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A73049 Englands pvrginge fire Conteyninge two petitions, the one to the Kinges most excellent Majesty, the other to the High Courte of Parliament held at this tyme in England. Shewinge in diverse perticulers, how the Church in England might be ordered, yet more conformably to the Will of God reveiled in his worde then at this day it is. Herewithall is declared, the evell and lamentable effects of our vnable and negligent ministers: and the happy fruict of our learned and painefull pastors. A worke most needefull for theise tymes, as servinge to turne away the wrath and iudgements of God from this lande, through the removinge, (accordinge to the advertisements herein given) such disorders and evells, as for which the wrath of God may be, and is, kindled against this Land, and the church therein. Proctor, Thomas, fl. 1621. 1621 (1621) STC 20408.5; ESTC S124597 53,590 98

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not in his family nor abroade in Company otherwise then Godly and Religious We have seene the lamentable effects of Riches and Glory in the Cleargy when Gods Princes and People havinge given bountifully unto them and made such Bounty assured also unto them to injoy the same for then the Cleargy have taken Liberty to live licentiously and ungodly Neither cann we expect any other fruict of greate Revenews in Cleargy-Men if Gods Princes awe them not with the Sworde professinge the use of the same against them if they leave to be that which God by his vvorde requires them to be and be that which Gods vvorde condemnes Let us enrich our Cleargy but let us not hurte them either by an excess in Giving or by leavinge the reines of their Manners wholy unto themselvs How greate hurte did those two greate Emperors doe to the Cleargy Constantine the greate and Charles the greate if the reporte of their Donations to the Bishop of Rome be true vvhat Blood have those Lands occasioned the sheddinge of what boldness have those possessions ingendred in the Cleargy of that city By those possessions cheifly the Cleargy of that city grew not onely licentious but also incorrigible but it hurteth both the Cleargy and also the Church of God when Gods Princes possess the Cleargy of such measure of possessions as that both they will be wicked and also are able to resist the Discipline of the Sworde if any Prince would in duty to God make use of it against them Therefore of former experience we of theise tymes may beware that we possess not the Cleargy of too large and indeede Superfluous Revenews least they growe the cleane contrary to that which the vvorde of God requires them to be Yea to come neerer home doe but looke upon our silken Cleargy since they have but felt the blast of the Princes favour observe their lightness of Gesture boldness against all Men liberty in speach that I add not lassiviousness and lussfull vvantonness I speake of our yonger sorte of Cleargy who by Nature are aptest and therefore first doe beginn a declination from Cleargicall Holiness but have no eye at theise to marke and correct their abuse of this Grace and shortly even when they grow older to supply the roomes of our Bishops you shall have a new a wicked Bpiscopacy Therefore I humbly pray your sacred Majessie not that you change from favouriuge honoringe and enriching our Cleargy but onely that an eye may be had of them that they abuse not this Grace turning it into ungodly liberty As also that our cleargy be enjoyned to use their family to religious household dutyes and lastly that the reporte or same of those who are conversant or neighbours with our Cleargy may be hearkened after by our Bishops and occasion thereby taken to have an eye at such whose light behayiour looseness of conversation lewdness of life or neglect of holy family exercises declares their corruption though the setled and tich livinges they enjoy If this be taken heede unto by our Bishopps if also your Majestie vouchsafe to be zealous herein givinge also Power to your Ministers of your Kingedome to have a care of an eye at theise things in the Cleargy neere them then would I not seare any harme by the moderate increase of your and your Peoples Bounty towards our Cleargy With the petitioninge vvhereof I close up this Chapter also and proceede to an other III. CHAP. OF Kinge leheshaphat we reade a Chron 17 7 That he sent his Princes and with them Levits and Preists who taught in the Cityes of Iudah and had the booke of the Lawe of the Lord with them and went about throughout all the Cityes of Iudnb and taught the People From this Scripture I observe That the Kinge did not onely take Care that there were Teachers but also that those Teachers teach the Peoplet yea he joyned his Princes in this Care that in every City they should see that the People be taught by their Teachers I therefore observinge in this Kingedome that many-many Parishes either had no Teachers or having Teachers yet those Teachers carelessly taught the People Preachinge the Ghospell once a month onely for satisfyinge the Lawe was moved to write that my shorte and Zealous little vvrytinge which first I exhibited to your facred hands at Theobalds adventuringe now also to continue my petition in this vvritinge more at large Neither would I have troubled your Majestie with this petition if it were not evident to all Men that neither leangth of tyme nor crye of people have prevayled over our Teachers to teach their People diligently Neither have our Bishops furnished each Parrish with a Teachinge Minister neither have they punished those who cann teach but doe not conveniently often Preach unto the People If your Majestie therefore and your Princes assist them that they may place Teachers where there are none and may punish or remove such as can teach but doe not or if at all yet not conveniently often you shall doe a holy vvork shall greatly benefit the Church of God Your Majestie hath good experience blessed be God but that out Universities are not so barren as not to affoorde Teachers enough also that your people are not so sparing as not to give largely besides what of Necessity they give to have a Teacher appointed uuto them for many are the places in this Kingedome vvhere beinge ill fitted with those setled in the livings they of their voluntary raise from amonge them a yearely stipend for a hired Teacher Seinge therefore Gods blessinge is such upon our Universities seing also your people are so well disposed pitty it vvere to force them to content themselvs with a dumbe Preist so longe as he liveth My petition therefore unto your Majestie is that where one possesseth the place who cannot Preach and where any one possesseth the place who though he cann yet doth not conveniently often Preach unto the people there such be removed from the livinge havinge onely some smale yearily stipend allowed them an other placed in the same who both cann and will Preach the vvorde conveniently often Surely if such were awed with hazard of the livinge who though they cann yet doe not preach conveniently often this woulde provoake them to study harder and with practise to attaine a sacility in Teachinge that so they may conveniently often Preach the vvorde for vve see how carefull they are of all those things by which they shall hazard the loss of their livinge And is not Teachinge the very speciall Duty of a Teacher vvhat therefore should rather hazard the loss of his livinge then a Negligent Teachinge If it be now demanded what I accoumpt conveniently often I answere once upon the Sabbaoth day if not twice for uuly Monthly Sermons serve not cither for the sufficient instructinge of people in the Divine Mysteries or for the reproose of their evellManners Alas my Lord if the vvorde preached be
ENGLANDS PVRGINGE FIRE Conteyninge two Petitions the one to the Kinges most excellent Majesty the other to the High Courte of Parliament held at this tyme in England Shewinge in diverse perticulers how the Church in England might be ordered yet more consormably to the will of God reveiled in his Worde then at this day it is Herewithall is declared the evell and lamentable effects of our vnable and negligent Ministers and the happy fruict of our learned and painefull Pastors A worke most needefull for theise tymes as servinge to turne away the wrath and Iudgements of God from this Lande through the removinge accordinge to the Advertisements herein given such disorders and evells as for which the wrath of God may be and is kindled against this Land and the Church therein IER 6 16. Thus faith the Lord stand in the wayes and behold and aske of the ancient paths which is the good way and walke therein and ye shall finde rest for your Soules 16●● ENGLANDS PVRGINGE FIRE To the Right Honorable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall of the upper Hovvse vvith the Knights and Burgesses of the lovver hovvse assembled in the high Courte of Parliament RIGHT HONORABLE IT pleased the Kinges most excellent Mastie very lately to confess among you that in the Civill affaires off this Kingdome he founde not things answerable to that face which our excellent Government would induce any man to have hope of Might it therefore please this Honorable Assembly to examine the State of this Lande in Spirituall affaires also we then the subjects of this happy Kingedome may well have comforteable hope of your happy successe in theise as in those It is truly a greate measure of Happiness to this Kingdome it is also to be acknowledged to our Kinge as a singular Grace off his unto us that the Ghospell of our Lord Redeemer is freely preached in this Kingdome Solemne Divine Service maintayned and people pressed to resorte on the Sabbaoth to both but because the prevailinge of the Ghospell in the lives and conversations of men is most acceptable to God and because our people are not answereable herein to the face of that excellent Government which our Church carryes I most humbly pray that I may petition this Courte for an entringe into an examination hereof also For my part I havinge here in this Land drawen my first breath of this mortall life thinke my selfe bounde to imploy whatsoeuer Grace my God hath given mee for the Good thereof therefore I have adventured to expose my selfe to danger in movinge you to vouchsafe your examination of the State also of the Church in this Kingedome This high and worthily Highe Courte hath here to fore taken care that God be both solemnely worshipped and also served in this Land by peoples obedience acknowledginge that this is the Meanes to put away punishments and plagues from this Lande As therefore the Ghospell is not sent by God to be hearde onely by our people but to be obeyed also by their ordering their life and conversation thereafter or otherwise serves vnto condemnation rather then to Salvation so surely it will turne from us punishments and plagues and insteade of them will bringe vpon us holy favours and Blessings if you take care of the peoples livinge as becommeth Saincts For the furtheringe whereof I by a writinge adventured many yeares since to petition his sacred Majestie declaringe therein the perticulers wherein I petitioned his Roy all Assistance If it shall please you Right Honorable that I for discharge of my Conscience may exhibit vnto you the copie well neere of the same that so both his sacred Majestie may be put in remembrance thereof in this so sit a tyme for this motion and also you may bee occasioned as you professedly tender so now also to further the good of this Church you shall shew to me a Christian favour and I shall pray for you that God will second with happy succrss all your pious indeavours Your Lo pps in all bounden Duty THOMAS PROCTOR TO THE KINGES MOST EXCELLENT MAIESTY TO my heartes ioye and to the ioye of all good Christians have you my most gratious Lord and Kinge made knovven to the vvorlde by vvritinge your knovvledge of the office of a Christian Kinge As vvhere you vvrite That Christian Kinges within their owne Dominions are to Governe the Church to commande obedience to be given to the vvorde of God yea and to Reforme Religion according to Gods prescribed vvill Which Office most mighty and dread Soveraigne vvell may you perfourme longe may you live vvell to perfourme the same vvithin theise your most flourishinge Kingedomes Imitatinge herein the good Kinges of Israell and Iudah vvhom and vvhose Actions in Governinge the Church your Majestly hath set before Christian Kinges and Princes as examples unto them for their rulinge over the Christian Church vvithin their seuerall Dominions Which excellent knovvledge and religious Care of your Majesties so made euident to the vvorlde put me in good hope that it vvould not be displeasinge vnto you if collectinge out of Scripture some of the speciall Acts of those good Kinges of Israell and Iudah I thereby tooke occasion to vvrite vnto your Majesty of some thinges of greate importāce vvherein the Church of God in England needeth the redress of your povverfull hande Which thinge Dread Soueraigne I have not done either vvith any vaine conceipt thinking to better by instruction your excellent knovvledge or vvith any insufferable presumption in pressinge your executiō of Royall Dutyes vvith more hast then convenience but onely that I might discharge a Christian Duty by petitioninge your povverfull Assistance in some things vvherein your tymely helpe may greately further the good of the Church of God Neither truly is there any thinge better besittinge your Royall hande then is the yeildinge succour to the Church of God in those things vvherein shee greately needeth in theise tymes your aide For thus to doe is not onely the perfourmance of a very speciall duty of the kingely office but also it is an eterniznge of your fame in the eternal continuance of the Church Hovv pretious a Name hovv longe duringe a Fame have those good Kinges of Israell and Iudah obteined by vvhose blessed hands tymely assistāce vvas yeilded to the Church of God VVhat marble Monument of theirs like this VVhat other Act of theirs is comparable to this Their marble monuments are mouldred and their other Acts hovv greate and famous so euer yet make they not their Name and Memoriall so blessed as doth the Recorde of those things done by them in ordeninge the Churches Gouerment according to Gods prescribed vvill Hopinge therefore both of your Majesties beinge like mynded vvith these good Kings and also of your gratious acceptance of this my poore vvritinge vvritten for the good of this Church of Englande I humbly pray that I may prooceede first to collect out of the Scriptures some of the speciall Acts of the good Kinges of
Musick and vvith the sight of the Stately ordetinge and perfourmance of things but this without caringe at any tyme to vvorshipp God in the Spirit and vvith the understandinge so that they onely stand gazinge thinkinge it a sufficient worshipp if they have but bene there seene Divine Service But as this evell in Gods people cannot but be displeasinge to God so surely if some good order be not taken for redress hereof it cannot but endanger the Lords acceptance of the very Service its selfe for it is not so much the Service vvherein a few vvorship as the vvorship of many in Spirit that he regards Thus havinge vvritten of my first petition I humbly pray that I may proceede to the second If onely Art be heeded in them admitted Ministers in the Divine Service as if so they be skillfull then it matters not what their lives and conversations be then vvhen any prophane or irreligiously disposed Persons are admitted we from experience cann hardly expect other then that their unsanctified Soules will bringe fourth as prophaness in their life and conversation abroade so irreverence and a measure of prophaness in the very execution of their parts in the Divine vvorshipp But when people see irreverence or any measure prophaness in the Ministers it abates their devotion and is no smale Scandall to the Service its selfe Therefore I humbly petition that our Bishops have not care that they reverently perfourme their parts in the Service onely but also that they or the Deanes doe inquire of their life and conversation abroade also out of the Church for if abroade in their howses or common company they be wanton lascivious or prophane no Awe will serve to restreine that in the Service also their disposition breake not fourth upon every little advantage or opportunity to shew the same If therefore our Bishopps and Deanes Inquire after the common life and conversation of such what it is abroade out of the Church if also they inquire whither in their familyes they use or neglect religious Dutyes such as are eveninge Praier at leastwise Grace before after meate readinge the Divine Scriptures Repeatinge of Sermons some tymes and some tymes Chatechisinge then this would Awe them to exercise themselvs to a Holiness of life and conversation Especially if as they shall be founde conformable or disorderly so they shall be admitted or put by the Service Yea it were good that an exhortation were given to all that if any of them knowe any amonge them to be loose and lascivious of Speach prophane in conversation or negligent of religious Dutyes in their familyes they should informe the Bishop or Deane of the same that so the party may be observed as occasion is given be proceeded against Verily it greately endangers the Service both towards God and towards Men when the Ministers of the same are knowen to be wicked Men in their life and conversation for it cannot be but that the Lord should turne his face even from a good Service executed by such if authority allowe such to be Ministers therein as who commonly are knowen to be wicked of life and conversation Neither cann it be but that the people also should take such offence at such as that even the very Service also shall well neere be sorsaken If theise things therefore Dread Soveraigne be carefully seene unto I nothinge doubt but that our Divine Servico now used in our Cathedrall Churches will both be more acceptable to God then heretofore and also more conscionably and religiously then heretosote srequented by your people I may here add the like petition against our Clearkes of Parishes who commonly beinge of the lewdest of the Partish for life and conversation doe also so irreverently unskilfully and unseemely perfourme their Office that the people of God cannot but take offence there at and this to the scandall of the Service its selfe of out Church To conclude my Collections together with my observatiōs upon theise collected Scriptures I now humbly petition that as here it is said That the Kinge and the Princes commanded c so as in your Presence your selfe see to theise things so likewise in places remote from your sacred Presence your Princes and Magistrats by commission from you may have power and Authority to see that Divine Service be celebrated orderly and reverently throughout the Kingedome So vvill our Bishops and other Ecclesiasticall Officers be the more carefull that just cause of reproofe be not given not just cause of your Princes and Magistrates proceeding against any for disorders and unseemely perfourmance of Dutyes THeise Collections most mighty and Dread Soveraigne I have made out of sacred Scripture thereby in some speciall perticulets to shew how Gods Kinges and Princes in that antient Church under the Lawe tooke care of and by their Authority ordered even Ecclesiasticall things also pertayninge to the Divine vvorship and service Hereupon I have adventured to note unto your Majestic diverse weighty perticulers wherein this our Church of Englande needeth the redress of your powerfull hande If therefore you vouchsafe to be assistant unto the Church of God in theise things you shall surely bynde the same unto you to hold your Memory blessed for ever for by orderinge these things you shall both restore the Ordinances of God to his church and dispose rightly the extents of our Cleargy Iurisdictions you shall further the Preachinge of the Ghospel in all places of this Lande and also be the Meanes not of a pompous Service onely but of a Stately Magnificent Holy Proffitable vvorshipp of God Which beinge done it will be no less your Glory that preventinge the abuse of your and your Peoples Bounty by our Cleargy the Cleargy have a large and rich Revenewe togeather with Dignityes and Honors among your Nobles Gentry I neede not here prove from evidence of holy Scripture that Kings and Princes under the Christianity are confirmed by God in the same Offices which the Kinges under the Lawe executed this I shall prove elsew here where I have occasion to write of this subiect to those who as yet are so deluded of Papall leasings that they acknowledge not the same but your Majestie professinge your knowledge hereof and practisinge in your Kingedomes accordinge to such know ledge I neede but to certify of some things only which even to this day neede redress in this our church of England If it be obiected that I move unto Changes that Changes are ever dangerous in Kingedomes I then humbly pray your Majestie to consider that I move to no Changes but such as which the evidence of the will of God in Seripture witnesseth unto And what the Glory of Changes made under the Reformation accordinge to the vvorde of the Lord in Scripture hath bene the whole worlde now seeth your Majestie enjoyeth and inheriteth the Glory and Power of the same Doubtless without a greate Change and the same very strange dangerous we had had
or commended they acknowledge no Power in that read unto them out of a Homily Neither are Homilyes written to occasion in our Cleargy a Negligence of Study but rather for the help of those onely who cannot Preach soundly at all therefore fart be it from our Church to fetter a Congregation to a Homily reader onely if the tymes affoorde Ministers who cann divide the vvorde of the Ghospell aright Thus having vvritten of one sorte of Ministers I humbly pray that I may proceede to another Other Ministers there are who though they cann and doe Preach vvell yet they preach as seldome as Lawe will permit them Herewithall many of them are loose of life prophane in Conversation Yea they are common pot companions they serve as jesters at great Mens tables and make no conscience of their Speach so as they may gaine a Meales meate in such company of Credit In a vvorde neither commonly in their Conversation nor commonly in their dealings with Men they shew any Signes of a Religious disposition of mynde If you examine their family you shall fynde there as little exercise of religious Dutyes as in those familyes where there is neither faith nor feare of God In such Parishes the voice of the people is That they have a Parson that cann doe well if he would that he is a good fellowe and the like but they cannot commned him either for any painefull Preachinge or for any evidence of Piety And according to his evel disposition and example so you shall commonly fynde the Parishioners to take all liberty in vvickedness so farr fourth as they dare for the Law of your Kingedome Here what faith vvhat Sanctification vvhat feare of God vvhat talke of religious thinges here you may fynde some dusty Bibles in familyes but they serve not for any use all the yeate longe save onely to carry to Church on Sundaies Here scarce in any one family of the Parrrish you shall fynde or Morninge or Eveninge Prayer the whole yeare thorowe here no Repetition of Sermons no Catechising of the family at any tyme yea scarcely Grace before or after meate What evidence here then of the Kingedome of heaven vvhat childe of that Kingedome would not mourne to see here so smale fruicts of the Ghospell If it be obiected that Morninge and Eveninge Praier Readinge the Scriptures Repeatinge of Sermons and Catechisinge of the family are new taxes not laid upon Men by the Ghospell then I answere That theise dutyes are included either expressly or by consequence in the Commandements given us in the Ghospell Moreover because those commonly doe theise things in whom the Ghospell most prevayleth therefore the not doing them servs as a Signe that there the Ghospell prevailes not in people as it ought Lastly seinge every family is a Charge where Parents have Charge of Children and Masters of Servants therefore in every family there ought to be some Religious exercises by which faith and devotion may be furthered Another sorte of Ministers there is who both cann and doe Preach vvell yea and often as every Sabbaoth day once but though of the aboundance of their learninge they leave excellent Sermons with their Parishioners yet what comes of it they care not neither ever looke after its takinge any effect at all And for all their Preachinge yet observe them in their life and conversation and you shal never heare them speake of religious things longer then they are in the Pulpit for abroade all the weeke and yeare after their Parishioners fynde that their talke is wholy of worldly matters so that by true Signes the Parishioners discover them to be wholy worldly mynded Civilly courtious they are but Men may easely see that it springs but from Civility not from Religion Theise love their Parishioners but it is but because they reape Proffit by them not for that they fynde the Ghospell and the Grace of God to prevaile in them If you search into the familyes even of theise you may fynde commonly more store of Bibles and more use also made of them then in the Ministers howses of whom I have before vvritten but yet here you shall fynde the use to bee onely as for a vvearinge out of the tyme with readinge vvhich else they could not at present tell how to pass away Here you may fynde Graces before and after meate generally more civility in the family more showe of Religion also then in the former Ministers howses but yet for Morninge or Eveniuge Praier Repetition of Sermons or Catechisinge you shal hardly fynde theise things the whole yeare thorowe As for the People in such Parishes you shall commonly fynde them better disposed then in the Paris hes whereof before I have written they are commonly more Civill and respective of their life and conversation They resorte with more reverence to the Church and have more store of Bibles then in the Parishes before written of but as for family exercises at home such as are Morninge or Eveninge Praier Readinge the Scriptures at convenient tymes Repeatinge of Sermons or Catechisinge you shall not commonly fynde theise things used throughout the yeare If you search them more narrowly you may fynde indeed some good measure of knowledge of Divine Mysteries but as for faith or Sanctity through the Spirit as for any conversinge of things of faith as for any joy of things hoped for accordinge to the Ghospell of Christe you shall hardly fynde theise things in them no nor Signes of them Here we may thanke God for the evidence of the prevaylinge of the Kingdome of Heaven in this your Kingedome and this by the sight of a sounde Divine Service and Preaching and peoples resortinge to the Church but we cannot here rejoyce of that Kingedomes prevaylinge in the hearts lives and conversations of your people I grante indeede Dread Soveraigne that it is no smale matter that the Ghospell pressed vvith your Royall Lawes prevailes over Lords and inferior Governours of familyes so much as to bringe their familyes to the Church neither indeede is it a smale Power that hath brought even this to pass Moreover if Lords and other Governours of familyes usinge their familyes to the Church doe leave them therewithall to God hopinge that the vvorde preached and Gods Grace accompanyinge the same worketh in their family to make them inwardly good Christians not further using their family publickly to Morning or Evening Praier daily or to a reading of the Scripturs thorow every one his or hir part at convenient tymes or to Repeating of Sermons or to Catechisinge yet we may not doubt but that in every such family there is one or some in whom the worde of God worketh and faith in God groweth in them accordinge hereto and so herethorowe there is in that family a private prayinge and a private reading the Scriptures and private Meditations and selfe-Catechisinges therefore also vve may not condemne or reproach all such families as wherein publiquely the family gathered togeather