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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14430 The golden treatise of the auncient and learned father Vincentius Lirinensis. For the antiquitie, and vniuersalitie, of the Catholicke religion: against the prophane nouelties of all heresies: newly translated into English by A.P. Verie profitable for all such as desire in these dangerous times, to imbrace the true Gospell of Iesus Christ, and to remaine free from all infectio[n] of false doctrine as in the preface more at large is declared; Pro catholicae fidei antiquitate libellus. English Vincent, of LĂ©rins, Saint, d. ca. 450.; A. P., fl. 1596. 1596 (1596) STC 24748; ESTC S119131 43,517 126

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impious rather gracelesse follow that furious mad proceeding For the Church of Christ is a carefull diligent keeper of religion cōmitted to her charge she neuer chāgeth or altereth in it any thing she diminisheth nothing nothing she addeth What is necessarie she loseth not what is superfluous she forceth not her owne she maintaineth not her owne shee vsurpeth not but with all industrie laboureth only about this one thing that is by faithfull prudent handling of our forefathers doinges what by them in times past was well entered begone she polisheth what thē was well polished and declared she cōfirmeth what then was confirmed defined she retaineth To conclude what hath she els endeuoured by the decrees of Councells but that that doctrine which before was simplie credited the same afterward should be more diligently beleeued that religion which before was taughtmore slowly the same afterward shold be preached more instantly That faith which before was more securely reuerenced the same afterward should more carefully be practised This I say alwaies nothing els hath the Church prouoked with the nouelties of Heretickes set downe by the decrees of her Councells to weet onely to confirme that to posteritie by writing comprehēding a great summe of things in few wordes and often times for more easie vnderstāding to an olde article of faith geuing a new name which before by tradition she had receaued of her forefathers CHAP. XIIII BVT to returne to the Apostle O Timothie quoth he keepe tho depositum auoyding prophane nouelties of voices Auoyde quoth he as a viper as a scorpian as a basiliske least they infecte thee not only by towching but also with their very eies breath what is ment by Auoide that is not so much as to eate with any such what 1. Cor 5 importeth this Auoide yf any man quoth he come vnto you and bring not this doctrine what doctrine but the Catholicke and vniuersall and that which with sounde traditiō of the truth hath cōtinued one the selfe same through all successions of times and that which shall continue to the worldes ende What thē Receaue him not quoth he into the house nor say God saue you for 2. Ioan. 7 he that saieth vnto him God saue you communicateth with his wicked workes Prophane nouelties of voices quoth he what is Prophane Those which haue no holines in them no iote of religion wholie vnknowne to the Church which is the temple of God Prophane nouelties of voices quoth he of voices that is nouelties of opinions nouelties of things nouelties of senses contrarie to our forefathers faith contrarye to antiquitie which if we admitte and receaue of necessitie the faith of our blessed auncestors either all or a greate parte of it must be ouerthrowne the faithfull people of all ages and times all holy Saintes all chast all continent all virgins all widowes all Clearkes all Deacons all Priestes so manie thousands of Cōfessors so many bands of Martirs so many famous and great cities and common wealthes so manie Ilandes Prouinces Kings countries kingdomes nations to cōclude almost the whole worlde incorporated by the Catholicke faith to Christ their heade must needs be saied so many hūdredes of yeeres to haue bene ignorant to haue erred to haue blasphemed to haue beleeued they know not what Auoide quoth he Prophane nouelties of voices to receiue which which to folow neuer was the custome of Catholickes but alwaies the propertie of heretickes And to say truth what heresie hath euer peeped forth but vnder the name of some certain man in some certaine place and at some certaine time Who euer set abroche any heresie who first deuided not him selfe frō the consent of the vniuersalitie and antiquitie of the Catholicke Church which to be true examples do plainly proue For who euer before that prophane Pelagius presumed so much of mans free will that he thought not the grace of God necessarie to euery perticuler good acte Who euer before his monstrous disciple Celestius denied all mankind to be tied bound with the sinne of Adams preuarication Who euer before sacriligious Arius durst teare in peeces the Vnitie of Trinitie Who euer before wicked Sabellius attempted to confound the Trinitie of Vnitie Who euer before cruell Nouatiā affirmed God to be so mercilesse that he had rather the death of a sinner then he should returne and liue Who euer before Simon Magus punished by Apostolicall censure from whome that olde sinke of filthines came by cōtinuall secrete succession vnto Priscillian that was the last durst euer affirme that God our Creator was the author of euell that is the authour of our wickednes impieties and horrible crimes because God as he saied so made mans nature that by a certaine proper motion and impulse of an inforced will it can do nothing else but sinne desire nothing else but to offend because being prouoked and inflamed with the furious rage of all vices it is with an insatiable desire caried away headlong into the pitt and sincke of all filthines Such examples are infinite which for beuitie sake I omitt by all which not-withstanding it appeareth plainly and cleerely that it is an vsuall and common thing in all Heresies to take great pleasure in prophane nouelties to loathe the decrees of our forefathers and so fall from the faith by opposing the false counterfeit name of knowledge and learning contrariwise this is proper to all Catholickes to keepe that faith which the holy fathers haue left committed to their charge to cōdēne prophane nouelties as the Apostle hath already said again doth say Yf any man shal preach otherwise thē that which is receaued to accurse him CHAP. XV. HERE haplie some man may demaunde whether heretickes also do vse the testimonie of holy scripture To which I say that they do and that verie earnestly for a man may behold thē ranging and coursing in euery parte of the Byble in Moyses in the kinges in the Psalmes in the Apostles in the Ghosples in the Prophets for whether they be amongst their owne bretheren or with strangers whether in priuate or in publique whether in talking or in writing whether in the house a feasting or abrode in walking they almost neuer alledge any thinge of there owne which they do not pretend to shadowe with the wordes of sacred scripture Read the pamphlets of Paulus Samosatenus of Priscilian Eunomius Iouinian the rest of such like pestilent Heretickes and you shall find through all their workes an huge hepe of examples almost no page omitted which is not colored and painted with the sayinges of the new and olde testament But the more closely they lurke vnder the shadow of Gods lawe the more carefullie are they to be feared the more narrowlie to be watched for they knowe full well that their stinking and vnsauorie drugges be not likelie almost to please any if simplie and nakedly they be set forth therfore they do temper them