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A17216 The olde fayth an euident probacion out of the holy scripture, that the christen fayth (whiche is the right, true, old and vndoubted fayth) hath endured sens the beginnyng of the worlde. Herein hast thou also a short summe of the whole Byble, and a probacion, that al vertuous men haue pleased God, and wer saued through the Christen fayth. 1547. Myles Couerdale.; Alte Glaube. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1547 (1547) STC 4071; ESTC S111672 65,283 130

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one summ● whych fayth Adam Noe Abrahā Mos●s and Dauid had And thys dyd they the more euidētly because they apply●d thē selues to opē the lawe and to dryue awaye the mysvnderstandynge whyche was rysen vp among and in the people therfore poynte they euery where frō the letter vnto the sprete frō y ● outward sacrifice vnto christ Jesus from all ydola●rye vnto the onely God whyche saueth vs thorow hys mercy only in the blessed sede horowe none of oure deseruinges This dyd Paul se therfore sayde he Roma iii. Thorowe the workes of the law shall no man be iustified in the syght of god For thorow the law cōmeth the knowlege of synne But nowe is the ryghteous●es of God declared wythoute the lawe for as muche as it is alowed by the ●estimo●y of the law the Prophetes The ryghteousnes of God cōmeth by the fay●h of Jesus Christ vnto al and vpō al thē that beleue So sayeth Peter also in th● ▪ ●● ▪ of the Actes All the prophetes from Samuell thence forth as many as haue spoken haue tolde of th●se dayes And in the. ● ▪ chapter ●●o●hys Jesus Christ geue all the prophetes wi●nes that whosoeuer beleueth in hym shall thorowe hys name recyeue forg●uen●sse of synnes Who so now is lerned in the wrytynges of the Prophetes knoweth well that there is nothyng red concernyng the Lord in the new Testament whych the prophetes haue not prophecyed of afore He that is then any thynge iustructe in the Prophetes hathe no doute consydred thys in the new testamēt that the apostles proue all theyr doctrine of the Lorde Jesu out of the lawe and the Prophetes Yea that the Lord hym selfe confyrmeth hys owne doynges wyth the scriptures of the prophetes and that the Euāgelistes thorow out the holy gospell set vnto the doctrine and miracles of Christ these wordes And this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken dy the prophetes Neuertheles for theyr sakes that are not yet instructe I wyll nowe declare the principall articles of our Lord Jesu Christ out of the holy prophetes As touchyng the true godheade manhode of oure Lorde Jesu Christ and that he shulde be borne at Bethleē in the lande of Jewrye of a pure virgin and maide out of the kynred of Dauid the Prophetes testifie after thys maner Esaye in the. v●i Chapter ●ayeth Beholde a virgin shall conceaue and beare a sonne and shall call hys name Emanuell that is to saye God wyth vs. Micheas saieth in the .v. chapter Though thou Bethleem Ephrata arte to small to be rekened amonge the pryncypall cyties of Juda yet oute of the shall there come one vnto me whych shalbe ruler in Israell whose forth goyng is from euerlastynge In the nynth Chapter of Esaye it is wrytten Unto vs is a chylde borne and to vs is geuen a sonne vppon whose shulders the kyngdome shall lye and he shalbe called after hys own name euen the wondefull counsaill geuer the myghty one of Israel the eternall father the Prince of peace hys kyngdome shall increace and of hys peace there shalbe no ende and he shall reigne vppon the seate of Dauid hys father In the. xxiii of Hieremy it is wrytten thus Beholde the tyme commeth sayth the Lorde that I wyl tay●e vp the ryghteous blossome of Dauid he shall be kyng and reygne and prospere iudgemente and ryghteousnesse shall he e●●cute vpon earth In thys tyme shall Juda be saued and Israell shall dwell wythoute feare thys is the name wherwythe he shall be named euen God oure ryghteousnes Concernynge the commynge of John the baptist w●ych was the fore runner of oure Lorde Christ and prepared the people for hym Hath Malachy wryttē in the thyrde chapter after thys maner Beholde I wyll sende my messaunger whych shall prepare the waye before me and the Lord whome ye longe for shall shortly come to hys temple and the messaunger of the couenaunt whome y● wolde haue Beholde he commeth sayeth the Lord zebaoth And after warde Beholde I wyll sende Helias the Prophete afore the commynge of the greate and fearefull Daye of the Lorde Of Christes preachynge of the grace of God of the forgeuing of synnes of the wonders also and tokens of the Lorde speaketh Esaye in the. l●i Chapter after thys maner The spirite of the Lorde god is vpon me and therfore hath the Lorde anoynted me to preache the Gospel to the meke harted hath he sente me to heale the broken harted to preache delyueraunce to the captyue to open the pryson to suche as are in bondes to proclame the yeare of Gods gracyous wyll and to brynge consolation to all them that are in heuynes In the .xxxiiii. chapter of Ezechiell it is wrytten thus Ouer my shepe wyll I rayse vp one onely shepherde whych shall fede thē evē Dauid my seruaunt whych shall fede them and he shalbe theyr shepherde I the Lorde also wyll be theyr God and Dauid shalbe theyr prince euen I the Lorde haue spoken it In the .xxxv. Cha. of Esaye it is wrytten thus Saye vnto them that are of a feble hart Be stronge and feare not beholde oure god commeth to take vengeaūce reward God cōmeth hym selfe wyll delyuer you Then shall the eyes of the blynde be opened c. Then shall the lame man leape as an hert and the tonge of the Domne shall geue prayse Of the kyngdom of Christ in the which he hym selfe alone is kynge all the world beynge subiecte vnto hym declarynge hys dominion and royall maiestye wrytteth Esaye thus in the seconde Chapter And it shall come to passe in the last tyme that the hyll of the house of the Lorde shall be exalted vpon the hyght of mountaynes aboue all lits● hylles and all nacions shall come together vnto hym the people shall go to him and saye Come let vs go vp to the mount of the Lorde euen to the house of the God of Jacob that he maye shew vs hys waye and we wyll walke in hys pathes For the lawe shall come forth frō Sion and the worde of God from Hierusalem In the .vii. of Daniel it is writtē thus I sawe a vision in the nyght and beholde there came one in the cloudes of heauen like the sonne of man which came to the olde aged and they brought hym before hys presence And he gaue hym power glorie and the kyngdome and all people nacions and tonges must serue him his power is an euerlastyng power which shall not be taken from hys hys kyngdome shall not perishe Esaye sayeth in the ixii capter And the Heythen shall se thy righteousnesse all kynges thyne honoure and he shall call the by a newe name O Syon and the mou●h of God shall geue the name And thou shalt be a crowne of glorye in the hand of the Lorde and a royall crowne of the kyngdome in the hand of thy God And soone after it folowethe Make ready make ready the
describeth he also in the foresayde verse the pure and holy Conception and byrth of our Lord Jesu Chryst And thys doth he wyth a goodly similitude sayeth Thy byrth shalbe holy and very excellent not vncleane as the byrthe of other men For lyke as the dew out of the cleare heauen out of the fayre mornynge is borne as it wereout of a mothers wombe Euē so also shalt thou be borne holy and cleane of an vndefyled virgin Wherof thou findest more instruction Luke i. The Lorde hath swome and it shall not repēt him thou art prest for euer after the ordre of Melchisedech In thys fourth verse descr●beth he the office of Jesu Christ how that he is ordeyned of God to be one onely preist for euer whych shuld offer vp hym selfe for the synne of the world and alway appeare in the syght of God the father and to praye for vs. All thys doth holy Paull declare at large to the Hebreues in the .v. vii viii ix and. x chap. And specially in thys verse is grounded all that is red thorowe out the scripture of the merites of Christ of the forgeuyng of sinnes of righteous making of beynge mediatoure and that he alone is the onely saluation aduocate satisfaction and ryghteousnesse of the faythfull The Lorde is at thy ryght hand he in the tyme of hys wrath shall wounde euen kynges Thys fyfth verse teacheth howe God wyll ener more and more stand on hys sōnes syde further hys cause and brynge downe and destroye those kynges princes and Lordes that wyl not amende and beleue in Christ but wyll rather prouoke his wrathe then ●elyre hys grace Whyche thynge Herodes Nero Domicianus Maximinus and Julianus haue proued Yet foloweth the syxte verse declarynge the fyfth He shall iudge amonge the Heythen and fyll all full of deed bodyes and smyte the heade on the wyde grounde Christ is also preached vnto the Heithē and reigneth among thē but many wythstande Chryste and them dothe he iudge And lyke as a kynge ouercommeth hys enemyes wyth a battayle and couereth the whole playne wyth deed bodyes visiteth also and smyteth the head of the warre the head cycie of the enemies Euē so doth Christ to his enemies and destroieth their power and kyngdome All whych thynges we haue sene in the olde vnchristē empyre of Rome and in many other potentates and powers But specially he breaketh the head of the olde serpent accordyng to the promes Gene. iii. And at the laste shall he come to iudge the quycke and deed and destroye hys enemyes for euer Out of the broke in the way shall he drynke therfore shall he also lyfte vp the heade Fynally and in the seuenth verse he describeth the passion of Christ and his glory In the waye sayeth he that is in hys lyfe whyle he is in thys miserie He shall drynke oute of the broke that is he shall suffer be ouercome For to drynke out of the cuppe is asmuche as to suffer But to drynke oute of the broke is to be altogether full of trouble to be vexed and ●ormēted wythoute victory and vtterly to be ouerwhelmed wyth a broke strong streame of troubles Thus was it hys mynde to declare the passion of Christ After the passiō foloweth the glory wyth the resurrection and ascensiō Paul Philip. ii speaketh of both and sayeth Chryste humbled hymselfe and became obediēt vnto death euen the deathe of the Crosse Wherfore God hath exalted hym and geuen hym a name whyche is aboue all names c. Thus muche be spoben of thys Psalme and of Dauids vnderstandyng ●hych he had of Christ Jesu and of the christē faith Upon thys I maruayll yf after so euidente testimonies there be yet any man whych perceaueth not that Dauids faith and vnderstandyng of Christe was euen one fayth and vnderstandynge wyth the fayth that we knowlege and say I beleue in one God father alymightye c As it is in the xii articles of the Chrysten faythe For the holy trinite in one godheade doth he knowlege not onely here but also in the .xxxiii. Psalme sayenge Thorowe the worde of God were the heauēs made and all theyr power thorow the sprete of hys mouth For certayne it is that there is but one onely God maker of heauen and of erth but here is the trinite called Lord or God worde and sprete Nether is there any thynge in the Articles of the beleue concernynge the Godhead and manhode of Christ of hys concepcion byrth passiō crosse and death of the resurrection ascēsion and iudgement but ti is clearly comprehended here in thys Psalme The articles of the holy churche of forgeuynge of sinnes the resurrectiō of the fleshe and an euerlastynge lyfe are conteyned in thys Psalme and are treated vpon yet more clearly and wyth many moo wordes very substantially in other Psalmes of Dauid Therfore had he our holy fayth knowleged the same was saued therein and of all holy mē was called the father of christ wyth hye commendation bycause of the promes that was made vnto hym Moreouer all the holy Prophetes folowynge had respecte vnto Dauid as to another Moses and toke many thinges out of his wryttynges For there is scace any other that so clearly wrote of the cause of christ as thys prophet Dauid and therfore hath he honoure and prayse aboue other in Israel Of whome thou readest also ▪ Eccle. xlvii Such fayth and confidence in God thorow Jesus Christ had Dauid oute of the holy goost and out of the doctrine of hys Prophetes Samuel Nathan Gad and of other hys preistes whych also had the same of God and of the holy fathers specially of Moses And no doute he desired the honoure of God and of hys sōne not to kepe it onelye hym selfe but also muche rather to requyre it of all hys people Wherfore no doute he set vp and furthured thys hys fayth and religion amōg all hys men of warre kynstolke in al hys courte Edominion before the whole congregation and in all hys kyngdome so● diligently ernestly and feruently that afterwarde certayne hundreth yeares they whych beleued ryghte lyued well were praysed for walkyug in the wayes of Dauid theyr father They also that dyd euell and set not forth the true fayth of them is it wryten They walked not in the wayes of Dauid theyr father Of thys hast thou many ensamples in the bokes of the kynges and in the Cronicles Many thynges also were forgeuen the kynges and all the people of Juda for Dauids sake that is for the promes sake mode vnto Dauyd euen for Jesus Christes sake whom Ezechiel calleth Dauid In the. iii boke of the kynges the xv chapter it is wryttē thus The hert of Abia was not ryght toward hys Lord God as was the hart of Dauid hys father And for Dauyds sake dyd the Lorde geue hym a lyghte at Hierusalem so that at Hierusalē he set vp hys sonne and
preserued him For Dauid did it that was ryght in the syght of the Lord and al the dayes of lyfe hys dydde not he shrenke from any thyng that he cōmaunded him excepte in the matter of Urias the H●●hite Thus readeste thou also of Ezechias iii. Regum xviii In the iiii boke of the kynges the .xxv. chapter sayeth he Prophete Afore Josias was there no Kynge that was lyke hym whych turned hym selfe so vnto the Lord wyth all hys hart wyth all hys soule and wyth all hys power accordynge to all the lawe of Moses And afterwarde came there none lyke hym But in the seconde boke of the Cronycles the xx●iiii Chapter stondeth the declaracion of the foresayde place after thys maner Josyas reygned at Hierusalem xxxi yeare and dyd that whych pleased the Lord and walked in the wayes of hys Father Dauyd and declined nether to the ryght hande nor to the lyfte For in the eyghte yeare of hys reygne whyle he was yet but yonge euen syxtene yeare olde he begane to seke the god of hys father Dauid Thus muche be spoken concernynge this that Israel and all the vertuous kinges of Juda trusted vnto Chrste and not to the lawe of Moses Who so desyreth the nomber of the yeares he fyndeth .iii. Regum vi euen 480 yeares from the departynge out of Egipte vntyl the fourthe yeare of the reygne of Salomon And from that tyme vntyl the captiuite of Babilon are rekened 419. yeares or there aboutes Altogether make 899 yeares ☞ All holy Prophetes do poynte vnto Christ and preache saluacion onely in hym SOmwhat yet wyll we nowe declare farther co●ernynge the tymes of the kynges of Juda and Israell whych in a maner were euen as the tymes of the Judges of Israell For lyke as in the fyrst yeares of Josue god gaue great victory and honoure and afterwarde ●est and peace Euen so were the Israelytes very victorious and tryumphant vnder Dauid had great reste and peace vnder Salomon But lyke as after the death of Josue the honour of Israel decreaced and the departynge away from God folowed wyth one persecutiō vpō another though in the meane tyme they had peace and delyuerers as Othoniel Ehud Barack Gedeō Jephthae Sampson c. Euē so dyd the worshyppe of Israell decreace after Salomons tyme. For the ten ●ryb●s of Israel fell awaye from the house of Dauid only Juda and Ben Jamin helde Salomons sonne Roboam for theyr kynge the other made Hieroboam kynge And so of one kyngdom were made two the kingdome of Israel and the kingdom of Juda The kyngdome of Israell thorow the persuasiō of Hieroboam chose them another maner of seruynge God Not that they vtterlye denye and refused the God of theyr fathers but they serued him after a straung heythenish maner of theyr owne ymagenyng But afterward they fell the longer the more and farther in to grosse ydolatrye so longe tyll the Lorde suffered them to be roted out and cary●d away by the kynge of the Assprians and scatred abrode among all the Heythen The kyngdome and the kynges of Juda were somwhat better howbeit they had some also whych excelled the kynges of Israell and of the Heythen in vngodlynesse For they lykewyse went forth so longe in vnryghteousnesse tyll Nabugodonosor the kyng roted them oute and caryed them awaye vnto Babilon But afore we se that there was a wonderfull combraunce in the eyuyll police and in the religion Sometyme was all ryghteousnesse and true relygion opprest and violence and ydolatrye vsed Somtyme gat ryghteousnes vp againe the ryght true fayth had y ● victory all vnryght and ydolatrye beynge put downe Thys came to pas also in Israell vnder Helyas and kyng Jehu Yet was the ydolatrie and wronge rather punysshed ▪ then any amendement folowynge Lyke as it came also to pas after the byrth of Christ that there were vertuous kynges Emperours whych accordyng to the prophe ●ye of Esaye in the .xlix. Chapter dyd all ryghte ousnesse set vp the fayth of Christ and put downe all yd latrye Agayne there came other that s●t vp all vnryghteousnesse ydolatrye persecuted the trueth and at the laste receyued theyr reward cōuenīet So wayghtie a matter is it to haue good or euell rulers But in these wonderfull alterations and thorowe out all the tyme of these gouernaunces of both the kyngdomes God alway sente hys seruauntes the holy prophetes ●o rebuke wronge and ydolatrye and to teache all ryghteousnesse and true seruyng of God And fyrst after the tyme of Dauid and Salomon vnder whome ther was a great multitude of lerned and holy prophetes For Dauid also and Salomon were excellently endewed wyth the sprete of wysdome and prophe●ie aboue other mē these were the chefe mooste famous and oldest prophetes of whom the byble maketh mencion wyth worshyppe Semeias whyche lyued vnder Roboam kyng of Juda Ah●as the Si●onyte vnd●r Hieroboam ●zari●s the sonne of Obed whyche lyued vnder Asa kyng of Juda Jehu the sonne of Anany whom Baasa the kyng of Israel sl●w Helias the great prophet and Miche as the son of J●mla lyued vnder Achab and Josaphat Now lyke as in the tyme of ●au● there was a great nombre of lerned men ●uen so testifieth the seconde boke of the Cronicles in the .xvii. chapter that in the tyme of Josaphat there were many lerned Leuites and Prophetes Helis●us was in the tyme of kyng J●hu and zacharias the sonne of Jo●ada was vnder Joas vnder whome also he was stoned Neuerth●●s we haue no bokes wrytten an● set forthe by these Onely we haue the prophecie of Abdia● whyche wrote his prophecie vnder Achab. Afterward vnder Usia Jothā Achas and Ezec●ias kynges of Juda lyued the moost parte of thē whose bokes are abrode For vnder these preached and wrote ●onas Oseas Isaias Johel Nahū Amos Micheas Afterward vnder kynge Manasses wrote Abacuk Under the holy kyng Josias wrote Sophonias Ba●uch and Hieremye in whose dayes Israell had suche mystortune that Hyerusalem wyth the temple was destroyed and the p●ople that remained ouer and peryshed not were caried awaye captyue in to Babylon In the same Captyui●e dyd Ezech●el and Daniell wryte theyr prophecies And after the captiuite whan Israel was delyuered agayne and came home to Hyerusalem then preached and wrote Esdras Haggeus zacharias Malachias and Nehemias Besyde these Prophrtes no doute there were other moo of whom no mencyon is made But these are the thefe by woome it pleased God to open vnto vs all that apperteyneth to our salu●●ion And though we had also the wrytynges of the oth●r ▪ yet shoulde ●e r●ade no other thynge in them then we fynde in oure owne Prophetes for asmuche as these whome we haue agree so together all in one Now whether they be our own prophetes ▪ whose writīges we haue or the other whose wrytinges we haue not Yet haue they all preached the sūme of the doctrine and knowlege the ●ayth that we spake of afore wrote in
waye gather vp the stones out of the strete and hang out the banner vnto the people beholde the Lorde hath caused it to be proclamed vnto the ende of the worlde Tell the daughter Syon beholde the sauyoure commeth lo his treasure and his rewarde bringeth he with him his dedes go before him And they that are redemed of the Lord shalbe called the holy people zachary sayeth in the .ix. chap. Reioyce O daughter Siō be glad O daughter Hierusalem beholde thy kyng cōmeth vnto the euen the righteous and sauyoure meke and symple is he he rydeth vpon an asse vpon a yong colt of the she asse He shal preach peace vnto the Hevthen his kyngdome also shall reach from the one see to the other from the ryuer vnto the vttermost parte of the erthe Of the death and passion of Christ speaketh Daniel in the .ix. chapter after this maner And after two and sixtye wekes shall Christ be slayn put to death and yet shall they haue no true testimonye that he is giltye of death Esaye in the .l. chapter sayeth thus The Lorde God opened myne eare and I refused it not nether wente I bacwarde I gaue my body to the smiters and my chekes to the nyppers and my face haue I not turned from theyr shamefull intreatinge and spittynge vpon me The Lorde God also shall help me therfore shall I not be confounded And therfore haue I hardened my face lyke a flynt stone and am sure that I shall not be confounded In the liii chapter there is writtē of Christ after this maner He shall haue nether bewtye ner fayrnesse we shall loke vpon him but we shall haue no desyre vnto hym He is despysed and contēned of mē a mā of trouble and one that hath had experience of infirmyte He is so despysed that we shall hyde our faces from him and haue hym in no estimation And yet hath he borne oure vnperfectnesses and felt oure sorowes We also thought that he shulde be wounded smy●ten and punished of God But he was wounded for our synnes and slayne for oure wyckednesse sake And the punishment wherby we haue peace is layed vpon him and thorow his woundes are we made whole All we haue gone astraye lyke shepe euery one of vs hath had respecte vnto hys owne waye and the Lorde hath layed all our synnes vpon hym Uiolence and wrong was done vnto hym he hath bene euell intreated yet opened he not his mouth He shall be led as a beest to be slayen and as a shepe domme before the sherers so shall he not open hys mouth c. The whole chapter descrybeth all the cause of Christe so clearly that holy Hierome sayd not in vayne Esaye is not onely a Prophet but also an Euangelist zachary descrybeth the presthode and sacrificie of Christ and testifieth that with the same onely oblacion he hath opteyned grace for all synnes and therfore seuē that is to saye all eyes shall haue respecte vnto him and shall seke peace rest of theyr consciences in hym and shall fynde it Heare nowe O Josue thou hye prest thou and thy cōpanyons that syt before the seynge ye are mē of ensamples For lo I wil bring my seruaūt euē the blossome For beholde the stone whiche I haue layed before Josue wyll I brynge To the same onely stone shall seuē eyes loke Beholde I wyll dyg it vp and dssclose it sayeth the Lorde zabaoth and the synne of the erth wyll I take awaye in one daye And in that daye shall euery man call hys neghboure vnder hys vyne and fyg●tre The buryall and resurrection of oure Lord Jesu Christ hath the prophet Jonas figured very excellently For thus sayeth oure Lorde Christ hym selfe Lyke as Jonas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the whalles belye so shall the sonne of man be thre dayes and thre nightes in the hert of the erthe Of the ascension of Jesu Christ and sendynge of the holy gooste hath Joel also written in the .ii. chapter and it is alledged of S. Peter Act. ii Of the callynge gathering together the Heythen and of euery thynge pertaynynge to the holy church doth Esay wryte in the .xlix. chap. and so forth to the ende of his prophecye Thus hast thou that the prophetes also in their tyme dyd preach Jesus Christe poynted not the people to truste vnto the workes of the law their own deseruing but vnto christ of whome they prophecied euery thinge that folowed after Therfore dyd Peter speake right .i. Pet. i. sayenge Ye shall receaue the ende of your fayth euen the saluacion of your soules After which saluacion haue the prophetes enquyred and searched whiche prophecyed of the grace that shulde come vnto you searchinge whan or what tyme the sprete of Christ which was in them shuld signifye which sprete testified before the passions that shuld happen vnto Christ and the glory that shulde folowe after Unto the which prophetes it was also declared that not vnto them selues onely but vnto vs they shuld ministre the thynges which are now shewed vnto you by them which haue preached vnto you the gospel thorow the holy goost that was sen●e vnto them from heauen c. In the which testimony the holy Apostle Peter had a speciall respecte to the prophecye of Daniel whiche dyd not onely recorde the passion glory of Christ but also poynted to the tyme in the which Christ shuld come For lyke as God in the greatest parels daungers and alteracions hath alwaye renewed more clearly expressed hys promes conceruyng the blessed sede as in the tyme of Noe whan the worlde was destroyed in the tyme of Abraham whan God wolde prepare hym selfe a new people in the tyme of Moses whā God receaued his people and caryed them out of Egipte to bringe them in to the lande of Canaan in the tyme of Dauid whan all thynges stode so well and it must nedes be auoyded leste any man shulde thynke Dauid were the blessed sede Before the captiuite of Babylon also and in the tyme of the prophetes which as it is sayde afore preached and wrote that no man shulde doute in gods promes as who saye they were geuen vp and cast a waye though the temple were broken the cytye brent though the people of whome Christ shuld be borne were led awaye in to captiuite Euen so nowe also in the captiuite whan the faythfull might all moost haue thought that the promes of God concernynge Messia were cleane gone Euen than dyd God shewe hys seruaunt Daniel a more cleare vision of Christ after thys maner The people shalbe let go agayne out of captiuite and shall come home to Hierusalē buylde the temple and cytie agayne but with a sore tyme. And after that the cytye is buylded vnto the tyme of Christe shall be .lxix. wekes that is c. x●viii .iii. yeares And euen so was it from the. xxx●i yeare of Darius
righteousnesse house and lande or punyshe the shamefull blasphemers ydolaters and persecuters of the holy fayth and not suffre them to haue all their malycious wyll Neuertheles thys must be done by them to whome god hath committed the swerde For thus sayeth the Lorde Who so taketh the swerde shall perishe thorow the swerde Matthe .xxvi. But specially in the battayls of gods people and of the vnfaytfull it commeth to pas and is expresly set before our eyes that god sayde to the serpent at the begynnyng Genesi iii. I wyll put enemyte betwene thy sede and the womans sede For the righteous are the sede of Christe the vnrighteous and vnfaytfull are the sede of the deuell Betwene these now se we greate discorde but specially thys that the faythfull do alwaye treade the serpente on the headde though they them selues also be bytten in the hele For the right faythfull beleuers afore the birth of christe in the tyme of the promes had no lesse trouble and persecution not onely because of synne but also for righteousnes and faythes sake then the faythfull after Chrystes byrth in the tyme of grace and perfectnes Therfore haue they small knowlege of the doinges of the faythful which saye that the people of olde were a victoryous people and gouerued corporally but that the people after Christes comminge are borne to suffre and to no victory or gouernaunce Neuertheles in these wonderfull tymes in the whiche gods people hadde now victory and anone were subdued and oppressed the true fayth continued vpright and vnblemished from Josue forth thorowe out all the iudges vntyll the tyme and raigne of Dauid Dauid also was a man that suffred moch thorow dyuerse and long trouble thorow miserable distresse and vexacion and thorow sore persecution without ce●ssynge beynge proued tryed and prouoked afore he was kynge Wherof the bokes of Samuel and the more parte of the Psalmes beareth recorde But after that he was promoted vnto the kyngdome by God whiche sayde I haue founde a man after myne owne hert he auaunced set forth and magnified the true fayth righte delygently Here also to the honoure of oure Lorde Jesu Christe wyll I shortly and by the waye declare what knowlege and faith thys noble kynge and prophete had of our Lord Jesu Thys wyll I do with the declaracion of the .c. xi Psalme whose wordes are these The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde Syt thou at my ryght hande tyll I make thyn enemyes thy foote stole In the fyrste verse Dauid knowlegeth the personnes in the holy Trinite the godheade also and the eternall kyngdome of Christe Thus lykewyse dyd our Lorde Jesus Christ vnderstonde and alledge thys verse in the Gospell Mathe .xxii. knowledgynge two of the personnes in the one onely godhead For he sayeth The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde Now is it certayne and vndenyable that he which speaketh he to whomought is spoken are not one but two personnes Yet is ther but one Lorde and god and they both the father that speaketh and the sonne to whome is spoken are the Lord therfore are they one of one substaunce and beynge they very true god Nether is the sonne lesse then the father There can also none be a father except he haue a sonne or a chylde Now is the euer lastyng father God therfore is the sonne also euerlastynge There is also but one onely euerlastinge without begynnynge Both the father and the sonne are eternal without begynnynge therfore are they one onely true God with the holy gooste Lyke as Johan also sayeth In the begynnynge that is to saye from euerlastinge was the worde and the worde was with God and the worde was god And immediatly therafter sayeth he that the worde is Jesus Christe our Lorde For it foloweth The worde became fleshe Therfore doth Dauid also call the sonne of god specially hys Lorde sayenge The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde And therfore calleth he Christe hys Lorde because he confesseth and beleueth that he is hys very naturall Lorde and god as Thomas also dyd knowlege My lord and my god Joh. xx Afterwarde calleth he hym hys Lorde because that after the nature of man he shulde be borne out of hys loynes For thorow out all the scripture is our Lorde Jesus called the sōne of Dauid And thus bothe Dauid knowlege two natures in Christ the nature of God and the nature of man That the kyngdome of Christ shall last for euer and that the kynde and nature of man shalbe exalted aboue all heauens a● Paul saieth h●b ii Dauid testifieth wit● these wordes Syt thou at my ryghte hāde tyl I make thyne enemies thy fo●e stole For Marke sayeth in the .xvi. Chapter The Lorde was taken vp in to heauē an● sytteth at the ryght hand of God ▪ Of thi● also fynde we i. Cor. xv Now he must ●● des be very God in dede whyche rey●nethe for euer and to whome all enem●es muste be subdued y●a cast vtterly vnder hys fete Nowe foloweth the second● verse The Lorde shall sende thy myghtye staf out of Syon thou shal● be Lord eue● in the myddes amonge thyne enemyes Here speketh he of the preaching of the holy Gospell and how the worlde shulde be conuerted vnto Christe and Chryste to reygne in the myddes of the worlde In the fyrste verse is spoken of the eternall kyngdome that he is very God lyuynge and reignynge for euer not onely in thys tyme but also after thys tyme eternally Bu here speaketh he specially of the kyngdome where as he reygneth here benethe thorow the Gospell For the staf the scepter the rodde of Chryste is the holy Gospell euen the power of god whych saueth all that beleue Roma i. Whyche maketh Christes enemies frendes and smyteth them downe that wyll not cōuerte so that Chryste hath dominion and victory euen in the myddes amonge hys enemies It is he that wyth the spirite of hys mouthe slayeth the Antichristes Thys hys worde also and preachynges of the Gospell came forth fyrst from Syon or Hierusalem as Esaye Micheas Luke doth testifye Now foloweth the thyrd verse In the day of thy battayll or armye shall thy p●ople be well wyllynge the dew of thy byrth is vnto the in an holy maiestye oute of the wombe of the cleare mornynge Here with doth Dauid describe the glorious and victorious fayth of the christē For whan the Gospell is preached there aryseth a conflicte betwene faith and infidelite betwene the sede of Christ and the serpent betwene ydolatrye and true godlynesse And the vnbeleuers persecute the Lorde Christe in hys membres that is to saye the faythfull but they are well contēt vtterly to geue ouer body honour and goodes theyr bloud and lyfe for gods truthes sake For the martyrs and they in the prymitiue Churche beynge gathered together of the Apostles and after the Apostles tyme haue thus kepte trueth fayth towarde the Lorde Christ and were wyllynge to dye ●or knowlegynge hym Afterward
whiche shall come shortly to iudgement and vtterly destroye the kyuge dome of Antichrist whom he now kylleth with the sprete of his mouth Our possessiō is not here vpō earth the kyngdom of heauen is our natiue countre From thēce loke we for the sauyoure Jesus Christ our Lorde which shall rayse vp oute mortall miserable body that he maye make it lyke hys excellent and glorified body ator dinge to the power wherby he maye subdue all thynges vnto hym self To him be ▪ honoure and prayse for euer and euer Amen The accustoma● goodnes of God God hath shewed no lesse kindnes to vs thē he did to the olde worlde Thei that folowe goddes worde are laughed to scorne The doctrine of Christes fayth is no newe thyng 1. Cor. i. ● Cor. ii To vs whiche are saued it is the power of God What fayth is Ad Romanos Gala Ephe. Jaco ii Hebre. xi Ro. xiiii Actes .xv. i. Peter v Gala. v. ● Cor. xiiii ▪ Hebre. xi Jaco i. would to god we had many suche as James the Apostle was O vnthākful world S James wold not spare to rebuke suche Agaīst suche grosse vices wold not S James spare to ●● speake Let euery man take the payns to rebuke his owne faulte We must put on the nature of gods doctrine Let the workes of God which are past be a warnyng to vs. The christen fayth is elder then 1500 yeares Eusebius Actuū xi The fyrst creatiō of heauē and earth The garnyshynge of heauen and erth The office ●● the 〈…〉 in the firmament Fyshes Foules Beastes The treatiō of mā The creaciō of the woman The requeste of the commaundement The vnthankfulnesse and wickednesse of man The righteousnes and mercy of god The way of satisfactiō before God is Christe Synne The frowardnes of man Why god gaue the womā vnto man Grace We all are lothe to knowlege oure selues gyltye Punyshement The promes ●ene iii. The serpētes heade The sure foundatiō of oure fayth Ro. viii ● Corin. ● The gospell of Jesu Chryst Esaye vii A prayse of the virgin Mari Hebre. i● ▪ Gene. iii. Christes h●oe i. Pet. iiii John xii●i Rom. xvi Obiection Answere Gene. iii. Gene. iii. i. Timo. 2 i. Tessa 4. Ephe. iiii Hebre. ix The summe of the Christen faith Gene. iii. Adams fayth Cōforte helpe louing kindnes in the myddes of correction Gene. iii. Cōforte paciēce in Christ i. Pet. ii Adams fayth Hebre. xi Sacrifice was a token o● thankfulnesse Cain the father of wickednesse Abel the The difference of true false fayth ▪ The fyrst de●a●● of the faith ▪ The reparacion of our fayth Gene. iiii ▪ Inuoca●e nomen domini quid sit The faith of Enoch Genesi v. the wrath of God vpon the wycked The renewynge of the promes concernynge christ The sacrifice of Noe. Gene. viii Ephesi v Math. iii. The commaundemētes geuen vnto Noe. Thorowe Noe was the world replenshed The faith of the heithē is ydolatry and worshyppynge of ymages ▪ Gene. x● ▪ Gene. xii Abrahās fayth Abrahās Christen workes The faith of the Jewes How olde the Christsten fayth is The faith of Isaac Jacob. Ge. xxviii Jacob sawe that christ onely is the waye to heauen The faith of Joseph The faith of Moses The Easter lambe The genynge of the lawe The fyrst table Mat. xxii The secōde table The lawe written in stone is no newe thyng The lawe written in stone was fylled afore Obiectiō Answere Gods Testament Saluatiō Obiectiō Answere why the lawe was geuen The lawe is the rule to lyue by The brasen serpēt Christe is the rock Question Answere One altar what it signified Note this well Why the ceremonies of the law were geuen The godly consideracion of fathers Question Answere Why god ordeyned such a lōg seruice among the Jewes God rendreth oure weaknes Lawes iudiciall The fyrst boke Moses The secōde boke of Moses The third boke The fourthe oke The fifth boke The origenall scripture of our fayth The lawe written is no newe thynge Josue was a figure of Christ An heresy of the ana baptistes Rulers must punishe An errour Of kyng Dauid Act. xiii The holy Trynyte The faith of Dauid in Christe The spirituall kingdome of Christ Act. i. A battayll The birth of Christ The office of Christ ▪ Christes cause shal forth Christe shall destroye his enemies The passion of Christ The article of the holy Trinite Dauid was called Christes father The wayes of Dauid Kynge ●bia The departyng of Israe ▪ frō Juda. Kynge Jehu God alwaies sen deth hys prophetes The prophetes preached ●he olde ●ayth The lawe the prophetes alowe the righteousnes of god that commeth by fayth The godhead and manhode of Christ The righteous blossome John baptiste The office of Christ Christe is called Dauid The miracles of Christe The kingdome of Christ The deth of Christ The sacrifice of Christe ●acha iii. The buryall resurrection of Christ The ascēsion The vocatiō of the Heithen The prophetes soughte saluacion in Christ A prophecye tolde vnto Daniell The nombre of the yeares Antiochꝰ God had euer some vertuous men ●achay Symeon All gods electe wer saued by Christ The olde testament is not to be refused Luk. xxiiii The new Testamēt dec are ▪ h the olde Tidinges of Christes birth The grace of God Christ the onely saluacion of all the worlde Luce. ii● The dewry of vs. John baptist John i. John i. Mat. xi Math. iii. Math. iii ▪ The substaūce of true religion The speciall pointes of christes doctryne The pacient suffringe of Christ the frute of Christes death Water bloude The buriall of Christ The power of Christ saueth all christ hold nothinge back frō hys apostles The holy goost broughte no new doctryne Joh. xiiii Mar. xvi Act xiii ●● xxviii The supper of the Lorde The frute of the sacramentes The Apostles dyd not ouer charge the people with ceremonies The Apostles wolde not offende the weake the decay of christes religion What in cōueniēce ▪ folowed The Pope Machomet stry●e agaynste Christe Let vs do as our ol●est fathers haue done longe before vs. Philip. iii.