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A89026 The key of the Revelation, searched and demonstrated out of the naturall and proper charecters of the visions. With a coment thereupon, according to the rule of the same key, / published in Latine by the profoundly learned Master Joseph Mede B.D. late fellow of Christs College in Cambridge, for their use to whom God hath given a love and desire of knowing and searching into that admirable prophecie. Translated into English by Richard More of Linley in the Countie of Salop. Esquire, one of the Bargesses in this present convention of Parliament. With a præface written by Dr Twisse now prolocutor in the present Assembly of Divines.; Clavis apocalyptica. English Mede, Joseph, 1586-1638.; More, Richard, d. 1643.; Twisse, William, 1578?-1646.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1643 (1643) Wing M1600; Thomason E68_6; ESTC R12329 241,145 298

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the foure Angels signifie so many Sultani●s or Kingdomes into which the Turkes were d●vided when first having passed over Euphrates they had spread themselves into the neighbouring coasts of A … a and Syria These Christopher Ric●erius concerning the originall of the Turkes doth thus reckon up out of Scilix a Greeke author the first of Asia the second of Alepo the third of Damascus and of Antioch the fourth The first of which the Asian or of Asia the lesse had its beginning in C●tlamusus otherwise called by Elmachinus except I be deceived Sedyduddrulas allyed to that Tangrolipix who first tooke Bagdad He began his Kingdome in the parts of Asia bordering Chap. 9. upon Euphrates Caes●ria or Capadocia being conquered and taken from the Romanes to him and his poster●ty about the yeere of Christ 108. as the same auther witnesseth The borders whereof afterward Solyman his successor enlarged as farre as Nicaea of Bithynia but being vanished by ours in that renowned expedition unto Jerusalem he was constrained to leave the whole region which he had gotten and to retire to Euphrat●s And the seat of this Tetrarchie though in the beginning it were else where yet for the most part was at Iconium in the same Ca●adocia The second was the Tetrarchie of Alepo the city thereof being Alepo which is watered with an arme of Euphrates brought thither by one of the Sultanus Siarsud aulas was the first king hereof as witnesseth Elmachinus having obtained Alepo in the yeere 1079. whose successor was R●duwanus Salgh●●ides in the yeere 1095. The founder of the third Tetrachie whose chiefe city being Damascus by the testimonie of the same author was Tagiuddaulas Nisus the nephew of Togrulb●cus or Tangr●lipix who subdued Damascus in the same yeer 1079. His successor was Ducathes or Decacus the brother of R●duwanus the Sultan of Alepo in the yeere 1095. Whom saith Scilix all the region of D●cap●lis obeyed But this reached to Euphrates To these Scilix reckoneth the Antiochian ●o● a fourth contained within moderate boundes For saith he the Calipha of Egypt out of the Saracenicall stock possessed the regions of Syria unto Laodicea But forasmuch as that Anti●chean Kingdome as it was a little remote from Euphrates so it endured not but fourteene yeeres Anti●chia being presently taken by ours under the conduct of B●●mund happily it were better leauing out Antioch to adde for the making up of the number of four● the Bagdad or Persia● Empire upon the other side of Euphrates for Scilix had onely respect to the Turkes who had passed Euphrates that so the whole Turkish Empire beyond and on this side Euphrates may be understood to be devided into those foure Sultanies which with the course of the Kings or Sultans for a certain time see Reader described in the following figure for thy more distinct Diagra●mate contemplation A Diagramme of the T●●kish Kingdome parted in Foure Partes at Euphrates from the yeere 1080. and so forth out of Elmachinus the Arabian and S●il●p a Greeke Author Beyond Euphrates on this side Euphrates Of Bagdad Togrulbecus Orbarsalanus Of Cesaria Capadocia I. conium c in Asia the lesse Of Alepo Of Damascus Ghelaluddaulas in the ye●re 1071 Barkyaruens M●hamm●dus Mahmudus began in the ye●re 1117. c Seijdud●aul●s by surname Cutlumusus S●limanus T●nismanius Masutus Calisastlanus c Sjar●uddulas Roduwanus Tagjud●aulas his sonn● Bulgarus begā in the yeere 1117 Tagjuddaulas Decacus Ababacus then alive in the yeere 1115 Sanguinus Noradinus And this was the state of the Turkish affaires when first they passed Euphrates and as it were making a shew of their breaking in upon the Romane territories they were restrained in their limited prison at Euphra●e● But howsoever this quaternion of Sultans remained not entire till the the time of their loosing but underwent divers changes yet the Holy Ghost esteemeth the nation according to the state of the first irruption wherein having passed Euphrates they are bound untill an appointed time And those foure Angels were loosed being prepared for an houre and a day and a month and a yeare that they might slay the third part of men This loosing of the Turkes happened a little before the yeare 1300 the Caliphatship of Bagdad with which the first Woe utterly expired being now extinguished by the Tartars in the yeere 1258 and the remnant of the Turkes who on the other side of Euphrates hitherto raighned in Persia being cast by the same in the yeare 1289 as it were out of a s●●ng into the countries belouging unto the Romane Empyre on this side of Euphrates For things thus framing it happened also that at the same time the Latines who had hindred and staied the irruptions of the Chap 9. Turkes now almost 200. yeares were driven out of Syria and Palestina in the yeare likewise 1291. In the meane time the Turks although as yet devided into severall provinces invaded almost all the les●er Asia parted it among themselves to be possessed by right of inheritance and at length uniting themselves under the sole conduct of my Oth●man without any restraint cruelly raged and passed over into Europe ne ther could they any ●ore bee restrained with any force untill t●ey had destroyed the whole Constantinopolitan Empire with miserable slaughters But unlesse I be deceaved the Oracle designeth the time also of this overthrow of C●nstantinople to wit that it should come to passe a day a month and a yeare that is 396 yeares af●er the Turkes the Saracenicall Empire being given them d●gan to be made ready by God that is from the time that B●gdad was taken by them For this was the beginning of the breaking of the Turks when the Empyre of the Saracens began to be subverted and the dominion of the Romanes to be afflicted yet so as the force of the cvill was to be restrained until the appointed time of setting them loose Certainly the space of time agreeth to an inch For Almachinus the Arabian Historian whom we haue sometimes cited then whom none hath more accurately noted the moments of times reporteth that Z●grulbecus Salghucides the Prince of the Turkes whom we cal Tangrolipix of the Zelzuc●ian family the royall city of Bagdad being taken was clothed with the Imperiall robe by Caliph● Ca●inus Biamrilla and enstauled in the kingdome in the yeare of the Hegira 4.9 that is 1057 of Christ then sayeth he was the kingdome stablished to him From this time therefore the Turkes having the principall seate of the Sarecenicall Empire with the whole dominion beyond Euphrates are prepared that after a propheticall day month and yeare they should kill the third part of men that is in the yeare of Christ 1453 they should utterly cut of the rest of the Romane Empire in the East the royall city of Constantinople being taken Fro the space from the yeare 1057 to the yeare 1453 wherein Constantinople was taken is prec●●ely 396 yeares whereof the day maketh one the Month 30 the yeare
a Vinedressers sickle for the treading Christ himself the King accompanyed with a heavenly troope of horsemen Which out of the vision Chap. 19. which I have so often cited may evidently appeare For there Iohn saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he Vers 11. which sate upon him was called faithfull and true and with righteousnesse he iudgeth and maketh warre and he was clothed 13. with a vesture sprinkled with blood with the blood of grapes and his name is called The Word of God And the armies which are 14. in heaven followed him on white horses and clothed with white silke and cleane And out of his mouth goeth a sharpe sword that with 15. it he should smite the nations for he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he it is who treadeth the winepresse of the fierce wrath of God Almightie c. Can any thing be more plainly spoken And furthermore in the context to which we give light according to our abilitie it is no where said that the Angel who gathered or cut the clusters of grapes is the same also as did tread the winepresse but only that he cast the cut clusters of grapes into the winepresse Which being done the winepresse is troden without the Citie And by whom but by Christ the King comming forth of heaven with his heavenly troope of horsemen That forsooth it is which the holy Ghost would signifie by mentioning of horses Vers 20. immediatly added and blood saith he came out of the winepresse even to the horse bridles For wherefore is that concerning horses inserted unlesse by this marke he might give notice that the winepresse should be troden by him to whom that company of horsemen belonged That therefore I may comprehend the matter in few words this is the summe of that vision of the vintage The Angel the Vintager with the helpe of the Saints the government of whom for the effecting of this businesse is committed to him shall lop Chap. 14. and cut away the clusters of grapes belonging to the Beast and by that his cutting off shall cause them to be gathered together into Armageddon and being gathered together the Lord Iesus shall tread them at his comming according to which Paul saith concerning the man of sinne which is this selfe same Beast that he shall be destroyed by the Lord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with the brightnesse of his coming 2 Thess 2. 8 Now both as well the Harvest as the Vintage is obtained by prayers the Harvest as it seemeth by the prayers of the Church universally for the Angel which there beareth the person of the suppliants is said to come generally out of the Temple but the vintage rather by the prayers of the Martyrs and Confessors against whom the wicked ones exercised crueltie with slaughters and torments and sacrificed then to Christ wherefore the Angel which calleth for this commeth out of the place where the Altar standeth and is said to have power over the fire even the fire of Martyrdome For that is commonly known that the blood of Vers 18. the Martyrs cryeth to God for revenge For surely the Scripture every where witnesseth that the divine power will bestow neither prosperitie upon the Church nor inflict punishment upon their enemies without their prayers So at the prayers of Daniel the captivitie of Babylon is set at libertie And in the parable concerning the widow wearying the unjust Iudge with her clamors the * Apodosis application is that God in like manner constrained by the prayers of his Elect will at length rise up to their revenge Adde hereunto that when the trumpets should be sounded for the destruction of Rome the prayers of the Martyrs are first called into remembrance by God at the incense offering Heare therefore ● Christ the King and call to thy Fathers remembrance so many humble supplications of thy servants for thy kingdom so many gro●nings of the afflicted and slaine for thy name sake and when the time that shall seeme unto thee most fit shall come Arise reape the Harvest and gather the grapes Thus farre Reader I was able to proceed in this more large kinde of interpreting and no further In the rest which remaine I only give Propheticall Essayes to wit part of those which three or foure yeeres agoe I had communicated privately to my friends upon most of the Apocalyptique visions Those whatsoever they be Reader I commend to thy courtesie and beseech thee to make a favourable construction Chap. 17. thereof untill our Good God Almightie shall bestow abiliti● and leasure upon me to finish these also in the same method with the former except the iudgements of learned and godly men shall prohibit me Moreover thou shalt know that in these I thought not fit to keepe so strict an order of Chapters but I have set the mystery of Babylon before the vision of vyals which yet Iohn hath set after whether because one of the Angels of the vyals had declared it or because he would put it as a Key for the opening of all the foregoing visions it seemeth to be for both causes But it is not fit for the interpreter every where to keepe the same order as the Historian doth At Chap. 17. Concerning mysticall Babylon the head Citie of the Apostasie of Christianitie THe Metropolis of * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apostacy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or mysticall Babylon is the Citie of Rome or as we now call it the Sea of Rome being in times past the Spouse of Christ become not onely an Harlot but also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the mother City of Harlots that is the head of the Cities Christian spiritually committing ●ornication with her Where Reader I would have thee to observe even this first because we are now about the chiefe part of the Revelation that the great and universall * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apostasie of the visible Christian Church is not defined and marked of the holy Ghost by any other heresies or errours then that spirituall fornication so much layed to the charge of ancient Israel also This only therefore as a * Cynosura guide ought to be regarded by him whosoever would search out of the Records of Ecclesiasticall affaires the beginning progresse stay and decrease of the Apostasie of Christianitie if he ayme at this marke that which is sought may even palpably be perceived but if otherwise he shall either faile or be uncertain For though this Babylon be guiltie of other errours yea heresies for it is no new thing that harlots and whores be infamous for other vices and crimes also yet seeing the holy Ghost hath marked that great Apostasie of the visible Church with none of those therefore they are to be accounted either symptomes only of that Apostasie or adventitious errours and such as are alike common to other times and sects or if the heresie shall happily be of great moment as
was subdued and u●te●ly destroyed by the Franks in the yeer 526. But for the making up of the number of ten fitly the dominion of the Ostrogothes at the same time was parted into two kingdoms Panonia which ●itherto had obeyed them taken by the Longobards and Italy only left to th● Kings of the Ostrogothes 5 Wisigothes In Aquitane and part of Spaine Theodorick 6 Swedes Alanes In that tract of Spain which is contained in Galaecia and Lusitania Riciarius 7 Vandales In Africa but a little befo●e in Spain Gensericus 8 Allmanes In that tract of Germany which was called Rhetia Sumanus 9 Ostrogothes In Panonia the Huns being vanqu●shed neither was this age past but they enlarged their kingdom into Italy also Theodomirus The kingdom of the Alemans from the yeer 475 became one with the kingdom of the Heruli so long as they reigned in Italy to wit 16. yeers 10 Grecians In the residue of the dominion of the Empire For the Empire of the ancient Rome being dissolved the Empire of the Grecians is to be accounted one of the kingdoms into which the dominion of the citie reigning sometimes largely was divided Marcianus The ●ongobards succeeded the Ostrogothes also in Italy being called out by Nar●etes after he had destroyed the kingdom of the Ostrogothes in the yeere 567 but then delivered their seats in Pa●onia to the Huns Avares to be enjoyed afterwards And at length after this manner these tenne Kingdomes into Chap. 8. which the holy Ghost had foretold as well by Daniel as by Iohn the Romane Empire at the last should be divided seeme to be reckoned and not at all to be esteemed according to so many bare names as usually is done of so many regions or tracts of land but rather Kingdomes into which the Dominion and Lordship of the Empire should be rent Yet notwithstanding let us not thinke that the limitation of this number of tenne is to be so strictly construed that it excludeth at any time more Kingdomes or any manner of governments but that the Empire should be severed into ten at the least or into ten principall Kingdoms That which even from that originall rending which we have set forth untill our age under so many fates and alterations I think to have been alwaies the truth although it were sufficient for confirmation of this truth if onely in the beginning it had been divided into so many Kingdomes howsoever happily afterwards the number were diminished But the like prophesie concerning the rending of the Monarchie of Alexander may teach us that so as I have said and not otherwise that limitation of the number of ten Kingdomes is to be understood in which although besides these foure principall Kingdomes of Macedonia Asia Syria and Egypt a fift also Thracia was added Lysimachus being the founder yet the holy Ghost bounded that multiplicitie in a number of foure Reckon them to be so many at the least or so many principall Kingdomes For there was no succession in the Kingdome of Thracia though it began together with the rest and endured forty yeeres but it ended with the first King Lysimachus and therefore not to be brought into the number The like hereunto is to be judged of this ten fold Romane division Wherefore let it move no man if besides the Kingdomes reckoned up in France he shall happily finde there the Kingdome also of the Alanes of Orleance and also the dynastie of the Cities of Baitaine continuing from the Empire of Honorius untill these times For he shall finde the latter to be but of a very meane Dominion the other to have from thence endured but a small time to wit tenne yeeres at the most Neither of them therefore to be reckoned with the rest for like place and order nor if any be to be found of the same sort otherwhere The third Trumpet Chap. 8. The third Trumpet did utterly throw downe and extinguish Vers 10. the shining starre to wit the Romane Hesperus or the Western Caesar even now from the time that Gensericus the King of the Vandals had spoyled Rome being taken falling headlong and as it were struggling a little while with death under these names of Caesars of no account Avitus Maioranus Severus Anthemius Olibrius Glycerius Nepos dying with mutuall treasons and slaughter at length in the yeere 476 fetching his last breath under the fatall name of Augustulus and pulled from the heaven of his authoritie by Odoacer King of the Heruli sent against him this being the most bitter fate of the Rivers and Fountaines that is of the Provinciall Cities and Magistracies The Hesperian Caesar here I call him who after the division of the Empire into East and West established even from the death of Theodosius the first remained as yet Emperour of ancient Rome and the West but of a very short continuance as who should utterly fall from his heaven at the sound of this Trumpet after the yeere 91. For whereas the Bishop of Rome more then 320. yeers after that this Hesperian Caesar had set in Augustulus did anew surrogate the Kings of France who were afterwards of Germany into that name and title he brought no other thing to passe but that by this coverture of Caesar revived or of the sixt head of the Beast yet reigning he himself might not at length be so apparently accounted for the last head that is Antichrist by men of ordinary understanding But this papall Caesar pertaineth not to the heads of the Roman Beast but to the hornes or Kingdomes into which the Empire of the sixt head now about to yeeld his roome to the last head was to be rent Neither indeed after so great a space of time as is of 325. yeeres for so many they are from Augustulus to Charles the Great could there be a succession as it were of a continued series of Hesperian Caesars But goe to let us give further light to the Text of Iohn that the reason of the interpretation may be manifest And there fell saith he a great Starre from Heaven burning like a Lampe He seemeth to desc●ibe a blazing Starre or Comet amongst the kinds of which reckoned by P●iny Lampadias is one specially so called And surely not unfitly is Caesar of the West figured by such a starre Chap. 8. for short duration Concerning whom therefore it will be said Chap. 17. When he cometh he must continue but a small time But the Starre was a great one as the fitter to resemble a Supreme Majestly Vers 10. whose excellency the Sunne otherwhere in Prophetique parables doth represent And surely it is knowne there have been Comets which have seemed to equall even the Sunne in magnitude of which sort that this Starre was happily he shall not erre who affirmeth it Now the like parable of a falling Starre least thou doubt of the application Esay useth Chap. 14.12 of the fall of the King of Babylon How saith he art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer
365. The exactnesse of the account is such that any one may easily imagine that even the howre which according to the proportion of the rest should make fifteen dayes agreed in like manner with the event if the month of the inauguration of Togrulbecus had beene declared as well as in the yeare is In the meane while untill that appeare 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an houre may he taken here not for th● twentieth part of the day but for a fit time and the coniunctionk●● and to be expounded declaratively as it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 prepared for a fit time to wit for a day a month and a yeare to slay the third part of men But how many yeares after wardes should runne till the ruine of the Turkish kingdome is no where had only it is said that it shall come to passe at the end of the times of the Beast to wit the second Woe shall passe when the third Woe should be at hand for the abolishing of the kingdome of the Beast chap. 11 v 14.15 But before I depart hence I shall not unwillingly confesse this that except so exact an agreement of the prophesie with the thing done did as it were enforce mee another interpretation should no way have displeased mee to wit this that those Angels were prepared and furnished for every occasion whether need shall require for an houre or a day or a month or a yeare to take the matter in hand But whether it bee like that so accurate answering of time as here the event sheweth should have happened by chance let others judge Some one perhaps there will be who will make conscience so to thinke It followeth of the quality and number of the Armies And the number saith he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the Army of horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand Hee ●ameth an Army of horsemen and no other Armies in the whole description of the plague as if this enemie from Euphrates should be wholly an Army of Horsemen Whether because in the Turkish warre the horsemen so farre exceed the foote men in number that this is of no account in respect of that rather which I beleeve the Holy Ghost especially respected because this is the very character already consecrated by Ezechiel of the Nation of Magog of whom the Turkes are derived For so hee describeth that Nation by warrfare on horse-back in that famous prophesie concerning Gog this in the same age of Ezekiel was the * R●b Moses Bar. Na●hman upon the Pentatench Gog. saith he is a generall name by which every Prince of Magog is called the same saith Iohannes Baptista of a lew becomming a Christian in the prologue of the second part Leunclavius in the Pandicts of the Turkish H●story p. 186. Gog at this day by the Turkes is called Giok or K●oc with one only syllabl● whence Kioc Can wh●ch otherwhere is Gog Can c. Gog E●p which also is Gug Elp. common name of all the King of Magog as Pharaoh was of the Aegyptians Chap. 38. 4. And I will bring thee forth saith he and all thins army Horses Chap. 9. and Horse men and all of ●hem cloth●d with armour Againe verse 15. And thou shalt come from thy place out of the North-parts thou and people with thee all of them Riders on hors●s c. furthermore this Gog is called the chiefe Prince of Meshek and Tubal That is who going out of his coasts commanded both the Armeniaes beyond and on this side Euphrates I comprehend here under the name of the hither Armenia the Capadocians anciently called Meschim and Moschi and where the chiefe towne Mazaca is afterwards called aesarea and in the same Coast the Moschi mountaines being no obscure tokens that the Inhabitants are derived from Meshek The further or greater Armenia is that which is called at this day Turcomania from the habitation of the Turkes wherein in time past the City Thelbalana was the Tibarenian and Balbitenian people the river Teleboas and other marks of the name Tubal Yet notwithstanding the Warre which Ezechiel declareth is not to be taken for this irruption of the Turkes which Iohn describeth this only he seemeth to intimate bee understood of another the last under the returne of the Jews and that if a man may conjecture this which now is something before departing But of the type of the Armie of the Horse-men there is another thing which with the good leave of the Reader I will adde but on this condition that no man thinke mee over much to regard the deceitfulnesse of names and e●ymologies Even solid and well cooked meates are wont to taste more deliciously with sauc● Let not the Reader therefore disdaine that I set such before him To wit that the Turkes before the loosing now by long habitation have beene Perfians and by that name called every where in the Byzantine Historians Certainely Nicetas who in a History comprehended the most part of the time wherein they were restrained at Eupbrates almost alwayes calleth them Persians verily rarely Turkes Now the Persians if thou marke even by the very sound of the name are Harse men since 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Paras by which name Persia is called in sacred writt with which Parthia is the same onely otherwise Chap. ● pronouned in the three Easterne languages the Hebrew Chaldean and Arab●an dothsignifie a Horse or Horse-man Therefore by this reason the Euphratean Horse-men are Turcoper●ians that is the borderers of Euphraces by a nam● of their Nation are called Horse-men Neither doth example of such allusion if any shall object dispose seeme to bee wanting in Daniel chapter 8. where the Macedonians who at that time were called Aegeades that is to say Goatish are signified by a type of Goates and the King is set forth by the representation of a hee Goate Behold saith hee Hircus Caprarum that is the Male of the Goates commeth Verse 5. from the West c. for hee meaneth Alexander the great the KING of the Aegeans They are the Macedonians For so that Nation was called where the first seate of the kingdome was from Caramos the Founder about two hundred yeares before Daniel The occasione of the name the Epitomizor Iustinus reporteth out of Trogus lib. 7. whose words I will not sticke to mention Caranus saith he with a great multitude of Gr●cians being commanded by an answer of the Oracle to seeke places of habitation in Macedonia when he had com●into Emathia he possessed himselfe of the Citie Aedessa following a stocke of Goates flying from a shower the Citizens not perceaving by reason of the greatnesse of the showres and fogge and calling the Oracle to minde whereby he was bidden to seeke an Empyre by the conduct of Goates he appointed it the State of the Kingdome and afterwards religiously observed whethersoever hee removed his Army to have the same Goates his ensignes using those as guides for his enterprises which he had for authors of his
Chap. 10. king of the saints should rule through the whole world c. 7 and together that glorious promise of restoring Israel should be fulfilled chap. 12. But that this Kingdome is it which hee called the finishing of the mystery of God that acclamation subjoyned to the same Trumpet afterward sounding suffereth us not to doubt the Kingdomes of this world are become our Lords and his Christs and he shall ra●gne for evermore That it is wonder that there are any Cha. 11. v. 15. who should understand it otherwise Therfore that time of which the Angell here sweareth that it shall be no more cannot be any Verse 6. other then either the time of the foure Monarchies universally or which is more neere but the same in effect of the last Kingdom that is the Roman to wit the last period of a time times and halfe a time since the same which here with Iohn is said shall be when time shall be no more that with Daniel was shewed should bee then when that period of the last times shall be accomplished And surely this consummation of the mysterie of God is the matter of the seventh Trumpet to which are added as companions seven thunders For they are not the matter it selfe which the Trumpet doth exhibit but a temporary thereof To wit while the Angell maketh his proclamation concerning the mysterie of the Trumpet seven thunders utter their voyces He cried saith Vers● 3. he with a great voyce as a Lion roareth and when hee had cryed seven thunders uttered their voices that is when he had begun his cry seven thunders also began to speake Neither can they but contemporize with the seventh Trumpet since that which followeth the sixth Trumpet necessarily falleth into the seventh But what is this voyce of thunder whether is it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bath Kol If it bee this the seven thunders are so many Oracles by which the space of the seventh Trumpet is distinguished as it were by certaine periods but of a matter not at all to be knowne nor to bee perceaved but in the proper times which the prohibition to Iohn of writing the voyces of the seven thunders given from heaven doth intimate Seale up th●se things which the seven thunders have Verse 4. spoken and write them not We shall therefore enquire in vaine of those things which God would have kept secret and to be reserved for their owne times And thus hath the seventh Trumpet beene fitly enough accommod●ted in its place and order although the discoverie of the sound thereof wherein the whole mysterie is fully unlockt be reserved Chap. 10. to another place The purpose of which reservation with the whole frame of such disposition although it be touched in the Key of the Revelation yet it will be neither needlesse nor unprofitable to repeate it here againe and a little more at large since the consideration thereof doth escape most of the interpreters The diligent contemplation of the body of the Apocaliptique visions fra●ed by the characters of the Synchronismes gave me the first light here and will give light to thee ò Reader also except I be deceaved But the matter that I may discover it with what plainnesse and brevitie of speech I came standeth thus Both prophesies as well of the Seales as of the little Booke are concluded with one and the same issue of things to wit with that which the seventh Trumpet doth exhibit For the declaring whereof the Holy Ghost hath deferred the more full opening of the sound thereof the mysterie of the seventh Trumpet being touched before in its proper place in the order of the Trumpets lightly and as much as was there needfull untill a passage being made to the new prophesie of the Little book Chap. 10. from the eighth verse to the end he had drawne up the first vision thereof the course of the Revelation being likewise finished to the same issue of things Chap. 11. 14. and then that Mysterie of the seventh Trumpet the common Catastrophe of both prophesies and only generally published in the former prophesie which was of the seal●s is here the sound at length being uttered fully expounded and that surely in a most apt order when as otherwise without a fore-knowledge of either prophe●ie that which depended upon both could not have bin understood And hence it commeth to passe that the businesse of that translation is not taken in hand by any Angell o● the Trumpets but b● that great and excellent Angell who held in his hand the Little booke the Symbole of the second prophesie which was presently Verse 8 9. to be eaten by Iohn For it was requisite for him who should reveale the second prophesie that the explaining of the sound thereof whic● contained the Catast●ophe of either prophesie should be deferred thither Yea if that Angell bee Christ the Lord as it seemeth may be gathered by his more royall attyre and the whole ●●rniture this right of suspending the last sounding in favour of the other prophesie doth agree to none so much as to him who Chap. 10. was the Author of both the prophesies Hitherto truely hee had appeared in forme of a Lambe but now it seemeth he had put on the person of an Angell for that he was about to reveale to Iohn the same mysterie of Consummation which hee had revealed long before to Daniel in the same appar●tion of an Angell and in the same rite and words of an oath you may see DANIEL Chapter 12. verse 6. 7. with the fifth verse of the tenth Chap●er FINIS THE INTERPRETATION of the little Booke or of the other System of the visions of the Revelation according to the rule of the Apocaliptique Key THe space of the Seales being runne Chap. 10. over wherein the affaires of the Empire were described let us proceed to the other prophesie by much the more noble as containing the fates of the Church or of Religion Iohn is prepared to it by the delivering and eating up of an open Booke as it were to take the degree of the facultie of prophesying And the voyce saith he which I heard from heaven spake unto Vers 8. me againe to wit that voyce as of a Trumpet speaking Chap. 4. 1. and sayed Goe and take that little booke which is open in the hand of the Angel which standeth upon the Sea and upon the earth I went therefore unto the Angel and sayed unto him give me Vers 9. the little booke and he sayed unto me take it and eate it up c. Furthermore since the prophesie now to be revealed as the knowledge of all divine and hidden things especially to come should be in the first receipt indeed sweet and pleasant but by Chap. 11. reason of the lamentable estate of the Church contained in the hidden part thereof bitter as Aloes or for the obscuritie happily of those Allegories and Types where with it is covered it should much perplex
Vers 16. his mouth That is the multitude of Christians in Councels prevayling in the Orthodox faith dranke up the Diabolicall inundation even as the Earth is wont to doe the water when it is exceeding dry For if the water but venemous and contagious such as proceedeth out of the mouth of the Serpent doth represent heresie the reason of the analogie did altogether require that that which should drinke it up and abolish it should be figured by the Earth as which by its drinesse is wont to drinke up the inundations of waters Which truly in this matter falleth out so much the more apt to signifie the thing in hand because even other where in an hystoricall and simple speech the earth in many places is wont to be put for the inhabitants of the Earth See Gen. 41. 57. 1 Sam. 14. 25. Deut. 9. 28. and in many places beside Concerning the tenne horned Beast blaspheming God and the two horned Beast or false Prophet his Authour and chiefe priest A New Tragedie of evils did set upon the woman being entered At Chap. 13. the bounds of the Wildernesse for forthwith she falleth upon a double Beast in appearance indeed little to be feared as resembling the Panther or Lambe but no whit the Dragon or Serpent the likenesse of whom alone she abhorred Yet in truth * Fiduciariam the onely one in trust for that Dragon cast down● and one that in his stead should much vexe her off-spring which she should bring forth in the Wildernesse And the Dragon was wroth with the woman for from thence Vers 17. I fetch the story of this Chapter and went to make warre with the remnant of her seed to wit with them which she was to bring forth in the Wildernesse which keepe the Commandements of God and have the testimonie of Iesus Christ and he stood upon the sand of the Sea That is when the Dragon had perceived he who even now was deprived of the Romane Empire that he nothing prevailed by the flood of Arianisme to overwhelme the woman flying into the Wildernesse but that neverthelesse she was come safe thither and furthermore that the Romane Empire would no more suffer that he in his proper name should manage the affaires there as in times past he setteth upon her by another way to wit by substituting covertly for himselfe * Regnum ●icarium a deputed Kingdome and to that end he stood upon the sand of the Sea that he might raise to himselfe a new deputed forme of the Romane Kingdome then to have its beginning Now the history of a two-fold Beast to manage the Romane State followeth the one Tenne horned the other Two horned tyed in a neere alliance betweene themselves both of them reigning together and in the same Dominion The first of which being the Tenne horned thou mayest call Secular the other being Two horned Ecclesiasticall Of the Tenne horned Beast The Tenne horned or secular Beast is that Whole state of tenne Kingdomes or thereabouts into which the Empire of C●sars Chap. 13. was parted by the warres of the Barbarians after the Dragon was thrust out growing together againe into one Romane Common-wealth the wickednesse of the Dragon being renewed I saw saith he a Beast rise up out of the Sea having seven heads Vers 1. and tenne hornes and upon his hornes tenne crownes and upon his heads the name of blaspemy The same Beast is here described which afterward Chap. 17. beareth the Whore even the seven headed Romane Beast under the course of the last head I saw saith Iohn the type of that last State of the Romane kingdom wherein governing under the seventh head it should be devided into ten kingdoms and yet even as he had done under his former heads he should blaspheme the only true God by the worship of Idols For the number of Seven heads is the ensigne of the Romane kingdom as is the bearing of Ten hornes The name of Blasphemy is a note of Idolatry The crownes s●t upon the hornes which are only of the last head doe shew that that kingdom should be exhibited under the cou●se of the last head which will be further confirmed by the rest of the description of the Beast And ●he Beast which I saw was like unto a Leopard and his feet Vers 2. were as the feet of a Beare and his mouth as the mouth of a Lion That is this kingdom in respect partly of regiment and state partly of its nature was so ordained that it did resemble in a certaine confused temperament those three Monarchies long ago● set forth to Daniel by the same Beasts For truly in the residue of the shape of his body it should resemble the Gr●cian in the feet by his going the P●rsian in his mouth by making Edicts the Babylonian Kindgdome For the Leopard is the type of the Kingdome of the Gr●cians the Beare of the Persians the Lion of the Babylonians First therefore that Kingdome in the body of it was plainly like the Graecian that is a Kingdome divided into more Kingdomes like unto that Dan. 7. 6. and 8. 8. 22. For the Graecian was divided into four parts but this last Roman was to be parted into ●enne Kingdomes the type thereof is the bearing of tenne hornes upon the head of the last Beast which by the interpretation of the Angel afterward Chap. 17. are tenne Kings or Kingdomes Vers 12. domes into which the Romane Empire of the sixth head being Chap. 12. rent should grow together againe into a new Kingdome under the seventh for to beare the Whore Now that the tenne hornes are onely of the last head that is the seventh and not promiscuously of them all as it is commonly accounted I thus demonstrate the head flourishing the hornes flourish which declining the hornes also growing thereupon must needs decline First therefore the hornes could not be on the five first heads because those five heads as the Angel saith Chap. 17. were passed then Vers 10. in the age of Iohn and together with the courses of the heads the courses of the hornes also growing upon the same were passed neither in the sixth because that reigning in the age of Iohn as also the Angel cleerly affirmeth notwithstanding the time of the hornes was not as yet come For saith he the tenne hornes are tenne Kings which have received no Kingdome as yet They remaine therefore for the last head Away with you paynters therefore which here at your pleasure distribute the tenne hornes among seven heads bestowing upon some one upon others according to your liberalitie two which how unfit it is and farre from any ground of the Text yea and plainly repugnant to the interpretation of the Angel there is no man which being now admonished shall throughly consider but will confesse It is therefore to be taken for true and certaine that it is the seventh head alone in that scale of heads one standing above another being the
holy Ghost to the Systeme of the world whose parts are Earth Sea Rivers Heaven Lights So that the earth in the Popedome answereth to the earth in the natural World Sea to sea Rivers to rivers Sunne to sunne 6. To conclude as already I have once or twise shewed because God useth Angels as ministers of his providence for moving and governing of the motions and changes of humane affaires Chap. 16. therefore those things that are brought to passe by the the hands of many are notwithstanding attributed to an Angel as it were the ruler and guide of the thing to be done after the common manner of speaking The Exposition of the Phyals according to the rule of the suppositions The first Phyall powred upon the whole body of the Beast The Earth in the Antichristian universe doth signifie the people Vers 2. or the common sort of Christians the footstoole the more shame of Antichrist upon which as the Basis that vastnesse of Papall Hierarchie being 〈◊〉 like the Tower of Babel * Vertice ad auras aetherias tendit reacheth to the very skies The Phyall being powred out upon this Earth pertaining to the Beast it drew that disposition from the effusion that it filled the followers of the Beast with furie and madnesse as it were with ulcers and those so foule and malignant that they could not be healed nor be closed up by any Cicatrice but they would breake forth againe This was fulfilled when the Christian common people called the Waldenses Albigenses Wiclifists Hussites and by other names began every where to renounce the authoritie of the Beast calling Rome Apocaliptique Babylon and the Pope Antichrist with which blasting of its earth burning with the * Rom. 10.2 zeale of God the followers of the Beast being stricken they were wholly enflamed with the ulcers of griefe and indignation by which being enraged they for very many yeers wonderfully tyrannized with fire and Sword but in vaine for they were smitten with an evill and uncurable ulcer which the more they bestirred themselves the more it grew worse and worse with them Exod. 9.8 9. So in times past the Land of Egypt being sprinkled from Heaven with dust like ashes it filled all the Egyptians and their cattell with ulcers Now the world of the Beast is called * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 spirituall Egypt Chap. 11. 8. and thereupon the ulcerous sore here is to be interpreted * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 spiritually that is mystically and by analogie which is diligently to be observed in the figures of the two following plagues also taken from the same history The second Phyall upon the Sea of the World Chap. 16. of the Beast The Sea in the Antichristian world is the whole compasse of Vers 3. the Papall Society wherein not onely severall Christians but whole Nations People Kingdomes Provinces Diocesses otherwise among themselves dis-joyned and severed are gathered together in one or thus the Antichristian Sea is the compasse of the Popes jurisdiction or dominion compassing and enfolding as the Sea doth the Land men and Nations worshipping Christ The second Phyall being powred out upon this Sea presently it became as the blood of a dead body or cold and congealed blood such as is wont to be of those that are dead and slaine or of a member cut off seeing it is destitute of the influence of spirit and heat the entercourse with the fountaine of life being dissolved The sense is The Pontificiall Sea was slaine as it were with death beheading or slaughter Now this was fulfilled when by the labour of Luther and other famous reformers of the Church of that Age God wonderfully blessing their undertakings not now some single persons onely of the common people of Christendome but even whole Provinces Diocesses Kingdomes Nations and Cities renounced communion with those of the Beast and there being made a great dismembring of the dominion which was so large in times past they departed from the body of the Beast By which event the Sea of the Popes Dominion became dead for a great part of it like the blood of a dead body in which the Popes creatures could no longer breathe and live The third Phyall upon the Rivers and Fountaines of the world of the Beast The Rivers and Fountaines of waters of the Bestian world are Vers 4 5 6 7 the ministers and defenders of the Antichristian jurisdiction whether Ecclesiasticall as Iesuites and other Emissary Priests or even Secular and Lay as the Spanish champions to both of which as from that jurisdiction is committed a charge of solliciting and advancing the cause which they call Catholique in Chap. 16. like manner as the rivers derive their originall out of the Sea so also they bestow their labour and cost to the enlarging and preserving of it even as also the rivers returne to the Sea Now these Rivers whilest they at randome runne through their Channels wherein now there was no more safety for them by Gods just judgment by the effusion of the third Phyall are turned into blood in like manner as even they had heretofore imbrued the Saints of God and his Prophets with blood For from this Phyall the state of the Beast came to that passe that the ministers and defenders thereof now changing course are compelled to suffer the same slaughters wherewith they had beene accustomed to slay the Saints and Prophets of God while their government flourished as it is plainly set sorth vers 5 6. as it were a Key for the opening of the parable Which thing concerning the Ecclesiasticall Emissaries with their attendants I thinke was fulfilled when in our ENGLAND in the reigne of ELIZABETH of famous memory and also afterwards those bloody Proctors for the authoritie of the Beast were according to the lawes made for that purpose punished with death which had never before sobefallen them for solliciting the Papall cause And not they alone but the Spanish champions for the cause of the Beast who were much more to be feared then they going about to recover by force of armes the dominion of the Church of Rome thirsting for blood drank blood by full draughts especially in that memorable overthrow of the yeere 1588. and some yeers following the English and the Dutch by Sea and Land abundantly powring out the Cup of the mightie hand of God So that wonderfull great praise was given to God for his just and true judgements upon them both not onely of the Islanders themselves revenging their blood now long since shed but also of the neighbouring French groning yet under the Crosse and the Altar yea even then the Massacre of the yeere 1572. being fresh And thus far the Phyals seeme to have gonne on the rest remaine to be powred out yet The fourth Phyall upon the Sunne of the Beastian heaven What the Sunne is in the world of the Beast that we may Vers 8 9. search out first it is throughly
Mr Mede professeth to be vncertaine and now amongst us First in Ireland then in England and that by the Antichristian generation with so manifest oppositon unto truth and holinesse under a Protestant Prince as I thinke the like was never known since the beginning of the world After this strange warre and slaughter of the Witnesses which hasteneth to a Period the continuance of it shall be but three years and an half in which space of time they that dwell on the earth shall rejoyce over them and make merrie and send gifts one to another because these prophets tormented them that dwelt upon the earth But after three dayes and an halfe when the Spirit of life from God should enter into them and they stand upon their feet great feare should fall upon them which saw them And a voyce shall bee heard from heaven saying unto them Come up hither And they shall ascend up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies shall behold them But certainely when that comes to passe the same houre there shall be an Earthquake and the tenth part of the Citie shall fall This Citie undoubtedly is Rome which Master Mede proveth curiously to be at this day precisely the tenth part of the Citie of Rome as it was in Saint Iohns dayes when this prophecie came forth and in the Earthquakes shall be slaine of men of names of men seaven thousand which Master Mede interpreteth men of qualitie It followeth The second Woe is past Now that Woe was the plague of the Christian world by the Turkes whereby is signified the destruction of the Turkes which people I take to be all one with Gog and Magog in Ezekiel represented there as the great enemies of the Iewes invading the land of Jewrie And the Hebrew doctors conceave that warre of Gog and Magog to be yet to come Here it may be objected that the Turke is Lord of the land of Canaan already I grant it but when the time shall come for the calling of the Iewes which Master Mede conceaved should be wrought in a strange manner by the appearing of Christ unto them as he appeared unto Paul at his conversion Saint Paul acknowledging that grace to have been shewed to him first implying that the like grace should be shewed to others after him Then I say upon this their conversion they shall gather themselves together from all places toward the land of Canaan where shall be the place of Christs throne in his glorious kingdome here on earth upon which coming of the Iewes into the land of Canaan the Grand Seignior will be moved to raise all his power gathered together out of all Nations under him to oppose them and at first shall prevaile as we read Ezekiel 28. and Zachariah 14. in the beginning but in the issue the Iewes shall prevaile For Saviours shall come up on Mount SION and the Kingdome shall bee the Lords Obadiah 21. Thither shall the Lord cause his Mightie ones to come downe Let the Heathen bee awakened and come up to the valley of Iehoshaphat for there will I sit to judge all the Heath●n round about Joel 3. 11 12. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth in that day shall there bee one Lord and his Name One Zachariah 14. 9. So that this implies the calling of the Iewes a little before And whereas both Gog and Magog shall be destoyed by fire Ezechiel 39. and the Man of sinne by fire 2. Thessalonians 2. Master Mede was of opinion that all this is but one and the same fire even the fire that shall bee at Christs comming 2. Thessalonians 1. 8. and 2. 8. Then follows the second Resurrection of the dead and Christs Kingdom the contents of the seaventh Trumpet Revelation 11. 15. Even so come Lord Iesus Come quickly William Twisse The Translator to the Reader GOD at sundry times and in divers manners Heb. 1. 1 2 spake in time past unto the Fathers by the Prophets He hath spoken unto us in these last dayes by his SONNE by whom not onely the Gospel of Salvation is communicated unto us but also the revelation of future events to Revel 1.1 fall out in this last age of the world to be shewed to his servants signified by his Angels unto Iohn one of his Witnesses and Apostles most necessarie for our knowledge as appeareth by the Blessing pronounced to him that readeth and them that Revel 1.5 heare the words of the Prophecie and keepe those things which are written therein For the time was then at hand when some of them should fall out and all in their severall seasons foreset The obscuritis of this as of all other Prophecies untill the event should manifest them hath discouraged many in bestowing their time to read and meditate therein not considering that the Almightie Lord who having the abundance of Spirit Matth. 13. 34. could have set forth all things easie to the understanding of the simplest hath so disposed his Treasures that by prayer and diligence men might be enabled through the guidance of the Spirit to attain unto them and so have them in greater estimation Many learned men have written Expositions of parts of this Revelation some of the whole amongst them I fell upon this learned Commentarie of Master Medes with the Apocalyptique Key before it The Exposition and Methode so pleased me though the phrase were something difficult that to make the better impression of it in my memorie I undertooke to translate it and did finish it long since I communicated it with some friends and subjected it to their correction hence it comes to passe by their desire that it is made publike I humbly crave pardon if my ill expression hath detracted from the Authors learned labour I confesse I have followed the Latine phrase so neere that howsoever the true sence may be expressed yet there wants the English eleganc●e and if I mistake not the Author himselfe hath so many Hebraismes and Graecismes as make the Latine more crabbed and lesse intelligible but in my poore opinion none hath more accurately and deepely searched and found the sence of those obscure places of Scripture which he hath handled in this and other his writings It were to be wished that his intended larger Commentarie which I am perswaded he hath written and purposed to put forth as he promised at the end of the 14th chapter had not been hindred as I finde by some of his letters they were That opinion the pretended cause of restraint of his further progresse concerning the 1000 yeeres R●igne of Christ grounded upon the 20th chapter of the Revelation with the authorities and reasons for the same howsoever it be not received by many as Orthodox yet is delivered with that moderation and subjection to the censure of the Church that it can displease no man nor is it for ought I can see contrary to the Analogie of Faith and may bee usefull for the conversion of the Iewes who
1● The times of the Beast and of the woman dwelling in the wildernesse begin at the very same instant of time to wit the conquest of the red Dragon and the thrusting him downe into the earth therefore since the said times are of aequall continuance it must of necessity follow that they did concurre in the whole in termediate space of time and likewise at length end their course together That the times of either of them do commence from the same beginning or terme is manifest out of the 12. chap. for when as the dragon is cast downe by Michael then the woman escapeth from his presence into the wildernes ver 6 and 14. The Dragon being angry that hee had in vaine attempted to destroy her now entring thither in the 15 16 and 17. ver he went to make war with the rest of her seed to wit those which she should bring forth in the wildernesse vers 17. * For without doubt it is to bee read with all the latine translations the greeks of Aldus an 1518. and the Syriaque Interpreter who out of the greeke turneth it et ste●tit and he stood not as at this day the greek copies have it et ste●i and I stood And standing upon the sea sand vers 18. To the ten horned Beast thence ascending chap. 13.1 he gave his power and his throne and great authoritie there verse 2. Chap. 11. The Synchronisme of the Beast and the prophecie of the witnesses The times of the Beast and of the prophecie of the witnesse being likewise aequall are finished together at the end of the sixt trumpet therefore it is manifest that they also begun together and through the whole space betweene did Synchronize Now that the times both of the Beast and of the witnesses of God prophecying in sackcloth ended together with the end of the sixt trumpet that also appeareth out of the 14. ver of the 11. Chap. where aswell the ascension of the witnesses into heaven which is the period of their mourning prophecie as that great earthquake wherewith the Imperiall citi● being overthrowne the kingdome of the Beast was abolished is marked out by the moment wherein the second woe which is the sixt trumpet went out and the third woe or seventh trumpet should forth with ensue for in that moment of time the witnesses whom the Beast which had ascended out of the bottomles pit had slaine being even ready to finish their testimony in sackcloth for this when they s●all finish is meant by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 reviving by God ascended up into heaven verse 7. 11. 12. and the tenth part of the city fell by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 meanes of the great earthquake the same houre ver 13. and the matter came to that passe that the 7. trumpet sounding all the Kingdomes of the world became our Lords and his Christ verse 15. The Synch of the Witnesses and of the Court or holy city Chap 11. possessed by the Gentiles That the times of the Witnesses and of the Court or holy citie possessed by the Gentiles do contemporize it appeareth as well by the meaning of the text Chap. 11. v. 2 3. as also by the wrath of the Gentiles now cast out in the beginning of the seaventh Trumpet that is from the end of the sixt when also the dayes of the witnesses shall end as it hath already been manifested for the Gentiles which in the 18. verse are said to be enraged at the found of the seaventh Trumpet are the very same which hitherto by the space of forty two monthes had troden underfoot the court of the outer Temple that is the holy city and which now therefore come to be destroyed by the wrath of God And surely this Synchronisme is called into question by none to my knowledge or remembrance The Synch of the Witnesses of the Court of the Beast Chap. 11 12. 1● and of the Woman If the treading under foot of the court and holy city did agree ●n time with the prophecy of the Witnesses it will agree in time also with the Beast with which the Witnesses agreed in time and therefore also with the Woman in the wildernesse to which th● Beast agreed in time So the Woman in the wildernes the dominion of the Beast the treading of the holy city under foot and the prophecie of the witnesses do synchronize each with other The second Synchronisme Of the two borned beast who is also the false prophet Chap. 13. with the ten horned Beast which is also called the Image of the Beast For the two horned Beast is the founder or erector of that seaven headed Beast wearing crownes upon his ten hornes which after his deadly wound to the great hurt of the Saints he anew restored according to the image of a certain former estate wherein he was to rule full 42. moneths chap. 13. v. 3 5 12 14 15. which being done he doth exercise all his power in his presence and also doth shew or worke great wonders in his sight verse 12 13. and chap. 19. verse 20. At length this very same two horned Beast which Iohn calleth elswhere the false prophet together with that other Beast in whose presence hee had done the wonders as inseparable companions are taken and both cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone Chap. 19. v. 20. when therefore the ten horned Beast give me leave for plainnesse so to call the seaven headed Beast restored and the two horned false prophet are not separated one from the other either in their rising or in their ruine Moreover whereas the one excrciseth the power of the other 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is in his presence who seeth not that they necessarily contemporize through their whole time But that the whole matter may bee rightly perceived it is to be understood that there is no other state of the seven headed Beast described cha 13. then that of the instauration or of the last head which was tenne horned that which the whole order of the description doth make evident For whatsoever evill the Beast is said to have committed whatsoever worship or adoration is given unto him by the inhabitants of the earth all that is said to be done after his instauration or healing of his wound Furthermore that the ten hornes doe belong to the last head or state of the Beast which is the state of his ●stauration is manifest by the interpr●tation of the Angel Chap. 17. For there when five heads had fallen that is had fulfilled their Verse 10. courses and the fixt even then in Iohns time was in being yet the time of the hornes is said not to be as yet come Therefore of necessitie it must belong unto the seventh or last head An apendix concerning the mutuall interchanging of the names of the Beast and the fal●e prophet likewise of the Beast and the image of the Beast For of both these the title of the
whether those elogies of the Angel of the bottomlesse pit and Abaddon can agree with any other besides him Howsoever it is certainly Satan was not then bound the bottomlesse pit as there it is said was not shut upon him and sealed up but as you may see chap. 9. 2. open and that so that the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a great furnace and the sunne and the aire was darkned by the smoke of it To conclude but that this libertie of the Dragon or Satan in deceiving the people continued even to the very destruction of the Beast and therefore was altogether of one time with the six first trumpets I thinke no man can doubt which shall well mark what is read to be done from the effusion of the sixt Viall to wit that when the seventh that is the last by and by was to be pou●ed out and therefore the finall ruine of the Beast was even then at ●and out of the mouth of the Dragon and the Beast and false prophet his Vicars three uncleane spirits spirits of devils working miracles shall goe out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battell of that great day of God Al●ightie Chap. 16. 13. 14. So the 1000. yeeres of Satans being bonnd that he should not ●eceive the people any more can have no place neither under the six first seales no● under the six first trumpets therefore they are ●o be left in the seven●h trumpet 2 Arg. After a thousand yeers being fulfilled Satan being let loose cut off his prison for a short time hee had raised new stirs the scum of the deceived people which hee had gathered together being con●u●ed with fire fallen from heaven the deceiver himselfe being taken and arrested is said to be sent into the lake of fire and brimstone * Chap. ●● 10. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 where were both the Beast and the false prophet Marke here reader the chronicall caracter by which is intimated that this whatsoever it is concerning Satan being taken and condemned after his second loosing it succedeth the vision of the former Chapter concerning the Beast and the false prophet being vanquished taken and thereupon cast into the lake burning with fire and brimstone by him which sate upon the white horse as in order of narration so also in the time of the thing done For otherwise it should not have been said that Satan was sent thither where both the Beast and the false prophet were except both the Beast and the false prophet had been sent thither first Neither can any man of judgement say by way of evasion that this war after a thousand yeeres of this 20th chapter is not differing from that of the former chapter when as not onely the character already brought but also all the circumstances on both sides are repugnant the parties the battell and the manner of the slaughter there with the sword here with fire yea and the event of either war unlike as anon the matter being demonstrated shall be made plaine there the binding of Satan onely for a time but here a condemnation to eternall fire The war therefore wherein the Beast and the fals● prophet being taken are sent into the lake of fire seeing that it is different from this last to which Satan at length to be cast into the same lake had stirred up the nations presently after his loosing either it must needs be waged within the very same thousand yeeres or els when they were not yet begun It cou●d not be waged within the thousand yeeres because so long Satan is said to be bound and shut up in the bottomlesse pit that he should not deceive the people any more untill the thousand yeeres should be consummate chap. 20. vers 3. But in the war wherein at length there is triumph over the Be●st and the false prophet and their companions if ever at any other time hee was most free and loose to deceive as appeareth by those things which even now wee have alleadged out of the sixteenth chapter concerning the preparation of this war to wit that from the effusion of the sixt Phiall when as now the seventh wherein the Beast was utterly made an end of was ready to be poured out out of the mo●th of the Dragon out of the mo●th of the Beast and of the false prophet * Chap. 16. 13. 14 three uncleane spirits the spirits of devils shewing wonders went forth to the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them together to the battell of the great day of God Almightie Because therefore the * Ra●●● state of the thousand yeeres doth no way admit such Satannicall troubles and stirs it must needs be that this warre of the Beast shall in time goe before them and so at length the 1000. yeeres of Satans binding shall contemporize with the space from the slaughter of the Beast which was to be demonstrated 3. Arg. To conclude since through those thousand yeeres wherein Satan is kept in prison Christ is said to have reigned in that Emperiall and Magnificent Kingdome with his thereupon by the same arguments and marks by which the Synchronis●e of either is established the other also will be confirmed Therefore that that Emperiall Kingdome of Christ doth begin with the seventh trumpet or from the destruction of the Beast is now for us to shew The fifth Synchronisme Of the 1000. yeeres of Christ his Emperiall raigne and of the seventh trump●t or the space from the destruction of the Beast 〈…〉 1 The excellent and Emperiall Kingdom of Christ often and again mentioned in the Revelation and upon the coming whereof the quire of the Beasts and triumphant elders are wont to sing hymnes and thanksgivings to God every where succeedeth in order the conquest of and the triumph over the Beast and Babylon For first where this reign of a thousand yeers is pro●erly handled in chap 20. of the number of those which reign with Christ are 〈◊〉 4. they who had not worshi●ped the Beast nor his image nor had received his marke in their foreheads or in their hands doe not these words sufficiently shew that this reign of Christ succeeded the reign of the Beast his image and his stigmatized followers For wherefore should this elogie be given to those sons of the kingdome that they had not worshipped the Beast c except the Beast had now gone before For certainly the desert in time goeth before the retribution and reward But now this kingdom is given as the order of the narration sheweth to the Saints as a reward of their faith and constancie and that after their cause was first discussed in open Court of which Session as i● were there is a description in these words * Ve●●e 4. And I saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgement was given to them that is to say to them was given authoritie of judging c. Therefore the time
wherein the Saints approved their faith and constancie to ●od while the Beast ruled went before the judgement the reward followed the decree then made 2 The same doth yet further appeare out of that hymne of praise ●ung of the elders and beasts at the overthrow of Babylon c●ap 19. 6. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hall●u-j●h for the Lord God that Almightie one hath reigned ver 7. Let us be glad and rejoyce and give glorie to him for the mariage of the Lamb i● come his wife hath made herself ready For I doubt not but that the kingdom is the same in both places 3 But of all most clearely out of the 11. chap. ver 15 16 c. where at the found of the seventh trumpet the dayes of the witnesses and of the Beast and the moneths of the Gentiles being runne out there is proclaimed in heaven the kingdomes of this world are our Lords and his Christs and he shall raigne for evermore And the foure and twentie Elders fitting before God in their thrones fell upon their faces and worshipped God saying We give thee thanks Lord God Almightie which art and which wa st and which art to come for thou hast received thy great might and hast entred thy Kingdome This is that finishing of the mysterie of God declared by the Prophets which the Angel had foretold before the tenth Chap. ver 7. should come to passe about the the time of the sounding of the seventh trumpet when neither the moneths of the Beast nor the dayes of the witnesses mourning nor any thing at all concerning the period of time times and halfe time shall be any more remaining verse 6. 7. plainely according to that which was foretold to Daniel chap. 7. vers 25 26 27. and before concerning the Universall dominion of Christ or kingdome of the Saints to come after the same times and altogether the same session of judgement Also that chap. 12 ver 7. where the same Angel which is here in John is read with the same behaviour rite and which is chiefly to be noted almost in the same words to have sworne that that space once being ended of a time times and halfe a * Are not these 〈…〉 21 2. time the dispersion of the holy people and together with that that last of wonders should be consummate He which here desi●eth further confimation let him use the Charecters of the former Synchronisme for they affoord as I said their mutuall helps The sixt Synchronisme Of t●e new Jerusalem the bride of the Lamb with the seaventh Chap. 21.2 Chap. 11 1. trumpet or the space from the time of the destruction of the Be●st 1. The marriage of the Lamb and that Emperiall kingdome of the Almighty Lord God both begin after the destruction of Babylon where the seaventh trumpet beginneth this appeareth out of the h●mne of the Elders and Beasts which in the former Synchronisme we have commended out of the nineteenth chap. vers 6.7 Hallilu●ah for our Lord God Almightie reigneth Let us be glad and rejoyce and give honour to him for the marriage of the Lamb is come and his wife hath made her selfe ready But the new Jerusalem is that bride of the Lamb adorned and prepared for her husband chap. 21. verse 2. And I saw saith he the holy City new Jerusalem coming downe from God out of heaven as a bride adorned for her husband and verse 9. Come and I will shew thee the bride the Lambes wife c. Therefore even she shal begin and contemporize with the seventh trumpet 2. Now Jerusalem is the beloved citie but that beloved citie forthwith after the 1000. yeares are ended is said to be compassed about by those last troopes of Satan then let loose chap. 20. ver 9. And they compassed the tents of the Saints and the beloved citie therefore it must needs have beene extant before while Satan was yet bound I have thought fit to adde two other either for confirmation or illustration and setting forth of these two arguments 3. The seventh Viall being poured out wherewith the Beast is dispatcht and abolished there came a loud voice from the throne saying TETONE It is done chap. 16. vers 17. So also He that sat upon the throne saith to Iohn beholding new Jerusalem descending from heaven chap. 21. verse 5 6 Behold I make all things new TETONE It is done I am * Alpha ● Omega A and ● the beginning and the end therefore new Jerusalem the bride of the Lamb beginneth at the last terme of the Vials TETONE the whore being already dispatcht and so it contemporizeth with the space of time which insueth the destruction of the Beast 4. One of the Angels of the Vials Chap. 17. sheweth unto Iohn the condemnation of the whore even while the Vials are in pouring out and at least by one of them to be executed And the same Angel of Vials chap. 21. vers 10. sheweth to the same Iohn the bride of the Lambe the great citie holy Jerusalem to become glorious even when the Phials are now ended that is the Beast and Babylon being destroyed The 7th Synchronisme Of the palm-bearing multitude of the numberlesse triumphants out of all Nations Tribes People and Tongues chap. 7 vers 9. with the seventh trumpet or space of time from the destruction of the Beast chap. ●● ●● c. 1. The palm-bearing multitude next succeedeth the companie of ●44000 sealed but that companie being to be measured or judged of by its opposite both state and duration to the Beast with whom it contemporizeth ended with the Beast also Synchronisme 4. Part 1. Therefore the palm-b●aring multitude followeth both and consequently will fall out in the time of the seventh trumpet which is the space of time from the destruction of the Beast 2. The palm-bearing multitude are the citizens of new Jerusalem for of both it is said * Chap. 7. 16. 17. That they shall not hunger nor thirst any more c. That the Lambe shall feed them and l●●d them to the living fountains of waters and * Chap. 21. 4. that God shall wipe away every teare from their eyes Now new Jerusalem contemporized with the seventh trumpet therefore the palm-bearing multitude also The Apocalyptique Epoche or computation of the Revelation The Epoche or computation of the Apocalyps as it is a prophecie of things to come whether thou shalt determine the beginning of it in the beginning of Christianisme or in the overthrow of the Iewish politie and church or in that moment of time wherein the Revelation is shewed to John or howsoever it be fixed for I will not here play the interpreter being mindfull of my purpose I suppose none will doubt but that thence the beginning of the seales as touching things done in them is to be fetcht But that the beginning of the second prophecie also or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the open booke is to be fetcht from the same account if the very words
Family Ioseph and Beniamin close the troope Vers ● Nephthalin and Manasses are preferred because the first was famous for Barach who vanquished Sisera the Cananite so for Hira● whose father was a Nephthalite the maker of the instruments and furniture for the Temple of God 1 King 7.14 with 2 Chro● 2. 14. but also for a greater reason yet of which afterwards Chap. 7. the second was noble in respect of Gedeon the subverter of Baal and Elis●us the Prophet Indeed the glory of Christ his habitation extolled Nephthalin though he were but the sonne of a handmaid above Manasses who likewise beginning his function fixed his dwelling and seat of his preaching in Capernaum the most noble Citie of Nephthalin and the Metropolis of all Gallile from whence as it were from the Episcopall Citie he went through all Gallile with his Apostles over and over teaching the Gospel of the Kingdome in all Synagogues and Villages and being glorious by miracles of healing For this Reader I would have thee to marke out of the Evangelicall Historie because many observe it not that our Saviour all the time that he was conversant upon the Earth dwelt in Gallile but in Iudea the chiefe seat as well of his Nation as Tribe he was not seene but at times of Feasts And this is that which Esay long agone had foretold Esay 9. 1. 2. Matth. 4. 14. That that Wonderfull Counsellour the Mightie God the Authour of Eternitie Septuagint 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Father of the world to come the Prince of Peace in one word the Messia should be a Gallilean and as it were in recompence and consolation for the captivitie which Gallile then lately had suffered by the Assyrian first before all the Regions of the Holy Land 2 Kings 15. 29 he would make that coast especially famous by his presence in speciall See Adrich●m Ta● Naph●h●l and himselfe pag 115. ● that high way called the Way of the Sea where coming out of Syria to Jordan it passeth through the middle of Capernaum and thence going forward along the Sea of Gallile leadeth into Egypt Let us heare himselfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which the Vulgar distinction set aside of it owne accord and word for word is thus translated As at the first he made base the Land of Zabulon and the Land of Nephthal●n to wit as I said by Tiglath-peleser so at the last he shall make it glorious and renowned for the way of the Sea by which the Assyrian came at the passage of Iorden there is Capernaum seated Gallile of the Gentiles the people which walked in darknesse to wit of affliction saw a great light to the dwellers in the Region of the shadow of death Chap. 7. a light is risen c. Wilt thou know whence and who is the Authour of the blessednesse of Galilee and in that way by the Sea side where the ●oord of Iordan is he presently sheweth Because a childe is borne to us a Sonne is given to us and the principalitie Esay c. 9. v. 6. shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderfull Councellour the mightie GOD the Father of Eternity the Prince of Peace But those words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at which ours allmost treading the steps of the Iewes who never understood this Prophesy begin this Chapter with great disturbance of the sense with I●rome and the Kings Bibles I annexe to the sentence of the Chapter going before and translate them Because there is no darkenesse to him which is anguish to himselfe that is in that lamentable and afflicted state of things into which the Israelitish Common-wealth at that time according to the commination of the Law is reported to have fallen and as it were evidently set before their eyes men were brought to indignation and desperation in that they did see the enemie by whom they were oppressed to be in prosperitie and no evill hap to befall them Verily it maketh much for the Christian faith that this Oracle of the Messia of Galilee be cleerely understood and to be ascertained of the fidelitie of Matthew alleadging it Wherefore I would upon this occasion adde this light such as it is unto it hoping that it will not be unacceptable to the Reader I returne to the Revelation and this further I will adde before I let passe Nephthali that even as Iuda gained the first place among the sonnes of Lea by reason of the stock of Christ so Nephthali among Rachels for his dwelling that the prerogative of Christ on both sides might excell by the name of whom as Lord and Emperour this company as in the proper place we shall heare is intituled Ioseph and Beniamin remaine being cast back to the last couple Vers 8. of Rachels children The former of whom the sinne of Ephraim thrust downe into this place for it is Ephraim who is hidden in the name of Ioseph unworthy by his owne to be heard in this Catalogue as well because he was the leader of the Idolatry of Israel whereof Micha was the authour as also for the outragious Apostsie whereof Jer●boam and Acha● were authours To conclude the hatred of S●●l the B●niamit● against David considering Chap. 7. that he was the chiefe of the stock of Christ and the Type of him did hinder Beniami● otherwise the youngest of a higher degree and the curses of Shimei against the same A sentence for memory compact of the signification of the names by which the Tribes are called wherei● are declared as well the order of the Tribes sealed as also the disposition of the same company the wrestling and the reward from God Juda Confitetur Deo Confession is made to God looking upō his Son by the company of the blessed C●ltus puru● rite Christianus Pure truly Christian worship Re●ben intuendo filium Gad Coetus Aser benedictus Nephthalin Luctantur cum they wrestle with those that forget obedience Lucta Strife or wrestling Manasses obliviscentibus Simeon obedientiam Levi Adhaesio scil Christo by cleaving to wit to Christ Praemium The reward Isacher mercedem a reward Zabulon habitaculi sc aterni of habitation to wit eternall life Joseph adiici●t shall be added Beniamin filio dextr● to the Son of his right hand Confesseth or praiseth God beholding his Sonne that is Christ the onely Mediatour the blessed company the company of the sealed They strive with those that forget obedience that is with Antichristians Cleaving to Christ a reward of habitation to wit eternall he shall adde to the Sonne of his right hand that is to him whom God accounteth great or otherwise To them that cleave to God a reward of habitation that is life eternall shall be added by the Sonne of the right hand that is Christ To this contracted and afflicted estate of the Church in the type of the sealed of Israel the state thereof most ample and most happy succeedeth in the representation of innumerable palmebearers out of every
Mountaine anciently threatning it but now burning turneth it all bloody with a great destruction as well of living creatures or fishes living therein as also of the navy That is the destruction of Rome the great Citie once or twice taken spoyled and burning with hostile flames brake out to the ruine of the largenesse of the Romane iurisdiction the Barbarians now at their pleasure fiercely entering into the Provinces thereof by reason of the weaknesse of the head so afflicted and dividing them into new kingdoms with an irreparable slaughter both of the legions there abiding for defence as also with losse of all aydes of retaining and upholding as of traffique the authoritie thereof The Sea of the politique world as I have said is that fulnesse of dominion compassing all the inhabitants in the communion of the same politique right By this representation the Dominion of Babylon is expressed Ier. 51. 36. where the Lord threatneth that he will dry up the Sea thereof and make the spring thereof dry which vers 44. is expounded holding the same Metaphor the nations shall flow no more unto her The amplitude also of the Assyrian kingdom is so described Ezek. 31. 4. The waters made her to wit the Assyrian Cedar to grow the deep or the sea hath exalted her Happily also the dominion of Pharao● is the Sea Esa 19.5 where concerning the destruction of his kingdom it is said the waters shall faile from the Sea thereof that is his Dominion shall be taken away Whereupon those great Empires in Daniel are beheld to ascend out of the Sea that is to arise out of the largenesse of Dominion Now that the third part of the Sea that is the Romane sea is said to become blood we must know that blood first is take for slaughter then for Death also without blood but that Death in a manner is taken for ruine even of a thing wanting life see Ezec. 14.19 3.18.20 ct 18.13 Amo. 2.2 Rom. 7.9 whereupon to become bloody is a representation of a thing that suffereth ruine to wit as it were like a living creature slain or butchered bleeding That therefore here the Sea is said to become bloody by the fall of a great Mountaine it sheweth nothing else but that it suffered by that fall a certaine Death or a violent Ruine That which in the phyals where the same representation is is a little more plainly said * Chap. 16.3 that it became as the blood of a dead man that is of one slaine the Romane Dominion or fulnesse was overthrown cut in pieces rent destroyed Chap. 8. The like mysterie of a Mountaine signifying a Citie is found of old Babylon Ierem. 51. 25. Behold I come unto thee ô plague-bringing or destroying Mountaine which destroyest the whole Earth and I will stretch out mine hand c. and I will make thee a Mountaine of burning where the Septuagint have it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a mountaine on fire in the same sence wherein Iohn here 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a mountaine burning with fire Concerning the same Esay 13. 2. upon the high Mountaine lift up a Standard Targum upon the Citie dwelling without feare The like Chap. 37. 24. to Senacherib King of Assyria Thou hast railed saith he on the Lord and said by the multitude of my chariots I have ascended the height of the mountains Targum I have ascended into the defence of their Cities but whether rightly I doubt Furthermore that a Mountaine is here said to be put or cast into the Sea it is the * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 elegancy of the figure since a Mountaine can no otherwise hurt the Sea then by being thrown into it And remember that this hath place in the following Trumpet also concerning the falling Starre Vers 10. As concerning the History Rome was first taken in the yeere 410 and that by the same Alaricus King of the Gothes who had brought in as it were the entrance of the destinie in the former Trumpet but now after the death of Stilich● making new stirres and preparing a new and fatall expedition into Italy whereby he brought Honorius into such streights that the Barbarian himselfe could make a new Emperour of Rome namely Attalus with whom he besieged Houorius Augustus at Ravenna now in despaire of his estate thinking to flye into the East leaving the West But the enemy repenting himselfe wholly restored Honorius Attalus being deposed from the Empire The rending of the Romane Dominion immediately followed this destruction of the Citie of Rome I call Sigonius to witnesse The miserable destruction saith he of Italy the continued warres of France and Spaine and the new Empires now at last of the Barbarian Kings in both the Provinces have succeeded the Romane overthrow For first Honorius that he might recover Rome with the Empire having made a league with Alaricus was constrained to yeeld the Countries and Kingdom in France to the Gothes Two yeers after in the yeere 412 the H●nnes running over Chap. 8. Panonia which the Gothes had left the same Honorlus being destitute of power to make resistance in so great difficulties made a league with them giving and receiving Hostages Afterwards in the yeere 413 Constantius Captain of the same Honorius least happily he should fall into any streights of warre did willingly receive into friendship and seated upon the Rhone the Burgundians who in these former yeers the Estate being so disordered together with the Vandales had betaken themselves into France To conclude in the yeere 415 the same Honoriu● as Procopius delivereth when the Gothes a little after had passed over into neighbouring Spaine he granted to the Vandales also with their King Gundericus being lately driven out of Gallia by the Frankes the places which they had entered to be inhabited upon condition of making warre upon the Gothes He that desireth to know more let him reade the forementioned Sigonius concerning the Westerne Empire lib. 10. 11. whence we tooke these things And so thence forward the largenesse of the Romane Dominion is daily more and more rent and cut off untill again in the yeere 455 Rome being taken and spoyled by G●nsericus the Vandale the whole Body of the Empire the next yeere or not much after appeared to be divided into ten kingdoms which together with the names of the People and of the Kings and the Provinces over which they reigned and moreover certaine things noted out of the History to give greater light the following Table will shew A type of the rending of the Empire or Romane Dominion in Chap. 8. the yeer of Christ 456 and so forward The Kingdoms The Provinces wherein they reigned The names of the Kings reigning in the yeer 456 Certaine things to be observed 1 Of the Brittones In Britaine Vortimer   2 Saxons Hengist   3 Frankes First in Gall. Belg. shortly in Celt ca also Childerick   4 Burgundians In Gall. Sequan and Lions Gunderick The kingdom of the Bu●gundians
Sun of the morning thou art cut downe to the ground which didst weaken the nations Otherwhere also as in the place of Esa Chap. 34.4 already before cited Starres falling from heaven are understood of the ruine of Princes or great personages A starre therefore of a singular and unusuall magnitude doth designe a Prince above the common sort of Princes that is a great and excellent one It followeth And the name of the Starre is called Wormwood It is a propheticall figure wherein by the imposition as it were of a proper name the qualitie or destinie of the thing or person handled is set forth since other where also in the Hebraisme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the matter as Luk. 1. 37. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 every thing is not unpossible with God and to be called is all one as to be or to exist as Esa 56.7 My house shall be called an house of prayer for which Luk. 19. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is shall be or shall be accounted an house of prayer And Gen. 21. 12. In Isaac shall thy seed be called that is shall be You may see also the Septuagint Esa 14. 20. Ruth 4. 11. And examples of this figure whereof I spake are every where obvious For so in Esa 7.14 concerning Christ his name shall be called Emanuel that is he shall be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God-man And Chap. 9 6. His name shall be called Wonderfull Counsellour the mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of peace that is he shall be all these Likewise in Jerem. 23. 6. And this is the name whereby they shall call him THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESSE And Zach. 6. 12. Behold the man his name is the BRANCH it followeth because he shall spring out of his place c. Adde hereunto Rev. 19. 13. His name is called THE WORD OF GOD that is he is that Word of God The like to these are found Ierem. Chap. 8. 20.3 The Lord calleth not thy name Pashur but Magor-Missabib that is feare round about for thus saith the Lord Behold I will put feare into thee to thy selfe and all thy friends And Ezech. 23.4 The names of them that is of the women of Samaria and Ierusalem Aholah and Aholibah Adde hereto Esa 8.3 Hos 1.6.9 By the very like figure is this Falling starre called Wormewood that is according to the Hebrews with whom the abstracts are used for the concretes Absinthites to wit A Prince of bitternes and sorrowes Such indeed was that Hesperian Caesar if ever any were exercised with continuall calamities from his first rising unto his end Who while he reigned the Romane Empire should be ruined Yea by the setting up of whom occasion of the ruine was given because by the such division of the Empire brought in a way was opened to the Barbarians and the Roman State was cast into fearefull calamities Is not he worthily called Wormwood for his lot which fell out to be so bitter to himselfe and others according to that of Naomi Call me not Naomi call me Marah because the Almighty hath afflicted me with bitternesse But before I depart hence something must be said of the state of the City and Romane State after that fall of their Caesar that a way may be prepared to the interpretation of the following Trumpet Caesar therefore of the West being so cast downe and extinct the meane while Odoacer the Herulian held Italy 16. yeeres by name of King who after two yeeres restored the Consulship to Rome and to the West and still kept it which notwithstanding in the beginning upon displeasure he had taken away Him did Theodoricus the King of the Ostrogothes succeed and that as Paulus Diaconus reporteth Zeno the Emperour of the East delivering him Italy by pragmaticall sanction and confirming it by putting upon his head a sacred veyle Who Odoacer being vanquished and slaine added Sicilia also to his Kingdome besides Dalmatia and Rhetia which were Provinces of Odoacer he repaired the wals and some buildings of the Citie of Rome having gathered together a great summe of money for that purpose so that there seemed nothing could be desired more to the height of her former fortune the infamy of a City sacked and burnt being excepted he ordered the Kingdome very wisely he changed no Roman Ordinance but retained the Senate and Consuls the Senators the Governours of the Praetorium the Governours of the city the Questor the high Treasurer the Master Chap. 8. of the privie purse and Captaine of the Guard Captaines of foot and horse and other Magistrates that were in the Empire and committed them onely to Romans which was also a while kept by his Successors Athalaricus Theodobatus Vitiges Ostrogothian kings of Italy See Sigonius de imperio occidentali lib. 15. An. 479. lib. 16. annis 493. 494. 500. The fourth Trumpet The fourth Trumpet proceeding yet further did utterly take away the light of the Roman Majesty in the citie of Rome wherwith Verse 12. it had shined untill then even under the Ostrogothian kings to wit after the Consulship of Rome had failed from the yeare 542. in that Ostrog●thian war waged for the recovery of Italy first by Belisarius afterward by Narsetes Captaines of Iustinianus then it selfe once and againe taken burned and the third part of it demolished by Totila forsaken moreover a memorable mock of fortune by all her inhabitants at length after so many decayes and ●laughters being regained by Narsetes but a little after overthrowen by aboisterous storme and lightnings she that was sometimes the Queene of Cities now at length being How doth th● city sit solitari● that was full of people how is she become as a widow she● that was great among the Nations and Princesse among the Provinces how is she become tr●tulary Lament 1. 1. bereaved of Consular power authoritie of Senate and other Magistrates wherewith as with stars she had enlightned the world is fallen from so great glory into I know not what ignoble d●kedome of Ravenna over which in times past shee had commanded after is constrained to serve under the Exarchate O miserable darknesse and pay tribute And this which is here mentioned was the smiting of the third part of the Sun Moon and stars whereby it came to passe that the third part of the day could not give light and the third part of the night likewse Where the light of the day which is the sunne is called by the name of the day and the light of the night which is the moone and the stars of the night according to that Iere. 31. 35. Which giveth the Sunne for a light to the day and the courses of the moone and of the starres for a light of the night The sonne of Rome shonne as long as shee enjoyed the Consular diguitie and her raigne over other cities and provinces The moone and starres there gave light as long as the Chap. 8. ancient authoritie of the Senate and
other Magistrates there yet remained But these being all taken away which commeth to passe in this Trumpt what was there but darknesse and a totall eclipse of the light aswell of the day as the of the night to wit which appertained to her to whom the third part of the light of heaven was due The representation of the sun the moone and stars in this understanding is most usuall with the Prophets as Esay 13 10. also 60. 20. Where for thy Sunne shall set no more and thy Moon shall not be in the waine c. The Targum hath Thy kingdom shall never cease he speaketh to Ierusalem and thy glory shall not be taken from thee Also Ier. 15.9 where concerning Ierusalem The sunne thereof hath set whilst it was yet day The Targum turneth Their glory departed in their life time And Ez●k 32. ● That concerning Pharaoh when I shall put thee out I will cover the heavens and make the stars thereof dark The same Paraphrast turneth it Tribulation shall cover thee when I shall put out the Splendour of the Glory of thy Kingdome c. Let the Reader transferre hither also those things which I have noted before out of Achmet●s to give light to the sixt Sea●e which it is admirable to see how they agree Of the thr●e Woe Trumpets There remaineth yet three trumpets the greatest of all and the most grievous and therefore differenced from the former by the title of three Woes For after the * 〈…〉 explanation of the 4th trumpet I beheld and heard saith hee a certaine Angell flying thorow the midst of heaven saying with a loude voice Woe woe woe to the inhabitants upon the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpets of the three Angels which are yet to sound Also ●ha 9 12. and 11.14 Doubtles when the inhabitants of the Christian Roman Empire in the mean space while the former Trumpets sounded had defiled themselues with the worship of new idols the trumpets which remained are increased for the punishing now of a double sin For that that sin also of the Roman Empire came moreover into the reckning of a crime to be punished with the former of the death of the Martyrs it appeareth in that to the second Woe is conjoyned this Elogie to wit the rest of the men that were not killed by these plaguer that is as I conceive Chap. 9. ver ●● truly by that Woe and the former repented not of the workes of their handes that the should not worship Divils and Idols of gold and silver and brasse and stone and wood which can neither see nor here to walke The first Woe Trumpe● OR The Fifth Trumpe● The first Woe trumpet is long since past That hath sent out to Chap. 9. ver 1● destroy the world horrible bands of Locusts issuing out of the hellish smoke of the bottomlesse pit now by the helpe of Satan opened that is the Sara●ens or Arabians a nation populous and innumerable like Locusts stirred up by the horrible false prophecy of Muhamed to the ruine of so many nations For the smoke ascending out of the infirnall pit is Muhamadisme which the Muhamadan imposters call Gslanis●e this newly Verse 20 obscured the world lately inlightned with the Gospell of Christ the son of righteousnesse the darknesse of the heathenish errours Chap. 9● being dispelled And surely the type of Locusts is the more apt because the Egyptian Locusts also came out of the same Arabia to wit bordering upon Egypt eastward For so Exodus 10. 13. 14. The Lord brought an Eastwinde upon the land and it brought the Locusts and the Locusts went up over all the land of Egypt and rested in all the coasts of Egypt Besides the Arabians are likened to Locusts for the huge multitude of the nation Iudg. 7. 12. The Midianites and the Amalekites and all the Sonnes of Kedem or the ●ast lay in the valley like grashoppers for multitude c. Where is to be observed that the Arabians in holy writ are peculiarly named Sonnes of the east as is Arabia it self 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the east as in respect of Egypt where the Israelites learnt so call it you may see Gen. 10. 30. and 25. 6. 1. Kings 4. 30. Esay 11. 14. Ier 49 28. perhaps also Mat. 2.1 the same reason plainly for which Asia the lesser is called at this day Natotia and Arabia faelix seated southward from the rest of the Arabiaes Ayaman that is the south When the Queene of the south Matth. 12. 42. But these things by the way The like represeination of Lo●●●● concerning the A●●yrians and Babilonians about to destroy Iude● is to be s●●●e in ●oell in the two first Chapters from whence he will not deny that this type is borrowed who shall compare the description of them Chap. 9. both But that the interpretation thereof is to be ●●ferred to hosti●e bandes Ac●metes showeth out of the use of the East whose words I have thought sit to be inserted in this place For so hee ●hap 300 out of the learning of the Indians Persians and Egyptians Loc●sts without doubt are referred generally to the multitude of enemies for so it is registred in holy writt that Locusts goe forth by divine commandement for the destruction of Kingdoms like some Armie This of holy writt is meant of the holy writings of the Indians onely as also whatsoever in this booke rellishet● of the knowledge of Christian Religion as will appeare to the Reader He goeth on If any either King or endned with Authority shall seeme to see Locusts going forth against any region in that place let him expect a multitude of enemies with great power and how much damage the Locusts shall doe so much shall they h●●t Now therefore the repres●●ntation being con●ir●●d we shall see of the rest of the deseription There was given to them saieth he verse 3 power such as the Scorpions of the earth have for they had v●rse 10. tayles like unto Vers. 3. Scorpions and in them stings with which they might hort and ve 5 their torment is as the torment of a Scorpion when he striketh a man That is they had not onely power proper to Locusts of consuming and wasting the regions over which they swarmed but like monsters tayles as scorpions by the stroke whereof they also diffused their venome An admirable thing A Locust scorpion but what manner of evill he meaneth the symbole of a serpentine kinde seemeth to declare since ● scorpion is a kinde of serpent But by this kinde wher with the devil first deceived ma●k●nde and alienated it from God the Spirit of God liketh to bring him in who was ●urther to seduce men whence that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the serpent the old one which deceiveth the world Chap. 12.9 ad 20.2 The taile therefore of the Scorpion with a stinge doth set ou● the propagation of that diabolicall Mu●amme●●n false prophecie with its whole
of the bottomlesse pit Contrariwise who so become Christians are taken out of the power of Satan to be converted to God Acts 26. 18. Whatsoever it may bee it is a thing most worthy the examination Chap. 9. wherefore hee calleth this Prince of the bottomlesse pit here plainely by a new name and unheard of and not as hee is wont The Devill Satan the Serpent or Dragon or that he had rather from the notion of destroying why not rather Asmodaus ● name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of like signification whereby the Jewes ●●d already used to call him but Abaddon never whether because since the Muhamedans doe glory that they doe adore and worship no other God but that one sole God De●●●urgus or Maker of the universe which to the Chaldeans and Syrians ●oundeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Abada and to the Arabians themselves is made knowne by the Epithit● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Abdi that is eternall the holy spirit would meete with them in a word of the like sound but of a contrary sence by which forsooth he would intimate that they were so farre of whatsoever they pretended from worshipping Abadan or Abdin that eternall maker of the world that in the estimation of God Himselfe whom they would have to bee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one only person and not to bee come unto by Christ they tooke for their King or divine power not him but an evill Angell Abaddon that is not the Maker but the destroyer of the world So when the Jeroboamites thought they worshipped the God of Israel in their Calves the Scripture notwithstanding saith they sacrificed to Devils 2 Cro● 11. 15. Or shall wee say that there is allusion to the common name of the Kings of Arabia of that Coast whence Mu●amed with his Locusts was first to arise who are afterward called Ob●d● a name of authoritie from the Ancient King Obodi being esteemed of his in the number of the GODS and from whose Sepulcher Oboda continued a name of the Kings of Arabia to the Region of the Nabat●ans as the Kings of Aegypt Phara●hs Chap. ●● and Ptolom●i of the Romans Caesars of the Parthians Arsac● and the neighbouring KINGS of Arabia Petr●a A●et● For Stephanus the Byzantine out of the fourth booke of Vra●ius a Writer of the Arabian Historie saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Oboda a Country of the Nabat●ans where Obodes the King whom they made a God was buried But Strabo and Iosephus assure mee that from him the Kings of that Coast were afterward called by the common name Obodas of whom this mentioneth two of that name one a Warrier and too well knowne to the Jewes for the slaughter of Alexander Iamnaus De●bello I●d●ico lib. 1. cap. 3. their King whom certainely that Obodas the Arabian con●trained to flye to Ierusalem his whole Army being slaine in the Country of Gilead about Ninetie yeares before Christ Whom the Iewes not unworthily might call with a small change Abad Antiquit. jud lib 16. ● 11. 13. 14. 15. don that is a destroyer The other dull and Idle of the same time with Her●d the great whose vicegerent Syll●us who governed the state as hee listed sought Salome the Sister of Hero● in marriage but being frustrate of his desire and becomming the enemy of Herod by false accusations of him unto Augustus brought him into great danger Of this Obada Strabo maketn mention once or twise in the Arabian expedition of Aelius Gallus and that with the same note of slothfulnesse and saith the same was ●oyned in affinitie to the neighbour King Areta and this was a common name as I said of the bordering Kings of Petr●● Out of the same Writer is to bee gathered that the Kingdome of Obod● being seated more towards the South reached to the Red Sea In which Coast of Land I doe verily believe the Ismaelites and Sar●●●ens inhabited For surely it is manifest that the Na●a ha●●s whose coast Vranins witnesseth did comprehend the region Oboda were Ismaelites obtaining that name from Nabaiot● the first borne of Ismael ●en 25.23.13 Iosphus addeth that Oboda being dead Areta by the favour of Augustus joyned his Kingdome to his owne If any therefore being moved with so great an agreement and aptnesse of things shall be of opinion that the holy ghost of purpose used this name Abaddon that by a certaine par●nomasia of the name of Kings pointed his finger to that nation whose custom was to name their Kings with the like appellation I surely think him worthy to be pardoned especially since both words seeme to be from the same roote common to the Hebrewes and Arabians although as otherwise it commeth to passe in a contrary signification and seeing with the old prophets examples sometimes happen of allusions little or nothing differing So that which Esay calleth Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is A branch Matthew turneth it to 〈◊〉 11.1 the name of Iesus of Nazareth chap. 2. verse 24. you may see also Ier. 1. 11. 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an almond tree 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I will hasten Amos. 8.2 a basket 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is of summer fruits because there commeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is an end c And also that the Iewes of the later age did use such agnominations even this may serve for an argument that a li●tle before the comming of our Saviour because that Acheron the river of hel as they heard from the Grecians in sound did not differ from Accaron the city of the Philistins for so in times past Ekron was pronounced of Beelzebub the God See the Lxx. Mat. 12.24 Luke 11.15 hereof they made the name of Satan the Prince thereof that is the Prince of hell For hence truely as I conjecture is Beelzebub the Prince of Devills in the gospel The second woe Trumpet OR The sixt Trumpet Another woe of pl●gues which untill this day O grievous ●● Chap. 9. lyeth upon it calleth forth the ●etra●chs of the Turk●s with a numerous troupe of horsemen from Euph●●tes where they had now long stayed into the Roman Empire Loose saith the voice from the soure hornes of the Altar of Ve●se 14. incense the foure Angels which are bound at the great river Euphrates Angels are put for the nations which they were thought to governe a metonymie not unusall in this booke That appeareth out of this that those who are immediately loosed by ●teirdion of the oracle are an army of horsemen sent for●h to kill men He biddeth loose the Angels bound Who breaking in upon the Romane regions the former plague yet enduring were restrained at Euphrates a few ages that they should not at their pleasure overrunne further In the beginning truely they adventured a little further even unto Nira● of Bithynia but Solyman being vanished were againe driven backe to Eu●hrates by the Christian Sea worthies in their expedition unto the holy land Ar●gmenta Furthermore
It remaineth And the rest were affraid and gave glory to the God of Heaven To wit by their astonishment wherein even unwillingly and unthankfully they acknowledge his hand For to acknowledge the wisedome goodnesse and power of God by what token soever is to give glory to God Even as they who being taken with the manner by God confesse their sinnes and are said to give glory to God as Achan It followeth The second woe is past and behold the third w●e commeth Vers 14. quickly The meaning is that that great earthquake is to continue till the end of the second Woe or the sixth Trumpet and together with it the mourning Prophesie of the Witnesses is at length to be Chap. 11. finished For truely after so great a victory over the followers of the Beast and their ascending into the heaven of authoritie and honour they shall put on sackcloth no more But now if the second Woe or the plague of the sixt Trumpet be that overflowing of the Turkes from Euphrates into the Romane Empire now long since as there we have interpreted it can scarcely be but that this departure of the same plague is that drying up of the water of Euphrates to come to passe at the powring out of the fifth phyall whereby the way is prepared for the Kings of the East to come Chap. 16. 12. At which coming of the Kings of the East lest a gap be left otherwise betweene either Trumpet the seventh Trumpet seemeth to beginne and so that wonderfull preparation of the Dragon Beast and false Prophet for the warre to be waged in Armageddon there vers 13 14. together with the event thereof at the last phyall vers 17 c. ought to be placed in the beginning of the same seventh Trumpet And surely it seemeth to be very meete that the preparation to warre doe pertaine to the same Trumpet to which the warre it selfe pertaineth But out of this a doubt ariseth which requireth satisfaction and therefore not to be passed in silence For since there is the same terme of forty two moneths of the Beast as is of one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes of the mourning of the Witnesses and since those dayes of the mourning of the Witnesses are ended at the departure of the plague of the sixt Trumpet or second Woe it may be demanded not unfitly wherefore the moneths of the Beast should not be further reckoned since after that terme no little of the Beast yet remaineth being not to be abolished before the seventh Trumpet is begun It may be answered that this cometh to passe either because then the conversion of Israel and as it were a new Kingdome beginneth for they are called the Kings from the rising of the Sun or because in the continuance of the Beast consideration is had especially to the Empire of the Citie of Rome but that great Citie the royall seat of the Beast in this earthquake is taken and overthrowne even so farre that from thenceforth the Beast shall as it were change his forme since being driven so from his Metropolis it can no more be accounted for a Kingdome of seven Chap. 12. hils which is the other signification of the seven heads thereof There is moreover in the Text concerning the sound of the seventh Trumpet and the Emperiall reigne of Christ in that great day of Iudgement the interpretation whereof we will put off to the end of the booke that we may there at once set forth all the prophesies appertaining thereunto The meaning of the red seven headed Dragon contending with Michael about the child birth The first vision of the open booke which we handled Chap. 11. went through the whole course of the Revelation from the beginning to the end and that as elsewhere we have touched to shew the conextion of the same with the Seales and Trumpets Now the other prophesies of the same time and Ecclesiasticall affaires come to be knit to that vision to the making up of the body of the open booke among which The battell of the seven headed red Dragon with Michael doth comprehend the same space of Ecclesiasticall affaires with the measured Court wherein truely the Romane Empire * Draconicola worshipping the Dragon tyrannized with lamentable persecutions against the Church in travaile with childe labouring to bring forth Christ to be King in the Romane Empire and at least three hundred yeers made war against the Spirit of Christ mightily working in his servants But the woman at last after many sorrowes cuttings and slaughters in child-birth brought forth the King even Chap. 12. 5. Christ such as she travelled with to rule the Nations with an iron Rod and the Dragon being throwne downe from his Romane throne salvation and strength and the Kingdome of our Chap. 12.10 14. God and the power of his Christ was brought into the Empire The summe of the whole matter being premised for perspicuitie let us come to the exposition of the Text particularly And there appeared saith he a great wonder in Heaven VVHither indeed Iohn was called in the beginning to behold Chap. 12. 1. where he had beheld all the former visions Neither do I thinke an other sense is to be sought of this circumstance For it Chap. 12. is manifest even out of the end of the foregoing Chapter that Iohn hitherto looked towards heaven A woman clothed with the Sunne and the Moone under her feete and upon her head a crowne of twelve starres Truly a most beautifull image and representation of the Primitive childebearing Church to wit shining round about by the faith of Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse treading under feet the rudiments of the world whether Legall shadowes or darkenesse of Gentile superstition and to conclude glorious with the ensignes of the Apostolique off-spring Most men would have the Moone to be a symbole of earthly and mutable things which the Church of Christ contemneth as below her selfe which although it be true yet no where as I take it in the whole Scripture is the Moone noted by this propertie But the interpretation of propheticall Symboles is not easily to be attained other-where then from those properties which the Scripture some-where doth warrant And now this is certaine that the most feasts wherein typicall worship was celebrated by sacrifices were ordered according to the motion of the Moone as the new Moone the Paschall Pentecost the Feast of Tabernacles yea the account of the whole Ecclesiasticall yeere depended upon the motion thereof to which happily belongeth that Psalme 104 19. He made the Moone 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for festivall seasons Why therefore may not the Symbole of the Moone be referred to the Mosaicall worship which doubtlesse the Church by the revealing of Christ discerneth as it were prostrate and put under her feete according to that of the Apostle to the Colossians Chap. 2. 14. affirming Christ to have blotted out the
hand-writing of Ordinances which was against us and nayling it to his Crosse to have taken it out of the way Furthermore since God is said to have created the Sunne the greater light to rule the day but the Moone the lesser light to rule the night Why may not the Symbole of the Moone having rule over the night signifie the power of darkenesse or the tronpe of darkenesse that is the worshipping of Satan and of his spirits in idols So truely that the whole matter may be transferred to Baptisme whereby the Church being to be illuminated and to put on Christ trampleth under feete the worshipping of Idols Chap. 12. of Satan and his Angels by the renouncing of their ●ervices and pompes For all these things did that old short forme of renunciation plainly containe and furthermore they that were to make abjuration did turne themselves towards the West as it were to the climate of heaven whence night cometh as on the contrary being to make profession of their faith in Christ and the true God three in one they turned themselves towards the East as it were the Clymate whence the Sunne by expelling the darkenesse reduceth the day Dyonis Areop de Hierarch Eccles c. 2. Cyrill Hierosol Cateches 1. mystagog Gregor Naz. Orat. 40. Hieron upon Chap. 6. of Amos. Ambros de ●is qui mysteri●s initiantur c. 2. Moreover with respect to the same image or representation as before also is observed the continuance of Christian Apostacie or of Christianisme defiled with Idols is defined by moneths according to the motion of the Moone but of the woman and the Witnesses persevering in the ●aith of Christ by yeers and dayes according to the motion of the Sunne Yet to whether interpretation I should rather incline I am doubtfull and whether to one of the two onely or to both Surely the Apostle to the Galathians Chap. 4.3 seemeth to call both of them as well the Mosaicall paedagogie as the worship of the Idols of the Gentiles promiscuously the elements of the w●rld the Church of Christ glorieth that both are put under her feet Let the Reader use his judgement And she being with childe cryed travelling in birth and was in Vers 2. paine to be delivered The Church as universally and seperately considered as an Idea is a Mother but as she is considered in relation to the severall persons which are continually begotten in her she hath an off-spring which she is said to travell with and bring forth to God This in the Prophets is so familiar that concerning that there is no need to adde one word You may see Ezek. Chap. 16. unto vers 21. likewise Chap. 23. vers 4. Esay Chap. 54. Hosea Chap. 2. vers 4 5. The Allegorie therefore in this part is not to be wrested by any mans importunitie to wit that he seperate the Mother from her off●●ing which yet otherwise may grow together into one and the same Church Kimchi upon Hosea 2. vers 3 3. The Synagogue or Congregation is compared to a Mother 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by way of universality but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in respect of Chap. 12. particulars to children But these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pangs and torments by reason of which the woman in travell cryed were those grievous persecutions which the Primitive Church suffered in bringing forth For it is plaine that tribulations and adversitie are likened to the sorrowes of childe bearing Whence those words of Esa Chap. 66. 7. Before she travelled she brought forth before her * Partus paine came she was delivered of a man childe The Chalde paraphraseth Before tribulation come upon her she shall be redeemed before great feare come upon her as the sorrowes of a woman in travell her King that is the Messiah shall be revealed But Ieremy Chap. 30. vers 6 7. ●e interpreteth this representation Aske ye saith he and see whether a man doth travell with childe Wherefore doe I see every man with his hands on his loynes as a woman in travell and all faces are turned into * Auriginem palenesse Alas for that day is great so that none is like it it is even the time of Iacobs trouble but he shall be saved out of it See also what our Saviour calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Matth. 24. 8.9 Mark 13. 8. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 these are the beginning of sorrowes c. And there appeared another wonder in heaven for behold a great Vers 3. red Dragon having seven heads and tenne hornes and seven crownes upon his heads And his taile drew the third part of the Starres of heaven and did Vers 4. cast them to the earth A wonder or representation of the Empire of Rome Heathen worshipping the Dragon whose marks are every were seven heads and ten hornes seven heads indeed as well for the seven hils upon which the Citie was builded as also for the seven sorts of ●overnours who were successively to governe that Citi● the ten hornes for the ten Kingdoms which were to arise in the time of the last head to which they gr●w which interpretation is not mine but the Angels Chap. 17. where the more proper place will be to handle these things if any thing be to be added In the meane time another Character of the Romane Empire is added to these whereas it is said he drew the third part of the starres of heaven with his tayle and did cast th●● to the earth that is he subjected the third part of the Princes and Rulers of the world to his Empire For even so much to wit the third part of the knowne world in Iohns age the Dominion of Rome did comprehend Chap. 12. within its limits But a tayle out of the learning of the Indians with Achmetes signifyeth the attendants and traine of authoritie Apot. 152. but what more the tayle of a Serpent intimateth shall anon be seene And these truly were the Characters of the Romane Empire generally but th● effigies of a Dragon doth more-over point out the worshipper of the Dragon and the enemy of the Seed of the woman in speciall that is Rome heathen enemy to Christian●tie and since he is red also this noteth that he is terrible and red with the blood of the Saints Moreover the type of the Dragon seemeth to have reference to Pharaoh the cruell and malignant enemy of the old Synagogue bearing children in Egypt in like manner as the Romane Dragon was of the Christian Church bringing forth her children For even he likewise for the same cause is represented by a Dragon Psal 74. 13 14. Tho● didst divide the Sea by thy streng●h thou brakest the heads of the Dragons that is of the Egyptians in the waters Thou brakest in pieces the heads of Leviathan the Chalde of Pharaoh thou gavest him to be meate to the people inhabiting in the wildernesse Esay 51. 9. Awake Awake thou put on strength oh arme of the Lord Awake thou as in the
well of the Company by the conduct of the Lambe their Captaine as of the Lambe himself against the traytors and enemies followeth The order of these is twofold first of a threefold admonition to the followers of the Beast represented by so many loud voyces of Angels secondly of revenge by a parable of Harvest and Vintage The first of the monitory Angels is that which he here calleth Another another indeed as I have said in respect of those musicall Angels a little before mentioned of the number of which this Evangelist was not And here we are to call to remembrance what before I shewed that the Angels in such like visions doe represent them over whom they have the government and that which is done in common or by the works of both that is said to come to passe the Angels being Authors as it were Guides and Conductors of the thing done And hence immediatly it may be imagined that the Angel flying so loftily if so be that also ought to be esteemed as any part of the parable is the Ruler not of any estate of men whatsoever but of a more eminent ranke and is to use such for the declaring of his Gospel Further that Gospel is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or eternall and that as I guesse not so much in respect of the future time as the time past as it were that which was promised 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is à secul● or from the beginning of the world that is to say that The seed of the woman was sometime to breake the head of the Serpent that is the kingdome of the Devill was to be destroyed by the coming of Christ and the kingdome of God to be established In which sense also the Apostle saith that that was promised by God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 before the world began Tit. 1. 2. So therefore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shall be the same that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which in Hebrew should be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Evangelium antiq●●m the ancient Gospel even as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the old wast places Esay 58. 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 old pathes I●r 6. 16. and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the ancient mountains paths waste places Deut. 33. 15. Saying with a loud voyce Feare God and give glory to him for Vers 7. the time of his iudgement is come and worship him that made heaven and earth and the Sea and the fountains of water Chap. 14. The first Angel calling to remembrance that now the time of the kingdom of God is at hand when iudgement is to be executed upon Idols and Idolaters and so the Devils now being cast down and despoyled of the Roman throne is begun already to be put in execution therefore he exhorteth the nations kindreds tongues and people who from that time were become Christians that being mindfull hereof they worship that onely true God the Creator as he is declared in the Gospel and that they take heed of Idols Peare saith he God that is reverence and give him glory even the glory of adoration and religious worship as in the words following it is expounded Because the time of his iudgement is come that is wherein Christ by his Crosse hath spoyled powers and principalities and hath by his Apostles and Evangelists declared to the nations which through so many ages he had suffered to walke in their own wayes that they should be converted from their Idols if not then at his returne from heaven they should be punished with eternall death Wherefore then should Christians who professe faith in Iesus Christ this Iudge and triumpher over Devils returne as it were by a back doore to worship Idols and Devils again Happily the time of iudgement might be more strictly taken here to wit for the iudgement of God before shewed forth upon the Dragon and his servants whereby heathenisme was overthrowne but I had rather extend it more largely and take it ●niversally for the kingdom of Christ begun and published in the last times in which Idols are not any more to be suffered according to that of our Saviour in the Gospell of Iohn Chap. 1● 31. Now is the iudgement of this world now shall the Prince of this world be cast out See also Chap. 16. 11. From which judgement indeed Paul the Apostle also even as the Angel here brought an argument to disswade the Pagan Athenians from the worshipping of Idols Acts 17. 30 31. God saith he not regarding the times of ignorance hitherto now commandeth all men every where to repent because he hath appointed a day in the which he will iudge the world righteously by that man whom he hath ordained having given assurance thereof unto all men openly in that he hath raised him from the dead Whereunto the same Apostles warning to the Lycaonians is very like Chap. 14. 15. We declare unto you saith he that you should be converted from these vaine things unto the living Chap. 14. God which made heaven and earth and the Sea and all things that are therein And who in times past suffered all nations to wit his judgement not as yet being made manifest to them to walke in their own wayes There is to be supplyed but now he publisheth his iudgement to all That which the Angel here hath expressed saying the time of his iudgement is come But thou wilt say when and where and by what Ministers I pray you did this Angel execute his declaration Certaine preambles thereof were given out when first superstition began to grow in the Church at the monuments and about the reliques of the Martyrs as appeareth out of the History of Vigilantius with whom withstanding such like superstition many others even of the Bishops of that time were of opinion witnesse Ierom his adversary who undeservedly with bitter words inveighed against him for this cause But this denunciation appeareth to be most manifestly fulfilled from the yeere of our Lord 720 in the Greek and Easterne Churches where this Evangelizing Angel did indeed flye 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the midst of heaven that is in a loftie and high place forasmuch as he used Ministers of his Gospel not of a base and vulgar condition of men but of chiefest authoritie in the Christian world as for example the Emperours of Constantinople Leo Is●urus Constantine Iconomachus Leo Armenius Michael Balbus and Theophilus who all of them especially the first did most severely make protestation by their Edicts and Decrees for the presenting of religious worship to one God the Creator against the worship of the creature not onely that which was used in the worshipping of Images but also about Saints and their reliques Let the Reader resort to the testimonies which I cited out of Theophanes concerning this matter when I treated of the two horned Beast Moreover by the authoritie of the second a Councell consisting of 338 Bishops was assembled at Constantinople and by
Martyrs For the taking away of that errour as it seemeth whereby it was beleeved either that those were places of approaching to God by the Intercession of the Martyrs or consecrated to the worshipping of them whose names they did beare Therefore in stead of the surname 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it seemed fit to put in place thereof that of Apostles and Martyrs indeed no lesse honourable whether with full consideration and advise it is his part to judge who hath well and throughly looked into all the circumstances of that time and reasons of the action In the meane time it nothing detracteth from the virginitie or puritie of the Church if haply sometimes in such things which belong to the way and manner of the doing of a thing it shall not so wisely discerne For it is no matter of necessitie that she who is chaste perpetually either doe or speake wisely For the like reason in a manner the word Priest for Evangelicall Elders Sacrifice for the Sacrament of the Eucharist not to name other the like are commanded not to be used in very many Reformed Churches And not indeed altogether rashly except as it seemeth to some the name Ministers instead Chap. 14. thereof be not a name fit enough by which although they who exercise a sacred Function may be called rightly and by warrant of the Scripture yet thereby are not Elders distinguished from Deacons Should we not therefore rather have called them by the Apostolique name Elders if we had been unwilling to call them Priests But these things are for another place Furthermore the Cry of this Angel sounded not onely in the East but also in the West though the Pope of Rome stormed at it not indeed with a full mouth as there yet with a publique and solemne voyce First in the yeere 790 in the Synod of Franckford under Charles the Great of almost 3●0 Bishops besides Abbots and others Where the worship and adoration of Images together with the second Councell of Nice which had established it and which Pope Hadrian governed and approved by his Legates are condemned And again in the Synod of Paris in the In Catal. test ver edit 1608. pag. 1123. yeere 825 assembled by the commandment of Lewis wherein it is at large declared as well by Divine authoritie as by the judgement of the Fathers that the adoration of Images is a wicked and ungodly thing and that the Synod of Nice was to be rejected as guilty of such superstition Adde hereunto the Commentary sent from Charles the Great to Pope Hadrian the maintainer of Idols after that Councell of Franckford that here also thou mayest acknowledge the Angel fled in the height of heaven And so farre have we perceived the exhortation of the first Angel Now let us hearken to the cry of the second The second Angel Proclaimeth that Rome was turned from the Citie of God into Babylon for her filthinesse and multitude of idolatries with which having despised the exhortation of the first Angel she had as well defiled her self as also became the Author and President to all Nations in her compasse that they should do● the same which She did for which cause becomming now throughly lyable by reason of Her impenitency to the Divine judgement ordained against all idolaters She was not to be any longer born withall but by an irrevocable Decree to be destroyed and cut off and that the preparation to that destruction is incontinently and continually made even from this cry And the company of the Al●●igenses and Waldenses appeare indeed to be the Ministers of this cry partly by word partly by deed as being the first of all mortall men who proclaimed the Chap. 14. Church of Rome for her Idolatrie and mysticall whoredome to be the Apocaliptique Babylon and they the same also began her ruine for as much as she being so detected forthwith a great multitude of men began to detest her and privately through all the Provinces of her dominions to revolt from her besides her authoritie was thenceforth daily more and more weakened and then the ruine began to be which shall not stay untill at length it be come to the burning of the Citie it selfe In a word from the cry of this Angel there beganne incontinently as it were a mustering of holy Souldiers for the overthrow of Babylon Babylon is fallen is fallen Vers 8. As if he should say now the foundations of the ruine of Babylon are laid For from this time the preparation of waging warre against her shall be undertaken He imitateth Esay Chap. 21.9 Who in the very same words and not different occasion of things related the destruction of that old Babylon not then come to passe but as here the foundation of things being laid he foretold that it should most certainly come to passe For as much as Esay uttered his prophesie as the Chronologie teacheth at the same time wherein the Medes being about at length to destroy Babylon gained their owne libertie having built the Citie Ec●atane under their new King Deioces they laid the foundation of that Kingdome which proved fatall both to Ninus and to Babylon Because she had made all nations drinke of the wine of the poyson of her fornication With the wine of the poyson of her fornication that is besotted them with philters being poysoned win● For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 here hath not the force of anger or wrath but as it is used by the Seventy poyson that is they would have it aequivalent to the Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which one while signifieth anger another while poyson Hence it is that in the Seventy Deut. 32. 33. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is their wine is the poyson of Dragons and the cruell venome of Aspes Likewise Iob 20. 16. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is he shall suck the poyson of Dragons the Serpents tongue shall s●ay him Adde Psalm 58. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their poyson is like the poyson of a Serpent See also if thou please Deut. 32.24 Iob 6.4 Yea and wheresoever in the Old Testament the signification of poyson hapeneth thou shalt see it expressed Chap. 14. not above once onely otherwise then either with this or the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But there is a twofold mention made in the Revelation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or of such like poysoned wine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the wine of the poyson of her fornication whereby as I said the amorous poyson or philter is signified according to which the same is called Chap. 18.23 by an accustomed word for that purpose 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or veneficium poysoning or sorcerie and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the wine of the poyson of wrath which is a potion of those that are to suffer torment For truly by the former hath the holy Ghost expressed the allurement of spirituall fornication out of the custome of harlots provoking love by their philters this latter
● Heb. 3. 8 9. 13. c. likewise Chap 4 to conclude 2 Pet. 1. last vers where 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for ever a Day I say first to beginne at the particular and as it were morning Iudgement of Antichrist and the rest of the living enemies of the Church by the glorious 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 appearing of our Lord in flaming fire and then at length to determine after the reigne of the thousand yeeres granted to new Ierusalem his most Chap. 20. holy Spouse upon this earth and after the utter destruction of new enemies yet to arise the great Day waxing toward evening and Satan being againe loosed at the universall resurrection and judgement of all the dead Which things being finished the wicked shall be cast into Hell to be tormented for ever but the Saints shall he translated into Heaven to live with Christ for ever This indeed is that time of the wrath of God upon the Gentiles and of judging the cause of them that died for Christ for which the triumphing Eld●rs give thankes at the sound of the seventh Trumpet Chap. 11. 18. For that then God would give reward to his servants the Prophets and Saints and them that feare his name small and great and would destroy them which destroy the earth This is that Day of Iudgement and perdition of wicked ones of which Peter 2 Epist Chap. 3. vers ● speaking presently addeth but be not ignorant of this one thing beloved to wit the day which I even now spake of that one day is with the Lord as a thousand yeeres and a thousand yeers as one day In which same day indeed the Apostle with his brethren of the same kindred the Iewes to whom he writeth expecteth that new forme of things to come of which by and by he saith vers 13. But we looke for new heavens and a new earth according to his promise wherein dwelleth righteousnesse Observe according to his promise But where was this promise of new heavens and a new earth extant when Iohn had not yet seene the Revelation except that of Esay Chap. 65. 17. and 66. 22. which promise surely whosoever shall read I should marvell if he should judge that it shall be fulfilled elsewhere then on earth This also is that Kingdome joyned with the appearance of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Christ ready to judge the world of which Paul to Timothy 2 Epist Chap. 4. vers 1. I charge thee before our Lord Jesus Christ who shall iudge the quicke and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdome For after the last and universall resurrection according to the same Apostle 1 Cor. 15. vers 24 25 26 27 28. Christ the last enemy being destroyed that is death shall deliver up the Kingdome to his Father that he may be subiect to him who subdued all things to himselfe so farre is he from being said then to enter upon any new Kingdome That Kingdome therefore which neither shall be before the * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 appearance of our Lord nor after the last resurrection Chap. 20. is necessarily to be concluded between them This is that Kingdome of the Sonne of man which Daniel saw who when the times of the horne of Antichrist were fulfilled or the times of the Gentiles come to end Luk. 21. 24. shall appeare in the clouds of Heaven when there shall be given him power glory and a Kingdome that all People Nations and Languages should serve him or when as the Angel by and by expoundeth it a Kingdome power and greatnesse of Kingdomes under the whole Heaven marke it well shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High Dan. 7. 13. 14. Also the 18.22 ●6 27. Neither yet as I said even now shall this Kingdome be after the last resurrection since the Sonne of man is not to enter upon a Kingdome then but as Paul witnesseth to lay it downe and deliver it to his Father Now that the same Kingdome is handled in both places as well by Iohn as Daniel may be proved by these two Arguments First that both begin at the same terme to wit the overthrow of the fourth or Romane Beast that of Daniel when the Beast governing under that last regiment of the horne with eyes was slaine and his body given unto the burning flame Dan. 7. 11. 2● 27. That of the Revelation when the Beast and false Prophet that wicked Vers 10. horne in Daniel having mouth and eyes as a head are taken and both cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone Secondly from the same session of Iudgement premised to both For it will appeare that the one is borrowed from the other and altogether tend to the same purpose by comparing the words of the description of both Dan. Chap. 7.   Vers 9 I beheld till the thrones were set For so it is to be rendered with the Vulgar 70. and The●d and so the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for a throne is used in Targum at the 15. v. of the 1. cap. of Jer. And I saw Thrones Rev. 20. 4. Vers 10 And the iudgement was set That is the Iudges as in the great Sanedrin of the Iewes to the rule whereof the whole description is framed And they sate upon them   And iudgement was given to the Saints on high that is power of judging Hence is that of P●ul the Saints shall iudge the world And iudgement was given unto Chap. 20. them Vers 22. Chap. 20 Vers 22   And the Saints obtained the kingdom that is to say with the sonne of man who came in the clouds of heaven And the Saints lived and reigned with Christ a thousand yeers Furthermore I would have the Reader understand this Whatsoever almost is found from the Iews whatsoever is delivered by the Lord in his Gospel or any where in the new Testament by the Apostles concerning the day of the great judgement that is taken out of this vision of Daniel to wit that judgement to be accomplished by fire Christ to come in the clouds of heaven to come in the glory of his Father with multitude of Angels the Saints with him to judge the earth Antichrist to be abolished 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with the brightnesse of his coming c. So that they goe about wholly to undermine the pillar of the Evangelicall faith concerning the glorious coming of Christ who neglecting the ancient tradition of the Church endeavour to turn this prophesie to another end Lastly that I may conclude this is that most ample kingdom which by Daniels interpretation was foreshewed to Nebuchadnezzar in that Propheticall Statue of the foure kingdoms not that of a Stone cut out of a Hill whiles yet the Series of Monarchies remained for this is the present state of the kingdome of Christ but of the Stone when they were utterly broken and defaced to become a Mountaine and to fill the
signifying Trajan from the West whose reigne with Hadrian his successour was full of blood 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The third Seale a Man shewing a blacke horse and his rider signifying Septimius Severus from the South and by the ballances Vers 5. 6. in his hand Iustice and carefull provision for the Common-wealth in his time and Alexanders The fourth Seale an Eagle shewing a pale horse and his rider signifying Maximinus from the North in his time and Gallus Vers 7. 8. Volusianus and Decius the sword famine and pestilence met together therefore called Mortifer The fifth Seale no beast horse norrider entereth from Aurelianus V●●● 9 10 11 in Anno 268. wherein is set forth the tenne yeeres persecution under Dioclesian The sixth Seale an admirable shaking of Heaven and Earth Vers 12 13 14 15 16 17 signifying the change and subversion of the state of Rome heathen by Constantine the Great Before the entrance to the seventh Seale which is a seale of Chap. 7. Trumpets there is care taken for the Church set forth by a company of 144000. to be sealed of every Tribe of Israel 12000 in Vers 4. 5. reckoning of which there is an unusuall order yet in that Type such as might best represent the profession of pure Religion miraculously in the bosome of the Empire to be preserved in the midst of the combustions of the World polluted with idolatrous worship and conspiring the ruine of the Church and therefore it is fenced with the Seale of God The twelve Apostles aptly answering the Type of Israel the number 12. being the Ensigne of the Apostolike race and by multiplying expressing the Apostolike pregenic To which is added by the representation of innumerable Palme-bearers 〈◊〉 a most ample estate of every Nation People Tribe and Ton●ue ● praising God The seventh Seale containeth seven Trumpets sounding the Chap. ● allar●e to the ruine of the Empire by a seven-fold order of plagues the foure first of lesse extent The first Trumpet wasteth the Territorie of the Romane Empire with a terrible breaking in of the Northerne Nations for by the third part of the Earth is meant the people or politicall Vers 7. Vniverse of the Romane Empire it being the third part of the then known habitable world This happened from the death of Theodosius Anno 395. by Alaricus and the Goths and by the Barbarians Radagaiso being their Captaine Anno 404. and by the Vandales and Alanes c. Anno 405 6. The second Trumpet assaileth the dominion of the Romane Vers ● 9. Empire expressed by the Sea Rome being taken by Alaricus Anno 410. After which the largenesse of the Romane dominion was daily cut off untill Anno 455. that Gensericus tooke and spoiled Rome againe after which the whole body of the Empire was divided into tenne Kingdomes Anno 456. The third Trumpet utterly throweth downe the Romane Hesperus or Westerne Caesar Anno 476. fetching his last breath under Vers 10 11. the fatall name of Augustulus a Prince of bitternesse and sorrowes therefore resembled by a falling Starre called Wormewood The fourth Trumpet taketh away the light of the Romane Vers 12. Maiestie shining till then under Ostrogothean Kings when the Consulship of Rome failed Anno 542. The three woe Trumpets Vers 13. The fifth or first woe Trumpet sendeth the hostile hands of Chap. 9. Saracens and Arabians in the Type of Locusts not onely to destroy Vers 3. and waste from the yeere 830 to 980. that is 150. yeeres or five moneths of yeeres but also to poyson with the venemous doctrine of Muhamedisme The Locusts had a King over them whose name was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Destroyer Vers 11. The sixth or second woe Trumpet lo●seth the foure Angels Vers 13 14. that is the foure Sultanies or Kingdomes into which the Turkes were parted being before restrained at Euphrates which loosing happened a little before the yeere 1300. uniting themselves under the conduct of one Othoman which should come to passe after a propheticall day a moneth and a yeere being 396. yeers to wit from the yeere 1057. wherein Tangrolipix had taken the royall Citie Bagdad from which time the Turkes are prepared to kill the third part of men that is in the yeere 1453. Constantinople Vers 15. being then taken The number of the horsemen are two hundred Vers 16. thousand thousand their Munition Gunnes and Ordnance expressed Vers 17. by Fire Smoake and Brimstone The seventh or third woe Trumpet is put off to the prophesie Chap 10. of the Little Booke It containeth the consummation of the Vers 7. Mysterie of God which event is declared in an Oath taken by an Angel and a Crie upon which seven thund●rs utter their Vers 6. Vers 3. voices which Iohn is forbidden to write Ver● 4. The Prophesie of the Little Booke wherein the destinie of the Church is cont●ined followeth to which the Apostle is fitted by Vers 8 9 10. taking the Booke and eating it which was sweet in his mouth but bitter in his belly The measur●d court setteth forth the Primitive state of the Christi●n Church conformable to the rule of Gods Word shortly after to ensue and contrary to which is the Court not to be measured it not being Gods workmanship but to be prophaned by idolatrous worship renewed or Antichristian Apostasie to reigne fortie two moneths of yeeres While this Court is prophaned two Witnesses bewaile the prophanation Ve●s 3. give testimonie to the truth of God and exhort to repentance 1260. dayes answerable to the fortie two moneths of prophanation denouncing Gods iudgements which beganne to be executed at the Phyalls and debarring the new Idolaters from the hope Vers 5. of eternall life Vers 6. The destinie of these Witnesses is when they have finished their testimonie to be made conformable to Christ in suffering to be Vers 7. in●licted upon them by the Romane seven-headed Beast these shall in the end suffer a mysticall death and lye unburied three Vers 8 9 10 11. yeeres and an halfe after which they shall be restored to their former estate or to a more excellent dignitie And upon a commotion and alteration of politicall affaires the Citie of Rome as Vers 12 13. now it is being but a tenth part of the old Citie shall be overthrowne at the fifth Phyall wherein shall be slaine ●000 men of Name or of the Clergie or Companies of men This is the ending of the second woe or sixth Trumpet at which time the Kings from the East or the Iewes shall beginne as it were a new Kingdome or the Beast i. the Pope shall change his forme being driven from his Metropolis Rome by the overthrow thereof So this Vision Chap. 11. of the open Booke goeth through the whole course of the Revelation to shew the connexion of it with the Seales and Trumpets THe Romane Empire worshipping the Dragon that is the Chap. 12. Devil in Idols persecuted the Church of God represented Vers 3 4. by the woman in travell to bring
forth Christ in the Romane ●mpire to be King 300. yeeres But after she brought him Vers 5 forth the Dragon being cast downe from the Romane throne by Constantine he was there enthroned This chance of the Dragon Vers 7 8 9. contemporiseth with the sixth Seale The woman after the bringing Vers 13 14. forth of her sonne dwelleth in the wildernesse 42 monethes or for a time times and halfe a time typifying the state of the Church in a middle condition freed from the rage of persecution and not attained to the state of glory but still persecuted by the Vers 15. flood of errors and heresies ●ast out of the Devils mouth A new Tragedy of evils falleth upon the Woman entred into Chap. 13. the wildernesse she lighteth upon a double Beast the one ten horned Vers 1 c. being the secular whole estate of ten Kingdomes into which the Empire was divided by the warres of the Barbarians The other two horned being Ecclesiasticall which the Pope with his Clergie make up both Beasts reigning together and tyed in a neere alliance governing under the seventh head exercising the crueltie of the Dragon and pretending the worship of Christian Religion demolishing Idols but promoting by Laws and Edicts ●dolatry ●nd lately abolished Heathenisme termed blasphemy against God V●rs 6. his Name his Tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven His Name when any thing besides God is worshipped with divine worship Joh. 2. 19. and vers 21. His Tabernacle that is the humane nature of Christ wherein the Deitie dwelleth by transubst●ntiation And them that dwell in heaven that is by calling idols which they worship by their names in derogation of Christ his prerogative and glory The company of 144000 virgins followers of the Lambe mentioned Chap 14. and sealed before at the seventh Seale for connexion of the Vers 3 4 5. two prophesies signifie the Church in the middest of the Papacie continuing faithfull to the Lambe the native progenie of the twelve Apostles apostolically multiplyed purely and rightly honouring the Lambe and his Father with the Evangelicall song not addicted to any one Sea but accompanying the Lambe whithersoever he goeth often and sharply admonishing the worshippers of the Beast concerning Evangelicall worship and warning all to withdraw themselves from those Idolaters except they will perish eternally set forth in the Cry of three Angels The first admonisheth to worship God purely and rightly according Vers 6 7. ● to the Gospel fulfilled in the yeere 720 in the Greeke and Easterne Churches when the Emperours Leo Isaurus Constantine Iconomachus Leo Armenius Michael Balbus and Theophilus by their Edicts and Decrees made Protestation for presenting religious worship to one God the Creator against worshipping of the creature not only Images but also Saints and their reliques as also by the Councell of 338 Bishops assembled at Constantinople by Constantine Iconomachus the adoration of images was accused and condemned of impietie c. The second Angel threatneth mysticall Babylon for the crime Vers 8. of spirituall fornication with inevitable destruction Fulfilled in the time of the Albigenses and Waldenses who were the ministers of this Cry by word and by deed proclaiming the Church of Rome to be the Ap●calyptike Bab●lon by her idolatry and mysticall whoredome c. The third Angel denounceth horrible and hainous torments Vers 9 10 11 c. easelesse and endlesse to the whole traine of the Beast and those that shall abide in his obedience After this threefold admonition by the Angels followeth the Vers 14 15. vindication of the Church against her enemies under the types of Harvest and Vintage By Harvest is understood the preparation of the Bride by the conversion of the Iews together with the overthrow of the Turki●h Empire the Lord Ie●us being the Lord of the Harvest and this at the sixt phyall As touching the Vintage the vineyard of the earth is the Vers 17 18 19 c. dominion of the Beast The grapes the followers of the Beast The winepresse the place of slaughter Armageddon in the 2 Thess 2.8 seventh phyall to which place the grapes being gathered by the Angel the Vintager with the helpe of the Saints the Lord Iesus shall tread them at his comming Now both Harvest and Vintage is obtained by prayers of the Church universally Mysticall Babylon is Rome the mother Citie of spirituall Chap. 17. fornication Vers 1 2. The Beast is the Romane Empire Vers 3. Seven heads are seven hils upon which Rome standeth or seven Orders of succ●ssive Rulers viz. Kings Consuls Tribunes Decemviri Dictators Emperours in respect of the change whereof into ten Kingdomes it m●ght seeme another Ruler yet is but the same and Popes which last Beast is the bearer of the whore The ten hornes are those ten Kingdoms into which the Empire Vers 4. is divided The cup in her hand c. hath allusion to whores and stewes Vers 4. which is interpreted by the Angel to Iohn in the Chapter following at the eighth verse In this Chapter is figured the state of the Church cleansed from Idolatrous pollution and singing the triumphant song at the powring Chap. 15. out of the phyalls The effusion of the phyalls signifie the ruine of the Antichristian Beast The seven phyalls so many degrees of the ruine thereof Vers 6 7. And whatsoever the phyall is powred out upon suffereth dammage and losse thereby The first phyall is powred out upon the Earth that is the people or common sort of Christians this was fulfilled by the Albigenses Chap. 16. v. 2. and Waldenses c. The second phyall is powred out upon the Sea that is the compasse Vers 3. of the Popes iurisdiction fulfilled by Luther c. Reformers of the Church The third upon the Rivers that is upon the Ministers and Vers 4 5 6 7. Defenders of the Antichristian i●risdiction fulfilled in the yeere 1588 upon the Spanish Champions Priests and Iesuites by laws executed upon them in the reigne of Queene Elizabeth The fourth upon the Sunne that is the Germane Empire now Vers 8 9. by the warres there in powring out The fifth upon the Throne of the Beast that is Rome it self Vers 10 11. The sixth upon Euphrates to prepare away for the Kings of Vers 12 13 14 15 16. the East viz. The conversion of the I●raelites by removing the obstacle the Othoman Empire of the Turks agreeing with the plague of the sixt Trumpet Chapter 11. The seventh phyall is powred out upon the Aire that is upon Satan Vers 17 c. comprehending not the dominion of the Beast onely but all the enemies of Christ gathered to gether under the conduct of the Power of the Aire and shut up in Armageddon The seventh Trumpet with the whole space of 1000. yeeres Chap. 20. thereto appertaining signifying the great Day of Iudgement circum scribed within two resurrections beginning at the iudgement of Antichrist as the morning of that day and continuing during the space of 1000 yeeres granted to new Ierusalem the Spouse of Christ upon this Earth till the universall resurrection and iudgement of all the dead when the wicked shall be cast into Hell to be tormented for ever and the Saints translated into Heaven to live with Christ for ever FINIS Erratain the latter part of this Booke Page line Erat. Corrected 3. l. 13 as measuring is measuring 7. l. 3.   cap. 6. Gr● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 19. l. 6. that may that they may 21. l. 31. to the Saint to the sift 24. l. ●0 That t●nth That this tenth 39. l. 33. with her childe her childe 56. l. 3● a few dayes a few dayes together 65. l. 19. that the Romane that that Roman 75. l. 11. twleve virgins twelve being eminent as well in the company of virgins 81. l. 27. nation notion 94. l. 16. other drug other bitter drug 96. l. 12. the ruine the crime 122. l. 14. for many of many 125. 18. adde in marg 2 Thess 2.8 against line 28. adde Dan. 2.35 2●8 l. 19 and 30. ● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 133. in the marg over against 1. 27. put lib. 11. c. 1