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A77132 The description and confutation of mysticall Anti-Christ, the Familists; or, An information drawn up and published for the confirmation and comfort of the faithfull, against many Antichristian Familisticall doctrines which are frequently preached and printed in England: particularly in those dangerous books called Theologia Germanica, the Bright Star, Divinity and Philosophy dissected. / Written by Benjamin Bourne. Published according to order. Bourne, Benjamin, fl. 1646. 1646 (1646) Wing B3844; Thomason E349_21; STC 672; ESTC R201037 116,136 151

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conquer Ro● 8.37 as ever David did Antichrist cannot well be more sures of victory then Giliah was but he was and so shall they also be destroyed by the power of God which is in Jesus Christ Secondly Jesus Christ is a Christians comfort too Joh. 16.33 Chap. 14.27 although thy way be troublesome in this and many other respects an evil heart and spirit within thee many able subtle Antichrists without thee the Devil in a black shape saith that this visible world and the externall things thereof is thy onely comfort in a bright or Antichristian shape he saith that religion must needs be thy onely comfort he hath presented many Religions to thee but to thy spirit being made spirituall none of them will please thee this is the last the greatest and brightest Religion that he hath to shew thee and that which of all his shapes appearances or Religions is the most likest unto God this is the greatest kingdom the highest heaven and glory the loveliest and sweetest shape or form that possibly he can devise or imagine to cheat thee withall if thou knowest him or art able to hold fast thy comfort the Lord Jesus thou hast quite disheartned him and foiled him for ever God will manifest himself unto thee and in that sight will shew thee all things Joh. 12.45 46. and 17.24 Chap. 14.21 He will shew thee what the devil is in all forms he will acquaint thee with his appearance in darknesse then when he leaves off that shape and transforms himself seemingly in to a glorious Angels likenesse the Lord will shew thee that it is the same devil though in another appearance he will manifest him to thee as he cunningly under this notiond wels in Antichrist and as he secretly lodges in thy own spirit consider of the love of God to thee in respect of these reall lasting consolations let the devil speak in never so many languages and forms yet that power by which he was created will uphold and refresh thy languishing spirit O man whosoever thou art whose spirit the Lord hath kept from being overwhelmed by the powers of Antichrist I pray thee further to consider of the love of God in two respects in its greatnesse in its goodnesse First consider of Gods love in reference to its greatnesse the personal glory of the Lord Jesus is the exceeding greatnesse of Gods love The second thing is that the person or glory of Christ is the exceeding goodnesse of Gods love the infinite and unspeakable glory of Christ is his heavenly being in the blessed Trinity where can you see a greater manifestation of Gods greatnesse then to look upon the Divine and Humane nature both meeting in the person of our Saviour 1 Joh. 1. v. 14. Matth. 1.16 1 Pet. 1.17 Matth. 17.5 Luk. 3.23 1 Tim. 3. vlt. Again where can you see a greater discovery of Gods love in the goodnesse thereof then by seeing that Jesus in whom the fulnesse of God dwelleth Col. 1.17 and 2.4 this is a Christians revivall in the saddest and weakest condition Thirdly Jesus Christ will be thy companion also he will not leave thee upon any terms though thou art filthy and unworthy of him and wouldest often forsake him if he did not keep thee Matth. 28.20 Job 14.16 Rom. 7.18 Suppose a thousand men were travelling in a wildernes and they should see so many wilde beasts coming to devour them suppose that the third part of them should consult and conclude to take some course for to a void this danger but the other that out of some fuller knowledge of a certain way which they all take not leave their company and refuses all their virgin forcing Reasons and Arguments yet it would be a great temptation and provocation to them to draw them away from that way of safety which by their knowledge was so seated in them Many men are professors of the Gospel in this world which is a wildernesse to a Saint and in their professing or travelling together do meet with many enemies devouring and destroying at once according to their power all that is before them A Christian sees many Councils held and many persons conclude some to worship God in this way some in that he knows and apprehends by the teachings of the Spirit that most if not all of these wayes are destructive dangerous and erroneous this fight saddens a Christian that most of his friends and acquaintance should leave him alone as it were single in judgement yet not alone for the blessed Trinity is with him God is in Christ the Spirit is in both and Christ is in a Christian Now were it not for this glorious company how sad lowe and miserable would his condition be it would go worse with him if he were left and stript of all as sometimes for a time many precious Christians are then with a thousand others and why because he hath in truth seen known and injoyed communion with God in the Spirit and now to be left and forsaken is worse and more dreadfull to him then to them who never had a true fight and injoyment of Christ at all Suppose a Kings Son that is born to be an heir to Crowns and Kingdoms should come to be a begger beggery would be more tedious to him being a Prince and such an Heir then to him who hath been so from his cradle Let all men say what they will or can of God with never such eloquent glorious phrases and expressions yet if they once come to take away a Christians Christ from him See the book intituled Theologa Germanica p. 52. l. 6. See the Bright Starr That there is nothing in the creature but is the Creator pa. 77. then he knows what will follow though many do come and tell him that they can live sweetly and quietly upon this consideration that God by assuming of humane nature becomes al things in man and man by being divine by being deified becomes all things in God with ten thousand times more yet all this will not give satisfaction to him there is no life or goodnesse no heaven neither of grace nor glory but all things out of order in respect of him if God in Jesus Christ be not within him his actions are kingly and royall like an Ambassadour whose businesse is most of all with the King So t is with a Christian all his work and spirituall imployment in this world from the wombe to the grave is with Jesus Christ I say again t is with a particular crucified Jesus take him out of his Saviours company and he is like a man that hath never a hand to work with or if he have there is no strength in them but goes about all things in a fumbling confused distracted manner not knowing where nor when to begin or make an end A Christian is not himself nor in his right minde when he is not in communion with Christ Now to come a little closer to the matter which by way of
Persons in the Trinity without the union both of Persons and natures the distinction is God distinguished into three persons Fourthly The God-head is not the three Persons the Father Sonne and Holy Spirit in a way of confusion but in a way of order againe the Father Sonne and Holy Spirit is not one and the same God but in a way of order Fifthly God is above all created order either of Angels or men for the order of the God-head in some Respects is the God-head the Father he is first and that by order and he is not the Sonne for then there would bee more Sonnes then one or rather none at all againe the Sonne is the second and not the first nor the third so the holy Spirit is the third and not the Father nor the Sonne now if it were not for this there would be no Trinity abolish this and you deny the Trinity Sixthly God is a being of Divine order in all his workes Adam was first formed then Eve God divided the time wherein he did all things into six dayes Gen. 1. and he did that by a divine order looke upon the whole Creation as it is the worke of God and see what a glorious order there is amongst all Creatures Jsa 64.4 if you consider of the consent that there is amongst the Creatures notwithstanding all those differences and contrarieties that are in opposition to one another looke upon the universall composuall of all Creatures and see how they are fitted one to another looke upon the combination and connexion that is among the creatures and in all this you may see the sweet order that is among them O then how Heavenly is the order of the Trinity disorder is the confusion of all things and sin is that that hath put all things concerning man out of order for a man to see a mighty Army in a difficult place against a cunning Enemy set in order what sweet union can they then have in all their Battailes so long as they keep order What a blessed thing it is to see a Kingdome in good Order wee all pray for such a day that so many pretious lives might not bee lost as are what a glorious thing it is to see a Parliament in order doe wee not at this present see and injoy the benefit of it so consider of it in the things of God is it not an excellent thing to see a man walk orderly is it not an Angelicall heavenly thing to see a Church gathered and governed by a positive Gospell Order to see every Ordinance instituted in a spirituall Order what a profitable thing it is to heare a particular Christ and him crucified preached in order Order in many respects is the first cause of union O look and admire at the sweet and unexpressible order and union of the blessed Trinity if there be no order there cannot be any union union is not first and then order the Father is first and begets the Son Psal 2. Heb. 1.6 Matth. 3. the Spirit proceeds from both and then there is union consider of the order union and distinction of persons and natures in the Trinity I shall open what I have said by speaking a word concerning a Christians union with Christ Christ and a Christian are both one in their originall in nature in the spirit and glory of God Bright Starr If the Son of God by taking on him the humane nature made himself of no worth and descended to bee nothing it follows that man is nothing pag. 73. lin 18. Now hee saith so but sometimes hee saith that man is as eternall as perfect as God yea God himself see Theologia pag. 31. and pag. 37. and pag. 52. lin 6. See the Bright Starre pag. 77. and pag. 182. See Divinity Dissected pag. 1. If the creature bee something saith hee God cannot bee infinite for there should his beeing bee bounded where ours began pag. 78. the Father Ioh. 17. 1 Cor. 6. both begotten from Eternity Ephes 1. Prov. 8. Ephes 2.10 Rom. 8. Heb. 2.14 First Christ is the Son of God so is a Christian too Secondly There is two natures in the person of Christ the Divine and the humane made heavenly by participation so there is in a Christian the difference is this First Christ in his person is the first begotten and first born of God Rom. 8.39 Col. 1.17 the person of a Christian is the next begotten of God in the Lord Jesus Secondly the person of Christ is the Word of God 1 Ioh. 1. and was ever with the Father Prov. 8. the person of a Christian was eternally with God in his eternall Decree but not the Word as Christ was Thirdly The person of Christ is that by which God made the worlds and by which hee doth uphold and beare up all things Heb. 1.3 but the person of a Christian is not Fourthly the union betwixt Christ and a Christian is a made union a union that in respect of a Christian had a beginning but the union of Christ in his person is without beginning Fifthly A Christians union may bee increased and that may bee discovered concerning it that hee never knew before Ioh. 20.9 but the union of Christ cannot Sixthly The person of Christ is the second in the Trinity 1 Ioh. 5. but a Christians person although it bee there yet not a person there the second difference is this In respect of the Offices of Christ in his Kingly Office he is over all Christians Angels and creatures Heb. 1. 1 Pet. 4. last Col. 2.15 so a Christian is a King too but not as Christ is hee is a made King by Christ Revel 5. hee is a King in the kingdom of Christ Rev. 3. hee is a King towards God and shall receive a Crown 1 Tim. 6. hee is more then a man in this world more then a Conquerour through Jesus Christ Rom. 8. Secondly Christ is a Priest so is a Christian too but Christ is a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchisedec Heb. 5. A Priest to offer up himself a sacrifice for sin to make reconciliation to purchase liberty and everlasting glory for men 1 Cor. 5. Esa 53.5 1 Pet. 2.24 But a Christian cannot bee the saved and Saviour too hee cannot reconcile save redeem or give life to any hee is to praise God for ever for Christ and all that comes along with him Rom. 8.32 Thirdly Christ in his Propheticall Office hee is the onely true Minister of the Gospel hee did bring glad tydings to the world a Prophet to teach and informe his Church by the Spirit Ioh. 15. So a Christian is a Prophet too but how Follow mee as I follow Christ 1 Cor. 11.11 To teach the Truth as it is in Iesus for so hee hath been taught of the Lord Jesus 1 Pet. 4.10 1 Cor. 14.3.33 Hee knows nothing of himself but what Christ reveales unto him Ioh. 15.5 1 Cor. 4.7 The third difference in a Christians union is this Christ in his
you The 4. Errour is this That the Scriptures are a confused Allegory a meer shadow a false history and ought not to be any mans foundation no more then any other book or the Apocrypha Fifthly they deny the coming dying Resurrection Ascention and Intercession of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Sixthly that all Ordinances are but meat for babes that a man should live above them without the use of them Now the first of these which includes the rest I shall prove is against the Scriptures and against Reason too I shall divide the third Doctrine into two branches first if nothing but the Godhead shall remain or continue to eternity then it is plain that the Godhead or essence is in every creature Secondly that nothing but God shall continue to eternity this first branch of this mysticall Antichristianisme I have already opposed by such plain Scriptures and Reasons as none that have any desire to acknowledge the truth can willingly deny yet because I desire to make sure work as I go for the profit and comfort of all those who do in truth love and acknowledge the Lord Jesus I shall bruise the first head with the whole Errour also by these positive conclusions First that the present universall frame and state of all things in this world shall not remain to eternity here is two things to be inquired into and they are these First what is the present estate or universall frame of all things in this world Secondly how shall it be proved that this world shall not continue in the nature being and course of it by the multiplications of ages to all eternity I le discover the present estate of this world under these severall considerations First this world in respect of the universall composall of all things is ordained and created for to continue for a set time and not to be eternall in its generation Jam. 5.7 2 Pet. 3.13 Ephes 6. 1 Pet. 1.24 Isa Revel 21.1 This world hath had many alterations and changes in it since the creation we know it to be true both by Scripture Revelation and Reason too all these have and do still declare unto us the mortality mutability and insufficiency of this world Matth. 24.34 Gen. 7.1 Joh. 2.15 Job 5.17 Isa 40.6 Jam. 1.10 The glory of this world in all things hath been one and the same for the matter and manner to all persons in all ages it is not an increasing glory it hath no new thing to shew us it hath no after depth of sweetnesse to empty or powre forth in to our bosomes in any other respect or any more then what it hath already discovered unto our Fathers Secondly God hath promised that out of the ruine and by the destruction of this old world he will raise up a new one a world that shall be full of glory a new creation that shall be full of righteou●nesse and peace in another manner then ever it hath been in this world Rev. 21.17 1 Pet. 3.10 11. Isa 30.20 66.9 Thirdly the whole world at this present lies under a bondage of corruption and is altogether subject to vanity Vanity of vanities saith the Preacher all is vanitie Eccles 1.2 The greatest glory of this world is nothing else but an earthly vanity Again it is not onely vanity but it s also subject to it Rom. 8.20 Fourthly the constant waiting and present desire of this creation is for a Revelation and discovery of a Christians glory which will be to them also a day of joy and freedom from all corruption and vanity Rom. 8.14.21 The day when the King comes to his Crown is a day of liberty and freedom to poore prisoners and captives the glory of God shall be so stampt in a higher sublime divine degree then ever upon the subjects of that kingdom that it shall be a great comfort and refreshment to all creatures I mean to all that are ordained to all those to whom God hath promised it Lastly the present condition of this creation is a poore dying consuming condition Job 15.15 Revel 16.15 Chap. 1.7 Dan. 7.13 Jam. 5.1 Matth. 6. last Care not for the morrow for the morrow shall care for it self the day hath enough with his own grief this we all know by our experiences unlesse we will deny that that is as plainly to be understood as that the Sun is in the firmament CHAP. V. Antichrist described and confuted in his fourth Errour which is that the Bible is a meer shadow a false History a confused lying Allegory being of no more Authority then any ether book or the Apocrypha The Scriptures are proved and vindicated from these Familisticall blasphemous reproaches and aspe●sions cast upon it by the lying spirit of Antichrist COnfider of the truth and sufficiencie of the Scriptures by these following confiderations First if the truth of God were such a thing as that it might be understood and spiritually apprehended by flesh and blood by humane reason which is not Divine but belowe God then is it possible for darknesse to comprehend light and to be united too and made one therewith But the first is impossible and therfore the last for St Paul saith that there is no fellowship between light and darknesse 2 Cor. 6.14 15. between righteousnesse and unrighteousnes Christ and Belial now if there be no fellowship communion and agreement between God and the Devil Christ and Antichrist sin and grace how is it possible for flesh and blood to know or understand the minde of the Spirit And although many say that all things are gathered up into one fulnesse as the rivers by returning are gathered into the Sea yet the contrary is daily made manifest to us by those direct oppositions which we see between the hearts of men and betwixt their lives too there is no truth in this namely that the infinitenesse of God gathers up all creatures into it self as the Sea gathers up all Rivers and I prove it thus First when the Rivers by returns are swallowed up in to the Sea they are made one with it whilest they were they might be distinguished but now they are not as they were all distinctions are annihilated every river by running into the Sea is made one ocean and one water together with it For if it were possible for a man that knows all things to look upon the Sea and in that to see and know what the waters were if he could distinguish between the waters in the Sea which ever hath been the Sea originally and those waters which are Sea by being in the Sea and of the same element but before were Rivers he would acknowledge that all creatures are not thus gathered up into and made one with God for then all creatures by being gathered up by one fulnesse in to one which is God then should all creatures by being thus gathered become one fulnesse with God Secondly there is no truth in this because there is no truth neither