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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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tormēt ascendeth vp euermore as the flame of a fornace with most horible stinke for a perpetual signe of their punishmēt like as it dyd frō Sodome Gomor when the Lorde ouerthrew them 2 So that they haue no rest neyther day nor night so mani as worship the beast his image receuīg the prīt of his nam 3 Both in this lyfe are they cruciate with a troublous and doubtfull conscience and also after this life with vnspekeable paynes For neither shal their worm dye nor yet their fyre be quēched all flesh abhorring thē 4 Thus shal they be with the beast tormēted which haue the spirite of the beast For like as al the faithful which hath ben from the beginning belongeth to one misticall body in Christe and shal be preserued by him so doeth the wicked perteine to one misticall Antichrist hauing al one spirit with him and so shall with him perish 5 Here is the pacience of the saynts In this life ar their troubles no plesure is for them in this world but hate rebukes slaunders lies persecutions and death of their bodyes Their life vpon earth is continuall affliction but gloryous is the fruite of their labours Manifold are the misfortunes of the rightuous but the Lord cleareth them of all 6 Here are they vexed that kepe the commaundements the fayth of Iesu Here are they had in derision that behaue thēselues as the ministrs of god in much patiēce afflictiōs néede anguish labour stryps imprisonment and such lyke 7 Here are they chastened of the LORDE with many sore storms that they should not be damned with this world Much haue they héere to suffer of enemies that onely cleueth to the word of god in life doctrine THE TEXT 1. And I heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto me 2. Write 3. Blessed are the dead which hereafter dye in the Lord 4 euen so saith the spirit that they may rest frō their labours 5. But their vvorkes shall follovve them The Paraphrase 1 And I heard a voyce from heauē saith S. Iohn saying vnto me 2 Wryte with penne or marke suerly this sentence following for them that here suffer in the truthes quarell 3 Blessed are the dead or they which are already departed and that also shal heereafter depart in the Lorde This voyce from heauen are the infallible scriptures ascertaining the faith of Iohn of the swéete rest of the saintes in the hands of God And that their ende is not without honour as the vain sort supposeth but they are coūted among the dere children of God Let thē therefore that suffer in this age be earnestly sprited not feare the tormēts of the enimies in Christes cause 4 For from hence forth the spirit saith that they rest frō their labours In a wōderfull quietnesse dwel they by the very sentence of the holy Ghost shall neuer more féele of any woo God hath clean wiped away al tears frō their eyes all sorrowes paynes from their bodies the first daungers being ●ast Happy are they therefore and moste godly fortunate that are slaine for Christ bicause they wil not worship the beast his Image nor corrupt their faith with their wicked lawes but in a pure christian beleue departeth frō hence to the Lord. Theyr portion is in the land of the liuing and their lot among the holy ones 5 For certainly their works doth folow them The promised rewarde of God for constantly standing by the veritie for the fruites of their christian patience for other exercise of theyr fayth is euermore to their glory present with thē Not as deserued of thē but of Christe in whose fayth they wrought here for the promise sake that they should be gods heyres togither with Christ. The lyuely word also which they earnestly receyued héere and so rooted in their faith wil neuer suffer them to perishe nor to be hurte of the second death THE TEXT 1 And I looked and beholde 2. a vvhyte cloude 3. and vpon the cloude one sitting lyke vnto the sonne of man 4. hauyng on his head a golden crovvn 5. and in his hand a sharpe sickle The Paraphrase 1 I looked yet further saith S. Iohn and euidently before me appeared a whyte cloude which betokeneth the true ministers of Gods word Whom the holy ghost calleth clouds by Esay Dauid Peter Iudas For from thē falleth vpon the people the swéete droppes of his verities 2 White they are as milk for their faith in the word and for their christian conuersation not blotted with hipocrisie of mēs corrupted customes 3 Upon this cloude was one sittyng lyke vnto the sonne of man whiche is verely Christ in his glorified māhood For euermore is he among hys true preachers gyuyng them suche vtteraunce and wisedome as all theyr enymies are not able to withstande Alwayes walketh he among the vij candelstickes which are his congregations as we had afore 4 He had vpon his heade a golden crowne in token of his eternall and vncorrupte kingdome and in hys hand a sharpe sickle which is the sharp iudgement or rightuousnesse of hys worde for there with shall hée reape his latter haruest According to hys worde and promyse shall hee iudge good and euill 5 This sickle receyued he of hys euerlasting father suche tyme as hée gaue ouer vnto hym hys vniuersall iudgements By the order of this vision should the preachers séeme in the last age of the church much to admonish the people of the latter day with the commyng of Christe agayne to iudge both the quicke and the deade as is in their créede or beléeue THE TEXT 1 And an other Angell came out of the temple 2. crying with a loude voyce to hym that satte on the cloude 3. Thrust in thy sikle and reape 4. for the tyme is come to reape 5. For the corne of the earth is rype 6. And he that satte on the cloude 7. thrust in his sickle on the earth 8. and the earth vvas reaped The Paraphrase 1 And an other Angell sayth sainct Iohn came out of the temple which is the congregation of fayth consecrated as an holy temple vnto God in the bloud of the vndefiled Lambe Iesus This Angell betokeneth those iust men that with Symeon and Anna the doughter of Phanuell in thys latter age are desirous of the glory of God and of the finall redemption of man from bodily corruption 2 These shal cry with a loude voice with a feruent spirite shall they call vnto Christ which sitteth vpon the cloude 3 And thys shall bée theyr saying Thrust in the sickle and reape Send foorth thy lyuing word And lyke as it hath created all things so let it now trye and iudge all things 4 For the tyme is at hand to reape For we are those vpon whō the ends of the world are come 5 And doutlesse the corne of the earth is ripe the worlde is at the best that it wil be As it hath bene euer so is it stil altogether set vpon
daies was in auhoritie ouer al the world yea sitting aboue God in the consiences of men and nowe is become of no reputacion amonge men God openinge his mischiefes is euen the eyghte in number And yet neuertheles is one of the vii heades For both is he the beastly body it selfe comprehending in him the vniuersall abhominations of all the earthlye kyngdomes And in that poynt diuers from the seuen heades and so the .viii. in number 10 And also he is one of the .vii. heades and the seauenth in numbre in vsurpyng this proude worldly kyngdome thus after a vayne temporall sorte Ouer and besids all thys maye he also be called the eyght in the curssed remnant which after the peaceable silence of christen libertie sathan loosoned shall most cruelly persecute Christes congregation a freshe as in the xx chapter here following wil appeare 11 This beast with hys carriage the Antichrist with hys church or sathan wish his sinagog shal not onely go into destructiō here by the mighty breth of Gods mouth or the true preaching of hys Gospell but also into dampnation euerlastinge in the ende of the worlde with the deuill and hys Angelles THE TEXTE 1 And the ten hornes vvhich thou savvest are ten Kinges 2. VVhich haue not yet receiued the kingdome 3. But shall receiue povver 4. As Kings 5. At one houre vvith the Beast 6. These haue one minde 7. And shall geue their povver and strength vnto the beast 8. These shall fight vvith the lambe 9. And the Lambe shall ouercome them 10. For he is Lorde of all Lordes 11. And Kinge of all Kinges 12. And they that are on his side 13. Are called the chosen and faithfull The Paraphrase 1 And the ten hornes saith the Angell vnto Iohn which thou sawest here vp on the heades of this rose coloured beast are in signification x. Kinges Some hath taken these ten Kings for al those Emperours of the Latins since Charlemayn which haue sworn them selues obediente to the Byshoppe of Rome Some haue thought them to be those Princes which here in Europa haue aforetime bene subiecte to the Empyre of Rome As the Kinges of England Fraunce Spaine Portingale Castele Denmarke Scotlande Ungary Boheme and Naples But these consider not that they be yet more in number as Aragone Nauerre Cicile Cypres Sardine Swethē Pole and such other and are all included in the seauen heades as members of the afore rehersed Empires Neither marke they that they are aboue the heades as hornes and more in number then the heades betokening a rygorus authorytie and fierce power whiche they proudlye vsurpe ouer them euery where Afore they were but suggestions but héere are they earnest doers For in euerye region hath the beastly Antichriste of Rome his Metropolitanes Primats As in England are Caunterbury an● York in Fraunce Thuronensis and Remensis in Spaine Tholetanus Terraconensis in Portingale Hispalensis Bracarensis in Irelande Armachanus Dubliniensis in Denmarke Lundensis and Upsalensis in Germany Coloniensis Maguntinus in Hungary Strigoniensis and Colocensis in Italye Pisanus Rauennas in Sicyle Panormitanus Messanences with an infinite number of bishops prelates pristes religions besides the fighting orders of the Rhodes the Prussianes the Redemers of captiues the Aragondes the Georgianes caled de Alga the Monteseanes the Castilianes the Lusitaneanes the Calatraneanes S. Iames warriours 2 These had not yet at y● tyme receiued the diuillish kingdom of pestilnce vsurpacion ouer the soules of men For though in Iohns daies arose certaine Antichristes as Hebion Cerinthius Diotrephes Carpocras and such like yet were they nothinge to these 3 But now in déede they haue receyued the selfe same aucthoritie power with the beast that hée tooke afore of the Dragon in maner of kings to rule in the heartes and consciences of men to his behoue 4 For so much as theyr authoritie is not of God lyke as is the authoritie of Kings it is sayd here as kings or as men counterfeyting them in vsurping a gouernaunce not fréely giuen them of God but of the Diuill 5 All at one houre receyued they this aucthoritie with the beast And that I suppose was in the great general coūsayle of Laterane at Rome gathered vnder the title to recouer Hierusalem agayne Where as confession in the eare was cruelly extorted of christian people vnder the payne of death dampnation by the whole consent both of the princes bishops at the former suggestiō of Innocēt the third besides other wicked things As to heare latine seruice to go on processiō on sundayes to pray vnto dead saints to ●orship Images to buy masses for the dead to ●ast the fridays with purgatory pardōs merits friers orders In the sayd coūsail became the metropolitanes as kinges and by the authority threof apointed they their Stuards Baliues other officers as bishopes curates parish pristes to haue euer charge of soules and in the sayd eare cōfession to receiue their accountes 6 These counterfet kinges are al of on diuelish mind practise purpose against God and his veritye 7 And fully they are fixed to geue their whole power their study their strength vnto the behoofe of the beast Not acording to Gods mind wil they rule but al after his wil pleasur agreing alwaies vnto him as mēbers to their head to serue wickednesse after wickednes in Babilon His Popish decres wil they seke his diuelish decretales will they folow his ceremonials wil they obserue and nothing of the sacred scriptures What learnyng so euer they haue what giftes of nature fortune or grace al must be to the maintenāce of his fātastical fopperis To him ar they sworn to do him homage to obey his laws to kisse his féete for his glorious sake to persecute his gospell 8 And in so doing they shal fight with the lamb which is Iesus Christ. They shal impunge his truth whē they think to doe him seruice For that mischiefe they doe to one of his they doe to hys owne person 9 But be they neuer so dogged yet ●hal the Lambe ouercome them in his faithful members yea by pacient sufferaunce onely The victory saith S. Iohn which ouercōmeth the worlde is a sure christian fayth Upon theyr ●ide fighteth he which is most myghtie and strong yea the Lord that is valyaunt in battail And he shall first ouercome them in this lyfe with the mightie breath of his mouth scattering thē away as dust from the earth And after this shall hys tirrible iudgement for euer condempne them 10 For he is by the aucthoritie giuen him of his father the Lord of all Lords and by his own eternall Godhead the King of all Kings hauyng all power in heauen and in earth He is cōstitute Iudge of the quicke and the dead hauing alone the euerlastyng Em●yre with his father and the holye Ghost and of his kyngdome shall neuer bée an ende 11 By his permission doeth all kinges reigne he
the afore named Necromanser Siluester which was both a blacke Mouncke and also a Frenchman borne This beastly Antichriste boasting himselfe not onely to bée Christes vicar in earth but also to be equal with him in maiesty and power set f●rst the Diuell at large by his Necromancy which toke frō the heartes of mem the liuing worde of the Lord leste they shoulde be saued Frō thēce forth were not the holy scriptures regarded but olde wyues tales Iewish fabels most highly reputed Them came in Cannōs Decrées Sentences Sinodals Decretals Clemētines Exextrauagauntes with other Popysh ●awes the gospell claene set apart About this time ollo as master Iohn Carion wryteth in hys cronicle floryshed the Lordly order of cardinals and grewe into a wonderful estimacion in the worlde The vniuersites were thē furnished with learned mē mightely to proue the Pope Christes vicar in earth and the onely husbande and ouerséer of hys churche General counsels were oft gathered to dyspute with all Christendome that none might dispence in matters of conscience but he and they whom he should appoynte and that he could in no wyse erre No though when the candle were out he went to bed with an other mans wife besydes that I wil not spaeke at this time By this meanes got he an imperial seate and might make both Emperours kinges at his pleasure And lykwyse depose them when he lusted He myght distribute the kingdomes and geue the great possessions of this worlde to whom he lust●d yea to hys owne bastardes and chamberlynes as he dyd manye tymes For of the Diuell he hath receyued them where as Christ did vntterly forsake them And for so much as he was the high Priest after the order of Sathā be myght kepe a generall marte all hys lyfe tyme sell all the Bishoprickes benefices degrées and offices of hys church He might subiect the gospel to his owne interpretation make new constitutions release synne for mony make euery day new Gods and doe many other thinges els No end was then of their gaudyshe ceremonyes brawlynges in the temple Singings bels orgayns Images ornamentes lampes candels holy dayes shauings surplesses pater nosters cōmaunded 〈◊〉 such like that a man woulde haue thought them Angels when they were very Diuels in dede For the tyme that Sathan was thus sette at large by Christes onely vicar was ther not one martyr alowed vnlesse it were for deposinge of Princes and defending the liberties of holy churrh agaynst them lest theyr murtherers théeues beynge wythin sacred orders shoulde be hanged with the secule●● Marke the condition of the tyme. Afore that Sathan was thus at libertie he remained secret in the harts of euill men Now is he abrode in theyr outward ceremonies and rites ready to be séene of all the worlde if pryde pompe hawtinesse vaine glory may shew him or if hipocrisie errour supersticion and all other diuellishnesse can tell wher he is When Christ shut him vp he toke Idolatrie from the people the Pope hath restored it vnto thē againe in thus settinge him at large In this is he not denied to haue bene afore this time abrode among the wicked For little lesse then foure hundred yeares afore the end of this thousand began the two Monarks of Antichristes kingedome the Pope in the West vnder Phocas the Emperour and great Mahomet in the East vnder Heraclius marke it in the cronicles who so list For afore that time was not the Pope taken for the vniuersall head of the church nor yet for Christes vicar And this could not haue béen vnlesse he had after some sort béen at libertie Euermore hath he reigned wtout restraint among the vngodly But neuer so manifestly as then hys abhominacions accouonted for holynesse in the churche At this losinge of Sathan or very defection as Paul calleth it openlye appeared the man of sinne the sonne of perdicion and the aduersarye which exaleth him selfe aboue al that beareth the name of God Faith wared so fainte and charitie so colde the scarce appeared one spark of the truth The church becāe a peruerse generation hir children were very vnfaithful Afore regned be enermore in the world but neuer in Christes congregation till that time Neuer was the vniuersall church of Christ defiled with so many abhominable kindes of Idolatrye before 13 But it so continued not longe For the text saieth he was losed but for a litle season Immediately after perceued Berengarius the Archedecon of Angoy in Fraunce that all was well and with Bruno the bishop impugned their realitie Idēptitie naturalitie in the sacrament to bringe it againe to Christes cleare institution After him followed Waleranus the bishop of Medeburge and did the same in Germany with many other prelates and doctours Consequently ensued the Waldeanes and Albigeanes pretending the Apostles life doctrine men doubtlesse of a godly zeale and spirit and of them the Antichrists slew more then a hundreth thousande besides an hundreth and foure score whome they brent bycause they would neuer abiure What Guid● Bonatus Ioannes Semeca Guilhelmus de sancto amore Marsilius Paduanus Arnoldus de villa noua Frāciscus Petrarcha other learned men dyd against them after that it were very long to write Iohn Wicleaue in Englād Iohn Husse in Boheme men of excelent life learning with diuers other more replyed earnestly against their transubstanciaciōs and other sorceries Laurēcius Ualla denyed the donation of Constantyne Ihō Wassalus of Groning in Friesland called the light of the world cōdempned vtterly their purgatory and pardōs Now last of all commeth Martyne Luther Ioannes Oecolāpadius Huldricus Zwinglyus Pomeranus Brencius Melācthon Bucer Bullinger with other sincere and godly deuynes and they turne ouer their vniuersall kingdome So merciful is the Lord to hys people in this latter ende of the world that by these and such other the Antichrist is clearly vttered and all his Hypocrisy disclosed I doubt not but within fewe dayes the mightie breath of his mouth which is hys liuing Gospell shall vtterly distroye hym with hys whole generation of shauelings by their faythfull administration in the worde THE TEXT 1 And I sawe seates 2. and they satte vpon them 3. and the iudgement was giuen vnto them 4. And I sawe the soules of them 5. that were beheaded for the vvitnesse of Iesus 6. and for the vvorde of God 7. vvhich had not vvorshiped the beast 8. neither his Image 9. neyther had taken his marke vpon their foreheads 10. or on their handes 11. And they lyued 12. and raigned vvith Christ 13. a thousand yeares 14. But the other of the dead men lyued not againe 15. till the thousande yeares vvere finished The Commentary 1 Whiles the Dragon was thus tyed vp and throwne into the bottomles pit for a ●housand yeares space a certayne continuance of beinge the elect had Whose peaceable estate and condition for that time the text here following declareth by maner of recapitulation After the afore rehearsed
readeth they that hear the vvords of the prophecie keepe those things vvhich are vvritten therein 7. for the tyme is at hande The Paraphrase OF Iesus Christ the sonne of the liuing God this is the wonderfull reuelation concerning the diuers and doubtfull estate of the Christian church from the Apostles tyme to the latter ende of the world 2 Which reuelation with all iudgement and power God the euerlasting father hath wholly giuen vnto hym now takē vp from the earth glorified and set aboue all the workes of hys handes 3 Euidently to declare yea to make manifest and knowne vnto hys true faythfull seruauntes beleuing in hys words and walking in his wayes the tokens signes marueils which must by hys vnchaungeable ordinaunce shortly in this latter tyme folow in effect without premonishment or warning taken of the wicked sort 4 And the sayd Iesus Christ sittyng on the right hande of the maiestie of God and being muche more excellent then the angels hath according to his former promise sent forth his spirit of truth most specially vnto his déerely beloued Apostle and peculyar dyscyple sainct Iohn the Euangelist not only to deduce him into all knowledge and veritie but also to manifest vnto him the secrete misteries of thinges to come 5 Which Iohn hath already as an earnest doer in his masters cause most constantly wytnessed his eternall godhead in the euerlasting worde against the Hebionites which denied him to com in the fleshe and hath faithfully affirmed his naturall manhode in all that he sawe being conuersaunt with him agaynste Carpocras and Cerinthus which blasphemed the same in the vtter confusion of all such Antichristes 6 Blessed is he saith Saint Ihon which after méeke prayer and godly meditacyon hauinge the gyfte of vnderstanding and grace of interpreting the scripturs doth sincerly faithfully without crafte or coloure publyshe declare the mistycall wordes of thys heauenly prophecye Blessed are they also which in a feruent faith hongerīg thristinge for the rightuousnes and with Simeon and Anna desirous of the glorye of God doth louingly heare and earnestly marke the wholsome words of the same sayd godly prophecye and that will deligently applye thē selues to obserue the rules and take the premonishementes of Godly doctrine ther in written 7 For the perelous dayes are come that the disceytfull swarme of Antichrist peruertinge the trueth shal bring the world into pernicious and dampnable errours And the Ieopardous time is at hande that the wrath of god shal be declared from Heauen vpon all vngodlynesse of these seducers that with hold his trueth in vnrightuousensse set hi● cōmaundementes at nought for their owne vile traditions The texte 1 Ihon vnto the seuen congregacions which are in Asia 2. Grace be vvith you 3. And peace from him wich is and which vvas and which is to come 4. from the seuen spirites which are present before his throne 5. and from Iesus Christe vvhich is a faythfull vvytnesse 6. and fyrst begotten of the dead 7. and prince ouer the kinges of the earthe 8. Vnto him that loued vs and vvashed vs from our sinnes in his ovvne bloud 9. and made vs kinges and Priestes vnto God his father 10. euen vnto him be glorye and dominion for euermore Amen The Paraphrase 1 Iohn the electe Apostle of Iesus Christ sendeth these greatinges to the vii churches or christian congregations which are in the land of Asia the lesse 2 Grace which is the mercy fauour and acceptacion of God be with you 3 And also peace which is the trauquilitie of conscience in them that beleue in Christ dwel euer among you from god the father euerlasting which is essencially in and of himselfe and which was before the constitucion of the world and which shall be after the worlde be finished for euer and euer without ende 4 The same grace and peace agayne be vnto you from God the holy Ghost here mencioned vnder the tytle of .vij. spirites for that he is manifolde and plentuous in gyftes 5 The thyrd tyme also the same said grace and peace be vnto you from the Lorde Iesus Christ the onely sonne of God which being the eternall veritie it selfe was in preaching his Gospell a wytnesse therof both faythful true and perfect and in no wyse could lye that ye should the rather beleue him 6 He was the fyrst of all men that euer were in this mortall nature or body of death recouering againe the fauour of God lost in Adam and that with victory ouer sinne hell deathe and the diuell ascended into Heauen and became in that fleshe glorifyed the sonne of God that ye should bée the bolder of him and the rather take him for your onely aduocate 7 He is also a m●ste mighty Lorde ouer the kinges rulers and magistrates of this worlde hauing now all power geuen him in heauen in earth with a wryting vpon his vesture that he is Kinge of Kinges and Lorde of Lords and that of his kingdome ther shall be no ende that the wicked tyrauntes should the rather feare least they féele him a terryble iudge at the latter day 8 For so much as he hath so intyrely loued vs as to be smytten and woūded for our offencest and as to geue his lyfe for our wycked wretchednes yea for so much as he of most natural kyndenesse would be cruelly slayne to washe vs purifie vs and clense vs in his owne most innocent bloud from the moste cankred vylenesse of our sinnes to prouoke vs to loue him agayne 9 For so much also as he hath made vs a liuing kingedome to god through fayth in him and consecrate vs priestes to offer vp our bodies by a newe Christian life as a sacrifyce holy and acceptable vnto God his euerlastinge father 10 Unto him wyth the said father with the holy ghost be perpetual praise glorye power and dominyon for euermore Amen The text 1 Beholde he commeth with cloudes 2. and all eyes shall see him 3. and they also which pearsed him 4. And all kynredes of the earth shall vvayle 5. Euen so Amen 6. I am Alpha and Omega the beginninge and the ending sayth the Lorde almightie 7. vvhich is vvhich vvas and vvhich is to come The Paraphrase 1 Take hede for moste certayne it is though Christe in his fyrste comminge as a merciful sauiour apered here vpon earth poore simple ignominious yet shal he in his latter comminge appere in the cloudes of heauen with maiestie power and glorye accōpanyed with the infinite hoste of angels as a rigorous iudge 2 And vpon him shall all eyes looke both man and angell shal behold him and stande before hys terrible iudgemente seate no creature good nor bad exempt 3 Yea th●se cruell tyrauntes also shal at that houre appeare befere him which did not only flée his moste innocente body but also
but all other godly ministers of the word also which haue don the same euer since Onely reygneth the true Christian churche by the worde of God by the sincere scriptures by the doctrine of the Apostles and neyther supersticions nor ceremonies neither by councelles or customes by doctours nor fathers by miters nor rochetes by tippets nor hoods by shauē crownes nor side gowns by crosses nor copes by belles nor torches by shrines nor gilte Images nor yet by xij couples in a liuerie with golden chaines and garded coates Hir bewtie consisteth onely in faith and in the obseruation of Gods holy commaundements Hir true ministers or preachers as very chosen stars sheweth foorth his glorie to the edification of other and not their owne Pompe and magnificence 5 And shée was as is the woman with chylde Shée cryed traueyling in byrth and was payned as one readie to be deliuered With Christ is the church bigge whē hir members are in full faith In the harte is he euermore conceiued deliuered foorth suche time as he is declared vnto other For this cause Christ called them his mother which ha● faith and therevpon did the will of his father Of faith in the first promise that Christ should distroy the serpent was hée first conceiued in Adam and Eua and so grewe foorth in rightuous Abell in Seth Enos Enoche Noe Sem Thare Melchisedech Abraham and Loth. And as the promises waxed strōger as in Abraham Moyses Dauid and the Prophets and the people of God more in number so waxed the woman bigger bigger til the fulnesse of hir time was come that she shuld be deliuered Which was suche tyme as Christ appeared to the world taught and was cōuersaunt here among mē And this course hath shée kept euer since shall doe to the latter day in thē 〈◊〉 beléeue Thus hath shée had Christ in hir wombe since the beginning 6 And being full of hys heauenly spirit shée hath cryed in the Patriarks and Prophetes in the Apostles and faithfull ministers as one traueiling in byr●h Hyr crye was the mightie and stronge declaration of Christes doctrine the feruent zeale desire of the glorie of God of all mens health in Christ. Shée traueileth euer more a new lyke as did Paule tyll Christ be fashioned in hir christian mēbers With all hyr strength shée laboureth that the promised séede may encrease in the faith of all men 7 Fynally shée is payned with labours dolors blasphemies troubles and terrible persecutions and neuer is deliuered without them Neuer is Christ earnestly receyued til some of hir members doeth suffer The cōstant spirite inuincible standyng by the trueth in them hath conuerted many And lyke as the payned woman in all hir agonies is muche comforted by the hope of a childe so are Gods faithfull witnesses trustyng that by their pacient and glad sufferaunce Christ should bée receyued rightly fashioned in many Yea this causeth them to reioyce in all aduersitie and litle to estéeme their paines THE TEXT 1 And there appeared an other vvonder in heauen 2. for behold a greater red Dragon 3. hauyng seuen heades 4. and ten horns 5. and seuen crovvns vpon his head 6. and his tayle drue the third parte of the starres 7. and cast them to the earth The Paraphrase 1 After this sayeth Saint Iohn appeared in heauen an other token or meruaile all dyuers from the fyrst The true church which is gods kingdome was neuer yet without contradiction nor without the craftie assaultes of enimies Adam was not so soone created but he was immediately assaulted of Sathan Christ entered not so soone the worlde but hée was by and by persecuted The diuill goeth about lyke a roaring Lyon séeking whom he may deuoure 2 For behold there was séene a great red Dragon betokening the saide diuill with his whole retinue full of deceite crafte mallice poyson pryde and fiercenesse to enforce the poore weaklings to consent vnto his falsehood All red his bodie séemed in tokē that they which are of hym are all full of crueltie spight bloude sheading afflicting the constant beléeuers for withstanding hys assaultes Seldom is he out of the earth as winesseth Iob but commonly in the company of men impugnyng the faythfull And no power is able to matche him vnlesse it commeth from aboue 3 The sayd Dragon had vij heads signifying all the craftie wyles and subtile suggestions that he hath practised and vsed against Christ and hys word vnder all the vij seales opening and the vij trumpettes blowing Uerie easie it is to coniecture what maner of heades they were marking other places of the scripture A serpēts head should séeme to be the first considering that in the Serpent he deceyued our first parents with hys venymed craftes This head so maliciously poysoned man that God repented him of his creation and distroied hys whole kinde in the floud .viij. persōs only reserued After the floud had hée the head of a calfe for the seconde in signification of the shamefull Idolatrie and wicked worshippyng that then begon in Nemroth and so continued in the Heathen The third was the head of a Lyon full of pryde and oppression expressed first in the cruell reigne of the Assirians Caldeanes and after in the proude Bishoppes and priestes The fourth was a Beares head full of rauine and cruelnesse betokenig the fierce kingdom of Meades and Persianes Cōsequētly his fift head was lyke a Leopards head of many colours full of ficklenesse and chaungeablenesse And that was the vncōstant raign of the Greeks His sixt was the head of a beast farre vnlyke all other beastes which signifieth the kingdome of the Romans with their monstrous lawes more then néedeth The seuenth is not vnlyke to a mans heade including all carnall wisedome with all diuilyshe polices craftes this is the very papacie here in Europa which is the general Antichrist of all the whole world almost which hath alreadie subdued and distroyed the Empyre of Rome For he is called the Apostata man of sinne By this only head is the Dragon named the enuious mā The whole bodie foloweth the heads As the diuill is malicious wicked fierce cruel tyrannicall false execrable and deceitfull so are all his mēbers In the prudēce of the flesh after him they walk in Idolatrie hipocrisie all other filthinesse And like as afore Christes comming these heads were in the serpēt in the golden calues in the kingdome of Babilon in Nemroth in Pharao in Antiochus in the Pharisies scribes bishops Lawyers priestes so haue they bene since his time vnder the vij seales opening and the vij trumpets blowing after the same sort Under the first he had a serpēts head in the Iewes most maliciously and subtilly withstanding Christ his Apostles pretēding the zeale of God his lawes Under the second he had a calues head in the Idolators which slew the constant witnesses of Christes veritie Under the third the head of a proude Lyon in
sincere preaching vnder such vain titels after the mind of Zacharye but very shamful Idols in déede Their decres decretals cōstitucions canons rules statutes prouinciall sinodall traditions lawes fatherly customes vsages not groūded vpon gods cōmaūdemēts are very diuelishnes hipocris● blasphemīg the name of god For why to haue the name of blasphemy vpō their heads is none other thā vnder a glorious title to maītain that thing which is blasphemous glorifying themselues in the same The vngodly saith Dauid with mocks hath disdained the Lord with open mouth hathe vttered wickednesse against God 5 And the strange fashioned beaste saith S. Iohn whome I saw in this vision was like in similitude to a cat of the mountaine full of many coulored spots in token of inconstancy varietie and ficklenesse 6 His féete wer as the féete of a bear fierce rough and ill fauored in signification of crueltie stubburnnesse vncleannesse 7 And his mouth séemed as the mouth of a Lion declaring him to be full of pryde rauin excesse To such beasts as here are mencioned cōparith Daniell vnder hidden mistery certaine mightie kingdomes of the world As to the Lions which here is caleld a Lion for the more crueltie now vsed thā was in those daies the proud kingdomes of the Assirians Caldeans To the beare the cruell kingedomes of the Medes and Parthianes And vnto the Cat of the mountaine the vnstedfast kingedome of the Grekes Of pryde spoile and rgbbery are the Assirians Caldeans condemned by Esaye Nahum and Abacuck the prophets The Medes Parthians held captiue the people of god as witnesseth Hester Paralipomenō Esay The Grekes most spightfully were bent against them vnder the cruell king Antiochus as in the Machabes is euident No abhomination nor mistery of iniquitie as Paule calleth it was euer founde in these kingdomes but now reigneth manifould in the detestable papacie or monstruous kingedome of Antichrist as all the worlde may sée No where was euer more pryde vanitie and cruelnesse Idolatry horedome and filthinesse hipocrisie falsehoode and ficklenesse extorcion vaineglory couetousnesse sorcery supersticion and vnfaithfulnesse More than all the vnfaythfull kingdomes vnder heauen haue this sodomiticall spiritualtie defyled with theyr witchery the holy temple of God which is the Christen church They haue most shamefully abused gods chosen people which are the vessels ordeyned to his glory They haue holden his frée seruants most miserable captiue vnder their wycked decrées and tradicions The crueltie of Pharao Antiochus and Caiphas compared to theyr tyranny is but as it were a play dalliance or shadow In them is all lechery and vncleannesse all raginge lustes and wantonnesse all fleshly abuses and beastlinesse no naturall order obserued Nothing in a maner are the cruell constitutions made against the Iewes by the suggestions of Aman and by Antiochus to their wicked lawes and ordinances For they were onely againste the body theirs are against mens soules So that the papistical kingedome of antichrist are to be séene both the Lyon the Beare and the cat of the mountayne they not onely participatinge with all vnfaythful regions but also doubling with thē in al abhominatiōs vnder the Sky The mouth they haue of a Lion roaring out euermore blasphemies curses bytternesse The féete of a bear signifieth their rauenous affections rūning vnto all pernicious euills very swift also to the sheddīg of bloud As Cats of the moūtain they are spottid with diuers fickle fātasies in sects obseruations ceremonies ryts lawes customes no wher stedfast vniforme but euery wher variant foolish And worthy they are to be forsakē of god to be left to the spirit of errours lies to their damnation that so contēneth the veritie of god 8 More ouer the dragon saith s. Iohn which is sathan the diuel gaue ouer vnto this beast or curssed generation of antichrist beīg his bestial body al his whole power his blasphemous seate his mighty authoritie To geue thē his power is no more but to fyl thē with crafts subtilties wiles malice fraud and deceit and to make them apt to seduce the simple or to able them to all falsehood wittie gile To admit thē his seat is to leaue them here a kingdom of vaine glory hipocrisie abhominable Idolatry To graunt thē his ful authority is to worke in thē all lying singes wonders throughe deceiuable doctrine strōgly to delud the vnbeluers to their greater damnacion 9 To this power of the dragon is no power comperable vpō earih No power is able to suppresse it onlesse it cōmith frō aboue is geuen vnto vs from the father of light as is the strong gyfte of faith Thus is this great antichrist a king with sathan ouer all the children of pryde With Lucifer he vsurpeth the seat of God sitting in the consciēces of men euermore boasting himselfe to be in gods stede seducing the people of the worlde finally ouercomming them by bringing them into all kindes of errour 10 And as concerning the seat lyke as Christ our lord sitteth in the throne of God reigninge with his eternall father in méekenesse so sitteth he in the throne of sathan with his father the diuel in al pride and blasphemie As touching the power lyke as Christ had his power of God so hath he his power of the diuel Like as Christ is full of grace and verity and of his fulnes all they haue receiued that truly haue beleued in him so is this antichrist full of hate falsehed and all other iniquite of whose errours and lies the vnbeleuers haue tasted Like as the holy spirit of Christ hath wrought in his louers the misterie of truth goodnesse so hath the erronius vnclen spirit of this antichrist wrought the mistery of his wickednes in chrstes enimies since his deathe and asscencion 11 And finally as conserning authoritie like as Christ beinge man toke power of God to doo such mirakles as none els could do so dyd he of the deuil being his wretched body to work prodigiuos maruels wonders in hipocrisy among the vnfaithfull multitude by the secret fufferance of god So that in all peruerting power supremite and authoryty he foloweth his father sathā yea in euery point For like as he depriued simple Iob a man that feared god of his substāce cattell chilldren and seruauntes and vexed him in his flesh with most greuouse botches so doth this gredy Leuiathan this malicious murtherer the man of sinne body of the diuel with his deuourig locoustes robbe the poore people of their sweat labours trauaile and nessary liuing sparing neither sicke nor succourlesse poore widow nor fatherles no goods gottē by theft mans slaughter extorcion bribery pollage idolatry bandry al other vngodlines comming to thē amisse in their priuat confessions And that is most to be lamented they defile their soules with al supersticions fals beleue and deuilishnesse leauing their conciences all doutfull desperat comfortles Finanally to
gouernours of the aforesayde monarchyes sedused by a kynds of crafty errours and dyuelysh suggestions of that beast So that if ye marke well this place the head with the tayle and the cause with his effecte in these presente significacions shall no preiudice be founde to that hath bene sayd in the other thoughe they séeme very diuers For both the gouernours and also the landes or the peoples subiect vnto them haue vniuersallye bene blinded by their wylye wichcrafts And so haue the worldlye potentates with the spirituall Antichristes agréede that both they haue vsurped one malignant medlynge ouer the soules of men to corrupte their faith the princes applyinge their powers vnto the same And that causeth the holy ghost here to call them the beastes heades vnder the title of mountaines and kinges For vnder their princely authorities haue al their mischiefes bene fulfilled to vphold this whore against Christ his word 5 Fy●e of these heades are fallen from the vniuersal monarchy of Rome All the dominions of Affrica and Asia hath renounced the obedience of hyr Empyre Onely cleaueth Europa vnto hyr which is the least of the thrée and yet not all therof When the Papacy grew the whole Empire of the Gréekes called Constantinople fell cleane from the Latines and became with other diuerse Monarchies the possession of Mahomets sect or of the Agarenes and Turks Of the other Empires may a like coniecture be had Thus haue they declined from hir not so goyng forth nor yet risinge vp vnto Christ for onely is it sayd here that they were fallen 6 And one head is saith the text at this presēt time remaining the other head is not come as yet but wyl come hereafter This head remayning is the sixt and it is that féeble Empyre that Rome nowe holdeth and haue holden since Iohns time The power of this Empyre is ●uenously deminished and the notable fame thereof decayed betwixt the Popish prelates and the Frenchmen a great part of the lands becomming saint Peters patrimonye To make it a fit head of the beast to the vp holding of this whorishe churche the authorytie thereof maintaining hyr lawes Gregory the fift pope committed the emperours chosing vnto vi princes of Germany thrée of them being Archbishops He appoynted also the King of Bohem for the seauenth then beinge tributarye vnto hym and hys owne féede man as an odde person to waye vpon their sides if néede place and time should require it Prouided alwayes that he shoulde take hys oth and receiue hys crowne Imperiall at Rome So that now though it styll be the same in title that it was in Iohns dayes yet is it so diuers from it through diminishmēt of power and so vnlyke in outwarde magnificence as it neuer had ben the same 7 The seuenth heade that is not yet come is the papistical kingdom of our romish spiritualti for therfore apéered nothing in Iohns time nor yet more then v. hundred yeares after it The Bishops of Rome as they call them from Péeter to Siluester were very poore soules simple creatures men not regarded but dispised of the worlde They were no new law makers for the more parte but rather they gaue their whole dilligēce to sée those lawes obserued whō the holy ghost had made to their handes Neither were they any masse saiers soule singers or procession goers but as was S. Paul with the other Apostles simple preachers onely and for their sincere preaching thei suffered the death of their bodies But after the donation of Constātine and other plentuous almses committed vnto their handes for the soccoure of the poore they became al confessers and toke them to their ease at home Then was labour verye tedious vnto them preaching veri troublous painful Then studied they all to please the powers peacablye to holde s●yll theyr pleasaunt possessions and by spiritual policies to increase thē more more the poore in a maner forgotten Then came in that holy ceremony and that with latine houres seruing of saints and praying for the deade to prouoke men to offer to Corban Thus crepte they vp in hypocrysie day by day tyll such time as Iohn of Constantinople contended with Gregory of Rome for the supre●●●e In the which contencion though Gregory laied for hymselfe saint Péeters keies with many other sore arguments and reasons yet was he commaunded by Maurcius the Emperoure after the generall Synode to obey the saide Ihon as the vniuersall head bishop of the whole world Then were these holi fathers compelled to tarry a laisure and vnder crafty coloures to wayte their pray In processe of time when Phocas was Emperour Bonifacius the iii a man of wil● practise perceiuing hym much to be geuen to vaine glory couetuousnes greatly also to dissalow the actes of Mauricius his predecessour thorugh flattery and mede obtained of him that the churche of Rome should be holden from thēce forth for the head church of the world and he for the head bishop Whan this was once gotten than rose they vp so high that the Emperour became their foote stoole and all other christian princes their waiting slaues to ryde and run make and marre striue and fight slea and kill at their commaundemēt and pleasure Thus became the Romish Pope the seauenth Kinge that was in Iohns time yet to come If the marke in the Cronicles good Reader thou shalt finde that Phocas the first Pope maker slew his master the Emperour Mauricius signifiyng in mysterye the sayde Pope making to be an vtter destruction to the Empyre The Popes name was also at that time Bonifacius whiche is as muche to say as Bonafacies a good face Which betokeneth that this new raysed kingdome shoulde shew a fayre face euermore or a shining pretēce of holynes what mischiefe so euer it wroughte eyther agaynst God or man in abhominable supersticion 8 And whan this seauenth Kinge commeth sayth the text he must continue a space or abide a litle season He muste haue a time by the permission of God strongly to delude the vnbeléeuers which wyll neither sée nor heare reade nor yet thankfullye receiue hys worde of saluation so graciously offered them So corrupt are the fleshly affects of men that much more prone they are to lies superstitions than to the verytie of the Lord which is to be lamented Christe came first in the name of hys heauenlye father but hym wyll they nor receiue The Pope commeth in hys owne wycked name and to hym runne they by heapes Whose continuaunce here hath bene but a time For yet is it not a thousande yeares since the Papacy first beganne vnder Phocas which is but as a day before God and that day wyll he shorten by hys owne promise for his elects sake whiche to remember is their greate comforte And a great cause whye For soone after that shal they be fully restored into the persight number of the children of God 9 And the execrable beast sayth the text that of late
smoke saieth sainct Iohn of hir abhominations very noyful vnto the eyes of God wēt vp euermore into his sight prouoking him to eternall vengeaunce A smoke ascended in hys wrath saith Dauid and vpon the fyre procéeded from his mouth which kindled the coles of hir dampnation Thys fyre will be the tirrible sentence giuē vpon hir in his latter iudgement For neuer ceaseth this blasphemous bloudy church in requiring the vengeaunce of God 2 And the xxiiij Elders saith he by whom are signified the saincts departed as the Patriarks Prophets Apostles Martyrs and other godly witnesses 3 And the iiij beasts also betokening the faithful multitude in the iiij quarters of the worlde yet liuing in this frayle nature fell downe before the face of the Lord. 4 In one godly spirite fayth zeale and feruent loue did both they in their tymes these in this our age submit them selues vnto God referryng alalwayes vnto him all that they euer had eyther in faith or workes as vnto the speciall giuer of them 5 These worshipped in their ages and yet doe to this day not things fantasied of men but the onely euerlastyng God that euermore hath sit vpon the eternall seate of his omnipotency 6 Continually saying Amen Or at his will be all things 7 Saying also Alleluya or euerlasting prayse be giuen to his name of the vniuersall Christian multitude for rightuously iudging the great whore to drinke the bloud that shée hath shed of the holy witnesses of Iesu or to sustain for euer the iust vēgeaūce therof 8 Consequently came there out an excéeding swéet voyce from the eternall throne of God which is Iesus Christ. This is that Gospell of glad tydings which he taught whan he was here liuing among vs being the bodily habitacle of his Godhead 9 This voyce euermore is mouing vs to the onely fayth obedience and feare of the eternall father comprehended in this clause following 10 In all your sayings and dooyngs saith that voyce commende alwayes that Lorde which is both my father both my God your God 11 Specially all you that are his faithfull seruaunts by earnestly louing and following his word 12 You also that vnfaynedly feare to transgresse his lawes and commaundements whither ye be great or smal high or lowe young or olde noble or vnnoble rich or poore strong or weak whole or sicke beautiful or deformed wyse or vnwyse learned or vnlearned none to be excluded frō his praise so that he be faithfull charitable pacient and godly For in no maner of nacion is any of him forsaken that faithfully feareth him and liueth according vnto rightuousnesse THE TEXT 1 And I heard the voyce of much people 2. euen as the voyce of many vvaters 3. and as the voice of stronge thunderynges 4. saying Alleluya 5. For God omnipotente raygneth 6. Let vs be glad and reioyce 7. and giue honour to him 8. For the maryage of the Lambe is come 9. and hys vvyfe made hyr selfe readye 10. And to hyr vvas graūted that she should be araied vvith pure and goodly silke 11. As for the silke it is the rightuousnesse of saintes The Commentary 1 After this saith saint Iohn I herd in mistery the voyce of very much people or of an innumerable multitude of men 2 And it sounded vnto me euen as it had bene the flushing noyse of manye waters 3 And in a maner as the fearful soūd of great thunderings For though the praise of God be all one in the faithful nacions yet is the vtterance thereof diuers like as the languages are also diuers Uery straunge and confuse are the speches one to an other wher they are not knowē Tirrible also are they partly for that they comprehend such a magistie as is the glory of God and partly bycause they are for the vtter confusion of the wicked None other was this voyce than were the voyces afore nor to none other ende 4 For loke in what faith the Patryarkes and the fathers the prophetes and Apostles the holy Martyrs and preachers lauded God for victorie ouer theyr enimies in the same doth nowe the faythful multitude of all regions commend hym sayinge Alleluya or praise be euermore in your mouthes 5 For our Lord God almightye is become a victorious conquerour and nowe reygneth ouer all Not onely hath he ouercomen the diuel by the doughtye death of hys sonne but also hys proude kingdome of hipocrysie by the power of his mighty worde 6 Let vs be glad saith this voyce and highly reioyce in our harts for this heuenlye alteration profitable change 7 Let vs giue thankes to hys omnipotente name that withoute our deseruinges we are brought to so ioyfull a daye 8 For the glorious spousage of the Lambe Iesus Christ is come Nowe that this whore is ouerthrown shal he be ioyned to his vndefiled church which was afore dispersed by diuers afflictions and punishementes 9 His wife which is his congregation hath made hir selfe now ready to hir spouse Not with copes and crosses miters and reliques torches and holy water Not with chapels and chauntries hallowings and sensinges shauinges anointinges with such other beggerye No neyther with workes of supererogation merites of masses nor other dirtye deseruinges of our owne rightuousnes But with a pure christian faith with the true rightuousnes of god which she hath of christ 10 For it foloweth in the texte that to hir it was garnted by the singuler goodnes of God that she should be apparyled beautifully with pure whit silke or with most fine raines 11 None other are these faire pleasant and godly raines after the cleare diffinition of the holy ghost héere but the pure iustificatiōs of the holy saints which haue bene since the beginning wherof they haue bene called rightuous Of their faith in Iesus Christ is this pure garment of innocency clernesse and righteousnesse Through faith was Abraham reputed for rightuous so was Abell Enoche Noe Isaac Iacob and Ioseph Moyses Iosue and Gedeon Samuel Dauid and Helias with the vniuersall number of the saints Prophetes and fathers So was Zacharias Simeon Ioseph Iohn Baptist Peter Iames Iohn and Paule Lazarus Lucas Agabus and S●éeuen with all the Apostles martirs and other true beléeuers Through faith saith S. Paule haue the saints ouercōe kingdoms wroght rightuousnes obtained the promises stopped the mouthes of Lions quenched the vyolence of fyre wyth such like Sence the begynning of the world haue the true and faithfull prepared them selues vnto this heauenlye marriage in the resurrection of the rightuous shall it be perfectly solemnised celebrated and magnified such time as they shal appeare in full glory with Christ. In this latter time wyll the true christian church when all the worlde shall confesse his name in peace be of hir full perfect age and apte vnto this spousage Now shall she in méeknes of spirit appoynt hir selfe to méete hir bridgrome in the ayre for with a glad hart doeth she now here his voyce At that daye
glory In the strong faith of his name and word stande these worthie witnesses agaynst the whole swarme of Antichristes not once remouyng their fote from the rock which is Christ also for no persecution nor death 3 These hath cryed and yet shall crye still to the worldes ende with a mightie loude voyce or a sure constant spyrite Earnestly shall they protest and publish vnto the fethered foules of the ayre that flye by the middest of heauen by whome are vnderstanded the méeke sprited multitude made spirituall by fayth and by knowledge of heauenly misteries 4 These as flying byrdes are taken vp from vnpure delightes leauing at their tayles all corruptible thinges They lift vp them selues aboue them selues haue their cōuersatiō in heauē vnfainedly Yea these are those gentil soules whom the heauenly father aboūdantly féedeth without theyr deseruings Such a soule was faithfull Abraham in Mesopotamia Moyses in Synai Helias in Carme Danyell among the Lyons the children of Israel in the wildernesse Paul in Damascus Iohn in Pathmos and many other more which afterward became Angels also in the sunne or teachers in Christ. And this not onely hath ben but shall be also stil to the worlds end the tenour of their crye 5 Come you that haue receyued the veritie from the heauy and carefull cures of this worlde and gather your selues togither into the vnitie of one faith and spirite Knit your selues togither in christian loue whiche is the cheayne of perfection let the peace of God which passeth all wit kéepe your hartes and vnderstandyngs in Christ Iesu that ye may be counted worthye your christien vocation 6. And so prepare your selues as hys louinge frindes vnto the bounteous supper of the almightye God whiche is the eternall refection of soule that ye may be fed with his most precious delicates Learne of the word of God what is his heauenly wyll and folow it in your works Flée therby from all worldly lusts liue soberly iustly godly here abyding his glorious aperāce 7 So order your selues in liuing doctrine that ye may eate the flesh of kings or take frō the worldly gouernors by your godly preaching al that is filthy carnall 8 Consume the fierce flesh of the captayns in plucking thē frō crueltie mallice 9 Denowre the froward flesh of mē that be mighty in power possessiōs cause thē to leaue their superfluous vanities 10 Spare neither horses nor yet those that sit vpō them but byte both theyr fleshes harde Rebuke both the beastly Antichrist the prince that is ruled by him 11 Plucke from those belly Gods byshops and priestes their pompes lecherous pleasures from those that follow them in superstitions the cruell persecuting of innocents 12 See that no flesh be left vntouched neither of frée men nor bonde men rulers nor subiects maisters nor seruāts Neyther of small nor great poore nor riche low nor high but be doing with thē all Play as doth the Egles other rauening fouls Wher as ye sée a dead carkasse or body without faith spirit thither resort ye apace Tell euery man his right offyce Exhort the kyng to be learned and to liue in the fear of the Lord. The prince to be wise and the Iudge to be godly Bid the graunde captaynes be faythfull to theyr commons and the great rich men more mercyfull to the poore Commaūde the carnall hypocrites no longer to dissemble their vndiscréets clients no longer to folow thē in darknesse Require them no longer to ney after their neyghbours wyues lyke ●ancke stoned horses the other no lōger to pamper them vp to all beastlye vices Charge the gouernours to rule faithfully the commō people to obey louyngly Sée that the woman obeye theyr husbandes the chyldren theyr fathers the seruants theyr maysters And agayne that the men be louing to theyr wyues gentyle to theyr chyldren fauourable to their seruants Open the foure cornerde shéete as did Peter Sley all maner of foure footed beastes of the earth vermin wormes and foules of the ayre eat them Rebuke them with pacience whatsoeuer they be tyrāts persecutors murtherers glottons Antichristes extortioners ribalds Idolatours théeues and pluck from them their filthye and carnall customes Ye shall eate the flesh saith Ezechiell of the worthyes and drink the bloud of the princes of the land of the wethers of the lambs of the gotes and of the oxen that be al slayne at Basan THE TEXT 1 And I savv the beast 2. And the kings of the earth and their warryers 3. Gathered together 4 To make battayle 5. Against hym that sate vpon the horse 6. And against hys souldiours 7. And the beast was taken 8. And with him that fals prophet 9. That tought miracles before him 10. With vvhich he deceiued them that receiued the beasts mark 11. And thē that worshipped his Image 12. These both werre caste quick into a ponde 13. Of fyre burning vvith brimston 14. And the remnaunt were slaine vvith the svvord of him that sate vpō the horse 15. Which svvord proceedeth out of his mouth 16. And all the soules vvere stuffed vvith their flesh The commentary 1 Anone after this I behelde saith S. Iohn the great horible beast that rose out of the sea that battailed with the Saintes and that beare the greate whore of Babilon which is the generall Antichrist 2 I saw also following him the cruell kinges of the earth and their host of bloudy warriours the mitered bysshops of his beastly kingdome with their great bellied monks and priestes the malicious tirants of the world with their mad moodye magistrates and slaues 3 These gather them selues togeather in one minde of mischiefe hath done since Christes assencion They muster in aray as dyd Pharaoes host they buskle together as dyd Cayphas hyered knights in the dark with fyre brands and weapons 4 To make fierce war or very sharp battaile against the most valiant capitayne Iesus Christe which sate vpon the aforesayde whit horse and against mighty stomaked soldiours of his faithful army of true christiās Neuer was the holy gospell yet sincerely taught the glory of God proponed and the inordinate liuings of men reprehended but such vprore of hipocrits and suche tumulte of tyrantes hath followed 5 The word of the Lord is alwayes of one nature to be the marke of contradiction and rocke of reproch Horsemen for the more parte are these malicious warriours against Christ his word sturred prouoked and set foreward by the beastly bishops None other caused Herode Pylate to put Christ vnto death but Annas Caiphas Non other moued Felix the president of Iury to emprison Paule but the puffed vp prelate Ananias Traianus the Emperour would neuer so extremely haue persecuted the Christian church nor yet other cruell tyrauntes euer since had they not béene propped forewarde by such pampred palfraies of the diuil 6 Not onely agaynst Christ doe they moue this bold battail but also against those that faithfully
there were of both sortes So well was he accepted that mortyfied the desires of the fleshe and offered himselfe a lyuinge sacryfyce vnto God as hée that gaue his life for the veritie 14 But the residue sayth saint Iohn or the other sort called the deade men for that they were not numbred with the ryghtuous neyther among them that sate vpon the seates nor yet amonge them that were slayne for the witnesse of Iesu lyued not agayne after they were once dead tyll the thousand yeres of their death was throughly fulfilled The time was whan they which wer dead through sin did heare the voyce of the sonne of God They fatihfuly beleued the word therof so it reuiued in him vnto the lyfe euerlasting which was both the life light of men Wher as the froward con●ēners of the lyuing word hauing their cōsciēces sealed with the beasts marke remained stil in their infidelitie which is the very death of the soule so were by the right iudgemēt of God lost for euer For the sin against the holy ghost which is a resistāce against the manifest truth shal neither be forgeuen in this worlde nor yet in the world to come 15 A time without end doth this word till cause this thousand here to be after the commō vsage of the scripture Noe sent forth a Rauen out of the arke whiche returned not agayne tyl the waters were dryed vp that is to say he neuer returned again Ioseph knew not Mary til she had brought forth hir first borne sonne That is to say he neuer bodely knew hir Thou shalte not out of prison till thou hast payde the vttermost mite .i. thou shalte neuer out With an hundreth of suche places in the Bible THE TEXT 1. This is that first resurrection 2. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection 3. For on suche shall the seconde death haue no povver 4. But they shall be the prists of God and of Christ. 5. And shal raign vvith him a thousand yeares The commentary 1 This is the first resurrection vnto lyfe to ryse from sin to repentaunce from ignoraunce to godly knowledge and from darknesse to faith Through the offence of one man entred sin into the world and through sin death Necessary it is therefore to dye vnto sin and to liue vnto rightuousnesse And so to rise togither with Christ séekyng the things which are aboue not vpō earth For neuer shal they come to the seconde resurrection which is vnto the lyfe euerlasting that will not ryse by repentaunce vnto a new lyfe in hym which is both resurrection and lyfe 2 Blessed is that man of the Lord yea holy iust and perfect may he be reported also of all men which hath porcion conuenient in the first resurrection with Dauid Magdalene Zacheus and Peter Happy are they which hearing the word of God retayneth it in theyr lyuing For they being renued with the glad tydinges of lyfe are depured by the spirite of Christ sanctified and so made the habitacles of the holy Ghost 3 Upon such Godly dysposed persons hath the seconde death of the soule which is eternal dampnatiō no maner of power nor effectual iurisdiction For no damnation can be vnto them which are in Christ Iesu not walking after the fleshe Though they haue bene great sinners yet shall not theyr sinnes be to them imputed but in the resurrectiō of the wrightuous shall they ryse to immortalyte and be as the very Angels in heauen He that hath taken frō thē the poore of death shall make thē sure of eternal inheretaūce with god 4 They shall surely bée the chosen priestes of God the euerlasting father and of his eternall sonne Iesus Christ whiche are of the firste resurrection Though they be here in the flesh yet fight they not after the flesh but they shall folow the gouernaunce of the spirit geue ouer their bodis for a liuing sacryfice holy and acceptable vnto God 5 And thus shall they reigne with christ their merciful sauiour redemer for the space of the thousād yeres afore named None other toke they all that longe seasō for theyr spiritual Messyas their eternall King their hygh Bishop for all their mayster their Lorde their gyde their lyght and the shepeherde of theyr soules None other wold they acknowledge but him for their mediatoure attonement maker neyther Moyses nor Samuell Noe Daniell nor Iob Iohan Baptist Mary nor Peter Hée onely was vnto them all wysedome ryghtuousnesse holynesse and redēption In none other name coulde they fynde health and saluation but alone in hys Nothing pertayneth this vnto the Popes masse sayers for they call vpon many names wyth Ora pro nobis and are of a far other priesthode as we haue declared afore In christes kyngdō is none outwarde Priesthode nor sacryfice to be made for sin For he hath with one oblaciō for all fully satysfied for the sins of his electe number for euer The office of a Christē man now is onely to offer vp himselfe by the deniall of himselfe and by the mortificatiō of his fleshe In the holy supper of the Lorde which is a mutuall participaciō of his bodi bloud is no new sacrifice to be made but onely a faithfull remembraūce to be taught of that full and perfect sacrifice that he made once for all vnlesse we will betray him and crucifie him againe The dutie of a minister in Christes cōgregation is with all study and diligence to labour in the holy worde of God be he bishop priest Chaplayne Pastour or preacher Hys ministration is great labour no dygnitie payne and not pryde or arrogancie And hauing his foode and rayment he ought to require no more THE TEXT 1 And vvhan the thousande yeares are expyred 2. Sathan shall be loosed out of prison 3. and shall go out 4. to diseeiue the people 5. vvhich ar in the foure quarters of the earth 6. Gog Magog 7. to gather them togither to battle 8 vvhose number is as the sande of the sea 9. And they vvent vpon the plaine of the earth 10. and compassed the tentes of the sayntes about 11. and the beloued Citie 12. And fyre came dovvne from God out of heauen 13. and deuoured them 14. And the Diuell that deceyued them 15. vvas cast into a lake of fyre and brymstone 26. vvhere the beast and the false Prophet vvere 17. and shall be tormented daye and nighte for euermore The Commentary 1 After the plentnous description of the true church of Christe which is vnknowen to the worlde for the glorious doughter of the eternall Kinge is from within sayth Dauid now foloweth in course the pernicious kingdome of Antechrist whan it was in the hyghest pryde so soone as the afore rehersed thousande yeares sayth saynt Iohn are fully accōplished or brought to an ende 2 Sathan the common aduersarie of man shal be loosed out of his darke pryson and so shal be set at large by the sufferance
the lambe Iesus Christe which is his eternall sonne is the holy full and perfect temple therof None outwarde priesthoode ceremonye nor sacrifyce for fiue cōmaundeth Christes doctrine to his congregation The golden measure of his word which diffyneth and iudgeth all thinges necessary therevnto appointeth no such matter For in no tēples made with stone dwelleth God which wil be all in all Only is required of them a sacrifice from the soule which is the very temple of God In his onely name shoulde the faithful sort ther offer vp themselues And therefore Christ appoynted Uespasian and Titus to turne ouer the great temple of Hierusalem and vtterly to destroy that priesthoode because we should put no trust in suche thinges nor yet be addict or bound to places A damnable inuencion is it of Antichrist that the suffragans halloweth the sinagogs to bringe them into al kinds of superstition They constitute also a feastfull daye to the honour and worshipe therof called the dedication which is most abhominable wickednesse Truthe it is that after the Apostles time ther were places appointod where as the congregacion met together once in the weake for the hearinge of Gods word and for the holy communion and that was called the oratorie or house of praier But that house was not exercysed nor coniured crossed nor smered blessed nor be sprinkled wyth water Neyther was there at that time anye aulter set vp in it anointed with oyle creme to offer any newe sacrifice vpon Consider also that the appoinmente of this bare house withoute aulter or images was lefte to mans ordinaunce without any exprest commaundement of Christ that it should be thought of no reputacion For in spirite and veritie wyll god only be worshiped And for this cause after that Christ had dryuen the byers and sellers out of the temple he commended none other temple vnto vs but his body which he raysed vp in the daye of his resurection to our behoue 6 God therfore is our temple and his Christ. In them ought we to do sacryfice and in none other In their faith should our workes labours studies be grounded only if we couet them to profit vs. Iohn for his time could sée none other temple but this The Lord of his tender mercye graunt vs to be Iohns in this behalfe Iohn beheld also at the Angels demonstration that this Citie had neither néede of Sunne nor Moone to minister light vnto it as the olde Hierusalem had Neither hath Christes congregation néede of mans naturall reason nor yet of hys worldly wisdom coniectures nor practises subtilties nor wiles polices nor witts inuencions nor traditions No neither of their philosophy nor sophystrie the decrées nor sentences of the great Lawyers Schoolemen which all is but darknesse and blindnesse 8 For the brightnesse of God sheweth thē light sufficient His shining verytie his pure gospell and his vndefiled lawes cleareth their vnderstandings A lanterne to their féete is hys heauenly word Only doth that clerenesse suffise them whiche faith offereth vnto them 9 Onely are they contented with the light they haue of the Lambe which is the bright Sunne of rightuousnes He is the Lamp the Candle and the flaming Cresset of this citie None other admonisher haue they néede of none other counseller nor teacher Accursed holde they him that bringeth any other doctrine than his though he were an Angell from heauen For he is the only light of the world the brightnesse euerlasting the vndefiled myrrour of the maiestie of God and the Image of his infinite goodnesse Whoso euer foloweth him can in no wise walke in the darknesse The dayes wyll come saith the Lorde in Hieremy that a man shall not néede to teach his neighbour or brother for they shal know me frō the highest to the lowest I shall plante my lawe in their inwarde partes and write it in theyr hartes 10 And the people of al maner of regions which are predestinate of God to be saued shall walke in the clearnesse of the light None other wisdome helth rightuousnesse and redemption shall they seke than they finde in him Neither shal they care for Mary nor Ihon rodes nor reliques hedes nor holy water masses nor merites For so shall he shyne vpon them and his glorie apere in them that the cloudes of Antichrist and his false prophits shal take no place So liuely shall the rightuous waxe in that faith of saluacion that they shall become not only the children of clernesse but also very lyghtes in the Lorde 11 Morouer vnto this heauenly light shall the myghty kynges of the earth bringe their glory magnifycence and honour as did the wise men of the East which offred rewardes vnto Chryste They shal be conuerted from their erroures to a sincer beleue in the Lord as were in the Apostles tyme Abagarus Egippus and Gundoforus And since their dayes the mighty Emperour great Constātine Iouinian Theodosius and diuerse other Yea some were so feruent in that faith that gladly they suffred death for it Of whose numher were here in Englande saint Edmound Oswalde Ethelbert Edwyne and Fremonde with a greate sorte more in other Christian regions All kinges saith Deuid shall worshipe him and all paganes shal do him seruyce Amonge these are not they to be rek●ned which leauing their kingdomes hath made them selues monks and friers or hath founded masses and monastaries to be praied for For they neuer brought theire glorye to thys light No more haue they done which hath enriched the cleargye gluttinge them with possessiōs and setting them vp in a glitteryng pompe But rather haue they sought darknesse than light blyndenesse than to be taught of god Some haue thought them selues in our age clearly cōuerted to thys lyght But ryghtly hath their iniquitie lyed vnto them For nothynge haue they done lesse than broughte vnto Chryste theyr glorye Truthe it is that they haue discharged them selues of the Pope and to some of hys sects They haue plucked downe shrynes and Images that receaued offeringes and dayly worshippings with a fewe superstitions besides but still bringing vp whelps of the same false generation both bishops prists Stil haue they to this day the same wicked rits and ceremonies that they had afore And when thei should bring ani thing to a right christian order according to Christes first institution they cannot away with it Great is the vengeance terrible heuy and fearefull the iudgement that abideth them 12 And as concerning the great gates of this Citie which are the true vnderstandings of the Lordes verities they shall not be shut vp by day Hidden shall they not be to them the walke in this light All that Christ hath receiued of his heauenly father leaueth he manyfest and plaine vnto his faithfull leuers Not only openeth he their feble vnderstandings but also sendeth them his spirit to deduce them into al godly knowledge 13 For in that citie shal be no night No doctrine of darknesse nor fylthye mist of
mens imaginations can haue place where Christe is euer residente and his verytie manifest The nighte of infidelytie is cleane gone from thē which hath obtained the euerlastinge day The cloudes of filthy errours abideth not where the true sunne hath alwaies dominion The stronge powers of hel shall not be able to preuaile where as faith is perfect and sure So goeth the Lorde before his true Israelits in this piller of fire that the night is vnto them all one with the day That is vnto other darknesse in parables is vnto them the clere light and the euidentlye knowne misteries of Gods kingdome In the common translation that is dayly read in the Temple it foloweth that they shall bring the glory and honour of the heithen into the same citie which is not founde in the Gréeke And by this is it signyfyed that the apostles and other godly preachers sins their time conuerting the gentles haue not only brought into the christian Churche by theyr preachings many of theyr phylosophers whose glory hath bene their wisdome and learning but also theyr princely potentates whose honour consisted in power possessions magnificence Of this sort was the chamberlaine of Quéene Cādace to whom Philip declared the prophecie So was Cornelius the noble Centurion which was instructed and baptised of Peter So were also Dionisius the Areopagite Apollo of Alexandria and Aquila the Italiane with diuers other whom Paul conuerted in his progresse And after theyr dayes were of this company Iustinus the martyr Quadratus Aristides Tertullyane Origyne Cyryll Basyle Iohn Crysostome Augustyne Hieronimie with an infinite number els So was Lucius the firste Christian King of this region Philippus the Emperour with many other great gouernours which both builded almes houses for the poore and made other godly prouision els This is the precious spoile they brought out of Egypt and the fruite they haue planted in the Lords vyneyard As Esaye prophesied they enioyed the strēgth of the paganes and tryumphed in theyr glory but not in their superfluous toyes and vanities as doo the Papistes 14 For into this citie saith the text or congregation which is from within vnknowen to the world shal nothing enter that is vncleane or that after any sort defyleth No rightuousnesse of men which is afore God but as the cloth stayned with mēstrue No tradicions merytes nor masses apere they neuer so holye For all that is done besides the prescriptes of his worde is plaine abhomination and filthinesse None that is gelded or ●oacted to chastitie by papisticall vowes None that is borne of a cōcubyne or that maketh a new supersticious professiō No misbegotten Moabytes and Ammonites betokening all sectes of perdicion are allowed of the Lorde vnto this congregacion Onely are they accepted for Citizens thereof which are renewed in faith by the spirit of Iesus Christ. 15 Whatsoeuer it be that worketh abhominacion in vncommaunded worshippings or maketh lyes in Hipocrisie is clerely sequestred frō this vndefiled citie The constrayned virginitie of priestes which hath made so many Sodomytes Confession vnder a stole that hath bredde so many false traytors and théeues The two horned order of Bishops that hath hatched so many proud gluttōs and murtherers The anoynted priesthoode the hath so many Idolatours The vnholy profession of monkes that hath brought forth so many stinking hypocrits with suche other sedes of the diuell hath héere no place at al. For nether whormongers nor yet Ido●l worshipers nor buggerers nor Gomoreans nor extorcioners nor couetuouse brybers nor dronkardes nor blasphemers of the Lordes word nor cruel destroyers of innocentes can in any wise inherit the kingdome of God 16 But they onely shal possesse that which are writen in the Lambs booke of lyfe or that were predestinate ther vnto in Christ before the worlds constitution to be holy and vnspotted in his sight These are they whō he hath a perpetuall remembrance whom he hath ordained of goodnes chosē of mercy called by the Gospell iustified thorough faith glorified in the perfourmaunce of hys commaundemēts that they shoulde be lyke fashioned to the shape of hys sonne Though these of frailnesse offende many tymes as the fleshe can doe none other yet denye they not the verytie they abhorre not the scriptures But after they haue fallen they repent frō the hart they séeke the remedyes they hate their owne déedes they call vnto Christ they lament their chaunce they honger and thyrst continually for the rightuousnesse of God and such other like Now as concerninge thys citye in the regeneration or Sabboth to come all will be golde precious stone and pearle Theyr glorye wyll bée perfect their knowledge whole and theyr iudgement in the spirite full All wyll be there square euen and right nothinge shal be croked rough and frowarde All wil be newe and precious no maner of deformitie appearing in the creaturs The bewtie of the citie will bée wonderfull the lyght inestimable the dwelling most quietous and pleasaunt There shall we clerely beholde howe myghtie maruelous hygh bewtyfull glorious perfect stronge victoryous delectable and swéet our redemer Iesus Chryst is wyth hys father and holy Ghost Here haue wée but a small taste thereof but there shall we bée fully replenyshed there wyth The xxii Chapiter Styll doth thys Chapiter folowynge whych is the laste of thys Reuelacyon prosecute the spirituall and heauenly commodities of thys Cytie concluding wyth most excellent admonicions and Godly warninges The text 1 And hee shevved me a pure ryuer 2. of vvater of lyfe 3. cleare as crystall 4. proceedynge out of the seate of God and of the lambe 5 in the myddest of the streate of it 6. and of eyther syde of the tyuer 7. vvas theyr vvoode of lyfe 8. vvhych bare tvvelue maner of fruites 9. and gaue fruite euerye moneth 10. and the leaues of the vvoode serued 11. to heale people vvith all The Commentary 1 And the Angell saith S. Iohan or gracious purpose of the Lord which cōmoned with me al this time to bring me yet into a farder knowledge of his misteries shewed vnto me a most pure and commodious ryuer whych was the wholesome water of lyfe None other can I suppose thys ryuer to be by the serche of the scriptures but the flowing veritie the worde of saluacion or the effectuall doctryne of Christs holy spirit That is the swéet floud of Eden which pleasaūtly floweth through Paradyse visiteth the .iiii. quarters of the worlde This is the wholsome dilectable water which daily cōforteth preserueth the spirituall Hierusalem from all contagious maladies This rūning flood with his ryuers on euery syde reioyseth the cytie of god which is the habitation of the highest 2 All full of quyckenesse is it springing into the lyfe euerlasting Here is it the spirituall cōfort of gods children ther shall it be the enestimable glory of the sainctes To whō shal we go lord saith Peter but vnto thée For onely haste thou the wordes of eternall lyfe 3 So cleare is
quiet shall hée lyghten them throughlye with his most glorious presence and with him shall they raigne for euer and euer in full felicitie and glory cōtinuing In this life beginneth the kingdome through fayth but there shall it be perfourmed in the perfecte sight of the godhead The proude raigne of tyrauntes is here but for a time the lesse it is to be feared The méeke raign of the rightuous continueth for euer the more it is to be sought for and desired The fruites that are here very harde and sower vnto them shall there bée inestimable swéete gentile beautiful perfecte and pleasaunt hauing theyr full rypenesse No neede shall it be thā to run by sea and lande for the wysedome power and glory of Christ for in that day shal they be with euery one present Here haue they but little pretie beames of the light very small drops of the water and a smel of the fruites a farre of Likelihoodes figures mysteries haue they only now of the beatitude to come But there shall they be sure to haue them in full sight tast and sauer and plentuously to be satisfied with them Scarse is it here in cōparison to that it shal be there as one droppe of water to the whole sea or as an hādful of sād is to the whole earth The texte 1 And he sayd vnto me 2. These sayings are faithfull and true 3. And the Lorde God 4. of the holy Prophets 5. sen● his Angell to shev● vnto his seruaunts 6. the things which shortly must be fulfilled 7. Beholde I come shortly 8. Happy is he that kepeth the saying 9. of the prophecie of this booke The Commentary 1 In the conclusion of these most wōderfull reuelations saith sainct Iohn the Angell that communed with mée all this time which was the very spirite of Christ sayde thus vnto me hys poore exyled seruaunt 2 It shall become no man to dispise these wordes nor to reiecte these sayings whome thou hast here séene and harde since the first beginning of thys reuelation For they are most faythfull and true sure and perfect shall without faile at their appoynted times in euery iote be fulfylled for the true churches commoditie and profit This is here spoken for the conseruation of the hygh mysteries of thys booke least any false Antichrist hereafter as many such hath bene in déede should cōdempne them depraue them and as of none aucthoritie reporte them As the most deare treasures of God therfore doth the holy Ghost here wrappe them vp togither to preserue them vnder hys power setteth vnto them the seale of hys owne witnesse that they should euermore be taken for his After this sort did the Prophets vse their prophecies concluding alwayes thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes So did the Lord his selfe whan he sayde Uerely verely I say vnto you we speake that we knowe My doctrine is not myne but his that sent mée Of my selfe I speak not the words that I vtter The father dwellyng in mée perfourmeth the workes I am not come of my self but he that sent me is true with suche other lyke Paule doth also name him selfe the Apostle of Iesus Christ. Not I commaunde this sayth he but the Lorde The gospell that I preache haue I learned of no man but by the shewing of Iesus Christ. The Lorde that is blessed for euer knoweth that I lye not and such like So is the ende of this booke as was the begynnyng sealed with many wonderfull strong sentences of the Lorde as his whole mynde perfect will and purposed decree concernyng hys church héere in earth 3 And the same Lorde God eternall sayeth Christ vnto Iohn which hath diuersly afore tyme spoken in the holy Prophets and fathers hath now laste of all sent the Angel of his euerlasting couenaunt by him to vtter the secrets of his mynde by whom he created the world Him hath he hither dyrected in these latter dayes of the world to shewe cléerely vnto his true seruauntes of whom thou arte in these dayes princypall those wonderfull things in mysterie which must within shorte space effectually come to passe and be fulfilled in déede As the manyfolde persecutions of his churche the prosperous raigne of the beast and his shorlings with the glorious rayse of the one and dampnable fall of the other That whan troublous crosses doe come they may be the more ioyfully taken cōsidering the tyme of them short the rewarde of their sufferaunce euerlasting 4 For none other cause is God héere called the Lord God of the Prophets but that they haue through his spirite truly beleued in him the same spirit declared his mynde and pleasure 5 In the beginning of this reuelation was this Angell sent vnto Iohn alone here is he sent also vnto his other seruauntes in token that the Lord in Iohn respecteth his congregation 6 The things that must shortly follow are his iudgements in rewarding the rightuous and condempning the reprobates For a thousande yeares are but as a day before him as the tyme that is in a maner past Let euery man take héede sayeth the Lorde leaste I come vpon him vnlooked for Let them watch in fayth and pray in spirite and veritie hauing theyr weddyng garmēts with the oyle of Christian loue in their lampes 7 For beholde whan I shall come eyther to the particular ende of anye man or to the latter iugdement I wil come sodainlye neyther the day nor yet the houre of my comming knowne afore least men as they are ill of nature should dryue of till that daye to liue according to faith Of this admonition may the faythfull sorte be glad being here in aduersitie consideryng their deliueraunce is at hande theyr crowne of immortalitie not farre of 8 Happy is that man whatsoeuer he be high or lowe rich or poore learned or vnlearned that obserueth in his cōuersation and lyfe the godly sayings contayned in the prophecie of thys present booke 9 Yea blessed is he that so receyueth the premonishments thereof that neyther false prophet can deceyue him nor yet any cruell Antichrist with terrour dryue him from the righte vnderstanding and followyng of Christes pure doctrine For neyther to dogges nor swine are they here lefte to be neglected or disdayned but vnto his faythful seruauntes to be reuerently followed and had in remembraunce The text 1 I am Iohn 2. which sawe these thinges 3. and haerde them 4. And vvhan I had hearde and seene them 5. I fell dovvne to vvorshippe before the feete of the Angell 6. vvhich shevved me these thinges 7. And he sayde vnto me 8. See thou doe it not 9. For I am thy fellovv seruaunt 10. and the felovv seruaunt of thy brethen the Prophetes 11. and of them vvhich keepe the sayinges of this booke 12. Worship God The Commentary 1 Consequently bicause ye shall not suppose this matter lyght sayth sainct Iohn as many thinketh that whiche hath not the testimony of men besides the aucthoritie of God I