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A33944 The marrow of Christianity, or, A spirituall discovery of some principles of truth meet to be knowne of all the saints : represented in ten sections / by T. Collier ; whereunto is added an epistle, written by M. Saltmarsh. Collier, Thomas, fl. 1691.; Saltmarsh, M. 1650 (1650) Wing C5292; ESTC R29305 55,174 122

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14.26 That if they loved him they would not reason because he said he would goe away because his spiritual presence was the most glorious presence we see it by experience that the Disciples of Christ were most spirituall and had most spirituall enjoyment of God when Christ was gone from them in person and they enjoyed him in the spirit That the presence of Christ in the latter dayes will be most glorious appeares by all that have been formerly spoken and I think none of light deny it then the conclusion holds true that the presence of Christ with his people in the latter dayes wherein they shall enjoy most light and glory will be a spirituall presence 2. Argument If Jesus Christ be known of the Saints no more after the flesh but after the spirit then his regne in the latter dayes of the Gospel will not be personall but spirituall but he is no more to be known of the Saints after the flesh as you have formerly heard 1 Cor. 5.16 Therefore his presence so and his Kingdome wil not be a fleshly or personall presence and Kingdome but a spirituall 3. Argument Spirituall glory and spirituall enjoyment is that which most of all suites with the Majesty and glory of God John 4.22 23 24. Col. 3.1 1 Cor. The glory of the Saints shall be spirituall and their enjoyment spirituall in the latter dayes spirituall knowledge Esa 11. and spirituall conformity unto Christ Zach. 12.8 and spirituall joy and rejoycing Esa 35.10 Ergo the presence and Kingdome of Christ in and with his Saints will be a spirituall Kingdome and not a personall 4. Ar.g. Christs Kingdome and presence shall be with all his people filling them with spirituall glory Esa 25.7 He shall take away the veil spread over all Nations and v. 6. And they shall say Loe this is the Lord we have waited for him Christs personall presence cannot be with all his at once therefore his presence and Kingdome will be spirituall and not personall Objections answered concering the personal reigne of Christ Obj. 1. That Christ was promised to the Jews to come as a King they to this day expect him to come as a King to deliver them from their captivity Ans 1. It is is true he was promised to come as a King Isa 9.7 and so he came King although not in outward appearance Mat. 2.2 Where is he that is borne King of the Jewes we have seen his Star in the East and are come to worship him He was the King of the Jewes when he was born he was a Child and yet a King 2. he is King of all spirituall Jewes For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and Christ reignes spiritually in all his people the Kingdome of Heaven is within you 3. Christ will appeare a spirituall glorious King to the Jewes the natural seed of Abraham in the latter dayes gathering them from among the Heathen to himselfe in the spirit and so will reigne in and over them in the spirit gloriously Ezek. 37. throughout see ver 24 25. That they shall be gathered in with all the beloved of God by the spirituall working of Christ and not by his personall appearing is cleare from this ground They shall be gathered unto Christ from the beholding of Christ crucified and not from the beholding of his glorious personall appearing Therefore Christ shall come a King in the spirit to his people and not in the flesh see Zach. 12.10 They shall looke upon him whom they have pierced and mourn over him c. The eying of a pierced Christ shall be the way of bringing in Jew as well as Gentile Obj. 2. Christ suffered reproach and shame in the flesh from his enemies therefore it is likely he shall be glorified in the flesh before his adversaries Answ Christ shall without question be glorified in the presence of his adversaries and all Nations shall be gathered together before him when he shall appeare from Heaven in flaming fire to render vengeance to them that know not God and obey not his Gospel but whether Christ shall appeare personally or in any personall form will be a great question but with much spirituall power manifesting himselfe to the salvation of his people and to the confusion of all his and his Churches enemies Matt. 5.25 Obj. 3. It is said Rev. 20.4 That those that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the Word of God that had not worshipped the Beast nor his Image nor received his mark in their fore heads and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand yeares and the rest of the dead lived not againe Answ For clearing the mysterie of this Scripture it will be requisit first to set downe the things asserted from hence Secondly to unfold the mysterie intended which will answer the things asserted the things asserted hence are these 1. That Christ shall reigne a thousand yeares personally 2. That all the Saints departed from the beginning of the world shall be raised and come and reigne with him 3. That the wicked shall not be raised till after the thousand yeares be finished For answer unto and clearing of the truth 1. I conceive it to be a glorious truth that Christ shall come and reigne a thousand yeares a long time spiritually in his people but not personally amongst his people that Christ shall reigne thus gloriously see not onely this Scripture but Rev. 11.15 And the seventh Angell sounded and there weare great voyces in Heaven saying the Kingdomes of this world are become the Kingdomes of our Lord. and of his Christ and he shall reigne for ever Thus you see Christ shall have a Kingdome and for the time of it it is said Rev. 20. to be a 1000. yeares and in Isa 60. to be many Generations I will make thee an eternall Excellencie a joy of many Generations Obj. But it s said Rev. 11.15 That the Nations and Kingdomes of the world are become the Nations of Christ and he shall reigne for ever therefore it seemes that his Kingdome shall be personall Answ The Nations and Kingdomes of the world may be said to be the Nations and Kingdomes of Christ in a two fold respect and yet Christ not reigne personally and this the Scripture clearly holds forth 1. In respect of the abundance shall be converted unto Christ in all Nations that in comparison of what hath been formerly the Nations and Kingdomes shall become the Kingdomes of Christ Esa 66.19 20.60 ch from 5. to 12. verse 2. Christ may be said to be the King of Nations in respect of the ruling of his Saints over their enemies for in this Kingdome of Christ shall the enemies of Christ be subjected and shall serve the Saints the Nations that will not serve thee shall perish and Christ reigning in his Saints over them may be said truly to reigne over them Psal 149.7 8 9. Rev. 2.26 27. Rev. 5.10
spirit the knowledg of it will in conclusion bring all the Saints into one spirituall way Isa 35.9 And so they shall worship God in the Spirit with one heart Zeph. 3. and so put an which flow meerly from the flesh SECTION IX The spirituall Kingdom of Christ in his Church in the latter days of the Gospel discovered THe Kingdom of Christ hath always beene and still is spirituall but in the latter days of the Gospel it shall be much more spirituall and glorious than formerly with relation to the subjects of it for the clearing of this truth in hand note these 4. particulars 1. That Christ is a King 2. Who are the subjects of this Kingdome 3. That his Kingdom shall increase in glory and spiritualnesse in the latter dayes 4. That his Kingdome is spirituall and not of this world First that Christ is King I suppose it is unquestionable all who own the Gospell but in the letter confesse as much in word see a scripture or two to confirm it Ps 2.6 the Lord spaking of Christ saith Yet have I set my King upon the holy Hill of Sion notwithstanding the rage of men yet Christ is King and wil reigne so likewise Psal 45. with Heb. 1.8 but unto the Son he saith Thy Throne O God is forever and ever a Scepter of righteousness is the Scepter of thy Kingdome he hath a Kingdome and a Scepture by which he rules he is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth a King of Kings and Lord of Lords 2. Who are the subjects of his Kingdome it is true he is King over all King of Kings and Lord of Lords he will rule over his enemies with his Iron rod and dash them to peeces like a Potters vessel but he is in a more special manner King over the Saints and in them he lives and so rules in them as well as over them he is not onely King of Nations but King of Saints Rev. 15.3 It is part of the Saints song of joy just and true are thy wayes O thou King of Saints and in the Saints he reignes spiritually powerfully for in the day of his power he maketh them a willing people the Subjects of Christs Kingdome are a free people the manner how Christ reignes in and over his people and what are his Lawes I passe it in this place and referr you to the Kingly Office of Christ in my booke intituled the exaltation of Christ in his Offices and so come to the 3. thing propounded That is that the Kingdome of Christ shall increase in glory and spiritualness in the latter dayes the glory of the Church in the latter dayes shall increase and the manifestation of Christs Kingly power shall increase Esa 9. of the increase of his Government and Peace there shall be no end The Churches glory shall consist of two partciulars that is externall and internall 1. Externall the Church shall injoy much externall glory liberty and peace even in the world in the latter dayes Quest Wherein shall the externall glory of the Church consist Answ 1. In the abundance of peace and quiet even from the men of the World Esa 66.12 I will extend peace to her like a River and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream peace shall be extended not onely in the spirit but in the letter likewise for the ground of this peace is rendred in verse 15 16. for behold the Lord will come with fire c. Esae 65.25 the Wolfe and the Lamb shal feed together c. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy Mountain saith the Lord God will take away the Wolvish disposition of men that they shall live peaceably amongst the Saints they shall nor hurt nor destroy c. 2. God will take off the spirits of evil men he will make them stoop and fall before the Saints Mich. 7.16 17. The Nations shall see and be confounded at all their might they shall lay their hands upon their mouth their eares shall be deaf they shall lick the dust like a Serpent they shall move out of their holes like wormes of the earth they shall be affraid of the Lord our God shall feare because of thee Thus will the Lord deale with his enemies in the lattr dayes hee will take away their Chariot-wheels and cause them to drive heavily 3 God will give the Saints a good name even amongst their enemies they shall be high even in the thoughts of bad men Isa 65.15 And ye to wit the Lords enemies shall leave your name for a curse to my chosen for the Lord will slay thee and call his servants by another name Formerly the Saints had a name of reproach amongst the wicked if a man departed from iniquity he made himself a prey but the Lord will give his servants another name even amongst their enemies that men shal not bless themselves in their evill wayes but who so blesseth himselfe in the earth blesseth himselfe in he God of truth 4. God will make his enemies in stead of persecuting to serve the Saints Isa 60.12 For the Nation and Kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish yea thoso Nations shall be utterly wasted Ver. 14. The sons of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves downe at the soles of thy feet and shall call thee the Cities of the Lord. Thus you see the Churches enemies shall not onely acknowledg the Saints and confesse them to be the Lords Citie but bow down unto them and do them service 5. The Saints shall be exceeding many and that will adde to their externall glory Times have been that to be a Christian indeed would have been a wonder he that departed from iniquity made himselfe a prey and so was counted the off-scouring of all things but now a little one shall become a thousand and a small one strong Nation yea the Lord will hasten it in his time Isa 60.22 and v. 5. Then shalt thou see and flow together and thy heart shall feare and be enlarged because the abundance of the Sea shall be converted unto thee the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee This with much more shall be the externall glory of the Church Secondly the Church shall enjoy abundance of internall glory in the latter dayes both is coming on apace Quest Wherein shall the Churches internall glory consist Answ 1. In the abundance of spirituall light and knowledge Much ignorance hath possessed the soules even of Saints a long time a veil hath been spread over all Nations both Gentile as well as Jew but the veil shall be taken away Isa 25. And I will saith the Lord destroy or swallow up in this mountain that is in the Church the face of the covering cast over all people and the veil spread over all Nations Such hath been the ignorance that hath overspread all People and Nations through the spirituall operation of the
for the witness of Jesus were raised or lived and reigned with Christ as the sense of the former then they that shall be alive at the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep so that the spirit of God might as well deliver a truth which is in the Present tense in the Preterpluperfect tense as a truth in the Present tense which was in the Future and yet is all to exercise the mind of him that readeth and to let us know there is mystery in the Gospel Secondly very few Saints have been beheaded in the litterall sence those that have dyed for Christ have dyed other deaths and not beheaded therefore we cannot understand it in the Letter but in the spirit The fourth particular propounded was what was meant in that the rest of the dead were not raised untill the 1000. yeares were finished that is none that had been bodily dead Saints or wicked good or bad were raised till after the 1000. yeares were finished and then you shall see the resurrection of all which is called the second resurrection the first is called a resurrection and the first resurrection because it shall be a resurrection from shame and disgrace in the world And secondly it shall be a glorious resurrection in the spirit this first all the Saints have in some measure been partakers of it Thus it appeares that Christ shall have a Kingdome a glorious a spirituall One Quest But when shall this Kingdome be Ans It is already begun in the spirits of Saints The Kingdome of Heaven is within you 2. I beleeve that the time of the 1000 years which is a more glorious estate in the spirit is not yet begun but the beginning of that time shall be when the 7. seales are fully opened c. the 7. Trumpets fully sounded and the 7 vials powred forth they being but effects of each other the opening of the seales occasions the sound of the Trumpets the sound of the trumpets occasions the vials the opening of the seales the unfolding of the mysteries of the Gospell which have been hid Rev. 5.1 2. As light breaks forth the Trumpets sound the servants of Jesus preach forth the mystery of the Gospell in the power and puritie of it occasions the vials of wrath to fall upon the Antichristian estate both in the spirit and in the letter which work is now adoing Wait the Lords time and it will come on apace But first we are yet like to be given into the hands of the little horn who changes times lawes the two witnesses are yet like to be slain and to lye dead 3 dayes and a halfe and the Woman cloathed with the Sun to be driven into the wildernes for a little space a time times and halfe a time the beast with two hornes like a Lambe hath yet a little time to make use of his power perswading them that dwell in the earth to make an Image to the first beast and that none but those who own it shall buy or sell with them the Saints beheaded under the Alter to wait a little time before they be raised up to live with Christ 1000. yeares but it is not long the vision is for an appointed time in the end it will speak and not lye it will come and not tarry the first 1000. is almost past the second and third are coming on apace and all the Nations and Kingdoms in the world will come apace to be the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ and he shall reigne for ever their lives shall be prolonged for a season and a time and other Scriptures are alleaged for a personall reign of Christ as the stone cut out of the Mountain without hands Dan. 2. that is the glorious power of Christ by weak meanes subduing al Antichristian enemies without his Saints all Antichristian things by his spirit within them So that in Dan. 7.10 the glorious company of Saints attending on Christ in the spirit which shall be fulfilled at the raising of the two witnesses up into Heaven in the sight of their enemies Rev. 5.10 11. This is the first glorious work of the Lord Jesus in and amongst the Saints the Lord reigneth let the Saints rejoyce the Lord reigneth let the world tremble see Zach. 14.5 The Lord our God will come and all the Saints with him that is Christ will come in the Spirit and all the Saints shall appear gloriously in him A word of application First if this be truth that the Kingdome of Christ is a spirituall Kingdome and not of this world this may inform us how farr besides the Gospel in the spirit and truth of it those men are who make the Kingdome of Christ to be meerely politicall and a state-Kingdome who turne the world by a humane power into the Church and Kingdome of Christ as they say and Christ must have a worldly carnall Kingdome no better th n the Kings of the earth enjoy or else he shall have none at all it savours exceedingly of the earth and ere long thither it must returne 2. This could incourage the Saints to pres forward after the knowledge of God in the spirit that as the Kingdom of Christ is spirituall and not of this world so may the Saints Kingdome likewise be in the spirit and so all their enioyments may be spirituall enjoyments this is that will make the soule fat and wel-liking in the Lord I l fithe soule with joy and peace which the world is not acquainted with their eyes never saw it nor their hearts conceived it neither are they like to see it unlesse the Lord make them spirituall SECT X. Of Death Resurrection Iudgement and the state of the Saints after Iudgemene eternally with God FIrst of death It is appointed for all men once to dye Dust we are to dust we must returne and therefore it behoves us to to expect it All the dayes of mine appointed time will I waite til my change come Death is certaine although the time be uncertaine it is that none are in a common aid ordinary way exempted from unlesse those Saints who are alive at the last comming of Christ they shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye 1. Cor. 15.51.52 and so shall be caught up in the spirit to meet the Lord in the ayre 1 Thes 4.17 Secondly of the Resurrection That there shall be a resurrection of the Body at the last day is evident John 5.28 29. John 11.24 with 1 Cor. 15. throughout Rev. 20.12.13 although this truth is by some denyed and by others too carnally looked upon some thinking that our bodies of flesh shall be raised in the same forme in which it dyed others that it shall be spiritual yet question whether it shall be of the same substance therefore it will be necessary to consider two particulars for the clearing of it First by what power we shall be raised Secondly with what bodies 1 By what Power
the Church what p. 75. SECTION 9. The spirituall Kingdom of Christ in his Church in the latter dayes of the Gospel discovered p. 80. Who are the subjects of Christs Kingdom p. 81 The externall glory of the Church of Christ in latter dayes p. 82. 83 The spirituall glory of the Church p. 85. The Kingdome of Christ wholly spirituall p. 90 Objections answered conceruing the personall reigne of Christ p. 93 SECTION 10. Of death resurrection and Judgement p. 108. 2. Part. A briefe discovery of Antichrist or the man of sin both in the History and in the Mystery p 113 To the Reader PErusing this Treatise J could not but take notice of some pretious truths in it and commend them abroad The spirituall designe of this Author I find to be this Rom. 14 17. Ephes 4.3 2 Cor. to set up the Kingdome of God in spirit and to draw believers by that more into spirit and that no difference of outward administration or Ordinances should divide Christians that are baptised into one spirit which truth J did much rejoyce to see from his Pen and practise and should rejoyce to see the like from all the rest We know he is not a Jew who is one outward Rom. 2. neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh we are the circumcision saith the Apostle Phil. 3. who rejoyce in Christ Iesus and have no confidence in the flesh There are some excellent truthes hinted in this Book which I intend to speak on as of the two Adams the spirituall Church the spirituall Liberty the spirituall not personall reigne of Christ in a little Treatise of my owne Ephes 1.17 ● Cor. 2. The Lord fill us with the Spirit of wisdom and Revelation The spiritual man judgeth all things John Saltmarsh THE MARROVV OF CHRISTIANITY SECTION 1. Of Adams Condition before his fall THe condition of Adam in his innocency before his fall was 1. A condition of humane perfection an upright and perfect man this is the conclusion of wisdome Eccles 7.29 Loe this only have I found that God hath made man upright but they sought out many inventions Obj. But it is said Gen. 1.27 that God created man in his own Image in the Image of God created he him therefore it seemes that Adam had more in him then perfect humanity that he was made partaker of the divine nature Answ For the clearing of this Scripture two things are to be considered 1. what is meant by the Image of God 2. what is not meant by it 1. what we are to understand by the Image of God in which Adam was created 1. reason wisdom and understanding Adam was made a reasonable wise and understanding man in this particuler he was in the Image of God A wise God there is no searching of his understanding Esa 40.28 Adam had the Image of Gods wisdome not the wisdome of God not the thing it selfe it dwelled in God fully it was essential in him but imparted to Adam it was and is in God essentially he is wisdome it selfe Adam was but the Image God himselfe the substance That this Image was in man at first appears first from Scripture Gen. 2.19.20 the Lord brought all the creation to wit sensitive Creatures before Adam that he might give names unto them or to see what he would call them God would now put him to the imploying of that reason and understanding he had given unto him a perfection of reason above all other Creatures 2. It appeares from naturall experience hence it is that there is so much enquiring after a perfection of humane reason so much studying of Arts as Phylosophy Logick Rhetorick c. but from these corrupted reliques or principls of reason yet remaining in falne man striving after hardly being satisfied without the perfection of reason able to give a reason of all thiings this your heathen Philosophers have gon far in this is that maybe attained in an high measure yet be but a reasonable moral man nay were it possible to attaine that perfection that was in Adam yet it would be no more then a morall humane perfection and this is that which many who bear the name of Christians to much presse after glory in as if without this wisdom there could be no knowledge of mind of Christ thus did the Greeks seek after wisdom 1. Cor. 1.22 the Greeks being the deepest in the knowledge of humane Arts and of the nature and cause of things therefore they would judge of the Gospel according to reason they seek after natural wisdom but saith the Apostle we preach Christ to the Greeks foolishnesse so indeed is the Gospel in the mystery of it meer folly to the highest naturall understanding in the world nay it is that which the wisdome of the Gospel destroyes where it comes in power he destroyes the wisdome of the wise and brings to nought the understanding of the prudent 1 Cor. 1.19 and here lyes the great mystery of mistake I had almost said of Iniquity we seek after the knowledge of God unto this wisdome of the first Adaem how many are there that would confine the knowledge of God in the wisdome who are not ashamed to say that Phylosophy is the mother of Theologie without this naturall wisdome men must com short in the knowledge of God when the truth is the first Adam was of the earth earthly the 2d is the Lord from heaven and they who have but the first Adams wisdome are stil of the earth earthly the wisdom of the first Adam comes infinitly short of bringing us to the knowledge of God in the spirit but it is by the wisdome of the second Adam who is the Lord from heaven and the wisdome of the father we attaine the knowledge of God in the spirit which wisdom destroyes brings to nought the wisdom of the first Adam 1 Cor. 1.19 Chap. 2.6 7 8. and 3 Chap. 18.19.20 Note that all unbelievers and carnall professors are in the wisdom of the first Adam all believers spiritually made alive by Jesus being delivered from themselves are in the wisdome of the second Adam the Lord Jesus who is the wisdome of the Father 1 Cor. 1.24 2 Adam was in the Image of God that was in a perfect morall pure and sinlesse condition he was made upright innocent without sin but he sought out many inventions Quest How may a morall purity and righteousnesse be said to be the Image of God Answ 1. God was and is perfectly essentially and spiritually pure Adam was but the Image or Character of this purity as it is possible to draw a compleat Image of Character of a living man in a peece of stone or timber and we say and speak truly that it is the Image or likenesse of a living man yet it is not a living man nor hath it any part of mans nature in him even so was Adam in the Image of God there was not onely the wisdome