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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23588 [The cronycles of Englond]; Chronicles of England. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1482 (1482) STC 9992; ESTC S121383 314,856 338

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hym was done in Gascoyne And of the debate that was bytwene the kyng of Aragon and the Prynce of Morrey he cesed ▪ and made hem acorded And whyle the good kyng Edward and the quene Elyen●…e his wyf were in Gascoyne the good Erle of Corne wayle was made wardeyne of Englond till that kyng Edward come ageyne And tho enquered ●…x of his traytours that congetted falsenesse ageynst hym And eche of hem alle ▪ vnderfenge her dome after that they hadde deserued But in the me●…ne tyme. while that the good kyng Edward was beyonde the see to done hem for to make amendes that ageynst hem had trespaced ther was a fals thefe a Traytoure that was callyd Rys a●… Merydock byganne for to make werre ageynste the Kynge Edward And that was for encheson of syr payne tiptot wrongfully greuid diseased that for sayd Ri●… ap merydok And whan kyng Edward herd alle this he sente by his lettres to Ris ap merydok that he shold begynne to make no werre but that he shold be in pees for his loue when that he come ageyne in to englond he wold vndertake the quarell done amende alle that was mysdone The forsayd Rys ap Merydok despysed the kynges commandement spared not for to do al the sorow that he myght to the kynges men of Englond ▪ but a non after he was taken lad to york ther was drawe hon ged for his felon●… Of the redressyng that kyng edward made of his Iusty●…s of his clerkes that they had done for hir falsenesse how he drofe the Iewes out of englond for her vsery misbyleue ca o C 〈◊〉 WHan kyng edward had duellyd thre yere in gascoyne 〈◊〉 le come to hym for to wende ageyne in to Englond ▪ tho he was come ageyne he foūde so many playntes made to hym of his Iustyces and of his clerkes ▪ that had done so many wrōges falsenes that wonder it was to here And for whiche falsenes Syr thomas weylond the kynges Iustyce forswore Englon●… at the tour of london ▪ for falsenesse that men put vpon hym wherof he was atteynt proued fals And anon after whan the kyng had done his wylle of the Iustyces tho lete ●…x 〈◊〉 and aspye how the Iewes desceyued begyled his ●…ple thurgh 〈◊〉 synne of falsenes of vserye lete ordeyne a pryue parlem●…●…mong his lordes they ordeyned among hem that al the Iew●… shold wyde englond for hir mysbyleue And also for hir fals vse rye that they dyd vnto Crysten men And for to spede to make an ende of this thynge al the cōmunyte of englond yaf vnto the kyng the xv peny of al hir goodes m●…able so were the 〈◊〉 dryuen on●… of Englond tho went Iewes in to fraūce there duellyd thurgh loue of kyng phelip that tho was kyng of fraūce How kyng Edward was seased in al the londe of scotland thurgh cōsent graūt of al the lordes of scotlād cao. C 〈◊〉o. HIt was not longe after that alysauder kynge of Scotland was dede And dauid Erle of Huntingdone that was the kynges broder of Scotland a●…ed and claymed the kyngdome of Scotland for encheson that he was right ful ●…yr But many grete lordes of Scotland sayden Nay●… ▪ Wh●…fore gre 〈◊〉 debate aroose bytwene hem ▪ and hyr frendes For as moche that they wold not consente to his coronacion in the mene tyme the forsayd dauyd deyde so it by fell that the same dauid had thre doughters that worthely were maryed the firste doughter was maryed to baillol the second to brus the thyrd to hastynges and the forsayd brus bayllol chalengyd the land of scotland gre te debate stryfe aroos bytwene hem thre for encheson that eche of hem wold haue be kynge whan the lordes of scotland sawe the debate bytwene hem thre they come to kyng Edward of Englond seysed hym in al the land of scotland as hir chyef lord And whan the kyng was seised of the lordes of scotlād the forsa yu baillol brus hastinges come to the kynges court axed of the kyng whiche of hem shold be kyng of scotland kyng Edward that was ful gentil trewe lete enquyre by the cronycles of Scotland of the grete lordes of scotlād whiche of hem was of the eldest blode it was founde that bayllol was eldest And that the kyng of scotland shold hold of the kyng of Englond done hym feaute homage and after this was done bayllol wēt in to scotland ther was crouned kynge of scotland the same tyme was vppon the see strong werre bytwene the englysshmen the normans but vpon a tyme the normans arryued al at douer ther they martred an holy man that was callid thomas of douer And afterward were the normane slayn that ther of hem escaped not one sone after kyng Edward shold lese the duchye of Gascoyne thurgh phelyp kyng of fraūce thurgh fals castynge of the doussepyers of the lād wherfor syr edmond that was kyng Edwardes broder yafe vp his homage vnto the kyng of fraunce And in that tyme the Clerkes of englond graunted to kyng ed ward haluendese of holy chirche goodes in holyyng for to recouer his land ageyne in gascoyne the kyng sente thyder a noble cō panye of his bachyllers hym self wold haue wente to portesmouth But he was let thurgh one maddoke of walys that had seysed the Castel of swandone in to his hand for that encheson the kyng turned ageyn vnto walis at Cristemasse for encheson that the noble lordes of englond that were sent in to gascoyne had no comfort of hir lord the kyng they were take of Syr Charles of fraūce that is to say sir john of britayn Syr Robert Tiptoft Sir Rauf tanny sir hugh bardolf sir adam of cretynges yet at the as●…ion was madok take in walys another that was callyd morgan they were sent to the tour of london ther they were byheded How Syr Iohan bayllol kyng of scotlande withsayd his homage of syr thomas Turbeluylle Ca●… C lxvij●… ANd whan syr Iohn bayllol kyng of scotlād vnderstode that kynge edward was werryd in gascoyne to whome the Royamme of scotlande was delyuerd falsely tho ageynste his othe withsayd his homage thurgh procuryng of his folk and sente to the court of rome thurgh a fals suggestion to be assoylled of that othe that he swore vnto the kyng of Englond so he was by let tres enbulled Tho chosen they of scotland dousepers for to benym me edward his ryght and in that tyme come two Cardynals frō the court of rome from the pope Celestyne for to treate of acord bytwene the kyng of fraūce the kyng of Englond and as tho two Cardynals spoken of acord thomas Turbeluille was take at lyoūs made feaute homage to the wardeyne of parys to
the kyng exyled his quene Isabel edward his eldest sone Cao. CC iiijo. WHan kyng edward of Englond herd telle how the kyng of Fraunce had yeue the Duchye of guybenne vnto Syr Edward his sone withoute consent wyll of hym that his sonne had vnderfonge the duchye he bycome wonder wrothe sente to his sone by his lettre to his wif also that they shold come ayene in to englond in al the haste that they myght The quene Isabell sir edward hir sone were wonder sore adrad of the kynges manace of his wrathe principally the falsenesse of the spencers bothe of the fadre of the sonne at this commaundement they wold not come wherfor kyng edward was ful sore annoyed lete make a crye at london that yf quene ysabel and Edward hir eldest sone come not in to Englond that they shold ben holden as our enemyes both to the Royame and to the cronne of Englond And for that they wold not come in to englond both were exiled the moder and hir sone whan the quene Isabell herd these tidyn ges she was sore adrad to be shent thurgh the fals congettyng of the spencers And went with the knyghtrs that were exyled out of Englond for seynt thomas cause of lancastre that is to saye sir Rogyer of wigmore sir william Trussel sir Iohan of Cromwel many other good knyghtes wherfor they toke hir counseyll ordeyned amonges he in for to make a maryage bytwene the duk of guyhenne the kynges sone of englond therles doughter of he naud that was a noble knyght of name a doughty in his tyme And yf that thyng myght be brought aboute than stode they trowynge with the helpe of god with his helpe to recouer hyr herytage in Englond wherof they were put oute thurgh the false congettynges of spencers How kyng edward thurgh counceyll of the spencers sent to the douzepers of fraunce that they shold helpe that the quene Isabell hir sonne Syr edward were exyled out of fraūce cao. CC vo. WHan kyng edward the spencers herd how quene Isabel and sir Edward hir sone had alyed hem to the Erle of Henaud and to them that were exyled oute of Englond For enche son of thomas of lancastre they were so sory that they nyst what to done wherfor Syr hugh spencer the sone sayd vnto Syr hugh his fadre in this maner wyse Fader acursed be the tyme. and the counceylle that euer ye consented that quene Isabell shold gone vnto Fraunce for to treaten of acord bytwene the kynge of Englond and hir broder the kyng of fraunce for that was your co●… ceyll For at that tyme forsoth your wyt fayled For I drede me sore leste thurgh hir hir sone we shal be shent but yf we take the better counseyll Now fayre sirs vnderstondeth how meruayllous felonye and falshede the spencers ymagyned and cast for pri uely they lete fylle v barel ferrors with siluer the som amoūted v thousand pounde they sente tho barelles ouer see pryuely by an alyen that was callyd Arnold of spayne that was a brocour of london that he shold gone to the douzepers of fraūce that they shold procuren and speke to the kyng of Fraūce that quene Isa bell and hir sone Edward were dryne and exyled oute of fraūce And among al other thynges that they were brought to the deth as priuely as they myght But Almyghty god wold not so for when this arnold was in the high see he was take with selādres that mette hym in the see toke hym and ladde hym to hyr lord erle of henaud moche ioye was made for that takynge atte last this arnold priuely stale awey fro thens come to london of this takyng of other thynges the erle of henaud sayd to the quene Isabel dame make yowe mery be of good chere for ye be more richer than ye went haue ben take ye these fyue barelles ful of siluer that were sente to douzepyers of fraunce for to slee yow and your sone edward thenketh hastely for to wende in to englond and take ye with yow Sir Iohan of henaud my broder and v C men of armes for many of hem of Fraunce in whome ye haue had grete trust had grete deynte yow for to scorne Almyghty god graunte yow grace your enemyes to ouercome The quene Isabel sente tho thurgh henaud flaūdres for hir scudy●… ours ordeyned hir euery day for to wend in to englond ageyn And so she had in hir company Syr Edmond of wodestoke that was erle of kent that was sir edwardes brother of Englond whan kyng edward lete kepe the Costes by the see lete trie al the price men of armes fote men thurgh Englond Capitulo CC vjo. WHan kynge Edward herde telle that Quene Isabell and Edward hir sonne wold come in to Englond with many alyens and with hem that were outlawed oute of Englond for hyr reb●…lnesse he was sore adrad to be put a doune l●…se hys kyngdome wherfor he ordeyned to kepe his castels in walys as wel as in Englond with vitaylles hyr apparaylle lete kepe his Ryuers and also the see costes wherof the v portes token to kepe hem and also the see And at the feste of decollacion of seynt Iohan baptist the cytezeyns of london sente to the kyng to po●…ches tre an C men of Armes And also he commanded ferthermore by his lettres ordeined that euery honderd and wapentake of englōd shold trye as wel of men of armes as of men a fote that they shold be put in somme xx in som an C cōmanded that al tho mē were a redy whan ony oute he se or crye were made for to pursue and take the alyens that comen to Englond for to benymme hym the lond and for to putte hym oute of his kyngdome And more ouer he lete crye thurgh his patent in euery faire in euery mar kete of Englond that the quene Isabell Syr Edward his eldest sone the erle of kent that they were take and saufly kepte without ony maner harme vnto hem doyng and al other maner peple that come with hem anon to smyte of hir hedes without ony maner raūsonne And what man that myght bringe syr rogyers heede mortimer of wigmroe shold haue an C p●…ūd of money for his trauaylle And ferthermore he ordeyned by his patent com manded to make a fyre vpon euery hygh hylle besydes the riuers in lowe countreyes for to mak hye bekenes of tymbre that yf it soo were that the alyens come vnto the lande by nyght that men sholde tende the bekenes that the countrey myght be warned and come mete hir enemyes in the same tyme dyed sir rogyer mor timer his vncle in the toure of london How the quene Isabell sir Edward duke of guyhenne hir son●… come to londe at here wiche
the world in his tyme yet come neuer none such after for al the noble knyghtes in crystendom of dede of armes a losed duellyd with kyng arthur helde hym for hir lorde that was wel seyn for he cōquerd in batayll a romayn that was cal led Frolle gete of hym the reame of fraūce slewe hym with his hoūdes And also he fought with a geant that was callyd dy nabus slewe hym that had rauysshed fayre Eleyne that was kyng hoeles ne●… kyng of lytel Britayne And afterward he slewe in bataill the emperour of rome that was callid lucye that had assembled ayenst kyng arthur for to fight with hym so moch peple of romayns phehyts of sarazyns y t no mā coude hem nō bre he discomfited hem alle as the story of hym tellyth in the same tyme comune loos sprong in englond thurg comectyng or dynaūce of the frere prechours that fire Edward of Carnariuan that was kyng edwardes fadre of whome the gest tellith saiden y t he was alyue in the castel of Corf wherfor alle the comunes al most of englōd were in sorow in drede whether that it were so or not For they wyste not how traytoursly the mortimer had hym done mordred How Edmond of wodestoke that was erle of kent the kynges broder Edward of Carnariuan was byheded at wynchestre Capitulo CC xxjo. ANd vpon a tyme it byfel so that sir Edmond of wodestoke Erle of kent spake vnto the pope Iohan the xxij of Auynyon and sayd that almyghty god had softymes done for thomas loue of lancastre many grete myracles to many men womē that were thurgh dyuerse maladyes vndone as vnto the world thurgh his prayer they were brought vnto hir he le And so Syr Edmond prayd the pope hertely that he wold graūte hym grace y t the forsaid thomas myȝt be translated but the pope said nay that he shold not be translated vnto the tyme that he were better certifyed of y e clergye of englond seyn by hir obedyence what thyng god had done for the loue of thomas of lācastre after the suggestyon y t the forsayd Edmond erle of kent had vnto hym y made And whan this edmōd saw that he myght not spede of his purpose as touchyng the translaciō he praid hym of his coūceil as touchyng sir edward of Carnariuan his broder said that not long agone he was king of englōd what thyng miȝt best be done as touchyng his deliueraūce sith that a comune fame is thurgh englōd that he is in lif hole sauf whan the pope herd hym alle that Syr edward was alyue he cōmaūded the erle vpon his beneson that he shold helpe with al the power that he myght that he were deliud out of prison saue his body in al maner that he myȝt for to bringe this thyng to an ende he assoilled hym his cōpany a pena culpa al tho that helpe to his delyueraūce Tho toke Edmōd of wodestok his leue of the pope come ayene in to englond and whan sir Edmond was come som of the Frere prechours come sayd that sir edward his broder yet was alyue in the castel of corf vnder the kepyng of sir thomas gurnay Tho sped hym the forsaid edmond as fast as he myght til that he come vnto the Castel of Corffe and acqueynted and spak so fayre with Iohan Dauerill that was Conestable of the same castel and yafe hym riche yeftes for to haue acqueyntaunce of hym to knowe of his coūceyl And thus it byfel that the forsayd Syr edmond prayd specially to telle hym priuely of his lord his broder Syr edward yf that he lyued or were deede and yf he were alyue he prayed of hym ones to haue a sight And this Syr Iohan Dauerill was an high herted man ful of courage ansuerd shortely vnto syr Edmond sayd that sir edward his broder was in hele vnder his kepyng durst shewe hym vnto no mā sith it was defended hym in the kynges half edward that was edwardes sone of car narinan also thurgh comaūdement of quene Isabel the kynges moder of sir rogyer the mortimer y t he shold shewe his body vn to no maner man of the world sauf only vnto hem vpon losse of life lymme to disheryteson of his heyres for euermore but the fals traitour falsely lyed for he was not in his ward but he was take thens lad vnto the castel of berklee thurgh Syr Thomas gurnay thurgh comaūdement of the mortimer til that he was dede as byfore is sayd but sir edmōd of wodestok wyst nothyng that Edward his broder was dede wherupon he toke a lrē vnto the forsayd sir Iohan praid hym hertely that he wold take it vnto kynge edward his broder as to his worthy lorde And be vnderfeng the lrē of him behiȝt hym for to done his message withoute ony maner faill with that sir edmōd toke of hym his leue then of the forsayd Iohn went tho in to his owne coūtre lordship in kent that he had there And anon as this same Iohn wyse that sir edmōd was gone in to kent his owne lordship anon he wente in al the hast that he myȝt fro the castel of Corfe come vnto sire Rogyer the mortimer toke hym the lrē that sir edmōd of wode stok erle of kent had take hym closed enseled with his own seal And whan sir rogyer had vnderfong the letter he vnclosed the lrē saw what was cōteyned therin began it for to rede wher of the begynnyng was this worshippes reuerences with brothers legeaunce subiection Syre knyght worshipfull and dere broder yf it yow plese I pray yow hertely that ye be of good cōfort for I shal so ordeyne for yow that sone ye shal come oute of prison be delyuerd of that dysese that ye ben in vnderstōdeth of your grete lordship that I haue to me assentaūt al most al the grete lordes of englond with al hir apparayll that is to say with armure with tresour without nombre for to mayntene and helpe your quarell so forsoth that ye shal be kyng ayene as ye were be fore and that they al haue swore to me vpon a book and as wel prelates as Erles and Barons whan Syr Rogrer the Mortymer sawe and vnderstode the myght and the strengthe of the letter anone for wrath his hert gan holle and euyl hert bare toward Syre Edmond of wodestok that was Erle of kent and so with alle the haste that he myghte he went to Dame Isabelle the quene that was the kynges moder and shewed hyr Syr Edmūdes letter and his wylle his purpoose how he had conice ted and ordeyned to put a doune kyng edward of wyndesore hyr sone of ryal●… and of his kyngdome Now 〈◊〉 sir rogyer quod the quene hath sir edmond
done so by my fadres soule quod ●…he 〈◊〉 wyl be the●…f auengyd yf that god graunte me lyf and that in a short tyme And anone with that the quene Isabel wente vnto kyng edward hir sone ther that he was at the parlemēt at wyn chestre for to haue amended the wronges and trespaces that were done among the peple in his royame And tho toke she she wed hym the letter that syr Edmond of wodestok Erle of kent had made and ensealed with his owne seal and bad vpon hir beneson that he shold be auengyd vpon hym as vpon his dedly enemye Tho was the quene soo wroth toward Syr Edmond Erle of kente and ●…sid neuer to pray vntil hir sone til that he had sent in all hast after hym And vpon that the kynge sente by his lettres after Syr edmōd of wodestok that he shold come and speke with hym at wynchestre al maner thyng left And when Syr Edmond saw that the kyng sente after hym with his lrēs ens●…led he ●…asted hym in al that he myȝt til that he come to wynchestre but tho the Quene wyste that sir Edmond was come vnto wynchestre anon she prayd and so fast wente vnto kynge Edward hyr sone that the good erle was aws●…yd anon and led vnto the barre byfore Robert of Hamond that was cowner of the kynges hous ho●…d and he assocyed vnto hym Syr Rogyer the mortimer tho spake the forsayd Robert and sayd Syr Edmond Erle of kente ye shal vnderstōde that it is done vs to wyte ▪ and principally vnto our lyege lord syr Edward kyng of englond that almyȝty god saue and kepe that ye 〈◊〉 his dedely enemye and traytour and also a comune enemye vnto the r●…ame and that ye haue ben about many a day for to make pre●…y delyueraūce of Syr edward somtyme kyng of englond your broder the which was put a doun of his 〈◊〉 al●… by ●…mune assēt of all the lordes of englond in pesyng of our lord the kynges astate and also of his reame Tho ansuerd the good man said forsoth sir vnderstondeth wel that I was neuer traitour to my kyng ne to the reame that I do me on god on al the world ferthermore by my kynges leue I shal preue it defende as a man ought to do Tho sayd Mortimer Syr Edmond it is so forsothe y knowe that it may not wel ben gayn sayd and that in presence of al that here ben it shal wel ben proued Nowe had this fal●… mortimer the same letter that sir Edmōd had take to sir Iohan dauerell in the castel of corff for to take vnto kyng Edward his broder that sir Edmond wyst not of ne supposed no nothyng that sir Iohan dauerel had be so fals to deliuer his l●… in such wise to the mortimer thouȝt no maner thyng of that letter sayd to sir edmond and shewed a letter se●…d axid hym yf he knewe that letter and the seal This sir Edmond loked theron auised hym long on the prynt of the seal for he myȝt not see the let ter wythin forth what was therin wiste wel that it was his seal and thought that it had be some letter that had bore no grete charge and thought nothyng of that other letter and said openly in heryng of hem al ye forsoth this is my seal I wil it not forsake ●…o quod the mortimer sirs ye heren all what he hath sayd that he knoulecheth that this is his letter and his seal and nowe ye shal here al what is conteyned therin And than this mortym●… opened the letter that he had folden a fore to geder and red it open ly word by word in heryng of hem all and whan the letter was red ●…e sayd lo si●…s ye haue herd al what is here w●…n that ye hath knoulecheth that this is his letter and his seal and maye not go ther from And than they al cryed and yafe dome that he shold be honged and drawe and his heede smyte of in maner of a traitour and he and his heyres dysheryted for euermore ▪ and so he was ladde forth and put in to prison And whan this was done and the quene wyste that he was dampned by wey of lawe both of lyfe lymme and his heyres dysheryted for euermore thurg●… open knoulechyng in pleyn court Wherfor hem thought that were good that the forsayd Syr Edmond were hastely y slayne withoute wytyng of the kyng or els the kyng wold lyghtly for yeue hym his deth and than that shold torne hem to moche sorow so as he was empeched And anon the quene thurgh counceylle of the mortimer and withoute ony other counseyll se●…t in hast to the Baillifs of wynchestre that they shold smyte of syr edmōdes heede of wodestoke erle of kente vithoute ony maner abydyng or respyte vp payne of lyf and lymme and that he shold haue none other execucion by cause of ●…ryeng not withstōdyng the iugemēt Tho token the baillif●… sir Edmond oute of prison sad hem besi ▪ des the castel of wynchestre and there they made a gongfermer smyte of his hede for none other mā durst it done ▪ so dyed he ther Allas the tyme that is to say the x day of Octo●… the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of kinge Edwardes regne when the kyng wys●… therof he was wōder sory lete entiere hym at the Frere menours at wynchestre Of the deth of sir Rogyer mortimer erle of the marche Capitulo CCo. xxijo. ANd so it be fell at that tyme that sir Rogyer Mortymer Erle of the marche was so proud so hauteyne that he helde no lord of the Reamme his pere tho become he so couetous that he folowed Dame Isabell the Qnenes court that was kyng Edwardes moder beset his peny worthes with the officers of the que nes houshold in y e same maner that the kynges officers did so he made his takyng as touchyng vitails also of caryages al he did for cause of spences for to gadre tresour so he did without nōbre in al that he myght Tho made he hym wonder priue with the quene ●…abel so moch lordship retenue had so y t al the gre te lordes of englōd of hym were adr●…d wherfor the kyng his cō ceyl towardes hym were agreued ordeyned among hem to vndo hym thurgh pure reson lawe for cause that kyng edward that was the kinges fadre traitoursly thurgh him was mordred in the castel of berklee as bifere is sayd more plenarly in the CC xvij chapytre of this boke And some that were of the kynges coūceil loued the mortimer told hym in priuete how that the kyng his coūceyl were about from day to day hym for to shend and vndone wher for the mortimer was sore ānoyed angry as the deuil ayēst hem that were of the kynges coūceyl said that he wold on hem ben auengyd how so euer
the scottes fall fast to the grounde they 〈◊〉 hir maistres hors with the spores for to kepe hem fro 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 her maystres at no force And whan the Englysshmen sawe that they lepten on hir hors fast pursued the scottes all that abyden they slewe doune right ther men myght see the doughtynes of of the noble kyng edward and of his men how manly they pur sued the scottes that flowen for drede And ther men myght see many a scottisshman caste doune vnto the grounde deede and hir baners displayed hakked in to pyeces many a good 〈◊〉 rione of stele in her blode bathed And many a tyme the scottes were gadred in to companyes but euermore they were discomfited And soo it befelle as god almyghty wold that the Scottes had that day no more foyson ne myght a●…nst the Englysshmen than xx shepe shold haue ageynst v wulues soo w●… the Scot tes discomfyted And yet the scottes had wel v men ageynst one Englysshman And that bataylle Was done on holy doune hylle besydes the toune of Berewyk at the whiche batayll were slayn of the scottes xxxv M vij C xij And of Englisshmen but only xiiij tho were fotemen And this vyctorye byfell to the englissh men on saynt margarets eue in the yere of the Incarnacion of our lord Ihesu cast M CCC xxxij And whyle this doynge laste the englyssh pages toke the pylfre of the scottes that were slayn euery man that he myght take withoute ony chalengyng of ony man And so after this gracious vyctorye the kyng torned hym ayene vnto the same syege of Berewik whan they besieged sawe herd how kyng edward had sped they yolden to hym the tou ne with the castel on the morow after that the batayll was done that is for to say on saynt margarets day And than the kyng ordeyned Syr Edward baylloll with other noble and worthy men to ben kepers gouernours of Scotland in his absence hym self turned ayene and come in to Englond after this vyctorye with moche Ioye and worship And in the next yere sewyng that is for to say the yere of Incarnacion of our lord Ihesu crist a M CCC xxxiij and of kyng Edward vij he wente ayene in to Scotland in the wynter tyme at whiche vyage the castel of ●…ylbrydge in Scotland for hym and his men that with hym comen he recouerd and had ageynst the Scottes all at his own lust And in that same yere Syre Edward Bayllol kynge of Scotland helde his parlement in Scotland with many noble lordes of Englond that were at that same parlement for encheson of hir lon des and lordshippes that they had in the reame of Scotland and helden al of the same Bayllol And in the viij yere of his regne aboute the feste of saynt Iohan baptist Syr Edward Bayllol the veray and trewe kyng of Scotland as by herytage and right lyne made his homage and feaute vnto kyng Edward of Englond for the Royame of Scotland at the newe Castel vp tyne in the presence of many worthy lordes and also of communes bothe of the reames of englond and also of Scotland and anon after in the same yere kynge edward of Englond resseyned of the duk of Britayne his homage for the Erldom and lordshyp of Rychemond And so folowyng in the nynth yere of his regne after mychelmasse kyng Edward rode in to Scotland and ther was fast by saynt Iohans toune almoost al the wynter tyme and he helde his Castemasse at the Castel of Rokesburgh And in the same yere thurgh oute alle Englond aboute Saynt Clements tyde in wynter there aroose suche a spryngyng and wellyng vp of waters and flodes bothe of the see also of fressh riuers sprynges that y t see brinkes walles costes brek●… vp y t men beestes houses in many places namely in lowe cō trees vyolently sodenly were dreynt dryuen a wey fruytes of the erth thurgh cōtinuaūce haboūdaūce of waters of the see euermore afterward were torned in to more saltnes sowrenesse of sauour The x yere of kyng edwardes regne kyng edward en tred the scottissh see after midsomer to many of the scottes he yaf bataylle and ouercome hem many he treted bowed vnto bis pees thurgh his doughtynesse And after mychelmasse than n●…t folowyng was therle of morryf y take at Edenburgh brou●…t in to englond put in to prison And in the mon●…thes of Iuyn Iuyll than next folowyng in the xj yere of his regne was seyn appered in the firmament a bemed sterre the whiche clerkes 〈◊〉 stella cometa that sterre was seyn in dyuse partyes of the fyrmament wher after anon ther folowed in englond good 〈◊〉 wonder grete plente of al chaffare vytaylle marchandyse ther ayenst honger scarcite meschyef nede of money In so moch that a quarter of whete at lōdon was sold for two shillyng a good fat oxe at a noble v good doue birddes for a peny 〈◊〉 which 〈◊〉 dyed sir Iohan of Eltham erl●… of Cornewayle kyng edwardes broder and lyeth at westmynstre How kyng Edward made a duchye of the Erld●…m of 〈◊〉 waylle also of six other erles that were newe made and of the fyrst chalengyng of the kyngdome of fraunce Ca o CC ●…vo. IN the yere of our lord M CCC xxxvij of kyng ed ward xij in the monethe of marche duryng the parlemēt at westmestre in lent tyme kyng edward made of the er ledome of cornewayle a duchye and lete it calle the duchye of 〈◊〉 newaylle the whiche duchye he yaf vnto edward his fyrst sonne with the erldom of chestre And also kyng edward ●…ade a●…t ●…at same tyme vj other erles that is for to say Syr Henry Erle of lācastres sone erle of leicestre William of Boghu●… Erle of north ampton william of mountagu Erle of ●…alysbury ●…ughe of awdele Erle of gloucestre Robert of ●…d Erle of Southfolk And william of Clyntone Erle af h●…yngdone And in that same yere it was ordeyned in the same parlement that noman shold were no clothe that was wrought oute of Englond as clothe of gold of Sylke ●…eluet or damaske ▪ Satyn Baudekyn ne none suche other ne none wild ware ne fu●… of beyonde the see but such as myght spende an C poūd of rent a yere but this ordynaunce statute was of lytell effect for it was nothyng holde In the xiij yere of his regne kyng edward wente ouer see in to braban with quene ●…helyp his wyfe ther beryng child at And werp ther he duellyd more than a yere to trete with the duc of braban and other allyed vnto hym of the chalengyng of the kyngdom of fraunce to kyng edward of Euglond by right and by herytage after the deth of Karoll the grete kyng of fraunce broder germayn of Quene Isabell kynge Edwardes moder the whiche was holden and occupyed vnrightfully by
gate hem shippes at dyuerse bauenes and wenten ouer the see in to dyuerse londes eche his wey And the duke of Norfolk wente to ●…enyce and ther he dyed On whos soule god haue mercy Amen And than kynge Rychard made a clerke of his Syr Rogyer walden Archebisshop of Caunterbury And in the xij yere of kyng Rychardes regne by fals counseyll and ymagynacion of co uetous men that were aboute hym were made ordeyned blanck chartres made hem to be enseled of al maner ryche men thurgh oute the reame In so moche that they compellyd dyuerse peple to set her seal therto And this was done for grete couetyse wherfor alle good hertes of the reamme weren clene turned aweye from hym that was kyng euer after And that was vtterly destruction and ende to hym that was soo hyghe and excellent prince and kynge and thurgh couetyse and falo coūseyl falsly bytrayd allas for pyte that suche a kyng myȝt not see And than kyng Rychard sette his kyngdome his ryal lond englond to ferme vnto iiij persones the whiche were these sir williā scrope erle of wylteshire tresorer of englond sir Iohan Bussh henry Grene and sir Iohan Bagot knyghtes whiche that turned hem to meschyef deth within lytel tyme as ye shal finde here after writen And than kyng Rychard made grete ordi naūce wente hym oner the see in to Irlond and many grete lor des with hym with grete hostes for to strength hyr kyng with mē of armes archyers moch grete stuffe right good ordynaūce as longeth to werre And or he passed the see he ordeyned made sir Edmond of lāgely his vncle the duk of york his lyeutenaūt of englond in his absence with the gouernaunce counceyll of these iiij knyghtes that hadden taken englond to ferme of the kynge than he passed the see come in to Irlond there he was wel worthely resceyued And these rebelles that bon callyd wild ●…ssh men anone hir chyuetayne hir gouernours and hir leders comē doune vnto the kyng yelden hem vnto hym both body and goo des al at his owne wyll swore to be his lyege men and there to hym dyden homage feaute and good seruyce And thus he conquerd the moost partye of Irlond in a lytel tyme. And while that kyng Rychard was thus in Irlond Syr Hen ry of Bolyngbroke erle of Derby that the kyng had made bifo re duke of herford the whiche duk the kyng had exyled oute of this lōd was come ayene in to Englond for to chalenge the duk dome of lancastre as for his right and trewe herytage And he come doune oute of fraunce by londe vnto Caleys And ther met hym Syre Thomas of Arundel that was Archebisshop of Caunterbury that was exyled oute of englond and with hym come the erle of Arundel his sonne and heyre the whiche was in warde and kepyng of Syr Iohan shelley knyght somtyme with the erle of huntyngdone with the duk of Excestre the whiche was in the castel of Reygate in southse●… And ther be stale hym away come to Caleys and ther he was kept wel worthely til these other two lordes weren come to Caleys And than this worthy duk and the archebisshop of Caunterbury Arundel shypped in the hauen of Caleys and drowe hir course northward and arryued in yorkshyre at Rauenspore faste by br●…desyngton And there he come and entred the londe and these twoo lordes with hym and hir meyny And than moche people of the Reame that herd of his comyng and knowe where he was anon they drewen to hym welcomed these lordes so couraged hem in al maner thyng passed forth in to the land and gadred moche peple And whan kyng Richard herd and wyst that these ij lordes were come ageyne in to Englond weren londed than the kyng left his ordynaunce in Irlond and come in to englond ward in al the hast that he myght come vnto the castel of flynt and there he abode for to take his counceyll and myght best be done but to hym come none And than Syr Thomas percy Erle of w●…rcestre that was the kynges Styward wyst and knewe this anon he come in to the ●…alle among the peple And there he brake the y●…rde of the ryal kynges houshold And anone they were dis parpled euery man went his wey forsoke hir maister souerayne lord and left hym allone And thus was kyng richard brought a doune destroyed and stode allone without comfort or socour or ony good counseyll of ony man Allas for pyte of this rial kyng And anon come tydynges that sir Henry of Bolyng broke was vp with a wonder strong power of peple and that al the shereues of englōd reysed vp the shires in strengthyng of hym ayenst the kyng Rychard And thus sone he was come out of the northcoūtre to Bristowe And ther he met with sir william scrope Erle of wylteshyre tresorer of Englond and with Syre Iohn ●…ssh and sire henry grene and Iohan Bagot but he escaped from hem and went ouer the see in to Irlond these thre knygh 〈◊〉 were taken hir heedes smyten of And thus they dyed for hir fals couetyse And than was kyng Rychard y take and brought vnto the duk and anon the duk put hym in fast ward and stronge hold vnto his comyng to london And was ther a ●…mour in london a strong noyse that kyng Richard come to west mynster and the peuple of london r●…nne thyder and wold haue done moche harme and skathe in hyr wodenesse Nadde the Maire and the Aldermen and other worthy men seced hem with fayre wordes and turned hem home ageyne to london And ther was Syr Iohan slake deen of the kynges Chapell of westmynstre take and brought to london and put in prison in lud gate And Bagott was take in Irlond and brought to london and putte in prison in newgate there to be kepte and to abyde his ansuere And sone after the duk brought kyng Rychard priuely vnto london put hym in the tour vnder suer kepyng as a prisoner and than come the lordes of the reame with al her counceyll vnto the toure to kyng Rychard sayden to hym of his mysgouernaunce extorcion that he had done made ordeyned to oppresse al the comyn peple and also to al the reame Wherfore al the comyn peple of his Royame wold haue hym deposed of his kyngdome and so he was deposed at that tyme in the toure of lōdon by al his lordes counseyl comyn ssaent of al the Reamme And ther he was putt from the toure vnto the Castel of ledes in kent ther he was kept a while and than was he had frō thens vnto the castel of pountfret in the northcoūtre to be kept in prison sone afterward right ther he made his ende And than whan kyng Richard was deposed had resygned his croun
the which couenaūts malyaously were put a donne fro the kyng wherfor many harmes shames and reproues haue falle vnto the kyng and his Reame And that is vnderstonde for as moch as Edward somtyme kynge of Englond was ordeyned by assent of the comynalte in playn parlement for to be vnder the ward gouernaunce of Henry Erle of lancastre his cosyn for sauacion of his body he was take out of the castel of kenel worth ther that he was in warde And thurgh colour of quene Isabell and of the Mortimer without consent of ony parlement they toke lad him ther that neuer after none of his kynrede myght with hym spe●…e ne see and after traytoursly toke and hym mordred For whoo 's deth a foule sklaundre aroos thurgh out al Crystendom whan it was done And also the Tresour that sir edward of Carnariuan had left in many places in englond and in walye were wasted and bare awey withoute the wylle of kyng Edward his sonne in destruction of hym and of alle his folke Also thurgh whos counceyll that the kyng yaf vp the kyngdome of Scotlad For the Whiche Reame the kynges auncestres had ful sore y trauaylled and so dyd many a noble man for her right was dely uerd vnto Dauid that was Robert the Brus sonne al the right that noo right had to the Reame as al the world it wyst●… And also by whome the chartres and remembraunces that they had 〈◊〉 the right of scotland were take oute of the tresorye and taken vn to the Scottes the kynges enemyes to dysherytyng of hym and of his successours and to grete harme vnto his lyea●…s and grete 〈◊〉 proue vnto al Englysshmen for euermore Also wher for dame ●…a ne of the tour the kynges suster edward was dysparaged and maryed vnto Dauid that was Robert the Brus sone that was a traytour and enemye vnto Englond And thurgh whos counceille she was take in to our enemyes hondes oute of Englond And in the mene tyme whyle the good Erle Henry of lancastre and his companye token counseylle how these 〈◊〉 aboue sayd myght ben amended vnto the worship of the kynge and to his profyte and to the profyte also of his lyeges The 〈◊〉 Isabel thurgh coniectyng and subtylyte and also of the Mortimer let ordeyne a parlemēt at Salysbury And at that same ●…arlemēt the Mortimer was made erle of the marche ayenst all the barons wyll of Englond in preiudyce of the kyng of his Coroune And Sire Iohan of Eltham the kynges broder was gurt with aswerd of Cornewayle and tho was callyd Erle of Curnewall And euermore Quene Isabel so moche procured a●…ste hir sone the kynge that she had the ward of the forsayd sir Edward and of his landes And at that parlement therle of of Lancastre wold not come but ordeyned al his power ayens the quene Isabel and the mortimer and men of london ordeyned hem with v C men of armes whan quene Isabell wyst of the doyng she swore by god by his names full angrely that in euyll tyme he thouȝt vpon tho poyntes Tho sente the quene Isabell and the mortymer after hir retenue after the kynges retenue so that they had ordeyned amonge hem an huge hoost they counceyled the kyng soo that vpon a nyght they rydden xxiiij myle toward Bedford ther that the Erle of lancastre was with his company and thought to haue hym destroyed and that nyght she rode besydes the kyng hir sone as a knyght armed for drede of deth and it was done the king to vnderstonde that the erle henry of lancastre his cōpanye wolde haue destroyed the kyng his counceyll for euermore wherfor the kyng was somdele towardes hym heuy and annoyed whan the Erle marchal and the Erle of kent the kynges broder herde of this tydyng they ryden so in message bytwene hem that the kyng graūted hym his pees to erle henry of lācastre for a certeyn raunsone of xj M pounde but that was neuer payd afterward And these were the lordes that helde with sir henry of Lancastre Syr henry Beaumout Syr fouke fitz waren sir thomas rocelyn Sire william Trussel Sir thomas wither and aboute an honderd knyghtes more that were to hym consentyng and all tho were exyled thurgh counseyll of quene Isabell and of the Mortymer for the mortimer weyted for to haue hir lādes yf that he myȝt thu●…gh ony maner coniectyng for he was to couetous had to moche his wylle and that was grete pyte How kyng Edward went ouer the see for to do his homage vn to the kynge of fraūce for the duchye of guyhenne Ca o CC xix IT was not long after that the kyng of fraūce thurgh counceylle of his douzepyers sent to kyng Edward of Englond that he shold come to Parys and done his homage as reason it wold for the duchye of guyhenne And soo thurgh counceylle of the lordes of englond kyng Edward went ouer the see at ascēcion tyde he come vnto parys the iij yere of his regne for to do his homage vnto the kyng of fraūce the kyng vnderfenge his homage and made of hym moche ioye worship but whan kyng edward had made his homage hastely he was sent fore in to englōd thurugh the quene Isabell his moder anon hastely he come ageyn in to Englond vpon wythsonday without ony takyng leue of the kyng of fraūce wherfor he was wonder wroth How sir rogyer mortimer bare hym proudly so hye cao. cc xx ANd nowe shal ye here of Syr rogyer mortimer of wygmore that destroyed and coueyted to be at an hye astate so that the kynge graunted hym to be callyd erle of the marche thurgh oute alle his lordship And he bycome soo proud so hauteyne that he wold lese forsake the name that his aūcestres had euer before And for that encheson he lete hym calle erle of the marche none of the comunes of englōd durst calle him by none other name for he was called so thurgh the kynges crye that men shold calle him erle of the marche and the Mortimer bare hym tho so hauteyn so proude that wonder it was for to wyt also disgised him with wōder rich clothes out of al maner reson both of shapyng of we ryng wherfor the englisshmen had grete wōder how in what ma ner he myght contreue or fynde suche maner pride they said amō ges hem al comunely that his pride shold not long endure And the same tyme sir geffroy mortymer the yong that was the Morti mers sone lete calle hym kyng of folye so it befell afterward in dede for he was so ful of pride of wretchednes y t he helde a roū de table in walys to al men that thider wold come coūtrefece the maner the doyng of kyng arthures table but openly he f●…ssed For the noble kyng arthur was the most worthy lord of renōme that was in al
in the toune that was ke per of the castel and consentynge to the same geffroy in alle this falsenes and trecherye ▪ and bounden the Englyssh mynystres and seruauntes that were in the castel that they myght not helpe hem self ▪ ne let hem of hir purpose And than wenyng that they had be syker ynowe they speken all hir wykkednesse and falsenesse openly ▪ an hyghe that al men myght here And nowe shall ye here how they were deceyned ▪ for they comen in by a priue posterne ouer a lytell bridge of tree And when they were comen in subtylly and priuely the bridge was drawen vp and kept that none of hem that comen in myght gone on t n●… no mo come in to hem And anone our Englysshmen wenten out at priue holes and wyndowes and ouer the walles of the toun and of the castel and wenten and foughten manly with the frensshmen that were withoute had the better of hem the which when they weren occupyed by hem self on hir side the kyng that was within the toune hauyng with hym scarcely but xxx men of armes drewe oute his swerd and with a loude boys cryed ▪ an hygh A seynt Edward A saynt George And whan folk herd that they comen rennyng to hym and yauen to hir enemyes soo grete assaute that ther were more than two honderd men of armes and many other slayne and many fledden awey and so by the grace of god Almyghty the victorie fyll to the Englysshmen Than the kyng toke with hym this gef froy that was fynder of this trecherye and also many other frēssh prisones And within a while after come ayene in to Englond ▪ And in this same yere in the yere afore also in the yere next after was so grete pestylence of men fro the eest in to the weste namely thurgh botches that tho that siked on this day dyed on the in day to the whiche men that so deyden in this pestylence hadden but litell respyte of lyggyng The pope clement of his goodnesse grace yafe hem ful remissyon foryeuenes of al hir sinnes that they were shriuen of this pestylence lasted in london fro mych●… masse in to august next folewyng almoost an hoole yere in the se dayes was deth without sorowe weddynges without frēdship wylful penaunce derth without scarcite fleynge withoute refute of socour for many fledden fro place to place by cause of the pestylence but they were enfect myght not escape the deth after that the prophete Isaie sayth who that fleeth fro the face of drede he shal falle in to the dyche And he that wendeth hym on t of the the dyche he shal be hold and teyde with a grenne but whan this pestylence was seced as god wold vnnethes the x part of the peple was left alyue And in the same yere bigan a wonder thyng that al that euer were borne after that pestilence hadden ij ch●…teth in hir hede lesse than they had a fore How kyng Edward had a grete batayll with spaynardys in the see fast by wynchelsee Cao. CC xxixo. ANd in the xxv yere of his regne abonte seynt Iohannes day in heruest in the see fast by wynchelsee kyng edward had a grete bataylle with men of spayne ▪ where that 〈◊〉 shippes and nauye lay chayned to geder that ether they must fiȝt or drenche And so when al our worthy men of armes the See costes fast by wynchelsee Romeny were gadred to geder our nauye shippes al redy to the werre the englisshmen m●…n mā ly styfly with hyr enemyes comynge fiersly ageynst hem and when the spainyssh vessels nauye were closed in al aboute ther men myȝt see a strong batayll on bothe sides longe during in the whiche batayll ther nere but fewe that fouȝten that they nere 〈◊〉 tously hurt foule And after the batayll ther were xxiij 〈◊〉 pes of hers y take ▪ And so the englysshmen had the better ▪ in the next yere fole wyng of his regne that is to saye the xxvj yere the kyng thurgh his coūseyl lot●… ordeyne make his newe money y t is to say the peny the grote of value of iiij pens the half gro●… of value of ij pens but it was of lasse weyght ▪ than the old sterlyng was by v shyllyng in the pounde and in the xxxvii yere of his regne was the grete derth of vytaylles the whiche was call●…d y e dere somer and in the xxxviij yere of his regne in the parlemēt holden at westmestre after estren sir henry erle of lancastre was made duke of lancastre in this same yere was so grete a dro●…t that fro the moneth of marche vnto the moneth of Iuyll ther fil noo rayne on the erthe wherfore alle fruytes sedes and Herbes for the moost partye were lost in defaute wherof ther come so grete disese of men and beestes and derth of vytaylles in englond soo that this land that euer afore had be plentiuous had nede that ti me to seke his vytaylles and refresshyng of other out yles ▪ contrees And in the xxix yere of kyng Edward it was acorded graunted sworne bytwene ▪ the kyng of fraūce and kynge Edward of Englond that he shold haue ayene al his landes lordshippes that longeden to the duchye of guyhenne of old tyme the whiche had ben withdrawe and wrongfully occupyed by diuerse kynges of fraunce before hand to haue to hold to kyng edward and to his heyres successours for euermore frely pesybly and in good quyete vpon this couenaunt that the kynge of englond shold leue of relese all his right and clayme that he had clay med of the kyngdom of fraunce of the title that he toke therof vpon whiche speche couenaūts it was sent to the court of rome on both sides of the kynges that the forsayd conenaūtz shold be en bulled but god ordeyned better for the kynges worship of englōd for what thurgh fraude desceyt of the frensshmen what thurugh lettyng of the pope of the court of rome the forsayd couenaūts were disquatt left of And in the same yere the kyng reuoked by his wise discrete coūseil the staple of wolles out of flā dres in to englond with all the libertees fraūchises fre custommes that longen therto ordeyned it in englond in dyuerse places that is for to say at westmester Caūterbury Chichestre bristow Lyncolne Hull with all the forsayd thynges that longen therto that this thyng that shold thus be done the kyng swore hym self therto and prince edward his sone with other many gre te wytnesse that ther were present And in the xxx yere of his regne anon after wytsonday in the parlemēt ordeyned at west mynstre it was told and certifyed to the kynge that phelip that tho helde the kyngdome of fraunce was deede And that Iohan his sone was
in fraunce in englond in other many lādes as they that were in pleyn cōtrees desert baren wytnes sodenly ther appered ij castels of the which wente out ij hoostes of armed men And that one hoost was clothed heled in whyte that other in black And whan batayl bitwe ne hem was bygonne the whyte ouercome the black And anon after the blac toke hert vnto him and ouercome the whyte And after that they went ageyne in to hir castels And than the Ca stelles and all the hoostes vanysshed awey And in this same yere was a grete and an huge pestylence of peple and namely of men whos wyues as wymmen oute of gouernaunce token husbondes as wel straūgyers as other lewde and symple peple the whiche foryetynge hir owne honoure and worshippe and byrthe coupled maryed hem with hem that were of lowe degre litel reputacion In this same yere dyed henry dust of lā●…stre And al so in this yere Edward prince of Walys wedded the Coūtrsse of s●…nt that was sir thomas wyf holand the whiche was departed somtyme deuorced fro therle of Salisbury for cause of the same knyght And about this tyme bygan aroos a grete companye of dyuerse nacions gadred to geder of whome hir leders and gouernours were englissh peple and they were cleped a peple with out an hede the whiche dyd moche harme in the partye of fraūce And not long after ther arose another company of dyuse nacions that was callid the white cōpany the which in the partyes cōtrees of lumbardye dyd moche sorowe This same yere sir Iohn of gaunt the sone of kyng edward the iij was made duk of lācastre by reson cause of his wyf that was the doughter heyr of Hen ry somtyme duk of lancastre Of the grete wynde how prince Edward toke the lordshype of guyhenne of his fadre went thyder Cao. C Co. xxxijo. ANd in the xxxvij yere of kyng Edward the xv day of Ianiuer that is to saye on saynt maures day aboute euensong tyme ther aroos and come suche a wynde oute of the south with suche a fyersnesse and strength that he brast and vse we doune to grounde byghe houses and strong byldynges toures chirches steples other thynges and all other stronge werkes that stoden stylle weren shake therwith that they ben yet shall be euer more the febler weyster whyle they stonde And this wynde la sted without ony tellyng vij dayes cōtinuelly and anon after ther folewed suche watres in hey tyme in heruest tyme that all folde werkes were strongly let left vndone and in the same yere prin ce Edward toke the lordship of guyhenne and dyd to kyng Ed ward his f●…dre feaute homage therfor and went ouer see in to Gascoyne with his wyf his children And anon after kyng ed ward made sir leonel his sone duk of Clarence and Edmond his other sone erle of Cambridge And in the xxx viij yere of his regne it was ordeyned in the parlement that men of lawe both of the temperall and of holy chirche lawe fro that tyme forth shold plete in hir moder tonge And in the same yere comen in to Englond thre kynges that is for to saye the kyng of Fraunce the kynge of Cypres and the kyng of Scotland by cause to vysyte and speke with the kynge of Englond Of whome they were wonder welcome moche y worshiped And after that they had be here long tyme ij of hem wēt home ayene in to hir own coūtrees kyngdomes but the kyng of fraūce thurgh grete sikenesse ma ladye that he had abode stille in englond in the xxxix yere of his regne was a strong an huge frost that lastid long that is for to say fro saynt Andrews tyde vnto the xiiij kal of Apul that the tilthe sowyng of the erth other suche feld werkes hand werkes were moche y let left vndo for cold hardnes of the er the. And at Orrey in britayne that tyme was ordeyned a greete dedely batayll bytwene sir Iohan of moūtfort duk of Britayne sir charlys of bloys but the vyctorye fyll to the forsayd sir Iohan thurgh help socour of the englysshmen And ther were take many knyȝtes squyers other men that were vnnōbred in the whiche batail was slayn charlis him self with al that stode about hym of the englisshmen were slayn but vij And in this yere dei de at sauoy Iohn the kyng of fraūce whos seruyce exequyes kinge edward lete ordeyne did in dyuse places worshipfully to be done to douer of worshipful mē ordeyne hym worthely to be led with his owne costes expens from thens he was fet in to frā ce beryed at seynt denys In the xl yere of kyng edward the vij kal of feuerer was borne edward prince edwardis sone the whi che when he was vij yere old he deide and in the same yere it was ordeyned y t saynt peters pens fro that tyme forth shold not be paid the whiche kyng yuo sōtyme kyng of englōd of the cōtre of west saxons that bygan to regne in the yere of our lord vj C lxxix first graūted to rome for the scole of englōd ther to be cōtinued in this same yere ther fil so moche xxi yne in sey tyme that it was ●…d destroyed both corn hey ther was such a debate fiȝting of sparewes by dyuse places in these dayes that men foūden innumerable multitude of hem dede in feldes as they wēten ther fil also suche a pestylence that neuer suche was seen in no mānes tyme that tyme alyue for many men anon as they were go to led hole in good poynt sodanly they deide Also that tyme a sikenes that men callyd the pokkes slowe both men women thurgh hir enfectyng And in the xlj yere of kyng edward was bore at bur deux Richard the secōd sone of prince edward of englond the whi che Richard kyng Richard of Armorican heued at the fonstone after whome he was callid Richard and this same richard when his fadre was dede and kyng edward was dede also was crouned kynge of englond the xj yere of his age thurgh ryght lyne and herytage and also by comyn assent and desire of the comynalte of the reame About this tyme at kyng Edwardys cōmaū dement of englond whan all the castels and tounes were yold to hym that longe were holden in fraunce by a grete company assembled to geder Syr bartram cleykyn knyght an orped man and a good werryour went and purposed hym to put out pyers kynge of spayne out of his kyngdome with helpe of the moost partye of the forsaid grete cōpanye trustyng also vpon help fauour of the pope for as moche as it cam to his ere 's that the same pyers shold lede vse the moost werst and synfullist lyf oute the
his kyng dom and was kept fast in hold than all the lordes of the Reame with the comyns assent by acorde chosen this worthy lord Syre Henry of Bolyngbroke Erle of Derby Duk of Herford and duk of lancastre by right lyne and herytage and for his rightful manhode that the people foūde in hym byfore al other they chose hym and made hym kyng of Englond amonges hem Of Syr henry of Bolyngbroke erle of Derby that regned af ter kyng Richard whiche was the fourth henry after the cōquest Capitulo CC xliijo. ANd after kyng Rychard the second was deposed put out of his kyngdome The lordes the Comyns al with one as sent and al other worthy of the Reamme chosen Syre Henry of Bolyngbroke erle of Derby sone and heyre of Iohan the duk of lancastre for his worthy manhode that oftyme hadde be founde in hym in dede preued vpon saynt Edwardes day the confessour he was crouned kyng of englond at westmestre by al the reames assent next after the deposynge of kyng Rychard Than he made henry his eldest sone heyr prynce of walys duk of Corne wa yll erle of Chestre And he made Syr Thomas of Arundell archebisshop of Caunterbury ayene as he was afore And sire Rogyer walden that kynge Rychard had made Archebisshop of Caunterbury he made hym Bisshop of london For that tyme it stode voyde And he made erles sone of Arundel that come with hym ouer the see from Caleys in to Englond he made hym erle of Arundel as his sndre had ●…n put hym in possession of alle his londes And there he made homage and feaute vnto his lyege lord the kyng as al other lordes had done And than anon dyed kyng Rychard in the Castel of ●…ountfret in the Northcoūtre For ther he was enfamyned vnto the dethe by his kepar For he was kept ther foure or fyue dayes from mete drynke And so he made his ende in this world yet moche peple in englōd and in other landes sayd that he was alyue many yere after his dethe but whether he were alyue or dede forth they helde hir fals oppynyons byleue that men hadden in moche peple whiche come to grete meschyef and foule dethe as ye shal here afterward And when kynge Henry wyst knewe verryly that he was dede he sete tere hym in the beste maner and closed it in a fayre cheste with dyuerse speceryes and baumes and closed hem in a lynnen clothe al sauf his vysage and that was lefte open that men myght see his persone from al other men And soo he was brought to london with torche lyght brennyng vnto saynt poules And there he hadde his masse and his Dirige with moche reue rence and solempnyte of seruyce And when alle this was done he was brought from saynt ●…ou ses in to the Abbey of westmynstre and there he had al his hoole seruyce ayene And from westmynstre he was brought to langely and ther he was beryed on whos soule god haue mercy Amen And in the fyrst yere of kyng henryes regne he helde his Criste masse in the Castel of wyndesore And on the xij euen come the duke of aumarle vnto the kyng and told hym that he and the duke of Surre and the duke of Excestre and the Erle of Salis burye and therle of gloucestre and other moo of hyr Affynyte were acorded to make a mommyng vnto the kyng on the xij daye at nyght there they casten to slee the kyng in here reuelyng thus the Duke of Aumarle warned the kynge And than the kyng come the same nyght to london priuely in al the haste that he myght to gete hym helpe socour and comfort and counceyll and anon these other that wolde haue done the kyng to dethe fledden in al the hast that they myght for they knewen wel that hir coū ceyll was be wre●…d And than fledde the duke of Surre and the erle of Salysbury with al hyr meyny vnto the toun of Cissestre And there the peple of the toune wold haue arested hem and they nold not stonde to hyr arreste but stode at defence and fought manly But atte last they were ouercome and tuke And ther they smyte of the dukes heede of Surre and the erses heed of Salysbury and many other mo there they put the quartres in to sackes hir hedes on poles borne on highe and so they were brought thurgh the Cyte of london vnto london bridge and there hyr heedes were set vpon high and hir quarters weren sente to other good tounes and Cytres and set vp there At Oxenford were take B●…ount knyghte and Benette Cely knyght and Thomas wyntersel Squyer And these were biheded and quartred and the knyghtes heedes were sett on poles and brought to london sett on the bridge the quartres sent for the to other good tounes And in the same yere at ●…ritalwelle in a mylle in Estsex there Syr Iohan holand the duk of Excestre was take with the comyn of the countreye and they broughte hym frō the Mylle vnto plasshe and to the same place that kynge Richard had arestyd Sir Thomas of wodestok the duk of glouce stre and right there in the same place they smyten of the duke of Excestre his he de and brought it to london vpon a pole it was sette on london bridge And in the same yere at Brystowe was take the lord spencer that kyng Richard had made er le of gloucestre and the comunes of the Towne of Bristo we toke hym and brought hym in to the market place of the toune and there they smyten of his hede and sente it vnto london and there it was sette on london bridge And in this same tyme was syr Barnard Brokeys knyght take arestyd and putte in to the toure of london ▪ and Syr Iohan Shelley knyght and syr Iohan maudelyn and syr william Fereby seruaūtes of kyng Rychardys they weren arestid and putte in to the toure of london And thyder come the kynges Iustyces and sate vpon hem in the tour of london and ther they were dampned al foure vnto the deth and the dome was yeue vn to Syr Bernard Brokeys that he shold gone on fote from the toure thurgh london vnto Tyburne and ther to be hanged and af ter his hede smyten of and Syr Iohan shelley knyght and Sire Iohan maudelyn And Syre william fereby were drawe thurgh oute london to Tyborne and there honged and hir hedes smyten of and sette on london brydge And in this same yere kynge henry sente quene Isabell hoome ayene in to fraunce the which was kyng Rychardes wedded wif and yafe hyr gold and syluer and many other Iewelles soo she was dyscharged of al hir dower and sente oute of Englond And in the second yere of the regne of kyng Henry the fourthe was Sir Rogyer of Claryngdone knyght and twoo of his men the prionr of laūde viij frere menours