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A40660 Ephemeris parliamentaria, or, A faithfull register of the transactions in Parliament in the third and fourth years of the reign of our late Sovereign Lord, King Charles containing the severall speeches, cases and arguments of law transacted between His Majesty and both Houses : together with the grand mysteries of the kingdome then in agitation. England and Wales. Parliament.; Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. 1654 (1654) Wing F2422; ESTC R23317 265,661 308

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Common-wealth and certainly there never was a time in which this duty was more necessarily required then now I therefore judging of a Parliament to be the antient speediest best way in this time of common Danger to give such supply as to secure our selves and to save our Friends from imminent ruine have called you together Every man must do according to his conscience Wherefore if you which God forbid should not doe your duties in contributing what the State at this time needs I must in discharge of my conscience use those other meanes which God hath put into my hands to save that which the follies of particular men may hazard to loose Take not this as a threatning for I scorn to threaten any but my equals but an admonition from him that both out of nature and dutie have most care of your preservations and prosperities and though I thus speak I hope that your endeavours at this time will be such as shall not onely make me approve your former Counsels but lay on me such obligations as shall binde me by way of thankfulness to meet often for be assured that nothing can be more pleasing to me then to keep a good correspondence with you I will onely adde one thing more and then leave my Lord Keeper to make a short paraphrase upon the Text I have delivered you which is to remember a thing to the end we may forget it You may imagine that I came here with a doubt of success of what I desire remembring the distractions at the last meeting but I assure you that I shall very easily and gladly forget and forgive what is past so that you will at this present time leave the former waies of distractions and follow the counsell late given you to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace The Lord Keeper Coventry's Speech 17. March 1627. My Lords and you the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons IF I had been delighted in long speaking yet the example and commandment of his Majestie hath been more then enough to refraine the super fluitie of that humour but here is yet more For that short and excellent compacted Speech which you have heard from his Majestie begins with a reason It is a time for action and not for speech Examples and Command master the VVill and Reason the Understanding and therefore you may expect nothing from me but brevity You have heard the matter already and I doubt not but with reverence as the weight and authority requires you have imprinted it in your mindes and the matter being known long speeches from me were but babling to beat the aire Yee are here in Parliament by his Majesties writ and royall command to consult and conclude of the weightie and urgent businesse of this Kingdome VVeighty it is and great as great as the honour safety and protection of Religion King and Country and what can be greater Urgent it is It is little pleasure to tell or think how urgent and to tell it with circumstances were a long work I will but touch the summe of it in few words The Pope and House of Austria have long affected the one a Spiritual the other a Temporal Monarchie and to effect their ends to serve each others turn the House of Austria besides the rich and vast Territories of both the Indies and in Africa joined together are become Masters of Spain and Italy and the great country of Germany And although France be not under their subjection yet they have endeavoured all about him the very bowells of the Kingdome swaied by the Popish faction they have gotten such a part and such interest in the Government that under pretence of Religion to root out the Protestants and our Religion they have drawn the King to their adherence so farre that albeit upon his Majesties interposition by his Ambassadours and his engagement of his royall word there was between the King and his Subjects Articles of agreement and the Subjects were quiet whereby his Majestie interessed in that great Treaty was bound to see a true accomplishment yet against that strict alliance that Treaty hath been broken and those of the Religion have been put to all extremity and undoubtedly will be ruinated without present help so as that King is not onely diverted from assisting the common Cause but hath been misled to engage himself in hostile acts against our King or other Princes making way thereby for the House of Austria to the ruine of his own and other Kingdomes Other Potentates that in former times did ballance and interrupt the growing greatnesse of the House of Austria are now removed and diverted The Turk hath made peace with the Emperour and turned himself wholly into warrs with Asia the King of Sweden is embroiled in a warre with Poland which is invented by Spanish practices to keep that King from succouring our part the King of Denmark is chased out of his Kingdome on this and on that side the Sound so as the house of Austria is on the point to command all the Sea-coasts from Dantzick to Emden and all the Rivers falling into the Sea in that great extent so as besides their power by Land they beginne to threaten our part by Sea to the subversion of all our State In the Baltique Sea they are providing and arming all the ships they can build or hire and have at this time their Ambassadours threatning at Lubeck to draw into their service the Hans-Townes whereby taking from us and our neighbours the East-land trade by which our Shipping is supplied they expect without any blow given to make themselves masters of the Sea In those Western parts by the Dunkerkers and by the now French and Spanish Admirall to the ruine of Fishing of infinite consequence both to us and the Low Countries they infest all our coast so as wee passe not safely from port to port And that Fleet which lately assisted the French at the Isle of Ree is now preparing at St. Andrea with other ships built in the coast of Biscai to re-inforce it and a greater Fleet is making ready at Lisbon where besides their own they do serve themselves upon all strangers bottoms coming to that coast for trade And these great preparations are no doubt to assault us in England or Ireland as they shall finde advantage and a place fit for their turn Our friends of the Netherlands besides the feare that justly troubles them lest the whole force of the Emperour may fall down upon them are distracted by their Voyages into the East which hath carried both men and money into another world and almost divided them at home Thus are we even ready on all sides to be swallowed up the Emperour France and Spain being in open warr against us Germany over-run the King of Denmark distressed the King of Sweden diverted and the Low-Countrey men disabled to give us assistance I speak not this to increase fear unworthy of English
hearts and affections loyally and religiously devoted to God and your Majesties service and to the safety of your Majesties Sacred Person we most zealously present to your Princely Wisdome craving your Majesties chearful and gracious approbation The King's Answer to the Petition against Recusants March 31. 1628. My Lords and Gentlemen I Do very well approve the method of your proceeding à Jove principium hoping that the rest of your Consultations will succeed the happier And I like the preamble of my Lord Keeper otherwise I should a little have suspected that you thought me not so carefull of Religion as I have been and ever shall be wherein I am as forward as you can desire As for the Petition I answere first in generall that I like it well and will use those as well as all other means for the maintenance and propagation of that Religion wherein I have lived and doe resolve to die But for the particulars you shall receive a more full answer hereafter And now I will only add this that as we pray to God to help us so we must help our selves for we can have no assurance of his assistance if we do ly in bed and only pray without using other means And therefore I must remember you that if we do not make provision speedily we shall not be able to put one Ship to sea this year Verbum sapienti satis est The Answer to the same Petition by the Lord Keeper Coventrey TO the first point his Majesty answereth That he will accoreding to your desire give both life and motion to the Laws that stand in force against Iesuits Seminary Priests and all that have taken Orders by authority of the Sea of Rome and to that end his Majesty will give strict order to all his Ministers for the discovering and apprehending of them and so leave them being apprehended to the triall of the Law and in case after tryall there shall be cause to respite the execution of any of them yet they shall be committed according to the example of best times to the Castle of Westbitch and there be safely kept from exercising their functions or spreading their Superstitious and dangerous Doctrine and for the receivers and abettors they shall be left to the Law To the second His Majesty granteth all that is desired in this Article and to this end will give order to the Lord Treasurer Lord high Admirall and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports that in their severall places they be carefull to see this Article fully executed giving strict charge to all such as have place or authority under them to use all diligence herein and his Majesty requireth them and all other his Officers and Ministers to have a vigilant eye upon such as dwell in dangerous places of advantage or opportunity for receiving or transporting any such as are here mentioned and his Majesty will take it for good service if any will give knowledge of such as have connived or combined or shall connive or combine as is mentioned in this Article that Justice may be strictly done upon them To the third His Majesty will take order to restrain the recourse of Recusants to the Court and also for the other points of this Article his Majesty is well pleased that the Laws be duly executed and that all unlawfull Licenses be annulled and discharged To the fourth His Majesty is most willing to punish for the time past and prevent for the future any the deceits and abuses mentioned in this Article and will account it a good service in any that will inform himself his Privy Councell Officers of his Revenue Judges or Councell learned of any thing that may reveal this Mystery of Iniquity and his Majesty doth strictly charge and command every of them to whom such information is made that they suffer not the same to die but do their utmost endeavour to effect a clear discovery and bring the Offenders to punishment and to the intent that no concealed toleration may be effected his Majesty leaveth the Lawes to their course To the fifth His Majesty is pleased to prohibite and restrain the coming and resort to the house of Ambassadours and will command a vigilant watch to be set for their taking and punishing as is desired To the sixth He is perswaded that this Article is already observed with good care neverthelesse for the avoyding as much as may be errours and escapes in that ●ind his Majesty will give order to the Lord Keeper that the next Terme he call unto him all the Judges and take information from them of the state of their severall Circuits if any such as are mentioned in this Article be in the Commission for Peace that reformation may be made thereof and will likewise give order to the Lord Admirall and to such persons to whom it shall appertain to make diligent enquiry and certifie to his Majesty if any such be in place of authority and command in his ships or service To the seventh His Majesty doth fully grant it To the eighth His Majesty doth well approve it as a matter of necessary consideration and the Parliament now sitting he recommendeth to both Houses the preparation of a fitting Law to that effect and his Majesty doth further declare that the mildnesse that hath been used towards them of the Popish Religion hath been upon hope that forraign Princes thereby might be induced to use moderation towards their Subjects of the Reformed Religion but not finding that good effect which was expected his Majesty resolveth unlesse he shall very speedily see better fruit to adde a further degree of severity to that which is in this Petition desired Sir Edward Coke's Speech March 25. upon a Question of Law in point of the Iudgement given in the Kings Bench Mich. 3. Caroli Viz. That a Prisoner detained by Committment per special mandat Regis without expressing a Cause is not bailable wherein he held negatively and spake as followeth IT is true that the Kings Prerogative is a part of the Law of this Kingdome and a supream part for the Prerogative is highly tendred and respected of the Law yet it hath bounds set unto it by the Laws of England But some worthy Members of this House have spoken of forraign States which I conceive to be a forraign Speech and not able to weaken the Side I shall maintain That Master Attorney may have something to answer unto I will speak without taking another day to the body of the Cause yet keeping something in store for another time I have not my Vade mecum here yet I will endeavour to recite my Ancestours truly I shall begin with old Authority for Errorem ad sua principia referre est refellere The ground of this Errour was the Statute of Westm. 1 cap. 15. which ●aith that those are not repleviable who are committed for the death of a man or by the commandment of the King or his Justices for the Forrest for so it
will advise A note very remarkable It shewes the indulgence of Kings it shews also the wisdom and judgement of the Houses the King not willing to deny his People People not willing to presse their King to a deniall the one wise and modest in their requests and the other moderate and sweet in the answer This is the ancient and right way of union in Parliament The God of unity keep it in this and all insuing Parliaments This union you rightly call the union of Hearts and a greatnesse beyond the Kingdomes which the King inherits so then its a present fit for a wise people to offer to their gracious King Wise and magnanimous Kings are a speciall gift from God having hearts capable of greatnesse union of hearts is greatest and greatnesse was never unwelcome to Kings and therefore present and offer it to your King you cannot doubt of acceptance Having spoken of union you fall presently into a memoriall of the great and glorious actions of his Majestie 's Predecessours and into the height and contemplation of greater that remain If I mistake not your meaning you would have it understood that the union of Prince and people make way to those remarkable acts of former times and that we that wish the like successe in our time should look back upon our Forefathers Wisdome requires it Honour and the Time requires it that we should shew our selves the sonnes of our Auncestours at least in holding that which they left us The pride of Rome abated as you say by England now lifts up her horns against Religion Gods vine planted and deeply rooted here overspread into our neighbour Countreys hath of late lost many of her goodly branches The Austrian Eagle that wanted feathers till of late now soares and preys at will over all Spain so often foiled by us hath by disguised treaties dispoiled of their patrimonie those princely Branches of our royall Cedar and posts apace to his universall Monarchy to the ruine of us our Friends and Religion God hath his time and I trust a time to stop their course I know not but we may expect it as well now as ever There is a resolution in our King and there is I trust for I am sure there was a resolution in our Parliament for great actions Our king as he hath a Solomon so hath he many Davids in the glorious catalogue of his royall Descent and hath linked himself in the House of Henry the Great and he bears a glorious and auspicious name sutable to his thoughts and desires and therefore since Honour and Religion call for it and since you have incouraged him to fight Iehovah's battels let all put to their hands that our King and Nation may have the honour to set Christendome in her right Balance And now to come to the petitions you have made for the House his Majestie most graciously and readily grants them all according to your true and ancient Rights and Priviledges of Parliament which his Majestie trusts you will have care not to exceed or transgresse and therefore you may go chearfully together and speedily settle about the publick affairs And the almighty God prosper the works of your hands I say the almighty God prosper your handy-work M r. Goodwin's Speech March 22. 1627. Mr. Speaker IT hath pleased his Majestie in his last Speech to intimate unto us the cause of our meeting which is supply against the great and common dangers that threaten the ruine of this Kingdome and the time of our sitting cannot be long and therefore he wisheth to avoid tedious resolutions In conformity whereunto I propound that laying aside all other matters we addresse our selves to that for which we were called hither wherein as in the first place we have well begun in our pious humiliation towards almighty God so let us now proceed to serve and to supply the king yet so as we satisfie our Countrey that sent us hither and preserve our Rights and Priviledges which have as surely been broken and infringed as undoubtedly they belong ●o us S r. Francis Seymour's Speech March 22. 1627. THis is the great Councel of the Kingdome and here if not here alone his Majestie may see as in a true glasse the state of the Kingdome We are all called hither by his Majestie 's writs to give him faithfull counsel such as may stand with his honour but that we must do without flatterie and chosen by the Commons to deliver up their just grievances and this we must do without fear Let us not be like Cambyses Judges who being demanded of him concerning something unlawfull said Though there were no written Law the Persian Kings might do what they li●t This was base flatterie fitter for reproof then imitation and as flatterie so fear taketh away the judgement For mine own part I shall shun both these and speak my conscience with as much duty to his Majestie as any man not neglecting the Publick But how can we speak our affections while we retein our fears or speak of giving till we know whether we have any thing to give or not For if his Majestie shall be perswaded to take what he will what need we to give That this hath been done appeareth by the billetting of Souldiers a thing no way advantageous to his service and a burthen to the Common-wealth the imprisonment of Gentlemen for the Loane who if they had done the contrary for fear their faults had been as great as theirs who were Projectours in it To countenance these proceedings hath it not been preached in the pulpit or rather pra●ed All we have is the Kings But when they forsake their own calling and turn ignorant States-men we see how willing they will be to change a good conscience for a Bishoprick It is too apparent the people suffer more now then ever will you know the true reason we shall find those Princes have been in greatest wants and necessities that have exacted most from their Subjects The reason is plain A Prince is strongest by faithful and wise Counsel I would I could truly say such had been imployed abroad I speak this to this end to shew the defect proceeded not from this House I must confesse he is no good Subject that would not willingly and freely lay down his life when the End may be the service of his Majestie and the good of the Common-wealth But he is no good Subject but a slave that will have his goods taken from him against his will and his Liberty against the Laws of the Kingdome In doing this we shall but ●read the steps of our Fore-fathers who still preferred the publick interest before their own rights nay before their own lives It will be a wrong to Us to our Posterities to our Consciences if we shall forgo this This we shall do well to present to his Majestie I offer this in the generall thinking the particulars fitting for Committees What I may now say or shall then I submit
our selves our Friends and of our Religion That the Dangers were not reall but pretended we all heartily wish but feel the contrary That divisions have weakned our party and our attempts united the two greatest Princes of Christendome against us whom we have provoked That the State is desperately diseased and this Parliament the way that it may yet be recovered if soveraigne and proper remedies be speedily applyed 1. To trust the King whose Kingly nature is to yield it prevails 2. To supply the King and that without condition which is fewel of Jealousie 3. To present our grievances to his Majesty personall and reall humbly moderately and briefly 4. To do all this speedily and in order whereby the King may be strengthened the Kingdome recovered our Allies relieved and the Laws and Liberties of the Subject preserved in a legall propriety for he that is not master of his goods dwells not at home Sir Robert Philips his Speech March 22. 1627. Mr. Speaker I Reade of a custome amongst the old Romans that once every year they had a solemn Feast for their Slaves at which they had liberty without exception to speak what they would thereby to ●ase their afflicted minds which being finished they severally returned to their former Servitude This may with some resemblance and distinction well set forth our present state where now after the revolution of some time and grievous sufferance of many violent oppressions we have as those Slaves had a day of liberty of speech but shall not I trust be hereafter slaves for we are free yet what new illegall proceedings our states and persons have suffered under my heart yearns to think my tongue falters to utter They have been well represented by divers worthy Gentlemen before me yet one and the maine as I conceive hath not been touched which is our Religion Religion M r. Speaker made vendible by Commission and men for pecuniary annuall rates dispenced withall whereby Papists may without feare of Law practice Idolatry For the Oppressions under which we grone I draw them into two heads Acts of Power against Law and Judgements of Law against our Liberty Of the first sort are strange instructions violent exactions of money thereupon imprisonment of the persons of such who to deliver over to posteritie the liberty they have received from their Fore-fathers and lawfully were in possession of refused so to lend and this aggravated by reason of the remedilesse continuance and length thereof and chiefly the strange vast and unlimited power of our Lieutenants and their Deputies in billetting of Souldiers in making rates in granting warrants for taxes as their discretions shall guide them and all against the Law These last are the most insupportable burthens that at this present afflict our poor Country and the most cruel oppression that ever yet the Kingdome of England endured These upstart Lieutenants of whom perhaps in some cases and times there may be good use being regulated by Law are the worst of grievances and the most forward and zealous executioners of those violent and unlawfull courses which have been commended unto them Of whose proceedings and for the qualifying of whose unruly power it is more then time to consult and determine Judgements of Law against our Liberty have been three each latter stepping forwarder then the former upon the right of the Subject aiming in the end to tread and trample under foot our Law and that in the form of Law The first was the Judgement of the Post-nati whereby a Nation which I heartily love for their singular zeal in our Religion and their spirit to preserve our Liberties far beyond many of us is made capable in any the like favours priviledges and immunities as our selves enjoy and this specially argued in the Exchequer Chamber by all the Judge● of England The second was the Judgement upon the impositions in the Exchequer Court by the Barons which hath been the source and fountain of many bitter waters of affliction unto our Merchants The third was that fatall late Judgement against the Liberty of the Subject imprisoned by the King argued and pronounced but by one alone I can live although another without title be put to live with me nay I can live although I pay excises and impositions more then I doe but to have my Liberty which is the soul of my life taken from me by power and to have my body pent up in a gaole without remedy by Law and to be so adjudged Oh improvident Ancestors Oh unwise Fore-fathers to be so curious in providing for the quiet possession of our Laws and the Liberties of Parliament and to neglect our Persons and Bodies and to let them ly in prison and that durante b●neplacito remedilesse If this be Law what do we talk of Liberties why do we trouble our selves with the dispute of Law franchises propriety of goods and the like What may any man call his if not Liberty I am weary in treading these waies and conclude to have a select Committee deputed to frame a Petition to his Majestie for redress of these things which being read examined and approved by the House may be delivered to the King of whose gracious answer we have no cause to doubt our desires being so reasonable our intentions so loyall and the manner so humble Neither need we feare this to be the Critical Parliament as was insinuated or this a way to distraction but assure our selves of a happie issue Then shall the King as he calls us his great Councell find us his true Councell and owne us his good Councell Which God grant c. Sir Thomas Edmonds March 22. 1627. THe King congratulating this present Parliament he prays for a blessed supply he assures us of his gracious inclination towards us and of the consequence of this meeting doth intimate how much the safety of our selves and Confederates abroad depends upon the good successe thereof and he wisheth a generall oblivion of things that are past least they cause distractions anew without a primary and free Supply to his Majestie Sir John Elliot March 22. 1627. SIr Iohn Elliot did passionately and rhetorically set forth our late Grievances he misliked much and vehemently the violating of our Laws urged many good arguments for our propugning them and concluded with Sir Francis Seymour for a Committee Sir Humfrey Maye March 22. 1627. LEt us take heed of distracting the King who is young and vigorous full of spirit and courage and may be wone to our devices by our complying and alleadging all these illegall proceedings were actions of Necessity and the like with other things by way of excuse The Petition for the Fast March 26. 1628. Most Gracious Soveraigne WE your Majestie 's most humble and loyall Subjects the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament assembled upon a tender and passionate sense of the extream Calamities of the Reformed Churches abroad and with much sorrow apprehending the heavy displeasure of almighty
therefore to be suspected that if occasion serve they will rather adhere to a forreign Enemy of that Religion then to your Majestie their liege Lord and Sovereign especially some of their Captaines and Commanders being as Popishlie affected as themselves and having served in the warres in the behalf of the King of Spain and the Arch-Dutchesse against your Majesties Allyes which of what pernicious consequence it may prove and how prejudiciall to the safety of all your Kingdome we humblie leave to your Majesties high and Princely Wisdome And now upon this and many more which might be alledged most weightie and important reasons grounded upon the maintenance of the worship and service of almightie God the continuance and advancement of your Majesties high honour and profit the preservation of the ancient and undoubted Liberties of your people and therein of Justice and Industrie and Valour which clearly concernes the glorie and happinesse of your Majestie and all your Subjects and the preventing of imminent calamities and ruine both of Church and Common-wealth we your Majesties most humble and loyall Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of your House of Commons in the name of all the Commonaltie of the Kingdome who are upon this occasion most miserable disconsolate and afflicted prostrate at the throne of your Grace and Justice do most humbly and ardently beg a present remove of this insupportable burthen and that your Majesty would be graciously pleased to secure us from the like pressure for time to come The nine Heads of the House of Commons to the Speaker 1. THat it is the ancient right of Parliament to dispose of matters there debated in their own method 2. That is is their ancient custome to consider of Grievances before matters of Supplie 3. That yet neverthelesse in this Parliament to expresse our affection to his Majesty contrarie to ord●narie proceedings we have proceeded in the Supply as farre as we could in that Committee 4. That we have been so farre from delaying that post-posing the common and pressing grievances we have given precedencie to the supply joyning with it only the fundamentall and vitall Liberties of the Kingdome that give substance to the Subjects 5. Further to expresse the fulnesse of our affections we have exceeded our order in that particular concerning the supplie which though later in proposition yet hath been first made readie for conclusion in the Committee 6. No person or Councell can be greater lovers of or more carefull to maintain the sacred Rights and Prerogatives of the Crown then we and we do conceive that the maintaining of the fundamentall Rights and Liberties of the Subject is an especiall meanes to establish the glory of a Monarch and that by it his Subjects are the better enabled to do him service which hath been the cause of many glorious victories wone by this Nation above other Kingdomes of larger territories and greater number of people 7. What information is given to his Majesty contrary to this doth proceed from such persons as to serve their own ends under colour of advancing his Majesties Prerogative do weaken Royall power 8. We trust to be cleared in his Majesties judgement that there hath been no unnecessary stop but a most cheerfull proceeding in the matter of Supply and therefore we do humbly desire that his Majesty will take no information in this or any other businesse from private relations but to judge of our proceedings by the resolution that shall be presented to his Majestie from the House 9. Being thus rightly and graciously understood we assure our selves that the end of this Parliament shall be more happy then the beginning The Speaker Sir John Finche's Speech upon the 9 Heads 14. April 1628. Most Gracious and dread Sovereign YOur dutifull and loyall Commons here assembled were lately humble Suitours for accesse to your Royall presence The occasion that moved their desires herein was a particle of importance worthy your Princely Consideration and which as it well de●erves should have been the only subject of my Speech at this time But since your gracious answer for this accesse obtained by a Message from your Majestie they have had some cause to doubt that your Majestie is not so well satisfied with the manner of their proceedings as their heartie desire is you should be especially in that part which concernes your Majesties present Supply as if in the prosecution thereof they had of late used some slacknesse or delay And because no unhappinesse of theirs can parallell with that which may proceed from a misunderstanding in your Majestie of their cleer and loyall intentions they have commanded me to attend your Majestie with an humble and summarie declaration of their proceedings since this short time of their sitting which they hope will give your Majestie abundant satisfaction that never people did more truly desire to be endeared in the favour and gracious opinion of their Sovereign And withall to let your Majestie see that as you can no where have a more faithfull Councell so your great designes and occasions can no way be so speedily or heartily supported as in this old and ancient way of Parliament For this purpose they humbly beseech your Majestie to take into your Royall Consideration that although by ancient right of Parliament the matters there debated are to be disposed in their true method and order and that their constant custome hath been to take into their consideration the common Grievances of the Kingdome before they enter upon matter of Supplie yet to make a full expression of that zeal and affection which they beare to your Royall Person equalling at least if not exceeding the best affections of their predecessours to the best of your Progenitours they have in this Assemblie contrary to ordinary proceeding in Parliament given your Majesties supply precedency before the common Grievances of the Subject how pressing soever joyning only with it those fundamentall and vitall Liberties of the Kingdome which give subsistence and ability to your Subjects This was their originall order and resolution and was grounded upon a true discerning that these two considerations could not be severed but did both of them intirely concern your Majesties service consisting no lesse in encouraging and inabling your Subjects then in proportioning a Present suting to your Majesties occasions and their own abilities Nay so farre have they been from using any unnecessary delaies as that though of the two that of Supply were later in proposition amongst them yet the Grand Committee to which both were referred have made that of your Majesties Supply first ready for conclusion And to be sure your Majesties Supply might receive no interruption they differing from custome and usage in cases of this nature sent up of those that concern the Subject by parcels some to your Majestie and some to the Lords to the end your Majestie may receive such speedy content as sutes with the largest and best extent of their first order Sir you are the
to shew clearly it shall not be his fault if this be not a happy Parliament His Majesty hath commanded me to desire this House clearly to let him know whether they will rest upon his Royal word and promise made at several times and especially by my Lord Keepers Speech made in his own presence which if they do he doth assure you that it shall be royally and really performed After speaking of himself and the nature of his place under his Majesty he proceeded in these words GIve me leave freely to tell you that I know by experience that by the place I hold under his Majesty if I will discharge the duty of my place and the Oath I have taken to his Majesty I must commit and neither express the cause to the Jaylor nor to the Judges nor to any Councellour in England but to the King himself yet do not think I go without ground fo reason or take this power committed to me to be unlimmitted Yea rather it is to me a charge burthen and danger for if I by this power shall commit the poorest porter if I do it not upon a just cause if it may appear the burthen will fall upon me heavier then the Law can inflict for I shall loose my credit with his Majesty and my place And I beseech you consider whether those that have been in the same place have not committed freely and not any doubt made of it nor any complaint made by the Subject Veneris 2. May 1628. A Report was this day made from the grand Committee for grievances concerning the cause of Nicholas Clegat Cittizen and Vintner of London imprisoned by the Lord Major and Aldermen of the said Citie for refusing to lend a certain summe of money assessed upon him by the Company of Vintners of London whereof he is free towards the proportion of money imposed upon the Company by an Act of Common-Councel of the said Citie in pursuance of a contract of Land with his Majesty By which report it appeared that the said grand Committee had unanimously agreed that the said Citie might make Acts of Councel so as they were consonant to Law and reason and for regulating and deciphering of trade agreeable to reason and the Law of the Realm and might leavy money of the Cittizens by Act of Common-Councel for building or repairing of their Walls Gates or making or cleansing of Sewers or other like causes tending to the general and publick good and welfare of the Citie or towards Triumphs or other like occasions tending to the Honour of the Citie in general but could not by such Act of Common-Councel tax or leavy money towards the purchasing of Lands or other like occasion forreign to the government of the Citie Whereupon it is resolved by the House of Commons super totam materiam that the said Commitment of the said Nicholas Clegat was unlawfull and that a Petition should go from the House to his Majesty for the inlargement of the said Nicholas Clegat his commitment by the Lord Major and Aldermen being since strengthned by special command Henry TOMPSON one of the Shrieffs and Robert HENISVVORTH Alderman of the Citie of YORK their submission for their indirect chusing of S r. Thomas SAVIL Knight I Henry Tompson one of the Shrieffs of the Citie of York do hereby acknowledge to have offended the Lord Major and all the Cominalty of the Citie by the undue pronouncing and return of S r. Thomas Savil Knight to be one of the Cittizens to serve in this Parliament for the said Citie whereas I ought of right to have pronounced and returned in his place M r. Thomas Royle Alderman of the said Citie I am hartily sorry for my said offence and misdemeanour and crave pardon of my Lord Major and all the Cominalty and in particuler of the said Alderman Hoyl for the same I Robert Henisworth Alderman of the Citie of York do acknowledge that I have offended the Lord Major and all the Cominalty of of the said Citie by my undue preparing and practising the election of S r. Thomas Savill Knight to be chosen one of the Cittizens for the said Cittie of York to serve in this present Parliament I am hartily sorry for my said offence and do desire my Lord Major and all the said Cominalty to pardon me for the same Propositions drawn for the defence of this Kingdom and the annoyance of the enemies of the same by Sea THat every Shire in England shall be injoyned on the charge of the Countrey to set forth one Ship well maned and victualled for 7. Moneths and to be of the burthen of 500 300 or 140. Tuns at the least according to the ability of the Shire in the opinion of the State That every Port or Sea-Town according to their abillity be injoyned to do the like London may well furnish 10. Bristol 3. and the rest according to their abillity And such of the Sea-Towns as are not of abillity to set forth Ships of the burthen aforesaid to furnish out Pinnaces of 60 or 80 Tuns for Light-Horsmen or Intelligencers Those Ships will amount to 80. Sail and above and these to be divided into 4. Squadrons adjoyning unto every Squadron one of the Kings Ships for their Admiral The first Squadron to lye off and on the Western Ilands and as ●igh as thei● a●●ries for 〈◊〉 men the Caracks and the Plate-Fleet and all other trading that way 〈…〉 The fourth Squadron to keep the Narrow Seas to awe the Dunkerkers to take all the French trade and so Northward and this Squadron to be still relieved with fresh Ships as the other shall grow foul or come to any misfortune so as this Squadron may continually keep the Seas most part of the year That no Master of these Ships be owner or have any part in her that he goeth in Master of for they will be unwilling to bring their Shin in fight or danger and use many tricks and devices especially if there be an ignorant Captain Therefore it is expedient likewise that every Shire should nominate a Captain for the Ship that they furnish out for the avoiding of ignorant and insufficient Captains That in London P●rtsmouth or elsew here where the State shall think fit there be Store-houses appointed for the receipt of such Prizes as shall be taken by any of the 4. Squadrons That every County or Sea-Town that furnisheth the said shipping may nominate and have a Master of their own free election that may have power in the behalf of the Counties and Sea-Towns as the other Officers that shall be appointed for the King for the opening of decks of the Prizes receiving the goods into the said Store-houses and for the divideing and disposing them according That what Prizes any of the 4. Squadrons shall take be brought into one of the Port Towns where those Store-houses are appointed and the benefit of all Prizes what Squadron soever of the 4. sendeth them in be divided the Kings part being deducted to the several Counties and Sea-Towns of the Kingdom according
himself thus RIght wise Right worthy how many instigations importune the sequel of my words 1. The equity of your proceedings 2. The honnesty of my request for I behold all your intendments grounded upon discretion and goodness and your constitutions steered as well by charity as the extreamity of Justice This order I say and method of your proceedings together with the opportunity offered of the subject in hand have imboldned me to sollicit for an extention of the late granted Protections in general The Lawfulness and honnesty of the Proposition depends upon these particulers 1. The present troubles of the parties protected having run themselves into further and almost irrecoverable hazard by presuming upon and feeding themselves with the hopes of a long continuing Parliament let the second be this consequence That which is prejudicial to the most ought to administer matter of advantage to the rest Sith then our interpellations and disturbations amongst our selves are unpleasing to all most all if any benefit may be collected let it fall upon these for I think the breach of our Sessions can befriend none but such nor such neither but by means of this grant before hand And because it is profitable that his Majesty may cause a remeeting the next Michalmass let thither also reach there prescribed time for Liberty and that till then there protections shall remain in as full virtue and Authority as if the Parliament were actually sitting This Speech at the first bred some di●●aste but afterwards seriously weighing the premises they easily and at last generally condiscended and so it is this day preferred to the Higher House The KINGS Message to the Lower House by S r. HUMFREY MAY 10. of June 1628. HIs Majesty is well pleased that your return of Right and his answer be not onely recorded in both Houses of Parliament but also in all the Courts of Westminster And that his pleasure is it be put in print for his Honour and the content and satisfaction of his people and that you proceed cheerfully to settle businesses for the good and reformation of the Common-wealth Eeight particulars all voted in the House of Commons II. June 1628. THe excessive power of the Duke of Buckingham and the abuse thereof is the chief and principal Cause of all the mischiefs that have happened to the King and Kingdom 1. Innovation of Religion 2. Innovation of Government 3. Disasters of designs abroad 4. Not guarding of the Narrow Seas 5. Not guarding the Forts 6. The decay of Trade 7. The decay of Shipping 8. The want of Munition The first Remonstrance Most dread Soveraign AS with all Humble thankfulness we your dutifull Commons now in Parliament Assembled do acknowledge the great comfort we have had in the assurance of your Majesties pious and gracious disposition So we think it our most necessary duty being called by your Majesty to consult and advise of the great and urgent affairs of this Church and Common-wealth And findeing them at this time in apparent danger of ruine and destruction faithfully and dutifully to enform your Majestie thereof and with bleeding hearts and bended knees to crave such speedy redress therein as to your own wisdom unto which we humbly submit our selves and our desires shall seem most meet and convenient what the multitude and potency of your Majesties Enemies are abroad what be their malitious and ambitious ends and how vigilant and constantly industrious they are in pursuing the same is well known to your Majesty Together with the dangers threatned thereby to your sacred Person and your Kingdoms and the calamity which hath already fallen and doth dayly increase upon your Friends and Allies of which we are all well assured your Majesty is most sensible and will accordingly in your own great wisdom and with the gravest and most mature Councel according to the exigency of the times and occasions provide by all means to prevent and help the same To which end we most humbly intreat your Majesty first and especially to cast your eyes upon the miserable condition of this your own Kingdom of late so strangely weakned impoverished dishonoured and dejected That unless through your Majesties most gracious wisdom goodness and Justice it be speedily raised to a better condition it is in no little danger to become a sudden prey to the Enemies thereof And of the most happy and flourishing to be the most miserable and contemptible Nation in the World In the discovery of which dangers mischiefs and inconveniences lying upon us we do freely protest that it is far from our thoughts to lay the least aspercion upon your Majesties sacred Person or the least scandal upon your Government for we do in all sincerity and with all joyfulness of heart not onely for our selves but in the name of the whole Commons of England whom we represent ascribe as much honour to your Majesty and acknowledge as much duty as a most loyal and affectionate people can do unto the best King for so you are and so you have been pleased abundantly to express your self this present Parliament by your Majesties clear and satisfactory answer to our Petition of Right for which both we our selves and our posterities shall bless God for you and ever preserve a thankfull memory of your great goodness and Justice therein and we do verily believe that all or most of those things which we shall now present unto your Majesty are either unknown unto your Majesty or else by some of your Majesties Ministers offered under such specious pretences as may hide their own bad intentions ill consequence of them from your Majesty But we assure our selves that according to the good example of your most noble Predecessors nothing can make your Majesty being a Wise and Judicious Prince and above all things desirous of the welfare of your people more in love with Parliaments then this which is one of the principal ends of calling them that therein you may be truely informed of the State of all the several parts of your Kingdom and how your Officers and Ministers do behave themselves in discharge of the trust reposed in them by your Majesty which is scarce possible to be made known unto you but in Parliament as was declared by your blessed Father when he was pleased to put the Commons in Parliament assembled in minde that it would be the greatest unfaithfulness and breach of duty to his Majesty and of the trust committed to them by their Countrey that could be if in setting forth the grievances of the people and the condition of all the parts of this Kingdom from whence they came they did not deal clearly with him without sparing any how near and deer soever they were unto him if they were hurtfull or dangerous to the Common-wealth In confidence therefore of your Majesties gracious acceptation in a matter of so high importance and in faithfull discharge of our d●ties we do first of all most humbly beseech your Majesty to take notice
discouragements and want of pay have either run away to the Enemy or betaken themselves to forraign service or to any other Trade rather then to lead a Sea-mans life to the inestimable loss and danger of the Kingdom The Kings Answer to the Remonstrance the 17 of June 1626. Gentlemen UPon my Answer to your Petition of Right I expected no such declaration from you which conteineth divers points of State touching the Church and Common-Wealth And I do conceive you do believe that I understood them better then your selves but since the reading thereof I perceive you underst●nd these things less then I imagined notwithstanding I will take them into my consideration as they deserve The Kings Speech at the end of the Session June 26. IT may seem strange that I came so suddenly to end this Session therefore before I give any assent to the Bills I will tell you the cause though I must avow that I owe an accompt of my actions to none but to God alone It is known to every one that a while a go the House of Commons gave me a Remonstrance how acceptable every man ma● judge and for the merrit of it I will not call that in question for I am sure no wise man can justifie it Now since I am truely informed that a second Remonstrance is preparing for me to take away the profit of my Tonnage and Poundage one of the chief maintenances of the Crown by alleadging that I have given away my right thereof by my answer to your Petition This is so prejudiciall to me that I am forced to end this Session some few hours before I meant it being not willing to receive any more Remonstrances to which I must give an harsh answer And since I see to that end the House of Commons beginneth already to make false constructions of what I granted in your Petition least it be worse interpreted in the Countrey I will now make a Declaration concerning the true intent thereof The profession of both Houses in the time of hammering this Petition was no was to trench upon my prerogative saying they had neither intention nor power to hurt it Therefore it must needs be conceived that I have granted no new but confirmed the ancient Liberties of my Subjects yet to shew the clearness of my intentions that I neither repent nor mean to recede from any thing I have promised you I do here declare that those things which have been done whereby many had some cause to suspect the libertie of the Subject to be trenched upon which indeed was the first and true ground of the Petition shall not hereafter be drawn in example for your prejudice and in time to come in the word of a King you shall not have like cause to complain But as for Tonnage and Poundage it is a thing I cannot want and was never intended by you to ask never meant I am sure by me to grant To conclude I command you all that are here to take notice of what I have spoken at this time to be the true intent and meaning of what I granted in your Petition but especially you my Lords the Judges for to you onely under me belongs the interpretation of Laws for none of the Houses of Parliament either joynt or separate what new doctrine soever may be raised have any power either to make or declare a Law without my consent The Second Remonstrance Most Gratious Soveraign YOur Majesties most Loyall and Dutifull Subjects the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled being in nothing more carefull then of the Honour and prosperity of your Majesty and the Kingdom which they know doth much depend upon your happy Union and relation betwixt your Majestie and your people do with much sorrow apprehend that by reason the incertainty of their continuance together the unexpected interruptions which have been cast upon them and the shortness of time in which your Majestie hath determined to end this Session they cannot bring to maturity and perfection diverse businesses of waight which they have taken into consideration and resolution as most important for the common good Amongst diverse other things they have taken in especial care for preparing a Bill for the granting to your Majestie such a subsedy of Tonnage and Poundage as might uphold your profit and revenew in as ample manner as their just care and respect of Trade wherein not onely the prosperity but even the life of the Kingdom would permit but being a work which will require much time and preparation by conference with your Majesties Officers and with the Merchants not onely of London but also of other remote parts they finde it not possible to be accomplished at this time wherefore considering it will be much more prejudiciall to the right of the Subject if your Majestie should continue to receive the same without Authority of Law after the determination of a Session then if there had been a recess by adjournment onely in which case that intended grant would have related to the first day of the Parliament and assuring themselves your Majesty is resolved to observe that your Royall answer which you have lately made to the Petition of Right of both Houses of Parliament Yet doubting lest your Majesty may be misinformed concerning the particular case as if you might continue to take those subsedies of Tonnage and Poundage and other impositions upon Merchants without breaking that answer they are forced by that dutie which they owe to your Majestie and to those whom they represent to declare that there ought not any imposition to be laid upon the goods of Merchants exported or imported with common consent by Act of Parliament which is the right and inheritance of your Subjects founded not onely upon the most ancient and Original constitution of this Kingdom but often confirmed and declared in divers Statute Laws And for the better manifestation thereof may it please your Majestie to understand that although your Royall predecessors the Kings of this Realm have often had such subsedies and impositions granted unto them upon diverse occasions especially for the guarding of the Seas and safe-guard of Merchants yet the Subjects have been ever carefull to use such cautions and limmitations in those grants as might prevent any claim to be made That such subsedies do proceed from duty not of free gift of the Subject and that they have heretofore used to limmit a time in such grants and for the most part but short as for a year or two and if it were continued longer they have sometimes directed a certain space of cessation and intermission that so the right of the Subject might be more evident At other times it hath been granted upon occasions of War for a certain number of years with proviso that if the War were ended in the mean time then the grant should cease And of course it hath been sequestred into the hands of some Subjects to be imployed for the guarding of the coasts
Duke could alter it 4. That when the Ordinance were shipt at S. Martins the Duke caused the Souldiers to go one that they might be destroyed 5. That the Duke said he had an Army of 16000. Foot and 1200. Horse 6. That King Iames his bloud and Marquess Hambletons with others cries out for vengeance to Heaven 7. That he could not expect any thing but ruine of this Kingdom 8. That Prince Henry was poysoned by Sir Thomas Overbury and he himself served with the same sawce and that the Earl of Sommerset could say much to this 9. That he himself had a Cardinal to his Uncle or near Kinsman whereby he had great intelligence A Privy Seal for the transporting of Horses 30 January 3. CAROL● CHarles by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defendor of the faith c. To the Treasurer and under Treasurer of our Exchequer for the time being greeting We do hereby will and command you out of our Treasury remaining in the receipt of the said Exchequer forthwith to pay or cause to be paid unto Phillip Burlamachi of London Merchant the summ of 30000 l. to be paid by him over by Bill of Exchange unto the Low-Countries and Germany unto our trustie and well be loved Sir William Balfoore Knight and Iohn Dalber Esquire or either of them for levying and providing certain numbers of Horse with Arms for Horse and Foot to be brought over into this Kingdom for our service 〈◊〉 For the levying and transporting of a 1000 Horse 15000 l. for 5000 Muskets 5000 Corslets 5000 Pikes 10500 l. and for 1000 Curasiers compleat 200 Corslets and 200 Carbines 4500 l. Amounting in the whole to the said summ of 30000 l. And this our Letter shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in this behalf Given under our privy Seal at our Palace of Westminster 30. of Ianuary in the third year of our raign The Commission to the Lords and others of the privy Councel concerning the present raising of money CHARLES by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith c. To Sir Thoma● Coventry Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England Iames Earl of Marlburgh Lord Treasurer Henry Earl of Manchester Lord President of the Councel Edward Earl of Worcester Lord Keeper of the privy Seal George Duke of Buckingham our high Admiral of England William Earl of Pembroke Lord Steward of our Houshould Phillip Earl of Mongommery Lord Chamberlain of our Houshould Theophilus Earl of Suffolk Edward Earl of Dorcet William Earl of Salisbury Thomas Earl of Exceter Iohn Earl of Bridgwater Iames Earl of Carlile Henry Earl of Holland William Earl of D. George Earl of Totnes Sir George Hay Knight Lord Chaunceller of Scotland William Earl of Mo●ton Thomas Earl of Kelly Thomas Earl of Melros Edward Viscount Conway one of our principall Secritaries of State Edward Viscount Wimbleton Oliver Viscount Grandison Henry Viscount Falkland Lord Deputy of Ireland To the Lord Bishop of Winchester William Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells Fulk Lord Brook Dudly Lord Carleton vice Camberlain of our Houshould Sir Thomas Edmonds Treasurer of our Houshould Sir Iohn Savill Comptroller of our Houshould Sir Robert Nawton Master of our Court of Wards Sir Iohn Cooke one of the principal Secritaries of our State Sir Richard Weston Chancellor and under Treasurer of our Exchequer Sir Iulius Caesar Master of the Roll. Sir Humfry May Knight Chancellor of our Dutchy of Lancaster GREETING WHereas the present Conjuncture of the pressing affairs of Christendom and our own particular interest in giving assistance to our oppressed Allies and for the providing for the defence and safety of our own dominions And people do call upon us to neglect nothing that may conduce to those good ends And because monies the principall sinews of War and one of the first and chiefest in all great preparations and actions necessary to be provided in the first place and we are carefull the same may be raised by such ways as may best stand with the State of our Kingdoms and Subjects and yet may answer the pressing occasions of the present times We therefore out of the experience we have had and for the trust we repose in your wisdoms fidelities and dutifull care of your services and for the experience you have of all great causes concerning us and our State both as they have relation to forraign parts abroad and as to our Common-Wealth and People at home Ye being Persons called by us to be of our privy Councel have thought fit amongst those great and important matters which somuch concern us in the first and chiefest place to recommend this to your ●peciall care and dilligence And we do hereby authorize and appoint and stricktly will and require you speedily and seriously to enter into consideration of all the best and speediest ways and means yee can for raising of money for the most important occasions aforesaid which without extreamest hazard to us our dominions and people and to our friends and Allies can admit of no long delay The same to be done by imposition or otherwise as in your wisdom and best Judgments ye shall finde to be most convenient in a case of this inevitable necessity wherein form and circumstance must be dispensed with rather then the substance be lost or hazarded And herein our will and pleasure is that you or as many of you as from time to time can be spared from attendanc upon our Person or other our necessary services do use all dilligence by your frequent meetings and serious consultations and when you have brought any thing to maturity ye make report thereof unto us and advertise us of those things ye shall either resolve upon or thinck fit to represent unto us for the advancement of this great service which with the greatest affection we can we recommend to your best care and Iudgement Whereof you must not fail as you tender our honour and the honour and safety of our Dominions and People and for the doing hereof these presents shall be to you and every of you a sufficient warrant In witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Letters Patents Witnes our selfe at Westminster the last day of February in the third yeare of our Raigne Per ipsum Regem Articles to be propounded to the Captains and Masters as well English as French touching the service in hand at ROCHEL 4. May 1628. the ships rideing before the Town 1. WHether in your opnion and judgments by the means and strength we have the Floates and Pallizadoes may be forced and the entrance into the Town may be thereby made for the victuallers 2. If you shall think it fit what in your opinions will be the best and readiest way to open the same 3. Whether you hold it fit to send in the victuallers at the same instant together with the fire ships and barks considering that if it should not take
I may be clearly understood I must needs say they do mistake me wondrously that think I lay this fault equally on all the Lower●House for I know there are many there as dutifull Loyal Subjects as any are in the world I know that it was onely some Vipers among them that did cast this mist of disobedience before their eyes although there were some there that could not be infected with this Contagion insomuch that some by their speaking ●which indeed was the general fault on the last day of the House● did shew their obedience To conclude my Lords as those ill-affected persons must look for their reward so you that are here of the Higher House may justly claim from me that protection and favour that a good King ●ears to his Loyal and Faithfull Subjects and Nobilitie Now my Lords execute that which I Command you Lord KEEPER MY Lords and Gentlemen of the House of Commons the KINGS Majestie doth Dissolve this Parliament wherefore you have all free leave to depart to your Residences c. His MAIESTIES Letter with Queres concerning Ship-money and the Answer thereunto To Our trustie and welbeloved Sir Iohn Bramston Knight Chief Justices of our Bench Sir Iohn Finch Knight Chief Justice of our Court of Common-pleas Sir Humphrey Davenport Knight Chief Baron of Our Court of Exchequer and to the rest of the Judges of Our Courts of Kings Bench Common-pleas and the Barons of our Court of Exchequer CHARLES R. TRustie and welbeloved We greet you well Taking into Our Princely consideration that the Honor and Safetie of this our Realm of England the preservation whereof is onely intrusted to Our care was and is now more dearly concerned than in late former times as well by diverse Counsels and attempts to take from Us the Dominion of the Seas of which We are sole Lord and rightfull Owner or Propriator and the loss whereof would be of greatest danger and peril to this Kingdom and other our Dominions and many other wayes We for the avoiding of these and the like dangers well weighing with Our self that where the good and safety of the Kingdom in general is concerned and the whole Kingdom in danger there the charge and defence ought to be born by all the Realm in general did for preventing so publick a mischief resolve with Our self to have a Royal Navie provided that might be of force and power with Almightie Gods blessing and assistance to protect and defend this our Realm and our Subjects therein from all such perils and dangers and for that purpose We issued forth Writs under Our Great Seal of England directed to all Our Sheriffs of Our several Counties of England and Wales Commanding thereby all Our said Subjects in every Citie Town and Village to provide such a number of Ships well furnished as might serve for this Royal purpose and which might be done with the greatest equallitie that could be In performance whereof though generally throughout all the Counties of this Our Realm We have found in Our Subjects great chearfulness and alacritie which We graciously interpret as a testimonie as well of their dutifull affections to Us and Our service as of the respest they have to the publick which well becometh every good Subject nevertheless finding that some few happily out of ignorance what the Laws and Customs of this Realm are or out of a desire to be eased and freed in their particulars how general soever the charge be or ought to be have not yet paid and contributed the several Rates and Assesments that were set upon them foreseeing in our Princely wisdom that from hence diverse Suits and Actions are not unlikely to be commenced and prosecuted in Our several Courts at Westminster We desireous to avoid such inconveniences and out of Our Princely love and affection to all our people being willing to prevent such errors as any of Our loving Subjects may happen to run into have thought fit in a Case of this nature to advise with you Our Iudges who we doubt not are all well studied and informed in the rights of Our Sovereigntie And because the Trials in Our several Courts by the formalities in pleading will require a long protraction We have thought fit by this Letter directed to you all to require your Iudgements in the Case as it is set down in the inclosed Paper which will not onely gain time but also be of more Authoritie to over-rule any prejudicate opinions of others in the point Given under Our Signet at Our Court of White-hall the Second day of Febr. in the Twelfth Year of our Reign 1636. CHARLES R. WHen the good and safetie of the Kingdom in general is concerned and the whole Kingdom in danger Whether may not the KING by Writ under the Great Seal of England Command all the Subjects of this Kingdom at their charge to provide and furnish such number of Ships with Men Victuals and Munition and for such time as he shall think fit for the defence and safeguard of the Kingdom from such danger and peril and by Law compel the doing thereof in case of refusal or refractoriness And whether in such case is not the KING the sole Judge both of the danger and when and how the same is to be prevented and avoided CHARLES REX Answer MAy it please Your most excellent Majestie We have according to Your Majesties Command severally every man by himself and all of us together taken into serious consideration the ●ase and Questions signed by your Majestie and inclosed in your Royal Letter and we are of opinion that when the good and safetie of the Kingdom in general is concerned and the whole Kingdom in danger Your Majestie may by Writ under the Great Seal of England Command all the Subjects of this Your Kingdom at their charge to provide and furnish such number of Ships with Men Victual and Munition and for such time as Your Majestie shall think fit for the defence and safeguard of the Kingdom from such danger and peril and that by Law Your Majestie may compel the doing thereof in Case of refusal or refractoriness And we are also of opinion That in such Case Your Majestie is the sole Iudge both of the danger and when and how the same is to be prevented and avoided John Bramston John Finch Humfrey Davenport John Denham Richard Hutton William Jones George Crook Thomas Trevor George Vernon Robert Barkley Francis Crawley Richard Weston FINIS
Ephemeris Parliamentaria OR A FAITHFULL REGISTER Of the Transactions in Parliament in the third and fourth years of the reign of our late SOVEREIGN LORD KING CHARLES Containing The severall Speeches Cases and Arguments of Law transacted between his MAJESTY and both Houses Together with the Grand Mysteries of the Kingdome then in Agitation Lege historias ne fias historia LONDON Printed for Iohn Williams and Francis Eglesfield and are to be sold at the Crown and at the Marigold in S t. Pauls Churchyard 1654. THE PREFACE ONe of the most lawfull wayes whereby man in some sort may be said to revenge himself of the shortnesse of his life and extend the measure thereof to a larger proportion then nature allows him is by the studie of Historie For Historie is the remembrancer of the time past it is the monument generall erected over actions long since dead and interred acquainting such as read the Epitaph thereon with the most remarkable passages of the ages past so that a Dwarf by the advantage of the ascent of History may suddenly start up if not a Giant one of competent stature to oversee all transactions long before him But of all Histories none more pleasant or profitable then those of our Native Countrey which as it is an Island and so a little entire world in it self hath in all ages afforded as many signall observables as any content of ground of the same proportion neither Greece nor Italie it self excepted which indeed overmatch us not in Histories but Historians Otherwise if workmen might be had as fair an Edifice might be erected of English affaires such the pl●nty variety and curiosity of materials concurring thereunto And truly I cannot but accuse the blame-worthy negligence of many able men who under the pretended plea of modesty and humble distrust of their own sufficiency preferre rather to moulder away in obscuritie then industriously to preserve both their own memory and the honour of their nation And those also seem to me equally worthy of reproof who sharp-sighted abroad are little better then blinded at home know the way from Paris to Lions better then from London to York can give a better account from Pharamond to the last French Lewis then from our Lucius to King Charles A very preposterous knowledge seeing Historie like unto good mens charitie is though not to end yet to begin at home and thence to make its methodicall progresse into Forreign parts Now of all English Historie the greatest shame is to be ignorant in the Accidents of our own Age of nearest concernment unto our selves Those starres which are lowest seem lightest unto us yea a candle at hand illuminates more then a torch at distance A man is most as I may say morally edified by reading such men and matters as are his own contemporaries Chiefly because therein not so subject to be deceived by partiallity of reports because not taking up so much upon trust as conducted to his belief by his own eyes and eares witnesses of all transactions The consideration of the premises hath principally moved me to the setting forth of this work wherein I confesse rather fidelitie then industry yet rather industrie then any wit or learning hath been required Some works resent too much of their Authour frequently infusing his own judgement and affections clean through the contexture of his writings to the great prejudicing of the truth and misguiding of his Reader And this is likely to be the Epidemicall disease of the books in our Age wherein all are so engaged in parties that their writings will rather appear pleadings then reports VVhat by generall errour is falsely told of the Iews that they are alwayes crook-backed will be found most true of Authours of this age that they are crook-sided warped and bowed to the right or to the left so hard it will be to find a streight upright and unbiassed Historian For mine own part I can professe integrity herein the only thing I can assume to my self in this work And indeed I have had no occasion nor opportunitie to expresse my own inclinations who have no commission to be an Authour but a Transcriber There is an Officer in the Exchequer who though sitting with the Barons on the Bench hath no power to vote with them nor interposeth his judgement as decisive in any cause but observing silence in pleading speaketh sometimes as to the regulation of the time how it passeth away Such and no other my employment in this Book being a true tell●time and no more to marshall the speeches in due order and to acquaint the Reader with the day of the moneth when they were spoken which done my task is performed The Book containeth the transactions of the Parliament tertio quarto Caroli A distance of time of fit proportion for the Presse not too late nor too soon not so farre off as that the footsteps of truth are worn out as in some ancient stories where the most cunning Hunters are at a losse nor yet so near that the heels of truth ought to be feared though he hath but a servile soul who overvalueth his own safety in such cases to the poysoning of posterity with a falshood Here may one behold the severall traverses of State betwixt the upholders of the Royall Prerogative the Asserters of the Subjects Liberties The former endeavoured to support and perchance to enlarge the Kings Prerogative how in some cases it is too high to come under the roof of the Law and the discretion of the Sceptre as Guardian for the generall good of the Commonwealth must be intrusted on some emergencies with the managing of its own might And seeing Crownes commonly keep what they once catch loath to abate a whit of that power invested in them at leastwise exercised by them no wonder if the Courtiers stickled for their Master his right and as the appurtenances were zealous for that Power and Honour on whom they depended On the other side the Asserters of the Subjects Liberties Trustees for the Countreys good engage earnestly to retrench the Prerogative within the known limits of Law that so Subjects may be at a certainty how to square their loyalty and obedience For Allegiance is willingly and cheerfully paid where there is a sure and standing Rule whereto Sovereigns commands and Subjects duty is to be conformed Otherwise their loyalty flatteth and deadeth by degrees when exposed to an unbounded Arbitrary power so that they never know an end of their own obeying but are in daily fear of new pressures from a lawlesse power whose pleasure is all the reason of imposing them Besides unlimited power in a Prince carrieth in it self a strong temptation to Tyranny and mortall man his corruption is scarce to be trusted with so great a command for fear of abusing thereof Now although in this Parliament these two Parties are plainly to be discovered yet the judicious reader will observe that there was as yet lesse eagerness more
by the Lord Keeper ibid. S r Iohn Elliot's speech Iune 3. ibid. A Report from the Committee for trade Iune 4. pag. 201 His Majesties message to the House of Commons by the Speaker Iune 6. pag. 203 The Kings Speeches Iune 7 and the Petition of Right read and granted pag. 204 The motions of the lower House to the Higher ibid. Sir Thomas Wentworths speech pag. 205 The Kings message to the lower House by Sir Humphry May Iune 10. pag. 206 Eight particulars voted in the House of commons against the Duke of Buckingham Iune 11 ibid. The first Remonstrance of the House of Commons ibid. A Schedule of the shipping of this Kingdome which have been taken by the Enemy and lost at sea within the space of three yeares last past pag. 215 The Kings Answer to the Remonstrance Iune 17. p. 217 The Kings speech at the end of the Session Iune 26. ibid. The second Remonstrance pag. 218 A Letter which was found amongst some Jesuits that were lately taken at London and addressed to the Father Rector at Bruxills pag. 220 Motives to induce the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the Commons house of Parliament to petition his Majesty for the revoking and abolishing of the degrees of Baronets lately erected by his Highnesses letters pattents pag. 224 The examination of Andrew le Brun Captain of the Mary of Rochell pag. 226 Articles against Melvin p. 227 A privie Seal for the transporting of horses Ianuary 30 tertio Caroli ibid. The Commission to the Lords and others of the Privy Councell concerning the present raising of Money pag. 228 Articles to be propounded to the Captains and Masters as well English as French touching the service in hand at Rochell May 4. 1628. p. 230 The Answer to the Articles propounded by the Lord generall and the rest of the Councell of warre pag. 231. A TABLE of the transactions of the second Session of the Parliament begun Ian. 20. 1628. M r Selden's report concerning the Petition of Right Ianuary 21 pag. 235 M r Pymms motion ibid. Sir Iohn Elliots reply ibid. M r Seldens speech concerning the Petition of Right p. 236 M r Norton the Kings Printer brought to the barre ibid. Sir Iohn Elliot ibid. Sir Robert Phillip's speech Ianuary 22. ibid. M r Littleton pag. 237 Sir Iohn Elliot ibid. M r Selden concerning the printing of the Petition of Right ibid. His Majesties message Ian. 23 24. pag. 238 M r Walter Ian. 26 ibid. M r Secretary Coke ibid. Sir Francis Beamor ibid. M r Kirton ibid. M r Sherland pag. ●39 Sir Nath. Rich Ian. 27 ibid. The Kings Message by Secretary Coke ibid. Sir Walter Earl pag. 240 M r Corrington ibid. M r Pymme ibid. Another Message from his Majesty Ianuary 28 deliver'd by Secretary Coke ibid. M r Long 's Reply pag. 241 Sir Thomas Edmonds ibid. M r Corrington ibid. Sir Iohn Elliot ibid. Secretary Coke's speech Feb. 3 pag. 242 Sir Iohn Elliot ibid. M r Speaker pag. 243 Secretary Coke ibid. Sir Hum. May ibid. Sir Iohn Elliot at the Committee for Religion ibid. A Bill that no Clergy man be in Commission for Peace Feb. 4 ibid. M r Selden pag. 244 A Petition against D r. Cosens ibid. Sir Eubal Thelwall ibid. M r Shervile ibid. M r Rouse ibid. M r Kirton ibid. Sir Robert Phillips pag. 245 Sir Edward Giles ibid. Sir Iames Perot ibid. M r Pymme ibid. Sir Robert Phillips ibid A Petition about an imposition upon mault Febr. 5 p. 246 M r Long ibid. M r Ogle ibid. Secretary Coke ibid. Sir Robert Phillips ibid. A Petition against Whittington a Papist Febr. 6. ibid. M r Shervile pag. 247 S r Nath. Rich ibid. S r O. Roberts upon an Affidavit against D r Cosens ibid. S r Iohn Elliot ibid. M r Kirton Febr. 7. ibid. S r Walter Earl ibid. S r Robert Phillips ibid. M r Selden pag. 249 S r Robert Phillips ibid. M r Pymme ibid. M r Shervile ibid. S r Iohn Stanhope ibid. S r Nath. Rich ibid. S r Iohn Elliot ibid. S r Daniel Norton pag. 250 S r Robert Phillips ibid. The Chancellor of the Dutchy ibid. S r Thomas Heale ibid. M r Valentine ibid. Transactions concerning Cosens Bishop Mountague c. Febr. 9. ibid. S r Robert Phillips February 10 pag. 251 M r Chancellor of the Dutchy pag. 252 M r Selden ibid. S r Francis Seymour ibid. M r Selden pag. 253 M r Kirton ibid. M r Littleton ibid. S r Benjamin Ruddier ibid. M r Selden Febr. 11 ibid. A Petition of the booksellers and printers at the Committee for Religion pag. 254 M r Shervile's Report concerning D r Sibthorpe Cosens and Manwaring ibid. Sir Walter Earl pag. 255 A Committee for tonnage and poundage Febr. 12 Shervile in the Chair ibid. S r Iohn Elliot ibid. A Petition against Burges a Priest Febr. 13 pag. 257 S r Iohn Elliot ibid. Sir Will. Bawstrod at a Committee for Religion ibid. Sir Richard Gravenor pag. 258 Secretary Coke ibid. A Complaint against the Lord Lambert Febr 14 pag. 259 M r Kirton ibid. S r Thomas Hobbie at a Committee for Religion pag. 260 M r Stroud at a Committee for Religion Febr. 16 p. 261 Another petition preferred by M r Chambers Febr. 17. p. 262 A publick Fast Febr. 18 p. 263 M r Dawes call'd in question for taking M r Rolls his goods Febr. 19 ibid. A petition of Complaint against the Lord deputy of Ireland Febr. 20 ibid. A petition by M r Symons in complaint of the Customers Febr. 21 pag. 264 The Committee for Merchants ibid. The protestation of the Commons in Parliament March 2 1628 Pag. 267 The Kings speech in the House of Parliament March 10. to dissolve it Pag. 268 His Majesties letter and queres concerning ship money and the answer thereunto The KINGS Speech 17. March 1627. My Lords and Gentlemen THese Times are for action wherefore for examples sake I meane not to spend much time in words expecting accordingly that your as I hope good resolutions will be speedy not spending time unnecessarily or that I may better say dangerously for tedious Consultations at this conjuncture of time are as hurtfull as ill Resolutions I am sure you now expect from me both to know the cause of your meeting and what to resolve on yet I think there is none here but knowes that common Danger is the cause of this Parliament and that Supply at this time is the chief end of it so that I need but point to you what to do I will use but few perswasions for if to maintaine your owne advises and as now the case stands by the following thereof the true Religion Lawes and Liberties of this State and the just defence of our true Friends and Allies be not sufficient then no eloquence of Men or Angels will prevaile Only let me remember you that my duty most of all and every one of yours according to his degree is to seek the maintenance of this Church and
courages but to presse to provision worthy the wisdome of a Parliament And for that cause his Majestie hath called you hither that by a timely provision against those great imminent dangers our selves may be strengthened at home our Friends and Allies incouraged abroad and those great causes of feare scattered and dispelled And because in all warlike preparations Treasure bears the name and holds the semblance of the nerves and sinewes and if a sinew be too short or too weak if it be either shrunk or strained the part becomes unusefull it is needfull that you make a good and timely supply of treasure without which all counsells will prove fruitlesse I might presse many reasons to this end I will but name few First for his Majesties sake who requires it great is the duty which we owe him by the law of God great by the law of Nature and our own Allegeance great for his own merit and the memory of his ever blessed Father I do but point at them but me thinks our thoughts cannot but recoyle on our consideration touched by his Majestie which to me seemes to sound like a Parliamentarie part or Covenant A Warre was advised here Assistance professed yea and protested here I do but touch it I know you will deeply think on it and the more for the example the King hath set you his Lands his Plate his Jewells he hath not spared to supply the War what the People hath protested the King for his part hath willingly performed Secondly for the Cause sake it concernes us in Christian Charity to tender the distresses of our Friends abroad it concernes us in honour not to abandon them that have stood for us and if this come not close enough you shall finde our Interest so woven and involved with theirs that the Cause is more ours then theirs If Religion be in perill wee have the most flourishing and orthodoxe Church if Honour be in question the steps and monuments in former ages will shew that our Ancestours have left us as much as any Nation if Trade Commerce be in danger we are Islanders it is our life all these at once lye at stake and so doth our safety and being Lastly in respect of the manner of his Majesties demand which is in Parliament the way that hath ever best pleased the subjects of England and good cause for it for Aides granted in Parliament work good effects for the People they be commonly accompanied with wholesome Lawes gracious Pardons and the like Besides just and good Kings finding the love of their people and the readinesse of their supplies may the better forbear the use of their Prerogatives and moderate the rigour of the Lawes towards their Subjects This way as his Majestie hath told you he hath chosen not as the onely way but as the fittest not as destitute of others but as most agreeable to the goodnesse of his own most gracious disposition and to the desire and we●le of his people If this be deferred Necessity and the Sword of the Enemy make way to the others Remember his Majesties admonition I say remember it Let me but adde and observe Gods mercy towards this land above all others the torrent of Warre hath overwhelmed other Churches and Countries but God hath hitherto restrained it from us and still gives us warning of every approaching danger to save us from surprize And our gracious Sovereign in a true sense of it calls together his High Court of Parliament the lively representation of the wisdome wealth and power of the whole Kingdome to joyn together to repell those hostile attempts which have distressed our Friends and Allies and threatned our selves And therefore it behoves all to apply their thoughts unto Counsell and Consultations worthy the greatnesse and wisdome of this Assembly to avoid discontents which may either distemper or delay and to attend that unum necessarium the common Cause propounding for the scope and work of all the debates the generall good of the King and Kingdome whom God hath joyned together with an indissoluble knot which none must attemp● to cut or untie And let all by unity and good accord endeavour to pattern this Parliament by the best that have been that it may be a pattern to future Parliaments and may infuse into Parliaments a kinde of multiplying power and faculty whereby they may be more frequent and the King our Sovereign may delight to sit on this Throne and from hence to distribute his graces and favours amongst his people His Majestie hath given you cause to be confident of this you have heard from his royall mouth which neverthelesse he hath given me expresse command to redouble If this Parliament by their dutifull and wise proceedings shall but give this occasion his Majestie will be ready not onely to manifest his gracious acceptation but to put out all memory of those disasters that have troubled former Parliaments I have but one thing to adde and that is As your consultations be serious so let them be speedy The Enemy is beforehand with us and flies on the wings of Successe we may dallie and play with the houre-glasse that is in our powers but the houre will not stay for us and an opportunity once lost cannot be regained And therefore resolve of your Supplies that they may be timely and sufficient serving the occasion Your Counsel your Aid all is but lost if your Aid be either too little or too late And his Majestie is resolved that his affaires cannot permit him to expect it overlong And now having delivered what his Majestie hath commanded me concerning the cause of this Assembly his Majestie willeth that you of the House of Commons repaire to your owne House to make choice of a Speaker whom his Majestie will expect to be presented unto him on Wednesday next at two of the clock The Speaker Sir John Finches Speech March 19. 1627. Most Gracious Sovereign YOur obedient and loyall Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses by your royall Summons here assembled in obedience to your gracious direction according to their antient usage aud priviledge have lately proceeded to the choice of a Speaker and whether fequestring their better Judgements for your more weighty affairs or to make it known that their honour and wisdome can suffer neither increase nor diminution by the value or demerits of any one particular Member in what place soever serving them omitting others of worth and ability they have fixed their eyes of favour and affection on Mee Their long knowledge of my unfitnesse every way to undergo a charge of this important weight and consequence gave mee some hope they would have admitted my just excuse yet for their further and clearer satisfaction I drew the curtains and let in what light I could upon my owne inmost thoughts truely and really discovering to them what my self best knew and what I most humbly beseech your royall Majestie to take now into consideration that of so many hundreds
Crown and People neither over-shadowing the one or oppressing the other Before your Throne like the twelve Lyons under Solomon's Throne sit the Lights of Justice your grave Iudges and Sages of the Law learned and just as many Ages have known and learning justice by your example Our Lawes as excellent as they are I am sure no humane Lawes excell them nor could so well suite with the constitution of this People were they in the power of corrupt or ignorant men I know not which were worse for one will perhaps oftner erre then the other bribe Justice could never keep her right chanel nor runne cleare as in your Majestie 's reigne it ever hath I must not forget the other Lights the Knights Citizens and Burgesses the Representative of their Estate who although they move lower and at more distance from your royall Person yet I am confident will ever be found constant to the Poles of Love and Loyaltie 'T is a gracious Favour of your Majestie and our former Kings I have often thought on that when both these Houses are humble suitors for any thing they are never denyed Le Roy s' aviserà The King will advise of it is the greatest denyall And I assure my self your Majestie shall finde all your Subjects so full of dutie to your Crown and of true and loyall affection to your royall Person that you shall never have cause to think your gracious Favours ill bestowed on them The Union of Hearts Sir is a greatnesse beyond that of the Kingdome to which you are Heire Et penitus toto divisos orbe Britannos it is a Name of advantage to this Island if the Division be not amongst our selves which the God of Unitie for his mercies sake forbid and so knit our Hearts in love one to another and all of us in duty and loyalty to your most excellent Majestie that this renowned Island perish not by our Distractions but may ever flourish and be like Ierusalem the Citie of God where his Name may ●e for ever honoured Great and glorious have been the Actions of your royal Predecessours yet greater remaine for your Majestie and most of theirs attend you for their perfection The first Christian King of Europe the first that abated the swelling pride of Rome by banishing his usurped power and God's true Vice-gerent the first that established the true Religion now profest were all Kings of England and the last a young one Queen Elizabeth was a woman yet Spaine hath cause to remember her the Protestants of France and the Low-Countries will never forget her And were Henry the Great alive he would say That in requitall of the love of this Kingdome shewed him he hath sent us one of his owne Loynes your royall Consort our most gracious Queen to propagate these blessings to us and our posteritie for ever Your royall Father of ever blessed and famous memorie had a Reigne like Solomon's for Religion no man knew more a lustre or advantage to him this Age shall deliver it to the next and all Ages shall see it in his Kingly Workes But while under his glorious Reigne we abode in peace and plenty our hands had forgot to warre and our fingers to fight till at last by your Princely mediation upon the humble suite of both these Houses the two Treaties were dissolved and a foundation laid for your Majestie to restore us to our antient and Military honour which I doubt not will quickly be Eritis sicut Dii was the Serpent's Counsell and ruined Mankinde nor is it fit for private men much lesse for me to search into the Counsells or Actions of Kings Onely Sir give me leave from an heart full of zeale to your glorie and greatnesse to say to your Majestie the Times require you Religion calls upon you to goe on with that Kingly Courage you have begunne till the state of Christendome be settled in the right Balance again We see how the Eagle spreads his wings in Germany reaching with his talons as farre as the Sound and Baltick sea Denmark and Sweden in danger of utter ruine by seizing the Electorates the choice of the Empire invested in a manner solely in the House of Austria Our Religion in France and every where never so neare a period And we know who it is for whom all this works he of whom the boast is made Allà qui Monar●ui nasciendo d'el monendo who by the ruine of us and our Religion will make a new Zodiack and draw an Ecliptick line through the East and West Indies But he that sits on high will in his good time laugh them to scorne and as that wise Woman said to King David God will make to my Lord the King a sure house if my Lord shall continue to fight the battels of Iehovah and let all England say Amen I have presumed too farre upon your royall Patience and therefore I will conclude with a few words for them that sent me who are humble suitours to your excellent Majestie First for our better attending the publick and important services that our selves and our necessary Attendants may be free both in our persons and goods from all arrests and troubles according to our ancient priviledge and immunities Next that since that in all great Councells where difference of opinion is truth is best discovered by free debates your Majestie according to our like ancient use and priviledge will be graciously pleased to allow us liberty and freedome of speech and I assure my self we shall not passe the latitude of duty and discretion That upon all occurrences of moment fit for resort to your owne person your Majestie upon humble suit at your best leisure will vouchsafe us accesse to your royall person And lastly that all our proceedings being lodged in your royall heart with belief of our zeal and loyalty we may reap the fruits of it by your Majestie 's gracious and favourable interpretation One word more I humbly begg for my self That though it be the beginning of a Parliament I may now and ever enjoy your Majestie 's most gracious and generall free Pardon The Lord Keeper Coventry's second Reply M r. Speaker HIs Majestie with no lesse content then attention hath heard your learned Discourse he observes your beginning with his gracious incouragement and advice not forsaking your humble modestie but adding to it thankfulnesse alacrity and joy of heart a just and right temper He observes you derive these aright first from the Throne in heaven he lookes thither with you and joynes in prayer that both you and all this Assemblie by that Divine hand and power be moulded and procured for the honour safety and good of the Church and Kingdome Next you apply your self to the Throne on earth his Majestie doth graciously accept your protestations of the truth of your heart the fulnesse of your zeale and duty to his Majestie and the Publick he believes it and that not in you alone but in all this
Assembly so that you are secure not onely from wilfull and pregnant errours but from doubt of sinister interpretation My Lord the King is as an Angel of God of a quick of a noble and just apprehension he straines not at gnats he will easily distinguish between a vapour and a fogg between a mist of ●rrour and a cloud of evill right he knowes if the heart be right Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speakes You proceed to a survey of the lustre of this great and glorious Assemblie and in that as in a curious Crystall you observe the true happinesse which we all here enjoy You have distributed and divided aright and whosoever sees it otherwise hath an evill eye or a false glasse We have enjoyed it long through the happy meanes of gracious and good Princes and the way to enjoy it still is to know and heartily to acknowledge it and that God hath not done so to any other Nation It is a prime cause or meanes of this our happinesse You mention the forme of Government under which we live a Monarchie and the best of Monarchies where Sovereignty is hereditarie no Inter-Regnum nor competition for a Crown Descent and Succession are all one The Spirit of God by the mouth of the wisest of Kings long since proclaimed this happinesse Blessed art thou O Land where thy King is the son of Nobles The frames of other States are subject some to inconstant Levitie some to Faction some to Emulation and Ambition and all to manifold Distempers in which the People go to wrack The Monarchie is most naturall and in it Unity is the best cement of all government principally in respect of the unity of the Head which commands the rest And therefore other States when they have tryed a while doe for the most part resolve into this as into the best for Peace for Strength and for Continuance But formes of other governments though never so exact move not of themselves but are moved of their governours And therefore our Monarchie as you have truly said this glorious Assemblie the lively image and representation of our Monarchie is made happy and perfect by the Royall Presence that sits here in his highest Royal Throne the Throne of the Law-giver glorious in it selfe glorious by those happy Lawes and Oracles which have issued from it and most glorious by them that sit on it his Majestie and his Royall Progenitours incomparable Kings that with so much honour have swayed the Sceptre of this Kingdome so many successions of Ages In the next place after the Throne of Majestie you look into the Chaire of Doctrine the reverend Prelates and upon the state of Religion their proper charge This is the blessing of all blessings the priviledge and assurance that secures us of all the rest that as our Religion is most sincere and orthodoxe so our Clergie is eminent both for purity of Doctrine and integritie of Life our Priests are clothed with righteousnesse and their lips preserve knowledge and therefore God's Saints may and doe sing with joyfulnesse I must joyn with you in attributing this transcendent blessing to us as in the first place to God's goodnesse so in the second to his Majestie 's piety who following the steps of his ever-blessed Father is carefull that all the Lamps of the Church may be furnished with Oyle and especially those which are set on golden Candle-sticks with the purest and best oyle The Schools also and nurceries of Learning never so replenished especially with Divinity as in this last Age as they all shew his Majestie 's Piety so are they infallible Arguments of his Constancy The triall which you call the fierie triall undergone by his Majestie in the place of danger and again the power and policie of Rome and Spaine hath approved his resolution inimitable and his own remarkable example in his closet and his chamber his strict over-sight of and command to his Houshold servants and his charge to his Bishops and Judges his Edicts his Proclamations and Commissions and the like for the execution of the Lawes and his general care to preserve the fountain pure both from Schisme and Superstition are faire fruits and effects of a pious and zealous resolution From the chaire of Doctrine you turn to the state of Honour unto the Nobles and Barons of England These are Robur belli who for the service of the King and Kingdome are to make good with their Swords what the Church-men must hallow and blesse by their Prayers And therefore as the Prelates are the great Lights of the Church so the Nobility are the Starres of the State and you know that the starres have fought and fought powerfully against the enemies of God From the state of Honour you come to the state of Justice and to the twelve Lyons under Solomon's Throne the Iudges and Sages of the Law and as their peculiar charge intrusted to them by our Sovereigne the Lawes of the Kingdome Lawes undoubtedly fitted to the constitution of this people for Leges Angliae and Consuetudines Angliae are Synonyma and Confuetudo est alter a natura so as besides the justnesse and rightnesse of the Lawes they are become naturall to our people and that is one of the powerfullest meanes which begetteth obedience and such Lawes in the mouthes of learned and upright Judges are like waters in a pure chanel which the fairer it runs the clearer they run and produce that whereof Solomon speaks Prov. 29. 2. When the righteous are in authority the People rejoyce From the Law you passe to the Knights Citizens and Burgesses and the third Estate who represent the Commons of England in whom the Scripture is verified In the multitude of People is the Kings honour and therefore you may be sure that distance of place and order breeds no distance in affection for wise Kings everlay their honour next to their hearts Kings are Pastores populi and the Shepherds care is nothing lesse to the furthest then to the next part of his Flock and it is asmuch towards the least of his Lambs as towards the greatest Cattel And as in the Natural bodie no member is so remote but it is still within the care of the head so in this great Politick bodie of the Kingdome no ranck or order of People so low is at such distance from the Throne but it dayly feeles the influence and benefit of the Kings care and protection And to say the truth in a well-governed Kingdome the superiour rancks of Nobles of Judges and of Magistrates are not ordained for themselves but as conduits for the Kings justice protection and goodnesse to the lower rancks of his People And as the People are so its just cause they should be constant to the Poles of Love and Loyalty And thus having perused both Houses by divided parts joyn them together and in that juncture you believe truly and materially that the greatest denyal of their joynt requests is The King
joy to see this day Sir John Elliot in answer to M r Secretary Cokes Message of Thanks from the King and the Duke of Buckingham delivered in the Commons House of Parliament 5. April 1628. M r. Speaker I Presume we have all received great satisfaction from his Majestie as at other times so now in his gracious answer and resolution for the businesse of this House his answer to our Petition for Religion so particularly made his resolution in that other consideration concerning the point already settled here in Declaration of our Liberties and for the Parliament in generall that he hath taken so good a liking to our manner of proceeding as it hath gained his promise therein to meet often where I am made confident as of his grace to us so of our Loyalties that to thus good a Beginning we should adde so happy a Conclusion as shall increase that liking and good opinion in his Majestie and from henceforth make him more and more in love with Parliaments As thus in generall so in my particular I receive excellent satisfaction herein so as I have not words enough sufficiently to utter it And yet I confesse that extremity of joy is not without trouble which must likewise be declared to disburden this affection which cannot otherwise so lively and so faithfully expresse me in the service of the House as I have resolved I know not what ●atality or infortunity crept in but I observe in the close of that Relation no mention of any other in addition to his Majesty and that which formerly hath been a matter of complaint here I find it still the mixture with his Majestie not only in his businesse but in name Is it that any man conceives the mention of others of what quality soever can adde encouragement or affection to us in our Duties and Loialties towards his Majestie or give them greater latitude or extent then naturally they have Or is it supposed that the power or interest of any man can adde more readinesse to his Majesty in his gracious inclination to us then his own goodnesse gives him I cannot believe it And as the Sweetnesse and Pietie of his Majesty which we have in admiration makes me confident in this so the expression of our Dutie so perspicuous and cleer as already hath been given is my assurance for the other But Sir I am sorry there is this occasion that these things should be argued or this mixture which was so meerlie condemned should appear again I beseech you Sir let it not be hereafter let no man take this boldnesse within these walls to introduce it though I confesse for my particular I shall readily commend nay thank that man whose endeavours are applyed to such offices as may be advantageable for the publick yet in this manner so contrarie to the customes of our Fathers and the honour of our Times as I cannot without Scandall apprehend it I cannot without some Character or exception passe it And therefore I desire that such interposition may be left and that all other **** respects and goodnesses of his Majesty in the confidence of our own loyaltie and affections Now let us proceed to those services that concern him which I doubt not in the end will render us so reall unto him that we shall not need more help to endear us to his favour A Message by Secretary Coke from the King to the Lower House April 7. 1628. HIs Majesty hath again commanded me to put you in mind how the eyes and interest of the Christian World are cast upon the good or ill successe of this Assemblie He also graciously taketh notice of that which is in agitation amongst us touching the freedome of our Persons and propriety of our Goods And that this particular care which he in no way misliketh may not retract our resolution for the generall good he willeth us cheerfully to proceed in both and to expresse our readinesse to supply his great Occasions upon assurance that we shall enjoy all our Rights and Li●●rties with as much freedome and security in his time as in any age heretofore under the best of our Kings And whether you shall think fit to secure our selves herein by way of Bill or otherwise so as it be provided for with due respect to his Honour and the publick good whereof he doubteth not but you will be carefull he promiseth and assureth you that he will give way unto it and the more confidence you shall shew to his Grace and Goodnesse the more you shall prevaile to obtain your desires Sir Benjamin Ruddier's Speech upon the receipt of his Majestie 's Answer to the Petition against Recusants M r Speaker THe best thanks we can return his Majesty for his gracious and religious answer he hath given to our Petition is to move towards that which will both please him and secure our selves The dangers and necessities of the present state M r Speaker are so obvious to every mans eye and understanding and therefore so well known as to make a large and particular rehearsall of them would rather astonish our judgements then refresh our memorie Wherefore in short and in grosse I will but only reflect upon the desperate condition of the Kings Uncle the King of Denmarke engaged from hence even to the hazzard of his own Kingdome in the quarrell of that royall and victorious Lady his Majesties Sister for the recovery of her and her childrens patrimony the preservation and reestablishment of the Religion in those Countreys so that the King is bound in nature in policie and in religion to relieve and assist both the persons and the cause to the utmost of his power Believe it M r Speaker the hindge of the many businesses mov'd in Germany doth not a little presse us to look about us at this time for if that great bodie were once united under one head it would crush all the rest with the weight of it Next let us a little look over into France there shall we find the poor men of our Religion exposed to the furie of an enraged King with a juster pretence against them then hath been at any time heretofore besides which is worse the Kings of Spain and France are united against them and us and made better friends then ever they meant to have been So that not to succour and support the Professours of our Religion will not only be infidelity and cruelty but improvidence and folly for their ill is ours If Rochel should be lost which is now in loosing and his Majesty not able to set out one ship to help it if it should be lost it would hazzard the totall extirpation of the Religion besides it would be an extraordinarie advantage to the King of France for shipping and as great a disadvantage to us in respect of the neighbourhood and if the Sound should be lost too whereby should we escape from being swallowed up by a Spanish invasion this Island would be more like to
what the cause is then in any other The fourth of these is in the time of Queen Mary It is Pasche 2. and 3. Phil. and Mar. Rot. 58. Overtons case Richard Overton was returned upon a habeas Corpus directed to the Sheriffs of London to have been committed to them and detained per mandatum prenobilium vir●r●m honorabilis Concilii Dominorum Regis Regina Qui committitur Marescallo c. immediate traditur in ballium In answer to this President or by way of objection against the force of it hath been said that this Overton stood at that time indicted of Treason It is true he was so indeed but that appeares in another Roll that hath no reference to the Return as the Return hath no reference to that Roll. Yet they that object this against the force of this President say That because he was indicted of Treason therefore though he was committed by the command of the Lords of the Councell without cause shewed yet he was bailable for the Treason and upon that was here bailed Then which Objection nothing can be or is more contrarie to Law or common Reason It is most contrarie to Law for that cleerly every Return is to be adjudged by the Court out of the body of the Writ it self not by any other collaterall or forrain Record whatsoever Therefore the matter of Indictment here cannot in Law be cause of the bailing of the Prisoner And it is so adverse to all common Reason that if the objection be admitted it must of necessity follow that whosoever shall be committed by the King or the Privie Councell without cause shewed and be not indicted of Treason or some other offence may not be inlarged by reason of the supposition of matter of State But that whosoever is so committed and withall stands so indicted though in another Record may be inlarged whatsoever the matter of State be for which he was committed The absurdity of which assertion needs not a word for further confutation as if any of the Gent. in the last Judgement ought to have been the sooner delivered if he had been also indicted of Treason Certainly if so Traitours and Fellons had the highest priviledges of personall Liberty and that above all other Subjects of the Kingdome The first of this first kind is of Queen Marie's time also It is Pasche 4. 5. P. M. Rot. 45. the Case of Edward Newport He was brought into the Kings Bench by habeas Corpus out of the Tower of London cum causa viz. Quod commissus fuit per mandatum Conciliorum Dominae Reginae Qui committitur Marr. c. et immediate traditur in ballium To this the like kind of answer hath been made as in that other Case of Overton next before cited They say that in another Roll of another Terme of the same year it appears he was in question for suspicion of Coyning And it is true he was so But the Return and this Commitment mentioned in it have no reference to any such offence nor hath the Bailment of him relation to any thing but to the absolute Commitment by the Privie Councell So that the answer to the like objection made against Overton's Case satisfies this also The sixth of these is of Q. Elizabeth's dayes It is Mich. 9. Eliz Rot. 35. the Case of Thomas Lawrence This Lawrence came in by habeas Corpus returned by the Sheriffs of London to be detained in prison per mandatum Concilii Dominae Reginae Qui committitur Marescallo c. super hoc traditur in ballium An Objection hath been invented against this also It hath been said that this man was pardoned and indeed it appeares so in the margent of the Roll where the word pardonatur is entred But cleerly his enlargement by Baile was upon the Bodie of the Return only unto which that Note of Pardon in the Margent of the Roll hath no relation at all And can any man think that a man pardoned for what offence soever it be might not as well be committed for some Arcanum or matter of State as one that is pardoned The seventh of these is in the same yeare and of Easter Terme following It is Pasche 9. Eliz. Rot. 68. Robert Constable's Case He was brought by habeas Corpus out of the Tower and in the Return it appeared he was committed per mandatum privati Concilii dict Dominae Reginae Qui committitur Marr. postea isto eodem Termino traditur in ballium The like Objection hath been made to this as to that before of Lawrence but the self same Answer cleerly satisfies for both of them The eighth is of the same Queens time in Pasche 20. Eliz. Rot. 72. Iohn Browning's Case This Browning came by habeas Corpus out of the Tower whether he had been committed was returned to have been committed per privatum Concilium Dominae Reginae Qui committitur Maresc Et postea isto eodem Termino traditur in ballium To this it hath been said That it was done at the chief Justice Wraye's Chamber and not in Court and thus the authoritie of the President hath been lessened and sleighted If it had been at his Chamber it would have proved at least thus much That S r Christopher Wraye then chief Justice of the King's Bench being a grave learned and upright Judge knowing the Law to be so did baile this Browning and so enlarge him And even so farre were the President of value enough But it is plain that though the habeas Corpus were returnable indeed as it appeares in the Record it self at his Chamber in Serjeant's Inne yet he only committed him to the Kings Bench presently and referred the consideration of enlarging him to the Court who afterwards did it For the Record saith Et postea isto eodem Termino traditur in ballium which cannot be intended of an enlargement at the chief Justice his Chamber The ninth of this first kind is in Hill 40. Eliz. Rot. 62. Edward Harecourts Case He was imprisoned in the Gate-house and that per Dominos de private Concilio Dominae Reginae pro certis causis eos moventibus et ei ignotis and upon his habeas Corpus was returned to be therefore only detained Qui committitur Marr. c. Et postea isto eodem Termino traditur in ballium To this never any colour of answer hath been yet offered The tenth is Catesbies Case in the Vacation after Hillary Terme 43. E. Rot. 37. Robert Castesby was committed to the Fleet per warrant diversorum prenobilium virorum de private Concilio Dominae Reginae He was brought before Justice Fennor one of the Judges of the Kings Bench by habeas Corpus at Winchester House in Southwark commissus fuit Marr. per praesat Edw. Fennor statim traditur in ballium The eleventh is Richard Beckwith's Case which was in Hillary 12. of King Iames R. 153. He was returned upon his habeas Corpus to have
especially are to be taken into consideration the defence of Rochell the Elve and the Forts He perswades to give bountifully and though the people do not presently pay it yet it gives the King credit abroad and much advanceth his affairs We have already by our carriage and temper taken the Kings heart which he adviseth we make good use of S r. DUDLY DIGGS FOr to try and examine faithfully the Propositions he refers it to the Judgement of the House whether it be fit to handle the business in order or to give in gross considering that the Bill of Tonnage and Poundage is now brought into the House which he thinks they conceive to be given for the safe-guarding of the Seas Mr. SPENCER IN no Case to enter into particulars That formerly hath been given 5. Subsedies for the repairing of the Forts and no penny bestowed on them but the money wasted in dishonour Mr. IOHN ELLIOT THat our late disasters at Calis Reez might discourage us from thinking of forreign attempts At Calis when we neglected the taking of the Spanish Fleet in the Harbour nothing attempted at our landing but drincking and disorder no good account given at the return Concerning service at S. Martins the whole account carried against the Judgement of the best Commanders which makes all the World despise and condemne us besides the inriching of the Enemy with kindenesses and parling with the Forts with presents which time will bring to light Sr. EDWARD COKE THat when England stood alone without friends and addition of Kingdoms as 42. E. 3. the King wholly guided by his Parliament-Councel brought alwayes home Victories both against France and Scotland his 4. reasons of it were 1. Good Councel 2. Valiant Leaders 3. Timely provision 4. Good imployment and fore-cast And likewise in Ric. 2. Hen. 4. Hen. 5. He desires to give plentifully and that in gross not to examine the particulers alleadging Solomon's rule qui repetit separat for said he if we rip them up we sever them for ever And in that Proposition for setting forth 30. ships shall we both pay Tonnage and Subsedies for them This will draw a dangerous President Likewise that other in setting forth God knows whether a 1000. Horse and 10000. Foot being not able to set them forth how shall we look to maintain them abroad That in an Iland the defensive War is best and most proper To conclude our guift in gross will serve best with these times for by that course we shall seem to allow all the Propositions and except against none S r. THOMAS WENTWORTH THat he will look after the Iland of England and no further except our Fortunes were better That as he is bound in duty to the King so in faithfull love to his Countrey That our freedom and Liberty being known and granted we then may proportion our guift His conclusion was that the ●inal debate of this question may be laid aside untill Friday and in the mean time go on with our grievances S r. HENRY MARTIN NOt to dash the Ship of the Common-wealth twice upon one Rock The disease that we are now sick of is the Kings Evil which none but himself can cure and Iacob's example is our best Predent who wrestling with the Angel would not give over till he got the blessing That our often repetition of grievances breeds hate and dislike And because we have not to give what is asked Yet to give freely what we intend to give and so by this freeness we shall win the Kings heart M r. KERTON HE desires to know the Rock to the end we may avoid it and not to go back but forward in our conclusion S r. ROBERT PHILIPS HIs good hopes are in his Majesties royal care and wisdom That the free and great Councel is the best but time and hope of change is coming towards us Rome and Spain trench deeply into our Councels That heretofore there hath been a fair progress on both parts according to the saying of the late King If the Parliament did or should give more then the Countrey could bear they gave him a purse with a knife in it Serjant HOSKINS THat knowing our own rights we shall be better enabled to give Two legs go best together our just grievances and our supply which he de●ires may not be seperated for by presenting them together they shall be both taken or both refused Serjant ASHLEYS Argument seconding M r. ATTORNEY in the behalf of his MAJESTIE I Hope it will be neither offensive nor tedious to your Lordships if I said somewhat to second M r. Attorney which I the rather desire because yesterday it was taken by the Gentlemen of and argued on the behalf of the Commons that the cause was as good as gained by them and yielded by us in that we acknowledged the Statute of Magna Charta and the other subsequent Statutes to be yet in force for on this they inforced this general conclusion That therefore no man could be committed or imprisoned but by due process presentment or indictment Which we say is a non sequitur upon such our acknowledgement for then it would follow by necessary consequence that no imprisonment could be justified but by process of Law which we utterly deny For in the cause of the Constable cited by M r. Attorney it is most clear that by the ancient Law of the Land a Constable might ex officio without any Warrant Arest and restrain a man to prevent an affray or to suppress it And so is the Authority 38. Hen. 8. Brooks abstract So may he after the affray apprehend and commit to Prison the Person that hath wounded a man that is in peril of death and that without Warrant or Process as it is in 38. E. 3. fol. 6. Also any man that is no Officer may apprehend a Fellon without Writ or Warrant or pursue him as a Wolf and as a common enemy to the Common-wealth as the Book is 14. H. 8. fol. 16. So might any one arrest a Night-walker because it is for the common profit as the reason is given 4. Hen. 7. fol. 7. In like manner the Judges in these several Courts may commit a man either for contempt or misdemeanour without either Process or Warrant other then take him Shrief or take him Marshall or Warden of the Fleet. And the Adversaries will not deny but if the King will alleadge cause he may commit a man per mandatum as the Judges do without Process or Warrant And various are the cases that may be instanced wherein there may be a Lawfull commitment without Process Wherefore I do possitively and with confidence affirm that if the imprisonment be Lawfull whether it be by Process or without Process it is not prohibited by the Law Which being granted then the question will aptly be made whether the King or Councel may commit to Prison per leg●m terr● were onely that part of the Municipal Law of this Realm which we call the
Common Law for there are also divers Jurisdictions in this Kingdom which are also so reckoned the Law of the Land As in Kendrick's Case in the report fol. 8. the 1. Ecclesiastical Law is held the Law of the Land to punish Blasphemies Schismes Heresies Simony Incest and the like for a good reason there rendred viz. That otherwise the King should not have power to do Justice to his Subjects in all Cases nor to punish all Crimes within his Kingdom The Admiral 's Jurisdiction is also Lex terrae for things done upon the Sea but if they exceed their Jurisdiction a prohibition is awarded upon the Statute of null us liber homo by which appears that the Statute is in force as we have acknowledged The Martial likewise though not to be exercised in times of peace when recourse may be had to the Kings Courts yet in times of invasion or other times of Hostility when an Army Royal is in the field and offences are committed which require speedy reformation and cannot expect the solemnity of legal Trials then such imprisonment execution or other Justice done by the Law Martial is Warrantable for it is then the Law of the Land and is Ius gentium which ever serves for a supply in the defeat of the Common Law when ordinary proceeding cannot be had And so it is also in the case of the Law of the Merchant which is mentioned 13. E 4. fol. 9. 10. where a Merchant stranger was wronged in his goods which he had committed to a Carrier to convey to Southampton and the Carrier imbezelled some of the goods for remedy whereof the Merchant sued before the Councel in the Star-Chamber for redress It is there said thus Merchant strangers have by the King safe conduct for coming into this Realm therefore they shall not be compelled to attend the ordinary Trial of the Common Law but for expedition shall sue before the Kings Councel or in Chancery de die in diem de h●râ in horam where the Case shall be determined by the Law of Merchants In the like manner it is in the Law of State when the necessity of State requires it they do and may proceed to natural equity as in those other Cases where the Law of the Land provides not there the proceeding may be by the Law of natural equity and infinite are the Occurrences of State unto which the Common Law extends not And if these proceedings of State should not also be accounted the Law of the Land then we do fall into the same inconveniency mentioned in Cawdries Case that the King should not be able to do Justice in all Cases within his own Dominions If then the King nor his Councel may not Commit it must needs follow that either the King must have no Councel of State or having such a Councel they must have no power to make Orders or Acts of State Or if they may they must be without means to compell obedience to those Acts and so we shall allow them Jurisdiction but not compel obedience to those Acts but not correction which will be then as fruitless as the Command Frustra potentia quae nunquam redigitur in statutum Where as the very Act of Westminster first shews plainly that the King may commit and that his commitment is lawfull or else that Act would never have declared a man to be irreprieveable when he is committed by the Command of the King if the Law-makers had conceived that his commitment had been unlawfull And Divine truth informs us that the Kings have their power from God the Psalmist calling them the children of the most High which is in a more special manner understood then of other men for all the Sons of Adam are by election the Sons of God and all the Sons of Abraham by recreation or regeneration the Children of the most High in respect of the power which is committed unto them who hath also furnished them with ornaments and arms fit for the exercising of that power and hath given them Scepters Swords and Crowns Scepters to vestitute and Swords to execute Laws and Crowns as Ensigns of that power and dignity with which they are invested shall we then conceive that our King hath so far transmitted the power of his Sword to inferiour Magistrates that he hath not reserved so much Supream power as to commit an Offender to prison● 10. H. 6. fol. 7. It appears that a Steward of a Court Leet may commit a man to prison and shall not the King from whom all inferior power is deduced have power to commit We call him the fountain of Justice yet when these streams and rivolets which flowe from that Fountain come fresh and full we would so far exhaust that Fountain as to leave it dry but they that will admit him so much power do require the expression of the cause I demand whether they will have a general cause alleadged or a special if general as they have instances for Treason Fellony of for Contempt for to leave fencing and to speak plainly as they intend it If loan of money should be required and refused and thereupon a commitment ensue and the cause signified to be for a contempt this being unequal inconvenience from yielding the remedy is sought for the next Parliament would be required the expression of the particular cause of the commitment Then how unfit would it be for King or Councel in Cases to express the particuler Cause it s easily to be adjudged when there is no State or pollicy of government whether it be Monarchal or of any other frame which have not some secrets of State not communicable to every vulgar understanding I will instance but one If a King imploy an Ambassadour to a Forreign Countrey of States with instructions for his Negotiation and he pursue not his instructions whereby dishonour and dammage may ensue to the Kingdom is not this commitment And yet the particuler of his instruction and the manner of his miscarrying is not fit to be declared to his Keeper or by him to be certified to the Judges where it is to be opened and debated in the presence of a great audience I therefore conclude for offences against the State in Case of State Government the King and his Councel have lawfull power to punish by imprisonment without shewing particular cause where it may tend to the disclosing of State-Government It is well known to many that know me how much I have laboured in this Law of the Subjects Liberty very many years before I was in the Kings service and had no cause then to speak but to speak ex animo yet did I then maintain and publish the same opinion which now I have declared concerning the Kings Supream power in matters of State and therefore can not justly be centured to speak at this present onely to merit of my Master But if I may freely speak my own understanding I conceive it to be a question too high to
they have been delivered upon Habeas Corpus and that constantly It is true that some Presidents were brought on the Kings part that when some of these persons desired to be delivered by Habeas Corpus the King or his Councel signified his Majesties pleasure that they should be delivered or the Kings Attorney hath come into the Court and related the Kings Command but this seems to make for the Subject For that being in his Majesties power to deliver them who by his special Command were imprisoned May not we well think that his Majesty would rather at that time have stayed their deliverance by Law then furthered it with his Letters and made the Prisoners rather beholding to him for his grace and mercy then to the Judges for Justice had not his Majesty known that at that time they ought to have been delivered by Law I think no man would imagine a wise King would have suffered his Grace and Prerogative if any such Prerogative were to be so continually questioned and his Majesty and his Councel so far from commanding the Judges not to proceed to deliver the Prisoner by them committed without Cause shewn as that on the other side which is all the force of these Presidents the King and the Councel signified to the Judges that they should proceed to deliver the parties certainly if the King had challenged any such Prerogative that a Person committed without any cause shewn ought not to be delivered by the Judges without his consent it would have appeared by one President or other amonst all that have been produced that his Majesty would have made some claim to such a Prerogative But it appears to the contrary that in many of these cases the King or his Councel did never interpose and where they did it was alwayes in affirmation and incouragement to that Court to proceed And besides the writing of Letters from his Majesty to the Judges to do Justice to his Majesties Subjects may with as good reason be interpreted that without those Letters they might not do Justice also the King signified his willingness that such such Persons which were committed by him should be delivered therefore they could not be delivered without it which is a strange reason So that findeing the Laws so full so many and so plain in the point and findeing that when ever any were committed without cause shewn brought their Habeas Corpus they were delivered and no Command ever given to the contrary or claim made on the Kings part to any such Prerogative I may safely conclude as the House of Commons have done and if any one President or two of late can be shewn that the Judges have not delivered the Prisoners so committed I think it is their fault and to be enquired of but contrary it seems to me to be an undoubted Liberty of the Subject that if he be committed without cause or without cause shewn yet he may have some speedy course to bring himself to Trial either to justifie his own innocencie or to receive punishment according to his fault for God forbid that an innocent man by the Laws of England should be put in worse case then the most grievous Malefactors are which must needs be if this should be that if a cause be shewed he may have his Trial but if none he must lie and pine in Prison during pleasure Mr. Serjeant Ashley the other day told your Lordships of the Embleme of a King but by his leave made wrong use of it For a King bears in one hand the Globe and in the other the golden Scepter the tipes of Soveraignty and mercie but the Sword of Justice is ever carried before him by a Minister of Justice which shews Subjects may have their remedies for unjustice done and appeals done to higher powers for the Laws of England are so favourable to their Princes as they can do no unjustice Therefore I will conclude as all disputes I hold do Magna est veritas praevalebit so I make no doubt we living under so good a Prince as we do when this is represented unto him he will answer us Magna est Carta praevalebit The ARCH-BISHOPS of CANTERBURIES Speech at the Conference of both Houses 25. April 1628. GEntlemen of the House of Commons the service of the King and safety of the Kingdom do call on us my Lords to give all convenient expedition to dispatch some of those great and weighty businesses for the better effecting whereof my Lords have thought fit to let you know that they do in general agree with you and doubt not but you will agree with us to the best of your power to maintain and support the fundamental Laws of the Kingdom and the fundamental Liberties of the Subject for the particulers which may hereafter fall in debate they have given me in charge to let you know that what hath been presented by you to their Lordships they have laid nothing of it by they are not out of love with any thing you have tendered to them they have voted nothing neither are they in love with any thing proceeding from themselves for that which we shall say and propose unto you is out of an intendment to invite you to a mutual and free conference that you with confidence may come to us and we with confidence may speak to you so that we may come to a conclusion of those things which we both unanimously desire we have resolved of nothing defined or determined nothing but desire to take you with us praying help of you as you have done of us My Lords have thought upon some Propositions which they have ordered to be read here and then left with you in writing that if it seem good to you we may uniformly concur for the substance and if you differ that you may be pleased to put out or add or alter or diminish as you shall think fit that so we the better come to the end that we do both so desireously embrace Then the 5. Propositions were read by the Lord BISHOP of NORVVHICH The 5. Propositions 25. April 1628. 1. THat his Majesty would be pleased gratiously to declare that the good old Law called Magna Charta and the 6. Statutes conceived to be Declarations or Explanations of that Law do stand still in Force to all intents and purposes 2. That his Majesty would be pleased gratiously to declare that according to Magna Charta and the Statutes aforesaid as also according to the most ancient Customes and Laws of this Land every free Subject of this Realm hath a fundamental propriety in his good and a fundamental Liberty of his Person 3. That his Majesty would be pleased gratiously to declare that it is his Royal pleasure to ratifie and confirm unto all and every his faithfull and Loyal Subjects all their antient several just Liberties Priviledges and Rights in as ample and beneficial manner to all intents and purposes as their Ancestors did enjoy the same
under the Government of the best of his most Noble Progenitors 4. That his Majesty would be pleased gratiously to declare for the good contentment of his Loyal Subjects and for the secureing them from future fears that in all causes within the Cognizance of the Common-Law and concerning the Liberty of his Subjects his Majesty would proceed according to the Laws established in the Kingdom and in no other manner or wise 5. And as touching his Majesties Royal Prerogative intrincical to his Soveraignty and intrusted him from God ad communem totius populi salutem non ad destructionem his Majesty would resolve not to use or divert the same to the prejudice of any his loyal People in the propriety of their goods and liberty of their Persons And in case for the security of his Majesties Royal Person the Common safety of his People or the peaceable Government of his Kingdom his Majesty shall finde just cause of State to imprison or restrain any mans Person his Majesty would gratiously declare that within a convenient time he shall and will express the cause of his commitment or restraint either general or special and upon a cause so expressed will leave him immediatly to be tried according to the Common Justice of the Kingdom Then S r. DUDLEY DIGGS in the behalf of the Commons saith MY Lords it hath pleased Almighty God many wayes to bless the Knights Cittizens and Burgesses now assembled in Parliamen with great comforts and strong hopes that this will prove as happy a Parliament as ever was in England and in their Consultations for the service of his Majesty and the safety of this Kingdom one especial comfort and strong hope hath risen from the continued good respects which your Lordships so nobly from time to time have been pleased to shew unto them particulerly at this present in your so Honourable prosession to agree with them in general in desire to maintain and support the fundamental Laws and Liberties of England The Commons have commanded me in like sort they have been are and will be as ready to propugne the just Prerogatives of his Majesty of which in all their Arguments searches of Records and resolutions they have been most carefull according to that which formerly was and now again is protested by them Another Noble Argument of your Honourable disposition towards them is exprest in this that you are pleased to expect no present answer from them who are as your Lordships in your general wisdoms they doubt not have considered a great body that must advise upon all new Propositions and resolve upon them before they can give answer according to the ancient usage of our House but is manifest in general God be thanked for it there is a great concurrence of affection to the same end in both Houses and such a good Harmony that I intreat your Lordships leave to borrow a comparison from nature or natural Philosophy as two Lutes well strung and tun'd brought together if one be plaid on little straws or sticks will stir upon the other though it lye still so though we have no power to reply yet these things said and proposed cannot but work in our hearts and we will faithfully report these passages to our House from whence in due time we hope your Lordships shall receive a contentfull Answer S r. BENJAMIN RUDDIERDS Speech 28. April 1628. Mr. Speaker WE are now upon a great business and the manner of handling it may be as great as the business it self I need not tell you that Liberty is a pretious thing for every man may set his own price upon it and he that doth not value it deserves to be valued accordingly for my own part I am clear without scruple that what we have resolved it according to Law and if any Judge in England were of a contrary opinion I am sure we should have heard of him before now Out of all question the very point the scope and drift of Magna Charta was to reduce the Regal to a Legal power in matters of imprisonment or else it had not been worth so much contending for But there have been Presidents brought to prove the practise and interpretation of the Law I confess I have heard many Presidents of utillity and respect but none at all of truth or of Law Certainly there is no Court of Justice in England that will discharge a Prisoner committed by the King Rege inconsulto without acquainting the King yet this good manners was never made or mentioned as a legal part of the delivery It is Objected that the King ought to have a trust left and deposited in him God forbid but he should And I say that it is impossible to take it from him for it lies not in the wit of man to devise such a Law as should be able to comprehend all particulers all accidents but that extraordinary cases must happen which when they come If they be disposed of for the Common good there will be no Law against them yet must the Law be general for otherwise admissions and exceptions will fret and eat out the Law to nothing God himself hath constituted a general Law of nature to govern the ordinary course of things he hath made no Laws for miracles Yet there is this observation of them that they are rather praeter naturam then contra naturam and alwayes propter bonos fines for Kings Prerogatives are rather besides the Law then against it and when they are directed to right ends for the publick good they are not onely concurring Laws but even Laws in singularity and excelling But to come nearer M r. Speaker let us consider where we are now what steps we have gone and gained the Kings learned Councel have acknowledged all the Laws to have been still in force the Judges have disallowed any Judgement against these Laws the Lords also have confessed that the Laws are in full strength they have further retained our resolution intire and without prejudice All this hitherto is for our advantage but above all his Majesty himself being publickly present declared by the mouth of my Lord Keeper before both the Houses that Magna Charta and the other six Statutes are in force that he will maintain his Subjects in the liberty of their Persons and the propriety of their goods that he will govern according to the Laws of the Kingdom this is a solemne and bindeing satisfaction expressing his gracious readiness to comply with his People in all their reasonable and just desires The King is a good man and it is no diminution to be called so for whosoever is a good man shall be greater then a King that is not so The King certainly is exceeding tender of his present Honour and of his fame hereafter he will think it hard to have a worse mark set upon him and his Government then any of his Ancestors by extraordinary restraints his Majesty hath already intimated unto us by a message that
to the burthen of their shipping and not particularly to such Counties or Sea-Towns unto which the Squadron of Ships belongeth that shall send in the said Prizes That it shall not be Lawfull for any in the said Ships to break take or open the deck of any Prizes they take but nail them down fast until● they be brought in at one of the Port-Towns aforesaid and the Officers for the King with the Commissioners for the Counties to take and open them That after the Kings part is sequestred with such allowance over and above as shall be proportionable for the Kings ships being Admirals the rest to be distributed as aforesaid to the use and benefit of all the Counties and Sea-Towns in general not in particuler to such Counties and Sea-Towns unto which any of the said 4. Squadrons belongeth that sendeth in the said Prizes the Pillage above deck onely excepted which do belong unto the Officers Saylors and Souldiers of the Squadron that took the said Prize That for the speedy and present execution hereof every County or Sea-Town that is not furnished with shipping accordingly shall hire untill they can build which to be limmited to perform within a certain and convenient time The charge that will fall on the Subjects yearly will amount for the first year 200000. l. which God prospering them within the year they will re-inburse and by the benefit of the Prizes afterwards they will have stock sufficient with increase for new victualling forth the Ships the first year and so from time to time The Kingdom will hereby encrease their shipping breed and make good store of good Sea-men and we shall hereby be Masters of the Sea so as our Merchants shall travel safely and we shall much prejudice the French and Spanish Nation or any others that are Enemies and not in League Judge ANDERSON DIverse Persons fueront Committes a sev●ral temps a several Persons sur pleasur sans bon cause parte de que●x estiant ame●nes en en banck le Roy parte en le Comune banck fueront accordant a le ley de la terre mise a large discharge de l● inprisonment pur que aschunt grands fueront offendus procure vn comandment a les Iudges que ils be ferra issent apres Ceo nient meins les Iudges ne surcease mes p●r advise enter eux ils fesoient certanie Articles le tenour de queux ensue deliver eux al seignieures Chauncellor Treasurer eux subscribe 〈◊〉 touts lour manies les Articles ●ont coe ensu●nt WE her Majesties Justices of both Benches and Barons of the Exchequer desire your Lordships that by some good means some order may be taken that her Highness Subjects may not be committed or d●tained in Prison by commandment of any Noble Man or Councellor against the Laws of the Realm either help us to have access to her Majesty to the end to become ●uitors to her for the same for divers have been imprisoned for suing ordinary Actions and Statutes at the Common-Law untill they have been constrained to leave the same against their wills and put the same to order albeit Judgement and Execution have been had therein to their great losses and griefs for the aid of which Persons her Majesties Writs have sundry times been directed to divers Persons having the custody of such Persons unlawfully imprisoned upon which Writs no good or Lawfull cause of imprisonment hath been returned or certified whereupon upon according to the Laws they have been again committed to Prison in secret places and not to any common ordinary Prison or Lawfull Officer as Shrieff or other lawfully authorized to have or keep a Goal so that upon Lawfull complaint made for their delivery the Queens Courts cannot learn to whom to direct her Majesties Writs and by this means Justice cannot be done and moreover divers Officers and Serjeants of London have been many times committed to Prison for Lawfull executing of her Majesties Writ sued forth of her Majesties Courts at West-minster and thereby her Majesties Subjects and Officers are so terrified that they dare not sue or execute her Majesties Laws her Writs and Commandments Divers others have been sent for by Pursevants and brought to London from their dwellings by unlawfull imprisonment have been constrained not onely to withdraw their Lawfull Suits but have also been compelled to pay the Pursevants for bringing such Persons great summes of money All which upon complaint the Judges are bound by Office and Oath to relieve and help by and according to her Majesties Laws And when it pleaseth your Lordships to will divers of us to set down in what cases a Prisoner sent to custody by her Majesty her Councel some one or other or two are to be detained in Prison and not to be delivered by her Majesties Court or Judges we thinck that if any Person be committed by her Majesties Command from her Person or by order from the Councel board or if any one or two of her Councel commit one for high Treason such Persons so in the cases before committed may not be delivered by any of her Courts without due Trial had Nevertheless the Judges may Award the Queens Writ to bring the bodies of such Persons before them and if upon return thereof the causes of their commitment be certified to the Judges as it ought to be then the Judges in the cases before ought not to deliver him but to remaund the Prisoner to the place from whence he came Which cannot conveniently be done unless notice of the cause in general or else special be known to the Keeper or Goaler that shall have the custody of such Prisoner All the Judges and Barons did subscribe their names to these Articles Termino Pascha 34. Eliz. and sent one to the Lord Chancellor and another to the Lord Treasurer after which time there did follow more quietness then before in the cause afore mentioned The KINGS Message the 2. May 1628. by Secretary COKE HIs Majesty hath commanded me to make known to this House that howsoever we proceed with the business we have in hand which he will not doubt but to be according to our constant professions and so as he may have cause to give us thanks yet his resolution is that both his royal care and his harty and true affection towards all his loving Subjects shall appear to the whole Kingdom and to all the World that he will govern us according to the Laws and Customes of the Realm that he will maintain us in the Liberties of our Persons and propriety of our goods so as we may enjoy as much happiness as our Forefathers in their best times and that he will rectifie what hath been or may be amiss amongst us so that there may be hereafter no just cause to complain wherein as his Majesty will ranck himself amongst the best of our Kings and shew
our reasons your Lordships would rest satisfied that our refusal to admit them into our Petition proceedeth from the conscience of the integrity and uprightness of our own hearts That we in all this Petition have no such end to abate or diminish the Kings just Prerogative And so much in reply to that rational part whereby my Lord Keeper laboured to perswade the entertainment of this addition This being done it pleased the House of Commons to instruct and furnish me with certain reasons which I should use to your Lordships to procure your absolute conjunction with us in presenting this Petition which albeit I cannot set forth according to their worth and the instructions given me by the House yet I hope their own weight will so press down into your Lordships consciences and judgements that without further scruple you will cheerfully vouchsafe to accompany this Petition with your right noble presence A Personis The first argument wherewith I was commanded to move your Lordships was drawn from the consideration of the Persons which are Petitioners The House of Common a House whose temper mildness and moderation in this Parliament hath been such as we should be unthankfull and injurious to Almighty God if we should not acknowledge his good hand upon us upon our tongues upon our hearts procured no doubt by our late solemne and publick humiliation and prayers This moderation will the better appear if in the first place we may be remembred in what passion and distemper many Members of this House arrived thither what bosomes what pockets full of complaints and lamentable grievances the most part brought thither and those every day renewed by Letters and Packets from all parts and quarters You know the old proverb ubi dolor ibi digitus ubi amor ibi oculus It is hard to keep our fingers from often handling the parts ill affected but yet our moderation overcame our passion our discretion overcame our affection This moderation also will the better appear if in the second place it be not forgotten how our Ancestors and Predecessors carried themselves in Parliaments when upon lighter provocations less could not serve their turns but new severe Commissions to hear and determine offences against their Liberties publick Ecclesiastical curses or excommunications against the Authors or Actors of such violations accusations condemnations executions banishments But what have we said all this Parliament we onely look forward not backward we desire amendment hereafter no mans punishment for ought done heretofore Nothing written by us in bloud nay not one word spoken against any mans Person in displeasure The conclusion of our Petition is That we may be better intreated in time to come And doth not this moderate Petition deserve your Lordships cheerfull conjunction ex congruo condigno If a Worm being troden upon could speak a Worm would say tread upon me no more I pray you higher we rise not lower we cannot discend And thus much we think in modesty may well be spoken in our own commendation thence to move your Lordships to vouchsafe us your noble Company in this Petition without surcharging it with this addition A tempore Our next argument is drawn a tempore from the unseasonableness of the time The wise man saith there is a time for all things under the Sun tempus suum And if in the wise mans Judgement a word spoken in its due time be precious as Gold and Silver then an unseasonable time detracts as much from the thing or word done or spoken We hold under your favours that the time is not seasonable now for this addition It is true that of it self Soveraign power is a thing alwayes so sacred that to handle it otherwise then tenderly is a kinde of sacriledge and to speak of it otherwise then reverently is a kinde of blasphemy but every vulgar capacity is not so affected the most part of men nay almost all men judge and esteem all things not according to their own intrinsick virtue and quality but according to their immediate effects and operations which the same things have upon them Hence it is that Religion it self receiveth more or less credit and approbation as the Teachers and Professors are worser or better Yea if God himself send a very wet Harvest or Seed-time men are apt enough to censure Divine power The Soveraign power hath not now for the present the ancient amiable aspect in respect of some late sad influences but by Gods grace it will soon recover To intermix with this Petition any mention of Soveraign power rebus sic stantibus when angry men say Soveraign power hath been abused and the most moderate wish it had not been so used we hold it not seasonable under your Lordships correction A loco Our next argument is drawn a loco we think the place where your Lordships would have this addition inserted viz. in the Petition no convenient or seasonable place Your Lordships will easily believe that this Petition will run through many hands every man will be desirous to see and to read what their Knights and their Burgesses have done in Parliament upon their complaints what they have brought home for their 5. Subsedies If in perusing of this Petition they fall upon the mention of Soveraign power they presently fall to arguing reasoning and discanting what Soveraign power is what is the Latitude whence the Original and where the bounds with many such curious and captious questions by which course Soveraign power is little advanced or advantaged For I have ever been of opinion that it is then best with Soveraign power when it is had in tacite venerationem not when it is prophaned by publick hearings or examinations Our last argument is drawn from our duty and Loyalty to his Majesty in consideration whereof we are fearfull at this time to take this addition into our Petition least we should do his Majesty herein some disservice With your Lordships we make the great Councel of the King and Kingdom And though your Lordships having the happiness to be near his Majesty know other things better yet certainly the state and condition of the several parts for which we serve their dispositions and inclinations their apprehensions their fears and jealousies are best known unto us And here I pray your Lordships to give me leave to use the figure called Reticentia that is to insinuate and intimate more then I mean to speak Our chief and principal end in this Parliament is to make up all rents or breaches between the King and his Subjects to draw them and knit them together from that distance whereof the world abroad takes too much notice to work a perfect union and reconciliation how improperly and unapt at this time this addition would be in respect of this end we cannot but foresee and therefore shun it and do resolve that it is neither agreeable to the Persons of such Councellors whom we are nor answerable to that love and duty which we owe to
his Majesty to hazard an end of such unspeakable consequence upon the admittance of this addition into our Petition whereof as we have shewed the omission at this time can by no means harm the Kings Prerogative the expression may produce manifold inconveniences and therefore since the admittance of your Lordships addition into our Petition is incoherent and incompatible with the body of the same since there is no necessary use of it for the saving of the Kings rerogative since the moderation of our Petition deserveth your Lordships cheerfull conjunction with us since this addition is unseasonable for the time and inconvenient in respect of the place where your Lordships would have it inserted and lastly may prove a disservice to his Majesty I conclude with a most affectionate prayer to your Lordships to joyn with the House of Commons in presenting this Petition unto his sacred Majesty as it is without this addition The KINGS speech in the Higher House at the meeting of both Houses 2. June 1628. Gentlemen I Am come hither to perform my duty and I think no man will think it long since I have not taken so many dayes in answering of the Petition as you have spent weeks in framing it and I am come hither to shew you that as well in formall things as in essential I desire to give you as much content as in me lies The Lord KEEPER in explanation of the same MY Lords and you the Knights Cittizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons his Majesty hath commanded me to say unto you that he takes it in good part that in consideration how to settle your own Liberty you have generally professed in both Houses that you have no intention for to lessen or diminish his Majesties Prerogative wherein as you have cleared your own intentions so his Majesty now comes to clear his and to strike a firm league with his people which is ever decreed to be most constant and perpetual when the conditions are equal and known to be so These cannot be in a more happy estate then when your Liberties shall be an ornament and strength to his Majesties Prerogative and his Prerogative a defence to your Liberties In this his Majesty doubts not but both you and he shall take a mutual comfort hereafter and for his part he is resolved to give an example in so using of his power as hereafter you shall have no cause to complain This is the summe of that which I am to say to you Here read your own Petition and his Majesties gracious answer The KINGS answer to the Petition of Right 2. June by the Lord KEEPER THe King willeth that Right be done according to the Laws and Customes of the Realm and that the Statutes be put in due execution that the Subject may have no cause to complain of any wrong or oppression contrary to their just Rights and Liberties to the preservation whereof he holds himself in conscience as well obliged as of his Prerogative Sir JOHN ELLIOTS Speech 3. June Mr. Speaker WE sit here as the great Councel of the King and in that capacitie it is our duty to take into consideration the State and affairs of the Kingdom and where there is occasion to give them in a true representation by way of council and advice with what we conceive necessary or expedient for them In this consideration I confess many a sadd thought hath affrighted me and that not onely in respect of our dangers from abroad which yet I know are great as they have been often in this place prest and dilated to us but in respect of our disorders here at home we do inforce those dangers and by which they are occasioned For I believe I shall make clear unto you that I oth at first the cause of these dangers were disorders and our disorders now are yet our greatest dangers and not so much the potency of our enemies as the weakness of our selves do threaten us and that saying of the Father may be assumed by us Non tam potentia sua quam negligentia nostra Our want of true devotion to heaven our insincerity and doubling in Religion our want of Councels our precipitate actions the sufficiency or unfaithfulness of our Generals abroad the corruptions of our Ministers at home the impoverishing of the Soveraign the oppression and depression the exhausting of our treasures waste of our provisions Consumption of our Ships destruction of Men This makes the advantage to our enemies not the reputation of their Arms. And if in these there be not reformation we need no Foes abroad time it self will ruine us To shew this more fully as I believe you will all hold it necessary that there seem not an aspertion on the State or imputation on the Government as I have known such mentions misinterpreted which far it is from me to propose that have none but clear thoughts of the Excellency of his Majestie nor can have other ends but the advancement of his glory I shall desire a little of your patience extraordinarily to open the particulars which I shall do with what brevity I may answerable to the importance of the cause and the necessity now upon us yet with such respect and observation to the time as I hope it shall not be troublesome For the first then our insincerity and dubling in Religon the greatest and most dangerous disordor of all others which hath never been unpunished and of which we have so many strong examples of all States and in all times to awe us What testimony doth it want will you have Authority os bookes look on the collection of the Committee for Religion there is too clear an evidence will you have Recors see then the Commission procured for composition with the Papists in the North Mark the proceedings thereupon you will finde them to little less amounting then a tolleration in effect thought upon some slight payments and the easiness in them will likewise shew the favour that 's intended Will you have proofs of men witness the hopes witness the presumptions witness the reports of all the Papists generally observe the dispositions of Commanders the trust of Officers the confidence of secrecies of imployments in this Kingdom in Ireland and elsewhere they all will shew it hath too great a certainty and unto this add but the incontrolable evidence of that all-powerfull hand which we have felt so sorely that gave it full assurance for as the Heavens oppose themselves to us for our impiety so it is we that first oppose the Heavens For the second our want of Councels that great disorder in State with which there cannot be stability if effects may shew their causes as they are after a perfect demonstration of them our misfortunes our disasters serve to prove it and the consequence they draw with them If reason be allowed in this dark age the judgment of dependencies and foresight of contingencies in affairs confirm it For if we view our selves
as you know almost the whole World in league against us nor will I mention of the leaving of the Wines the leaving of the Salt which were in our possession of a value as they said to answer much of our expence nor that wonder which no Alexander or Caesar ever did the inriching of the Enemy by courtesies when the Souldiers wanted help nor the private intercourses and Parlies with the Fort which continually were held what they intended may be read in the success and upon due examination thereof they would not want their proofs For the last Voyage to Rochell there needs no observations it is so fresh in memory Nor will I make an inference or Corolory and all your own knowledge shall judge what truth or what sufficiency they expressed For the next the ignorance and corruption of our Ministers where can you miss of instances if you survey the Court if you survey the Countrey if the Church if the Cittie be examined if you observe the Bar if the Bench if the Courts if the shipping if the Land if the Seas All these will render you variety of proofs and in such measure and proportion as shews the greatness of our sickness that if it have not some speedy remedy our case is most desperate M r. Speaker I fear I have been too long in these particulers that are past and am unwilling to offend you therefore in the rest I shall be shorter and in that which concerns the impoverishing of the King no other arguments will I use then such as all men grant The Exchequer you know is empty the Reputation thereof gone the ancient Lands are sold the Jewels pawned the Plate ingaged the Debt still great almost all charges both ordinary and extraordinary born by Projects What poverty can be greater what necessity so great what perfect English heart is not almost dissolved into sorrow for the truth for the oppression of the Subject which as I remember is the next particuler I proposed It needs no demonstration the whole Kingdom is a proof and for the exhausting of our treasures that oppression speaks it what waste of our provisions what consumption of our ships what destruction of our men have been witness that Journey to Argiers Withness that with Mansfield Witness that to Cales Witness the next Witness that to Rees Witness the last I pray God we may never have more such witnessess Witness likewise the Pallatinate Witness Denmark Witness the Turks Witness the Dunkerkers Witness all what losses we have sustained how we are impaired in Munition in Ships in Men. It hath no contradiction we were never so much weakned nor had less hope how to be restored These M r. Speaker are our dangers these are they do threaten us and those are like that Troiane horse brought in cunningly to surprize us in these do lurk the strongest of our Enemies ready to issue on us and if we do not now the more speedily expell them these are the sign the invitation to others These will prepare their entrance that we shall have no means left of refuge or defence for if we have these Enemies at home how can we strive with those that are abroad If we be free from these no other can impeach us our antient English virtue that old Sparton valour cleared from these disorders being in sincerity of Religion once made friends with Heaven having maturity of Councels sufficency of Generals Incorruption of Officers opulency in the King Liberty in the People repletion in Treasures restitution of Provisions reparation of Ships preservation of Men. Our Antient English virtue thus rectefied I say will secure us and unless there be a speedy reformation in these I know not what hopes or expectations we may have These things Sir I shall desire to have taken into consideration That as we are the great Councel of the Kingdom and have the apprehension of these dangers we may truely represent them unto the King wherein I conceive we are bound by a treble Obligation of duty unto God of duty to his Majesty and of duty to our Countrey And therefore I wish it may so stand with the wisdom and Judgement of the House that they may be drawn into the body of a Remonstrance and therein all humbly expressed with a prayer unto his Majesty for the safety of himself and for the safetie of the Kingdom and for the safety of Religion That he will be pleased to give us time to make perfect inquisition thereof or to take them into his own wisdom and there give them such timely reformation as the necessity of the cause and his Justice doth import And thus S r. with a large affection and Loyalty to his Majesty and with a firm duty and service to my Countrey I have suddenly and it may be with some disorder expressed the weak apprehension I have wherein if I have erred I humbly crave your Pardon and so submit to the censure of the House A Report from the COMMITTEE for Trade 4. June 1628. IN all other parts of Christendom there is great care with much cost to raise Forts and walled Towns onely for defence in time of War and great charge to make Engines and Weapons to offend the Enemy of little or no use in time of Peace Whereas in England the Rampires and Bulwarks and Ships and those also for offence of the Enemy our best Weapons are Engines And this also in time of Peace best instruments of our Wealth even as usefull as the Plough or Cart. But our shipping and our strength of Marriners within these three years is much decayed in general But the decay of Trade through disturbance of the Merchant by new Impositions and troubles for want of a certain and well established book of Rate and Bill of Tonnage and Poundage used heretofore to be given for guarding of the Seas By reason that the Seas are not guarded so That our Coasts are infested Our Fishermen driven from their Trade And all our Coasting smaller shipping so disturbed or taken that in all parts of the Kingdom Sea-faring men give over and the Seas are forsaken More particularly THat of our shipping of countenance of 100. Tuns or upwards in the last three years there have been decayed cast away and taken by the Enemy between Dover and New-Castle 248. great ships and with them proportionable number of Marriners besides great and inestimable losses in less Vessels The causes whereof are diverse disorders in the late mannaging of Sea Affairs before the imployment of Ships and Men in his Majesties service FI●st By pressing and taking up Merchants ships laden and bound out upon Voyages Secondly By too frequent and general imbarques of shipping Thirdly By taking out of ships unseasonably and and unreasonable numbers their best men so forcing them ill Mann'd to Winter Voyages c. Fourthly By giving too little allowance of Wages and 2. shill. per Tun for Fraight of ships so taken being but half that which Marchants allow
cour●es be not speedily redrest and the profession of true Religion more encourraged we can expect any other then misery and ruine speedily to fall upon us especially if besides the visible and apparant dangers wherewith we are compast round about you would be pleased piously to remember the dispeasure of Almightie God alwaies bent against the neglect of his holie Religion the stroak of whose divine Justice we have alreadie felt and do still feel in great measure And besides this fear of Innovation in Religion we do in like faithfull discharge of our duties most humbly declare to your Majestie that the hearts of your people are full of fear of Innovation and change of government and accordingly possest with extream grief and sorrow yet in this point by your Majesties late answer to our Petition of right touching our libertie much comforted and raised again out of that sadness and discontent which they generallie had conceived throughout your whole Kingdom at the undue courses which were the last year taken for raising of money by loans then which what ever your Majestie hath been enformed to the contrarie there was never mony demanded or paid with greater grief and general dislike of all your faithfull Subjects though manie partly out of fear and partlie out of other respects yet most unwillinglie were drawn to yield to what was then required The billiting of souldiers did much augment both their fears and griefs wherein likewise they finde much comfort upon your late gratious Answer to our Petition of right and to that we presented to your Majestie concerning this particular yet we humblie beseech your Majestie that we may inform you that the still continuance and late re-enforcing of the numbers of those Souldiers the conditions of their Persons many of them being not Natives of this Kingdom nor of the same but of an opposite Religion the placing of them upon the Sea coast where making head among themseves they may unite with a Popish partie at home if occasion serve or joyn with an envading Enemy to do extream mischief and that they are not dismissed doth still minister cause of jelousie to your loving Sujects for that these Souldiers cannot be continued without exceeding great danger of the peace and safetie of your Kingdom The report of the strange and dangerous purpose of bringing in of Germain horses and Riders would have turned our doubts into dispair and our fears into a certainty of confusion had not your Majesties gratious Message for which we give you humble thanks comforted us by the assurance of your Royal word that they neither are nor were intended by your Majestie for any service in England but that they were designed for some forraign imployment yet the sight of the privie seal by which seemeth they were to be levied for this place the great some of money which upon examination we found had been made ever for that purpose That much about the same time there was a commission under the great Seal granted to the Lords and others of your privie Councel to consider as of other wayes of raising of monies so particularlie by imposition gave us just cause to suspect that what ever was your Majesties own gratious intention yet there wanted not those that under some colourable pretence might secretlie by this as by other wayes contrive to change the frame both of Religion and Government and thereby undermine the safetie of your Majestie and your Kingdoms these men could not be ignorant that the bringing in of strangers for aid hath been pernitious to most States where they have been admitted but to England fatall We do bless God that hath given your Majestie a wise and understanding heart to discern of the mischief of such courses and that such power produceth nothing but weakness and calamitie And we beseech your Majestie to pardon the vehemencie of our expressions if in the loyall and zealous affections we bear to your Mejestie and your service we are bould to declare to your Majestie and the whole world that we hold it far beneath the heart of any free English man to think that this victorious Nation should now stand in need of Germaine Souldiers to defend their own King and Kingdom But when we consider the courses formerlie mentioned concerning the undermining of Religion and these things tending to an apparant change of government the often breach of Parliaments where by your Majestie hath been deprived of the faithfull Councels and free aids of your people The taking of tonnage and pondage without any grant thereof by Act of Parliament ever since the beginning of your Majesties raign to this present The standing commission granted to the Duke of Buckingham to be General of an Army within the land in the time of peace The displaceing of faithfull and sufficient Officers and Ministers some from Judicial places and others from the Offices and Authorities which formerly they held in the Common-Wealth we cannot but at the sight of such an approaching desolation as must necessarilie follow these courses out of the depth of sorrow lift up our cries to Heaven for help and next under God humbly applie our selves to your sacred Majestie and falling down at your feet do beseech you to harken to the voice of all your people who if you could hear so many thousands speaking altogether would all joyntly implore speedy help and reformation And if yet your Majestie will be pleased to take a further view of the present estate of your Realm we do humblie pray you to consider whether the miserable disasters and ill success that hath accompanied all your late designes and actions particularly those of Cales the Isle of Rhee and the last expedition to Rochel have not extreamlie wasted that stock of honour that was left unto this Kingdom sometimes terrible to all other Nations and now declining to contempt beneath the meanest together with our honour we there lost those and that not a few who had they lived we might have had some better hope of recovering it again Our valiant Collonels Captains and Commanders and many thousand common Souldiers and Marriners though we have some cause to think that your Majestie is not as yet rightlie enformed thereof and that of six or seaven thousand of your Subjects lost at the Isle of Rhee your Majesty received information but of few hundreds And that all this dishonour and loss hath been purchased with the Consumption of above a million of Treasure many of your Forts are excceding weak and decayed and want both men and munition And here we cannot but with grief consider and complain of a strange improvidence we think your Majestie will call it treacherie That your store of powder which by order of your privy Councel dated the tenth day of December 1626. should be constantly three hundred last besides a continual supplie of Twentie last a moneth for ordinarie expences and were now fit as we conceive to be double That proportion is at this time
in the Tower the present warrants being served but nine last and forty pound in all which we tremble to think of And that notwithdanding this extream scarcitie of powder great quatities have been permitted to be sould out of your Majesties store to particular persons for private gain whereof we have seen a certificate of fortie six last sould since the fourteenth of Ianuary last And your Majesties store being unfurnished of powder which by a contract made with Mr. Evelin by the advise of the Lords in Parliament ought to be supplied monthly with twentie last at the rate of 3 l. 10. s. 10. d. the barrel Your Majestie hath been forced to pay above 7. l. a barrel for powder to be brought from beyond the Seas for which purpose 12400. l. hath been imprest to Mr. Burlamacho the last year and that powder not so good as that which by contract your Majestie should have of your own by one third part All which are most fearfull and dangerous abuses But what the poverty weakness and miserie your Kingdom is now grown unto by decay of trade by destruction and loss of ships and Marriners within these three last years we are almost afraid to declare And could we have been assured that your Majesty should any other way have had a true information thereof we should have been doubtfull to have made our weakness and extreamity of misfortune in this kinde to appear But the importunate and most pittifull complaints from all the parts of your Kingdom near adjoyning to the sea in this kinde would rend we think the strongest heart in the world with sorrow And the sence we have of the miserable condition your Kingdoms is in by reason thereof especially for that we see no present possible means being now shortly to end this session how to help the same adds such a weight of grief unto our sadd thoughts as we have no words to express it But for your Majesties more exact reformation herein we beseech you be pleased to peruse the Kallandar of particulars which with this our Remonstrance we most humbly present unto your Majestie One reason amongst many others of this decay of trade and loss of ships Marriners is the not guarding seas the Regalitie whereof your Majesty hath now in a manner wholly lost and that wherein a principal part of the honour and safetie of this Kingdom heretofore consisted in having the absolute command of the seas is now so neglected that the Town of Dunkerk doth so continuallie beat robb and spoil your Subjects that we can assure your Majestie if some present and effectual remedie be not forthwith provided the whole trade of this Kingdom the shipping and Marriners belonging thereunto will be utterly lost and consumed The principal cause of these Evils and Dangers we conceive to be the excessive power of the Duke of Buckingham and the abuse of that power And we humbly submit it to your Majesties Excellent wisdom whether it can be either safe for your self or your Kingdom that so great power as rests in him both by sea and land should be in the hands of any one Subject whatsoever And as it is not safe so sure we are it cannot be for your service it being impossible for any one man to mannage so many and so weightie affairs of the Kingdom as he hath undertaken besides the ordinary duties of those great offices which he holds some of which well performed would require the time and industrie of the ablest man both for Councel and action that your whole Kingdom could afford especially in these times of common danger And our humble desire further is that your most Excellent Majestie would be pleased to take it into your Princely consideration whether in respect the same Duke hath so abused his power it be safe for your Majestie and your Kingdoms to continue him either in his great offices of trust or in his place of nearness and Councel about your sacred person And thus in all humility aiming at nothing but the honour of Almightie God the maintenance of his true Religion the safetie and happiness of your most Excellent Majestie and the preservation and prosperitie of this Church and Common-Wealth we have endeavoured with faithfull hearts and intentions and in discharge of the dutie we owe to your Majestie and our Countrey to give your Majestie a true representation of our present dangers and pressing calamities which we humbly beseech your Majestie gratiously to accept and to take the same to heart accompting the safety and prosperity of your people your greatest happiness and their love your richest treasure A rufull and lamentable spectacle we confess it must needs be to behold these ruines in so fair a house so many-diseases and almost every one of them deadly in so strong and well tempered a bodie as this Kingdom latelie was yet we will not doubt but that God hath reserved this honour for your Majestie to restore the safety and happiness thereof again as a work worthy so Excellent a Prince For whose long life and true felicity we dayly pray and that your fame and never dying glory may be continued to all succeeding generations A Kallender or Schedule of the shipping of this Kingdom which have been taken by the enemy and lost at sea within the space of three years last past Taken by the Enemy Ships of the burthen of 100. Tun and upwards belonging to London Ipswich Newcastle Hull Yarmouth Aldb●●ough The ships 77 and furniture vallued at 62000. l. Cast away Ships of the same burthen belonging to the same places 133 The ships and furniture vallued at 100000. l. Taken and cast away Ships of the like burthen belonging to Lynne Bristol Dartmouth Portsmouth Southampton Waymouth Exceter Shoram Harwich D●ver Woodbridge Sandwich 50 The ships and furniture vallued at 35000. l. Some 260 ships vallued at 197000. l. Taken by the Enemy Ships of 100 Tonne belonging to London Newcastle Hull Boston Yarmouth Lynne Aldborough Dover The County of Suffex Pool Southampton Weymouth Exceter Dartmouth Bristol Iersey Scarbr●ugh Soul and Dunwich 130 The vallued not certified Touching the Ports and Towns of Portsmouth Westchester Milfordhaven Bridgwater Bastable Faymouth Foy Lynne Regis Isle of Whight Colchester Iersey Low Whitby Bridlington Blackney Wels. Orford Brightling-sea Rochester and divers other small Ports great losses whereof no particular is given The goods and Merchandizes lost in the shipping aforesaid and in Flemish bottoms fraighted by English Merchants to be imported into this Kingdom are of exceeding great vallue the certainty whereof cannot now be expressed Onely one company of Merchants Trading to the Eastwards from London Ipswich Hull and New-castle in half this space of time have lost one hundred thousand pounds taken by the Enemy A Great Number of Marriners also proportionable to this loss of shipping have been taken and destroyed by the Enemy and cast away through disorderly pressing and forcing upon Winter voyages besides many more by reason of their
I. I. TOUCHING BARRONETS Motives to induce the KNIGHTS CITTIZENS and BURGESSES of the Commons House of Parliament to Petition his Majestie for the revokeing and abollishing of the degree of BARRONETS lately erected by his Highnesses Letters patents FIrst because this new degree is offensive to the Nobility of the Realm whose descendants in all reason ought to have prime eminency amongst the Gentry of this Kingdom yet Barronets by these patents are to have precedency before the descendants from the younger children of Barronets Earles D●kes c. And to the order of Knight-hood because that degree brings a personal dignity and springing out of virtue and desert ought to be rancken next and imediately unto Barrony Nevertheless the degree of Barronets is interposed between Barrony and Knight-hood And unto the Gentry of this Kingdom because many of the Barronets and their descendants being meanly descended must have precedency before Gentry of Auncient Family who by this Innovation will be much vilified and of small reckoning in the Common-Wealth And unto the Magistrates of this Kingdom who in respect of their offices and place wherein they serve as also the gravity and wisdom of their Persons in publick services and assemblies have used to have precedence before others but now they must give place unto Barronets and their descendants albeit some of them are and many of them in time to come may be mean in birth poor in state and of small worth and desert And unto the whole Communalty whose descendants by their virtues and good fortunes may hereafter attain unto credit and reputation in the Common-Wealth Inconveniences that will arise to his Majestie and the State by reason of this new institution THere will be always dislike envy and heart-burning between the Gentry of the Kingdom and the Barronets The Honour of Knight-hood which was wont to incourage generous mindes unto high exploits will now come in t contempt for be they of never so good prowess and valour they must by this institution be inferior unto Barronets of small worth Knight-hood hath been held a competent reward for forraign and home imployments and now his Majestie must be driven to search new ways for the recompence and satisfaction of such services Gentlemen of Lively-hood and estimation will refrain his Majesties service in publick Assemblies for the Administration of Justice and otherwise because they scorn to give place unto many of the Barronets whom they account their inferiors The reputation of Knight-hood and antiquity of discent hath in former times much advanced the Gentry so quallified in preferment to marriage who are very much prejudiced by this Hereditary Tittle Great Noble men of this Kingdom have been degraded from thein particular dignity for want of means to support their Honours but these Barronets albeit they shall happen to be of no worth either in estate or desert must have precedence before Knights of greater reputation Nothing is more commended then Honour springing out of virtue and desert but to purchase Honour with money as Barronets have done is a temporall symmony and dishonorable to the States The Communalty of the Kingdom ever since the first institution thereof hath consisted of certain degrees known and legall additions without change or alteration may by way of president alter the whole strain of the Common-Wealth His Majestie by his prerogative Royall Creates Barrons Viscounts Earls and many other degrees of Nobillity as other his Ancestors and Predecessors have done but the creation of this or any other in Communalty is not warranted by any former president usage or custom The Examination of ANDREVV Le BRUN a Frenchman Captain of the MARY of ROCHEL taken before ABRAHAM CELMER Merchant Major of the Burrough of PLIMOUTH 16 May 1628. THe examinate saith that one Sunday being the ●7 of April last past he departed from Pli●outh harbor in company with the English Fleet whereof the Ear● of Denbigh is General and one the first day of May then following the said Fleet ar●ived and came at Anchor at Charleboy in the rode of Rochell about 4 of the clock in the afternoone where at the said arr●uall they found 20 sail of the King of France his ships whereof six were ships of about 300 Tuns and the rest were smaller ships and forthwith the said French ships put themselves to sail and went in nearer to the Fortifications where they also Anchored within two canno● shot of the English Fleet And saith that one of his Majestie shi●s shot off one peece of Ordinance and no more and the said French ships as they returned from the English Fleet shot off oftentimes to them and that the same Fleet remained there untill the 8 day of the same month of May in which time there was a Wherry se●t from the fleet into Rochell wherein there were two English and one French man to inquire the State of the said Town and that if they were there safe arrived they should make a fire upon one of the Towers of the Town to give notice thereof which accordingly they did and also to make so many fires more one the Walls of the said Town as they have moneths victualls there but they made not any answer thereof Whence it was collected that they had but a small quantity of victualls and said that the said English as he hath heard promised to sink the said French ships when the waters did increase and the winde came at West North-West it being then neap tides and about two days after the water did increase and the windes came accordingly and being then intreated to fight with them yet did not but came away without fighting or releiving the Town and saith that one the 8 day of May the said English Fleet weighed Anchor and set sail to depart and 4 of the French great ships weighed Anchor also and came after them and shot divers times at the said Fleet and the said Fleet shot at them again and the said examinate came in company with the said Fleet as far as Bell Isle where he departed from them one the 10 of this instant and lastly saith that during all the time the English Fleet was there the Town of Rochel shot to the King of France his ships and Fort but chiefly upon the arrival of the said Fleet there Articles wherewith MELVINE is charged 1. MR. Melvine said that the Dukes plot was that the Parliament should be dissolved And that the Duke and the King with a great Army of Horse and Fott would War against the cominalty and that Scotland should assist him so that when War was amongst our selves the Enemy should come in for this Kingdom is already sould to the Enemy by the Duke 2. That the Duke had a stronger Councel then the King of which were certain Iesuites Scotish men and that they did sit in Councel every night from one of the clock till three 3. That when the King had a purpose to do any thing of what consequence soever the
a prison then a Kingdome for we were not able to walke abroad These are dangers too many yet have I willingly abridged them for I had rather come to the remedy so should we all which consists only in money plentifully and speedily brought in wisely and judiciously laid out I doubt not but wee are all resolved to give wherefore Mr Speaker let us prepare out selves to give plentifully to satisfie the publick occasions to heave his Majesty out of necessity for necessity is the worst Counseller and I shall be verie sorry that we of all others should be guilty of placing ill Counsell about the King and now to think of sparing when all lies at the stake were the most undoing kind of prodigality Let us give speedily for delaie is the greatest danger of all dangers it will not only loose that which we give but that also which we would give And this I propound not as the Kings businesse but our way wherein every man in this house hath particular interest if his fortune his life his religion be any thing unto him Neither speak I this to divert the great businesse in hand but to hasten it for I love as well Mr Speaker to tread upon English ground as any man here doth The King's Message to the House of Commons by M r Speaker 12 April 1628. HIs Majesty having given timely notice to this House as well of the pressing of the time as of the necessity of supply hath long since expected some fruit of that which was so happily begun but finding an unexpected stop almost beyond all expectation after so good a beginning hath commanded me to tell you that without any further unnecessary delay you proceed with his businesses for however he hath been willing and consenting his affaires and ours should concurre and proceed together yet his meaning was not that one should give interruption to another nor the time to be spunne out upon any pretence upon which the common cause of Christendome doth so much depend He bids us therefore to take heed and force not him to make an unpleasing end of that which hath been so well begun The Petition concerning the billetting of Souldiers 14 April 1628. To the Kings most Excellent Majesty IN all humility complaining shew unto your most excellent Majesty your loyall and dutifull Commons now in Parliament assembled That whereas by the fundamentall Lawes of this your Realme every free-man hath and of right ought to have a full and absolute propriety in his goods and estate and that therefore the billetting and placing of Souldiers in the houses of any such free-man against his will is directly contrarie to the said Lawes under which we and our Ancestours have been so long and happily governed yet in apparent violation of the said ancient and undoubted right of all your Majesties most loyall Subjects of this your Kingdome in generall and to the grievous and insupportable vexation and detriment of many Countreys and persons in particular a new and heretofore almost unheard of way hath been invented and put in practise to lay Souldiers upon them scattered in Companies here and there even in the heart and bowels of this Kingdome and to compell many of your Majesties Subjects to receive and lodge them in their own houses and both themselves and others to contribute towards the maintenance of them to the exceeding great disservice of your Majesty to the generall terrour of all and utter undoing of many of your poor people Insomuch that we cannot sufficiently nor in any sort proportionable to the lively sense that we have of our miserie herein are we able to represent unto your Majesty the innumerable mischiefs and continuall vexations that by this meanes alone we do now suffer whereof we will not presume to trouble your sacred ●ares with particular instances Only most gracious Sovereign we beg leave to offer unto your gracious view and compassionate Consideration a few of them in generall First The service of almighty God is hereby greatly hindred the people in many places not daring to repair to the Churches least the Souldiers in the mean time should rifle their houses 2. The ancient and good government of the Countrey is hereby neglected and contemned 3. Your Officers of Justice in performance of their duties have been resisted and indangered 4. The rents and revenues of your Gentrie greatly and generally diminished Farmers to secure themselves from the Souldiers insolencie being by the clamours and solicitation of their fearfull and injured wives and children inforced to give up their wonted dwellings and to retire themselves into places of more secure habitation 5. Husbandmen that are as it were the hands of the Countrey corrupted by ill example of the Souldiers and incouraged to idle life give over work and rather seek to live idly at another mans charge then by their own labours 6. Tradesmen and Artificers almost discouraged being inforced to leave their trades and to imploy their time in preserving themselves and their families from violence and cruelty 7. Markets unfrequented and our wayes grown so dangerous that your people dare not passe to and fro upon their usuall occasions 8. Frequent robberies assaults batteries burglaries rapes rapines murthers barbarous cruelties and other most abominable vices and outrages are generally complained of from all parts where these Companies have been and had their abode few of which insolencies have been so much as questioned and fewer according to their demerits punished These and many other lamentable effects most dread and dear Sovereign have by this billetting of Souldiers fallen upon your loyall Subjects tending no lesse to the disservice of your Majesty then to their own impoverishing and destruction so that they are thereby exceedingly disabled to yield your Majesty those supplies for your urgent occasions which they heartily desire And yet they are further perplexed with apprehension of more approching dangers one in regard of your Subjects at home and the other from Enemies abroad In both which respects it seems to threaten no small Calamitie For the first the meaner sort of your people being exceeding poor whereof in many places be great multitudes and therefore in times of most settled and constant administration of Justice not easily ruled are most apt upon this occasion to cast off the reines of government and by joyning themselves with these disordred Souldiers are very likely to fall into mutinie and rebellion which in faithfull discharge of our duties we cannot forbear most humblie to present to your high and excellent Wisdome being prest with probable feares that some such mischief will shortly ensue if an effectuall and speedie course be not taken to remove out of the land or else otherwise to disband those unruly Companies For the second we do most humbly beseech your Majesty to take into your Princely consideration that many of these Companies besides their dissolute dispositions and carriages are such as do openly professe themselves to be Papists and