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A02671 A sermon preached at Brocket Hall, before the right vvorshipfull, Sir Iohn Brocket, and other gentlemen there assembled for the trayning of souldiers; Sermon preached at Brocket Hall, before the right worshipfull, Sir John Brocket, and other gentlemen there assembled for the trayning of souldiers. Harris, Edward, fl.1587-1590. 1588 (1588) STC 12803; ESTC S119766 20,841 48

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worlde Babilon that is the Romaine sea hath taken a great fall therby notwithstanding we see that they which now threaten vs with warre and trouble sticke stil to that whore of Babilon they still worshippe the beast and his Image the Popedome they delight to she we them selues and write themselues Papists they will not bee drawne from the breastes of that harlot which the rest of Christendome abhorreth as a most ●…thie strumpet and as the mother of all Idolatrie and spirituall fornication they delight still more in her painted falshood than in the true and glorious beautie of the spoase of Christ Iesu what remaineth therefore deerely beloued for these popish aduersaries of ours but that they shall drinke of the wine of the wrath of God that is to say God will take bengeaunce on them in most terrible maner Yea but shall we be the instruments of the Lordes wrath against them shall they be destroyed by vs will some say Although it skilleth not whether they be destroyed by vs or for vs yet marke what is written Reuel 17. 16. 17. The Kings which first gaue their kingdome to the beast but after ward fell to hate the whore they shal make her desolate and naked They shall deprine her both of pourpe and power and shall leaue her succourlesse and friendlesse in comparison Haue not wee brethren sometimes committed fornication with that Romish harlot but doe wee not now hate her as much as euer we loued her it is then greatly to be hoped that if wee continue to hate her still withall her whorish tromperies and superstitions we shall be the meanes of the Lord to make her vtterly desolate by ouerthrowing these her onely defendants or by helping thereto This comfort and hope to preuasle wee haue by our enemies that threaten to assaile vs let vs see whether any comfort and courage be ministred by reason of those which are meanes to set them on and exhorte them to this assault We doe all of vs knowe deerely beloued how the Embassadours which prouoke and stirre vp these and other Prinres against vs are those rouing Jesuits which sent from the Pope of Rome creepe euery where into Kings courts exhorting both them and their Nobilitie against vs. Hath the Scripture then determined what euent their counsailes shall haue to what ende the Princes which are ruled by them shall come vnto Yea verely looke Reuel 16. and you shall find it set downe there Saint Iohn verse 12. of that chapter hauing vnder the figure of Euphrates dried vp by which meanes the olde Babilon was destroyed prophesied the destruction of the Romish Babilon he saith in the 13. verse that He sawe three vncleane spirites like frogges come out of the mouth of that drakon and out of the mouth of that beast out of the mouth of that false Prophet The office of these frogges be describeth to bee this to gather the Kings of the earth to the battell of that great day of God almightie Meaning that their purpose should be to stirre vp the Kings against the destroyers of their Babilonian tower and to bring them to build it againe if it might be but the Lord should otherwise dispose their labours and himselfe take the cause of his children in hand making battaile with them c. The whole difficultie of this place lyeth in knowing who are ment by these frogges Some vnderstand the Popish schoolemen but that cannot bee First because the Prophet noteth how these frogges should not come foorth till the decay and way made to the ouerthrowe of their Babilon as for the schoolemen they were in the flourishing state of the Romish Monarchie Secondly it was not the office of the Popish schoolemen to go from one countrie to an other from one Prince to an other and to stirre them vp against the people of the Lorde but these properties both of them agree to the Jesuites and to them only For after the decay of the Romish supremacie they were inuented for this entent that they might go from one King and Kingdome to an other stirring them to battaile against the decayers of their Babilon And wee see that they haue not bene sluggish nor negligent in doing this It is then out of all doubt and controversie that the Jesuits are ment by those frogges What then shal be the euent of the labours of these Jesuites They shall gather the Kings to battell against the Lord to aplace saith S. Iohn called in Debrew Har Mageddon the mountaine of Mageddo or Megiddo a place famous by reason of great slaughter there committed meaning that they shall gather them to their owne destruction as the whole text manifestly declareth This serueth greatly for our encouragement deerely beloued The Princes which threaten vs are gathered by these Jesuits not so much against vs as against the Lord himselfe whose word we truely professe therefore if our iniquities and lacke of following our profession doe not make separation betwixt vs and the helping hand of God the ende of those Jesuitish embassadours councell shall come vpon thē that is their gathering together shall bee to their owne destruction for the Lorde will fight against them I will adde but this one reason for the perticuler persons and I beseech you be are with me if I be the longer in it considering it poynteth out the verie time wherein we liue and containeth our aduersaries by name The place is written Reuel 20. where it is sayd that Gog and Magog shall gather themselues to battell and shall compasse the tents of the Saincts about and the beloued citie c. For the more plaine vnderstāding wher of I must needes declare the meaning of that which goeth before in that chapter and also of somewhat in the 12. which hath relation to the 20. In the 12 chapter of the Reuelation after that Christ was ascended verse the 5. and the woman which is the Church deliuered by flight from the Dragon the Dragon went and made warre with the remnant of her seede which keepe the commaundements of GOD and haue the testimonie of Jesus Christ whereby is signified that Sathan should raise persecution against the true Christians which was fulfilled in those tenne persecutions vnder the Romaine Empire which ended Anno domini 367. Here S. Iohn leaueth to speake of the dragon and speaketh no more of him all the 20. chapter where be beginneth at the time whereat he left before As if one should demaunde of S. Iohn what became of the drakon after those persecutions he aunswereth from the end of those persecutions to the terme of a thousand yeeres more the deuill shall be bound up meaning that be should not raise any such open persecution against the Church for the faith it might vee demaunded then what should become of such as were staine in those persecutions S. Iohn aunswereth verse 4. they shall line and raigne with Christ al that thousand yeeres Some might as ke againe what shall bee the state of
are the Church of Christ and Popedome Christes kingdome wherefore nothing letteth but that this may serue their turnes as well as ours The aunswer is easie deerely beloued Papistes are not of Christes kingdome The reason is manifest Christes kingdome is appoynted to subdue as al other so the Romaine Monarchie and Empire whether the beast or image of the beast doe the Papistes fulfill this Nay cleane contrarie they with their Pope and Catholike King doe all that they can to restore it and to bring againe that Romaine supremacie which Christ by his Church hath ouerthrowne into euery corner of the world Will the kingdome of Christ labour to build vp that which the kingdome of Christ hath destroyed No verely but whatsoevuer they bee which goe about that as out Popish and Spanish aduersaries doe they are out of all question of the kingdome of Antichrist To conclude therefore and to make an ende of this reason the kingdome of Christ wherof are as many as professe and practise the substance of our religion truely and whereof no Papistes are shall bruse the Romaine Monarchie in peeces till it become like the chaffe of the sommer flowers and the winde carie it away that no place be found for it any more saith the Prophet Daniel whervpon it must needes followe that they and all the eudeuours of them which labour to restore and set vp againe that Romaine suprematic shall come to nought I reason not of the maner how these things shall be done it is enough for vs to know that God will set vp Christes kingdome and make that it shall triumph especially ouer the Romaine Monarchie and defenders thereof or any that labour to restore it as these our aduersaries doe Thus ye see deerely beloued how the Lorde will fight for his seruants and by them that he will fight against them that haue shed the blood of his children as these our enemies haue done that he will powre his vengeance vpon the adherents of the whore of Babilon by the hand of those which hate her as I trust all true English men do that he will fight against them that are gathered against his Church at the prouocation of those croking Jesuites that he will fight from heauen with fire and most terrible iudgements against Gog Magog whereof these our enemies are a part as I shewed you Wherefore all these things considered and thought vpon crie vnto vs feare them not because the Lord which goeth before vs he wil fight for vs especially so manifold causes wherein he hath promised to helpe his being added Some Papistes will obiect peraduenture Nay but the Lorde he goeth before your enemies and therefore ye cannot stande Let vs therefore see what that phrase employeth to the entent we may bee assured whether the Lorde goe before them or vs and so cousequently may bee farre of from fearing them as becommeth the true children of God When Mofes saith The Lorde goeth before them he meaneth that he was their guide by whō they were conducted their Captaine whom they followed and vnder whose banner they warred which therefore would faue and defende his faith full Souldiers Doth this agree to the religion of these our enemies No verely Why so Consider the reason deerely beloued and you will easely finde it 1 They which will in no wise be content vnlesse they may haue a mortall man goe before them in the person of Christ and as his pretended Uicar in their Church they shewe that the Lord himselfe goeth not before them for what absurditie were it to haue a Liuetenant or Uicar where the Prince himselfe is not onely in presence but moleouer supplieth the office of going before his people Pet this doe our aduersaries for albeit Christ continually goe before his Church and people in his owne person yet they will not bee content vnlesse they may haue an ydolatrous person vnder the name of his Uicar bee their guide and goe before them in their Church which declareth that the Lorde Jesu Christ himselfe goeth not before them For then what needed a Uicar exercising such authoritie if the Lord himselfe fulfill the office and goe before them in his owne person Adde hercuuto that they pray vnto Sainctes deûring them to pray vnto the Lorde for them which were both needlesse and foolish if it were so that the same Lorde which calleth all his saith full vnto himselfe and not to the Sainctes were present and went before their Church and enery member thereof as wee deleeue be doth his true Church and euery member of it For what a straunge matter were it to desire a Sainct which is farre of and whereof one hath no sureite that hee heares him to speake in his behalfe vnto the Lorde who standeth by him and goeth immediatly before him that praieth hearing his suite 2 Moreouer the Scripture is plaine which teacheth vs that there is no agreement betweene God and Beliall with Christ and an ydoll so that there is no doubt but he withdraweth his presence where the idoll is adummced and goeth not before them before whome the idoll goeth Consider than of out enemies deetely veloued doe not they carric before them the ydolatrous hoast or masse-cake yea as the Israelites sayde to their golden calfe These are thy Gods O Israell which brought thee vp out of the land of AEgypt do not they say in like manner to their breaden God This is our very Sauiour O ye Catholiques which died for vs and deliuered vs from hell and damnation forasmuch then as that filthie Idoll goeth before them it is apparant that Christ our Lord who can not agree nor will not ioyne with Idols goeth not before them that he conducteth them not and that they fight not vnder his banner As for vs brethren we knowe and feele the effectuall presence of Christ our Lorde to bee such to vs ward so mightie so auaileable that we neither desire a visible Uicar generall nor flie to inuisible Saincts wee abhorre and detest their idolatrous Passe withall the whorish attire thereof and therfore trust that our Lord he goeth before vs especially if we flie from all other things which may prounke him to forsake vs and that he will fight for vs in such forte that we shall not neede to feare our enemies Let vs come to the second reason of Moses erbortation which as I shewed you before is taken from their former tryall of Gods protection in the land and deliuerance out of the land of AEgipt or is grounded vpon the right vse of Gods benefites and deliuerances which his children afore time haue receiued for verely God therefore deliuered his people at one time that they hauing thereby erperience of his good will and power might by faith resort vnto him another time and trust to his helpe and assistance and receiuing helpe praise him therfore That I may not vee tedious vnto you in this poynt I will bring one example and proofe which for the cleere euidence thereof
Sirach chap. 4. of his booke Striue sayth he for the trueth vnto death and defend iustice for thy life and the Lord God shall fight for thee against thine enemies For why his delight is to defende his trueth and he taketh pleasure in maintayning the good cause of his children and chosen people These things being so Consider I beseech you deerely beloued the most comfortable examples of the holy Scripture written for this entent and purpose that wee being pressed in like case might haue hope to preuaile and ouercome in like maner Although the Lorde in great mercie hath sowne our land both with men and cattle he hath taught our handes to warre and our fingers to fight he hath not bene to vs as an heath or a drie vnfruitfull grounde but hath blessed vs plentifully with all things necessarie for our defence and the withstanding of our enemies Yet suppose that it were not so Let it be that wee were but fewe and our aduersaries many in number should that dismay vs which professe the trueth God forbid Did not Abraham with 318. men of his owne house and no more follow after and pursue foure wicked Kings with their whole retinue and came home againe from the slaughter of them with safetie Gene. 14. Did not Iosua with a small hoast in comparison subdue and vtterly destroy 31. Kings and all their people Iosua 12. Did not Barake hauing at his feete but tenne thousand men ouerthrowe Sisera his nine hundred Charets of yron and all his hoast with the edge of the sword Iudg. 4. Did not Dauid with foure hundred men alone set vpō the hoast of the Amalakites and smot them from the twilight euen vnto the euening of the next morowe so that there escaped not a man of them saue foure hundred yong men which rodde upon Camels and fied 1. Sam. 30.27 Did not Adino a counsailer to King Dauid stay himselfe eight hundred at one time Did not Eleazar the sonne of Dodo one of the three worthies of Dauid defie the Philistines his owne selfe did he not arise and finite the Philistines till his haud was wearie and claue vnto the sworde by whose meanes the Lord gaue so greate victorie that same day that the people returned after him not to fight but onely to spoyle Did not three of the Captaines of the same Dauid when he longed to drinke of the water of the well of Bethelem breake into the hoast of the Philistines that was there and drewe water out of the well and brought it to Dauid 2. Sam. 23. Let it bee that there were amongst vs neither speare nor shield nor any weapon of warre should wee therefore shrincke backe at the fight and assaulting of these our Popish aduersaries GOD forbid Did not Shamgar with no better weapon then an Oxe goad destroy 600. of the vncircumcised Philistines and so deliuer Israel Iudg. 3. Did not three hundred persans and no more vnder the conducting of Gedeon by blowing the Trompets which they held in one hand and breaking the flaming pitchers which they held in the other discomfite the hoast of the Midianites Iudg. 7. Did not the Lorde with the sounde of Rammes hornes and the showte of mens voyces ouerthrow the high and huge walles of Hiericho Iosua 6. Did not Ionathan with his armour bearer alone what time the people of Israel had neither sword nor speare among them to helpe withall set vppon the mightie hoast of the Philistines and ouerthrewe them 1. Sam. 14. Let vs not feare then a small companie of the house of faithfull Abraham will scrue to put foure Antichristian Kings to flight one Iosua will be enough to subdue 31. Princes of Canaan Euery Adino will kill his eight hundred One Eleazar will ouercome the whole hoast himselfe c. An Oxe goad were weapō enough in the hand of one faithfull Shamgar to kill 600. popish Philistines withall An Asse iaw will serue the Nazarite of the Lord to stay a thousand of them Neither thinke deerely beloved that these are such extraordinary examples as we may not hope in some measure to match thē in our selues For the promise of the Lord is generall to the godly and faithfull which warre in desence of his truth Fine of you saith he shall chase an hundred and an hundred of you shall put tenne thousand to flight Leuit. 26. Though wee faile in these outward things yet there is a notable palce in the second of Daniel seruing to the great comfort of Christian men and such as haue renounced the trust and confidence in man to followe Christ Jesu alone The Prophet expoūding the vision of Nebuchadnezar sheweth how by the foure formed Image were vnderstood soure Monartchies of the worlde as by the head of golde the Chaldean Empire by the breast and armes of siluer the Persian kingdome by the belly and thighes of brasse the Maccdonian Monarchie by the legges of yron with feete partly of yron and partly of clay the Empire of the Romaines which as yron breaketh in peeces and subdueth all things so should that ouercome and subdue all other Monarchies of the world and be the last of the soure After this saith Daniel where as a stone cut out of the mountaine without hands smot the Image vpon his feete and brake them to peeces and destroyed all the meaning is saith the Prophet that the kingdome of Christ shall subdue the last or Romaine Monarchie and in that all the rest as for the kingdome of Christ it shal endure and stand for euer by the kingdome of Christ not vnderstanding the person of Christ alone but referring that worde to the whole bodie of his Church also Brethren let vs meditate on this to our comfort wee make no question nor doubt but that wee are of the Church and kingdom of Christ after whose name wee desire to be called not Catholiques but Christians and wee assuredly trust that wee are so as many of vs as doe faithfully belecue the Gospell now truely preached among vs. What then remaineth deerely beloued but that we assure our selues how the kingdome of Christ whereof we are shall neuer bee destroyed but shall become a greate mountaine and fill the whole earth as Daniel faith We see brethren the most parte of this prophesie fulfilled the 4. Monarchies destroyed the gospell set vp and preuailing euery day more more the núber of true Christiās cuery where encreasing euen vnder the Crosse let vs not then doubt of the ende of these beginnings to wit that Christ shall preuaile more gloriously euery day by his Church till it hath brought the remnants of that last and Romaine Empire whereof our enemies that threaten vs are in a maner the summe to vtter and perpetuall desolation For Christ in his Church and kingdome that the Scripture may bee fulfilled must needes triumph ouer the Romaine Monarchie and the adherents thereof Some will say peraduenture why the Papistes also and our enemies say as much for themselues they boast how they