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A68809 Scrutamini scripturas the exhortation of a Spanish conuerted monke: collected out of the Spanishe authours themselues, to reade and peruse the holy scriptures; contrary to the prohibition of the Pope and Church of Rome, whose tyranny in this point plainely appeares to euery mans view. With other occurrences of no small importance. Tejeda, Fernando de, fl. 1623. 1624 (1624) STC 23922; ESTC S106037 49,742 76

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people it is written that they were very carefull and vigilant to procure that there might bee no Forges amongst the people of Israel but that hauing neede of any such things they should repaire vnto their Countrey to haue them and to make vse of their Forges because the people of Israel by this meanes remaining vnfurnished and disarmed they might the more easily suppresse and ouercome them With the same Authour therefore wee may demaund what bee the Armes of a Christian warfare but the Word of God and still with the same Authour wee perseuere and say our enemies in many parts haue stript and bereaued vs of these Armes and in stead of them left vnto vs the bookes of their hatred and malice which are obscene and profane bookes instigators vnto vice all which they doe that the people hereby remayning disarmed they might ceaze vpon them and dispose of them and their occasions according to their owne willes and pleasures imitating herein that sacrilegious and abominable King Antiochus who commanded the bookes of Gods Law to be torne in pieces and burnt and to kill any one in whose hands at any time they were found Pacheco 〈◊〉 discursos fol. 732. This he did because as Father Pacheco obserues the wicked man saw that for his wicked dessignes and intentions it was a behoofefull thing to extingush and suppresse the sacred bookes And this and no other is the liuely reason why the Pope and the Inquisitors so expresly prohibit them and take away the liues of such faithfull men that desire to reade them in their owne tongue like another Antiochus This Lye you may reade in Fonseca en la segunda parte del tratado del amor de Dios cap. 2. and in fr. Luys de Granada en el preambulo de la 2. parte de la introduccion doing as hee did which most impudently and falsely they would put vpon and applie vnto Henry the eighth King of England affirming that hee tooke from religious men the holy Bookes knowing that the reading of them was as powerfull and trenchant Armes Vndoubtedly if I shall expresse what I haue by experience found true in this most noble and flourishing Kingdome of England about this particular it will bee wonderfull different and contrary to that which we see dayly practised at this day in all gouernments liuing vnder the obedience of the Romane Church For whereas there vpon grieuous and cruell penalties the common people are prohibited the reading of the sacred Scriptures because the Pope and the rest of the Prelates know well that they would finde matter enough in them wherewith to conuince and condemne their false doctrines here all faithfull and Christian men are exhorted to reade and meditate on them nay they are sharpely rebuked if they doe not so For here neither the Bishops nor other Prelates and Ministers of the Church haue any feare least the people should finde their condemnation whereas in other places this Diuine light of the holy Bookes is banisht as Father Granada complaynes and laments Granada ibid but in this Realme it shines and lightens in the most hidden and sesecret corners thereof There Prelates are destitute of all knowledge yea in so grosse a manner as that some of them neuer so much as sawe the Bible en c. 6. as Father Estella complaines but here there is scant a childe of a dozen yeeres olde who hath not read and read it often In other kingdomes many of the Pastours doe not vnderstand the Diuine writings and which is more they contemne them or at least seeme to make of them but a light and slender esteeme neither doe they retaine any good opinion of those that doe vnderstand them as most learned Doctor Leon affirmes Leon enel prolego de los nombres de Christo Here all Pastors in generall but especially the most reuerend Bishops are verie conuersant in the same studie of Diuine bookes euery one highly esteeming to studie and vnderstand them and hee is reputed but a bad Christian and a worse Pastour that doeth otherwise And finally in those parts like wicked Antiochus they put those Seculars to death that read the holy Scripture but here like religious and zealous Christians they commend and remunerate such as reade them This because it is well knowne to all I doe not here particularly specifie in any large relation because experience hath taught mee the trueth thereof From whence I gather that what the Papists faigne and deuise of Henry the eight is an infernall lye forged by themselues for how can it stand with any reason that to bring in a Religion that approoues nothing more in the faithfull then the reading of the holy Scriptures Henry the eight should prohibite them and therefore what they falsely father vpon Henry the eight rather may bee applied to the Romane Church where the Scriptures are forbidden vpon paine of death for no other ende but the same for which Antiochus the Great supprest and forbade the Booke of God The second reason which sheweth that the Pope forbiddeth the Scriptures not so much for the peoples good as to shunne his owne shame is this ensuing The Pope of Rome knowing that it hath euer beene a commendable custome in the Christian Church that publike Readers should daily impart to all the people the reading of the Prophets and other bookes of the holy Scripture and that in a Tongue which they vnderstood as may be collected out of S. Ambrose vpon the fourth Chapter to the Ephesians and Doctor Sandoual well notes it Sandonal en il tratado deloficio Ecclesiastico pag. 12. as wee shall shew by and by and withall perceiuing on the one part that he could not quite put downe this good custome and without apparent scandall and on the other side considering that if the reading of the Scripture were continued to be permitted in the vulgar tongue his tyrannicall Empire would soone fall to the ground because it is impossible that one should reade or heare read the holy Scripture but he must discerne the falshood of the Popes doctrine hereupon hee craftily deuised a middle way to effect his purpose which was as wee haue said principally to conceale his owne shame more then to effect the good of the people First hee ordained indeed that the Scripture should be read to the people and thus farre hee cunningly cumplied with the ancient Christian Church and by this meanes subtilly cast a vaile and mist ouer his treacherie but secondly hee so ordained reading of the Scripture with such a limitation and checke that in effect though the vulgar cannot discerne it hee vtterly ouerthrowes the practise of the ancient Christian Church while he restraines the reading of it to a tongue not vnderstood vulgarly that is to the Latine onely which what is it else in effect then not to haue it read at all and if so it is then most apparent that the peoples vnderstandings are depriued of an inualuable benefit
most stinking and obscure prison hee remained seuen yeeres in the Towne of Valladolid where as all the world knowes hee vnderwent great troubles afflictions and torments because hee vttered in a Sermon a Proposition that was not pleasing to the Pope of Rome though it was but Christian and true whereof peraduenture wee will intreate more at large in another booke Now it remaines we only obserue how the sacred Scriptures are not prohibited the faithfull to containe them within a certaine moderation and gouernement because this impertinent and seuere prohibition as the Papists themselues well knowe is a cause of greater and more pernicious Inconueniences And who can bee so credulous as to beleeue that to make bad men good they must needes depriue them of the holy Bible which is the onely Instrument to make them good when they freely permit dishonest and immodest bookes which are the proper Instruments of sinne and impietie Surely hee cannot but bee a foole that beleeues this But let vs grant that they who tooke from the vulgar the vse and reading of the Scriptures pretended herein to remooue occasion and meanes of breeding errours yet when long experience had taught them that Inci erunt in scillam cupientes vitare Caribdim which is that studying to preuent one preiudice they brought in a thousand seeing through default of the holy Scriptures profane bookes crept in why I say Dato vno absurdo miltae sequuntur did they not labour to suppresse so pernicious a p●ague by restoring them and excluding the other seeing naturall reason informes vs that of two necessary euils we should euer imbrace the least how much more in that the holy Scriptures are good of themselues and remote from all euill There is no doubt but if that prohibition simply aymed at the good and benefit of the faithful they would haue beene so but there 's all the matter in that they do not so much seeke the profit and benefit of the faithfull but rather their owne particular ends and interests the which consists mainely inconcealing from the people the knowledge of trueth which they might attayne vnto by meanes of the holy Scriptures and that they should not seeke and affect to vnderstand it they haue alwayes entertained them with the scumme and dregges of idle and profane bookes the reading whereof is not onely frankely permitted them but further it is a cause that opposite to the willes and desires of good men they are perused and read ouer by all of which amongst others the former mentioned Father Ioseph complaines in these wordes Fr. Ioseph ibid. fol. 796. The abusiue and poysonable practise of euill bookes allowed of in Spaine from whence the greatest part of corrupt customes proceedes comes not from the allowance and toleration of the Lawes nor from the King because they haue ordained sufficient remedies against this dammage and preiudice but rather from the negligence and carelesnesse of Iudges both Secular and Ecclesiasticall in executing such iust and good Lawes and they whom this most of all did concerne were the Bishops and Prelats of the Church who being to giue daily notice hereof to Kings and temporal Lords that they might helpe and ioyne together for the banishing out of the Commonwealth these fountains of pollution and vncleannesse they did not only not do it but Kings Princes exhorting them to purge and cleanse the Kingdome of this letiferous poyson they yet liue and perseuere in the same with most pernicious carelesnesse and forgetfulnesse not with out speciall and singular danger to their owne consciences and the soules of their poore subiects A little after the same Authour sayes it is a lamentable pitie that so many sage and wise considerations hauing bene entred into to establish these iust Lawes which was to remooue out of their Studies and Libraries these hurtfull bookes so many Petitions preferred by the Sollicitors of the Kingdome so many meetings and consultations with the Lords of the Counsell with such a number of manifestations written and published touching the Kinggs pleasure in this behalfe it could neuer bee once put in execution the vrgent necessitie of this execution being so materiall and important what shall wee say to this but onely that the Pope Bishops and Fathers of the Faith conniue at this perdition seeing neither the King nor the whole Kingdome can so far preuaile with them as to execute such iust behoofefull and beneficiall Lawes in all other respects they being so sedulous industrious and circumspect in purging as they say the bookes and writings of the holy Doctors of the Church not exempting herein the Scriptures diuine as appeares in a publisht booke called Index expurgatorius All this wee haue produced by reason of that which Father Granada sayes he heard from an Inquisitor and hee himselfe alleadgeth it to shew the great dammage that proceedes from bookes of corrupt doctrine and instruction and the inexplicable emolument profit deriuing from bookes of good and vertuous Argument it now remaines that we should conclude and shut vp this discourse with the very words which the same Granada vseth in the finishing of his discourse Lawes and iust Tribunalls looke not so much vpon particulars as to generalls that is to say not what may happen to particular persons but what generally concerneth the good of all who in no reason ought to perish through the abuse and disorder of some neither in like manner doe they aime at the particular preiudice which things procure if the generall benefits bee greater then the preiudices as we may perceiue in Nauigation at Sea for if the dammages of shipwracke be great and important yet the benefits of Nauigation are farre greater These are the principall reasons which our Aduersaries produce against the publicke vse and reading of the holy Scriptures the rest are so weake and friuolous as they deserue not to haue any more time spent in propounding them for that would bee as much as to refute them and so the time wee should spend in them will be better gain'd in setting downe two reasons which besides the other before alleadged shew plainely to our view and as it were with the pointing of a finger that the Pope depriues not the vulgar of the Bible to doe them good but rather to auoyd and shunne his owne precipice with which wee will close and shut vp this Treatise The first reason is because as Father Luys de Granada sayes all the studie and care of our capitall enemie is Granada en el preambulo de la 2. parte de la introduceion del Symbole to bereaue vs of this light of the word of God and hee confirmes it thus The first thing the Philistines performed when they had Sampson in their power was to plucke out his eyes and when they had done this they found no difficultie in doing whatsoeuer else they meant to lay vpon him euen to the making of him grinde in a Mill. And this Authour addes of the same