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kingdom_n king_n like_a lord_n 2,037 5 3.5240 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04787 A commendacyon of welshmen Kelton, Arthur. 1546 (1546) STC 14919; ESTC S109236 18,706 126

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Beyng of leude lernyng Shall interprise In any wyse Unto the expounding Oh noble Henry Of Kinges most worthye Doubteles to be magnyfied Goddes owne chosen knight By whose deuine might All thynges are rectified ¶ Our faith stablyshe Errors abolishid The gospell set out at large Nothing is hyd Wher of is nede Oure conscience to discharge O blessed lorde To vs accorde We humblye the desire As in this case Of speciall grace Who euer will conspire ¶ Agaynst oure king In hindering Of honor this his reame Ther faulse intent Lorde thou will preuent Aduoyding the dangere cleane ¶ Let not our enimyes In any wyse Agaynst vs lorde preuaile Confuse ther ire Burnyng as fire In ther malice let them quayle ¶ Like as it was When Ezechias With humble peticion Made his complaynt Of verye constraynt And hertie affection ¶ To thy deitie That of thy pitie Thou woldist thy powre extēd Against the furies Of his enimyes His kingdome to defend ¶ Lorde incontinent Thy Angell thou sente His wooes to redres The Assirianes playne Laye ded and slayne Throughe thy mightifulnes ¶ So in like case Of thy deuine grace Preserue our famouse king Oure enymies withstand And saue this lande Oure god euerlastyng Come furthe ye brutes The seed the frutes Of mightie Sirapys In Egipte stalled A god ther called In the Citie Memphis ¶ Wher he is deified Also stellified After the pagan guyse With his wyfe Isis The mightye goddes So callid in Likewise Of whose successe Came hercules The famouse Champion And so to conuay Downe vnto Troy With all ther succession ¶ Considre then Ye gentle welshemen How god for you hath wrough Euen thesame tyme That veray lyne To youe agayne hath brought ¶ For this is he Whose maiestie All thinges hath redressed Assuredly As the Prophesi Afore had expressid ¶ Was ther euer king So moche tendering Youre welth to aduaunce Or for your sake Suche paynes did take With so assured constaunce ¶ Ye knowe pardie As well as I What he hath deuised Onlie for youe Statutes made newe And lawes wholy commysed To that intente You shulde assent To youre ciuilite One lawe one loue One God aboue And one prencely magestie Your selues indeuore Wholly to gether With perfect assuraunce With vs to praye These wordes to saye With inwarde affyaunce God most gloryouse Lorde Christ Iesus Our hope and oure assistence Oure mediatoure Oure gouernoure And oure hertes confidence ¶ Preserue oure Kyng His grace sending Honor and victori Good Lyfe and longe Here vs amonge With helthe of his body ¶ And afterward Yong Prince Edwarde To supply his regalle place With lyke wisdome As had Salomon In euery maner case ¶ Most gracious lord To vs accorde Of thy bountyfull goodnes Thy power extend Oure prince defend As thou didest yong Ioas ¶ Whiche did inclyne By grace diuine To thy magnyficence In his yeres grene As it was sene By heuenly influence ¶ Of very truethe His tender youthe The lawes to fortyfye The house af Ball With his ydolles all Distroyed vtterly ¶ His grauen pictures His golden figures Most curyously wroughte Beaton to doust His temple vniust Prosterate doune he brought Thus let oure Prince Utterly conuynce All false Idolatrye Thy lawes supporte Oure hertes to comforte Thy name to gloryfye ¶ Let not Babilon Haue dominion Ouer vs for thy pitie Defend vs lorde god Frome y e cruell rode Of their captiuitie ¶ Let our prince furnishe And fully fynyshe What his father hath begonne As was deuised Somtyme comysed To Salomon dauides sonne And so at length With bodely strength Lorde y u wyll hym aduaunce Hable to withstand With myghtie hand His enimies puissaunce As had hercules Of whose noblenes Doubtles he is descendyd As auctors olde By storyes tolde Famousely haue commendid Heare maye ye se That welshmen be Of right noble dyscent It dothe appere By stories clere And mattier euident Who may compare Or further declare By any prescription Accompte the parentyne Also the feminyne With ther procreacion ¶ To be more worthie Being creatures earthlye And of nature terrestriall Seth Noye his flod Alway ther blode Hathe byne imperiall ¶ Here to digresse I must confesse More matter in substaunce Whiche nowe I fynde Long oute of mynde For lacke of remembraunce Of noble Hercules The sonne of Osires Most myghtie champion Whose incomperablenesse Excellyth doubtles All naturall reason Non maye be comparid Nether yet declared Unto thy excellence Accompte stories all None shalbe equall With thy magnifycence ¶ This was that Hercules That noble poetes So highlye doth commende And not Hercules Called Alcydes Whiche the grekes do pretend To be so mightie Hauing victorye In the fruntes of Archadie Sonne of Iupiter His name to preferre Borne of faire Alannena But Diodorus Also Birosus The chaldie affirmeth playne That this hercules Named Alcides Was the last of the twayne But Hercules Aegipcius Named Libicus As saynt Ierome writeth In the .x. of Genesis Was sonne of Osiris As he playnly affirmeth ¶ Whiche did interpryse In most knightly wyse The .xii. notable labours Dis●orus Secalus Also writyth thus Whith other famous auctours That this hercules By his noblenesse In the woodes of Nemia Slewe the great Lion For lyke occasion The serpent called Nidra Which lay of longe tyme By force of rauyne In the fennes of Lerna Also the bore Deuouring the stoore In the Land of Archadia By violent strength Caught hym at length In spite of Erimanthus Upon his sholders square He did hym beare To the kynge Euresthius Like wise did preuayle In strength of battayle Agaynst a greate nomber Called Centauries Half men halfe horses Which semyd to be a wonder The fyfthe industry By swiftnes of body His person aduancyng Caught the great harte Whose hornes by arte Were gilte for his runnyng Also Simphalides Birdes of cruell lyknes Consumyd the frutes bare Like fendes infernall For a memoryall He le●l not one to spare The seuenth wonder was Howe he coulde bring to pas The clansing of Angeus hall So noble a riuer For to deceuer Whith ●ingo poc●es didcal ¶ The eight was the bull The lee at the full Oute of Crete into grece Howe he shulde bring By see swymyng And yet deface no pece ¶ Diomedes All mercyles His rigour to accomplyshe His horses playne He fedde certayne Onlye with mannes fleshe Tyll Hercules Toke Diomedes His crueltie to abate Made those horses greate His fleshe to eate Regarding not his estate ¶ Whiche he before Had kept in score Full wilde monsterus To his greate fame He made them tame Gaue them to Enristhens ¶ Then into Spayne He toke the payne Gereon to subdewe Of very dispite Hym to acquyte His sonnes twaine ther he slew ¶ After to hell As poetes do tell Downe he is discended Where Theseus And Pirithus He shortly defendid Them to discharge Setting at large Frome all daunger payne Brought Cerberg bounde Whiche was the hell hounde Lincked fast in a chayne The twelueth the last Accompting
Ther false interpyse Shuld depriue his prīceli right As dyd appere The storie clere Of this most princely man With spere and shilde As Bosworthe filde The honour there he wan Kynge Richrd slayne And he certayne The filde hathe receaued Thus god aboue Of very loue His kingdom hathe assured For of his lyne This present tyme A kyng is discendid With septer and croune In Citie and towne Most highly commendid ¶ I meane pardy Most noble Henry Called theight of that name Whose gyftes naturall Aboue princes all Bereth awaye the fame Who can magnyfye Or yet verefye His condigne worthynes His amitye Liberalitie And bountifull goodnes ¶ In all affectes To his subiectes Most graciouse kinde In ther defence With his expence Redie of herte and mynd Oh famouse Troy Reioyce this daye Most fortunate and good All ye that be As in degre Extracte of the same blood Geue landes on hye To god most myghtie Whiche hathe resustitate So noble a king Youre hertes exityng As men most fortunate For this is he ye maye well se Whose bones are translated By sentence deuyne Frome Rome this tyme Newly seperated ¶ Accordingly As the prophesy Afore had expressed When Cadwaladers bones Translated were ones All thinges shulde be redressed ¶ God of his grace As in this case Hathe made a seperacion Betwene Rome vs Whose dedes monsterus Were abhomynacion Ther great abuses And long mysves Their folie and their pride The deception Ther collusion Oure kyng myght not abyde ¶ Ye knowe full well I nede not tell Ther greate exactions Nor howe they wroughte Kingdomes to haue broughte Under ther Subiections ¶ Nether to debate The mortall hate Whiche they haue conspired In especiall To be Lordes of all Wrongfully haue desired ¶ Pretending doubteles Muche holynes By sentence Angelicall To speake as the crede Yet were they in dede Uery fendes internall There lawes preferring As concernyng The papall iurisdiccion Whose vsurped power Wolde be gouernoure Of euery region Aboue king or prince Their myght to conuince If they wolde not obaye With Curses greate They would them threate Ther honor to decaye ¶ But god most iust As I sayde fyrst Hath made a seperacion Geuing oure king Grace and learning To preferre his relygion And not to trust In vayne hope and luste Of mannes tradicions As thoughe they myght 〈◊〉 heuen of right Make ther condicions To saue or spill What solle they wyll Without exception As they were deuine At season and tyme By meane of ther pardones ¶ Suche thinges abusid Oughte to be refusid By deuine ordinaunce And not to trust In thinges vniust Wher is non assuraunce ¶ Ther is but one To god alone That is appropriate Synnes to remeue Pardon to gyue And sowles to anymate ¶ Tradicions papall Hath broughte vs all Allmost to subuercyon Hauing more trust In thynges vniust Then in Cristes passion ¶ But god aboue In token of loue Hathe vs reconsiled As it befell In Israell When the lawes were cōmysed To Iosia Whiche of Iudea Was kinge and gouernoure As in this case Of speciall grace Stode ī goddes highe fauoure Because he wolde No bodie shulde Do vniust reuerence To stocke or stone But in god alone To haue all confidence He sende through out Israell aboute Goddes Lawes to magnyfie In especiall Commaunding all To beware of idolatrie ¶ Likewise it was When Ezechias The worthye famouse king Of pure intent The Brasen serpent The people deluding Unto the ground Made hym rebounde In peces great small Breake the hyl aulters Of ther forefathers With theyr foule Idoles all ☞ Euen from iudea Unto Aza The Philystines lande Nothing wolde suffer To goddes displeasure To be grauen or stande Whose constancy God most mightie Had in remembraunce Send his Angell In his quarell Agaynst the Assiryans By his deuine might He flewe in one night C.lxxx thousand fyue From Iudea Unto Assiria The reste home he did driue ¶ Like wise oure kinge His herte referring To goddes highe prouidence Suche thinges abusid Hathe nowe confused By heuenly influence ¶ Whiche had infected And sore detected Christes relygion By shrining of bones And kneling to stones Made by mannes inuencion ¶ Magnyfieng them Whiche were mortall men Of nature terrestriall With like reuerence And confidence As to god Celestiall Whose golden shrynes Trycked with vines Most curiously Wroughte With pardones plentie Made purses emptie In sondrie places sought Suche Idoles greate So richely freate With golde pearle stone Lifte vp on hye To magnyfye As it were god alone ¶ Oure Iosias Oure Ezechias By permyssion deuine In this effecte Most circumspecte Beholdyng this present tyme ¶ Hath brought to passe Like as it was In tyme of Isarell Trusting in one In god alone According to the gospell For sacrifice In such a wyse To god onlye is dewe Ther is no other Faithe to recouer But only throughe Iesu ¶ O Lorde oure god Withdrawe thy rodde Correcte vs not in thy Ire By thou petiouse Lorde vnto vs We humbly the desire Thy eares inclyne This present tyme Harken to oure clamoure As it befell In Israell In the tyme of ther doloure Be mercyfull Lorde Let pytie accorde With thy bountyfull grace Oure sinnes remeue Pardon forgiue Oure folie and trespasse ¶ To magnifie Suche Idolatrie Lord we knowledge oure offēce Agaynst thy lawe For to withdrawe Frome thy magnificence To haue a trust Or yet a lust In any grauen picture Whiche thou defendest Also commaundyst To bowe to no figure This lorde most mightie We knowe assuredly By thy deuyne insence To the deitie Of thy magestie Belongith all reuerence As concerning The true meaning Of oure saluacion Ther is but one That suffered alone For oure redempcion Oure in warde fayth As saynt Paule sayth Shuld be in Christ Iesu Let this be graued We are not sauid But onlye by his vertue Nether yet rectified By sayntes sanctified In any maner case Saue ther good liuing Example geuing To folowe the same trace ¶ Of truethe oure techers Also oure preachers Which were in tyme long past Toke full great payne And all in vayne Ther laboure spent in wast ¶ Leuing the epistell Also the gospell Most Euangelicall Treting of pardones With inuencions And Cerimones papall ¶ But oure famouse king Right well perseuing The great ingratitude The sencis pure Of holy Scripture Hyd from the multitude For oure redres Of his goodnes With most princely corage Hath deuised Also comysed Oure conscience to discharge Set out at long Oure vulger tong The scripture for to knowe The seed the grayne The verite playne Oure fayth only to showe It is consonant Not repugnaunt To goddes deuine ordinaunce But allmen shulde Who euer wolde For ther owne assuraunce Labour the scripture His lyfe to assure The cōmaundementes to kepe Thoughe sone repine And determyne Affrming it vnmete That we lay men Shuld laboure our pen Or scripture beholde More then the clergie Shulde vs specifye By Auctoritie toolde Prouided in this No man ther is