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A15343 A short, yet sound commentarie; written on that woorthie worke called; the Prouerbes of Salomon and now published for the profite of Gods people. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1589 (1589) STC 25627; ESTC S119970 239,133 222

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hearts of his children vnderstanding by feare a reuerence of his Maiestie ioyned with loue they departe vz. speedilie from euill i. from naughtie conuersation and all things that may pull on to the same see 1. Thessalo 5.22 Vers 7. When the waies of a man i. his purposes deedes and the whole course of his life pleaseth the Lord i. be such as he accepteth and alloweth of which is when they are framed according to the rule of his word he i. God the Lord will make vz. by his mightie power and working his enemies at peace with him i. so farre off shall it be that they that neuer hated him shall attempt any euill against him that euen his very foes and aduersaries shal procure all manner of good for him for so much I suppose he vnderstandeth by the name of peace Vers 8. Better is a little vz. gotten and atchieued with righteousnes i. with vpright and iust dealing than great reuenues vz. though they come yearely monethly or daylie in without equitie i. gotten with the iniurie and opression of other men see Chap. 15.16 Vers 9. The heart of man purposeth his waie i. he waieth and thinketh vpon the things which hee hath to doo tossing them too and fro in his thought and imagination but the Lord vz. alone doth direct vz alwaies by his power and prouidence his steppes i. euery thing that he taketh in hand for the sense of this place see vers 1. of this Chap. also Ierem. 10.23 and Prou. 19.28 Vers 10. A diuine sentence i. a true and certaine iudgement euen as it were from God himselfe I know that the word signifieth diuination or foretelling such as Soothsayers Astrologers c. vse But he meaneth it not thereof for it is forbidden Deuteron 18.10 11. c. but rather noteth that the word of the king is and ought to bee a moste sure worde as those things which they foretel seeme at the least to the parties themselues and those that credit them to be shall be vz. or ought to be prescribing as it were his dueties which word I suppose might be better added here in the lippes of the king i. in his words and speaches vttered with his lippes putting the word king for al Magistrates whatsoeuer his mouth shal not transgresse in iudgement i. while hee sitteth in iudgement hee shoulde not pronounce or award vniust sentences but deale vprightlie in all causes as may appeare by the verses following Vers 11. A true weight and balance i. vpright and faithfull dealing in euery respect and this seemeth to be a reason of the former rule q.d. the iudgement and vprightnesse which Magistrates and other men faithfullie execute is not from men themselues but of God see Deuteron 1.17 2. Chronic. 19.6 and hee meaneth most exact obseruation of iudgement and iustice by weight and balance are of the Lord i. are ordeyned of him and commaunded by him see Deuteron 25.13 14 15. also Chap. 11.1 all the weights vz. how great or how little so euer they bee of the bagge i. which men put into the bagge for the better and more safe keeping of them he alludeth to Deuteron 25.13 meaning it also of iust and equall weights are his word i. the Lord hath made and ordeyned the same to bee vsed as appeareth by the place before alledged Vers 12. It is vz. or els it ought to be an abhomination i. a horrible and lothsome thing to kings i. to great and mightie men or to Magistrates of what degree or calling soeuer they be to commit vz. in thought word or deede wickednes i. any manner of wickednes either against God or man and this he speaketh speciallie because of their great callinges and high places wherein they are set for the throne vz. of the king or kingdome meaning thereby the kingdome it selfe a parte for the whole as sundrie times in the psalmes and namely Psalme 93.2 also Psalme 132.12 is established i. is made firme and sure with great likelyhoode of continuance by iustice vz. by faithfull and diligent executing of iustice and equitie Vers 13. Righteous lippes are the delight of kings i. kings and Magistrates should take speciallie delight and pleasure in such persons as speaketh righteous and good things a part put for the whole person and one instrument wherewith the voyce is framed put for the words themselues and the King i. all rulers and magistrates loueth i. ought tenderly to affect him i. those whosoeuer they be that speaketh right things vz. vnto them This he speaketh because Princes do many times more delight and sauour flatterers than plaine dealers Vers 14. The wrath of a King i. that indignation and displeasure which a great man beareth against another is as messengers of death i. is at it were deadly to him with whom he is angrie and bringeth as it were present death euery thing then threatning death as it were which wee see by daylie experience And he saith messengers in the plurall number that it might haue the greater force but a wise man will pacifie it vz. in time and by all the lawfull meanes he can hée will indeuour the quenching of it for feare of inconueniences and mischiefes that may insue thereon Vers 15. In the light of the Kings countenance i. in his fauourable countenance q.d. when it pleaseth the King with a pleasant and merrie countenance to shewe that he fauoureth men is life i. there is hope of all manner of prosperitie and florishing and his fauour vz. so expressed and declared towards other men is as a cloude vz. which is full and therefore powreth downe raine see Eccle. 11.13 of the latter raine vz. which falleth somewhat before haruest before the corne ripe and maketh the yéeld of fruit to be great see Deutero 11.14 Iames 5.7 Vers 16. How much better is it q.d. It can hardly be tolde or a man is not able to expresse what great oddes and difference there is to get vz. by industrie and paines taking wisedome i. heauenly wisedome and knowledge of Gods will reuealed in his word than gold yea than fine and precious gold for so much the word importeth and to get vnderstanding vz. of Gods word and truth The Rabbins referre wisedome to spirituall and diuine things and vnderstanding to worldly and humane but me thinketh the other sense is plaine is more to be desired vz. by many degrées and to be sought for than siluer i. than chosen or fined siluer see Chapt. 3.14 Also Chapt. 8.10 Meaning that holie wisedome is to bee preferred before all thinges Vers 17. The path of the righteous vz. wherein he walketh is to decline from euill i. the righteous man hath a great care and conscience in all his conuersation and actions to abstaine from sinne and iniquitie and all that may allure thereto see verse 6. of this Chapt. and he keepeth his soule vz. from destruction meaning also by soule himselfe a part for the whole that keepeth his way vz. vpright in the obedience of
but for all their scorning and cunning speaches iudgements i. punishments and the plurall number noteth the variety and multitude of them are prepared i. not onely appoynted but euen in a readynes to be executed eyther by the Magistrate or els by the Lord himselfe eyther in this life or in the life to come or both for the scorners i. for such as scorne at God and all goodnes and stripes for the back of fooles hee meaneth that which hee spake before expressing it vnder other termes vnderstanding hereby not onely bodily punishments in this life but also eternal in the life to come Do. Vers 1. Teacheth vs that the godlie poore estate is not the worst also Do. that we should not giue our lippes leaue to runne at randome Vers 2. Teacheth vs that sounde knowledge is the informer of the minde also that we should bridle the partes and members of our bodies from wickednes Vers 3. Teacheth vs that lacke of sound iudgement is the very mother of all the corruptions which we commit against God or man Verse 4. Teacheth vs that wee should not regarde a man for his riches onely nor despise him for his pouertie but respect rather his good or his euill dealing towards God and men Vers 5. Teacheth vs to abhorre false witnes bearing and and lying Vers 6. Teacheth vs rightly to esteeme great personages and to practise liberalitie as a vertue which doth much commend vs to GOD and men Vers 7. Teacheth vs that pouertie dooth many times estrange the hearts of frends and kinsfolkes from such as fall into it Vers 8. Teacheth vs that heauenlie wisdome is the meane to preserue vs both in this life and in the life to come Vers 9. Teacheth vs to flee from false witnes bearing and lying Ver. 10. Teacheth vs that things vncomely are not to be allowed of Ver. 11. Teacheth vs to bridle the rage of our angrie affections and to be readie to forgiue offences committed against vs. Vers 12. Sheweth what great difference there is betweene the grace and displeasure of Princes and mightie men Vers 13. Setteth out the miseries that come by euill children and wicked wiues Vers 14. Sheweth what a great blessing and that from the Lorde a good wife is Vers 15. Teacheth vs to auoide idlenes on the one side and deceit on the other side Vers 16. Setteth out the good that commeth by obedience of Gods lawe and the miserie that insueth vpon carelesnesse of holie conuersation Vers 17. Teacheth vs pittie and liberalitie towards the poore Vers 18. Teacheth parents to giue moderate and due correction to their offending children or seruants Vers 19. Setteth out the great miserie that commeth by giuing our anger the reynes Vers 20. Teacheth vs alwaies to receaue good counsell Vers 21. Sheweth as the varietie of mans minde and the inconstancie of all his deuices so the assurednes of the Lordes purposes Verse 22. Teacheth vs that this is the especiall marke wee shoulde shoote at in this life euen goodnes and wel doing and neuer to refuse a man for his pouertie but for his lying Vers 23. Setteth out the effectes and fruites of the feare of God Vers 24. Teacheth vs to shunne idlenes Vers 25. Teacheth vs that reproofes can neuer be vttered in vaine but that it shall doo good though perhappes not to the partie reprooued yet to others which are by Vers 26. Teacheth men to auoide all vnnaturalnes towards their parents Vers 27. Teacheth vs not to giue eare towards that will prouoke to sinne Vers 28. Doth liuelie painte out the nature of the wicked and vngodlie Vers 29. Teacheth vs that they shall not escape vnpunished for the same CHAP. 20. Co. IN the other Chapter and last end thereof he taught men for feare of punishment to take heede how they gaue themselues ouer to any wickednes and namelie to false witnes bearing And now in the beginning of this Chapter hee willeth them for the inconuenience that may insue thereof to beware of dronkennes and the meanes of that vice and so proceedeth to deliuer other doctrines and exhortations Di. Di. 1 THe Chapter may be diuided into three parts The first reacheth from vers 1. to the end of the 10. Wherein he intreateth of dronkennes of a kings wrath of contention of idlenes of the depth of mans heart of boasting of fond dealing of a good King and his duetie of naturall corruption and of false weights and measures The second reacheth from verse 11. to Di. 2 the end of the 20. wherein he speaketh of good or euill workes of the right vse of the eye and eare of sleeping or idlenes of craft and deceit of the excellencie of knowledge of sureties and their estate of aduice or counsell of slandering and flatterie of vnnaturalnes towards parents The third reacheth Di. 3 from verse 1. to the end of the Chapter wherein he speaketh of ill gotten goods of patience of false weights of Gods prouidence of the right vse of holie things of a good King or Prince of the power and force of Gods word of mercie and iustice the two props of all kingdomes of yong men and old persons and of corrections Se. Vers 1. WIne vz. taken and receiued immoderatly is a mocker i. a deceiuer of him that so vseth it for where as he vainely supposed that it was swéete and pleasant vnto him it is become hurtfull and strong drinke the Hebrue word importeth euery drinke that may make men dronken is raging i. it carrieth those men that excessiuely vse it into outrage and violence against others and whosoeuer vz. of what state or condition soeuer he be is deceiued thereby i. is ouertaken therewith is not wise i. sheweth thereby that he hath not as yet tasted of the heauenlie wisedome I allowe not the note in the Geneua bible which referreth it to the persons Vers 2. The feare of the King vz. being once angrie against a man meaning by feare that terror with his wrath or anger striketh into men with whom he is offended is like the roring of a lyon i. is very fearefull and terrible see Chap. 19.12 Also Chap. 16.14 he vz. how great soeuer he be that prouoketh vz. by his ill demeanour him i. the King to anger vz. against himselfe sinneth against his owne soule i. putteth his life in very great danger for the Kings wrath shall bee towards him that is lewd Chap. 14.35 Vers 3. It is a mans honor i. it is a glorious and very honorable thing for a man see Chap. 19.11 to cease vz. what in him lieth and as much as is possible from strife vz. with al other men see Rom. 12.18 but euery foole i. euery one that is foolish not rightly taught of God will be medling vz. busilie with other men and their matters which is indéede the mother and nurse of all contention Vers 4. The slothfull vz. man or person will not plow i. diligently and faithfully followe his calling for by one which is
other mens businesses and rashly for another giue his word for if he be rash and vnaduised in his owne matters he will not be wise in thine Neither is this against Gods commandement Exod. 22.26 for there he speaketh of the poore brother who for the néede of their household were constrained to lay pawnes or gages but here of rash and lauish sureties see Chap. 22.20 Also Chap. 27.13 Ver. 17. The bread of deceit i. all manner of maintenance craftely compassed gotten is sweet i. so seemeth to be at the first to a man i. to a worldly minded man but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with grauell i. monie and goods so gotten shall bee full of hurt and destruction to him see Chap. 9.17.18 Vers 18. Establish the thoughts vz. of thy heart and head by counsell i. by holie counsell and good aduice q.d. that thing is sure and stedfast which is not attempted rashly but with good aduice and by counsell i. by good and deliberate counsell make warre vz. against thine enemies vnderstanding by this one particular the attempting of all the like q.d. doo nothing at all but deuise of it well before Vers 19. He that goeth about vz. from place to place and from house to house as a slanderer vz. of other men discouereth vz. at some one time or other either for fauour feare or flatterie secrets vz. committed vnto him to keepe see before Chap. 11.13 therfore meddle not vz. at any hand that is to say haue nothing to doo much lesse communicate any close matter to such a one as followeth with him that flattereth with his lippes i. a flatterer and a fawner vpon other men Ver. 20. He vz. whosoeuer he be that curseth i. notoriously disobeyeth and with reuiling and cursing speaches speaketh vnto his father and his mother i. his parents his light shall be put out in obscure darknes i. his name and memorie shall be vtterly taken away yea he shall be depriued of all prosperitie and blessing and shall be accursed both in this life in the life to come see Exod. 21.17 Leuit. 20.9 Deut. 21.18 c. Vers 21. An heritage i. any thing whatsoeuer as goods lands and such like is vz. many times hastelie gotten yea and that by indirect and vnlawfull meanes at the beginning i. at the first atchieuing and getting therof but the end thereof i. of that heritage or possession so hastelie and vnlawfully gotten shall not be blessed vz. from the Lord the reason is because goods hastelie gotten are commonly gotten by iniurie and deceit Vers 22. Say not thou vz. either in thy heart or with thy words I will recompense euill vz. done against me q.d. abstaine from all reuenge and requiting of iniurie either in word or deede yea abstaine from the very affection of reuenging but waite vz. with patience vpon the Lord vz. to whom vengeance doth belong Deut. 32.35 Psalm 94.1 and for the execution of his iudgements and he vz. alone shal saue thee i. kéepe thée safe sound from the rage of all thine enemies al hurts whatsoeuer Vers 23. Diuers weights see verse 10. of this chap. are an abomination vnto the Lord see chap. 11.1 and deceitfull balances i. weights balances by which with which deceit is practised for otherwise balances are hardly deceitfull of themselues are not good i. are much hurtfull euill see Chap. 17.26 Also Chap. 18.5 Vers 24. The steppes of man i. all the actions and affayres of man specially concerning good things are ruled vz. euen euery one of them wholly and altogether by the Lord i. by God himselfe and by his almightie power and prouidence how can a man then vz. as he is a man vnderstand vz. rightly to dispose and knowe the effect and issue of his owne way i. his thoughts words and purposes see Psalm 37.23 Prouerb 16.9 Ierem. 10.23 Vers 25. It is a destruction i. it bringeth destruction with it to the party committing the offence afterwards expressed for a man vz. of what state or calling so euer he be to deuoure that which is sanctified vz. to the Lord and to holy vses as it were in sacrifices to eate the Lords parte q.d. he purchaseth death vnto himselfe whosoeuer hee be who either taketh away from God any thing that is offered vnto him or holdeth back that which is due vnto him and after the vowes i. the things vowed to the Lord and offered to him to take them away from him and the vses he hath appoynted them too to inquire vz. whether they may doo so yea or no q.d. when sinne is committed it is to late to inquire of it Vers 26. A wise King i. a good and a godly Magistrate scattereth vz. by his vpright and good gouernment the wicked vz. people of his land and countrie we had a like sentence before in this Chapter vers 8. sauing that that is spoken of euill things especially and this of wicked persons and causeth the wheele to turne ouer them i. sharpely and seuerely punisheth them putting one kinde thereof for all He meaneth that good princes cannot away with wicked persons Psalm 101.7 8. but rooteth them out as a good husband man doth the chaffe from the Wheate vnder the word wheele he alludeth to the manner of threshing vsed among the Iewes whereof see Isaiah 28.27.28 Vers 27. I would restore this whole verse out of a worthie interpreter thus Mans soule vz. wherein is placed the gift of reason and vnderstanding is as it were the Lords light i. is such an excellent parte as into which God hath powred great light and wherein also his glorie doth wonderfully appeare which vz. soule and vnderstanding of man searcheth vz. out and thorowly all the bowells of the bellie i. all the most secret and inward things q.d. GOD hath put into mans soule a light by which he searcheth out the most deepe and secret things I take it to bee the same in meaning though not in words with vers 6. of this Chapter Vers 28. Mercy i. pittie and compassion towards such as are oppressed and trueth i. ministring of iustice truely and vprightly preserue vz. from all violence and danger the King i. both his person and state vnderstanding also there by the name of King all Magistrates both superior and inferior see Psalm 101.1 for his throne i. he and his kingdome a parte of princelike pompe put for the whole shall bee established vz. assuredly to continue and abide for euer with mercie i. with practising pitie and compassion as before in this verse Vers 29. The beautie of yong men i. that which maketh yong men beautifull and glorious amongst others is their strength i. the strength agilitie and good giftes of the bodie that God hath indued them withall speciallie if they vse them to the good of the countrie and common wealth wherein they liue and the glorie of the aged i. that which bringeth glorie and credit to the olde folkes is the gray head i.
34. Tend all to the dispraise of idlenes and sloth shewing what effects it bringeth foorth as first vnfruitfulnes and barrennes of ground Verse 31. Secondarilie speedie and vnauoidable beggerie Vers 34 32. Teacheth vs further this doctrine euen by the hurt of others to learne to make our owne good and profite as when we see any giuen to any vice to learne in the beginning of it in them to shunne it in ourselues CHAP. 25. Co. THis Chapter dependeth vpon the other thus that the holie Ghost proceedeth still in deliuering vnto vs more of Salomons prouerbes and sentences which may appeare by the word also vers 1. q.d. not onely these that you haue heard alreadie were Salomons but these that followe vnto the end of the booke Di. THis Chapter may bee diuided into three parts In the first he speaketh Di. 1 generally of Kings and Magistrates also he dealeth against proud boasters and vaineglorious persons and against contentious men and willeth men not to discouer secrets from verse 1. to the end of the 10. In the second Di. 2 he speaketh of seasonablenes of speach of good reproofes of faithfull messengers of false boasting of gentle words of moderate vse of pleasure and dealeth against ouer much boldnes against false witnesses vnfaithfull men and oppressors from verse 11. to the end of the 20. In the third he teacheth Di. 3 men to ouercome euill with weldoing to beware of receiuing reports and sheweth the discommodities of a brauling woman he speaketh of good tidings of the state of the godlie vnder tyrants of seeking mens owne glorie and praise and of not bridling the appetite from verse 21. to the end of the Chapter Se. Vers 1. THese vz. following as well as those that goe before are also parables of Salomon i. such as he himselfe spake and writ and seeme to be contained amongst those thrée thousand mentioned 1. King 4.32 Concerning the word parables see chap. 1.1 which the men of Hezekiah i. the seruants of King Hezekiah king of Iudah of him you may reade and of his acts 2. King chap. 18 19 20. copied out vz. of sundrie writings or bookes and made as it were but one bodie or matter of them Vers 2. The glorie of God is to conceale a thing secret i. because Gods iudgements are vnsearchable and his waies past finding out as Rom. 11.33 his glorie is so much the more great and excellent but the Kings honor is i. it is a very honorable and glorious matter for him to search out vz. very diligently and when hee hath found it to manifest the same vnto others a thing i. euery thing or matter that he may set out q.d. on the other side nothing is so honorable for a king as to looke throughly into all matters and to knowe euery thing and to make manifest euery thing that appertaineth to kingly dignitie and may get credite thereto Vers 3. The heauens in height vz. doo excéede mans knowledge and skill and the earth in deepenes vz. goeth beyond al the reach of his vnderstanding and reason and the Kings heart i. the imaginations deuises and actions that he thinketh vpon and performeth Here he putteth the heart for them all because it is the fountaine from whence they procéed can no man vz. how wise or cunning so euer he bee search out vz. by any meanes q.d. as the height of the heauens and the depth of the earth cannot certainlie bee comprehended of man so can no man search the affections of a King no not of any other as to haue a certaine knowledge thereof see 1. Cor. 2.11 Vers 4. Take i. let a man take the drosse from the siluer vz. after it is fined and there shall proceede vz. from the siluer so fined a vessell i. a good and a profitable vessell for the finer either for his vse or sake that fineth it Vers 5. Take away the wicked i. let the vngodlie bee remoued from the King i. from the Magistrates presence house court or kingdome and his throne i. his whole kingdome shall by that meanes be established vz. very certainlie and surely in righteousnes i. in vpright and iust dealing see Chap. 20.8 I would ioyne these two verses together and reade them as a similitude q.d. as when the drosse is remoued from the siluer there remaineth nothing but good and pure matter for the finer to frame a good vessell so the way to haue his kingdome established in peace and prosperitie is to take away the wicked for he resembleth the wicked to drosse the King to the finer and his kingdome to fined siluer or a vessel made thereof Ver. 6. Boast not thy selfe i. make no glorious shewe of the things thou hast either in wordes countenance apparell c. before the King i. in his presence court or kingdome and stand not vz. either ouer long or els gloriouslie in the place of great men i. either in their palaces or in such places as doo properly appertaine to them q.d. be content with thine owne place and calling He meaneth to drawe men from ambition and to teach them not to affect places or callings that are too high for them Vers 7. For it is better vz. by much or many degrees that it be said vnto thee vz. openly and before others that by them that are the rulers and gouernours of the house come vp hether vz. higher and so shouldest be exalted than thou to bee put lower vz. for lifting vp thy selfe too high and that to thy great shame in the presence of the prince i. before some great or noble personage whom thine eyes hath seene i. to whom thou hast drawne nigh that thou mightest very familiarly looke vpon him as it were see Luke 14.7 8 9 10. Vers 8. Goe not foorth vz. at any time out of thine owne house land or limites hastelie i. rashly vnaduisedly or without cause to strife vz. against thy neighbour or any man least vz. thou be thereby brought to such extremitie that thou knowe not what to doo vz. against thine aduersarie or in thine owne defence and this hée speaketh not onely because rashnes maketh men rush into vnlawfull thinges but depriueth them as it were for a time of all their senses in the end of thereof i. at the end of that strife and contention when thy neighbour i. he that dealeth against thee or against whom thou hast dealt hath put thee vz. by the sober and wise handling of his matters and thorowe thine owne rashnes and hastines to shame vz. before men Vers 9. Debate q.d. conferre rather quietlie betweene thee and him thy matter i. the cause that thou hast with thy neighbour i. with him whome thou hast to deale our Sauiour seemeth to giue the same counsell and to allude thereto Matth. 5.25 26. Matth. 18.15 and discouer not vz. at any hand the secret vz. of another man which is commited to thee to another vz. that is not acquainted with that cause Vers 10. Least hee that heareth
he hath and commeth in the end to beggerie see Chap. 5.9 also Chap. 6.26 see also Luke 15.13 Vers 4. A king i. a good king and ruler by iudgement i. by faithfull execution of iustice and iudgement to euerie one without partialitie of persons maintaineth vz. in peace and prosperitie the countrey vz. wherein God hath placed him to raigne or whereof through Gods appoyntment he is made ruler and gouernor but a man receauing giftes vz. to peruert iudgement that is a magistrate which is a bribe taker destroyeth it i. doth what in him lyeth to pull destruction vpon it and to ouerthrowe it Vers 5. A man that flattereth his neighbor i. speaking him faire when hee shoulde reprooue him and calling euill good in him spreadeth a net for his steppes i. goeth about secretly to hurte and hinder him or els layeth waite for his life q.d. while he flattereth him he laieth snares and grinnes for him to catch him in euen as the fowler doth for the bird and laboreth to bring him into euill Vers 6. In the transgression of an euill man i. in the very sinne that a wicked man committeth is his snare i. is his owne snare to catch him in q.d. the wicked neede nothing to intangle them but their owne sinne but the righteous i. such as haue a care for righteousnes of life doo sing and reioyce vz. because they feare no snares or intanglings q.d. the wicked mans sinne doth at the last bring with it sorrowe and heauinesse but the godly doo possesse grace and ioy Vers 7. The righteous knoweth the cause of the poore i. doth not onely in his iudgement approoue it but laboreth that right also according thereto may bee yeelded vnto him but the wicked regardeth not knowledge i. hee hath no right knowledge to looke into or to defend the cause of the poore for he that vnderstandeth a cause and defendeth it not as it is good is as though he vnderstoode it not at all yea his not regarding of it is as much as if hee neglected it vtterly Vers 8. Scornefull men i. men giuen to scoffing and scorning specially of good things bring a citie vz. in which they dwell into a snare i. into very great danger and bee as it were the authors of the ruine thereof but wise men i. such as are rightly wise indeede for many haue the shewe of wisdome and not the thing turne a way vz. from it and that by their wisdom wrath i. either the wrath of God or of men conceiued and ready to be practised against it Vers 9. If a wise man contend vz. by word or otherwise meaning by this speach reasoning with him for his amendment with a foolish man i. with a wicked and vngodly man whether he i. the iust man be angrie i. deale roughly or hardly with him or laugh i. deale more gentlie or mildly with him there is no rest i. hee gaineth neither ease nor profit by it the other is so incorrigible q.d. what way soeuer a wise man vse to reforme a foole yet he preuaileth nothing but the other remaineth still in his frowardnes and peruersnes Vers 10. Bloodie men i. cruell and hard hearted men which are giuen to shedding of blood hate vz. deadly and pursue euen vnto the death him that is vpright vz. in his waies meaning such a one as looketh narrowly to his steps either towards God or man but the iust i. godly and kinde harted people whome hee calleth iust because of the fruites of iustice and righteousnes which they shewe foorth haue care of his soule i. care greatly to mainteine and defend his life which the vngodly would faine take away Vers 11. A foole powreth out all his minde i. he hath nothing within him but hée will easilie bewray it but a wise man keepeth it in till afterward i. hee conteyneth whatsoeuer hee hath in his minde that hee may afterwards vtter it in time and place most commodious and fit for it see chap. 14.33 also chap. 15.2 28. Vers 12. Of a prince that hearkeneth to lyes i. not onely heareth them but consenteth vnto them all his seruants are wicked for such as the king is such commonly his officers are wont to be Vers 13. The poore vz. man and the vsurer i. the rich he giueth rich men this name eyther because commonly vsurers are rich men or els because they attaine their riches by vsurie meete together i. are conuersant and liue here together in this life and the Lord lighteneth both their eyes i. giueth either of them their life and being see Iohn 1.9 Acts. 17.28 or as hee saide before Chap. 22.2 the Lord is the maker of them all and not onely this but preserueth and mainteyneth them in the same Vers 14. A king i. euerie Magistrate but he nameth him because he is chiefe that iudgeth the poore in trueth i. dooth pronounce true and vpright iudgement for the afflicted not pitying his cause for his neede sake nor yet wronging him therefore his throne i. his kingdome and gouernment a part put for the whole shall bee established for euer i. it shall continue and indure long see Chap. 20.28 also Chap. 25.5 Vers 15. The rodde and correction vz. giuen with the same vsed yet moderatly and tempered according to the notoriousnes of the fault giue wisedome i. are instruments and meanes to make the parties vpon whom they are occupied wise but a child set at libertie vz. to followe his owne will and doo what he lusteth and not being restrained there from maketh his mother ashamed vz. by his dissolutenes and lewdnes meaning vnder shame not onely reproach before people but also inward griefe and sorow of her owne hart see cha 13.24 also cha 22.15 also cha 23.13 14. Vers 16. When the wicked are increased vz. either in number or in authoritie as being exalted to gouernement transgression increaseth vz. by that meanes for the more wicked people the more sinne and the higher a man is in authoritie if he be naught the more boldly dare he offend the more often also but the righteous shall see their fall i. the destruction and ouerthrowe of the vngodly see Psal 91.8 also Malach. 4. almost throughout Vers 17. Correct thy sonne vz. for his fault meaning by sonne children one of one sexe being put for many of both sexes and he will giue thee rest i. thou shalt see pleasure and profit insue thereupon vnto thee and will giue pleasures to thy soule i. he shall greatly delight thee both inwardly and outwardly so that thy whole man shal take delight and pleasure in him see cha 13.24 also vers 15. of this Chapter Vers 18. Where there is no vision i. where there is no sounde and sincere preaching of Gods doctrine out of the lawe and prophets now as the doctrine is here called a vision and so likewise Isaiah 1.1 so the prophets and messengers thereof are called seers 1. Samuel 9.9 for vision see also Samuel 3.2 the people decay i.
it cannot be auoyded but that they must come to ruine both of body and soule but he that keepeth i. striueth vnfeinedly to keepe the lawe vz. of God is blessed vz. from the Lord meaning also that he shall bee blessed for the Scripture vseth to speake of things to come as if they were present or done already by reason of the certaintie of them Vers 19. A seruant i. a stubborne and rebellious seruant will not bee chastised i. corrected and amended with words vz. onely but men must now and then vse stroakes as the faultes shall deserue though he vnderstand i. though he knowe what you meane by your words yet he will not answere vz. according to that you speak and propound vnto him this is a reason why stripes must be ioyned with words q.d. bare reproofe of words mendeth not a seruant which is deafe to good exhortation or reproofe Vers 20. Seest thou a man hastie in his matters i. one that is headlongly caried without aduise to take in hand euery thing there is more hope of a foole vz. that thou shalt reclaime him than of him vz. that is so hastie in dooing his things see Chap. 26.12 Vers 21. He that delicately bringeth vp his seruant vz. both in meate drinke apparell c. from youth i. from his first beginning euen a long season after at length he wil be euen as his sonne i. hee wil at the length through that delicacie take state vpon him and bee as it were a sonne and a Lord to the rest One readeth it thus at length he shall be voide of children i. that delicate seruant shal goe about either to displace his masters children or to slay them as Ieroboam and other of the kings of Israell did Vers 22. An angrie man i. a man giuen to anger stirreth vp strife vz. both to himself and others by the meanes of his strife see Prouerb 15.18 and a furious man i. he that giueth his furie and rage the raines aboundeth in transgression i. is not onely prone to many euills but committeth sundrie sinnes Vers 23. The pride of a man vz. either in his heart or expressed by worde deede countenance gesture apparrell or such like shall bring him low i. shall be a meane to debase him see Chapter 15.33 Chap. 18.12 but the humble in spirit i. such as are of a lowly mind shall inioy glorie vz. both before God and man see Iob. 22.29 also Luke 14.11 Vers 24. He that is partner with a theefe vz. any manner of way either by counsell or consent or in the act of the euery or in receauing of stolne goods hateth his own soule i. dooth after a sorte lay violent hands vppon himselfe and his owne life for not onely they that doo euill but such as fauor them that doo it are guiltie Rom. 1.31 he heareth cursing vz. either against God or man and declareth it not vz. abroad and therefore consenteth to sinne see Leuit. 5.1 This latter parte may be taken as a reason of the former Vers 25. The feare of man i. that feare that a man hath in himselfe as while hee dooth not whollie commit himselfe to God and depend of him being perswaded of his good will towards him bringeth a snare i. great danger to him that is seased therewith for snare see vers 8. of this Chap. but he that trusteth vz. continually and assuredly in the Lord vz. onely shall bee exalted vz. into such an high place as he shall not neede to feare Vers 26. Many vz. men doo seeke vz by all meanes possible the face of the ruler i. his fauor and to obtaine his good will and that they may obtaine right at his hands they doo humbly intreate him see chap. 19.6 but euerie mans iudgement i. the iudgement of euerie mans cause commeth from the Lord vz. who vseth man as his instrument to pronounce the same q d. men may well goe to Magistrates and Iudges but yet they should first goe to GOD in whose hand the kings heart is Chap. 21.1 Vers 27. A wicked man is an abhomination to the iust i. a good man loatheth and cannot abide a wicked man not because he is a man but because he is wicked and he that is vpright in his way i. leadeth an vpright godly and holy life is abhomination to the wicked i. the wicked and vngodly cannot abide such a man see vers 10. of this Chap. Do. Vers 1. Teacheth vs readily and willingly to yeeld to good counsell for feare of destruction Vers 2. Teacheth vs what a great blessing it is to haue good magistrates and what a miserie it is to haue wicked ones Vers 3. Teacheth vs that whoredome bringeth with it beggerie and pouertie Vers 4. Teacheth vs that iustice is the proppe of kingdomes and briberie the ruine thereof Vers 5. Teacheth vs to auoide flatterie and sheweth the danger thereof to him that is flattered Vers 6. Teacheth vs that a wicked mans sinnes are cords strong inough to tye him so that hee shall not stirre Vers 7. Teacheth vs to looke into and to defende the iust cause of the poore Vers 8. Setteth out the discommodities of scorning and the commodities which insue of holy wisdome Vers 9. Teacheth vs that there is no way to reclaime a man that is frosen in the dregges of his owne sinne Verse 10. Teacheth vs that the vngodlie cannot abide the good but the godlie for all that yea the rather for that should make much of foster and defend one another Verse 11. Doth teach vs not onely not to blabbe out our owne secretes but to reserue the vttering of them to a most conuenient time and place Vers 12. Teacheth vs that wicked men and Magistrates haue many times wicked seruants and officers Verse 13. Teacheth vs that al the being that al men either good or bad haue they haue it from the Lord. Verse 14. Teacheth vs that execution of iustice is a notable meane to make a kingdome sure Verse 15. Sheweth what difference there is betweene a reasonable correction and letting children and seruants runne as they list Verse 16. Sheweth that the vngodlie may florish for a time but they shall come downe at the last Verse 17. Teacheth parents moderatly to correct their sonnes and seruants Verse 18. Declareth in what a miserable case those people are that haue not the word preached amongst them Verse 19. Teacheth men to correct froward seruants not with words onely but with stripes also Verse 20. Sheweth that it is easier to reclaime a foole than a man giuen ouer to hastines and vnaduisednes in his affaires Verse 21. Teacheth vs to beware that wee bring not vp our seruants ouer daintilie Vers 22. Teacheth vs to auoide anger and furie Verse 23. Teacheth vs to shunne pride and to imbrace humilitie Verse 24. Teacheth vs to beware of all consenting to any manner of euill whatsoeuer it be Verse 25. Teacheth vs that such as trust stedfastly in the Lord shall neuer bee confounded Verse 26. Teacheth
vs that earnest praier to God is the meane to obtaine from him such things as we neede Verse 8. Teacheth vs to hate vanitie and lyes also to pray for contentednes in whatsoeuer state GOD shall place vs. Verse 9. Teacheth vs that riches commonly breede pride and pouertie distrust in God and theeuerie vnlesse men be marueilously assisted with grace from him Verse 10. Teacheth vs to beware of al false accusations Vers 11. Teacheth vs to beware how we practise frowardnes and vnnaturalnes towards our parents Verse 12. Teacheth vs to take heed of hypocrisie and that we thinke not our selues holie when indeede wee are filthie Verse 13. Teacheth vs to beware of pride and of all outward shewes appertaining thereto Verse 14. Teacheth vs to shunne violence and oppression of others Vers 15 16. Teach vs to beware of couetousnes and an insatiable desire of riches Verse 17. Declareth what punishment shall fall vpon contemptuous and disobedient children Verse 18 19 20. Teach and set out not only the vnsearchablenes of a harlots heart but the hypocrisie that is in her yea euen then when she hath committed filthines Verse 21. Teacheth vs that confusion and disorders should make men yea and the earth it selfe to tremble and shake Verse 22. Sheweth vs that gouernement is not meet for a man of meane condition and that abundance and riches cannot agree with a foole Verse 23. Teacheth vs that it is a great confusion for a man to marie another mans wife that without iust cause is diuorced from her also that it is an vnseemely thing for a master to marie his maid-seruant Verse 24. Teacheth vs that wee may many times learne good instructions euen from the least of Gods creatures Verse 25. Teacheth vs in the Pismire to learne in time conuenient to prouide for vs and those that depend vpon vs. Verse 26. In the examples of the mice of the mountaines to bee laborious and diligent in those things that concerne our owne good Vers 27. Teacheth vs by the Grashopper to learne to ioyne together in order and vnitie though wee had none to conduct and leade vs. Verse 28. Teacheth vs that we should not inshame leane off our worke for any mans presence no more than the spider doth hers in the Kings pallace Vers 29. Teacheth vs that we may euen in the creatures many times behold excellent qualities that God the creator hath put into them Verse 30. Sheweth that in the lyon there is great courage Verse 31. Teacheth vs that there is great liuelines and swiftnes in a horse and that there is also great maiestie in a good Prince Verse 32. Teacheth vs to beware of pride and also to take heede that wee conceiue no euill in our thoughts or if we doo to represse it there and not to let it breake forth either in words or deedes Verse 33. Teacheth vs rather to beate downe wrath and contention in our selues and others than to foster it our selues or others CHAP. 31. Co. THe holie Ghost in the other Chapter had interposed certaine notable and godlie speaches of one Agur the sonne of Iaketh betweene some sentences of Salomons before going and those now following which being dispatched he returneth againe in this Chapter and putteth downe certaine graue speaches that Salomon speaketh as it were from his mothers mouth Di. THis whole Chapter being an exhortation of Salomons mother made to him may bee diuided into two parts In the first with wonderfull mother Di. 1 like affections she instructeth him to beware of whoredome and dronkennes and teacheth him how to behaue himselfe in the publike gouernment of his kingdome from verse 1. to the end of the 9. In the second she Di. 2 doth excellently paint out and Salomon as from her mouth deliuereth the same the vertues and qualities of good women which in summe are these she loueth and obeieth her husband flieth sloth is liberall towardes her household is an example of diligence labour godlines looketh into the waies of her people taketh care of her children and greatly feareth the Lord from verse 10. to the end of the Chapter Se. Vers 1. THe words of King Lemuel i. which he himselfe spake hauing before receiued them as instructions from his mother no doubt but this Lemuel was Salomon because he is named a king the prophecie i. an excellent doctrine which also for the notablenes thereof might bee estéemed as a prophecie see Chap. 30.1 which his mother vz. Bathsheba 2. Samuel 12.24 taught him vz. being certainly perswaded that God had ordained him to be king as appereth 1. King 1.13 What time she taught him as whether it was before he was king or after it is vncertaine and yet I suppose rather before than after because then he was indued with most singular wisedome see for this purpose Chapter 4.3 4. Vers 2. What my sonne vz. I say vnto thee she beginneth as it were with a doubt which doth notablie expresse not onely her motherly affection but also most euidently declareth the grauitie and weight of the speach following what the sonne of my wombe i. my naturall sonne and most tender and deare vnto me see Isaiah 49.15 and what O the sonne of my desires i. whom I haue not onely greatly desired but for whose cause also I haue made and performed many vowes vnto the Lord for so much the worde importeth as mothers were wont to do for their children specially for their males or sonnes sée 1. Samuel 1.11 Vers 3. Giue not thy strength vnto women i. to strange women or harlots by strength she vnderstandeth not onely his substance but also the very powers and strength of his bodie and minde see before Chap. 5.9 10. nor thy waies i. make not thy indeuours purposes and actions knowne to such which is to destroy Kings q.d. that will doo nothing els but bring destruction vpon Kings and Kingdomes see Deut. 17.17 Vers 4. It is not for Kings O Lemuel i. it doth not belong vnto them to drinke wine vz. excessiuely or immoderatly nor for Princes vz. it doth not belong vnto them neither by Princes he meaneth such as pronounce sentence of law to others strong drinke i. to drink strong drinke excessiuely or immoderatly Wine and strong drinke soberly vsed are not here forbidden but dronkennes for Kings and Magistrates are to vse the one soberly and carefully to flie the other because the whole people is committed to their charge least also being ouercome with wine they should forget their office and duetie as followeth in the next sentence Vers 5. Least he a reason of that which goeth before and marke how sodainly he changeth the number from the plurall to the singular drinke vz. ouermuch and forget vz. by that meanes the decree i. not onely the lawe and ordinance of God but also the certaine and appoynted order of lawe and equitie and change i. turne vpside downe and peruert as where he should helpe and succour to hurt and hinder the iudgement i. the right