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A01811 Annales of England Containing the reignes of Henry the Eighth. Edward the Sixt. Queene Mary. Written in Latin by the Right Honorable and Right Reverend Father in God, Francis Lord Bishop of Hereford. Thus Englished, corrected and inlarged with the author's consent, by Morgan Godwyn.; Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII, Edwardo VI, et Maria regnantibus annales. English Godwin, Francis, 1562-1633.; Godwin, Morgan, 1602 or 3-1645. 1630 (1630) STC 11947; ESTC S106901 197,682 360

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greatest note that accompanied him were richly rewarded and all being dismissed with many thankes safely returned home In their absence MARGARET Duchesse of Sauoy who was Daughter to the Emperour MAXIMILIAN and Gouernesse of the Netherlands vnder CHARLES the Infant of Spaine preuailed with our King for the like number of Archers shee hauing then wars with the Duke of Gueldres against whom she meant to imploy them These men in the space of fiue moneths did many braue exploits at Brimnost Aske and Venloo vnder the command of Sir EDWARD PO●NINGS a braue Souldier and in great fauour with his Prince Of them fourteene hundred returned home much commended and well rewarded the fortune of warre had cut off one hundred Foure Captaines in regard of their valour were Knighted by the Infant CHARLES afterwardes Emperour viz. IOHN NORTON IOHN FOG IOHN SCOT and THOMAS LYND The King of Scots had then warre with the Portugall vnder pretext whereof one ANDREW BARTON a famous Pirat tooke all ships that coasted either England or Scotland affirming them alwayes to bee Portugals of what Nation soeuer they were or at least fraught with Portugall marchandise The King sent EDWARD HOWARD Lord Admirall of England and his brother the Lord THOMAS HOWARD eldest sonne to the Earle of Surrey with one IOHN HOPTON to take this Rouer When they had once found him out after a long and bloudie fight they tooke him aliue but mortally wounded with his two ships and all his companions that survived the fight and brought them to London Anno Dom. 1512. Reg. 4. AS yet our HENRY had no warre with any forraine Prince neither did the wiser sort wish that he should haue any But hee a young King in the heat of one and twentie yeares was transported with a vehement desire of warre which saith the Prouerbe is sweet to them that neuer tasted of it Although he had about a yeare or two before made a League with LEWIS the Twelfe of France yet hee was easily entreated by Pope IVLIVS ●o renounce this Confederacie This Pope more like to that CAESAR whose Name hee bare the PETER from whom he would faine deriue his Succession that like another NERO sitting still hee might from on high be a spectator while the whole world was on fire had written Letters to our King wherein hee entreated his assistance towards the suppression of the French who without feare of God or man these were the pretended causes had not only sacrilegiously laid hold on the reuenues of the Church had caused Cardinall WILLIAM to vsurpe the Papacie had vpheld ALFONSO of Ferara and the Bentivogli in rebellion against him but had also farther decreed to make Italy the Theater of his tyrannie Wherefore he coniured him by the Loue of our Sa●ionr by the Pietie of his Ancestors whose aides were neuer wanting when the Church stood in need and by the fast tie of Filiall Obedience that hee would enter into the Holy League of the Estates of Italy who had made choice of him for their Generall Iealousie and Reuerence to the Sea of Rome so prevailed with Him that hee easily condiscended to the Popes request Yet that he might some way colour his action hee would needs interpose himselfe as Vmpier betweene the Pope and the French whom by his Embassadours hee entreates to lay aside armes withall not obscurely threatning that if he did not so he intended to vndertake the defence of the Pope against him the common disturber of the peace of Christendome The French set light by this Wherefore warre is proclaimed by a Herald the French King commanded to part with the Kingdome of France and the Duchies of Normandie and Aquitaine which hee without right vniustly vsurped Then entring into League with MAXIMILIAN the Emperour the Arragonois and the Pope they consult of assaulting the French with ioint forces The Arragonois invites vs into Spaine that thence we might invade France promising besides certaine troupes of Horse store of Artillery Waggons for carriage Munition and many other things necessary for such an Expedition Our King relying on his Father in law his promises levies a great Armie whereof he ships onepart for Spaine and employes the other by Sea EDWARD HOWARD Lord Admirall had charge of the Sea forces who fought with the French Fleet in the Bay of Bretatgne In which fight there was no memorable thing done besides the combate of the two great ships the one having seven hundred English in it vnder the command of Sir THOMAS KNEVET the other nine hundred French vnder PRIMAVGET a Briton These ships being both fast grapled after a long fight fell both on fire and were vtterly consumed not a man being saved of whom it might bee learned whether this fire happened by chance or were purposely kindled by a forced despaire Our other Army vnder the command of the Lord THOMAS GRAY Marquis of Dorset amongst ten thousand tall English souldiers had fiue hundred Germanes vnder one GVINT a Flemming This Armie landed in Biscay where they spent some moneths in expectation of due performances from the Arragonois who feeding them with promises only tempered the heat of our men who were very eager vpon the march for France It hapned that GASTON of Foix Competitor for the Kingdome with IOHN King of Navarre died about the same time The Navarro●s had promised FERD●NAND some aides toward this warre But now fearing no Competitor hee whether out of inconstancie or that he thought his affaires so required secretly by his Agents makes a League with the French Vpon this FERDINAND turnes his Armes vpon the Navarrois and straines all his strings to draw our men to the same attempt but the Marquis of Dorset pleaded his Commission beyond which hee could not with safetie proceed The Navarrois was vtterly vnprouided and the Nobilitie so divided into the factions of the Egremonts and the Beaumonts that he could doe nothing It was bruited that two mighty Kings came against him with no lesse forces what should hee doe to hope from France were vaine the French were too farre off and deeply engaged in other warres At the approach of the Spantard hee quits his Kingdome and with his Wife and Children flying over the Pyrenean mountaines makes Bea●ne his receptacle FERDINAND having thus gotten a new Kingdome casts off all farther thought of ●rance onely intending the confirmation of his conquest to which end hee intreates of HENRY the helpe of our forces raised for France and prevailes but to no purpose For the English having their bodies inflamed with the intolerable heate of a strange climate and the drinking of strong wines drop● downe every where insomuch that we lost about a thousand some say of eighteene hundred men in an instant Wherefore impatient of farther delay they force their Commanders to set saile homeward The King was mightily enraged at their returne insomuch that hee once thought to haue punished them for their obstinacie but the multitude of Delinquents proved a
and of France the Pope the Venetians Florentines and Suisses called the Holy League for the common libertie of Italy The Embassadours much amazed and seeing small hopes of the Dutchy of Burgorgne for which they came returne into Spaine and advertise the Emperour that if he will bee content with a pecuniarie ranson and free the two Princes the King was willing to pay it other Conditions he was like to have none In the meane time SOLYMAN not forgetting to make his profit of these horrible confusions invaded Hungary with a great Army overthrew the Hungarians slew King LEWIS the Emperours Brother in law and conquered the greatest part of the Kingdome For the obtaining of this victorie our Rashnesse was more availeable to him then his owne Forces The Hungarians in comparison of their Enemies were but a handfull but having formerly beene many times victorious over the Turkes they persuaded the young King that hee should not obscure the ancient glory of so warlike a Nation that not expecting the aides of Transylvania he should encounter the Enemy even in the open fields where the Turkes in regard of their multitudes of horse might be thought invincible The event shewed the goodnesse of this counsell The Army consisting of the chiefe strength and Nobilitie of the Countrey was overthrowne a great slaughter made and the King himselfe slaine with much of the Nobility and chiefe Prelates of the Realme and among them TOMORAEVS Archbishop of Col●cza the chiefe authour of this ill advised attempt I cannot omit an oddeiest at the same time occasioned by WOLSEY his arnbition It was but falsly rumoured that Pope CLEMENT was dead The Cardinall had long beene sicke of the Pope and the King lately of his Wife WOLSEY persuades the King there was no speedier way to compasse●his desires then if Hee could procure him to be chosen Pope CLEMENT being now dead STEPHEN GARDINER a stirring man one very learned and that had a working spirit did then at Rome solicit the Kings Divorce from Queene CATHARINE Wherein although vsing all possible meanes and that CLEMENT was no friend to the Emperour yet could hee not procure the Popes favour in the King's behalfe Nay whether he would not cut off all meanes of reconciliation with the Emperour if need were or whether being naturally slow hee did not vsually dispatch any matter of great moment speedily or peradventure whereto the event was agreeable that he perceived it would be for his profit to spin it out at length or which some alledge that he was of opinion that this marriage was lawfully contracted so that he could not giue sentence on either side without either offence to his Conscience or his Friend the Pope could not be drawne to determine either way in this businesse These delayes much vexed the King If matters proceed so slowly vnder CLEMENT on whom hee much presumed what could hee expect from another Pope one perhaps wholy at the Emperours devotion Hee therefore resolved to endevour the advancement of WOLSEY to the Chaire from whom hee promised to himselfe a successe answerable to his desires HENRY therefore sends away speedy Posts to GARDINER with ample instructions in the behalfe of WOLSEY willing him to worke the Cardinals some with promises others with guifts some with threats others with persuasions and to omit no meanes that might be any way availeable But this was to build Castles in the aire The messenger had scarce set forth when report that had made CLEMENT dead had againe revived him Anno Dom. 1527. Reg. 19. THe sixt of May Rome was taken and sacked by the Imperials vnder the conduct of the Duke of Bourbon who was himselfe slaine in the assault marching in the head of his troupes The Pope Cardinals Embassadours of Princes and other Nobles hardly escaping into the Castle of Saint Angelo were there for some dayes besieged At length despairing of succours and victuals failing the Pope for feare hee should fall into the hands of the Lansquenets for the most part seasoned with LVTHERS doctrine and therefore passionate enemies to the Sea of Rome agreeth with the Prince of Auranges after the death of the Duke of Bourbon chosen Generall by the Army yeilding himselfe and the Cardinals to him who kept them close Prisoners in the Castle Rome was now subiect to all kind of crueltie and insolencies vsuall to a conquered Citie intended for destruction Beside Slaughter Spoile Rapes Ruine the Pope and Cardinals were the sport and mockerie of the licentious multitude HENRY pretended much griefe at this newes but was inwardly glad that such an occasion was offred whereby he might oblige CLEMENT in all likelihood as he had iust cause offended with the Emperour for this so insolent and harsh proceeding Whereupon hee dispatcheth WOLSEY into France who should intimate to the King his perpetuall Ally what a scandale it was to all Christendome that the Head of it should bee oppressed with Captivitie a thing which did more especially concerne FRANCIS his affaires The Cardinall set forth from London about the beginning of Iuly accompanied with nine hundred Horse among which were many Nobles The Archbishop of Dublin the Bishop of London the Earle of Derby the Lords SANDS MONTEGLE and HARENDON besides many Knights and Gentlemen WOLSEY found the French King at Amiens where it is agreed that at the common charge of both Princes warre shall be maintained in Italy to set the Pope at libertie and to restore him to the possessions of the Church HENRY contributing for his part thirtie thousand pounds sterling a moneth Vpon the returne of the Cardinall FRANCIS sent into England MONTMORENCY Lord Steward and Mareschall of France for the confirmation of this League and to invest the King with the Order of Saint MICHAEL Hee arriued in England about the middle of October accompanied with ●OHN BELLAY Bishop of Bayeux afterward Cardinall the Lord of Brion and among others MARTIN BELLAY the Wri●er of the French Historie who in this manner describes the passages of this Embassage MONTMORENCY arriving at Dover was honourably received by many Bishops and Gentlemen sent by the King who brought him to London where he was met by twelue hundred horse who conducted him to his lodging in the Bishop of Londons Palace Two dayes after hee went by water to Greenwich fower miles beneath London where the King oft resideth There hee was very sumptuously entertained by the King and the Cardinall of Yorke Having had Audience the Cardinall having often accompanied him at London and Greenwich brought him to a house which he had built a little before ten miles aboue London seated vpon the bankes of Thames called Hampton Court. The Cardinall gave it afterward to the King it is this day one of the King 's chiefest houses The Embassador with all his Attendants was there feasted by him foure or fiue dayes together The Chambers had hangings of wonderfull value and euery place did glitter with innumerable vessels of gold and
above navell high through the dikes to the wall which wee little feared could be done without resistance finding the place void of defendants they easily make themselves masters of the Castle and had as easily taken the Towne if Sir ANTHONY AGER Marshall of the Towne had not with some few others made head against them and forced them to retreat to the Castle in which conflict that valiant Knight was slaine The Lord WENTWORTH Governour of the Towne seeing little hopes of keeping the Towne craved parley which was granted and at length yeilded the Towne vpon these Conditions That the common souldiers and inhabitants should depart without transporting or carrying away any thing with them and that the Lord WENTWORTH with fifty others such as the Duke of Guise should appoint should remaine captives to be put to ranson So was Calais lost which had continued English above two hundred yeares neither was the siege long the Enemy sitting downe before i● on Newyeares day and having it yeilded vp on Twelfe day Seven dayes after the Duke marcheth toward Guisnes which Towne he tooke without any difficultie but the Castle which the Lord GRAY commanded not so easily But that and Hames Castle were at length taken also and dismantled so that of all the Kingdome of France the greatest part whereof was for a long time held by our Kings and whereof HENRY the Sixt had beene crowned King at Paris Anno 1431. nor in the Duchies of Normandie and Aquitaine the ancient inheritance of the Kings of England our Kings possesse nothing but the Isles of Iersey and Guarnesey which have proved loyall to vs ever since the Conquest While the French proceeded thus in Picardie the Queene certified thereof with great diligence prepares her Fleet to transport succours for Calais but contrary windes kept them backe so long vntill Calais was irrecoverably lost You shall not easily read of any action wherein God hath by more manifest signes declared how displeasing those wars are to him which vndertaken for ambition or profit do dissolve the publique peace PHILIP to begin with him against whom HENRY and the Pope did most vniustly conspire inlarged himselfe with a double victorie each whereof were great and memorable The Cardinall CARAFFA and the Duke of Paliane who for their owne ends had persuaded the doting Pope to throw the ball of discord betweene these Princes were after for this very thing beheaded by PIVS the Fourth who immediately succeeded PAVL PAVL himselfe in the meane time the French being overthrowne at Saint Quintin was exposed to the mercy of the Spaniard whom he had irritated the French being forced to withdraw his Army out of Italy The rash violation of the League by MARY was punished with the losse of Calais and through griefe thereof according to common beliefe of life also What happened to the French who by the Pope's instigation first brake the five yeares Truce wee have already declared And least it might be conceived that his losses at and of Saint QVINTIN were repaired by the taking of Calais another overthrow given him within few moneths after will take away much from the content of that victory In Iune the Marshall De Termes who succeeded STROSSY lately slaine Governour of Calais breaketh into Arthois and Flanders with an Army consisting of neere about eleven thousand men leaving Graveling and Burburg at his backe attempts Berghes takes it sackes it and so opens a way to Dunkirk which hee also takes and spoiles and the Countrey all about for they feared not the French there and the Townes which the Spaniard held thoroughout that Tract were ill furnished lying open to their mercy they ransacke it most miserably and march as far as Newport PHILIP was affrighted with this Tempest fearing especially least the Duke of Guise then in Armes should joine with TERMES but having intelligence that the Duke spent his time about Arlon and Vireton hee resolves to intercept the French in their returne In this enterprise hee employes Count EGMOND his Lieuetenant generall in the Netherlands who having speedily out of the neighbour Garrisons of Betune Saint Omer Aires Burburg and others assembled an Army of fifteene thousand puts himselfe betweene Dunkirk and Calais TERMES had hitherto expected the Duke of Guise but vpon notice that the Countrey was vp in Armes he somewhat too late bethought himselfe of a retreate Hee was now every way inclosed and passage not to be gained but by dint of sword The French therefore valiantly charge their Enemies and overthrow some Squadrons of Horse indeed dispaire animated them to do wonders and the Flemings were set on fire by the desire of revenging late injuries The Spanish Troupes renew the fight which was with equall order long maintained on both sides in the heate whereof ten English Men of War fortunately sailing by for De TERMES had for his security betaken him to the shore hoping that way with much lesse hazard to have gained passage vpon discovery of the French Colours let fly their Ordnance furiously among the French making such a slaughter that they began to give ground were at last routed and overthrowne The French in this battaile lost five thousand Their chiefe Commanders were almost all taken the Marshall himselfe was hurt and taken with D'ANNEBALT the Son of CLAVD the late Admirall the Earle of Chaune SENARPONT VILLEBON Governour of Picardy MORVILLIERS and many others Two hundred escaped to our Ships whome they might have drowned but giving them Quarter they were brought Captives into England This battaile was fought on the thirteenth of Iuly The Queene desirous by some action or other to wipe out the staine of the ignominious losse of Calais about the same time set forth a fleet of one hundred and forty Saile whereof thirty were Flemings the maine of the expedition being from Brest in Bretaigne But the Lord Clinton Lord high Admirall of England finding no good to be done there set saile for Conquet where he landed tooke the Towne sacked it and set it on fire together with the Abbey and the adiacent villages and returned to his ships But the Flemings somewhat more greedy after prey disorderly piercing farther into the Countrey and reguardlesse of martiall discipline which commands obedience to their Generall being incountred by the Lord of Ker●imon came fewer home by five hundred PHILIP about the same time lodging neere Amiens with a great Army HENRY with a far greater attended each motion of his They incampe at last HENRY on the North of the river Somme PHILIP on the South of the river Anthy so neere to one another that it might be thought impossible for two such spirited Princes commanding so great Armies to depart without a battell But divers considerations had tempered their heat PHILIP being the weaker of the two saw no reason why to ingage himselfe HENRY had an Army which had twice felt the other victorious and was therefore loath on them to adventure his already shaken estate
1509. his Coronation was deferred to the foure and twentieth of Iune In the meane time his Counsaile thought it would proue a profitable policie for the King to marrie CATHARINE the Widdow of Prince ARTHVR his deceased Brother and Daughter to FERDINAND King of Castile for otherwise that huge masse of monie assigned for her jointure must yearely bee transported out of the Kingdome Neither was there at first any other doubt made of this match then whether it were approued by the Ecclesiasticall Constitutions for as much as the Scripture said some forbad any man to marrie his brothers wife But this rub was easily remoued by the omnipotence of the Popes Bull insomuch that presently vpon the Dispensation of Pope Iulius on the third of Iune vnder a malignant Constellation the Nuptials of these Princes were solemnized and they both crowned the foure and twentieth of Iune next following being Saint Iohn Baptists day At these Solemnities there wanted neither pompe nor acclamations of the Estates of the Realme But to shew that of Salomon to be true The end of mirth is heauinesse fiue had not yet runne their course since the Coronation when MARGARET Countesse of Richmond the Kings Grandmother made an exchange of this life with death She was a very godly and vertuous Ladie and one who for her benefits to the Estate deserved with all honour to be commended to the perpetuall memorie of Posteritie but her euerliuing workes will so farre set forth her praise that the paines of any Writer will proue altogether needlesse Yet notwithstanding omitting other things it will savour somewhat of ingratitude if I should not recount what she hath conferred vpon our Vniuersities Shee founded two Colledges at Cambridge one dedicated to our Saviour CHRIST the other to Saint IOHN the Euangelist and endowed them both with such large Revenues that at this time besides Officers and Seruants there are about two hundred Students maintained in them shee also left Lands to both Vniuersities out of the rents whereof two Doctors publike Professors of Divinitie to this day doe receiue their annuall stipends Shee lies interred neere her Sonne in a faire Tombe of Touchstone whereon lies her Image of guilded brasse Anno Dom. 1510. Reg. 2. HENRY the Seventh Father to this our Eighth some few yeares before his death had caused an inquisition to bee made throughout the Kingdome of the breach of the penall Statutes saying that Lawes were to no purpose vnlesse the feare of punishment did force men to obserue them But the Inquisitors proceeding so rigorously that euen the least faults were punished according to the Law which inflicted a pecuniarie Mulct they that were touch't saith Polydore Virgil cried out that this proceeded out of Covetousnesse rather then Severiti● But the wiser sort conceiued the Kings intent to be partly to curbe the fierce mind of the people bred vp in faction partly that by these Fines hee might not only weaken the rich but also increase his owne strength and fortifie himselfe against ciuill Attempts whereof hee had lately seene some sparkles flie abroad if so bee any smothered coale should happen to breake out into a flame What euer the matter was many there were who by accusing others sought the Kings favour and inlarged their owne estates amongst whom two were chiefe the one was called RICHARD EMPSON the other EDMVND DVDLEY both Lawiers and both for having served the Kings turne lately made Barons of the Exchequer It is said that EMPSON was borne at Torcester in Northampton Shire his Father was a Siuier DVDLEY though he were well descended yet being not befriended by fortune long strugled with adversitie But after they had some moneths taken paines in these matters both of them arise to that greatnesse that there were few of the Nobilitie that would not crouch to them and be ambitious of their fauour Therefore it is not so much to be wondred at if they grew exceeding wealthy but this wealth drew with it an envy greater then it selfe which neuerthelesse did them little hurt during the life of HENRY the Seventh but afterwards cast them both downe as low as enuie could haue wisht The King vpon his death-bed commanded in his Will and Testament that restitution should bee made to all who had beene wronged by the Exchequer Whereupon infinite numbers flocking to the Court and demanding restitution there could not a fitter meanes be thought of to stop their mouthes then by committing of EMPSON and DVDLEY the occasioners thereof to the people as Sacrifices to appease their fury They were therefore arraigned and condemned of high Treason And these things were done presently vpon HENRY the Eighth his comming to the Crowne So their goods being seized vpon they for a whole yeare endured the miseries that vsually accompany a prison and yet were the Commons as eager against them as euer Whence it should first arise I know not but such a report there was that the Queene had begged the poore mens pardons The Nobilitie disdaining that such meane fellowes had beene heretofore so prevalent with their Prince and the Commons being easily incited against them by some as eager enemies to them as themselues cried out that they were cheated oftheir iust reuenge and wearied the King with continuall petitions for their death he was in a manner forced to satisfie them Whereupon on the se●enteenth day of August they were both publiquely beheaded Such was the end of EMPSON and DVDLEY who abounding with wealth and flourishing vnder their Princes fauour while they set light by all things else became a sacrifice to the g●ddie multitude And it may serue to teach vs to vse our power moderately and to take heed how wee giue offence to that Beast with many heads I meane the People which being angred and hauing once got the raines rageth like a tumultuous Sea DVDLEY left behind him a sonne named IOHN who as if he had beene heire to his fathers fortune being created Duke of Northumberland concluded his powerfull life with the like vnhappie end leauing much Issue behind him euen to our time but yet whereof the heires masle haue long since failed Anno Dom. 1511. Reg. 3. THis yeare on New yeares day the Queene was deliuered of a Sonne Heire apparant to this Crowne but hee out-liued not the three and twentieth of the ensuing Februarie to the great griefe of the King and Kingdome About the same time there came Embassadours from FERDINAND King of Arragon who craved of the King his Sonne in Law fifteene hundred auxiliary Archers Hee was then in hostilitie with the Moores inhabiting Afrique The King very willingly granted their request and having leuied the full number embarqued them for Spaine in foure ships of the Nauy Royall vnder the command of THOMAS Lord Dar●ie They were scarce arriued there when newes was brought that a Peace being made FERDINAND stood in no farther need of their aide Yet euery one was liberally paid the Generall and those of
hee saw into what straights our King was likely to driue the French being weake if he would pressehard vpon him and pierce farther into the Kingdome although hee were a profest enemie to the French yet was he iealous of our prosperous proceeding and therefore by all meanes perswaded HENRY to dismantle Therouenne and thence to proceed to the siege of Tournay Hee blamed him not without iust cause for his late setting forth Summer being first wel●neere spent Winter was now at hand when it would not quit cost to maintaine such an Armie good desigues being not then to bee put in execution Hee told him that Therovenne was so farre from him that it could not bee kept without great difficultie therefore hee should doe well to dismantle it that it might not hereafter serue for a Bulwarke to the Eenemie That Tournay was a French Citie but like an Island with the Sea surrounded with Flanders and Hainault and farre divided from the rest of France True it was that it was well stored with inhabitants and not meanly fortified but that there was no other Garrison then of Citizens and these hee should finde effeminate and for provision that they had none Hee should therefore make speed and come on them vnawares and with a few dayes siege force them to yeild That the French King if hee intended to succour them must first march through all Henault and passe over two or three great Riuers amongst which were the Escaut and the Scarpe That the Souldiers should finde good booties there and the King himselfe the triumph of a most assured conquest That the addition of such a Citie would bee no meane increase of his Dominions and so much the lesse care to bee taken of it for as much as it would bee as easie for him to keepe it in obedience as it was for the French for the space of so many yeares to defend it being placed amidst so many Enemies that still had a greedie eye over it King HENRY by this time had so much of Warre that hee began to bee wearie of the toyle thereof and to cast his minde on the pleasures of the Court Wherefore although hee wanted not Counsailors for the best hee followed the Emperours advice as being the more easie The Flemmings who begged it of the King had leave to rase the walls of Therouenne to fill the ditches and to burne all the buildings except the Church and the Chanons houses which they in regard of the dissensions vsuall to bordering Nations very gladly performed Therouenne being thus taken and destroyed away they march with all speed to Tournay indevouring by their celeritie to prevent the fame of their comming But the Citizens suspecting some such enterprise had fortified themselves as well as the shortnesse of time would permit them and the Peasants thereabouts bring all their goods into the Citie as to a place of safeguard The Citie was of no great circuit yet at the beginning of the siege it contained fourescore thousand people By reason whereof victuals quickly began to faile them and they could no way hope for reliefe The French King was farre off they had no Garison the Citizens bad Souldiers two great Princes had begirt the Towne with fif●ie thousand men but they had an Enemy within called Famine more cruell and insupportable then both So having for some few dayes held out the siege the nine and twentieth of September their lives being granted them they yeild and to saue themselves from spoile pay a hundred thousand Crownes The King makes them sweare Fealty to him and appoints Sir EDWARD POYNINGS a Knight of the Garter their Governour Next hee gives order for store of warlike provision puts in a small Garison and builds a Cittadell for the confirmation of his conquest Neither amongst these politique affaires did he neglect those of the Church For the Bishop being proscribed hee conferres the Sea with all the revenues vpon THOMAS WOLSEY of whose first rising and immoderate power we shall have much occasion to speake hereafter All things being thus ordered because Winter came on apace hee beganne to bethinke himselfe of returning with his Armie into England This thought so farre pleased him that having beene absent scarce foure monethes hee tooke ship and about the end of October came home triumphing in the glory of a double conquest By the way hee was entertained with the newes of another victorie the Lord HOWARD Earle of Surrey having vnder his Fortune slaine the King of Scots The King of France being encumbred with many warres had coniured IAMES the Fourth King of Scots by the ancient Lawes of Amitie and the late League made betweene them that Hee would not forsake him intangled in so many difficulties If Hee regarded not his friends case yet Hee should at least looke to himselfe for whom it would not bee safe to suffer a bordering Nation alwayes at enmitie with Him by such additions to arise to that height of power The King of England busied with a foraine warre was now absent and with Him the flower of the English Chivalrie Hee should therefore forthwith take Armes and trie to recover Berwicke an especiall towne of the Scottish Dominions but for many yeares withheld by the English He would easily be victorious if He would but make vse of this occasion so happily offered It could not be but this warre would bee for His Honour and profitable to His Friend if not to Himselfe He should thereby also make knowne to His Enemies that the Scottish Armes were not to bee contemned whose former victories a long and to them hurtfull peace had obscured and buried in oblivion among the English As for the charges of it Hee need not bee troubled for that Hee would afford Him fiftie thousand Crownes towards the providing of Munition and Ordinance These reasons so preuailed with the yong King covetous of glory that notwithstanding he had lately made a League with our King whose Sister hee had married and her vehement dissuasions he proclaimed warre against HENRY which proved fatall to him bloudie to his and the cause of many ensuing calamities So having raised a great Armie hee breakes into our Marches and besiegeth Norham Castle belonging to the Bishop of Durham the which having held out sixe dayes was at last yeilded vnto him Thence hee removes his Campe to Berwicke wasting all the Countrey as hee marcht with fire and sword The newes whereof are brought vnto them to whom the governement of the Kingdome was committed in the absence of the King and a leuy being made through all the North parts of the Kingdome Alnewike is appointed the rendez-vous where all the troupes should meete at a set day that thence they might set forward against the Enemie vnder the conduct of the Lord THOMAS HOWARD Earle of Surrey Among the first to his Fathers great ioy comes the Earles Sonne THOMAS Lord Admirall leading a veterane troupe of fiue thousand men of tried valour and
haughtie in regard of their former navall victories obtained vnder the command of this young Lord. After him came the Lords DACRES CLIFFORD SCROPE LATIMER CONIERS LVMLEY and OGLE besides Sir NICHOLAS APPLEYARD Master of the Ordinance Sir W. PERCIE Sir WILLIAM SIDNEY Sir WILLIAM BVLMER Sir IOHN STANLEY Sir WILLIAM MOLINEVX Sir THOMAS STRANGWAYES Sir RICHARD TEMPEST and many other Knights These sitting in Counsell thought it best to send an Herald to the King to expostulate with him concerning these out-rages committed to complaine that He had without all right or reason spoyled the Countrey of a Prince not onely Allied vnto Him but also His Confederate and therefore to certifie Him that they were readie by battaile to revenge the breach of League if so bee Hee durst awaite their comming but a few dayes in a ground that might be fitting for the meeting of both Armies The King makes answere by writing wherein Heeretorts the violation of the League calling God to witnesse that King HENRY had first by his many iniuries showne evident signes of an alienated mind For the English Hee pretended robbed all along the Marches of Scotland without restitution or punishment ANDREW BARTON a stout and honest man had beene vniustly slaine by the Kings command and one HERON who had murdered ROBERT CAR a Scottish Nobleman vaunted himselfe openly in England the King taking no notice of so hainous a fact Of these things Hee had often complained by his Embassadours but without effect There was therefore no other way for Him but to betake Himselfe to Armes for the common defence of Himselfe and his Kingdome against the Kings iniustice As for the meeting hee signified that he accepted of it and appointed both Time and Place for the battaile Neither partie failed the prefixed day The Scot seekes to animate his men by taking away all hope of safeguard by flight commanding them I know not how wisely but the event sh●wed how vnhappily for thme to forsake their horses forasmuch as they were to trust to their hands not to their horses heeles and by his owne example shewing what hee would haue done hee alights and prepares himselfe to fight on foote The rest doing the like the whole Army encountred Vs on foote to whom after a long and bloudy fight the fortune of the victorie inclined The Scots had two and twentie Peeces of great Ordinance which stood them in no steed For our men climing vp a hill where the Enemy sate hovering over Vs the shot passed over our heads Our chiefe strength were our Archers who so incessantly played vpon foure wings of Scots for the King divided his Army into fiue Battalions that were but lightly armed that they forced them to flie and leave their fellowes who yet stood stoutly to it But the maine Battaile where the King was consisting of choice men and better armed against our s●ot was not so easily defeated For the Scots although they being inclosed as it were in a toyle were forced to fight in a ring made most desperate resistance and that without doubt so much the rather because they not onely heard their King incouraging them but saw him also manfully fighting in the foremost rankes vntill having received would vpon wound he●el down dead The say there fell with him the Archbishop of Saint ANDREWES his naturall Sonne two other Bishops two Abbots twelve Earles seventeene Barons and of common Souldiers eight thousand The number of the Captives is thought to haue beene as many They lost all their Ordinance and almost all their Ensignes insomuch that the victorie was to bee esteemed a very great one but that it was somewhat bloudie to Vs in the losse of fifteene hundred This field was fought the ninth of September neere Flodon hill vpon a rising banke called Piperdi not farre from Bramston I am not ignorant that the Scotish Writers constantly affirme the King was not slaine in the field but having saved himselfe by flight was afterwards killed by his owne people and that the body which was brought into England was not the Kings but of one ALEXANDER ELFINSTON a young Gentleman resembling the King both in visage and stature whom the King that hee might delude those that pursued him and might as with his owne Presence animate them that fought else-where had caused with all tokens of Royaltie to be armed and apparelled like himselfe But to let passe the great number of Nobilitie whose carcases found about him sufficiently testifie that they guarded their true King and consequently that the counterfaite fought else-where it is manifest that his body was knowne by many of the Captives who certainly affirmed that it could bee no other then the Kings although by the multitude of wounds it were much defaced For his necke was opened to the midst with a wide wound his left hand almost cut off in two places did scarce hang to his arme and the Archers had shot him in many places of his body Thus was IAMES the Fourth King of Scots taken away in the flower of his youth who truly in regard of his Princely Vertues deserved a longer life For hee had a quicke wit and a maiesticall countenance he was of a great spirit courteous milde liberall and so mercifull that it was observed hee was often forced against his will to punish offenders These vertues endeared him to his people in his life time and made them so much lament the losse of him being dead that as all Historians report they seemed to have lost onely him in the whole succession of their Kings which sufficiently argues the improbabilitie of the subiects pretended Parricide But he had not fallen into this misery if he would haue hearkened to the advice of those who perswaded him to have returned home before the fight contented with what hee had alreadie performed in the expedition that he should not vpon so weake forces hazard the estate o● his Kingdome hee had wonne glory enough and abundantly fulfilled his friends request But the French Agent and some of the Kings Mignons corrupted by the French vrging to the contrarie this haughtie Prince even otherwise very desirous to give proofe of his valour was easily perswaded to awaite our great Forces already marching His body if at least that were his not ELFINSTON'S being enclosed in Lead and brought into England was by our Kings I will not say cruell but certainly inhumane command cast in some by corner or other without due Funerall Rites saying that it was a due punishment for one who had periurously broken his League whereas if wee examine the premisses we shall find he wanted not probable pretexts for what hee vndertooke Anno Dom. 1514. Reg. 6. THe next yeare having begunne his course THOMAS HOWARD Earle of Surrey hee who had beene victorious over the Scots was created Duke of Norfolke the title and dignitie of his Ancestors IOHN his Father deriving his pedigree from THOMAS de Brotherton Sonne to King EDWARD the First the SEGRAVES and
MAGDALEN Colledge and afterward became Master of the free Schoole thereto belonging Among other schollers the sonnes of the Marquis of Dorset were committed to his trust and for his care ouer them the Pa●sonage of Limington in Somersetshire no verie meane one was bestowed on him As soone as he had set footing there he was very disgracefully entertained by Sir AMIAS POWLET who clap't him in the stockes a punishment not vsually inflicted vpon any but beggars and base people What the matter was that so exasperated him against WOLSEY a man not of least account I know not This I know that WOLSEY beeing afterward made Cardinall and Lord Chancellor of England so grieuously punished this iniurie that Sir AMIAS POWLET was faine to dance attendance at London some yeares and by all manner of obsequiousnesse to currie fauour with him There remaines to this day a sufficient testimonie her of in a building ouer the gate of the middle Temple in London built by the Knight at the time of his attendance there decked round about very sumptuously with the Cardinalls Armes hoping thereby somewhat to alay the wrath of the incensed Prelate But these things were long after this yere WOLSEY whether that hee could not brooke this disgrace or bearing a minde that look't beyond this poore Benefice left it and became domestique Chaplaine to Sir IOHN NAFANT Treasurer of Calais by whose meanes hee was taken notice of by FOX Bishop of Winchester a man that knew rightly how to iudge of good wits He finding this young man to be verie ●prightfull of learning sufficient and verie actiue in dispatch of affaires so highly commended him to king HENRY the Seuenth who relied much vpon FOXES faith and wisedome that hee thought it good forthwith to imploy him in affaires of great moment What need many words he so far pleased the King that in short time he became a great man and was first prefer'd to the Deanrie of Lincolne and then made the Kings Almoner But HENRY the Eighth a young Prince comming to the Crowne was wholly taken with his smooth tongue and pliable behauiour For when all the rest of his friends aduised Him to sit euerie day in person at the Counsell Table that so by experience and daily practise He might reape wisedome and to accustome Himselfe to the managing of affaires of Estate WOLSEY aduised Him to follow His pleasures saying That His youth would not be able to brooke their tedious Consultations euerie Age of man had its Seasons and Delights agreeable They did not do well that would force the King to act an Old Man before His time Youth being vtterly auerse from wrinckled S●ueritie It would come to passe hereafter if God were so pleased that what was now troublesome to him would not be disagreeable to riper Yeares nay prooue perhaps a great pleasure Vntill that time came He should enioy the present and not by hearkening to others needlesse persuasions any way interrupt the course of that felicitie which the largenesse of His Dominions would easily affoord Him He should hawke and hunt and as much as Him list vse honest recreations If so bee Hee did at any time desire suddenly to become an Old Man by intermedling with Old Mens Cares He should not want those meaning himselfe that would in the euening in one or two wordes relate vnto Him the effect of a whole daies Consultation This speech hitting so pat with the Kings humour made WOLSEY so powerfull that whereas the King before fauored him as much as any other he onely was now in fauour with and next the King with whon e there was nothing to bee done but by him For he was the man that was made choice of who like another MERCVRY should passe betweene this our IOVE and the Senate of the lesser Gods offering their petitions to Him and to them returning his pleasure therein Wherefore he was euen at the first sworne of the Priuie Counsell and besides the late collation of Tournay vpon the death of SMITH he was also made Bishop of Lincolne In the gouernement of which Church he had not fully spent six moneths before he was translated from Lincolne to the Archbishopricke of Yorke then vacant by the death of Cardinall BAMBRIDGE at Rome Shortly after that I may at once shew all his honors WILLIAM WARHAM Archbishop of Cater●urie leauing the place he was by the King made Lord Chancellor of England and by the Pope Legate a latere Yet he stayed not there but as if the Archb shopricke of Yorke and the Chancellorship of England had not beene sufficient to maintaine the port of a Cardinall besides many other l●uings he procured of the King the Abbey of Saint Albanes and the Bishopricke of Bath and Wells And not content with these leauing Bath and Wells he addeth the Bishopricke of Durham to that of Yorke and then leauing Durham●eazeth ●eazeth on Winchester at that time of greatest reuenue of any Bishopricke in England You now see WOLSEY in his height rich his Princes Fauourite and from the bottom raised to the top o● Fortunes wheele What became of him afterward you shall know hereafter Anno Dom. 1515. Reg. 7. THe League lately made with LEWIS the French King was confirmed by FRANCIS his Successor and published by Proclamation in London the ninth day of Aprill Anno Dom. 1516. Reg. 8. BVt the French King hauing taken into his protection the young King of Scots sent IOHN STVART Duke of Albanie in Scotland to be Gouernour both of the kings Person and kingdome The first thing this Duke vndertook was either to put to death or banish those whom he any way suspected to fauor the English Insomuch that the Queene Dowager who by this time was matried to ARCHIBALD DOVGLIS Earle of Aagus forced to saue herselfe by flight came into England to her Brother with whom she stayed at London a whole yeare the Earle her husband after a moneth or two without leaue returning into Scotland King HENRY being displeased at these French practises deales vnderhand with the Emperour MAXIMILIAN with whome the French then contended for the Dutchie of Milane and lends him a great summe of money whereby he might hire the Suis●es to aid him in the expelling the French out of Italie But the Emperour although he had leuied a sufficient Armie returned home without doing any thing He was indeed accompted a wise Prince but vnhappy in the managing of his affaires whether it were that Fortune waiwardly opposed him or that he was naturally slow in the execution of his wel plotted designes But shortly after hee intendes a second triall of his Fortune Wherefore by his Embassadour the Cardinall of Suisserland hee yet borowe● more mony of the King which was deliuered to certaine Merchants of Genua to bee by a set day payed to the Emperour in Italie But they whether corrupted by the French or not of sufficient abilitie to make returne deceiued him and so his second designes vanished also into
Some doe farther adde that concerning that part of the Embassage of warre against France our demands were such as if they had beene purposely coined by WOLSEY to force the Emperour to the prioritie of an apparent breach For the King demanded no smaller share in the conquest then Picardie Normandie Guien Gascoigne with the title of King of France and that the Emperour partaking both of Perill and Charge should himselfe serve in Person But CHARLES wanting money and tired with continuall perill if he regard either his safetie and ease or his profit must not give his assent especially considering that the Captive King made larger offers and those with Peace then these yea although he became victorious with Warre the event whereof being alwayes doubtfull no man can assure himselfe of wished successe Neither indeed did HENRY expect any other issue of his Embassie then a flat refusall For at the same time he deales with the Regent the Captive Kings Mother to send over some trustie person with whom he might consult of the maine chance which she gladly did dispatching away the Lord of Brion President of Rouen and IOHN IOACHIM with a large Commission and Instructions by all submissive and faire Language to perswade the King to persist in the prosecution of this new League For indeed shee much feared least the consideration of his advantages over the tottering Estate of France might make him flie off againe France was already distressed what would it bee if the Emperour pressing hard on the one side and the Duke of Bourbon a homebred enemy revolting besides many other occasions the English should infest it on the other side In England these Agents found their entertainment such that they could not but hope well especially making meanes to the Cardinall who yet swayed the King WOLSEY long since disaffected the Emperour but now made his hate apparant CHARLES before the ba●taile of Pauy sent no letters to the Cardinall but intirely written by himselfe and subscribed Your Sonne and Couzen CHARLES After this victorie he sent one or two subscribed barely with his Name without the vsuall solemne forme or any signification of favour or respect These were evident tokens of an alienated minde and WOLSEY durst view hates with him Neither did he deale otherwise with HENRIE then as one beneath him being now puffed vp with the conceipt of that great victory for the obtaining whereof HENRIE did beare a part in the charge though in deed not so great as he promised The Kings affaires now stood vpon those termes that renouncing the strict alliance with the Emperour hitherto by so many ties kept inviolable he must make a party with the French Brion therefore at the Counsaile Table having Audience deplores his Princes calamitie and the miseries inflicted vpon his Countrey by their late overthrow He calleth to minde what Trophies the English erected in France when the Estate of it was most flourishing withall acknowledging that France being now as it were in the Sun-set of its Fortune occasion was offred of advancing the English Colours farther then ever But it would neither beseeme so magnanimous a King nor would it be for the good of England at this time to invade it A generous minde scorneth to insult over one already deiected Neither would the victorie beside the fortune of warre want its dangers being to be communicated with one alreadie become so potent that no lesse then the vnited Forces of all Europe would serve to stop the current of his fortune which must necessarily be done vnlesse we could be content willingly to vndergoe the miseries of a Spanish servitude Hee therefore craved of his Maiestie that leaving the Emperour who puffed vp with his late successe contemned his best Friends Hee would vouchsafe to make a League with the King his Master whom in this so great a time of need if He would bee pleased to raise as it were from the ground He should by so great a benefit oblige him to a faithfull Friendship which hee should vpon all occasions be readie to manifest vnlesse for foule Jngratitude hee had rather vndergo the censure of the Christian World Having delivered thus much in Latine Sir THOMAS MORE afterward Lord Chancellor returned this answer in Latine likewise That the King was well pleased that the French acknowledged Hee wanted not power to revenge old iniuries that having felt his Force they should also tast of his Bounty that Hee would do the vtmost of his indeuour to set their Captive King at libertie Which if Hee effected Hee hoped when Hee had occasion to make vse of their King hee would not be vnmindfull of so good a turne freely done in so vrgent a season Jn the meane time Hee was content to make a perpetuall Peace with them As for the Emperour He would consider what to determine of him So a most firme League is concluded with the French the Regent vndertaking for her Sonne and a separation from the Emperour so openly made that the first thing concluded betweene them was That it should not bee lawfull for the French King in lieu of his ranson to consigne any part of his Kingdome to the Emperour The French were glad of this League who now began to conceiue some hope of good being secure of England Indeed it made so great an impression in the heart of FRANCIS that in his care of our affaires for many yeares together hee shewed himselfe mindfull of so great a benefit These things were done in the winter season A little after FRANCIS having beene a yeare Prisoner in Spaine was vpon these Conditions at length set at liberty That as soone as he came into France hee should consigne the Dutchie of Burgoigne to the Emperour That hee should quit the Soueraignette of Flanders and Arthois That hee should renounce all his right pretended to the Dutchy of Milan and Kingdome of Naples That he should restore to his honours the Duke of Bourbon and the rest that had revolted with him That he should marrie Eleonor the Emperour's Sister Queene of Portugall That he should pay the whole summes of money heretofore due to the King of England his Sister the Queene of France and Cardinall VVolsey The payment whereof the Emperour had vndertaken that wee might not be endammaged by partaking with him For the performance of these and other things of lesse moment FRANCIS not onely bound himselfe by Oath but also delivered his two Sonnes FRANCIS the Dolphin and HENRY Duke of Orleans who should remaine Hostages in Spaine vntill all things were duly performed FRANCIS as soone as hee entred into his Realme ratified all the Articles of the Treaty but that concerning the Dutchie of Burgoigne which hee pretended he could not alienate without the consent of his subiects Having therefore assembled the Estates of the Countrey for the debating of this matter vpon a sudaine in the presence of the Emperours Embassadours is publiquely proclaimed the League made betweene the Kings of England
had the esteeme of a very learned man All things being thus formally ordered the Apparitor willed by the Register to cite the King cried HENRY King of England come into the Court who answered Here I am The Queene being likewise cited CATHARINE Queene of England come into the Court made no answere but rising from her seate went directly to the King to whom on her knees purposely raising her voice that every one might heare her shee is reported to have spoken to this effect Sir J humbly beseech your Maiestie so to deale with me at this present that I may neither have cause to complaine of Iniustice nor that you have debarred me the favour of your wonted Clemency J am here a Woman and a Stranger destitute of Friends and Counsaile so that plead for my selfe J cannot and whom J may else employ J know not My kindred and Friends are farre off neither can J safely rely on any here in a matter of so great consequence They that are here retained for mee are no other then whom you have beene pleased to appoint and are your owne Subiects who if they would deale vprightly which few will beleeve they dare do yet can they not here withstand your determinate will and pleasure But what have wretched J committed that after twenty yeares spent in peaceable wedlocke and having borne you so many Children you should now at length thinke of putting me away I was J confesse the Widow of your Brother if at least she may be accompted a Widow whom her husband never knew For I take Almighty God to witnesse and J am perswaded you cannot be ignorant of it that I came to your bed an vnspotted Virgin from which time how J haue behaved my selfe I am content to appeale even to them whosoever they are that do wish mee least good Certainly whatsoever their Verdict may be you have alwayes found me a most faithfull servant I may better say then wife having never to my knowledge withstood your pleasure so much as in shew J alwayes loved those whom J thought you favoured without questioning their deserts J so carefully farthered and procured your pleasures that I rather feare I have offended God in too much indeavouring your content then that I have any way failed in the least performance of my duty By this my observance vnto you if so be you ever thought it worthy of reguard by our common Issue by the memory of my Father whom you sometimes held deare I do humbly beg that you would be pleased to defer the farther hearing of this cause vntill having sent into Spaine I may thence be advised by my Friends in this case what course to take If then in Iustice it shall be thought meet to rend me from you a part of whom I have so long beene the apprehension whereof doth more terrifie me then death I will even in this continue my long observed course of obedience But as often as I bethinke me of the wisdome of Our Parents by whose indevours and consent this Match was ratified J cannot but hope very well of my cause Your Father was for his admirable wisdome accompted a second Salomon neither can Spaine throughout the whole Successions of the Kings of so many Kingdomes produce any one who may parallell my Father Ferdinand and what kinde of Counsailours must we thinke these Princes had that all should as it were conspire to hurle Vs into the miseries of an incectuous Marriage No question was then made concerning the lawfulnesse of this Match and yet those times afforded learned men yea and whereof to my harme I have had experimentall knowledge in holinesse of life and love of the Truth far surpassing the Flatterers of these times VVhich last wordes shee therefore spake because shee had heard that all the Bishops of the Realme had by a common Decree pronounced against the Marriage And indeed such a Decree subscribed and sealed by each of them was afterward in the presence of the King read publiquely in the Court Fisher Bishop of Rochester excepting against it who denied that hee had assented to it and obiected forgery to the Archbishop of Canterbury for putting to it in steed of Bishop Fishers a false Seale and a counterfeit hand The Queene having spoken thus much arising after her due obeisance to the King when every one expected shee would have returned to her seate made hast out of the Court Every one amazedly wonders what the Queene intends But before shee had gone far the King commanded the Apparitor to call her backe againe The Apparitor obeying the Gentleman who supported her told her she was called to whom shee replied I heare it very well but go you on I cannot hope for iustice in this Court let them proceed against me in what manner they will I am resolved not to stay So away shee went and would never after be persuaded to make her appearance either personally or by a Protector After she was gone the King commended her in those termes that might befit a great affection and her excellent vertues withall protesting how desirous he was to continue in that estate so that neither his soule nor the Common-wealth might be endangered by it Here WOLSEY interrupted him beseeching his Maiestie that forasmuch as it was bruited that hee had persuaded Him to this Divorce His Maiesty would vouchsafe to signifie to the present Assembly how farre this report was true The King although that hee knew that in this fame lied not yet to secure his Favourite from the generall hate of the people affirmed the Bishop of Bayeux having first made scruple of it to have first advised him to this course and that the Bishop of Lincolne his Confessor and other Bishops with whom he had conferred did the like These were the Acts of the first day This case was for a moneth or two held in controuersie the Kings Advocates alledging that It was not in the Popes power to ratifie this Marriage which as prohibited by the Law of Nature the Scripture had pronounced vnlawfull That Catharine had beene lawfully married to Prince Arthur the King 's elder Brother and that the Nuptials were publiquely solemnized no man could deny and many circumstances did manifest the consummation of the Marriage by a carnall coniunction On the otherside the Queenes Advocates maintained The Law which forbad the Iewes to marrie their Brothers wife to bee Iudiciall and not Morall and therefore abrogated by Christ but so far forth as the Church had retained it it was by the authority of the same Church dispensable especially being they were confident that the forealledged consummation could no way be proved Thus each side pleaded and time passed on The King observes Cardinall CAMPEGIVS to go more coldly to worke then he was wont from whom Hee before this expected the promised decision But fortune had since that turned her wheele The Emperours affaires prospered in Italy and CLEMENT knew it was not
faire sprouts to the blast of vnseasonable hopes and nature denying any at least lawfull issue to the rest the name and almost remembrance of this great Family hath ceased Of which hereafter Scotland had beene long peaceable yet had it often administred motives of discontent and jealousy IAMES the Fifth King of Scots Nephew to HENRY by his Sister having long liued a Bachelor HENRY treated with him concerning a marriage with his then only Childe the Lady MARY a Match which probably would have vnited these neighbour Kingdomes But God had reserved this Vnion for a more happy time The antient League betweene France and Scotland had alwaies made the Scots affected to the French and IAMES prefer the alliance with France before that of England where the Dowry was no lesse than the hopes of a Kingdome So he marrieth with MAGDALEN a Daughter of France who not long surviving hee againe matcheth there with MARY of Guise Widow to the Duke of Longueville HENRY had yet a desire to see his Nephew to which end he desired an enterview at Yorke or some other oportune place IAMES would not condiscend to this who could notwithstanding vndertake a long and dangerous voyage into France without invitation These were the first seeds of discord which after bladed to the Scots destruction There having been for two yeares neither certaine peace nor a iust War yet incursions from each side Forces are assigned to the Duke of Norfolke to represse the insolency of the Scots and secure the Marches The Scot vpon newes of our being in Armes sends to expostulate with the Duke of Norfolke concerning the motives of this war and withall dispatcheth the Lord GORDON with some small Forces to defend the Frontiers The Herauld is detained vntill our Army came to Berwick that hee might not give intelligence of our strength And in October the Duke entring Scotland continued there ransacking the Countrey without any opposition of the Enemy vntill the middle of November By which time King IAMES having levied a great Army resolved on a battaile the Nobility persuading the contrary especially vnwilling that hee should any way hazard his Person the losse of his Father in the like manner being yet fresh in memory and Scotland too sensible of the calamities that ensued it The King proving obstinate they detaine him by force desirous rather to hazard his displeasure than his life This tendernesse of him in the language of rage and indignation hee termes cowardise and treachery threatening to set on the Enemy assisted with his Family only The Lord MAXWELL seeking to allay him promised with ten thousand only to invade England and with far lesse then the English Forces to divert the war The King seemes to consent But offended with the rest of the Nobility he gives the Lord OLIVER SAINTCLARE a private Commission not to be opened vntill they were ready to give the on●et wherein hee makes him Generall of the Army Having in England discovered five hundred English horse led by Sir THOMAS WHARTON and Sir WILLIAM MVS GRAVE the Lord SAINTCLARE commanded his Commission publiquely to be read the recitall whereof so distasted the Lord MAXWELL and the whole Army that all things were in a confusion and they ready to disband The oportunity of an adioining hill gave vs a full prospect into their Army and invited vs to make vse of our advantages Wee charge them furiously the Scots amazedly fly many are slaine many taken more plunged in the neighbouring fens and taken by Scotish Freebooters sold to vs. Among the Captives were the Earles of Glencarne and Cassells the Lords SAINTCLARE MAXWELL Admirall of Scotland FLEMING SOMERWELL OLIPHANT and GRAY besides two hundred of the better sort and eighthundred common souldiers The consideration of this overthrow occasioned as hee conceived by the froward rashnesse of his owne Subiects and the death of an English Herauld slaine in Scotland so surcharged him with rage and griefe that hee fell sicke of a Fever and died in the three and thirtieth yeare of his age and two and thirtieth of his raigne leaving his Kingdome to the vusally vnhappy governement of a Woman a Childe scarce eight dayes old The chiefe of the captives being conveied to the Tower were two dayes after brought before the King's Counsaile where the Lord Chancellour reprehended their treachery who without due denunciation of war invaded and spoiled the territories of their Allies and committed many outrages which might excuse any severe courses which might in iustice be taken with them Yet his Maiesty out of his naturall Clemency was pleased to deale with them beyond their deserts by freeing them from the irkesomenesse of a strict imprisonment and disposing of them among the Nobles to beby them entertained vntill He should otherwise determine of them By this time King IAMES his death had possessed HENRY with new hopes of vniting Britaine vnder one Head England had a Prince and Scotland a Queene but both so young that many accidents might dissolve a contract before they came to sufficiency Yet this seeming a course intended by the Divine Providence to extirpate all causes of enmity and discord betweene these neighbouring Nations a marriage betweene these young Princes is proposed With what alacrity and applaufe the proposition was on both sides entertained wee may conceive who have had the happinesse to see that effected which they but intended Which being a matter of so sweet a consequence it is to be wondred at that the conspiracy of a few factious spirits should so easily hinder it The hope of it prevailed with the King for the liberty of the Captives conditionally that they should leave hostages for their returne if peace were not shortly concluded which as also the furtherance of this so wished coniunction they faithfully promised Anno Dom. 1543. Reg. 35. AFter their short Captivity the Scottish Lords having beene detained onely twelve dayes at London on New yeares day began their iourney towards Scotland and with them ARCHIBALD DOVGLAS Earle of Angus whom his Sonne in law King IAMES had a little before his death intended to recall Fifteene yeares had hee and his brother GEORGE lived exiles in England HENRY out of his Royall Bounty allowing to the Earle a pension of a thousand markes and to his brother of five hundred The sudaine returne of these captive Lords caused in most as sudaine a ioy Only the Cardinall of Saint ANDREWS who had by forgery made himselfe Regent and his faction could willingly have brooked their absence They came not as freed from a Captivity but as Embassadours for Peace by them ernestly persuaded which by the happy coniunction of these Princes might be concluded to perpetuitie But the Cardinall with his factious Clergy the Queene Dowager and as many as were affected to the Flower de Lys interposed themselves for the good of France Yet notwithstanding the Cardinals fraud being detected hee is not only deposed from his Regency and IAMES HAMILTON
stir vp the wits of others partly that the desires of Forainers might in some sort be satisfied who not without cause complaine that these times then which for a thousand yeares wee have had none more memorable in reguard of their divers and remarkable changes are not described by any otherwise then slightly and as if they they had not intended any such thing As for Polydore Virgill he hath written either nothing or very little concerning them and that little so false and misbeseeming the ingenuitie of an Historian that he seemeth to have aimed at no other end then by bitter invectives against Henry the Eighth and Cardinall Wolsey to demerit the favour of Queene Mary already more then befitted incensed against both for the Divorce of her Mother J have therefore written friendly Reader and so written that although many things I will not deny conducing to an Historian may be wanting in me yet am I confident that this my endeuour will finde acceptance with many Other Writers may here have as it were a store-house from whence they may if I be not deceived furnish themselves with some matter which may helpe to raise an everlasting monument Forainers also ignorant of the English tongue may have a taste of these times vnvntill some one arise who can and will compile a History of our Nation worthy the maiestie of the British name J have in this worke beene so observant of Jmpartiality Simplicity and Truth that I feare nothing so much as a Domestique anger for not being pious enough because I would not be over-pious Many contend that a good Prince should be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This I thinke no man will affirme of an Historian though some seeme to opine it So that he shall come short of his duty either to God or his Countrey who in the delivery of an History will not be at the least 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and who by affirming incertainties and knowne truthes shall not yeild much to his affections so they be ioined with the love of Religion and Countrey But how much do they inure Truth who from lies and falshood beg helpes to vnderprop her Avant We have no need of them And had we yet would it not much profit vs to rely on such weake advantages one pious lye detected proving more hurtfull then a thousand others although so artificially contrived that they avoid discovery can prove profitable For example whereof seeke no farther then the Papists whose fained miracles impostures and Legends patched vp of lyes have brought to passe that even in those things which are true they scarce gaine beliefe Wherfore I am well content that Truth which maugre her enemies will at length be every where victorious shall prevaile with me J have done to my power Politely eloquently politiquely I could not write Truly and fide Atticâ as they say I could If I have done amisse in ought it is not out of malice but errour which the gentle Reader will I hope pardon This ●ernestly intreate withall beseeching the All-good and All-mighty God that this my labour directed to no other end then to his glory and the good of his Church may attaine its due and by me desired successe Farewell Regem dedi iratus eis J. Cecill sculp ANNALES OF ENGLAND From the Yeare 1508. to the Yeare 1558. The first Booke AFter the death of HENRY the Seventh his only Sonne HENRY Prince of Wales vndertooke the government of this Kingdome He had then attained to the age of eighteene yeares and was richly adorned with endowments both of Bodie and Mind For of Stature he was tall of a beautifull Aspect and of Forme through all his age truly beseeming a King hee was wittie docile and naturally propense to Letters vntill pleasures to which the libertie of Soueraigntie easily prompteth did somewhat vnseasonably withdraw him from his Studies to these you may add● a great Spirit aspiring to the glorie both of Fo●titude and Munificence This towardlinesse was so seconded by the happie care of his Tutors that if the end of his Raigne had beene answerable to the beginning HENRY the Eighth might deservedly haue beene ranked amongst the greatest of our Kings For if you consider his first twentie yeares you shall not easily find any one that either more happily managed affaires abroad or gouerned more wisely at home or that bare greater sway among his Neighbour Princes This I thinke ought chiefly to be ascribed to the prouidence of his wise Father and his Grandmother then still aliue For they tooke care that he should haue wise and vertuous Ouer-seers in his youth by whose assistance hauing once passed the hazards thereof he happily auoided those rockes whereon so many daily suffer wracke But these either dying or being so broken with age that they could bee no longer imployed in affaires of State and He himselfe being now come to those yeares that commonly cast aside modestie Modestie I say the Guardian of that great Vertue then making vse of no Counsellour but his will he fell into those vices which notwithstanding the glorie of his former Raigne branded him deeply with the fowle staines of Luxurie and Crueltie But remitting those things to their proper places those Worthies appointed his Counsailours were William Warham Archbishop of Canterburie and Lord Chancelour of England Richard Fox Bishop of Winchester Thomas Ruthall Bishop of Durham Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey Lord Treasurer of England George Talbot Earle of Shrewsburie Lord Steward of the Kings Houshold Charles Somerset Lord Chamberlaine Knights Sir Thomas Louell Knights Sir Henrie Wyat Knights Sir Edward Poynings These men the solemnitie of the dead Kings Funerals being duly and magnificently performed erected him a Tombe all of brasse accounted one of the stateliest Monuments of Europe which one would hardly conceiue by the bill of accompts For it is reported that it cost but a thousand pound The Monument is to be seene at Westminster the vsuall place of our Kings Interments in that admirable Chappell dedicated to Saint Stephen by this King heretofore built from the ground a testimonie of his religious pietie I haue read that this Chappel was raised to that height for the summe of fourteene thousand pounds and no more and that he at the same time built a Ship of an vnusuall burthen called from him The great Henrie which by that time it was rigged cost little lesse then that stately Chappell But now O HENRY what is become of that Ship of thine that other worke besides the reward of Heauen will perpetually proclaime thy pious munificence Hence learne ô Kings that the true Trophies of Glorie are not to be placed in Armories and Arsenalls but and those more durable in pious Workes Seeke first seeke the Kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof and without doubt all other things shall be added vnto you But to goe on in my proposed course although HENRY the Eighth began his Raigne the two and twentieth of April
the MOWBRAYES who had beene all Dukes of Norfolke enioyed this Honour by right of Inheritance But because in Bosworth field where hee was slaine hee tooke part with the Vsurper both he and his Posteritie were deprived of that Honour This THOMAS dying in the yeare 1524. his Sonne of the same name succeeded him who deceased in the yeare 1554. His Sonne HENRY a young Lord of great hopes his Father then living was beheaded towards the end of this Kings Raigne Hee left Issue THOMAS the last Duke of Norfolke who also lost his head the yeare 1572. and HENRY at nurse when his Father died a very learned and wise man whom King IAMES no good man repining thereat created Earle of Northampton THOMAS Duke of Norfolke had three Sonnes that survived him PHILIP THOMAS and WILLIAM PHILIP Earle of Surrey and by his Mother of Arundell condemned the yeare 1589. and after dying in prison left Issue THOMAS then a little one who by King IAMES his favour succeeded his Father in his Honors His Vncle THOMAS out of the same fountaine of Royall Goodnes was created Earle of Suffolke with addition of the dignity of Lord Chamberlaine Beside these this Family hath CHARLES Earle of Nottingham Lord Admirall of England Nephew by the Lord WILLIAM his father to THOMAS Duke of Norfolke that famous Triumpher ouer the Scots This is he who in emulation of his grandfathers glory in the yeare 1588. vnder the fortune of Queene ELIZABETH most happily ouerthrew that vainely called Inuincible Armada of Spaine THOMAS also Viscount Bindon is deriued from THOMAS Duke of Norfolke by his sonne the Lord THOMAS So this noble House latély afflicted now gloriously flourishing hath foure Earles and a Viscount all braue and famous men and of whom there will be occasion of much to be spoken hereafter I therefore thought it good in briefe to set downe their Genealogie lest I should trouble the Reader with too often repetition of their Race vpon each mention of the Name At the time of this Dukes creation others were also honored with new titles CHARLES BRANDON made Duke of Suffolke and CHARLES SOMERSET Earle of Worcester and EDWARD STANLEY Lord Mountegle Sir WILLIAM BRANDON Standard bearer to HENRY the seuenth in Bosworth field and there slaine by the hand of RICHARD the Third was father to this new Duke of Suffolke of whose education he then a little one King HENRY hauing obtained the Crowne was verie carefull and made him rather a companion than a seruant to the young Prince of whose household hee was The Prince so greatly fauored him partly for his fathers deserts chiefely for his owne that he being afterward King created him Viscount Lisle and intending at least many were so persuaded to giue him to wife the Ladie MARY his sister who afterward was married to the King of France thought it first good to honour him with the Duchie of Suffolke which this yeare at the feast of Candlemas was performed But how he was frustrated of his hopes and afterward beyond all hope enioyed her shall be declared hereafter SOMERSET the naturall sonne of HENRY of the House of Lancaster the last Duke of Somerset tooke his surname of his fath●rs Honour whereas he should haue beene called BEAVFORT or rather PLANTAGENET according to the antient name of our English Kings He● being Couzen german to HENRY the Seuenth whose mother was MARGARET Sister to the Duke of Somerset and famous for his many vertues of which that King was a quicke and exact Iudge was by him made L. high Chamberlaine of England But hauing behaued himself very valiantly in this last expedition against the French wherein GVICCIARDIN vntruly reporteth him to haue been slaine HENRY the eighth added this new title which his posteritie still inioyes to his antient honors He was great grandfather by his son HENRY nephew WILLIAM to EDWARD the now Earle who being one of his Maiesties most honorable priuy Counsel Lo. Priuy Seale doth by his vertues much more ennoble his so noble Ancestors The French King hearing of the ouerthrow of the Scots perceiuing himselfe depriued of such a frieud confederat seeing his kingdom on fire about his ears and none to relie vpon but himselfe determined if so he might fairely and with credit to craue his League with vs. Pope IVLIVS 2. the Incendiarie of Christendoine was lately dead and the French king himselfe was now a widower He therefore intends to try whither by marrying the lady MARY the kings sister he might secure himselfe from war on our side and by so neere alliance gaine the assured friendship of so potent a Prince LEO 10. succeeding IVLIVS 2. did openly side with the French against the Spaniard He therefore earnestly soliciting a reconciliation a Peace was cluded profitable to the French acceptable to vs and on the 9 of October the nuptials were with great pompe solemnised The French king was well stricken in yeres his wife a tender virgin of some 16. or 18. yeares of age but wonderfull beautifull Besides the forementioned reasons the desire of children for he had no masle issue on His part on Her part the publique weale the authoritie of her brother so willing and which beares chiefest sway in a womans heart the supremacy of honor in the title of a Queen were motiues to match so Vneuen a Paire But many not without cause were persuaded that she had rather haue made choice of BRANDON for her husband so her power had been answerable to her wil than the greatest Monarch in the world neither was it long before she enioyed her desire For the king as it often happens to elderly men that apply thēselues to yong womē died the last of Febr. hauing scarce 3 months suruiued his wedding The queen● might then lawfully according to the articles of agreemēt return into England which she earnestly desiring the Duke of Suffolke was sent to conduct her who becomming a fresh suitor vnto her so far easily preuailed that before their departure from Paris they were there priuatly married The marriage was afterward by the kings consent celebrated at Greenwich the 13 day of May of the ensuing yeare And now we must speake something of VVOLSEY'S sudden and for these our times incredible rising who hauing as we haue related before beene inuested in the Bishopricke of Tournay was within the yeare preferred to two other Bishopricks That venerable Bishop of Lincolne WILLIAM SMITH was lately deceased who beside many other monuments of his piety hauing begun in Oxford a Colledge for students called Brasen nose Colledge was immaturely taken away before he could finish so good a work So the Sea being vacant it is conferred on WOLSEY now high in the Kings fauour Hee was of verie meane parentage a Butchers sonne and Jpswi●h a towne in Suffolke but of Norwich Diocesse where hee afterward laid the foundation of a stately Colledge was the place of his birth He was brought vp at Oxford in
in Bretaigne forced the towne and burned it And hauing wasted all the Country therabout he went into Picardy to ioine with the Imperialls Some Forts they tooke and razed They besieged Hesdin but without successe For Winter comming on and our men dying apace of the Flux they were faine to setsaile homeward I will conclude this yeare with an ignominious and fatall losse to Christendome the Isle of Rhodes being on Christmas day taken by the Turkes while Christian Princes disagreeing about matters of nothing ruine themselues and invite the Miscreant to propagate his long since too too formidable Empire God grant they may at length considering the common danger rowse vp themselues and with joint resistance repell this Enemy of CHRISTS Crosse who although he be far enough from some is too neere to the farthest Anno Dom. 1523. Reg. 15. CHRISTIERNE the Second King of Denmarke by the rebellion of his subiects driuen out of his Kingdom had resided some while with the Emperor whose Sister he had married The fifteenth of Iune acompanied with his wife niepce to Queene KATHERINE he landed at Douer At London they abode some days with that due honor that kinred and Princes giue to one another The fift of Iuly they returned toward Calais In the meane time a Parliament was held at London wherein the States being certified of the necessity of war and what a faire occasion was offered for the recouery of France but that the war was like to be defectiue in regard of the weakenes of it's sinews a great sum of money was easily granted The Kings of France exact money of their subiects at their pleasure the Kings of England do not vsually without a Parliament wherein the pretence of war with France was wont to be a great motive of the subiects liberality And indeed France was at this time greatly distracted being oppressed with so many enemies abroad and having to do with vndermining treachery at home insomuch that our aduantages if wisely followed seemed to promise vs whatsoeuer we could hope for FRANCIS was on the one side pressed with the war of Milan on the other side by the Emperor at home CHARLES Duke of Bourbon reuolted from him by letters inciting our King to the recouery of his hereditary as he acknowledged Right in France whereto respectlesse of paine or perill he promised his faithfull assistance Neither was this offer to be slighted for he had conceiued an implacable hatred against his Prince and was able to make a great party in France His valor and experience were after manifested by the greatnes of his exploits performed in a short space FRANCIS being taken prisoner by him Rome sacked by his conduct the Pope besieged in the Castle of Saint Angelo and faine at last to ransome himselfe and his Cardinalls at a mightie rate These notable aduantages were all let slip through the neuer satisfied ambition and malice of one man but so that it made way for that great alteration which afterward hapned in the estate of the Church Blessed be that Almighty Power that conuerts the wicked designes of men to the good of his Church and his owne glory The Parliament being dissolued the Duke of Suffolke is sent into France with thirteene thousand men viz. six hundred Launces two hundred Archers on horsebacke three thousand Archers on foot fiue thousand Halberdiers seuenteene hundred drawne out of the Garrison of Calais and two thousand six hundred Pioners The English and Imperialls joining invaded the French Dominions tooke Roye Mondidier Bohain Bray Chasteaubeau and marching within twenty two leagues of Paris put the City in a terrible affright vntill the Lord of Brion sent by the King with the comfortable newes of the comming of the Duke of Vendosme with foure hundred Launces makes them take heart againe After these exploits our Forces toward the end of December were recalled In the meane time on the fourteenth of September died Pope ADRIAN the Sixth in whole place IVLIVS MEDICES was after two moneths elected Here WOLSEY againe failed in his hopes who expected by the helpe of the Emperor and the King to haue succeeded ADRIAN But the Emperor neuer intended this dignity for him for he did his best for IVLIVS Neither indeed had hee been● willing could hee haue aduanced him to the Chaire For the Cardinalls were in so short a time weary of ADRIAN who was a stranger and little acquainted with the Court of Rome And the Colledge repined to see any other sit in Saint Peters Chaire then an Italian or at least one bred vp in Jtaly Neuerthelesse WOLSEY was so incensedagainst the Emperour by whose default he was verily persuaded it happened that he missed of the Papacy that now bidding hope farewell he was possessed with a desire to be reuenged on the Emperour for this conceiued iniury Hee therefore on a sudden turnes French and to hinder the Emperours proceedings procured our Forces to be called home pretending the ill season of the yeare with promise that the next Spring they should be returned againe Anno Dom. 1524. Reg 16. BVt CHARLES hauing not giuen any iust cause of breach WOLSEY dared not publiquely to professe his affection toward the French with whom notwithstanding by the intercourse of one IOHN IOACHIM a Genouese he maintaines intelligence and without the priuity of HENRY laies the platforme of a new League The war was very hot betweene the Emperour and the French FRANCIS had already taken Milan and with a mighty army sate downe before Pavia vowing not to rise from thence vntill he had taken it The Duke of Bourbon and the Imperialls were in number little inferior stood in want of nothing but money indeed all in all wherwith the Pope the Venetians our HENRY were to furnish him CLEMENT although he had obtained the Papacy chiefely by CHARLES his meanes detained the money which his predecessor ADRIAN had promised saying It beseemed not his Holinesse to intermeddle with the wars of Princes The Venetians at first answered coldly at length plainely denied for they stood in awe of the French and were jealous of the Emperours ambition And the malicious Cardinall had so played his part with HENRY that the Imperialls disappointed of the monethly summes due from him were exceedingly distressed Now WOLSEY to make a separation betweene these two Princes told the King that he certainly found that the Emperour did but delude him that hee had indeed promised to marry the Kings Daughter but a rumour was raised by the Spaniards That this match would be little either for his profit or his honor forasmuch as vpon the point the Lady MARY was but a Bastard begotten it is true in wedlocke yet incestuously the match being by the Ecclesiasticall Constitutions made vnlawfull for he could not lawfully marry Queene CATHARINE who had beene before married to his brother Prince ARTHVR That both the old and new Testaments were expresse against such coniunctions and that therefore it lay
not in the Pope to dispence with them It is certaine that the Emperors Embassadors had thus discoursed with WOLSEY vpon this very point and WOLSEY made his vse of it accordingly Hee knew the King doated not on his Queene and buzzed these things in his eares in hope he would bethinke himselfe of a new wife This taking as he desired and the King lamenting that for lacke of Issue he should leaue the Kingdome to a Childe to a Woman to One whom in reguard the lawfulnesse of her birth was questionable hee could not with safety make his Heire the Cardinall proposed vnto him for wife MARGARET Duchesse of Alançon a beautifull Lady and Sister to the King of France He knew that vpon his Diuorce from CATHARINE and Marriage with the other HENRY must of necessity fall foule with the Emperour and without hope of reconciliation strongly adhero to the French That this diuorce was for these reasons set on foot by WOLSEY the Imperiall Historians do all accord neither for ought I euer read do Ours deny But howsoeuer it came to passe this is certaine That HENRY in stead of furnishing the Emperour with the money he had promised demanded all that he had already lent Anno Dom. 1525. Reg. 17. RICHARD PACEY Deane of S. Pauls had been not long before sent to Venice as an Agent concerning our affaires in Italy He was a very learned man and worthy had God been so pleased of a better Destiny He knew not the change of the Kings minde But perceiuing the monethly pay due from the King according to promise came not of whole Honor which now lay at stake he was very tender he was much discontented To salue all he assaied to take vp so much money of certaine Merchants with whom it seemes he in part preuailed But the sum was so small that it stood the Imperialls in as small steed yet so great that it exceeded the ability of his priuate estate to make satisfaction Vpon notice of the Kings alienation from the Emperor he fell irrecouerably distracted In the meane time the Duke of Bourbon and the Imperialls were in so great distresse and want of all things that vnlesse they could by some stratagem or other draw the French to commit all to the fortune of a battaile the Army must needs disband They disquiet and trie the French especially in the night preceding Saint Mathias day which was the day of the Emperor CHARLES his natiuity with many false alarmes They make two squadrons of horse and foure of foot The first consisting of six thousand Lansquenets Spaniards and Italians vnder the command of the Marquis of Guasto The second of Spanish foot vnder the Marquis of Pescara The third fourth of Lansquenets vnder the Viceroy LAVNOY and the Duke of Bourbon They came to a wall called the Park-wall vnder the covert of the night cast downe aboue sixty paces enter within it the first squadron taking the way to Mirabell the rest marching toward the Kings Army The King thought the Imperials went to Mirabell as making choice of the plaine open fields to fight in He was vnwilliug to leave the besieged at liberty yet the Plaines were aduantageous for his Horse He therfore commands his Artillery to be discharged which somewhat endamaged them and though vnwilling drawes his Forces out of their trenches then which the Imperials desired nothing more opposed the whole strength of his Army against thē But passing before the Cannon hinders their execution They that tooke the way to Mirabell now turne head and both Armies engage themselues in a cruell fight wherein the King more following Shadowes then Substances and the idle rumors of the vulgar then the meanes of a most certaine and glorious victory is ouerthrowne and taken prisoner loosing beside the floure of the French Nobilitie almost all either taken or slaine at one blow the Duchie of Milan the possession whereof had made him Lord of the greatest part of Lombardy Pope CLEMENT who had left the Emperour for the French which hee afterward repented often aduertised the King that the Imperialls were in great distresse and want that they continually mutinied for lacke of pay that he had taken so sufficient order with the King of England and the rest of the Confederates that they should continue bare enough of money If therefore he would but hold his hand and forbeare to fight necessity enforcing the Imperialls to disband he should be victorious without bloudshed But he was not capable of so good advice His Forces were great yet short of his account his Captaines treacherously abusing him in not furnishing those numbers of foot for which they receiued pay and it were equally a dishonour to him either to seeme to avoid the Enemy or to ly still so long at a siege to no purpose The Diume Power hauing decreed to chastise him permitted him through impatience to run headlong into these errours which so deepely plunged him in those calamities that without Gods especiall favour had proved fatall to him and his France When I consider this and many other the like chances happening as well in the course of a private mans life as in publique affaires I cannot but wonder at the sottish valour of this age wherein rather than endure the touch of the least though fal● aspersion wee will run the hazard both of life and fortunes How many braue men do wee daily see wonderfull ingenious in this kinde of folly who standing vpon I know not what Points of Honor vpon the least offence challenge the field and wilfully seeke out their owne destruction What in Gods name is become of the patience of that lingering FABIVS who quietly bearing the bitter taunts and mockes of his Souldiers of the People and the Senate yet brought home an easy though late victory We are certainely too blame with the Dog we catch at the shadow and loose the substance Of our Saviour we shall learne that it is the highest point of fortitude In patience to possesse our soules And according to ARISTOTLE True valour is regardles of ill language Mordear opprobrijs falsis matemque colores Fassus honor iuvat mendax infamia terret Quem nisi mendosum mendacem It is HORACE Backe-bitten must I needs turne pale for it False honors please and lying slanders fright Whom but the vnworthy and vainglorious wight In the tent of the captiue King the letters of the Pope and our King concerning their late league with the French being found the Duke of Bourbon now knew the cause why supplies of money came in so slowly And PRAT Lieger here for the Emperor vpon notice of it without leaue withdrew himselfe from Court and on the ninth of Aprill secretly departed the land In the meane time HENRY little suspecting that these secret compacts were knowne to the Emperor about the end of March sent Embassadors to him CVTBERT TONSTAL Bishop of London Sir RICHARD WINGfield Knight of the
Garter by whom Hee did congratulate his late victorious successe admonishing him to a close pursuit of his fortunes That if his Jmperiall Maiesty intended with greater forces to oppresse the already Vanquished in regard of the strict ●y of friendship betweene them his necessary endeauors should in no sort be wanting What answer the Emperor gaue I know not It is very likely he paid the King in his owne coine and dissembled with the Dissembler but hauing courteously entertained our Embassadours as courteously dismissed them But the King wants money and must now dissemble with his subiects He pretended war with France and with this key hopes to open his Subiects coffers The expectation of supplies by a Parliament would prove tedious some shorter course must be taken Money is therfore demanded by Proclamation that no lesle then according to the sixth part of euery mans Moveables Divers great personages appointed Commissioners vse all faire meanes to draw the people to contribute But although they sate in Commission in divers parts of the Kingdome at one and the same time they were so far from preuailing that as if the people had vniuersally conspired it was every where denied and the Commissioners very ill entreated not without further danger of sedition and tumult Hereupon the King calls a Parliament to be held at London wherein he professeth himselfe to be vtterly ignorant of these intollerable courses by such burthenous taxations The King disclaiming it euery one seekes to free himselfe The Cardinall was at last faine to take all vpon himselfe protesting That as a faithfull Seruant he had no further end in it than the profit of his Lord the King and that hee had aduised not onely with his Maiesties Councell which they all acknowledged but also with the Learned in the Lawes both Diuine and Humane whose opinion it was that the King might lawfully take the same course that PHARAOH did who by the ministery of IOSEPH sequestred a certaine portion of euery mans priuate estate for the publique good But the dislike of the people occasioned by this though fruitlesse proiect was greater than could be removed by this excuse And yet this proiect was not altogether fruitlesse the Kings apparant want affording a sufficient pretext of deferring the war with France vntill another yeare Neither was it the Kings intent to make vse of his advantages ouer the French who now lay open to all his blows HENRY hauing put away his wife the Emperour must needs be netled and then the amity of France would stand him in some steed Indeed CATHARINE was a noble and a vertuous Lady but shee had liued so long as to make her Husband weary of her He affected the daughter of Sir THOMAS BOLEN Treasurer of his Houshold Her he intends to marry and to be diuorced from the other For he did in his soule abhor this incestuous Match and it stood not with the publique weale that He should live single especially the lawfulnesse of his Daughters birth being so questionable Hee married not againe for his pleasure but to settle the Kingdome on his lawfull Issue The Learned as many as Hee had conferred with did generally pronounce the first marriage void yet would Hee haue it lawfully decided that with a safe conscience He might make choice of a second Thus far had WOLSEY willingly led him hoping to haue drawne him to a Match in France But Hee was of age to choose for himselfe and had already els where setled his affections And the more to manifest his love on the eighteenth of Iune he created his future Father in law Sir THOMAS BOLEN Viscont Rochfort At the same time were created HENRY FITZ-ROY the Kings naturall fonne by ELIZABETH BLOVNT Daughter to Sir IOHN BLOVNT Knight Earle of Nottingham and Duke of Richmond and Somerset HENRY COVRTNEY Earle of Devonshire the Kings Couzen german Marquis of Excester HENRY BRANDON eldest sonne to the Duke of Suffolke by the Kings Sister the Dowager of France Earle of Lincolne THOMAS MANNERS Lord Roos Earle of Rutland Sir HENRY CLIFFORD Earle of Cumberland and ROBERT RATCLIF Lord Fitzwalter Viscont Fitzwalter Cardinall WOLSEY this yeare laid the foundation of two Colledges one at Ipswich the place of his birth another at Oxford dedicated to our Sauiour CHRIST by the name of Christ-Church This later though not halfe finished yet a magnificent and royall Worke a most fruitfull Mother of Learned Children doth furnish the Church and Common-wealth with multitudes of able men and amongst others acknowledgeth me such as I am for her Foster-childe The other as if the Founder had also been the foundation fell with the Cardinall and being for the most part pulled downe is long since converted to private vses The Cardinalls private estate although it were wonderfull great being not sufficient to endow these Colledges with revenues answerable to their foundation the Pope consenting he demolished fourty Monasteries of meaner note and conferred the lands belonging to them on these his new Colledges It hath been the observation of some That this businesse like that proverbiall gold of Tholouse was fatall to those that any way had a hand in it We will hereafter shew what became of the Pope and the Cardinall But of five whom he made vse of in the alienation of the guifts of so many religious men it afterward happened that two of them challenging the field of each other one was slaine and the other hanged for it a third throwing himselfe headlong into a Well perished wilfully a fourth before that a wealthy man sunke to that low ebbe that he after begged his bread and Doctor ALLEN the fift a man of especiall note being Archbishop of Dublin was murthered in Jreland I could wish that by these and the like examples men would learne to take heed how they lay hands on things consecrated to God If the Divine Iustice so severely punished those that converted the abused yet not regarding the abuse but following the sway of their ambitious desires goods of the Church to vndoubtedly better vses what can we expect of those that take all occasions to rob and spoile the Church hauing no other end but onely the inriching of themselues LVTHER had notice of HENRY his intended Divorce and that from CHRISTIERNE the expelled King of Denmarke who eagerly solicited him to write friendly vnto the King putting LVTHER in hope that HENRY being a courteous Prince might by milde persuasions be induced to embrace the reformation which LVTHER had begun And indeed LVTHER foreseeing the necessary consequences of this Divorce was easily entreated and did write vnto the King in this submissiue manner He doubted not but he had much offended his Majesty by his late reply but he did it rather enforced by others then of his owne accord Hee did now write presuming vpon the Kings much bruited humanity especially being informed That the King himselfe was not Author of the Booke against him which thing
of Scripture The eight of December the King graced three noble and worthy men with new titles of honour THOMAS BOLEN Viscount Rochfort the King 's future Father in law was created Earle of Wiltshire ROBERT RATCLIF Viscount Fitz-Walter of the noble Family of the FITZ-WALTERS Earle of Sussex in which honour his sonne THOMAS his nephevves THOMAS first then HENRY brother to THOMAS and now ROBERT the sonne of HENRY have succeeded him And GEORGE Lord Hastings was made Earle of Huntingdon who left it to his son FRANCIS Father of HENRY who deceased without issue and GEORGE Grandfather to HENRY the now Earle by FRANCIS who died before his Father Anno Dom. 1530. Reg. 22. WILLIAM TINDALL having translated the New Testament into English and procured it to be printed at Antwerp had secretly dispersed many copies thereof throughout England Whereat the Bishops and Clergy especially those that were most addicted to the Doctrine of Rome stormed excedingly saying that this Translation was full of errours and that in the prefaces and else where it contained many things contrary to the Truth The King being angry with the Pope had long since determined to free himselfe from his vsurped power And therefore admonished the murmuring Clergy to correct this booke not to suppresse it for it was a most profitable worke and very necessary for the discovery of the deceits of the Court of Rome the tyranny whereof was become intolerable to all the Princes of Christendome Whereupon he giveth order to the Bishops and some other learned men to set forth a new Translation which his subiects might reade with safety and profit The hope of prevailing with the Pope by the French King's meanes had drawne HENRY to send on a second Embassage to the Pope the Earle of Wiltshire Doctour STOKESLEY Elect of London and EDWARD LEE WOLSEY his Successor in Yorke They found the Pope at Bononia with the Emperour but had no other answer to their demands then that his Holinesse when he came to Rome would indevour to do the King iustice Till then he could do nothing Faire meanes not prevailing the King runs another course ●y publique Proclamation throughout the Kingdome he forbids all commerce betweene his subiects and the Bishop of Rome commanding that no man should receive any thing from or send any thing especially money vnto him either by exchange or any other meanes calling him Tyrant the Harpy of the World the common Incendiary and deeming him vtterly vnworthy of that glorious title which he had vaingloriously vsurped Christs Vicar This in September But the wealth of the Clergy being very great and considering how they had in the Raignes of his Predecessors strongly sided with the Pope the King was some what iealous of them To curbe them hee condemnes the whole Clergy throughout the Kingdome in a Praemunire for that without licence from his Maiesty they had beene obedient to the authority of the Pope in acknowledging WOLSEY for his Legate The Clergy of the Province of Canterbury being assembled in Convocation buy their pardon at a hundred thousand pounds and in this Synode he is with much ado by the Clergy of both Provinces declared next vnder Christ Supreme Head of the Church of England and all foraine power or authority whatsoever disclaimed The Province of Yorke is moreover fined at eighteene thousand eight hundred forty pounds So this one fault if it may be so accompted it being certaine that WOLSEY was licenced to exercise his authority Legantine cost the Clergy a hundred and eighteene thousand eight hundred and forty pounds Anno Dom. 1531. Reg. 23. THe only publique memorable occurrents of this yeare were that the Laity for the most part as deepe in a Praemunire as the Clergy were by Act of Parliament pardoned In which assembly Sir THOMAS MORE Lord Chancellour and other remarkable speakers related at large the Conclusions of the Vniversities concerning the vnlawfulnesse of the Kings marriage And yet perhaps the notorious villany of RICHARD ROSE Cooke to the Bishop of Rochester might crave a place in this History who with poysoned broth killed sixteene of the Bishops servants The Bishop himselfe who was especially aimed at that day contrary to his accustomed diet forbearing broth escaped The poisoner according to a Law lately enacted was throwne into a cauldron of boyling water But the offence deserved tortures of a most exquisite straine Anno Dom. 1532. Reg. 24. ON the three and twentieth of August died WILLIAM WARHAM Archbishop of Canterbury to whom THOMAS CRANMER at that time in Germany about the Kings affaires was appointed Successor He was not so ambitious as to aspire to such a dignity and some reasons made him vnwilling to accept it being offred He knew before he could be consecrated he must sweare obedience to the Pope which with a safe conscience he could not He feared what would be the issue of this abrupt seperation from the Sea of Rome Hee knew the King's disposition to be violent such sudaine changes to be full of danger and the Court although hee had not yet purchased the acquaintance of it to be a meere schoole of fraud and dissembling The Kings pleasure must necessarily be obeyed and if he slipped neuer so little enuy the mischievous attendant of great felicity would helpe him forward to a breake-necke CRANMER also having long since lost his Wife whom he had married in his youth had taken a liking to a certaine maide neipce to OSIANDERS wife whom he intended to make his second wife yet hee knew that the Canon Law permitted not Priests to marry and made them vncapable of holy Orders who had beene twice married These considerations made him linger in Germany six whole moneths after the dispatch of his businesle hoping that his absence might afford meanes to some other to worke a way to the Archbi●hopricke But the times were such that they to whom desert might give greatest hopes of attaining it did abhorre this still ●ottering and slippery dignity and even they who were already advanced to the like indeavoured to betake themselves to the safety of meaner fortune As did Sir THOMAS MORE the Lord Chancellour who by his continuall ernest petitions obtained leave of the King on the fifteene of May to resigne his place and Sir THOMAS AWDLEY on the fourth of Iune was in his steed made Lord Keeper CRANMER having privately married his wife at Norimberg at length returned into England where the Kings importunity prevailing beyond all scrupulous difficulties CRANMER is though much against his will made Archbishop of Canterbury the Pope also by his Bull confirming the Election He refusing the Arbishopricke because hee must take an oath to the Pope delivered the Bull to the King protesting that hee would never accept of any Bishopricke in England but from the King who was Supreme Head of the Church of England and that he would not take any oath that should any way derogate from the King's
declared void and incestuous and a Law enacted wherein all Appeales to Rome were forbidden and that none should stile CATHARINE other then Princesse of Wales and Widow or Dowager of Prince ARTHVR By vertue and authority of the same Law the Archbishop of Canterbury accompanied with some other Bishops comming to Dunstable six miles from Ampthill where CATHARINE then resided caused her to be cited before Him next vnder the King chiefe Iudge in all Ecclesiasticall causes within the Province of Canterbury to shew what reasons could be alleaged why the marriage not lawfully contracted betweene the King and her should not be disanulled and pronounced impious incestuous and consequently void To these things by one of her servants she answered that it beseemed not the Archbishop to thrust his sickle into anothers harvest this Cause did yet depend vndecided before the Pope CHRIST'S Vicar on earth whose Decree she would obey and other Iudge would shee acknowledge none Being called fifteene dayes together and not appearing Shee is pronounced Contumax and for her contumacie separated from the Kings bed and company Wherevpon the Lady ANNE proclaimed Queene throughout the Kingdome on Easter eve shewed her selfe publiquely as Queene and was at Whits ontide crowned with as great pompe and solemnitie as ever was Queene The particulars I will let passe excepting that propheticall Disticke vpon one of the triumphant Arches purposely erected in London where shee was to passe Regina ANNA paris Regis de sanguine Natam Et paries populis aurea secla tuis In English ANNE thou a daughter bearest to our King And to thy people golden dayes shalt bring Wafers also with the same impression were throwne about saith STOW But I rather beleeve that this Disticke was made after the Queenes deliverie Whensoever it were hee that truely considers the fe●icitie of the foure and fortie yeares raigne of this Queenes Daughter will thinke this Oracle could not proceed from any but a Delphian APOLLO For the Queene at the time of her Coronation was great with childe whereof the seventh of September shee was delivered at Greenwich which was that ever famous Queene ELIZABETH who after the death of her Brother and Sister so gloriously ruled this Kingdome The Pope was certified of all these passages that his authoritie in England was abrogated that the late Queene CATHARINE was put away that ANNE BOLEN as Queene was taken to the Kings bed that the King stiled himselfe Supreme Head of the Church of England that the Archbishop of Canterbury executed all those offices which formerly the Pope only did and that not as the Popes Legate but as Primate of England who vnder the King claimed chiefe authority in Ecclesiasticall affaires throughout his whole Province Wherwith being ne●ed hee seemed to breath nothing but threats and revenge But knowing himselfe to have beene the motive of it and doubtfull of the event he was easily persuaded by the French King as yet not to proceed by excommunication against HENRY vntill he had made triall of some milder course Wherevpon FRANCIS by BELLAY Bishop of Paris entreates HENRY not to withdraw himselfe wholy from the obedience of Rome for as much as it was a matter of great danger Hee would therefore advise him once more by Embassadours to Rome to signifie that he was not vtterly averse from a r●conciliation which if hee did hee made no doubt but all things would succeed to his minde HENRY was certaine of enioying his Love and let the Pope decree what he list was resolved to keepe her Hee had beene formerly abused by the Court of Rome and was loath to make farther triall of their dilatory proceedings Yet had BELLAY prevailed so fa●re with him that Hee would be content once more to submit himselfe to the Church of Rome if hee could bee assured of the Popes intention to do him equity The Bishop conceiving some hopes of a peace although it were in the winter time goes himselfe to Rome gives the Pope an account of his actions and certifies him that the matter was not yet desperate Wherevpon a day is appointed by which a Post returning from the King was to give notice of an intended Embassie But the Consistory gave so short a time to have an answere that the Post came short two dayes at his returne The terme expired they proceed hastily to the confirmation of their Censures notwithstanding the Bishops instance to obtaine six dayes more for as much as contrary windes or some other chance might hinder the messenger and six dayes would be no great matter considering the King had wauered six whole yeares before hee fell The more moderate thought the Bishop demanded but reason but the preposterous haste of the greater sort preuailed Two dayes were scarce past after the prefixed time but the Post arriuing with ample authority and instructions from England did greatly amaze those hasty Cardinalls who afterwards would faine but could not finde any meanes to mend what they had so rashly marred For the matter to please the Emperor was so hudled vp as that which could not ritely bee finished in three Consistories was done in one So the King and the whole Realme was interdicted the Bull whereof the Messengers not daring to come neerer was brought to Dunkirk The report hereof comming to the King hee laies all the blame on the Lady CATHARINE Whereupon the Duke of Suffolke was sent to lessen her Houshold They who might be any way suspected to haue been imploied by her in this businesse are turned away the rest are commanded to take their oathes to serve her as Princesse of Wales not as Queene of England They that refuse are ca●hiered and they that are content to sweare are by her cast off so that for a time shee had few or no Attendants In the meane time on the three and twentieth of June died MARY Queene of France the Kings Sister and was buried in the Abbey of Saint Edmundsbury Anno Dom. 1534. Reg. 26. ABout this time was discouered the grand imposture of ELIZABETH BARTON which brought her to a deserued end Shee had formerly beene sicke of a strange disease which not only afflicted her inwardly but as often as her fit tooke her so wonderfully distorted her mouth and other parts of her body that most were of opinion it could not peoceed from any naturall cause But Custome growing to a second Nature the continuance of the Disease had taught her to distort her body after her recouery in the fame manner as when she was sicke Hoping to make a profit of this her counterfeit Convulsion she imparted the secret to the Curate of the Parish by whose deuice after ●ong deliberation betweene them it was agreed that she should often faine her selfe to be in an ecstasie and whereas shee was wont when the fit seased her to ly still without motion as if she had been dead shee should now sometimes vtter some godly sentences inveigh against the wickednesse of the times but
especially against Heretiques and broachers of new Opinions and should relate strange visions revealed by God to her in the time of her ecstasie By these jugling trickes not only among the Vulgar who termed the holy Maid of Kent but among the wiser sort such as were Archbishop WARHAM Bishop FISHER and others her sanctity was held in admiration The Imposture taking so generally her boldnesse increased Shee prefixeth a day whereon she shall be restored to perfect health and the meanes of her recouery must be procured forsooth by a pilgrimage to some certaine Image of our Lady The day came and shee beeing brought to the place by the like cousenage deceiued a great number of people whom the expectation of the miracle had drawne thither and at last as if she had iust then shaken off her disease shee appeares whole and straight vnto them all saying That by especiall command from God shee must become a Nunne and that one Doctor BOCKING a Monke of Canterbury there present was ordained to bee her Confessor which office hee willingly vndertooke vnder pretext whereof this Nunne liuing at Canterbury BOCKING often resorted to her not without suspition of dishonesty The intended Divorce from CATHARINE and marriage with ANNE BOLEN had much appalled most part of the Clergy for then a necessity was imposed on the King of a divorce from the Papall Sea in which the Church and all Ecclesiasticall persons were likely to suffer The apprehension whereof wrought so with BOCKING that making others conscious of the intent hee persuaded ELIZABETH BARTON by denuntiation of Gods revealed judgements to deterre the King from his purposed change Shee according as shee was instructed proclaimes it abroad That the King aduenturing to marry another CATHARINE surviving should if in the meane time hee died not some infamous death within one moneth after be depriued of his Kingdome The King heares of it and causeth the Impostrix to be apprehended who vpon examination discouered the rest of the conspirators who were all committed to prison vntill the next Parliament should determine of them ELIZ. BARTON BOCKING MASTERS the afore mentioned Curate of the Parish DEERING and RISBEY Monkes with GOLD a Priest are by the Parliament adiudged to dy The Bishop of Rochester and ADESON his Chaplaine one ABEL a Priest LAVRENCE the Archdeacon of Canterbury his Register and THOMAS GOLD Gentleman for hauing heard many things whereby they might guesse at the intents of the Conspirators and not acquainting the Magistrate with them are as accessory condemned in a Praemunire confiscation of their goods and perpetuall impris●nment ELIZABETH BARTON and her Companions hauing each of them after a Sermon at Pauls Crosse publiquely confessed the Imposture are on the twentieth of Aprill hanged and their heads set ouer the gates of the City By the same Parliament the authority of the Convocation to make Canonicall Constitutions vnlesse the King giue this Rovall assent is abrogated It is also inacted That the Collocation of all Bishoprickes the Seas being vacant should henceforth be at the Kings dispose and that no man should be chosen by the Chapter or consecrated by the Archbishop but he on whom the King by his Congé D'eslire or other his Letters had conferred that Dignity And wheras many complained that now all commerce with Rome was forbidden all meanes were taken away of mitigating the rigour of the Ecclesiasticall Lawes of Dispensation Papall authority is granted to the Archbishop of Canterbury the King reserving to himselfe the power of dispensing in causes of greater moment And that all Appeales formerly wont to be made from the Archbishop to the Pope should now bee from the Archbishop to the King who by Delegates should determine all such suites and controversies Furthermore the Kings marriage with the Lady CATHARINE is againe pronounced incestuous the Succession to the Crowne established on the Kings Issue begotten on Queene ANNE And all aboue the age of sixteen yeares throughout the Kingdome are to be bound by oath to the obseruance of this Law whosoeuer refused to take this oath should suffer losse of all their goods and perpetuall imprisonment Throughout all the Realme there were found but two who durst refracto●ily oppose this Law viz FISHER Bishop of Rochester and Sir THOMAS MOORE the late Lord Chancellor men who were indeed very learned but most obstinate stickers in the behalfe of the Church of Rome who being not to be drawne by any persuasions ●o be conformable to the Law were committed to prison from whence after a yeares durance they were not freed but by the losse of their liues But the King fearing that it might be thought That hee tooke these courses rather out of a contempt of Religion than in regard of the tyrannie of the Court of Rome to free himselfe from all suspition either of favouring LVTHER or any authors of new Opinions began to persecute that sort of men whom the Vulgar called Heretiques and condemned to the cruelty of that mercilesle Element Fire not only certaine Dutch Anabaptists but many Professors of the Truth and amongst others that learned and godly young man IOHN ●RITH who with one HEWET and others on the two and twentieth of July constantly endured the torments of their martyrdome The fiue and twentieth of September died CLEMENT the Seuenth Pope in whose place succeeded ALEXADER FARNESE by the name of PAVLVS the Third who to begin his time with some memorable Act hauing called a Consistory pronounced HENRY to be fallen from the Title and Dignity of a King and to be deposed re-iterating withall the thunder of Excommunication with which bug-beare his predecessor CLEMENT had sought to affright him But this peradventure happened in the insuing yeare after the death of FISHER and MORE A Parliament is againe called in November wherein according to the Decree of the late Synod the King was declared Supreme Head of the Church of England and the punishment all crimes which formerly pertained to the Ecclesiasticall Courts is made proper to him So the Kingdome is vindicated from the vsurpation of the Pope who before shared in it and the King now first began to raigne entirely Also all Annates or first Fruits formerly paid to the Pope are granted to the King And Wales the seat of the remainder of the true antient Britans hitherto differing from vs compounded of Normans and Saxons as well in the forme of their gouernment as in Language is by the authority of this Parliament to the great good of both but especially that Nation vnited and incorporated to England EDWARD the First was the first who subdued this Countrey yet could hee not prevaile over their mindes whome the desire of recouering their lost liberty animated to many rebellions By reason whereof and our suspitions being for two hundred yeares oppressed either with the miseries of seruitude or war they neuer tasted the sweet fruits of a true and solid peace But HENRY the Seuenth by bloud in reguard
at Canterbury dedicated to AVGVSTINE the English Apostle who was there interred This being the first Fruits of Christianity among this Nation I meane the Saxons for the Britans had beene watred with streames derived even from the Fountaines Apostolique far more pure then were those later overflowes of AVGVSTINE hee invades expells the Monkes and divides their meanes betweene his Exchequer and Courtiers Battaile Abbey built by WILLIAM the Conquerour in the same place where by the overthrow of HARALD the last Saxon King hee purchased this Kingdome to himselfe and his posterity did also run the same fortune So that it is not so much to be wondered at if those at Merton in Surrey Stratford in Essex Lewis in Sussex the Charterhouse Blacke-Friers Gray-Friers and White-Friers in London felt the fury of the same Whirlewinde At the same time among many other Reformations in this Church that wholesome Iniunction was one whereby the Bible translated and printed in English was commanded to be kept in every parish Church and to bee conveniently placed where any that were so desirous might reade therein They who were more eagerly addicted to the superstition of their Ancestours brooked not these proceedings among whom were chiefe HENRY COVRTNEY Marquis of Excester HENRY Lord Mountague brother to Cardinall POOLE and Sir EDWARD NEVILL brother to the Lord ABERGAVENNY who on the fifth day of November vpon the accusation of Sir GEOFFREY POOLE Brother to the Lord MOVNTAGVE were committed to the Tower for having maintained intelligence with the Cardinall and conspired the Kings destruction for which they were on the third of the ensuing Ianuary the Lord AVDLEY sitting high Steward for the time arraigned and condemned and on the ninth of the same moneth beheaded Two Priests named CROFTS and COLINS with one HOLLAND a Mariner as partakers in the same guilt were hanged and quartered at Tiburne This COVRTNEY was by the Fathers side of a very noble discent deriving himselfe from the bloud Royall of France by HVGH COVRTNEY created Earle of Devonshire by EDWARD the Third But by his mother hee far more neerely participated of the Bloud Royall of England being Sonne to CATHARINE Daughter to EDWARD the Fourth who was Sister to Queene ELIZABETH the Mother of King HENRY The King l●ng favoured him as his Couzen germane but at length in regard of his neere Alliance to the Crowne became jealous of his Greatnesse whereof hee had lately given more then sufficient testimony in suddenly arming some thousands to oppose against the Yorke-Shire Rebells The consideration whereof made HENRY gladly entertaine any occasion to cut off this Noble Gentleman About the same time IOHN LAMBERT a religious and learned man was also condemned the King himselfe sitting Iudge This LAMBERT being accused of Heresy appealed from his Ordinary to the King who fearing least hee should be accounted a Lutheran resolved vpon this occasion to manifest to the World how hee stood affected in Religion To this end summoning as many of the Bishops and other Peeres of the Realme as could conveniently be present he caused Scaffolds to be built in Westminster Hall from whence the people might be spectators and witnesses of the Acts of that day On the right hand of the King were seated the Bishops and behinde them the Iudges and chief Lawyers of the Realme at his left hand sate the Temporall Lords and behinde them the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber LAMBERT being brought to the Bar DAY Bishop of Chichester by the Kings appointment made an Oration wherein he declared the cause of this meeting saying That LAMBERT hauing beene accused of Heresy before his Ordinary had made his Appeale vnto the King as if expecting from his Maiesty more favour for Heresy then from the Bishop So that he now found it be true whereof hee had been oft informed That the credulous People were verily persuaded that his Maiesty abhorring the Religion of his Ancestors had embraced the new Tenets lately broached in Germany True it was the tyranny of the Court of Rome had beene troublesome to his Predecessors but to Him intolerable and therefore had Hee shaken it off That Religion might no longer patronize Jdlenesse Hee had expelled Monkes who were no other then Drones in the Bee-hive Hee had taken away the idolatrous worship of Jmages had permitted to his Subiects the reading and knowledge of Gods Word hither to prohibited by the Church of Rome least their wiles and cousenages should be discovered and had made reformation in some other things peradventure of lesse moment which no man could deny would much redound to the good both of Church and Common-wealth But as for other things Hee had determined there should be no change in the Church during his Raigne Which his Resolution Hee now intended publiquely to manifest His Maiesties desire was That the Delinquent renouncing his Errours should suffer himselfe to be received into the bosome of the Church to which end partly and partly to shew that Hee thirsted not after any ones bloud out of his clemency Hee had procured the presence of those Graue and Learned men meaning the Bishops who by Authority and force of Arguments should if it were possible bring backe this straied Sheepe into the Fold of the Church But if hee perversly oppugned the Truth and all persuasions notwithstanding became immoveable Hee would by this mans exemplary punishment make knowne what others should in the like Case expect and instruct the Judges and Magistrates what they ought to do therein The Bishop having ended the King demanded of LAMBERT What hee thought of the presence of CHRISTS body in the Sacrament Whose answer being little to the Kings liking reasons and arguments were produced as if a Disputation in the Schooles and not a Iusticiary Session had beene appointed Five whole hou●es this Disputation lasted the King being as it were Prior Opponent Archbishop CRANMER also and nine other Bishops forcibly pressing vpon poore LAMBERT But neither this course nor the battery of threats and terrors prevailing against his constancy the King commanded the Lord CROMWELL to passe sentence of condemnation vpon him by vertue whereof within a day or two after hee was burned Neither this dreadfull Sentence nor his torturing death did any way appale him which hee so little reguarded that going to his death hee merrily tooke his break●ast with some Gentlemen into whose company he chanced as if hee had beene going to some sportfull game rather then his execution Anno Dom. 1539. Reg. 31. ON the third of March Sir NICHOLAS CAREW Knight of the Garter and Master of the Horse was beheaded for being of Counsaile with the Marquis of Excester and the Lord MOVNTAGVE And on the eight and twentieth of April a Parliament began wherein MARGARET Countesse of Salisbury Mother to Cardinall POOLE and Daughter to GEORGE Duke of Clarence who was brother to EDWARD the Fourth was attainted of high Treason and condemned without hearing and with her the Cardinall
Preiudiciall to the Estate Grievous and Burthensome to the Subiect FINIS ANNALES OF ENGLAND EDVVARD THE SIXT The Second Booke LONDON Printed by Adam Islip and William Stansby 1630. Vae tibi Jerra cuius Rex Puer est ANNALES OF ENGLAND The second Booke EDWARD the Sixt. Anno Dom. 1547. Reg. 1. ROyalty like a Pythagorean Soule transmigrates Although HENRY were dead the King was still alive and survived in the person of young EDWARD who began his Raigne the eight and twentieth of Ianuary then in the tenth yeare of his age and having beene on the last of the same moneth proclaimed King came the same day from Enfield where the Court had then beene to the Tower there according to the ancient custome of our Kings to abide vntill his Inauguration at Westminster The next day the Counsaile assembled for the managing of the Estate conferred on the Kings Vnckle EDWARD SEIMOVR Earle of Hertford the honour and power of Protector of the King's Person and Kingdome Who to season his new Dignitie with some memorable act on the sixt of February dubbed the King Knight the King presently imparting the same Honour to RICHARD HOBLETHORNE Lord Maior of London On the fifteenth of February King HENRY his Funerals were solemnized and his Body Royally interred in the middle of the Quire in the Church at Windsore Two daies after were some of the Nobilitie dignified with greater Honours some new created The Lord Protector Earle of Hertford was made Duke of Somerset WILLIAM PARR Earle of Essex Marquis of Northampton IOHN DVDLEY Viscount Lisle Earle of Warmicke and the Lord Chancellour WRIOTHSLEY Earle of Southampton Sir THOMAS SEIMOVR brother to the Protector and Lord Admirall Sir THOMAS RICH Sir WILLIAM WILLOVGHBY and Sir EDMOND SHEFFEILD were inrolled among the Barons Other two daies being fled after their Predecessours the King passed triumphantly from the Tower through London to Westminster where he was solemnely crowned anointed and inaugurated by CRANMER Archbishop of Canterbury At what time also with incredible indulgence pardon of all crimes whatsoever was publiquely proclaimed and granted to all persons throughout the Realme six only being exempted from the benefit thereof namely the Duke of Norfolke Cardinall POOLE the lately beheaded Marquis of Excester his eldest Sonne one THROCMORTON FORTESCVE and RICHARD PATE late Bishop of Worcester who least hee should be constrained to acknowledge the King Head of the Church had some yeares passed fled to Rome On the nineteenth of Iune in the Cathedrall Church of Saint PAVL in London were celebrated the Exequies of FRANCIS King of France He deceased the two and twentieth of the precedent March having beene after the death of our HENRY much disposed to melancholy whether for that hee failed in the hope of strengthening their late contracted amity with some stricter tie or that being some few yeares the younger hee was by his death admonished of the like approaching fate They were also of so conspiring a similitude of disposition and nature that you shall hardly finde the like betweene any two Princes of what ever different times This bred a mutuall affection in them and as it were forcibly nourished the secret fire thereof betweene them vnlesse peradventure when emulation or the respect of publique vtilitie swaied them the contrary way so that the death of the one could not but much grieve the surviver He therefore in the Cathedrall at Paris celebrated the Funerals of HENRY though excommunicated by the Pope He also left one only Sonne named HENRY inheritor of his Crowne whose Raigne lasted but to the beginning of Queene ELIZABETH And now the affaires of Scotland which have without doubt beene great and memorable crave a part in our History Wee have before made mention of our League with Scotland wherein it was determined concerning the marriage betweene the now King EDWARD and the Queene of Scots The times since then were full of continuall iarres Wee at length resolved not to dally with them but to vndertake the war with forces agreeable to the cause The Duke of Somerset by consent of the Privie Counsaile is sent into Scotland with ten thousand Foot and six thousand Horse beside pioners and artificers thirteene hundred and fifteene peeces of brasse Ordnance To the Lord CLINTON is assigned a Navy consisting of foure and twenty men of war one Galley and thirty Ships of burthen wherewith hee was to scowre the Seas and infest the maritime parts of Scotland On the third of September the Duke of Somerset made an hostile entrance vpon the Enemies Countrey and forthwith dispatched letters to the Earle of Arren Regent of Scotland much to this effect That he wished the Scots would consider that this war was waged among Christians that our ends were no other then a iust Peace whereto the endevours of all good men should tend An occasion not only of a League but of a perpetuall Peace was now happily offred if they would suffer the two differing and emulous Nations by vniting the Head to grow together This as it had beene formerly sought by vs so had it beene generally assented to by the Estates of Scotland Therefore he could not but wonder why they should rather treacherously recurre to Armes the events of war being vsually even to the Victor sufficiently vnfortunate then maintaine in violate their troth plighted to the good of both Nations They could not in reason expect that their Queene should perpetually live a Virgin life And if shee married where could shee bestow her selfe better then on a puissant Monarch inhabiting the same Island and parlying the same language They saw what inconveniences were the consequents of foraine matches whereof they should rather make triall by the examples of others then at their owne perill He demanded nothing but equity yet he so much abhorred the effusion of Christian bloud that if hee found the Scots not vtterly averse from an accord hee would endevour that some of the Conventions should be remitted he would also permit that the Queene should abide and be brought vp among them vntill her age made her marriageable at what time she should by consent of the Estates her selfe make choice of a Husband In the meane time there should be a Cessation of Armes neither should the Queene be transported out of her Realme nor entertaine treatise of marriage with the French or any other forainer This if they would faithfully promise he would forthwith peaceably depart out of Scotland and whatsoever damages the Countrey had suffred by this invasion he would according to the esteeme of indifferent Arbitrators make ample satisfaction The Scottish Army consisted of thirty thousand Foot some speake a greater number The chiefe Commanders whereof puffed vp with confidence of their strength although they had lately lost eight hundred in a tumultuary skirmish and misconceiving our offers to proceed out of feare reiect all Conditions of Accord and least vpon knowledge of the equitie of our demands the Counsaile should
who rallying themselves seemed desperately resolved to renue the fight But the proposall of a Pardon made them cast away iheir armes and peaceably to depart The number of the chiefe authors of this Commotion who were hanged was great But ROBERT KET a Tanner who in those times and by that trade had gathered a fortune of a brace of thousands was above all as in Fault so in Execution remarkable He had beene the Chieftaine in this Rebellion and was not in reason to be obscured among the common sort wherfore it being thought fit that he should surmount them in the glory of a more notorious punishment he was fairely hanged in chaines on the verv top of Norwich Castle While the Easterne parts of the Kingdome were thus possessed the Westerne parts were not lesse tormented with the same Furies Devonshire and Cornwall with some additions out of Somersetshire had on the same pretences armed fifteene thousand men who after they had licentiously ransacked the Countrey at length sate downe before the famous City of Excester Forty dayes they besieged it and were repulsed by the Inhabitants though vtterly destitute of warlike provision On the sixt of August IOHN Lord Russell after Earle of Bedford entring the City with forces and munition disassieged it pursued the Rebells slew some tooke others to the number of foure thousand whereof many were after executed but especially HVMFREY ARVNDELL Captaine of S. Michaels Mount in Cornwall a man of antient descent and sufficiently ample revenues so that I cannot sufficiently wonder what madnesse drave him to associate himselfe with this desperate and vnruly rabble With him were hanged ROBERT BOCHIN IO. TOMSON ROGER BARRET IO. VLCOCKE WILL. ASA IAMES NORTON IO. BARON and RICHARD BENET Priests and besides them IOHN and IAMES ROSOGAN IO. PAYNE THO. VNDERHILL and IO. SOLMAN all prime incendiaries and chiefe authors of this tumult The City of Excester in memory of this their delivery hath ever sithence with an anniversary solemnity kept the sixt of August holy As for the other Counties infested with the reliques of this rebellion the evill being tempestively supprest before it spred it selfe and the ringleaders punished they were quickely reduced to their former temper Neither were our affaires more peaceable abroad then at home For HENRY King of France taking advantage of our domestique sedition not reguarding the League concluded betweene vs and his Father invaded Boloignois where his successe was such that he was animated to greater attempts He sets forth a Fleet for the taking in of the Isles of Iersey and Guarnesey the sole portions remaining to the English of the Duchy of Normandy At these Isles the French are with great losse driven abord their ships At the landing they lost a thousand men and we very few About Bouloigne Mont Lambert Sellaque and Ambleteul were lost Sellaque was defended by two Ensignes But having beene battered by the Enemy while we vnwarily parley with MONTMORENCY was on the five and twentieth of August forced by them At Ambleteul were six Ensignes of Foote who for some dayes made good the place But finding themselves vnable long to hold out against so great forces vpon no other termes then grant of lives yeelded the Fort to the French The losse of these places so daunted the Garrison at Blanconet that having beene scarce saluted by the Enemies Cannon vpon condition of life and goods they quitted the place Neither was this the last important effect of our conceived terrour for the English at Mont-Lambert not so much as attending the comming of the Enemie fired their lodgings made their provision vnusefull and retreated to Guisnes The Fort at the Tower of Ordre fortified both by nature and art gave a period to this yeares successe standing resolutely vpon defence vntill the extremity of Winter forced the French to raise their siege The losse of these small pieces set the Protector in the wane of the vulgar opinion and afforded sufficient matter for Envy to worke on Among the Lords of the Privy Counsaile the most eminent was the Earle of Warwick● a man of a vast spirit which was the more inlarged by the contemplation of his great Acts performed both abroad and at home He had long looked asquint vpon Somersets greatnesse whom in a favorable esteeme of himselfe he deemed far beneath him and was withall persuaded that could he but remove the Duke due reguards would cast the Protectorship on him The consideration also of the Dukes nakednesse disarmed of that metalsome peice the Admirall En quo discordia Fratres Perduxit miseros made his hopes present themselves in the more lively shapes He seekes about for sufficient matter wherewith to charge the Duke who could not be long ignorant of these practises against him The Duke finding himselfe aimed at but not well discerning whether the Earle intended a legall or military processe against him on the sixt of October from Hampton-Court where the King then resided sent letters to the City of London requiring from thence an aid of a thousand men who should guard the King and him from the treacherous attempts of some ill-affected Subiects And in the meane time presseth in the adiacent Countrey where having raised a reasonable company he the same night carried away the King attended by some of the Nobility and some of the Counsaile from thence to Windsore a place because fortified more safe and convenient for resistance But the Earle had made a greater part of the Counsaile who accompanied him at London To them he makes a formall complaint against the Protector beseeching them by their assistance to secure him from the Protectors malice who sought to intrap him for his life These Lords send a contre-letter to the Londoners demanding aids of them for the delivery of the King out of the hands of his Enemy for so they were pleased to terme the Duke Then they send abroad Proclamations wherein they insert the chiefe heads of their accusation as that By sowing seeds of discord the Duke had troubled that setled and peaceable estate wherin King HENRY had left this Kingdome and had beene the chiefe cause that it had lately beene ingaged in Ciuill wars to the losse of many thousand lives That many Forts conquered by HENRY with hazard of his Person were by the Dukes either cowardise or treachery regained by the Enemy That he reguarded not the advice of the rest of the Lords of the Counsaile and had plainely neglected King HENRY'S instructions concerning the governement of the Kingdomes of England and Irland That his chiefe studies and wherein he was most seene were to rake vp wealth to maintaine a Faction among the Nobility and yet comply with both parties for his owne advantages to build stately Palaces far exceeding the proportion of a Subiect and that even in the very instan that the Estate did shrinke vnder the burthen both of intestine and foraine wars The Duke certified of their proceedings and seeing himselfe forsaken
diversly some censuring the Queenes actions others complaining of the change of Religion contrary to her promise made to the Suffolke men some lamented the case of Lady IANE who had beene forcibly deposed and cruelly condemned to an ill-deserved death Some were swaied by pittie some by the reguard of Religion but most by the feare of a Spanish servitude and others were by their owne hopes and the desire of change animated to a rebellion A Chieftaine only was wanting which defect was quickly supplied by Sir THOMAS WYATA Knight of Kent Who having communicated the matter with the Duke of Suffolke Sir PETER CAROW of Devonshire and some others concluded that it would not be expedient to attempt any thing vntill the arrivall of PHILIP that so they might not seeme to have taken Armes to any other end then to secure their Countrey from the vsurpation of a foraine Prince So reserving themselves for oportunity they disperse themselves into severall places WYAT into Kent a countrey adioyning to London and disioyned from Calais by a little fret of Sea Sir PETER CAROW into Devonshire a part of England in the West opposite to the maine of France and the Duke of Suffolke withdrew himselfe to his place in Warwick shire situated in the very heart of the Realme In these severall places they secre●ly furnish themselves with armes money and all sorts of munition and seeke to draw others to partake in the Conspiracie Sir PETER CAROW whether thrust on by his fate or thinking delaywould prove dangerous began secretly to levie some forces in Cornwall but the ma●ter being sooner detected then was hoped he quickly oppressed he presently tooke ship fled into France where he lurked some time vntill at length being seemingly reconciled to the King he was taken at Brussells and brought captive into England By what meanes hee afterward made an escape I know not But he flourished many yeares vnder Queene ELIZABETH and died at Rosse in Leinster a Province of Irland in the yeare 1577. as appeareth by his monument in the Cothedrall Church at Excester erected at the costs of his nephew PETER who was brother to GEORGE whom King IAMES for his many vertues not long since created a Baron With Sir PETER at the same time Sir IOHN CHEEKE who had beene King EDWARD'S Tutour was also taken who came from Strasburg towards Brussells and that not without publique licence vpon no other businesse but to visit as saith FOX the Queenes Agents there or rather according to THVANVS to marry a wife Whatsoever were the cause of his iourney certaine it is that hee was intercepted on the way from Antwerp to Brussells vnhorsed by some of the Queenes servants and tied with cords to a cart at last muffled carried on shipboard and conveied to the Tower at London not knowing all the way for what part of the world hee was bound There having alwaies in conscience abhorred the errours of Popery he was forced to abiure his Religion for which hee afterward became so repentant that out of extremitie of griefe he languished and shortly died These passages I doe the more exactly describe because there want not some who relate that both Sir PETER CAROW and Sir IOHN CHEEKE for their Religion suffered at a stake on the thirteenth of Iune this present yeare But to returne to WIAT he perceiving that his intents were divulged and that hee had nothing to trust to no refuge but valour incited the people in Kent to a Rebellion and as Rebels never want common pretexts to colour their actions that Because the Queene relying too much vpon the advise of bad Counsailers had lately done and did daily indevour many things preiudiciall to the Estate of the Realme That therefore to prevent farther inconveniences those Counsailers must be removed and others substituted who should so manage the Estate as should answere the trust reposed in such men whose loyalty should render them more carefull of the publique then their private profit But above all they must endevour that some meanes must be vsed to impeach this determined Match by which hee plainly foresaw this free Realme would be oppressed with the mise●ies of a most lamentable servitude and a floud-gate would be opened to let in a perpetuall current of Superstition That the effects of their Armes would prove very profitable to the Queene for whose happinesse he should ever pray and to the generall good of the Kingdome But howsoever heefed the giddie multitude with specious words the Duke of Suffolke at that time running the same courses in Warwick-shire it was palpable that their drift was to depose MARY and once more to inthrone captive IANE By the five and twentieth of Ianuary fame had filled London with the newes of this Kentish Rebellion For the repression whereof the Duke of Norfolke was the same day dispatched with some small forces consisting for the most part of the Queenes Guard which were a little increased by the accession of five hundred Londoners who were the next day sent downe by water to Gravesend where the Duke expected them With these hee resolves to encounter WIAT whom his madnesse had not yet carried beyond Rochester which notwithstanding its weaknesse being no way fortified he intended to make good against the Duke and had incamped within the ruines of the Castle Rochester is a Citie seated vpon the River Medway where falling into the Thames it is most violent ebbing and flowing like a straight and is made passable by an arched stone bridge of excellent artifice This bridge had the Rebels seized and planted on it some brasse double Canons that they might debar the Duke whom they vnderstood by their Scouts to bee vpon march of passage But he nothing daunted with their proceedings sent a Herald to proclaime pardon to such as forsaking WIAT should returne to their obedience resolving withall to force the bridge and gaine entrance into the Citie The Herald executed his office but with so submisse a voice that hee was heard by few for indeed a Pistoll held at his brest so terrified him that hee was content for his owne safetie to yeild to the Rebels so commanding and was returned with this answer that they knew not themselves to be so far delinquent as that they should need any such pardon Only Sir GEORGE HARPER faining a revolt made over toward the Duke of Norfolke but indeed with intent to persuade ALEXANDER BRET Captaine of those five hundred Londoners to partake in this action of common disloyalty Which he performed so effectually that BRET whose Company made the Vauntguard before hee came so neere the bridge as to give an assault sudainly drawing his sword turned about to his souldiers and thus bespake them Valiant Countrymen wee now ingage our selves in a cause which before wee farther proceed would require mature deliberation We march but against whom Are they not our friends our fellow-natives with whom we seeke to make a deeper mixture of our blouds Have
matters Ecclesiasticall this last she could not for a while obtaine the other was assented vnto vpon conditions That PHILIP should not advance any to any publique Office or Dignity in England but such as were Natives of England and the Queenes Subiects He should admit of a set number of English in houshold whome he should vse respectively and not suffer them to be in●●red by Forainers He should not transport the Queene out of England but at her intreaty nor any of the Jssue begotten by her who should have their education in the Realme and should not be suffered but vpon necessity or some good reasons to go out of the Realme nor then neither but with the consent of the English The Queene deceasing without Children PHILIP should not make any claime to the Kingdome but should leave it freely to him to whome of right it should belong Hee should not change any thing in the Lawes either publique or private the Jmmunities and Customes of the Realme but should be bound to confirme and keepe them He should not transport any Iewells or any part of the Wardrobe nor alienate any of the Revenues of the Crowne He should preserve our Shipping Ordnance and Munition and keepe the Castles Forts and Blocke-houses in good repaire and well manned Lastly that this Match should not any way derogate from the League lately concluded betweene the Queene and the King of France but that the Peace betweene the English and the French should remaine firme and inviolate onely it should be lawfull for PHILIP out of other Kingdomes and Dominions belonging to his Father the Emperour to send aides vnto him either for propelling iniuries or taking revenge for any already received All things being thus transacted and no further impediment interposing betweene these Princes PHILIP setting saile from the Groine on the sixteenth of Iuly with a good Southerne gale within three dayes arrived at Southampton with a Fleet of one hundred and sixty saile wherof twenty were English and other twenty Flemings Having rested himselfe there the space of three dayes attended by a great company of the English and Spanish Nobility on the fower and twentieth of Iuly being a very wet day he came to the Queene at Winchester The feast day of S. Iames the tutelary Saint of Spaine was destined for the Nuptialls which were celebrated at Winchester with great pomp● There Don IVAN FIGVEROA for the Emperor resigned the Kingdomes of Naples Sicily and conferred all his right thereto on PHILIP and the Heralds proclaimed their titles in Latine French and English About the beginning of August these two Princes came to Basing and thence to Windsore where the King was installed Knight of the Garter On the eleventh of August they came to London where the Citizens received them with most magnificent solemnity O● the eleventh of November another Parliament began at Westminster about the beginning wherof Cardinall POOLE who by King HENRY had beene proclaimed enemy to the Estate was created Cardinall by PAVL the Third had himselfe beene Pope if he had but consented in time and in the opinion of many was thought a fit Husband for the Queene arrived in England Having beene put beside the Papacy by others default more then his owne craving leave of the new Pope IVLIVS he withdrew himself to a Monastery in the territory of Verona called Maguzano the Religious whereof were Benedictine Monkes of which Order hee himselfe while hee continued at Rome had beene Patron Having decreed there to hide himselfe and spend the remainder of his dayes the fame of King EDWARD'S death and Queene MARY'S advancement to the Crowne drew him againe out of the Cloister to Rome He was not ignorant how MARY stood affected to the Sea of Rome and therefore hoped not without good cause that IVLIVS who much favoured him having by his delaies attained the Papacy would send him into his Countrey with the honorable title and authority of a Legate And now he fained to himselfe a double hope of a Kingdome if not secular at least Ecclesiasticall by vertue of his authority Legatine and the dignity of Archbishop of Canterbury Queene MARY had her education for some yeares vnder MARGARET Countesse of Salisbury the Mother of POOLE who was then a childe and that by Queene CATHARINES meanes who intended as it was thought to marry her Daughter the Lady MARY to one of the Countesses Sonnes thereby to strengthen her Daughters claime to the Crowne if it should happen that HENRY should decease without other lawfull issue the Countesse being Daughter to GEORGE Duke of Clarence who was brother to EDWARD the Fourth The Cardinall whether for this or some other reasons knowing himselfe to be in deere esteeme with the Queene was confident if not of the Crowne by marriage yet at least of all advantages of her favour Neither was he therein deceived for MARY having obtained the Crowne earnestly sued vnto him to restore himselfe to his Countrey and the Pope not ignorant how much he would advantage the Apostolique Sea at the Queenes request dispatched him with most ample authority But the Emperour having a proiect on foot for his Sonne was somewhat jealous of the Cardinall and therefore began seriously to treat with Cardinall DANDINO the Popes Legat with him for the conclusion of a Peace betweene him and the French that so he might give a stop to POOLE whose comming into England the Emperors affaires being not yet setled might peradventure make all fly asunder DANDINO to gratify CHARLES by FRANCISCO COMMENDONO sends Letters to POOLE advising him not to set forth as yet forasmuch as this Legacy vndertaken without the Emperours consent was displeasing and the English Nation for the most part especially the Londoners did so hate the name of the Pope of Rome that his Legacy would be held in contempt among them a Legate therfore was not to be emploied vnto them vntill persuasions had brought them to a better temper POOLE having received these letters in his Cloister thought it fitting to expect his Holinesse pleasure The Pope not brooking the increase of the Emperors greatnes by the addition of such Estates and fretting that DANDINO had presumed to stay the Cardinall recalled DANDINO and conferred on POOLE alone the Legacy both into England for the one affaire and to the Emperour and the French for the treaty of a Peace He willingly vndertaking it presently set forward from Trent certifying the Emperour and the French of his large Commission The Emperour perceiving that these devises would be no longer availeable sent Don IVAN de Mendoza vnto him with letters wherin he plainly discovered his feare that the Cardinalls premature arrivall in England might prove an obstacle to his proceedings there which were great and hopefull wherfore it was his desire that hee should either there attend his pleasure or if hee would needs go further he might come to Liege and there expect the event of his designes The Cardinall vpon receipt
the living only the bones of MARTYN BVCER and PAVL PHAGIVS long since dead were digged vp formally accused of heresie and no man vndertaking their cause as who durst condemned and publiquely burned in the market place at Cambridge And PETER MARTYR'S wife who died at Oxford was disinterred and with barbarous and inhumane cruelty buried in a dunghill To BVCER and PHAGIVS Queene ELIZABETH did afterward with great solemnitie restore their memorie and honour And as for PETER MARTYR'S wife shee caused her bones to be translated from that vncleane place to be reinterred in the Church and commixed with the reliques of FRIDESWID by Papists reputed a Saint that the like occasion of mockage might not againe be offered On the same day whereon CRANMER thus ended his life Cardinall POOLE was ordered Priest at Greenwich and the next day NABOTH being dead tooke possession of his Vineyard being consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury Three dayes after being the Feast of the Annunciation accompanied by many Nobles POOLE with great solemnitie received the Pall at Bow-Church About the same time a notable conspiracie was detected some having proiected to rob the Exchequer at that time full of Spanish coine to the value of fiftie thousand pounds The names of the conspirators were VDALL THROCKMORTON PECHAM DANIEL STANTON and besides others that fled for it WHITE who discovered his fellowes The rest were all taken and suffred as Traitors Sir ANTHONY KINGSTON as partaker in their intentions was also apprehended but died before he could reach London In Iuly new tumults begunne to be set on foot in Norfolke were maturely suppressed CLEBER and three brothers called LINCOLNE the authours of it suffering for their seditious attempt On the one and twentieth of November IOHN FECKNAM Deane of Pauls was installed Abbot at Westminster which HENRY the Eighth had erected to an Archiepiscopall Sea There being at that time no Monkes in England fourteene were found who were content with FECKNAM to take the Religious habit of Benedictines Anno Dom. 1557. Reg. Mariae 4. 5. Philipi 3. 4. NOw after foure or five yeares we found the effect of our Northerne Navigation set on foot by CABOTA About the beginning of this yeare arrived in England OSEP NAPEA Embassadour from BASILIWITZ Emperour of Russia for the Treatie of a perpetuall League betweene our Kings and his Prince On the Scottsh coast hee had suffered wracke and beside merchandize of infinite value hee lost those Presents which were from the Emperour destinated to their Maiesties But the losse of RICHARD CHANCELLER was beyond all these inestimable who being a most expert Pilot first discovered the passage into those Northerne Regions and now more sollicitous of the Embassadours safeguard then of his owne this man most worthy of immortall memory was swallowed vp in the Seas insatiate gulfe I thinke the intertainment of any Embassadour with vs was never more royall On the five and twentieth of May PHILIP having about seven dayes before returned out of Flanders he was admitted into the presence of the Kings declared the purport of his Embassie and continued in London vntill the third of May and having then got a convenient season laden with guifts he set saile for his Countrey On the sixt of March CHARLES Lord STOVRTON for having in his house cruelly murthered one HARGILL and his sonne with whom he had long beene at variance was by a wholesome example to posterity hanged at Sarisbury with foure other of his servants who were not only conscious but actors in the cruelty After hee had beaten them downe with clubs and cut their throats hee buried their carcases fi●teene foot deep in the ground hoping by such sure worke to stop the voice of bloud crying for revenge or if perad venture it were discovered the reguard of his zealous persistance in the Religion of Rome would he hoped procure the Queenes pardon But murther is a sinne that God hath by many memorable examples manifested that i● shal not remaine vndetected and the Queene although blindly misled in matter of Religion was so exact a fautrix of iustice that she was vtterly averse from all mention of pardon So this Nobleman had the punishment due to his offence only in this preferred before other murtherers and parricides that he was not strangled with an halter of hempe but of silke The seven and twentieth of Aprill THOMAS STAFFORD landing in the Northerne parts of the Realme having raked together a small company of exiles and some forainers surprised Scarborough castle then as in time of peace vtterly destitute of provision for resistance having thus seized on a place of defence he makes Proclamation that Queene MARY having her selfe no right to the Crowne had betraied it to the Spaniard exhorting the people with him to take armes for the recovery of their lost liberty But by the diligence of NICHOLAS WOTTON Deane of Canterbury then Embassadour for their Maiesties with the French all his designes were revealed to the Counsaile before his arrivall in England So by the industry of the Earle of Westmerland hee was within six dayes taken brought to London and on the eight and twentieth of May beheaded STRECHLEY PROCTOR and BRADFORD the next day following him but in a more due punishment being drawne hanged and quartered whom they had followed in their treacherous attempts The Emperour CHARLES having bequeathed the inheritance of his hate to France with his Crowne MARY could not long distinguish her cause from her Husband 's Wherefore on the seventh of Iune the Queene set forth a Proclamation to this effect that Whereas the King of France had many wayes iniured her by supporting the Duke of Northumberland and Wyat in their Rebellions against her and that his Realme had beene a receptacle for Dudley and Ashton who with the privity of his Embassadour had in his house contrived their treacherous designes and after their escape into France had beene relieby Pensions from the King as also for having lately aided Stafford with shipping men money and munition thereby if it were possible to dispossesse her of the Crowne She gave her subiects to vnderstand that they should not entertaine traffique with that Nation whose Prince she accompted her Enemy and against whom vpon farther grievances shee determined to denounce war Although these things were true yet had shee abstained from denunciation of warre had not the five yeares Truce betweene PHILIP HENRY by the Popes instigation beene lately broken by the French and so warre arising betweene them shee would not make her selfe her Husband two For the Pope having long since maligned the Emperour knowing that he after the resignation of his Estates to his Son PHILIP had withdrawne himselfe into Spaine by the Cardinall of Loraine still sollicited the French King to armes against the Spaniard promising to invest him in the Kingdome of Naples HENRY vpon these faire hopes vndertakes it and MARY resolves to assist her Husband That MARY tooke
birth of Queene Elizabeth Mary Queen of France dieth No Canons to be constituted without the Kings assent The King to collate Bishopricks The Archbishop of Canterbury hath Papall authority vnder the King Fisher and More imprisoned Persecution Pope Clement d●●th First fruits granted to the King Wales vnited to England The King begins to subv●rt religious houses Certaine Priors Monks executed The Bishop Rochester beheaded Made Cardinall vnseasonably Sir Thomas Moore beheaded Religious Hous●s visited The death of Queene Catharine Queene Anne the Viscont Rochford and others committed The Queene condemned with her Brother and Norris Her execution Lady Elizabeth disinherited The King marrieth Iane Seimour Death of the Duke of Somerset the Kings naturall Sonne Bourchier Earle of Bathe Cromwells Honor Dignity The beginning of Reformation The subuersion of religious houses of lesse note Commotion in Lincolneshire Insurrection in Yorkeshire Scarborough Castle besieged Rebellion in Irland Cardinall Poole Rebels executed Cardinall Poole writes against the King The birth of Prince Edward Seimour Earle of Hertford Fitz-William Earle of Southampton Powlet and Russell rise The abuse of Images restrained Beckets shrine demolish d. * Vniones The Image of our Lady of Walsingham Frier Forest makes good a Prophecy Saint Augustines as Canterbury Battaile Abbey and others suppressed The Bible translated The Marquis of Excester and others beheaded Lambert convented burned Margaret Countesse of Salisbury condemned The subversion of Religious Houses Some Abbots executed Glastonbury A catalogue of the Abbots who had voices among the Peeres New Bishoprickes erected The Law of the Six Articles Latimer and Schaxton resigne their Bishoprickes The arrivall of certaine Princes of Germany in England for the treatise of a Match betweene the King Lady Anne of Cleve The King marrieth the Lady of Cleve Cromwell created Earle of Essex and within three months after beheaded Lady Anne of Cleve repudiated The King marrieth Catharine Howard Protestants and Papists alike persecuted The Prior of Dancaster fox others hanged The Lord Hungerford hanged Beginnings of a Commotion in Yorke-shire Lord Leonard Grey beheaded The Lord Dacres hanged Queene Catharine beheaded Irland made a Kingdoms The Viscont Lisle deceased of a surfeit of ioy Sir Iohn Dudley made Viscont Lisle War with Scotland The Scots overthrowne The death of Iames the Fift King of Scotland Hopes of a match betwe●ne ` Prince Edward and the Queene of Scots The Scottish captives set at liberty The Earle of Angus returneth into Scotland The league and match concluded The Scottish shipping detained War with Scotland War with France A League with the Emperour Landrecy besieged but in vaine The people licensed to eat White Meates in Lent The Kings sixt marriage Will am Parr Earle of Essex Another of the same name made Lord Parr The Lord Chancellour dieth An expedition into Scotland * Alias Bonlamberg The Earle of Hertford Protector King Henry's Funerals The Coronation The death of Francis King of France Musselburgh Feild Reformation in the Church The Scots French besiege Hadinton The Queene of Scots transported into France Humes Castle and Fasteastle gained by the Enemy Gardiner Bishop of Winchester committed to the Tower anddeprived Boner Bishop of London committed also Discord betweene the Duke of Somerset and his Brother the Lord Admirall The Lord Admirall beheaded An Insurrection in Norfolke and in Devonshire Some Forts lost in Boloignois * Corruptly Bonlamberg Enmity betweene the Protector the Earle of Warwick The Protector committed The death of Paul the Third Pope Cardinall Poole elected Pope The Duke of Somerset set at liberty Peace with the Scots and French The Sweating Sickenesse The death of the Duke of Suffolke A creation of Dukes and Earles The descent of the Earles of Pembroke Enmity betweene the Dukes of Somerset and Northumberland revived Certaine Bishops deprived Some of the Seruants of the Lady Mary committed An Arrian burned An Earthquake The Queene of Scots in England The Earle of Arundell the Lord Paget committed The Bishop of Ely Lord Chancellor The Duke of Somerset beheaded A Monster The King sickeneth His Will wherin he disinheriteth his Sisters He dieth His Prayer Cardanus Lib. de Genituris Sir Hugh Willoughby frozen to death Commerce with the Muscovite Lady Mary flies into Suffolke Lady Iane proclaimed Queene Northumberland forced to be Generall * L. qui●●e provinci● § Divus ff de Rit Nupt. L. ● C. d. Jncest Nupt. Glo● ibid. ● ●um in●er c. ex t●nore Extr. qui sil sint legit Northumberland forsaken by his souldiers The Lords resolue for Queene Mary And to suppr●sse Lady Iane. Northumberland proclaimes Mary Queene at Cambridge Northumberlaud and some other Lords taken Queene Mary comes to London Gardiner made Lord Chancellour Deprived Bishops restored King Edward's Funerall The Duke of Northumberland the Earle of Warwicke the Marquis of Northampton condemned The Duke of Northumberland beheaded Bishops imprisoned Peter Marty● The Archbishop Cranmer Lady Iane Lord Guilford Lord Ambrose Dudley condemned The Coronation A Disputation in the Convocation house Popery restored The Queene inclines to marry The Articles of the Queenes marriage with Philip of Spaine * Which as I conceive would have fallen in the yeare 1588. Sir Thomas Wyats rebellion Sir Iohn Cheeke is taken and di●th Bret with 500. Londoners revolts to Wyat. The Duke of Suffolke persuades the people to Armes in vaine The Queens oration to the Londoners Wiat is taken The Lady Iane beheaded The Duke of Suffolke beheaded Wiat executed and Lord Thomas Grey A Disputation at Oxford Cranmer Ridley and Latimer condemned Additions to the former Nuptiall Compacts Philip arriveth in England and is marr●ed to the Queene Cardinall Poole comes into Englād Cardinall Pooles Oration to the Farliament The Realme freed from Interdiction The Queene thought to be with childe Lords created Lady Elizabeth and Marquis of Excester set at liberty Iohn Rogers burned and Bishop Hooper Bishop Farrar many others and Bishop Ridley and Latimer The death of Pope Iulius the Third Paul the Fourth succeedeth Gardiner su●th to be Cardinall Gardiner dieth Charles the Emperour resignes his Crown●s The Archbishop of Yorke Lord Chancellour A Comet A counterf●it Edward Archbishop Cranmer burned This yeare eighty foure burned The exhumation of Bucer and Phagius Cardinall Poole consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury An Embassage to Muscovia The Lord Stourton hanged Thomas Stafford indevouring an insurrection is taken and beheaded War against France proclaimed P Ole's 〈◊〉 Legantine abrogated and restored The French overthrowne at S. Qu●ntin S. Quintin taken A 〈◊〉 Rainbow Calais besi●ged by the French Calais yeilded The battaile of Graueling The French overthrowne Conquet taken and burned by the English The Daulphin married to the Queene of Scots The death of Cardinall Poole The Queene dieth