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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A85525 The grand plunderer: a subject never before writen; and great pity it is, that so mischievous a subject as this is, should survive in such malignant times as these are. Written by one, who hates not the man, but his manners; and loves his person, but likes not his condition. One who hates not the man, but his manners, and loves his person, but likes not his condition. 1643 (1643) Wing G1504; Thomason E93_15; ESTC R13225 4,418 8

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night gives Martiall summons and the Trumpet every day is sounding in our eares Death hath a long time marched into the field where two great and powerfull Armies have resolutely met and thousands on both sides unfortunately sl●in New forces for this civill uncivill warre have been and are raised both the Armies are at this instant still on foot in the very bowels of this Kingdome ready every house to fight so that without Gods gracious mercy to this Land and nation a dreadfull desolation like an ominous and imuspicious meteor hovers over our heads People talk of a cessation of Arms for twenty dayes and of a treatie in that time for an accommodation but for ought I hear there is little or no hopes of a present pacification it is to be feared that the Sword which hath bin so long drawn will not be in haste sheathed by which there hath already beene so much Christian bloud spilt that nothing for satisfaction but it can decide this great contestation between the King and the Parliament Who would have thought two yeares ago that such times as these would have been Our Progenitours never knew the same and I pray God succeeding generations may never see the like Sure this is the iron age and we that live in it durum genus sumus we are a hard nation hard-hearted and iron-like qualified Misanthropi and Tymonists men-haters like Tymon of Athens are common every where amongst us I will not say Homo homini Daemon Man is to man a Devil but I may say Homo homini Lupus Man is to man a Wolf Many men do endeavour and aim at nothing more then to devoure one another and that they do two manner of wayes either by the violence of their hands or by the virulence of their tongues by exacting oppression in their goods or by detracting defamation in their good names In the former manner the Plunderer is injurious against all Law to his brother Legem tenere se putat nullam divinam aut humanam he will not be confined nor conformed to any Law which should regulate his actions either divine or humane Hence it is that he breakes the Law of equity and of charity and hence it is that either such an unhappy Ataxic disorder and confusion in the fabrick of this Kingdome that every one therein is altogether for himsef for his own ends and particular advantage so that there is no love little amity lesse unity least of all uniformity or unanimity and no peace at all now amongst us Lucian ingenuously feignes that Charon was on a time conducted by Mercurie to a huge promontorie and ample high mountain that he might there take a full survay of the World and being asked when he descended from thence upon the earth what he beheld he said he saw the heavens above him like a vast circumference the earth below him like a small Center that appeared to his view no bigger then a black spot in which he could discern multitudes of men like so many swarms of bees of severall sorts and all conditions the greater he perceived to be like so many Hornets and they did sting the lesser then he beheld diverse motions and commotions various actions and passions some running some riding others swearing and swaggering some againe strugling and striving many quarrelling and fighting plundering and pillaging killing and slaving all in a hubbub and hurly-burly and nothing in the whole universe worth the seeing but an universall uprore The morrall of this Apologue may be applied to these our times It doth evidently appeare we may see it without a perspective glasse that in the world there is a generall confusion and like to be a miserable combustion It is too true I would to God it were false that the whole world is up in arms and at this time in this Kingdome of England as there are Armies of feares abroad so there are myriads of disasters distempers and distractions here at home This unnaturall illegall civill warre which of all warres is the worst is the cause of all our woes Were it not for this there would be no newes of townes taken Lords Collonells Captaines commanders and so many souldiers slain so many massacres as there are daily acted were it not for this there would be no carrying into captivity nor complaining in our streets no such plundering and pillaging as now there is amongst us but in regard of this no man can be certainly confident of what he hath for he is certain of nothing but uncertainty neither is the King of his Kingdome nor the Peere of his Land the Knight of his revenue the Gentleman of his estate the Citizen of his commodity nor any Subject of his property Belli alea est incerta when once the Die of warre is thrown it is uncertain who shall win or lose none can determine or know who shall have the victory or the overthrow but the Lord of hosts that great Generall Commander who alone knowes all things Quidjam nisi vota supersunt What now remaines but that we pray unto the Lord God of our salvation that he would save and deliver us from the hands of our enemies Pray we to the God of Peace that he would be pleased to grant us Peace and that Peace of God which the world cannot give but which passeth and surpasseth all humane understanding Pray we to God for our gracious King that the King of Kings would preserve him from his false friends and fierce foes for the Kingdome that God would open their eyes to see and for all the people that he would open their hearts to consider those things that belong to a temporall spirituall and eternall Peace FINIS