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A77608 Heaven on earth or a serious discourse touching a wel-grounded assurance of mens everlasting happiness and blessedness. Discovering the nature of assurance, the possibility of attaining it, the causes, springs, and degrees of it, with the resolution of several weighty questions. By Thomas Brooks, preacher of the Gospel at Margarets Fishstreet-Hill. Brooks, Thomas, 1608-1680. 1654 (1654) Wing B4943; Thomason E1446_1; ESTC R209539 332,772 663

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them When Darius sent to Alexander that he would be willing to divide the Kingdom no saith Alexander there is but one Sun in the Firmament and there can be but one King in a Kingdom So saith Christ c. It is a reproach to Christ that those that have married the Master should at the same time match with the Servant The Queen may look upon her glistering Courtiers but she must live upon the King the Wife may take pleasure in her lovely Babes but she must live upon her Husband and be most observant of her Husband So gracious souls may look upon their Graces but they must live upon King Jesus they may take pleasure in their Graces but they must live upon Christ and be most observant of Christ This is the way to keep Christ and Assurance and he that walks contrary to this rule will soon find the losse of both Christ will be Alexander or Nemo he will be all in all or he will be nothing at all Though his Coat ●oh 19. 23. was once divided yet he will never suffer his Crowne to be divided His Isa 42. 8. glory he will give to none Fifthly If you would have your We have saith Cyprian no such notions as many Philosophers have but we are Philosophers in our deeds we do not speak great things but we do great things in our lives Assurance strengthened and maintained then labor to improve your Assurance improve it to the strengthening of you against temptations to the fencing of you against corruptions to the raising of your resolutions to the inflaming of your affections to the bettering of your conversations Assurance is a pearl of price he that will keep it must improve it The ready way to maintain our natural strength and to increase it is to improve it So the ready way to maintain our Assurance and to increase it is to improve it Assurance is one of the choicest and chiefest talents that ever God intrusted man with and he that doth not improve it and imploy it will quickly lose it c. God will not suffer so Matth. 25. 28. golden a talent to gather rust Win gold and wear gold improve gold and keep gold win Assurance and wear Assurance improve Assurance and keep Assurance Dionysius the elder being advised of one that had hidden great store of money commands him upon pain of death to bring it to him which he did but not all But with the remainder he went and dwelt in another Countrey where he bought an Inheri●ance and fel upon some imployment which when Dionysius heard he sent him his money againe which he had taken from him saying Now thou knowest how to use riches take that I had from thee I shall leave you to make the application Sixthly If you would have your Assurance strengthened and maintained then walke humbly with your God Mich. 6. 8. God makes the humble mans heart his house to dwell in Isa 57. 15. Thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity whose name is holy I dwel in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 low of spirit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to quicken or make to live the spirit of humble ones Isa 41. 10. the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones The highest heavens and the lowest hearts are the habitations wherein the holy one delights to dwel Now this phrase I will dwel with the humble takes in several things 1. It includes Gods overlooking the humble 2. It takes in Gods assisting and strengthning of the humble 3. It takes in Gods protection I will dwel with the humble that is I Job 22. 29. will protect him and secure him 4 It takes in Gods sympathizing with the humble 5. It takes in Gods applying Isa 63. 9. Isa 57. 18. all suitable good to the humble 6. It takes in Gods ruling and over-ruling the heart and the affections of the humble 7. It takes in Gods teaching and Psa 10. 17. Psal 25. 9. learning of the humble But 8. and lastly it includes and takes in a clearer a fuller and a larger manifestation and communication of God to humble souls ah saith God I will dwell with the humble that is I will more richly more abundantly and more gloriously manifest and make knowne my grace and glory my goodnesse and sweetnesse my loving kindnesse and tendernesse to humble souls Now tell me humble soules will not Gods dwelling thus with you contribute very much to the strengthning and maintaining of your Assurance Jam. 4. 6. But he giveth more grace wherefore he saith God resisteth the proud or as the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 word emphatically signifies he sets himself in battle array against the proud but giveth grace to the humble Humility is both a grace and a vessell to receive grace God poures in grace into the humble souls as men poure liquor into an empty vessel And verily the more grace you have the more will your Assurance be strengthned and maintained Well remember this the humble mans mercies are the sweetest mercies the greatest mercies the most growing and thriving mercies the most blessed and sanctified mercies the most lasting and abiding mercies Therefore as you would have your Assurance strengthned and maintained walk humbly with your God I say again walk humbly walk humbly with your God and you shal wear the crown of Assurance to your grave Seventhly If you would keep and maintain your Assurance then take heed and watch against those very particular sins by which other Saints have lost their Assurance Take heed of carnall confidence and security David Psal 30. 6 7. lost his Assurance by not guarding his heart against those evils Again take heed of a light slight careless and negligent spirit in holy and spirituall things The Spouse in the Canticles lost her Assurance and her sweet communion with Christ by her slightness of spirit Again take heed of a stout Cant. 5 2 3 6. compared and unyeelding spirit under the afflicting hand of God this made God hide his face from them Isa 57. 17. In a word take heed of tasting of forbidden fruit remembring what Adam lost by a taste Eighthly If you would maintain and keep your Assurance then freequently A man may easier make a seeing eie blind then a blind eye to see a man may soon put an instrument out of tune but not so soon put it in again A man is easily born down the stream but cannot swim so easily up the stream c. and seriously consider of the wonderfull difficulty of recovering Assurance when it is lost Oh the sighs the groans the complaints the prayers the tears the heart-renting the soul-bleeding that the recovery of thy lost Assurance will cost The gaming of Assurance at first cost thee dear but the regaining of it if thou shouldest be
2. What Faith that is that accompanies Salvation 3. What Repentance that is that accompanies Salvation 4. What Obedience that is that accompanies Salvation 5. What Love that is that accompanies Salvation 6. What Prayer that is that accompanies Salvation 7. What Perseverance that is that accompanies 8. What Hope that is that accompanies Salvation 9. The difference between true Assurance and that which is counterfeit 10. The wide difference there is between the witness of the Spirit and the hissing of the old Serpent Gentlemen and Friends you have Say with that famous Painter Zeux●s Aeternitati pingo I paint for eternity I provide for eternity Eternity is that unum perpetuum bodie that one perpetual day your lives in your hands there is but a short step between you and eternity I would fain have you all happy for ever to that purpose I humbly beseech you spare so much time from your many great and weighty occasions as to read this Treatise that in all humility I lay at your feet and follow this counsel that in all love and faithfulness I shall now give unto you For my design in all is your happiness here and your blessednesse hereafter First Get and keep Communion Communion with God will make a man as couragious and bold as a Lion yea as a young Lyon that is in his hot blood and fearless of any creature Prov. 28. 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Now the proverb is Tutiores C●rvi duce Leone quam Leones duce Cervo it is more likely that Harts will get victory with a ●yon to their leader then Lyons with a leading Hart Joshua Captain of the Lords battles must be of a Lyon like courage and what wil make them so but communion with God It was the saying of the old Earl of Essex That he was never afraid to fight but when he was conscious of some sin with which he had provoked God and left communion with God with God your strength to stand and your strength to withstand all assaults is from your Communion with God Communion with God is that that will make you stand fast and triumph over all enemies difficulties dangers and deaths While Sampson kept his Communion with God no enemy could stand before him he goes on conquering and to conquer he laies heapes upon heaps but when he was fallen in his Communion with God he fals presently easily and sadly before his enemies So long as David kept up his Communion with God no enemies could stand before him but when he was fallen in his Communion with God he flies before the son of his bowels Job keeps up his Communion with God conquers Satan upon the Dunghil Adam loses his Communion with God and fals before Satan in Paradise Communion is the result of Union Communion is a reciprocall exchange between Christ and a gracious Soule Communion is Jacobs Ladder where you have Christ sweetly descending down into the Soul and the soule by divine influences sweetly ascending up to Christ Communion with God is a Sheild upon Land and an Anchor at Sea it is a sword to defend you and a staff to support you it is balm to heale you and a cordiall to strengthen you high Communion with Christ wil yeeld you two heavens a heaven upon earth and a heaven after death He injoyes nothing that wants Communion with God he wants nothing that injoys communion with God therefore above all gettings get Communion with Christ and above all keepings keep Communion with Christ all other losses are not comparable to the losse of Communion with Christ he that hath lost his Communion hath lost his Comfort his strength his all and it will not be long before the Philistims take him and put out his eyes and bind him with fetters of brass and make him grind in a prison as they did Sampson Judg. 16. 20 21. Secondly Make a speedy and a thorow Bonus servatius facit bonum bonifacium improvement of all opportunities of grace and mercy sleep not in Harvest time trifle not away your Market hours your golden seasons you have much work to do in a short time you have Petrach telleth of one who being invited to dinner the next day answered Ego à multis a●nis crastinum non habui I have not had a morrow for this many years a God to honor a Christ to rest on a Race to run a Crown to win a Hell to escape a Heaven to obtaine you have weak Graces to strengthen and strong Corruptions to weaken you have many Temptations to withstand and Afflictions to bear you have many Mercies to improve and many Services to perform c. Therefore take hold on all opportunities and advantages whereby you may be strengthened and bettered in your noble Heb. 3-7 8 A man faith Luther lives forty years before he knows himself a fool and by that time he sees his folly his life is ended c. part Take heed of crying cras cras tomorrow tomorrow when God saith to day if you will hear my voyce harden not your hearts Manna must be gathered in the morning and the orient pearle is generated of the morning dew It is a very sad thing for a man to begin to die before he begins to live He that neglects a golden opportunity doth but create to himself a great deal of misery as Saul and many others have found by sad experience He that would to the purpose do a good action must not neglect his season The men of Issachar were 1 Chron. 12. 32 famous in Davids account for wisdom because they acted seasonably and opportunely God will repute and write that man a wise man who knows and observes his seasons of doing Such there have been who by giving a glasse of water opportunely have obtained a Kingdom as you may see in the story of Thaumastus and King Agrippa Bernard Time saith one were a good commodity It was the commendations of blessed Hooper that he was spare of diet sparer of words and sparest of time in hell and the traffick of it most gainful where for one day a man would give ten thousand worlds if he had them One passing thorow the streets of Rome and seeing many of the women playing and delighting themselves with Monkies and Baboons and such like things asked whether they had no children to play and delight themselves with So when men triffle away their precious time and golden opportunities playing and toying with this vanity and that we may ask whether these men have no God no Christ no Scripture no Promises no Blessed Experiences no hopes of Heavens glories to delight and entertain themselves with Certainly we should not reckon any time into the account of our lives but that which we carefully pass and well spend seeing the Heathen could say Diu fuit non diu vixit He was long D●mascen he did not live long I have read of one Blessed Bradford the Martyr
shall come saith the Lord of hosts Well I will say but this If assurance of Gods love be not a Jewel worth a waiting for it is worth nothing Fourthly Suffering times are times Non poenae sed causa facit martyrem wherein the Lord is pleased to give his people some sense of his favor when they are in sufferings for Righteousness sake for the Gospels sake then usually God causes his face to shine upon them Now they shall hear best news Adversus gentes gratias agimus quod à molestis dominis liberemur saith One. We thank you for delivering us from hard task-masters that we may enjoy more sweetly the bosom of Christ from Heaven when they hear worst from Earth God loves to smile most upon his people when the world frowns most when the world puts their Iron chains upon their legs then God puts his Golden chains about their necks when the world puts a bitter Cup into their hands then God drops some of his honey some of his goodness and sweetness into it when the world is ready to stone them then God gives them the white stone and when the world is a tearing their good names then he gives them a new name that none knows but he that hath it a name that is better then that of sons and daughters when the world cryes out Crucifie them crucifie them then they hear that sweet voice from Heaven These are my beloved ones in whom I am well pleased when the world cloaths them with rags then the Lord puts on his Royal Robes and makes a secret Proclamation to their spirits Thus shall it be done to the men whom the King is pleased to honor when the world gives into one hand a Cup of Water God gives into the other a Cup of Nectar a Cup of Ambrosia when the world gnasheth upon them and presents all imaginary tortures before them then the Lord opens paradise to them as he did to Stephen when Paul and Silas were in prison for the Acts 7. 50. 16. 23 24. Me thinks said one I tread upon pearls when he trod upon hot burning coals and I feel no more pain then if I lay in a bed of down and yet he lay in flames of fi●e Revel 1 9 10. He was banished thither by Domitian the Tyrant Vide Euseb l. 3. c. 18. Vide Pli● l. 4. c. 12. Gospel sake then God fills them with such unspeakable joy that they cannot but be singing when others were sleeping God turns their prison into a pallace a paradise and they turn his mercies into praises Paul and Silas found more pleasure then pain more joy then sorrow more sweet then bitter more day then night in the prison God will make some beams of his goodness and glory to break thorow stone walls to warm and glad the hearts of his suffering-ones When John was banished into the Isle of Fathmos for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus then he is filled with the Spirit and hath the choicest manifestations and the most glorious Revelations that ever he had all his days Now God makes him one of his Court and Counsel and tells him what glorious and mighty things shall be in the latter days Now he is in a Spiritual rapture and extasie and carried above himself and above all outward things to attend those glorious Visions that God would make known to him It was Gods lifting up the light of his countenance that made the Martyrs to sing in the fire to clap their hands in the flames and to tread upon hot burning coals as upon Beds of Roses This made one say when he felt the flame come to Vincentius his Beard What a small pain is this to be compared to the glory to come what is a drop of vinegar put into an ocean of wine what is it for one to have a rainy day that is going to take possession of a Kingdom The smiles of God made another to sing under dreadful sufferings Christianus sum I am a Christian Sanctus And this made the Christians to sing in Tertullians time Crudelitas vestra gloria nostra Your cruelty is our glory This made a French Martyr to say when the rope was about his fellows neck Give me that golden chain and dub me a Knight of that noble order This made another to desire when he was to die the favor of having his chains buried with him as the ensigns of his honor This made Basil to say Fire Nihil seutit erux in nervo quando animus est in caelo sword prison famine are all a pleasure a delight unto me This made Paul to rattle his Iron chains and to glory in it more then worldly men glory in all their outward glory This made Theodoret to complain that his persecuters did him wrong when they took him off the Rack and ceased tormenting of him for said he All the while that I was on the Rack I found me thought there was a yong man in white an Angel stood by me which wiped off the sweat and I found a great deal of sweetness in it which now I have lost To Sufferings are the ensigns of heavenly nobisiry no● wonder then that the Saints are so joyful under them conclude the smiles of God upon the prisoners of hope is that which makes them more chearful and delightful in their sufferings then Jesus Christ was in his When Faninus an Italian Martyr was asked by one why he was so merry at his death sith Christ himself was so sorrowful Christ said he sustained in his soul all the sorrows and conflicts with Hell and Death due to us by whose sufferings we are delivered from sorrow and fear of them all and therefore we have cause of rejoycing in the greatest sufferings Now there are these special Reasons to be given why the Lord is pleased in suffering times to visit his people with his loving kindness and to lift up the light of his countenance upon them Reas 1 First That their patience and constancy Christian fortitude is in ferendo n●n in ferierdo not in smiting but suffering under the Cross may be invincible God knows right well That if his left hand in suffering times be not under his people and his right hand over them if he does not give them some sips of sweetness some rellishes of goodness they would quickly grow impatient and inconstant O but now the smiles of God William Flower Appolo●●us Basil Fulgentius Giles of Brussels Alexander Hales Polyca●●us Calvin Luther Brentius Bullinger these and many more have been eminent in patience under sore tryals the gracious discoveries of God makes their patience and constancy invincible as it did Vincentius who by his patience and constancy madded his tormentors wherefore they stripped him stark naked whipped his body all over to a gore blood sprinkled Salt and Vinegar over all his wounds set his feet on burning coals then cast him naked into a
that you would willingly do upon a dying day Ah how would you live and love upon a dying day how would you admire God rest upon God delight in God long for God and walk with God upon a dying day how would you hate loath and abhor your bosom sins upon a dying day how would you complain of your bosom sins and pray against your bosom sins and mourn over your bosom sins and watch against your bosom sins and flie from all occasions that should tend to draw you to close with your bosom sins upon a dying day Ah doubting souls would you not for all the world gratifie your bosom sins upon a dying day and will you gratifie them on other days which for any thing you know to the contrary may prove your dying days Thrice happy is that soul that labors with all his might to do that at first that he would fain do at last that doth that on every day that he would give a thousand worlds to do on a dying day No way to Assurance like this no way to joy and comfort like this no way to rest and peace like this no way to the Kingdom to the Crown like this I earnestly beseech you trembling souls when you finde your spirits running out to bosom sins that you would lay your hands upon your hearts and thus expostulate the case O our souls would you thus dally and play with sin upon a dying day would you thus stroke and hug sin upon a dying day would you not rather shew all the dislike and hatred that is imaginable against it would you not tremble at sin more then at Hell and abhor the very occasions of sin more then the most venomous Serpent in all the world would you not rather suffer the worst and greatest punishments then to smile upon a darling sin upon a dying day Yes O would you fain do this upon a dying day why not then every day why not then every day O our souls The sixt and last Motive to provoke Motive 6. One flaw in a Diamond doth not onely take away the beauty glory and price of it but it puts men to question wh●ther it be a Diamond Psal 40. 12. you to fall with all your might upon bosom sins is Seriously to consider that till this be done fears and doubts will still haunt the soul the soul will still be fearing that surely all is naught and that that work that is wrought upon it is not a real but a counterfeit work that it is not a peculiar and special work but a common work that a man may have and perish Till 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this be done the soul can never be able I am not able to see sin had put out Davids eyes to see grace in its own native beauty and glory the hugging of sin in a corner will raise such a dust in the soul that it cannot be able to see those Pearls of glory sparkling and shining Till this be done doubting souls you will be but Babes and Shrubs and Dwarfs in Christianitie the hankering of the soul after sin is the casting of water upon the Spirit it is the laming of Grace it is the clipping the wings of Faith and Prayer so that the soul can neither be confident nor fervent frequent nor constant in religious services so that it will unavoidably follow such souls will be like Pharaohs Gideon had seventy sons and but one Bastard and yet that one Bastard destroyed all the rest you may easily apply it lean Kine poor and starveling Look as many men are kept low in their outward estates by having a back door to some Herodians so many doubting souls are kept low in spirituals by their hankering after some particular sin Remember Christians sin is the souls sickness the souls weakness if the body be weak and diseased it grows not sin is poyson that turns all nourishment into corruption and so hinders the growth of the soul in grace and holiness Ah Christians as ever you would be rid of your fears and doubts as ever you would see the beautie and glory of grace as ever you would be eminent and excellent in grace and holiness see that effectual justice be done upon that Achan that Jonah that darling sin that hath occasioned storms within and tempests without It was a grievous vexation If there be but one crack in the honey-glass there the Wasp will be buzzing and where there is but some one sin favored there Satan will be rempting and upbraiding to King Lysimachus that his staying to drink one draught of water lost him his Kingdom Ah Christians it will grievously vex you when you come to your selves and when you come to taste of the admirable pleasure that attends the conquest of sin to consider that your hankering after this or that particular sin hath been the loss of that joy and comfort that peace and assurance that is infinitelie more worth then all the Kingdoms of the world But you may say to me O! we would Quest fain have our bosom sins subdued we desire above all that they may be effectually mortified these sons of Zerviah we would have slain to chuse But what course must we take to bring under our darling sins to get off our Golden Fetters to get out of these Silken Snares To this Question I shall give these Answers First If ever thou wouldst have Means 1. masterie over this or that bosom sin then engage all thy power and might against thy bosom sin draw up thy spiritual forces and engage them wholly against the sin that doth so easilie beset thee As the King of Syria said to his Captains Fight neither 2 Chro. 8. 30. with small nor great save onely with the King of Israel So I say your wisdom and your work O doubting souls lieth not in skirmishing with this or that sin but in coming up to a close sharp fight with the King of Israel with that darling sin that hath a Kingly interest in you and a Kingly power over you Constantine the Great his Symbole was Immedicabile vulnus ense rescindendum est when there is no hope of curing men must fall a cutting Believe it souls you must fall a cutting your bosom sins in pieces by the Sword of the Spirit as Samuel cut Agag in 1 Sam. 15. 33. pieces in Gilgal before the Lord or else you will never obtain a perfect cure Slight skirmishes will not do it you must pursue your bosom sins to the death or they will be the death of your souls The second Means to bring under a Means 2. As when one Bucket of a Well goes up the other goes down as when one of the two Lawrels in Rome flourishes the other withers so when grace gets up sin goes down when grace flourishes sin withers bosom sin is To labor to be most eminent and excellent in that particular grace that is most opposite to a mans bosom sin
is true even in his Son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal life 2 Pet. 1. 3. According as his Divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and vertue What this Knowledge is that accompanies Salvation I shall shew you anon Secondly Faith is another of those special things that accompanies Salvation 1 Thes 2. 13. But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you Brethren Beloved of the Lord because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation thorow sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth 1 Pet. 1. 5. You Vide Parcus Esteum Gerhardum on the Text. who are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation Vers 9. Receiving the end of your Faith even the salvation of your souls Heb. 10. 30. But we are not of them who draw back to perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul John 3 14 15 16. Mark 16. 16. Acts 16. 31. Rom. 10. 9. Isa 45. 22. Phil. 2. 8. Joh 11. 25 26. 1 John 5. 10. All ●hese and many more Scriptures speaks out the same truth This d●uble asseveration or protestation is used onely in matters of we●ght and unhappy are we ●hat we cannot believe without them And as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life for God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Vers 36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life Chap. 5. 24. Verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my Word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life Chap. 6. 40. And this is the will of him that sent me that every one that seeth he Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day Vers 47. Verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life Thirdly Repentance is another of those choice things that accompanies salvation 2 Cor. 7. 10. For godly sorrow The very word rep●nt was very displeasing to Luther till his conversion but afterward he took delight in the work Paehitens de peccato dolet de dolore gaudet Luth to sorrow for his sin and then rejoyce in his sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death Jere. 4. 14. O Jerusalem wash thy heart from wickedness that thou mayest be saved Acts 11. 18. When they heard these things they held their peace and glorified God saying Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life Matth. 18. 3. And Jesus said verily I say unto you except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Acts 3. 19. Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Fourthly Obedience is another of those precious things that accompanies salvation Heb. 5. 9. And being Vide B. Dew●h of Justification 17. c. 7. made perfect speaking of Christ he became the Author of Eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him Psal 50. 23. whoso offereth praise glorifieth me and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I declare the Salvation of God Fifthly Love is another of those singular things that accompanies salvation Deus nihil corenat nisi dona sui August When God c●own●th us he doth but crown h●s own gifts in us 2 Tim. 4. 8. Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me onely but unto them also that love his appearing James 2. 5. Hearken my beloved brethren ha●h not God chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdome which he hath promised to them that love him 1 Cor. 2. 9. It is written eie hath not seen nor eare heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him James 1. 12. Blessed is the man that indureth temptation for when The word Crown notes to us the perpetuity of that life the Apostle speaks of for a Crown hath neither beginning nor ending 2. It notes plenty the Crown fetches a compasse on every side 3. It notes dignity it notes majesty Eternal life is a coronation day It notes all joys all delights in a word it notes all good it notes all glory he is tryed he shall receive the crown of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him Matth. 19. 28 29. And Jesus said unto them verily I say unto you that yee which have followed me in the regeneration When the Son of Man shall sit in the Throne of his glory yee shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel And every one that hath forsaken houses or Brethren or Sisters or Father or Mother or Wife or Children or Lands for my name sake shall receive an hundred fold and shall inherit everlasting life The whole is as if Christ had said whosoever shall shew love to mee this way or that in one thing or another out of respect to my Name to my Honor mercy shall bee his portion here and glory shall bee his portion hereafter Sixthly Prayer is another of those sweet things that accompanies salvation Rom. 10. 10. 13. For with the heart man beleeveth unto righteousnesse and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved Act. 2. 21. And it shall come to passe that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved That is saith one hee shall be certainly sealed up to salvation Or as another saith he that hath this grace of Prayer it is an evident sign and assurance to him that he shall be saved Therefore to have grace to pray is a better and a greater mercy then to have gifts to prophesie Matth. 7. 22. Praying souls shall finde the gates of heaven open to them when prophecying souls shall find them shut against them Seventhly and lastly Perseverance is another of those prime things that accompanies salvation Matth. 10. 22. And yee shall be hated of all men for my name sake but he that indureth to the end the same shall be saved Chap. 24. 12 13. And because iniquity shal abound the love The same words you have in Mark 13. 13. of many shal wax cold but he that indureth unto the end the same shal be saved Rev. 2. 10. Fear none of
himself in his own tears let me give this Caution viz. That there is nothing beyond remedy but the tears of the damned A man who may persist in the way to Paradise should not place himself in the condition of a little Hell and he that may or can hope for that great all ought not to be dejected nor overwhelmed for any thing 4. That Repentance that accompanies Salvation doth include not onely contrition for sin but also a holy shame and blushing for sin Ezra 9. 6. Jer. 3. 24 25. 31. 19. Ezek. 16. 61 63. And thou shalt be confounded and never open thy mouth any more because of thy shame when I am pacified towards thee for all that thou hast done saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bosh to blush to be abashed to wax pale and wan c. Quantum displicet Deo immundi●ia peccati in tantum placet Deo erubiscentia paenitentis Ber. the Lord God When the Penitent Soul sees his sins pardoned the anger of God pacified and Divine Justice satisfied then he sits down ashamed So in Rom. 6. 21. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed Sin and shame are inseparable companions So much the more God hath been di●pleased with the blackness of sin the more will he be well pleased with ●he blushing of the sinner A man cannot have the seeming sweet of sin but he shall have the real shame that accompanies sin These two God hath joyned together and all the world cannot put them asunder It was an impenitent Caligula that said of himself that he loved nothing better in himself then that he could not be ashamed Justinus Motto was Quod pudet hoc pigeat that should grieve most which is shameful in it self and done against conscience And doubtless those things are onely shameful that are sinful A soul that hath sinned away all shame is a soul ripe for Hell and given up to Satan A greater plague cannot befal a man in this life then to sin and not to blush Fifthly That Repentance that accompanies Salvation comprehends loathing and abhorring of sin and of Vis magnus esse incipe ab imo Wilt thou be great begin from below saith one It is very observable that those brave Creatures the E●gle and the Lyon were not offered in sacrifice unto God but the poor Lamb and Dove to note That God regards not your brave high lofty spirits but poor meek and contemptible spirits our selves for sin as well as shame and blushing for sin Job 42. 6. Ezek. 16. 61 62 63. Amos 5. 15. Ezek. 20. 41 42 43. And ye shall remember your ways and all your doings wherein ye have been defiled and ye shall loath your selves in your own sight for ●all the evils that you have committed The sincere penitent loaths his sins and he loaths himself also because of his sins He crys out O these wanton eies O these wicked hands O this deceiptful tongue O this crooked will O this corrupt heart O how do I loath my sins how do I loath my self how do I loath sinful-self and how do I loath my natural-self because of sinful-self My sins are a burden to me and they make me a burden to my self my sins are an abhorring to me and they make me abhor my self in dust and ashes A true Penitent hath not onely low thoughts of himself but loathsome thoughts of himself none can think or speak so vilely of him as he doth and will think and speak of himself Ezek. 6. 9. And they that escape of you shall remember me among the Nations whither they shall be carried captives because I am broken with their whorish heart as the heart of a Husband is at the adulterous carriage of his wife which hath departed from me and with their eyes which go a whoring after their Idols and they shall loath themselves for evils which they have committed in all their abominations If thy Repentance do not work thee out with Some people can shed tears for nothing some for any thing but a sound penitent sheds more tears for his sins then he doth for his sufferings thy sins and thy sins work thee out of love with thy self thy Repentance is not that Repentance that accompanies Salvation And thus you see the particular things that that Repentance that doth accompany Salvation doth comprehend and include Sixthly That Repentance that accompanies Salvation hath these choice companions attending of it First Faith Zach. 12. 10 11. They shall look upon him whom they have pierced and mourn c. Mourning and beleeving go together So in Matth. 4. 17. Mark 1. 14 15. Now after that John was put in prison Jesus came into Galilee Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God And saying The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand Repent ye and believe the Gospel Secondly Love to Christ doth always accompany that Repentance that accompanies Salvation as you may see in Mary Magdalen in that seventh of Luke Thirdly A filial fear of offending God and a holy care to honor God doth always accompanie that Repentance that accompanies Salvation 2 Cor. 7. 11. For godly sorrow worketh Repentance to Salvation Repentance is post naufragium tabula the fair daughter of a foul mother Repentance is a fruitful Womb. not to be repented of for behold this self same thing that ye sorrowed after a godly sort what carefulness it wrought in you yea what clearing of your selves yea what indignation yea what fear yea what vehement desire yea what zeal yea what revenge In all things ye have approved your selves to be clear in this matter Verily Repentance to life hath all these lively companions attending of it they are born together and will live together till the penitent soul changes Earth for Heaven Grace for Glory Seventhly and lastly That Repentance that accompanies Salvation is a continued act a Repentance never to be 2 Cor. 7. 10. repented of Repentance is a continual spring where the waters of godly sorrow are alwayes flowing A sound Penitent is still a turning nearer and nearer to God he is still a turning further and further from sin This makes the Penitent Soul to sigh and Rom. 7. mourn that he can get no nearer to God that he can get no further from sin The work of Repentance is not the work of an hour a day a yeer but the work of this life A sincere Penitent makes as much conscience of repenting Quid restat ò peccator nisi ut in tota vita tua deplores totam vitam tuam Anselmus O then what then remains but in our whole life to lament the sins of our whole life daily as he doth of believing daily and he can as easily content himself with one act of Faith or Love or Joy as he can content himself with one act of Repentance My sins are ever before me sayes David Next to my being kept from sin I count
all the world yea Ten thousand worlds When the Spanish Ambassador boasted that his Master was King of such a place and of such a place and of such a place c. The French Ambassador answered My Master is King of France K. or France K. of France signifying thereby that France was as much or more worth then all the Kingdoms under the power of the King of Spain Ah Christians when the men of the world shall cry out O their riches O their honors O their preferments c. You may well cry out O Assurance Assurance Assurance there being more real worth and glory in that then is to be found in all the wealth and glory of the world therefore do not envy the outward prosperity and felicity of worldly men c. Thirdly If God hath given you Use 3 Assurance then give no way to slavish fears fear not the scorn and reproaches of men Fear not wants God will Saul had but five pence to give the Seer the Seer after much good chear gives him freely the Kingdom 1 Sam. 9. 8. 10. 1. So God deals with his not deny him a crust to whom he hath given a Christ he will not deny him a crumb upon whom he hath bestowed a Crown he will not deny him a less mercy upon whom he hath bestowed Assurance which is the Prince of mercies Fear not death for why shouldst thou fear death that hast Assurance of a better life c. Fourthly If God hath given you a Use 4 wel-grounded Assurance of your Everlasting Happiness and Blessedness then question his love no more God doth not love to have his love at every turn called in question by those that he hath once assured of his love He doth expect that as no sin of ours doth Psal 89. 30 31 32 33 34 35. Jere. 31. 3. make any substantial alteration in his affections to us so none no not his sharpest dispensations should make any alteration in our thoughts and affections towards him Fifthly and lastly If God hath given Use 5 Eccles 9. 8. Revel 3. 4. Matth. 5. 16. Vive ut vivas Live that thou mayest live Live in such sort saith Periander King of Corinth that thou mayest have honor by thy life and that after thy death men may account thee happy you Assurance then live holily live angelically keep your garments pure and white walk with an even foot be shining lights Your Happiness here is your Holiness and in Heaven your highest Happiness will be your perfect Holiness Holiness differs nothing from Happiness but in name Holiness is Happiness in the bud and Happiness is Holiness at the full Happiness is nothing but the quintessence of Holiness The more holy any man is the more the Lord loves him John 14. 21 23. Augustine doth excellently observe in his Tract on John the first and the 14. That God loved the humanity of Christ more then any man because he was Grace and Truth then any man The Philosopher could say That God was but an empty name without vertue so are all our professions without Holiness Holiness is the very marrow and quintessence of Ille non est bonus qui non vnlt esse melior The loose walking of many Christians was as Salvian complains made by the Pagans the reproach of Christ himself saying If Christ had taught holy doctrine surely his followers had led better lives all Religion Holiness is God stamped and printed upon the Soul it is Christ formed in the Heart it is our Light our Life our Beauty our Glory our Joy our Crown our Heaven our All. The holy Soul is happy in Life and blessed in Death and shall be transcendently glorious in the Morning of the Resurrection when Christ shall say Lo here am I and my holy Ones who are my Joy Lo here am I and my holy Ones who are my Crown and therefore upon the Heads of these holy Ones will I set an Immortal Crown Even so Amen Lord Jesus FINIS Imprimatur Joseph Caryl ERRATA PAge 7. Margent adde can be p. 37. Marg. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ib. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 41. Marg. r. opera p. 56. l. 4. adde a p. 60. l. 13. r. done p. 67. l. 5. adde a l. 11. r. preparations pag. 80. l. 28. r. let p. 103. Marg. r. crux p. 110. l. 12. r. cheared p. 113. l. 25. dele of p. 115. l. 3. adde the p. 117. l. 21. r. renewing p. 135. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ib. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 138. Marg. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 144. l 5. r. liveless p. 152. l. 22. r. foiling p. 159. r. infinite p. 162. l. 2. dele the p. 164. l. 2. adde that p. 184. l. 20. r. doubled p. 186. l. 18. dele a p. 230. l 4. r. spittle p. 258. l. 22. r. daring p. 275. Marg. r. affectibus p. 276. Marg. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pag. 279. l. 28. r. means p. 304. l. 15. r. him p. 318. Marg r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p 334 l. 11. r. coveting p. 344. Marg. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 363. Marg. r. mediatum p. 404. l. 21. add as p. 436. l. 5. r. if There is another Book lately published by Mr. Thomas Brooks entituled Pretious Remedies against Satans Devices or Salve for Believers and Unbelievers sores being a Companion for those that are in Christ or out of Christ that slight or neglect Ordinances under a pretence of living above them that are growing in Spirituals or decaying that are tempted or deserted c. Sold by John Hancock at the entring into Popes-head Alley