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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08269 A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. Deuised by S. Iohn van-der Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.; Theatre oft Toon-neel. English Noot, Jan van der, ca. 1538-ca. 1596.; Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599.; Roest, Theodore.; Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Rime. English. Selections.; Du Bellay, Joachim, 1525 (ca.)-1560. Visions. English. Selections. 1569 (1569) STC 18602; ESTC S110162 92,217 282

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to the saying of King Lamuell in the thirde of the Prouerbes Fauour is deceiuable and Beautie a mere vanitie but the woman that feareth the Lorde is to be beloued But chiefly and principally when I consider that God intendyng to bestowe an excellent benefit peculiarly vpon your Maiestie more than vpon any other Prince or Princesse in the worlde hath besides al the other forenamed his manifolde giftes and graces lightened your vnderstanding with his holy spirit and hath vouchesafed by enclinyng youre graces heart spirite and minde to humilitie peace mildenesse and all kinde of louablenesse to chose your maiestie especially to be his champion to defend his beloued church And in this respect like as all faithfull and true Christiā princes throughout all Europe do esteme and repute you do I also and that of good right call your grace a moste happie and blessed Prince Consider I beseche you how God hath blessed your maiestie in thys worlde more than he hath done any of your progenitours For neuer was it seene in any age or time heretofore that this your realme of England hath flourished as it dothe at this present vnder your Maiesties moste happie gouernement Firste in all kinde of liberall Artes and sciences Secondarily in the abundance of treasure as well golde and siluer as all sortes of riche and precious iewels and ornamentes Thirdely in the free passage and trafike of all kinde of marchandise Besides this in good and politike lawes and ordinances namely in the due execution of iustice according to law and equitie The worde of God is purely preached here in six or seuen languages The Sacraments of Baptisme and the holy Supper sincerely ministred according to Christes institution Christian discipline in due force in many places Finally euery countrey and nation that will liue here according to his holy worde is receiued and findeth good entertainement O how happy and blessed is that King or kingdome where these things are in force Contrarywise most vnhappie are those princes that banishyng and reiecting Christ receiue that Antechrist the sonne of the Diuell and forsakyng the truth embrace errour To be short that do al things ouerthwartly clean against the hair For it is moste certaine and sure that sodaine ruine and destruction shall fall vpon all wicked and vngodly persons as well nowe as in tyme paste as experience hath well proued heretofore Namely vpon Pharao and hys kingdome of Egypt vpon Ieroboam Achab Iezabell and infinite other mo Wher on the other part the good kings princes which feare the Lord shal haue peace and comfort bothe in this worlde and in the worlde to come Like as had Iosua Iuda Gedeon Dauid and diuers other in those days and is also to be seene at this day most euidently in the realmes and countreyes vnder youre Maiesties dominion whiche God hath blessed in suche sort that it may truly be sayd that the kingdome of Saturne and the Golden worlde is come againe and the Virgin Astrea is desscended from heauen to builde hir a seate in this your moste happie countrey of Englād For here is peace and quietnesse where as the moste parte of foraine countreyes are full of great tumultes and that more is the pitie with the sheding of much christian bloude And where as many myghtie kings and potentates of the earthe haue banded and conspired together fight euery where against God his anointed and his holy churche bendyng their force vtterly to deface hys name his glorie and his Churche Almightie God of his diuine prouidence hath nowe also in these days like as he hath in all ages heretofore raised vp diuers good and godly princes and states and prouided certaine places wherto the elect and faithfull haue resorted bene preserued during the time of persetion to the ende that his holy name myght there be glorified his worde purely and sincerely preached and his Churche dispersed in a manner restored As it is also come to passe in these our most miserable days in the whiche suche as syncerely loue and esteeme more derely the honoure and glorie of God than they doe their owne commodities ease and welfare after the counsel of Christ saying in this wyse Yf they persecute you in one citie flie ye vnto an other haue bene cōtent to depart their owne naturall countrey wholly to forsake their landes inheritances possessions and dwellyng places yea and some also to ●urrēder their offices dignities worldly preferments An other sort with their wiues children and parentes are departed into Germanie namely into the territorie and dominion of Frederike prince Elector and coūtie Palatine the floure of all Christian Princes in these dayes that I knowe in the feruent zeale and true feare of God a man worthy to be compared with Dauid or Iosias Others are fled into other places elsewhere some to one cuntrey some to an other euery one according to his abilitie estate condition and facultie But we a numbre of vs are arriued in saftie in this your maiesties realme of Englande as into a moste safe and sure harborough where we liue God be thanked vnder your Maiesties protection and safegarde in greate libertie to serue God in eyther language the French or the Dutche without al feare of tyrantes or daunger of the gapyng throates of greedie rauening wolues After the same maner hath God in time past preserued deliuered his elect out of the hāds of their enimies persecute●s by the ministerie of dyuers vertuous women As is to be sene in the .4 chapt of the boke of Iudges How God deliuered his people of Israel out of the hāds of Iabin king of Chanaan by Debora the prophetesse by selling Sizara chiefe captain of his armie into the hād of a womā called Iahel As he also preserued Dauid frō the furie of Saul by Mich●l Sauls own daughter As he deliuered the citizēs of Bethulia frō the tiranny of Holo●ernes by the hand of that most vertuous Ladie Iudith ● And as the childrē of Israel were saued by the counsel of Mardocheus at the instāce request of the most gratious humble Hester ● where they were lately before in peril of death presēt destructiō by the conspiracie of wicked Haman The like hath ben brought to passe by diuers other renoumed Ladies whose fame shal endure for euer And surely the graces mercies that God hath shewed to his afflicted church in these later days by your maiesties means ar no lesse thā those he hath shewed tofore by the late rehersed ladies so that your grace deserueth equal praise and cōmēdatiō with them cōsidering with what gētlenesse with how louing charitable affection you haue receiued the poore scattered flock of Christ. Is not your Maiestie then to be estemed infinitely more happy blessed that are so specially elect of god to serue him for such an instrumēt in such a quarel that maugre the beards of the enimies being enraged through the malice and obstinacy of
any thing y t displeaseth him put al thy trust cōfidē●e in him Thus doing let him be the marke whereat thou shootest the conductyng starre the compasse true token wherat thou saylest the way whereon thou goest the rocke whereon thou stan●est the sure grounde wheron thou buyldest the strength and fortresse wherin thou trustest the ende whervnto thou hastest the good whiche thou desirest the lyfe whiche thou séekest the comfort which thou dost wishe for the treasure wherefore thou labourest thy glory perfection all thy truste and confidence So then it shall come to passe that no kinde of euill shall hurte thée neyther fyre nor water l●sse of goodes or honoure wife chyldren of friendes lande house inheritance or any other possessions neyther yet contempt sclaunder backbityng persecution banishement or any other myserie sufferyng for hys name sake Haue no regard vnto the inconstancie and variable●esse of Fortune nor vnto the vncertainti● of richesse and time then shalt thou in pouertie be riche in reproche highly regarded in distresse mery in heauinesse glad in prison at libertie and abroade Therefore bridle thy lust and refraine thy heart from al worldly carnal and transitori● riches and be lifted vp in mynde and spirite to heauenly and vncorruptible treasures so shalte thou be regenerate of the holy ghoste and being confirmed by the worde of God may well be called Microcosme that is the whole worlde vppon the little foote Ye shall be true Christians Kings and Priestes estéeming neuerthelesse youre selues as vnprofitable seruantes Ye shall lyue happily and plesaunt and quiet in conscience ye shall knowe your owne and being throughly persuaded of the truthe ye shall abyde stedfast and vnmoueable not waueryng wyth euery wynde No kynde of affection enuie hate anger sorowe or payne shal trouble you ye shal put away al wicke●●esse make no accompt of worldly matters but youre conuersation shall be in heauen ye shall then continually meditate of God and his kingdome that beyng busie therwithall ye myghte contemne al worldly things from the heart Nothyng then shall be able to separate you from the loue of God but ye shall go forewarde in all vertue and godlynesse till suche time as it shall please Almighty God to take oure soules vnto hym then shall we sée hym moste perfectely face to face Unto the which perfection and ioyfull sight vouchsafe to bryng vs O Lord Almightie the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ thorough the same his only and welbeloued sonne To whom with the holie ghost be all honor and glorie power and dominion euerlastingly And to all faithfull christians here vpon earth peace and comfort of the holy gost and hereafter life euerlastyng AMEN Imprinted at London by Henrie Bynneman dwelling in Knight riders streat at the signe of the Marmaid ANNO. 1569. CVM PRIVILEGIO AD IMPRIMENDVM SOLVM Seneca in the treatise of the happ● life 22. Ch●● ●salm 62. Lib. 5. de leg●bus Epist. 20. Homel 21 super Mar● ●ib 10. de ●●ipub Luke .1 ●ty 14. ●ath 19. Lib. Ethi ca. 13. li. 10. ●●p 8. ●n hi● 5. ser●on of the ●orde of God In his apologie ca. 29 Math. 1● Mark .4 Luke .8 Exod. 32. In his apologie ca. 2● Abac. 3. Chrysost. In his boke of the ornamentes of women Mart. where he disputeth that no man commeth in trouble but by himselfe 1. Tim 6. Prouerb 23. Math. 13. In his H●●●●o●●e Li. ● epistola●ū Epi. 2. Luke .12 Psalm 38. Of the life of Demos● Li. 8. de ●●●nita cap. 85. In his bok● of Noe and th● A●ke Epist. 2. li● E●●s●o Vpon the 106. psalm Sa●y 10. Daniell .11 Com●ed ●●rcat Sig●bertus Geniblacen Carolus Bo●illu● Hieronymꝰ Sigebertus Ge●iblacenfis Vincentius Anthonius Plan●ina Abbas Vrspergensis Iacobus Bergen●is Herman●us Shedel Reuel ● Rom. 2. Luke 12. Math. 6. Esay 5. ●●●uerb 5. ●●uel 13. ●poc 6. ●poc 9. Math. 2● Nahum .25 Esay 13. Abacuck .1 Hest. 23. 2. Paralip 3● Esay 22. 2. Macha 2. ● Macha 2. 1. Corin. ● Rom. 9. Hest. 3.4 1. Mach. 2.3 Psalm 9 Rom. 3. Rom. ● Rom. ● ● Thess. 2. 2. Thess. ● 2. Thess. 2. Mat● 28. Iohn .17 Iohn .1 ●ohn .3 ● Thess. 2. Iob. 1.2 ●● Psal. 73. Reuel 9 ● Thessa. 2. Rom. 11. Tim. 4. Tim. 4. ●eb 13. ●ob .41 ● Reg. 17. Dan 12. Apoc. 21.13 ●oloss 3. ●ohn .4 Math 24. Luc. 9. ●phe 6. 1. Corinth Actes .4.6 Exod. 1. Hest. 3 1. Machab. ● Math. 20. 1 Luke .2 1. Peter .1 Math. 27. Mar. 15● Luke .23 ●ohn .19 2. Tim. 3. Luke .10 Rom. 11 Philip. 3 1. Corin. 6. Iohn .15 Psalm 16. Iohn .14 Rom. 9. Ephes. 1. Iohn .1 Iohn .15 ● Tim. 2 ● Corin. 10. Genes 3. Math. 23. Genes 3. Math. 14. 2. Peter .2 Iohn .1 1. Corinth ● Rom. 1 2. Thessa. ● 2. Tim. 4. 2. Peter .2 Ephe. 6. 2. Thessa. ● 2. Peter .2 1. Cori● 1● Gene. 14. Gene. 9.17 21.57.28 ●xod 7. 2. Timo. 3 Nume 22 Iudic. 22 2● Ieremy 20 Math. 27. Actes 13 Iohn .1 3. Reg. 16. Psalm 44● ●pocal 14 Iohn .16 Collos● 2. 1. Cor. 2. 2. Cor. 3. Iohn .14 Iohn .6 ● Cor. 13 Iohn 1●● Rom. 1. Heb. 13. Math. 15. Math. 7. 2. ●hes● 2. 1. ●im 3. 1. Corin. 6. Math. 3. 2. Corin. 11. Ezech. 34. E●ay 56. Philip. 3. Esay 6. Iere. 2. ● Reg. 12. Math. 15. ●phe 4. Psal. 79. Math. 21. Mar. 12. Luke .19 Iohn .26 Reuel 17. Reue 12.14 ● Thes● 2. 2. Tim. 4. 2. Thess. 2. ● Tim. 3. Coloss. 2. Heb. 10. Rom. 2. 2. Cor. 3. Reuel 17. Psalm 85. Iohn .4 Rom. 2. Esay 45. Baruc. 6. Ierem. 2. Reuel 15. Reuel 1● Reue. .6 Reue. 10. Reuel 14. Iohn .1 ●● Actes .13 Mar. 3. Actes .18 Rom. 12. Iohn .6 ●say .11 Esay 9. 10. Iohn .16 ●uke .19 Esay ●2 Actes ● Galat. 5. Ephe. 3. Gene. 18 1● Esay 34. Psalm 13. Ierem. 3. Eze 16. Oseas .2 Reuel 18. Esay 54. Eze. 17. Luke .16 Rom. 4. Math. 6. ● Esd. ● Gene 19. ●say .52 ●poc 1● ●en 19. Math. 5.10 Iohn .6 1. Corin. 4. Esay 47. Math. 11. 2● Math. 16. Deut. 8. Gen 19. Exod. 9. Psal. 11. Collos. 3. Math. 24. Mark .9 Math. 25. Psalm 50. Rom. ● Dan. 5. Leui. 10. Deut. 1. Reuel 1● 2. Thess. 2. Gen. 4. Exod. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Math. 26. Math. 6. Gala● ● 1 Tim 4 2. Tim. 4. 1. Tim. 3 1. Tim. 5. Reue. 19. 11. ●say 66. Wysdom .11 M●th 11.12 2. Corin. 1. Math. 16. Actes .9 Psal. 145 1● Psalm ●● Rom. 9. Iohn .14 Iohn .16 Psal. 23. Ioh. 16. ● Cor. 15. ●ohn .12 ●ba 3. Z●ch 3. 1. Cor. 1. Psal. 119. 1. Esd. 3. E●cle 4 9. 1. Peter .1 ● Timo. 4. Reuel 2. ●ames .1 Math. 16. Math. 16. 1. Cor. 12. Esay 63. Esay 53. Math. 8. 1. Peter .2 Iohn ● Ephes. 3. Psalm 33. Heb. 1. Colloss 1. Iohn .1 Coloss. 3. Gala. 5. Rom. 6. 1. Cor. 10. Iohn .15 1. Corin. 5. Math. 24. Psal. 2. 45. Mat. 25.