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A26020 Reasons against agreement with a late printed paper, intituled Foundations of freedome, or, The agreement of the people whereby it doth appear that the particulars proposed in the said paper are not foundations of freedom but of tyranny and slavery to the people, being destructive to religion, laws, liberty, and government against our Covenant and Protestantism, and very dangerous and unsafe for the kingdome / by William Ashhurst. Ashhurst, William, 1617-1680. 1659 (1659) Wing A3978; ESTC R26663 11,396 18

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force And where there is this principle that Judgement is out of the legal Judges there can be no Magistracy Authority or Government It is true that there being no perfection in any thing here below all Judges and Supream Authorities may erre and do evil but if upon that ground any multitudes should be their Judges is not the reason as good and much more strong that those multitudes who cannot be judged may erre and do evil by how much they are acted by fancy and as they are possessed by others And according to their sudden and present Apprehensions rather then by principles Reason or Judgement neither are they bound by those considerable interests to seek the good and tranquillity of the Kingdome that usually those have who are called to be Judges and especially they are not so obliged in duty to God because the Magistrates are called by God to be Judges therefore they must judge righteously as they will answer it to him upon highest penalty The losse of their souls I might further shew that by the Moral Law the Law of nature and the positive Laws of God Judgement doth wholly rest in the Magistrate But this point being only for the more abundant clearing yet not of absolute necessity to this Reason I will insist no further upon it there being enough to demonstrate that if no man ought to be punisht for opposing any Law or Order of this Representative if they break this Agreement and that every man may be his own Judg whether they have broken this Agreement or no then although there may be a color yet there is really no Authority in this Representative And if not in this which is to be made the Supream then much less have any inferior Judicatories that shall act under them and so that great Ordinance of God Magistracy whereby he preserves humane society shall be taken out of this Kingdom 9. Reas Because this Paper allows a tolleration of Popery only with a restriction to the Magistrate that he shall not instruct or direct it publickly But both he and all the people that will may profess and practise it in their houses which is a large step to introduce the publick profession of it especially seeing that by gaining thus much this just plea will lie for the freedome of it That there is no reason to except Popery when those that are guilty of Atheisme the deniers of God or any Person in the Trinity The greatest blasphemers and cursers of God with those that profess any heresie or errour have their liberty and are not excepted and therefore by these principles in Justice Popery must likewise go out free although it may be judged no policity to speak it out at this time When I consider this together with the other parts of this Paper which onely tends to divide those who have adhered to the Parliament and Kingdome in this cause and see what care is taken to the end we might be the better destroyed that nothing be proposed which might divide the common Enemy amongst themselves but they must remain intire and united which I did intend for a distinct Reason against the Paper This is a plain discovery to me that the whole was made and contrived by some Jesuite with the advice of some of the Kings old Counsellors although it is possible that some honest men may be cousened into the acting of it for them But to returne to the point Here we have a Magistrate that hath neither complusive nor restrictive power in matters of Religion but both he and the people are freely left to be of any Religion that they please or of no Religion if they please yet the Magistrate if it stand with his discretion shall have a Toleration to instruct and direct in a publike way all that will be instructed and directed by him for all are left to their liberty in matters of Faith Worship or Discipline whereby he is at liberty to instruct according to truth or in any error so that for the present it be not Popery yet in truth the best contrivance to build up Popery at last upon the ruines of Religion by Atheism and prophaneness which the more it is considered the more it will be abhorred by all honest and godly men in the Kingdome If I had more patience I might say much more upon this Reason but I think this is enough 10. Reas Because it will leave Ireland to the Rebels and the Protestant party and Forces there to misery and ruine not only by our distractions but because the managing of the Warre of Ireland is in this Parliament wherein the new Representative will have no Authority 11. Reas Because it tends to divide us from Scotland the particulars held forth in this Agreement being directly contrary to the declared principles both of that State and Church and destructive to all the faithful in that Kingdome both Ministers and people that have adhered to us in this Cause 12. Reas Because it destroys the cause for which we have fought wherein so many Noble and Gallant Gentlemen and others have not only hazarded but lost their lives The quarrel first beginning upon the Kings imposing on the Power and Priviledges of Parliament and interrupting their proceedings Afterwards those that joyned with the King in this Warre although it was so foul an act destructive to the Liberties of the Kingdome that they professed the contrary yet it was apparent that they did fight to destroy this Parliament Therefore to joyn with others to take away this Parliament by a forcible agreement is to do the enemies work and give them the Cause And is against the great Trust which hath been and is given by the Parliament to all the Souldiers that have had or have Commissions from then wherein they are specially intrusted to fight for The preservation of this Parliament And when all Souldiers do well consider that without the Authority of this Parliament their Taking up Armes were Treason and their killing of men were murther and that it is the Authority by which they have endemnity present pay and security for their Arrears and that as the change of Authority would make many questions in other things so would it do in these It being also evident that as the Parliament cannot well be without their forces so they cannot be without the Parliaments Authority Upon all these considerations the Souldiers have reason to be against this Paper which proposeth by agreement to take away the Cause they have fought for 13. Reas Because although there were a quiet possession of all that is desired in this Paper yet it were not like to stand long the interests of all that are most considerable obliging them to be against the keeping of this Agreement For instance In reason all Kings will be against it for they and their Heirs and Successors are utterly excl●ded out of this Government The Peers will be against it there being likewise an exclusion of the House
REASONS AGAINST AGREEMENT With a late Printed Paper intituled Foundations of Freedome Or the AGREEMENT Of the PEOPLE Whereby it doth appear that the Particulars proposed in the said Paper are not Foundations of Freedom but of Tyranny and slavery to the People being destructive to Religion Laws Liberty and Government against our Covenant and Protestations and very dangerous and unsafe for the Kingdome By WILLIAM ASHHURST Esquire LONDON Printed for Thomas Vnderhill 1648. And now reprinted in the Year of our Lord 1659. At the charge of Sir Francis Nethersole Kinght and by him humbly recommended to the serious consideration of all and every Member of the present House of Commons and of all other wise and true hearted English-men As no less considerable at this time then at that when they were published by the Author To the Reader I Have no more to say to the Reader but that when I had considered the Printed Paper intituled Foundations of Freedom or an Agreement of the People I was very much unsatisfied with it and so were others I met with And finding that the differences upon it would fall out amongst those who are obliged to friendship and agreement both for the good of the Kingdom and their own good I thought it unchristian and unsafe to let so great dis-satisfactions lie privately heating together until they might kindle into an hotter flame of discontent especially it having ever been as it is still my opinion which I have not hid that differences in this case should be ended by Reason not by Opposition And seeing the Publisher of the Paper calls upon every man for his Reasons against it I have here brought him mine under my hand wherein although I am sensible that I may discover my own weakness and folly yet I ever hating all private Contrivances or to do any thing of publick Concernment in a Corner have judged it more honest and that shall ever go for wisdom with me to use plain dealing which if it be according to the Proverb a jewell I am sure was never more precious then at this time W. A. REASONS AGAINST Agreement with a late Printed Paper Intituled An Agreement of the People THe Publisher of this Paper called An Agreement of the People tells us that it was tendred to the Consideration of the General and Councel of the Army but before it was Approved by them which I hope it never will he held it just to be published that men might offer their Reasons Against it wherein he is so ingenuous that however both the Epistle and Paper might give occasion to some personal Reflections yet I will only give him fairly my reasons why I cannot Agree to his Paper having for the more clear proceeding first laid down the most principal parts of this Agreement which as I take it is briefly That the people who shall subscribe this Paper shall Agree To take away this Parliament and to chuse an equal Representative consisting of 300. men who shall have full power without the consent or concurrence of any other person or persons either King or House of Peers to make repeal alter and declare Laws and that none do resist their Laws or Orders upon pain of death except such Representatives expresly violate this Agreement and they shall have power to choose a Councel of State for the managing of publick affairs But that they shall not have power to continue in force or make any Laws Oaths and Covenants whereby to compel by penalties or otherwise any person to any thing in or about matters of Faith Religion or Gods worship or to restrain any person from the professing his Faith or exercise of Religion according to his conscience in any house or place except such as are or shall be set apart for the publick worship nevertheless the instruction or directing of the Nation in a publick way for the matters of faith worship or discipline so it be not compulsive or express Popery is referred to their discretion with like restriction in other matters of less consequence I am very much unsatisfied with this Paper both for the manner and matter of it for these reasons 1. Reas Because it proposeth that the people or rather some small part of them without any colour of Law or Right should agree together to alter the present Government and to take away a legal right from Burroughs to choose Members to the Parliament which admitted they may with as much Justice and Right agree to take away any Law or any mans life or estate by which Rule we could enjoy nothing but at the will of any number of men that would call themselves The People And upon the same ground that those who shall subscribe this Agreement may call themselves the People might those who shall refuse to subscribe it and those who are not admitted to subscribe it both call themselves the People and at any time hereafter pretend like right to do the same or like things which must lay a foundation of certain confusions Neither can there be assurance of any settlement whatsoever in this way for what those who call themselves the People Agree upon now they may alter within a month or sooner if they please 2. Reas Because if there were a right by this way to alter the Government as there is not yet it is not reasonable to attempt so great a matter the Consequences whereof must be of so vast concernment to the Kingdome before the inconveniences of the present Government have been plainly discovered and solemnly debated And being found out tryall had been made whether by the present unquestionable power there might not have been found a remedy either by some Additions or smaller A●…tions without putting things to so great an hazard as an 〈…〉 ●…tion in the Supreame Power●… must bring and that without offering any reason for it Neither is there only these general reasons against the whole Paper but if the subject matter of it and the proceedings intended thereupon were lawful yet there are many Reasons against the particulars in it which I shall proceed with 3. Reas Because it doth propose to take away not only this King but all Kings and the House of Peers out of the Supreame Judicatory of this Kingdome and that for ever without shewing any necessity of it which the Papists Delinquents and ill-affected persons amongst us well perceiving how great a distraction it would bring did frequently charge upon this Parliament as their design whereupon to vindicate themselves from such aspertions they have made and published several Declarations that they would not alter the Government of the Kingdome by King Lords and Commons And this Kingdome having had so many hundred years experience of this present Government in the most part of which time they having lived in peace and plenty and when any wars have heretofore happened between the King and the People no such alterations being ever desired or attempted It is not imaginable that they will now
desire to change it for they know not what for so are all alterations of Government untill the conveniencies or inconveniencies be found out by experience All I will further adde upon this Reason is that this poor wasted Kingdome doth not stand in need of so great a division and distraction in the course of all proceedings at home and to incurre such dangers from abroad as would in reason be the Consequences of this Alteration 4. Reas Because this Paper proposeth the absolute taking away of the power and priviledges of the Parliaments of England which we are bound to preserve and maintain not only as Englishmen but as Christians most part of the Kingdom having solemnly sworn it to the most high God and one to another in the Vow and Protestation of the 5. of May 1641. wherein we further vow and protest to oppose and by all good wayes and means endeavour to bring unto condigne punishment all such as shall either by force Practice or Councels Plots Conspiracies or otherwise do any thing to the contrary And likewise in the Solemn League and Covenant of 27. of September 1643. not only we in this Kingdom but the most part of the Kingdome of Scotland have sworn to preserve the Rights and Priviledges of the Parliaments in both Kingdomes Now the Paper doth not only propose to take away the Rights and Priviledges but the Parliaments of England themselves as they were constituted when these Oaths were taken to which the words according to the literal sense of them which is the rule of Oaths must relate for we could not swear to that which was not or to something that was only like a Parliament therefore no man as I conceive who hath taken either the vow and Protestation or the Solemn League and Covenant can agree to this agreement unless he dare make himself guilty of most palpable and notorious Perjury 5. Reas Because it proposeth the taking away this unquestionable Legal Parliament only by a forceable agreement without any Authority And in the room of it to settle a representative which hath not so much as a colour of Legal right by which means Although force and Power may hinder this Parliament from acting yet the being of it cannot be taken away but by the like Law that made it So as we shall have a Representative that will pret●nd to a Legislative power and a Parliament who ought to have it both in being at once which may lead the Kingdom into miserable uncertainties and distractions when any number that will make an House of Commons and any number that will make an House of Peers assembled in any place within Westminster will have more power to make and repeale Laws then these Representatives Although all were done that the Paper desires 6. Reas Because there is such a desperate encroachment upon the Liberties of the people of England proposed in the Election of this Representative it being a known Maxime in Law that no power could lawfully impose upon the Liberties or properties of the people of this Kingdome but either by their particular Consent or general Assent in Parliament where every man is represented But by this Paper as well all those who have been most faithful to the Parliament and Kingdome and hazarded their lives and estates in this cause if in Conscience they cannot subscribe this Agreement as the Delinquents and Papists that are most of all obnoxious to the Law shall be debarred from Electing or being elected yet they shall have Laws and taxes imposed upon them by them who for number are the least party in the Kingdom and by those to whom they give no consent nor trust which is as perfect slavery as any Tyrant could impose upon them 7. Reas Because the declaring of Agreement with this Paper by Subscription will not only be a means more to draw but also to keep those who have adhered to the Parliament in this cause in parties factions and divisions For after they are once all distinguished by Subscribers or non-subscribers it will make them more strange one to another and to with-draw that affection and confidence from each other that is necessary for them as Christians and as wise men who should rather study how to finde out ways of Union for their mutual preservation against the common Enemy then take this course which I feare may prove a way of great danger to us because it will encrease jealousies in those who must be non-subscribers that though they are now only minde uncapable of publick trust and employment yet they are not secure but they may be proceeded against further afterwards by the new Representative unto high if not the highest punishments which doubts and feares will encrease if the Supream power be wholly put into the hand of a party who differ from them in principles of Religion and civil Government and they have no visible security before-hand to enjoy Religion and their Liberties the want of securing whereof as it made many of them refuse to agree with the King so will it binde them from agreement with any power on Earth upon which ground it is to be feared they cannot but look upon themselves as under oppression both in their Liberties properties and Consciences wherein I speak the more freely that every man might labour and endeavour to prevent such breaches especially amongst those which feare God and that none of them might adhere to this Paper wherein it is especially to be noted that all the distractions divisions evils and inconveniences that shall happen upon either subscribing or not subscribing is only to those who have been united in this cause the common enemy being thereby strengthned united and kept from the test of this subscription 8. Reas Because this will tend to the utter subverting and taking away Magistracy and Government out of the Kingdome not only by placing such a supream power under whom all subordinate do act as at least will be disputed And thereby that distance and reverence that God hath put upon his Ordinance of Magistracy being removed it is like to fall into contempt But by this Paper the Laws and Orders of this Representative shall not bind or be of any force even to those who agree and subscribe to the Paper For although it seems to put the penalty of death upon the resisters of their Orders yet there is one little exception that makes it lawful for all men especially that have power to resist and disobey them the words are these Except such Representative shall expresly violate this Agreement which leaves every man to be a Judge of it there being by this Paper no other power intended to be above this Representative to judge it Nor doth it appoint either how or by whom this judgement all be made Therefore every man that will but say they have broken this Agreement and hath power to make it good shall not offend but justifie his disobedience opposing of their Laws or Orders by