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A10086 The Psalmes of Dauid truly opened and explaned by paraphrasis, according to the right sense of euerie Psalme. With large and ample arguments before euerie Psame, declaring the true vse thereof. To the which is added a briefe table, shewing wherevnto euery Psalme is particularly to be applied, according to the direction of M. Beza and Tremellius. Set foorth in Latine by that excellent learned man Theodore Beza. And faithfully translated into English, by Anthonie Gilbie, and by him newly purged from sundrie faultes escaped in the first print, and supplied with the principal pointes of euerie Psalme, summarilie set downe in a table at the end of the booke.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Paraphrases. Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. Psalmorum Davidis et aliarum prophetarum, libri quinque.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585. 1581 (1581) STC 2034; ESTC S102233 223,270 384

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my God and deliuer me for thy singular clemencie 27 She some notable worke that al men may confesse that I am preserued not by humane power but by thine onlie helpe and patience 28 Go to then let these men curse me as long as they lust so that thou do fauour me they wil rise against me I knowe wel inough but in the end they shal be ashamed of themselues and I thy seruant wholie addicted vnto thee shal reioice 29 Mine enimies I saie shal be cloathed with shame and reproch which they haue wilfullie called vpon themselues as with a garment 30 But I praising God openlie wil set foorth his benefits exceedinglie and wil praise him before al people 31 Who standeth by the poore that he may defend their life appealing vnto him against vniust condemnations PSALME CX The Argument J thinke that this most excellent and most pretious Psalme may aptlie be called an epitome of the Gospel promised wherin trulie although the Iewes which were giuen vp into a reprobate sense go about to couer light with darkenes these thiefe points of our saluation are declared both with a great perspicuitie and a maruelous breuitie First the diuinitie of Christ verse 1. as Christ himselfe doth interpret it Mat. 22 42 c. For the verie enimies of Christ did not doubt but he should be man that of the stocke of Dauid Secondlie his humanitie with his euerlasting power and kingdom both in heauen and in earth and also with the name which is aboue al names the verie Godhead being excepted and therefore the vnitie of the person in both natures besides that presence of his diuine maiesty which Eutyches affirmeth is in the same verse in these words Sit at my right hand as the Apostle doth interpret it Heb. 1 12. Thirdlie the battels of the same King and his victories against al his enimies visible and inuisible in the last part of the same verse as the Apostles interpret it 1. Cor. 15 24. and so forth and Hebr. 10 13. Fourthlie from what time this King began his kingdom verse 2 as Esai doth interpret it Esai 2 3. and by the theefe hanging vpon the crosse Luke 23 42. whereunto Pilate himselfe though he thought no such thing did subscribe it in three languages Fiftlie a plain descriptiō of the true Church that is to saie of them that are set vp against the enimies of this King in the 2. verse First that they are a people which do obey willinglie and without dissimulation Furthermore like as soldiers are knowne by their liueries or other cognisance vnder whose standards they fight euen so the armies of this most holie King are knowen by holines and this holines without al doubt before God is Christ himselfe who is made vnto vs wisedome iustice sanctification redemption in whome we are without spot or blot But before men the verie fruits of faith are the cognisance the which thing the prophet declareth borowing the maner of his speech of the ornaments of the priests and Leuites in the which chieflie at their solemne feastes they came foorth euerie one in their order Thirdlie he signifieth that this beautie doth now he had vnder the crosse and miseries wherevnto the Church is subiect but that which we are as is written 1. Iohn 3 2. shal appeare in that daie of the restoring of the Church whereof Peter speaketh Acts. 3 21. Paule 1. Cor. 15 28. In the fourth place he compareth the assemblie of the godlie how miserable so euer it is with the armie of most chosen yong men that we may knowe that the power of God is made perfect in our infirmitie the which power chieflie appeared in the first infancie of the Christian Church being new borne euen with the great shame of those that succeeded afterward Finallie al these things to wit both the Church it selfe and al the gifts wherewith it is adorned he saith by a most excellent and apt similitude that it is a dew falling downe from heauen as out of the wombe of the morning that is to saie it is the meere and onlie gift of the free goodnes of the heauenlie father Sixtlie a description most perfect of another office of Christ that is to saie of his eternal priesthood confirmed by an oth repeating also vnder the figure of Melchisedech the coniunction of both the natures into one subiect verse 4. of the which thing how manie and how great mysteries there be it is declared in the 7. Chap. of the Epistle to the Hebrues throughout Seuenthlie in the 5 6 7. verses the battels chieflie of Christ himselfe and afterward euen of the Church which sh●l folowe from the beginning of the reuelation of the gospel vnto the second comming of Christ against al the most mighty Princes and chieflie against Sathan the Tyrant of this world vnlesse by the Monarch whereof he speciallie maketh mention is the 6. verse we had rather vnderstand the Romane empire and his image euen Antichrist Th● which thing Daniel did expound in me plainelie afterward Daniel 2 44. and Iohn in the Reuelations when the triumph shal be so much more glorious both of the captaine and also of the souldiers as the battel hath more sore and longer continued THE PARAPHRASIS 1 OTher fathers in deed are the lords of their children but this sonne that is promised vnto me is my Lord being verelie the eternal God in that he is verie man also to be borne of my kindred he shal be so highlie exalted of Iehouah which hath decreed this from al eternitie that he shal sit at his right hand that is to saie that he shal haue rule and dominion ouer althings created without anie exception Yet wil there not want manie and those most mightie enimies which wil resist this King but al their enterprises shal be in vaine For the Lord wil cast them downe and tread them al vnder his feete not one being excepted 2 And Iehouah wil giue vnto him in Sion this kingdome of euerlasting stabilitie ouer al the ends of the earth yea as I haue said alreadie which shal be extended euen to the verie right hand of God of the which kingdome the power shal be so great that the more enimies it hath the more excellent and more euident shal it be 3 And the people which willinglie and obediently offer themselues to be gouerned by him after infinite victories had ouer the enimies in the daie that the King when he hath ouercome al his enimies shal muster al his armies to make a triumph shal appeare before him also in garments of triumph which shal be holie most pure and most shining Then I saie ô King thou shalt behold the multitude of thy most chosen young men which the morning of that most heauenlie light hath brought forth vnto thee by powring downe her most plentiful dew vpon the earth 4 And doe not maruel that I haue made mention of holie garments For al things shal heere be most
on thee alone vpon thee I saie ô Lord I haue set al my hope from my first childhood 6 Thou art he againe who hast fostered me being shut in my mothers wombe that hast brought me foorth or the bowels of my mother as it were the midwife the which thy benefite I haue alwaies published and wil publish 7 Wherefore hauing had experience so oft of thy goodnes although verie manie of them chieflie that are in authoritie do abhor me now as though I were a monster yet doe I looke vp vnto thee and trust to thy most assured strength 8 And surelie I do not doubt but thou wilt minister vnto me occasion to celebrate and set foorth dailie thy praise and glorie 9 Go to then thou that hast defended me when I was strong and in the floure of my youth forsake me not now being aged but rather the more that other strength doth faile helpe thou so much the more readilie 10 For the enimies do talke what they lust of me and they that lie in wait for my life are assembled together against me 11 Yea verelie as though thou hadst determined to destroie me and as though they had conspired together my destruction by thine authoritie they exhort one another and saie God hath forsaken him therefore pursue him now flieng awaie and take him being destitute of all helpe 12 But thou ô God be neare vnto me ô God I saie make haste to helpe him that is in distresse 13 Neither onlie keepe me safe from their furie but graunt also that these my deadlie enimies may be vtterlie destroied with shame and that they may be ouerwhelmed with reproch and al kind of infamie which would destroie me 14 But I doubtles whatsoeuer these attempt doe nothing regard it For I wil neuer leaue off to trust in thee and to praise thee more and more 15 This my mouth I saie shal declare that thou art iust and mindful of thy promise neither wil I keepe silent that I haue bene deliuered by thee a thousand times and comforted with innumerable benefites 16 Yet in the meane season though I be in extreame age and destitute euen now of al other helpe yet wil I go forward ô Lord God boldlie trusting to thine onelie infinite power and I wil confirme my selfe with the onlie remembrance of thy iustice 17 For thus hast thou taught me to doe ô God from my verie childhood vnto this age and to set foorth thy maruellous workes whereof I my selfe haue had experience 18 Therefore forsake me not now which am come by thy benefite euen to this age and graie haire least peraduenture those praises wherewith I haue determined to testifie thy power vnto the age following and to al the posteritie that shal come after be broken off by my miserie or else by my death 19 Verelie ô God when I ponder with my selfe what waie and order thou dost take in shewing thy mercie I must needs confesse that thy counsels are more high than that anie man is able to atteine vnto them and that al which thou doest doth testifie thy most excellent maiestie Finallie ô God who is like vnto thee 20 Therefore thou hast lead mee about by most sharpe and manifold dangers by so many deaths euen for this purpose that when thou shalt restore me againe into life and raise mee againe being drawne foorth as it were out of the most deepe caues of the earth the example of thy power wil be more famous 21 For I nothing doubt but that thou wilt not onlie restore me vnto my former dignitie whereof these men haue spoiled me but also that thou wilt increase mine honour and wilt turne againe vnto me and comfort me 22 Wherefore I wil praise thee againe both with voice and with instruments and I wil praise thy truth with Psalmes my God euen thee I say which art the holie God of Israël 23 Neither wil I sing vnto thee with the mouth onelie as hypocrites vse to doe but I wil testifie thee to be my redeemer with praise that shal proceede euen from the deepe bottome of my heart Finallie when these my deadlie foes are ouerwhelmed with shame and ignominie I wil dailie sound forth thy righteousnes both in preseruing thine owne and in punishing the wicked with iust punishment PSALME LXXII The Argument Dauid doubtles made this Psalme that he might leaue it as a most pretious iewel vnto his sonne Salomon newlie crowned king For it conteineth al things that apperteine to the office of a true king to gouerne both godlie and honestlie them whome the King of kings hath committed to his gouernement And he declareth that he hath neede of wisedome giuen him of God therevnto like as such kings also are the excellent gifts of God whereof verie few are to be sound in the verie familie of Dauid He addeth a short rehearsal but if thou consider the things themselues a most cleare reckoning of those benefits which come vnto the people that haue such magistrates and that they should knowe that they deale for their owne profite when they praie for their magistrates the which argument Paule vseth 1. Tim. 2 2. Finalie seeing this earthlie kingdome of Dauid was a figure of that heauenlie and euerlasting which was promised to that eternal King the true sonne of Dauid Jesus Christ as the Angel Gabriël doth interprete it Luk. 1 32 33. so doth he describe the maiestie of the kingdome of Salomon the most florishing state therof that giuing eternitie vnto it by the spirit of prophesie he riseth vp fro Salomon vnto Christ that is to saie from the figure to the thing it selfe euen as the promise made by God vnto Dauid conteineth both Salomon and also Christ as though they were almost one and the selfe-same person 2. Sam. 7 13 14. and 1. Chron. 22 10. THE PARAPHRASIS 1 O God without whose wisedome no kingdomes can stand who of a special consideration hast ordeined this kingdome in the familie of Dauid teach the king whome thou hast appointed the rules of right gouernment teach I saie the sonne of this thy Dauid whome thou hast chosen to thy selfe the rule of righteousnes 2 That he may iustlie gouerne not his people but thine especiallie that hee may defend the poore against the iniuries of the mightie 3 Thus the people being scattered here and there in the mountaines and hils being safe vnder a iust gouernment shal abound with al the commodities of peace 4 Graunt this vnto him that he being farre from al tyrannie may be a sure refuge to the poore that he may comfort the families oppressed with pouertie that he may keepe vnder the false accusers with most sharpe punishment 5 So wil it come to passe ô God that the state of the kingdome being ordered by thine authoritie al men as it is meete shal acknowledge and feare thee and that not for anie short continuance of time but that the Sunne and Moone shal sooner cease their course than thou shalt
his diuine worship 8 And thou ô Lord our God giuing eare vnto them hast suffered thy selfe oftentimes to be pacified by their praiers although thou diddest not leaue the sinnes of some of them vnpunished that were wicked 9 Wherefore take courage and extol the Lord our God with praises and worship at his holie hil for the Lord our God is holie PSALME C. The Argument The Hebrue title doth declare that this Psalme most short in deede but verie excellent both for the pleasantnesse of words and the grauitie of the matter was written for this cause that it should be sung in the sacrifices of thankesgiuing And it doth rehearse two most great benefites the one of the creation which is common vnto al men the other of the free adoption annexed with the perpetual protection the which vnspeakeable benefite is peculiar vnto the Church which for this cause is called the worke of God THE PARAPHRASIS 1 SOund out the trumpets vnto the Lord al ye inhabitants of the earth 2 Come hither with ioie to giue due worship vnto the Lord present your selues in his sight and offer praiers vnto him 3 Knowledge at the length this Iehouah to be the God This is he that hath euen made vs when we had no being of our selues and which is another peculiar benefite of him toward vs euen the far greatest of al This is he by whose mercie we are a people consecrate vnto him and the sheepe of his pastures 4 Come therfore I saie to the gates of his house to praise him enter into his courts to sing forth his praises praise ye him and publish his name 5 For the Lord is good of infinite mercie and mindful of his promises through al ages for euer PSALME CI. The Argument Dauid when he had receiued the promise of the kingdome not thinking so much of the great honour that was giuen him as of the greeuous burthen that should be laide vpon him and as it is probable beholding the faults of Saul and the disordered state of the whole kingdome he would bind both himselfe and his posteritie as it were with a solemne vow before God in this Psalme wherin al the office of a king with a maruelous breuitie is explaned though generallie yet verie exactlie First of al then he bindeth the whole office of a king to two principal vertues euen mercie and iudgement whereof the one causeth that kings be rather loued than feared and this other by the vse of scripture declareth the seueritie whereby the obstinate are brideled and kept in order and it is contrarie to that softnes which doth not onelie giue some release from the bonds of the lawe but doth vtterlie dissolue them Neither doth he treate of these vertues after the maner of the Philosophers but he wil haue them both consecrate vnto God and therefore to be applied vnto the lawes appointed by God himselfe Then comming to the vse of these vertues he doth testifie that he wil not arrogate vnto himselfe the gouernement of this kingdome promised but onelie receiue it of the hand of GOD himselfe deliuering it vnto him the which thing hee did most religiouslie afterward obserue Hee treateth first of the preparing of himselfe to performe this office secondlie of the right ordering of his owne priuate familie and thirdlie of the verie office charge and duetie of a king Wherefore in the second verse beginning the right order of gouernement at himselfe far vnlike vnto those which do nothing lesse than that they command to others he maketh a vowe that he wil giue great care to vnderstand which is the right waie beeing mindful doubtles of the words of the Lord vnto Joshua Ioshua 1. 7. and 8. and that he neuer declining from that waie declared by God he wil learne by the right gouernement of his owne familie to execute the office of a king as is conuenient Afterward treating of the verie publike charge and beginning againe at himselfe he promiseth that he wil neither take euil counsel willinglie of himselfe neither that he wil followe euil examples And whereas the Princes that haue power in their hands to satisfie their lustes do vse to inuent infinite such things either of themselues or take hold of the same most greedilie which they learne of others that are about them Dauid addeth that he wil most carefullie eschue men of corrupt manners Finallie whereas Princes are compelled of necessitie to vse the seruice of manie others by whose eies both they must see manie things and heare by their eares and stand in neede of their counsels he promiseth that he wil receiue no man whome he shal knowe to be of an euil conscience and that he wil punish euen with death the false accusers which are the poison of mankinde and that he wil by no meanes suffer the proude and the ambitious and that he wil vse the counsel and endeuour of men of fidelitie and vprightnes and wil diligentlie search for them and either neuer cal to counsel or chase far awaie the craftie and deceitful Finallie he promising that he wil be no lesse a seueare iudge against wicked men than a merciful d●fender and foster-father of his owne he declareth the last and chiefe end of the ciuil gouernement which was vnknowne of the Philosophers to wit that the Lord should be worshipped purelie and sincerelie in his Citie that is in his Church THE PARAPHRASIS 1 O Lord I being appointed king by thee after such a manner of bountifulnes as neuer was heard do consecrate this song vnto thee both of mercie and iudgement wherevnto I do bind my selfe before thee to performe them in the gouernement of the kingdome 2 First of al then vnto that time that I be set ouer the kingdome by thee whome I determined neuer to preuent I wil giue al diligence that both I may throughlie knowe the right waie appointed by thee and may obserue the same purelie in my house 3 I wil neuer set before me to do anie wicked thing I wil forsake them that are of corrupt manners neither wil I take anie such to me 4 I wil put far from me the authours of euil counsels neither wil I embrace at anie time the thing that I knowe to be euil 5 I wil destroie the slanderers and false accusers I wil not suffer the proud and the ambitious 6 I searching out on euerie side men that loue the truth wil take them to be my familiar companions and I wil not vse in doing mine affaires anie but such as are trustie and faithful 7 The subtil man wil I thrust foorth of my house neither wil I suffer those that speake deceiptfullie 8 To conclude I wil painefullie and without anie delaie worthilie punish whomesoeuer I shal vnderstand to be wicked and I wil purge the holie citie of the Lord from al wicked persons PSALME CII The Argument The Hebrew title doth insinuate and the text it selfe especiallie verse 14. and 15. doth much more euidentlie declare that this
neede not speake manie words it of it selfe being plentifullie garnished with most heauenlie sentences as with most precious margarites and furnished with al things necessarie either for instruction touching this present life or for a preparation to the world to come is sufficientlie able to commend it selfe to the godlie Reader onelie this I saie that whereas there be two special kinds of explaning the Scriptures one in long Commentaries another by Paraphrasis that is by giuing the ful sense and meaning of the holie Ghost in other words as briefelie as may be this later is verie ancient as we may see by that most ancient Chalde Paraphrast who seemeth to haue written before anie of the Hebrew Rabbines and most safe to certifie the consciences when euerie thing appeareth plainelie to answere the verie text and original and must needes be most profitable because it giueth that matter in few words which manie times can not be learned by long Commentaries Therefore I do exhort you good Christian Readers deepelie to consider and thankefullie to receiue this Paraphrasis of that great and godlie learned man THEODORE BEZA as a most profitable Booke for the vnderstanding of the Psalmes So shal both your owne knowledge reaped of the labours of others be much augmented and manie to take the like paines wil be encouraged when they shal perceiue a godlie commoditie arising to counteruaile and recompence their trauel emploied for the increase of the kingdome of Christ whome I beseech to direct al his poore flocke in the whole time of their pilgrimage to cleaue vnto him their shepeheard and safe keeper and that he would send it comfort sufficient to strengthen the hearts of his children against al the miseries and calamities that may befal Amen THE PSALMES DIGESTED INTO A briefe Table and brought to certaine principal heades according to the direction of M. Beza The general matter of this whole Booke of PSALMES concerneth Doctrine onelie as Psalme Doctrine Political as Psalme 72.101 Ecclesiastical as Psalme 78. Domestical as Psalme 128. Prophesie as Psalme 2.117 Doctrine and Prophesie as Psalme 40.97.98 Praier as Psalme Prophesie and Praier as Psalme 22.69 Consolation as Psalme Praier and Consolation as Psalme 10. Thankesgiuing as Psalme Doctrine and thankesgiuing as Psalme 34. Thankesgiuing prophesie as Psa 16.18.96 Victories or Triumphes as Psalme 46.48 The residue of the Psalmes which be not particularlie applied to anie of the former heads by BEZA haue this relation by TREMELLIVS to Doctrine 62.91 Praier and Doctrine 63.64 Praier 60.61.108 Praier and Praise 41.138 Praise 65. Thankesgiuing and Praise 66. ✚ AWAY FRO ME YE WICKED FOR I WIL KEPE THE COMMANDEMENTS OF MY GOD. Psal 119 verse ii5 THE PSALMES OF the princelie Prophet Dauid as they are set foorth by that most excellent man of this age Theodore Beza PSALME I. The Argument This Psalme is a declaration of mans chiefe felicitie whereof these be the principal pointes 1 That they go farre astraie from the marke of true blessednes as manie as go the waie that men commonlie walke because men are euil of their owne nature and of euil become wicked and at the length they grow to be contemners of the Lord himselfe 2 That we must learne that right waie of God alone and that out of the doctrine which he hath giuen vs wherein we ought to meditate daie and night 3 That verie manie and mightie stormes and tempests do assaile him which is entred into this waie but he is like a goodlie faire tree planted by the riuer of waters which being watered with continual moistnes is alwaies greene and bringeth foorth fruit in due season and al things turne to his commoditie 4 On the contrarie part that the wicked are like vnto chaffe which euen the least blast of wind scattereth abroade 5 That then this difference shal truelie appeare when God sitting on his iudgement seate shal giue vnto the iust eternal blisse and felicitie but as for other they shal not be able to abide the sight of the Iudge neither shal they stand in the assemblie of the righteous 6 That it standeth for a certaintie that God is iust and therefore aloweth the manners of the godlie but the waie of the wicked bringeth them to euerlasting destruction THE PARAPHRASIS 1 BLESSED is the man that neither asketh counsel of euil men for the framing of his life nor standeth in that waie that is vsed of the wicked nor sitteth with those that deride the Lord. 2 But whos 's whole delight is fixed in the lawe of the Lord the which he considereth in his mind day and night 3 Such one is like to a tree planted by the riuer of waters which beareth fruit in due season and neuer fadeth or corrupteth and whatsoeuer hee doth hath a prosperous end and successe 4 The wicked are in a far other case being like to chaffe which the wind driueth here and there 5 For neither the vngodlie shal be able to stand before God the Iudge nor the wicked in the assemblie of the righteous 6 For God approoueth and aloweth the life of good men but the life of the vngodlie leadeth them to perdition PSALME II. The Argument This Psalme vndoubtedlie is a prophesie of Christ vnder the figure of Dauid as the Apostles do expound the same Actes 4 15. and 5 33. and Hebr. 1 5. and 5 5. declaring and prophesieng that like as Dauid after manie and long battels at the length atteined the kingdome promised the borders thereof being farre abroade dilated euen so is Christ verie God and verie man appointed by his father to be the king of the whole world Yet shal al sorts of men high and lowe conspire and band themselues together to hinder that decree but in a moment they shal be ouercome and he shal be crowned in the verie citie of Ierusalem euen vpon the throne of his crosse and shal arise againe and ouercome death and shal spread the borders of his Empire to the vttermost coastes of the world Wherefore they shal al perish who so euer shal not willinglie come vnder his obedience and they shal be most blessed who shal embrace him with due reuerence This Psalme then doth apperteine to euerie member of the Church in as much as al the godlie must be conformed to Christ their head THE PARAPHRASIS 1 WHY doe the heathen rage and the people mutter vaine things 2 Why doe the Kings and earthlie Lords assemble and the Princes consult against the Lord and against the King that he hath appointed 3 Let vs breake their bonds saie they and shake off their yoke 4 But he that inhabiteth the heauens derideth them the Lord I saie wil mocke them and deride them 5 Then in his wrath wil he cal vnto them and terrifie them in great rage 6 For I shal
ô Lord and I do seeke thy face 9 Turne not away ô Lord neither reiect thy seruant in thine anger thou wilt yet helpe me leaue me not neither forsake me ô my sauiour 10 Though I be destitute of al mans helpe yea euen forsaken of my verie parents yet thou ô Lord wilt succour me 11 Teach me the waie that I should walke and make plaine the path-way vnto me against whom so manie enimies do lie in wait 12 Giue me not vp to the lust of mine enimies for they are risen vp against me which are not ashamed to lie or to commit anie wickednes 13 Yet I trust that I shal be safe and comfortablie enioie the Lords benefites 14 Go to Dauid waite vpon the Lord with a couragious and constant heart waite vpon the Lord I saie PSALME XXVIII The Argument Dauid in this Psalme susteining the person not of a priuate man but of a publike euen of a king appointed by God himselfe praieth for himselfe and for Gods people with such confidence although he could not liue safelie no not as a priuate person in the kingdome of Saul that he giueth thankes for his petition graunted alreadie And he addeth certaine praiers vndoutedlie by the spirit of prophesie against al such as persecute the Church not by ignorance or sudden affection but of set purpose and obstinate malice Wherevnto appertaine those things that are written 1. Sam. 23.17 and 24.21 THE PARAPHRASIS 1 I Call vpon thee ô Lord my defence be not deafe at my crie for if thou keepe silence I shal differ nothing from them that die and are laied in the earth 2 Heare my praiers therefore whilest I may crie and regard me that stretch vp my hands to that thy most holie sanctuarie 3 Count not me ô Lord amongest these wicked men who reioice in wickednes who wil offer in words al duties of friendship and to be at commandement but in their hearts they haue most wicked deuises 4 Giue vnto them their worthie reward euen that which their wicked deedes deserue recompence them I saie according to their desert 5 For seeing they hinder the worke that thou hast determined to bring to passe both willinglie and wittinglie certainelie thou wilt destroie them ô Lord much lesse wilt thou increase them with thy blessings 6 I giue thankes therefore vnto the Lord which hath heard my praiers 7 The Lord is my strength and my shield this is he in whom my heart doth rest hauing experience of his support he for ful conclusion comforteth my heart him wil I praise 8 The Lord strengtheneth his seruants neither wil thine annointed trust to anie other 9 Deliuer thy people ô God and declare thy fauour towards them whom thou hast chosen peculiarlie to be thine feede them and extoll them vp for euer PSALME XXIX The Argument Whereas no men commonlie vse to be more proud and to shew themselues in the end despisers of the verie maiestie of God than they to whome God hath made others subiect to be gouerned by them so that they chalenge vnto themselues to be honoured as gods and suppose that they may do what they lust vnto others this Psalme teacheth Kings and Princes peculiarlie by the comparison of their power how great soeuer it be with that infinite power of GOD which doth vtter it selfe in the terrible thunders and other tempestes and their effects to remember rather how farre they are abased vnder his power and of whome and vpon what condition they haue receiued their authoritie rather than to be proud that they are aboue a few mortal men for a little season Againe seeing that the kings them-selues are oftentimes sotted and demented by the flatterie of the people he admonisheth them that be of God that they be content to obey their magistrates as Gods ministers yet that they learne to depend onlie of God and to wait for al good things from him THE PARAPHRASIS 1 O Ye kings and al ye of power giue place vnto the Lord giue vnto the Lord I saie the honour of al glorie and power 2 Giue vnto the Lord the maiestie and glorie due vnto his name and fal downe and worship him in that his most beautiful temple 3 This is that Lord whose voice thundering foorth of the midst of the waters doth witnesse himselfe with such a lowd sounding voice to be the verie God of glorie euen by that voice I saie which breaketh foorth of the midst of the clouds driuen by tempests 4 The voice of the Lord is verie mightie the voice of the Lord is ful of maiestie 5 The voice of the Lord breaketh the most high Ceders of Libanus 6 And he plucketh them vp by the rootes and causeth them to skip like a wanton bullocke and he causeth those most mightie mountaines to tremble and to shake 7 The voice of the Lord doth cast foorth fire striken out of the verie clouds 8 The voice of the Lord doth shake the horrible wildernes and the high rockes of the Arabians 9 The voice of the Lord causeth the hindes to cast their calues and maketh the woods bare by casting downe their trees with terrible noise the godlie in the meane season praising him in his temple 10 By him commeth the horrible flouds of waters but ●o that he sitteth as gouernour ouer them for the Lord is King for euer 11 This is he that giueth power to his people euen the Lord that blesseth his people with continual benefites PSALME XXX The Argument Jt is verie probable that Dauid made this Psalme when Abshalom and Sheba were slaine and he returned into the citie as it is declared 2. Sam. 20. when he would purge his house and as it were consecrate it a new vnto God that was polluted by the incest of his sonne and other wickednes wherein there appeareth some ceremonie to haue bin vsed as appeareth by the historie of Nehemia in dedicating the walles of the citie and by dedicating the house Deut. 20 5. And he giueth great thankes therefore vnto God to whose onlie mercie he doth giue the praise of this his restoring to his kingdome so sudden euen done as it were in a moment And he doth also confesse that it came to passe by his owne foolish securitie that GOD did breake off the continuance of publike peace and other his benefites THE PARAPHRASIS 1 I Wil magnifie thee ô Lord my deliuerer which hast not suffered mine enimies to triumph ouer me 2 I haue cried vnto thee ô Lord my God and thou hast saued me that was readie to die 3 Thou hast deliuered me ô Lord from the verie graue and hast restored life vnto me who should else haue gone downe into the pit 4 Sing with me vnto the Lord al ye that are receiued to his mercie and celebrate his memorie with perpetual praise 5 For in one moment doth his anger end but his fauour endureth to the end of our life so that if we go to bed in the euening with sorowe in the
morning commeth some cause of reioicing 6 Howbeit I sleeping in securitie when I was in prosperitie did fullie thinke that no change could come vnto me 7 For thou ô Lord assuredlie hadst fortified my hil wonderfullie of thy singular goodnes but as soone as thou wast offended with my foolish securitie thou turnedst awaie thy face from me and I was suddenlie stricken and fel downe 8 Then I called againe vpon thee ô Lord and praied with these words 9 I beseech thee ô Lord if I be slaine and go downe into the graue what good wil come thereof can this my bodie made dust sing praise vnto thee or can it declare that thy constancie in performing of thy promises 10 O Lord heare me haue mercie vpon me ô Lord help me 11 And lo thou hast turned this my mourning into most ful ioie so that suddenlie casting awaie sackcloth I came foorth most ioifullie 12 Therefore this tongue shal neuer cease to sing thy praise but shal be wholie consecrate to set forth thy glorie ô Lord my God I wil praise thee I saie for euer PSALME XXXI The Argument Euen as there be diuers and sundrie circumstances of the calamities and afflictions whereby God doth trie and chasten his seruants so is it necessarie in the reading of the Psalmes in the which are conteined praiers framed and set downe by the holie Ghost to consider what is common to them al and what is peculiar and proper to euerie one that we may vse them aptlie to our commoditie This Psalme then was written by Dauid as it is manifest in respect of that time when he being a little before in great authoritie and dignitie and was next vnto king Saul in the kingdome was suddenlie brought into extreame miserie by the vniust hatered of the king and the enuie of certaine that stirred vp the kings rage against him by the which and such like sudden alterations an infinite number of men in other things verie constant being suddenlie stricken haue taken most vile counsels and fallen most shamefullie as it appeareth by histories But Dauid on the contrarie part confessing his double fault both that he did forget this mutabilitie and vnstablenes of the wo●●● when he was in his prosperitie and that he did almost despaire when this sudden storme of aduersitie came vpon him doth praie vnto God so much the more earnestlie trusting vpon the promises which he had learned of Samuel and of his owne vpright conscience Furthermore he doth set before him those most excellent promises of God confirmed by most manifold and plaine examples whereby God doth shew himselfe then to haue most care for his seruants when things seeme in deede most desperate Finallie he giueth thankes vnto God that he may teach al the godlie by his example that such maner of praiers are heard whether it were that he was by his faith assured that it should so come to passe as he praied wherein he was nothing deceiued either that he did write this Psalme after his deliuerance THE PARAPHRASIS 1 THou art he ô Lord to whome I flie for refuge deliuer me I beseech thee from this horrible shame euen for that thy righteousnes whereby thou alwaies performest thy promises deliuer me 2 Heare me and make haste to deliuer me for in thee alone is al my safetie and al my defence is set in thee 3 Thou art my fort and most strong rocke of defence I saie leade me therefore and guide me through the middes of these stormie tempests not for my deseruing but for thine owne glorie sake 4 Graunt that I may escape foorth of the net that they haue laied priuilie for to take me for I trust onlie in thy power 5 I commend my soule into thy hands whome I haue alwaie to be my sauiour and mindful of thy promise 6 Thou also canst testifie againe for me that I haue hated the craftie persons and the liers and haue depended onlie vpon thee 7 Therefore do I fullie trust of thy goodnes that I shal fullie reioice therein that thou hast acknowledged and regarded me so miserable and brought into such extremitie 8 Neither hast thou suffered me to be inclosed and intrapped of mine enimies but rather hast brought me foorth into a large place at libertie 9 Therefore Lord haue mercie vpon me so cruellie vexed that not onlie my face and my bowels within me but my verie soule is consumed 10 For certainlie I can scarselie drawe my breath for sorowe I waxe old with mourning so that the verie bones being weakened al my strength faileth 11 For the multitude and the authoritie of mine enimies causeth me to be abhorred of al euen of my verie neighbours so that they that knowe me wel if I do meete them abroade they flie foorth of my sight 12 Finallie I am forgotten of al as though I were dead and I am counted more vile than anie broken earthen po●sheard 13 I do heare the reproches and railings that al they of power do cast out against me which make me wholie to tremble whiles they take such craftie counsels against me 14 Howbeit ô Lord I trust in thee for I haue thus concluded within my selfe that thou art my God 15 And surelie the tearme of my life it is not in their hands but in thine deliuer me therefore from the hands of mine enimies and from al that persecute me 16 Refresh me thy seruant with the brightnes of thy countenance for thy mercie sake deliuer me 17 Graunt I beseech thee ô Lord that I be not put to shame that cal vpon thee but rather that death may stop their mouthes 18 That they may cease to make lies which slander me being innocent so bitterlie proudlie and disdainefullie 19 O how manifold is that thy mercie whereof al haue had experience that feare thee whome no feare of man can driue from the true profession of thy glorious name 20 For thou hast secret places ynow wherein thou canst hide and secretlie keepe them safe from the proud bragges of the wicked farre away from the poisoned and cursed speakers and wilt preserue them in safetie in thy tabernacle 21 Therefore I praise thee ô Lord hauing experience of that thy maruellous goodnes whereby I was defended as with the most mightie walles of a strong citie 22 Yet I confesse that I being cast downe headlong with such a sudden tempest did vnaduisedlie thinke in my heart that I was vtterlie cast off from thee howbeit thou notwithstanding hast heard my praiers when I cried vnto thee 23 Wherefore al ye that feele this goodnes of the Lord being admonished by mine example loue the Lord more and more for he most constantlie preserueth them that loue him and most abundantlie rewardeth the proud doer according to his deedes 24 Be strong I saie and encourage your selues more and more whosoeuer haue setled your hope and confidence in the Lord. PSALME XXXII The Argument This most pretious Psalme doth teach the chiefe and principal article of the
but to haue taken them of the king himself that we might acknowledge al our goodnes to proceede from his bountiful mercie that hath couered our nakednes and therfore that that is to be counted the true Catholike Church which goeth crowned amongst h●r felowes with the onlie righteousnes of Christ f●eelie imputed vnto her although also an other righteousnes begun in vs doth consequentlie fellowe this iustice and separateth the children of light from the children of darknes the which thing is by a like allegorie shadowed of Christ himselfe Matth. 11.22 These things being declared wherein almost al the mysteries of our saluation are contained the Prophet turneth his speach to the Church it selfe or rather to euerie member thereof exhorting it to studie how to approue it selfe more and more to her husband of whom she is loued so tenderlie and he also sheweth by what meanes she may do it namelie if hearing him diligentlie for faith commeth by hearing without the which we can not please God and turning vnto him that is continuallie beholding his wil in the glasse of the lawe she cast awaie al corruptions either ingendred in her nature or taken from her elders or continued and confirmed by long custome that she may learne more and more to obey this her husband alone as her head and Lord. There is annexed an exhortation which hath respect to the verie infancie of the Christian Church that first began in Iewrie for we may knowe by the verie historie it selfe how slender poore and miserable the Church was concerning the flesh consisting onlie of an hundred twentie persons and those verie poore and needie He doth therefore comfort it foreshewing that at length they of Tyre also should ioine themselues vnto them by the which name he vnderstandeth the Gentiles comprehending euen the princes themselues but yet so that he might warne vs that al the beautie of the which he spake and which is by infinite degrees more excellent than al the ornaments of al Queenes how pretious soeuer they be is inward and now in deede is not to be seene of fleshlie eies but shal in the time appointed appeare so bright and glorious in the Queene and in her whole nursserie that it shal passe al mens capacitie euen then when as the Apostle saith we shal go to meete Christ and shal be for euer with him being entred into his palace But what saist thou in the meane time shal be done Doubtles this Queene shal bring for●h children for her husband and al those shal be worthie and true Kings and shal reigne euerie-where like those their elders that were the ancient Patriarchs hauing brought Sathan sinne death and their owne selues into subiection Hereof it commeth to passe that this same marriage shal be perpetual and euerlasting THE PARAPHRASIS 1 MY heart so boileth within me that it must needes burst forth that which it hath conceiued euen a magnifical song of the King consecrated to the King himselfe and that with such zeale and feruencie that no pen may seeme to be able to attaine vnto the voice of the speaker 2 Doubtles thou art the most beautiful of al men an incomparable eloquence and grace of speach is in thy lips for God hath adorned thee most bountifullie with al these giftes which shal neuer be taken from thee 3 Come foorth now ô most mightie champion girded with the sword and shew that thy beautie ful of maiestie 4 Come foorth I saie and do al things prosperouslie caried vpon thy triumphant chariot euen the word as a gouernour directing it and let truth mercie iustice drawe it O how great and maruelous things do I see that thou shalt bring to passe by this thy mightie power 5 Yet shalt thou not want such ô King who shal resist thee howbeit I do see thee againe armed with sharpe arrowes wherewith thou wilt wound the hearts of thine enimies and so cast downe al people 6 For thy throne ô God is for euer and euer and as nothing is more stable than thy kingdome so is thy scepter righteousnes it selfe 7 For thou louest righteousnes and hatest what so euer is against it for ô God that our King God that is thy God hath powred foorth vpon thee al his bountie that no man is able to be compared vnto thee 8 For when thou commest foorth of thy iuorie palace a most fragrant odour of thy garments doth spread it selfe than the which nothing can be more pleasant therefore do al men run together with prease vnto thee to declare their ioie 9 Yea and the kings daughters beautified with thy giftes do come also amongst the which the Queene being present sitteth at thy right hand bearing a crowne of most pure gold 10 Heare therefore ô daughter consider diligentlie vnto what maner of husband thou art coupled learne of him alone what he requireth of thee that thou shouldest forget thine owne nation and thy fathers house and al other things when thou commest vnder the authoritie and into the familie of this husband 11 So wil it come to passe that thou shalt be more and more in his fauour to whome onlie it is meete that thou shouldest be subiect as to thy Lord. 12 And thou shalt be againe honourable euen to strange people of whome euen the most rich honouring thee shal desire thy friendship 13 But at home chieflie euen with thy husband thou shalt sit most richlie decked clothed altogether with garments broadered with gold 14 Thus shalt thou then be set before the King with such and so pretious apparel the virgins thy companions waiting and going with thee vnto the King 15 Whilest that you altogether with most great ioie and reioicing enter into the palace 16 Here shalt thou see thy children whom thou hast borne vnto thy husband flourishing and nothing inferiour vnto those thy most noble elders reigning ouer the prouinces of the whole world 17 Therefore ô King I wil praise thy name in al ages for euer and the people with me shal sing praise vnto thee world without end PSALME XLVI The Argument Jiudge that this and the 47. Psalme was written of Dauid or of the sonnes of Corah after those great victories which they had ouer so manie and so mightie enimies whereof mention is made 2. Sam. 8. And two principal commodities of such like victories are set forth vnto vs in this triumphant Psalme the one is because the glorie of God is by this meanes amplified with the care whereof the saintes are much more touched than with their owne profites whatsoeuer the other for that thereby it may be seene in deede that the Church alone is in safetie though it be most fiercelie assaulted by Sathan the world vtterlie destitute of mans aid the which thing the Prophet doth set forth with maruelous words figures ioining also therevnto a prophesie of the calling of the Gentiles THE PARAPHRASIS 1 WE haue proued sufficientlie by due experience that God is our defence and strength
Asaph and others THE PARAPHRASIS 1 O Lord mightie in battell how amiable are thy tabernacles 2 Wherefore for the desire of the visiting of thy courtes ô Lord which is vtterlie denied me I am wholie consumed coueting most earnestlie both in bodie and mind to come vnto thee ô God the authour of life 3 Oh alas is my condition worse than that of the sparowes and swalowes to whome it is permitted to finde some place where they may make their nests ô thine altars Lord of hosts my King and my God 4 O blessed are they that are permitted to dwel with thee and to set foorth thy praises continuallie 5 O blessed is that man to whome thou giuest grace to vse those thy sacraments appointed to strengthen their faith and who as he commeth in bodie vnto thy sanctuarie carrieth thy lawes grauen in his heart 6 Wherefore me thinkes I see the great multitudes of them that come vnto thee to go thorough the drie mores and wild figtrees affraid of no difficulties by the waie who rather than they should leaue off the iournie that they haue vndertaken do partlie dig pits with great diligence to receiue the running waters partlie do make cesternes with great labour to holde the raine-water 7 Neither do they ceasse but continue and increase in constancie whilest that one band and multitude meeting now and then with another they do come vnto thee ô high God into thy presence euen vnto Sion 8 O Lord of hosts heare my praiers giue eare vnto me poore miser ô God of Iacob 9 O God our defender behold me and regard the king whome thou hast annointed 10 For how far better is it to passe one daie in thy house than a thousand in anie place elsewhere therefore I wish rather my God to be the porter in thy house than to haue anie maner of condition amongst the prophane men polluted with sinne 11 For in other places there are continual and horrible darkenes but light is onelie with thee which art the verie true Sunne it selfe ô Lord and nothing is safe anie where else but in thee ô God the defender of thine there is most certaine safetie and the abundance of thy blessings which is appointed to them that trulie and sincerelie worship thee is infinite 12 O blessed is he Lord of hoasts which setteth al his confidence onlie in thee PSALME LXXXV The Argument This Psalme hauing the Korites for the authours thereof manie do refer to the time which folowed their returne from the captiuitie of Babylon when yet the building of the temple and the citie was letted by the Gentiles that dwelt about them But I leaue it to be considered whether it ought rather to be applied to the beginning of the kingdome of Dauid so that by the name of captiuitie not the carieng awaie of them from their habitation is to be vnderstood but the miserable seruitude of the people vnder the Palestines which had ouercome them after the death of Saule Howsoeuer it is we vnderstand by this Psalme that the Church is so pressed and vexed euen when God seemeth most iustlie to be angrie that yet it is not oppressed Furthermore this Psalme doth teach vs with what weapons chieflie the enimies being conquerours are repulsed euen by repentance and by praiers proceeding of faith whereof we haue heere a most excellent example Finallie there is added a verie cleare prophesie of the sending of Messiah in whom as Paule saith al the blessings are ratified that we may learne which are the proper and peculiar benefites of the Church and of the spiritual kingdome of Christ and to whome we must attribute the benefite of publike peace and tranquillitie when God doth grant it vnto vs. THE PARAPHRASIS 1 O Lord thou hast manie times shewed thy selfe merciful to the inhabitants of thy land thou hast restored the posteritie of Iacob from most miserable bondage vnto libertie 2 Thou hast taken awaie the iniquitie of thy people thou hast couered al their sinnes 3 Thou hast put awaie al thy wrath thou hast suppressed thy wrath I saie that it should not vtterlie flame foorth 4 Continue now therefore ô God our deliuerer to change our miserable condition and command thy wrath wholie to depart 5 I praie thee wilt thou be angrie for euer and wilt thou continue thy wrath vnto al ages 6 Wilt thou not rather restore vs to life againe and giue vs occasion againe to praise thee with great gladnes 7 Ah Lord graunt that thy mercie may appeare vnto vs and that we being deliuered may haue experience of thy great benignitie 8 But why should I vse manie words vnto God surelie it is better diligentlie to heare what God our Lord answereth vnto me For I nothing doubt but he wil answere most gentlie and promise al prosperitie to that his people towards whome it hath alwaie pleased him to vse so great liberalitie that they being admonished may be wise hereafter 9 For although al things seeme desperate deliuerance is not far off from them that worship him and that time is neere when our land now lieng in miserie shal recouer her former beautie 10 For the mercie of God shal shine vnto vs to whom also his truth shal ioine in societie Furthermore iustice and peace another noble match meeting together with mutual imbraceings shal receiue one another 11 Then the minds of men being changed againe from infidelitie vnto faithfulnes truth comming downe from heauen shal appeare in earth which the spirit of righteousnes shal make fruitful from aboue 12 So wil it come to passe that the Lord wil powre out al kind of good things vpon vs and the earth shal bring foorth her fruits abundantlie 13 Finallie al things shal be done in most due manner and order and euerie man shal frame his manners after the rule appointed of God PSALME LXXXVI The Argument This Psalme of Dauid doth also containe a verie notable example of most feruent praiers with most pretious sentences adioined partlie of the wil of God declared vnto vs and oftentimes experienced towards vs partlie drawne from his infinite power whereby wee may be comforted euen in the greatest miseries and most desperate Now the praier of Dauid is of two sorts one that he may be preserued in this life against his most cruel and most mightie enimies vnto this end that the name of God may be spread to the vttermost coasts of the earth namelie by the comming of Messiah which should be borne of him the which promise should come to naught vnlesse God did bridle the rage and madnes of the enimies another cause the chiefe is euen as the foundation of the former that God should not suffer him being broken with the greatnes of the dangers to fal awaie as it happeneth somtimes euen to them that are most strong vnlesse that God by the power of his spirit doe strengthen our wauering faith THE PARAPHRASIS 1 GIue eare vnto me ô Lord and heare mee that am oppressed
die how oft haue I bene striken with terrours sent by thee euen from my very youth how oft haue I stood amazed 16 Thy most bitter wrath hath ouerwhelmed me thy terrours haue shut me in on euerie side 17 A floud of waters as it were ouerflowing al and compassing me round about doe close me in 18 Thou hast remoued al my friends and companions farre from me that I see nothing anie-where but meere darknes PSALME LXXXIX The Argument Ethan the Esrait as also Heman were named by their countrie as J iudge vnto the which Ethan this excellent Psalme is intituled It is the same whose genealogie 〈◊〉 deriued from Merari 1. Chron. 6 44. a man of singular wisedome 1. King 4.31 And I do agree with them that thinke that he did liue after Salomon and that he lamenteth in this Psalme both the falling awaie of the ten tribes from the house of Dauid and also that horrible inuasion and spoile of the land of Iuda and of the house of God and of the kings house which was made by Zesak king of Aegypt as it is declared 2. Chron. 12. Jt conteineth a most greeuous and pitiful lamentation in the which yet he is not discouraged but in the verie beginning ouercomming by faith he doth couragiouslie lift vp himselfe ouer infidelitie and though he seeme somtimes to languish and faint in the battel at the length yet like a conquerour he triumpheth he commeth foorth then as a valiant champion armed with faith and hope both twaine being grounded of most certaine and sure foundations euen of the vnmoueable stabilitie of the decrees of God first considered generallie that is in the adoption of the seede of Abraham then particularlie in the promise confirmed with Dauid And he bringeth foorth two most certaine testimonies thereof euen the innumerable benefits verse 1. and the verie frame of heauen verse 2. in the which he saith that God hath ingrauen the truth of his promise not so much for the stable substance of the heauens and also most certaine course but much more as I suppose because the Lord making a couenant with Abraham would haue the heauens which he commanded him to behold to be as a sacrament of his couenant But in the other part that is in the league made with Dauid of the eternitie of his kingdome he chieflie laboureth verse 4. and 5. and that worthilie because that the whole foundation of the faith of the saints resteth vpon this sonne of Dauid For if he be an eternal King the Church also which is the kingdome of heauen must of necessitie be eternal and euerlasting and therefore without al danger to perish The second foundation of this faith and hope is the infinite power of God whereof he bringeth also a double testimonie one that sh●neth foorth in the gouernement of things both aboue and beneath the other declaring it selfe in the manifold deliuerances of the Church from the 6. verse to the 15. the third foundation of these twaine is the nature of God himselfe who must needes be both merciful towards his by the couenant of his gratious and free promise and a iust aduenger of their enimies the which place he doth amplifie with an excellent poëtical inuention borrowed of the thrones of kings verse 14 and 15. these things being set downe as though the battel were finished he singeth the triumph verse 16. and in the three next following But here contrariwise the enimie rebelleth who seemed to haue bene ouercome and verelie which is strange he vseth the same weapons wherewith chieflie he was ouercome For he granted the couenant made with Dauid yea euen so that he bringeth foorth the verie tables of the couenant and requireth euerie word of them to be pondered that he may gather thereby by present experience that that couenant is frustrate euen because it was violated and broken by the posteritie of Dauid and therefore that their hope is vaine which rested vpon the stabilitie thereof And this is the greatest battel of faith namelie whereas the promises are granted generalie and the controuersie is brought of the particular application● the assault of the enimie is conteined verse 20 c. vnto the 46. verse Finallie there followeth a most feruent praier in the which he rising vp who seemed to be ouerthrowne resting stil notwithstanding vpon those three things whereof we haue spoken he concludeth that it were a great absurditie and that it is farre from the wil of God reuealed that he should alwaie be angrie with his verse 47. then doth he lament the miseries of mankind which perisheth euen of his owne follie verse 48 49. and in the end he concludeth the Psalme with a most godlie triumph bringing in againe the league made with Dauid and declaring on the one side the greatnes of the present miserie and on the other side putting God in remembrance that it standeth not so much of the preseruation of the miserable as of the maintenance of his owne glorie THE PARAPHRASIS 1 ALthough we be afflicted on euerie side with so great calamities as we thinke can come to anie yet God forbid that I should expostulate with him naie rather I wil celebrate with continual songs how manie and how great his benefits are towards vs and I wil neuer cease to praise his euerlasting constancie in perfourming his promises 2 For although that thing be interrupted sometimes which he hath begun yet must we determine that that must alwaies remaine vnmooueable which he promising of his great mercie hath said shal continue taking the heauens themselues to witnesse 3 But the effect of this couenant doth depend altogether of that which I wil not let to declare by the voice of God himselfe Thus then he saith Behold I doe sweare that I wil perfourme this my couenant begun with your fathers vnto that same chosen man euen vnto Dauid this my seruant 4 That is to saie that a child shal spring out of him whome I wil endue with eternitie and that his kingdome shal be perpetual 5 And euen that stable frame of the heauens that endureth so manie ages doth declare that God wil bring to passe and worke that thing which passeth the condition of mankind and the state of al kingdomes but especiallie that companie of holie spirits which celebrate the truth of God 6 For who in those regions that are aboue vs may be compared with the Lord the maker and which of those most mightie spirits shal we saie to be like the Lord 7 For there is none of al these that stand about him which doe not feare at the sight of God and doth not confesse that he is to be reuerenced aboue al. 8 Oh Lord God the emperour of those heauenlie armies who can saie that he is equal to thee in power and thy truth is no lesse stable than thy power is mightie 9 And that thou wilt doe what thou art able for thine thou hast testified now of old when thou hast bridled the raging sea
by thy power and hast stilled the most deepe surges thereof that there might be a passage to thy people 10 And by the same thy mightie arme thou hast cast downe Aegypt euen thine enimies wounded to death 11 And how can it be but thou art able to doe it vnto whome the heauen and the earth as to their onlie Creator are subiect 12 And which hast defended with a certaine special power the land which thou hast chosen and giuen vnto thine For thou certainlie hast appointed the north and south borders thereof and hast set Tabor at the west and Hermon at the east 13 Wherefore seeing thou hast a power neither weake nor idle surelie thou wilt declare thy strength and wilt lift vp thy right hand 14 Finallie thou wilt declare thy selfe in deede to be the King whose throne that most moderate equitie whereby thou gouernest thine assemblie and that seueritie of iudgement whereby thou punishest thine enimies and the enimies of thy people doe hold vp as it were two pillers vnto whome also sitting vpon this throne mercie and truth are seene to stand before him 15 O blessed is the people who being stirred vp with the sound of thy trumpets ô Lord doth go foorth the light of thy countenance shewing them the waie 16 And praising thee dailie and trusting of thy iustice doth reioice 17 For thou art both the honour and also the strength both of them and vs and we lift vp our head trusting vpon thy most merciful goodnes 18 For our defender our king I saie vpon whom we set our eies who is ordei●ed ouer vs by thee ô Lord which hast consecrated and separated thine Israël forth of al people vnto thee is stablished by thy power 19 For thou at what time it pleased thee to bestowe this so great benefite vpon vs didst appeare vnto men whome thou louedst most dearelie and didst speake vnto them in these words I haue raised vp this most valiant man chosen out of the whole people by whose power my people may be defended 20 Dauid I sai● hath it pleased me to take onlie out of al the rest whose endeuour I would vse in that busines and therefore haue I consecrated him with my holie oile to be the king 21 Therefore my hand shal establish him with mine arme I saie wil I strengthen him 22 No enimie shal ouercome him by subtiltie neither shal anie wicked man oppresse him by force 23 For I wil destroie al that would oppresse him before his face and I wil staie al his enimies 24 My mercie shal neuer faile him my truth shal neuer forsake him and he trusting to my fauour shal lift vp his head most high 25 I wil cause him to haue one hand vpon the sea and another vpon the flouds 26 And he shal name me his father his God and his safe tower 27 And I wil place him againe as my first begotten sonne in the whole familie of the kings of the whole world euen in a throne most high aboue others 28 I wil defend him with euerlasting mercie and my couenant made with him shal be stable for euer 29 I wil cause that his generation shal be eternal and his throne as stable and euerlasting as heauen it selfe 30 For though his posteritie shal saile from my lawe neither order themselues by the rules of the lawe prescribed vnto them 31 But violate the ordinances that I haue appointed and keepe not my commandements 32 I wil then take the rod and correct their faults and punish their wickednes 33 But I wil not suffer them to be without al sense of my mercie neither wil I therefore breake my promise 34 Nor wil violate my couenant or wil change anie thing of those things that I haue spoken 35 For I the holie one haue once sworne by mine owne selfe If I lie at anie time vnto Dauid 36 His generation shal stand for euer and his throne shal be as the sunne before me 37 And it shal continue euen as the moone in al ages they both being faithful witnesses of this my promise in the heauens 38 Thou hast euen promised these things of old ô Lord how shal I now saie then that it is come to passe that thou being angrie hast refused and cast awaie this thy king 39 Wherefore I praie thee hast thou abrogated thy league made with thy seruant wherefore hast thou laid open to the reproch of al men his crowne cast vpon the ground 40 Al his forts being ouerthrowne and al his fortresses destroied 41 Thou hast laid him open to be spoiled by al that passe by at their pleasure and to be derided of al his neighbours about him 42 Thou hast ministred power and cause of ioie to al his aduersaries 43 Thou hast made blunt the edge of his sword thou hast taken awaie al courage from him that he is not able to stand against the force of his enimie 44 And thou hast blotted out al his honour and hast cast downe his throne euen vnto the ground 45 In the verie flower of his youth thou hast cut off his strength hast couered him with al shame 46 Oh Lord wilt thou withdraw thy selfe from vs for euer shal thine anger thus like a most raging flame breake foorth against vs 47 Remember how short the space of mans life is although it should be the whole time continued And shal we thinke that thou hast made men for no purpose but to take them awaie suddenlie 48 What neede anie violence I praie you to destroie vs seeing there is no man who doth not perish of his owne selfe and no man is able to exempt him selfe from the graue 49 Where are now those thine old benefits ô Lord which thou hast sworne vnto Dauid that they should remaine for euer 50 But to what purpose do I make these complaints Thou knowest most certainelie the purpose of thy counsels and be it far from me that I should doubt of thy fidelitie Onlie I beseech thee ô Lord consider with thy selfe how thy seruants are rebuked especiallie how manie reproches so manie people do vomit into my bosome 51 Euen what these thine enimies rather than ours haue reprochfullie laide vnto thy charge ô Lord and with what ieasting taunts they aunswere those things which are rehearsed by vs of the king and kingdome that thou hast established 52 Howbeit ô Lord howsoeuer these men dote and which waie soeuer thou leadest vs to and fro al land and euerlasting glorie apperteineth vnto thee And so vndoubtedlie without al faile wil it come to passe PSALME XC The Argument Moses doth here preach of the miseries of mankind speciallie of death wherof the Philosophers do teach manie things but falselie and foolishlie For they vnderstoode nothing of the creation of man nor of his fal much lesse of the true comforts against al the miseries of this life Hereof did these wicked voices arise that It was the best either not to be borne at al or to die
do flourish which argument is treated in manie other places it admonisheth least the godlie should turne themselues to folowe the wicked that we may not esteeme the loue or hatred of God by prosperitie or aduersitie or that we should therefore denie the prouidence of God as though anie thing came by chance or yet be discouraged but rather to adore the wisedome of God and his power also who concerning the wicked wil recompence the delaie of the punishment with the greeuousnes thereof but wil defend his that is those that are grafted trul●e into the Church euen vnto the end THE PARAPHRASIS 1 HOw excellent a thing is it to praise the Lord and to sing vnto his most high name 2 And to rise in the morning earelie to praise thy goodnes ô God and to praise thy truth at the night as we are admonished both by the morning and euening sacrifices ordeined by thee 3 Vpon the instrument of ten strings vpon the viol and with song and with the harpe 4 For the workes that thou hast done minister an argument of most great ioie vnto me that I can not but with reioicing haue them in admiration 5 For how wonderful are thy workes ô Lord and how secret and hid are the reasons of thy counsels 6 Therefore the foolish and mad men who onlie seeme to themselues and to others to be wise do not perceiue what this thing meaneth 7 That the euil and most wicked men do growe vp and flourish therefore they wickedlie condemne that which they do not vnderstand as though either the state of men were gouerned by chance or that God did fauour wickednes euen because they do not vnderstand that these wicked men are like hearbes so greene and flourishing that streightwaies they die vp by the roots 8 For although these inferiour things be subiect to maruellous changes yet thou the most wise and most iust gouernour of al them sitting on high art not changed but art the same and doest remaine like thy selfe ô Lord. 9 What alteration then of things or time soeuer do fal yet must this end of necessitie folowe that thine enimies thine enimies I saie ô Lord must perish and that al which are obstinatelie bent vpon wickednes because those are thine enimies howsoeuer they flourish for a time in the end shal be scattered and vanish 10 But thou contrariwise wilt lift vp this mine head as it were of an vnicorne being annointed by thee with fresh oile and laden with new benefites continuallie 11 Wherefore there wil be a time when we shal see and heare that this is come vpon them which they deserue who rising out of their ambushments seeke to destroie vs by al meanes 12 But the iust men do not onlie not faint vnder the burthen of miseries but also they gather strength like the palme tree and like those high cedars of Libanus which cannot be consumed with rottennes or age but dailie growe vp more great 13 For they are planted in a most fat and wealthie place euen in the house of the Lord himselfe in the courts whereof let them flourish 14 And that with such power that they may be greene bud foorth and be ful of sap euen in their verie age 15 And this is the onelie end of these benefites and the marke that we may feele and professe the Lord to be our onlie towre and the most righteous gouernour in the world who departeth not one iot from that which is most iust PSALME XCIII The Argument This Psalme trulie is verie short but it conteineth al in one word that is necessarie to confirme our faith when he saith that God reigneth that is to saie that he is a King not in name alone but in verie deede the most mightie defender of his and the auenger of their enimies And seing that the father hath giuen al iudgment to his sonne euen as he is man Iohn 5.22 and the Church is therefore called the kingdome of heauen it is euident that this Psalme hath respect vnto Messiah whose verie true godhead is prooued heereby manifestlie that the name of Jehouah is attributed vnto him THE PARAPHRASIS 1 HOwsoeuer the wicked freat and disturbe al things as much as lieth in them yet reigneth the Lord ful of maiestie and power which thing the verie sight of the heauens do declare Neither doth he sit there idlelie but if we diligentlie consider with how great wisedome and also power he doth gouerne al things howsoeuer they be disordered by the wickednes of men he is alwaies armed with those weapons wherewith he both defendeth his and brideleth their enimies For how can he not do this thing who vpholdeth this huge masse of the verie earth by his onlie power so ballanced that it can neither wauer to the one part nor to the other 2 Therefore is his kingdome much more stable and vnmoueable as it hath alwaies bin and shal be 3 How great is the rage of the flowing waters how terrible is the roaring of the stormes that do rise vp and beate one against another 4 But al these how lowd sounding and raging tempestes soeuer are nothing verelie compared with the infinite power of Iehouah thundering forth of his high throne and repressing al this tumult by his onelie becke and how much more easilie can he calme selie men be they neuer so outragious 5 And the assemblie of the saints which continueth stable now from the beginning of the world declareth the matter to be thus For it is necessarie that the promises made by God should bee sure and altogether vnchangeable Therefore howsoeuer the world doe sreat and how great stormes soeuer it do stir vp against thy house ô Lord that holines ful of most excellent beautie wherewith thou doest adorne it shal be euerlasting PSALME XCIIII The Argument This most excellent Psalme is a displaieng of the tyrannie of Sathan by whose furies the most mightie princes of the world being stirred vp doe violate al the lawes of God and man especiallie when they rise vp against the godlie euen as though there were no God or that he had no prouidence at al of which horrible rage and wickednes the chiefe kingdomes of Europa giue vs an example at this daie But most effectual comforts are afterward annexed drawne forth of the vnchangable nature of God himselfe and of his prouidence and are described with great maiestie the godly are commanded to read and meditate diligentlie the holie scriptures that they may knowe these things whereby they shal vnderstand euen by innumerabl● and most certaine testimonies that al these tempests and stormes shal turne to the commoditie of the godlie but to the destruction of the wicked the which thing euen the Prophet proueth by his own example and the Church verelie neuer triumphed but vnder the crosse THE PARAPHRASIS 1 SHine vnto vs in so great and horrible confused darknes ô Lord the auenger of wickednes and most iust iudge 2 Go vp vnto thy iudgement seat ô thou
Psalme and other foure that followe haue neither the name of the writer nor the occasion of the writing set before them in Hebrue but they seeme altogether to be written by Dauid which thing is noted in the Greeke and that at the same time when he brought in the Arke of the Lord into his citie as it is written 1. Chron. 15. whereof we did speake vpon the Psalme 47. either verelie when he d●clared the building of the temple of the Lord a little before the death of Salomon which historie is written 1. Chron. 29. and it doth conteine the doctrine of the true vse of the temple of al the holie rites wherewith both Messiah hims●lfe and al his office was shadowed Therefore notable and plaine prophesies are adioined of his comming and of that spreading of his spiritual kingdome throughout the whole world so that Christ did not vnworthilie admonish the senselesse Jewes with these words Search the scriptures for they beare witnes of me THE PARAPHRASIS 1 SIng vnto the Lord a new song sing vnto the Lord al ye inhabitants of the earth 2 Sing I saie vnto the Lord giue him thanks shew foorth without ceasing the saluation that he hath wrought 3 Rehearse vnto the Gentiles and to al people his excellent and maruellous works 4 For the Lord alone is great and no praise is sufficient for him and he is to be feared worthilie but not those false and feigned gods 5 For they verelie are vaine though the people do worship them so deuoutlie but the Lord hath created the verie heauens 6 Maiestie and honour doe go befo●e him shining foorth in his works and it is declared in his sanctuarie both how great his power and glorie is 7 Giue therefore vnto the Lord al ye people assembled together giue I saie vnto the Lord the praise of power and glorie 8 Giue honour vnto the Lord due vnto his name and take an oblation and enter into the courts consecrated vnto him 9 Worship the Lord sitting in that his renowmed sanctuarie al ye inhabitants of the earth reuerence his Maiestie 10 Proclame on euerie side ô ye criers Now is the Lord come to reigne ouer the whole earth now verelie the world shal be established now shal the people be gouerned with a iust and righteous gouernement 11 Let the heauens be glad and the earth reioice and the roring sea how wide soeuer it lieth testifie her ioie 12 Let the fields leape for ioie and whatsoeuer is in the fields finallie let al the trees of the wood now reioice 13 Before the Lord for lo he commeth he commeth to gouerne the earth to gouerne the world I saie and al the people with the scepter of his iustice and truth PSALME XCVII The Argument Jt falleth out in the Psalmes as in a doubtful feast that thou canst not easilie iudge which to prefer before another This Psalme verely is most worthie for al the godlie to meditate most diligentlie as a most diuine briefe summe of al the mysterie of the Gospel and these are the chiefe places thereof First the diuinitie of Christ by the repeating of the name Iehouah sixe times and by attributing al glorie and power vnto him verse 2 5 6 9 10. finallie by worshipping of the verie Angels verse 7. it is most manifestlie confirmed as the Apostle doth interpret it Heb. 1 6. Secondlie his humanitie as the same Apostle doth interpret it which thing is also prooued hereby that here it is treated of that kingdome as it were first then to be begun verse 1 2 6 9. wherby it is plaine that it cannot be referred onelie to his godhead but that it apperteineth necessarilie vnto the King that should be borne of the stocke of Dauid which should so be God that he should also be man and so also man that he should be verie God Thirdlie a plaine prophesie of the spreading of the spiritual kingdome throughout the whole world verse 1 5 6. wherevnto Christ himselfe had regard Ioh. 5 22. Mat. 28 18. Fourthly the rebellion of verie manie vnto whom the Gospel should be now is the sauor of death vnto death verse 2 3 4 5 wherevnto Christ had respect Luke 12 49. For J had rather interpret these things thus than to applie them to the preaching of the lawe Fiftlie that incredible power of the spirit of God which should declare it selfe in the ministerie of the Apostles verse 1 6 7 9. the which thing Christ also foretold before Iohn 12 32. and 14 12. Sixtlie the exaltation of the verie person of Christ verse 9. wherevnto the Apostle manifestlie alluded Ephe. 4 10. and Philip. 2.9 Seuenthlie faith by bearing the word in the elect and the vnspeakable ioie of the conscience that shal folowe thereof verse 8. Eightlie the office of those that are iustified and sanctified verse 10. Ninthlie the crosse is like a certaine apparitor attending vpon the promises of the Gospel which yet shal haue a most ioiful end verse 11. and 12. Wherevnto the Apostle most manifestlie alluded Philip. 4.4 THE PARAPHRASIS 1 THe Lord being so long inclosed as it were within the smal and narrowe bounds of one people now at the length he beginneth his kingdome ouer al the world wherefore let the earth reioice and al ye most great countries euen beyond the seas be ye ioiful 2 For he is come although verie mild and meeke towards his yet to be reuerenced of his owne both for his diuine Maiestie and also terrible to his enimies how fierce soeuer they be euen compassed about with the blacke darknes of the clouds and sitting vpon a throne staied as it were with two vnmoueable pillers namelie iustice which he sheweth in keeping promise with his owne and defending them by his couenant and most seuere iudgement whereby he punisheth his aduersaries 3 A flaming fire shal then go before him and shal take hold on his enimies on euerie side 4 The lightenings breaking forth from his iudgement seate shal fil the world with glittering light they shal see this in the end euen against their wils which are most blind and they shal tremble thoroughout the compasse of the earth 5 The hils at the sight of the Lord at the sight I saie of the Lord of al the earth shal melt 6 But vnto others that are willing to be taught and readie to obeie he wil shew himselfe so iust and minful of his mercie promised that the verie heauens being astonished with so great so glorious bountie powred out by him vpon al people as farre as the heauens are extended shal set foorth this so great a benefite as it were with a sounding voice 7 Go to then be ye ashamed of your most filthie seruitude ô ye slaues of the idols but ô ye euen the verie Angels worship him as your Lord and King 8 But who wil heare these things verelie the true Sion who with the residue of the cities of her dominion as a mother with her daughters
being for this cause replenished with ioie and comforted with thy iudgements ô Lord wil reioice 9 Go to then ô Lord sitting vpon thy most high throne rule thou the whole earth and exalt thy selfe aboue al that is aloft anie-where 10 And ye that loue the Lord continue to hate that which is euil and doubt nothing but that he which hath freelie embraced you with so great fauour wil defend you also most mightilie and wil deliuer you from the wicked 11 And though this light of the mercie of God doth not streightwaie shine vnto the godlie let them remember that like as the seedes which are sowen in the earth do not foorthwith spring vp naie though they lie longer hid in the bowels of the earth yet they come forth more plentifullie euen so the light of righteousnes is sowen for them that loue that light whereby it shal wholie come to passe that al they that leade an vpright life are replenished with incredible ioie 12 Reioice ye therefore in the Lord so great a King ô al ye iust and magnifie the holie remembrance of him continuallie PSALME XCVIII The Argument This Psalme is the same almost with the ninetie and sixe and it conteineth the prophesie of the spreading of the kingdome of the Messiah and repeateth it againe of the which prophesie Simeon Zacharie and Marie the mother of the Lord in those their most famous hymnes are most diuine interpreters vsing almost the selfe-same words But this Psalme doth teach three things of most great importance euen in three verses One verse 1. that Christ our mediatour in this worke of our redemption hath no coadiutor at al nor partener the which heauenlie doctrine doth confute that diuelish dotage of the merits of saints as they cal them with what painted colours soeuer it be intruded and it giueth to God alone his due glorie as wel in the redemption as in the creation of man The second verse 2. that al this redemption consisteth in the iustice of Christ himselfe which verelie can not be made ours but by imputation The third verse 3. that al this benefit doth flowe foorth from the onelie free promise and truth of God himselfe THE PARAPHRASIS 1 SIng vnto the Lord a new song for he hath now shewed foorth al that his maruellous power by ouercomming al his enimies by his owne right hand onelie and by his owne arme alone 2 And now in the end he setteth foorth to be seene before al nations this benefit of so great a deliuerance which was so long looked for of our fathers and now at the length is performed which did lie hid before as in a corner euen his owne iustice wherewith they being indued shal not onlie escape the damnation which their vnrighteousnes deserueth but also shal obteine the crowne of iustice promised 3 And if anie demand what hath mooued him at the length to so great bountifulnes let him knowe that al this proceedeth from hence that hee is mindful of the promise that he hath made and by the same mercie that he was moued to promise it by the same he is moued to perfourme it in deede that he might shew himselfe most bountiful in verie deede vnto al men to the vttermost borders of the earth 4 Go to then al ye inhabitants of the earth blowe vp the trumpets vnto God sound out the instruments sing a triumphant song vnto him sing praises vnto him 5 Sing vnto the Lord both with the harps and with voices by order and course 6 Go before the King Iehouah with sounding trumpets and shalmes 7 Let the sea how wide soeuer sound againe and also the whole world with the song of al the inhabitants of the earth 8 Let the verie flouds sound round about with their noise and the verie mountaines with triumphant songs 9 Before the Lord that shal vndertake the gouernement of the world and shal gouerne the people most iustlie and vprightlie PSALME XCIX The Argument This Psalme was set foorth that the people what storme soeuer should arise turning vnto God should learne to set foorth the promise of the Messiah against al terrours of whome he so plainlie speaketh as though he had bene now present at the same time commanding al men euen to behold him in the visible sacraments set before them because they were no vaine signes of his most present fauour being euen the same in signification that ours are seeing there is but one and the same Christ whether he be to be shewed or alreadie exhibited although their signes were differing from ours Furthermore he adioineth the testimonies of three most godlie men Moses Aaron and Samuel whose office was to praie vnto God for the people both that whilest that priesthood appointed of God should remaine in authoritie the people should surelie iudge that the same God should be present with them who was with them of old as also they which desired to be heard might followe the same waie of faith and godlines that they did vnto the which doctrine of the publike and ecclesiastical praiers that is to be applied which Paule writeth 1. Timoth. 2 1. THE PARAPHRASIS 1 NOw I beseech you why should we feare the force or threatenings of anie man seeing we haue the Lord himselfe to be our King let the people fret as much as they lust yea let the earth wauer the foundations being shaken it is enough that he is with vs that inhabiteth the Cherubims 2 Verelie the Lord hath declared abundantlie the greatnes of his power in Sion and al the people nil they wil they shal be subiect to his power 3 Let vs therefore neither feare nor yet doubt but rather trusting vpon the most assured protection of God magnifie that his mightie and terrible name to the enimies for it is holie and therefore al honour is due vnto it 4 For is not this our King as he is indued with most great power so also the louer of iustice wherefore we neede to seeke none other succour besides him neither neede we to doubt but that he wil punish most sharplie al them of whome we are vniustlie oppressed For it is not possible that he should suffer their wickednes vnaduenged who is the authour of equitie it selfe hath set downe the verie rule of iustice vnto the posteritie of Iacob 5 Go to then praise ye the Lord our God and falling downe before his footestoole worship him for he is holie 6 For this cause did he consecrate Moses and Aaron of old and set Samuel also amongst them who did exercise the office of the mediator for the people the which thing whilest they did carefullie praieng vnto God they were heard of the Lord. Why then should wee doubt seeing that same priesthoode is of force but that we folowing their example should now also be heard 7 And also he did speake to those our fathers of old out of the cloudie piller vnto whome because they should keepe his commandements he prescribed the rites of
holie and separate altogether from al impuritie for they shal be consecrate and made holie euen by him that is both a mightie King a most holie Priest For Iehouah hath appointed him to be a Priest also that with an inuiolable oth hath made him not like Aaron and his posteritie euen mortal men offering transitorie things but an eternal Priest with a spiritual and most pure sacrifice to wit himselfe being once offered to reconcile his vnto God for euer of the which eternal Priest that great Melchisedech was a figure as he is set foorth vnto vs by Moses 5 Wherefore thou holie assemblie with what stormes soeuer thou be tossed be void of care trusting vpon so great a King and Priest For he wil alwaie be present with thee and wil destroie in his anger those kings that striue against thee at the verie time and moment which he hath most wiselie determined 6 And hee wil bring into subiection vnto his kingdome the people far wide sauing his owne and making an horrible slaughter of the rebels euerie where and he wil ouerthrowe that monarch that ruleth so far and wide 7 Yet shal he himselfe drinke also of the brooke before these triumphs and shal suffer al the miseries of the most greeuous battel wherewith he may seeme to be swallowed and drowned but it is so far off that he should hereby suffer anie detriment that contrariwise by this same meanes he shal lift vp his head most high crowned with euerlasting glorie PSALME CXI The Argument It appeareth that this Psalme and certaine other that fellowe which haue a common title Haleluiah whether they were written by Dauid or by other prophets and singers were set fooorth for this purpose that the people comming together to the temple chieflie at the solemne feasts should vnderstand that this is the end of sacrifices and other holie rites euen to praise God not that the forgiuenesse of sinnes and righteousnes should be sought in those works but that euerie one being admonished by those visible signes should rise vp by true faith to the verie things signified namelie to Christ and the benefits promised in him and so should set foorth the bountifulnes of God by an earnest confession of the same which is the true vse euen now also of the Christian assemblies and sacraments And there be set foorth in this Psalme the goodnes of God his wisedome and iustice to be considered first in the creation ordering and gouernement of the world then in that maruelous deliuerance out of Aegypt and other further testimonies whereby God did declare his singular fauour towards this people in diuers sorts finallie this Psalme is concluded with a most graue sentence which is to be set against al the blasphemous words of wicked men deriding this most comfortable doctrine THE PARAPHRASIS 1 PRaise ye the Lord with the whole heart ô ye people that be gathered together and consecrate to him to declare his benefits in this assemblie 2 For the works of the Lord verelie are great but onelie knowen vnto them which are delighted in the consideration of them 3 For a maruellous brightnes doth shine foorth in his works compelling the minds of al men that doe behold them to giue him honour and whatsoeuer the wicked doe prate his most perfect iustice doth shew foorth it selfe to be seene in the gouernment of them 4 But especiallie that most mild and merciful Lord hath appointed for vs this solemne memorie of his benefits 5 For this is he which hath ministred that meate sent downe from heauen to those that feare him whole fortie yeeres long and that orderlie measured to euerie familie for he is neuer forgetful of his couenant 6 Furthermore by taking awaie those countries from the inhabitants and giuing them in possession to his people he declared in deede of how great power he is 7 Certainlie those things which he wrought for vs by his owne power when we came ouer into these countries doe declare both his most constant fidelitie in performing his promises most manifestlie and also his iust seueritie in punishing wickednesse and they doe prooue that al those things remaine firme and stable whatsoeuer he decreeth 8 And we vtterlie grant that these things seeing they are directed by a most certaine and most right rule are so established that they can not once wauer much lesse be altered or abolished 9 Therefore he did not onelie bring in his people thither but also did defend them in al dangers For he so couenanted at that time with his people that he did prouide by certaine statutes for the keeping of his couenant Finallie his name is holie vnto his but terrible to his enimies 10 Therefore this is the chiefe point and the verie summe of true wisedome To feare the Lord. They certainlie are trulie wise whosoeuer doe obeie his commandements and his praise though it be despised of the wicked yet shal it remaine for euer PSALME CXII The Argument Like as of necessitie they were diuerslie affected which went vnto the temple either in the solemne feasts or at other times euen so doe we see that these Psalmes were applied to diuers ends like as also the Apostle 2. Tim. 2 1. maketh foure kinds of publike praiers This Psalme therfore pertaineth vnto those praiers wherein we praie for deliuerance from those things that doe presse vs although it is not written so much in forme of supplication as of consolation as though the Prophet should comfort and raise vp the miserable and careful that notwithstanding they should couragiouslie go forward and not be ouercome with the greatnes of calamities and so either despaire or decline to wicked counsels as it oftentimes falleth out in such distresse And the promises pertaining to the commoditie of this life are set foorth to be considered against those temptations for two causes especiallie First because we are verie oft tempted by Sathan by the losse or by the endangering of temporal commodities Against the which temptation are verie aptlie opposed those promises which are directlie contrarie furthermore because the old testament had those promises plainlie expressed But surelie it was neuer the meaning of the holie Ghost to retaine the minds of the faithful in the waiting for these things seeing they were the pledges onlie of spiritual graces and that with a condition annexed so far as God did knowe them to be expedient seeing these temporal things are neither absolutelie of themselues nor necessarilie good That great learned man Mollerus doth write verie aptlie that this Psalme is a plaine commentarie of the saieng of Paule 1 Tim. 4 8. Godlines hath the promise both of the present life and of that which is to come THE PARAPHRASIS 1 O Blessed is the man though manie thinke the contrarie who fearing the Lord doth obeie his commandements willinglie and with al his power 2 For his posteritie shal flourish for God fauoureth the generation of the iust 3 His familie is filled with riches and
Og the king of Basan and al the kingdoms of Canaan 12 Whose countries giuen to them before he deliuered to be possessed of Israël 13 Wherefore doubtles ô Lord thou hast gotten vnto thy selfe a name of perpetual praise neither shal the remembrance of thee be extinguished for euer 14 And thou wilt chieflie more and more set forth thy glorie in the preseruation of thy people and in thy louing kindnes that is so prone and readie to pardon thy seruants 15 But euen these most gorgious and pretious images which the senseles nations do worship are nothing else but gold siluer made by the workmanship of man in this or that forme 16 They haue a mouth and yet are dumbe they haue eies but they see nothing therewith 17 They haue eares but can not heare and haue a nose but wanting breath 18 And verelie in this point the workemen and worshippers of them differ nothing from them 19 But ye the stocke of Israël praise the Lord ye the familie of Aaron go before others in praising the Lord. 20 Ye Leuites praise the Lord as manie as professe his worship praise the Lord. 21 Let the euerlasting inhabitants of Ierusalem sound foorth the praises of the Lord out of Sion PSALME CXXXVI The Argument There is the same argument and the same vse of this most magnificent Psalme as of the other but the benefites of God both toward the whole mankind and especiallie bestowed vpon his Church are heere more plainelie set forth and euerie where there is a singular verse often repeated partlie that we should certainlie iudge these benefites onlie to come of the most liberal bountie of God partlie that we should iudge not onelie that al things generallie but also euen particularlie euerie thing is as a testimonie and pledge of Gods fauour and mercie to our saluation although this his liberalitie turne to the destruction of the wicked And it appeareth by 1. Chro. 7. that Dauid was the authour of this song the which was sung with most great solemnitie both in their high feasts and in their triumphant victories euer repeating this singular verse by course as also the historie of Iehosaphat doth declare 2. Chron. 20. THE PARAPHRASIS 1 PRaise the Lord for his great goodnes for his mercie endureth for euer 2 Praise the God of gods for his mercie endureth for euer 3 Praise the Lord of lords for his mercie endureth for euer 4 Who by his onlie power bringeth to passe maruelous things because his mercy endureth for euer 5 Who hath created the heauens by his infinite wisedome for his mercie endureth for euer 6 Who hath commanded the earth to stand vp aboue the bankes of the waters being appointed to susteine and giue nourishment to the beasts of the earth and the soules of the aire for his mercie endureth for euer 7 Who hath created those two great lights for his mercie endureth for euer 8 The Sunne to rule the daie for his mercie endureth for euer 9 The Moone and the Starres to rule in the night for his mercie endureth for euer 10 Who smote Aegypt slaieng their first borne for his mercie endureth for euer 11 And deliuered Israël from thence for his mercie endureth for euer 12 And that with a strong force and as it were by lifting vp his arme on high for his mercie endureth for euer 13 Who did part in sunder the Rushie sea which is called the red sea that it should lie open vnto the people passing to and fro by multitudes for his mercie endureth for euer 14 And led Israël through the middest thereof for his mercie endureth for euer 15 And drowned Pharao and al his armies in the same for his mercie endureth for euer 16 Who led his people by the waste wildernes for his mercie endureth for euer 17 Who stroke great kings with plagues for his mercie endureth for euer 18 Who slue mightie kings for his mercie endureth for euer 19 Sihon king of the Amorites for his mercie endureth for euer 20 And Og the king of Basan for his mercie endureth for euer 21 And gaue their dominion to be possessed by others for his mercie endureth for euer 22 Euen to be possessed by Israël his seruant for his mercie endureth for euer 23 Who when we were oppressed was mindful of vs for his mercie endureth for euer 24 And deliuered vs from our enimies for his mercie endureth for euer 25 Who giueth foode to al liuing creatures for his mercie endureth for euer 26 Praise ye God the Lord of heauen for his mercie endureth for euer PSALME CXXXVII The Argument The holie Ghost would haue this excellent Psalme to be extant which no doubt was made by the Leuites the fingers in the time of the captiuitie that he might teach vs verie notable things and necessarie to our comfort to wit that there is a time of silence vnder the crosse when the power of darkenes hath his time notwithstanding that we must retaine alwaies our constancie not onelie in faith but also in zeale least we betraie the truth with our silence or forsake our dutie for feare of men The dogs verelie are vnworthie to haue anie holie thing offered to them but this same thing is not to be dissembled that they are dogs when it standeth vpon the glorie of God and that the oppressors of the Church shal neuer carie awaie their wickednes vnpunished and chieflie they which do inflame the crueltie of the mightie men against the innocent THE PARAPHRASIS 1 WE being caried awaie vnto that prophane Babylon euen auoiding so much as laie in vs the sight of the wicked enimies did confesse with most doleful silence euen with aboundance of teares both our sinne and our sorowe at the floud of Euphrates being mindful of Sion 2 And though we caried our harpes euen to be our comfort in so great calamitie yet seeing that it seemed vnto vs that we should rather mourne than sing in that time and place we did hang them vpon the sallowe trees making no noise in the sight of the Babylonians 3 When they themselues which had drawne vs awaie into this most miserable captiuitie outrageouslie mocking our miserie did require of vs that we should delight them with our songs and take againe into our hands the harps that we had hanged vp speaking these words Come off sing vnto vs those tunes of your Sion 4 But we did not agree vnto them bearing most heauilie this their derision as breaking out into the reproch of the Lord himselfe For with what countenance or with what conscience could we abandon the holie praises of the Lord to be derided of those wicked enimies 5 But be it far awaie and God forbid ô Ierusalem that though we be far separate from thee we should forget thee but let rather euerie one of our right hands forget al plaieng of instruments 6 Let the tongue of euerie one of vs rather cleaue to the roofe of our mouthes than that it being vnmindful of thee
earnestlie meditate THE PARAPHRASIS 1 I Doe render vnto thee ô Lord mine onelie strength the praise of al these victories by most worthie right For I doe attribute it vnto thee that these my hands haue fought so valiantlie and that my fingers haue handled my sword so cunninglie 2 For thou art hee by whose benefit I remaine aliue thou art my defence my tower my sauiour my shield my refuge finallie thou art he who onlie hast subdued al this people vnto me 3 For I praie thee what maner a thing is man that most miserable of al liuing things and most ful of calamities wherefore shouldst thou regard him what haue mortal men borne of those that are mortal in themselues that thou shouldst take care of them 4 Certainlie he himselfe is most like a thing of naught and his life is like a shadowe that passeth awaie most swiftlie 5 Be present therefore with me ô Lord without whose helpe I perish and come foorth terriblie from thy heauenlie tower and testifie thy presence with the tempests following thee and command the tops of the clouds being striken to cast foorth stormie whirlewinds 6 Let thunderbolts followe whereby thou maiest cast downe their troups let lightnings come thicke glistering like darts wherewith thou maiest disorder their whole armies 7 Finallie stretch foorth thy hand and deliuer me from these whirlepooles euen from the hands of these strangers 8 I doe cal them strangers because that although they be counted in thy familie yet do they nothing appertaine vnto thee seeing their mouth is ful of falshood and their hands are defiled with a thousand deceits 9 But euen these also thou wilt driue awaie therfore I wil sing a new song vnto thee both with my voice and with mine instruments 10 Vnto thee I saie which art the reuenger of roial dignitie and the defender of Dauid thy seruant euen now readie to be slaine with the sword of his aduersaries 11 Wherefore deliuer me and defend me out of the hands of these strangers whose mouth is ful of falshood and their hands are ful of deceit 12 For thus least I be thought to respect onelie mine owne commoditie our sonnes also shal be like the faire plants which growe vp speedilie at the verie beginning and our daughters being of a tal and comlie stature shal be like vnto pillers cunninglie polished or carued wherewith the entries of palaces are sustained 13 In our storehouses al kind of prouision shal abound manie millians of our cattel shal plentifullie fil our streets 14 Our heards shal be seene to be of a strong and wel knit bodie there shal no-where be anie inuasion of enimies which should neede to be repulsed with armies there shal no crie be heard throughout the cities 15 O happie people to whom thou shalt giue this thing ô blessed is that people which acknowledgeth the Lord to be his God and whome the Lord likewise acknowledgeth for his people PSALME CXLV The Argument Euen this one Psalme is most worthie that al men should choose also as a squire and rule how to giue true praise vnto God for nothing can be spoken either more grauelie or more honourablie both of the wisedome mercie iustice and power of God testified in al his works and especiallie of his singular and excellent benefits toward his Church so that this Psalme verely is a perfect example of that same reasonable worship of God which doth continue in the Church alone THE PARAPHRASIS 1 O My God my King I wil highlie extol thee and celebrate thy name for euer and euer 2 I wil consecrate al the daies of my life to set forth thy glorie and wil amplifie thy name with songs that neuer shal haue end 3 For thou art great ô Lord and no praise is sufficient for thee neither can anie man attaine to thy greatnes 4 For thy wonderful works endure not for one generation and age alone but as one age succeedeth another so likewise must some men commit the memorial of them vnto others vnles they wil be negligent in doing their dutie 5 Wherefore truelie be it far from me that anie thing should be of greater authoritie with me than that I should carefullie thinke that the brightnes of thy Maiestie which shineth vnto vs in the verie dailie vse of things and that thy deedes are greater than can be comprehended by the admiration or by the capacitie of al men 6 And doubtles though verie manie be most blockish and wonderful thanklesse yet can there neuer be wanting some which shal euen against their wils confesse at the least thy terrible power but admit that other be silent yet wil I neuer cease to declare thy greatnes 7 But God forbid that I alone should labour to doe this my dutie for verelie there wil be alwaies some assemblie which wil by al meanes testifie the remembrance of thy peculiar goodnes and thy most vndoubted promises 8 Namelie that thou art most merciful and most readie to exceeding mercie and of whome a man may almost doubt whether he be more slowe to wrath or more prone to pardon 9 For is there anie thing ô Lord void of thy goodnes naie what is there in this whole world anie-where which doth not testifie thy clemencie euen in this point that thou doest suffer so manie ages this world that is defiled so sundrie waies 10 Therefore ô Lord thou hast created nothing nothing was done of thee since the world was first made which doth not euen of it selfe set foorth thy glorie but onelie thy chosen people doe acknowledge thee and giue vnto thee due and conuenient praise 11 For these alone do knowe declare by experience what thy dominion is and what is thy power 12 That is to saie the publishers of thy most valiant acts committing the glorie of thy kingdome to their posteritie 13 For indeed thy kingdome is not limited in any bounds of time for that it alwaies endureth one and vnchangeable from al eternitie 14 And how iust and moderate this thy rule is hereof it is euident ô Lord because thou dost staie vp euerie one how vnworthie soeuer which else should fal and also liftest vp those that are alreadie fallen downe 15 And what maner of benefit is this of thine which is common to al that the life of al liuing creatures is attributed to thee their creator and preseruer and thou againe giuest them nourishment in their due and conuenient time 16 For whatsoeuer hath life liueth not by anie other means than herevpon that thou bestowest vpon euerie one as it were willinglie reaching foorth thine hand compelled by thine alone liberalitie 17 Neither doth both thy iustice and thy most bountious liberalitie lesse appeare in gouerning those things which thou hast made and directing them what waie soeuer thou wilt to the end appointed by thee 18 Yet thou manifesting thy selfe principalie and with a certaine peculiar testimonie of thy fauour in defending them carefulie which worship and reuerence thee with an
abide 18 And he also againe so soone as he commandeth doth melt the things that are frosen and the waters streightwaie flowe foorth againe as though their bands were losed 19 And these things verelie do testifie most plainelie both his infinite goodnes and power yet surelie they are nothing in comparison of that benefite which he bestowed vpon his Israël when he deliuered vnto him the doctrine of saluation and the rule to leade his life both godlie and honestlie 20 Neither is there any nation vnder heauen with whome he hath so dealt but he hath left other men without this most true and most iust doctrine PSALME CXLVIII The Argument The scope and end of this Psalme most ful of maiestie euen written with a heauenlie feruencie is whereas there be extant so manie most cleare witnesses of Gods wisedome of his power and goodnes as there be things created to cal vpon al those things high lowe and of the middle sort to set foorth the praise of God with common consent For though manie of them are without both vnderstanding and sense yet they al after their maner although they be silent are said to sound foorth the glorie of God though men which haue reason and for whose cause they are made ought properlie both in their owne name and in their name to do this dutie and chieflie the godlie ought to set foorth continuallie that incomparable benefite whereby they are chosen into the felowship of the sonne of God THE PARAPHRASIS 1 GO to let them found forth the praises of the Lord euen from the most high heauens 2 O al ye holie spirits the apparitors of his Maiestie which are diuided into innumerable garrisons go ye before others in this his praise 3 Thou Sunne and Moone and al ye Starres shining in the heauens shewe forth the praise of your Maker 4 O ye most high spheares of the heauens praise ye him ye vawts of waters which hang on high 5 Let al these things I saie praise the Lord for they began to haue their being by his onlie commandement 6 And they are placed by his appointment in the same place and order where they stand most stable and they are set in order with certaine spaces and bounds which they can not passe ouer by anie meanes though they would 7 And let the earthlie things againe answer vnto the heauenlie and the creeping wormes in the hollowe holes of the earth and also the depths of waters 8 And ye flames of lightnings also hailes snowes vapours lifted vp whirlewinds and other tempests which al haue your being and are moued by his commandement 9 Mountaines and al hils trees laden with fruits the Cedars mounting vp with such maruelous height 10 Ye wild beasts also and ye that be tame whatsoeuer creepeth vpon the ground and whatsoeuer fleeth through the aire 11 But chieflie both the kings and their people subiect vnto them the princes and the gouernours of the earth 12 Yong men and old yong maides also and children 13 Praise ye the name of the Lord for he alone deserueth most high praise as he that is more deepe than the very earth more high than the heauens 14 But this becommeth chieflie the people whom God of his vnspeakable fauour hath consecrated vnto himselfe and brought them into the most high state of dignitie aboue others therefore it becommeth those that haue receiued such benefits of God to set forth his praises euen the posteritie of Israël the which people God hath chosen to be his owne familie and houshold PSALME CXLIX The Argument The interpretation of this Psalme seemeth to be more plaine and more agreeable to the holie historie if it be applied vnto the kingdome of Dauid rather than to the last times of the captiuitie of Babylon Wherefore in ny iudgement the people recouering themselues from so manie miseries which they had suffered both in the times of the iudges and of Saule himselfe both the religion of God being first restored and also the policie set in good order is taught by this Psalme to giue thankes vnto God and not to abuse his so great benefits Wherein Dauid himselfe giueth them example acknowledging the Lord God to be the King together with them And as concerning the musical instruments here named it was a part of the seruice of the lawe which is abolished notwithstanding no man vnlesse such a one as is worthie to be counted amongst beastes can denie but that there is a great power both of musicke when it is sung and also in instruments to moue mens minds yet the examples both of the former Church and the horrible abuses that streightwaies followed do teach sufficientlie how vnprofitable it is to bring in such musicke and instruments into the Church of Christ as hath bin of late And a prophesie is also added which the verie end did confirme so manie victories being granted vnto Dauid and the bounds of his kingdome being spread euen vnto Euphrates that then the promise was fulfilled at the length which was made vnto Abraham as concerning the figure for it can not be doubted but that these things were the figures of the kingdome of Christ and of his spiritual victories and of that horrible iudgement which shal be most fullie in the end at the last daie and which now and then God executeth vpon al the rebellious THE PARAPHRASIS 1 GO to al ye that haue receiued benefites of the Lord sing vnto him a new and excellent song being deliuered from so manie not dangers but deaths 2 Euen thou ô Israël delight thy selfe in setting forth his praises whose worke thou art as it were newlie formed O ye citizens of Sion reioice ye trusting in the Lord your King Gouernor which belongeth to none other nation vnder heauen 3 Set foorth his praises far and wide not onelie priuatelie but also publikelie not onlie with voice but also with fluites and timbrels and with al kind of musical instruments 4 Euen because it hath pleased the Lord of his infinite mercie to consecrate this people vnto himselfe and as the matter it selfe maketh it manifest when they seemed vtterlie to be lost to make them honourable and of most high dignitie 5 Wherefore these glorious people vpon whom he hath bestowed so manie benefites do now reioice and shal reioice hereafter and with great quietnes shal sing a triumph 6 Praising the Lord indeede with their exclamations cries but armed with double edged swords in their hands 7 Wherewith they may punish the prophane Gentiles and auenge the crueltie of the people 8 And also may drawe their kings nobles bound in chaines and iron setters 9 Euen to execute the iudgement appointed and commanded by the Lord and this verelie is the dignitie and the honour of al them whome God hath receiued to his fauour PSALME CL. The Argument Jt is probable that the holie singing men of the temple did stir vp one another with this Psalme ful of maruelous zeale We
of the natural loue and affection not of common friendship whereof the prophane writers haue spoken manie things also verie wel but of that holie charitie whereof the holie Ghost onelie is the authour which ioineth al the godlie vnto one heauenlie father in Christ the first born among manie brethren The which knot also not euerie kind of commoditie in regard wherof the poëts did adorne peace with maruellous epithetons so that they counted it as a goddesse but al the benefits of God both of this life and of the life to come do folowe it being euen powred downe vpon vs from him foorth of whose fulnes they are deriued downe vnto the vnder members cleauing vnto him Wherefore this charitie or loue is worthilie cōpared with the heauenlie dew that we may acknowledge it to be giuen vs from heauen and that freelie and also with the holie ointment of Aaron running downe from the head vnto the hem of his garment because that Aaron was a figure of Christ our eternal Priest that ointment did signifie the holie spirit powred foorth without measure vpon our head that is vpon Christ himselfe thereby sanctifieng his vnder members that is the whole Church by whose sweete smel also we are acceptable to our heauenlie father according to that saieng Ioh. 14 21. He that loueth me shal be loued of my father and I wil loue him c. Iohn 1 16. THE PARAPHRASIS 1 BEhold how beautiful and happie this change of our state is to wit because we see that brethren which before were at dissention both in bodies and minds are now most friendlie ioined in hearts Wherefore I would haue you continuallie to consider and marke that there is nothing either more profitable or more pleasant than your brotherlie amitie For besides that God would haue vs to be borne of one and the same father Abraham the which reason is of no smal moment he hath further called and chosen vs out into his familie by the same his holie spirit 2 Wherefore this brotherlie vnitie is plainlie like that sweete balme so pretious which being powred vpon the head of the high priest and vpon his beard did flowe downe euen to the hem of his holie garment 3 And we may compare it with that most sweet and most fruitful dew which falleth on the mountaines both of Hermon and Sion For where this concord is of force there at the commandement of God from heauen al commodities flowe downe and remaine for euer PSALME CXXXIIII The Argument After the manifold speeches pertaining vnto the people at the length a verie good end is made vnto that matter by an exhortation directed vnto the priestes and Leuites seeing the worship of God is the whole summe belonging vnto the Church Therefore the Leuites are admonished for what cause they are placed in the Church not that they should exercise dumbe ceremonies but that they should bestowe whole daies nights for the saluation of the people that is in teaching declaring the praises of God and in praieng THE PARAPHRASIS 1 LO ye blessed companie whom the Lord hath peculiarlie chosen out of the rest of the people and whose ministerie he vseth whilest yee appeare in his house before him daie and night first execute your office diligentlie in Gods sight carefullie labouring to set foorth his praises 2 Praie vnto the Lord I saie lifting vp your hands vnto his sanctuarie and praise him which is the principal part of his worship and the verie end of these ceremonies 3 Then commend the whole assemblie of the people vnto God sending them awaie after they haue sincerelie offered their sacrifices and haue bene instructed with holie doctrine praieng that the Lord who is the Creator of heauen and earth would enrich them al out of Sion with al kind of blessings PSALME CXXXV The Argument The Prophet doth chiefly exhort the priests and the Leuites also in this Psalme as in the former publikelie to set foorth the praise of God vnto whome yet he wil haue the people to ioine as to their ringleaders And the arguments of praise are taken partlie of the general works wherein God setteth foorth both his infinite power and goodnes euen as it were to be groped or handeled of al men partlie of his special benefits that are bestowed on his owne people and he adioineth an antithesis of the idols at large And we ought to confirme our selues at this daie stil with the same testimonie and to giue thanks vnto God dailie now for them also seeing there hath bene alwaies and is stil one and the same Church as there is one God and one faith although the couenant be diuers in the manner and forme of reuelation which God hath made with his THE PARAPHRASIS 1 O Al ye that are peculiarlie appointed to the ministerie of the Lord praise ye praise ye the Lord as he hath shewed himselfe in deede worthilie to be acknowledged 2 You I saie which are appointed to stand and to appeare euen in the house of the Lord and vnto whome the keeping of these courts of the Lord is committed 3 Praise God who is verie good and praise his name than the which nothing is more pleasant 4 For he hath of his onlie goodnes chosen Iacob to himselfe as his most chiefe treasure 5 And to speake no more of these special testimonies of his fauour why should not I affirme that thing which is most plaine and euident that the Lord euen our God is verie great although foolish men imagine to themselues gods he is mightier than al their gods although we should graunt that there were such as they doe dreame 6 For seeing that these men suppose that there are manie gods surelie they can make none of these almightie and some doe make them idle beholders of things others do bind them to inferiour causes others faine that most vile things and most wicked things are done openlie by them but the Lord as he hath created the heauen the earth the sea and al the depths thereof so also he vseth them at his pleasure 7 By whose commandements the clouds rising from the vttermost parts of the earth doe minister the matter of the firie flames and of the raines which burst foorth thence together and which bringeth foorth the winds out of his store 8 And least anie man should limit this infinite power of the Lord within the bounds of natural causes this is he which destroied in one night al the first borne both of men and beasts in Aegypt the which thing certainlie can not be attributed to the order of nature 9 He also ouerthrew Pharao in Aegypt and al the Aegyptians ouer dutiful-seruants to their king with signes and wonders whereof there is not one which doth not declare the infinite power of the Lord aboue al order of nature 10 Yea and not Pharao onlie and the Aegyptians but he also miserablie slue manie other nations and their most mightie kings 11 As Sehon king of the Amorites and