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A88437 The civil wars of France, during the bloody reign of Charls the Ninth: wherein is shewed, the sad and bloody murthers of many thousand Protestants, dying the streets and rivers with their blood for thirty daies together, whose innocent blood cries to God for vengeance. And may stand as a beacon tired to warn, and a land-mark to pilot all Protestant princes and states to a more secure harbour than peace with Papists. / Faithfully collected out of the most antient and modern authors, by a true Protestant, and friend to the Common-wealth of England. London, William, fl. 1658. 1655 (1655) Wing L2851; Thomason E1696_1; ESTC R209434 160,389 298

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them all in a most cruel manner For thirty days nothing but killing of poor innocent Protestants The Copy of the Kings letters laying the fault of the Admirals death and the murthers on the D. of Guise yet the same day sends Letters to command it to be done and caused all the murthers to be done by his comand both in Paris and all over France The King in Parliament opens his design and acknowledges all to be done by his own command The Kings Speech in Parliament The true Copy of the K. Declaration printed at Paris The President of Parlament congratulates the King for his bloody success The Advocate advises the King to cease the murthers and to colour his crueltits with the name of Justice A Parliament is called and Proclamation is made that all murthers should cease Many gòes to view the body of the Admiral hanging on the common Gallowes The King and Queen Mother goes also but his body over night was secretly taken away and buried so they lost their journey Judges pickt out to condemn the innocent with the pretence of Justice The Admiral dishonoured by a man of straw and Libels printed The King sends to surprize the Admiralls wife but she was fled to Geneva The Admiral a little described Brave Caviagnes and Briquemault tortured to confess themselvs and the Admiral Traytors they shew much Christianity the Judges refuse to sit in judgement against them new Iudges are chosen they are condemned and led to the Gallows their Speech they are hanged in sight of King Q. Mother Prince and Nobles with many thousand Spectators The Man of Straw for the Admiral hanged with them Some Letters collected according to the Original which gives much light to the History and discovers how Queen Elizabeth of England resented the Murther with the General pitty and Dislike of the whole English Court. These cruelties spotted the French Nation with a great Odium among Forein Princes The Duke of Guise his Letter to his Wife intercepted and the Plot discovered The King notwithstanding his former Edicts granted and Oaths to keep his Promises does now proclaim that none should exercise any Religion on pain of Death but the Romish A form of Abjuration sent to those that would come in and forsake the Protestant Religion and when they did they were murthered contrary to the Kings proclamation A true Copy of the Remembrances of the King to all his Lieutenants and Governours of his Provinces with a Copy also for Abjuration NOw when all was murthered that could very well be laid hands on and the King understanding that divers Protestants had in many parts of the Kingdom fled and left their Habitations for security of their Lives He acts the second and worst part of his Devilish Treachery and cruelty for after many sweet baits of inticing and alluring promises for them to come in he at last published Letters and sent Messengers Wherein he shewed The great grief it was to him that so much blood should be spilt in the Nation contrary to his will promising to punish the Actors of such horrid villainies with as much crueltie as Justice could inflict and they deserve And that if the Admiral and his Associates deserved the death inflicted for their treasonable practices yet was it no reason so many innocents should bear part of this punishment that had no hand in the Plot. Now many poor Protestants that had left all and fled into the woods being encouraged by these inticing and fair pretexts returned home especially they that had fled from Diep Roan and Tholouse now we shall see the King like a Thorny Bush to the poor sheep that in a storm they run to shelter and instead thereof are intangled and their wool pull'd off their backs But oh wretched Tyrant and worse King whose furious and bloody mind like an impetuous Whirlewind or Hiricane could not be kept in bounds but ere two daies past he imprisons them all and appoints base fellowes to murther them with cruel Torments And thus for thirty daies together was nothing but horrible slaughter throughout the Kingdom of France insomuch that there were about a hundred thousand little Babes Widdowes and children wel-born that fatherless and Motherless lived long in wandering and beggary And truly that reverend and faithful Servant of Christ did not miss the Mark of the Kings treachery and perfidious dealing when he made this Anagram on his name CHARLES VALOIS Anagram Chasseur desloyall i. e. Perfidious Hunter or Persecutor In this calamity many that would have saved their lives among their own friends could not have the favour nay their own parents refused them others betrayed by their friends and yet it pleased God to move the hearts of some of their Enemies by their high detesting these cruelties and villainies insomuch as they hazarded their own lives to save some of the Protestants Was ever such unheard of cruelties permitted and commanded by any Christian King and Court with such delight of shedding Protestant blood We may say of the French nation as the case here stood as the poor Indian said of the Spaniards The story stands recorded thus A Prince of the Indians being so far wrought upon as to receive baptism at the hands of a Fryer he first questioned whether the souls of such as were baptized went Answer was returned To Heaven then saies he whether must they go too that are not baptized They answer To Hell but he further demanded To which of these two places the Spaniards went Answer is returned To heaven then said the Indian Let me go to Hell if the Spaniards go to Heaven for I cannot believe heaven to be a good place that is a reward for such bloody Butchers and Masters of such unheard of cruelties May we not say so of this sad Massacre of France but I leave the application to the judicial reader The King now fearing the Dishonour of falsehood treachery and perjury and that it might not fix any reproachful blot or stain on the Kings name This King at the same time that he sends Letters through France giving in command to cut off and destroy the Protestants the same King with the same hand and at the same time sends Letters to the Governours of his Provinces wherein he lets the world know that the late mischief in Paris had to his great sorrow hapned by means of the Duke of Guise who having raised the people they tumultuously broke through the Guard which he had appointed for the Admirals safety and with great Fury killed the Admiral and his Friends and that he with the Queen Mother and Brethren were through the danger of a furious multitude forced to retreat for safety to the Lour all which he said was against his mind and will and therefore he desired the Edict of Pacification to be kept inviolable The like Letters he writ to England Switzerland and Germany which because they bear one tenure and pen'd after one manner I have to avoid prolixity
that might put the Protestants backward the Council to fit his purpose finds this expedient That the King of France and Spain should make a firm and inviolable League and that the King of Spain should assist with such forces as might be needful to the aid and succour for the King of France Which League was called the Holy League And that nothing might be wanting to break that famous Edict the Cardinal promises his best aid to assist their commands assuring them that the King and Queen Mother stand firmly for what they decree The Cardinal posts to Rome and endeavours all be can against the protestants Now as soon as this Council broke up the Cardinal posts to Rome and labours with Pope Pius Quartus to send to the King and Queen Mother of France to cause publickly the Decree of the Council to be observed throughout the Kingdom of France presently they begin to have it put in execution for the Embassadours of Spain Italy c. demand of the French King the Observation of the Decrees of the Council of Trent that the Edict should be disannulled and Hereticks rooted out Secret animosities in the hearts of both parties Now begin new firebrands to be cast again all their designe from first to last being to work out the poor Protestants who would be glad of peace with lives and liberty but could have it granted no wayes but in jeast in order to their more secure ruine in earnest for they never meant to be in earnest with their most solemne promises and protestations When they cannot overcome by Warre then a Peace most be made and in that Peace a damnable plot couched to destroy them when by Gods mercifull providence the Plot is discovered and they Arme for defence of Lives and Liberty and by Gods blessing grow too potent and powerfull for their treacherie and Armes then a peace againe and thus they play fast and loose till they cut the Throats of the two peaceable Protestants who were no way to be overcome but by peace The Protestants complain to the King of their daily wrongs desire justice and the performance of his promises but to no purpose Insomuch that wee may here insert a paradox in Divinity that it had been no sin in this cause to be unbeleeving nay they had no other way to be saved but by unbeliefe And thus the Edict that should have been the Cord of Peace was now a breaking in pieces by all the powers of Hell and Rome insomuch that those that were worse affected to the Edict and most forward to crush it cryed out They could not endure two Religions which seemed say they as prodigious as two Sunns And now as just Occasion was the cause of complaints soe now the Protestants sound in the Kings Ears their sad conditions and how little the Edict was like to be kept if such courses were nourish but the King heard to little purpose for it made a noise in his Eare but not in his obdurat heart for this King instead of hearing the complaints and redressing the wrongs of his to good subjects turnes his Ears forsaking the good Example of King Lewis the first of France A notable example of Justice who used three dayes in a week publickly in Person to hear the complainnts of his subjects and judge their Cause A poor woman desiring the Emperour Adrian to hear her Complaint and do her justice he answered that he was not a leisure the poore woman then replies boldly the King and Queen Mother in progress meet the Popes Minister and King of Spain and secretly confer in person together that he ought not to be at leisure to be Emperour Augustus Caesar exceedingly rejoyced to do justice and hear the causes of his subjects insomuch as the night could not allay his vigorous mind to do justice nay when he lay sick he would order the parties to appear at his bed side But this King was so far from following the Command of God or example of Heathens so far from delighting to settle his own Throne in the peace of his subjects that he seeks to overthrow his own tranquillity in his subjects ruine To which purpose the King and Queen Mother make their progress through many parts of the Kingdom and smoothly coloured their plots and conferences with the Duke of Savoy in Dauphine with the Popes Minister at Avignon and with the King of Spaine on the confines of Guienna whereby they might better cōmunicate their secret Counsells without the hazard of revealing their trust to French men whom they thought by their Alliance one way or other might reveale their secret hellish plots to the Protestants And it is to be taken notice of that now at this time was laid a Plot which Embasadors nor Councells intrusted must not know The King Q. coms to Lyons forbids the exercise of Protestant Religion and fortifies the place In this progress the King and Q. Mother comming to Lyons they forbid the Protestants the exercise of their Religion being one of the Towne assigned them for freedom the Protestants being numerous in this City the King orders a Citadell to be built not stirring out of the Towne till it was finished Now this was an Example to other Towns and did very much exasperat and hearten the Catholicks against the Protestants who with cruell Courage seize on them in sundry Towns and shamefully abuse them So that Many Protestants in many places murthered In Crevan in Burgongue the Catholicks fall on the Protestants and murther many being met together for the exercise of their Religion Curee Governour of Fendosme a Protestant was murthered by command of Cavigni Leiutenant to the Duke of Montpenseir at Tours they fell so furiously upon the poor Protestants murthering some hurting others coming from the Sermon and with great rage came into the Town with their bloody swords in their hands and being dyed with blood A gallant Gentleman murthered they proceed further falling on all they meet with murthering without destinction of sex age or Quality Drawning Killing and distroying all they could find many Protestants of Quality were murthered without any account given of their death by justice on the Murtherers Now the daily threats against the Protestants put them into a doubt of their security The sad massacres at Tours for the King and Queen Mother having concluded with the King of Spain secretly to assist one another It now fiftly falls out to discover that treacherous part which all this while lay hid under the plauseble pretences of an Edict of Liberty which indeed was that part of Hypocrisie which as a Cloak covered all their perfidious Treacherie and breach of promise That now what was written on the word of a King before the Eternall God was no more kept or observed than if it had been only written in sand the King and Q. Mother Raises an Army of Switzers pretending to defend the Protestants
dangers and difficulties got to the Sea side and so escaped over to England bringing sad news in their dejected countenances for the loss of their dear and pretious Friends who were also as kindly welcomed by our good Queen Elizabeth as safely escaped from the cruelty of their treacherous and perjured King Whilst these bloody and unheard of crueltys were committed in Paris A bloody plot against Rochel but prevented Strozzi the Kings Admirals lay hovering at Rochel endeavouring to surprize it under pretence of a Banquet to be made for his Friends of the Castle of La Cheine but being discovered he retreated without the effects of his desire or performance of the Kings command The Protestants murthered at La Charite The murthers at Paris is renewed next day But the poor Protestants of La Charite as aforesaid was entraped by the Italian horse and were now put to the Sword But to return to the bloody City of Paris the next day the slaughter was renewed for all that was found hidden in corners or private places of the City were all sought out brought forth and murthered insomuch that the day before and this day were massacred in Paris above ten thousand Protestants of all degrees and sexes the very common Labourers Porters and the most rascally and desperate villains of the City did this day abuse the dead bodies by pulling off their cloaths and throwing them naked into the River of Sein The places of preferment which now lay empty by reason of this horrid massacre were now by the King given to whom he pleased The Admirals office he gave to the Marquess de Villars c. And so like a true Tyrant leaves nothing his poor Subjects can call their own but their miseries In this butcherly Massacre at Paris were sacked above four thousand houses and above five hundred Barons Knights and Gentlemen who had held the chiefest imployments in the War with many noble and gallant yong Ladies and Gentlewomen that had now purposly met together from all parts to rejoice in honour of the King of Navars mariage with the L. Margaret who poor Noblemen Gentlemen Ladies thought of nothing more then of jollity and pleasures but now suffer the Tyrannical rage of a furious King and bloody death to be pittied by all that shall hear this sad story for poor Ladies they expected no such tragical welcome from a Royal King contrary to his Oaths and their spotless innocency and it must needs stick as the greatest badge of inhumanity and cowardice nay a true character of a bad cause To murther like Devils not fight like men Immediately after these unheard of murthers were acted in Paris the King not yet glutted with blood sends Messengers by post to all parts of the Kingdom often shifting horses for more speed with express command to all other Cities to follow the example of Paris commanding all Protestants which were amongst them to be slain and yet at the same time the same King writes other Letters wherein he laid the fault of the Murthers upon the Admiral and the Duke of Guise Now this command of the King to cut off all the Protestants in all Towns and Cities under his command it cannot he expressed how chearfully willingly and readily they were obeyed by the greatest part of the Cities in France for on the receipt of his Majesty Letters they fell on the Protestants at Meaux Troys Orleans and other parts murthering them without all pitty And now let us a little read with melting hearts the sad affliction of Gods Church let us bring the sad ruins of a good cause to our neer view by a spiritual improvement as a prospect draws the object nearer for we must now relate the sad catastrophe of many thousands of poor Christians who fell under the cruel and bloody command of the King to all his Magistrates which indeed is not to be expressed what sad cruelties were committed to the wonderful astonishment of all that hears or reads it for no sooner does the King let loose his cruel commands but speedily the bloody Papists break out with horrid Massacres more like Devils than men For now in Paris the Prisons that had any Protestants by which reason they escaped for a time were now brought forth and basely slain by the multitude of murtherers in which were three gallant Gentlemen of great reputation viz. Captain Monius a very valourous and stout Gentleman next Lomen Secretary to the King and greatly honored and esteemed for his faithful service in his place and lastly Chappes an antient Lawyer of fourscore years And was also of great renown and fame in the Court of Paris all three were basely murthered as cannot be expressed Amongst the rest must be set forth that unparallel'd bloody and treacherous death of Monsieur de la Place President of the Court of Wards which must I say for the strangness of the murther begg leave to have place in this history Their comes a Captain armed to the Gentlemans house and acquaints him that the D. of Guise had slain the Admiral by the Kings commandment and also many other Protestants but out of his deserts he desired to protect him from their fury with all desiring to see his Gold which he might as well bestow on him for saving him as on others for destroying him the Lord de la Place admires at the Captains audatious and petulant demeanour and so confidently required of him whether he thought there were a King or no the Captain blaspheming desired him to go to the K. to know his pleasure the Lord De la Place thinking danger too near absented from him to a place of better secutity the Captain hereupon plunders his house This poor Gentleman seeking shelter in three houses for his life was refused and so at last was forced to return to his own house again where finding his wife very pensive and sad he rebuked and exhorted her not to be so full of dispondency of spirit for death was the utmost and heaven the crown of their afflictions and sufferings and so spoke fully and sweetly of the promises of God which jointly knit their hearts together in comfort and so calling together his Family he sweetly exhorted them expounding out of a chapter to them then went again to prayer and so resolved with the assistance of Christ to suffer all Torments of death rather than dishonour God in the least drawing back presently after comes the Provost Marshal to his house with many Archers with a pretence to secure him and conduct him to the King who answered that he freely desired to continue his obedience to the King but could not see how to escape the fury of the present danger by continual massacres Presently after comes the Provost des Marchands with order to bring him to the King but he excused it as before but he would not have any delay or excuse so that this Noble Lord resolves to meet death by a Christian preparation and
to the King of Navar the King crowned the Princes of the Bloud and Duke of Guise contends at the Coronation about precedency the King gives it to the Duke of Guise the Constable forsakes the Protestants and cleaves to the Duke of Guise the Queen Mother for her own advantage joyns with the King of Navar and gives some liberty to the Protestants which so enrages the Catholick party as presently all former Edicts in behalf of the Protestants were broken by a contrary Edict that no Religion should be suffered in the Kingdom but the Romish the King and Queen Mother subscribes thereunto the Protestants at their request have a Conference granted they meet and confer in a hot Dispute but agree not the Catholicks murder many Protestants in Paris the eight Parliaments of France assembles the Duke of Guise disapproved of it and so in a fury departs the Court and goes for Spain the Protestants deluded by the Queen Mother gives her a List of all their Forces the King of Navar turns Catholick the eight Parliaments meet and with the consent of the King and Queen Mother do decree a free and publick Toleration of the Protestant Religion but speedily a sad and cruel Massacre the Duke of Guise furiously assaults the Protestants at a Sermon and murders two hundred of them the Protestants complain to the Prince of Conde of breach of Covenant and Edict the Duke of Guise seises on the King and carries him to Paris the Queen Mother writes to the Prince of Conde for aid against the Duke of Guises Attempt the Prince in his journey to Court suddenly retires to Orleance and possesses it the first Civil War begins The death of King Francis and Reign of King Charls FRancis second King of that name dying the fourteenth of December 1560. made entrance for the Reign of Charls the ninth and as the first died of a Feaver so the last reigned in a Frensie the legitimate off-spring of his Predecessours disease whose short Reign was thought too much lengthened by the train of all sorts of bloudy cruelties which filled this poor distracted Nation of France whose wicked Reign was also attended with the sable clouds of Flagellum Dei which swept both Field and City The beginning of his wicked Reign had a bloudy ending to the poor Kingdom and himself for the bodies of the murthered Protestants was a Prey to the Birds of the Air and Beasts of the Fields the whole Nation wearing the Pensive Weeds of a Ruinous Distraction for through the Lords just Judgments on the Nation they suffer nothing less than all Roberies Rapes and all sorts of Cruelties with horrid Massacres for the space of twelve years And as the Prologue of his Reign was Perjury and Treachery so was the Epilogue Bloudy to himself and poor Nation especially to the poor innocent Protestants A Parliament sits and the Government committed to the Queen Mother during the Kings minority A Parliament being called they begin the 23. of December Now at this time in the Court of France was Katherine de Medices Pope Clements Brothers Daughter and this Kings Mother who being born in Florence a City of Italy had conferr'd upon her the Government of this Kingdom in the Kings minority for it is well known that according to the Laws of this Nation neither the Administration nor Inheritance thereof can justly be cast on the shoulders of a Woman and yet against this Law and through the negligence of the King of Navar the said Queen Mother was joyned with him in the Office of Protectorship the confirmation of her Regency being allowed of by the Chancellour was afterwards confirmed by the Speakers Now in this Assembly of Parliament one John Quintin a Doctor of the Common Law at Paris for the Clergy pleads that none of the Religion Reformed for so they called the Protestants should any more be tolerated or suffered and desired that the Laws in that case provided might be put in speedy execution but the day following that brave Commander and good Christian Gasper de Coligni the Admiral of the Protestants complained to the Queen Mother against the said Quintin who presently excuses himself and in his second Speech moderates his Plea to the Admirals content The Parliament a little enlarges the Protestants privileges Now the Estates proceeds in their consultations making themselves and the beginning of this year somewhat happy by some moderation in matters of Religion whereby the reproachfull names of Papist and Hugenot was forbidden upon pain of Death which name Hugenot they fixed in disdain and derision to the Protestants and was derived from a Gate-house in Tours called St. Hughs Gate where they met in Assemblies Many good and necessary Laws were then published but with more confusiom than advantage for Laws though good and many yet through want of a due execution by the Magistrates power makes the good intent thereof to be perverted and turned into an indirect Channel giving the people cause to slight such wholesom Laws and grow bad under a good Government Great contentions and private animosities arose between the Princes of the Bloud that is the Prince of Conde and King of Navar who were Protestants and Francis Duke of Guise who was descended of the House of Lorain and now Grand Master of the Kings House who being a strong Catholick was no less a bitter Enemy to the poor Protestants the Queen Mother in her affections did secretly incline to the Duke of Guise yet to secure her own interest and power in the Kings minority carried fair to both The Princes of the Bloud being Protestants in discontent absent from Court but the King of Navar and Prince of Conde with the Constable seeing themselves justled out of that power and favour in Court which as due they did expect and also foreseeing the event which must necessarily ensure having onely the pacings of the Duke of Guise they absent from Court with all their Attendants resolving to right their wrong on the Queen Mothers Regency and the Guisans usurpation of their unlimited power Now the Queen Mother by her subtil and natural insight to secret affairs judged so at their Discontent that she politickly cast her Cards that both might have a good hand yet deald her self the Trumps checking their power that they might not check hers The King of Navar by the Queens policy jointly governs with her To which purpose she makes a new Agreement with the Navarois concluding him in the Government that taking the Title and Power of Regency to her self he should be called and but called Lieutenant General to his Majesty All this but in Paper and Ink composed of a double intent but those that can break Oaths witnessed by God and all the World how soon can they swallow and digest the breach of such Paper-promises like that good Actor in Smyrna that cried O Terram yet pointing to the Heaven and O Coelum yet pointing to the earth
tacit Toleration granted the Protestants which doubtless was as real as his malice to their persons for the sad event will too soon and surely demonstrate so that now the discords of these great men seemed to be enveloped in a good satisfaction of their present conditions all discontent seeming to be vanished and laid aside in the Grave of obscure forgetfulness The King of France crowned Now is thought the fittest time to confirm the Kings authority by crowning him though in his minority which was ordered to be done according to the usual Ceremonies accustomed to all the Kings of France in their Coronation to which end and purpose the King journeys to Rheims and there by the Cardinal of Lorain was solemnly crowned and conducted to the City of Paris The King at the Coronation gives the right of precedency from the Princes of the Bloud to the Duke of Guise Now at this time of Coronation the Princes of the Bloud and Duke of Guise contend about precedency but it was ordered by the King though against order that the Duke of Guise should precede all the rest which accordingly was performed the Duke of Guise hereupon like Tinder to the Spark took fire of Ambition flying high with an exasperated spirit to the Princes Admiral and principal of the Protestants and to make his power greater and to ingraft himself more firmly to wrestle with opposition and to strenghthen his malicious resolution The Constable turns Catholick he and the Constable strikes a League together for the preservation of the Catholick Religion and to endeavour the utter extirpation of the Religion Reformed But the Queen Mother hearing of their intended intended purposes presently Aprehended her own danger by the Guisans growing greatness and what tall Cedars they would grow if this confederacy took root according to their desires she also considered that the Princes of Lorain were unsatisfied with her late proceedings in behalf of the Protestants and would Assist and endevor a conjunction with the Guisans faction to deprive her of her Government A thing she only desired peacable to enjoy shee Therefore to preserve her own Interest enters into a firm union with the King of Navar the better to ballance the Guisans power and secure her self so that in this juncture of time shee was well pleased that the King of Navar and his party should have some power which she resolves should stand her instead against the Duke of Guise and his Adherents Which indeed fitly served for her own ends It was therefore commended to all the Parliaments by new edicts and Decrees No further to molest any of the Religion and to restore the goods houses and possessions of those that only for the cause of Religion were deprived of them The Parliament in Paris with the assistance of King and Q. Mother dashes in pieces all former Edicts for Toleration and passes an Edict that no Religion should be suffered but the Romish and that all the Protestants should be expelled the Kingdom This gave an ill gust to the Guisans palat who being enraged with malice set on foot all their power in a strong opposition of the Government whereupon the Cardinall of Lorain took occasion at the Councell table the King and Queen Being present to speak against those of the Religion and against the Tolleration and Edicts lately passed in their behalfs whereupon it was resolved with consent of the Councill to summon A Parlament to meet at Paris which accordingly appeared at the day appointed the thirteenth of July and then and there in a full appearance of Palament they shewed to the King their dislike of the Edict passed the 28. of January Beseeching his Majesty to force his subjects to An open profession of the Catholik Appostolik and Romish Religion upon such pains as should he adjudged of in Councill Which Councill brought forth an hellish bratt from the bosoms of their wicked desires for now contrary to all former edicts they pass an edict That all Protestant Ministers should be expelled the Kingdome no religion to he professed but the Romish all Protestant Assemblies forbidden in all places in the Kingdome And thus was the poor Protestants banished their habitations and condemned to seek refreshment and abode else where and to this edict did the King and Queen Mother subscribe whereupon the cheif of the Protestants were very much greived in regard they knew themselves free from any guilt that might challenge such hard measure from the King and Court of France to such faithfull allegiance concluding it must needs proceed from some inveterate malice or deep design Therefore The Protestants desire conference and had it granted The Prince of Conde and Admirall being not able to hinder this edict presently flies to the Queens promise which she had assuredly given them but now as assuredly broke so that no redress could be found there Whereupon they demand of the King liberty for a conference between the Ministers of the Protestants and the Kings Prelats To examine the Articles of their Doctrins before the Kings presence being not without hopes by this moderate way to Interpose that if possible some liberty might be granted At first it was not allowed of but afrer second considerations it was thought meet to answer their desires and give a hearing The Pope hearing of this meeting for a conference and doubting some liberty might thereby follow to be granted to the Protestants and disadvantage of his Authority presently speeds away the Cardinal of Ferrara his Legat to the Court of France withall giving in command that the cause might be referred to the Councell of Trent which by him was published The Protestant Ministers that were banished by reason of this late edict and settled their a bodes in Geneva now had safe conduct allowed them for there security in their journy to Poissy five leagues from Paris being the place apointed for the conference Them that were at this meeting for the Protestants were Theodora Beza Theodora Beza Peter Martir and others with the K. Court and Prelats meet at Poissy but break up and no good done Peter Martir a Florintin John Virell Augustin Virnmelio Marlorat and other Ministers to the Number of twelve with twenty-two Deputies from the Protestant churches On the Romish side came besides the King and Court the Cardinalls of Lorain Tournon Armagnac Bourbon Guise and Chastillon together with the Bishops and Prelats many Doctors of Sorbon also with many others sent for from most Cities and Universities in the Kingdom This meeting began the nineth day of September in the year 1561. the Relation being at large Recorded I leave the reader to peruse at his liberty But this conference proved not such a salve for the sad distractions of the kingdom as was expected for the Catholicks resolved to continue in force the late edict against the Protestants so that they were in many places forced to stand upon their own guards against the violent attempts of
but was a plot to cut them of His Oathes being as carfully broken as solemnly made And that which gave the Protestants too sure grounds of fear least a storm should fall undiscovered till unavoydable was this When Ferdinando Alvares de Tolleda Duke of Alva was marching into the Low Countries with a puissant Army to subdue the Protestants there that embraced the reformed Religion against the King of Spains will and desire the Queen Mother ordered the raysing of six thousand Switzers and brought them into France pretending forsooeh that they went for guarding the fronteirs of the Kingdom against the attempts that might be made by the Duke of Alva's Army But see how the light of Heaven penetrats into the dark designes of Hell Letters are intercepted in their way from Rome Letter intercepted the Plot discovered and Spain wherein was discovered a plot for the Protestants for therein was found That it was decreed in a secret Councell to apprehend the Prince and Admirall to destroy the one and keep the other Prisoner and therefore if the Prince and Admirall escaped this bloody Tragedy prepared for them and should try it by Arms that then on a sudden ere they could Arme or be provided those six thousand Switzers were to arrive at Paris where was to remain two thousand as many into Orleans and the rest into Poictiers and thus was the six thousand Switzers pretended to be raised for defence of the Protestants against the Duke of Alva that was indeed for their utter ruin the King and Queen Mother concluding that if the head were off The wickedness of the Duke of Alva the body would fall to the ground calme the winds and the billows will soon surcease their rage Now this bloody Duke of Alva carried himself against the Protestants in such an unhuman way that he permitted his Soldiers to ravish Virgins and one time at his Table boasted the Prince and Admirall and chief Protestants take Lyons Troys and Tholouse for their defence that besids privat Massacres and what the War had destroyed he had Caused to be put to death by the Hangman Eighteen Thousand in six years time And now the Protestants seeing so clear a Plot in the midst of Peace nay that under pretence of safety lurked ruin and Treacherie They prepare to defend themselves by force and stand on their own ground for their Lives and Estates because they see peace is the direct road to a murderous death resolving rather to die in field like men and Soldiers than be cut off by Plots Oh! that they had continued and never embrased Peace may all true Protestants say ere this History ends they therefore to the aforesaid purposes seize on three principall Towns Lyons Troyes and Tholuse The King of France as the usuall Custom is was then preparing for Meaux the King forced to a disorderly retreat from Meaux to Paris to solemnize the day af St. Michaell the Prince of Conde with five hundred Protestants approach Meaux the King and Queen Mother hearing thereof Retire with great disorder and fearfull hast to Pars with six thousand Switzers and other Horse and thus begins the second War being armed on all sides and a generall rising in the Land Now sundry particulars which happened in this second War for our better proceeding in this Tragicall History and for our present purpose must only be touched at carrying along with us the most observable deeds The King sends to the Prince of Conde and Admirall for a more clear understanding of the whole business that we may go on in som order till we come to the rest The second War thus beginning the King sent an Herald to the Protestants whom the Prince and Admirall received in behalf of the rest to whose message they return this Answer That they were resolved to continue the Kings good subjects and what they did was for the defence of their religion liberty granted by the Edict which the King by Oaths had promised faithfully to keep that they desired nothing more then the security of their Lives and Estates in A peaceable enjoyment of the liberty of their Consciences which might the better enable them to be the more firmly fixt in obedience to his Majesties Command The heads of both sides meet and treats but to no purpose But if they should disband it were the most compendious way to their assured Ruin and a plaine laying of their necks to the block and so offer their throats be to be cut by their merciless enemies the Kingdome being full of Swisses Flemings Italians and Germans Hereupon the heads of both parties meet at St. Denis the Constable desires the Prince and Admirall to relie on the Kings word of whose performance he hoped they need not doubt to what ever he promised Oh! that the poor protestants had found is so then had not forty thousand Innocent souls been slain basely and murthered treacherously The Prince and Admiralls noble answer to the constalle To this answer was returned that it was not now time to trust in the Kings word which how little it was kept was too visibly to be read in the bloody effects of the constant breach thereof An Edict being made and sworn to by the King was by the same King violated which was a manifest signe of treachery and perjurie and so perfidious The Prince and Admiralls noble answer to the Constable as few christian Kings would signe to so that they could no more depend upon the Kings word which had hitherto been a snare a sure trap to catch them in and truly they that run may read that all along this sad History the poore Protestants were never und on but when they took the Kings word which indeed at all times proved but the umbrage or shadow of a promise The Protestants never embraced their ruin but when they trusted to the Kings word in a peace being alwayes made with a resolution never to be kept which at last proved a faithfull paslage to their utter ruin so that now this meeting brought nothing conducing to peace for it is certaine that in such a short tract of time I could never yet hear or read of such a constant practise of covenant breaking which all along in this Kings reigne was so often practised as if it had been reckoned amongst their meritorious works as if there were not a God to punish perjurie or treachery And now the Protestants lay their Army down before P●●is and shortly after both Armies meet and on the tenth of November gave battle and the Protestants received the worst by reason de Andelot came not into the Princes assistance till midnight The two Armies give Battle after the battle therefore next day they enter the field with their Army shew themselves in battalia ready to fight the enemie and so standing some houses before the great citty of Paris they bury their dead the Constable slain cure
work labouring to bring this bloudy brat to the Birth To which purpose the King and Queen Mother calls to Council the Duke of Anjou the Cardinal of Lorrain the Duke of Guise and Alberti Conde Count de Retz and speedily resolve them of their secret intentions if by any means it could be effected they therefore desire their best aid and assistance together with their approbation which needed not be doubted for they were men ready enough at all times to act the Kings pleasure The King therefore begins sending out strict orders to all the Provinces of his Kingdome Now the King begins to dissemble strictly commanding an observation of the Edict which he intends not should be observed The King outwardly carried it harshly to the Catholicks to more to work the Protestants to their lure to have a high esteem and regard to the late Edict in behalf of his good Subjects the Protestants and that it was his Majesties express command to have it strictly observed and to make their Hearts understand what they heard by the ear the King gives Order to have this message proclaimed at Rochel the Seat of the Princes and Admiral assuring them in particular of the Kings favourable intentions to what he had confirmed with his Royall Hand which should be kept inviolable from all attempts of the strongest perswasion And yet to penetrate more deep to make one act of dissimulation out-vy another to let the world see he was a good proficient in the Art of Treachery and Bloodshed he carries himself outwardly very harsh to the Catholicks telling the Commissioners that the Power of the Duke of Guise and Cardinal of Lorrain was not to be feared for that the Government now rested in himself and had no dependency on any of their commands and therefore though they live at Court yet needed not the Princes of the Blood or Admiral fear them as Adversaries for they lived as Subjects not as Masters and that ere long he hoped all acts of forformer hostility and enmity should be by his means buried in eternal forgetfulness and that both parties should be reconciled to the Kings desire and their own good All which did not only peirce the hearts of the common people but wonderfully wrought upon the hearts of the Princes and Admiral with the chief of the Protestants who now begun to believe the Kings intentions real and that being now weary of the bloudy Civil Wars and Distractions and beginning now to govern by himself and not by his Council might at last sincerely desire a firm peace But alas they are too short sighted to espy and too sincere to doubt that such unparalleled deceit should lodge in the hearts of devils much less in a King a Christian King not so much as in his thoughts much less in his intentions and practice but it is the less wonder seeing it is so that not only in publick actions of great men but also in our common intercourse with things of smaller moment we all experience that the greatest hatred and malice is covered with the greatest love and friendship and that there is no greater knavery then that which borrows a cloak of Religion to cover it with some men again make use of friendship as a stepping stone to their own ends as the For being environed with a high Wall and hotly persued by his Enemies was put to great straits for his liberty for he could not leap over the Wall at last espying one by the Wall side stooping for a stone to throw at him he suddenly leaps on the mans back and by that step of advantage leaps over Little did the poor Princes and Admiral with the Queen of Navar and Nobles and Gentlemen of the Religion think their Noble blood to be so neer spilling by such base and unheard-of cruelties covered under so much love who would not pitty to read that so much valor as was in these brave Commanders should be murthered and laid in the bloody grave of a Treacherous death which shortly we shall sadly peruse The first thing the Admiral embraced by these perswasions was the War against the King of Spain which made the way easier to the rest that followed and yet he often said to his Son-in-Law Teligny that he suspected the rowling wit of the Queen Mother whom he was afraid would lead them on in this enterprize and leave them in the midst The Prince of Orange and Count Lodowick his Brother profer their service to the King in the war of the Low Countrys The Count of Nassaw advising with his Brother the Prince of Orange sends word to the King That if it were his Majesties pleasure to War against the King of Spain in the Low Countries they would so order themselves under his commands as that by their service therein his Majesty should find them faithful and useful and perceive their affections to him and the cause in hand to this the King replies in loving Letters commending their resolutions and gave them hearty thanks for their loving Message which tended highly to a free manifestation of their affections to his Service The Emperour mediates between the Prince of Orange and the K. of Spain The King of France encourages the Prince of Orange against the perswasions of the Emperour Now Maximillian the Emperour pretending to pitty the Estate of the Prince of Orange had obtained by Embassadours to the King of Spain that the Prince should have his goods restored conditionally that he should not settle his habitation in the Low Countryes but in some other place and yet nevertheless should enjoy freely all his Revenues As soon as the French King hears hereof and doubting it might be a hindrance to his present design he speedily posts Messengers to the Prince of Orange to perswade him that what the Emperour had done was nothing but to hinder their progress in so good and advantagious a cause and being only a devise to break up his leavies that he had begun in Germany letting him further understand that if he will please to give him credit he should not want assistance sufficient to regain his Estate from the King of Spain These perswasions of the King being not suspected to come from dissimulation and hypocrifie by the Prince of Orange so did he firmly believe all to be real insomuch as he proceeded in his Musters resolving a while to bear the charges thereof whilst all things else fitting for the war were in readiness though the charge at that time was very heavy Count Lodowick disgrised goes to Court and treats with the King and agrees about the War Now Count Lodowick his Brother being of a resolute disposition essayed his own fortunes and by encouragement from the King he secretly journies from Rochel taking with him onely two companions giving out he was going for the Prince of Orange his Brother but in a disguised habit he privately departs and that night arrives at the Court which then was kept at
from the King and Queen Mother as was not fit to be published The King for a secure mannagement of the Wars against the King of Spain The Kings strange plot to surprize Rochel gave Commission to Strozzi and the Baron de li Guard to rig forth ships from Burgess and Rochel and to surprize any Vessels that were going through the English Seas to the aid of the Duke of Alva in the Low-Countreys the Spanish Embassadour complains hereof but these two Captains had secretly and privately an underhand Commission to seize on Rochel and by open or secret force to get into their power for his Majesty although all was carried fair on against the Duke of Alva The King also gave command to the Admiral to send Espials into Peru and Island in the New found World which being plentiful of Gold the Spaniard had possessed himself thereof and there to attempt what he could against the King of Spain which business according to his Majesties command the Admiral undertook committing it to one of his Gentlemen who with a certain Portugal skilful in those navigations he had joined in Commission The King heaps unexpressible favours on the Admiral and Friends Now the King heaped unexpressable favours on the Admiral Count Rochfoucault and Theligni with the rest of the principal Protestants and chief Noblemen of the Religion for what ever was taken from any of them in time of the Civil Wars was now most lovingly restored by the Kings command and if any one that the King could learn was a friend to the Admiral to him he did shew singular respect even to the height of an unimaginable dissimulaeion He commanded one time to be given to the Admiral one hundred thousand pounds of his own treasury in recompence of his great losses When the Cardinal of Chastillon formerly fled to England disguised and having great Revenues and Wealth his death being known to the King he did give to the Admiral all the fruits of the whole year with all his rich and costly Houshold-stuff and though all former Admirals in Council and publick Ceremonies had ever given place to the Marshall of France yet for the Admirals greater honour it was the Kings will and pleasure that he should sit next Monseiur de Momorancy who was the first Marshall and above all the rest The K. desires the Duke of Savoy to favour the Protestants The King also writes to the Duke of Savoy that for his sake he would please to be favourable to the Protestants under his Dominion it should ly upon him as an acceptable favor It is not to be thought what kindnesses the King shewed to the Protestants even to the great amazement of the Catholicks and rejoicing of the Protestants The K. so far dissembles that by his shew of respects to the Protestants the Catholicks suspect him who poor souls thought all true that he said but this love proved bitter hatred like Judas kiss nay the King did so carry it that the Catholicks began to surmise and say that the King did not only favour the Protestants but would himself turn one shortly And in regard there was a mighty enmity betwixt the Duke of Guise and the Admiral by reason of a report fixed on the Admiral as if he should be an instrument of his Fathers death The Admiral and Duke of Guise reconciled and the Admiral declared not guilty of the Duke of Guises death the King therefore to make up all breaches and in order to a perfect peace he prescribes a perfect form of Reconciliation the foundations whereof was laid six years ago in the Town of Molins where the King summoning the principal estates of his Kingdom did on consultation and deliberation declare and pronounce the Admiral not guilty of the death of the Duke Guise a thing his Majestie was before bound in conscience to do but now was acted and done as a piece of good policy this block being taken away as an advance for the Admiral to the Court. But as we said before the most solemn bond and ty for a secure peace is the Lady Margarite Sister to the King of France to be given in mariage to the Prince of Navar who was Son to the most virtuous Queen of Navar. who also had all the last civil war been General of the Protestant Cause and couragiously defended it to his Eternal Praise which mariage the King did declare That he did it for the effecting and establishing a durable peace and as a signal testimony of his loyall affections to the Protestants And yet in the mean while the Papists in Roan murthered divers Protestants and grievously beat others as they came from a Sermon Many Protestants murthered in Roan And in regard that it was objected That the King of France his Sister was of the Roman Religion and the Prince of Navar a Protestant it could not well be effected to a good purpose To which the King answered he would free her by a Dispensation from the Pope that no Impediment might stand in the way to so great a good as a sure peace betwixt him and his Subjects nothing being more delightful or desired by him As soon as this was spread to the Courts of Forein Princes it did amaze the Popish Party that ever the King should proceed in behalf of Hereticks But on the contrary it did exceedingly possess the hearts of the Prince The K. plot takes effect and Admiral and all forein Princes of the same Religion with exceeding joy being such a large demonstration of the Kings affection and as a Seal of fidelity to all he promised and did also drive out of their hearts all jealousies of plots or secret Contrivances but the Admiral which had most reason and was most backward to believe all reall yet he at this time was now most forward to believe and most ready to be confirmed not only by this but also by a Letter which the King sent him by his Son Theligni The Admiral at last perswaded and deluded by a Letter from the King under the Kings own hand and Seal assuring the Admiral That whatever he should do in the Business of the war in the Low Countries against the King of Spain should be by his Majesty allowed of and ratified as if done by his special command such was his alluring baits and pretences of good will and trust to the Admiral And thus the poor Protestant Princes are too much perswaded of the Kings faith who intended their ruin without remedy we shall shortly see them come to Paris and embrace the mountains of treacherous pretences of faith and affection and so be swallowed up in their Enemies malitious and unparallel'd cruelty for all the huge promises of the Kings stood but as an Earnest till their plot was ripe and then they are more swift to shed blood than real to what they promise and truly such a piece of Kingly tteachery is not in any age to be
aid of his great Wisdom and therefore was impatient of his delay The Admiral at last is now perswaded and resolved to go to Paris he comes and no sooner arrived but was very honourably and affectionately embraced with a courteous and joyful shew of welcome and so was speedily conducted to the King who under fair pretences of friendly ends with a mouth full of courtesy with well pleased words and a worse tuned heart with courteous expressions baited with Treason he calls the Admiral Father protesting That in all his life he had not enjoyed a day adorned with more variety of content thad this day was The Kings unheard of and devilish dissimulation wherein he assures himself than his real desires of peace and the success thereof shall for the time to come shelter under one Pent-house and lodge under the roof of a sweet tranquillity and that he hopes a period will be put to all his troubles not questioning but all as well as himself were no less glad in this expectation hoping that times to come would reap the future as the times now the present benefit of this blessed day wherein he wished and as much hoped that all former acts of civil dissentions should new be put in one grave of oblivion in remembrance of the sad war past and Commemoration of this Sunshine day present Now what a wonderful thing it is to consider that the King should so perfectly dissemble with one that had so often brought the power of his Crown and Kingdom to so many doubtful hazards as to call him Father and to make the World think his treachery to be sincerity The Queen Mother and her Sons with the rest of the great Courtiers received him with greater demonstrations of joy and love than the Admiral expected The King allows the Admirall 50. of his Friends to guard him The King also allowed him fifty Gentlemen to be about him in Paris armed for the greater security and guard of his person Now the King Queen Mother and Admiral falls on consultation about the Wars of the Low Countreys But however the King was in jest with the King of Spain yet the Count Lodowick of Nassaw was in good earnest who with a resolution according to his Manly spirit he enters the Frontiers of the Low Countries The Count of Nassaw enters the Low Countries and takes in Montz taking with him as Partners and assistants three French Gentlemen Saucourt La Nove and Genlis men of great esteem and account with the Admiral besides many Gentlemen that they gathered to go along in the Expedition which the Admiral hearing advised the Count not to be too rash well assuring him that such strength as was requisite would take forty days to gather but the Count as banished men are being enflamed with the sight and desire of his own Country and desirous not to depend too much on the Kings changeable mind suddenly resolved and as speedily attempted to take in Valentiennes but finding a repulse speedily hasted to Montz and though strong by nature and Art yet took it which comming to the ears of the Court of France and the whole nation did the more confirm the Protestants that the Kings mind was real Now Genlis being from the Count to Paris related the whole progress of the War to the King desiring leave to raise certain bands of footmen and Horsemen to strengthen Montz which being quickly granted he as speedily raised four thousand foot and four hundred horse but in his Martch was set upon by the Duke of Alva and quite overthrown which was wrought by the treacherous advice of the Duke of Guise The treachery of the Duke of Guise by private intelligence to the Duke of Alva● of all that was done which thing was very ill resented by the very Catholicks themselves because many of the Romish religion were flain in the business The King of France is afraid that his war in jest might make the King of Spain war in earnest These things troubled the King very much for fear his counsels might be disclosed to the King of Spain and so might occasion some quarrel to the breaking forth of a War yet he gave order to the Admiral to assist the Prince of Orange in Germany with as many horse and foot as he thought fit which was done and because moneys might be had for their pay the King called for the Treasurer and commanded him to deliver the Admiral so much money as he should desire commanding him that the receipt should not express the cause Great dissimulation by the K. but should run thus Paid such a Sum to the Admiral by the Kings Commandement which is for certain uses the King commands should not be written to which the King subscribes with his own hand the King wrote a Letter also to Monducet to use his best endravour for the release of those taken under the conduct of Genlis by the Duke of Alva To the full effecting of their desire A League with Q. Elizabeth of England and the first Article was the observation of the Edict but it proves a deep plot against the Protestants and ties the hands of the English from all assistance in their greatest need and extremity it was thought convenient to enter into League with Queen Elizabeth of England which the King committed to the Admiral which he did so diligently and industriously handle that by his elaborate pains in a speedy time By faith given by Embassadours sent and by Oaths it was confirmed concerning a further procuring of other Leagues as might most stand for the Low Country War and of those Leagues by the Admirals care the principal Condition was That the Liberty of Religion should be continued according to the Edict and that the King should most solemnly observe and keep his most sacred Oath and Promise so strictly made for Liberty to the Protestants according to the Edict of Pacification And now The Religious Q. of Navar poisoned by the K. Apothecary a sad presage of further treachery Courteous Reader I must give thee a sad Tast of what follows like one of Jobs Messengers for the Queen of Navar being all this while at Court thinking of a joyful Mariage of her hopeful Son it pleased God to permit a sudden sickness and as sudden a death in the fourty third year of her age who being on too good grounds suspected to be poisoned was therefore opened by Physic●ans but they would find no figures of poyson but by more narrow search in earnest and by the advice of one A. P. it was found That her brain was poisoned with an invenomed smell of a pair of perfumed Gloves ordered by one Renat an Italian and the Kings Apothecary who kept a shop on St. Michaels bridge in Paris neer to the Palace And it is well known that the same Renat some certain years ago gave a pair of poisoned Pomander Gloves to Lewis Prince of Conde which the Prince
leaving with one La Gross his Chirurgion was by degrees poisoned and swelled so that the wonderfully and narrowly escaped with his life But these Gloves that poisoned this virtuous Queen were ordered in such a secret sort and just proportion that having worn them a while a violent Feaver seized on her which ended her life in four daies And thus died this Noble Queen bewailed exceedingly by all the Protestants for I find her Enemies say The Queen of Navar in part described She was a Lady of a noble Spirit invincible courage many degrees above most of her Sex qualities besides her Chastity and Magnificence worthy Eternal praise She was one that dived into the deep Mysteries of Divinity which raised her illustrious mind to a high pitch of Christianity being also very judicious of a ready wit invincible in adversity absolute in her actions capable of Counsel comprehending things with great vivacity of Spirit delivering her mind with an admirable grace either by word or writing her comprehension of deep things was of a treble magnitude above any of her sex neither can my pen drop her praise but her infinite merits and if it were possible for any pen to erect Trophies of Honour to the peerless challenges of her immortal praise the lustre of her incomparable merits would be the truest guide in the darkest night This noble Queens Death gave way to the Prince her Son to be King of Navar The Q. death intitles her Son the P. to be K. of Navar. to whom the Kingdome came This unhappy death was looked on by many as very ominous portending a sure prognostick of some unfortunate Catastrophe many bing struck with amazement at this sudden treochery and bloody death concluding it to be a sad Fore-runner of some mischief to come But that which made many Protestants cast away all fear was the Kings loving carriage to them insomuch that things at this time looked with a peaceable countenance throughout the Kingdom of France Now the day of marriage between the Lady Margaret and the King of Navar was appointed which was a great day of joyful hopes to all the Protestants and made all things seem more serene and calm on their side in that also the Guisans and the rest of the chief Catholicks shewed great discontent thereat for all good men judged it an assured pledge of the Kings fidelity and of peace in as much as he shewed such outward joy and declared It was not so much for the wedding as that he said it was for a strong knot of Peace and would tend to a general satisfaction of peaceable Spirits and for the Good of the whole Nation August the 17. the King of Navar The K. of Navar and Lady Margarite maried with great joy on both sides but greater sorrow succeeds and the Lady Margaret was maried with great Solemnity before the great Church of Paris on a Scaffold in sight of all the People and there was a certain form of words so ordered as agreed with both parties which by the Kings commandment was pronounced by the Cardinal of Bourbon the King of Navars Uncle and so was this mariage solemnized with the joy of all good men being kept with Banquets dancing and Masques with a strange mixture of Papists and Protestants together Thus the poor Protestants thought with joy to welcome their own comforts but alas their hopes are frustrate in a contrary success of their expectations and the Kings promises After this the Bride with great magnificence accompanied with a great confluence of Gallants was led to the Church to hear mass The Bridegroom misliking these Ceremonies did with Henry Prince of Conde the Admiral and other Noblemen of the Protestants walk and wait without the Church door for the Brides return The Queen Mother Dukes of Anjou Guise plot But the Queen Mother and her bloody Companions with the Dukes of Anjou and Guise consult about the last Tragical act which was to kill the Admiral and to divide the Protestants thus-like moles under ground they drive on their Hellish designs in Secrecy The King to delude the more speaks publickly The K. publickly declares that he gives his Sister in Mariage as a ty of Union and peace The Admiral of the Kings fleet endeavours to surprize Rochel That he gives not his Sister in mariage to the King of Navar only but as it were to the whole Church of the Protestants to join with them in a undissoluble union and as a ty to their peace and safety Oh! painted ruin whither at last will the fury of thy bloody Chariots drive thee Now while these things proceeded thus at Paris Strozzi as aforesaid Admiral of the Kings Fleet rides before Rochel and at select times sends Captains and Souldiers into the Town under pretence of buying necessaries for their Fleet and sometimes did come ashoar himself but the King had given him Commission to seize on the City although as before it was given out that he say to entrap all the supplies going from Spain to the aid of the Duke of Alva in the Low Countries The like Treachery was used in another part of France by Gonzague Duke of Nevers with a party of Horse neer to La Charite where a bridge passes the River Loyre which the Protestants then had The protestants at Lyons had their names put in a bloody Book this Gonzague requests Liberty of the Town to muster shewing the K. Letters which indeed he had The Governour of Lyons commanded he names of the Protestants to be written in a Book which in regard of their Horrid cruelties committed and devillish Bucheries committed in this City was justly called the bloody Book The Admiral The Admiral desires to depart Paris but the K. desired his stay which on some other grounds he did but sad complaints and great suspition of treason came to his cars but he believes it not after the mariage being then the time he appointed and desired to return to his own house did move the King about his departure but so great was the Court revellings that the Admiral coul not have private access to his Majesty to deal in State-matters Rochel at this time was in a manner besieged with Souldiers arriving hourly giving out terrible threats against the Town which made the Protestants begin to cry to the Admiral for succour and relief for indeed the Admiral was as a nursing Father to them in other Towns also was heard secret murmurings terrifying the most cleer-sighted Protestants giving too sure cause to think a bloody and terrible spectacle would be shewed beyond present conception which will shortly be seen in a horrible manner The Admiral knew not what to answer to all these sad complaints that uncessantly flowed in as one wave on the back of another and all to get him from the Court He answered to all the King had made us swear before him to be Friends the Lady Margaret is given in mariage
Army and thereupon immediately fled to the Kings Camp Others said it was Bondot an Archer of the Kings Guard Now when this confession of the Woman of the house aforesaid was brought to the King he commanded Monsieur de Nance Captain of his Guard to apprehend and bring Chally before him but Chally as soon as he heard the stroke of the piece fled into the Kings Castle of the Loure hiding himself in the Duke of Guises chamber but as soon as he heard of the Kings command he fled Now De Nance Captain of the Kings guard being informed of his escape and no doubt was himself the Informer answered that Chally was a Gentleman of good repute and no doubt but on notice given of the Kings mind would appear before his Majesty or the Magistrates The man that shot the Admiral had commission from the K. to do it Ob horrible The Admiral in danger of death desires the K. visit But not to hold the Reader longer I find it recorded by the most exact Narration that it was Manrevel one whom the Duke of Guise had at his request to the King and by his Commission procured to kill the Admiral which at large is fully related in the Civil wars of France The Admiral now wounded and under the Chirurgians hands dressing his wounds commanded his Son Teligny to go to the King and humbly to beseech his Majesty in behalf of his Father to vouchsafe him a visit for that the wounds lately received were likely to terminate his life and put a short period to his daies desiring therefore to see his Majesty and deliver something to his care that might greatly concern his Majesties safety The K. Q. Mother many other visit the Admiral To which the King in his wonted strain of courtesie answered He would perform his request and so in the afternoon the King goes to visit the Admiral taking along with him the Queen Mother the Duke of Anjou the Duke of Monpenseir a most affectionate Servant to the Church of Rome the Count de Retz a great familiar of the Queen Mothers with Chavigny and Entragny both chief Ringleaders in the bloody Butchery following the King no sooner arrives at the Admirals lodging but he lovingly saluted the Admiral demanding kindly and courteously some few questions concerning the state and health of his body to which the Admiral answered with such a Christian mild and sweetly-quieted countenance with Gods dealing as all that stood by admired at his patience The King hereupon seemed to be so much moved that he uttered these words The hurt my Admiral is done to thee but the dishonour to me and swearing a great Oath saies The K. by a deep oath protests to revenge the Admiralls Hurt I swear I will so sharply and severely revenge both this hurt and dishonour that justice shall have no cause to complain nor the World left without example of my integrity to your deserts And so made many Oaths and Protestations of the Resolutions to punish the Offender as also of his great care he had to preserve the Protestants and the Admirals life against all his Enemies but oh these pretences of friendship will at last prove a smiling harlot that whilest she kisses is like Judas to betray The King further demanded of the Admiral how he did approve of the Judges who had Commission by his appointment to examine the business who answered that he could not dislike of his Majesties care and choise yet humbly intreated his Majesty to let it stand with his good pleasure that Cavagnes might be in Council with them but the wrong he told his Majestie he had committed to God yet desired his Majestie would give order for a strict search and narrow scrutinie into the fact which the King again with his usual Protestations vowed to do and to revenge his wrong as much as his own The K. and Admiral being alone the Admiral declares much faithfulness to the King The Queen Mother and her two Sons withdrew and left the Admiral and King alone the Admiral began to advise the King to remember that he had often told his Majesty of the danger that hovered over his head by some persons neer to him and although he was the mark was shot at yet there was no less hanging over his Majesties head and that long ago there was treason plotted against his Life which his Majesty might please to take notice of as friendly advice and to beware betimes And further declared that now God was pleased to give large symptoms of the decay of his earthly tabernacle and he doubted that his good name would be hoysted up to the pinacle of envious slander by his Enemies and that he often told his Majestie the real Authors of all the late distractions of the Civil War faithfully opening the causes thereof and that he took God to be his witness of his faithful and cordial heart to the King and Kingdome and he never yet knew what was in this world dearer than his Countrey and publick safety all which Discourse the Admirall before his death declared to be spoken betwixt him and his Majesty The King desires the Admiral to lodge in the Loure for his security but was indeed in policy to secure his life and level it to his bloody will To all which the King after such answer as he thought fit with a high voice desired the Admiral to take protection in his own Castle of the Loure wherein his security should be equally envell oped with his own and this he wished might be embraced for fear some sudden commotion might happen from the rabble of that mad and tumultuous people which was a speech preparatory for the plot and yet so much were these poor Protestants blinded in their strange belief of the Kings protestations and not suspecting what followed that they never understood the treacherous intent of these prepared Pills of Hellish Dissimulation The Admiral refused his gilded pretexts of love and care for his ruin A great token of of treason The Admiral most heartily thanked his Majesty and excusing his non-acceptance at present till advice had with his Physicians which when he received it was by them all concluded to be not safe in regard the least motion would increase his pain and so it was resolved not to stir The Count de Retz turned to some of the Admirals Friends in the Chamber saying it were to be wished the Admiral would follow the Kings loving invitation to lodge in the Loure for it was to be feared that some sudden tumult might arise that the King might not be able to appease which was no sooner spoken but it deeply penetrated the Admiral and all his Friends and though they had no proof of reason to fear yet the Admiral desired the King to grant him the favor of a Guard The King grants the Admiral a Guard and flatters damnably To which the King lovingly answered He should
the rage of these Tygers so the Suburbs also where was nothing but murthering and all sorts of cruelties committed men women and children rich and poor old and young nothing to be heard in Paris and the Subburbs but a horrible and terrible noise of arms horses and harquebuziers with a doleful sad and lamentable howling and crying of poor souls going to the slaughter and knew not wherefore a piteous complaint of such as cryed to the villains for mercy together with the merciless and cruel shouts of murtherers and bloody Hell-hounds crying kill destroy for the King commands it mixed with the sad groans of the dying that it seemed as if heaven and earth had met together as if the Heavens would have rent with thunder Oh! sad Oh! wretched King to stain thy honour with such perfidious breach of promise to water thy Kingdom with the blood of Gods people and so to dissemble with the world as if dissembling were further from thy thoughts than thy heart from reality Streets and Rivers dyed with blood The Pavement Market place and Rivers were died with blood and it was heard say by the murtherers that they had put an end to that quarrel that neither pen paper decrees of Justice nor open War could accomplish in twelve years 10000. protestants murthered in one day by the K. command About ten thousand souls makes this Lords day famous for ever with effusion of their pretious and innocent blood such as no age or time can parallel for there was at this time in Paris sixty thousand men with Pistols Pikes Poinyards Curtelaces Knives and such other bloody Instruments who run up and down swearing and blaspeming the sacred Majesty of God cruelly massacring all they meet the streets being covered with mangled bodies Gates and doors defiled with blood And yet we see but in part what cruelties were committed if we compare what we have read and what we shall read together For now having given thee a sight of such Treachery Poisonings perjuries Cruelties and damnable dissimulations with the many murthers committed on the Admiral and Friends in Paris I shall endeavour in the next chapter to give a tast of such sad Massacres and cruelties as will affright and astonish the heart of any true Protestant and if thou hast any grain of true Christianity in thee thou canst not but be toucht with a fellow-feeling of these sad and unheard of murthers and crueltys CHAP. VIII The Contents THe King labours to turn the King of Navar and Prince of Conde to the Catholick Religion by threatning of death and promises of Life Their answers Many Gallant and Peerless Commanders hewen in peeces at the Loure crying out to the Kings Oaths and Promises in the Kings hearing That brave and unparalleled Commander Monsieur de Piles basely slain crying out aloud to the King protesting against his treacherous cruelty and perjury Two hundred gallant Gentlemen slain Count de Montgomery and Vidame of Charteres escape to England A Plot against Rochel but prevented La Charite surprized and all the Protestants cut off The murther at Paris renewed next day the bodies of the dead thrown into the River Sein In two daies above ten thousand slain whereof five hundred of Noble blood Gentlemen with many Ladies and Gentlewomen that came to the mariage The King sends by Post to command all the Protestants to be cut off following the example of Paris Three Noble Gentlemen in the Court murthered The strange sad and cruel death of a brave Gentleman Monsieur de la Place Peter Ramus that famous Professor of Logick basely slain A sad yet comfortable death of a Godly young Christian A terrible and unheard-of cruelty committed on a Gentlewoman with child Merciless cruelty committed on a poor child The most Cruel Horrid and unheard of butchery at Lyons not to be paralleled in any age the blood running through the streets reeking hot to the terrour of the Catholicks themselves The Bloody Massacre at Meaux The like sad Massacre at Troys The bloody Murthers at Orleans The cruel butcheries at Tholouse The cruel slaughters and bloody murthering of six thousand Protestants at Roan The Murthers at Angiers A Godly Minister that had laid the first foundation of a Church in Paris is murthered by the Kings command WHilst these sad cruelties were executed at the Admirals Lodging and in the City and Suburbs of Paris Let us now behold with pitty a number of brave Commanders murthered in the Kings Castle of the Loure by the Kings commandement and in his sight For the King of Navar and Prince of Conde did lodge in the Loure with many other brave Commanders which came to accompany the King of Navar and Prince of Conde The K. promises pardon to the King of Navar Prince of Conde if they will turn Papists The first thing the King falls on after his bloody Butchery in Paris was to deal with the King of Navar and Prince of Conde to whom he gave command to be brought into his presence The King told them all that was done that he had now cut off all the instruments of the late Civil Wars and he hoped would prove a prevention of future troubles for by his command the Admiral was slain with his Train and that no less was done in other Cities to all the Protestants but saies he by reason of your young and tender years and neer alliance in consanguinity and marriage therefore it is I desire you should be pardoned but we shall see it on sad terms to these poor tender hearts ready to break with grief at their friends death and their own too sad and rigid fate Poor Princes betrayed by the cruelty of a perfidious merciless King The King tells them their Lives depended on the reforming their Judgements and turning to the Catholique Religion for he is resolved never to have any more than one Religion in his Kingdom and if they embraced not this Snake in their bosome they must be stung with his bloody Sword as the deserts of their obstinacy The K. of Navars answer to the K. of France The King of Navar humbly beseeched his Majesty to remember his Promises Engagements and now the near alliance by mariage lately contracted and not to force him in those things which only he must be accountable to God alone for that he would please rather to imprison his body than his soul and not to force him to make shipwrack of a good conscience by a violent assault Now the Prince of Conde like a resolved Christian also The P. of Conde's zealom answer to the King did with much zeal answer the King in this manner That he having given his Oaths and promlses in solemn and publick Protestations to all of the Religion would not he hoped forget the great ty of performance which all men are bound to observe under pain of Gods heavy Judgements and therefore he wondered his Majesty should so soon be perswaded to break
of abject and forlorn fellows That it s credibly written by good Authors that there could not be so few as fourty thousand souls cut off in few days by this sad cruelty and Massacre I find it also recorded by good Authors that many men of quality who were both Religious and the most ingenuous Papists whispered of this cruelty and falshood so clearly acted by the King in his special commandment Histories cannot be produced to parallel this cruelty The bloody command of King Mithridates who with a Letter and Messenger put to death one hundred and fifty thousand Roman Citizens that were all scattered in sundry parts about their Merchandize This I say cannot reach this Kings Treachery for the reasons aforesaid The Tragical Histories of the K. of Spains Murthers in Hispaniola though they transcend in number yet not in the nature of the offence although it is recorded that in seventeen years he destroyed six Millions of poor Indians roasting some throwing others alive to be devoured of wild Beasts yet cannot it come near to our sad story We may compare it to Silla who by a base Proscription in one City cast out four thousand and seven hundred Citizens wherof one hundred and fourty were Senatours and not long after the Triumvirs proscribed three hundred Senatours and two thousand Roman Knights and many other crueltyes And as Q. Catulus said of these cruelties so may I well apply it to these sad disasters Cum quibus tandem victuri sumus in bello armatos in pace● inermes occidimus with whom at last shall we inhabit if in war we cut off armed men and in peace disarmed The same Silla after he had given his Faith for the preservation of four Legions of his Enemies for all they implored his merciless trechery for favour and pitty yet he commanded them all to be cut off Peter of Arragon which destroyed eight thousand French in the Island of Sicily is but a flea-bit to this cruelty Many other examples of cruelty might be ushered in upon the Stage of Observation but what should we do with any more unless we could bring one to parallel it which by the narrowest search into all History I think cannot be done Indeed none of these I have named can fix on the borders of this Cruelty they did it against their Enemies some of them against a forein Nation but this King Charls against his own Subjects and under the peaceable protection of a Loving King as they thought Those Tyrants owned their bloody acts and gave reasons for it but our King Charls hid his cruelties in the bosom of his Councils and varnisht them so with fine-spun pretences that all he did looked not like what he said till God would not let it be hid but forced him to confess it to all the world The Protestants never could be got to yield to his Power but his faith and promises which they depended upon as a sure staff and prop to lean upon in all times of disturbance and tumults else would their force and valour never have stooped to his rotten faith and withered promises we see his promises and Oaths were linked together like Ropes of sand he intended not to ty himself by the most solemn Oaths and Engagements but Others must be tyed to their Ruin by them What unworthy waies and means this King took unbecoming the Majesty of a King to feed his cruel and bloody heart making use of the mariage of his own Sister as a bait to this horrid villany and so abused the mariage bed with a bloody Tragedy besprinkling her wedding Robes with blood which indignity and dishonour no Nation under the Sun either of former or of the ages since can forget or parallell It is a piece of such base Treachery as we shall see condemned by the practice of heathens that had only the light of nature it is such a sin as God often times repaies with his Judgements The Story of Camillus Camillus with the Roman Army having besieged the Falerians a School-master of the City one day betrayed all his poor Schollars to the Roman Army by leading them out to play at last brought them into the Enemies Camp so was carried to Camillus and then said Sir I have here brought you all the Children of the City and delivered them up into your hands that so you may have the City on your own terms But Noble and brave Camillus scornfully and Christianly answered That a Noble General should seek Victory rather by valour than the Assistance of such base Treachery And so worthily abhorring this base perfidiousness he commanded the School-master to be stripped and then to be whipped back to the City by his own Scholars which as soon as the Citizens from off the Walls perceived they were so taken with this Noble Act that they presently made peace with the Romans Thus is Treachery and Gallantry rewarded at once When the Sabines besieged the Castle of Rome the Governours daughter of the Castle betrayed it to the Sabines on condition to have all the braslets of gold which being promised she secretly led them in at gate in the night and afterwards Tacius the General bid all the Souldiers follow this Example to perform his promise who threw his Braselet and Buckler also that he wore on his Arm The Souldiers doing the like she was presently for her Treachery rewarded with death Ariftomenes King of the Messenians being expelled his own Kingdom by the Lacedemonians was forced to retire in flight to the King of Arcadia for succour but being of a resolute nature resolved to be revenged upon Sparta whilest his own Countrey was spoyled by the Lacedemonians but the King of Arcadia most treacherously discovered it to the Lacedemonians for which perfidiousness his own subjests stoned him cast him into an abject place and set up a Pillar with this inscription Difficile est hominem perjurum fallere Divos Here was an exemplary punishment of an unworthy King it is said that the bloody and Deecitful man shall not live out half his daies which was seen by our cruel and bloody King for few of them that had a hand in the Massacre in France but by a Divine hand of Providence they were selected out to their just punishment and were deservedly slain at the siege of Sancere and Rochel And the King himself died miserably at the age of five and twentieth years his blood issuing out in all parts of his Body Oh! the Heavy Judgements that follow breach of promise are many from the Scriptures The Dishonour that accrews to such an Action in a King is great and is condemned by these two or three examples not unworthy our serious perusal The famous story of Attilius Regulus Attilius Regulus General of the Romans being overcome and taken Prisoner by the Carthagenians was afterward upon his word admitted to journey to Rome with conditions of peace which he thinking dishonourable advised the Citizens not to accept thereof
deliver their Ambassy to an Oak-tree standing by One of the three Ambassadours spake to the Oak-Tree in these words Thou hallowed Oak and what ever else in this place belongs to the Gods hear and bear witness of this Disloyal perjury and breach of Covenant and favour our just complaints that we may at last by the help of the Gods be revenged on this perjured people So they returned home and presently raised an Army set on this perjured people and by the just Judgements of God utterly destroy them off the face of the earth To omit many other Examples of this Nature take but this one more King of Lacedemonia The King of Lacedemonia and the Argives being at War Cleomenes the Lacedemonian King made Truce for seven days and the third night following fell on them and made a great slaughter and with this excuse thought to evade the dint of the shame and Gods justice for sayes he It is true I made Truce for seven days but I did not mention nights Yet God followed this perjured King with these Judgements The Wives of the slain Argives arm under the command of Tolesilla their Captainess enter the City and puts to the Sword and flight the power and forces of the perjured King Cleomenes afterwards he was banished into Egypt where he miserably died a desperate death being his own Executioner Thus we see what heavy Judgements God has made and does execute upon all such as are contemners and breakers of this holy Edict and Law of God The Lord is to be feared and obeyed for in all his Judgements none greater threatned nor heavyer and surer falls on than on bloody and perjured men A thing abhorred and hated by Heathens before ever they were so far enlightened as to know the Law of God was above the Law of Nature for though they had but the light of Nature yet they held it a sin unpardonable and no Punishment accounted enough as they could invent There were some that recorded these cruelties and treacherys of the Kings and instanced the Law of the twelve Tables Si patronus clienti fraudem facit sacer esto if the Sovereign cheat his Subjects let them be out of safety or Protection He that in antient time despised the keeping of Oaths was no more to be called a King The Right hand was called a Pledge of Faith The Throne is established by Justice and it is an Abomination for Kings to do wickedness The Throne is upheld by mercy saies Solomon But this King by his Treachery Perjury and Cruelty degraded himself of his peoples affections for he valued not the lives of many thousand so his bloody cruelty could be satisfyed Scipio accounted it an honourable thing to save one Citizen rather than to kill a thousand Enemies There was no power and authority so great as the Dictators at Rome it was such an Assembly which met together as had the power of War and Peace nay they had the command of life and death at their will and that without any Appeal and yet it was not lawful for them to execute a Citizen unless his cause was publickly and justly heard and he legally committed and condemned But indeed it is the manner of Murtherers to bereave of life without Law or cause of death Nay had this horrid Massaere been a bare down-right murther it had been the less but it was covered with fraud and deceit The King and Court must personate a Religious habit and pretence of a Religious vow making Gods holy Ordinance stoop to his deceitful and tteacherous intention The Duties of Kings and Powers of the World which is not inconsistent with prudent Policy and sound Christianity A King ought by his Christian demeanour to have a rich store-house and exchequer of Affection and allegiance in his peoples hearts and he who takes care therein to lay such provision of love as that it may be as a firm Rock as a strong foundation what is there then that he may not command which is in their power to perform then the arms of the peoples affections open and are spread to imbrace any command this is the way to have the key of their hearts and to open that treasury of respect which by the wise mannagement of his power received from them he hath ready laid up Loving Subjects are most uniting in a harmonious consent of obedience to all his Commands love to a Prince created by himself will make cowards valourous even to defend him from the shock of his Enemies assaults And it is seen with greatest lustre and to his best advantage in his Straights when he hath made all his Subjects on the least notice ready to be voluntiers in the greatest dangers and hottest attempts for the Honour of their own Prince But when Kings spend too much on the stock of his Peoples willing minds of Subjection and prodigally trade away that stock of Love treasured up in his people what does he but expose himself to all assaults of fury and cruelty without pitty as it has been the end of many Princes nay when love is abused and turned to hatred in what a tottering Throne does he sit But whatsoever the Theory of an absolute Monarchy be yet a Good King loves the practical part of Justice his Power being more safe in his Laws than his Will Though his power and his Command may claim a strong Authority to do as he pleases yet he will not make his Power arbitrary nor beyond the limit of equal justice to all Now for Oppression Tyranny Cruelty and perjury to be seated in the heart of a King and he in the heart of his Kingdome Oh! how it levells his peoples affections and stems the tide and current of their allegiance razes the very foundation of his own security and is the most compendious way to his own utter ruin It doth by a strange instinct raise tumults and vicissitudes that like a rapid Torrent of confusion falls upon his own head as the reward of his vicious merits What foundation can such a King have when it is builded on a Quagmire seated on the terrible aspect of the peoples hatred accrewing by his Treacherous Tyranny An ingenuous people can no more brook oppression than the River Danube can mix with the muddy streams of Sava But this King to establish his Throne of Cruelty and Tyranny Peaceable like betroaths his People and Himself in an indissoluble bond of Peace never to be broke on his part yet no sooner made before the view of heaven and in the sight and presence of God but he registers his falsehood cruelty and perjury in a suddain breach with the blood of his own Subjects taking the advantage of their punctual observance to disarm them and take their Towns which on the peace granted were delivered and so erects his bloody Engines of deceit upon the ruins of his own promise Now Christian Reader let us a little see the small probability that the Admiral should
attempt what they pretend which reasons for general satisfaction I shall gather together because it is declared by the King that it was for a Plot against him and the Court although it is clear that it was resolved on by the King Queen Mother and Cabinet Council to destroy the Admiral and his Friends which by the Kings Commandment is lamentably and wofully effected to the great dishonour of the King and the whole French Nation and cannot but ly as a blot to after ages and a time there must be to satisfy God and the World for it Now who can imagine that the Admiral should think with a few Gentlemen allowed for his Guard to attempt any thing against the King within Paris there being in the Court constant watch and at the entrance to the Castle a strong Guard of Scots Switzers and Gaseoins and was then more strictly kept in regard of the number of Lords Noble-men and Gentlemen met to solemnize the mariage of the King of Navar and the Lady Margaret and that it is well known that in three hours space may be ready at command sixty thousand men in arms Besides all these Reasons the young Noblemen and Gentlemen that came with the King of Navar and Prince of Conde had no other arms than their Swords and Innocency which latter in the greatest danger would defend them best And yet further to clear all doubts the Princes and Noblemen of the Protestants for a Pledge and Testimony for a Solemn Engagement of their innocency they brought with them their Wives Sisters Children and Kinswomen having no thoughts of any thing but Triumph and Recreation The Nobles and Gentlemen intending to shew their expert skill at the Tilt and Tourney Now if it be said it was after the Admirals Hurt that he studied to be revenged It is answered With what probability can any sober mind imagine or conceive that the Admiral lying wounded on both arms tyed up and hourly waiting when one Arm should be cut off by the Doctors advise that the Admiral I say being Guarded by the Kings own Guard should attempt with three hundred Gentlemen of his Guard to surprize the King c. being so sick as few daies was expected to pass over till God would call him to himself that any should think three hundred so resolute as to set upon a City wherein was sixty thousond in Armes by the first Alarum But doubtless had such a thing been known or suspected he would have been secured by Cossin and his men who had by the Kings commandment environed and beset him how soon might the sick Admiral been apprehended as well as murthered There was never any thing laid to his charge which could be proved by the least witness nor what they laid to his charge had the least mention of time place adherents means or witness so that if it had been proved or suspected the King should have proceeded according to Law and Justice which are well known to be the props and Pillars on which a Kingdoms happiness stands secure But suppose we that all these things had been really true and that the manner of the Admirals death and his Complices had been allowable by all nations yet let us consider a little and demand a reason of the insolent cruelty infamous barbarism and unheard-of bloodshed of those that were thought by themselves altogether innocent of any plot being antient Matrons many Noble young Ladies and Gentlewomen in the flour of their Age cut off so basely and barbarously a number of women great with child against the Law of nature were cast into Rivers before the time of their Delivery many aged persons also which lay sick in Bed Many Counsellours Advocates Proctors Physicians c. that consulted only with their books and the rest sequestered from the conference of any Counsel by the Sex and degrees Why was there also so many learned Teachers and Professors of the Arts and Sciences amongst whom was Peter Ramus that famous man for learning through out the world who stands in the memory of the truly learned as really as these bloody actours render France infamous How many young Students without hearing or pleading their cause were here destroyed by this sad Decree of the King and Council Lastly what Armour was found what weapons was found in any of the Protestants houses by which means suspition might grow to proof Or why was the Kings Letters sent to command the like murthers at Meaux Lyons Troys Tholouse and all over his Dominions such slaughters were committed till the very blood of Gods saints made the Rivers swell and streamed through the streets reaking hot that at least 40000. were slain by his bloody command Thus has this King and Court imbrewed their hands in the blood of so many thousand innocent souls even to the great expectation of some vengeance which in Gods due time must needs break out on that land to the third and fourth Generation if a General repentance do not expiate this deserved punishment Now Christian Reader to bring this Kings reign to a close I shall only abstract the most notable passages together which hapned after this sad Massacre CHAP. XI The Contents THe Protestants that escaped this sad Massacre fled to many Places Some set forth Books of this perjury and bloody cruelty Others flie to divers Towns and Cities and fortifie them Rochel strongly fortified Fourty seven Ministers fly to Rochel and escape The King and Court keep a day of Thanksgiving for this Victory The Rochelois refuse a Garrison sent by the King The French King lets the King of Spain know the War against him was in jeast as well as his Oaths and Promises The Counts Army routed and spoyled by Treachery Monsieur de la Nove turns to the Protestants The unparallel'd Siege of Sancerre yet yielded on honourable terms The unheard-of siege of Rochel Yet had honourable Conditions granted The Protestants fortifye and resolve to sell their Lives at a Dear Rate The King takes Villars and performs not Covenant The Protestants take in sundry Towns The King besieges Sommiers and with great loss leaves it and they besiege it again and take it on terms The King besieges Caussade and with great loss retires the Protestants are encouraged by their good Success They Protest against the Kings last Edict contrary to the Edict of Pacification Their Noble and gallant Declaration Their demands of the King and desire of Peace The King terrified with their Resolutions The King recovers of a desperate sickness A Parliament called and the Protestant Deputies resolve to meee them but no good done A new Plot discoverod Count Montgomery with his Fleet from England is besieged at St. Lo he escapes in person and is besieged at Danfront he yields on terms of life but the King breaks Engagement and basely beheaded him in Paris The Conclusion of this sad History The King dies wallowing and rowling himself in his own blood The Duke of Anjou succeeds to
the Crown but is justly murthered The Duke of Guise is murthered The Queen Mother broke her Heart and died AFter this sad and lamentable Butchery and blood-shed the poor Protestants that were escaped fled with all speed to the several Sanctuaries which God in his mercy had decreed for their preservation Those that inhabited upon the coast of Bretaign Picardy and Normandy which were Provinces lying on the Sea over against England They fled to Queen Elizabeths Protection and if occasion offered to fight under the command of Count Montgomery who then was in the Queens Court. The poor distressed remnant of Protestants in Dauphine Provence and Lyonois fled into Swisserland amongst whom was the Admirals sons and Andelots who by the fame of their Fathers Authority and the tenderness of their years were joyfully welcomed from such a Land flowing with blood and vengeance Some imploy their time and Talents in setting forth to the World in Writing this horrid Treachery and Massacre acted in France and to let all the Protestants in other parts of the World beware by their sad example letting the World know the stratagem that the French Court use is to destroy by Peace and that to shake hands in a peace with Papists is the ready way to destruction the instance whereof was so fresh in their minds that they needed no grand Jury of examples to inforce belief their own late woful experience being sufficient to testifie this for a truth The Protestants of Burgundy and Campagn fled to the Cities of Germany The Protestants in the heart of the Kingdome and towards Rochel flocked to some strong Towns which it pleased God of his goodness to reserve for their safety which places they fortified with all the strength they could They that inhabited in the Isle of France Nivernois and Beausse were possessed of Sancerre Those that lived in the Provinces of Languedoc and Gascoiny placed themselves in Nismes and Montaubon And the Protestants in Guienne Poictou Zaintonge and Anjou fled to Rochel which proved a safe harbour from the cruel Birds of Prey Henry Jaques Maior of the City had the Civil government thereof To this City also resorted three thousand five hundred men and came from sundry parts which had been Souldiers in the Wars and men of approved valour also to their assistance came fifty Gentlemen of good quality from the adjoining parts about the City there came thither also fifty seven Ministers of Gods Word which by Gods mercy were preserved in this sad blow and for Ammunition and other Provision there wanted none to supply their necessity of a strong and lasting siege Now at last the King Queen Mother with his Brethren and Court orders a Day of extraordinary thanksgiving to be returned for the good Success against the Protestants Thus they reared up Castles of Triumph to their Eternal dishonour which practice is condemned by a Turk Sultan Orchan second King of the Turks when he had overcome the Christians in Battail word being brought to him advise was demanded what should be done to those Prisoners that yet alive remained in their mercy whether they should be killed or not who more like a Christian than a Turk replyed Oh no it is not the part of a Souldier to drown Mercy in Cruelty for saies this brave Sultan Mercy is the Alms of Victory a noble saying of a Heathen Now the King sends Monsieur de Byron to Rochell to place a Garrison the Protestants refuse it being a priviledge granted them by the King to receive no Garrisons whereupon Byron proclaims a War against them Poor souls they had sadly felt the smart of the K. perfidiousness by their too credulous opinion of these fair pretences and therfore now thought good to preserve their lives from Treachery or dy with honour And now to let the World know what little reality is sometimes found in Princes the King of France declares to the King of Spain that the war which he seemingly countenanced under command of Count Lodowick of Nassaw was only a plot to bring about his ends which as it could not be seen by all so could it not but be believed by the King of Spain so that the undertakers under Count Lodowick were sharply persecuted by them that afterwards got power over them Thus were these poor Souldiers betrayed out of the Kings own Treachery Only Monsieur de la Nove was preserved secretly who being safely conducted to the Kings Court his Majesty commands him to Rochel to solicite the City to a Composition Brave Monsieur de la Nove stoutly and like a Christian answers the King That it was against his Conscience to advise his fellow Protestants to lay their throats open to them that would too readily cut them But the King commands and together with his secret desire to see Rochel spurs him on so having came to Monsieur de Byron who was at St. Jean de Angeli and after a visit to him delivering the Kings Message he enters Rochel who by a joint Consent of all the City was chosen their Captain General who willingly accepted of it and gave a good proof of his faithful adherence to the Protestant cause In January by the Kings Commandment Monsieur de la Chastre with six thousand men besieges Sancere where finding a furious and resolute Enemy which would not yield to their Summons after the expences of great toil and labour discharging in two moneths about six thousand Cannon shot they made an assault but were bravely repulsed to the Eternal praise of the Sancerrois valour and Resolution The 18. of March by a second battery on all sides they at last made a great breach and so assault and attempt to scale but the besieged who questionless had many friends slain in the bloody Massacre had some sparks of their Friends blood in their minds which then shewed it self in their resolutions that they fall on the Enemy by a strong defence and made not only a Halt in the Catholicks proceedings but made them retreat with the loss of sixty of their best Souldiers dead in the ditch two hundred mortally wounded and two hundred utterly lamed all with the loss of seventeen men of the Protestants which piece of valour so cooled the courage of the Kings Army that they resolved no more attempts to be made again such impregnable defendants So they begirt them close on all sides no relief being able to come to them which did so extreamly streighten the besieged that they were forced to eat their Asses Mules Horses Cats Dogs Mice Moles Leather and at last to eat parchment and trappings of Horses horns wild roots Girdles making bread of the seeds of flax and herbs mixed with Bran and of straw and Nutshels they made use of slates Grease Tallow and Ointments served for pottage frying therewith the Excrements of Horses and Men nay the very filth in the streets also such as went out to seek relief were either killed by the Enemy or lived on Sprigs
off the edge of suspition hapning in a manner saies he by chance and not by any plotted contrivance This Speech of the Kings was by himself and the Parliament commanded to be written and entered into the Records of Parliament proclaimed by Heraulds and published in print a Book also was published by the Kings commandment which because it is within four daies of the same date of that Letter wherein he laies the blame of the Admirals death c. on the Duke of Guise and here takes it to himself therefore I say I thought fit to insert that printed Book by way of Declaration which is as followeth A Declaration of the King concerning the occasion of the Admirals death and his Adherents and Complices hapned in the City of Paris August 24. 1572. By the King HIs Majesty desiring to have all Seigniours Gentlemen and other Subjects understand the cause of the Murther of the Admiral and his Adherents and Complices which lately happened in the City of Paris the four and twentieth day of this present month of August lest the said deed should be otherwise disguised and reported than it was indeed His Majesty therefore declareth that which was done was by his express commandment and for no cause of Religion nor breaking his Edicts of Pacification which he alwaies intended and still mindeth and intendeth to observe and keep yea it was rather done to withstand and prevent a most detestable and cursed conspiracy begun by the said Admiral the chief Captain thereof and his said Adherents and Complices against the Kings person his Estate the Q. his Mother and the Princes his Brethren the King of Navar and other Lords about him wherefore his Majesty by this Declaration and Ordinance giveth to understand to all Gentlemen and others of the Religion which they pretend Reformed that he mindeth and purposeth that they live under his Protection with their wives and children in their houses in as much safeguard as they did before following the benefit of the former Edicts of Pacification most expresly commanding and ordaining that all Governours and Lieutenants General in every of his Countreys and Provinces and other Justices and Officers to whom it appertaineth do not attempt nor suffer to be attempted any thing in what sort soever upon the persons and goods of them of the Religion their wives children and families on pain of death to be inflicted on those that shall be found faulty and culpable in this behalf And nevertheless to withstand the troubles slanders suspitions and defiances that may come by Sermons and Assemblies as well in the houses of the said Gentlemen as in other places as it is suffered by the said Edicts of Pacification it is expresly forbidden and inhibited by his Majesty to all Gentlemen and others of the said Religion to have no assemblies for any cause at all till his Majesty hath provided and appointed otherwise for the Tranquillity of his Realm upon pain of disobedience and confiscation of body and goods It is also expresly forbidden under the pain aforesaid that for the aforesaid accasions none shall take or retain any Prisoners or take ransome of them and that incontinently they certifie the Governours of every Province and the Lieutenant General of the name and quality of every such Prisoner whom his Majesty hath appointed shall be released and set at liberty except they be of the late Conspiracy or such as have made some practice or device for them or had intelligence of and they shall advertise his Majesty of such ro know his further pleasure It is also ordained that from henceforth none shall take or arrest any Prisoner for that cause without his Majesties commandment or his Officers nor that none be suffered to roave abroad in the Fields to take up Dogs Cattel Beefs Kine or other Beasts Goods Fruits Grain or any thing else nor to hurt the Labourers by word or deed but to let them alone about their work or calling in peace and safety At Paris August 28. 1572. signed Charls and underneath Fizes Imprinted at Paris by Iohn Dalleir Stationer dwelling on Saints Michaels Bridge at the sign of the White Rose by the Kings Licence There was Letters also writ by the King to the Officers of Burghs also remembrances sent to the General Lieutenant of Burgundy which being to the same purpose is omitted for brevity The Kings Oration in the great Assembly aforesaid being ended before this Assembly broke up one Christopher Thuane the President of this Assembly in Parliament being one of a high Spirit and subject to admire his own parts and actions ready to wonder what a fool he could make of Solomon being a man reported to be notable for his light brain and cruel heart who trusting more to a slipery tongue than a sound cause congratulated the King for his wise Policy and good success in a speedy conquest over his Enemies But alas how did he conquer Only by wearing the vest of the Innocent to conceal and cover the deformed ugliness of his perfidious perjury But the Advocate of the Finanees succinctly delivered his mind to this purpose That though his Majesty had just cause to punish Delinquents yet it were more becoming the justice of a Prince to proceed according to the Lawes by himself decreed and established and so more fit for his Majesty to command a speedy cessation of such violent slaughters and to enter upon a judicial proceeding according to the Laws which was well known to be the proper and peaceable establishment of Empires and Kingdoms This advice takes well for now the King begins to do unjustly in the name of Justice so he proceeds to dissemble a Legality for all his future Butcheries unwilling to murther any more without a statute and pretence of Justice for it This being a brave principle of a Tyrant and that whereas the Laws at first were known to be the legitimate daughter of judgement it must now be made the adopted daughter of Tyranny Now is an arrest of Parliament with his Royall assent so that immediately Heraulds went about the City and an Edict was proclaimed in the Kings name That all murthers should cease but those that he intended more immediately to have a hand in himself by sitting in judgement and quallifying his cruelty and bloodshed with the name of Justice And first let us see a little of this new Justice of the Kings which now must be exercised on the dead Admiral which being as aforesaid hung by the heels on the common gallows of Paris the people by flocks and multitudes gathered to see it The Queen Mother to delight her self with that sad v●ew of her Sons and her own bloody cruelty she takes the King and his Brethren and so advances towards this sad sight but his body was in the night conveyed away by two of the Marshall de Momorancies Servants and was secretly buried at Chantilly whose faithfulness and adventure is beyond a terrene Reward And now the King begins
to put in execution the advise of the Advocate being also perswaded to it by Morvilleir a wicked fellow and the first that brought the Priests into the Kingdom of France now it was thought fit to bring to publick Justice those that were taken flying and hiding themselves and so after the usual manner of Judicial proceedings should be examined by chosen Judges cull'd on purpose and so by Sentence condemned that in view of all the world they might receive their execution as the effects of justice and reward of there Treasonous practices The Judges thus appointed was Birage Thuan Limege and Belleuxe who presently gave order for a man of Hay made in shape of a mans body and so to personate the Admiral whom they had murthered and so it was dragged through the streets by the Boreau his memory was condemned and razed out of remembrance his arms and Ensigns of Honour and Chivalry demolished his Castles and Farms razed to the ground his Children pronounced infamous and unnoble and all the trees in his woods to the growth of six foot to be cut down And now to make way abroad in the World in the Court of Forein Princes and Nations for a more neat excuse to their unheard-of baseness They disperse Libells full of dishonour to the Admiral and his Adherents and stuft with the Defamation of their memories and that their Actions might not run in a Line Antartick to their words The King dispatches his Grand Provost with all diligence to seize upon the Admirals wife and Mounseir de la Vall the Son of Andelot deceased who by Gods good Providence were already fled to Genova and the better to escape further danger went to live among the Switzers in the Canton of Bearn the younger Children both male and female were condemned to death in their tender years They give also new charges to their Ambassadours negotiating in Germany Poland England Switzerland and other Forein Countreys to justify the actions of the King and Catholicks tending also to the Publick reproach and shame of the Admiral and his Friends But God used these things afterwards as a further mean to discover their treachery and so proved against their expected advantage For had the King and Court of France declared at first that they designed to cut of their Enemies as the exuberous branches of the Kings indulgency and now grown his Enemies hy their plotted treachery this would have excused them from perjury and treason but to pretend that they intended not what they really resolved to do and nothing less than what they did This I say was the height of dishonour to the Crown of France And thus died that famous Religious and Noble Commander Gasper de Colligny Admiral to the Protestant Army and cause for the space of twelve years whose deserved Fame lived with great renown in the hearts of all the Godly and with no less terrour and amazement often filled the Kingdom of France whose valour purchased great merit from his Enemies He that made the King and Court afraid in a hasty and disorderly retreat from Meaux to Paris And that I may add one mite to the Treasure of his true worth this is he that many praised and all admired that through a wise conduct of his affairs terrified his boisterous Enemyes to a submissive calm of subjection A man so inspired with great courage and constancy that to take a Description by any pen would be the highest road to lay his merits in the grave of obscurity being a man full of the sail of valour and sound judgment a star of the greatest magnitude in the affairs of highest importance shining for ever in the lowest obscurity of discords sudden dangers and insurrections One that cannot be enough admired commended or honoured being above all a man of profound judgement in point of reality This being the least part of honour that is paid to his eternal worth by all that knew him He he it was that basely suffered the unresistable shock of a perfidious and treacherous death cowardly murthered by those that durst never draw a Sword with a Resolution of valour against this Champion but trembled at his Remembrance and Presence who was never overcome by valour but by cowardice Amongst the rest that were brought to a Legal murder was one named Caviagnes Master of the Requests to the King and one named Briquemault both inward friends to the Admiral and in great reputation in the Court of honour and Camp of Chivalry Now this brave Commander and old Souldier Briquemault having great renown by his service under King Francis and King Henry was therefore honoured by all but such as love no Rivals nor valued any crueltie if they could but out shine others loyalty by their own treachery This brave Gentleman was about fourscore and ten years old and poor Gentleman had gone through too much proof of fidelity now to end his life under the command and protection of such a cruel Tyrant Now these gallant Commanders aged with experience and filled with innocent integrity were like Lambs before Wolves threatened to be torn in pieces unless without delay they would with their own hands subscribe that they were of the Admirals Councel to cut off the King by an untimely death together with the Queen his Mother and his Brethren and promising pardon if they would accept of it These innocent Gentlemen cryed out That they were ready to suffer the Torments of their merciless cruelty upon their bodies rather than pull down vengeance upon their spotless souls so humbly beseeched the King to spare his torments seeing none could peirce so far as force themselves to a false accusation yet if his Majesty pleased to totment their bodies they hoped God would so in his mercy order it as to lessen the pain thereof by his gratious presence in their souls in whose goodness they hoped to depend for aid rather than perjure their own Souls by a false accusation of themselves and others being as full of innocency and integrity as they of cruelty and perjury they were resolved never to accuse murthered innocency wherein they never were guilty nor commit such an execrable crime as the King requested and say they though the King values the tranquility of his Realm before the blood of Christians yet we hope to embrace a peaceable conscience in trampling underfoot the high esteem of a transitory possession for what will it gain us to gain our lives and lose our immortal souls The Judges having some remorse of conscience began to deny the embracement of that infamy The Judges toucht in conscience do refuse to fit in Judgement which must justly fall on their unjust Sentence for indeed their reasons were unrefistable and these Judges understood the intent of the King by the Defendants Pleas so they refused any more to hear or determine much less to give Sentence whereupon were new Judges appointed in their room and to them was joined a Tormenter and Notary as