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kingdom_n king_n power_n royal_a 3,851 5 7.6957 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22328 By the King a proclamation concerning tobacco. England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1624 (1624) STC 8738; ESTC S123076 5,500 4

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IR DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI ✚ SOIT ✚ QVI ✚ MAL ✚ Y ✚ PENSE ¶ By the King ¶ A Proclamation concerning Tobacco WHereas Our Commons assembled in Our last Sessions of Parliament became humble Petitioners vnto Us That for many waightie reasons much concerning the welfare of Our Kingdome and the Trade thereof We would by Our Royall power vtterly prohibite the vse of all forreigne Tobacco which is not of the growth of Our owne Dominions And whereas We haue vpon all occasions made knowen Our dislike We haue euer had of the vse of Tobacco in generall as tending to the corruption both of the health and manners of Our people and to that purpose haue at seuerall times heretofore prohibited the planting of Tobacco both in England and Wales as vtterly vnfit in respect of the Climate to cherish the same for any medicinall vse which is the onely good to bee approoued in it And at other times haue also prohibited the disorderly Trading for Tobacco into the parts beyond the Seas as by Our seuerall Proclamations published to that purpose it may appeare Neuerthelesse because Wee haue beene earnestly and often importuned by many of Our louing Subiects Planters and Aduenturers in Virginia and the Sommer Islands and lately by Our Commissioners for Virginia that We would be pleased to take into Our Royall care that part of Our Dominions by Our Royall authoritie and by the industrie of Our loyall Subiects added to the rest of Our Empire for the propagation of Christian Religion and the ease and benefite of this populous Realme and to consider that those Colonies and Plantations are yet but in their infancie and cannot be brought to maturitie and perfection vnlesse We will bee pleased for a time to tolerate vnto them the planting and venting of the Tobacco which is and shall be of the growth of those Colonies and Plantations We taking into Our Princely consideration these and many other important reasons of State haue beene graciously pleased to condescend to the desires and humble petitions of Our louing Subiects in this behalfe And therefore We doe by these presents straitly charge and command That no person whatsoeuer of what degree or qualitie soeuer doe at any time hereafter import or cause to be imported from any part beyond the Seas or out of Our Kingdome of Scotland into this Our Realme of England or Dominion of Wales or into Our Realme of Ireland any Tobacco which is not of the proper growth of the Plantations of Virginia and the Sommer Islands or one of them vpon paine of forfeiture vnto Us of all such Tobacco so to be imported contrary to the true meaning of these presents in whose hands soeuer the same shall be found and vpon such further paines and penalties as by the Lawes and Statutes of these Our Realmes or by the seuerity or censure of Our Court of Starre-chamber in either of those Kingdomes respectiuely may be inflicted vpon the Offendors for contempt of this Our Royall command and to be reputed and taken as enemies to Our proceedings and to those Plantations which so much concerne Our Honour and the honour and profit of these Our Kingdomes And We further will and command vpon the penalties aforesaid that from hencefoorth no person or persons whatsoeuer presume to sow set or plant or cause or permit or suffer to be sowed set or planted in any of his or their grounds any Tobacco whatsoeuer within these Our Realmes of England or Ireland or Dominion of Wales or any Isles or places belonging thereto or permit or suffer any old stocke plant or root of Tobacco formerly set sowed or planted there to continue not plucked vp and vtterly destroyed contrary to the tenour and true meaning of a former Proclamation made and published by Us to that purpose bearing date the thirtieth day of December in the seuenteenth yeere of Our Reigne of England And Wee further straitly charge and command vpon the paines and penalties aforesaid That no person whatsoeuer presume to buy or sell any Tobacco which from hencefoorth shall be imported or brought from any the parts beyond the Seas or from Our Realme of Scotland which is not or shall not be of the proper growth of the Colonies aforesaid of Virginia and the Sommer Islands or one of them And because Wee vnderstand that some who intend their owne priuate more then the publique conceiuing it to be probable that We would grant the petition of Our Commons in Parliament to preuent the effect thereof haue lately imported secretly and by stealth great quantities of forreigne Tobacco for which they haue payd no Subsidie or other duety vnto Us We further will and command vnder the paines and penalties aforesaid that no person whatsouer from and after the fiue and twentieth day of March now next ensuing presume to sell or offer or put to sale within these Our Realmes or Dominion any Tobacco which hath beene formerly imported into this Realme which is not of the proper growth of the Colonies or Plantations aforesaid or one of them nor that any person whatsouer willingly and knowingly take or vse any Tobacco from and after the first day of May now next ensuing which is not or shall not be of the proper growth of the sayd Colonies or Plantations or one of them Yet because the said forreigne Tobacco may not lie on the hands of the owners thereof Wee are graciously pleased that at any time within fortie dayes after the sayd fiue and twentieth day of March such forreigne Tobacco may be freely exported by any person whatsoeuer without paying any Subsidie or other duetie for the same And because no man shall pretend ignorance and thereby endeuour to excuse his offence in any of the premisses Wee doe further charge and command and doe hereby signifie and declare Our will and pleasure to be that all and euery person and persons Merchant or other who vseth to sell or hath any purpose to sell Tobacco who haue in his or their hands custodie or possession or in the hands custodie or possesson of any other by their deliuery or to their vse any Tobacco heretofore imported into this Our Realme or planted set or sowen within this Realme shall before the twentieth day of October now next comming bring the same into Our Custome-house within Our Citie of London if such Tobacco be within fiue miles of Our said Citie or if such Tobacco be in any other Citie Towne or place within this Our Realme of England or Dominion of Wales or Realme of Ireland shall bring the same to the Towne-house or other fit place which shall be to that purpose appointed by Us in that City or Corporate Towne neerest vnto which the said Tobacco shall be and shall before the first day of December now next comming there require and cause the same to be Marked and Sealed by such person or persons and with such Seale and Marke as We shall thereunto assigne or appoint for that purpose