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A94356 Knovvledge of the times or, the resolution of the question, how long it shall be unto the end of wonders. By John Tillinghast, a servant of Jesus Christ. Tillinghast, John, 1604-1655. 1654 (1654) Wing T1179; Thomason E1467_1; ESTC R203797 191,673 390

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businesse in Daniel lyes thus The Holy Ghost is treating not of particular Kings but of Monarchies in generall and therefore it is no part of his scope to tell us how many Kings did reign in this or that Monarchy which is not a thing observed in any of the Kingdoms afterwards spoken of in this Chapter therefore should not be urged as any part of the scope here but his drift is to shew us 1 How many Monarchies from that time untill the time of the end should bee in the world 2 What remarkable changes should be in these Monarchies themselves not as to the reign of particular Kings but as to the alteration of Governments 3 What more noted things should be done in the time of these Monarchies by either of them as considered under this or that Government either against Gods people that were the Jews or Gods people that are the Gentiles or against both in the time of the end or the evening of the Worlds or worldly Kingdoms day or what more remarkable rents occasioning fearfull Civil broyls Commotions Divisions c. should befall this or that Monarchy within the time of its particular continuance And lastly Whence or upon what occasion the translation of Monarchies from one people to another as from the Medes and Persians to the Greeks from them to the Romans and from them the translation of the Kingdom and Dominion and greatnesse of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven into the hands of another people viz. The Saints of the most High who till this day had always and ever been crushed by and under these Monarchies should arise In these things lies the main scope of the Holy Ghost who doth not in the least drive at such a thing as to tell us what particular Kings succeeded one another in this or that Monarchy but only names things of this nature so farre as they serve the main scope but no further Now observe the thing the Holy Ghost would have us learn as seems to me from the second and third verses of this Chapter is this As to take notice of such a Monarchy as was that of the Persians so more especially to minde the cause and the occasion of the translation of this Monarchy from the Persians to the Graecians and the time when this cause should be given and the ground of a Quarrel betwixt these two Nations laid Now to make out this he tells us how that after Gyrus three Kings should arise in Persia and a fourth after them which fourth should be very rich and strong and through the greatness of his strength and riches should stir up all against the Realm of Graecia This as I have before said was most exactly to a tittle fulfilled in Xerxes the Great who was the fourth King after Cyrus in the Persian Monarchy exceeding all his Predecessors in power and riches and with all his power invades the Realm of Graecia Here now is the ground of an inveterate hatred and quarrel laid betwixt these two Nations which afterwards occasioned the translation of the Monarchy for the Greeks though at present they maintained their own Cause and did worst their potent Enemie yet was this work as Histories record chiefly done by Sea where though they were but a handful to the other yet being of the two the more skilful in Sea-affairs and the more resolute in this kind of fight having withall the better ships in the great Battail of Salamis they gained the day yet when this was done though hereby they delivered themselves were they not so potent by Land as to invade their enemie But many years after when that valiant Commander Alexander the Great who durst attempt any thing arose in Greece then the bad bloud begotten by this invasion though it were more than a Generation or two before began to work and the old grudge is remembred and Alexander in way of revenge of the old Quarrel invades the Persians by which invasion the Monarchy is translated from the Persians to the Graecians So that the Holy Ghost takes notice of the Kings reigning in Persia only so farre as serves his turn viz. To point out the time when the ground-work of that irreconcilable quarrel betwixt the Persians and the Graecians should be laid which would in time prove the overthrow and translation of the Monarchy as it then was in the hands of the Persians This was done by Xerxes invasion of Greece which quarrel afterwards is taken up by Alexander who to revenge the injury done to his Country though long before by the Persians invades them overthrows their Power wrests the Monarchy out of their hands This is the true meaning of the place without forcing or squeezing the text Now consider the thing and what can more punctually agree to the Heathen stories than doth this of Daniel to which if we lay what wee have said before as touching the time betwixt the return from the Captivity and Nehemiahs days from both wee may conclude That these ancient Writers though Heathens have given us a true account of the Persian Monarchy both as touching the Persons that reigned and the Time how long And notwithstanding the Jewish Writers as Josephus Philo c. vary from the Greeks yet are not their reports to be credited so much as the reports of the Greeks and the reason is because we have much more ground to suspect them of partiality than the other for Josephus Philo c. might out of design mention such Kings only as they finde in Ezra because besides the misunderstanding this place of Daniel they might have such a conceit that Ezraes Book was a perfect Chronicle and therefore in naming more should crosse not this only but that also and also being Jews might scorn to take a relation from the Gentiles whom they esteemed Lyars and accursed But now the Greeks had no temptation of this nature before them which might move them out of meer design to be silent as touching any Kings that were or tell us of Kings that were not Nay how can we readily think they should so do when as they do not only record Persons but their Acts of which many are things known and famous yea further whereas the History-Writers themselves living at sundry times of the Persian Monarchy did each mention the King that reigned whilst he lived as Herodotus mentions Xerxes Thucydides Artaxerxes Longimanus Xenophon Darius Nothus Artaxerxes Mnemon c. Now is it likely they would tell such lies in the very face of the times they lived in as to endeavour to make people beleeve such and such Kings reigned over them when every Childe knew the contrary Let us not Censure even Heathens beyond the rules of Reason nor because we are sick of their reports spew out the truth of the Scripture with them This Objection therefore doth not so offend us but that we may notwithstanding it safely and truly conclude That the number of years from Cyrus first to Artaxerxes Mnemons twentieth
imaginations and in case these general Characters which are deducible only from the letter are once found it will be then a thing more easie to give a right sense of particular Phrases and to determine concerning them in which we are to cleave to the literal in which to seek a Spiritual interpretation For an example I shall pitch upon Daniels little Horn which as it is one of the most famous Prophecies in all the Scripture so is there not any one I mean that is so considerable that hath fallen under more mis-interpretations then it which mistakes are multiplied daily through that earnest inquiry that by the Saints of this Generation is made after the minde of Daniel and though it may be thought enough as to it hath been already said in the precedent Discourse yet because some through weaknesse cannot others byassed with some particular affection to this or the other opinion will not apply those things as they ought to be applied I thought it not unmeet to take up this Prophecy here again and make it the example of my Rule Now the sure and certain Characters of this little Horn which are deducible from the letter of the text and which all put together cannot be made agree to any opinion but only that which is the truth are such as these 1 CHARACTER The Kingdom of the little Horn must be in the latter days the reason is because the extreme and utmost part of Nebuchadnezzars great Image viz. the feet and toes Dan. 2.41 42 43. are the same with the little Horn Chap. 7. This needs no proving because it is universally granted whatsoever interpretation is by any put upon the little Horn carries along with it this concession That the little Horns Kingdom cha 7. and the feet and toes of Nebuchadnezzars Image chap. 2. are the same at leastwise in respect of time Now the feet and toes of Nebuchadnezzars Image falls within the later days the reason is because the Image it self brings us down to the latter days vers 28. which cannot be in case the feet and toes which are the extreme and utmost part thereof were not to be extended as farre as the latter days To whose Kingdom this phrase is most properly appliable the Apostles use of the same phrase 1 Tim. 4.1 2 3. doth clearly teach us 2 CHARACTER This Kingdom of the little Horn must necessarily appertain to the Roman Monarchy That it cannot belong to the Graetian is clear because the Graecian Monarchy whether we consider it as united under Alexander or as in its fourfold division afterwards is comprehended under the third Beast Dan. 7.6 but now the Kingdom of the little Horn belongs not to the third Beast for the Little Horn ariseth among the ten Horns of the fourth vers 8. That it cannot be any power distinct from and succeeding the Roman Monarchy is also clear 1 Because no place in Daniel or elsewhere doth so much as once countenance any such opinion as this viz. That there should be any worldly Government succeeding the Roman Monarchy Nay let me say the Scripture is clear against such a Notion for it is manifest Dan. 7.12 13 14. Revel 19.11 12. compared with vers 19 20. That the destruction of the Beast i.e. the Roman Monarchy as under Antichrist is upon the appearance of Christ if so where shall we then finde room for the Government of the little Horn to succeed the Roman Monarchy 2 Because the Beast is slain his body destroyed and given to the burning flame and that for the blasphemies of the little Horn Dan. 7.11 This Beast I say can be no other but the fourth and last Beast vers 7. which Beast is the Roman Monarchy Hence I gather two things 1 That the government of the little Horn cannot be a Government distinct from the Roman Monarchy a thing the Roman Monarchy hath nothing to do with for then why is the Roman Monarchy punished for the blasphemies of the little Horn 2 That the Government of the little Horn cannot be a government succeeding the Roman Monarchy for it is most clear from the words That the fourth Beasts Kingdom is in being and that at the time the little Horn blasphemes Now it would be improper to say That the little Horns Government succeeds the Fourth Monarchy and yet that Monarchy still in being even in the time of the little Horns Dominion 3 Because if the little Horns Kingdom or Government succeed the Roman Monarchy then have we in Daniel five Monarchies preceding the Kingdom of Christ and his Saints viz. 1 The Monarchy of the Babylonians 2 Of the Medes and Persians 3 Of the Graecians 4 Of the Romans 5 The Monarchy or Government of the little Horn. If so then must not Christs Kingdom hee called the Fifth Monarchy but the Sixth If therefore the little Horn can neither belong to the Graecian Monarchy nor succeed the Roman then must the same of necessity appertain to the Roman Monarchy 3 CHARACTER The Little Horn must be a power equivalent to the whole body of the Fourth Monarchy This is clear Dan. 2. which Prophecy considers the Fourth Kingdom 1 As an Iron Kingdom vers 40. 2 As a Kingdom of Iron and Clay vers 41 42 43. yet both but one Kingdom and therefore that which is called the Fourth Kingdom vers 40. is called the Kingdom vers 41 42. shewing us That the Holy Ghost was still speaking of one and the same Kingdom for otherwise he would for distinction sake have called the feet of Iron and Clay another Kingdom but calling it the Kingdom it hath a manifest reference to that Kingdom he had mentioned last viz. the Fourth which Kingdom is called an Iron Kingdom to set forth the state before Antichrist came in a Kingdom of Iron and Clay to set forth the state afterwards They that would see more reason hereof may consult with our fore-going Discourse 4 CHARACTER The little Horn signifies such a power as consists of ten parts which ten parts are so many Kings not succeeding in one and the same Kingdom but reigning in a Kingdom divided into ten parts This appears Dan. 2.41 42 43 44. for the Power here mentioned which is the same with the little Horn Chap. 7. consists of ten toes vers 42. which toes are called Kings vers 44. In the days of these Kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom which words cannot have relation to all the Four Monarchies for the God of Heaven set up no Kingdom no not in a Spiritual sense in the time of any of the Four but the last only why should it then be said these Kings in the plural number if not to give us to understand 1 That the ten toes here spoken of are to be understood of so many Kings 2 That the Kingdom of the Stone should begin and that before the Roman Monarchy as consisting of ten Kingdoms should be ruined for it is the Kingdom of the Stone that smites the feet and
these things nor stickled in such a Cause or Controversie as the Saints now do it was then no part of their work but it is now the Master-peece of ours And in case any then at that time did stickle yet they brought nothing to perfection because they attempted Gods Work before his time But now the time being come as God hath in a more wonderful manner than ever stirred up the hearts of his Saints to bear witnesse so shall not their Witnesse-bearing as to this great thing be in vain for let the Devil and the World do their worst the outward visible Kingdom and Dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall revolve and that suddenly into the hands of the people of the Saints of the most High who shall then take them Captives whose Captives they were and shall bear rule over their Oppressors Amen Daniels Description of the Four Monarchies in Four Prophecies and Christs Kingdom succeeding them shewed in the following Table First Monarchy First Prophecy Chap 2. Second Prophecy Cha. 7. Third Prophecy Chap. 8. Fourth Prophecy Cha. 11. Golden Head vers 32 38 First Beast vers 4.     Second Monarchy Silver Breast and Arms ver 32 39. Second Beast vers 5. Ram with two Horns verse 3 4. with 20. The matter delivered by voyce verse 1 2. Third Monarchy United Divided Belly of the Image ver 32. Third Beast as swift and winged ver 6. Hee-Goats great Horn ver 5 6 7 8. with 21. Mighty King ruling with great Dominion vers 3. The Images Thighs vers 32. Third Beast as having four Heads ver 6. Hee-Goate four notable Horns vers 8.22 The matter delivered by voyce vers 4 5. to 14. Fourth Monarchy Second State First State Iron Leggs vers 33.40 Fourth Beast as Warlike subduing Nations ver 7. Little Horn in its first waxing great ver 9. King of the North described vers 14. to 21. Feet of Iron and clay ver 33 41 42 43. Little Horn ver 8 20 21 24 25 26. Little Horn in its second waxing great ver 10 11 12.24 25. Vile Person ver 21. to 40. and King of the North ver 40. to end Christs Kingdom or 5. Mon. Begins as a stone in the days of the ten Roman Kings Chap. 2.34.44 Becomes a Mountain filling the earth upon Christs appearance and total dissolution of the Fourth Monarchy Chap. 2.35 Chap. 7.13 14. with 26 27. A TABLE OF The most material things handled in this Book Part I. HAndling some things of more general concernment as to the whole discourse Chapter 1. Shewing the justifiableness of the enquiry p. 1. to 9 Chap. 2. Proving That the mystical Numbers of Daniel and the Revelations do hold forth a certain definite and determinate time p. 9. to 14 Chap. 3. Clearing and confirming our General distinction That the end of the Beasts tyranny relates to one time the end of the Fourth Monarchy to another p. 14. to 21 Part II. COmputing the time of the Beast and shewing where the limited time of his tyranny ends Chap. 1. Discussing some things of more general concernment as to this particular Question Sect. I. Stating the Question and shewing the ground we are to go upon for answering it viz. The forty two Months the one thousand two hundred and sixty Days wherein these differ and why the one number reckons by months the other by days p. 21 22 Sect. II. Proving that both days and months are Prophetical p. 23 Sect. III. Shewing that the forty two Months the one thousand two hundred and sixty Days signifie one and the same time and also begin and end together p. 24 to 28 Chap. 2. Disproving the sundry false beginnings of this Epock Sect. I. That the forty two Months the one thousand two hundred and sixty Days are not to be begun with the time of Constantine the Great p. 28. to 37 Sect. II. That they are not to be begun with the year four hundred forty two p. 37 38 Sect. III. That they are not to be begun with the time when Boniface was made universal Bishop by Phocas p. 39 40 Chap. 3. Stating and confirming the true beginning Sect. I. The true beginning fixed Anno Dom. three hundred ninety six This to be the true is proved by two Reasons 1 Taken from the Harmony of mystical Numbers 2 From the eminent Apostacy about this very time p. 41 to 48 Sect. II. A third reason of our beginning taken from the devastation of the Roman Empire Two things proved 1 That our account is to begin from the time this devastation began 2 That this was in the aforesaid year p. 48 to 56 Chap. 4. Proving and confirming yet further our fore-going beginning Sect. I. A Fourth Argument of our beginning taken from the time of the rise of the Beasts Horns wherein is shewed First When the Horns began to appear Secondly That the rise of the Horns must necessarily be a little while after the rise of the Beast p. 56 to 61 Sect. II. An Objection made Daniel saw the rise of the little Horn after the rise of the ten Here by way of digression is discoursed of Daniels Little Horn and it is proved That Daniels little Horn cannot signifie Mahomet or the Turkish power p. 61. to 69 Here also occasionally Daniels King of the North and King of the South chap. 11. is discoursed of p. 69. to 77 Sect. III. Proving That by Daniels Little Horn cannot bee meant William the Conqueror taking in with him the whole Norman Race of Kings sitting on the English Throne nor Charls Stuart the last of that Race p. 77. to 83 Sect. IV. A returning to the Objection to which answer is given p. 83. to 89 Sect. V. Three Arguments more to prove our beginning 1 Taken from the great likelihood there is of the Witnesses lying dead at this day which thing the aforesaid beginning doth necessarily infer p. 89 2 Taken from the visibility of those very things at this day which the Scripture hath fore-told us shall occur within the last three days and a half of the one thousand two hundred and sixty Five things are instanced in which the Scripture hath fore-told shall happen within that time all which are visible at this day p. 90 91 92 3 Our beginning may not be fixed either higher or lower therefore must be as it is stated proved p. 92. to 98 Part III. COmputing the time of the Fourth Monarchy Chap. 1. Of Daniels two thousand three hundred days Sect. I. That the two thousand three hundred days do not belong to the time and Story of Antiochus Epiphanes where is shewed at large that Antiochus Epiphanes cannot be he of whom so much is spoken in Daniels Prophecies p. 98. to p. 120 Sect. II. Proving that the Little Horn spoken of Dan. 8. signifies the whole Body of the Roman Monarchy p. 120. to p. 127 Sect. III. Shewing that the two thousand three hundred days are not to be understood of
have spoken and Christ himself with the Apostles and Evangelists of the New likewise But not to enter into so large a field which requires a Book not an Epistle let us because the Rulers of this World begin at this day to be jealous of this Notion and to look bigge upon Christs outward Kingdom consult with Daniel upon this Question Whether the Kingdom hee speaks of in his two first Prophecies be meerly Spiritual or whether it bee not as Spiritual so outward too And although some Arguments urged from Daniels first Prophecy to prove this Kingdom to be not Spiritual only but outward also are laid down in our following Discourse yet do I not here judge it amisse to enlarge some of them and also adde something new to vindicate thereby a most blessed but suffering truth hoping my labour in so doing may not be altogether lost Let us therefore I say ask Daniels minde upon our Question First As for his Prophecy of the Great Image Chapter two the Stone verse thirty fourth which is interpreted Christs Kingdom verse forty fourth cannot be meant of Christs Spiritual Kingdom but must necessarily point at an outward The Reasons are 1 Because the rise of this Kingdom is not till after that the feet of the great Image i. e. the Roman Monarchy in its Antichristian state is risen and in being which is clear 1 Because Daniel to whom things in the Vision were represented as his interpretation verse thirty sixt to forty sixt doth evidently manifest in that order of succession that they were to come forth in afterwards beholds the Feet before yet hee sees the Stone as verse thirty four Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands which smote the Image upon his feet the seeing of the Stone cut out and smiting was after that the whole Image in its several parts had been presented to him therefore I say as all the other parts so likewise the Feet of the Image were in being before the Stone 2 Because Daniel beholds the Stone so soon as formed to smite the Feet verse thirty four therefore must the Feet bee in being before the Stone was formed 3 Because the Kingdom signified by the Stone is not set up till in the days of the ten Antichristian Kings verse forty four And in the days of these Kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom That these Kings can point at no other but the ten Antichristian Kings John speaks of Revelations 17.12 13 14. See our future discourse page three hundred and eighteen and three hundred and nineteen Now the Kingdom of the Stone being to bee set up in the days of the ten Antichristian Kings therefore must the Antichristian State be before the Kingdom of the Stone If so then cannot Christs Spiritual Kingdom be the thing signified by the Stone for that was set up when Christ first gave forth his Spirit immediatly upon his Ascension which was within the time that the Iron Leggs of the Image verse forty i. e. the Roman Monarchy in its first and as yet Pagan state did bear rule being three hundred years and upwards before the Feet viz. the Antichristian State had existence or being in the World Christs Spiritual Kingdom therefore being long before Antichrists Kingdom was begun but the Kingdom of the Stone having not being till afterwards it follows that the Kingdom of the Stone cannot bee Christs Spiritual Kingdom but must be an outward Second Reason Because it is the Stones proper and peculier work to break in peeces the Great Image i. e. outward Powers First That it is its proper work is clear because it doth the thing not accidentally but intentionally and therefore it is said to do it by smiting verse thirty four thirty five forty five which Phrase notes the intention of the Agent it smites the Great Image with full purpose and resolution to break it and therefore observe it never leaves smiting after once it hath begun till it hath beaten the Great Image to very chaff and dust vers 35. Secondly That it is its principal work is clear because no other work is attributed to the Stone but this only which sheweth that the Kingdom of the Stone is a Kingdom set up by God to perform this work which in case it doth it not it doth nothing But now the proper and principal work of Christs Spiritual Kingdom is another thing viz. The increasing and edifying it self in love and it doth not at all intermeddle much less undertake it as its proper and principal work with the routing and breaking of Worldly Powers which if indeed it should then Christs Spiritual Kingdom the proper and principal work hereof being once rightly apprehended by the Saints the Children of this Kingdom would soon prove a thing of as dangerous consequence to the Rulers of this World as the Doctrin of the Fifth Monarchy either is or can be But this I say is not the work of Christs Spiritual Kingdom therefore cannot the Kingdom of the Stone bee Christs Spiritual Kingdom but must bee an outward Third Reason Because the Kingdom of the Stone is such a Kingdom as that the standing and continuance of the Great Image is altogether inconsistent with the growth and prosperity thereof which is clear because it neither doth nor can grow up to be a great Mountain filling the whole Earth till the total removal of the Great Image verse thirty five But now the standing and continuance of the Great Image is no way inconsistent with the growth and prosperity of Christs Spiritual Kingdom but rather is indeed advantagious unto it as the Persecutions that Christs Spiritual Kingdom hath met with and that in all Ages from the Great Image which have always been the greatest and most effectual means of its growth and fruitfulness do bear witness therefore cannot the Spiritual Kingdom of Christ bee the Kingdom here meant Fourthly Because the Kingdom of the Stone is a Kingdom in respect of Nature the same with the Kingdoms represented by the Great Image i. e. it is outward as they are outward which appears 1 From the general scope and drift of the Prophecy which runs upon outward Kingdoms all the first four Kingdoms or Monarchies are outward as none can deny why then the Holy Ghost in speaking of the Fifth and last should so farre vary his scope as presently to glide from the outward Kingdom to the inward ought besides the bare say so to have some solid and substantial reason brought for it by those whosoever they are that either do or shall assert it 2 Because it is not proper to say that a bare Spiritual Kingdom considered only as Spiritual should break in peeces beat to very chaffe grind to Powder the Great Image i. e. destroy the very being of worldly Kingdoms which work is yet notwithstanding done by the Stone as Vers 35.44 45. Indeed Christs Spiritual Kingdom may by that light and life it gives forth much refine and
reform outward Kingdoms but when once the work comes to breaking and beating to pecoes i.e. subverting Kingdoms razing their very foundations and destroying their being as they are the Kingdoms of this World here unless we conceive God to do it by a Miracle must we also conceive some other hand besides a Spiritual to bee put to the work 3 Because the Stone to the end there might not be a vacancy in the world comes straightway in the place and room of the Great Image so soon as ever the same is totally broken verse thirty five for as the Great Image while standing bears rule over all the earth verse thirty nine so the same being broken the Stone becomes a Mountain and fills the whole Earth verse thirty five therefore must the Kingdom of the stone be such a Kingdom as was that of the Great Image viz. outward or otherwise the coming of that in the place of the other now taken away could not supply the want of the other From all which reasons and some others also that are laid down in the following Discourse page one hundred and five one hundred and six It is clear That the Kingdom of the Stone mentioned Daniel 2. cannot be a Spiritual Kingdom but must be an outward Thus much from Daniels first Prophecy Secondly As for that Kingdom Daniel speaks of in his Second Prophecy Chapter seven which is there said to be given to the Saints and to succeed in respect of the greatness and glory of it though not in respect of the beginnings the Kingdom of the Little Horn that it cannot be a Spiritual Kingdom but must also be an outward and visible is clear for these reasons First Reason Because it is a Kingdom in which outward judgement is given to the Saints verse twenty two Judgement was given to the Saints of the most High This Judgement must be outward because the effect of it is such viz. a casting down the Thrones of the Fourth Beast verse nine by consequence therefore the Kingdom it self must be such Second Reason Because it is a Kingdom the Saints are said to possesse verse twenty two The time came that the Saints possessed the Kingdom but it is more proper to say of the Spiritual Kingdom that it possesseth them than they it Third Reason Because it is the very same Kingdom which was before governed by the Little Horn that is given to the Saints now that being an outward Kingdom such must the Kingdom given to the Saints be also That the Kingdom given to the Saints is the very same Kingdom that the Little Horn did before possess is clear from the plain words and expressions used by the Holy Ghost verse twenty one twenty two I beheld and the same Horn made War with the Saints and prevailed against them until the Ancient of days came and Judgement was given to the Saints of the most High and the time came that the Saints possessed the Kingdom Note we do not read it That the Saints possessed a Kingdom upon this their judging of the Little Horn but the Kingdom teaching us thus much That that very Kingdom which the Saints by judging the Little Horn do take from him they themselves do afterwards possesse So verse seventeen and eighteen These great Beasts which are four are four Kings which shall arise out of the earth but the Saints of the most High ●eall take the Kingdom and possess the Kingdom for ever even for ever and ever Observe the Kingdom or that very Kingdom which was before governed by the four great Beasts and by the Little Horn as the last Limb of the Fourth Beast is the Kingdom that the Saints take i.e. from this Little Horn and so consequently from all the Beasts or Powers his Predecessors and having taken it do possesse it for ever and ever i.e. it shall never be taken from them again as they took it from all the other So verse twenty six twenty seven But the Judgement shall sit and they shall take away his Dominion to consume and to destroy it unto the end And the Kingdom and Dominion and the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all Dominions shall serve and obey him Observe The Saints in the Evening of the Little Horns Kingdom are by the Decree of Heaven constituted a High Court of Justice hereupon they sit in Judgement by sitting in Judgement they take away his Dominion Whose Why the Little Horns upon whom the Discourse runs but what becomes of it when they have taken it away despoiled him of it why it is by God given to them the Kingdom and Dominion and greatnesse of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High Which yet further besides the general scope which shews this to bee the same Kingdom with that of the Little Horn that this Kingdom should bee an outward Kingdom the use of that Phrase the greatnesse of the kingdom under the whole Heaven which cannot without forcing the words be restrained to a Spiritual Kingdom only doth necessarily import The Kingdom of the Saints therefore which Daniel in his second Prophecy makes mention of cannot bee a meer Spiritual Kingdom but is and must be an outward But now as it was the great Master-peice of Satans policy at the time of Christs first coming when hee set up his Spiritual Kingdom to put that Generation of men altogether upon looking after the outward kingdom drawing them thereby to a neglect of that Kingdom which they in that day ought specially to have attended to So is it his great engine of Policy in the days a little before Christs second coming when now Christ is indeed and in truth entring into the World to set up his outward Kingdom to turn the eyes of this Generation altogether upon the Spiritual Kingdom drawing them thereby off from the outward hereby cunningly holding forth one truth as a bait to allure from another and endeavouring to draw the hearts of men from the great truth of the Generation by presenting them with some other truth every way as glorious considered in it self the time and season only which is still the thing that adds beauty to Generation-truth set aside as the truth it self of the Generation Upon the fore-going Principle That Christ is to have an outward visible Kingdom and the scope of the following Discourse which proves that the time of setting up this Kingdom is now approaching and upon us doth it not necessarily follow that all those who in this day shall by their sayings or actings be found to have any hand in keeping Christ from his Throne are by so doing become guilty of High Treason against this King of Kings and though they may and should escape the judgement of man may they not expect in case they remember not from whence they are fallen and
to the Roman Monarchy in general 3 Because the fourth Beast in Daniel is diverse from all the Beasts before it Dan. 7.3 7. but now the description of the Beast Antichrist Rev. 13.2 argues him to be in some things like them all For first he is like a Leopard And the Beast which I saw was like unto a Leopard which is the similitude of Daniels third Beast or the Grecian Monarchy Dan. 7.6 Secondly He hath feet as the feet of a Bear And his feet were as the feet of a Bear which is the similitude of Daniels second Beast or the Persian Monarchy vers 5. Thirdly His mouth is as the mouth of a Lyon which resembles Daniels first Beast or the Babylonian Monarchy so that Antichrist hath the similitude of all the former Beasts but Daniels fourth Beast is diverse from them all 4 Because there should be no distinction betwixt the fourth Beast and the little Horn in case the fourth Beast be to be understood of Antichrists Kingdome for that is the thing set forth by the little Horn. 5 Because the rise of Daniels fourth Beast is clearly and plainly noted to be before the rise of Antichrists Kingdome for the rise of Antichrists Kingdome begun in the rise of the little Horn but the fourth Beast with all his Horns was risen before that how else is the little Horn said to rise among and after the other Horns I conclude therefore that Daniels fourth Beast is the Roman Monarchy in general as Johns Beast Rev. 13.1 2. is the same only as under Antichrist Now this being so it is to be noted that the Roman Monarchy from its beginning take it either as it was in its pure Civil state or as it now is in its mixt Antichristian state had ever ten Horns As it was a pure Civil state so was it exactly divided into ten parts in the dayes of Augustus Cesar as Strabo witnesseth And for this reason the Dragon which represents the old Empire hath as well ten Horns Rev. 12.3 as the Beast Chap. 13.1 yet with this difference the ten Horns of the Roman Monarchy in its first state had no Crown i.e. the Kingdomes subjected to the Roman Empire whilst it remained a pure Civil state had not Legislative power within themselves but rather were kept in the nature of Provinces over whom the Roman state did set titular Kings as Herod in Christs time was the titular King of Judea and for this reason because so in title they are called Kings Dan. 7.24 but yet did still reserve to it self the power of making and giving laws as in Christs time besides Herod the titular King there was Pilate the Roman Governour set over the Land to execute Laws which Laws executed were only the Laws of Rome and hence Christ is said to be crucified in Rome because he suffered by the Law and Power of Rome Rev. 11.8 And also it is for this reason that the Dragon representing the old Empire is said to have his Crowns not upon his Horns as the Beast Chap. 13.1 but upon his seven Heads that is the Legislative power all the time of the old Empire is continued at Rome built upon seven Mountains which are these seven Heads Rev. 17.9 Yea farther it is for this reason that John speaking of the ten Kings as having a being even then when he wrote saith Chap. 17.12 that as yet they had received no Kingdome but were afterwards to receive power as Kings namely with the Beast i.e. though all the ten Horns were then in being yet were they then onely titular Kings who had no power of making or giving Laws this power as yet abiding upon the Heads i.e. at Rome it self But now the Horns of the Beast Antichrist i.e. the Roman Monarchy as under Antichrist have Crowns upon them i.e. that Legislative power which was before upon the Heads is now translated to the Horns every particular Kingdome which before were but as Provinces governed by no other Laws but such as came from Rome hath now a power within it self to rule and to make Laws therefore saith John Rev. 17.12 the ten Horns receive power as Kings with the Beast that is when the Roman Monarchy which then was in the hands of Emperors and the whole governed by the Laws of Rome shall fall in the hands of the Beast then shall those several Kings which before were titular only receive Kingly power or power as Kings to make and give Laws within their own Dominions without receiving their Laws from any foreign place or power Now consider the ten Horns in the first respect as they are the Horns of the Roman Empire in general which is clearly Daniels sense the ten Horns he speaks of being the Horns of the fourth Beast i.e. the Empire in general for saith he vers 7. It that is the fourth Beast had ten Horns and it is most clear the rise of Antichrist the little Horn was among and after these Horns And therefore observe the words narrowly it is said that at the time of the little Horns rise three of the first are plucked up by the roots vers 8. what is the meaning why this the Roman Monarchy in either state as I have said had ten Horns now upon the little Horns rise three of the first i.e. three of the Horns of the Roman Monarchy as considered in its first state were plucked up And hence vers 24. The little Horn is said to be diverse from the first that is from all the Horns of this Monarchy in its first state For of the Horns of the Monarchy in its second state how is the little Horn diverse when as the ten Horns in this state are but a part of this little Horn i.e. of the Roman Monarchy as governed by Antichrist And thus to understand it unties that great knot vers 8. of three Horns being plucked up by the roots before the little Horn at the time of this rise for taking three to signifie not strictly three but divers or many three being used because a number of perfection and how clear is it from all Histories that upon the invasion made by the Goths and Vandals with which the Beast rose as before a considerable part of those Provinces which were before subjected to the Roman Empire and ruled by its Laws were now broken off and grew up into particular Kingdomes ruled by Laws of their own and so by degrees the whole Legislative power crept off from the seventh and last Head to the Horns And thus interpreted this place in Daniel doth excellently point out the time of the Beasts rise and I take it that it is left us by the holy Ghost as a divine Character to guide us where we should end the first state of the Roman Monarchy and begin its second where we should put a period to the Roman Monarchy as a pure Civil state and begin it as an Antichristian namely with the time when a remarkable breach or rupture should be made
the Second Part. PART III. Computing the time of the Fourth Monarchy and shewing where the date of all worldly Kingdomes expires and when the Fifth Monarchy or that glorious Kingdome of Christ and the Saints which is to bear rule over all the Earth shall be set up CHAP. I. Of Daniels two thousand and three hundred dayes THe times that the Prophetical and Apocalyptical Numbers are conversant about are either the time of the Beasts Tyranny or the time of the fourth Monarchy The time of the Beasts Tyranny we have treated of in our Second Part and shewed where the date of his Commission ends It now remains that we enquire into the time of the fourth Monarchy to the end we may know how long that is to continue and when or by what time we may expect the total and final dissolution thereof Two mystical Numbers ending at one and the same point afford us light into this Question the one is Daniels one thousand three hundred thirty five dayes Chap. 12.12 the other his two thousand three hundred Chap. 8.14 I shall say no more as touching the first then what I have already written in my Key judging what I have there laid down Thesi 20. and Thesi 37. to be sufficient as to it My present Discourse shall therefore proceed upon the latter viz. of the two thousand and three hundred dayes SECT 1. The common-road opinion is that the little Horn mentioned in this eight of Daniel is to be understood of Antiochus Epiphanes the two thousand and three hundred days to be natural dayes a day consisting of four and twenty hours so the whole making up six years three months and twenty dayes which the Authors Favourers of this opinion apply to the time of Antiochus rage against the Jews Now in order to our answer hereunto let us premise That the Feet and Toes of the Great Image Chap. 2. The little Horn Chap. 7. The vile person Chap. 11. who is described from vers 21. to vers 40. and the little Horn in his second state or second waxing great in this eighth Chapter are one and the same the very same state or person if a particular person be here meant is signified by all these And this needs no proof because the common opinion hath granted it by making application of all that the Holy Ghost hath spoken as touching either of these to that horrible Monster Antiochus Epiphanes thereby plainly confessing that one and the same thing is signified in the aforesaid parts of each Prophesie This premised let us examine what truth there is in this principle so much hugged and contended for by many as the onely door of light into Daniel And although more can hardly be said in answer hereunto then what hath been already by some worthy men of later times who have opposed themselves to this opinion as Mr. Archer in his Personal Reign The Author of Clavis Apocalyptica ad incudem revocata but above all the learned Parker in his Daniels Visions and Prophesies expounded yet because in principles that men are wedded too as ordinarily they are to all be they right or wrong that have but a crowd of learned men to Patronize them they had rather to use the Popish Proverb beleeve as the Church beleeves then look out for an Author that is contrary to their mind I think it worth my pains in opposition to this opinion to present here though I shall but multiply whilst I so do things already published some of those Arguments that are and may be brought against it not doubting but that those who sincerely love truth will see reason enough to be of my mind as for others who following the genius of this age which is to be sick sullen and humorsome when any truth crosseth those principles they have received by tradition from their Fore-fathers have a principle or a will I know not which I may call it that they will not see any thing but with the eyes of their Fore-fathers or the multitude of the learned Doctors of the time let Scripture or right reason speak ever so clear or punctual I leave such to the judgement of being yet farther blinded But to come to the opinion it self the Question is Whether doth this Prophesie Chap. 8. run upon Antiochus Epiphanes or no This resolved it will be easily determined whether the dayes are Natural or Prophetical To this I answer That Antiochus Epiphanes notwithstanding Commentators have fearfully and shamefully stretched the Text Reason and the very sinews of the ancient Histories to gather up something that might colourably make the whole to agree to him cannot be the person here meant unlesse we look upon him as a common Tyrant and Persecutor and so I deny not but that many things spoken of Antichrist that Grand Tyrant and Persecutor of the Saints may very fitly be applied to him Yea I think withall that there might be a special design of God in it that many of the things here mentioned should be fairly appliable to him and others that so thereby doors of mistake might be left open and by it the Prophesie kept sealed which otherwise in an ordinary way could not have been untill the appointed time And the same design seems to me to run also through the Book of the Revelations in opening which it is very easie to mistake if every thing which hath a plausible look and fair colour outwardly may presently be taken up as an Interpretation But to passe this and come to the thing That this Prophesie as holds the common opinion should terminate in Antiochus Epiphanes and so have its fulfilling before the first coming of Christ cannot be My Reason is Because it will not agree to the mind of the Holy Ghost in any one of Daniels four Prophesier before mentioned First To begin with that of the Great Image Chap. 2. This opinion doth no way correspond with the truth of that Prophesie 1 Because that Prophesie runs down into the latter dayes or the end of dayes as our new Annotationists upon the Bible render it vers 28. But there is a God in Heaven that revealeth secrets and maketh known to the King Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter dayes But this cannot be should the whole have its accomplishment two hundred years before Christs birth as this opinion doth and must necessarily maintain for Antiochus Epiphanes whose Kingdome they will have to belong to the Feet and Toes which are the extreme and utmost parts of the Image and therefore the close of the Prophesie reigned two hundred years before the birth of Christ 2 Because the Iron legs are called the fourth Kingdome or Monarchy vers 40. And the fourth Kingdome shall be strong as Iron but this opinion which applies the legs and feet to the Race of the Seleucidae and Antiochus Epiphanes one of that Race makes the Iron legs and feet a part of the third Kingdome or Monarchy for the house of the Seleucidae and Antiochus
Epiphanes are by Chronologers generally reckoned as a part of the third or Grecian Monarchy 3 Because the fourth Kingdome is that which breaks in peeces all the foregoing Kingdomes and Monarchies i.e. it subdues to it self whatsoever was before subject to any of the other Monarchies vers 40. for as much as Iron breaketh in peeces and subdueth all things and as Iron that breaketh all these shall it break in peeces and bruise This also appears from vers 35. because the stone that smites upon its smiting breaks the Brasse the Silver the Gold as well as the Iron and Clay though yet it smites no other but the feet of Iron and Clay which shews that whatsoever was in the three first parts of Gold Silver Brasse was now by succession come to the Iron and Clay which smitten the whole is broken But this was never done by the Seleucidae in general nor Antiochus Epiphanes in special therefore cannot relate to him or them but had a punctual fulfilling in the Roman Monarchy which succeeded the Grecian and swallowed up whatsoever the foregoing Monarchies possessed 4 Because in the dayes of these Kings the God of Heaven sets up his own Kingdome vers 44. But this Kingdome according to the principle of those who are our Opponents who begin it not till Christs Birth was not set up in the dayes of the Seleucidae nor of Antiochus Epiphanes for the whole Kingdome of the Seleucidae yea the whole Greek Empire lower then which this opinion looks not was utterly dissolved many years before Christs Birth 5 Because it is Christs Kingdome represented by the Stone which by smiting breaks in peeces that Kingdome which by the Feet and Toes of the Great Image is set forth vers 34. Thou sawest till that a Stone was cut out without hands which smote the Image upon his feet that were of Iron and Clay and brake them to peeces But it was not Christs Kingdome but the Pagan power of the Roman Empire that destroyed and brake in peeces the Kingdome of the Seleucidae of which Antiochus Epiphanes was a limb therefore cannot the Seleucidae or Antiochus Epiphanes be understood by the Feet and Toes of the Great Image 6 Because the stone that smiting the Great Image breaks it to peeces cannot be Christs spiritual Kingdome set up upon his first coming which this opinion as it doth say so must it or say nothing 1 Because this Kingdome take its rise where the Feet and Toes are smitten but Christs spiritual Kingdome did not rise till many years after the Feet and Toes in the sense of the Patrons of this opinion were wholly dissolved and in being no longer 2 Because this Kingdome cannot become a mountain filling the whole earth so long as the Great Image i.e. Worldly powers stand which is clear because upon the totall dissolution of the Great Image it becomes a Mountain and not before vers 34 35. But now Christs spiritual Kingdome may be a Mountain filling the earth in a spiritual sense though the Great Image be not broken in peeces i.e. though worldly powers are standing 3 Because such a Kingdome is signified by the Stone as was represented by the Great Image for the Kingdome of the Stone takes the place of the Great Image upon its dissolution But the Kingdome or Kingdomes signified by the Great Image were not spiritual but outward therefore such must be the Kingdome of the Stone 4 Because such a Kingdome is here meant as must answer to Daniels scope in his answer to the Kings Dream But if this Kingdome were spiritual only then Daniel had missed the soope much for Nebuchadnezzars thoughts run of his Monarchy according to which thoughts the Dream was directed and Daniel interpreting it undertakes to resolve him fully For in a word as saith Mr. Huet whose Argument this is Daniel intends two main points 1 To comfort the Jews in the losse of their Kingdome and Liberty shewing that after many changes it should be restored to them again 2 To convince the King of his Tyranny over them by which his third Heir should be nothing the warmer another should take it from him a third from him and a fourth from him which at length maugre all their despight should be returned to the Jews in greater glory then ever they lost it Now whether the Spiritual Kingdome of Christ doth answer this scope or no I leave saith he to the judgement of the godly wise 5 Because such a Kingdom is here intended as was to be continued to the Jews after once they should be possessed thereof without alteration So the Text It shall not be given to another people i.e. from Daniels people but when Christ came and brought his Spiritual Kingdom whiles to be meerly Spiritual he first preached the Gospel to the lost sheep of the house of Israel from whom notwithstanding the Gospel was taken away and given to the Gentiles 6 Because the proper work of the Stone to which it is appointed is to break in peeces earthly Kingdoms vers 44 but Christs Spiritual Kingdom set up upon his first coming was not appointed to any such end for then would not Christ have commanded a subjection of the Subjects thereof to worldly powers 7 And lastly What prerogative and advancement had it been for the Kingdom of Christ Spiritual to have broken down the Seleucidae and other Horns of the Greek Empire so long as another Kingdom the Kingdom of the Romans succeeded in their place to beat down the Church by the Heathen Emperours and Antichrist for longer space of time and with greater and more terrible persecution then ever was before This opinion therefore cannot agree to Daniels first Vision of the Great Image Secondly for Daniels second Vision of the four Beasts Chap. 7. it no way agrees to it for it cannot be that the fourth Beast having ten Horns vers 7. should be the House of the Seleucidae or that the little Horn vers 8. should be Antiochus Epiphanes as this opinion holds I shall here oppose only the Arguments alledged by Mr. Parker from the learned Graserus in answer to it as judging them sufficient though yet if need be there is more to be spoken Arg. 1 The Kingdom of the Seleucidae belongeth to the Third Beast and is one of the four Parts into which the Grecian Kingdom was divided after Alexanders death expresly represented in his four wings and four Heads vers 6. the truth of which interpretation will clearly appear by comparing with chap. 8.8.22 chap. 11.4 for the King of Grecia is expresly distinguished from Alexander as the whole from the part comprehending both him and the quadrupartite division among his Successors chap. 8.21 22. therefore both he and the Seleucidae with other his Successors are included in the third Beast and cannot be extended to the fourth 2 Because these four Beasts arose successively to subdue the world vers 2 3. but the Seleucidae and other Successors of Alexander succeeded into it already subdued by
him Thirdly The Preface prefixed to the fourth Beast After this I saw in the night Visions and behold a fourth Beast dreadfull vers 7. the proposing of him without a name as an unknown Monster the sollicitous and curious enquiry of Daniel concerning him ver 19. the bestowing of a farre larger more accurate description upon him then upon the former Beasts do plainly argue That the fourth Kingdom here signified is farre more great and wonderful then any of the former and therefore cannot be the Kingdom of the Seleueidae Fourthly The fourth Beast is said to be dreadfull and terrible and very strong in comparison with the Beasts going before having Iron teeth and Brazen nails devouring and breaking in peeces and stamping the residue under feet But the Kingdom of the Seleucidae was weaker then that of Alexander as is expresly said chap. 8.22 and did not devour and destroy so as the former Kingdoms as entring upon a world subdued already by Alexander the Great therefore the fourth Kingdom cannot be the Kingdom of the Seleucidae Thou wilt say The fourth Kingdom is thus expressed not in relation to the world or State generall but to the Jewish Church unto which it was more terrible and stronger then the former But it is manifest that the Iron strength is the Character of this Kingdome distinguishing it in a generall and unlimited comparison with the Kingdoms going before To exert in some particular place such as Judea more cruelty by reason of the weaknesse of the people and not by reason of his own absolute strength is not a sufficient reason that he should be Characterised and distinguished from the others by the character of strength and fearfulness no more verily then the Spanish Inquisition or Phalaris or some other Tyrant may be superlatively compared in strength with Cyrus Alexander Julius Caesar because more cruell and formidable then they in respect of some weak and not resisting persons over whom without exertion of much strength they might easily exercise their tyranny Again their strength was not so much terrible to the Jews as Nebuchadnezzars or Hamans was and the Jews against the Seleucidae would have vindicated themselves into liberty and had defended themselves sufficiently had not the Romans come upon them and broken them down at last and the Seleucidae together Lastly it is expresly said That the fourth Kingdom is thus strong irony and terrible not only in relation to the Jews but also to the whole earth vers 23. for it devours and treads down the whole earth 5 Because this Beast is said to bee unlike to the Beasts that were before it whereas the Kingdom of the Seleucidae was like other Kingdoms Some say it was unlike in respect of the ten Horns but these as they will have it are ten succeeding Kings which in kinde and nature is ordinary to all Kingdoms They say it is extraordinary in this respect because some of the Aegyptian Kings are mixed in the number But what ground is there of such a mixture because say they they are described chap. 11. Ans But in Chapter eleven is no mention made of ten Horns and the number there is not adaequately ten no reason to extrude some to intrude others but rather contrary to reason as Graserus sheweth 6 Because the fourth Beast hath ten Horns and a little Horn arising after them by whom three of the former were rooted out vers 7 8. How will this agree to the Kingdom of the Seleucidae They say they are ten succeding Kings whereof Antiochus Epiphanes is the tenth and last and the same the little Horn. Ans But if only by succession then really in all particular differences of time it had but one Horn and so the Kingdom might rather be said to have one Horn then ten 2. These ten Horns here described existed at the same time not by succession because the little Horn arose among them vers 8. and his look was more stout then his fellows vers 20.3 How can Antiochus Epiphanes be both the little Horn and also the last of the ten seeing the little Horn is said to arise besides and after them ver 8.20 24. 4. Antiochus cannot be the little Horn because the little Horn arising groweth greater and greater and more stately then the other Horns vers 2 20● whereas Antiochus was not so great as his Father Antiochus Magnus 5. What are the three Horns and how did they fall before Antiochus ver 8. It is said That they are Prolomeus Philopater King of Aegypt Seleucus the Brother of Antiochus and Demetrius But was Seleucus rooted out because he dyed by slow and lingring hatred and how can Demetrius bee one of the three which was not reckoned by the Authors of this opinion among the ten vers 8. Lastly by the fall of the three the little Horn grew greater then the rest whereas nothing was added to Antiochus besides the ancient Kingdom of the Seleucidae 6. Sixthly the little Horn rageth against the Saints until a time times and a half How will this agree unto Antiochus because say they the Temple was prophaned by Antiochus three years and ten days Ans But here it is half a time or half a year as also appeareth by comparing chap. 12.7 Apoc. 12.14 and ten days makes not half a year 7. The Beast falleth in the destruction of the little Horn vers 11. but the Kingdom of the Seleucidae did not fall in Antiochus Epiphanes 7 Because it is extended untill the coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven vers 13 14. which is his second coming Apoc. 1.7 Mat. 24.30 26.64 for it is not said that hee ascended in the Clouds but that he came ver 13. 8 It is extended to the time when all the Kingdoms of the earth shall be the Lords and his Christs ver 14. with Apoc. 11.15 And when the Kingdom shall be given to the Saints of the most high all Hostile forces utterly suppressed ver 14.26 ch 2.44 Apoc. 11.17 18. And how can this bee verified in the Kingdome of the Seleucidae Upon these grounds it appears That the aforesaid opinion will no way agree to Daniels Prophecy of the four Beasts and the little Horn. Thirdly For Daniels Great Prophecy ch 10. chap. 11. chap. 12. this opinion of Antiochus Epiphanes cannot agree to it 1 Because the feet and toes of the great Image chap. 2. The little Horn. chap. 7. and the vile Person in this Prophecy chap. 11.21 are as before I have observed one and the same but the two first as hath been already proved cannot agree to Antiochus Epiphanes therefore not this last 2 Because this Prophecy brings us to the time of the end chap. 11.35 some of them of understanding shall fall to try them even to the time of the end vers 40. At the time of the end shall the King of the South push at him chap. 12.4 Seal the Book even to the time of the end vers 9. yea to the very end of days
shall here oppose and that by laying down my own opinion which is That the little Horn Chap. 8. is not Antichrists Kingdome only but the whole body of the fourth or Roman Monarchy which is clear 1 Because in each of Daniels other Prophesies we have the Roman Monarchy set forth in its twofold estate 1 In its pure Civil state 2 In its mixt Antichristian state as I have before proved Part. 2. Chap. 4. Sect. 2. But if the little Horn in this Chapter signifie Antichrists Kingdome only then in this Prophesie we have the Roman Monarchy described only in its second state and so this Prophesie is made to differ from the other three Yea by consequence many hundred years 2 Because the rise of this little Horn in the latter time of the Grecian Monarchy should here be leaped over which is not in any of the other Prophesies vers 23. And in the latter time of their Kingdome a King of fierce countenance shall stand up What Kingdome is this Answ The Kingdome of the Greeks spoken of vers 22. which after Alexanders death was broken and divided into four Kingdomes This no wayes agrees to Antichrist whose rise was not till many hundred years after the dissolution of the third or Grecian Monarchy but it punctually agrees to the Roman Monarchy which had its rise according to the very words in the latter time of the divided Grecian Monarchy 3 Because the rise of this little Horn is out of one of the four Horns of the Grecian Monarchy vers 9. And out of one of them i. e. of the four Horns vers 8. came forth a little Horn. This cannot be applied to Antichrist who rose out of the Roman Monarchy not the Grecian But it agrees well to the Roman Monarchy which consider it as it was a Monarchy in the account of the Holy Ghost here in Daniel for by the way observe this Rule That the Holy Ghost accounts none of the Kingdomes succeeding one another to be Monarchies till they had swallowed up the whole or some considerable part of the foregoing Monarchy therefore though Cyrus before the taking of Babylon had obtained great Conquests yet his Monarchy in Daniels sense begins thence Alexander likewise had done great exploits before he encountred Darius yet his Monarchy begins from his overthrow of him In like manner we are to reckon the beginning of the Roman Monarchy from that time when it first began to bring under the Grecian Monarchy which was when it did subdue to it self the Kingdome of Macedon one of the four Horns into which the Grecian Kingdome after Alexanders death was divided when the Macedonian Kingdome which formerly had been the Seat of the third Monarchy was turned into a Roman Province then began the Roman Monarchy from which time the same did daily increase till in the end by degrees one after another it swallowed up the other Horns also Now observe the Roman Monarchy may well be said to rise out of one of the four Horns of the Grecian Monarchy in regard that that Kingdome which in the account of the Holy Ghost before was no Monarchy by swallowing up the kingdome of Macedon the Seat of the former Monarchy now takes place of it and becomes a Monarchy and therefore many make observation of that remarkable Ecclipse of the Moon which was total and happened the night before that fatal overthrow of Persius by Aemylius the Roman Consul through which the Macedonian kingdome was lost as a Prognostication of this wonderful change 4 Because this Horn in its first rise was a little Horn which fitly agrees to the Roman Monarchy consider it either first as it became a Monarchy as I said even now by subduing to it self the Kingdome of Macedon which though it had been the ancient Seat of the third Monarchy yet comparatively with some other of the four Horns in the Greek Empire viz. the Kingdomes of Egypt and Syria which were more potent then that of Macedon it was but a little Horn. Or secondly if we consider the manner of the Romans growth as they were a Monarchy which was different from the growth of all the former Monarchies For the former Monarchies had their perfection in a manner the first day they became Monarchies but the Roman Monarchy is a Monarchy whilst yet it is little and more imperfect and afterwards by a gradual growth through continuance of time it attains perfection Cyrus swallows up the Babylonian Monarchy Alexander the Medes and Persians as it were at a mouthfull and in so doing these Monarchies are at the top arrive to their perfect stature the first day of their birth But the Roman Monarchy otherwise it comes creeping on as 't were unseen and by little and little encroacheth upon the Grecian Monarchy till in the end it hath devoured all First it swallows up the little Kingdome of Macedon by this it becomes a Monarchy then about a hundred yeers after it swallows up the Kingdome of Syria and makes a Province of that then sometime after the Kingdome of Egypt then Palestina and the Countries adjacent making them Provinces and so by degrees it swallows up the whole Grecian Monarchy so that indeed we may say the Roman Monarchy comparatively with what it grew to through continuance of time was in its first birth but an Infant and therefore is well called a little Horn. This gradual growth of the Roman Monarchy take it in its first or second state for herein one answers to the other the growth of both is gradual is livelily set forth by the terme Waxing it waxed great towards the South c and it waxed great even to the host of Heaven vers 10. which word notes a gradual increase whereas the growth of the other Monarchies was as I have said sudden Furthermore whereas this waxing great of this little Horn in its first state is said to be TOWARDS the South and TOWARDS the East and TOWARDS the pleasant Land it excellently sets forth the exploits of the Romans after they had subdued the Macedonian Kingdome For hereupon they assault the Kingdomes of Syria and Egypt whereof one lay towards the East of Macedon or if you will rather of Rome or Italy the other the South and withall they invade Palestina the Land of Canaan which is here called the pleasant Land So that in a word a more accurate description of the first rise and growth of the Roman Monarchy according to what Histories record hereof cannot be given then is here in this Vision of Daniel laid down in but a Line or two 5 Because this Horn though little in its first rise yet doth it in time wax exceeding great vers 9. greater then any of the Kingdomes that had been before it exceeding them all which agrees not to Antichrists Kingdome but exactly to what we have of the fourth Monarchy Dan. 2.40 Chap. 7.7 6 Because the twofold waxing great of this little Horn excellently sets forth the twofold state of the
Cyrus its proper Date i. e. reckon the first year of Cyrus and Darius not the year that Babylon fell but the year after and partly that we may observe how that in the very year the Medes and Persians destroy Babel the Lord revealeth to Daniel the destruction of the Medes and Persians and the Monarchies after them Hitherto Dr. Lightfoot Give me leave to adde as a farther explication That that Kings businesse which vers 27. Daniel is said to do is no way likely to be Belshazzar who neither knew Daniel nor had Daniel to do with him as the words Chap. 5. vers 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. seem to import but very likely to be Darius who upon the taking of Babylon set Presidents over the Kingdome or Empire of which Daniel was first Chap. 6.1 2. And by reason of the nature of his employment it was meet his abode should be in the Royal City of the Empire where he might better attend it then he could elsewhere Now this was not Babylon but Shushan as appears Esther 1.2 where therefore Daniel now was not Visionally as say some but really and personally as is clear from vers 2. And I saw in a Vision and it came to passe when I saw that I was at Shushan in the Palace which is in the Province of Elam and I saw in a Vision and I was by the River of Ulai Had Daniel been in the place here mentioned Visionally only he would never have spoken of two places for Visionally how could he see himself at Shushan in the Palace and also by the River of Ulai at the same time beholding the same Vision the meaning therefore undoubtedly is Daniel by vertue of his residence at the time he saw this Vision was at Shushan in the Palace but locally he was either walking abroad to pray meditate refresh himself c. by the River of Ulai as when he saw his great Vision Chap. 10. he was by the River Hiddekel vers 4. and this not Visionally but really for he had company with him vers 7.8 so was Daniel at this time really and personally by a River called Ulai neer adjoyning in all probability to Shushan the Palace where he saw this Vision Now what made Daniel there if at the time of this Vision Babylon were not taken It must therefore be that Babylon was now taken and the Monarchy translated although the Vision bears date for the reasons given by Dr. Lightfoot the third of Belshazzar Now it being so that Belshazzars third was the last yeer of the Babylon an Monarchy and consequently Cyrus first the very next year our beginning of the two thousand and three hundred dayes agrees most fitly to the time of the Vision for observe the third of Belshazzar being the current year its necessary therefore that we do not bring that into our account but let it fall The very first year therefore that we either may or can begin our account upon is Cyrus first which begun with the beginning of the following year and therefore to begin the two thousand three hundred dayes with the first of Cyrus agrees most excellently both to the matter and the time of the Vision This therefore I conclude to be the only true beginning SECT 5. But ere I can proceed farther one thing there is somewhat needful to be enquired into viz. Whether or no is the second Monarchy to take its beginning as I have said from the first year of Cyrus the Persian or whether had it not its beginning some years before under Darius the Mede The ground of this Question is because Daniel makes mention of one Darius the Median taking the Babylonian Monarchy from Belshazzer Dan. 5.30 31. and also speaks of him as a person distinct from Cyrus Dan. 6.28 Some to salve this difficulty will have this Darius the Mede to be King of the Babylonians not by Conquest but by Election And their conjecture upon this businesse runs thus That King Belshazzar was slain the night after his great Feast by a conspiracy of those of his friends that he called to his Banquet amongst these conspirators this Darius the Mede was one who being a man ancient wise and of great authority among the Babylonians they though he were a Mede and a stranger yet to avoid contentions for the Kingdome Nebuchadnezzars Line being ended in Belshazzar confer it on him Those of this opinion give to this Darius the Mede some seventeen some eighteen yeers Now although this opinion as laid down by the Authors of it hurt not us greatly because the time they allow to this Darius the Mede they give to the Babylonian Monarchy reckoning the seventeen years of his Reign into the seventy of the Captivity and not to the Persian which they with one mouth confesse began with the first of Cyrus who say they took the Babylonian Monarchy not from Belshazzar but from this Darius the Mede yet because if once we grant it that the Reign of this Darius the Mede was distinct in regard of time from the Reign of Cyrus the Persian there will be then force enough in Daniel to beat us yea and all Chronologers off their ground while they account the first year of Cyrus to be the first year of the Persian Monarchy I shall not therefore let the opinion passe by without an examination And although it were enough to destroy the credit of it to say That the whole of the story this opinion is founded upon is but pure conjecture there being not one tittle in the whole Scripture to bring us to the belief of such a thing yet shall I not insist upon that but rather prove how that this opinion doth not onely want Scripture warrant but manifestly fights with the Scripture For it is most evident from Daniel that Darius the Mede there mentioned did Reign in the beginning of the Persian Monarchy and not as saith this Opinion in the end of the Babylonian The Reasons of this are 1 Because Daniel as I have proved before was in that very year which is called Belshazzars third in Shushan the Royal City of Persia Now what made Daniel there if in this very year the Monarchy were not translated if the Monarchy were now translated where shall we find room for the seventeen or eighteen yeers of its continuance afterwards It may be said Daniel was in Shushan by the power and authority of Darius the Mede who though he were now elected King of Babylon yet had still great power at home and by vertue of that settles and prefers Daniel in Shushan Ans But Shushan did not belong to the Territories of the Medes but of the Persians for it was the City Royal of that Country Now say the Authors of this opinion Cyrus King of Persia was a professed enemy to this Darius the Mede and did in the end take the Kingdome of Babylon from him Upon their principle therefore how can it be imagined that Daniel should reside in Shushan in
the time of Darius the Mede if this Darius the Mede as they say did belong to the Babylonian Monarchy and were an enemy to Cyrus for may it be supposed that Darius's power could settle and prefer Daniel in his enemies country yea in the City Royal and that of such an enemy as was more potent then himself it cannot be 2 Because this Darius the Mede did rule by the Laws of the Medes and Persians as is clear Dan. 6. vers 8 12 15. he must therefore belong to the times of the Persian Monarchy and not of the Babylonian For who can think the Babylonians were so stupid such Fools and Mad-men as to suffer a King a stranger who came in amongst them not by any Conquest or power that he had to conquer them but as saith this opinion by their free choice which was a matter of curtesie towards him I say to suffer such a one to rule absolutely by the Laws of his own Country and not rather by theirs is a thing that we cannot easily imagine that any other unlesse very Fools or Mad-men in such a case would consent unto 3 Because it appears from the faith and fervency of Daniel and his urging present deliverance so much as he doth in that prayer of his Chap. 9. which prayer was made in the first year of this Darius the Mede as vers 1. tells us that Daniel did now look upon the seveny years as run out which also he seems to intimate vers 2. at this time of his praying which consideration puts life courage faith boldnesse into him But now according to this opinion there should be seventeen or eighteen years of the seventy yet to expire which surely in case Daniel had so looked upon it it would have been a great cooling to his spirit a quenching to his faith so as he could never have urged as he doth vers 16 17. a present turning away of Gods anger causing his face to shine upon them nor would he ever have pleaded as he doth vers 19. defer not for thine own sake O my God For how could he with faith have uttered those words defer not if he had looked upon the time of their deliverance to be remote seventeen or eighteen yeers 4 Because the Scripture is clear and punctual that the Babylonian Monarchy ended in Belshazzar therefore may we not look for any Darius to succeed him in that Monarchy This we have Dan. 5.26 God hath numbred thy Kingdome and finished it These words are not to be referred to the Kingdome of Belshazzar in particular but to the whole Babylonian Monarchy called Belshazzars Kingdome because he now swayed the Scepter in it the continuance whereof was numbred by God or measured out to be seventy years Jer. 25.11 12. Jer. 29.10 which determined time was now expired or finished as the Text tells us Therefore no room is left for a Darius to succeed in this Monarchy 5 Because Belshazzars Kingdome is divided when he loseth it betwixt the Medes and the Persians Dan. 5.28 Thy Kingdome is divided and given to the Medes and Persians but according to this opinion if Darius the Mede as a King elected did first possesse the whole and after him Cyrus the Persian by Conquest gain the whole what division were there True either have what once was Belshazzars Kingdome but seeing they succeed each other in it and either is a possessor of the whole here can be no division where one hath all is no division 6 Because the words of the Holy Ghost Dan. 11.1 import as much as if that this Darius the Mede had been used by God in the doing some eminent service for him and his people Also v. 3. in the first year of Darius the Mede even I stood up to confirm and strengthen him Gods standing up to confirm and strengthen Darius in the first year of his Reign is an Argument of some remarkable work that was done for God in this year Now if we place Darius first year with the beginning of the Persian Monarchy its evident enough what this work was namely the giving way to Israels return out of Babylon the making him willing to that work which outwardly might seem to his losse and disadvantage but in case we place Darius first year as doth this opinion sixteen or seventeen years before the expiration of the Babylonian Monarchy let it be shewn from Scripture what that eminent peece of service was that was done for God in that year From the whole I conclude That Darius the Mede spoken of by Daniel did not reign in the ending time of the Babylonian Monarchy but in the beginning of the Persian But it may be said If so then of necessity must we begin the Persian Monarchy not with the first of Cyrus as before but with the first year of Darius and if so then is not the beginning of the two thousand three hundred dayes which I have said begins with the first of Cyrus stated aright Answ It doth not follow For though it is confessed that Darius did reign in the beginning of the Persian Monarchy yet doth it not therefore follow that Cyrus did not unlesse it could be proved that these two did succeed each other which cannot be from Scripture but rather the contrary is manifest viz. that Cyrus and Darius were contemporaries and indeed Co-partners in the Kingdome of Babylon after the same was taken For let it be considered that the taking of Babylon was not an act performed by Cyrus alone nor by Darius alone but it was their joynt act they two one being King of the Persians the other of the Medes and as Histories report allyed the one to the other joyn forces and with their united strength march up against Babylon besiege it take it And this is clearly the mind of the Scripture and that opinion only which with Scripture approbation will stand For 1 The Scripture attributes the taking of Babylon to either of them as being their joynt act It is attributed to Darius Dan. 5.31 to Cyrus Isa 45.1 2 3. which is a clear Prophesie of Cyrus his taking Babylon To say as some that Cyrus in the taking of Babylon did act as General of the Army under Darius is not only a thing without Scripture-warrant but a thing in it self very incredible viz. that Cyrus who as all Histories report had before the taking of Babylon reigned some years as King among the Persians and was for his warlike exploits and victories the most famous man then living having also hitherto in his way met with no check or frown of Providence should upon the sudden in the midst of all his Trophies and Victories come down from being a King to be General only under another 2 The Prophesie we are now upon Dan. 8. Concerning the beginning of the second Monarchy doth plainly hold forth this For observe it as the third Monarchy of the Grecian is in the rise of it described by a He-goat having one Horn vers
5. which Horn was Alexander the Great so the rise of the second Monarchy of the Medes and Persians is described by a Ram having two Horns vers 3. which two Horns are interpreted the Kings of Media and Persia vers 20. Now as these two horns were both upon the Ram together at the time of his pushing against the Babylonian Monarchy for otherwise why is he described as pushing with two horns so must we conceive that Cyrus King of the Persians and Darius the Mede with their united strength did push against the Babylonians and overthrowing them did accordingly untill by Darius death the Monarchy fell to Cyrus alone Reign together 3 It s foretold to Belshazzar Dan. 5.28 that his Kingdome should be divided betwixt the Medes and the Persians But in case the same had fallen into the hands of Darius the Mede only then as I have observed before there had been no division of the Kingdome for where one hath all is no dividing Yea farther if Cyrus had had nothing to do with the Monarchy till after Darius death how then had Belshazzars Kingdome faln to him it had been Darius his Kingdome not Belshazzars 4 The Prophet Isaiah foretelling the ruine of Babylon Chap. 21. makes mention of two Nations as spoyling of her which two Nations are the. Medes and Persians vers 2. A grievous Vision is declared unto me The treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously the spoyler spoyleth Go up O Elam besiege O Media Now observe Elam was that Province in which Shushan the Royal City of Persia stood Dan. 8.2 I was at Shushan which is in the Province of Elam by Elam therefore the Persians are meant as by Medea the Medes both which hand in hand march up besiege spoyl Babylon And therefore in the following verses of this Chapter the marchers up against Babylon are described by a double Chariot a Chariot of Asses and a Chariot of Camels noting the Medes and Persians which double Chariot by vertue of that union and neer conjunction that was now between them go both under the name of one and are called but one Chariot because they march up together so unanimously against babylon as if they had been but one people and not two which one Chariot is led on by a couple of Horsemen excellently pointing out Cyrus and Darius the two Heads or Leaders of this Army as vers 6. For thus hath the Lord said unto me Go set a Watchman let him declare what he seeth vers 7. And he saw a Chariot with a couple of Horse-men a Chariot of Asses and a Chariot of Camels and he hearkned diligently with much heed vers 8. And he cryed A Lion my Lord. I stand continually upon the Watch-tower in the day time and I am set in my ward whole nights vers 9. And behold here cometh a Chariot of men with a couple of horsemen and he answered and said Babylon is fallen is fallen and all the graven Images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground 5 The first year of Cyrus the Persian when the Decree went forth for building the Temple 2 Chron. 36 22 23. Ezra 1.1 2. is the very same year with that called the first of Darius the Mede Dan. 9.1 Chap. 11.1 For observe the first year of Cyrus the Persian must be that very year that immediately succeeded the ending of the seventy years of Captivity for otherwise Israels deliverance being not till the first of Cyrus the time of their Captivity should be upwards of seventy years which is expresly against the Prophesie Jer. 29.10 Thus saith the Lord That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you and perform my good word towards you in causing you to return to this place Now the first year of Darius the Mede was the same year as is clear because with the end of Belshazzars reign from whom Darius the Mede takes the Kingdome the time allotted to the Babylonian Monarchy which was seventy years from the time that Israel was first captivated was now finished Dan. 5.26 and also because this seems to be the very thing that sets Daniel upon prayer and fasting Dan. 9.2 3. the understanding by Books in this first year of Darins the Mede that the seventy years were accomplished Nay let me say it must needs be so that the seventy years did expire with the first year of Darius the Mede when Babylon was taken and so consequently Darius first year and Cyrus first but one and the same year because the forequoted Prophesie Jer. 29. is clear that after seventy years were expired Israel should return from Babylon And Jer. 25.11 12. speaks it yet more clearly that Israel should serve the King of Babylon but seventy years which so soon as accomplished God would punish the King of Babylon and deliver them Whence I conclude that the seventy years are not to be extended any further then the time that Israel did serve Babylon and the time that Babylon was punished of God But Israel served Babylon no longer then the first year of Darius for with his taking the Kingdome as our former Reasons prove the Babylonian Monarchy ended if we should therefore suppose them in servitude afterwards it must be to the Medes not the Babylontans and also Babylon was sufficiently punished of God when the Babylonian Monarchy was translated to another people both which things having their plenary accomplishment in the first year of Darius the Mede therefore with that year must the seventy years of necessity expire and if so then must the first year of Darius the Mede be also the first year of Cyrus the Persian in which Israel was set free for otherwise they had remained in Captivity above seventy years If therefore the first year of Darius the Mede and the first of Cyrus the Persian were one and the same year then of necessity must their Reign be together and therefore I take it that those words Dan. 6.28 speak of Darius and Cyrus as Co-reigners and not as Reigning successively one after the other unlesse we understand it only of the time that Cyrus Reigned alone after Darins death So this Daniel prospered in the Reign of Darius and in the Reign of Cyrus the Persian Now the Reasons why Daniel speaks chiefly of Darius the Mede as if the ruling power lay in his hands only seems to me to have been one of these two or both 1 Because Darius the Mede being aged and of the two the greater Polititian took up his abode Babylon being taken in the Royal City of the Empire managing the affairs of State whilst Cyrus who was the younger and the braver Souldier was in all likelihood yet in the field subduing and bringing into subjection such Countries Cities and Towns as did yet stand in the way of his absolute Monarchy Hence Daniel whose employment lay in State affairs having chiefly to do with Darius makes mention of him as though be alone had been King 2 Because Darius the Mede being much
House of David erected in the midst of Gods peculiar in time of old and bearing rule over the Nations about it Hence Christ as King goes frequently under the name of David Ezek. 34.23 24. Chap. 37.24 25. Hos 3.5 III. This Kingdom became in time subjected by Nebuchadnezzar and after that wholly removed the Scepter being taken away by the Romans at the time of Christs first coming so that from Nebuchadnezzars time until this day no outward visible Kingdom which may bee called Christs hath been in the world IV. Yet an outward visible Kingdom Christ shall have else could not the Promise have its fulfilling nor the Type its Anti-type V. But yet as Davids Kingdom the Type was very little in its beginning and afterwards became a Monarchy bearing rule over the Nations about it so doth this Kingdom of Christ begin as a Stone afterwards becomes a Mountain VI. Further as Davids Kingdom went to decay before Christs first coming its absolute Sovereignty being taken away by Nebuchadnezzar yet had not the Scepter wholly removed untill the time of his coming So doth this Kingdom begin to recover as it is the Stone before Christs second coming therefore said to be set up in the days of the ten Kings Dan. 2.44 yet shall it not be compleatly a great Mountain or a Monarchy bearing rule over all the earth untill this coming VII Yet as God is swift to take Vengeance for his people but slow to take vengeance upon them So when God comes to recover this outward Kingdom by breaking in peeces all worldly Powers that now possesse it the time betwixt the beginning of this work which begins with the time where the Stone begins to smite and the compleating of it is by the determinate Counsel of God much shorter than was the time betwixt the subjecting and total removing of that foregoing outward Kingdom which was the Type of this VIII As the people of God in the time of the Old and New Testament both did and do by faith expect this Kingdom and shall accordingly when the same shall be set up be Joynt-heirs and Inheritors thereof So hath God given us perfect assurance of it and how and when the same shall bee erected and what should befall the people of the Old Testament and of the New also throughout all Ages till the erecting of it and that out of the mouthes of two infallible Witnesses viz. Daniel a Prophet of the Old Testament and John an Apostle of the New IX The scope of Daniels Prophecies which begin some with some suddenly after the time where the Kingdom of the Type was subjected and terminate with the compleat setting up of the Kingdom of the Anti-type is to give full assurance of the thing it self viz. That this Kingdom which for many Ages together before Daniels time had had being in the Type should also after many days have being in the Anti-type and also to give certain knowledge that thereby the faith of Gods people throughout this long time might be the better born up in a patient expectation of this Kingdom how and by whom the Scepter of the World should be swayed from that day in which the Kingdom of the House of David was subjected until the time the same should be restored with greater Power and Glory and more Dominion than ever before it had under Christ the true David And for this reason it is that Daniel takes notice of no worldly Monarch before Nebuchadnezzar by and under whom Davids Kingdom was subjected X. As this outward visible Kingdom throughout this long Period was by Divine appointment to fall into the hands of four great Monarchies viz. 1 The Babylonians 2 Medes and Persians 3 Grecians 4 Romans which one after the other should possesse the Kingdom and bear rule over all the earth till in the end that Ruler should come whose goings out have been from everlasting and whose right by Purchase Promise and Donation of the Father the Kingdom is and take the same from the last of these into his own hands So answerably in the Book of Daniel wee have in four Prophecies his Seventy weeks excepted which treat of another thing these described the time of their reign determined and their final ruine and therewith the revolution of the Kingdom into the hands of Christ and his Saints fore-told XI The Four-fold Repetition of the same things or the speaking of the same things over in four Prophecies was to the end Daniel might have light let in by degrees as he was able to bear it and also that it might be set home more strongly upon his heart and the hearts of Gods people in general to whom these glorious Discoveries were made that the things themselves were established by God and should most certainly be fulfilled in their season Gen. 41.32 XII The Prophecies themselves are 1 That of the great Image Chap. 2. 2 That of the four Beasts Chap. 7. 3 That of the Ram Hee-Goat and Little Horn Chap. 8. Lastly Of the King of the North and King of the South Chap. 11. the matter contained in the three first of these is represented to Daniel by way of Vision in the last by lively voyce XIII The two first of these viz. That of the Great Image and that of the four Beasts comprehend within them all the four Monarchies the two last the three last only the reason whereof is because Daniel had not his two last Visions till the expiration of the first or Babylonian Monarchy Now Prophecies being not of things past but to come therefore the Babylonian Monarchy being passed at the time of the two last Visions no mention at all is made in them of that Monarchy XIV The succession of these four Monarchies is excellently set forth in that golden Method and Order that is observed in each of the aforesaid Prophecies the description of them in that wonderful suitablenesse and harmony that is in the matter XV. The Babylonian Monarchy is the first to which the Images head of fine Gold Dan. 2.32 compared with 37 38. and that first Beast Chap. 7.4 do relate XVI The Medes and Persians succeed the Babylonian to whose Monarchy belongeth the silver Breast and Arms of the Great Image Chap. 2.32 The second Beast chap. 7.5 The Ram with two Horns Chap. 8.3 4 compared with vers 20. and what by lively voyce is spoken to Daniel Chap. 11. vers 1 2. XVII The two Arms joyned to one Breast which is the Persian resemblance Chap. 2. and the two Horns growing upon one Head which is their resemblance Chap. 8. are a most lively embleme of two powerful Nations viz. Medes and Persians either of which hath an Arm a Horn of strength uniting into one to make a Monarchy XVIII The third Monarchy is of the Graecians which is considered in Daniel First as united in one Secondly as divided and broken XIX To the Graecian Monarchy in its united state doth belong that devouring belly which gathers all to it self
KNOWLEDGE OF THE TIMES OR The resolution of the Question how long it shall be unto the end of WONDERS By JOHN TILLINGHAST a Servant of Jesus Christ Dan. 12. Vers 8 Then I said O my Lord what shall be the end of these things Vers 9. And he said unto me Go thy way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end Vers 10. Many shall be purified and made white and tried but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand Chap. 7.21 I beheld and the same Horn made war with the Saints and prevailed against them Vers 22. Until the Ancient of days came and judgement was given to the Saints of the most high and the time came that the Saints possessed the Kingdom Printed at London by R. I. for L. Chapman and are to be sold at the Sign of the Crown in Popes-head Alley 1654. Knowledge of the Times TO The faithful VVitnesses of CHRIST Within the Common-wealth of England Scotland and Ireland Dearly beloved in our Lord IT was not doubtless without a special and most wonderful design of Heaven in order to the making of Christs Kingdom and the Administrations thereof the more welcome to the World when the Fathers appointed time of setting the same up should be come That the power of the Fourth Monarchy in its second state should be in all respects but chiefly in its rise worse more odious and abominable than ever was power in the World before it for as for all the three first Monarchies and the Fourth also considered in its first state before the Antichristian Beast was Mid-wived into the World they did receive their power from God upon which account the Apostles in the New Testament urge obeto the ruling Powers of the World that then were telling Beleevers to whom they wrote that there was no power i. e. then standing but what Originally in respect of the derivation of the power was of God and ordained by God Rom. 12.1 1 Pet. 2.13 14. But now the power of the Roman Monarchy in its second State as subjected to Antichrist which Beast was not then risen but to ascend to the Throne afterwards Revel 17.8 is as in many other respects so especially in this viz. of the first rise or derivation of the power made to differ vastly from all those preceding powers which were parts of the Great Image as well as it for those though their power was abused yet had they it originally from God but of the Antichristian Power the contrary is expresly declared namely That when the Ten-Horned blasphemous Beast should arise he should receive his power from the Dragon or Devil Revel 13.1 2. And I saw a Beast rise up out of the Sea having seven Heads and ten Horns and upon his Horns ten Crowns and upon his Heads the name of Blasphemy And the Beast that I saw was like unto a Leopard and the Dragon gave him his power and great authority Hence Revel 11.7 and again Chap. 17.8 where his rise is spoken of he is said not to have a descent from Heaven as had the former powers but an ascent out of the bottomless Pit i.e. from Hell noting as before that the derivation of this Power should not bee from God but from the Devil Which Position is yet more clear if wee consider how that Jesus Christ all the time of the Beasts Kingdom doth set up a two fold power viz. a power Magisterial and Ministerial which he calls his two Witnesses Revelation 11.3 For this very end to oppose the Beast by bearing constant witness against and smiting so farre as in them lyes the Beast and his Powers This witnesse-bearing Power set up in direct opposition to the Beast though in respect of their outward condition they are at and under all the time of the Beasts Kingdom he till his day is out ruling the rost for which cause they wear Sackcloth yet being declaredly of Divine appointment and ordination I will give power to my two Witnesses hence it necessarily followeth that the power of the Beast cannot be such too unlesse we should suppose Divine appointments to be manifestly contradictory within themselves and to fight the one with the other which to say would be rather a blasphemy than an absurdity And it is for this reason because the Beast receives his power from the Dragon that the Worshippers of the Beast are said to worship the Dragon Revelations 13.4 And they worshipped the Dragon that gave power to the Beast and they worshipped the Beast From all which it appears That Power considered as Antichristian is not of divine institution but Diabolical This Antichristian power is that which of all the Powers of the Four Monarchies takes last place closing up the Worlds day and standing next to Christs Kingdom in regard of time God seeing it best in his infinite and unsearchable Wisdom to suffer things before he will erect his own Kingdom of righteousness and holiness to grow to such a height of unparalelled impietie in the World as that the principal affairs thereof which in all Ages and Generations formerly had ever been ordered and disposed by men as his Substitutes should in this last time namely the time of Antichrists Kingdom bee disposed of and governed by men as Substitutes of the Dragon In the ruines of this Power Christ begins his own Kingdom for as the Persian Monarchy had its beginning in the ruines of the Babylonian and the Graecian in the ruines of the Persian the Roman afterwards in the ruines of the Graecian so the Kingdom of Christ or the Fifth Monarchy hath its first rise in the ruines of the Antichristian Kingdom with which the Antichristian Kingdom being the Fourth Monarchy in its second and last state the Fourth Monarchy it self goes to ruine and way is made for the rise of the Fifth which succeeds it This thing is most evident in the two first of Daniels Prophecies viz. That of the Great Image Chap. 2. and that of the four Beasts Chap. 7. for the one tells us that Christs Kingdom ariseth by smiting and breaking the feet of the Great Image the other that it ariseth by judging casting down the Throne taking away the Dominion of the Little Horn either of which are the same both pointing as the future Discourse proveth at large at the Kingdom of Antichrist and Christs judging thereof Now that this Kingdom of Christ which Daniel speaks of as succeeding the Kingdom of Antichrist taking its beginning in the others ruines cannot be a meer Spiritual Kingdom as many would have it but must bee an outward and visible Kingdom is manifest enough though wee had no other proof thereof but what is couched in these two Prophecies though yet I might say it and speak truth that this Doctrine of Christs visible Kingdom is that great Truth of which all the Prophets of the Old Testament more plentifully than of any one besides it
Others who begin with the time when Boniface was created universal Bishop by Phocas As for the first viz. the opinion of those who begin from the time of Constantine the Great some of that opinion fixing upon the year 304. others differ as to a few years yet keep within the compasse of 300. and 316. I say not in answer to it that the very foundation of this opinion is a mistake viz. That the two Witnesses are the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament But my reasons against it are 1 Because by this opinion the Harmony of the mystical numbers is destroyed for if the one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes and the two and forty months begin with Constantines time then is it not possible to bring the one thousand two hundred sixty dayes the two and forty months to concur in their end with Daniels one thousand two hundred and ninety which must be upon the grounds laid down in our Key Thesi 17. unlesse we shall finde some action which may be accounted a fit Head for the one thousand two hundred and ninety daies thirty years above Constantine and in case this should befound yet then will not the one thousand three hundred thirty five which begins from the same Head with the one thousand two hundred and ninety concur in their end with the two thousand three hundred which also must be for our reasons Key Thesi 34. unlesse some other beginning and carrying on of that great number may upon approved grounds be found which will notwithstanding bring the two thousand three hundred dayes to end at the same point with the one thousand three hundred thirty five 2 Because setting the Harmony wholly aside by this computation the seventh Government in the Roman Empire viz. by Christian Emperors which is that John calls a Government yet to come Rev. 17.10 There are seven Kings i.e. distinct kinds of Government five are fallen one is and the other is not yet come is either wholly cut off or else confounded with the Beasts For this Government did not begin till Constantines time now if we thence also begin the two and forty months of the Beast then do we I say leave no room for the seventh kind of Government so that either it must be cut off or confounded with the Beasts That it should be cut off cannot be for the Text saith expresly it was to come i.e. as really to have a being as the five fallen had had and the sixth then in being had That we should confound it with the Beasts may not be First because this Government is to continue a space before the rise of the Beast And when it cometh it must continue a short space This short space must either be meant of the time before the Beasts Kingdome or the time of his Reign If the time of his Reign be meant and so the seventh Government and his Reign be made one how then is it called a short space seeing the time allotted to the Beast is a long time two and forty months one thousand two hundred and sixty years yea how is it called a short space comparatively with the sixth or former Government which continued not half nay not one third part of this time this Government therefore must be distinct from the Beasts Secondly because the Beasts Government as relating to this is called the eighth vers 11. And the Beast that was and is not even he is the eighth Though the Beast in respect of his Seat and the Civil power he exerciseth which power did reside in all the former Governments is said to be of the seven and accordingly hath seven Heads i.e. Rome the Seat of and the Civil power of all the former Governments yet is he not called the Seventh but of the seven because successively and in order he followeth the seventh and his Government comes in as the eighth being a Government distinct from the seventh and all theseveral Governments before him For which reason we may not confound the Beasts Government with the seventh which yet this opinion either doth or shuts wholly out neither of which can stand with truth 3 Because according to this supputation the time is expired above a hundred years since And being so 1 How comes it to passe that yet of late yeers the Holy City hath been so trodden underfoot Saints for Religion sake driven to flight as it hath been with us here in England yea so many killed and put to death as have been in Germany the Low-Countries France and all this within much lesse time then one hundred yeers yea the greatest part of it not half the time Certainly whilst the Woman is driven from one corner of the world to the other to hide her self and her children are cruelly killed massacred we cannot look upon her as come out of the wildernesse whilst Antichristian injunctions and superstitions are set up and imposed instead of the pure worship of Christ who will say the treading underfoot of the Holy City is at an end and have not these things been more or lesse within lesse then twenty I may say within lesse then half this twenty years I would I could not say at this present 2 How also comes it to passe that so many years since the expiring of this time the Beast hath escaped and neither been killed with the sword nor led into captivity seeing it is said of him that at the end of his Reign his two and forty months expired He that leadeth into Captivity shall be led into Captivity he that killeth with the sword shall be killed with the sword Rev. 13.10 If it be said Christ hath these many yeers ever since Luthers time in a spiritual manner with the sword of his mouth been killing and captivating the Beast I answer true But what hath been done against him by a Civil sword or towards a Civil captivating of him which is the Sword and Captivity here spoken of For observe such a Sword as he hath killed the Saints with and such a Captivity as he hath exposed them unto such a Sword and such a Captivity it being brought upon him by God in a way of retaliation shall himself suffer by and be exposed unto but the one hath been Civil therefore shall the other also If it be replied was not this done some years since in Germany by Gustavus Adolphus Answ Grant it so to be Yet doth that fall many years too late the one thousand two hundred and sixty according to this opinion being expired long before his time but now no sooner is the time expired but instantly Hee that leadeth into Captivity is led into Captivity Hee that killeth with the Sword is killed with the Sword Neither the German War therefore nor any that hath been since will at all help this opinion 2. If the Wan of the Swedish King in Germany were a killing the Beast with the Sword a leading him into Captivity then most certainly since he is
risen and come out of Captivity again but let us assure our selves that when Christ kills the Beast with the Sword he shall have no resurrection when he leades him into captivity no return Obj. But it may be objected That we must of necessity begin this Epock of one thousand two hundred and sixty years as high as Constantine if not higher for Rovel 12. it is the Dragon with seven Heads and ten Horns and seven Crowns on his heads which is the embleme of the old Roman Empire and not the Empire of the Beast who hath ten Crowns and those upon his Horns Revel 13.1 that drives the Woman into the Wilderness I answer This cannot be for what hath been proved already viz. That the forty two Months and the one thousand two hundred and sixty days are one and the same time which begin and end together and how could this be in case the one thousand two hundred and sixty days were to begin before the rise of the Beast whilst yet the Roman Empire was ruled by the Dragon 2 Observe the Text it self and it will appear That the act of the Dragon there mentioned is not the driving of the Woman into the Wilderness but another thing viz. a lying in wait to devour her childe so soon as born v. 4. And the Dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her childe so soon as it was born The meaning whereof is That the faithful the true members and children of the Church which because one Body are here represented by one Childe and for dignity sake or else to represent their strength in their head Christ a Man-childe that in the time of Paganism had been oppressed by the Dragon the Divel perceiving them now through Constantines means to be in a rising way and ready as with a Rod of Iron to crush in peices his Heathenish Worship he therefore labours by stirring up the power of the old Pagan Empire to oppose Constantine to stifle this work in the beginning but this he cannot do Constantine prevails and the faithful in despight of him are caught up to God and to his Throne i. e. set out of the reach of the Dragon through Constantines prevailing The Church now after her sharp fiery Trial under the Pagan Emperours coming to enjoy great peace and prosperity under Constantine it comes to passe that shee abusing her prosperity and Jesuron-like now waxing fat beginning to kick and grow wanton her good is turned into evil and within a short time afterwards shee begins to Apostatize from her first Principles and instead of being cloathed with the Sun as was the Primitive Church ver 1. and having the Moon under her feet she neglects the Sun i. e. Christ crucified for Justification and true Holiness through his Death and Sufferings and arrayes her self with the Moon i.e. worldly ornaments as Dignities Preferments outward Riches c. which things a while after Constantine began to bee mightily stickled for by the Clergy generally yea in Councels also Now when it came to be thus the Woman i. e. the true Church vanisheth away and retires her self into the Wilderness and as shee retires so in her room stands up the Beast i. e. the false Antichristian Church But this is not done instantly but after the Church had had prosperity some time and abused it and thereby provoked Christ to with-draw his presence and Spirit which gone the Church straightway degenerates and shee that was before the Spouse of Christ becomes an Antichristian Harlot Hence the Womans flight into the Wilderness is noted in the Text as the very next thing after the childes being caught up to God and his Throne ver 5. And her childe was caught up to God and to his Throne ver 6. And the woman fled into the Wilderness Now observe as the childes being caught up to God and his Throne was successive to the Dragons gaping to devour the childe which was whilst yet the child was but in the birth So the womans flight into the Wilderness whence begins the one thousand two hundred and sixty days is to be looked upon as a thing successive as well in time as place to the childes being caught up to God and to his Throne And so the Objection is indeed a reason for us that we may not begin the one thousand two hundred and sixty days either before Constantine or with him but must some time afterwards The Arguments brought from History Civil or Ecclesiastical to prove this fall to the ground upon the account of these two reasons 1 Because History is only a Human testimony and therefore to be tried by the Divine but the Divine testimony or testimony of Scripture cannot be made to agree to this beginning as our two first Reasons prove 2 Because all that is said from History as viz. the Story of Constantines donation of Rome Italy c. to Pope Silvester the story of Queen Helens Crosse c. have only the authority of Popish Writers and not any of the Ancients to countenance them yea are exploded by Protestant Writers as Fables as see Melancthon in his review of Carions Chronicle lib. 3. Johan Wolf cent 4. Simpsons History of the Church lib. 2. cent 4. The Argument urged by some from the Indictions which of all Arguments from meer History is the most plausible tends only to prove that the Papists reckon the beginning of their Kingdom from about this time But doth it follow that therefore we are so to do What Scripture warrant is there for such a thing that there wee should begin the time of the Beasts reign where the Beasts own followers begin their Kingdome Certainly were this a rule to walk by there would be no difficulty at all in making up our account of the forty two Moneths the one thousand two hundred and sixty days yea take it at best it is but an uncertain Argument for some end the Olympiads and begin the Indictions sooner some later and what strength this Argument hath in it which in my account is but feeble will as wel agree according to some to a more likely time as to this for Rosse in his History of the World saith Lib. 3. Chap. 3. that about the year three hundred ninety five the Olympiads ceased and the Indictions were instituted The conclusion of all is That that opinion which begins the forty two Moneths and the one thousand two hundred and sixty days with Constantine is not that we are to cleave unto as truth in this thing SECT 2. THe opinion of a late Writer who hath bestowed much labour upon our Question is that we are to begin this Epocha with the time of Pope Leo the first and the particular year pitched upon by our Author is the year four hundred forty two But though I honour the Author yet cannot I receive his opinion 1 Because according to it the one thousand two hundred and sixty days cannot bee made
quoted by Mr. Mede cl p. 79. of the Western Empire Lib. 10. 11. To these let me adde Our German Author in his Cla. p. 127. testifieth that Anno Dom. four hundred and three some Horns did appear Mr. Archer in his Personal Reign p. 44. saith That about the year four hundred or four hundred and six some of the ten Kingdoms in Europe began to rise Mr. Woodcock of the two Witnesses p. 81. saith That Anno Dom. four hundred and ten when Alaricus took Rome severall of the ten Horns even in that very year began to appear Mr. Medes own opinion is That all the ten Horns were in being in the year four hundred fifty six the Empire in that year appearing divided into ten Kingdoms which together with the names of the People and of the Kings and Provinces over which they reigned are by him laid down in this following Table Cl. p. 80. A Type of the rending of the Empire or Roman Dominion in the year of Christ four hundred fifty six and thence forward The Kingdoms The Provinces wherein they reigned The names of the Kings reigning in this year 1 Of the Britains   Vortimer 2 Of the Saxons In Britain Hengist 3 Franks First In Gallia Belg. suddenly after in Celtica also Childerick 4 Burgundians In Gal. Sequan and Lions Gunderick 5 Wisigothes In Aquitane part of Spain Theodorick 6 Swedes and Alans In that Tract of Spain which is contained in Gallecia and Lusitania Riciarius 7 Vandals In Africa but a little before in Spain Gensericus 8 Alemanes In that Tract of Germany which was called Rhetia Sumanas 9 Ostrogoths In Pannonia the Huns being subdued neither was that age run out when they did enlarge their Kingdome into Italy also Theodemirus 10 Grecians In the residue of the Dominion of the Empire for the Empire of ancient Rome being dissolved the Kingdome of the Grecians is to bee reckoned among those Kingdoms into which the Dominion of the City reigning sometimes farre and near was divided Marcianus Some things by way of explication of the Table are added by Mr. Mede which I omit referring the Reader where any doubt ariseth to the Author himself for satisfaction Now to make our Argument the more firm let it be observed That we are to place the rise of the Beast before the rise of the Horns the Horns therefore having being some so early as the years four hundred four hundred and three four hundred and six c. yea being compleat having their perfect number Anno Dom. four hundred fifty six the rise of the Beast must be placed somewhat more early and therefore it is not amisse that I have pitched upon the year three hundred ninety six Now that the rise of the Beast must be before the rise of the Horns is evident 1 Because the ten Horns with Crowns upon them are the Horns of the Antichristian Beast and no other This being so the Antichristian Beast must necessarily be before his Horns for how improper yea absurd would it bee to say That Horns should grow before or without a Beast To say The Horns are the same which were grown before only the Beast puts Crowns upon them which before they had not helps not the thing for if the Beast crown the Horns then is he before any of the Horns are crowned that which is not cannot adde to another thing 2 Because the rise of the Beast is to bee reckoned from that point of time in which the Civil power of the Roman Empire began to be taken away as hath been proved already but now none of the Crowned Horns arise till a while after the Horns getting Crowns i.e. a Civil power to themselves by the devastation of the seventh Head i. e. pilling the Empire of its Civil power 3 Because the words of the Holy Ghost Rev. 17.12 import as much for speaking of the Beast and his Horns it s said These receive power as Kings one hour or in one hour so Pareus in his Comment upon the Revelation reads it with the Beast Observe not the Beast receives power with them but they with the Beast intimating clearly that notwithstanding the Beasts rise is not long before the Horns therefore both rise as it were in one hour that is within a little time of each other yet the Beast hath being first and is instrumentally the cause of helping the Horns to their Diadems or Kingly power to whom therefore as ingaged they adhere giving their power and strength to him again vers 13. i.e. laying it out for him who was a special means of helping them to it SECT 2. Ob But it may be objected That Daniel saw the rise of this little Horn namely Antichrist after the rise of the other Horns Dan. 7.8 I considered the Horns and behold there came up among them another little Horn vers 24. And the ten Horns out of this Kingdom are ten Kings that shall arise and another shall arise after them Ans Three opinions there are of this little Horn which if either of them might be admitted would easily quit our hands of this Objection The first is that which interprets it of Antiochus Epiphanes but as touching this I shall say nothing til I come to my Third part Two other opinions there are embraced at this day by men of great light learning and worth whom I would not thwart were it not but that this Prophecy of Daniels little Horn is so materiall that an error here turns the streams of all Daniels Prophecies out of their proper channel and because the best men and men of greatest Light may have their particular mistakes I hope it will not be grievous or offensive to any if for truths sake I bring the principles of those whose light in other things I esteem above my own as to this particular thing to the touch-stone Yet ere I come to examine either opinion I shall in order thereunto premise these few things 1 That all Daniels Prophecies viz. That of the great Image chap. 2. Of the four Beasts and little Horn chap. 7. Of the Ram Hee-Goat and little Horn chap. 8. Of the Kings of the North and Kings of the South chap. 11. have but one and the same end 2 That the last thing in each of these is the description of the Fourth or Roman Monarchy These two Principles are so clear and unquestionable upon the grounds that not my self only but also those good men go from whom yet as to their opinions of the little Horn I vary yea from the plain scope and expressions of each Prophecy that to insist upon particular proof were but to multiply words 3 That the Fourth or Roman Monarchy consisting of two States 1 A pure Civil State 2 A mixt State partly Civil partly Ecclesiastical hath therefore in each of Daniels Visions and Prophecies a two-fold representation suitable to its two-fold state In that of the Great Image the Roman Monarchy which is signified by the leggs and feet
among the first ten horns or the ten horns of the Monarchy as in its first state with this time and among the horns thus broken should the little Horn creep up i.e. from thence should the translation of the Monarchy be or from thence should Antichrists Kingdom begin so that indeed these words are so farre from weakning what we have asserted that they are a strong confirmation of our beginning that wee have stated it aright in stating the rise of the Beast Antichrist to be with the time of the invasion of the Goths and Vandals Thus notwithstanding the Objection our Argument stands firm viz. That the rise of the Antichristian Beast is a little before the rise of his Horns and therefore his Horns rising suddenly after the beginning of the one thousand two hundred and sixty days the forty two months the rise of the Beast himself is stated rightly with the year three hundred ninety six SECT 5. To the Arguments already laid down I shall adde an Argument or two more Arg. 1. The aforesaid ending of the one thousand two hundred and sixty days agrees most fitly to the time of killing the Witnesses The time of the Witnesses killing which is to be reckoned the last three days a half of the one thousand two hundred and sixty as see Generation Work Part 3. Chap. 1. Sect. 4. falls under the third Vial and a little before the first stirring of the Jews as is also there proved Sect. 5. in the first and third conclusions now as the third Vial is the Vial wee at present stand under as my discourse upon that Vial manifests so the first stirring of the Iews fals to be in the year one thousand six hundred fifty six as is proved Key Thesi 20 therefore it agrees well to the one and the other to end the one thousand two hundred and sixty days with the year one thousand six hundred fifty six Arg. 2. Taken from the visibility of those very things at this day which the Scripture hath fore-told us shall occur within the last three days and a half of the one thousand two hundred and sixty To give some instances First The Scripture fore-tels that within this time the Witnesses shall lie dead Their death shall be civil and Spiritual Civil in being stripped of Religion and Liberty Spiritual in subjecting themselves through a spirit of cowardize upon them to this Tyranny of the Beast rather then to run the hazard of life in opposing him The place of their lying dead shall be Germany the one to be their death the other the place I have proved Generation Work Part 3. Chap. 1. Sect. 7 8. whether considering the thing time and place have we not more then a little ground to conjecture that the present day is the day of the Witnesses killing and if so then considering that this time is the last three days and a half of the one thousand two hundred and sixty doth it not speak that the year we have stated as the end of the one thousand two hundred and sixty is the right viz. Anno Dom. one thousand six hundred fifty six Secondly The Scripture fore-tels That within the last three days and a half of the one thousand two hundred and sixty A war shall bee attempted First by the invisible Dragon then by the visible of which read Generation Work Part 3. Chap. 2. Sect. last against a remnant of the Womans Seed that shall stand up for Christ in the World within the day that their Brethren the Witnesses lie dead which shal be known by these two Characters 1. They shall walk in Gospel institutions 2. Have amongst them a Spirit of Prophecy Now whether the beginnings of the first War and probabilities of the second be not at this day more visible upon a people having the aforesaid Characters then ever heretofore I propound as a Quaere Thirdly The Scripture fore-tels that there shall be within this time a people in the World that shall favour the Witnesses and withall be so potent as to awe the Beast of whom mention is made Generat Work Part 3. Chap. 1. Sect. 9. Who yet setling themselves upon a worldly interest as their highest ayme shall neither openly declare for the Witnesses Cause nor against the Beast These are called They of the People and Nations and Kindreds and Tongues Revel 11.9 which cannot be interpreted the Popish party though Rev. 17.15 they are so described because in this place they are distinguished from the Popish party which in the following verse are set forth by another name viz. The dwellers on the earth Whether or no such a people be not now to be found I also put the question Fourthly The Scripture fore-tels That within this time there shall be a great League and combination of Nations the Beast now gathering together his Powers to defend himself the time being come that his Dominion is to be taken away as the Fourth Monarchy afterwards at the end of the one thousand three hundred thirty five dayes when it is to go to ruine gathers together all its power to that dreadful Battle of Armageddon to uphold it self Whether a Work like this be not now on foot likewise I propound as another Quaere Fifthly The Scripture fore-tels That within this time there shall be in the World a wonderfull triumph over the dead and suppressed Witnesses as supposing they and their Cause likewise to be now dead and sunk for ever Revel 11.10 Chap. 18.7 Whether doth the present time afford nothing that hath a look like this If all these things bee found true at this day have they not in them the weight of an Argument to prove That wee are upon the very ending time of the one thousand two hundred and sixty days Arg. 3. The forty two months the one thousand two hundred and sixty days may not be begun either higher of lower therefore they must bee begun with the aforesaid year That they may not bee begun any time higher is clear because from such beginnings the time is expired but this cannot be because the Witnesses to this very day my opinion is throughout all Europe but all must confesse in most places as Germany France c. do yet wear their Sackcloth the Woman as to this day abides in the Wilderness the Beast as to this day I really think in all the ten Horns but as to the greater part of them it is undeniable doth yet continue to rage against the Saints by persecuting them under the Notion of Hereticks or Schismaticks or Enemies to Civil Government because they cannot but declare That the day is come in which God will destroy as well his Monarchical Power as his Spiritual and Ecclesiastical to tread under foot the holy City by establishing Powers not of Christ but his own creating to bee Lords over Gods heritage to blaspheme God by blaspheming as did the wicked Pharisees those very Works and Truths of God counting them Erroneous Diabolical which
yet take him at some times when he is in his best mood hee is convinced in his Conscience are of God yea and fears maugre all his opposition that these things will prove his undoing to tyrannize over the Nations by continuing those unrighteous Laws Customs c. which were at first imposed by the Beast that by these he might like an imperious Whore sit domineering upon the waters Revel 17.1.15 that is bee a Tyrant over the People Now I say considering that all these things are in being unto this very day yea and that in all the ten Horns to him that hath but half an eye to see it cannot be that the forty two months the one thousand two hundred and sixty days which are the limited time of the Witnesses wearing Sackcloth the Womans being in the Wilderness the Beasts rage against the Saints treading under foot the Holy City his blaspheming God and his Truth his Tyranny over the Nations should be begun higher then our aforesaid beginning for then should we see a perfect end of those things in part i.e. in some of the ten Horns at least which yet wee see to have being and exist yea to be maintained in every one of them I therefore conclude That the forty two months the one thousand two hundred and sixty days cannot be begun higher then the year I have stated That they cannot be begun lower is clear and manifest because it is a monstrous absurdity to say That all the Beasts Horns should spring up before yet the Beast was brought forth but as I have proved at large in the fore-going discourse all the Horns were come forth but a few years lower then the stated year therefore must the time of the Beasts rise who naturally hath being before his Horns be as I have stated it and cannot without that grosse absurdity of placing the Beast after his Horns bee placed lower Again All that begin lower do not begin from the time of Antichrists Infancy or from the time of his first rise which none can or do deny but it was as early as we have stated it the testimonies of all the Ancients being so full as touching the wonderful defection that was in the Church about that time but rather they begin from the time of his growth either his full growth his perfect maturity or his growth in part only but now this beginning is expresly against the Prophecy of the Beast which points us to the time of the Beasts first rise as the time whence we are to reckon his forty two months This we may see Revel 13. in vers 5. It is said Power was given to him to continue forty two months Whence are we to reckon these forty two months Ans From the day he first received his power and authority from the Dragon vers 2. The Dragon gave him his Power and his Seat and great Anthority And when was that Ans At the time of his first rise vers 1. I saw a Beast rise up out of the Sea having seven Heads and ten Horns and the Dragon gave him his power c. Farther Let it be considered that the second Beast or the Ecclesiastical state of Antichrist is set forth under a three-fold representation in the Book of the Revelation suitable to his three-fold State viz. of Infancy Maturity Old Age. 1 In his Infant state He is a poor despicable Beast creeping out of the earth but not able as yet to make the Nations crouch to him and therefore he borrows the power of the first Beast i.e. of the Civil Magistrate thereby to carry on his own designs Rev. 13.11 12. 2 In his Mature state the Beast sits as a rich proud imperious Whore upon the Nations Revel 17.1 compared with 15. and rides upon the back of the first Beast or the Magistraticall power of Nations ver 3. ruling them and the Nations under them making them do even what this Beast lists 3 In his declining state or Old Age hee is a false Prophet i.e. hee counterfeits abundance of Holiness more then indeed he hath or ever before professed the reason where of I take to be the first Beast through his long riding and galling of him now begins to kick and will by no means endure his Rider any longer the Nations begin to see that this Beast is not indeed as they have been all along held in hand and made beleeve the Woman the true Church but a very Strumpet that by Whoring and Juggling hath in all Ages made her self rich persecuted the Saints enslaved them this makes the Nations begin to spurn likewise at this Beast This Beast now fearing a downfall and knowing full well that if there be not some way found out to keep up his esteem with the first Beast and the Nations he is undone he Proteus-like for indeed he is a Monster never heard of in the world till Antichrists Kingdom began changeth shapes and as at first of a poor ragged Beast became opportunity serving him a proud Whore so now the Beast when he can be a ruling commanding Whore no longer transforms himself into a false Prophet pretending abundance of Holinesse that hereby he may keep up that esteem still with the first Beast and the Nations which once he had but hath wel-nigh lost through his domineering pride and imperiousness This is the true state of the second Beast or of Antichrist as considered in his Ecclesiastical state throughout the Book of the Revelations And of this I have more fully treated in my discourse upon the Vials p. 101. to the 112. Now observe those who begin the Kingdom of Antichrist from the time of Antichrists growth or maturity leave out the first state of the second Beast and begin their account with his second which certainly we must not do but must carry our beginning so high as to take in all the three as the Holy Ghost hath laid them down I therefore conclude that wee may not begin lower then the aforesaid year three hundred ninety six Seeing therefore that we may not begin either higher or lower it necessarily follows that wee must begin with the year we have fixed upon viz. three hundred ninety six to which number adding one thousand two hundred and sixty the whole makes up one thousand six hundred fifty six The result of my whole discourse in this Second Part is That the utmost period of the Beasts continuance the treading under foot the Holy City the Womans being in the Wilderness the Witnesses Prophecying in Sackcloth all which things are concurrent will in greatest probability be Anno Dom. one thousand six hundred fifty six Thus Iohns one thousand two hundred and sixty days expire in the same year with Daniels one thousand two hundred and ninety Thus likewise in that very year in which from the Creation the Flood came upon the corrupted old World in that very year from our Redemption cometh the flood of Gods wrath upon the Idolatrous Antichristian world The end of
Roman Monarchy 1 As a Civil state onely in which state it subdues Nations to it self and particularly the Land of Canaan it waxed exceeding great towards the South and towards the East and towards the pleasant land 2 As a Mixt state or a Civil and Ecclesiastical state both in which period the great thing it doth is to make war with the Saints and tread underfoot the Holy City vers 10. And it waxed great even to the host of Heaven and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground and stamped upon them To this twofold waxing great doth most excellently agree that double title given afterwards to this fourth King vers 23. 1 A King of fierce countenance such is the fourth Kingdome Dan. 2.40 and the fourth Beast Dan. 7.7 2 Understanding dark sentences such is the Roman Monarchy at least pretending to abundance of wisdome learning and high speculations in its second state under Antichrist This twofold waxing great and this double title will agree to no opinion neither to that of Antiochus nor that of Mahomet nor that of the Romish Antichrist nor that of Charles Stuart or the Norman Race in general as it doth to this I conclude therefore that the little Horn here mentioned is the whole body of the fourth Monarchy and not the same in its second state only Now the Roman Monarchy is here called the little Horn the name before given to Antichrist Chap. 7. for one or both these Reasons 1 Because there is a likelihood in their rise The Roman Monarchy as I have said when it first began to creep up was but little and therefore Daniel Chap. 7.7 beholds the fourth Beast creeping up in the night visions i.e. this Beast was obscure and in a manner unseen at first none dreamed he would grow so terrible a Beast such was Antichrist and for this reason called the little Horn Chap. 7. Or 2 Because Antichrist in the last dayes was to weild the Scepter in this Monarchy and the sequel of the Prophesie was to go on chiefly upon him And hence observe we have in the Vision and explication both onely a word as it were to bring on the other of the Civil state of the fourth Monarchy the main of the Prophesie looking to its Antichristian state Now as this is I suppose the very cause and ground of their mistake who interpret all this of Antichrists Kingdome onely so may it be the reason why the name proper to Antichrist should here be given to the whole Monarchy because his Kingdome being a part of that Monarchy was the thing chiefly in the following Discourse to be insisted on What I have said confirms our former opinion that this Prophesie belongs not to Antiochus Epiphanes but another thing and consequently the two thousand and three hundred dayes are not to be understood of Natural dayes but Prophetical SECT 3. Having already proved that the two thousand three hundred dayes cannot be natural dayes but must be Prophetical In the next place a Question will arise whether by the two thousand three hundred dayes we are to understand so many dayes or years compleat A very worthy and learned Author reading according to the Hebrew two thousand and three hundred mornings and evenings which make but half so many compleat dayes will have but half so many dayes at most viz. one thousand one hundred and fifty to he here accounted upon But to this opinion I must give my dissent 1 Because this way of computing by morning and evening a part is no where else found in all the Prophets 2 Because its the ordinary Scripture-phrase to put morning and evening for one day Gen. 1.5 the evening and the morning were the first day vers 8. the evening and the morning were the second day vers And therefore it s more consonant to Scripture-phrase to conceive that the Holy Ghost by two thousand and three hundred mornings and evenings doth intend so many compleat dayes then that he should mean onely so many mornings and evenings which make but half the number of dayes 3 Because by this Computation the very Prophesie it self becomes useless to us who cannot from it make up any account For untill some Head is found out where we are to begin there can be no supputation of years Now I ask if the two thousand and three hundred years are to be understood of but half so many years viz. one thousand one hundred and fifty Where are we to begin them If we begin from the time Daniel had his Vision how will one thousand one hundred and fifty years bring us thence to the time of the end when as two thousand and two hundred years and upwards are passed already since that time and yet the end is not If we shall begin lower as we must by above a thousand years let the head of our account be shewed in the Text. Daniel in all his other mystical Numbers hath still some clear head of account laid down His seventy weeks have for their Head the going forth of the Commandement to restore and build Jerusalem Dan. 9.25 His one thousand two hundred and ninety and his one thousand three hundred thirty and five have for their Head the taking away of the daily sacrifice and setting up of the abomination that maketh desolate Dan. 12.11 12. Now let a Head of account be shewed in the Text for this If it be said It is implied though not expressed vers 13. to be the taking away of the daily sacrifice trampling the Sanctuary and Host underfoot Ans If this be the Head of account then must the Head of this account and the Head of the one thousand three hundred thirty and five dayes Chap. 12. be one and the same for that is the taking away of the daily sacrifice And if so then let a sufficient reason be given to reconcile these places why the account there which begins with this should have one hundred eighty and five dayes or years more in it then this here for who reckons shall find the one thousand three hundred thirty five to have in it so many years more then one thousand one hundred and fifty especially considering too that the one thousand two hundred and thirty dayes and the one thousand three hundred thirty five dayes do both end in the full restauration of the Church and through-cleansing of the Sanctuary as is clear from the scope of either Prophesie If it be said some other taking away of the daily sacrifice is here to be sought for as Head to this Number then that which was in Julians dayes Ans Grant it yet must the time when this was done be so stated as that the one thousand one hundred and fifty years may concur in their end with the one thousand three hundred thirty and five years For the Prophesie Chap. 8. and that Chap. 12. bring us both to one and the same point viz. the last most full and glorious restitution
to Ezra Ezra 7.11 to the end 4 Of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah Neh. 2.7 8 9. Upon some one of these four must the Head of our account be fixed The most general opinion is that we are to fix on the first viz. The Edict of Cyrus in the first year of his reign But with this cannot I accord My Reasons are 1 Because this beginining can never bring the two thousand and three hundred daies to concur in their end with the one thousand three hundred thirty five unlesse we find a Head higher for the one or lower for the other and in case either of these be found yet must the Head be such as shall also produce a concurrency in their ends betwixt the one thousand two hundred and sixty and the one thousand two hundred and ninety daies upon the grounds we have more then once referred to already 2 Because the Angels pointing out to Daniel a certain Head for the beginning of this account viz. the going forth of the Commandement to restore and to build Jerusalem vers 25. is to me an Argument that the seventy weeks were not to be begun from the time of the Vision which in case we begin from the first of Cyrus was Daniel having this Vision in the first year of Darius the Mede which year was the same as I have made appear with the first of Cyrus the Persian for the Prophetical manner is when an account is to be begun some or many years after the time of the Vision to fix upon some certain Head for the beginning of it as Chap. 12.11 but now when the account is to take its beginning streight-way from the time of the Vision to fix upon none for which reason the two thousand and three hundred years which begin from the time of the Vision have no particular Head assigned in the Text. 3 Because the determination of the seventy weeks is expresly upon Daniels Holy City i.e. the City Jerusalem Seventy weeks are determined upon thy Holy City But Jerusalem was not the Holy City nor could it properly be so called until many years after the first of Cyrus as shall appear in our next Section therefore are we not from thence but from another time to begin the Seventy weeks 4 Because the Head of account laid down in the Text will not allow this beginning for observe the Text in plain words hath laid down the Head of our account to be this the restoring and building Jerusalem vers 25. Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the Command to restore and to build Jerusalem But now there was not the least word in all Cyrus Decree that did concern Jerusalem but the whole ran upon the building of the Temple as is clear Ezra 1.2 3 4. where we have the substance of his Decree in these words Thus saith Cyrus King of Persia the Lord God of Heaven hath given me all the Kingdomes of the Earth and he hath charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem which is in Judah Who is there among you of all his people his God be with him and let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah and build the house of the Lord God of Israel he is the God which is in Jerusalem And whosoever remaineth in any place where he sojourneth let the men of his place help him with silver 〈◊〉 and with gold and with goods and with Beasts besides the free-will offering for the house of God that is in Jerusalem Here is not one word in the whole that doth authorise the Jews to any farther work then what concerned the Temple but now the building of Jerusalem which is the Head laid down in the Text was another and a farther work Object But though the building Jerusalem be not expressed in Cyrus Decree yet it is clear such a thing was intended and the Jews by him authorised to such a work as appears Isaiah 44.28 That saith of Cyrus He is my Sepherd and shall perform all my pleasure even saying to Jerusalem thou shalt be built And Chap. 45.13 I have raised him up viz. Cyrus mentioned vers 1. in righteousnesse and I will direct all his wayes he shall build my City and he shall let go my Captives not for price nor reward saith the Lord of Hosts Yea also from the very deportment of the Jews themselves in this businesse who upon this Decree of Cyrus before yet any other Decree was given forth did assay the building of the City which surely they would not do without a Commission Ezra 4.12 13. Be it known unto the King that the Jews which came up from thee to us are come unto Jerusalem building the rebellious and the bad City and have set up the walls thereof and joyned the foundations Yea from the very news brought to Nehemiah by Hanani Neh. 1.2 3. that the wall of Jerusalem was broken down the gates burnt with fire which therefore surely had been built betwixt their coming out of Babylon and Nehemiahs dayes for it could have been no news to Nehemiah to have reported to him of the breaking down of the walls of Jerusalem and burning the Gates by Nebuchadnezzar Ans I must confesse the Objection seems to have great strength in it and for truths sake I have brought it forth in its full and utmost strength But to come to an answer In doing whereof I shall First give some particular Answers to the Texts themselves Secondly Lay down some Scripture-considerations which may be an answer to the whole Objection First for the Texts themselves And first that of Isaiah Chap. 44.28 That saith of Cyrus he is my Shepherd and shall perform all my pleasure even saying to Jerusalem thou shalt be built I take it the latter words in which lyes the force of the Objection even saying to Jerusalem thou shalt be built may be very fitly according to the scope of the place interpreted to be the words of the Lord himself not of Cyrus for observe in the foregoing verses we have God brought in by the Prophet assuring his people upon his word of many great things he will do for them vers 24. Thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer and he that formed thee from the womb I am the Lord that maketh all things that stretcheth forth the Heavens alone that spreadeth abroad the Earth by my self vers 25. That frustrateth the tokens of the Liars and maketh Diviners mad that turneth wise men backward and maketh their knowledge foolish vers 26. That confirmeth the word of his Servant and performeth the counsel of his Messengers That saith to Jerusalem Thou shalt be inhabited and to the Cities of Judah Ye shall be built and I will ra●se up the decayed places thereof vers 27. That saith to the deeps be dry and I will dry up thy Rivers vers 28. That saith of Cyrus He is my Shepherd and shall perform all my pleasure Hitherto it is most evident that the words have relation to God as speaking Now
the Jews yet such should Gods care of and his providence over his people be in this so mighty a hurly burly and commotion of Nations and particular oppositions made against them as that in despight of all Jerusalem throughout this troublous time should continue building and built And so observe the words as they set forth the length of the time from the day Jerusalem should begin to be built untill the Messiahs appearance so do they include within them a sweet and gracious promise of the care God would have of his people through and amiust all these tossings untill the Messiah should appear they should still be preserved one way or other who ever went to wrack and this notably answers to Daniels prayer being a blessed quieting of his spirit and to the event also And indeed one principal thing that makes this place so knotty is in a manner but a trifle viz. making a half point betwixt the seven weeks and the sixty two weeks where none should be made and neglecting a Coma at the end of the sixty two weeks where for the more easie understanding of the words its requisite one should be Now as for the Reason why the seventy weeks which first are mentioned whole vers 24. are afterwards broken into parts I conceive it to be this onely That hereby the mystery of this Prophesie might be the greater and the time the harder to compute which otherwise the Head of the seventy once found would have had no difficulty in it therefore that the mystery might be so much the greater we have the seventy weeks which are first mentioned whole broken into three parts two smaller and one greater which are expressed severally first seven weeks then sixty two weeks then one week vers 27. and that too in such a manner as if the seven weeks had relation to one thing the sixty two to another the one to another whereas it is not so but all put together make up but that seventy we had before and serve to point us to the time of our Saviours Passion which is said vers 26. to be after sixty two weeks that is sixty two added to the other seven making sixty nine then viz. at the end of sixty nine weeks in the beginning of the seventieth is our Redeemer anointed to his work Hence that Character of the seventy weeks vers 24. Seventy weeks are determined to anoint the most Holy This day of his anointing is the day of his appearance to Israel being anointed he goes forth the rest of that seventieth week till the time of his Death preaching the Gospel doing good healing those that were sick casting out Devils c. And this I conceive to be the thing meant by his confirming the Covenant with many for one week vers 27. And indeed this agrees excellently well to that of Paul Rom. 15.8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a Minister of the Circumcision for the truth of God to confirm the promises made unto the Fathers Christ himself by his own preaching must confirm the Covenant made with the Fathers which saith the Apostle is the reason why he was made a Minister of the Circumcision i.e. a Minister under the Law Now this he did in the beginning of the seventieth week going about preaching the space of three years and but three as is clear Luke 13.32 33. And this was till towards the middle of the week i.e. till four years before the four hundred and ninety were fully expired at which time he was cut off which I take to be the meaning of those words In the midst of one week shall he cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease vers 27. i.e. Christs Death which fell out not in the end but in the middle of the last and seventieth week did put an end to all the Jewish Sacrifices and Worship the Great Passcover being slain all other Sacrifices terminate in him And indeed that Christs Passion must necessarily fall out about the middle of the seventieth week is clear because the Text speaks positively that it should be but seven weeks and sixty two weeks i.e. sixty nine weeks untill the Messiah shall appear So soon therefore as ever the sixty nine weeks were at an end and the seventieth but begun we must of necessity conclude the Messiah did appear for otherwise it should be upwards of sixty nine weeks to his appearance Now the thing which will make all clear is what we are to understand by his Appearance We may not understand his Birth for if so then he not being put to death till he was four and thirty years old which space of time contains almost five of Daniels weeks it should be seventy three or seventy four weeks to the cutting off of the Messiah whereas the Text tells us he is cut off after sixty nine weeks or after seven weeks and sixty two weeks which make sixty nine I have in my Key Thes 57. pitched upon the time of his Baptisme but not so considerately for though his Appearance then was to John Baptist and some few Disciples whom he chose yet did he not till afterwards appear publickly This Appearance of his I do therefore conceive following herein the learned Mede is to be reckoned from that time in which he begun to preach publickly to the Nation of the Jews declaring himself to be the Messiah which was as Mr. Mede hath well noted after his Harbinger John had now finished his message and was cast into prison which circumstance of time is precisely noted in the Evangelical story and the place also where he began his preaching Mark 1.14 After John was put in prison Jesus came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the Kingdome of God and saying The time is fulfilled i.e. saith Mr. Mede the last week of the sixty two weeks is now come Matth. 4.12 compared with 17. This is the very time and place whence Peter reckoned the beginning of Christ's Prophecie in his Sermon to Cornelius Act. 10.37 That word which was published throughout all Judaea and began from Galilee after the Baptism which John preached And which is an evidence that this was the time of his anointing by his Father Luke tells us Chap. 4.18 19 20 21. That when he first opened the Book to teach the people in Nazareth of Galilee he opened upon that place The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor Upon which Text our Saviour himself Comments vers 21. This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears as if hee should say This day is Daniels seventieth week begun now is the Messiah anointed from this time which according to Mr. Mede was a full year after Christs Baptism we are to reckon those three dayes or years Luke 13.32 33. To this opinion the several Passeovers betwixt Christs Baptism and Death do best accord which in case the Principle were as demonstrable as it is received and owned by
beginning of the Babylonish Captivity when Israel lost their Kingdome to the annoynting of the Messiah or the first visible appearance of Christ their King was exactly ten times seventy years which maketh seven hundred running still upon the Number seven both in the tens and hundreds Within which time Matthew makes mention of fourteen Generations to have lived Matth. 1.17 Note That they must make short Generations that begin the seventy weeks with the first of Cyrus Seeing therefore that to pitch upon Darius Longimanus as he that in his second year set on foot the work of the Temple doth better then any other opinion agree to the Divine Story and other Scriptures as to the time and things fore-going and succeeding the Temple-building I do therefore conclude That that Darius whom the Greeks call Longimanus was the Darius under whom the Temple-work was finished Another Question now will arise which answered we come to our main Conclusion driven at throughout this Section viz. What Artaxerxes was that which succeeded Darius Longimanus for as I said at first the Artaxerxes we are now enquiring after must needs be by the clear circumstances of the text such a one as did succeed that Darius which gave life to the building of the Temple Now this is confessed on all hands to be that Artaxerxes whom the Greeks call Mnemon who was next Successor to Longimanus his next Darius Nothus succeeding Longimanus and Artaxerxes Mnemon Darius Nothus This Artaxerxes was he that first gave Commission to Ezra in the seventh year of his reign to go up to Ierusalem furnishing him largely with Monies and afterwards to Nehemiah in the twentieth of his reign to build Jerusalem which friendliness of his to Gods Cause and people went not unrewarded for he reigned forty three years And which I cannot but mention to set it before Rulers of all the Persian Monarchs Longimanus and Mnemon who had been of the most forward in favouring the People of God and promoting his Cause were blessed of God with length of days beyond any their Predecessors or Successors in the Empire And which is another thing most observable that by looking over these Histories mine eye hath been cast upon viz. That so long as any of the Race of Cyrus who first appeared to own the Cause of God did continue so long did the Persian Monarchy stand but under the very first King that was of another Race viz. Darius Codomannus or Darius the last who was as is affirmed a stranger to the bloud of Cyrus the whole Monarchy is lost and translated from the Medes and Persians to the Grecians So mindful was God of what Cyrus did for his people that whilst any of his Seed remained he would not give the Kingdom to another Now besides what hath been said already from the scope of our Discourse since I entred this Section it is a thing most evident that that Artaxerxes from whom Nehemiah received his Commission was yea can be no other than Artaxerxes Mnemon because two things are clear in Scripture concerning this Artaxerxes which can be applied to no other but Mnemon as 1 That he reigned many years two and thirty Nehemiah mentions Chap. 13.6 2 That the time of his reign was towards the latter end of the Persian Monarchy which is clear hence because Nehemiah who lived all the time of this Artaxerxes did afterwards live to see that Generation in which the Monarchy was translated for he makes particular mention of Iaddus the High Priest who met Alexander the Great at his coming to Ierusalem and of that Darius under whom the Monarchy was lost Nehem. 12.11.22 which clearly proves this Artaxerxes must be Mnemen none of the Monarchs after him reigning so long as the Scripture it self records him to have done Ere I can yet reach our Conclusion there is one knob in the way to be even'd Obj. If Artaxerxes Mnemon be the Artaxerxes we are to six upon from the twentieth of whose reign Daniels seventy weeks are to be begun then considering they end with Christs Passion Daniels account will superabound the account of all Historians who finde not so many years as four hundred and ninety betwixt the one time and the other Ans 1. There are not so many over and above in this account but there are full as many wanting in their account who begin Daniels seventy weeks with the Decree of Cyrus and whether we reckon more or less the matter is one and the same yet is the bone there swallowed without pricking by not a few godly and able men 2 I answer In case what I have said as touching the beginning and ending of Daniels seventy weeks be truth and it will not accord with Daniels Prophecy of the seventy weeks nor with other Scriptures to state any other beginning or ending then of necessity must we either condemn the Holy Ghost for mentioning more years within that time then indeed there are or Historians of neglect in not having accounted for so many years as they should and who shall we Let God be true but every man a Lyar. If it be said But why will I depart from the reports of Human Writers here when as I made use of them before to measure another time Ans 1. I did not make use of them before as building any faith upon them but because I finde the account they have kept of the time to be agreeable to the Scripture account and so farre I am bound to beleeve they have kept accounts aright not because they say so but because the Scripture saith so and this I verily think that there is sufficient in Scripture to make out this our account though they I mean the Heathen Writers were not yet withall I am of the minde that the considering what they say and laying it to those things that are left us in the Word may through the Spirits guidance be a help to us in things wherein they are in the right as to the more speedy finding them and the more casie making them out yet we holding this as a most constant and infallible rule That all their reports must be bowed to the Scripture and not one tittle of Scripture made to bow to them Upon this Principle therefore supposing the Heathen Writers to have computed sixty or eighty years from Cyrus first to Longimanus second yet would I reckon seventy and not regard their reports and also upon this Principle because the Scripture hath so clearly determined the beginning and ending of the seventy weeks I judge I am bound to account as many years betwixt time and time as Daniel doth though Human Writers will not allow it This Scripture rule once found determines all the different accounts of times that are left us by Human Writers and declares whether or no any of them be in the truth and in case any are who they are But secondly Should we go to the bare Authority of Man yet in common reason more credit is to
in the Word it self whatsoever may bee in mens interpretations thereof It necessarily therefore follows because the words being to be understood literally as pointing to the Iewish people and the place of their Worship we have no other beginning that we should begin with the second viz. The compleating of this work of Temple-desolation which fell out in the time of Julian So that to begin the one thousand three hundred thirty five days with Iulian hath more approbation from Scripture waving our Harmony than any other opinion Now the one thousand three hundred thirty five days being begun there our former Argument for one hundred forty seven years betwixt the coming out of Babylon and Nehemiahs time will appear good upon the gross sum for by this allowance the two thousand three hundred days wil without it cannot end as yet they must with the one thousand three hundred thirty five That the Greeks and most Chronologers that follow their accounts do compute the same number of years from the beginning of Cyrus first untill the end of Artaxerxes Mnemons twentieth cannot be looked upon as an Argument against us but if any thing it is rather an Argument for us Let us not because every man is a Lyar make the Word of God which in this case speaks enough for us though men had said nothing a Lyar too If the Devil should speak agreeable to this rule so farre there is truth in him but if Angels speak against it it is because there is no truth in them Obj. But Daniel chap. 11.1 2. reckons but four Kings after Cyrus to have reigned in the whole Persian Monarchy untill the time that the Monarchy was translated to the Greeks And if so then may not this time which contains not the whole but a part of the time of that Monarchy be counted so long as one hundred forty seven years Ans Should I grant the thing yet is it not impossible for if but four reigned if we allow to the reign of each fifty years which is no thing miraculous the three first alone will exceed our time and the others reign added will go as farre as any conceive the Persian Monarchy did last They that urge this must prove from Scripture that these did not reign so long or they do nothing against our former Arguments which do strongly infer till the contrary be proved that if betwixt Cyrus and Alexander but four did reign they must reign so long But secondly I do not grant the thing nor see the least shew of reason from the text to recede from the account of the Greeks but rather to adhere to them The Question is Whether the fourth King there spoken of be the last King of the Persian Monarchy yea or no Ans Daniel saith not so nor will his words rightly interpreted infer so much The words in Daniel which were spoken in the third year of Cyrus as Daniel 10.1 are only these Behold there shall stand up yet i. e. succeeding Cyrus who was present King when this was spoken three Kings in Persia and the fourth i. e. the King that should succeed these three shall be farre richer than they all and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the Realm of Graecia Here is not a word that the fourth should bee the last but that the fourth should be richer than all the other and by his strength through his riches stir up all against the Realm of Graecia Now how exactly doth this answer to what is recorded by the Greek Historians if we count the Government of the Magi to be one of the three first Kings that succeeded Cyrus for though they continued in the Government but a little while for which cause some as I have said confound their reign with the reign of Cambyses yet they being a Head distinct the Scripture which speaks of things distinctly and as they are account them so not regarding their short continuance Now I say the Magi being reckoned one of these three how patly do Daniels words answer to the reports of the Greeks for Cyrus they reckon as the first and the founder of the Persian Monarchy after him they reckon 1 Cambyses 2 The Magi. 3 Darius Hystaspes Here are the three standing up after Cyrus the fourth they mention who succeeded Darius Hystaspes is Xerxes the Great who is famously known in the stories of those ancient Writers for two things 1 For his Riches which his Father Darius Hystaspes had hoorded up and that in so great abundance that he was called the Hoorder of the Kingdom 2 For his notable expedition against Greece carrying with him no lesse than a Million of Souldiers some reckon them very many more almost two Millions which were transported over the Sea with upwards of five thousand Gallies and other Vessels See Sir Walter Rawleighs History of the World Lib. 3. Cap. 6. Sect. 1. These two things which Xerxes who according to the Greeks was the fourth King after Cyrus was so famous for are the very things pointed at by Daniel as 1. That the fourth King should be farre richer than they all i. e. than all his Predecessors 2. That by his strength through his riches hee should stir up all against the Realm of Graecia Obj. But though Daniel doth not call the fourth King after Cyrus the last of the Persian Monarchy yet the following words infer little lesse for the very next that we read of after this fourth King is Alexander the Great vers 3. And a mighty King shall stand up that shall rule with great Dominion and do according to his will These words can be understood of none but Alexander the Great as the following verse makes appear And when he shall stand up his Kingdom shall be broken so was Alexanders by his sudden death and shall be divided towards the four Winds of Heaven and not to his posterity thus was Alexanders who dying without issue his Kingdom was divided betwixt his four chief Captains nor according to his Dominion which he ruled i. e. none of Alexanders Captains were so potent as he which words agree exactly to those Dan. 8. vers 8 21 22. where we have the very same description of Alexander Ans I grant it that Alexander is here meant yet doth it not therefore follow that the fourth King before mentioned must be the last of the Persian Monarchy unlesse it could be proved that Daniels enumeration of Kings respects the whole Monarchy of the Persians so as not one King more reigned in that Monarchy than is there mentioned which I am sure cannot be done from Scripture The story of Ezra will not at all help it till they have proved the same of that also viz. That it is a perfect Chronicle and hath given us a perfect enumeration of the Persian Monarchs which is a thing as I have formerly observed not in the least intended in those Books But rather to put the matter out of all doubt the
nor gained years but to conclude the thing absolutely because the testimony though ever so true is but Human we may not Though therefore I determine upon a particular year yet not so absolutely but that I do confesse That in case men in their accounts of that time which at present to us is undetermined by Scripture have lost or gained years by so much will things in accomplishment fall either sooner or later than the year I have fixed upon Now though I will not here take upon me to determine as judging the thing upon a pure Scripture-account indeterminable whether Scaligers account of the Year of our Lord or the vulgar account be the true only adde That should the first which fixeth the day of Christs Birth two years higher than the vulgar account be the truth then the one thousand two hundred sixty days the one thousand two hundred ninety do end with the end of the present year one thousand six hundred fifty four but if the last viz. the vulgar have the truth in it then do they end with the end of the year one thousand six hundred fifty six the year I have always hitherto pitched upon for the Witnesses Rise Iews stirring c. though I confess I am in a great doubt which we are to hold to but lesse than twelve Months will untie this knot and unriddle this Mystery yet that neither account though they vary two years as to their beginning have since upon their reckoning either lost or gained years seems to mee a probable truth upon our fore-going Principle viz. of the concurrence of the two thousand three hundred and the one thousand three hundred thirty five days in their end For supposing some miscarriage may have crept into either of these or rather both for setting aside their small difference as touching the beginning they both as to number of years since Christ speak the very same thing in all likelihood the miscarriage must bee within the time of the first three hundred years for since that time Christian Religion hath been the Religion of a principal part of the World and hath always gone upon a publique date but now in case any miscarriage were in that time then seeing we must after once Daniels one thousand three hundred thirty five years are begun allow the like number of years viz. one thousand three hundred thirty five of the two thousand three hundred to it that these two by this allowance may concur in one end it will follow that so many years over or under as the miscarriage hath been so many years by that time we have counted the years of the two thousand three hundred before Christs Passion and the years of the two thousand three hundred which follow the beginning of the one thousand three hundred thirty five will be found within this time viz. betwixt Christs Passion and the beginning of the one thousand three hundred thirty five years over or under the general sum of two thousand three hundred for if the years within this time have been counted more than they should then will the totall sum of the years be more upon account of the whole time put together than two thousand three hundred if lesse then lesse so that the two thousand three hundred must by this means either be stretched or crooked neither of which must be for this two thousand three hundred is of all the most exquisite and perfect rule to measure times by it being the very Date that Heaven hath set upon all worldly Kingdoms the account that the wonderfull Numberer of times and seasons hath left us It therefore being a thing Divine determines of all accounts that are Human but suffers it self to be determined by none This Harmony therefore of the two thousand three hundred years and the one thousand three hundred thirty five in their end as it doth determine the truth of all our account till Julian viz. That we must of necessity reckon nine hundred sixty five years of the two thousand three hundred to be expired at the time of Julians Act not a year more or lesse for if upwards of nine hundred sixty five years were expired before Julian then would there not be one thousand three hundred thirty five remaining if lesse then more either of which destroys the harmony So likewise doth it determine that in all probability our Christian Epock hath neither lost nor gained years from that time to this day because if any where it had lost or gained years it is likely it should be within the first three hundred years but there it did not therefore much more unlikely that since when Christian Religion hath been more famous and gone upon the publique Date of the greatest Empire in the World it should have lost or gained any Having thus made good the whole of our account there is nothing now remaining but that we cast it up to the end we may see where or with what year Daniels two thousand three hundred years expire For the better doing hereof I shall divide the whole into Six Periods 1. Period Contains the number of years from the beginning of Cyrus first unto the end of Artaxerxes Mnemons twentieth note That the twentieth year of Mnemon though Nehemiah received his Commission within that year yet being the current year is to be reckoned into this Period the same rule is also to be observed in all the following Periods the years of this Period are one hundred forty seven 2 Period From the end of Artaxerxes Mnemons twentieth year unto the end of the thirty fourth year of our Lord The years of this Period are the four last of Daniels four hundred and ninety being cut off for our Reasons laid down in opening Daniels seventy weeks four hundred eighty six 3 Period From the end of the thirty fourth year of our Lord untill the end of the year three hundred sixty six the years of this Period are three hundred thirty two These three first Periods contain years nine hundred sixty five 4 Period From the end of the year three hundred sixty six untill the end of the year three hundred ninety six the years of this Period are thirty 5 Period From the end of the year three hundred ninety six to the end of the year one thousand six hundred fifty six the years of this Period are one thousand two hundred and sixty 6 Period From the end of the year one thousand six hundred fifty six to the end of the year one thousand seven hundred and one the years of this Period are forty five These three last Periods contain of years one thousand three hundred thirty five The years of the three first and the three last Periods put together make up exactly 2300. The sum of all is That Christs Personal Appearance Israels compleat Redemption The final overthrow of Beast and Great Turk The binding of the Dragon The total dissolution of the Fourth Monarchy The beginning of the one thousand
toes and breaks them to peeces Again observe That these Kings are not to be understood of so many Kings reigning successively in one and the same Kingdom but must of Kings reigning contemporary in so many distinct Kingdoms which Kingdoms though distinct in themselves yet do all meet in one common Head as the toes do all meet in the feet This is evidenced not only by the distinction of the toes in themselves but also by the division of the fourth or grand Kingdom among them so as that no one hath the whole but one hath this part another that therefore it is said to be divided vers 41. And also by their endeavour to mingle themselves thereby to form themselves again if it might be into one entire Kingdom vers 43. an Argument that they cannot be Kings succeeding each other but must be contemporary To whom or to what power this Character of ten Kings agreeth see Rev. 17.11 12 13 c. 5 CHARACTER The little Horn is a Power of long continuance which is clear 1 From the many and great things attributed to the little Horn Chap. 7.20 21 c. Chap. 8.10 11 12 24 25. but chiefly Chap. 11. vers 21. to 40. which things cannot be performed in one no not in many ages 2 From sundry Phrases and expressions that the Holy Ghost useth in description of him Chap. 7.25 he shall wear out the Saints of the most High which Phrase plainly imports length of time a short suffering though ever so bitter cannot properly bee said to wear out the Patient but an affliction is said to wear out a man when it is heavie and long So Chap. 11.33 They that understand among the people shall instruct many yet they shall fall by the Sword and by flame by Captivity and by spoyl many days noting a long time vers 35. And some of them of understanding shall fall to try them even to the time of the end because it is yet for a time appointed which words clearly hold forth That the end is not presently to be expected when this little Horn shall begin to rage but rather it is to be looked upon to be at some distance therefore these words are brought in together with the little Horns rage the end is yet for a time appointed as to say Do not look for the end presently no this suffering must be both sharp and long also 6 And last CHARACTER The little Horn must be understood of such a Person State or Power unto whom the Characters Daniel in his Four Prophecies hath left us will agree 1 Universally 2 In a more eminent manner than to any other Person State or Power that ever hath been in the world This Character though it is not so properly built upon the expresse Letter of the text as are the fore-going yet is it founded upon right reason consentaneous unto the letter of the text For observe the agreement of the Characters of the little Horn to the Thing Person or Power signified by it must be 1 Universal for otherwise we irreverently and blasphemously charge the Holy Ghost with multiplying Characters ignorantly and in vain in case but one Character be unappliable to the thing Characterized 2 They must agree in a more eminent manner to that thing whatsoever it be that is signified by the Little Horn than to any other thing the reason is because whatsoever is spoken of as done by the Little Horn he is spoken of as doing that thing by way of eminency i.e. so and in such manner as never any other did He is a Blasphemer by way of eminency for he speaks great words against the most High himself Dan. 7.25 Marvellous things against the God of gods Chap. 11.36 Magnifies himself to the Prince of the Host Chap. 8.11 i.e. makes himself equal with Christ An Idolater by way of eminency for he honours a God whom his fathers knew not Cha. 11.38 a strange God not acknowledged by any before him vers 39. An Oppressor by way of eminency for he changeth Times and Laws Dan. 7.25 divides the Land for gain Dan. 11.39 invades not by force of Arms but peaceably the fattest places of the Province doing therein that which his Fathers have not done nor his Fathers Fathers Dan. 11.24 A Persecutor by way of eminency for he doth by his Persecutions even wear out the Saints of the most High Chap. 7.25 Destroys wonderfully i. e. so as never any before him did the mighty and holy people Chap. 8.24 Destroys the understanding people all manner of ways by Sword by Flame by Captivity and by Spoyl Chap. 11 33. whatsoever he doth he doth it by way of eminency i. e. in such manner as was never done before Thus much for the Characters of the Little Horn. I shall in the Conclusion adde this word That as the fore-going Characters agree to none so fitly as the Romish Antichrist to whom as these so all the Characters besides them in Daniel will most aptly accord So in case the Romish Antichrist be not the little Horn it will necessarily follow that we have nothing left us from first to last in this Prophecy that conc●rns Antichrists rage against the Saints and holy City his tyranny over and oppression of the Nations which now hath continued in such manner as the like was never before it for above one thousand two hundred years for in case the things spoken of the little Horn be not appliable thereto nothing throughout this Prophecy is Whatsoever is spoken of the Fourth Beast ver 7. of his dreadfulness and strength his Iron teeth his devouring breaking in peeces stamping the residue with his feet his having ten Horns had all its accomplishment as my fore-going discourse proveth in the Roman Monarchy before Antichrist came in which was the most dreadful Power devouring breaking in peeces the Nations stamping the residue i. e. the Powers of the Monarchies before it with its feet that ever the earth saw and had also ten Horns being exactly divided into ten parts by Augustus Caesar The whole therefore of the seventh verse is but a description thereof which will be more clear if wee compare it with verse twenty three which tells us That the power of this Fourth Beast was exercised not against the Saints in any peculiar way as all Antichrists rage hath been and the little Horns is but against the whole earth without difference or respect making it its great and only businesse to tread that down and subdue it to it self It shall be diverse from all Kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth and tread it down and break it to peeces This being so I say in case that part of the Prophecy which concerns the Little Horn be not to be applied to Antichrists rage and tyranny no part is and if so let it be considered 1 How unlikely a thing it is that the Holy Ghost when he was informing Daniel of the state of things in the World from the time that
the Kingdom of the House of David was subjected by Nebuchadnezzar till it should bee restored by and under Christ the true David should leap over at once above half the time not leaving us throughout the whole Prophecy so much as one syllable to inform us what should be done within that time 2 That he should leap over that time too which was a time in many respects so remarkable for observation as never was time in the world before 1 In respect of a new kinde of Power bearing rule all this time viz. a Civil Power and a Spiritual mixed together and in this mixture the Spiritual to be the Head the like to which was never found in any of the preceding Monarchies no not in the world before 2 In respect of a new kind of Idolatry worshiping a Breaden god Saints Reliques of Saints c. an Idolatry never heard of in the world before 3 In respect of a new kinde of Persocution a Persecution of the precious Servants of God by one professing himself in his Title to be the Servant of the Servants of God a Persecution of the true and faithful Members of Christ by one stiling himself Christs Vicar 4 In respect of a new kinde of Tyranny tyrannizing over the Conscience and forcing it making Merchandise of the souls of men Revel 18.12 13. 5 In respect of a new kind of oppression oppressing the people robbing them of their wealth and substance by craft and not by power as what are all the Popish inventions of Masses Pardons Pilgrimages Penance Purgatory their Abbies Monasteries c. but meer tricks and devices by which they divide the Land Dan. 11.39 enter into the fattest places of every Province or Nation ver 24. and this by craft Dan. 8.25 6 In respect of a new kinde of Blasphemy for a man to profess the greatest holiness and love to God of all others and yet to make himself God suffer himself to be called God worshipped as God thus robbing God of his honour whilst he professeth to serve love and honour him I say that a time having such noted Characters upon it as never had time in the world before should by the Holy Ghost whilst lesse things are observed be wholly buried in silence cannot be thought Nay thirdly That the Holy Ghost here should wholly leap over that time and those transactions which are in a manner the subject of all or most of the Apocalyptical Visions when as Daniel and John do help to expound each other is very strange An Objection The Conception of some good men of our days is That the little Horns Kingdom doth not denote the whole body of Antichrist but points at some singular Person or Power that is to arise in the evening time of Antichrists Kingdom so making in their conclusion the Saints of this Age to be the only subjects of the Little Horns rage Answer 1 This is very improbable though it were upon no other reason but the former only viz. the losse of so much and withall so remarkable a time as is and must be lost by this opinion 2 Very uncomfortable for supposing the Little Horn to be but newly risen yet if withall wee consider those things which are most evident from the text concerning him 1. That his continuance must be long 2 That throughout this long time he shall in a most fearful and dismal manner rage and tyrannize trample the Saints oppress the Nations What an uncomfortable opinion is this to us and all the people of God at this day who look for their redemption to be at hand to entertain such a thought that the Little Horns Kingdom is but now begun which if so then sure enough neither we nor our Childrens Children no nor the Generation after them shall ever live to behold those glorious days which yet is the faith of many will break forth even in this Generation Nay how uncomfortable a thing is it to think that all the Persecutions that have every yet been in the World are in a manner but Flea-bites both for greatnesse and length of time to that persecution that is now beginning which must be in case the Kingdom of the Little Horn be but now begun for he is the only Persecutor of the Saints and oppressor of the Nations by way of eminency that Monster that never had the like before him nor shall have after him 3 Grounded upon a mistake which mistake is another conception of some who are of opinion that the Little Horn denotes a single Person viz. That the Little Horns rise and rage is to be the immediate fore-runner of the Beasts final ruine and that for this reason the description of this Little Horn is insisted upon so largely in Daniels Prophecies But this cannot be 1 Because it is needlesse and superfluous so much should be fore-told of this Little Horn to this end only when as in case nothing had been spoken of him we have a more sure certain and undoubted word to point us to the ending-time of the Beasts reign viz. the truth of those soveral mystical numbers that concern the Beast It is unacquaintedness with the one hath made good men so apt to close in with this other 2 Because the destruction of that which comprehends the whole of the Beasts Kingdom cannot be a sign of the destruction of the Beasts Kingdom but so doth the Little Horn for it is equivalent to the whole body of the Fourth Monarchy and is a Power consisting of ten Kingdoms as I have before proved 4 The fore-going conception savours too much of partiality and of too high thoughts of our selves and too low of the Saints before us whilst in effect by such a conclusion we render the Holy Ghost mindeless of all the sufferings of so many Millions of the precicus Servants of Jesus Christ who in former Ages have in the flames by Sword and otherwise sacrificed their lives for the testimony of Jesus against the Beast as not to mention one word of all their sufferings and yet so mindful of us who comparatively with them have never suffered the thousandth part nor can suffer more should men do their worst as to leave such a large Narrative of our afflictions Nay further let me adde which follows upon the other we do hereby in a manner accuse the most righteous God of partiality and inequality whilst we make him to forget all his other Children much better than we and to take notice of us and our sufferings only Let us not have so much affection to our selves as not only to lay aside all due respect to that blessed cloud of Witnesses our Fore-runners and Betters but also to make the ways of the most righteous God unequal yet this remembring what but now was said that in case by the Little Horns rage and blasphemy the tyranny of Antichrist be not set forth no mention at all is by Daniel made thereof doth necessarily follow such a conception being admitted The sum
of all is That as those Charactors of truth left us in the naked letter of the text are the most certain rule to go by to finde the minde of the Holy Ghost in Prophecies so walking by that rule Daniels Little Horn is and can be no other but the whole body of the Romish Antichrist A particular Clause in our Discourse about the Times opened IT hath been said in the close of my fore-going Discourse about the times That it cannot bee determined from Scripture whether the present year one thousand six hundred fifty four or tho approaching year one thousand six hundred fifty six be the last of the Beasts reign and the Witnesses wearing sackcloth The ground of this uncertainty lies in the doubtfulness of the year of our Saviours Birth which although the Scripture tells us it was in the days of Augustus Gaesar yet in regard it hath not told us how long the said Augustus Caesar reigned therefore the doubt remaineth Nor will Human Records help us herein because they are divided within themselves and differ some from others a year or two as touching the number of the years the said Augustus reigned Two opinions there are about the time of Christs Birth the one fixing it two years higher the other two years lower The Vulgar Account which wee have followed because the most known and the common Date inclineth to the latter The account of Scaliger which is owned by other Modern Chronologers as Calvisius Alstedius Helvicus c. chuseth the former The difference betwixt these cannot be determined by Scripture nor can it be certainly made appear till the event hath decided it which is the truth Our proof from Scripture is firm and good that the year one thousand six hundred fifty six from the birth of Christ must necessarily be the last year of the Beasts reign and the Witnesses wearing sackcloth This is demonstrable from the two thousand three hundred days for sith that with the year of Christs Passion which was Anno Dom. thirty four six hundred thirty three of Daniels two thousand three hundred yeers were expired as I have proved it therefore follows that from that year to the end of the Fourth Monarchy are to be reckoned but one thousand six hundred sixty seven years more which one thousand six hundred sixty seven years being added to the former number six hundred thirty three as they make up the two thousand three hundred years which are the utmost date of the Fourth Monarchy compleat so do they also make the two thousand three hundred years to expire with the year from Christs Birth one thousand seven hundred and one for adde one thousand six hundred sixty seven to thirty four the year in which Christ suffered and we have the aforesaid sum Now in regard the end of the Beasts reign and the Witnesses wearing Sackcloth falls forty five years before the final destruction of the Fourth Monarchy it therefore follows the Date of the Fourth Monarchy expiring in the year one thousand seven hundred and one from Christs Birth that the end of the Beasts reign and the Witnesses wearing Sackcloth which is to be fixed forty five years above the other must of necessity expire with the end of the year one thousand six hundred fifty six from the birth of Christ But now because the time of Christs Birth is as to the year doubtful therefore I say can it not be determined what year we are to pitch upon as the year one thousand six hundred fifty six from the Birth of Christ If the account of Scaliger which ascends two years above the vulgar be the truth then of necessity in case years since Christ in the counting have not been lost as it is a thing very improbable any should upon the reason we have given in the precedent Discourse must this present year one thousand six hundred fifty four be the last of the Beasts reign and the Witnesses wearing sackcloth for in case Christs Birth be to be fixed two years higher than the beginning of our Vulgar account it will follow that the year which we following the Vulgar account call the year one thousand six hundred fifty four ought to be accounted and really is from Christs Birth the year one thousand six hundred fifty six and if so then will the next year after this be the year in which the German Witnesses and the Saints elsewhere shall put off their Sackcloth and be no longer subject to the tyranny of the Beast But if the Vulgar account be true then will the year we commonly call fifty six be the last year of the Beasts tyranny and the Witnesses wearing Sackcloth and consequently with the beginning of the year one thousand six hundred fifty seven must wee expect the blessed day of the Saints putting off their Sackcloth and leading into captivity that Beast that for one thousand two hundred and sixty years together hath captivated them This being a question of great moment which makes a variance two years throughout all our accounts and withal not being as I judge determinable by Scripture unlesse as I have said it could be proved how many years Augustus Caesar reigned which in case it could be done then indeed Johns beginning to preach in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Luke 3.1 would somewhat help us I thought good having but hinted it before to give here in our close the true and full state thereof leaving the two different accounts to the Readers consideration and the certain determination of the thing it self to the event Only adding that although in my account of times I have walked by the Vulgar reckoning as that which is to persons generally best known yet have I not done it from any such light as perswades me that the Vulgar account is to be chosen and adhered unto rather than the other therefore having shewed where this knot lies I leave it to time and Divine Providence to unty A few days wil resolve this question and many more FINIS AN APPENDIX Wherein is contained 1 Some Conclusions as touching Christs Kingdom and the generall Design Scope and Method of Daniels Prophecies 2 A General Rule for the right understanding of Prophecies together with a more full unfolding the Great Mystery of Daniels Little Horn. 3 An Explication of a particular Clause in the fore-going Discourse about the Times BY J. T. Printed at London by R. I. for L. Chapman dwelling at the Sign of the Crown in Popes-head Alley 1654. A few Conclusions touching Christs Kingdom and the generall Scope and Method of Daniels Prophecies I. THat Christ should have an outward visible Kingdom in which as King of Kings he should be exalted is the promise of the Father antiently made to Christ Gen. 49.10 11. compared with Isa 63.1 2 3. Revel 19.15 16. Numb 24.17 18 19. So Rom. 4.13 compared with Gal. 3.16 and is that thing of which all the Prophets have spoken II. A Type of this Kingdom was the Kingdom of the
Chap. 2.32 That third Beast considered as winged and swift in motion Dan. 7.6 which swiftnesse of march is noted as peculiar to Alexander Dan. 8.5 and is here excellently set forth by giving four Wings i. e. two pair of Wings to this Beast noting his swift march and speedy conquests the Great and notable Horn of the rough Goat Dan. 8.5 compared with vers 21. and what is spoken to Daniel of that mighty King Dan. 11.3 XX. The divided state of the Graecian Monarchy is set forth by the thighs of the great Image Dan. 2.32 the four Heads of the third Beast Dan. 7.6 the four Horns of the He-Goat coming up in the room of the great Horn Dan. 8.8 with vers 22. and what by voyce is delivered to Daniel chap. 11. ver 4 5 c. to ver 14. XXI The Fourth and last Monarchy is of the Romans which Monarchy in either Prophecy is set forth in its two-fold state First its state before Antichrists rise Secondly its state afterwards the one I have formerly called its pure Civil State the other it s mixt State XXII The Roman Monarchy in its first State wherein it chiefly attended to the work of Conquering and subduing Nations is set forth by the Iron Leggs of the great Image Dan. 2.33 which Iron-legged Kingdom or rather this fourth Kingdom considered as Iron-legged is said to break in peeces and subdue all things vers 40. By the fourth Beast Dan. 7.7 but yet considered only as a warlike Beast most dreadful and terrible to the Nations devouring the whole earth treading it down and breaking it in peeces vers 23. By the Little Horn considered in its first waxing great Dan. 8.9 by which waxing it becomes exceeding great pushing down all standing in its way towards the South and towards the West and towards the pleasant Land and by what is spoken to Daniel of the Conquests of the King of the North vers 14. to 21. XXIII The Roman Monarchy in its second State wherein the work it principally attends to is oppressing the Nations subdued already persecuting the Saints treading under-foot the Holy City is set forth by the feet of the great Image of Iron and Clay Dan. 2.33 by the Little Horn Cha. 7. by the Little Horn in its second waxing great Chap. 8.10 11 12 24 25. by the vile Person or that proud King Chap. 11. whose description we have at large vers 21. to vers 40. and afterwards goes under the title of the King of the North ver 40. to the end of the Chapter XXIV All the aforesaid Prophecies though their beginnings are different yet have they but one and the same general end XXV This end is the final dissolution of the Fourth Monarchy and the establishment of the Fifth contemporary with both which is the Personal appearance of Christ XXVI The two last Prophecies conclude with the destruction of the Fourth Monarchy the two first with the greatnesse and glory of the Fifth yet are not for this reason their ends different because though the things themselves are two yet both shall be performed by that one act of Christs Personal appearance It is the appearance of Christ that destroys the Fourth Monarchy establisheth the Fifth XXVII The admirable Harmony in every title betwixt these so antient Prophecies and the events or betwixt the things fore-told so many Ages ago and the things transacted in the Ages since is a strong and convincing Argument of the infallibility of the Prophecies themselves and of the certainty of the performance of the things yet to bee accomplished XXVIII The glorious work of setting up Christs outward visible Kingdom which is the thing pointed at in all the fore-going Prophecies is the great work of the present age and time we live in XXIX The mystical Numbers of Daniel and John both which direct us to the time in which this Kingdom is to be set up all which expire as the fore-going Discourse proveth within the compasse of this Age the visible dispensations of God which in our days have been very wonderful all tending to such a thing the cries of Saints and their faith and expectations generally looking this way the opposition of the Devil and the World against and the malignity of men of worldly Principles unto this glorious truth and blessed work do all speak that we are come to the dawning of that day in which Christ will in despite of Satan and the Worlds rage and all the Carnal policy of men of earthly Principles establish his own Kingdom XXX The former being true it is in its self no strange thing nor ought to be matter of stumbling or offence to any that the Witnesses of Christ in this our day direct their testimony against Civil Powers as they are in their present constitution bearing forth evidently the excellent brightnesse and the terrible form of the Great Image Dan. 2.31 which yet Saints of formet Ages subjected themselves unto and never medled with because the case with them and us is vastly different They lived within the compasse of that time in which the Great Image was to stand the World and worldly Powers were to bear rule which that they might do till their day should come to an end it was necessary that Saints in all Ages heretofore should subject themselves to them and never bear a testimony simply and directly against Civil Powers of a worldly constitution nor indeed could it be any part of their testimony because God having set a time how long worldly Powers should continue it behooved not them to attempt before the time to take from the World what by Divine permission for such a time was allotted them But now the case is otherwise for we being come to the beginning of that day in which the Great Image must be smitten till the same is crumbled to dust and finally carried away with the wind of Gods Wrath and that Kingdom and Dominion which before the Great Image did hold as it s by right to bee translated and given to the Saints of the most High as every Work of God must have light for its Basis because God leads his people to the execution of his will not blinde-fold but by light therefore of necessity must the Witnesses of Christ in this Age bear forth such a testimony of truth as may lay a foundation in the hearts of Gods people for such a work And indeed as the work that God is now about to do is a new thing in the World viz. the regaining that Kingdom which hath been in the hands of the World for now upwards of two thousand three hundred years viz. ever since the beginning of the Seventy years Captivity in Babylon so by the same reason that truth which must be laid as foundation to this work can bee no other but a new thing in the World It is therefore no Argument against the truth of Christs visible Kingdom that Saints our predecessors in the Ages before us medled not with
half so many years but signifie so many years compleat p. 127. to 133 Sect. IV. That the two thousand three hundred days are not to be begun with the first year of Cyrus p. 133. to 137 Sect. V. Shewing two things 1 That Darius the Mede of whom Daniel speaks Chap. 5.30 did not belong to the Babylonian Monarchy but the Persian p. 137. to 142 2 That the first year of Darius the Mede and the first of Cyrus the Persian are one and the same year p. 142. to 152 Chap. 2. Wherein in order to a more full clearing up of the fore-going account viz. of two thousand three hundred days are Daniels seventy weeks discussed Sect. I. That the Seventy weeks do not relate to New Testament-times p. 152. to p. 161 Sect. II. That the Seventy weeks are not to be begun with the Decree of Cyrus p. 161. to 183 Sect. III. That they are not to be begun with the Decree of Darius Ezra 6.6 7.8 c. p. 183. to p. 193 Sect. IV. That they are not to be begun with the Decree of Artaxerxes in the seventh year of his reign Ezra 7.11 12 13. p. 193 That they are to be begun with the twentieth year of Artaxerxes when Nehemiah received his Commission to build Jerusalem Nehem. 2. p. 194. to 198 Sect. V. That the Seventy weeks end with the Passion of Christ p. 198 199 Sect. VI. A resolution of sundry knots about Daniels Seven weeks his Sixty two weeks his one week and his half week p. 200. to 217 Sect. VII An Objection against our ending of the Seventy weeks answered p. 217. to 225 Chap. 3. Wherein enquiry is made into the number of the years that passed betwixt the first of Cyrus and the twentieth of Artaxerxes when Nehemiah received his Commission to build Jerusalem Sect. I. Disproving the grounds of that Opinion which cuts this time much shorter than it should bee p. 225. to 251 Sect. II. Proving That that Artaxerxes from whom Nehemiah received his Commission was him whom the Greeks call Mnemon p. 251. to p. 281 In order to the clearing this is shewed That that Darius who advanced the Temple-building could not be Darius Hystaspes p. 253. to 281. nor Darius Nothus p. 259. but was Darius called by the Greeks Longimanus Here Zecharies seventy years are opened p. 260. to p. 274 Sect. III. Proving that the time betwixt Cyrus first and Artaxerxes twentieth was exactly one hundred forty seven years p. 281. to p. 290 An Objection from Dan. 12.1 2. That but four Kings did reign in the Persian Monarchy after Cyrus answered p. 290. to p. 298 Sect. IV. Something discussed about our Christian Epock p. 298. to p. 305. The computation of the whole p. 306 307 308. Added by way of Appendix 1 A general Rule for the right understanding of Prophecies together with a more full opening the great Mysterie of Daniels Little Horn p. 311. to p. 320 2 A particular Clause in our Discourse about the times opened from p. 328. to 331 3 Some Conclusions touching Christs Kingdom c. FINIS Books lately Printed and sold by Livewell Chapman THe Voyce of the Spirit or a Discovery of the Witnessing work of the Spirit by Sam Petto Minister of the Gospel The New Non-conformist witnessing both to small and great some of those glorious things which the Apostles the Prophets and Moses did say should come to passe Written by Mr. Christopher Feak Minister of the Gospel and now a Prisoner for the Truth A Declaration of several of the Churches and godly People in and about the City of London concerning the Kingly interest of Christ and the present sufferings of his Cause and Saints in England A Sermon of the Fifth Monarchy proving that the Saints shall have a Kingdom here on Earth which is yet to come after the Fourth Monarchy is destroyed by the Sword of the Saints the followers of the Lamb. Preached by Master Tho. Goodwin some years since at Crooked Lane London An Image of our Reformed Times or Jehu in his proper Colours displayed in some Exercitations on the second of Kings the ninth and tenth Chapters setting forth The opportunity was given him to do his work in The Cause he had committed to him to manage Also his Policy Zeal Profession Hypocrisie with his Sins and their aggravations reason for all this Concluding with a word to Jehu Jehonadab his Counsellor and the persecuted and despised people of God By Col. Edward Lane of Hampin-nulo This Author hath three other Books being called Generation-Work in Three Parts In the First Part is shewed what Generation Work is and how it differs from other works of a Christian Secondly That Saints in their several Generations have had their proper and peculiar works of their Generations Thirdly That it is of great concernment for a Saint to attend to the work of his Generation Fourthly What the present work is Fifthly How each one may finde out the part of it that is properly his work Sixthly How the Work may be so carried on as God may be served The Second Part is An Exposition of the seven Vials and other Apocalyptical Mysteries The Third Part is An Exposition of the Prophecies of the two Witnesses from the eleventh twelfth and fourteenth Chapters of the Revelations To which is added A Key to unlock the Mystical Numbers in Daniel and the Revelation
Lightfoot in his Harmony of the four Evangelists upon the Text proveth had been in hand exactly six and forty years before the time Christ and the Jews had this Discourse the probability of which opinion considering the Jews spake of a Temple that was not that had been weighs down in my opinion all others But if yet any do adhere to the opinion of Zerubbabels Temple and accordingly set this Scripture against my Argument let them which they must produce some Scripture speaking the thing that Zerubbabels Temple is here meant till that is done we are in uncertainties and an uncertain ground is too weak to prove a thing or disprove the contrary And indeed learned men generally seem not in the present case to lay much weight upon this Text for those on the one hand who conceive the second Temple was finished in the sixth year of Darius Hystaspes reckon not half six and forty years betwixt Cyrus his first and Hystaspes sixth year And those on the other who judge the work was not finished untill the sixth of Darius Nothus reckon between the first of Cyrus and the sixth of Nothus above twice six and forty years Yet is not this Text judged by either to have that weight in it as to make them alter their opinions Alsted in Chronologia Monarchiae Persarum would find out a way to uphold this opinion viz. That Zerubbabels Temple was six and forty years in building and yet will not have the compleat finishing of the work to be till the sixth year of Darius Nothus which according to his account reckoning from the second year of Cyrus when the foundation was laid was one hundred and eleven years But to do this he reckons only the time they were building leaving out the time the work was at a stay But as it is a most unlikely thing that the Jews being so considerable a company as was that company that came up from Babylon and attending wholly to this work should spend six and forty years inthe meer building-work who afterwards in Nehemiahs time did in two and fifty dayes build the whole walls of Jerusalem Neh. 6.15 So is it as unlikely which yet Alsted to make good his opinion supposeth that those enemies of Judah should sit still and suffer the work quietly to go on without intermedling in the least to their prejudice six and thirty years together viz. all the time of Darius Hystaspes who at other times were ready and active whensoever they saw the work on foot to hinder it To say no more the whole of the opinion is made up of meer suppositions As first That the Darius Ezra 4.5 is Hystaspes Secondly That the Jews did build all the time of his Reign Thirdly That Ahasuerus Ezra 4.6 and Artaxerxes vers 7. were two divers persons Fourthly That Ahasuerus was Xerxes the Great Fifthly That in the beginning of his Reign the Temple-work was stopped which yet went on again in the six last years of his Reign Sixthly That the Artaxerxes Ezra 4.7 was Longimanus who throughout his Reign forty years together hindered the work Seventhly That Darius who in his second year set the work on foot bringing it to perfection in his sixth was Darius Nothus never an one of all which can be proved by any clear Scripture yet not one of them but is and must be supposed to make good this opinion Let the Reader therefore judge what probability is in it And also by the way take notice to learn hence never to take up things upon trust what a do is made by not a sew to prove a thing that is not or at least that cannot be made appear to be to prove Zerubbabels Temple was six and forty years in building because it is said Six and forty years was this Temple in building whereas indeed if we follow the opinion to the heels it cannot be proved that Zerubbabels Temple is there spoken of Could any demonstrative Text be brought to prove that it would then be worth while to look after the six and forty years but to spend time about it while the main Question is begged is but lost labour 3 A third opinion there is of these seven weeks which makes them to be the term of time Jerusalems Wall and City was building which was nine and forty years saith the Author of it reckoning from the first of Cyrus to the two and thirtieth of Artaxerxes when Nehemiah having finished the whole work returneth again to the King Neh. 13.6 But this cannot be 1 Because what I have already said in my second Reason in answer to the first opinion lies with the same weight against this 2 Because the building of Jerusalem was no part of Cyrus Decree as formerly I have proved which yet this opinion supposeth yea the whole stresse of it lyes upon the neck of this supposition 3 Because in beginning the seven so high it doth also begin the seventy weeks as high as Cyrus which is an error 4 Because the Author fails greatly in point of Chronologie whilst he accounts but nine and forty years betwixt Cyrus first and Nehemiah's Artaxerxes two and thirtieth year which upon a due examination when we shall come to it will appear to be many more 4 There is yet another opinion also of these seven weeks not much differing from that I named last viz. That these seven weeks are the time Jerusalem with the rest of the Cities of Judah were building and repairing But this cannot stand because of our second Reason laid down in answer to the first opinion which batters this also and also because the very foundation of it is neither Scripture nor Story but pure and meer conjecture as Master Mede proveth who opposeth himself to this opinion Daniels Weeks page 15. What hath been hitherto said by way of Answer to each is sufficient to shew the inconsistency of all those opinions with the words which make the seven weeks one time the sixty two another assigning several works to the several times Seeing therefore none of these can stand nor the fore-mentioned conjecture of Mr. Mede I shall now lay down what I conceive of the Text reading the word thus with an alteration of the stops onely Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the Commandement to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and sixty two weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in troublous times The meaning is That from the time the command to build Jerusalem should go forth untill the appearance of the Messiah should be sixty nine weeks all which time notwithstanding the great troubles and overturnings that within it should be in the world through the translation of the Monarchy from the Medes and Persians to the Grecians and from them to the Romans all which fell out within this time and the distractions of particular Kingdomes and the great opposition that should be made against