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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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respect of the other they ought not to be lifted vp to glorie in themselues and in their ovvne righteousnes Let vs end with Bernard My merite is the LORDES mercye And so O LORD graunte vnto vs appealling vpon this ti●…e to the Bern. in cā Serm. 61. throne of grace to enioy the benefite of grace and mercy and let the members of the church of Rome if they list plead the merite of their ovvne vvorkes and trie the title of their ovvne deseruinges at the barre of iustice and soe proue vvhether they shall stande in iudgemente or fall And so to conclude this treatise concerning the articles of our Christian creede seeing that the members of the church of Rome teach so many contradictions against these groundes of ●…a●…re ●…ely ●…ikes ●…th●…e ●…tho ●…d a●…ike of the catholike faith let all the vvorlde iudge what iust cause they haue to boast that they themselues only are the true catholikes and inheritors as it vvere of the apostolike faith and that their Popes faith cannot faile not bee over-come by the gates of hell The vvhich thinge if it vvere so vvhat neede were there vvith so greate travaile and studie to seeke for the decision of all doubtes and the determination of all controversies in matters of faith from GOD himselfe opening the same in the sacred bookes of the canonicall scriptures what neede vvere there so greatly to seeke after the knovvledge of the artes and tongues as beeing the keyes that open the dores into the secrete chambers of these holy mysteries Yea what neede vvere there to craue the helpe of all the god●…●earned of all ages and their directions set dovvne in their private vvittinges or else at their publike meetinges and assemblies in their provinciall or generall councels Certainely this vvere then to goe the nearest vva●e about and as vvhen one knovveth aslu edly vvhere the game is lodged not to goe directly to the same place but to traise it out by a trouble-some tracke For if the Popes faith cannot faile if hee cannot pronounce sentence against the truth the nearest vvay to holde a right faith and to side vvith the truth is in all matters of faith to looke to his determinations and to rest our selues vpon his oracles And therefore also needles are the greate ●…ue ●…pe ●…s in●…e cen ●…ay 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for ●…ole ●…e of ●…stes abours and travailes of many of the children of the church of Rome about the opening and iustifying of diverse points of their superstition and idolatry VVhereas if they could vvith all their endevoures proue sufficientlye the integritye and infallibili●ye of their Popes faith they had vvonne the fielde and gotten the full conquest they needed not to strike one stroke more for the further clearing of any other pointe of their doctrine Neither shoulde they onely by this meanes provide verie vvell for their owne securitie in matters of faith but also greatly strengthen themselues in their temporalities and mightely establish their earthly kingdome as they may easily gather by that greate succesle they had therein vvhen this maine pointe of theirs vvas generally helde by the most part in former times for sound and catholike For then whosoever woulde be taken for a member of the catholike church were he king or Keazer or whatsoever This newe ar icle of faith concerning the Popes autority necessary subiection to be giuen thereto is s●b nefici all t the church of Rome that her fiends would condemne her of great f●ly i● that shee would leaue it fer al the articles of the Apostles creede he were he was vpon the necessity of his salvation to bee builte vpon that Romish rocke and to settle his safety vpon his triple crowne who was the greate commander in earth purgatory and heaven he was wholy to be ruled by him vvho had both svvordes temporall and spirituall and to commit all into his handes And albeit by this meanes CHRIST himselfe vvas almost forgotten for vvhat neede vvas there to seeke to him vvhen his Viceroy coulde doe all yet this his Vicar generall vvith all his vnder officers vvere veri● vvell remembred And albeit fevve sought for entrance into heaven at the right doore yet manye came farre and neare and brought all kinde of keies of gold and silver landes and luelyhodes to open that doore whereof Peter and his successors vvere thought to bee the onely or at the least the cheife porters For they ver●ly thought that if their pasport had beene signed by the Pope and subscribed with SEENE AND ALLOWED CHRIST would in no case haue disalovved thereof but that they had beene thereby most safe and sure and out of all manner of perill and danger Hereby grewe that high and royall state to the kingdome of Antichrist hereby vvere gathered into his store-houses the riches and treasures of Kinges and Princes and Saint Peters patrimonie vvas in most ample manner encreased nothing beeing thought to much that vvas bestovved vpon his holines albeit it vvere with the robbing spoiling and vtter vndoing of the party himselfe and of all his posteritie In so much that although the spirituall kingdome of CHRIST was not hereby erected in al holines wisedome and righteousnes yet an earthly kingdome was obtained for themselues in worldly wealth pompe and glory But now behold the hand of the Lord what is become of this great Babylon which was a terrour to all the kings of the earth her walles already are wel battered and downe shee must to the very ground yea to the bottomles pit of hel when the sounde faith of al sincere Christians contained in these articles of our Christian creede as an immoueable rocke in deed shall remaine vnshaken and shal giue testimony of their engraffing into him by whose grace they continuested fast and immoueable and by whose power they are preserued vnto that eternal and everlasting kingdome which he himselfe hath purchased for them with his owne blood Now to this our almighty and all sufficient king and Saviour be all honour and glory praise and thankes both now and euer Amen CHAP. 7. Div. 1. That the right sence of the word of God is alwaies agreeable to his most holy law being the most exact rule of all true piety and godlinesse AS the true sence interpretation of Gods 〈◊〉 holi●… of the of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God ●…eanes ●…scerne ●…ight ●…e of di●… scrip●… from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wrong most holy worde and the pointes of faith drawne out of the same are alwaies agreeable to the articles of the creede which are the maine groundes of our christian faith and no way thwarte and contradict the same for that God himselfe the author thereof it true and alwaies true and evermore like vnto himselfe so they are holy pure iust and righteous altogither even as God himselfe and his sacred law is holy and righteous altogither And therefore it is an over-ruled case that when the litterall sence of any
people to beleeue in grosse and blindefully as the church beleeueth but that they ought to vnderstand the seuerall pointes of their faith IN the Lords praier we are taught to call 〈◊〉 in 〈…〉 al●…tie ●…er of heaven earth c. God not my father but our father to teach vs in charity to presume such to bee Gods children which cal vpon one common father togither vvith vs in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ our sole and onely mediatour But in our creede we are taught to saye not vvee beleeue but I beleeue to teach vs that it is not the faith of any other but everie one 's owne particular faith vvhich ioyneth him vnto the house-holde of faith and causeth him to be admitted amonge the members of the faithfull For as by beleeving that such a one or such a one taketh a verie good course to make cloth or to manure the grounde maketh not an other man a good cloth maker or husband-man vnlesse hee knovve the like courses himselfe and bee able also to practise the same even so it maketh not a faithfull christian to beleeue as such or such a faithfull man beleeueth except hee himselfe holde a right faith For an others faith can make mee no more faithfull then an other mans charitie can make me charitable or an other mans patience can make me patient The iust shall liue by his owne faith and Hab 2. 4. not by the faith of any other And so we are taught by the general cōfession of all the articles of our christian faith which is to be made of every faithfull christian that the true christian catholike faith is not to beleeue in grosse and blindfully as the church beleeveth but distinctly and particularly both concerning God that he is one in substance and essence distinguished into three persons the father the sonne and the holy ghost and also concerning his workes that he made vs and not we our selues that he redeemed vs and not we our selues and that he sanctified vs and not we our selues Where vnto agreeth the creede of Atha●asius Wherin it is most perēptorely avouched that not not only the learned but the vnlearned also even whosoever will be saued not as in the last place but before all thinges neither as a matter only convenient but as a thing most necessary must holde the catholike faith and that he must beleeue and confesse the mistery of the vnity in trinity and of the trinity in vnity with that other great missery of godlines also God manifested in the flesh For as with the hart man Rom 10 10 beleeveth vnto righteousnes so with the mouth he confesseth to salvation So that the true faith both instructeth the harte with knowledge and directeth also the tongue in the confession of the same For as Ierome faith of the scripture that it consisteth not in the reading but Advers Lucif in the vnderstanding so we may say that the catholike faith consisteth not in the wordes wherein it is expresse but in the catholyke sence and meaning and therefore not the bare reciting of the wordes of the creede but the right vnderstanding of the of the sence and meaning thereof maketh a sonnde and a catholike christian This is everlasting life saith our Saviour Christ to Ioh. 17. 3. knowe the true God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ The which knowledge vvhen the Apostles were to preach to other they are saide to haue receaued the keyes of the kingdome of heaven and the same knowledge when they vvere endued withall themselues it vvas a token and signe vnto them that they vvere then receiued among the number of the faithfull Vnto you saith our Saviour Christ vnto his disciples it is giuen Mark 4. 11. to knowe the misteries of the kingdome of heaven but vnto them vvhich are without all thinges are done in parables that seeing they may see and not discerne and hearing they may heare and not vnderstand least at any time they shoulde bee converted and their sinnes shoulde bee forgiuen them A manifest distinction betweene the children of light and the children of darknes vnto the one is giuen the key of knowledge which openeth the dore into the kingdome of Luke 11. 52. heauen the other are left in their blindnes and darkenesse to fall thereby into the pit of eternall destruction For the father of light bringeth his children of light by the light of his word to the kingdome of light and the prince of darkenes bringeth his children of darkenes through the darkenes of ignorance to his kingdome of darkenes Wherefore well may it agree to the Idolatrous Athenians to haue an altar dedicated to an vnknowne God and Act. 17. 23. to professe a blinde kinde of service of God And well may it beseeme the schismaticall Samaritans to worshippe as their fathers worshipped Ioh. 4. 20. and to beleeue as their progenitors beleeued and in truth to beleeue and worshippe they wo●e not what Surely the faithfull servants of the true God know what they worshippe having for the warrant thereof the infallible word of the everliving Lord and therefore salvation is from them For the true christian saving faith is a wise intelligent and an vnderstanding perswasion it is not a blind blockish and a brutish fancy a blind faith is no faith and a blinde confession is no confession Be not saith the prophet David like the horse and mule in whom there is no vnderstanding Psal 32. 9 1. Cor. 14. 20. Beloved saith the Apostle be not children in vnderstanding but in malice be yee children in vnderstanding bee yee of perfect age And againe be not vnwise but vnderstande what the will of the Lord is If thou Eph. 5. 15. 1. Cor. 14. 16. praiest saith the same Apostle in an vnknowne tongue how can the vnlearned say Amen and ratifie it with his consent euen so if any professing themselues members of the visible church know not the particular points of the christian faith held and taught in the same church how can they faithfully beleeue the same or how cā they rightly consent thervnto Surely as the seed that falleth on the high way is devoured vp of the fowles of the aire can never giue hope of Math. 13 4. any good harvest so the word of God the seede of faith not vnderstoode can never make vs fruitfull vnto the Lord. Wherefore it was a most godly wish of Moses the man of God O that all the Num. 11. 29 Lordes people could prophecy and that the Lord would put his spirit vpon them And good cause had the childrē of the captivitie after their returne to their owne coūtrey greatly to reioyce before the Lord not onely for that the law of God was distinctly read soundly and sincerely expounded vnto them but especially for that the Lord had opened their eies and had caused them to vnderstād the same For all such as the Lord will haue to
body And therefore is Christes body called bread if that vvve vvill beleeue our masters of Rhemes for that it is made of bread So they Rhem. in ca. 6. Joh. haue their Christ not onely of the seede of Abraham and David but also of the seede of such corne and gra●…e as growet● and springeth out of the earth Neither doe wee envie them this their breaden CHRIST vvhose body is daily made by Sacerdo● est creator suicreatoris Qui creavi ●e sine me ●am creatur mediante me a sinnefull priest through the pronuntiation of a fevve vvordes let them ch●vv him and champe him euen as they list for vve content our selues vvith that Christ to bee our Saviour who vvas incarnate by the hol● Ghost and not by the vvords of consecration and tooke his flesh onely of the blessed Virgin Mar● and not of the seed of any graine Div. 3. That our Saviour Christ according vnto his humanitie is of a nature finite and circumscriptible and not present in all or in many places at one time THe church of Rome by her doctrine of the reall presence Bo●ne of the virgin Mary doeth take away from Christ the nature of a true humane body and so overthroweth the trueth of his manhoode in that shee avoucheth that his body there really present is vncircumscribed and not contained in space or place For Aug. ep 57. Q●…●…bi est non est take away a place from bodies and they shall bee no vvhere and if they bee no vvhere they bee not at all Yea vvhereas it is an vndoubted and confessed truth that both the divine humane natu●es of Christ with their severall properties remaine still in him distinct and vnconfounded and seeing that it is a property of the humane nature of CHRIST beeing a meere creature togither with all other creatures earthly and heauenly to bee finite and contained either vvithin the compasse of one place or within the limites and boundes of their finite nature as on the otherside it is a property of the divine nature not to be contained within the compasse of any one place but beeing infinite and incomprehensible to fill all places with maiesty and glorie and to fill many or all places belongeth to the selfe same nature which is in it selfe infinite and incomprehensible and no way to a finite and limited nature therefore the church of Rome by her doctrine of the reall presence avouching CHRISTS body to be in ten thousande places at one time vvhich is a property belonging vnto his deity is iustly condemned for renewing the heresie of Eutiches in confounding the properties of Christs nature and in taking away the truth of his humanity Div. 4. That as it is hereticall to worshippe Iudas or the Iewes so the instrumentes which they vsed as the nailes speare and crosse in renting and tormenting Christs most pretious body OVR Saviour Christ was deliuered by the determinate counsell and foreknowledge of God himselfe he being Suffred vnder Ponti●s Pilate most iust in punishing him who had taken vpon himselfe all our iniquities and sinnes Pilate Iudas and the Iewes yet being most vniust in working the death and condemnation of our most innocent and guiltlesse Saviour And therefore wicked was the opinion of certaine heret●kes called Cain● which worshipped Iudas and the Devill for the procuring of the death of Christ seeing they endevoured to hinder and not to further the salvation of man even as Ph●raeus Iasons enimy thought to haue slaine him when by opening with the thrust of his weapon the place of his most dangerous and deadly impostume he was the meanes to cure him of that his malady And vvicked also is the doctrine of the church of Rome which teacheth to worship the nailes speare and crosse which were the instruments of their outragious cruelty in renting and tormenting his most pretious body and to reverence the Greeke and the Latin tongues because in them vvas written his accusation which was most false and vntrue that he did vsurpe the temporal kingdome of Iurie whereas he kept himselfe Ioh. 6. 15. 18. 36. close from the multitude when they would haue made him king and made open protestation even to Pilate that his kingdome was not of this world For that which is applied to a wicked and vngodly vse is not thereby sa●ctified but wickedly prophaned Div. 5. That Christ suffered both in body and soule the paines that were proportionable to our sinnes Two things were requisite in our ●…aviors suffering● that they Suff●…d might be a sufficient satisfaction for our sinnes First a proportion of the sufferinges to the greatnesse of the sinnes secondly a right to translate them vpon the parties for whom they were sustained 1 The great high proportion of the sufferings of Christ proceedeth from the excellency of his divine nature which gaue vertue and dignity to the same 2 the right to translate them vpon man proceedeth from the hum●ne nature in which they were sustained that so they might be availeable for mans sinnes For in that man which had sinned was according to the purpose coūsel of God to be redeemed not the angels therefore nor the seed of Angels but of man was to be taken that so in the very nature of man that had sinned the paines for mans sins might be endured so satisfactiō made for mās trāsg●…ssions And therfore as Christ was to take our whole nature vpō him that so he might be a mee● person Aug. cone F●l ca. 13. to redeeme the whole so the m●anes of our redēption being his sufferings as he was to take both body soul so he was to suffer both in body soul that so he might redeeme both body and soul especially mans soule being the p●…ncipall in committing the offence the body being but as it were an accessory therevnto the soul was principally to be punished in respect therof neither had it bin agreeable vnto iustice that the principall should haue wholy escaped that the accessory should haue bin extreamely punished And certainly our Saviour Christ being ready presently to enter into those his greatest paines punishments which he was to endure for mans trāsgressiōs testifieth of the extreame anguish of his soul saying My soul● is heavy vnto death and before he Mat. 26. 3● came into his enimies hād● that buffered him crowned him with thornes scourged him nailed him vppon the crosse and so tormented his precious bodie hee suffered his bitter and dreadfull agonye in the garden the vvhich was so grievous and burdensome vnto him that it caused him to swette both water blood and to crie out againe and againe in that his extremity Father if it be possible let this cuppe passe from mee even this cuppe of thy wrath that I am so deepely to drinke of that so it might passe frō all the elect the which he calleth his houre that is hi● iudgement Mat. 27. 46. 〈◊〉 12. 27.
was onely able to giue a sufficient price for that heavenly purchase as al the faithfull from the begining of the worlde haue vndoubtedly beleeved Apoc. 19. 10 so that it is a sure token of the spirit of a true prophet to giue testimony therevnto Wee haue saith Austine Iesus Christ our Aug. in Epi. Ioh. tract 1. advocate and he is the propitiation for our sinnes he that holdeth this holdeth no heresie he that holdeth this maketh no schisme And if the very Apostle Saint Iohn had saide saith the same Father If any man sinne Aug cont Epist●l Pa●… l 2. Cap. ● yee haue me for your advocate and I obtaine pardon for your si●…es What faithfull person woulde haue endured him VVho woulde haue taken him for an Apostle of Christ and not for a very Antichrist And yet the church of Rome the lesse catholike and the more haereticall schismaticall and Antichristian is she teacheth vs not to rest vpon the mediation and merite of Christs passion as the onely propitiation and satisfaction for sinne and the onely meritorious cause of our saluation but also to trust●n our owne merites in the workes of supererogation performed by the saintes and in their praiers and intercessions Opposit 15. The sincere professors of the catholike faith acknowledge Christ to be nowe onely in heaven according to the flesh whither he is ascended and from whence they looke for him to come to iudgement wheras seduced and seducing heretikes * See fol. vvill needes haue him to be here also now in earth albeit he be seated aboue the highest heavens THe flesh of CHRIST when it was on earth surely it was not in heaven and nowe because it is in heaven certainly Vigil contr Eut l. 4 Cap. 4. it is not in the earth Yea so farre is it from being in earth that vvee looke for Christ after the flesh to come from heaven whome as he is GOD the Word vve beleeue to be vvith vs on earth Then by your opinion either the word is comprised in a place as vvell as the flesh or else the flesh is every where togeather with the vvord seeing one nature doth not receiue in it selfe any different or contrary estate Now to be contained in a place and to be present every where be thinges diverse and very dislike and for so much as the Word is every where and the flesh of CHRIST is not everie where it is cleare that one and the same CHRIST is of both natures that is every where according vnto the nature of his Deity and contained in a place according vnto the nature of the humanity This is the catholike faith confession which the Apostles delivered the martyrs cōfirmed and the faithfull persist in to this day And therefore whereas the church of Rome teacheth that the flesh of Christ is in heaven and in earth togeather at one time confoundeth the distinction of the properties of the tvvo natures of CHRIST by teaching him according to the property of his humane nature so to be contained in a place that he is also in ten thousand thousand places at one time What doth she thereby but condemne the catholike faith and confession delivered by the Apostles confirmed by the martires and continued among the faithfull vnto the time of Vigilius Opposit 16. The catholike faith by the warrant of the word of God acknowledgeth but two places after this life and the contrarie opinion proceedeth from See Aug. ●uch ad L●… Cap. 6. 7. a blinde albeit it seemeth a kind affection LAstly to omitte other thinges which might be alleaged to this purpos● for there are so many oppositions betweene the doctrine of Christ and Antichrist as there are maine groundes of our christian profession as it may appeare throughout al the partes and parcels of this treatise the catholike faith teacheth that there are but two places after this life So Austine Aug. H●…pog Lib. 5. The first place the catholike faith builded vpō ●iuin autority beleueth to be the kingdome of heaven the second to bee hell where every apostata and infidell is tormented And as for any third place we are vtterly ignorant thereof neither doe we finde any such in the scriptures And what shall the church of Rome be still esteemed to be catholike which will not allow of this pointe of the faith neither which yet S. Austin● allowed to be catholike Div. 2. That the church of Christ is not alwaies visible OVr creede teacheth vs to say I beleeue and not I see the I beleeue the holy catholike church catholike church that is hovvsoever the members of the true church are not alvvaies visible nor their companies conspicuous yet I beleeue that GOD hath his church and congreg●tion in some place or other which rightly and sincerely worshipeth him in spirit truth And therfore this church as it is sometimes likened to the Moone in her full brightnes so it is sometimes compared to the same greatly obscured and after a sort loosing her vvhole light And as it is sometimes resembled to a city built vpon a hill vvhich is admirable for her exceeding beautie and glorie so it is sometimes also compared to a cottage in a vineyarde and to a lodge in a garden of cucumbers and to a besieged c●…ty defaced and wasted with extreame misery and to a countrey over●… and after a sorte dispeopled by the sworde of the enemy As it came to passe not onely amonge the Israelites in the time of Elias but also in the kingdome of Iudah in the time of Isayas who complaineth that al māner of corruptions in al estates of mē were so grievous had made so great havocke that had not the Lord reserved vnto himselfe a small re●nant they had beene made as So●oma and like vnto Gomortha And 〈…〉 29. how stoode the case with the church in the beginning of the Apostles times vvas it not such that it gaue iust occasion to Saint Paul to renevv againe the same complainte Yea this remnaunt vvas so smal at our Saviours death that it hath beene deemed by some that the church was only then in the blessed Virgin and in Davids and Ieremies time this company also was so inconspicuous that one of them crieth out 〈…〉 1. Helpe Lord for there is not one godly man left and the other is willed by the Lorde himselfe to runne to and fro through the streetes of Ierusalem and to inquire if there were one that executed iudgement and embraced truth and hee would spare all for ones sake Div. 3. That hypocrites and vngodly persons are not the true members of the holy catholicke church of Christ which is the congregation of the predestinate THe true church is holy and so are al the true members therof for that they are vnited and ioyned togither by the bands of one holy and pure spirit 〈…〉 1. For if the vngodly were members of this church shee were to be called vnholy
before him and did him homage but the greater and vviser beastes discerning him by his voice set him at naught and laughed him to scorne The Bishoppe of Rome knowing what honour is due vnto Christ and his church hath put on as it were the Lyons skinne by pretending himselfe to be Christs Vicar and his church to be the church of Christ Now many men iudging only by the outward appearāce haue so taken him to be haue honoured him accordingly but other who haue more throughly looked into the truth haue by the sound of his voice doctrine found him not to be the vicar nor yet the frend of Christ but evē his grand enimie the very great Antichrist For they will not suffer themselues to be deluded with coloures and shewes seing they will vnderstād that by the caution giuē by their master Christ that the heretickes of these last times shall come in sheepes cloathing when inwardly they be ravening wolues and that Antichrist the head of Math. 7. 15. Greg. in ●ob l. 25. cap. 20 Hil. con● Auxentium Chrys●in Math. H●m 49. all hypocrites by the iudgmēt of Gregory shall faine piety to draw to iniquity that vnder the cloake of the gospell as Hilary saith he shall bee contrary to Christ in so much that Christ shall be denied whē he is thought to be preached They know by the admonition of Chrysostome that they must come to the divine scriptures only that so they may rightly discerne the doctrine of Antichrist seeing that if respect be had to names titles and profession he and his adherentes shall professe themselues good Christians yea they shall pretende greater chastitie and mortification of the flesh then shall bee founde amongst the true Christians And so Sa●…t Paule by the spirite of prophecie had most evidently foretolde that the heretikes of these latter times that is Antichrist 1. Tim 4. 2. and his adherentes should speake lyes through hypocrisie forbidding to marry and commanding to abstaine from meates that so by their hypocriticall shevve of continency and abstinence they might procure the greater credite both to themselues and to their doctrine VVherefore ●t is but a cunning and crafty collusion of Satan to perswade the worlde that Antichrist his Leife-tenant generall should be an open enimie of CHRIST and his church and make open vvarre against all professed Christians that vvhiles they prepared themselues against such an open Antichrist they might suffer themselues vnavvares to be overtaken by the subtlety and fraude of the true but privy Antichrist And so certainly it came to passe For as he caused the Iewes vvho professed themselues to be the Lordes onely heritage to refuse their true Messias and Christ vvhiles he persvvaded them to looke for such an one as should come vvith outward pompe earthly glorie and establish his kingdome by an high arme of flesh so he hath prevailed with those that accounted themselues onely to be the mēbers of the true church in these latter daie● and hath made them yeeld to the spirituall bondage of Antichrist whiles he warned them to beware of such an Antichrist as should proclaime open vvarre and be at vtter defiāce vvith all professed Christians But what saide our Sauiour to Math. 16. 3. the deceaued ●evves ye hypocrites yee can discerne the face of the skie and can yee not discerne the signes of the times They that thus expected a vvorldly Messias should haue diligētly looked into the bookes of the Prophetes and so duely examined the signes of the true Messias that finding them throughly perfourmed in CHRIST as the drifts and discourses of the Evangelistes doe testifie and our Saviour himselfe vvitnesseth in these vvordes all thinges are finished should thereby haue beene induced to haue receiued him for the true Messias After the like māner Ioh. 19. 30. all that profes●e themselues to be true Christians and would not be deluded by the subtle●ies of Satan shoud be carefull to discerne the signes of these times and to obserue the right notes and markes of the true Antichrist that so they might be able both to descry and also to avoide his most dangerous snares VVhen the Pharisies that looked that their Messias should be a temporall Monarch demanded of our Saviour Luc. 17. 20. CHRIST when the kingdome of GOD the kingdome of the Messias shoulde come he aunsvvered The kingdome of God commeth not vvith observation Neither shall men say Loe here Loe there for the kingdome of GOD is vvithin you VVhereby he signifieth that the kingdome of the Messias should not be vvith outvvard pompe and earthly glory but that by the preaching of the gospell he should lay the foundation of a true faith and a godly life in the heartes of all his people and so establish vvithin them his spirituall kingdome consisting in righteousnes peace and ●oy in the holy Ghost After the like manner may vve be bold to avouch Rom. 14. 1● that the kingdome of Antichrist cometh neither vvith observation for that he shall not be an outvvard and professed enimie to Christianity but shall vvith greate subtlety vndermine the foundations of a true faith and godly life and so erect his spirituall Antichristian kingdome And hereof it is that Chrysostome calleth Chrys in Math. Hom. 49. not bandes and companies of armed souldiers but heresies the armies of Antichrist certaine it is that al heretikes that did arise from the Apostles times and did oppugne any pointe of faith 2. Th. 2. 7. are saide to prepare away to the kingdome of Antichrist for this Mystery of ●niquitie did vvorke even in the Apostles time And is called a Mystery for that it did vvorke secretly their poysoned doctrine being outvvardly shadovved vvith the profession of the true ●aith And verelie hovve came Arrianisme it selfe to overflovve the outvvarde face of the whole Hieron adver● Luciferianos Leo. Epist 81 visible church Infidelitie saith Ierome vvas planted vnder the name of faith So in the time of Leo hovve vvere heresies sette abroach you thinke saith hee speaking to the autors of them that yee deale for faith vvhereas yee contende against faith ●ee are armed vvith the name of the Church and yet yee fighte against the Church But especiallie in these last times since Antichrist beganne more and more to be disclosed the olde Serpent hath searched out the verie depth and profundity of all his craftie devices and hath bestovved all his art cunning and skill to beautifie his corrupte doctrine vvith many faire glozes and to painte it vvith many glorious colours An example vvhereof vvee haue in that proude champion of this greate Antichrist vvho marched forth not many yeares since like Golia●… the Gittite 1. Sam. 17. vvho had an helmet of brasse vpon his head and a brigandine vveighing 5000 shekels of bras●e vpon his legges and a sh●…lde of brasse vpon his shoulders the s●…fte of vvhose speare vvas like a vveavers beame vvho defiled the host of the
of him as his most faithful loyal servants The which thing because the children of the church of Rome list not to performe therefore the Lord will not be their Lord not accept of them as of his servantes nor yet allow of any of their workes as good and as a part of his worship and service 4 All obedience is to be yeelded by vs to the will of god for that we haue received all frō him and therefore are most straitely bound to yeeld to him our whole service Neither ought we only to be respectiue to the Lords good wil pleasure in al our works for that he of right ought to raigne over vs ●s being our only spiritual Lord king for that he will protect defend vs impart vnto vs the commodities of his kingdome but much rather for that he hath bestowed vpō vs already so many favors hath shewed vnto vs so great kindnes hath bound vs vnto himselfe with such a multitude of his inestimable invaluable blessings For giftes benefits testifying kindnes loue do oftentimes much prevaile even with the natural vnregenerate mā yea with the very beasts thēselues that want the light of vnderstanding reason The ox● knoweth his owner the asse his masters crib as the law doth allow a groūd bird to the owner of the ground where the swan is permitted quietly to make her nest without disturbance to hatch and breede vp her young so doth meere kindnes cause the thankfull storke to performe the same without law without constraint But amōg all other beastes voide of reason strange and wonderfull thinges are reported of the kindnesses of dogges towardes their masters for their simple breeding and for the sorry mainetenaunce they haue received at their hands yea the setled malice of a most cākered enimy of a most spitefull sycophant who of all savage and fierce beastes is thought by the Philosopher to be the worst hath beene conquered by kindnesse and loue and the most violent pertu●bations of rage and sury haue beene turned into the most tender affections of pitty and mercy And therfore it is not without cause that the Apostle exhorteth saying If thine enemie Rom 12. 2● hunger feede him if he thirst giue him drink● for in so doing thou shalt heape coales of fire vpon his head Be not evercome of evill but evercome evill with good For oftentimes the streames of kindnes loue do quench the flames of malice and hatred and kindle the coales of kindnesse and loue And therefore we ought not to suffer our selues to be taken prisoners of malice or to yeelde our selues captiues to her to execute herrage but couragiouslie to encounter her and to beate backe all her assaultes and to suffer her not to enter one foote much lesse to surprize the castle of our harts and not only so but also to pursue her manfully being entred into the heartes of our enemies and by the powerfull assistaunce of kindnesse and loue to beate her out of the plaine field and to dispossesse her of her owne castles and forte● vvherein shee hath beene before most strongly seated For so did Elizeus and 2. King 6. 23. David and the residue of the Lordes worthies who haue most couragiously fought these spirituall battles and haue most manfully vanquished both their owne of and the Lordes enemies When the bandes of the Aramites that were sent out to apprehend the Prophet Elizeus and to bring him to their king beeing brought into danger not only to be taken prisoners themselues but also to haue had their owne liues taken from them were not only rescued out of danger by meanes of Elizeus but also kindly friendly entertayned this kindnes so far prevailed with them that albe it there was opē war between their nation Israel yet after their returne into their own lād they never returned to vex Israell But who was ever a more malicious enemy to any mā thē was wicked Saul to innocēt David yet astone as he perceived that himselfe beeing shut vp by the providence of God into Davids hāds he was spared by him his life preserved he was so throughly moved therewith that hee did not only presently withdraw● his forces from his pursuite but also most earnestly praied vnto 1. Sam. 24. 20. God and that he would giue him a reward for the same Yea whē before having given a speciall charge to all his housholde to kill David lonathan had dehorted him from the same saying Let not the king sinne against his servant against David for he hath not sinned against thee but his workes toward●s thee haue beene very good for he did put his life in danger and slow the Phil●stine the Lord wrought a grea● salvation for all Israell thou s●west it and thou reioicest Wherefore wil● thou then sinne against innocent bloode and slay David without a cause The only mention and recitall of the which matter did so alter Saules malitious hart that he did not only recal his former edict but also confirmed the revocation thereof with a solemne oath saying as the Lord loveth he shall not die Now if kindnes receaved 1. Sam. 19. 6 from our vnderlings and from such as we haue hated and sought their destruction doth even vpon a suddaine alter our affections and compell vs to vow their good to sweare their safety how much more any pleasure beeing done vnto vs by our superiours will glad and cheere vs at the very hart and cause vs to busie all our thoughts how we may in some measure recompence and requite the same What a credite do we thinke it to be vnto vs if the prince shall but take notice of vs and call vs by our name shew vs but some countenance and favour Or if a noble man or a man of state shall steede vs in a matter of some moment howe are we ready to cast our selues after a sort downe at his feete and to make most solemne protestation saying your honours to cōmande yours according to bounden duty for ever your most obedient beadesman and servant as long as life lasteth Now the king of kings and state of states hath not only vouchsafed to haue takne notice of vs to haue provided for our vse service and comfort this so glorious and bountiful world furnished with such variety of all manner of earthly blessings but also hath prepared for vs treasures of farre greater price and value in the life to come how ought we then to be astonished amazed at such kindnes that proceedeth from so high and worthy a state how ought our hearts to be euen rapt and ravished beside themselues at the least apprehension of such invaluable favours Why even Publican●s and sinners loue their lovers and shew kindnes to them of whō they receiue kindnes yea the Devill himselfe will in some sort serue them that serue him and will be at the commandemēt
in thēselues in their own righteousnes reiected the righteousnes of God in Christ so caused thēselues to be vtterly reiected of God Wherby it came to passe that the kingdome of God was taken frō them was translated vnto the Gentiles and the true worshippe and service of the onely true God vvas made common to all the nations of the whole earth But it did not with them neither continue pure and vncorrupte any longe time For the Church that vvas a chast virgine vvhiles the Apostles lived beganne shortely in many countries to play the adultresse and to defile her lelfe with spiritual whordomes and I dolatries The Apostle Saint Paule testified vnto the Elders of Ephesus that he knew ful well that after his departure there should enter in among them grievous woluet not sparing the Act 20. 29. 1. Ioh. 4. 1. flock● And Saint Iohn that lived longest of al the Apostles testifieth that even in his time manie false Prophets vvere gone out into the vvorlde and that the spirite of the greate Antichrist that was to come in the latter times vvas alreadie vvorking and laying of the foundation of the great apostasie from GOD and his truth and brevving the cuppe of that deadly poison vvherevvithall was to bee made drunken all the kingdomes of the vvorlde and practising those spirituall fornications and adulteries vvherevvithall the whole earth vvas to be defiled And vvhat vvere those spirituall fornications and adulteries but an Idolatrous worshipping of the creature in steede of the Creator a superstitious serving of the Saintes in place of the Saviour an vnchast vnshamefast embracing of the freindes of the bridegrome in steede of the faithful cleaving vnto the onely bridegrome himselfe And how was this brought to passe but whiles the world was taught that CHRIST the bridegrome of the Church was not the onely mediator and patrone of his people but the saintes also the friendes of the bridegrome that God had after a sorte passed away from himselfe his interest and right in the bestowing of his owne gracious giftes and blessinges and had delivered them over vnto his servantes to be in their handes and at their disposition had made some of them patrones over one countrie some over an other some over men of this calling and some over men over of that some over this kind of cattle and some over that some deliverers from this disease and some from that and some disposers of this blessing some of that And hereof it came to passe that so many devotions were done vnto the saintes and so fewe vnto Christ so many churches and relligious houses founded to the honour of the saintes and so fewe vnto Christ so much praying to the saintes and so little to God the very Ave-Maryes much exceeding the Pater-Nosters and yet great contentiō also to bestowe them too vpon the saints such gadding on pilgrimage to offer to the image of this saint and that saint and so little regarde of the sincere serving of God in spirit and truth which is no waies bettered by altering of places but by changing of our corrupt and sleshly affections such publishing of the fabulous legend of the saintes miracles and such debarring of the people from Gods owne booke where the glorie of Christ is most sett forth such buying of pardons wherein the merites of the saintes vvere sette out to s●le and such evacuating annihilating of the death of CHRIST whereby our salvation vvas onely vvrought such magnifying of the rules of their owne relligious orders and such a meane reckoning made of the Lavves of CHRIST These honours vvhich vvere given by the vvhore of Babilon to her louers vvere parte of those spirituall fornications and adulteries vvherevvithall shee did infecte all the nations of the earth and the greate giftes that vvere pretended to bee given by the saintes to such as did most devoutely honour them vvere the meanes to perswade them to this Idolatry even as the Gentiles and Iewes had in former ages beene drawen a longe into the like actions vppon the like motiues and perswasions Wherefore if wee desire to bee delivered from such a fall even from departing from God to followe after vanity yea from falling from his service into open and impious I dolatry let vs beware of this stumbling blocke which Satan casteth in our vvay to make vs fall vvhile hee parswadeth vs to begge for that blessing at the hande of any creature vvhich onely is in the gifte and disposition of the Creator and let vs acknowledge that GODS most large ample loue is the only ful fountaine of all good thinges whatsoever be the conduite to convey them vnto vs and that all this water that thus or thus serveth our vse springeth onely out of this fountaine and not out of the conduite and that the conduite it selfe is made by this founder and doth convery vnto vs such so much water as he himselfe doth dispose of to our benefite and good Neither must we onely acknowledge that God is the onely auctor disposer of his owne giftes but also that he bestoweth them all vpon vs most frankely and freely even of his owne meere mercy favour loue He did not predestinate vs to everlasting life nor bestowe vpon vs any other of his blessinges for that he foresawe that we would deserue the same For he did not foresee any thing that should proceede from our selues but a flatte conspiracy with sinne and Satan and an apostacy and a revolt from God all goodnes Whatsoever good thing he foresaw in vs he foreappointed both to begin the same by his ovvne grace and to continue it and to bring it to a good issue and end of his owne vndeserved favour and loue And nowe to come to the second po●nt All the gratious blessings The end of all Gods blessings is the manifestation of his loue of God are bestowed vpon the faithfull to this ende even that by them he might make declaration proofe of his loue giue them assurance of his fatherly affection towards them And verely as none among men bestoweth any gifte vpon another but that hee will at one time or other give him notice thereof neither vvill hee bestow it vppon such an one as knoweth not the vse thereof nor vnderstandeth it to bee a gifte least it bee takē as a mockery or returned backe without acceptance much lesse doth God bestowe any of his gracious giftes vpon his servaun●es but that sooner o● later hee giveth them no●ice therof and shevveth them the vles of the same that so they may receiue benefite thereby sering otherwise they will doe them ●…is taken 〈◊〉 an vn●…ubted ●…ritie in ●…finite ●…aces of ●oly scrip●…re that ●ods loue 〈◊〉 assuredly ●…owen to ●is owne ●eople ●…lt of thē●…specially 〈◊〉 those ●…essinges ●hich ●re most ●roper and ●eculiar ●nto them ●nd there●pon are ●hey so of●en and ●arnestly ●rged to ●hew them●elues thāk●ull and duetifull to