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A44720 Florus Hungaricus, or, The history of Hungaria and Transylvania deduced from the original of that nation, and their setling in Europe in the year of our Lord 461, to this dangerous and suspectful period of that kingdome by the present Turkish invasion, anno 1664. Howell, James, 1594?-1666. 1664 (1664) Wing H3077A; ESTC R32355 145,417 336

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away her Dower reputed a just judgement on her pillaged his people and murthered his Nobles whereupon ensued a Conspiracy against him which prevailed so that the Kingdome was transferred to Abas and the Counsellors and Partakers of Peters exorbitances slain by the popular rage Peter escaped to Henry the Emperour who knowing him guilty of the defection of the Bohemians forbad him his Presence and cast him into Chains but by the intercession of Albertus General of the Eastern limits and Caesar's own generous Sentiments for a person descended of a Royal Family He was soon after taken into favour ABAS was substituted in his place by whom all Peter's Acts were rescinded and the Kingdome seemed to have recovered its former dignity except that Peter claimed it as Hereditary and Abas that would command others was a Vassal to his own passions The first thing he did was by an Embassie to explore the mind of the Emperour concerning Peter but receiving dilatory answers he made 2 invasions the one into Bavaria where his Army and General were defeated the other into Styria and Carniola whence he carried away a great many Captives This gave occasion to the Princes of Germany to assemble at Colen and by unanimous Resolution there taken to invade Abas which enterprise so succeeded that Abas beaten in two Battles and having lost all his Country as far as the River Gran beyond Pre burgh was forced to a submission by which he was bound to receive Gisala the banished Queen to restore Austria and other places with the late Captives which Articles he stood not to but spighting his Nobles as the occasion of his Misfortunes under the pretence of convening them for Advice most treacherously flew them and their Children but this the more incensed others just indignation so that the remains of them escaping to the Emperor engaged him and Peter against Abas At Raab a signal Battel was commenced where by the revolt of Abas his Army by which they satisfied for their former Defection from Peter Abas was forced to fly and in the pursuit slain at Sheba as a Victime and Sacrifice to the Ghosts of his murdered Nobility PETER was again restored by the Emperour who in triumphal progresse rounded all Hungary and having received the Royal Dignity by the election of the Bishops assembled at Alba transferred it to Peter who returning to the same vitious and cruel Excesses neither mindful of his past nor provident of his future fortunes provoked the Hungarians under two Captains Visca and Brunna to another Combination and Rebellion against him but the design being timely discovered the chief Complices were most miserably tortured Yet the Sedition abated not for by another Conspiracy inflamed by a general hatred against Christian Religion scandalized by their Kings enormous lives the Hungarians privily sent for Andrew and Leventa according to the advice of King Stephen out of Poland whither they had been banished These lurking for a while at Newhausel now so called by the river Nitre and assisted by the inhabitants wreaked their revenge designed against the King upon the Religion massacring a great number of Bishops then assembled at Pesth Peter presently thereupon being forsaken of his own was drawn out of his hiding place in the Mossonian Grounds and after his eyes were put out had his privities cut off which disgraceful maims he survived three years So when prudence is wanting to the first fortune the future is alwayes most dangerous ANDREW succeeded in the year of Christ 1047 He repressed the innovated superstition and punished with the sword or banishment such as had assisted him to Victory in his irreligious Cruelty Henry the Third Emperour then engaged in a Papal War in Italy between Benedict the 9 and Sylvester the third and Clement the Second whom he placed at last in St. Peters Chair being no way at Leisure to attend Hungary but that at last by his power determined he resolved to revenge the injury done to Peter invading first the Southern parts of Hungary but was forced to retreat by the overflowings of the Lakes and Rivers the next expedition was by water where he was worsted by a Stratagem the last by water and land but with as had successe having advanced so far and streightned for provisions that he was forced to desire license and leave to return A peace ensued this kindnesse and as a pledge thereof the Emperour gave his Daughter in marriage to Solomon the Son of Andrew now confirmed in the succession to the Crown BELA the brother of Andrew by whom he was made Duke of Pomerania and had hitherto lived in great Concord with him to the aggrandizing the Hungarian Felicity and a little before appointed by him to the Kingly Government could not brook this his Nephews advancement over his head assisted therefore by many of the Hungarians and aided by the Poles as Solomon by Germany and ●ohemia by the Interest of Andrew besides his standing Legions an engagement en●ed at the River Tibiscus with various fortune untill the Hungarians in detestation of the Christian Religion and in revenge of the suppression of Paganisme by Andrew revolted to Bela who thereby became Master of the Field Andrew flying was trod down in the pursuit Bela used his victory with great clemency freely giving life to the Rebels and dismissing the German Prisoners Ransome free and applying himself to the Government appointed Markets and rates of things lessened the Taxes and Impositions Money being not as yet known He repaired and new built several places suppressed the Peasants and Boores tumulting against the profession of the Christian Religion by sudden force and though he gained the Kingdome by violence and injury yet he governed it with piety and justice and in the year 1065. the Third year of his Reign by a kind of Earthquake at the Town of Demes which disjointed every part and Member of him he dyed SOLOMON within a month after his Death was seated in his Throne by the power of the Emperour Geysa and Ladislaus the Sons of Bela despairing of equal resistance flying for refuge into Poland but the German Forces returning home they resumed courage prevailing with Boleslaus the King of Poland to derive the friendship contracted between their Father and himself to them his Sons Boleslaus owing so much to the merit of the Father entred Hungary with them but by the Mediation of the Archbishop of Strigonium a Peace was happily concluded between them on condition that Geysa and Ladislaus should with the Title of two Dukes enjoy a third part of the Kingdome but the Soveraignty should abide in Solomon This agreement with some grudging suspicions lasted till Solomon by the Assistance of the Dukes took Belgrade the rich spoils whereof a fourth part being only allowed the Dukes by the advice of one Vidus caused such a Rupture that both had present recourse to Arms. The first Encounter proved disastrous but the second
fortunate to the Brothers who had to their assistance Twenty thousand Bohemians this Battel was fought by the Vaccian Forrest and with great resolution on both sides Vidus was here slain and Solomon thereby driven out of his Kingdome GEYSA now swayed the Hungarian Scepter being busied in prosecuting his late victory for that Solomon appeared in the confines towards Presburgh endevouring the restitution of his Fortune by the aid of the Germans and other adjacent people and in this Martial angry mood he lighted upon the Bessi who had undertaken for their Liberty his final discomfiture and severely chastised this their preingaged arrogance yet he advantaged not his ovvn Affairs till Henry the Emperour appeared in his quarrel first took Newhausel and advanced as far as Vacia and seemed to threaten Geysa's Claim but what he wanted in strength to oppose he was supplied with in Craft and Policy to impose upon the Germans by a round sum of money sent them upon which the Emperour retired intent upon a revengeful design against Pope Hildebrand And here an end was put to the Tragedies of so many Kings wherein we may observe by the way that the Emperours though superiour by power and victory could never make good their pretended Title to Hungaria nor those Kings vvho adhered to or made use of their Arms to passe unpunished Geysa dyed by a natural death the third year of his Reign on vvhose Affections Desideriue the Metrapolitan Bishop is said to have had so much influence that he was once thinking to have rendred the Scepter to Solomon But bethinking himself that his privacy could not be without danger and that it would be rashnesse to trust the will and pleasure of an enemy he resolved to retain the Government LADISLAUS having gloriously passed the Ducal Dignity conferred on him by his Brother had the Regal Honour unanimously bestowed on him as reputed a Prince of very great Virtue and Piety and though he refused the Crown because Solomon was yet alive yet the pertinacious importunity of the Hungarians overcame his modesty He first restored the true worship of God the good laws of his Ancestors then obliterated and disused He was assisted by an opinion of the divine favour accompanying him in all his Actions then which there is not a better Instrument and Engine to govern the multitude who conceived that the Crown of Hungary with which the Princes are to this day inaugurated came down from Heaven upon the head of this Ladislaus He agreed with Solomon for a certain yearly revenue but he musing on his ambition designed on pretence of a friendly conference to betray him but that being discovered He seized on him and imprisoned him at Visigrade where being condemned at the intercession of a Nun admonished by Heaven as she boasted he gave him Life and Liberty which courtesy he strait abused by engaging Cuteschus the King of the Cumani to take his part but unprosperously his Army being overpowered and discomfited so that despairing of recovering the Kingdome and weary of the World he put on Sackcloth and betook himself to the woods and Caverns living upon Acorns and Berries and drinking the water of the Lakes for his thirst teaching the world the uncertainty of all worldly things and that felicity can be placed no where but in death It is reported he was seen once in the time of Coloman the succeeding King in whose Reign he also ended his Life in the Woods of Istria In the mean while Ladislaus reduced Dalmatia and made it a perpetual Appendix to the Hungarian Dominion together with Croatia There after followed a war with the Emperour of Byzantium or Constantinople but it eveened with losse to the Hungarians for which the Bulgarian Victory and Conquest soon after made amends The Fury of the Cumani could nevertheless not be restrained till after three overthrowes the last whereof was most couragiously desended at the banks of Ister till Ladislaus with his own hands very difficultly slew Achus their General whose death stroke and broke the Constancy of this valiant enemy whose Confederates and Auxiliaries the Roxolani fell under the same Fate and precariously obtained their Peace Poland was the next Scene of his Successe the cause of which Expedition was their Expulsion of Boleslaus his great Friend and Familiar who flying into Hungary tormented with an evil Conscience for the ills he had done being become of a good a very bad man died there The Armies joyned in the Confines of Sauromatia where he vigorously routed the Poles nor desisted from his pursuit till he had Sacked Cracovia the Metrapolis of that Nation when Vladislaus the Brother of Boleslaus besought him Peace which he obtained upon Condition that Miesco Boleslaus his Son should have the Second Dignity The Sword being now sheathed he built his Royal Seat of Varadin by the River Chrysus This City in our Times was the Chief and principal of the County of Bihor famous of old for the Sepulture of Kings and the Sanctity of the place on the North are Hills planted with fruitful Vines and watered with ever-running Rivulets the East aspects the Baths and Medicinal Springs the other part the plain and the woods encompasse These great things effected this zealous Religious Captain even to the report of certain miracles wrought at his Grave afterwards received at Bodrogh Embassadors from the Kings of England France and Spain desiring his assistance in the Sarazen War which he denied not but the Embassie took not its effect for he died in a new Expedition against Suatopologus of Moravia leaving by so much a greater Name by how much his Successors came behind him in prowesse and martial Atchievements COLOMANNUS Ladislaus dying without Issue succeeded his Uncle in the Throne though otherwise designed by him for he preferred Almus his younger Nephew Son of Geysa as abler in body and mind to Coloman the elder whom he praedicted for a Bloody man But the Nobles sending for Coloman out of Poland whither he had fled for fear of his Uncles words Crowned him their King his Brother Almus being Tituladed with a Dukedome and invested in a fourth part of the Kingdom Being thus advanced as prosperous things do search the mind with sharper pricks he did not consider himself as a Governour and his People as Citizens but as an absolute Lord aud they his Slaves and vassals About the same time Peter the Hermit brought the Crusado into Hungary when Famin and the Plague throughout Christendome seemed to prevent his most Religious Negotiation Neverthelesse in the Year 1096. Gualterus Sensavir was entertained by him and passage given him he paying such a certain rate for his provision some of whose Souldiers stragling and committing some little spoyle about Belgrade were seized and most basely and ignominiously handled which Gualter thought good to dissemble intent upon his Expedition Peter the Hermit marching the same way upon the s●me
where by the Discovery of the Extraction of Borichus the Poles deserted him who was constrained to fly for his Protection to Emanuel Bela freed from this danger by advice of his Courtiers took away the lives of two of the Cheifest Noblemen of his Kingdome and being given to drunkennesse in which he was full of promises soon after dyed GEYSA presently took upon him the Kingdome and managed his first Armes for the good of his Subjects for Henry Duke of Austria aided by the Saxons and Stirians to whom were added the Forces of the Emperour Conrade by the means and endevour of Count Iulian took Presburg All their Power he very gallantly first sustained and then overcame in the desperation of the Event killing Seven thousand of the Germans and taking their Camp and Baggage His next War was for his Confederates for Lodomirus aided by the Cumani attempted to dethrone Minoslaus whose Sister Geysa had married whom though with great losse by the Russes and the Cumani he reinstated The Dalmatian War attended this one in name but many in the atrocity and fortune of the War Manuel the Eastern Emperor invaded Dalmatia as his Dominion took the Castle of Rasus and laid waste the circumjacent Country and upon the news of the advance of the Hungarians came as far as the River Drina which parts Bosnia and Servia and devasted both the Provinces and in a set Feild overcame the joynt Forces of the Confederates who encouraged by fresh and choyce supplies with the additions of the Bessi by the Valour and presence of the Emperour were foyled again and the Despot or as the Language terms him the Archi-Zupan of the Country was forced to submit to a Tribute which Successe emboldned Manuel to a further attempt upon part of Hungary where he re-took Zeugmi●●● repaired after a most gallant resistance and Captivated a great number of the People while Geysa was waging Wat with the Russians For Lodomir ●enewing his Designs against Minoslaus was ripe for the Revenge of Geysa when this diversion brought the Hungarians back upon Iohn Cantacuzenus whom they Furiously and desperately set upon and overcame but another Army being dispatched by Manuel retreating under the Command of Boricza dis-peopled a great Tract of ground and slew three Brigades of Hungarians This quarrel continued between them upon punctilio of Revenge and maintainance of acquist after three several Treaties concluded and violated till Andronicus Duke of Naessa and Braniczobe by treaty yeilded him those places whereafter followed many bickerings concluded in a League The Holy War was now recommenced by Conrade and continued by Lewis of France both of which passed through Hungary but by the perfidiousnesse of Manuci suffered excceedingly In whose Camp Borichus the Bastard concealing himself was taken and killed Geysa Died soon after in the Year 1160. and in the 20th of his Raign STEPHEN the Eldest Son of Geysa possessed a peaceful Scepter which he indulged the rather for his Subjects sake and to conciliate the wavering affections of the Kingdom● His first Effort was against Pope Adrian quarrelling about the Churches and Bishopricks of Istria and Liburnia In this War Manu●● assisted him which sorted not very luckily by reason of the Hungarians intestine Divisions for the Uncles of Stephen insinuating themselves into Manuel's favour Ladislaus the elder Uncle by sundry artifices and collusions with that Emperour possessed himself of the Throne vouchsafeing Stephen the Title of a Dukedome who wisely absenting himself the common Fate of Usurpation befel Ladislaus restor'd Stephen again after 5 months unjust detainer from the Regality by Ladislaus and not much longer after Stephen his second Uncle substituted to his Brother by the same Faction when the People weary of them both willingly received their Exile King But this was not done without much damage and danger to the Kingdome by the Armes and Designs of Manuel who now pretended to Hungary so that after many Conflicts and Depopulations Stephen was Invested in Syrmia without any Claim to be made by him to Hungary which Articles being broken on Stephen the Uncles part and he af●esh invading the Dominions of his Nephew assisted again by the said Emperour was wholly outed of his Principality as his Confederate Manuel from his part of Dalmatia The Uncle Survived not long being poysoned by one of his Complices who feared the Revenge of their practises conspiration against their Soveraign Stephen being therefore fully Established the Peace was Confirmed at home but disquieted instantly from abroad for Manuel the Emperour with the old pretence of assisting Stephen Arrived at the Banks of Ister and from Belgrade marched to the Seige of Zeugminum which at last was yeilded to him and with that also Dalmatia and Syrmia assigned by the Agreement for the Inheritance of Bela his youngest Uncle who had Married a Kinswoman of the Emperours But neither this dured long for Stephen impatient of this Bargain sent an Army under Dionysius to revenge the injury who was prosperous in one Encounter but was fatally defeated in the next by the Emperour BELA by the Decease of Stephen possessed himself of the Kingdom which by his allyance with the Greek Emperour was composed and secured In his person Dalmatia and Syrmia were united to the Crown of Hungary and made members thereof as of the same body His Converse in Greece made him most excellent in the Arts of Government he first divided the Kingdome into Provinces Cities and Boroughs and made that institution in reverence of Royal Dignity that complaints should not be obtruded orally to them but by way of humble Supplication and Petition He warred with Casimirus King of Poland upon a quarrel supported by both of them in reference to the Dutchy of Halicia but being but an auxiliary feud it was soon ended As he did compose those affairs of his Son in Law Isaac Angelus the Constantinopolitan Emperor a weak yet Sacrilegious person He reigned 17. years and left a most flourishing Kingdome to his Son Emerick EMERICK was wholly indisposed to War which the rather persued him for the Venetians vex'd at and disdaining the losse of Dalmatia making use of the Land forces of Baldwin Earl of Flanders and Boniface Marquiss of Montferrat passing for the Holy Land in their shipping as Leagued with them in the expedition notwithstanding the Thunderbolt of Pope Innocents Excommunication at the instance of Stephen who would have transferred the War to its proper place took Iadra and reduced all the Maritime part of Dalmatia But Emerick was more fortunate at home having defeated a Conspiracy made against him by Andrew and most of the Nobility by a most innocent but Majestick device coming of a sudden into their armed Company with the Crown on his head which the Hungarians do naturally reverence whereupon they all sheathed their Swords and craved pardon and were most magnificently and freely remitted He deceased in the eighth year of his Reign and was succeeded
by Ladislaus the Third who applying himself to the Reformation of the Government and the Lawes unhappily dyed in the 6 month after his Inauguration ANDREW the second for his vertue was next advanced to the Regal Dignity He sadly affected with the discomfitures of the Christians went himself Generalissimo into the Holy Land and passing into Asia overthrew the Sultan Abubeker sirnamed Seyseddine and the Successor of Saladine He took also Damiata and forced the Sultan to retreat to Caire where he breathed out his unhappy Soul Nor was it doubted but that his victories would entitle him to the Holy Land the Christians being both in the field and in the Seige far superiour until the Nile overcame them for the Sultan breaking down the banks on both sides the River swelling to its usual heigh overflowed into their Camp whereupon pressed with hunger also overwhelm'd with misery they capitulated for their permission of departure with the surrender of Damiata Andrew bringing thence instead of Victory the heads of St. Stephen and Margaret the right hands of benedict Thomas Bartholomew part of the rod of Aaron and one of the Water-pots wherein Christ wrought his miracle of Wine These things the Hungarian Writers with intrusive Piety mainly defend Others say that he passed no further then Iordan and having washt himself thrice therein as accounting himself disobliged from his vow returned home His Justice was very remarkable in that he justified Bancbanus his Deputy in his absence who had slain his Queen for that she had prostituted his Wife to her vitious Brother who came to visit her He forgave the Venetian injuries made excellent Lawes and vested a negative power in the Nobles to what should be enacted without their Consent By Gertrude he had three Sons Bela Coloman and Andrew and Elizabeth his Daughter not to be passed for her eminent Piety without honourable mention she was married to the Landgrave of Hesse who dying in the Holy Land she betook her self to a Monastery and was five years after her death canonized by Pope Gregory the Ninth at which Consecration was present at Marpurg Frederick the Emperour with divers other Princes vvith a Conflux of 12 nundred thousand persons BELA the 4th of that name was saluted King while his Brother Coloman having expelled Daniel seized the Government of Halicia and Lodomiria himself being wholy addicted to Peace and quiet but herein fortune failed him for the Tartars whose original described something largely by my Author but not to our present purpose we must here omit with whom joyned the Cumani expelled by the same Tartars from their seats a●d habitations in 1238. by humble intreaties and profession of Christian Religion after they had been denyed entrance or entertainment in Russia having been admitted into Hungary by the Kings single consent proved the first part of the ruine of that Kingdom for the Hungarians offended with their peremptory carriage and finding little redresse ar Court fell ●pon them of a sudden and killed their King Kuthenes who being thus provok'd kill slay and burn whatever they came near and at last joyned themselves to the Tartars whose Invasion being rumoured before was imputed to some design of the Kings to keep the Hungarians in peace with the Cumani Now whilest Peta one of the Tartarian Generalls ravaged Poland Moravia and Silesia as Cadon another of their Captains did Russia the Emperour Bathuy Chan overthrew the Palatine of Hungary deserted of his people at Russe-Port and utterly crushed the Arch-Bishop of Colozza in a moorish ground and laid wast all the Countrey as far as Vacia and passing f●rther totally defeated and vanquished Bela striving in vain with the discords negligence and hatred of his Subjects Nothing remained to him in all Hungary but Alba Regalis Strigonium and the Monastery of St. Martins nor was the multitude of the slain by weapons smoak and clouds raised by Magick Art to be computed Three years the Tartars continued this ruine searching in the Woods and Caves for the miserable Inhabitants others with feigned letters they allured from their hiding places all which they slew so that the stench of the dead Carcasses caused a Plague and mortality as a Famine was occasioned by the devastation of the Countrey By which means the Tartars were forced to abandon that Kingdome carrying away with them an inumerable Company into intollerable slavery The Pope endeavoured to Christianize this savage Nation and Bathuy Chan did grant a Truce and Protection to the Monks as Mango was converted yet the other Leaders seeing the vices of the Christians chose rather the Mahometan Infidelity The Tartars thus departed Bela by the aid of the Knights of St. Iohn of Ierusalem who from the Faction of Rome had retired themselves into Illyria where he had weathered this storm others of the Crusado who were frequent in those parts of Croatia and Dalmatia and the like assistance of the Frangipans received again his desolate Kingdome with his four Sons whom he had deposited in the Fortresse of Clissa But no sooner was he seated then a just occasion led him against Frederick the Emperour who under pretence of sheltring him had rob'd him of his Treasure but expiated that fraud by a just force which vanquished him at Nova a City of Austria whereby Bela gained all his enemies wealth began to revive the drooping spirits of the Hungarians which while he intended by other alleviaments the Bohemian War recalled him for Primislaus that King the great friend of the Emperour Otho so that he was called Ottho Ca●rus having married the Widow of ●rederick attempted the recovery of Styria and Austria not long possessed A fierce and cruell Battel was thereupon joyned in Moravia where the Hungarians inferiour in number and exhausted with the late War were overthrown and a peace made upon these conditions that the Bohemians should enjoy Austria and the Hungarian stand seized of Styria STEPHEN the fifth swayed the Hungarian Scepter though not long yet very gloriously for he Revenged his Fathers discomfiture upon Ottocarus though at first he vvas worsted afterwards he made an expedition against the Bulgarians people of the Dacia Aureliana so called for that Emperors Transplanting them in Maesia from the new Dacia made them willing to pay that Tribute which was due to his Predecessors He reigned but 2 years leaving Hungary in a thriving condition LADISLAUS the fourth the Son of Stephen succeeded and was scarce 3 moneth● old in the Government when a new War succeeded the former as if Fortune had so ordered it that the Bohemian having ill used the 2. Kings Bela and Stephens should satisfie for his Injuries to the third King Ladislaus Moravia was the Cause of the War wherein Ottocarus outstretched his bounds very immoderately It was long consulted hereupon by the Hungarians how they should coun●erplot or oppose these enc●oachments when the Fates of themselves opened a Way The Princes of the Empire vvhile they
Prisoners upon Surrender at the delivery of Nana Moreus the great Bandit who to save his life renounced his Religion Other places particularly Valpone bravely Defended by Michael Archius against his said Generals he in person reduced as he did also Quinque Ecclesiae or 5 Kerchen Socklosiae and Strigonium although such was the presumptuous Confidence of Lascanus and Salamanca two Spaniards the Governours thereof that they defied the joynt Force of both Emperours Armies if engaged against the Town but their brag and vapour was well recompensed by Solyman who kept his word of quarter for Life no more than they did their duty and Courage Tata was next taken and Alba Regalis a very Defensible place as standing in a Morasse and sacred for the Sepultures of the Kings of Hungary which should have spirited the Garrison but by the Death of Varcocius the Governour and the firing of the Suburbs which against his advice were left standing to the Enemies advantage it came by storm the pressing of the Turks upon the Christians flying out of the said Suburbs into the City into his hands Most of the Souldiers escaped over the Bogs to the Burghers he shewed himself a fair and benign Conquerour while Ferdinand was employed among the Marcomanni in raising of new Levies a too late remedy to the bad estate of his Affairs And as if this had been the destined period of the Kingdome Mahomet Iahiogli the Bassa of Buda and Ussan of Strigonium having distressed Visigrade for want of water took in that town with many other places which tired out with the Calamity of the War received the Turkish Yoke as did several places in Illyria from Ulamas enforced by the same Bassa and the rather for that Ferdinand had displaced Peter Keglevitius the Governour In whose room Count Serini was deputed as Bildensteyu for Styria both of whom at the Plain of Selnicia mee●ing with the Van of the Turks had terms of a Truce offered them and agreed but Ulumas coming in the very Juncture the Enemy took heart and treacherously Engaged them Serini fled to Conscha Bildensteyn in danger of drowning in his flight was preserved by the Gallantry and Valour of Stephen Balletitius This Losse was recompensed by the Defeat of the Garrison Forces of Strigonium under Cufates and Nasuff their Colonels who having taken Leva the Castle being yet notably maintained by Melchior Balassi in the arrogance of their Victory were set upon by Nyari and put to the slaughter a number of Captives being thereby also redeemed out of their hands Yet by this never so unequal Ballance of affairs did Ferdinand obtain a Peace of Solyman being intent upon a more unjust design byassed thereto by the Court of Rome For he was now Famous for the Smalchaldick war which he managed with great renown to his Vertues by which he highly obliged those persons that suffered by the Council of Trent's peremptory Decrees and had no open or avowed patron but Maurice the Elector of Saxony That War ended Ferdinand held an Assembly of the States at Tyrnaw memorable for no other thing then the prosecution of two Noble Out-lawes who had licensed to themselves a power and Authority of Mischief by fortifying of Advantagious places their Names were Matthias Baso who was taken at Muranum by the Count of Salms who built the Fortresse of Szolnoc and beheaded and Balassi his Son in law who escaped into Transylvania And thither the next story leads us for George Monachus the raised Favourite of K. Iohn perceiving how inconsiderable the Queens and her Sons Interest was like to prove in that pent and precarious Principality had privily ingratiated himself with Ferdinand renouncing his Master to the Count of Salms and abjuring the Turk before Andrew Bathori at Opulia a greater Infidel more perfideous himself The Queen and Petrovitius his Collegue were not ignorant of these his practises but could not remedy them she therefore designed a Journey into Poland which George put by but hasty of his Enterprize seized the Treasury and plundered it and forced away the Queen from Cibinium having Collogued the Siculi and Saxons to be of his party To the Nobles oposing themselves against this upstart as a person of a most sordid Extraction Mahomet Bassa joyned his Troops but he and his Confederates were soon vanquished and George thereby made Paramount in the Government when by a temporary Peace he settled all things in Statu quo but diffiding and conscious of his demerits towards his Pupil Prince made an Agreement with Ferdinand who thereby drew a War upon himself greater than the advantage of his present Acquist George was hereupon presently assisted by Ioh. Baptista Castaldus Famous in the German war Bathori the future Vaivod Sirotinius and Nadasdi and took in Alba but restored the Q. her Treasure and rich movables whom Szasz Sebessius advised to quit the Crown and Transylvania and to accept of Opulia and an Hundred thousand Guilders in name of a dower which the Queen not daring to refuse neither having command of her Person her mind or her Kingdome consented to and so the Regal Ensigns were by her delivered to Castaldus while Petrovitius yeilded Temeswar Lippa and other Towns to the same prevailing Enemy Solyman enraged at these proceedings imprisoned Ferdinands Ambassadour at Constantinople and sent away an Army under Mahomet Beglerbeg of Romania Vlumas Achomet and Cassonus into Transylvania with orders to reinstate the Queen and her Son but under colour of their assistance to reduce the Kingdome and that Province to his own obedience who without any considerable opposition took in most of the Towns between Temesus and Marusius while George and Castaldus with other Commanders kept their posts about Varadin and those parts although not inferiour to the enemy by which means Lippa through the inconstancy of the Citizens came into the Turkish possession Vlumas being placed Governour there Temeswar was likewise attempted but valiantly defended for that George beseiged Lippa and St. Demetrius day was at hand beyond which usually the Janizaries will not continue in the feild At Lippa a Cardinals hat procured by Ferdinand was presented to George who by distressing Vlumas for Provision and repressing his Salleys had brought him to a Surrender upon terms of free departure which Castaldus dissented from gr●dging that George should arrogate the supreme Command to himself Neverthelesse Vlumas having had some private conference with George was dismist with those terms whom Balassi and Horvar contrary to Articles set upon in his way but so ineffectually that Vlamas made shift to bring his broken forces to Adrianople to the provocation of Solyman whom George would by no means have so incensed and hence Castaldus weary of a competitor took occasion to inject suspicions into the head of Ferdinand that George held intelligence with the Turk for which reason it was concluded between them that he should be removed To effect which Sforza Palavicinus
soveraigned it themselves vvithout any Chief or Head were variously opprest with the Factions of the Guelphs and Gibellines by which means it came to passe that the Name of the Counts of Hapsburg then obscure igno●e and unregarded now exerted it self and afterwards augmented by riches and power in Germany and chiefly by the Marriage of Mary of Burgundy was thereby propagated far and wide and became formidable to the whole World Rudolphus the Major Domo or Mayor of the Palace to Ottocarus was by the perswasion of Venerus of Ments declared and appointed Emperour Ottocarus could not brook a superiour nor Rudolphus endure a peace Ladislaus is therefore by him adopted and engaged as his Confederate in the War by which Ottocarus was wholly routed and vanquished and beaten out of Austria shut up in the Fiefs of Bohemia and Moravia At the same time Lascus Niger the King of Poland had for protection assistance addrest himself to Ladislaus being expelled his Kingdome by Conrade Duke of Massovia which Ladislaus readily granted and in his aid forthwith subdued his rebellious Subjects This war was taken up by the revival of another by Ottocarus who no way enduring the Dominion of Rudolphus formerly his Servant stirred up Oldamir the Duke of the Cumani to invade Hungary the Emperors Confederate and for the better ligament of their new Friendship took to Wife that Dukes Danghter Kunigunda unlawfully repudiating his former Wife Margareta The Cumani aided by some Tartars came as far as the Lake of Hood burning and spoyling all the Country about Against these Ladislaus fought successively Ottocarus himself after a total rout being slain in the Battel Peace thereupon was granted to the Queen of Bohemia on condition that her Son Wenceslaus should marry the Daughter of Caesar and to hold Bohemia from the Emperour as his Beneficiary But though this last Battel was so prosperously fought yet was it the Cause of greater Evils for the Tartars and Cumani that escaped implored the assistance of their Countrymen who following their unknown and bloody Tract in the year 1280 broke into Hungary renewing and carrying the dismal slaughter of the former time as far as the Province of Pesth whosoever they met with for the pleasure of the Tyrant were consumed others mancipated to perpetual slavery very many with limbs cut off survived their punishment such as were left in the High-ways sometimes by sight often by their groans and howlings knew their Wives Husbands Children or Parents by which barbarity the Kingdome was so oppressed that there were not Cattel enough to draw the Wains and those the men drew in contempt of the King were called Ladislaus Chariots For he having married the Daughter of Charles King of Sicily grew so outragious in his lust and voyd of all fear and shame that he stuprated the Wifes of the Cumani and most libidinously vitiated them the which Cumani as the friendship of Princes not conciliated by vertue is very temporary at a large Treatment given him at Keretzegum there slew him and put an end to his flagitious Practises ANDREW the third enjoyed the Kingdome after Ladislaus the Nephew of Andrew the second by the Daughter of the Marquesse of Este and Son of Stephen Boniface the eighth obtruded Charles Robert a Youth of twelve years of age the Great Grandchild of Charles Duke of Anjo● who at the sollicitation of Pope Clement the fourth after many fruitlesse Wars managed by the Papacy deprived Manfred the Bastard of Conrade the Emperour of the Kingdome of Sici●ia and suffred the same Fortune by Peter of Arragon This Andrew as he gained the Kingdome by the love and affection of his Subjects so he maintained it by his own worth and Vertue He was in the beginning of his Raign taken Prisoner by Albert of Austria Adolphus of Nassau then Emperour and after his enlargement at Vienna contracted with Agnes the Daughter of the said Albert which said Contract upon his return was annulled by the States of Hungary as done in his Restraint which occasioned a War with various Successes in Austria until intestine Troubles forced Albert to make Peace that he might bend his Arms against Adolph whom he slew and advanced himself though not unpunished for his disloyalty into the Imperial Throne Andrew in the mean while gently reduced the favourers of Charles and the Pontifical Authority by which he was invested but that len●i●y of his was abused to his Contempt and avilement for the seditious practises of the same men brought Charls Andrew yet living into Hungary but the danger rendring King Andrew's Authority more acceptable to his other Subjects restrained Charles his Advance In the conclusion of his Raign the Venetians being Excommunicated by the Pope for the seizure of Ferrara the Iadrenses revolted to the Hungarians to reduce whom Belletus Iustinianus was sent with a power but by the Stratagems of the Vaivod of Dalmatia was presently repulsed Andrew Deceasing the Hvngarians being divided among themselves one part of them acknowledged Charles for King others blamed the Pope for meddling with a matter no way belonging to him under pretence of Religion The Generality therefore being of that opinion the Arch-Bishop of Colozza the Bishop of Varadin and other their Complices invited Wenceslaus Son of Wenceslaus the King of Bohemia who refused to accept and entertain the Crown wherein the strangeness of Fortune is observable that the Issue of Ottocar●● so odious to the Hungarians should now be spontaneously desired of them But that a●dent and sudden affection soon cooling and Charles his Partisans with the assistance of Albert of Austria infesting Moravia with frequent incursions Wenceslaus the Father mistrusting the levity of the Hungarians made an Expedition into the Kingdom where finding his Son neer Pesth who came to meet him with his Crown on his head ●i●hly adorned he carried him away presently with him together with his Crown into Bohemia giving this reason to the Demands of the Hungarians that he did it to avoid an imminent storm hence a Quarrel and hidden War for Uladislaus L●ctius being removed from the Polonian Scepter flying to Amadeus or Es●●s the Palatine of Hungary watched an opportunity of recovering his Kingdome from Wenceslaus whose Government being too heavy for the Poles the Palatine levying an Army soon re-settled his Guest and Wenceslaus shortly after Deceased so that this was a kind of Interregnum or Vacancy Boniface the eighth yet furiously persisting in Execution of his purpose and designation of Charles by Nicholas Cardinal of Ostia with the usual Anathema Excommunicated the Hungarians who on the contrary declared the Pope guilty of disturbing the Peace and interdicted his Bishops in the same manner who at present seemed to acquiesce awaiting a fitter opportunity the adverse party being too prevalent for their Revenge and the rather provoked by this Papal thunder proceeded to the Election of Otho the third Duke of Bavaria to the Kingdome in the Year of
Christ 1305. He received the Crown gratis from Wenceslaus for which great sums had been offered by the Hungarians and was inaugured at Alba Re●alis and the better to win and insinuate himself into the favour of the Nobles and People he wore the Crown which is had as before in the greatest veneration constantly in his Progresses and publique appearances Once as he entered Transylvania he lost the Crown being put up in a Case and tied to his Horses Saddle which was not found till next day and this was taken for an unlucky Omen of his Expulsion first into Russia by which people he was for a while again restored and his last final deprivation by Ladislaus Vaivod of the Kingdome who sided with Charles and the Papal pretences though he had been one of the advancers of Otho before By this means much Blood was spilt by those intestine Divisions the Cardinal Gentilis being sent again with new Curses and Bans against the Adversaries of Charles which brought innumerable mischief● both upon Clergy Nobility and People most unnaturally divided one against another These Factions having so long opprest this Nation it was unanimously agreed to confer the Supreme Power upon a single person they chose thereupon in the Feilds of 〈◊〉 Charles the Nephew of 〈◊〉 ●laudus King of Sicily by Mary the Daughter of Stephen the fourth and Son of Charles Martell in whom the Discords and Feuds of the Nobility were by his Vertues reconciled He was encircled in the presence of his Father with that Crown which Ladist●us had surrendred His first Exploit and Enterprise was against Matthew Trinesiniensis who had refused Allegiance whom he overcame in a bloody Battel at Cassovia but with great hazzard and dubious Event his numerous Troops of Horse among whom was a veterane tryed Band of the Knights of the Order of St. Iohn turning their backs to a Brigade of 1700 Curassiers Nor did the Conspiration cease here for a bloody and ●nefarious Design was laid at Visigrade where Felicianus Sakanus a special Servant of the Kings with a drawn Sword struck at him who inclining his body the blow cut off the Fingers of the Queen nor had the King escaped had not the Souldiers of the Guard freed him being mounted from imminent Death The Assassinate for terrour was quartered and his four quarters sent as a spectacle through the Kingdome and his Family and Posterity utterly extinguished Intending now an Expedition against the Sarazens a revolt of the Valachians withheld him he advanced therefore against Bo●aradine the Vayvod thereof and Compelled him with the Expence of the War to pay the yearly Tribute but returning he was set upon by that perfidious Nation in the abrupt and least passable places and Defeated he himself changing his Habit for his easier Escape Others say he undertook this War upon no ground and therefore they ascribe the Event to his wickednesse Burying the Noble memorable Acts of this man in this Overthrow who was so Potent and Prudent a Prince that most of the Kings of his Time were by his Force or Prudence obliged to him He had to his Wives Mary the Daughter of Casimir Duke of Poland Beatrice Daughter of the Emperour and Elizabeth the Daughter of Uladislaus of Poland by the last he had Issue Charles who died at the years as Ladislaus at four months end His surviving Son Andrew had Apulia Lewis Hungaria for his Patrimony Under this Charles the Realm recovered its former Puissance for he Ruled over Rama Servia Gallicia Saler●a L●d●miria Cumania and Naples far Famed had he not begotten his Son Lewis although that also be attributed to his Glory The Third BOOK LEWIS not inferiour to so great a Father and skilled in martial Affairs exercised his first Arms against the insolence of the Valachians and Servians who contemning his youth recoyled from the obedience they owed and performed to his Father but were reduced to the same Conditions Those being subjugated he solemnly dismiss'd his mother whose Sanctity had procured her a veneration even unto Superstition to Apulia and thence to Rome requesting of his brother Andrew the Loane of 44 thousand Marks of gold as the Covetousnesse of the Times then required for the price of his Confirmation in the Kingdom of Naples which Affair concluded he aided his adoptive Father Casimir who before had designed Charls his Natural Son but he survived not long after against Iohn of Bohemia and the Lithuanians whom he attempted to force to the belief of the Christian Religion but found the difference betwixt Words and Swords The Bohemian advanced as far as Cracovia he again expelled out of that Dominion from whence he was not yet retired but the Tartars made another invasion into Hungary but neverthelesse were so well received by Andrew the Vaivod Son of Ladislaus aforesaid who avoiding their Arrowes came to handy blows with them and the dint of Sword that they were utterly overthrown and their General Atlamus taken prisoner and the name of the Tartar after this defeat not heard of in Hungary for many years With the same fortune he prevailed against the Croats in which expedition he was personally present accompanyed with Stephen Neman Prince of Bosnia whose Daughter he had married for while as yet he stayed in the Confines of Croatia they submitted themselves and took the Oath of Fidelity and Allegiance but the Venetian War was bloody who in spight of Lewis reduced Schodra to their subjection after he had lost many men in the attempt of relieving it While these things were doing Ioan the Wife of Andrew new-invested in Apulia for the love and lust of her Adulterer the Prince of Tarentum designed to transfer that Kingdom with her self to his Embraces by the death of her husband whom she hung with a silken halter This Fact obliged Lewis to a just revenge which to prosecute having in vain received Letters from Ioan in Excuse thereof and by his answer declared her guilty of that and other precedent and subsequent Crimes he marched into Italy where he was assisted by Phillip of M●ntua Malatesta of Ariminum and other Princes whose Governments by the sloth of Charles the Emperour were beco●e absolute Tyrannies By these Arms he drove Lewis Prince of Tarente the Adulterer and Ioane his Wife out of Italy to Marseilles and Avignion and possessed himself of all the Dominion of Apulia on that side the Sea taking the Duke of Dyrrachium beheaded him by the common Executioner as he sent the brothers of the said Lewis with the Son of Andrew as his Ward bound in Chains into Hungary whether the Pest raging in Italy and depopulating many places and whole Provinces he soon after followed and placed Stephen Laskus his Vaivod in Transylvania But the Neapolitans rebelling as not enduring a forraign Government the Hungarians left in that Kingdome twice defeated them once by a Salley made by Stephen the Governour of Naples whom they had blocked
up and the next time by Volphordus in plain Battel though he lost his life as the price of the victory when Ioane having sollicited and obtained new Supplies at the instances of the Pope to whom as a Gratuity she consigned Avignion and to whose Arbitrement she submitted her Cause attempted again the recovery of the Kingdome whereupon Lewis returning with wonderful fortune took Barletum Carnesium where his life was neer endangered Luceria and Salernum with most of all the Towns and placing Garrisons therein in the year of Jubile came to Rome The Papal seat was then at Avignion wherefore the Prefect of Rome Nicolaus Rentius a man of eminent worth and virtue meeting the King with the Estates of the City proffered him the absolute supreme power thereof but he refusing it was tendred to Charles the fourth out of fear of Clement the Pope to whom Charles being of an abject spirit delivered the said Rentius Captive Ioan in the mean while never left urging of Clement to take her part promising great advantages to satisfie his Covetousnesse if he would effect her Restitution which in fine by much intreaty to Lewis who was religiously given and could not be wrought upon any other way was obtained at his hands The Venetians fell by his next Arms for Lewis confederated with Leopold of Austria and the Cr●atians invaded the Maritine part of Dalmatia in two inroads by Friuli and Istria Tarvisia frustrated his Conquest but Spalatra and other places opened their gates to the experience and Courage of his veterane Army securing and confirming some places and reducing others among whom were the inconstant Schodrians The Total of this expedition amounted to the Acquists of that part of the Venetian Territory which extends it self from the Bay of Phanaticia to Dyrrachium and all Dalmatia in lieu of those places taken in this War which by an agreement he surrendred But this agreement lasted not long both parties taxing each other as the manner is for the breach of it though the fault was in the Venetians who engaging Charles the Emperour invaded the Dalmatians and Croats put by this Treaty under the protection of Lewis These Invaders were encountred first successefully by Paul the Son of Ladislaus the Vaivod but unprosperously by Stephen of Transylvania whose rashnesse and fury overthrew him and made him a Prisoner to the Victor Thereafter many were the vicissitudes of fortune Lewis by this Defeat was perswaded by the Croats to a two years truce which expired Leopold growing insolent was beaten by the Venetians and recruiting himself for another Encounter was induced by Lewis to another two years Cessation but he having underhand held intelligence with the Genoese privily prepared for a War by the dread whereof the Venetians with Restitution of what they had got were glad to descend and Consent to a Peace The Genoese nevertheless proceeding in their Enterprize reduced the Venetians under the Conduct of Peter Auria to Extremity but themselves afterwards puft up with successe were subjected to the wheel of Fortune by the invention of Guns and Engine found out then by Bertholdus Niger in fine Lewis by Land and the Genoese by Sea besieged and took Clodia when all parties wearied with the many miseries of the War referred themselves to the arbitrement of the Duke of Savoy who first of all ordered the razing of the Castle of Tened as the occasion and continual foment of the quarrel awarding also the Decennial payment of 7 thousand Crowns by the Venetians to Lewis who content with the glory of his Actions and this incompetent sum in respect of his Expences ceased the War While these things were acting in Venice Pope Urban excited Lewis against Ioane because she took part with Clement the seventh the Antipope who forthwith dispatcht away Charles his Son as some say others his Nephew by Andrew who with 8000 men passed into Italy and was welcomed there with the Acclamations of Victory He subdued sever●l Towns and mulcted the Florentines in the sum of 40. thousand Crowns At Rome he was adorned with all the Regal Habiliments Ioane placing her sole hope in the Duke of Anjou She had intermarried for her fourth husband Otho of Brundusium the Tarentine during in Custody and the King of Sardinia her next husband dead in Spain Otho though he took part with Urban against the inclination of Ioane yet vvas constant to her against the Hungarians vvho took in several other Tovvns Charles being arrived and introduced into Naples besieged Ioan vvho had shut up her self in Castel Novo Otho comes and besieges the City and the Besiegers till Charles sallying out he vvas after a gallant opposition by reason of a fall off his Horse taken Prisoner and Ioane hereupon despairing of any relief forced to surrender But Lewis of Anjou Uncle and Regent of Charles the sixth of France whom Clement had invested and ●eoffed in the Realms of Apulia and Sicilia as purchased from Ioane with 30 thousand Horse the number of the Foot uncertain passed into Italy whom Charles inferiour in Strength so bafled with delayes that his great numbers proving burdensome to him and Lewis dying thereupon either by disease or poyson the Frenchmen two or three in Company were glad to beg their way and departure home Lewis in his return out of Italy to Hungary enterprized by Nicholas the Palatine upon Bosnia which had revolted from him but he wearied out with the Siege of Sebenico was easily overcome Better Fortune attended him in his Expedition against Stratomirius the Prince of the Bulgarians who vanquished was taken Captive at Gemleick but soon after by the good will of the King and the liking of the Kingdome restored to his Principality The Family of the Piasti failing in Casimir Lewis was now crowned King of Poland the first of foraign Princes that was chosen by them the Administration of this Government he committed to his mother Elizabeth the Customary delights of his native Countrey inviting his return Nor did she continue long there having by her levity and flexibility gained the love of some but not the reverence of all persons wearied therefore with new Commotions she departed rather frighted then feared into Hungary but prefering the priviledge of absoluteness before the humours of another she was soon induced to retire back again In the mean while the Nobles of the greater Polonia created Vladislaus the Duke of Cusavia of a Monk to their King whom Sabinius though chief of the same Counsel and Combination with other of the Nobility on the part of Lewis overcame and sent him Captive to Lewis who by his extraordinary Clemency in which he was not superable gave him an Abby as satisfied in having reduced him to his former Condition the same Fate pursued the Rebellious Russes who were now annexed to the Crown of Hungary and several Lords or Vaivods set over them Hence Jealousies and suspicions and ill rumours among the Polanders which
Uladislaus Prince of Oppelon late Governour of white Russia fomented the reason of the Kings erecting this nevv Authority vvas partly his propensity to his own blood kindred and partly because he believed that that Country under the name of Hallicia and Lodomiria did belong to Hungary This indisposition of Affairs and the vvearinesse of those frequent journevs the King made into Poland vvho loved his ease and was delighted with Home caused him to appoint a Triumvirate of Polonian Noble men to the Administration of that Kingdom He himself intending the Chastisement of the Vayvod of Valachia who had Revolted from him received an overthrow by his Lieutenant Ladislaus of Transylvania being shamefully beaten between the Rocks and abruptnesses of Novigrade which loss he repaid to effect meeting the same Enemy secure by reason of their late Victory in the Plains of Bulgaria making them thereby to submit to their former Tribute About this Time the Cumani received the Christian Faith and Lewis upon the same Religious account marched against the Lithuanians who depredated Russia and restrained and upon their Submission pardoned them and restored to them their Duke Lewis had Daughters Catharina Mary and Hedwiga Catharine died young Mary with the Succession to the Crown was Married to Sigismund whose Father was Charls the 4th Emperour Hedwiga by the Consent of the Nobles of Poland was chosen Queen thereof whom Iagello Great Duke of Lithuania afterwards Married and converted his Kingdom to Christianity and by the Name of Uladislaus was worthily Registred among the Kings of Polonia LEWIS died at Tyrnaw to the great loss and detriment of Hungaria a man of a Couragious and courteous mind bountiful to Learned men and very skilful in Astrology for which he was stiled Ordongos Lajos by his People He used in Disguises to visit the Towns and places neer his Residence inquiring into the lives and manners of his Magistrates and himself by which he might better correct what was amisse and if report pleased him enjoy the Happinesse and Felicity thereof Mary the second Daughter of Lewis her Sister Hedwiga being Married to the King of Poland and settled there by which means a strict League and union was begun between both Nations was saluted with the Title of King of Hungaria she was betrothed to Sigismund of Brandenburg but their minority hindred the present consummation of the Match She Governed happily by the prudence of her ministers and the beloved memory of her Father but as soon as she entrusted the whole menage of the State into the hands of Nicholas Gara the then Palatine who by his insolence was unsufferable to the Nobles a Civil dissention inflamed by the envy and hatred against him arose in the Kingdome the secret Design whereof was the deposition of her from the Throne Some of the Grandees thereupon consulted to call in Charles Surnamed the Little Son or as others Nephew of Lewis who had relieved and afterwards distressed Pope Vrban and was now gloriously invested in the Kingdom of Naples out of Italy delegating to him upon this Errand the Bishop of Zagrabia who effected the businesse notwithstanding the disswasion of Charles his Wife His passage into Hungary was by the way of Sipontus and Zagrabia where unexpectedly Arrived he pretended for his rapinous seizure of the Scepter the Composure of those Tumults and Factions in the State This caused Sigismund whom his Father in his Life time had sent into Hungary to be educated and fashioned according to the Hungarian manners to fly into Bohemia while Charles being honourably received evey where surprized the Castle of Buda and in presence of the Queen and her Grandmother who wisely tempered and dissembled their resentments caused himself to be Crowned at Alba Regalis and not long after was so inveagled and blinded by his Parasites with whom he most delighted that he could not foresee the danger of his unjust Usurpation For the Generality and the Nobles being estranged in their affections Elizabeth the Queen-mother and the above-named Palatine under Colour of a private Conference at the House of Blasius Forgatz there by a private hand Assassinated him upon the rumour whereof the Italians that came with him Covenanting for their safety obtained a dismission into their own Countrey The Queens were now in hopes of a plenary Restitution when the Banus or Prince of Croatia took upon him the Revenge of Charles his Death assisted therein by some of his Favourers by whom Elizabeth was Drowned in the River of Bruszula and Mary with somewhat better fortune preserved in Custody The Palatine and Forgatz were both cruelly slain Sigismund having notice of Charles his Fate and sensible likewise of the danger the Queens were in levyed a great Army for the Expence whereof he pawned the Marquisate of Brandenburg to Iodocus and Procopius his Cousin Germans His Fortune in this Expedition was answerable to his strength for intent against the Croatian who frighted with the danger had Articled for his Indempnity with Mary whom he had set at liberty he possessed himself of that Countrey with Bosnia and at Quinque Ecclesiae put him to Death with thirty of his partakers and Conspirators against the Queens The Bishop of Zagrabia in respect to his quality had his goods onely Confiscated Thus Charles expiated his prodigious Lust by the Queens as the Queens for the ungovernance and breach of Faith by the Banus and he for his Cruelty by Sigismund whom Hungary now acknowledged as their new and rightful Soveraign as the Kingdome of Naples did Lewis the Son of Charles Sigismund maintaining his Kingdome by the same Prudence with which he recovered it made an Expedition against the Valachians and Moldavians and slew their Vaivod Stephen and annex●d them by Oath of Subjection to the Crown of Hungary But War ceased not here for Alexander indevoured to restore the Valachians to their Liberty and being too weak and inferiour in force called in the Turks to his assistance whom also Sigismund put to a most shameful flight and pursuing them as far as Thrace took in Nicopolis But the Death of Mary sowered the sweetnesse of this Victory for Uladislaus of Poland now pretended a Right to the Kingdome by vertue of the Agreement made betwixt Mary and his Wife Hedwiga But Iohn Canysa the Arch-Bishop of Strigonium possessing the abrupt passages and difficulries of the Mountains kept out Uladislaus though the Turks far more dangerous could not be repressed Their Design was the recovery of Nicopolis in order whereunto they laid waste the adjoyning Dominions of Hungary whither their Arms in the minority of their Empire had not yet reached but Bajazet the fourth King having vanquished Mark the Prince of Bulgaria and Lazarus the Despot of Servia as on the Asian side he had Conquered the Kindome of Armenia thereafter infested Phocis and Thessaly and now threatned with the Siege of Nicopolis a further progresse of his Victories To avert this
Barbara his Wife taken often in the act of Uncleannesse being himself a most infamous Adulterer ALBERT from Duke of Austria in a few months was made Duke of Luxenburg Marquiss of Moravia King of Bohemia and Hungary though the latter complaining of the Spoil and havock made by the Turks in that Kingdome during the absence of Sigismund busied in the Affairs of Germany and Italy did with much reluctancy consent to his Election as also of the Romans He swayed the Scepter but two years and was a notable Evidence of the inconstancy of the World in his sudden Advancement and as speedy Fall He was Crowned at Alba whence coming to Buda the Germans took upon them the Civil administration of the City together with the placing of Officers as more allied to him than the Hungarians and in maintainance of this their Intrusion caused a Chief Noble man that stoutly opposed them to be put to Death This so enraged the Hungarians that they flew to their Arms and killed all the Germans they met or could tell where to find them which Bloody Fury lasted till a certain Monk prevailed them to surcease it At this time the Turks wasting Rassia and having subdued Synderovia George Bulch●s the Despot of the Province commiting the Guard of the Castle which was the Chief Residence of his Government to his two Sons betook himself with his third Son Lazarus for succour and aid into Hungary but Albert intent upon his Covetousnesse suffered the two Princes to be taken when although Amurath as the Turkish Annals have it had Married their Sister some three years before he caused their privities to be cut off and their Eyes to be put out upon pretence that they assisted their Father as then Designing War against him Albert was upon his March when he understood of the taking of the Castle which dismaying him he encamped betwixt the River Tybiscus and the Danow suffering Amurath after the attainment of his Design to retire unmolested During which idling his Soldiers got the Flux by inordinate eating of Fruit which same disease at the Town of Nesmel took him also away at his return to Hungary ELIZABETH his Wife being left big with Child was urgent with the Nobles that they would regard the Issue of the King her Husband she then went with and in the mean time to her delivery to create an Interrex or Protector to which motion those that were present agreed but others would have the Scepter translated to Uladislaus the third King of Poland Son of Iagello aforesaid by Hedwyga a Daughter of Hungary to whom the Queen should be inter-married and the Posthume Child to be instated in Austria and Bohemia This counsel the Infancy of the Prince and the Noyse of the Turkish Arms did then advise whereupon a hasty Embassy was dispatched to Cracovia but as speedily followed with the news of her being delivered of a Son The Nobles at home now repented of their forwardnesse but the Ambassadors conscious to themselves how far they had gone persisted in their Errand and notwithstanding the Turks instances to the Contrary prevailed upon Uladislaus to accept the Crown Upon his approach into Hungary Elizabeth who had newly brought out the Crown she had secretly purloyned from its place and Crowned her Son Ladislaus therewith for whose good and just Government she and Zecchius with the Count of Cillia had pledged their Oaths foreseeing the danger conveyed the Crown and her self and Son to Frederick the third Emperour Soon after Uladislaus arrived at Buda and having modestly declined the Government gently taxing the Hungarians of their Dissentions as the cause of so many Changes was the more unanimously Complemented with the Regal Title Zecchius and Ladislaus Gara the friends of the Orphan Prince being set at liberty performing their Offices at his Coronation solemnized with the Diadem taken from off the Image of St. Stephen His great friends to this Advancement were Nicholas Vylach Governour of Chroatia and Iohn Huniades who appeared like an auspicious star amidst the many Factions in Hungary For the Queen assisted by some Castellanes and Governours of strong Holds did cause great Troubles to the King especially Ladislaus Gara her former Partaker waged War and tryed the Fortune of Battel in her Sons Cause but was Defeated with great losse by Huniades and Vylach as were afterwards Zechi and Gisera but to the common and great losse and diminution of the Strength of the Kingdome notwithstanding that Iulian the Pope's Legate interposed the Papal Authority by which no more than a Cessation for a time could be obtained The Death of the Queen which now happned serving rather as an incentive then allay to the passions of those who studied her deprived Orphans right and Interest By this opportunity Amurath the second had enlarged his Conquests in the extremest parts of Hungary and was now in person before Belgrade Defended by Iohn Aurane Brother of the Prince or Lord of Croatia and so resolutely maintained by him that after a Seige of seven months in which all manner of Force by assault and mines were tryed but by the Valour and vigilance of the besieged repulsed and Countermin'd to the losse of Thirty thousand Men the proud Turk was constrained to dislodge when Invading the other parts of Hungary he took in Novigrod in the Confines of Servia abandoned upon his coming by the Defendants from whence also he dispatched Isaac Bassa of Semendria to make a further Incursion the Hungarians by their Discords being in no condition to withstand him till at his return loaden with Booty and innumerable Christian Captives Huniades having privily Collected an Army and passed the Danow met with him in the Province of Alba neer to Synderovia and there vanquished him To redresse this Discomfiture Mesithes Bassa was employed to open a Passage into Transylvania by Valachia which at the instance of Huniades had newly Revolted which he effected havocking and laying wast the Countrey and having worsted Huniades at the first Encounter was again by him engaged with a sudden raised Army and totally routed Himself and his Son with Twenty thousand Turks being slain upon the place A Treaty was now with very unequal terms propounded which Vladisla●s rejecting Abedin Beg was sent by Amurath to prosecute the same Design upon Transylvania and Hungary with an Army of Fourscore thousand Men at whose approach the Valachians being in no capacity to resist him by the advice of Huniades secured themselves in the inaccessible Mountains and Hills of the Countrey while the Turk raged with all extremity upon what ever he found till suddenly set upon by Huniades with no more then Fifteen thousand Men at Vaskapa he was miserably overthrown with the losse of Thirty thousand Men and his own life For this Victory a three dayes Thanksgivins was appointed and the Ensigns and Spoils of the Enemy hung up in Churches and Huniades Proclaimed and extolled as the Bulwark and Defence of
Christendome Hereby also the King was encouraged to make an Invasion into the Turkish Territory accompanyed by Iulian the Pope's Legate and a multitude of Crusado's At Buda he passed the Danow Huniades and George the Despot advancing before him who by light skirmishes drove the Enemy back until the whole Army was arrived to the very tops of Mount Haemus where there are two passes into Macedon and Thrace the one made by Trajan the other by the River Saltiza called by the Turks Clissira Isladina to this day other parties of the Hungarians reducing most of the Towns in Bulgaria Against them Amurath dispatcht Casa●n Bassa or Caram Beg with Turchan Beg with all the Forces of Romania and the Achanzes Soldiers serving without stipend who were by the desperate Valour of the Hungarians utterly Defeated and Casan himself taken Prisoner The Report of this disaster reaching Amurath he summoned and amassed the whole Force of his Empire but Winter being far in and the Earth bound up with Ice while the King was upon his return he retreated likewise having effected nothing Considerable when perceiving by the calamity of so many misadventures that his Provinces must needs be exhausted by the Continuance of the War he submitted to the intreaty of a Peace using thereto the Mediation of George the Despot to Huniades and his to the King who being newly at Enmity with the Emperour Frederick and his Paternal Kingdome of Poland then in Faction and Troubles consented to a Ten years Cessation upon this Condition that George the Despot should be restored to his Principality of Servia his two Sons enlarged and Prisoners freed on both sides that the Turk should quit Claim to Moldavia but should retain Bulgary Amurath having thus avoided the danger that threatned him in those Quarters carried it with him upon Ibrahim the Caramanian King in Asia the lesse whom he subdued and Vanquished but soon after received into favour In the mean while Eugenius the Pope the Venetians and Greek Emperour by many perswasions had induced Uladislaus a young Man not skill'd in the affairs of Fortune to break the Truce made with an Infidel And though Huniades protested against it as best able to judge of what would happen by informing the King that his Life and Scepter might be taken away but his Truth and plighted Faith was in his own keeping and that the space of life was short but a blot of Perfidiousnesse everlasting Yet the King relying upon the Pope's Dispensation as Religion is the only Governour of our Affections and deceived with vain Auguries and the advantages of his Puissance armed himself to his own Destruction For having embodyed his Pol●nian and Hungarian Forces he passed the Danow and Betgrade where Dracula the Prince of Moldavia having in vain laboured his desistance from the enterprise joyned also 4000. men with him Of this Expedition Amurath having intelligence sent him by Mahomet Beg Governour of Nicopolis to his Residence at Magnesia streightwayes crossed over into Europe and at an obscure Village named Varna but famous for this great overthrow joyned Battel In the left Wing of the Christian Army Huniades and one Michael Niger the Duke of Scylagy and Brother of Huniades were placed In the right wing stood Bobricius a Polonian Knight in the main Battel the King The Turks first onset with great noise was upon the right wing where they opposed Camels and Dromedaries to the Horse who being therewith affrighted and the Riders no lesse amazed they were easily put to the rout but in the left wing and the main body the King and Huniades had better fortune utterly discomfiting both the wings of the Infidels only Amurath himself with his Janizaries stood yet unmoved who seeing the presentnesse of the danger calling Christ to be the Avenger of this Perfidy Mr. Knols in his Turkish History relates that he pulled the Instrument of the Truce out of his bosome and held it up towards heaven with great fury prest upon the Hungarians and made a very great slaughter wherein Uladislaus against the Disswasion of Huniades rushing upon the Enemy by the Fall of his Horse that was run through had his Head cut off by Cheser Beg the rest of the Army being disordered and so hindering one anothers flight were for the most part slain on the place Huniades himself escaped by Valachia into Transylvania although for a while detained by Dracula There were reckoned to be slain of the Kings side 9000 and of the Turks 30 thousand This was the end of Uladislaus whom because Religion could not rule the despiser of that Religion did destroy The Epitaph on him was this Romulidae Cannas ego Varnam clade not avi Discite Mortales non temerare fidem Me nisi Pontifices jussissent rumpere foedus Non ferret Scythicum Pannonis or a Iugum The Hungarians being thus deprived of their King conferred the Kingdome upon LADISLAUS the Son of Albert whom they had so long with-held from his right of Inheritance entrusting the Government with Huniades sirnamed Corvinus with the Administration of it both as to War and Peace who to be revenged of Dracula for his Detainer of him in his Flight seized him and his two Sons He dispatched likewise an Embassy to Caesar concerning the Redelivery of the King and Crown which the Mother of the present King had deposited with him but neither intreat●es nor Force afterwards by incursions into Austria prevailed any thing In the mean while the Turk prosecuted his Successe in Hungary with a Revenge worthy of so odious a perjury when Huniades in no Condition to oppose him by hidden wayes Rendezvouzed an Army in Servia to recall the Enemy to the preservation of his own Countrey To his Assistance he invited first George the Despot who pretending the late Agreement he drew in the Beg of Schodra who was the Famous George Castriot called by the Turks Scanderbeg the Son of Iohn King of the Epirots or Triballi had by fained Letters of Amurath's Hand possessed himself of Croja the Capital City as by his Valour and vigilance soon after of most of the Kingdome and maintained it in a War of 24. Years and encamped in the Plains of Cossova where he engaged the Turks three whole dayes together the first two dayes he had the better of them but their Numbers prevailed in the third he himself flying was taken Prisoner by George the Despot as an Infringer of his Oath but upon the Hostage of his Son Ladislaus set at Liberty which the Turk resenting dispatched away Frigez Beg to Invade Servia to whose Releif Huniades seemingly reconciled to their Despot now abominated but out of hatred to the name of the Turks speedily advanced and with a great slaughter Vanquished the Enemy taking the Beg himself A Bohemi●● Scuffle followed this but was presently Composed by the Victorious Fortune of Huniades At length the Emperour restored Ladislaus whom the States of Hungary complementd
thereupon at Vienna and Huniades renounced the Administration LADILAUS to auspiciate his Reign came to Presburgh but would trust himself no further within the Kingdome for Jealousies were fomented against Huniades by Ulrick Count of Cilia formerly Praefect of Austria but ejected thence by the Nobles and received into favour by this King who to compose the businesse was at last induced to come to Buda While he staid there Amurath vext with his repulse at Croja had retired himself into a Monastery and Mahomet his Son and Successor after a Seige of 50. dayes took and Sacked Constantinople to the shame and terrour of Christendome and having seized Servia with the Silver-Mine Towns therein from George the Despot bent his Force upon Belgrade which Furiously attaquing and thundring against the Walls with his Canons Huniades came in hast by Water to the Releif of it and having made his way into the Town by a vigorous Saley beat the Enemy out of his Entrenchments which they fired and cloyed and nailed his great Guns whereupon Mahomet retired to his main Camp and thence next morning tormented sick with the disappointment fled in hast towards Macedonia but was not pursued because Huniades suspecting likewise some Stratagem contented himself with the Slaughter of Forty thousand Turks In this Conflict Huniades received a Wound whereof he Died others say of a Feaver He was by Birth a Valachian and from the place of it called Corvinu as for the national glory of his Atchievements he was called Huniades A person that with small power alwayes worsted great Armyes Ladislaus who terrified with the Turk's approach had fled to Vienna came forward now to Belgrade to see the back-steps of the Enemy where resenting the slaughter of the Count of Cilia by Ladislaus the Son of Huniades though often provok'd thereunto he caused him by the Councel of some ill men to be b●headed and his Brother Matthias to be imprisoned But the Year after on the very Anniversary of the said Fact as he was Solemnizing his Marriage in Bohemia he Died there and left another Vacancy or Interregnum in Hungaria In the beginning whereof Michael Szylagyi the Kinsman of Huniades supplied with good store of Money by his Sister Elizabeth levyed an Army in Title of Matthias who was newly sent by Ladislaus in Custody to George Pogyb●ad King of Bohemia as King of Hungary having in Ladislaus's Life time procured many Friends that secretly favoured Huniades and his Family Others also for fear of his Power consented to his Election at an Assembly of the States held at Rakos where his Army Guarded them Pogybrad certified hereof inviting his Prisoner to Dinner and setting him uppermost aquainted him with the matter and having Contracted his Daughter to him conducted him to Moravia where he was Saluted King and thence in great Pomp and Magnificence conveyed to Buda where he confirmed and restored all former Priviledges and by his Care Felicity Vertue and the Majesty of his Name united all Parties into a perfect Peace which effected he sent Iohn Vitesius the Bishop of Varadin his adopted Father to Frederick the Emperour to demand the Crown which he pretending the Kingdome due to himself and scorning the Youth of Matthias refused and hereupon ensued a German War enforced by the predatory eruption of Iohn Gisera or Zisca the Bohemian who had twice worsted Huniades himself Frederick animated and incited by the Lord or Banus of Croatia Invaded the Sabarian Province taking the Rebels to his Assistance and wasted the Countrey far and near till Simon Magnus Commissioned and spirited by the King 's early Courage met him in the Upper Hungary where he Discomfited him permitting and conniving at the flight of the Rebels who afterwards proved Caesar's worst and most dangerous Enemies By this successe Caesar was at last constrained to yeild to the Demands of Matthias who persisted in a prosecution of them by delivering the Crown adopting also Matthias to his Son upon Condition that if he died without Issue the Emperour should succeed to the Crown of Hungary The Bohemian War was ended with the same felicity by Sebastian Rozgonius who hunted those predatory Thieves out of their lurking places amidst Rocks Lakes and other fastnesses yet so that some years passed before Ziscra their Chief Captain could be engaged several strong Holds and passes being maintained by them till driven to the Mountaines of Poland whence he addrest himself by humble supplication to the King and was received by him into favour and Preferment Telephus his Associate had not the same hap but prolonged a wretched life in a Begging starving Condition This is the larger mentioned for that it lasted almost Five years before it was finished and obliged the utmost endevours of the King to the extirpation of so villanous a race of Men that disturbed the Peace and security of his Subjects The Turk during these Wars had put in for his share by Invading the Eastermost parts in Revenge of his Belgrade Defeat but was so well received by Michael Szylagy somewhile before in disgrace with his Beneficiary the King his Nephew by usual Court detraction and Envy and newly restored to all his Honours and Commands neer to the Banks of Savus by a Town called Tutach that it was a question whether there was more blood or water in that reach of the River Haly Beg who was then Bassa of Mysia and commanded that Army flying to Synderovia endevoured to repair his losse by a re-inforcement of his enterprise upon Transylvania but was overthrown again by Pancratius neer Temeswar Matthias in pursuit of this Victory seized Dracula Prince of Valachia the Tributary of the Turk for by the Articles between Amurath the second and Uladislaus that investiture was to be sole right of the Kings of Hungary and detained him 10. years a Prisoner From thence he marched to Bosnia the King whereof Stephen being also Despot of Servia in right of his Wife the Daughter of Lazarus deceased Mahomet had caused as perfidiously as inhumanely to be flead alive the just reward however of his base and prodigious lust which divided his Sons against Him Matthias proceeded as far as the Superiour ●osnia and those parts which stretch themselves towards Zara and Epidaurus and by the taking of Iaycia reduced the whole Kingdome to his Hungarian Scepter Mahomet with thirty thousand men came to relieve it but hearing of Matthias his Approach sneaked cowardly home Hereupon the Venetians with other Princes by their Ambassadors were instant for the prosecution of the War offering 50000. Crowns yearly for the maintenance of it which being accordingly recommenced Matthias frighted in the same manner at Mahomet's appearance repassed the Savus out of R●scia where he had taken Streverich by Emerick Sepusius and turned his Army upon the Frangepanes who being fortified in the Alpes of Croatia refused obedience but assoon as the King was arrived at Zagrabia they thought best to
comply He tamed also the revolting Transylvanians as he quieted the Seditious in Moldavia and Valachia by the slaughter of 7000 of them But his Lieutenant Michael Scylagii fought unprosperously with the Turk after a most bloody Battle himself being captivated and although a Prisoner of War yet put to death by those savage Infidels A Bohemian War ensued fomented and enflamed by Pope Paul the second who instigated Matthias against George Pogybrad his Father in Law as an Heretick for owning the Doctrines of Iohn Husse c. while an excellent opportunity against the Turk engaged in a Syrian Egyptian War was by this means pretermitted Matthias in this war had the better of it zealously executing the Edicts Anathema's of the Pope against the Bohemians Silesians and Moravians Nor would a Treaty of Peace be hearkned to the Papists giving out that no Faith or Communion was to be held with such Heretiques Whereupon Victorinus the Son of Pogybrade made new Levies but was unhappily worsted and imprisoned at Vissigrade while Matthias having subdued Spilberg and Olmitz was Master of Moravia and Silesia at his devotion and was solemnly also declared King of Bohemia Pogybrad soon after dying and by his misfortunes induced to favour Matthias his succession to that Crown his Son having been gratis set at liberty a little before upon the Composure of the troubles in Moravia he transacted with the States of Bohemia for his inves●iture in that Kingdom but they had disposed of it to Uladislaus Son of Casimir King of Poland In revenge whereof he issued like a Tempest out of Moravia into Bohemia but the Pope being neutral in the Concernments of two Catholick Princes and the Turks upon the banks of Savus at the Siege of Sabaczium besides which was worst of all a Conspiracy was hatching at home he effected nothing This Coniuration was so general by which Casimir was designed to this Crown that but 9. of 70. Peers or Senators were true to their Allegiance among these Plotters the chief were Vitesius the Archbishop Ianus Pannonius and Emericus Scepusius the former favourers of and reciprocally favoured by Matthias the pretence of the defection was that the Church Revenues and other profits of secular Offices were employed solely in the carrying on of War Ladislaus at their invitation came and encamped between Nitre and Vacia and was magnificently received by his Partakers but Matthias upon the News of it speeding from Buda to Strigonium prepared for an Encounter where by Scepusius whom he reclaimed he so wrought upon Vitesius the Life of the Faction that upon his reconciliation and indempnity promised to those that should return to their Allegiance within three dayes his Competitor was presently abandoned and left to reflect and inveigh against the Levity of the Hungarians nor was that all but being circumvented at Nitra he hardly escaped with 700. of all his number the pursuit not being given over till his Father by timely dispatches interposed his requests for his dismission Notwithstanding Matthias was not satisfied with this revenge but continuing in the mountainous part of Poland watched an opportunity of further satisfaction as he punished Vitesius and Ianns with other of the Complices in the Treason While he staid hereabouts Uladislaus stomaching the spoil of his Countrey with a just Army opposed himself and so the businesse came to open War which determined neverthelesse by a private Stratagem in the most covert places and ambushes of that hilly Country in favour of Matthias who by his Lieutenants Iohn Scepusius and Paul Kinifi had also depopulated all the Provinces as far as Cracovia and brought a miserable desolation thereabouts By which means the Pole was glad to quit his pretences to Moravia Silesia and Lusatia and to part with his Claim to the Crown of Bohemia During this Agreement Solyman the Beglerbeg of Romania with a Hundred thousand Men having in vain attempted Scodra came with an Army into Moldavia whom Stephen the Valiant Vaivod thereof overcame with so great a slaughter that scarce a sign remained of so vast a Multitude To requite this victory Matthias besiged Sabarium whereat happned divers Encounters the besieged being Potent and Couragious and the besiegers Resolute and adventurous He himself for better view passing in a common habit within the reach of their small shot in a Boat accompanyed but with one Soldier who was kill'd with a Bullet Fortune by a peculiar care of him as is her constant respect to such persons preserving him from the danger In fine by dissembling to rise from the Siege he lulled the Garrison into security and then surprized them and for the better fortification of the Castle drew the River Savus round about it and thereafter supplied with money from the Pope for the better prosecution of the War laid all waste as far as Synderovia and in order to an opportune and commodious Siege thereof built three strong Castles as a bridle to curb and represse their forraging for provisions He was yet intent of carrying his Successes fnrther having embarqued to that purpose on the Danow Alibeg with a plundering Party about Temeswar having been also newly defeated so that there appeared no rub to his Design when the arrival of his Queen Beatrice who by Venice Dalmatia and Carniola had been Honourably conveyed to Alba and there Crowned and the Marriage Celebrated at Buda in the presence of all the Nobles foftned and emasculated his Spirit and corrupted the Souldiery by idling amidst the vanity and Luxury of the Court now addicted to sport and pleasure Nor could the Calamitous Condition of Moldavia the Noble Vaivod whereof had in vain struggled against the Potent and over-bearing Force of Mahomet and saw his Country Vassaliz'd to that Cruel Enemy awaken Matthias out of this sensual stupidity the Queen proving as another Capua to Victorious Hanibal till such time as it was almost too late to resist being on a sudden attaqued by Frederick the Emperour from the old grudge although most ungratefully and unhandsomely and the Event was according For Matthias rousing himself followed the Enemy into Austria where the Rascians in his service most cruelly raged and took in several Towns and was now before Vienna when the Emperour of no Martial disposition desired an accommodation which Matthias condescended to so Austria was again restored to Frederick In this War the Pope and Venetians withdrew their subsidy from Matthias as engaged against a Christian Prince whereupon ensued an aversness against that State whose danger had linked their Concern with his for some space of time before and by that means they lost Scodra Croja and the Promontory of Taenarus to the Turk upon very base Conditions or very Calamitous Conquest that of Schodra especially The Peace was now to be confirmed which was agreed upon before betwixt Uladislaus and himself and therefore both Kings appointed an Enterview at Olmitz in Moravia where they appeared with a most Splendid and
the interim Iohn the Vayvod elevated by his Successe against Szekelehi besieged Sarno a Garrison of the Turks but was so cowardly frighted that he fled and forsook his Great Guns at the news of the approach of Baly Beg neverthelesse by the Valour of Michael Praxius who sustained the Van of the Enemy they were recovered King Ladislaus lived not long afterwards fitter indeed for ease and quiet then the Rule of the stubborn and Eff●ene Hungarians but whether out of Grief and vexation of mind or the Common course of Nature is uncertain LEWIS his Son succeeded him having according to the late Agreement Married Mary the Sister of Charles the fifth by their Father Philip the first of Spain In this Prince all things as his Birth Succession Beard Wedlock and Death were praeproperous and Early At the same time died Maximilian to whom chiefly by the suffrage of Frederick of Saxony succeeded Charles the fifth as did Solyman just after the ratification of an eight years Truce succeed his Father Selymus Divine Providence so ordering it that those two great Potentates should Govern the World together and restrain each other by a mutual dread of one anothers Power and Vertues Yet Solyman was so great an esteemer of his own Glory and so unbounded in his Conceits of it that he demanded of Lewis the purchase of a Peace with him at a certain Tribute which being denyed he Invaded Hungary and wrested Moldaviae and Valachia from that Dominion together with the greatest part of Sclavonia Nothing withstanding his Arms there but Iaycia Defended by the signal Valour of Peter Keglevitius These victorious proceedings caused Lewis to levy an Army of 60000. Men but his Exchequer not being sufficient to bear the Expence they were as soon dissolved In the mean while Belgrade so often maintained against the Turkish power was now gained by the Fortune of Solyman and the Treachery of the Governours who would not admit the succour and Assistance brought by Andrew Bathori into the Town Hence the Conquerour having received a losse from Stephen Bathori the Palatine who defeated Pyrhus Bassa then wasting Syrmia and contented with his former Success dispatched a Chiaux with offers of Peace to the King but his Youthful mind swayed by evil Counsel and corrupted with the luxury of George Marquisse of Brandenburgh was debauched into that perfidious basenesse that he Commanded the Envoy to be privily put to Death at Tata and for the concealment of the murther his body to be cast into the Fish-pond Solyman was then returned home to the Enterprize of Rhodes and Lewis his Leiutenant had had some successes against the Turks especially Christopher Frangepanes not onely repulsed them from Iaycia but beat them out of their Trenches and took their Camp as Tomori defeated Ferhates Begogli while Severinum was also reduced but the Dissentions and Divisions that arose in Hungary among the Nobility for the Title of Palatine between Verbeczius Zobius and their Party of the Multitude against Bathori legally so Created Besides that the Reformed Religion now took footing in this Kingdome although endevoured by fire to be suppressed but maintained by Prynius in the County of Bodrogh and by Nadanyi at Chrysus These concurrent mischeifs I say brought Solyman back into Hungary declaring his intention of revenge for the Death of his Messenger which sudden appearance of his caused much dread and terrour for that no present remedy could be thought on Notwithstanding Lewis without any Aid from abroad resolved to encounter him with an Army of twenty four thousand men Commanded by the Arch-Bishop of Colocza and George Zapolianus although disswaded by Iohn Scepusius and Frangepanes who would have had him withdrawn his person at least which however would save the Kingdome and to have staid till he had Collected the whole Force of his Kingdome but such was his Heat and Temerity and the like proud humour of the Nobility though it proved their Common Destruction the sign often of a great but now of an unhappy Resolution that an Engagement ensued at Mohacz where the Hungarians were vanquished and put to a total rout The King with his Prelates and Nobles to whom it was ignominous to fly and to survive their Prince being killed on the place At the news of this overthrow Buda was abandoned the Queen with her best moveables flying to Presburg whence she retired to Charles the fifth her Brother who Deputed her to the Government of the Low Countreys where she presided thirty years and afterwards weary of the World like him betook herself to a Monastery and was joyned with him in Death Solyman entring Buda abstained from the Usurpation of the Regality guessing that a Kingdome so slightly gained might as slightly be lost but forbore not the plunder of the Countrey asmuch as lyes betwixt the Balaton Lake the Danow and Tybiscus being miserably depopulated As to this Tragedy and the Death of the King there were many things that portended it as that he was Born without any Skin which was supplied by the Art of the Physicians Besides a Spectrum appeared before the Gate of the Castle of Buda demanding Conference with the King which being not much regarded vanished without any presage And now when as yet the safety of the Kingdome was not dispaired of Civil Wars subserved Fate and helped on the general Ruine The Supreme Power was unsociable and Interest would not be joyned by the presentnesse of the danger Armies were presently gathered and as soon dismissed Fortune not admitting two to the Supremacy while all men stood still at gaze the Enemy took advantage to disperse them The Fourth BOOK VVHile this Battel was fought at Mohacz Iohn Zapolyai Scepusius the Vayvod of Transylvania stayed at Szeged and Cajoling the remains of the Nobility came to Buda where he perswaded Perenyi the keeper of the Crown to deliver it to him conferring upon him therefore the Praefecture of Transylvania and thence speeded with them to Alba Regalis A Convention being here held Verbeczius opened the present state of Affairs in favour of Iohn who was by the Assembly accepted and styled King having passed by Ferdinand who as well by the favour and good will of many as by the Marriage of Ann the Sister of Lewis had a good Claim and Title to the Kingdome wherefore Iohn was advised to begin the War against him but he following milder then safer Counsel and the opinion of Frangepanes dismissed his Forces hoping to gain the Kingdome by Largesse and Bounty At the same Bathori the Palatine the perpetual Enemy of Iohn held a Convention at Presburgh where he maintained the Title of Ferdinand by whom Perenyus at the solicitation of Thurzo and the Confirmation of his former Title was brought over and the Crown with the other Royal Ensigns conveyed into his hands Hereupon Ferdinand was Proclaimed and Inaugurated by Paul Vardanus and Encouragement given by the Hungarians readinesse
of Hungary by Dobo and Balassius men highly obliged to him and who had done him also many signal services at the instigation of Iohn Sigismund but motioned to them by George Boscay It was discovered by George Rakoczi and Ruberus by the divine peculiar protection of Kings of this Treason they were both by a publick Solemn Tryal convicted and left to the disposall of Caesar who although Bal●ssius broke prison and incited the Turks to new troubles adding wickednesse to wickednesse pardoned them both with admirable clemency So that neither way of open War nor close Treachery advantaging Iohn he ran into an extreme hardly suppo●able clapping up an offensive and defensive league against the Turk and to be managed as Caesar should upon occasion direct thereby renouncing to the friendship protection and favour he had received all along from the Ottoman Family which caused divers discourses and reflections upon him but to be a Christian or not a Christian is of no concernment to the Law of Nations although Maximilian at the same time being urged by the Venetians and the Pope to joyn with them in their league a while before the battel of Lepanto when the Turk lost 250 Sail of Ships and Galleys and 25000 men Vluzales dexterously escaping with 30 and afterwards by his Fabian delayes restored their naval power most religiously refused By this Peace it was concluded that Iohn should enjoy with the Title of most Serene Prince of Transylvania the Provinces of Bihor Carasna Marmarosse and the exteriour Szolnoc to have the same friends and enemies with Caesar Selymus to be held in amity and this Treaty to be concealed but if it should happen that Iohn should be expelled by the Turks out of Transylvania he should then be invested in Opulia all former differences to be put in Oblivion and himself to be under the Clientele of Maximilian With the confirmation hereof Bekessius was sent to the Emperour where understanding by Blaudrata that Iohn could not live long he designed the Government to himself delaying the ratification by pretences of his indisposition and grief and thereby his incapacity for the languishing condition of his Prince who being a Batchelor and disappointed of the marriage of Ioan Daughter of Albert of Bavaria added that grief to his other distempers which having horribly tortured him 54 dayes together brought him to his death at Georgyen and was the last accumulation of the ruines of this Family A man of a sharp and quick spirit but infected with the Company of sordid and base people of both Sexes and thereby prone to all vices but of all those his contempt of Religion was the greatest and most notorious By his death Bekessius took courage to pursue his ambitious designs relying on the Turk and his interest in the Souldiery but Selymus with the good liking of Caesar also having preferred Stephen Bathori a man famous both for war and peace to that Principality Bekessius mad with rage and shame that he should be deceived in the opinion he cherished of the Souldiery which he had boasted abroad who concurred with Fortune against him posted to Fogarasse and there laid up and secured Iohn's Treasure endevouring all wayes and means to raise Enemies against Stephen but the troubles of Mollavia by another change of their Vayvods deferred the publick eruption of the intended hostility in which interval happened this Phanatick Story One Gregory Carachondius of Rivulinum Sirnamed Black from the event of his exploit under the specious vail of sanctity and pretence of revelations had inveigled the vulgar in the head that God would by him expell the Turk out of Hungary hereupon having collected a rabble of 5000 men who admired him not only for his spirit of Prophesie but his strength of Arm by which he would streighten a Horse-shooe he marched to the Seige of Miklosum where he said it was revealed him that either the Walls would fall down of themselves or the Turks be b●rnt by Fire from heaven which the Turks counterfeiting by setting Fire to bundles of straw and reeds about the Castle these mad Fellowes took it for fulfilling of his praediction but when they perceived near at hand that the Walls and Castle stood they drew off very melancholly and were in that mood set upon by Sazvares Governour of Szolnoc and miserably slaughtered notwithstanding their Captain would not desist but pretending this losse to have happened for their sins he laid Seige to Zolnoc where he was disappointed in the same manner from thence to Debreczinum where for contempt of his authority he commanded the Mayor to be hanged but a Tumult preventing the Execution he was taken by the multitude and his Head chopt off and shewed for a spectacle of whimsicall ambition Yet was even this wild fellowes death such the madnesse of the infected herd endevoured to be revenged though after a short politique connivence suppressed by Nicholas Bathori The like Scene almost was acted in Illyria by the Boors there who rebelled against the Nobility and Gentry who had held them indeed in very hard servitude their number was Ten Thousand who proclaimed one Matthew Geubecz for the King and unmercifully handled their former Masters tearing like Dogs those that resisted them But 800 men easily routed them And their K. being taken had his flesh pulled off with burning Pincers and a red hot Iron Crown put upon his head expiating by that regall embleme his affront to the Regall Dignity Maximilian was now intent upon gaining the good will and favour of the Estates towards the settling his Family in the Supreme Power having in his own sight caused his Son Rudolph to be crowned King at Presburgh notwithstanding that the Burghers generally grudged that the Germans were not removed out of the Kingdome nor a Palatine created according to custome besides that their liberties were infringed c. which inflamed at last into Tumults and uproars Nor was Stephen Bathori's Government quiet or composed for Bekessius neither reducible by his menacing edicts nor the intreaties and perswasions of the Nobility was now beseiged in Fogarasse which being ill manned he privately upon a swift Asian horse escaped to Caesar the Castle was after delivered by Paul Giula afterwards Secretary to Stephen and with it all the Treasure Bekessius had hoarded Fortune and Prudence deserting him together for while he coveted Titles beyond his reach he lost an ample estate in his power to have preserved it Amurath the 3d. Succeeded Selymus in the Ottoman Throne having seen five of his Brothers strangled in his presence but more humanely inclined to a Peace with Christendom as being by Dream admonished to a War against the Heretique Persians This Tranquility stirs in Poland succeeded for Charles the ninth of France dying his Brother Henry newly made King of Poland withdrew suddenly thence and left the Poles in an Interregnum and vacancy as after they decreed at
The Regal Diadem Robes Sword and Globe with the noyse of the Cannon and the gladsome Acclamation of the People wishing all happinesse to the King and Kingdome thus restored were conveyed from Presburg in this Order First went the German Trumpeters then th● Barons the Masters of the Horse with their Squadrons Armed Cap a pe next followed the Hungarian Noblemen the Deputies or Governours of Dalmatia Sclavonia and Croatia then the Servants of the Palatine covered with the skins of Leopards and Tigers then the Palatine himself in the middst between the German and Hungarian Barons the Crown and the other Royal Ensigns being laid upon a Chariot The Cardinal Peter Pazman and Arch-Bishop of Strigonium put the Crown on the King's Head in the Great Church where were present a great Confluence of Schollars to attend the Cardinal from the Colledges of Vienna and Tyrnaw and elsewhere the Hungarians being here asked if they did accept him for their King with one Voice answered We do We will and require it let the King live and Reign long and Govern us The King the Divine Service performed turned his Chair towards the People and laying the Sword of St. Stephen upon their shoulders Created four Knights when mounting his Horse in an Hungarian Habit he galloped up a little Hill and there brandishing his Sword four times to the four Quarters of the World thereby declared his Majesty and his Empire Medals of Gold and Silver being at the same time thrown among the People For Conclusion he was Nobly treated at a most sumptuous Royal Feast by the Nobles A new Storm over-clouded this Serenity Bethlen instigated by Count Mansfield in the Month of Iuly invaded Hungary again whither the said Count joyned with the Duke of Weymar being beaten out of Germany the Netherlands and Bohemia was bending his forces but both of them although additioned by forces from Bethlen who resented his losse of Opulia and Ratibor were vanquished by Wallensteyn Who being afterwards recoyled by the Turks about Nitria fought with dubious fortune against the said Mansfeldians still recruiting upon every Disaster as if they had been the Sons of Antaeus But upon the news brought to Bethlen that 40. thousand Tartars his Confederates were slain in Poland he found it high time to bethink of Peace by which on shameful Conditions he departed out of Hungary quitted his Confederates Mansfield and Weymar renouncing also his Tartarian friendship with an Obligation to free all Christian Captives with the Turks Mansfield suspecting this Collusion with his most expedite and nimble Troops hasted to the Venetians leaving the rest of his forces to Weymar but taken in Bosnia with a Flux proceeding as some report from poyson he took into his bowells he expired his busie and versatile Soul there Weymar also having possessed himself of Hohenwold and Iabelunca and designing his Efforts upon Hungary discontented with those practises of the Transylvanian soon wasted away aged 32. years much beloved and lamented by his party for his moderate yet valiant actions and deportment in Silesia Him Bethlen followed tortured with such an excessive pain in his feet that he commanded the soles of them to be lanced to give passage to the fluid humour to this was added the Disease of the Holy Fire which gave occasion to the Papists Invectives that all the Elements conspired against him being persecuted with fire water iron c. and that his end was worthy of his Actions He bequeathed to each of the Emperours a Horse with Jewells Trappings and Furniture worth 40. thousand Guilders to his Wife a 100 thousand Guilders and as many thousand Imperials and Florens with 3 Royalty's to hold and enjoy for her life having given this testimony of Caesar that it was a very hazzardous thing to war with him as a person who was neither deprest with adverse nor lifted up with prosperous fortune By his Death Cassovia Tockay and all the places granted to him for his Life reverted to the Emperour and his Widow although proclaimed Prince of Transylvania yet wanting Title and Right as being a Stranger whether spontaneously or against her Will quitted the Administration having procured Stephon Czakius whom she loved to be named for Prince and indevoured at the Ottoman Port to have him invested but the Transylvanians rejecting the Princesse were divided into two other parts some would have Stephen Bethlen the Brother of the deceased Gabriel others stood for George Rakoczi whose fortune and wonderful felicity carried it from all his Competitors Catharius the Agent at Constantinople prevaricating and acting for Rakoczi as did several Castellans by the liberality of the Princess granted unto Csakius who took fortune to their Counsellour Csakius speeds thither and comes to Muncacksum given him by the same hand and desired admission but Iohn Balling the Governour of the Place presenting the Ordnance against him told him he had delivered it to Rakoczi and had received the Hereditary Government of it for his rendition Bethlen at the same time possessed himself of most of the other places in Transylvania but by the detestable disloyalty of his Son Stephen and his Son in Law David Zolyomi and the disaffection of all forraign Princes he was forced to abandon his pretensions for Rakoczi invited by those two persons came to Varadin where by their Suffrage and Advancement he wrested the Principality from Stephen created Prince thereof who being of a mild and quiet disposition and more desirous of a private Life by his own Interest promoted Rakoczi against Czakius and forgave his Son and Son in Law not forgiven by God the just Avenger of their unnatural offence he himself receiving the name of Governour for not long after his Son Stephen a youth otherwise of great learning and virtue having been bred up with his brother Peter at Leyden dyed at Ecsedium his body being horribly eaten up with Worms David Zolyomi was committed to perpetual Imprisonment by Rakoczi whom he had helped to prefer Caesar likewise had dispatcht Esterhasius the Palatine of Hungary with a strong Army to possesse himself of Transylvania but before his Arrival Rakoczi had setled himself and by Stephen Bethlen the Governour of Dacia pro hac vice in an Irruption into Hungary overthrew him and took several Cities the Sultan himself while yet the Peace was in force betwixt him and the Emperor of his own accord sending 10000. men to Ersekuyvarum to his assistance in testimony of his affection to and approbation of Rakoczi who wasted the Countrey on purpose to divert Esterhasius wherefore the Emperour not willing to bring a greater War upon himself by designing upon others presently acquiesced But this provocation determined not so on the part of Rakoczi whose offence thereat the Swede by an Embassy to him so aggravated finding the German War like to rest upon his own single Shoulders by other fetches of the common Cause of Religion
him but in this he onely trifled away time while Rakoczi most of the strong places being possessed by the Catholick party besieged Tyrnaw which at last opened its Gates to General Douglasse and his Son Sigismund where the Bishops and Noblemen now Crest-fallen humbly intreated Canysius the Protestant Preacher of the place to mediate with the Victor that he would take them into his Clemency which was granted at his intercession And now Rakoczi distrusting this eager favour of Fortune inclined to a Composure which Caesar more desirous of both for that the Climate agreed not with his forrain Souldiery and the huge price of grain the unsuccessful siege of Cassovia with the forced retreat of Bouchain to Presburgh readily consented to and hastily concluded to the great vexation and anger of the Swede This Peace was Proclaimed on St. Bartholomew's Day by which seven Lordships in Hungary were confirmed to the Transylvanian 90 Churches restored to the Protestants and the rest of their Priviledges confirmed to them Torstenson thus forsaken of his Confederate was abandoned by his Fortune and forced to rise from the siege of Prunna In the mean while died the Palatine to whom Drascovitius was substituted and the Instrument of the Transylvanian Pacification was made publick notwithstanding both parties in Hungary were as imbittered as ever about the Extermination of the Jesuits and ready to draw one upon another The next year Ferdinand the fourth was Crowned King of Hungary the Peace continuing with the Turks but so fallaciously that three hundred of them were got privily into Raab where being discovered by a Woman they were all of them slain and the City preserved by the Divine favour and protection In the Year 1648 died Prince Rakoczi to whom Succeeded his Son George as Ferdinand the fourth Crowned King of the Romans a Prince of more Hopes then Glory after he had lived to the age of 22 years Deceased in the Year 1653. and Leopold Ignatius his Brother succeeded him in all his Dignities Kingdomes and Dominions In the Year 1656 the Swede having Invaded Poland and almost Conquered the hither part so that the many Garrisons he was forced to Man had almost drayned his Army by his Ambassadors invited Prince Rakoczi to the Spoyl and his Assistance and such was the evil Fate of Transylvania and Rakoczi in particular that allured by the great advantages the Ruin of that Kingdom promised him he Confederated himself with the Swede maintaining Correspondencies and intrigues with all his Allyes particularly with the pretended Protector of England to whom he sent an Envoy to transact his Concerns of Money to the payment whereof the King of Sweden had by pact obliged the said Usurper the consideration and satisfaction whereof are of no great moment to this discourse The Transylvanians betaking themselves to their Arms from which they had been longer disused than throughout the whole series of their History the Turks having been sometime before engaged against the Persians and lately against the Venetians and labouring with their own mis-carriages and errours of Government little imagined they should wear them so long if ever it be their hap to put them off without parting with their Liberty and Religion and to such a Calamitous Defence of their own Countrey In fine an Army of 16000 men was presently raised and put under the Command of Backos Gabor which were the Van of those Forces that Rakoczi intended for this Expedition himself following in person with another Army who as soon as they were entered Poland in most horrible manner fell a ravaging and Sacking the Towns and pillaging the Churches and defacing the beauties thereof in hatred of the Roman Catholick Religion so that a fearful Desolation was made as they passed To passe by other occurrents of his proceedings in this Kingdome after he had joyned with the Swedes the Enterprize of Cracovia may suffice for instance of his Hostility in this Kingdome which he besieged and after a short Defence had it surrendred to him the Swedes and he demolishing almost the City of Casimir built on the other side the Weysel it being one of those places which was to be assigned him with the Palatinate thereof for his share in recompense of his Service This place in the ballance of the Swedish Fortune being besieged by Feild Marshal Lubomirsky Rakoczi came to its relief and gave a notable Defeat to the Pole who raised his siege and fled before him The said Prince afterwards embodying with the Swedes in Lithuania took in the strong City of Biscia Litinsky being there personally present with the King of Sweden and where he took his last leave of him returning to Samoysch to secure his footing and maintain what he had gotten but the Danish War interveening and calling the King of Sweden away to the Defence of his own Kingdome and the Duke of Brandenburgh falling off likewise and renouncing that Kings Interest besides that the Pole had newly made a League with the House of Austria who upon Caution and Articles were to supply him with an Army of 16000 men then upon their March out of Silesia Rakoczi perceived that the whole brunt of the War was like to fall upon him now deserted and abandoned by all his Partakers And therefore he thought it high time to apply himself to the wayes of Peace the Turk having also countermanded him sometime before at the instance of the Polish Ambassador at Constantinople who it was thought had bribed Rakoczi into that disfavour and hatred with the Grand Seignior who now peremptorily Commanded him he having delayed to comply with his first Orders of return so surrender his Principality to his Cousin Reada or Radus and in tendency thereunto made offer of a surrender of all those places he had taken during this War thinking thereby also to have satisfied the Tukish Emperour provided he might have safe egresse out of that Kingdome which was now very hazzardous for that the Poles and Austrians had way-laid him in the mountainous passages by which he must needs return But the Poles so stomached the loss prejudice they received from him causelesly especially his Church-robberies that they delayed him with an answer to this effect That being tied to such Articles with the House of Austria and the King of Hungary they could make no Agreement without them which artifice being understood by Rakoczi more Forces drawing likewise against him besides that another party of 12000. of them had Invaded his Dominions in Hungary and in Revenge burnt down thirty six Villages he resolved to make his way with his Sword while there was a possibility of effecting it which with much difficulty and hazard being several times set upon and forced to fight his way by good Guides and happy Conduct he atchieved but brought a sorry Army home in Comparison of what he marched out with This same year Died the Emperour Ferdinand