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A04811 The glorious and beautifull garland of mans glorification Containing the godlye misterie of heauenly Ierusalem, the helmet of our saluation. The comming of Christ in the fleshe for our glorie, and his glorious com[m]ing in the end of the world to crowne men with crownes of eternall glorie. Beeing an heauenly adamant to drawe thee to Christ and a spirituall rod to mortifie thy life. Made and set foorth by Frauncis Kett, Doctor of Phisick Kett, Francis, d. 1589. 1585 (1585) STC 14945; ESTC S101081 81,290 126

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had yea aboue his sweete sonne Isac whome he loued as his owne life notwithstanding faithfully did Abraham preferre the loue of his almightie God and maker aboue the life of Isac offering him in sacrifice to the Lorde for which cause the eternall creatour to make his promise more certainely to sticke fast in Abraham and in all his posteritie sware by him selfe shewing that there was no God but him selfe saying in Genesis Gen. 22. ● Because thou hast not spared thy only son Isaac to offer him a sacrifice to me I will blesse thee and multiplie thy seede as the starres of heauen and as the sande vpon the sea side and in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth bee blessed because thou hast obeyed my voyce And thus the most merciful god although he cast Adam for his transgression out of Paradise and also destroyed the worlde for sinne yet he sheweth againe the voyce and promise of comfort that hee hath not cast vs off but hath giuen his gratious goodnes to the worlde that all nations through the seede of Abraham should be blessed according to that of the prophet Them I haue created facioned Esay 43. and made for mine honour And nowe the more to iustifie his true promise it is apparent that hee establisheth the foresaide testament to Is aac the first figure of Christ Gen. ●6 by whome all nations are sanctified Saying to Isac I will be with thee and blesse thee The promise for vnto thee and to thy seede will I giue all these countries and through thy seede shall all nations of the earth bee blessed becaus e that Abraham harkened to my voice and kept my ordinances commandements statutes and lawes wherein we are to learne how al our blessednes came of God the father of al goodnes to whom we ought alwaies to be thankefull framing our selues through his grace to be like Abraham in beleeuing and equall with him in obedience and ioyned with him in righteousnes that we may receiue the like praise and honour as God maketh mention of him to Isaac therby to obtaine as Paule promiseth the eternall ioye the praise honour and immortalitie that is due to them that continue in good doing and seeke eternall life Rom. 2. And finally God to seale vp the fulnes of his couenant the more and more to helpe and strengthen our weake harts of beliefe and to allure the children of promise to a fixed hope of his grace and goodnes The promise to Iacob doth reiterate his testament to Iacob that he being the seede of Abraham and Isaac that he shall be the well of liuing waters and that out of his loynes shall come the fountaine of all heauenly blessednes and the water of life grace goodnes saying The land which thou sleepest vpon Gen. 26. will I giue thee thy seed and thy seede shall be as the du st of the earth thou shalt spread abroad west east north and south and through thee and thy seede shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed according to Esay E say 43. I will bring thy seede from the east and gather them togeather from the west I will say to the north let goe and to the south keepe not backe but bringe me my sonnes from farre and my daughters from the ends of the world for all nations shall came in one and bee gathered in one people Gen. 35. for the Lorde saide againe vnto Iacob thou shalt be called Israell grow and multiplie for people and a multitude of people shall spring of thee yea and kings s hall come out of thy loynes and the land which I gaue Abraham and Isaac will I giue vnto thee and vnto thy seede after thee Thus the almightie God of our fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob did seale the earnest of the inheritance of his euerlasting blessednes and kingdome in Christ with his holy spirite of promise made to our first fathers that he should come of the seede of Abraham according to the flesh by whom we should receaue redemption and saluation therby to be made partakers of Gods glorie And now furthermore after the proceedins of time that the seede of Iacob called Israell was increased to a great kindred of people and holden in bondage in the land of Egypt The Lord most mercifull and mindfull of his promise made to our forefathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob that he would be good vnto their seede raised vp among them Moyses a captaine and prophet that should deliuer and lead his people Israel out of Egypt into the land of Canaan which before he had giuen to Abraham and his seed for an euerlasting possession and this through Gods mightie hand who made a waye in the sea and a foote path in the mightie waters which brought forth the chariots and horses the host and power and drowned thē in the red sea And then brought his people vnto mount Synay in the wildernes where he gaue them the lawe figured in s tones shewing forth his wonderfull power that they did all tremble for feare and coulde not abide it for the people stood vnder the hill and the hill burnt with fire euen vnto the middes of heauen and there was the sound of a troump voyce of words tempest Deu. 4. darknes cloudes and mist and the Lord spake out of fire and declared his couenant and ordinance Exod. 19. and so terrible was the sight that appeared that Moyses said I feare quake And thus the law was giuen with great feare Exod. 34 and with great glorie for the children of Israell could not behould the face of Moyses for the glorie of his countenance with out a vayle which in Christ is put awaye for if the ministration of the lawe which is to condemnation bee glorious Cor. 2.3 much more doth the ministration of the spirite of promise vnto righteousnes exceede in glory And thus the law which began many hundred yeares after the promis e was added because of transgression as a schoolemaister to teach what sinne ment and not that it could giue life Gal. 3. or disanull the promise made to Abraham for the promise by faith in Iesus doth bring the inheritance and not the law which doth conclude all things vnder sinne for by the déedes of the law shall no man be iustified before God Rom. 3. but are iustified fréely by grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus who is the iustifier of them that beleeue in him after the example of righteous Abraham Wherefore the Lord to discouer our filthy nakednes and corruption brought by the sinnes of Adam did giue vs the law that therby we should come to the knowledge of our infirmities vices wretchednes which raigneth in our earthly members thereby knowing our state by the first Adam to be miserable and falne into the daungerous house and prison of al vncleannes being most wretched without hope vnlesse God of his
the inheritance of Christ his Kingdome And the excellent misterie of our eternall Mansion and new glorious Ierusalem in which wee shall dwell the Sonnes and Saincts of GOD for euer THE tyme beeing come that the Lord euen the most mighte God dooth dissend from the hye toppe of the heauens Psalme 50. to call the worlde togither not mynding to kéep silence then shall go before him a consuming fire and a mightie tempest shal be stirred vp round about him when hée thus shall come to call the heauens from aboue the earth that he may iudge his people at which tyme shall God appeare out of Sion in perfect beautie in the high glorie of his Godhed And then shall be performed that all thinges in heauen and earth shall be gathered togither in Christe Ephe. ● and the misterie of the will of the Father declared that Christe our triumphant King and Iudge hauing reigned vntill his enemies be put vnder his féete and hauing put down all rule authoritie and power that death the last enemy is consumed into victorie shall delyuer vp the kingdome to GOD the Father and become him selfe subiecte to God that putteth all thinges vnder his feet Cor. 1.15 that God may bee in all thinges and then the holy Cittie new Ierusalē commeth down from God out of heauen prepared as a Bryde garnished for her husband that the Tabernacle of God is now with his elect and hée him selfe dooth dwell with them and they shall be his people and God him felf shall be with them and shal be their God for Christe the king of kings will suffer none of his chosen to be away but gather all his Saincts together and so enter with triumphing Ioy into new Ierusalem Therfore lyft vp your heads O yée gates and be lyft vp ye euerlasting dores that the king of glorie may come in with his holie people hauing the palmes of victorie crownes of lyfe and Garlands of glorie in their hands Math. 21. And thus in stead of his humble ryding vppon an asse he with all gloriousnes is accompaned into new Ierusalē with the eternall Crowne and Scepter of heauenly maiestie takeing possession of Abrahams new land of promise the euerlasting kingdome and inheritance of Gods rest saying to his righteous people come taste the cup of your saluation and imbrace the ioyes the happines the bessednes and vnspeakable glorie which the Father of heauen hath of his great loue here prepared for you in his pallace where now you are fully and absolutely come to the new land of Canaan the euerlasting inheritance and to holy mount Sion and to the Cittie of the liuing GOD the celestiall Ierusalem and to the enumerable fighte of Angels and vnto the congregation of the first borne sōnes which are written in heauen Cor. 1 3. and to God the Iudge of all and to Iesus the mediator of the new Testament and to a kingdōe immoueable for euer where they are clothed with their heauenly mansion replenished with the glory ioy and blessednes which neither tung can vtter eye hath séene or hart hath thought and thus Christe hath made them the glorifyed sonnes of God and holy and peculiar people a congregation triumphant a kingly préesthoode and a perfect communion of Sainctes assembled togither in all purenes and precious nes with God before the presence of the almightie eternall Father who now sheweth foorth to you the light of his countenace that you shall beholde with ioy vnspeakable his moste glorious godhead his moste resplendent countenance and incomprehensible maiestie synging to him with an heauenly voice and blessed harmony in all abundancie of ioy the songs of praysing God for euer for that hée hath geuin vs the crowne of euerlasting lyfe and the fréedome of his etrenall kingdōe of glorie where now wée hunger no more nor feele infirmities neither dooth the sunne and moone giue lighte to vs any more for our pretious Lamb dooth dwell with vs Reu. 7. and feede vs and lead vs vnto fountaines of liuing water and our God wypeth all teares from our eyes clothing vs with the plentious ioy of our heauenly mansion new Ierusalem beeing full of mellifluous pleasures where all things are so heuenly that nothing can be better for there dwelleth euerlasting lyfe there groweth the trée of ioy there runneth the waters of helth there is the hidden māna of heauenly consolation the white stone of gladnes the new names of happines and there is the beautie of the Godhed glory of saincts incōparable blessednes for euer So that the GOD of all treuth hath performed that which hee spake by Esay the Prophet beeing moste fauourable and gracious vnto Sion saying There shall thyne eyes see new Ierusalem that glorious Habitation the Tabernacle that neuer shall remooue whose nayles shall neuer bee taken out worlde without end and her cordes shall neuer corrupte Esay 33. for the eternall maiestie of the Lord shall there bee present among vs and he shall be our Captaine and king that wee shall walke vpon fayre and beautifull Ryuers and pleasaunt Streames of lyfe where neither gallies rowe nor great shippes saile neither any man there lyeth that sayth I am sick but all euill is taken away from vs who therfore desireth not to dwell in the house of the Lord and to beholde the fair beautie of God and to visit his Temple and to be in his citie in which sayeth Zacharie The waters of lyfe run out of Ierusalem and the Lord him self s halbe king ouer all the earth Zacha. 14. and there shal be but one Lorde onlye and his name shal be but one for then shall he set vp him self aboue the heauens and his glorie shall be aboue all when hée shall make a new heauen and a new earth that men shall goe about the earth as about a golden Paradice or plesant florishing féeld For now Ierusalē shall be saifly inhabited which was forsaken and is made according to the saying of Esay The Cittie of the Lord moste glorious through all posterities Esay 60. beeing inhabited without any wall yea the Lord him self is to her a wall of fire round about and will be honored euermore in her Where all thinges are full of the shyne of the Lords glorie so that O beholde this phenicall Cittie●Ierusalem how shee shall reioyce in hir Children and hir Children shall bee full glad of her whose gates are buylt with Saphire and Smaradge and all the walles with precious stones Toble 13. and in all her streates shall Aleluia be sung where Gods kngdome shall bee vpon her world without end Therfore O children of men so do that you may be Citizens in this citie of incōparable blessednes for the obtaining wherof Ephes 6. it behoueth you to walke as the children of the day light striuing to ouercome all the lustes of the fleshe the world and the deuil as might hinder you from entring in to so heauenly a
VIVAT SERENISsima Regina TO THE MOST MIGHTIE IMPERIAL AND Vertuous Princesse The Lordes Anointed Queene Elizabeth by the grace of God of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Queene Defendresse of the faith c. ⁂ SEing that your Royall seate and Scepter most mightie and Imperiall Princesse is clothed with Salomons heauenly giftes and doeth holde vp the golden rodde of wisedome which leadeth to the euerlas ting kingdome I hope therefore by the goodnesse of God that it shall please your Highnesse to admit this Garlande of mans glorification to come into your sweete gracious handes prefixed with the bright beames of your Maiesties princely glorious Name vnder the high precious Cedar and sweete Libanus of your heauenly goodne sse of mercie and pardon That though I be troubled in heart with 〈◊〉 ●eare of your supers plendent personage being a mightie princes of power to dedicate this Pamphlet to your most excellent Maiestie yet the singular clearenesse of your spirituall treasures of goodnesse doth preuaile ouer my dutifull minde and faithfull allegeance in such sort as if the precious pearle of your vertues did shine into my heart not forbidding this litle Pamphlet to come vnto your Highnes trusting that the purenes of the matter will increase your MAIESTIES deare soule to an exceeding consolation touching your bodie to bee glorified In consideration whereof when I did beholde the goodly order of the bright glistering starres which the omnipotent Creator hath placed in the firmament of the heauens there seeing the resplendent starre Corona lucida I was stirred vp with the ioyfull remembrance of your Maiesties incomparable personage being the Lordes Anointed knowing that your Highnesse being vertuous meeke and mercifull is equall with the good Kinges of Iuda with Asa Ezechias Iehos aphat and Iosias in imbracing all godly vertues to the aduauncing of the honour glorie of God that as your Maiestie in all points doe holde your scepter linked to the Scepter of Iuda being an vnfeigned friend to the holy one of Israel so your highnes subiectes in great consolation of heart do pray sincerely in all humblenesse of duety vnto God for the preseruation of your Maiestie lōg to reigne ouer vs And that at the appearance of Christ you may be a glorious Saint in the kingdome of God And now considering howe much Israel reioyced of Salomon how greatly it lamented after his departure Am perswaded how much all true Protestants do pray that the Lord may be your shield as he was to Abraham and that your blessed personage may by the great mercie and s ingular goodnesse of God gouerne this Realme as happily and as many yeeres and more as good king Asa king of Iuda did to the glorie of God and saluation of soules Wherefore most Mightie and Renowned Soveraigne when I an inferiour vnworthie to touch the groūd that your Maiestie doe walke on had finished this Beautifull garland of mans glorification expressing the mysterie of new Ierusalem with her golden crownes and diademes I thought it so much to represent the heauenly ioyes and happinesse of our euerlasting glorie as that it was a matter meete to be dedicated to your most excellent Maiestie shewing howe your Highnesse being an Anointed and blessed Princesse of power vnder God vpon the earth shal meete at the great day of resurrection the King of al kings comming in his triumphant progresse from heauen with the glorious companie of his holy Angels when your pure personage shall beholde that incomprehensible Scepter of the euerlasting kingdome of Dauid That as your Maiestie in your progresse vpon the earth hath highly preferred your faithfull subiectes in Christ to honour and dignitie so nowe that glorious King of eternitie and euerlasting glorie will fashion your bodie to be like his owne glorious body for that your blessed power hath set foorth the true Religion worshippe and honour of God to a liuely hope among your Highnesse subiectes to obteine the eternall garlande of glorie Thus humbly committing this litle Pamphlet of mans glorification vnto your Princely magnificence and godly wisedome doe beseech your Highnesse in your tender minde of mercie to receiue it vnder your sweete gracious mans ion of goodnesse among your spirituall treasures of heauenly solace and ioye thereby daily remembring how your God and Sauiour Iesus Christ shall clothe your Maiestie with an euerlasting garment of glorie shining vpon you with the light of his owne coūtenance there sitting with Christ in his owne seate of heauenlinesse tasting the vnspeakeable ioyes of eternall blessednesse where you shall glister as the shining of heauen worlde without end beholding the beauty of God for euer in new Ierusalē Thus hoping that your Maiesties mercie will be as a vayle to my boldenesse doe trust that as your Highnesse hath truely touched the hemme of Christes garment whereby you haue partaken the heauenly sparkes of the vertues of Christ that it would please your goodnesse to admit one sparke towards the acceptation of this glorious garlande And so I pray God with all instance that it may please him of his aboundant mercie to preserue you our Sweete beloued Queene and true branch of Christ long to reigne ouer vs in tranquillitie and peace to the setting foorth of Gods honour and spreading abroade of his glorie that your MAIESTIE may ioyfully appeare before Christ and be crowned with the Crownes and Diademes of euerlasting glorification which O Lord so let it be Your Maiesties most humble Subiect faithfull Orator FRANCIS KETT THE GLORIOVS and beautifull garland of mans glorification CAP. 1. How Christ was ordained before the world was made to our glorie and promised of God in his holy Scriptures to come in the humanitie and humilitie of flesh to tast of death for all men whereby is iustified the righteousnes of God to the confirmation of our beliefe touching our election and glorification SEing that our glorification and heauenly mansion wherwith we desire to be clothed and which we hope after this life to inioy doth come by Iesus Christ sealed with the holy spirit of Gods true promise wée ought then to stablish our hartes in the consolation of good hope and faith to obtaine the glory that thus cometh by Christ by considering the faithfulnes of God who performeth all that he hath promised and is able to doe excéeding aboundantly aboue all that we can aske or think who so loued the world that he spared not his owne sonne but gaue him a reconciliation for our sinnes The mysterie of whom was hid since the world began and since the beginning of generations but now is opened and declared openly to haue brought to vs life and immortalitie through his Gospell to the iustifying of the righteousnes of Gods true promise to be the glorious riches of our eternall glorie by the shedding of his bloud vpon the Crosse That whereas through the sinnes and disobedience of one man sinne reigned vnto death So by the obedience of one mā Christ might grace reigne through
mercie had made his promise to Abraham that we should be bles sed in his seede through a redeemer Whereupon the Lord to shew the imperfection of the law touching the giuing of life and saluation The imperfection of the law and perfection of promise And the more to declare the perfection and power of his promise in Christ that in it consisteth the gift of power to obtaine the inheritance of euerlasting life and blessednes doth confirme many yeares after the law giuen his foresaid testament vnto Moyses saying Deu. 18. The promise made to Moises I will raise them vp a prophet from among their brethren like vnto thee and I will put my words in his mouth and hee shall speake vnto them all that I shall commaund him and whosoeuer will not hearken vnto the words which he shal speake in my name I will require it of him according to Iohn he that heareth my words saith Christ and beléeueth Iohn 5. on him that sent me hath euerlasting life Luk ●… and who soeuer stumbleth at that s tone shall be broken for saith Christ Iohn 10. I am the good s hepheard that gaue his life for the sheepe and my sheepe heare my voyce And moreouer after a long distinction of time the Lord not vnmindfull of his testament raised vp his faithfull seruant Dauid to be king ouer Israel being of the loynes of Abraham of whose seede he promised that a branch of righteousnes should arise and sit in his seate The promise to Dauid s aying to Dauid by the prophet Nathan Kings 2.7 Thy house and thy kingdome shall endure without end after thee and thy seate shall be stablished for euer according to Esay Esay 9. vnto vs a childe shall be borne a sonne giuen vpon whose shoulder the kingdome s hall lye and he shall sit vpon the seate of Dauid Esay 11. for there shall come a rod forth of the kindred of Iesse and a blossome out of his roote the spirite of the Lord shall light on it he shall smite the world with the sword of his mouth with the breth of his lips shall slay the wicked Righteousnes shall bee the girdle of his loynes truth and faithfulnes the girding of his reynes Ezech. 17. for I will take s aith the Lord a braunch from an high Cedar tree and wil set it and take the vppermost twigg and yet is but tender and plant it vpon an high hill that it may bring forth twigges and be a great Cedar tree so that all maner of foules may abide in it and make their nests vnder the shadow of his braunches And out of this branch came the virgine Marie springing out of the Cedar tree which is the tribe of Iuda the vttermost twigg is Christ who vpon the hil of Sion did bring forth twigs his twelue apostles and disciples which became a great Cedar tree that is a mightie congregation of the faithful church of Christ the al maner of foules which is that there should be of all sortes of people the should abide in Christs doctrine and build their nest of saluation on him according to Esay Kings ond Princes shall arise and worship the holy one of Israell who is a pledge for the people and helpe vp the earth againe and chalenge the scattered heritage and shall say to them that are in darknes come into the light and to the prisoners go forth and shall gather to his kingdome all nations be they neuer so farre wherby doth appeare that such is the gift of the promise that all nations shall be blessed thereby that such is Christes calling that the people of all lands where soeuer shall partake of the faith of the Gospell so that it is apparant that euery inhabited corner of the world shall receiue the doctrine of the faith before the end of the world according to Mathew Math. 24. this glad tidings of the kingdome shall bee preached in all the world for a witnes vnto all nations and then shal the end come for saith Esay the people that dwell in darknes shall see a great light and vpon them that dwell in the land of the shadow of death shall it shine that the knowledge of the Lord shall bee full vpon the earth as the water of the sea floweth ouer the earth for the Gentiles shall inquire after the roote of Iesse and the Lord shall gather together the dispersed of Israel and the outcastes of Iuda and then shall men reioyce before God as men make mery in haruest for saith hee I will stretch out my hand to the Gentiles and set vp my token to the people for Kinges shall be thy nurcing fathers and Queenes thy nurcing mothers Esay 9. and all they that thinke a scorne of him shall be confounded for behold he bringeth his treasure with him and his works goeth before him hee shall feede his flocke like and heardman Esay 49. he shall gather the lambs together with his arme and carry them in his bosom and kindly intreate them that beare young wherein the prophet foretelleth the power vertue and excellencie of Christ that though he came in the humilitie of the flesh yet such was his miracles his works and his treasures of goodnes as would allure animate and inflame al men toward him and besides that so precious was his conuersation so pure his demenure so louing his humanitie so excellent his disposition so good in his doings and so flowing in holesome doctrine as that he is a most amiable and precious Adamant to draw men to his kingdom yea and in manner to constraine them to loue him which neuer knew him yea such is his gentle intreating like a louing father to his sonne like a carefull shephard ouer his sheepe like a good henne that gathereth her chickens vnder her wings so he is tender ouer man And therefore beware that we shew not our selues vnthankfull For when the children of Israel were cleane gone astray frō God as shéepe without a shepheard then the Lord mindfull of his promise to Iacob said Esay 27. I will root Iacob againe and Israel shall be greene and beare flowers and fill the whole world with her fruit Esay 35. then shall the desert and wildernes reioyce and the wast groundes florish like a lilie Esay 44. And I will power waters vpon the drie ground and riuers vpon the thirstie and shall giue waters in the wildernes and streames in the desert that I may giue drinke to my people whom I haue chosen to praise me By this wee see des cribed as in a metaphor how farre the spirituall water of Christes doctrine shal extend it selfe in al bountifulnes ouer all the world that the wildernes desertes and drie groundes being the barbarous rude and sauage people of all places shall haue offered vnto them the water of the streames of the fountaine of Iacob the gospell of Christ to wash away there vncleannes
honor the Father that who soeuer heareth Christes wo●des and beléeue on him that sent him Ihon. 5. hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come to damnation but is scaped from death vnto lyfe for he only hath the keyes of hell and death and shall iudge the quick Reue. 1. and the dead at the appearing of his kingdome were all shall be brought before the iudgement seat of Christe Tim. 2.4 and euerie one giue accountes of him self to God for the time is come that iudgement must begin at the house of the Lord consider therefore what kynde of people we ought to bée in conuersatiō of lyfe Pet. 14. séeing the righteous iudgement of God shall be opened which will reward euery man with prayse honor and immortalitie that hath cūtinued in good dooing Rom. 2. and vnto them which hath béen sinfull disobeying the trenth following iniquitie shall come indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish vpon the soule of euerie man that doe euill for there is no parcialitie with God but dooth iudge without respect of persons according to euerie mans woorkes as shall appeir at the great day of the Lord when God shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christe according to the Gospell when we must appeir ●e before his glorious and shining maiestie that euery man may reape according as he hath sowen Heb. 4. whereuppon wée are moste carefully to looke into our owne selues knowing that our soules shall be wayes vpon the ballance by that moste true and righteous Iudge whose eyes are as a flame of fire that sercheth out the ground of our hartes and knoweth the seceret mouings of our myndes iudgeth all the thoughts and intentes of man to whome all things are naked bare neither is there any creature inuisible in the sight of him who will not fayle to to recompence euery man according to his wayes and according to the frutes of his counsels and imaginations Now then that this generall cytation of our infallible apperāce before that Court regall which God will holde with all fleshe is so apparent wée should perswade that the knoweledge héerof is moste forcible to strike into our hartes a trembling feare and dread of our Lord God who is a consuming fire to all that doe continue in wickednes so that it behoueth vs not to make lighte accompte of so great and fearfull a matter and it standeth vs vppon not to bee necligente and carelesse of the order and maner of our liues séeing it toucheth our Soules so neare the quicke as that by the conuersation of lyfe in this world the marke and garland is so set before vs that if wee run the race of this life Math. 2.5 like to the fiue good Virgines hauing prepared in our selues in the grace of Christ that lamps of righteousnes sanctifying the Lord God in our harts by good conuersation in Christe then wee shall accompanye Christe or bridegroome in the great day of his comming shall go in with him to the wedding and to the inioying of our new heauenly Ierusalem which is to cōe down frō God from heauen preparhd as a Bryde for her husband Roue 19. béeing rayes with the goodly raines of the righteousnes of Saincts for the mariage of the vndefiled Lamb and for the glorious companie of the holy elect who then are happie that they are called vnto the lambes supper ther crowned with the garland of glorification Otherwise if wee run the race of this lyfe like the fiue foolish Virgines not respecting the rule of righteousnes nor imbracing the Oyle of gladnes brought to vs by Christes Gospell but wallowing in wickednes and so seek after our fleshly lusts warldly vanities then we must be shut out from this heuinlie wedding and throwen down from the face of God from his Sanctes into that dreadfull darcknes where all are wrapt in sorrow wot made the dampned children of cursed s●●hā Phil. 2. for which cause we ought to watch pray knowing not what day or hours the sonne of man shall come therfore we ought to watch pray woorking out our sal●●●●●● 〈◊〉 ●●●●es t that our misdéeds seperate vs from our God and our sinnes hide his face for ●●er from vs. Wherfore ye Prachers cry out the voice of heauines the lamenting cryes of dolefulnes which shall come vnto the wicked lyuers vnlesse they repent and yée Preachers sound out the voice of ioy of mirth and gladnes that shall come vnto the godly people and thou hart faint not and thou hand slack not to vtter foorth and wri●● how the gates of heauen stād open night and day for penitent sinners for the faithfull godly and righteous people to receiue them into blessednes and shewe thy self a watchman to awake with this voice all the people round about out of the sléeping bed of sinne blowing into the eares of deafe sinners wretched worldlings fleshly lyuers vicious walkers and wicked dooers how hell gates doe gape very wide ●n moste dreadfull maner to swallowe vp vngodly and wicked men Num. 16. O how did the Isralites tremble and quake when they did se the earth open and s wallow vp Corath Leui. 10. Dathan and Abyron with all that they had that they went down quick to hel O how did the Isralites tremble and shake when a consuming fire came out from the Lord and cons umed Nadab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron Num. 11. then come hither yée Inhabiters of the earth and behold with gushing teares with sorrow and terrour with sobbes and sighes the day of vengeance with much more terrour of the gates of hell gaping and gas ping in most hydious monsterous and horrible manner to swallow by 〈◊〉 diffent 〈◊〉 and again con sider how the Isralites did sa●●●●or ●●are when ●●●re of the Lord did burne among them and consumed the vtter mo ste of the hoast Exo. 19. Deut. 4. and how againe they shaked for dread when the Lord came down vpon mount Sinay with tempest sound of the trump speaking out of fire ba●nnow come hither all ye people of the Lord beholde the day of the Lord for he cōmeth to take vengeance reward yea he cōmeth him self lyke a goldsmiths are 〈◊〉 the heauens shall perish the elemēts melt the earth all the 〈◊〉 with●●●●●e according to Paule who saith that Thess 2. ● Hee shall come with his mightie Aungels in flaming fire rendring vengeance vnto them that know not God and to them that obey not the gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ which shall be punished with euerlasting damnation from the presence of the Lord and from the glorie of his power when he shall come to be glorified in his saintes and made maruelous in all them that beleeue therefore harken vnto this voice with sorrow of thy sinnes and remember this day with trembling and repenting knowing how miserable those sinners were that continued in wickednes and
the way of godlines and to follow Christe setting our affection in heauen that according to Paule when Christ which is our lyfe shall shewe him self that wée also may appeare with him in glory therfore saieth Iames Coloss 3. be yée patient vnto the comming of the Lord and settle your harts in goodnes Ieames 5. for the comming of the Lord draweth nigh when wée shall see him as hee is and bee lyke him made by him the sonnes of God who shall chaunge our vile bodies to be facioned lyke to his glorious body that wée shal enioy the fruition of his euerlasting tabernacle heauenly Ierusalem at his apperance againe to s aluation wherunto hee called vs by the Gospell to obtaine the glorie that commeth of our Lord Iesus Christe for Christe dyed for vs that wee should be partakers of his kingdome and haue our names in the booke of lyfe as s ayeth the Apostle wée shall be deliuered from this bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God Rom. 8. according to Christ s aying I am the resurrectiō and life he that Iohn 12. beleeueth in mee yea though hee were dead yet shall hee lyue and whoso euer lyueth and beleeueth in mee shall not dye for euer according to Luke Luke 20. They which be made woorthy to inioy the kingdome of the world to come and the resurrection from death can dye no more for they are equall to the Angells and are the sonnes of God for saith Christe Reue. 2 3. He that ouercommeth and is faithfull to the end I will giue him to eate of the tree of lyfe whiche is in the midst of the Paradice of God and he shall haue a crowne of lyfe and shall not be hurt of the second death but haue his name in the booke of lyfe and be a piller in the temple of my God and shall sit with me in my seate and this is the victorie that ouercōmeth the world euen our stedfast and vnfeigned faith in Iesus Christe by whome GOD hath giuen vnto vs eternall lyfe and to bee glorified by him at the day of his appearance when the misterie of Gods will shall be opened in his sonne Iesus Christe at his comming at the end of the world at which time shall be performed that all that haue done well shall go into euerlasting lyfe and all that hath done euill into euerlasting dampnation Therfore let vs fight the good fight of faith and walk as children of the day waiting with stedfast hope for the adoption and fruition of the heauenly kingdome that wée may méete him ioyfully comming in the cloudes and receiue the garland of glorification crown of eternall lyfe Iohn 1.5 and so be clothed with our heauenly mansion and translated into his kingdome there receiuing the glorious garments of immortalitie and the blessednes of our new Ierusalē where beholde loe wée shall shine as bright as the sunne beames béeing in all glorie in the presence of the brightnes of our omnipotent and resplendant GOD. To the obtaining of the high rewarde whereof watch and pray that your conuersation may be according to the Gospell and therefore let this be your watchman while you heare do lyue to think 〈…〉 Saint Ierome that whether you eate or drink or what so euer elles you dooe that moste dreadfull Troumpet soundeth in your eares Aryse you dead and come vnto Iudgement O Lord God almightie which art and wast and art to come who art Alpha and Omega to thee be all prayse Reue. 7. honor and glorie and all power and dignitie be ascribed to the almightie maker sitting vpon the seate and vnto the Lamb for euermore for now all thy people are gathered togither in thy sonne Iesus Christe that the misterie of thy holy will may be declared Ephe. 1. beeing called by the troump of the Arch-angell to come vnto the moūt Siō and to the citie of the liuing God the celestial Ierusalem and to an innumerable sight of Angels Heb. 12. and vnto the congrogation of the first borne sōnes which are written in heauen and to God the iudge of all and to the spirits of iust and perfect men to Iesus the mediator of the new Testament Phil. 3. who dooth change our vile bodies to be facioned like to his glorious body therfore to thee be prayse honour and power world with out end AMEN THE GLORIOVS AND BEAVTIFVL GARlande of mans glorification CAP. 3. The mysterie of the glorious comming of Christ at the end of the worlde and howe he shall sit in his glittering seate of Maiestie in all brightnesse of glorie power and dominion And where and howe all thinges both in heauen and earth shall be gathered together in Christ and see his glorie and in him our glorification EXcellent was the cōming of God when in his glorie like shining fire he came downe vpon mount Sinai where Moyses brought the people out of the tentes to meete the Lorde so marueilously descending downe vpon the hill which burnt with fire euē vnto the middes of heauen Exod. 19. and the Lorde spake vnto them with his mightie thundring voyce out of fire Deut. 4. that it was exceeding fearefull and also so wonderfull glorious that whē Moyses had talked with God the people were not able to beholde the glistering beautie and brightnesse of Moyses face Exod. 34. But nowe howe shall his glorie bee exalted in the highest what time he shall make him vp to shake the earth in the ende of the worlde when the appearance of his comming shall exceede in all greatnesse of power and might according to Micheas Micheas ● The Lorde shall come out of his holy place Micheas 1. and come downe and ●●eade vpon the high things of the earth that the mountaines shall consume vnder him and the valleyes cleaue asunder And then the Sun●●e and Moone shall be ashamed at his glorious face of incomparable clearenesse brightnes from which all the beautie glorie and pompe of this world shall flée away into rebuke dishonour not able to endure the perfection of his beautie and incomprehensible pureness e before whome it consumeth to nought perish and vanish away for euer and th●● O how Christ shall glister in the magnificence of his omnipotent kingly maiestie in the preheminence noe of dignitie aboue dignities that all the glorie of kings kingdomes shall giue place and vanish at his mightie appearance not worthy to endure the glorie of his cōming before which they waste and fall into emptines and he shall shew him selfe from the top of the high heauens with such triumphant power of vnspeakeable glorie dominion and might that from his presence shall ●●●●away ●e●rth heauens and their place no more soūd for he shall shake the earth againe remooue ●●●ne away those things which haue ended their course whē the powres of heauen the vniuers al frame of this world shal
rent in pieces ●●me in a consuming 〈◊〉 Now the truth hereof i● so 〈◊〉 ●laine that there need no great circumstance to prooue with many witnesses out of the holy scriptures any so ignorant as to doubt hereof although saith Micheas Micheas 1. the rebellious people hope that it shall not be so ill Peter 2.3 saith Peter in the latter dayes shall come mockers that will say ●●●h where is the promise of his comming But now that you may behold as in a looking glasse the glorious cōming of Christ as from a farre yet use wtin the compasse of our hearts Iohn 11. as Christ saide to Martha If thou beléeuest thou shalt sée the glorie of God I wil place therefore your soule in the spirit of heauenly meditation fixing your féete in the path of righteousnes and standing immoueable at the ●indow of Gods promises beholding in the gla●●e● of t●neth with the stedfast eies of faith Iesus the King of glorie comming in a wonderfull glorious and magnificall progresse from heauen to visite the kingdomes and Lordshippes of the earth and the inhabiters thereof with power of mercie and iudgement touching the which the messengers of this glad tidings haue flow●● thorowe the middest of heauen and gone through all the worlde with the ioyfull sounde of trumpet signifying the ioy of redemption to be come and the day of glorie to be●●ie at hand the kingdome of euerlasting rest to draw néere therefore lift vp your heades Matth. 16. and be ready to the reward of your kingdome make haste to meete the king of glorie comming in the glorie of his Father with al his holy angels set 〈◊〉 his glorious throne of all maiestie there shining in his euerlasting clearnes glittering in his eternall brightnesse appearing in his preciousnes excéeding in his righteousnes exalted in his highnes magnified in his worthines sanctified in his holines triumphing in his gloriousnes when the puisance strength power of his omnipotent maiestie shall lighten into all the secrete places of world and his voice imperial shall pearce thorow the vnspeakable borders of all places to raise frō death to life all humane creatures that euer had being wheresoeuer and to gather them together before his eternall excellencie where all thinges in heauen and earth shall stand before his presence and all knees shall bowe and all tongues 〈◊〉 knowledge to the glorie of God Rom. 14. and then shall take perfourmed that Christ sayd to the high priests that were offended at him when hee was come in his ●owle humanitie saying Matth. 26. You shall see the Sonne of man sitting on the right hand● of power and comming in the cloudes of the skie whereof the two Angels testified to the Disciples at the ascension of our Sauiour Christ Actes 1. saying Ye● men of Galilee why stande yee gasing vp into heauen This sa●●e Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen is returned to the Father whence he came as he hath tolde you before and shall s●●●●e againe euen as you haue s eene him god into heauen and that according to Matthewe accompanied with all the godly Angels Matth. 25. Iude. and saith ●●och with thousandes of blessed Saintes with him and according 〈◊〉 Iohn In a white cloude sitting in his feare of dominion and dignitie Reuel 14. and in his glorious throne of wonderfull g●●●nes se which is according to Daniel as the 〈◊〉 flame Daniel 7. and his wheeles as the burning fire there went out frō him a fierie streame as glorious sparkes of eternall heauenlinesse like glisterings of perpetuall beames of 〈◊〉 proceeding frō the glory of his Godhead and 〈◊〉 out 〈◊〉 him and yet euer in him shewing the 〈◊〉 treasure of his grace and goodnesse ●he ●●●d ●●prehensible 〈◊〉 out of his right cleare Maiestie the infinite and vnsearcheable vertues and giftes of glorie which issues eternally from his deuine Godhead and ●●nipotent power And thus hee shall appeare most maruellous and all eyes sée him and all nations gathered before him Daniel 7. as saith Daniel A thousand times a thousand serued him a thous and times ten thousande stoode before him And theerfore Blessed be the kingdome that commeth in the Name of him that i● Lorde of our Father Dauid Marke 11. Hos anna Praising him in his holines praising him in the ●●rmament of his power praising him in his 〈◊〉 Actes praising him according to his excellent greatnesse For nowe is the full time whē the mysterie of the will of the Father shall bee opened in his Sonne Iesus Christ comming in the glorie of the father when shall be opened the endlesse clearenesse of diuinitie the incomprehensible ●●●●our of Gods Maiestie the glorious riches of euerlasting glorie the incomparable profoundnesse of Gods wis edome the flowing fountaines of Gods goodnesse the shining light of all trueth the glorious kingdome wherto wée are called and the tresures of rewardes to men with glorie and dishonour and then the brightnes and sight of all things shal be apparent and all things past shall be as one thing present according to Mathew there is nothing so close that shall not be opened nothing so hyd that shall not be knowen Math. 1● such s halbe the omnipotent potentiall and in comprhenssble clearnes of God that before him all that were in power in spirit in act in thought in intent in heauen in earth or in hell from the beginning shall there shew it selfe present apparent cleare and manifest by the endlesse brightnes of God that all the nature of sathan and the power of hell shal be made manifest for euer and the nature of man as it was and now is and shal be in glorie or dishonour shall be expressed for euer and all the great woorkes of GOD and beautie of Angells Cherubins and Seraphins shall there be knowen for euer and all the goodly mansions of God shall then be reuealed mo ste euident and the eternall shyne of Gods maiestie shall then bee vniuersall transparent for sayeth Paul Ephe. 1. The whole misterie of the will of the Father shall then be declared according to the purpose of his owne will therefore moste blessed shall you be that shal be found watching and waiting for his comming looking vp to heauen with pure eyes of faith and lyfting vp cleane hands of righteousnes well washed at the fountaine of penance that you may be found at his appearāce to laude glory and honour pertaking with the treasures of the heauenly misterie of the will of the father ordained in Christe Iesus who béeing the Author of our glorie whereunto hee hath called vs by his Gospell by shedding of his owne moste precious blood to bring vs to GOD and to make vs heires of his kingdōe Did not omit the least godly meanes of all to drawe vs and quicken vs by his spirit diligently and with all our indeuours to seek after his kingdome And
proceedeth a sharpe two edged sword shewing that all power Maiestie imperiall and iudgement was giuen him of his father according to that of the Reuel out of his mouth went a sharpe sword that with it he should smite the heathen which was his word which according to Paul is sharper then a two edged sworde being quicke and mightie in operation Heb. 4. entreth thorowe to the deuiding of the soule and spirit and of the ioynts and the marow and iudgeth the thoughtes and intentes of the heart and the Raine bowe about his head shewing the vndoubted signe of his true couenāt and promise in all things to be perfourmed according as hee had promised touching saluation euen as the Rainbow was a true signe and witnes of Gods iust worde neuer to destroy the world by water againe And his face did shine as the sunne in his strength and hath the keyes of hell and death shewing the shining light of the incomprehensible brightnes of his glorious maiestie and his triumphant power ouer all his enemies and ouer al powers of hel and death hauing the keyes of the kingdome euen the keyes of Dauid which openeth no man shutteth which shutteth and no man openeth and thus to the Prophetes and Apostles Chri st did shewe a consembable vision of his glorious maiestie and glorious mirrour of comming againe at the latter day therein expressing the selfe same Symbolicall glorie to be to vs if we be founde worthy at his appearance to be heyres of his Kingdome thorough righteous life according as the Angell shewed the vision of Christ vpon mount Sion howe there stoode before him a great people that coulde not be nombred Esdras 4.2 praysing the Lorde with songes and thankesgiuing and he in the middest of them being of an high st●●●e● most goodly most glorious and most excellent aboue them all appearing alwayes higher and higher more glorious and glorious in the incomprehensible shining and vnmeasurarable riches of all brightnesse clearenesse beautie gif●es treasures and noblenesse and in the infinite and endelesse power might and omnipotencie of his diuine Maiestie and Godheade setting crownes vpon their heades there crowning them with the golden Diademes of eternall glorie and palmes of euerlasting ioye for that they had truely walked in his wayes and knowledged 〈◊〉 ●efect● faith his holy Name euen to the death Therefore seeing by Christ we haue there arrest of our saluation and the promise to be made partakers of his godly nature and the power by his Gospel to be made the sonnes of God let vs vse all diligence towarde good life to make our calling to mount Sion to be to our ioy that when we there appeare before our eternall king of glorie we maye be foūd to be of that holy multitude that Christ with his heauenly and vnspeakeable sweete hand may set the vnspeakeable crowne of glorie vpon our heades for which cause let vs now stirre vp our hearts with the quicke eye of faith and behold him as if he were present whom shortly we shall sée with our outward and inward eyes face to face in his Godhead and glorious humanitie as before he was séene in his lowlinesse of his humane nature And then we shal behold him in his excellencie and in all marueilousnesse being exalted and aduanced in the high glory of his Father and beautified with all the euerlasting ornaments of wisedome beautie goodnes and glorie And then O how ioyfully shall we sée him how intyrely shall we loue him howe with burning flames of excéeding desire shall we couet him and what wonderfull zeale affection shall we haue to imbrace him so most amiable a god and sauiour when we shall thus looke vpon him how in steade of his crowne of thornes he is extolled to the endles mirror of Maiestie triumphing in all the great shining dignitie of God and in the Royall power ouer all powers King of kings to whome all kings and powers shall yeeld vp their glorie power ashamed of so mightie maiestie and in s teade of a Reede he hath nowe the bright euerlasting Scepter of the kingdome and the omnipotent and eternall sentence of iudgement and in steade of rebukes and reproches he is magnifies with all goodly and glorious names of God with all the wordes voyces and songs of praise laud honour and glorie for euer and in stead of his crosse nayles he is exalted in the wonderful bright and glorious shining throne and seate of power and domination and in steade of his simple garments and rent clothes and purple gowne with which they clothed and mocked him hee is nowe arayed with the euerlasting heauenly Robes of glorie and honour of Iustice and Kingly dignitie for euer And where his enemies did boast ouer him and mocked him nowe he hath reigned till his enemies be made his footestoole and hath triumphed ouer death the last enemie Oseas 13. that the saying of the Prophet may be fulfilled O death I will be thy death O hel I wil be thy sting And thus our Sauiour Christ hath perfourmed the euerlasting tryumphe ouer all his enemies they nowe bowing their knees attributing all honour glorie vnto him and with moste dreadfull feare falling flat an their faces before his shining face and high power And because he yeelded him selfe to death he hath nowe the victorie ouer death and hell for euermore And in this sorte he commeth in the most magnifical glorie of his Father prepared to the marriage of newe Ierusalem which commeth downe also from heauen from God garnis hed with the reines of the righteousnesse of Saintes prepared as a bride mos t beautifull and glorious fitte and conuenient for a precious and glorious husbande and worthie to receiue and welcome all the excellent guestes that are called to this marriage where the ioye of the godlye shall be made perfect and complete receiuing the marriage gifte the palmes of immortalitie and honour and the garland of euerlasting glorification Wherefore to consider of this our heauenly hope and ioyfull expectation of blessednesse let vs be faithfull vnto death and ouercome and Chri st hath promised to giue vs this crowne of life at his comming Thess 1.4 which shall be with Imperiall might and greatnesse according to Paul with a shout and the voyce of the Archangel and troumpe of God that the heauens and earth and all powers shall quake withall and according to Iohn Hee shall come downe from the high heauens clothed with a cleare white splendent cloude and the Raine bowe vpon his head the signe of Iustice promise mercie and iudgement and his face as it were the sunne and his feete as it were pillars of fire glistering in the most endlesse purenesse of the glorie of his father like shining fire Thes s 1.4 most incomparable And then lift vp your heads to sée his superexcellent gloriousnesse when you shall immediately be changed to immortalitie and méete him in the ayre Actes 1. when he