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A06339 A report of the kingdome of Congo, a region of Africa And of the countries that border rounde about the same. 1. Wherein is also shewed, that the two zones torrida & frigida, are not onely habitable, but inhabited, and very temperate, contrary to the opinion of the old philosophers. 2. That the blacke colour which is in the skinnes of the Ethiopians and Negroes &c. proceedeth not from the sunne. 3. And that the Riuer Nilus springeth not out of the mountains of the Moone, as hath been heretofore beleeued: together with the true cause of the rising and increasing thereof. 4. Besides the description of diuers plants, fishes and beastes, that are found in those countries. Drawen out of the writinges and discourses of Odoardo Lopez a Portingall, by Philippo Pigafetta. Translated out of Italian by Abraham Hartwell.; Relatione del reame di Congo. English Lopes, Duarte.; Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533-1604.; Hartwell, Abraham, b. 1553.; Rogers, William, b. ca. 1545, engraver. aut 1597 (1597) STC 16805; ESTC S108820 127,173 219

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is likewise called Batta In auncient time it was called Aghirimba but afterwardes the word was corrupted and it is now called Batta It was in old time a very strong and a great Kingdome voluntarily of it selfe without any war it ioyned it selfe with the kingdome of Congo peraduenture because there was some dissention among their Lords and therefore it hath more preheminence then the rest of the Prouinces of the kingdome of Congo in priuiledges and liberties For the Gouernment of Batta is alwaies assigned to one that is of the bloode of the Kings of that countrey at their choise and pleasure hauing no more respect to one then to another so that he be of the stocke and bloud Royall neyther to the eldest sonne nor to the second Neither yet goeth this Gouernement by inheritaunce but the king of Congo as is told you before doth dispose it at his own pleasure to whō he thinketh best to the end they shold not vsurpe it by way of succession or by rebellion Hee dwelleth neerer the king then any other Gouernour or Lorde of the kingdom of Congo is the secōd person therin neither may any man gainsay his arguments reasons as they may any of the rest for it is so decreede among them Nowe if the line of the king of Congo should chaunce to faile so that there were none of that blood to succeed the succession shall fall vpon the gouernour of Batta Hee that now gouerneth there is called Don Pedro Mani-Batta Sometimes he eateth at the kinges owne table but yet in a baser seat then the kinges seat is and that also not sitting but standing which is not graunted to any other Lord of Congo no nor to the sons of the king himselfe His Court and his traine is little lesse then the Court traine of the king of Congo For he hath Trompets and Drummes and other instrumentes going before him as becommeth a Prince and by the Portingalles he is commonly called the Prince of Batta because as it is said if the succession shoulde faile in the bloode of the kinges of Congo the empire of the whole kingdome must light vpon some one of this stocke Hee doth holde continuall warres with the Pagans that border vpon him and hee is able to gather together about 70. or 80. thousand fighting men And because hee doth still mayntaine warre with the people that are next him he hath liberty graunted vnto him to entertaine Arcubusiers that shall bee of his owne naturall subiectes For the king of Congo will not suffer any other Gouernour of any other Prouinces nor any of their children to haue any Arcubusiers that are borne within their Countrey but onely the Portingalles Signor Odoardo demaunding once of the King why he did not giue leaue to his other Gouernours to retaine shot about them the King aunswered that if peraduenture they should rebell against him with a thousand or two thousande Arcubusiers he should not haue any possibility to make them resistance And forasmuch as wee haue told you that the King hath graunted licence onely to the prince of Batta to entertaine Arcubusiers in his owne countrey it is fitte you should vnderstand that hee doth it vpon very necessary occasion For towardes the East of Batta beyond the mountaines of the Sunne and of Sal-Nitre vpon the bankes of the East and West of the riuer Nilus in the borders of the Empire of Mohenhe-Muge there liueth a nation which by the people of Congo are called Giaquas but in their own language they are called Agag Very fierce they are and warlicke much giuen to fight and pillage and make continuall inroades into the Countries neere adioyning and sometimes among the rest into the Prouince of Batta So that this Countrey must needes be in continuall Armes and stande vpon good guarde and maintaine Arcubusiers to defende themselues from them The Prince of Batta hath many Lordes vnder him and the naturall people of this Prouince are called Monsobos and their language is well vnderstoode by the inhabitants of Congo They are farre more rude and rusticall then the Moci-Conghi and the slaues that are brought from thence doo proue more obstinate and stubborne then those that come from other Countries Their trafficke is the same that the trafficke of the other countreyes are whereof we haue last intreated And the profite which the king receyueth from Batta amounteth to double asmuch as he receiueth out of any two of the other Prouinces before mentioned Chap. 14. Of the sixt and last Prouince called Pemba THe Prouince of Pemba is seated in the heart and middle of the Kingdome of Congo compassed and comprised within the boundes before described whose Goueruernour is called Don Antonio Mani-Pemba seconde sonne to King Don Aluaro that dead is and brother to the king that raygneth at this present And forasmuch as his father did loue him dearely he assigned vnto him this Gouernement because he knew not what better thing to giue him sauing the Realme it selfe which in deed he would willingly haue bestowed on him for that he was more like vnto him in quality nature then his eldest son was But it would not be by reason of the lawe of the Kingdome which wold not haue yeelded therevnto This countrey is the very Center and middest of all the state of Congo and the originall of all the auncient Kings and the Territorie where they were borne and the chiefe and principall seat of all the other Prouinces and Principalities And therefore the chiefe and royall Citty of all that Empire is assigned to this Prouince whereof we will heareafter deliuer you a full information The Gouernour of Pemba dwelleth in a Territorie of the same name situate at the foote of the Scorched Mountaine along the Riuer Loze which riseth out of the Lake and runneth through the Region of Bamba into the sea The Courtiers and Lordes and seruitors belonging to the king of Congo haue their goods and possessions and reuenewes in this Prouince because it is neerest to the Court very conuenient for the conueighing of their victuailes and their other stuffe vnto the Court Some of these Lordes in that parte specially that bordereth vpon the aforesaid Prouince of Bamba haue much a doo to keep fight and defende themselues from the people of Quizama because they are neerest vnto them For this people as wee tolde you did rebell against the king of Congo and reuolted from him and doe professe that they will bee at libertie and gouerned of themselues And here will we end the first booke which consisteth of the description of the kingdome of Congo in generall and of his borders and in particular of all the sixe Prouinces thereof Now it remayneth that wee proceede forwarde to the second booke Wherein we will treate of the situation of the Cittie of Congo and of the Territorie therevnto belonging of the first christening of the king
with vs. Forbid him not saith Christ for he that is not against vs is with vs. If we see a Turke or a Iewe or a Papist vpon what pretence soeuer seeke to drawe any to Christ or to driue the Deuill of Ignorance out of any let him alone forbid him not mislike him not for in that point hee is not against vs nay peraduenture hee may become one of vs. In the booke of Nombers word was brought to Moses that Eldad and Medad prophecied in the hoast And Iosua sayd My Lord Moses forbid them But Moses sayd Enuiest thou for my sake Would God that all the Lords people were Prophets And are we angrie or shall we finde fault that the Portingall Priests being Papists should be reported to haue conuerted the Realme of Congo to the profession of Christian Religion Shall we enuie them in their well doing I for my part do earnestly wish with all my hart that not onely Papists and Protestants but also all Sectaries and Presbyter-Iohns men would ioyne all together both by word and good example of life to conuert the Turkes the Iewes the Heathens the Pagans and the Infidels that know not God but liue still in darknesse and in the shadow of Death What a singular commendation would it be vnto vs if it might be left in Record that we were the first conuerters of such a Nation and such a people and first brought them to the knowledge of God and the true profession of his glorious Gospell Thus I haue gentle Reader laboured to satisfie such scruples as may arise in thy minde touching this Treatise which if it shall breede either profit or delight vnto thee I shall reioyce to my selfe If not I shall be sorie that I haue employed my precious time so idly Farewell in Christ. Abraham Hartwell Errata Folio 5. in the Margin The commodities of S. Elena Fol. 14. line 2. put out in Fol. 15. lin 11. Carde Fol. 19. lin 23. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Fol. 21. in the Margin Songa Ibidem lin 22. language Fol. 30. lin 14. Equinoctiall Fol. 31. lin 25. Goate Fol. 39. lin 19. Tissue Fol. 40. lin 13. Infulas Fol. 49. lin 31. Peacocke Fol. 57. in the Margin Capo Fol. 63. lin 15. Diameter Ibid. in Margin Cap. 1. Fol. 67. lin 6. and for diuers Fol. 114. line 22. put out the comma Fol. 137. line 11. Naturall Fol. 172. lin 19. and. Fol. 192. lin 18. Marques Fol. 199. lin vlt. est Fol. 204. lin 14. come Fol. 211. lin 5. put out the comma Fol. eod lin 31. put out and. Fol. 212. lin 15. Ptolomée Fol. 216. in the Margine for head reade heauen In the Table Folio vlt. line 26. to the Red sea A REPORTE OF the kingdome of Congo a Region of Africa Gathered by Philippo Pigafetta out of the discourses of M. Edwarde Lopes a Portugall Chap. 1. The iourney by sea from Lisbone to the kingdome of Congo IN the yeare one thousande fiue hundreth threescore and eyghteenth when Don Sebastian king of Portugall embarked himselfe for the conquest of the kingdome of Marocco Edwarde Lopes borne at Beneuentum a place xxiiii myles distant from Lisbone neere vpon the South shore of the riuer Tagus sayled likewise in the moneth of Aprill towardes the hauen of Loanda situate in the kingdome of Congo in a shippe called S. Anthony belonging to an vncle of his and charged with diuerse marchandises for that kingdome And it was accompanied with a Patache which is a small vessell whereunto the ship did continually yeelde good guarde ministred great reliefe conducting and guiding the same with lightes in the night time to the ende it shoulde not loose the way which the ship it selfe did keepe He arriued at the Islande of Madera belonging to the King of Portugal distant from Lisbone about sixe hundred myles where he remained xv dayes to furnish himselfe with freshe vittaile and wine which in great aboundance groweth in that Islande yea and in mine opinion the best in the world whereof they carry abroad great store into diuers countries especially into England He prouided there also sundry other confections conserues of Sugar which in that Islande are made and wrought both in great quantity and also of singular excellency From this Islande they departed leauing all the Canaries belonging to Castile and tooke hauen at one of the Islandes of Capo verde called S. Anthony without hauing any sight thereof before they were come vpon it and from thence to another Islande called Saint Iacopo which commaundeth all the rest and hath a Bishoppe and a Chaplen in it that rule and gouerne them and here they prouided themselues againe of victuailes I doe not thinke it fitte in this place to tell you the number of the Canarie Islands which indeede are many nor to make any mention of the Islandes of Capo verde nor yet to set downe the history and discourse of their situations because I make hast to the kingdome of Congo and the shippe stayed here but onely for passage and especially for that there doth not want good store of Reportes and histories which in particularity doe make relation of these countries Onely this I will say that these Islandes of Capo verde were established by Ptolomee in the tables of his Geography to be the beginning of the West together with the Cape or Promontorie which he termeth Cornu vltimum or the Islandes Macarie or Blessed which we commonly call Fortunate In these Islandes of Capo verde the Portugalles do often arriue and in those countries do trafficke with sundry marchandises as little balles of diuers coloured glasse other such things wherein those people do greatly delight and Hollande cloth and cappes and kniues and coloured clothes In exchaunge whereof they bringe back againe slaues wax hony with other kind of food and cotton-cloth of sundry colours Moreouer right ouer against them within the lande are the countreyes riuers of Guynee and of Capo verde and Sterra Leona that is to say the Mountain Leona which is a huge great mountaine and very famous From the foresaide Islande of San Iacopo they directed their fore-decke towards Bresil for so they must do to gaine the winde and taking such harboroughes as were conuenient for the seasons that raigne in those places to arriue at the ende of their voyage Two are the waies whereby they saile from the Isle of San Iacopo to Loanda a hauen in the kingdome of Congo the one is by the coast of Africa the other by the mayne Ocean still enlarging their course with the North winde which very much ruleth there in those Monethes and for the most parte is called North euen by the Portugalles themselues by the Castilians by the French and by all those people of the North sea And so turning their foreshippe to the South and south-east they holde on forwarde till they be neere the Cape of Good-Hope leauing behind them
because it is the plainer tonge but the people of Congo do very hardely learne the language of the Anzichi And when I once demaunded what their religion was it was tolde mee they were Gentils and that was all that I could learne of them Chap. 6. Of the East coast of the Kingdome of Congo and the confines thereof THe East Coast of the kingdome of Congo beginneth as we haue tolde you at the meeting of the Riuer Vumba and the Riuer of Zaire and so with a line drawen towardes the South in equall distance from the Riuer Nilus which lyeth on the left hande it taketh vp a great mountaine which is very high not inhabited in the toppes thereof called the mountaine of Christal because there is in it great quantity of Christal both of the mountaine and of the cliffe and of all sorts And then passing on further includeth the hilles that are called Sierras de Sol that is to say the hilles of the Sunne because they are exceeding high And yet it neuer snoweth vpon them neyther doe they beare any thing but are very bare and without any trees at all On the leaft hand there arise other hils called the hilles of Sal-Nitrum because there is in thē great store of that Mineral And so cutting ouer the riuer Berbela that commeth out of the first Lake there endeth the ancient bound of the kingdome of Congo on the East Thus then the east coast of this kingdome is deriued from the meeting of the two foresaid riuers Vumba and Zaire vntill you come to the lake Achelunda and to the Countrey of Malemba contayning the space of sixe hundred miles From this lyne which is drawen in the easterne coast of Congo to the riuer Nilus and to the two Lakes whereof mention shalbe made in conuenient place there is the space of 150. miles of ground wel inhabited and good store of hils which do yeeld sundry mettalles with much linnen and cloth of the Palme tree And seeing wee are now come to this point of this discourse it will be very necessary to declare vnto you the maruellous arte which the people of this countrey and other places thereabouts do vse in making cloathes of sundry sortes as Veluets shorne and vnshorne cloth of Tinue Sattens Taffata Damaskes Sarcenettes and such like not of any silken stuffe for they haue no knowledge of the Silkewormes at all although some of their apparell bee made of silke that is brought thether from our Countreys But they weaue their cloathes aforenamed of the leaues of Palme trees which trees they alwayes keepe vnder and lowe to the grounde euery yeare cutting them and watering them to the ende they may grow smal and tender against the new spring Out of these leaues being cleansed purged after their manner they drawe forth their threedes which are all very fine and dainty and all of one euennesse sauing that those which are longest are best esteemed For of those they weaue their greatest peeces These stuffes they worke of diuers fashions as some with a nappe vpon them like Veluet on both sides and other cloath called Damaskes braunched with leaues and such other thinges the Broccati which are called High and Lowe and are farre more precious then ours are This kinde of cloath no man may weare but the king and such as it pleaseth him The greatest peeces are of these Broccati for they contayne in length fower and fiue spannes and in breadth three and foure spannes and are called Incorimbas by the name of the countrey where it groweth which is about the Riuer Vumba The Veluettes are called Enzachas of the same bignesse and the Damaskes Insulas and the Rasi Maricas and the Zendadi Tangas the Ormesini Engombos Of the lighter sort of these stuffes they haue greater peeces which are wrought by the Anzichi and are sixe spannes long and fiue spannes broade wherewith euery man may apparell himselfe according to his habilitie Besides that they are very thicke and sounde to keepe out the water and yet very light to weare The Portingalles haue lately begun to vse them for tents and boothes which do maruellously resist both water and winde Chap. 7. Of the confines of the kingdome of Congo towardes the South THis Easterne Coast as it is before set downe endeth in the mountain called Serras de Plata that is the mountaines of siluer and there beginneth the fourth and last border of the kingdome of Congo towardes the South that is to say from the foresaide mountaine to the Bay of Cowes on the West contayning in length the space of foure hundred fifty miles And this Southerne line doth parte the kingdome of Angola in the middle and leaueth on the left hand of it the foresaide mountaines of Siluer and further beyond them towardes the South the Kingdome of Matama which is a great kingdome very mighty and absolute of it selfe and sometimes in amity and sometimes at vtter enmitie with the kingdome of Angola The king of Matama is in religion a Gentile and his kingdome stretcheth towardes the South to the riuer Brauagal and neere to the mountains commonly called the Mountaynes of the Moone and towardes the east bordereth on the Westerne bankes of the riuer Bagamidri and so crosseth ouer the riuer Coari This countrey aboundeth in vaultes of Christall and other mettalles and all manner of victuaile and good ayre And although the people thereof their neighbour borderers do trafficke together Yet the King of Matama and the king of Angola doo oftentimes warre one against the other as we told you before And this riuer Bagamidri diuideth the kingdome of Matapa from the kingdome of Monomata which is towards the East and whereof Iohn de Barros doth most largely discourse in the first Chapter of his tenth booke Towardes the sea coast there are diuers Lordes that take vpon them the title of kinges but indeed they are of very base and slender estate Neyther are there any portes or hauens of any account or name in the riuers there And nowe forasmuch as wee haue oftentimes made mention of the kingdome of Angola this will be a very conuenient place for vs to intreate thereof because it hath beene heretofore saide that the king of Angola being in times past but a Gouernour or Deputy vnder the king of Congo although since that tyme he is become a good Christian yet hath he made himselfe a free and an absolute Prince and vsurped all that quarter to his owne iurisdiction which before hee had in regiment and gouernement vnder another And so afterwards in time conquered other countries thereabouts insomuch as he is now growen to bee a great Prince a rich and in power little inferiour to the king of Congo himselfe and therefore eyther payeth tribute or refuseth to pay tribute vnto him euen at his owne good pleasure It came to passe that Don Giouanni the second being king of Portingall
planted the christian religion in the Kingdome of Congo and thereupon the king of Congo became a Christian. After which time the Lorde of Angola was alwaies in amitie and as it were a vassall of the forenamed King of Congo and the people of both countries did trafficke together one with another and the Lord of Angola did euery yeare sende some presents to the king of Congo And by licence from the King of Congo there was a great trade betweene the Portingalles and the people of Angola at the hauen of Loanda where they bought slaues and chaunged them for other marchaundises and so transported all into the Isle of Sainte Thomas Whereby it came to passe that the trafficke was heere vnited with the trafficke of S. Thomas so that the shippes did vse first to arriue at that Islande and then afterwarde passed ouer to Loanda And when this trade began in processe of time to increase they dispatched their shippes from Lisbone to Angola of themselues and sent with them a Gouernour called Paulo Diaz of Nouais to whome this busines did as it were of right appertaine in regarde of the good desertes of his auncesters who first discouered this trafficke To this Paulo Diaz did Don Sebastiano King of Portingale graunt leaue and authority to conquere for the space of xxxiij leagues vpwardes along the coast beginning at the Riuer Coanza towards the South and within the lande also whatsoeuer hee coulde get towardes all his charges for him and his heyres With him there went many other shippes that opened and found out a great trade with Angola which notwithstanding was directed to the foresaide hauen of Loanda where the saide shippes did still discharge themselues And so by little little he entred into the firme land made himselfe a house in a certain village called Anzelle within a mile neer to the riuer Coanza because it was the more commodious nigher to the trafficke of Angola When the trade here beganne thus to increase and marchaundises were freely caried by the Portingales the people of Congo to Cabazo a place belonging to the Lorde of Angola and distant from the sea 150. miles there to sell and barter them it pleased his Lordship to giue out order that all the Marchants should be slaine and their goods confiscated alleadging for his defence that they were come thether as spies and to take possession of his estate but in truth it is thought that hee did it onely to gaine all that wealth to himselfe considering that it was a people that did not deale in the habite of warriours but after the manner of Marchants And this fell out in the same yeare that the King Don Sebastiano was discomfited in Barbarie When Paulo Diaz vnderstoode of this course he put himselfe in armes against the King of Angola and with such a troupe of Portingals as he could gather together that were to bee founde in that countrey and with two Gallies and other vessels which he kept in the riuer Coanza he went forwarde on both sides of the riuer conquering and by force subdued many Lords and made them his frendes and subiectes But the king of Angola perceyuing that his vassalles had yeelded to the obedience of Paulo Diaz and that with all prosperous successe he had gayned much land vpon him he assembled a great army to go against him and so vtterly to destroy him Whereupon Paulo Diaz requested the King of Congo that he woulde succour him with some helpe to defende himselfe withall who presently sent vnto him for aid an army of 60 thousand men vnder the conduct of his cosin Don Sebastiano Manibamba and another captayne with 120. Portingale souldiers that were in those countryes and all of his owne pay for the atchieuing of this enterprise This army was to ioyne with Paulo Diaz and so altogether to warre against the King of Angola but arriuing at the shoare where they were to passe ouer the riuer Bengo within 12. miles of Loāda where they shoulde haue met with many barkes to carry the Campe to the other shore partly because the said barks had slacked their cōming partly because much time wold haue been spent in transporting so many men the whole armie tooke their way quite ouer the riuer and so going on forwardes they met with the people of the King of Angola that were ready to stoppe the souldiers of Congo from entering vpon their Countrey The military order of the Mociconghi for by that terme we do call the naturall borne people of the kingdome of Congo as wee call the Spaniardes those that are naturally borne in Spaine and the military order of the people of Angola is almost all one For both of them doo vsually fight on foote and diuide their armie into seuerall troupes fitting themselues according to the situation of the field where they doo incampe aduancing their ensignes and banners in such sort as before is remembrd The remoues of their armie are guided and directed by certaine seuerall soundes and noyses that proceede from the Captayne Generall who goeth into the middest of the Armie and there signifieth what is to bee put in execution that is to say eyther that they shall ioyne battell or els retyre or put on forward or turne to the right hand and to the leaft hand or to performe any other warlick action For by these seueral sounds distinctly deliuered frō one to another they doe all vnderstande the commandementes of their Captayne as we heere among vs doo vnderstande the pleasure of our Generall by the sundrie stroakes of the Drumme and the Captaines soundes of the Trompet Three principall soundes they haue which they vse in warre One which is vttered aloude by great Rattles fastned in certaine woodden cases hollowed out of a tree and couered with leather which they strike with certaine little handles of Iuory Another is made by a certaine kinde of instrument fashioned like a Pyramis turned vpwarde for the lower ende of it is sharpe and endeth as it were in a point and the vpper end waxeth broader broader like the bottom of a Triangle in such sort that beneath they are narrow like an Angle aboue they are large and wide This instrument is made of certayne thinne plates of iron which are hollowe and empty within and very like to a bell turned vp side downe They make them ring by striking them with woodden wandes and oftentimes they do also cracke them to the ende that the sound should be more harsh horrible and warlicke The thirde instrument is framed of Elephants teeth some great and some small hollowe within and blowen at a certaine hole which they make on the side of it in manner of the Fife and not aloft like the Pipe These are tempered by them in such sort that they yeelde as warlicke and harmonious musicke as the Cornet doth and so pleasant and iocund a noyse that it moueth and
battels that were betweene them and the Portingalles it was plainly seene how they coulde choose their aduantages against their enemies as by assaulting them in the night time and in rayny weather to the ende that their arcubuses and guns shold not take fire also by diuiding their forces into many troups to trouble them the more The king doth not vse to go to the warre in his owne person but sendeth his Captains in his steed The people are also accustomed to flie run away incontinently as soone as they see their Captaine slaine neyther can they be perswaded to stay by any reason or argument but presently yeelde vp the fielde They are all footemen neyther haue they any horses at all And therefore the Captaines if they will not go on foote cause themselues to be carried on the shoulders of their slaues after one of the three manners which wee will shew vnto you hereafter This nation goeth out to warre in number almost infinite and very confusedly they leaue no man at home that is fit to carry a weapon they make no preparation of victuailes necessary for the Campe but such as perhaps haue any conuey it with them vpon the sholders of their seruantes and yet they haue sundry sortes of creatures that might bee managed and serue their turnes to drawe and to carry as in the seconde part of this Treatise shalbe described vnto you And thereupon it falleth out that when they come into any country with their whole armie all their foode is quickly quite consumed then hauing nothing leaft to feede vpon they dissolue their hoast euen in the greatest necessity of prosecuting their enterprise and so are inforced by hunger to returne into their owne countries They are greatly giuen to Diuination by birdes If a bird chaunce to flie on their leaft hand or crie in such manner as those which make profession to vnderstand the same doe say that it fore-sheweth ill lucke and aduersity or that they may go no further forwardes they will presently turne backe and repayre home which custome was also in the old time obserued by the ancient Romanes and likewise at this day by sundry other Pagans Now if it shall seeme straunge to any man that so few Portingall souldiours as Paulo Diaz retayneth there with him and others of the Portingall nation which traffick into the Realme relieue him with succours being in number but three hundred at the most accounting their slaues and also the Malcontentes the rebelles and fugitiues of Angola which dayly resort vnto him amount not in al to the quantity of xv thousand men should be able to make so gallant a resistance against that innumerable rabble of Negroes being subiect to the king of Angola which are gathered there together as it is said to the number of a Million of soules I aunswere that great reason may bee alleadged for the same For the armie of the Negroes is all naked and vtterly destitute of all prouision and furniture for armour of defence And as for their weapons of offence they consist onely but of bowes and daggers as I told you But our fewe Portingalles that are there are well lapped in certaine iackets that are stuffed and basted with bombast and stitched and quilted very soundly which keepe their armes very safe and their bodies downewardes as lowe as their knees Their heades also are armed with cappes made of the same stuffe which doo resist the shot of the arrow and the stroke of the dagger Besides that they are girt with longe swords and some horsemen there are among them that carry speares for their weapons Now you must vnderstande that one man on horsebacke is of more worth then a hundred Negroes because the horsemen do affray them greatly especially of those that do discharge guns and peeces of artillarie against them they doo stande continually in an extreame bodily feare So that these few being well armed and cunningly and artificially ordered must needes ouercome the other though they be very many in number This kingdome of Angola is full of people beyonde all credite For euery man taketh as many wiues as hee listeth and so they multiply infinitely But they doe not vse so to do in the kingdome of Congo which liueth after the manner of the Christians And so Signor Odoardo did affirme and belieue that the kingdome of Angola had a Million of fighting men by reason that euery man taking to him as many wiues as he woulde begot many children and likewise because euery man doeth willingly go to the warres in the seruice of his Prince This kingdome also is very rich in mines of Siluer most excellent Copper and for other kindes of mettall there is more in this kingdome then in any other countrey of the world whatsoeuer Fruitfull it is in all manner of foode and sundry sortes of cattell and specially for great heards of Kine True it is that this people do loue Dogs flesh better then any other meate for that that purpose they feede and fatten them and then kill them and sell them in their open shambles It is constantly affirmed that a great dogge accustomed to the Bull was solde by exchaunge for xxij slaues which after the rate of x. Duckates a poll were worth in all 220. Duccates in so high a price and account do they holde that Creature The moneyes that are vsed in Angola are much different from the Lumache of Congo for they of Angola do vse beades of glasse such as are made in Venice as big as a Nut and some of lesser quantity and of diuers and sundry colours and fashions These doe the people of Angola make not onely to vse them for money but also for an ornament of their men and women to weare about their neckes and their armes and are called in their tongue Anzolos but when they are threeded vpon a stringe lyke a payre of Beades they call them Mizanga The King of Angola is by religion a Gentile and worshippeth Idoles and so doo all the people in his kingdome It is true that hee hath greatly desired to become a Christian after the example of the King of Congo But because there hath not beene as yet any possibility to sende Priestes vnto him that might illuminate and instruct him he remayneth still in darkenes The foresaide Signor Odoardo tolde mee that in his time the king of Angola sent an Ambassadour to the King of Congo requesting that he would sende him some religious persons to inform him in the Christian religiō but the King of Congo had none there that hee coulde spare therefore coulde sende him none At this day both these kinges doo trafficke together and are in amity one with another the king of Angola hauing now cleered and discharged himselfe for the iniuries slaughters that were committed vpon those of Congo and vpon the Portingalles at Cabazo The language of the people of Angola is all
one with the language of the people of Congo because as wee told you before they are both but one kingdome Onely the difference betweene them is as commonly it is betweene two nations that border one vpon another as for example betweene the Portingalles and the Castilians or rather betweene the Venetians and the Calabrians who pronouncing their wordes in a diuers manner and vttering them in seuerall sortes although it be all one speech yet do they very hardly vnderstand one another Wee haue signified vnto you heretofore that the Bay of Cowes doth diuide the kingdome of Angola in the middest and hitherto wee haue treated but of the one halfe thereof Now we will describe vnto you the seconde parte of it which lyeth from the said Bay of Cowes towardes the South From this Bay then to the black Cape called Capo Negro by the coast of the Ocean they doe reckon two hundred twenty miles of such country and soile as the former is and possessed by many Lordes that are subiect to the king of Angola From Capo Negro there runneth a line towardes the East through the middest of the Mountaynes that are called Monti Freddi that is to say the Cold Mountaines which also in some certaine parts of them that are higher then the rest towardes the Equinoctiall are tearmed by the Portingalles Monti Neuosi or Snowie Mountaines and so endeth at the rootes of other Mountaynes that are called the Mountaines of Chrystall Out of these Snowie Mountains do spring the waters of the Lake Dumbea Zocche This foresaid line from the mountaine of Christall draweth onwardes towardes the North through the Mountaines of Siluer till you come to Malemba where wee tolde you the kingdome of Congo was diuided and parted the Riuer of Coari in the middest And this is the Countrey possessed by the King of Angola whereof I haue no more to say then is already set downe neither of the qualities of his person nor of his Court. Chap. 8. Of the circuite of the Kingdome of Congo possessed by the King that nowe is according to the foure borders aboue described BEginning therefore at the Riuer Coanza and drawing towardes the Equinoctiall 375. miles you shal find the Riuer that they call Las Barreras Vermellias or the Redde Pittes which are indeed the ragged ruines of certaine rockes worne by the sea and when they fall downe doo shew themselues to be of a redde colour From thence by a direct line vpon the North that which the King possesseth is 450. miles And thē the said line diuiding it self towards the South passeth by the hilles of Christall not those that we told you before did belong to Angola but others that are called by the same name and so by the mountains of Salnitro trauersing the Riuer Verbela at the roots of the Mountaines of Siluer it endeth at the Lake Aquelunda which is the space of 500. miles The fourth line runneth along the Riuer Coanza which issueth out of the said Lake contayneth 360. miles So that the whole Realme now possessed by Don Aluaro the king of Congo is in compasse 1685. miles But the breadth thereof beginneth at the mouth of the Riuer Zaire where the point is which in the Portingal speech is called Padraon and so cutting the kingdome of Congo in the middle and crossing ouer the mountaines of the Sunne and the mountaines of Christall there it endeth containing the space of 6●0 miles within 150. miles neere to the Riuer Nilus Very true it is indeed that in ancient time the predecessors of this Prince did raigne ouer many other countreyes thereaboutes which in processe of time they haue lost and although they bee now in the gouernement of others yet doo the Kings of Congo retaine still to this day the titles of those regions as for example Don Aluaro king of Congo and of Abundos and of Matama and of Quizama and of Angola and of Cacongo and of the seauen kingdomes of Congere Amolaza and of the Pangelungos and Lorde of the Riuer Zaire and of the Anziquos and Anziquana and of Loango Chap. 9. The sixe Prouinces of the kingdome of Congo and first of the Prouince of Bamba THis kingdome is diuided into sixe Prouinces that is to say Bamba Songo Sundi Pango Batta Pemba The Prouince of Bamba which is the greatest and the richest is gouerned by Don Sebastian Mani Bamba cosin to the King Don Aluaro last deceased and it is situated vpon the sea coast from the riuer Ambrize vntill you come to the riuer Coanza towardes the South This Don Sebastian hath vnder his dominion many Princes and Lordes and the names of the greatest of them are these Don Antonio Mani-Bamba who is Lieuetenant and brother to Don Sebastian and Mani-Lemba another and Mani-Dandi Mani-Bengo and Mani-Loanda who is gouernour of the Island of Loanda and Mani-Corimba and Mani-Coanza and Mani-Cazzanzi All these doo gouerne all the sea coast but within lande for that parte which belongeth to Angola there are another people called the Ambundos who dwelling on the borders of Angola are subiect to the saide Mani-Bamba and they are these Angazi Chinghengo Motollo Chabonda and many others of baser condition Note that this worde Mani signifieth a Prince or a Lord and the rest of the word is the name of the countrey and Lordeshippe where the Lorde ruleth As for example Mani-Bamba signifieth the Lord of the countrey of Bamba Mani-Corimba the Lorde of the countrey of Corimba which is a parte of Bamba and so likewise of the rest This Prouince of Bamba confineth with Angola on the South vpon the East of it towardes the Lake Achelunda lyeth the country of Quizama which is gouerned like a comon wealth and is diuided among a number of Lordes who in deed liuing at their owne libertie doo neyther obey the King of Congo nor the King of Angola And to bee short these Lords of Quizama after they had a long time quarrelled with Paulo Diaz yet at last they became his subiects because they woulde auoide the yoake of the King of Angola and by their good aid and assistance doth Paulo Diaz greatly helpe himselfe against the said King of Angola Nowe the aforesaid Countrey of Bamba as wee haue tolde you is the principall Prouince of all the Realme of Congo and in deed the very keye and the buckler and the sworde and the defence thereof and as it were the frontier which opposeth it selfe against all their enemies For it resisteth all the reuoltes and rebellions of those quarters and hath very valorous people in it that are alwaies ready for to fight so that they do continually keep their aduersaries of Angola in great awe and if it happen at any time that their king stande in neede they are alwaies at his commaunde to annoy the other countries whensoeuer When neede requireth hee may haue in Campe
arrowes and their other weapons as we told you when we spake of the Bramas They make great store of cloth of the Palme trees whereof wee made mention before but these are lesser and yet very fine They haue greate aboundance of Kine and of other cattell before named They are in Religion Pagans their apparell after the fashion of the people of Congo They maintaine warre with their bordering neighbours which are the Anzichi and the inhabitants of Anzicana when they enterprise warre against the Anzichi then they craue aide of the people of Congo and so they remaine halfe in freedome and halfe in daunger of others They worship what they list and hold the Sunne for the greatest God as though it were a man and the Moone next as though it were a woman Otherwise euery man chooseth to himselfe his owne idol and worshippeth it after his owne pleasure These people would easily embrace the Christian Religion For many of them that dwell vpon the borders of Congo haue beene conuerted to Christendome and the rest for want of Priestes and of such as should instruct them in true religion do remaine stil in their blindnes Chap. 11. Of the third Prouince called Sundi THis Prouince of Sundi is the neerest of all to the Citty of Congo called Citta di San-Saluatore the Citty of Saint Sauiours and beginneth about 40. miles distant from it and quite out of the territory thereof and reacheth to the riuer Zaire and so ouer the same to the other side where the Caduta or Fall is which wee mentioned before and then holdeth on vpwardes on both sides towards the North bordering vpon Anzicana and the Anzichi Towardes the South it goeth along the said riuer Zaire vntill you come to the meeting of it with the Riuer Bancare and all along the bankes thereof euen to the rootes of the mountaine of Christall In the bounds of the Prouince of Pango it hath her principall Territory where the Gouernour lyeth who hath his name from the Prouince of Sundi and is seated about a daies iourney neere to the Fall of the Riuer towardes the South This Prouince is the chiefest of all the rest and as it were the Patrimony of all the kingdome of Congo and therefore it is alwaies gouerned by the Kinges eldest Sonne and by those Princes that are to succeede him As it fell out in the time of their first Christian King that was called Don Iohn whose eldest sonne that was Gouernour here succeeded him and was called Don Alfonso And euer sithence the Kinges of Congo haue successiuely continued this custome to consigne this Gouernement to those Princes which are to succeede in the kingdome As did the king that nowe is called Don Aluaro who was in this Gouernment before Don Aluaro the King his father died and was called Mani-Sundi And here by the way you must note that in all the Kingdome of Congo there is not any person that possesseth any proper goodes of his owne whereof hee may dispose and leaue to his heyres but all is the Kinges he distributeth all offices all goodes and all landes to whomsoeuer it pleaseth him Yea and to this law euen the Kinges owne sonnes are subiect So that if any man do not pay his tribute yearely as hee ought the King taketh away his Gouernement from him and giueth it to another As it happened to the king that now liueth who at the time that Signor Odoardo was at the Courte being of his owne nature very liberall and bountifull beyond measure and one that bestowed much vpon his seruants could not discharge those impositions that the king had layed on him Whereupon he was by the king depriued of his reuenews of his gouernement and of his royall fauour that is to say in that language hee was Tombocado as we will declare more at full in the seconde part of this discourse Many Lords there are that are subiect to the Gouernour or Sundi The people do trafficke with their neighbour Countries felling and bartering diuers things As for example falt clothes of sundry colours brought from the Indies and from Portingale and Luma●●●●● to serue for their coine And for these commodities they doo exchaunge cloth of Palme trees and Iuory and the skinnes of Sables and Marternes and certaine girdles wrought of the leaues of Palme trees which are greatly esteemed in those partes There groweth in these countries great store of Christall and diuers kinds of mettall but Iron they loue aboue all the rest saying that the other mettalles are to no vse for with Iron they can make kniues and weapons and hatchers and such like instruments that are necessary and profitable for the vse of mans nature Chap. 12. Of the fourth Prouince called Pango THe Prouince of Pango in auncient time was a free kingdome that was gouerned of it selfe bordereth on the North vppon Sundi on the South vpon Batta on the West vpon the Countie of Congo and on the East vpon the mountaines of the Sunne The principal Territory where the Gouernours dwelling is hath the same name that the Prouince hath viz. Pango It standeth vpon the Westerne side of the Riuer Barbela and in olde time was called Pangue-lungos and in time afterwardes the worde was corrupted and chaunged into Pango Through the middest of this Prouince runneth the riuer Berbela which fetcheth his originall from the great Lake whence the riuer Nilus also taketh his beginning and from another lesser Lake called Achelunda and so dischargeth it selfe into Zaire And although this be the least Countrey of all the rest yet doth it yeeld no lesse tribute then the rest This Prouince was conquered after the Countrey of Sundi and made subiect to the Princes of Congo and is now all one with it both in speech and manners neither is there any difference at all betweene them The present Gouernour thereof is called Don Francesco Mani-Pango and is descended from the most auncient nobilitie of all the Lordes of Congo and in all consultations touching the State he is sent for because he is nowe an olde man and of great wisedome For hee hath remained in the gouernment of this region for the space of fiftie yeares and no man euer complained of him neither did the king at any time take his gouernement from him The trafficke of this Prouince is like the trafficke of Sundi Chap. 13. Of the fift Prouince called Batta THe boundes of this Prouince are towards the North the Countrey of Pango on the East it taketh quite ouer the Riuer Barbela and reacheth to the Mountaines of the Sunne and to the foote of the Mountaines of Sal-Nitre And on the South from the said Mountains by a line passing through the meeting of the riuers Barbela and Cacinga to the mountaine Brusciato that is to say Scorched Within these boundes is Batta contayned and the Principall Cittie where the Prince dwelleth
place they encountred other Lordes that for the same purpose were sent by the King to receiue the Christians who were the messengers and bringers of so great a ioy When they were come within three miles neere to the Cittie all the Court came to entertaine and welcome the Portingalles with all manner of pompe and ioyfulnes and with musicke and singing as in those countreyes is vsed vppon their solemnest feast-daies And so great was the multitude of people which abounded in the streets that there was neyther tree nor hillocke higher then the rest but it was loaden with those that were runne forth and assembled to viewe these strangers which brought vnto them this newe law of their saluation The King himselfe attended them at the gate of his pallace in a Throne of estate erected vpon a high scaffold where hee did publikely receiue them in such manner and sorte as the auncient kinges of that Realme accustomed to doe when any Embassadours came vnto him or when his tributes were paied him or when any other such Royall ceremonies were performed And first of all the Embassador declared the Embassage of the King of Portingall which was expounded and interpreted by the foresaid Priest that was the principall authour of the conuersion of those people After the embassage was thus deliuered the King raysed himselfe out of his seate and standinge vpright vppon his feete did both with his countenaunce and speech shew most euident signes of the great ioy that he had conceyued for the comming of the Christians and so sate downe againe And incontinently all the people with shouting and sounding their trumpets singing and other manifest arguments of reioycing did approue the kinges wordes and shewed their exceeding good liking of this Embassage And further in token of obedience they did three times prostrate themselues vpon the grounde and cast vp their feete according to the vse of those kingdomes thereby allowing and commending the action of their king and most affectionately accepting of the Gospell which was brought vnto them from the Lorde God by the handes of those religious persons Then the king tooke view of all the presentes that were sent him by the King of Portingall and the Vestimentes of the Priestes and the Ornamentes of the Altar and the Crosses and the Tables wherein were depainted the Images of Saintes and the Streamers and the Banners and all the rest and with incredible attention caused the meaning of euery one of them to bee declared vnto him one by one And so withdrewe himselfe and lodged the Embassadour in a pallace made ready of purpose for him and all the rest were placed in other houses of seuerall Lordes where they were furnished with all plentie and ease The day following the King caused all the Portingalles to bee assembled together in priuate where they deuised of the course that was to be taken for the christening of the king and for effecting the full conuersion of the people to the christian faith And after sundry discourses it was resolued and concluded that first of all a Church shoulde be builded to the end that the christening and other ceremonies therevnto belonging might be celebrated therein with the more solemnity and in the meane while the king and the Court should be taught and instructed in the Christian Religion The king presently commaunded that with all speed prouision should be made of all manner of stuffe necessary for this building as Timber Stone Lime and Bricke according to the direction and appoiutment of the Worke-maisters and Masons which for that purpose were brought out of Portingall But the Deuill who neuer ceaseth to crosse all good and holy proceedinges raysed new dissentions and conspiracies and lettes against this promoting of the Christian Faith which in deede began to ouerthrowe and destroy the power that hee had long helde in that Realme and in steed thereof to plant the most healthfull tree of the Crosse and the worship of the Gospell And this hee did by procuring a rebellion among certaine people of the Anzichi and of Anzicana which dwell vpon both the bankes of the Riuer Zaire from the foresaid falles vpwardes to the great Lake and are subiect and belonging to the King of Congo Now this monstrous Riuer being restrained and kept backe by these falles doeth swell there mightily and spreadeth it selfe abroade in a very large and deepe channell In the breadth whereof there are many Islandes some small and some great so that in some of them there may be maintayned about thirtie thousande persons In these Islandes and in other places adioyninge to the riuers thereaboutes did the people make an insurrection and renounced their obedience to the king and slew the Gouernours that hee had sent thether to rule And all this was done by the Deuill of purpose to interrupt the propagation of Christianity which was now begunne and to hinder it by the meanes of this rebellion But the King by the inspiration of God prouided a good remedy for this mischiefe and sent thether his eldest sonne called Mani-Sundi within whose Prouince that countrey lyeth And yet afterwardes the trouble and tumult fell out to be so great daungerous that the king must needes go himselfe in person to pacifie these broyles howbeit hee resolued to be baptised before his going and so was enforced to forbeare the building of the Church of Stone and with all speed in steed thereof to erect one of timber which Church hee in his owne person with the aduice of the Portingalles did accomplish in such manner and sort as it ought to be and therein did receiue the Sacrament of holy Baptisme and was named Don Giouanni and his wife Donna Eleonora after the names of the king and Queene of Portingall and the Church it selfe intituled and dedicated to S. Sauiour But here it is to be noted that all these stirs and rebellion of the people aforesaide arose by the cunning sleight instigation of the Deuill not of the poore soules themselues that dwell in those Islandes of the Great Lake as it is written in the first booke of the histories of the Indies lately set forth in latine For the Lake is distant from the confines of the Cittie of Congo about two hundred miles neyther had the inhabitants thereaboutes any knowledge of Congo but onely by hearesay in those dayes and very little they haue of it as yet at this day And besides that the booke is faultie in the name of that people that rebelled for it calleth them Mundiqueti whereas in deede the Portingalles do rightly call them Anziqueti The same day wherein the king was baptised diuers other Lords following his example were baptised likewise hauing first learned certaine principles of the Christian Fayth And when all this was done the kinge went in person to dispearse the turbulent attemptes of his aduersaries against whom he found the Prince his sonne and
dead is Don Aluaro father to the King that now is renewed and made another of the same bignes that the first was of in remembraunce of such a miracle For the old Crosse was in time decaied and consumed and quite fallen downe The aforesaid vision did greatly confirme the minds of the Cittizens which before were quailed and did wonderfully appall and fully terrifie the enemies when they vnderstood the news thereof Notwithstanding Mani-Pango sent vnto the King signified vnto him and to all the rest that were with him that if they did not incontinently yeelde themselues and deliuer the Cittie vnto him and create and sweare him for their King and withall abandon and relinquish their newe Christian Religion he would put them all to the edge of the sworde but if they would so do hee woulde freely pardon them Herevnto the Lordes that stood on the Kinges parte answered that they were most ready to die in defence of their Prince and of the Christian Faith But in particular the King sent him this message that he nothing feared his terrible threates but rather as his kind brother was very sory euen from his hart to see that he walked in darkenes and strayed out of the way of light that the kingdome did by law belong vnto him and was not fraudulently vsurped by him And that the Religion which he had receyued was assuredly deliuered him from God who no doubt woulde protect and maintaine him therein And withall besought him that he would estraunge himselfe from his false beliefe and worshipping of the Deuill wherein he had beene nourished and brought vp and that he wold be baptized for so hee shoulde become the childe of God and mertie the Glorie Celestiall Then the King sent to fetch his iewelles and other rich ornamentes of housholde which he had at home and the better to encourage these Lordes that tooke his part hee most graciously distributed them amongst them all wherewith they remayned very greatly satisfied and bounde themselues to prosecute his enterprise and to followe his ensigne with a most ardent courage This being done the very same night the one halfe almost of the base people that were in armes being surprised with a very great feare did secretly flie into the Campe of Pango and hauing thus reuolted gaue Mani-Pango to vnderstand that the King and all the rest of his retinue were vtterly dismaied and discouraged that euery man was deuising with himselfe how he might escape that they had none other meane to saue themselues but onely by taking the lane that leadeth downe to the Riuer which as wee haue tolde you was distant from the Cittie about the space of a mile At the end of which lane betweene the Riuer and the hill there was a little Moore about two foot deepe on the right hande and on the left hand were the mountaines and the garrisons of Pango that had besieged beset the hill so that there was none other issue for them to escape but onely by passing ouer the Moore which was in length as farre as the shotte of an Arcubuse could reach and as much in bredth and then to come to the Riuer Mani-Pango beleeuing all this that they had related vnto him sent presently to stop that passage with planting sharpe stakes in the bottome of the Moore which were couered with water to the ende that if his enemies shoulde flie in the darke of the night because they would not be seene they shoulde be all staked and taken therein All that night he with all his armie remayned in great ioy and awaited the fresh morning that he might giue the assault vpon the Cittie bethinking himselfe in the meane while what course might be most easie and conuenient for him to attempt the same But Don Alfonso on the other side hauing confessed himselfe and consulted with all the most faithful and loyall frendes that hee had expected his enemie who assuring himselfe of the victorie and hauing now granted all the Cittizens goodes and all the states and Gouernementes of the kingdome to his great Lords about him very earely in the morning with a furious violence gaue assault to the Cittie on that side which is towardes the North where the great and wide plaine restrayning it selfe into a narrow straite entreth as it were into a rounde circle naturally compassed about with certaine hilles and then maketh a large way as broade as a man maye shoote with a Gunne vntill you come to the site or place where the Cittie standeth which is a little plaine of two miles compasse wherein as it hath beene tolde you the Cittie and the Church and the Lordes houses and the kings court are situate In this place did Don Alfonso with those few that he had with him settle himselfe against the Pagans and against his Enemie Brother who before hee coulde confront the Kinge was vtterly discomfited dispearsed and put to flight Wherevppon the king perceyuing that he was ouerthrowne and driuen to runne away was wonderfully amazed not knowing himselfe how this matter came to passe seeing that he had not ioyned battel nor fought with his enemies and therefore must needes thinke that it so fell out by some hidden and secreate meanes to him vnknowne Notwithstanding the day following Mani-Pango returned to the assault in the same place but hee was in the same manner once again discomfited and constrained to flie whereby hee knew assuredly that this his losse and ouerthrow was not occasioned by the valour of his enemies but onely by some miracle So that the people of the Cittie mocking and scorning those Idolaters and taking stomacke vnto them for these two victories thus happened beganne nowe to make no reconing of them and woulde with all violence haue runne vpon them To whome their aduersaries made this aunswere Tush you are not the men that haue thus vanquished vs but it was a certaine faire Lady all in white which with her admirable brightnesse had blindeded vs and a Knight riding vppon a white palfrey that had a redde Crosse vppon his breast and hee it was that fought against vs and turned vs to flight Which when the King vnderstoode he sent to tell his brother that of those two the one was a Virgin the Mother of Christ whose faith he had embraced and the other was S. Iames who both were sent from God to succour and relieue him and that if he also would become a Christian they would likewise shew great grace and fauour vnto him But Mani-Pango would not accept of this message but all the night following did put himselfe in a readinesse to besiege the Cittie vpon both sides at once the one with one part of his Armie at the straite aboue mentioned and the other with another parte of his people himselfe in his owne person compassing about by the lane that ascendeth from the riuer and so in a place vtterly vnprouided of eyther watch or ward he
thought to attempt the victorie Those that were aboue at the strait did first ioyne battell and were quite discomfited and ouerthrowne and Pango himselfe hoping to haue thrust forward on the other side while his enemies were wholly occupyed in defending themselues at the straite found himselfe greatly deceyued for his people were already put to flight by those of the Cittie who perceyuing the great noyse that Pango and his troupes made in ascending the hill on the other side ranne with all speed to meete with that danger and driuing him and all his people backe againe put them in disarray and then so vexed and molested them with such a furie of dartes and other weapons which they threwe among them that Pango being ouercome with feare and daunger ranne away and fell into the snares and nettes which he himselfe had layde for the Christians For lighting among the foresaide stakes he was with one of them thrust into the bodie and so being surprised with an euill death he finished his life as it were in a rage For you must vnderstand that the sharpe ends of the said stakes were envenomed with a certaine poyson which taking holde of the blood and entring somewhat into the flesh woulde kill without all cure or remedy By this victory and death of his brother did the king remaine in securitie and libertie wiihout all contradiction and then thinking with himselfe that his people and subiectes were in a great doubt and quandarie and durst not for feare present themselues before him by reason of the errour that they had committed against him like a good Prince hee sent to signifie vnto them that he would pardon their former faultes and receiue them into his grace and fauour Wherevpon they came and yeelded themselues vnto him with all obedience all sauing the Captaine Generall whose name was Mani-Bunda For hee feared greatly to appeare before the king for very shame of his disloyaltie and villanie but yet at the last hee obtained his pardon with a certaine penance enioyned him that he should go and serue in the building of the Church wherevpon he became afterwardes so humble and deuout a Christian that when the King woulde haue eased him of that trauell he would not by any meanes giue ouer his labour vntill such time as all the Church was wholly built and finished The Kingdome being thus pacified and all things well established the king Don Alfonso tooke order that they should presently go in hande with the fabricke of the principall Church called S. Crosses which was so named of the Crosse that was there planted as wee tolde you before and also because vpon the feast day of the Holy Crosse the first stone was layed in the foundation thereof Moreouer hee commaunded that the men should bring stones and the weomen shoulde fetch sand from the Riuer for the furthering of this worke The king woulde needes bee the first Porter himselfe and vppon his owne shoulders brought the first basket of stones which he cast into the foundation and the Queene her basket of sande likewise thereby giuing an example to the Lordes and the Ladies of the Court to do the like and to encourage and harten the people in so holy an action And so this fabricke being furthered by so good worke-maisters and workemen in a very short time was fully finished and therein were celebrated Masses and other diuine seruice with great solemnitie besides a number of Lords and others that were there baptised and christened so that the multitude of such as came to bee partakers of the Holy Baptisme abounded so greatly that there were not Priestes enough to execute that office After this the king dispatched away the Portingall Embassadour who till this time had remained at the Court by reason of these troubles and with him hee sent also another Embassadour of his owne called Don Roderico and diuerse others that were of kinne both to himselfe and to his Embassadour to the ende that they should learne both the doctrine of the Christians in Portingall and also their language and further declare vnto the King all these accidents that had happened Moreouer hee caused the Lordes of all his prouinces to bee assembled together in a place appointed for that purpose and there publikely signified vnto them that whosoeuer had any Idoles or any thing els that was contrary to the Christian Religion he should bring them forth and deliuer them ouer to the Lieuetenantes of the Countrey Otherwise whosoeuer did not so should be burned themselues without remission or pardon Which commandement was incontinently put in execution And a wonderfull thing it is to bee noted that within lesse then one moneth all the Idolles and Witcheries and Characters which they worshipped and accounted for Gods were sent and brought vnto the Court. And certainely the number of these toyes was infinite for euery man adored and reuerenced the thing that best liked him without any order or measure or reason at all so that there was among them a huge multitude of Deuilles in sundrie straunge and terrible shapes Many there were that carryed a deuotion to Dragons with winges which they nourished and fed in their owne priuate houses giuing vnto them for their foode the best and most costly viandes that they had Others kept Serpents of horrible figures Some worshipped the greatest Goates they could get some Tygres and other most monstrous Creatures yea the more vncouth deformed the beastes were the more they were honoured Some held in veneration certaine vncleane foules and night-birdes as Backes Owles and Schritche-Owles and such like To be briefe they did choose for their Gods diuers Snakes and Adders and Beastes and Birdes and Hearbes and Trees and sundry Characters of woode and of stone the figures of all these things aboue rehearsed aswell painted in colours as grauen in woode and in stone and in such other stuffe Neyther did they onely content themselues with worshipping the saide creatures when they were quick and aliue but also the very skins of them when they were dead being stuffed with straw The acte of this their adoration was performed in diuers sortes all wholly addressed and directed to expresse their humilitie as by kneeling on their knees by casting themselues groueling vpon the earth by defiling their faces with dust by making their prayers vnto their Idoles in wordes and in actions and by offering vnto them the best parte of the substaunce which they had in their possession They had moreouer their Witches which made the foolish people to belieue that their Idoles could speake and so deceyued them and if any man being in sicknes or infirmitie woulde recommend himselfe vnto them and afterwardes that man recouered his health the Witches woulde perswade him that the Idole had beene angry with him but now was appeased and had healed him And this is in part that which was vsed among the Moci-Conghi concerning their Religion before they
had receiued the Water of Holy Baptisme and the knowledge of the liuing God Now the King hauing gathered together all these abhominable Images and put them into diuers houses within the Cittie and commanded that to the same place where a little before hee had fought and vanquished his brothers Armie euery man should bring a burthen of woode which grew to be a great heape when they had cast into it all the said Idoles pictures and whatsoeuer els the people afore that time held for a God he caused fire to be set vnto them and so vtterly consumed them When he had thus done he assembled all his people together and in steed of their Idoles which before they had in reuerence hee gaue them Crucifixes and Images of Saintes which the Portingalles had brought with them and enioyned euery Lord that euery one in the Cittie of his owne Gouernment and Regiment shoulde builde a Church and set vp Crosses as he had already shewed vnto them by his owne example And then he tolde them and the rest of his people that hee had dispatched an Embassadour into Portingall to fetch Priestes that should teach them Religion and administer the most holy and holesome Sacraments to euery one of them and bring with them diuers Images of Christ of the Virgin Mother and of other Saintes to distribute among them In the meane while hee willed them to bee of good comfort and to remaine constant in the faith But they had so liuely imprinted the same in their hartes that they neuer more remembred their former beliefe in false and lying Idoles He ordayned moreouer that there shoulde be three Churches builded One in reuerence of our Sauiour to giue him thanks for the victorie which he had granted vnto him wherein the Kinges of Congo doe lye buried and whereof the Cittie Royall tooke the name for as it was tolde you before it is called S. Sauiours The second Church was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin the Mother of God called Our Ladie of Helpe in memory of the succour which he had against his enemies And the thirde was consecrated to S. Iames in honour and remembraunce of the miracle which that Saint had wrought by sighting in the fauour of the Christians shewing himselfe on horsebacke in the heat of the battell Not long after this the shippes arriued from Portingall with many men that were skifull in the holy scriptures and diuers religious Friers of the orders of S. Frauncis and of Saint Dominike and of Saint Austine with sundry other Priestes who with great charitie and feruencie of spirite sowed and dispearsed the Catholike Faith ouer all the Countrey which was presently embraced by all the people of the kingdome who held the said Priests in so high reuerence that they worshipped them like Saintes by kneeling vnto them and kissing their hands and receiuing their blessing as often as they met them in the streetes These Priestes being arriued into their seueral Prouinces did instruct the people in the faith of Christ and taking vnto them certaine of the naturalles of the Countrey they taught them the true heauenly doctrine whereby they might the better declare the same to their owne Countreymen in their owne proper language So that in processe of time the Catholike Faith was rooted ouer all those Countreyes in such sorte as it perseuereth and continueth there euen till this day although it hath endured some small hinderance as in conuenient place we shall shew vnto you Chap. 4. The death of the King Don Alfonso and the succession of Don Piedro How the Islande of Saint Thomas was first inhabited and of the Bishop that was sent thether Other great accidents that happened by occasion of Religion The death of two Kings by the conspiracie of the Portingalles the Lordes of Congo How the Kinges linage was quite extinguished The banishment of the Portingalles WHile these matters were thus in working for the seruice of God that Christianitie was nowe begun and encreased with so happy successe it pleased God to call away to himselfe the King Don Alfonso who at the time of his death yeelded great signes which beautified and exalted his former life For he dyed in great faith declaring that his hower was now come and discoursed of the Christian Religion with so great confidence and charitie as it euidently appeered that the Crosse and Passion the true beliefe in our Sauiour Iesus Christ was imprinted in the roote of his heart To Don Piedro his sonne successour he did especially principally recommend the Christian doctrine which in deed following the example of his father he did maintain and vphold accordingly In his time there began to sayle into these quarters a great number of vessels and the Islande of S. Thomas was inhabited with Portingalles by the Kinges commandment For before those dayes it was all waste and desert within lande and inhabited onely vpon the shore by a few saylers that came from the countries adioyning But when this Islande in processe of time was well peopled with Portingalles and other nations that came thether by licence of the King and became to be of great trafficke and was tilled and sowed the king sent thether a Bishoppe to gouerne the Christians that were in that Islande and those also that were in Congo which the said Bishoppe did accomplish presently vpon his arriuall and afterwardes in Congo where hee tooke possession of his Pastorall charge When he was come into the kingdome of Congo it was a thing incredible to see with howe great ioy hee was entertained by the Kinge and all his people For from the sea side euen vnto the Cittie being the space of a hundred and fiftie miles he caused the streetes to bee made smooth and trimme and to be couered all ouer with Mattes commanding the people that for a certaine space seuerally appointed vnto them they shoulde prepare the wayes in such sort that the Bishoppe shoulde not set his foote vpon any part of the grounde which was not adorned But it was a farre greater wonder to behold all the countrey thereaboutes and all the trees and all the places that were higher then the rest swarming with men and weomen that ran forth to see the Bishop as a man that was holy and sent from God offering vnto him some of them lambes some kiddes some chickins some Partriches some venison and some fish and other kindes of victuailes in such aboundance that hee knew not what to do withall but leaft it behind him whereby he might well know the great zeale and obedience of these new Christians And aboue all other thinges it is to be noted for a memorable matter that the Bishoppe going on his way there met him an innumerable multitude of men weomen and girles and boyes and persons of fourescore yeares of age and aboue that crossed him in the streetes and with singular tokens of true beliefe
required the water of Holy Baptisme at his hands neyther would they suffer him to passe vntill hee had giuen it them so that to satisfie their desires hee was greatly stayed in his viage and was faine to carry water with him in certaine vesselles and salte and other prouision necessary for that action But I will leaue to report vnto you all the welcome and entertainment that was made vnto him in euery place where he came and the liuely ioy that generally and particularly was shewed for the comming of this Bishoppe And now I will tell you that hee arriued at the Cittie of Saint Sauiours where hee was met by the Priestes and by the king and by all the Court and so in procession entred into the Church after due thanks giuen to God hee was conducted to his lodging that was assigned vnto him by the king And then presently he beganne to reforme reduce to good order the Church it selfe and the Friers and Priestes that dwell therein ordayning the saide Church to bee the Cathedrall Church of Saint Crosses which at that time had belonging vnto it twentie and eyght Cannons with their Chaplens and a Mayster of the Chappell with Singers and Organs and Belles and all other furniture meete to execute diuine seruice But this Bishoppe who laboured in the Lords Vineyard sometimes in Congo and sometimes in the Isle of Saint Thomas going and comming continually by shippe the space of twentie daies and still leauing behinde him his Vicars in the place where he himselfe was absent at the last dyed was buried in the Island of S. Thomas After this Bishoppe succeeded another Bishoppe in Congo being a Negro and descended of the blood Royall who before had beene sent by King Alfonso first into Portingall and afterwardes to Rome where hee learned the Latine tongue and the Christian Religion but being returned into Portingall and landed out of his shippe to goe and enter vppon his Bishopricke of S. Sauiours hee dyed by the way wherevpon the kingdome remained without a Pastor for the space of diuers yeares Don Piedro also the King aforesaide dyed likewise without children and there succeeded him his brother called Don Francesco who in like manner lasted but a while and then was created the fift King named Don Diego who was next of all the race Royall A man of haughtie courage and magnificall and wittie of a very good disposition wise in counsell and aboue all other qualities a maintayner of Christian Faith and in briefe so great a warriour he was that in few yeares hee conquered all the countries adioyning He loued the Portingals very much so that he forsooke the vsuall garmentes of his owne naturall countrey attyred himselfe after the Portingall fashion He was very sumptuous aswell in his apparell as also in the ornaments and furniture of his pallace he was besides very courteous and liberall and woulde bestowe largely both vpon his owne subiectes and also vpon the Portingalles With great cost woulde hee prouide and buy such stuffe as pleased him and woulde often say that Rare thinges shoulde not bee in the handes of any but onely of Kinges He vsed to weare one suite of apparel but once or twice and then he would giue it away to his followers Wherevpon the Portingalles perceyuing that he did so greatly esteeme cloth of gold and Arras such other costly houshold stuffe they brought great store therof out of Portingall so that at that time Arras-hangings and cloth of gold and of silke and such like Lordly furniture beganne to bee of great estimation in that kingdome In the time of this King there was a thirde Bishop of Saint Thomas and Congo by nation a Portingall who with the vsuall ceremonies was entertayned both by the way and also in the Court at Saint Sauiours And nowe the Deuill the common enemie of Christian Religion being much grieued with the happie successe and promoting of the Catholike Faith beganne to sowe his Darnell of diuision betweene the Friers and Priestes and their new Bishoppe which sprung vp and arose from the long libertie wherein they had nowe liued so many yeares without a Pastor so that euery man esteemed himselfe not onely to be as good as the Bishoppe but also to be a farre better man then he was and therefore would yeeld no obedience to their Prelate in such sort that there was raysed among them so great a discord dissention as it wrought a grieuous scandale and wicked example among the people But the king like a good Catholike and a faithfull did alwayes maintaine the Bishops part and to cut of these troubles and stirres he sent some of these Priests to prison into Portingal and others into the Isle of Saint Thomas and some others went away with all their substaunce of their owne accorde and by these meanes the doctrine of these ministers in steede of encreasing did greatly diminish through their owne default Neyther was our common aduersaries herewithal contented but woulde needes proceed further by setting discorde betweene Kinges and subiectes For after the death of this King there started vp three Princes at once to challenge the succession The first was the Kinges sonne whom fewe of them fauoured because they desired to haue another so that he was slaine incontinently The two other that remayned were of the bloud Royall One of them was created King by his fauourites and followers with the good lyking of the greater parte of the people but vtterly against the mindes of the Portingalles and certayne of the Lordes who aymed and endeauoured to set vp the other Insomuch as the foresaide Lordes together with the Portingalles went into the Church to kill the King elected making this reckoning with themselues that if they slewe him the other must of necessitie bee made King But at that very selfe same time those of the contrary faction had slaine the King that was already made by the Portingalles perswading themselues assuredly that he being dead there would bee no difficultie for them to obtaine the state for their King because there was none other least that by law could challenge the Scepter Royall And thus in an houre and in two seuerall places were these two Kinges murthered at once In these conspiracies and slaughters when the people saw that there were no lawfull persons leaft to enioy the Royall Crowne they laide all the blame vpon the Portingals who were the causers of all these mischiefes and therevpon they turned themselues against them and slew as many of them as they could finde Onely they spared the Priests and would not touch them nor any other that dwelt in other places Seeing therefore as before is saide that there was none of the blood Royal leaft to be placed in the Gouernment they made choice of one Don Henrico Brother to Don Diego the King deceased And this Henrico going to warre against the Anzichi leaft behinde him in his
steede for Gouernour vnder the title of King one Don Aluaro a young man of twentie and fiue yeares of age sonne to his wife by another husband But Don-Henrico dyed shortly after the warre was ended and therevpon the saide Don Aluaro was with the common consent of them all elected King of Congo and generally obeyed of euery man And thus fayled the Royall Stocke of the auncient Kinges of Congo in the person of Don Henrico But Don Aluaro was a man of good iudgement and gouernenent and of a milde disposition so that he did presently appease all these tumults in his kingdome caused all the Portingals that by the last warres were dispearsed ouer all the countries thereaboutes to bee gathered together aswell religious persons as lay men by their meanes hee was much better confirmed in the Catholike Faith then he was before Moreouer he vsed them very courteously and cleared them of all faultes that were laide to their charge declaring vnto them by gentle discourses that they had not beene the occasion of the former troubles as euery man wold confesse and acknowledge and to that effect he determined with him selfe to write a large information touching al these accidentes to the King of Portingall and to the Bishoppe of S. Thomas which he did accordingly and dispatched certain Messengers vnto them with his letters When the Bishoppe of S. Thomas vnderstode these newes he was very glad thereof and whereas before he durst not aduenture to go into the Kingdome of Congo in the heate of all those troubles he did now presently take ship and sayled thether where he imployed himselfe wholly with all his authoritie to pacifie the former dissentions and to set downe order for all such matters as concerned the worshippe of God and the office of his Priestes And a while after hee had so done hee returned to his habitation in the Isle of Saint Thomas where by meanes of sicknes he finished his dayes And this was the third time that those partes remayned without a Bishop Nowe it came to passe that for want of Bishoppes the King and the Lordes and the people likewise began to waxe cold in the Christian Religion euery man addicting himselfe licentiously to the libertie of the flesh and especially the King who was induced therevnto by diuers yong men of his owne age that did familiarly conuerse with him Among whom there was one principall man that was both a Lorde and his kinsman called Don Francesco Bullamatare that is to say Catche-Stone This man because he was a great Lorde and wholly estranged from all instructions of Christianitie walked inordinately after his owne pleasure and did not sticke to defende openly That it was a very vaine thing to keepe but one wife and therefore it were better to returne to their former auncient custome And so by his meanes did the Deuill open a gate to the ouerthrowe and destruction of the Church of Christ in that kingdome which vntill that time with so great paine and trauaile had beene there established But afterwardes the man did so wander and stray out of the way of truth that he fell from one sinne to another and in the end quite relinquished and abandoned all true Religion Yet at the last the said Francesco dyed and was solemnely buried like a noble Lorde in the Churcb of Saint Crosses although he was notoriously suspected and spotted for his false Religion But it fell out and a maruellous case it is to confirme the righteous in their good belief to terrify the wicked that in the night time certain Spirits of the Deuill vncouered a part of the roofe of S. Crosses Church where he was enterred and with a great and horrible noyse which was heard all ouer the Cittie they drew him out of his Tombe and carryed him away And in the morning the Church doores were found shut the roofe broken and the graue without the body of the man By this extraordinarie signe the King was at the first aduertised of the great fault that hee had committed and so were the rest also that followed him in his course but notwithstanding because there was no Bishop in that kingdome to giue him good counsell and the King but a young man and vnmarried although he remained somewhat sound in the Christian Faith yet he continued still in the licentiousnes of the flesh vntill such time as God had chastized him with another seuere discipline as you shall hereafter vnderstand Chap. 5. The incursions of the people called Giachas in the kingdome of Congo Their conditions and weapons And the taking of the Royall Cittie FOr not long after there came to robbe and spoyle the Kingdome of Congo certaine nations that liue after the manner of the Arabians and of the auncient Nomades and are called Giachas Their habitation or dwelling is about the first Lake of the Riuer Nilus in a prouince of the Empyre of Moenemugi A cruell people they are and a murderous of a great stature and horrible countenance fed with mans flesh fierce in battell and valorous in courage Their weapons are Pauises or Targates Dartes and Daggers otherwise they go all naked In their fashions and dayly course of liuing they are very sauage and wilde They haue no King to gouerne them and they leade their life in the forrest vnder cabbins and cottages like shepheardes This people went wandring vp and downe destroying and putting to fire and sworde and robbing and spoiling all the countries that they passed through till they came to the Realme of Congo which they entred on that side where the Prouince of Batta lyeth Those that first came forth to make resistance against them they ouerthrew and then addressed themselues towards the Cittie of Congo where the King remained at that time in great perplexitie for this victorie that his enemies had gotten in the Countrey of Batta yet some comfort hee tooke to himselfe and went out against his aduersaries with such souldiers as he had in the same place where in times past Mani-Pango fought with the King Don Alfonso he ioyned battell with them In which encounter the King being halfe discomfited retired into the Cittie wherein when he perceyued that he could not remaine in good safetie being vtterly forsaken of the grace of God by reason of his sinnes and not hauing that confidence in him that Don Alfonso had he thought good to leaue it for a pray to his aduersaries and to betake himselfe io an Islande within the Riuer Zaire called Isola del Cauallo that is to say the Isle of Horse where hee continued with certaine Portingall Priestes and other principal Lordes of his Kingdome And thus were the Giachi become Lords and maisters of the Cittie Royall and of the whole Realme For the naturall inhabitants fled away and saued themselues in the mountains desert places but the enemies burned and wasted Cittie and Churches all and spared
no mans life so that hauing diuided themselues into seuerall armies they ruled and gouerned sometimes in one Prouince and sometimes in another ouer all the kingdome With this persecution did God generally afflict and chastize all the inhabitantes of the saide Kingdome of Congo the King himselfe the Lordes the people the Portingalles and their Clergie euery one in their degree and calling As for the poore people they went wandring like vagabondes ouer all the Countrey and perished for hunger and want of necessaries And for the Kinge with those that followed him and had saued themselues in the Islande they also because the Isle was very little and the multitude great were oppressed with so terrible a scarsitie of victuailes that the most part of them dyed by famine and pestilence For this dearth so increased and meate arose to so excessiue a rate that for a very small pittance God wot they were faine to giue the price of a slaue whome they were wont to sell for tenne Crownes at the least So that the Father was of necessitie constrayned to sell his owne sonne and the brother his brother and so euery man to prouide his victuailes by all manner of wickednesse The persons that were solde for the satisfying of other mens hunger were bought by the Portingal Marchants that came from S. Thomas with their ships laden with victuailes Those that sold them said they were slaues and those that were solde iustified and confirmed the same because they were desirous to be ridde of their greedie torment And by this occasion there was no small quantity of slaues that were borne in Congo solde vpon this necessitie and sent to the Isle of S. Thomas to Portingall among whome there were some of the bloud Royall and some others principall Lordes By this affliction the King did manifestly learne know that all these great miseries and aduersities abounded for his misdeedes and although he was not much punished with hunger because hee was a King yet he did not escape the cruel infirmitie of the Dropsie that made his legges to swell exceedingly which disease was engendred partely by the ayre and very ill diet and partely by the moystnesse of the Islande and so it accompanied him euen vntill his death But in the meane while being stricken to the hart with these misfortunes and calamities he conuerted and turned to God requiring pardon for his offences and doing pennance for his sinnes and then was counselled and aduised by the Portingalles that he shoulde sende to request succours of the King of Portingall by certayne Embassadours that might recount vnto him all the mischiefes which had lighted vpon him This Embassage was accordingly performed at the same time that the K. Don Sebastiano began his raign who with great speed and kindnesse sent him succours by a Captaine called Francesco di Gouea a man well exercised in diuers wars both in India and also in Africa who lead with him sixe hundred Souldiers and many Gentlemen Aduenturers that did accompany him Chap. 6. The King of Portingall sendeth aide and an Embassadour to the King of Congo The knowledge of the Mettall mines which abound in Congo is denyed the King of Portingall At the same time the King of Congo dispatcheth Embassadours to the King of Spaine to request Priestes of him what befell vnto them He sendeth diuers proofes of the Mettalles The vow of Odoardo Lopes THis Captayne Francesco di Gouea carried with him a commandement from his Kinge that the Islande of Saint Thomas shoulde prouide him ships and victuails and whatsoeuer els was requisite for this enterprise And with this prouision hee arriued at the last in the Isle of Horse where the King of Congo was resident In whose company the Portingalles departing from thence gathering together all the men of warre in that Countrey with all speed possible put themselues onwardes against their aduersaries and fought with them sundry times in plaine battell so that at the ende of one yeare and a halfe they restored the King into his former estate Which victory they atchieued in deede by the noyse and force of their Arcubuses for the Giachi are exceedingly afraid of that weapon rather then by the valour and strength of their souldiers And so they were in spight of their teeth driuen out of the Realme of Congo but few of them there were that returned home againe to see their frendes But the Portingall Captaine stayed there for the space of foure yeares to settle the King in his Kingdome and then returned into Portingall with letters of request to his King that hee woulde sende ouer some moe Priestes to vpholde and maintaine the Christian Religion Howbeit a number of Portingalles that came by shippe with him remained behinde him in these Countries and are at this daye become very rich and wealthie men And the King being thus established in his former degree and the Kingdome all in quyet and peace became a very good Christian and married the Ladie Catarina who is yet aliue by whom he had fower daughters and by certaine Maide-seruants which he kept two sonnes and one daughter And because in those regions the weomen doe not succeede there remayned as heyre of his kingdome his elder sonne called also Don Aluaro who liueth at this day During the time that the foresaide Captaine stayed in Congo the King of Portingall Don Sebastiano vnderstanding that there were in that Kingdome diuers Caues and Mines of Siluer of Golde other Mettalles sent thether two persons that were cunning and skilful in that Arte for therein they had serued the Castilians in the West to make search for them and to drawe some profite thereof But the King of Congo was by a certaine Portingall called Francesco Barbuto that was his Confessour and great familiar perswaded to the contrary that he should not in any case suffer those Mines to be discouered signifying vnto him that thereby peraduenture the free enioying and possession of his Kingdome might by little and little be taken quite from him and therefore aduised him that he woulde cause these skilfull Maisters to bee ledde and guided by some other wayes where hee knewe there were no Mettall-Mynes to be founde which he did accordingly But assuredly it grew afterwardes to a great mischiefe that the King would not suffer this Arte of digging and melting of mettalles so greatly esteemed ouer all Europe to be exercised in Congo For therevpon beganne the great trade and trafficke in that Countrey to cease and the Portingall Marchants did not greatly care for venturing thether or dwelling there any more and so consequently very few Priestes resorted among them So that aswell vpon these occasions as also for other such causes afore rehearsed the Christian Religion waxed so colde in Congo that it wanted verye little of being vtterly extinguished But the King Don Aluaro as it hath beene tolde you after all these mighty afflictions laid
vpon him by the hand of God for the punishment of the sinnes which he had committed against Religion had acknowledged his errour and became a good Christian cherishing the Portingals whom he called his Sonnes and doing them all the pleasure hee could Especially and aboue all thinges hee ceased not still to sende new Embassadours into Portingall with earnest request that he might haue moe Priestes and such as were skilful in the holy Scriptures to maintaine the Catholike Faith which was now almost vtterly forgotten in that Realme onely for want of religious persons that shoulde teach the people and administer the Sacramentes and not for any fault of their good willes for they were meruellously well inclined and affected to the Holy Faith After that the aforesaid Captaine was arriued in Portingall and had presented the requestes of the King of Congo to his King who was also but a young man he had none other aunswere from him but wordes and promises that he would haue a care of the matter that was demanded but in the meane while hee prouided neyther Priests nor Diuines to be sent for Congo Wherevpon the King of Congo dispatched againe another principall Embassadour being his kinseman called Don Sebastiano Aluarez together with a Portingall to beare him company and entreate for moe Priestes and withall to redeeme certaine slaues borne in Congo that were in the Isle of S. Thomas and in Portingall and were sold vpon meere necessitie as wee haue tolde you before Some of them woulde needes remaine still in voluntarie seruitude and many were raunsomed and brought home into their Countrey By whose good labour and meanes and especially by the paineful industrie of such as were Lords borne of noble bloud for some there were of that dignitie among them the King of Congo restored the Christian Religion which was almost lost and some of them he vsed for Counsellours and Officers of the Realme as men that were well practised and experienced in the worlde by reason of this their long captiuitie To this Embassadour the King gaue a gracious aunswere and tolde him that hee should bee satisfyed according to his request But yet for all that hee was faine to returne home agayne into Congo without any Priestes or Religious persons to go with him Three yeares after the King Don Sebastiano dispatched a certaine Bishoppe called Don Antonio de gli Oua being a Castilian borne principally to the Islande of S. Thomas but withall he gaue him also a commission to visite the kingdome of Congo who being arriued at S. Thomas fell at iarre with the Captayne there and so sayled into Congo where hee was also persecuted by the saide Captaine and his frendes that hee had there For they informed the King that hee was an ambitious man of a haughtie spirite and very obstinate thereby did vtterly discredite him with the King and all his Court Wherevpon being induced therevnto by these accusations the King forbad him at the first to enter within his Realme but afterwardes he receyued him with great honour and sent his sonne to entertain him and to accompany him to the Cittie There he stayed about eyght monethes and then departed againe somewhat before the King of Portingall passed into Africa and leaft behinde him in Congo two Friars and fower Priestes The Bishoppe being thus gone the King ouerthrowen in Africa there was exalted to the Crowne of Portingall Don Henrico the Cardinall to whome the King of Congo did write with great instaunce and earnest request that he would send him some religious personnes and Preachers but he could obtaine nothing at his handes because the Cardinall liued but a short time in that Gouernement After Don Henrico succeeded Phillip King of Castile who sent aduertisementes to the Captain of Saint Thomas that he was inuested in the Crowne of Portingall and letters also to the King of Congo to the same effect Wherevpon the Captaine did presently dispatch one Sebastiano di Costa that with the title of Embassadour shoulde carry these newes and letters vnto the saide King When these letters were presented and all complementes performed the king of Congo returned him againe to the Court to king Phillip with answere of his letters and therein proffered to discouer vnto him the mettall mines which heretofore had beene concealed from all the other kinges his predecessors and withal sent him diuers trialles of them Beseeching him especially with all affectionate entreatie that as soone as possiblie he could hee woulde furnish him with some store of Priestes declaring also vnto him the miserable state and condition whereinto his people were fallen by reason of the troubles that had happened about the Christian Religion But Costa died by the way the vessell wherein he sayled being cast away vpon the shore of Portingall and euery man drowned that was in it and the naughtie newes were knowen by the contentes of the Letters that were found in a little chest which was driuen on land by the waues of the sea by a briefe note of such Commissions as he had in charge to deliuer to the king When the king of Congo hearde of this accident hee did not cease but still continued and perseuered in his godly purpose woulde not suffer Christianitie to bee vtterly extinguiwed in his Kingdome as it was very likely to be And therefore he determined yet once again to send a new Embassadour of his owne to the King of Spaine But forasmuch as there arose some difficulties and differences among some Lordes of the Court that desired this honour the king because he woulde not displease any of them by preferring one of them before another made choice of one Odoardo Lopez a Portingall borne from whose mouth Pigafetta tooke this present report and put it in writing This man had dwelt now a good time in those Regions and was well experienced in the affaires of the worlde and being by good chaunce at that time in the Court he was thus emploied with the good fauour and countenance of the king who deliuered vnto him in writing very ample instructions for all matters whereof hee was to treate as well with his Catholike Maiestie in Spaine as also with his Holinesse at Rome together with very earnest letters of credence and authoritie and commoditie to them both and safe conductes and exemptions in all liberties both within and without besides his effectuall recommendations of him to all other Christian Princes with all such other priuileges and declarations that might shew how dearly the king esteemed his person as to an Embassadour in such causes appertaineth The summe of his Embassage was this That he should present his Letters to the King Don Phillip and at large discourse vnto him the state wherein the kingdome of Congo stoode touching matter of Religion by the reason of the former warres and scarcitie of Priestes and therevpon request his Maiestie to prouide
him a competent number of Confessors and Preachers that might bee sufficient to maintaine the Gospell in those remote Countries being but lately conuerted to Christianitie Moreouer that he should shew vnto him the sundrie trialles of Mettalles which hee had made and many other matters which were worthie to bee knowen and withall that he should proffer vnto him in his name free liberal trafficke of them which heretofore was euer denyed to his Predecessors Touching the Pope That he should likewise on his behalfe kisse his feete deliuer vnto him his letters and recount the miserable trouble and detriment that his people had suffered for the Christian Faith That he shold recōmend those poor soules to his Holines beseech him as the Vniuersal Father of all Christians to haue compassion vpon so many faithful persons who because they had no Priestes to deliuer the holy Faith vnto them and to administer the wholesome Sacramentes were by little and little falling into euerlasting perdition And being thus dispatched he departed from the Court and went about certaine seruices for the King wherein he spent about eyght Monethes So that in Ianuary being then Sommer time in Congo he embarked himselfe in a vessell of a hundred Tunne burthen which was bound with her lading for Lisbone Now as he sayled he came to the sea of the Islands of Cape Verde where the vessell being somewhat olde began to take in much water at a leake that was open in the foreship So that the wind blowing very lustely and strongely before and the Saylers being not able eyther to reach the Islandes aforesaid or to gayne the firme lande of Africa much lesse though they woulde neuer so fayne to follow on their voyage by sayling on with the halfe ship and to straine the vessel that leaked so much the Pilot thought it better to turne his course and taking the wind in the poope to goe saue themselues in the Islandes of Noua Hispania And so after terrible stormes and extreame dangers of drowning and of perishing with hunger for want of all kinde of meate they arriued with much adoo at a little Islande called Cubagoa and situate ouer against the Isle of Saynt Margarete where they fish for Pearles From thence when they had in some haste amended their shippe and somewhat refreshed themselues they sayled with a short cut to the firme lande and tooke hauen in a Porte called Cumana or as it is called by another name The new kingdome of Granado in the West Indies This battered and wetherbeaten vessell was no sooner arriued in this safe harbour but it sunke presently to the bottome but the persons that were in her were all saued although afterwardes they fell sicke to the death by reason of the great griefe which they had endured in hunger in thirst and in want of all other sustenance and chiefly by the horrible stormes of that tempestuous Ocean While the foresaide Embassadour endeauoured in this place to recouer his former health the company of shippes which is called La Flotta that is to say the Fleete and vseth euery yeare to sayle from the coast for Castile departed from thence so that he was constrayned to stay for a new Nauie and so consumed a whole yeare and a halfe without doing any good In this meane time the King of Congo hauing neuer receyued any tydinges of this his Embassadour Odoardo but accounting him for dead and not knowing that he was driuen by tempest into the West Indies continued still constant in his former purpose to procure some remedy for Christianitie in his kingdome And therefore hee sent another Embassadour with the selfe same commandements called Don Piedro Antonio the seconde person in all his Realme and with him one Gasparo Diaz a Portingall borne a principall man and very rich and an auncient inhabitant in that Countrey to the ende that hee shoulde accompany the saide Don Piedro and suffer him to want nothing and in any case ioyne his good helpe to procure that the request which he hoped to obtain of the king of Spaine might be fully effected with a further expresse commandement that if they did meete with the saide Signor Odoardo they should deale in their businesse with his aduise counsell But an infortunate end had this Embassadour for he was taken at sea by Englishmen and his shippe also which being drawen towardes Englande when it was neere vnto the Coast by great misfortune it ranne athwart the shoare ane there Don Piedro Antonio his sonne were both drowned but the Portingal and some fewe others with him escaped and arriued in Spaine at such time as the said Odoardo was come to the Court had entred vppon the charge of his Embassage And therefore this Gasparo wrote to Odoardo that hee was minded to returne home into Congo and not to goe to the Court at all whether it were for the death of the Cardinall or for any other respect I cannot tell but home he returned in deed as he said he would In the time that our Signor Odoardo remained in the West India which is situate vnder the same skie and vnder the same climate and of the same temperature of ayre that Congo is subiect vnto hee noted that the colour of the skinnes of the inhabitants in both countries was farre different For in Congo they are generally and for the most parte blacke and in India almost white that is to say of a middle colour betweene white and blacke which the Spaniardes call Mulato Browne or Darke-Tawney Whereby he would signifie that it is not caused by the Sunne as it hath beene recorded of long time but that it commeth of nature it selfe who worketh it by some secreat reason which neuer yet to this day eyther by auncient Philosopher or new writer hath beene fully set downe or vnderstoode When he had recouered his health he sayled to the Porte of the Cittie of San Domingo in the Island of Hispaniola that there at the first passage he might take some shippe that went towardes Castilia and by good chaunce he found a Portingall vessell among the rest of the Nauie which was minded to ioyne with the Fleete of shippes that passed from the firme lande to Castilia and so to goe in good companie and better safetie All these shippes being thus vnited together they arriued by the helpe of a very good winde at Terzera which is one of the Islandes called Azores that is to say the Sparre-Haukes and from thence to San Lucar di Barameda which is a hauen in the mouth of the Riuer Guadalchibir and so to Siuile from whence he tooke his iourney into Portingall to see his frendes and to furnish himselfe with all thinges necessarie for his businesse and at the last hee rode to the Court which was at that time in Madrill There hee was courteously entertained by his Catholike Maiestie to whom he propounded the contents of
to such an excessiue compasse and widenes that it is a wonder as may be seene in the discourse touching the Cape of Good-Hope and all these kingdomes of Congo and the Countreyes there adioyning where there are Lakes of so extraordinarie a bignesse that in the languages of those Regions they are not called Lakes but Seas And thus you see how the Riuer Nilus in the times and seasons before mentioned on the one side doeth runne most furiously from those Countries into the North to water Aegypt and the Riuer Zaire and the Riuer Nigir on the other side Westwarde and Eastwarde and towardes the South other huge and monstrous Riuers which at certaine determined and limited times doo neuer faile to encrease as Nilus doeth And this is the effect of them which is ordinarily seene euery yeare especially in Cairo and ouer all Aegypt where Nilus beginneth to ryse about the ende of Iune and continueth his rising till the twentith of September as I haue seene my selfe But the occasion and cause of this encrease hath beene vntill this present time very secret and obscure and although the ancient writers beginning euen at Homere haue after a sorte and in generall tearmes leaft in writing that Nilus doeth increase by raine yet haue they not so distinctly and plainely discoursed thereof as Signor Odoardo hath done and testified the same by his owne view and knowledge For some there were that haue assigned the cause of this ouerflowing to bee the raine that commeth from the Mountaines of the Moone Others haue attributed it to the snowes that are melted in those Mountaines yet Nilus doth not swell or ryse any thing neere to the Mountaines of the Moone but a great way from them towards the North and besides that the season of winter doeth rather breed Snow then yeeld any heate to melt it And now that I haue with good diligence enquired of Signor Odoardo these matters aboue written vpon such pointes as I had before plotted to my selfe and hee also propounding the rest vnto mee of his owne meere motion like a man of high conceite as in truth he is and satisfying me with such aunsweres as are set downe in this discourse yet I doo assure my selfe that euery man will not rest fully contented and satisfyed herewith especially such as are curious and practised in matters of the worlde and skilfull in the Sciences The Geographer woulde peraduenture desire to vnderstand more and the Phisician and the maister of Mineralles and the Historiographer and the Marchaunt and the Marriner and the Preacher and some others that are different from these in respect of their profession But Signor Odoardo hath promised with as much speed as possible he may to returne to Rome from Congo whether he sayled presently after he had finished this treatise which was in May 1589. with very ample informations and further instructions for the supplying of that which here wanteth touching Nilus and his originall and such other matter In the meane time that little which is contayned in these few leaues is not very little But yet if perhaps there be any thing found therein that may be eyther profitable or straunge or delightfull or fit to passe away the time and to driue away Melancholie let it bee wholly ascribed to the right noble and Reuerend Father my Lorde Antonie Migliore Bishop of San Marco and Commendador of Santo Spirito who was the authour of this worke to be published for the common benefit FINIS A TABLE OF THE CHAPTERS CONtayned in the first Booke of The Report of the Kingdome of Congo THe iourney by Sea from Lisbone to the Kingdome of Congo Chap. I. fol. 1. Of the temperature of the ayre of the kingdome of Congo and whether it bee very colde or hot whether the men bee white or blacke Whether are more or lesse blacke they that dwell in the hilles or those that dwell in the plaines Of the winds and the raines and the snowes in those quarters and of what stature and semblaunce the men of that Countrey are Chapter II. fol. 13. Whether the children which are begotten by Portingalles being of a white skinne and borne in those Countries by the women of Congo be blacke or white or tawney like a wilde Oliue whom the Portingalles call Mulati Chap. III. fol 18. Of the circuite of the kingdome of Congo and of the borders and confines thereof And first of the Westerne Coast. Chap. IIII. fol. 20. Of the North coast of the Kingdome of Congo and the confines thereof Chap. V. fol. 30. Of the East coast of the Kingdome of Congo and the Confines thereof Chap. VI. fol. 38 Of the Confines of the Kingdome of Congo towardes the South Chap. VII fol. 43. Of the circuite of the Kingdome of Congo possessed by the King that now is according to the foure borders aboue described Chap. VIII fol. 58. The sixe Prouinces of the Kingdome of Congo and first of the Prouince of Bamba Chap. IX fol. 60. Of the Prouince of Sogno which is the Countrey of the Riuer Zaire and Loango Chap. X. fol. 94. Of the third Prouince ealled Sundi Chap. XI fol. 96. Of the fourth Prouince called Pango Chap. XII fol. 99. Of the fifth Prouince called Batta Chap. XIII fol. 100. Of the sixt and last Prouince called Pemba Chap. XIIII fol. 104 A Table of the Chapters contayned in the seconde Booke OF the situation of the Royall Cittie of the Kingdome of Congo Chap. 1. fol. 107 Of the Originall beginning of Christendome in the Kingdome of Congo and how the Portingalles obtayned this trafficke Chap. II. fol. 118. Don Iohn the first Christian King being dead Don Alfonso his sonne succeeded Of his warres against his brother Of certaine miracles that were wrought and of the conuersion of those people Chap. III. fol. 133. The death of King Don Alfonso and the succession of Don Piedro How the Island of S. Thomas was first inhabited of the Bishop that was sent thether Other great accidentes that happened by occasion of Religion The death of two Kinges by the conspiracie of the Portingalles and the Lords of Congo How the Kings lineage was quite extinguished The banishment of the Portingals Chap. IIII. fol. 150. The incursions of the people challed Giachas in the Kingdome of Congo Their conditions and weapons And the taking of the Royall Cittie Chap. V. fol. 159. The King of Portingall sendeth ayde and an Embassadour to the King of Congo The knowledge of the Mettall Mines which abound in Congo is denyed the King of Portingall At the same time the King of Congo dispatcheth Embassadours to the King of Spaine to request Priestes of him and what befell vnto them He sendeth diuers proofes of the mettalles The vowe of Odoardo Lopes Chap. VI. fol. 163 Of the Court of the King of Congo Of the apparell of that people before they became Christians and after Of the Kinges Table and manner of his Court Chap. VII fol. 177 Of the
description therof Pāgo the chief town of this Prouince Don Francisco chiefe Gouernour of Pango The fift Prouince Batta the description thereof Batta the chiefe towne of all Batta The Preeminence of the Gouernour of Batta Don Pedro chiefe Gouernour of Batta The K. of Cōgo wil not suffer any natural borne subiect in Congo to haue an Arcubuse The reason why the K. of Congo permitteth Mani-Batta to haue Arcubusiers in his Prouince The Giac●●● The conditions of the people of Batta Their traffick The sixt Prouince Pemba and the situation thereof Don Antonio cheife Gouernor of Pemba The chiefe Cittie of all Congo is situate in this prouince of Pēba The Courtiers c. dwel for the most part in Pemba Conclusion of this booke The contents of the seconde booke The Territory of the chiefest Cittie in all Congo contayneth in compasse 20. miles about The chief Citty called San-Saluadore The situation of the Citty The mountaine wherevpon it standeth The soile the ayre the waters and the cattell The Otheiro The reason why they built in this place Fiue miles frō the bottome of the hill to the toppe A riuer at the hill foote The particucular situation of the Cittie A seuerall place for the Portingalles The principall Church and market place Good store of water The plaine very fruitfull Seuerall sortes of graine Luco White Milles called the Mazza of Congo Maiz Diuers kinds of trees bearing fruit Banana Diuers kindes of Palme-trees The oyle of Palme The bread of Palme The fruit of the Palme The wine and Vineger of Palme Great store of stone to build with all Lime timber and cattel to carry and draw Want of workmen to build Stuffe for building ships housing Hearbs and fruites The first trafficke of the Portingalles into Congo Mani Sogno the K. vncle entertaineth the Portingals Mani-Sogno conuerted become a Christian. The King of Congo promiseth to becom a Christian. The K. of Portingall sendeth Priestes to the K. of Congo to instruct him Mani-Sogno promoteth the Christian Religion The ships returne from Portingall 1491. Mani-Sogno his traine entertayneth the Portingals Mani-Sogno buildeth a Church Mani Sogno his sonne baptized What names the people of Congo had before they were christened A sermon cōtayning the summe of Christian Religion Mani Sogno rehearseth the Sermon to his people The Portingals go to the Court to baptise the king The Courtiers of Congo meet the Portingals The king him selfe recceyueth them The Portingal Embassadour declareth his Embassage The K. reioyceth at the Embassage The people reioyce at it The K. vieweth the Presents sent vnto him by the K. of Portingall Consultation among the Portingals for the Christening of the K. for the building of a Church An insurrection raised by the Deuill to hinder the progresse of Christian Religion Mani-Sundi goeth against the rebelles The K. buildeth in haste a Church of timber The K. Q. of Congo Christened The Church of S. Saviours The Latine historie of the Indies doth report amisse of this rebellion Diuers Lordes baptised The K. goeth in person against the rebels and discomfiteth thē Mani-Sundi christened and many other with him Mani-Pango resisteth the Gospell Mani-Pango and his complices accuse Mani-Sundi to his father The K. depriueth Mani-Sundi of his gouernment Mani-Sogno maketh intercession for his brother Mani-Sundi restored The funerall of K. Iohn celebrated by K. Alfonso Mani-Pango rebelleth against his brother The Kinges power both slender and timorous The king to his souldiers The Kinges Souldiers depart from him Mani-Sogno meeteth with them The Fugitiues returne and aske the King forgiuenes The K. giueth thankes to God The King erecteth a Crosse of a great length A vision appeared to him The Armes of the King of Congo The proude message of Mani-Pango to the King The Kinges answere The King rewardeth his followers Certain timorous fugitiues runne to the Campe of Mani-Pango A stratagem of Mani-Pāgo Mani-Pango assaulteth the Cittie Mani-Pango discomfited without any fight Mani-Pango the seconde time discomfited in like manner Mani-Pango assaulteth the Cittieon both sides at once The stratagem of Mani-Pango turneth to his owne destruction The death of Mani-Pango The Rebelles yeeld to the kings mercie The building of the Church called Saint Crosses K. Alfonso dispatcheth the Portingal Embassadour mother of his owne into Portingall The K. commandeth all Idolles to be brought in all other things that are contrary to Christian Religion Their deuout worshipping of Idols Witches The K. burned all the Idols The king commandeth euery Lorde to build a Church in the Cittie of his owne gouernment The K. buildeth 3. Churches One to Saint Sauiour The second to our Ladie of Helpe The third to S. Iames The ships returne from Portingall with Friers Priestes King Alfonso dyeth Don Piedro succeedeth him The Isle of S. Thomas beginneth to be inhabited The King of Portingall sendeth one to be Bishop of the Isle of S. Thomas and of Congo The entertainment of the Bishop in Congo The Bishoppe foundeth the Cathedrall Church of S. Crosses The Bishop dyeth The second B. dyeth The K. Don Piedro dyeth Don Francesco succeedeth dyeth Don Diego the fift King The K. Diego very sumptuous The third B. of S. Thomas of Congo Dissention betweene the Friers and Priests the new Bishop After the death of K. Diego three Princes at once challenge the Kingdom and all three slaine The Portingalles slaine dispearsed Don Henrico created king K. Henrico dieth Don Aluaro succeedeth and so the stocke of of the ancient Kings of Congo ceased K. Aluaro restoreth the Portingals The B. of S. Thomas returneth into Congo The B. of S. Thomas dieth K. Aluaro liueth licentiously Francesco Bulla Matare an ill companion counsellour to the King Bullamatare dyeth What people the Giachas are Their conditions weapons The Giachas spoile the prouince of Batta The Giachas come to the Royall Cittie of Congo K. Aluaro flieth into the Isle of Horses The Giachas surprise the Cittie and rule ouer all the kingdom The King those that followed him plagued with an extreame famine Many of the bloud Royall sold for slaues to the Portingalles King Aluaro falleth into a Dropsie K. Aluaro sendeth to the K. of Portingall for succor Don Sebastian the King of Portingal sendeth succour vnto him Francesco di Gouea restoreth the King and driueth the Giachas out of Congo Francesco di Gouea after foure yeares returneth into Portingal with letters for mo Priestes The K. becommeth a good Christian marieth The K. of Portingal sendeth to make search in Congo for mettal Mines Francesco Barbuto disswadeth the King from making the search auoydeth it by pollicy The inconuenience of not suffering the mettall mines to be digged melted The K. sendeth new Embassadours into Portingall for mo priests The Portingal K. delayeth to send mo Priestes The King of Congo sendeth Don Sebastiano Aluarez to entreat for Priestes to redeeme certaine of his nobilitie that were in
Saint Thomas Isle in Portingall Don Sebastiano was faine to returne into Congo without any Priestes Antonio de gli Oua sent by the Portingall King to be Bishop of S. Thomas aud Congo He is persecuted by the Captain of S. Thomas He is honorablie receyued by the K. of Congo Don Sebastian K. of Portingal ouerthrowen in Africa Don Henrico the Cardinall succeedeth Philip K. of Spaine succeedeth the Cardinall K. Philip sendeth Sebastiano di Costa to Congo to signifie his arriuall to the Crowne of Portingall The King of Congo offereth K. Philip of Spaine the discouery of the Mettall mines in Congo with request for Priestes Costa dyeth by the way and his message knowen by letters that were found The King of Congo sendeth Odoardo Lopez to the King of Spaine to the Pope with letters of credence and instructions The Embasage of Odoardo Lopez to the K. of Spain His Embassage to the Pope Odoardo Lopez at the Islandes of Cape Verde The Isle of Cubagoa The Isle of S. Margarete Cumana or the new kingdom of Granada in the West Indies The ship sunk in the hauen Odoardo Lopez stayeth in Cumana a yeare and a halfe The King of Congo sendeth Don Piedro Antonio and Gaspar Diaz a Portingal with the same Embassage which hee sent by Lopez Don Piedro taken by the English and by misfortune drowned and his sonne with him Gaspar Diaz escaped and arriued in Spaine but returned into Congo without doing any thing at all The blacknes of a mans skinne is not caused by the heat of the sunne Odoardo Lopez sayleth to San Domingo Lopez in a Portingal ship commeth with the fleete to Terzera to S. Lucar to Siuile so into Portingal Lopez goeth to the Spanish Court in Madrill Aluaro King of Congo dieth K. Philip busied about the conquest of England Odoardo Lopez chaungeth his kind of profession Lopez goeth to Rome where he was kindly entertayned by the Pope The vow of Odoardo Lopez to erect a Seminary an Hospitall in Congo The Pope remitteth the whole matter to the K. of Spaine The auncient apparell of the King of Congo and his Courtiers The auncient apparell of the maaner sort Their new kind of apparell The Court of Congo now imitateth the Court of Portingall The custome and lawes of Congo Their manner of assemblies Their instruments of Musicke Their Phisick Their medicine for an Ague Their medicine for the head-ache other griefes of the body is letting of blood Their medicine for the French pocks Their Purgations Curing of woundes The kingdom of Matama R. Brauagul R. Magnice The mountaines of the Moone The Lake Gale Camissa 1. The sweet Riuer The False Cape The Cape of the Needles Another note That the colour of blacke in mens skins doeth not proceed from the heat of the Sunne The Cape of Good-Hope very dangerous This is a Point of the Cape of Good-Hope Why it is called the Cape of Good-Hope Seno Formoso Seno del Lago Riuer of Saint Christopher Terra do Nadal Capo della Pescheria R. Magnice The Kingdome of Buttua The Kingdom of Monomotapa R. Brauagul Store of Gold Mines The originall of the Riuer Magnice Three Riuers runne into Magnice 1. R. Nagoa 2. R. Margues Nilus ariseth not out of the Mountaines of the Moone 3. R. Arroe The R. of Cuama The kingdom of Sofala The commodities of Sofala Gold Iuory and Amber The Inhabitants of Sofala The Empire of Monomotapa full of Gold-Mines Salomons Gold The people of Monomotapa The K. of Monomotapa maintaineth many Armies Left-handed Amazons The situation of the Empire of Monomotapa The kingdom of Angoscia The kingdom of Mozambique R. Meghincate The Island of Mozambique The inhabitants of Mozambique The kingdome of Quiloa The Island of Quiloa the inhabitants thereof The King of Quiloa ouerthrowen by the Portingals and driuen out of the Island The commendation of the Isle of S. Laurence Historia della China Part. 3. Cap. vltimo La grand ' Isola di S. Lorenzo lunga 275. leghe larga 90. id est The great Island of S. Laurence is in length 275. leagues and in breadth 90. leagues The last Chapter of the historie of the Kingdome of China printed in Macao the first Latine booke that euer was printed in China maketh mention of this Island by the name of Madagascar in these words Madagascar trecentas fere leucas comprehendit id ist Madagascar containeth almost 300. leagues The inhabitants of the Isle of Saint Laurence Their weapons Sundry Islands in the channel The kingdom of Mombaza rich in Gold Siluer and Pearle The cittie of Mombaza spoyled as Quiloa was The kingdom of Melinde The tayle of a sheepe in Melinde wayeth commonly 25. or 30. pound Leo Aser affirmeth that he hath seene tayles of Egyptian Sheepe that weighed 50. l. a peece and sometimes 120. l. a peece The women inhabitants of Melinde Three Isles 1. Monsie 2. Zanzibar 3. Pemba The Empire of Mohenemugi The Giaechas or Agagi The Amazones Many good hauens The Cape of Guarda Fuy Diuers Ports on the sea coast towards the Red Sea The Red Sea The two entrances into the redde sea The length of the red sea 1200 miles The Empire of Prete Gianni Bel-Malechi his chiefe Cittie He is very rich A law for apparell His people are Christians A great solemnitie vpon the feast of the Assumption of our Ladie The right name of Prete Gianni The Riuer Nilus Ptolemie disproued Nilus doth not hide him selfe vnder the ground and then arise againe as some say The true spring of Nilus is out of the first Lake The second Lake The people that dwelleth about the second Lake The Island of Meroe The R. Coluez The R. Abagni The R. Saraboe The Isle of Syene The two braunches of Nilus falling into the Mediterranean sea The cause of the encrease of Nilus The seuerall courses of sundrie great Riuers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. The Riuer that falleth from head Hom. Odis 4. The conclusion of this booke
foure hundred thousande men of warre and yet that number is but onely the sixt parte of the whole kingdome though indeede it be the better parte and the stronger The principall Citty of this Prouince lieth in the plaine which is betweene the riuer Loze and Ambrize and is called Panza which is a common name for euery towne There dwelleth the Lorde of the Prouince and it is distant from the sea a hundred miles In this Signorie also doo the hilles beginne where the mines of Siluer and other Mettalles are founde and so stretch out towardes the kingdome of Angola It is very rich for vpon the coast of the sea there they haue great store of the Lumache which are vsed for Moneyes ouer all the kingdome of Congo Besides there is also a greater trafficke Market for slaues that are brought out of Angola then in any place els For there are yearely bought by the Portingalles aboue fiue thousand head of Negroes which afterwardes they conueigh away with them and so sell them into diuers parts of the worlde The people of this Prouince are in armes the most valiant of all the Kingdome of Congo They go armed like the Sclauonians with long and large swords that are brought them out of Portingal There are among them very mighty men that wil cleaue a slaue in the middest at one blowe and cut of the head of a Bull at one stroke with one of those swordes And that which is more and will peraduenture seeme incredible one of these valiant men did beare vppon his arme a certaine vessell of wine which was the fourth parte of a Butte and might waigh about 325. pound vntill it was cleane emptied Moreouer they do carry bow and arrowes whereat they are very quicke and nimble and withall their long Targets made of the Dants skin whereof we told you before when we made mentiō of the Anzichi The Creatures that are founde in this Prouince are first the Elephantes which doo breed ouer all the kingdome of Congo but principally in the countrey of Bamba because it aboundeth in Woodes in pastures and in waters more then any of the rest by reason of the many riuers that runne through it And therefore the countrey is as it were appropriated to nourishe and breede such a kinde of beaste as is indeede of an vnreasonable bignesse For Signor Odoardo tolde me that hee had oftentimes taken the measure of an Elephantes foot in the dust one of them was in plain Diameteer fower spannes broade Whereby if you frame the whole circle of the foote accordingly you may by proportion finde out the bignesse of the whole bodie of the beast This foot they cal Malo-Manzao that is to say the Foot of an Elephant And if in Portingal in Italy in Germany ther haue been seen in our times any of these creatures that were far lesser in respect of the aforesaid hugenes you must vnderstande that they were but young and brought into those countreyes in their tender age of purpose to make them tame But in these quarters they say that the Elephantes doe liue an hundred and fiftie yeares and that vntill the middle of their age they continue still in growing And to confirme this truth hee added that he had seene and waighed diuerse of their teeth which are not of home as some thinke and their waight amounted to 200. pounds a peece after the rate of xii ounces to euery pound In the language of Congo the Elephants tooth is called Mene-Manzao that is to say The tooth of an Elephant and their young ones are called Moana-Manzao that is a young Elephant Their eares are greater then the greatest Targattes that the Turks vse to weare in length sixe spans in shape like an Eg towards their sholders they grow to be narrower sharper With their ears with their tronke and with their tayle they beate away the flies that trouble them yea and some haue leaft it in writing that where they cannot reach with their tronke with their eares or with their taile they will gather their skinne together and so nip the poore flies to death betweene the wrincles They haue in their taile certaine hayres or bristles as bigge as rushes or broome-spriggs of a shining black colour The older they bee the fayrer and stronger they be and of great price among them For the people of that countrey doe greatly esteeme them because the noble men and women of the kingdome of Angola and of the Ambundi their neighbours doe vse to adorne and bedecke their neckes withal therefore do loue them for that they are indeede very fayre and rare and grow vpon so goodly a beast They are very stronge and like a twined corde so that if a man shall striue to breake them asunder with both his handes hee shall not bee able with all his force and strength to cracke them but rather spoyle his handes with them And for the cause lately rehearsed many there are which waiting for the Elephantes when they ascend some steepe and narrowe way doe come behinde them and with very sharpe kniues cut of their tayles the poor beast being not able in those straits to turne back to reuenge it selfe not with his tronke to reach his enemie And this they do onely to haue those haires which they sell for two or three flaues a peece Other light couragious persons there are that trusting much to their swiftnes in running do he in a waite and set vpon the poore beastes behinde whiles they are in feeding and at one blow attempt to cut off their tayles so endeauour to saue themselues by running away in a rounde For the greatnes of the beast is such as outright it is very swift because it maketh very large strides though in deede but slowe and in the plaine is farre quicker then any lustie horse but in turning rounde it looseth much time and so the huntseman escapeth in safetie And therefore many haue beene surprised and slaine by the Elephantes that haue sought to escape from them by running away outright Our Auncestors being not well enformed in these matters haue leaft in writing that the Elephantes could not ly down vpō the ground but that they vsed to lean themselues against a tree which being before weakened or sawed in sunder by the hunters both the Elephantes and the tree fel downe to the earth and so were taken But Signor Odoardo affirmed vpon his credit that they lay downe vpon the ground that they kneeled vpon their knees and that they woulde with both their fore-feete leape vpon the trees to feede on the leaues stoope downe to drink of the waters that were in their caues and that they had their iointes as other creatures haue sauing that in some partes they do somewhat differ from others as for example frō the hoofes of their fore-feete vp to their shoulders you shall not perceaue that they haue any
of his manners of his Court and of other conditions appertayning to the politicke and militarie Gouernment of these people And afterward we will describe vnto you the kingdomes neere adioyning and all the regions thereaboutes towardes the South euen till you come to the Cape of Good Hope and the riuers and countries of the Ocean that is right against India and within land the kingdomes of Presbiter Iohn touching also by the way the spring and original of Nilus and the causes of his wonderful encrease which sundry fooles doe account to bee a Miracle THE SECOND BOOKE Chap. 1. Of the situation of the Royall Cittie of the Kingdome of Congo ALthough the chiefe and Royall Cittie of the Kingdome of Congo bee after a sort comprehended within the Prouince of Pemba yet notwithstāding forasmuch as the gouernement thereof and the territorie therevnto belonging which may in compasse amount to the space of twenty miles about doeth depende wholly of the king of Congo himselfe wee will place it in a seuerall regiment and intreate of it by it selfe This cittie is called San Saluatore or Saint Sauiours and in times past in that country language it was called Banza which generally signifieth the Court where the king or the Gouernour doeth ordinarily soiourne It is seated about 150. miles from the sea vpon a great and a high Mountaine being almost all of a rocke but yet hauing a veyne of iron in it whereof they haue great vse in their housing This mountaine hath in the toppe of it a great plaine very well manured and furnished with houses and villages contayning in circuite about ten miles where there doeth dwell and liue the number of a hundred thousand persons The soile is fruitfull and the ayre fresh holesome and pure there are great store of springes of indifferent good water to drinke and at certaine times doo not harme any man and of all sortes of cattell great aboundance The toppe of the mountaine is seuered and distinguished from all the rest of the hill which is about it and therefore the Portingalles doe call it The Otheiro that is to say a Viewe or a Watch Tower or a Singular height from whence you may take a sight of all the Champeigne round about Onely towardes the East and towardes the Riuer it is verye steepe and rockie For two causes did the first Princes of this Kingdome place this habitation in the foresaide Height of this Mountaine First because it lyeth in the very middest and as it were in the Center of all the Realme from whence he may presently send ayde to any part of his Kingdom that may stand in neede of reliefe secondly because it is situated in a Territory that is by Nature mounted aloft hauing a very good ayre and of greate safetie for it cannot be forced By the chiefe common high way that goeth vp to the Citie and looketh towardes the Sea being distant from thence 150. Miles as hath bene told you which way is very large and competent though it go somewhat about incompasse you shall ascende fiue Myles from the bottom to the toppe of the Mountayne At the foote thereof on the East syde there runneth a Riuer wherevnto the women doe descend by the space of a myles walke to washe their clothes In diuerse other partes thereof there are sundry valleyes planted manured neyther do they suffer any part of the countrey thereaboutes to be left vntilled or vnvsed because it is the countrey where the Court remaineth The Cittie is seated in a corner or angle of the hill towards the Southeast which Don Alfonso the first christian king did compasse about with walles and gaue vnto the Portingalles a seuerall place for themselues shut vp likewise within walles Then did he also inclose his owne pallace and the Kinges howsen with another wall and in the middest betweene these two enclosures left a great space of ground where the principal Church was built with a faire market place before it The doores and gates aswell of the lodginges of the Lords as of the Portingalles inhabitations do open on the side of the said Church For in the vppermost ende of the market place do diuers great Lords of the Court dwel and behinde the Church doeth the market place runne into a narrow street where there is also a gate and beyond that gate many houses towardes the East Without these walles which do inclose the kinges houses and the Cittie of the Portingalles there are a number of other buildinges erected by diuers Lordes euery man making his seuerall choice of the place which he thinketh most fit conuenient for his dwelling neere vnto the Court So that the greatnes of this Citie cannot well be determined or limited Beyond these walles also that thus do compasse this Citty there is a great champaigne plaine full of villages and sundry pallaces where euery Lorde possesseth as it were a whole Towne within him selfe The circuite of the Portingalles cittie contayneth about a mile and the kings housen as much The walles are very thick the gates are not shutte in the night time neyther is there any watch or ward kept therein And although that plaine doeth lie verie high aloft yet is there great aboundance of waters in it so that there is no want thereof But the Court and the Portingalles Cittie do al drinke of a certaine fountaine that springeth continually towardes the North and lyeth downe the hill as farre as a Gunne will shoote And from hence they doe fetch all their water and bring it to the Cittie in vesselles of wood of earth and of leather vpon the backes of their slaues All this plaine is very fruitfull and well manured It hath meadowes full of grasse and trees that are alwayes greene It beareth sundrie sortes of graine but the principall and beste of all is called Luco which is very like to Mustardseede but that it is somewhat bigger When it is grinded with Hand-Quernes for so they vse to doe it yeeldeth a very white meale whereof they make bread that is both white and also of a very good sauour and holesome withall neyther doth it giue place to our wheat in any sort sauing that they doe not celebrate the Sacramente with it Of these graines there now is great store ouer all the Kingdom of Congo but it is not long since that this seede was brought thether from that parte of the riuer Nilus where it falleth into the second Lake There is also a white kinde of Millet called the Mazza of Congo that is to say the Corne of Congo and another graine which they call Maiz but they make no account of it for they giue it to their hogges neyther doe they greatly esteeme of Rice The foresaid Maiz they commonly terme by the name of Mazza-Manputo that is to say the Portingalles Corne for they call a Portingall Manputo There are moreouer
trauell out of India to Europe are constrained of necessitie to touch at Mozambique to furnish themselues with victuailes This Island when the Portingalles discouered India was the first place where they learned the language of the Indians prouided themselues of Pilots to direct them in their course The people of this kingdome are Gentiles Rusticall and rude they be of colour blacke They go all naked They are valiaunt and stronge Archers and cunning Fishers with all kinde of hookes As you go on forwardes vpon the foresaide coasts there is another Islande called Quiloa in quantitie not great but in excellency singular For it is situate in a very coole and fresh ayre It is replenished with trees that are alwaies greene and affordeth all varietie of victuailes It lyeth at the mouth of the Riuer Coauo which springeth out of the same Lake from whence Nilus floweth and so runneth about sixtie miles in length till it commeth neere to the sea and there it hath a mightie streame and in the very mouth of it maketh a great Islande which is peopled with Mahometans and Idolaters and a little beyonde that towardes the Coast on the West you may see the said Island of Quiloa This Islande is inhabited with Mahometans also which are of colour something whitish They are well apparelled trimly adorned with cloth of silke and Cotton Their women do vse ornaments of Gold and Iewelles about their handes and their neckes and haue good store of houshold stuffe made of siluer They are not altogether so black as the men are and in their limmes they are very well proportioned Their houses are made of Stone and Lime Timber very well wrought and of good architecture with gardens and orchardes full of hearbes and sundry fruites Of this Islande the whole Kingdome tooke the name which vppon the Coast extendeth it selfe from Capo Delgado the Cape Delicate that bordereth Mozambique Quiloa is situate in nine degrees towards the South from thence it runneth out vnto the aforesaide Riuer of Coauo In olde time the Kingdome of Quiloa was the chiefest of all the Principalities there adioyning and stoode neere to the sea but when the Portingalles arriued in those countries the King trusted so much to himselfe that he thought he was able with his owne forces not onely to defend himselfe against them but also to driue them from those places which they had already surprised Howbeit the matter fell out quite contrary For when it came to weapons hee was vtterly ouerthrowen and discomfited by the Portingals and so fled away But they tooke and possessed the Island and enriched themselues with the great spoyles and booties that they found therein They erected there also a Fortresse which was afterwarde pulled downe by the commandement of the King of Portingall because hee thought it not necessary considering that there were others sufficient enough for that Coast. And here we may not leaue behinde vs the Isle of S. Laurence so called by the Portingalles because they did first discouer it vpon that Martyrs feast day It is so great that it contayneth in length almost a thousande miles and standeth right ouer against the coast which we haue described beginning directly at the mouthes of the Riuer Magnice which are in twenty and sixe degrees of the South and so going forwardes to the North it endeth right against the mouthes of Cuama in the kingdome of Quiloa Between this Island and the firme lande there is as it were a channell which at the entrie Westwarde is three hundred and fortie miles broade in the middest where it is narrowest ouer against the Islande of Mozambiche an hundred and seuentie miles and for the rest it enlargeth it selfe very much towards India and contayneth many Isles within it The ships that go from Spaine into India or returne from India to Spaine doo alwayes for the most parte passe and saile in and through this channell if by time or weather they be not forced to the contrary And surely this Islande deserueth to be inhabited with a better people because it is furnished with singular commodities For it hath many safe sure hauens It is watred with sundry Riuers that cause the earth to bring forth fruits of diuers kinds as Pulse and Ryce and other graine Oranges Limons Citrons and such like fruite Flesh of all sorts as Hennes c. and venison as wilde Boare and Deere and such like all this of a very good tast and relish because the soyle is very fat their fish also is exceeding good The inhabitants are Pagans with some of the sect of Mahomet among them They are of the colour which the Spaniardes call Mulato betweene blacke and white Very warlicke they are giuen to their weapons which are bowes and arrows and dartes of very light wood strengthned with Iron whereof they make the heads of their dartes which are crooked like hookes and these they wil cast and throw most slightly and cunningly They vse also Targattes and Iackes that are made of certain beasts-skins wherewith they saue themselues in fight from the blowes of their enemies This Islande is deuided among seueral Princes that are at enmitie one with another for they are in continuall warres and persecute one another with Armes There are diuers mynes of Gold of Siluer of Copper of Iron and of other Mettalles The sauage people doo not vse to saile out of the Island but onely from one side to the other they goe coasting along the shoares with certaine barks that are made but of one stocke of a tree which they hollowe for that purpose The most part of them doo not willingly entertaine straungers neyther will they consent that they shoulde trafficke or conuerse with them Notwithstanding in certaine portes the Portingalles do vse to trade with the Islanders for Amber Waxe Siluer Copper Ryse and such other thinges but they neuer come vpon the lande In the channell before mentioned there are diuers Islandes some greater and some lesse inhabited with Mahometans The chiefe of them is the Isle of Saint Christopher and then of Santo Spirito another called Magliaglie and so the rest as the Isles of Comoro Anzoame Maiotto and some other But let vs returne to the sea side and prosecute the Coast of the kingdome of Quiloa where we leaft Next vnto it is the kingdome of Mombaza in the height of three degrees and a halfe towardes the South which taketh the name from an Islande inhabited with Mahometans which is also called Mombaza where there is a fayre Cittie with houses that haue many Sollers furnished with pictures both grauen and painted The king thereof is a Mahometan who taking vpon him to resist the Portingalles receyued the same successe that happened to the king of Quiloa so that the city was ransacked spoyled by his enemies who found therein good store of Gold and Siluer and Pearle and Cloth of Cotton
and of Silke and of Golde and such other commodities This kingdome lyeth betweene the borders of Quiloa and Melinde and is inhabited with Pagans and Mahometans and yeeldeth obedience to the Empire of Mohenemugi A little beyond is the Kingdome of Melinde which being likewise but a little one extendeth it selfe vpon the sea coast as farre as the Riuer Chimanchi and lyeth in the height of two degrees and a halfe and vp the streame of that riuer it reacheth to the Lake Calice the space of an hundred miles within lande Neere vnto the sea along the bankes of this riuer there is a great deale of Countrey inhabited by Pagans and Mahometans of colour almost white Their houses are built after our fashion But there is one particularitie to be admired that their Muttons or Sheep are twice as great as the Sheepe of our countrey for they deuide them into fiue quarters if a man may so call them reckon the tayle for one which commonly wayeth some twentie and fiue or thirtie pounde The women are white and sumptuously dressed after the Arabian fashion with cloth of Silke About their neckes and handes and armes and feete they vse to weare iewelles of Gold and Siluer When they go abroade out of their houses they couer themselues with Taffata so that they are not knowen but when they list themselues In this Countrey there is a very good hauen which is a landing place for the vesselles that saile through those seas Generally the people are very kinde true and trustie and conuerse with strangers They haue alwayes entertained and welcomed the Portingals and haue reposed great confidence in them neyther haue they euer offered them any wrong in any respect In the sea betweene these two Capes of Mombaza and Melinde there are three Isles The first is called Monsie the second Zanzibar and the thirde Pemba all inhabited onely with Mahometans that are of colour white These Isles abound in all things as the others doo whereof we made mention before These people are somewhat enclyned to armes but they are in deed more addicted to dresse manure their ground For there groweth much Sugar which in small barkes they carry away to sell into the firme lande with other fruites of that Countrey Besides these three realmes last described Quiloa Melinde and Mombaza within the Lande is the great Empire of Moenemugi towards the West It bordereth vpon the South with the kingdome of Mozambique and with the Empire of Monomotapa to the riuer Coauo vpon the West with the riuer Nilus betweene the two Lakes and vpon the North it ioyneth with the Empire of Prete Gianni Towardes the sea this Emperour standeth in good termes of peace with the foresaide kings of Quiloa Melinde and Mombaza by reason of their trafficke together and the better to secure the entercourse and trade by sea by meanes whereof they haue brought vnto them much cloth of Cotton and cloth of Silke from diuers Countries and other marchandises that are well esteemed in these partes and particularly certaine little balles that are made in the kingdome of Cambaia of a kind of Bitumen or clammie Clay like vnto glasse but that it is as it were of a red colour which they vse to weare about their neckes like a payre of beades in steed of necklaces It serueth them also in steede of Money for of Gold they make none account Likewise with the silks that are brought vnto them they doo apparell themselus from the girdle downewardes In exchaunge and barter of all these commodities they giue Gold Siluer Copper and Iuorie But on the other side towardes Monomotapa there are continuall warres yea and sometimes so blooddy that it is hardely discerned who hath gotten the victorie For in that border there meet together two of the greatest and most warlike powers and forces that are in all those regions that is to say on the party of Monomotapa there came forth into the field the Amazones of whom wee tolde you before and on the partie of Mohenemugi are the Giacchi as the Moci-Conghi do call them but in their owne tongue they are called Agagi who did sometime so greatly afflict the kingdome of Congo as you may remember Neyther are these people lesse couragious or strong then the Amazones but are of a blacke complexion and presumptuous countenances They doo vse to marke themselues aboue the lippe vpon their cheekes with certain lines which they make with Iron instruments and with fire Moreouer they haue a custome to turne their eye liddes backewardes so that their skinne being all blacke and in that blacknes shewing the white of their eyes and those marks in their faces it is a strange thing to behold them For it is in deede a very dreadfull diuelish sight They are of bodie great but deformed and liue like beastes in the fielde and feede vpon mans flesh In fight they shew themselues exceedingly couragious and doo vtter most horrible shouting and crying of purpose to daunte and affray their enemies Their weapons are Dartes and Pauises of Leather that couer all their whole bodie and so defend themselues therewith Sometimes they will encampe together and sticke their Pauises in the grounde which are vnto them in steed of a trench Sometimes they wil go forwardes in the battell and shrowde themselues vnder them and yet annoy their aduersaries with the shot of their dartes And thus by warlike pollicie they doo ordinarily plague their enemies by endeauouring with all subtiltie to make them spende their shotte in vaine vpon their Targettes and when they see that they haue made an ende of shooting then doo they renew the battell a fresh and driuing them to flight make a cruell slaughter of them without all mercie And this is the manner which they vse against their enemies and the Amazones But the Amazones on the other side which are very well acquainted herewithall doo fight against them with other militarie stratagems as we haue aboue declared and doo ouercome the forces of their aduersaries with their swiftnes and great skill in matters of warre For they doo assure themselues that if they be taken they shalbe deuoured and therefore with doubled courage they fight for life that they might ouercome and in any case saue their liues from that fierce and cruell nation And in this sorte doo they maintaine continuall warre alwayes with great mortalitie on both sides These Agags dwell at the beginning of the Riuer Nilus where it runneth Northwardes out of the Lake vpon both the bankes of the Riuer till it come to a certaine limite wherein they are bounded and then Westwardes all ouer the banks of the said Nilus euen to the second Lake to the borders of the empire of Prete-Gianni Touching these Agags I thought it conuenient in this place to adde all this which before I had omitted Between the confines of this Moenemugi and Prete-Gianni there are sundry other pettie Lordes and people
Countries that are beyond the Kingdome of Congo towardes the Cape of Good-Hope and of the Riuer Nilus Chap. VIII fol. 186 Of the Kingdome of Sofala Chap. 19. fol. 192 The rest of the Coast of the Ocean the redde sea Of the Empire of Prete Gianni and the Confines thereof Of the famous Riuer Nilus and the originall spring thereof Chap. X. fol. 215. FINIS M. R. Hackluyt M. H. Castelton Homer Style Rhetoric lib. 2. Philip. 1. 1● Marke 9. Luke 9. Numb 11. Anno Dom. 1578. Patache 1. a Brigandine or a Pinnisse The Island of Madera The Canaries Isle of S. Anthony Isle of S. Iames The Islandes of Capo verde Two waies from S. Iacopo to Loanda The first way The Antarctik is the South Pole Isle of S. Elena The commodities of S. Elena Woode Vine trees Fruites Odysi H. Victuailes The Soyle Rootes and hearbes Riuers Fishe Why the Island of S. Elena is not fortified This slaunderous terme vsed here by this Portugal cannot impeach the credite of these two honourable gentlemen The Climate The Port of Loanda The seconde course of sayling to Loāda The Isle of S. Thomas The Hauen of S. Thomas The Isle of the Prince The Isle of S. Thomas Great traffick Sugar Churches A Castell Ginger 70. houses to make sugar in The Riuer Island of Fernando Poo R Bora. La Riuierae del Campo R. di San. Benedetto R di Angra The Isle of Corisco The Cape of Lupo Gonzale Zaire the greatest Riuer of Congo The situation of Congo The temperature of the kingdome The complexion of the people Small difference between their daies nightes Their winter sommer The winds in this Country in winter time The cause of the encrease of Nilus and other riuers in Ethiopia The Riuer Nigir or Senega runneth westwarde Nilus runneth northwarde It neuer rayneth in Egypt but onely in Alexandria Their winds in sommer time No Snow nor ice in Ethiopia or Congo The true cause of white blacke in the bodies of the inhabitantes of these countries The westerne border of Congo The Bay of Cowes The Riuer Bengleli The R. Son The R. Coāza The Island of Loanda The money of Congo The Lumache of Loanda Spirito Santo The tree Euzanda Their Boates. Shelfishes Ambiziamatare What kind of money is vsed in sundry countries Certaine Islettes Great store of Whales Amber commeth not from the Whales The hauen of Loanda Villa di San Paulo Store of fish The R. Bengo The R. Dande The R. Lembe The R. Ozone The R. Loze The R. Ambriz The L. Lelunda The Oteiro of Congo The R. Zaire Certaine Islandes Boates. The tree Licondo The Isle of Horses The hauen of Pinda Crocodiles Water-horses Hogge-fish Cacongo a fish like a Salmon La Baia de las Almadias The R. de las Barreras Vermeglias Baya d' Aluaro Gonzales Capo di Caterina The Northren border of Congo The Bramas The kingdom of Loango The people of Loango circumcised Their armour Empachias The countrey of Anzicos Sanders Medicines for the French Pockes For the headeache Their Bowes Their arrows Their weapons The nature of the Anzicos Their marchandise The Anzichi are circumcised and marked in their faces A shambles of mans flesh A strange beastly custome Their apparel Their language The Easterne border of Congo The mountaine of Chrystall The mountaines of the Sunne The mountains of Sal-Nitrum The arte of making Silkes in this Eastern Coast. The Southern Coast. The mountain of Siluer The K. of Matama The K. of Angola Iohn the second K. of Portingall first brought christianity into Congo Paulo Diaz the first discouerer of this trafficke Don Sebastian K. of Portingall Paulo Diaz buildeth a house in Anzelle The authour calleth him Lord because he was then but a petty king Paulo Diaz in armes against the K. of Angola P. Diaz demandeth succour of the K. of Congo The millitary order of the people of Congo How the souldiers doo vnderstand the pleasure of their Generall Three kinds of instruments vsed in their wars The vse of these instruments The Millitary apparell of the better sort Their weapōs The Military apparell of the meaner sort The issue of this battell P. Diaz at Luiola The hilles of Cabambe The weapons of the people of Angola Their military actions They are giuē to diuination by birdes Why so small a number as Paulo Diaz had with him was able to resist so huge an armie of the K. of Angola The Kingdom of Angola very populous The commodities of Angola A Dogge solde for 220. duccates The money of Angola The Religion of Angola The language of the people of Angola The rest of the Kingdome of Angola described Copo Negro 1. The blacke Cape Monti Freddi 1. the cold mountaines The mounainest of Christall The West cōtaineth 375. miles The North 540. The East 500 The South 360. The kingdom of Congo contayneth in cōpasse 1685. miles In breadth 600. miles The title or stile of the King of Congo The first prouince is Bamba and the description of it Sebastian chief Gouernour of Bamba and those that rule vnder him Mani what it signifieth The Confines of Bamba The country of Quizama Bamba the principall Prouince of all Congo Bamba yeeldeth for a need 400000 men of warre Panza the principall City of Bamba Mines of Siluer and other mettalles Valiāt mightie strong men in Bāba Certain creatures in Bamba Prouince Elephantes An Elephantes foot 4. spanne broad You may find hereby what the bignes of the whole Elephant was if you will vse the Arte of Proportion as Pithagoras did by the foot of Hercules Aul. Gelltus lib. 1. Cap. 10. The Elephant liueth 150. yeares An Elephants tooth of 200. waight Certain haires in the Elephants taile very precious An errour of ancient writers The manner of the Elephāts feeding The Shee-Elephant The Elephants skinne The manner of taking the Elephantes A straunge effect of Nature The nature of the Elephant Rinoceros The Dantes Wilde Buffes Wilde Asses Empalanga Other fruitful Cattell Wolues Foxes Hunting game In Pembae Ciuet Cattes In Batta Sables In Anziguâ Marternes In Sogno 〈◊〉 and Monkeyes Adders and Snakes of a huge scantling The Author doth not set downe the name Vipers Another strange creature Chamelions A straunge Serpent The Eastrich Peacocks Fowles of diuers sorts Birds of prey Birdes of the sea Other kinds of foule Parrats Birdes of musicke The second Prouince Sogno and the description thereof Sogno the chief towne of this Prouince Don Diego chiefe Gouernour of Sogno those that rule vnder him The Bramas The commodities of Sogno The manner of the life of the inhabitants The third prouince Sundi the description thereof The chiefe towne of Sundi This prouince of Sundi is alwaies gouerned by the heire apparent of the K. of Congo In al the kingdome of Congo no man hath any thing of his owne whereof hee may dispose or 〈…〉 The manner of y e life of Sūdi inhabitants The fourth prouince Pango and the