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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A76778 Black Munday: or, A full and exact description of that great and terrible eclipse of the sun which will happen on the 29. day of March 1652. beginning 48. minutes after 8. a clock in the forenoon, and ending 17. minutes after 11. in which time the sun will be almost totally darkened (as at the Passion of our Saviour) and the stars appear in the firmament in the day time. Also an astrologicall conjecture of the terrible effects that will probably follow thereupon, according to the judgment of the best astrologers: it threatens the fall of some famous kings or princes, and men in authority: malice, hatred, uncharitablenesse, cruell wars and bloodshed, house-burnings, great robberies, thefts, plundering and pillaging, rapes, depopulation, violent and unexpected deaths, famine, plague, &c. 1651 (1651) Wing B3044; Thomason E650_5; ESTC R205815 5,316 8

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BLACK MUNDAY OR A full and exact description of that great and terrible Eclipse of the Sun which will happen on the 29. day of March 1652. beginning 48. minutes after 8. a clock in the forenoon and ending 17. minutes after 11. in which time the Sun will be almost totally darkened as at the Passion of our Saviour and the Stars appear in the Firmament in the day time Also an Astrologicall conjecture of the terrible Effects that will probably follow thereupon according to the judgment of the best Astrologers It threatens the fall of some famous Kings or Princes and Men in authority Malice Hatred Uncharitablenesse cruell Wars and Bloodshed House-burnings great Robberies Thefts Plundering and Pillaging Rapes Depopulation violent and unexpected Deaths Famine Plague c. Joel 2.3 A day of darknesse and of gloominesse a day of clouds and of thick darknesse there hath not been ever the like neither shall be any more after it even to the yeers of many generations The true Figure of the Eclipse North. South East West December 5th London Printed for William Ley at PAUL'S Chain 1651. A description of that great Eclipse of the Sun which will be on the 29. of March next ensuing 1652. TAking into consideration this notable Eclipse which will be of the Sun when I considered with my self the dire and fearful accidents which may happen unto this Nation it struck me with astonishment yet to give the world satisfaction I thought good to write as neer as I can the true description of this grand Eclipse You have heard of that remarkable dark Saturday which was on the 25. of February 1598. 't was much about the same time of the day that this happens with us in 1652 though many remember that yet I am confident not any man living ever saw a greater then this And we may well call it Black-Munday First in regard it hapneth upon a Munday Secondly in regard of the effects it bringeth along with it for this dismall day wherein the Sun shall suffer a totall Eclipse to our imagination so dark and terrible it will be that the Stars will be seen at noon day It shall happen on the 29. day of March next beginning at eight of the clock and indore till after eleven Now I have shewed you the time give me leave to tell you of the sad events that come thereby it is the Precursor of great calamities and mischiefs that shall happen to the people and places concerned in it especially all Europe and more particularly England this Eclipse falls out in the fiery triplicity in Aries the ascendent of England and the very degree of his Exaltation Mars having principall government and dominion their and in the Angle following the Eclipse and so is Lord thereof so that the effects must necessarily be of his quality evil Mars being an enemy to mankind and to all things that are good it is the terriblest Ecclipse that hath been seen in our daies yea it will be a greater then that ominous Eclipse of the Sun that wil fal out in the year 1654. howbeit never since the eldest man born did there appear two such Eclipses in England in so short a time and as they are great and terrible so it is as miraculous an Eclipse as that was at the time of our Saviours Passion for that in many remarkable respects too sadly agrees with this and cast back your eys upon the Scripture how dismall a sight was there when there was darknesse on all the Land from the sixth hour till the ninth and the Vaile of the Temple was rent in twain and what horrid calamities hapned to the Jews after that how were they destroyed by Titus Vespasian their Temples destroyed defaced and themselves led into captivity what alterations of government did there not happen what bloodshed what murthers were there not perpetrated how did they embroil their hands in one anothers bowells Father against the son and son against the Father till there was none left pray God avert those calamities from these Nations that are under the predominancy of these ruling Planets for they presage if we may believe Origanus and the best and most learned Astrologers most sad and dire aspects for it threatens exile captivity or slaughter of some famous King or great Potentate and men in Authority c. and great heart-burning between the common people and their Magistrates and Governours with losse to both what events have blazing stars produced formerly the death of Kings and Princes great Plagues and Earthquakes we have seen it plentifully fullfill'd in our time to the great terror and amazement of this Kingdome and other Nations adjacent and although there may be a cause in nature yet do they by the will and appointment of God foretell such things as are the forerunners of the wrath of God as the signs in the Ayr which Josephus mentioneth immediately before the destruction of Ierusalem and the horrible signs preceding the day of Iudgement do but peruse the Astrologers and you find the sad effects of Comets c. did not there happen in 1631. a great Eclipse of the Sun and in 45. another Lunar Eclipse most of them hapning in the eighth house termed by Astrologers domus mortis Mars being for the most part predominant In such Eclpses surely if we would observe Gods threatning hand over us we might see how God forewarns us by his instruments nay we may expect military acts of great and fearfull consequences in most parts of Europe which shall produce scarsity of Doves and beasts destruction amongst men and the ruine of most stately Fabricks and a great desiciency of the fruits of the earth that there will be great things managed in the world is most certain as to the infinite honor and fame of some so to the great prejudice if not consumption of some other people and Nations Affairs shall be acted under the notion of Religion yet not without dissimulation and that hath been the pest and bane of all undertakings when Religion is made the stalking horse to all designs and purposes Mars his position is in Taurus as his detriment doth testifie and under the banner of conscientious reformation shall the sword bear sway which is and will be paramount if it should be demanded the time when I answer as those precurrent messingers which usher in the beginning of these effects we may expect them in Iune or Iuly this year according to Hermes in his 33. Aphorisme Saturno quidem transeunte ab uno signo in aliud fiunt in coelo signa de natura ignis coruscations and fiery apparitions in the Ayre this Conjunctions doth denote unto us that the common people in most Countreys will usurp Authority and spurn at their Superiors but some mitigation doth Iupiter promise that though the Sword rule it shall seem rather justly to divide then ravenously destroy good grounds will be pretended Justice as well as revenge intended in all the quarrells of the sword
and vicissitudes of things Let me not be misunderstood since nothing promises any support to the tottering time-serving Levite the Farmer I am certain envies his tithes and eats his pigs at home the generall part of the pretended Clergy are male-conlent at the course of things and do not yet see the over-ruling hand of God nor will they teach men to aquiesce but sullenly stir up discontent pretending religious superlative ends Some begin to be ashamed of their Scotch Covenant which bound them to promote the honor and dignity of the King and his Successors subintelligitur if they could not sell him for money to promote their own Sol the Prince regent of heaven who hath naturally the signification of regality worldly pomp and glory is ecclipsed in the very degree of his exaltation and in the regall house of heaven likewise Let those tyrannicall powers of the world who are limited with a non ultra possumus who now culminate in their pride and power expect so sure an obscuration accompanied with mutation as not to be avoided the Moon the Lady of the ascendent eclipsing the Sun in his own house exaltation and triplicy doth not this shew and declare that inferiours and men of men quality shall usurp and eclipse the glory of the great and mighty Let me not be misunderstood but let this be a caveat to all those supreams whom this Eclipse finds with the knotty Scepters of tyranny in their hands be they Kings or otherwise We cannot deny but England is as much if not more then any other Nation of Europe concerned in the effects of this solar Eclipse Lord of heaven and earth what wilt thou do with us we are in thy hands as a ball to be tossed to and fro and as the clay in the hands of the Potter thou canst break us and bruise us at thy pleasure if thou dost take from us those that sit at the helm to guide our poor ship of the Common-wealth I mean our Members of Parliament of our Nobles of our Gentry of such as commanded and governed and such as have not obey'd but God thou knowest best what is fittest for us and teach us to obey thy will and be content with our Governours set over us for regall Government is very nigh a period in all Nations by the production of this Eclipse a grandee falls to nothing many grand Potentates are eclipsed their glory shall be taken from them and their honor laid in the dust the first second or third most principall or greatest Prince in Europe shall die e're 1654. or during the continuance of the effects of this Eclipse shall suffer or be sensible of great calamities intudes and devastations in a most miserable way or els the losse of all or the greatest part of his ancient patrimony I much fear e're time limited for termination of this Eclipses effects too many will be sensible of our judgement for all the evills the sword sedition famine pestilence can do to Europe may be expected from the effects of this Eclipse Oh that the Princes of Europe would learn to be wise from the book of the creatures what the will of their God is before their houses be left desolate before destruction comes as an armed man What Kings and Governours are threatned by this Eclipse which will be so formidable to Europe 't is so that all the Princes in Europe are threatned by it yea all those of the world where it is visible and angular together with Hogens Moghens Illustrisimos and Titilado's I can hardly sing a quietus est to the present times I wish I could I cannot flatter neither dare I write what I think This puts me in mind of that miraculous Eclipse of the Sun at the Passion of our Saviour which in many remarkable respects too sadly agrees with this For as to the Position of Ierusalem Cancer then ascended and the very degree wherein Saturn is at the time of this Eclipse he also then Rising with the Horoscope and in square to both the Luminaries as at this time the Sun being then in Aries directly Culminating and the Moon in Libra opposing him A heavy and dreadfull Position it threatens the Exile Captivity or slaughter of some famous King or Prince and Men in authority c. Hatred Malice and all uncharitablenesse betwixt the Common People and their Magistrates or Governors with Detriment or Ruine to both the motion of a great Army cruell Warres much bloodshed and pestilent seditions the sacking of Cities and Towns House-burnings Robberies Thefts Plundering and Pillaging Rapes Depopulations violent and unexpected deaths corruption of the Air putrefaction and scarcity of Fruits Abortive Births Acute Feavers Famine the Plague and generall Murrain amongst Cattle Pyracies Ship-wrecks and great fights by Sea as well as by Land discontents murmurings and insurrections new Governments new Religions new Customs new Laws In a word this Eclipse premonstrates a generall madnesse and confusion to all such Kingdoms Common-wealths Countries Cities and Towns as are under the division of Aries Libra Cancer and Capricorn viz. England Scotland France Germany Denmark Holland Zeland Suevia Polonia Granado Burgundia the lower Macedonia Austria Alsatia Thracia Greece Saxony and divers other Nations more particularly the Cities and Towns of Naples Tetraria Florence Padua Brunswick Lisbone Franckford Vienna in Austria Antwerp Oxford Brandenburg Constantinople Tunis Venice Genoa Pisa Millain Vincentia Berne Lubeck Magdeberge Wittenberge Gotlick York S. Andrews and the Islands of Orcades and many more too large for my limits The continuance of the effects of this Eclipse is two years 25. weeks odd hours from the 4th day of August 1652. untill the 6th day of Ian. Anno Dom. 1954. The quality of the events is known from the nature and quality of the sign in which the place of the Eclipse is from the place and nature of the sign where any stationary superiour Planet is and from the quality of the sign and places of the Planets that hath-most dominion in the sign of the Eclipse and the sign of the Angle preceding the Eclipse Mars generally signifieth or threatneth mischief to all in generall which shall happen through extremity of drought particularly he causes much war quarrells and bloudshed amongst men of that life or kind of profession therefore I expect little peace here nor in any other part of the world where there is war where the Eclipse shall extend its influence by fair means or treaty He excites men also to many robberies spoiling sacking and inslaving each other the wrath of Kings and great men and troubles in generall to all manner or kinds of men As also suddain death sicknesses and these chiefly Tertian agues or Feavers and this shall be chiefly incident unto these of younger years or in their prime or strength of youth there shall happen much choler and anger amongst men and from men of small repute they shall commit unlawfull things and transgresse the Law there shall also happen many combustions man-slaughters rapines thefts and robberies His events in the Ayr shall be extream heat and very warm winds lightning and little rain In the Sea he shall cause destruction very often to ships by mixt winds or lightning or such like In Rivers he shall cause a scarcity of waters and the drought of fountains And in things appertaining to the use of man viz. beasts and vegetables he shall cause a scarcity there shall be much destruction or want of fruit by reason they shall be scorched up with extremity of heat or eaten with Locusts and Caterpillers or they shall be destroyed by winds or nipt in the bud One word more in generall Be wise therefore O ye Kings be instructed O ye Iudges of the earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoyce in him with trembling for the Sun being in his seat of Majesty is Eclipsed of his glory therefore O ye Kings and Emperors be ye not puft up with high conceits of your dignities and honors for your Scepters are gone and Democarcy takes place your mighty Hosts shall be consumed by the Sword 't is not your Kingdoms nor your high-born blood can prevent Gods revenging hand that is upon you therefore repent in time lest his Judgements fall upon you and utterly eradicate you A word to England Oh England repent thee of thy sins also lest God take away the florishing Gospell and remove the golden Candlestick from among you and give it to a more deserving Nation Soli Deo gloria FINIS