallen into our hands I promise thee to be revenged on him These sorrows served but to augment the Kings displeasure who was strucken to the heart as well may be a father who hath lost the honor of his house and hope of his Kingdom However he was infinitely just and generous seeing it was that brave Lisimantus whom Evander had brought whose known vallour was renowned every where he thought it would be too great an act of basnesse and inhumanity to revenge his sons death on him who had slain him like a gallant man in Duel and unknown but by a borrowed name which he had taken and thought it an action of a great King to send him to the King of Zeylan without punishment and seeing too that Anaxander could not live by tother death But however absolute he was in his Kingdom he could not then be Master his Subjects too much loved the memory of their Prince to suffer his murtherer to scape unpunished whom they had in their custody And seeing that the great Alcidaris inclin'd to mercy all the Judges assembled themselves suddainly and seconding the Queens angry purposes they hastned Lisimantus judgement and that very day condemned him to die As for Zenobus they judged him to a perpetual imprisonment who had not scap'd so cheap but that he averred himself overcome by Piroxenus whom he assured them he left alive and weeping by his dead friend When the sentence of Lisimantus condemnation was read unto him that great and invincible courage which had scorned death in all the shapes and forms it ever had appeared to him in was shaken by that so severe and terrible judgment He fiercely look'd upon the bringer of those cruel tidings and his rage prevailing in his sense of that cruelty shewn on him Thou wicked man said he who serv'st the fury of the most barbarous people of the world hast thou impudence enough to come and outrage me in the miscrable condition I am in and publish with a ceremony the injury prepared for my innocence My name which hath made so many Nations to tremble and is so regarded through the Indes shall it be so much scorn'd by you as you will dare condemn me for an honorable action Will ye be so unworthy as to stain the memory of your Princes death who did so valiantly defend himself and make me bear so many marks of his courage Can I believe I do converse with men where reigns so great in humanity Where is that generous Alcidaris whose praises are so ignorantly sung throughout all Asia He suffers me to be a prey unto his Subjects fury and endures that after having led a life full of honor I be put to a shameful death under his own eyes The Officer who was in truth a generous and compassionate man and touched at the misery of that famous Knight reply'd thus to him I come with sorrow brave Lisimantus to execute the sad commission given me against you but consider that my charge requires it of me and that I must whatever justice bids me Were it your safety did depend on me you should be soon made free I have admired long your vertue and however far from your profession I cannot but do reverence to men like you But what in this disability wherein I am can I tender you but vows unprofitable and pray the gods to give you resolution enough to bear your evill fortune patiently Do not accuse Alcidaris he wishes you at liberty and believe me his subjects have hastned your condemnation but since they saw his nature willing to remit you He is not this day master of his peoples wills who are doubly animated against you as well by the strong motions of the Queen as by their own resentments What manner of Country must it be replyed Lisimantus where the King is govern'd by his Subjects he that forbids not evill does command it and truly though divine and humane Lawes did not condemn Alcidaris cruelty yet she honour he professes should perswade him to defend me He to whom all power is given should shew it less than others and you will g rant me that your Prince uses too insolently his authority and makes too poor a use of my calamity Well well Death will deliver me from his tyranny but he shall not be freed from his neighbors blame I will let him see I can tell how to die and that the crosses of my fortune are not able to shake my Resolution nor deject my Courage 'T is true 't is hard to part with life at so young an age but 't would be more intollerable if I feared Death I know I live to dye and that the very day of my Birth nature sets limits to my dayes and besides an unworthinesse of heart it were a folly in me to fear what I cannot avoid I have so often beheld Death as my eyes are acquainted with him and I call the gods to witness nothing aftonishes me but the manner of my dying I pass the headsmans hands ah who soere thou art that look'st with pitty on me and are touch'd with my misfortune if thou have any credit with the King or those that seek my life obtain of them that either a Dagger or poyson satisfie their cruelty Excuse me from the shame prepared for me and permit not that I outrage nature so much as to deliver my self out of their hands which doubtlesse I should rather do than to expect their punishment This compassionate Officer was so touched that the tears came in his eyes at those last words and curseda thousand times that day wherein for his preferment he was taken from his ordinary commerce with men to be a Judge of their lives he then drew near Lisimantus to comfort him and to offer him all the aid was in his power and however dark the Prison might at first entrance seem yet by a little stay and accustoming the fight
in your sight if I should not obey your commands and ●●●●ish your Noblenesse with some occasion That then Sir which I crave of you is that it will please your Majesty to take from me my former name given me which seems to reproach me ever with the shame of my birth me I say who prefer honor before all other advantages of Fortune Since you desire to raise me first take me from that poverty which Nature seems to have plac'd me in and you will give me a great deal if you but courage me a little Truly answer'd he thy request is too noble and too just to be refused I know not who thy parents are but who so ere thou art I see that Nature hath not been so much a stepdam to thee as thou thinkst being so vertuously dispos'd From this time I declare thee a Gentleman and seeing that Gentility is a quality depending on another and which may happen to thy contrary I mean a vicious man and of no worth be it known in case thy birth be mean that I account it far below the quality thy vertue gives thee And that henceforth thy name may not be only in the esteem but reverence of my Subjects my only daughter shall name thee and being bred her Page thou shalt henceforth be her Knight Presently he commanded me to follow him to the Princesse Chamber who by the Kings command gave me the sweet name of Lisimantus which ever since I have enjoyed and did me the honor to girt on my sword which I have ever since imployed in that Kingdoms service The fair Princesse was a little surprized when the King commanded her that thing for instantly she thought upon my love and though no creature know there of but herself she could not chuse but blush finding she was oblig'd to shew me so much favour but verily my sense was very different from hers and if I had not summon'd all my force to help me in that mansport I had given apparent signs of my passion to the whole Court I resisted in truth my first motions of joy with a great deal of constancy as well when she gave me her fair name as when she girded on my sword but when according to the order of their ceremonies I was commanded to kisse her fair hand naked which had done me so much honor and that Love had emboldned me to kisse that beautious living Marble I confesse that all my senses were troubled and yet for the present I so contain'd my self as she alone could take notice of my rapture Since that happy day I had more liberty of seeing her and speaking with her as one who was her creature and Knight made with her own hand could every day go seek imployment of her but foreseeing that the service I would do her was not what she desired of me I oftentimes constrain'd the violence of my desires and fearful to displease her did forbear to wait on her In the meanwhile the King caused ten thousand men to depart in all diligence to punish the Rebels of Tanadarus who in such sort had incompassed those in the Castle whom they had surpriz'd as had it not been for the succour which the King of Maldives sent them they had been already reduced to extremity for want of having provided what was necessary to sustain a Siege and were even ready to ask mercy But when they discover'd the Ships which brought them aid they recovered new forces and set up on their walls the King of Maldives arms and Standards to shew that they gave themselves to him and acknowledg'd him their Prince He that commanded that Fleet was a Turk renowned for his valour and called Ibraim who to get glory in that occasion and to witnesse his passion to serve very well his religion and new Master to whom he had given himself caus'd all his Troops to land in the fury of the tide at a place of the Island where they were not expected very neer to Tanadarus Although the approach were difficult enough he boldly freed the passage wherein some of his people were drowned and came with eight thousand men well arm'd with purpose to raise the Siege which succeeded to him to our prejudice for our men were fain to expect him in open field and give him Battel where he was so happy as to remain Victor he presently cast into that place which was excellent the Victuals and Ammunitions he had brought in his Ship● and so refreshed the besieged that in a whole years space they could not be taken by famine Being made proud with this victory he sortified himself in the City expecting a second fleet which arived greater than the first in so much as this ill news comming to us the King was constrain'd to send Arbiran with new troops who would have me accompany him in that enterprise and share in the glory which he hop'd for with him Before my departure I went to take leave of the King who shewed me already a great deal of friendship and seeing with what cheerfulness I undertook that voyage said alond that he had conceived great hopes of me which so inflam'd my Courage as I fear'd it would not finde enough to be imployed on When I had received his commands I went to the Princesse side before whom upon my Knee I said Madam being oblig'd to give you an account of all my actions as your Knight I am come to crave your leave that I may serve the King your Father at Tanadarus under the valiant Arbiran and there endeavor to do something which may make me worthy of the honor I have received from your Royall hands and that you may be lesse sorry for the extraordinary favor you have done me My Knight answered she with somewhat more confidence than ordinary I shallnever repent the doing of a just action and whereto I have been invited by his command who hath all power upon me and who cannot sufficiently recompence the affection which you have had to his service Continue in well doing and I am confident you shall hereafter reap other fruits of his love He may Madam reply'd I make me as great as he please but though he should divide his very Crown with me and give me equall power over his Subjects with himself do you think I should hold me more obliged to him for that favor than for that he hath already done me in consenting to the great honor I have received from you Since you have made me what I am and that I have the glorious advantage of being called after the greatest beauty of the world assure your self great Princesse that I will cause discourse of me henceforward and if death prevent not my ambition the illustrious name you have bestowed on me shall travel far beyond the limits of this Kingdom I had engaged my self much farther in my Complements if I had not considered that they already exceeded the bounds of respect which a subject ought his Princesse
Lisimantus I promise you son said the King that I will never contradict what you think fit do but desire And to let you see I am as impatient for your contentment as your self I will presently go and dispatch Albalor Pirobus his eldest son in Embassage to the King of Zeylan to crave the Princesse Lisimena in your name if you will accompany my dispatch with a word of your own make haste for I already long that you and your brother were made happy in the possession of your Mistresses And hereupon they parted and Lisimantus ravish'd with content that all things suited to his expectation shut himself in his Closet where he writ this letter to Lisimena Lisimantus his letter to Lisimena Madam AT last the gods have shewn me justice and have furnish'd me with what I may excuse the boldnesse you have heretofore blam'd in me to seek your Love if to declare my self unto you it be requisite to be a Kings son you shall by this Embassadour know that Alcidaris is my father if for brave actions it be needful to be recommended you know what I have done for your Crowns safety if to have reputation in the world you must needs have been told of the renown that there are but few Provinces wherein I have not gotten worship for the name you gave me if you desire a faith with out example I call to witnesse all the powers of heaven and earth that I have never lov'd but you and if you do me now the honour to consent unto my just desire you shall see I have wherewith to blur the reputation and remembrance of those antient loves propos'd as miracles in their examples Because diligence was very requisite in this voyage which respected the contentment of the King in that of Lisimantus Albalor a brave and accomplish'd Knight and worthy son of so vertuous a father made ready his equipage with all expedition and taking with him fifty Gentlemen of the best born in the Court shipped himself at Bazaim to reach the Island of Zeylan as soon as possibly he could As soon as he was departed the King thought now on nothing more than of his dear Anaxanders return whom he proposed already to see King of Norsinga Bisnager and Orixa besides the Crown of that fair Kingdom of Dulcinda which he was to have by his mothers side That vertuous Princesse had so recovered her former graces and attractions since the news of her sons life and health as very few Lodies of that Kingdom exceeded her in beauty such a property hath joy to dilate it self and from the heart ascend into the face All day she entertain'd her self with Evander who on his part was to lesse ravish'd And as she had a great power with the King she caused great largesses to be distributed among the people which were accompanied with a thousand sports yet was all that but little in comparison of the pomp and state prepared for Lisimantus coming wherein Anaxander and Piroxenus were to have a good share their coming only was expected to celebrate it to the great contentment of their Majesties and accomplishment of all Evanders joys whom Lisimantus heartily forgave for that cruelty he was constrain'd to shew him and whereto his just resentement drave him THE INDIAN HISTORY OF ANAXANDER AND OF ORAZIA The sixth BOOK THe whole Court and City were full of joy and all the people of Cambaya forgetting their past grievances fell to invent new Dances and inviting one another to Feasts as well for the contentment they received already by the sight of the of their Princes as for the speedy return which they expected of the other when Fortune which pleaseth her self in a disorderly government of the things of this world and cannot endore them long in one condition cast the Cambayans again into a greater confusion than they were ever in and filled all the Court with fear and disorder During the time of the Ball without thinking of any thing save being merry as indeed there was no reason to suspect an evil the King was astonished to see the wise Almerin Prince Anaxanders faithful Squire comming towards him out of breath who at first throwing himself as his feet Sir if you make not haste to succour your son speedily he will run the hazard of dying the most tragical death that ever was Alas had he listed to believe me he had not been in this trouble for I did long ago conjure him to make himself known and to remember the affront done him at Visaporus but he was ever obstinate in his purpose as likewise Piroxonus to disguise themselves till now in so much as at present they cannot be believed that they are of your blood because they have been so long undiscover'd to the King of Narsinga who is about to punish them as breakers of his Edict having lately fought a Duel within his Dominions This news did no lesse trouble the Company than that which Pirobus had brought but lately had contented them and that a present remedy might be given to that inconvenience the King in great trouble commanded Almerin to tell him what new misfortune had befallen his Son and what course might be taken to save his Life Know Sir said the Past who had scarce the leisure given him to draw his breath that after the Prince my Master had fought with Lisimantus as Pirobus here come may have told you he concealed himself in a Castle belonging to Saradin the Princess Orazias Squire intending to return unto you as soon as he recovered of his wounds which were very grievous and just as be was ready to do so and depart with Piroxenus who never left him out of his sight he found an unexpected ambush layed for him I doubt not but you have heard how the Princess Orazia immediatly after that unhappy combat thought fit to spread a noyse that my Master was dead that the King her Father incensed against him as much as is possible night have the lesse reason to send after him The report of his death lasted for some dayes but being impossible to keep any thing very secret in the Court Saradin who till that time had been very wise could not chuse but reveal it at length unto a very intimate friend of his call'd Florestan from whom he hid very few things and told him for truth that our Princes but told him not that they were so were hid in his house on the way to Baticalus where the King had layn without knowing it This Florestan was in favour with a Lady of the Court called Corisba who was that Lerians Sister whom anaxander had slain in Duell at his first comming to the Court of Narsinga being provoked by him through his jealousie that the Prince Arontus favoured him too much and as it is the Custom of Lovers to conceal nothing from their Mistresses Florestan was so unworthy as to reveal his friends secret unto his This wicked woman finding a fair way to be