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A14601 A looking-glasse for papists to see their owne deformities in matters of faith, and religion: and for formall protestants; to make them more carefull of the true profession of Iesus Christ: lest at any time they fall away from the sinceritie of the Gospell of Christ. With a briefe history of the Popes liues, from the first three hundred yeeres after Christ, vntill Paul the fift. R. W., minister in Norfolk.; Woods, Richard, minister of Frettenham, attributed name.; Wrathall, Richard, attributed name.; Burges, John, 1561?-1635. 1621 (1621) STC 24912; ESTC S119311 60,513 116

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the Popes doctrine and condemned that of the Gospel The Pope was besieged a long time with his Cardinalls in the Castle of Saint Angelo hee was taken prisoner by Charles Emperour and was ransomed with our money from England at 40000. ducats At Berne hee held a Disputation wherein Swinglius Bucer Cappo and Blaurer vanquished by Scripture the aduerse part Finally they confirmed by the authoritie of the Magistrates through all their land the sayd Articles abolished the Masse and threw downe Images and Altars Rome was sacked by the Emperour more miserably then euer by Gothes and Vandalls The Pope dyed in the end of September of a disease in the stomacke Others thinke he was poysoned by the smell of a Torch See Iohn Paptist Fulgentius 1534. Paul the third sate fifteene yeeres King Henry the eight banished the Popes authoritie who challenged to be Supreame head of the Church of England Fisher Bishop of Rochester and Thomas Moore Chancellour were beheaded because they would not agree to the Kings Edict This Paul was an Astrologian a Magitian and a Diuine Hee had a familiar one Denis Senila a Magitian whom hee made Cardinall with one Gaurice of Portugall Cecius and Mercell Negromancers and wicked villaines Of these hee did inquire the fortunes of himselfe and of his bastards Hee had a Sister called Iulia Fernese which hee gaue to Pope Alexander to be Cardinall and Bishop of Hostia which hee obtained for these are good prises or their younger brethren to maintaine their whooredomes or that which is worse See Agrippa This muttherer poysoned his mother and nephew that al the succession of the Ferneses might fall vpon him Hee had another sister whose carnall company hee sometime had but because she loued others company more then his hee poysoned her also He defloured another maid of a noble house pretending to be a Gentleman of the Legats and promised marriage who finding the truth she ranne madde Againe one Nicholas de Chesme finding him one day adulterously abusing his wife Laurea Fernese who was also the said Paules neece hee wounded so well with his dagger as he carried the markes to his graue Moreouer this good father Paul tooke his pleasure with his daughter Constance and poysoned her husband He also had in his Table the number of 45000. whores of whom he exacted euery moneth tribute to haue liberty to exercise their whoredome See Baleus and Eusebius captiue Hee cursed King Henry the eight and gaue his kingdome to whomsoeuer could get it He gaue leaue by an Indulgence to communicate the Lords Supper vnder both kindes and to eate all manner of meates at all times The Ministers of the Lantzgraues Countrey refused the Indulgence Estate of the Church He ordained the Counsell of Trent the first of Nouember 1542. The Pope dyed the tenth of Nouember Iulius the third sate fiue yeeres Because of auncient custome the Pope might giue his red Hatre to whom he would he made Cardinall a young boy called Innocent The Cardinals being against it asked what he saw in this young man that deserued it Hee answered I pray you what found you in me to doe me this honour to make me Pope without any desert Aduaunce this young man and he will merit it He was a ribbald and a mighty blasphemer he loued Swines flesh his Steward and Physitian sayd it was not good for the gout He cryed out Bring me my porke flesh All di spitto di Deo that is In despite of God At another time for his Peacocke detayned being very angry c. hee sayd If God were so angry for an Apple as to cast our first Parents out of Paradise wherefore should it not be lawfull for me that am his Vicar to be angry for a Peacock better then an Apple He had three bowles at feasts for euacuation Estate of the Church Marcellus the second sate twenty dayes he was President of the Counsell of Trent where he put out Iames Nichiantes Bishop of Fossa Claodia because hee would not allow Traditions to be receiued and allowed with like reuerence as the Gospell Also Guillam de Venice sayd that the Counsell of Venice was aboue the Pope and Vergerius was also put from the Counsell because he denyed the Legend of Saint George and Saint Christopher to be true which he proued from Paul the third for he hath commāded that both these Legends should be taken out of the Breuiarie and commanded that all such should be taken out which were not true Hee died of the Iaundise the 20. day after his election 1555. Paul the fourth sate foure yeeres two moneths and twenty seauen dayes This Pope inuented a new sect of Monks and called them Iesuites Before he was Pope hee writ a Booke vnto Paul the third touching the reformation of the Church but being Pope hee cared neither for Iesus Christ nor for his Church In his book he confirmeth almost all the points we vse to reprehend in Poperie He grieued the people of Rome because of his warres and exactions that scarce had hee yeeleded vp the spirit but the Roman people whihc wished death vnto him because of his warres and exactions and tyrannies broke the prisons of the Inquisitions deliuered the prisoners fired the whole building threw downe the Popes Image cutting off the head and right hand thereof which were drawne three dayes together thorow the Towne and then cast into Tyber Hee kept openly a Gentlemans wife Hee vsed to eate Snailes and to drinke strong wine called Magnagarra for lust Hee died in bed with his whoore 1565. Estate of the Church Pius the fourth sate sixe yeeres Hee caused to be strangled the fift of March 1561. in the night in Saint Angelo the Cardinall Charles Caraffe He beheaded also in another prison the County of Palliane and certaine other Cardinalls shewing their bodies the next day vnto the people He cited the Queene of Nauarre because of the profession of the Gospell to answer in the Popes Consistorie and for want of appearance within sixe moneths her Countrey to be giuen to the next Conqueror The fourth of December was ended the Counsel of Trent 1563. which from the beginning to the ending continued eighteene yeeres wherein all the Articles of Popish doctrine were confirmed The eight of September Pius the fourth died Pius the fift sate sixe yeeres Iohn Functius a learned Chronographer amongst all of our time was beheaded because he with other Preachers of the Gospell were against the dreames of Osiander The Pope sent a great Present to the Duke of Alua as a recompence of so great paynes he had taken to maintaine the Popedome He sent his roaring Bull of Basan against Queene Elizabeth 1571. Gregorie the thirteenth sate thirteene yeeres The Pope by adding of tenne dayes in October so as for the fift they should reckon fifteene This to eternize the Popes name was called the Gregorian Kallender The Pope dayly vrged the performance of his Kallender in Germany D. Chytreus 1585. Whereupon presently
and commanded them to be kept through all Christendome in Schooles and Iudgement Thus the word of God is set aside for their traditions Peter de Vienna complained That all the world cannot fill the insatiabilitie of the Pope That the turpitudes of the Clergie are so great and enormious as shame forbiddeth to speake thereof Hee also maintained that the Pope neither by diuine nor humane right hath any power of the Sword The Pope excommunicated him William the Gold-smith at this time sheweth that the Pope is Antichrist Rome Babylon the Prelates members of Antichrist Caesarius 10. Distinct 3. of his Dialogues The Pope was driuen out of Rome by the Romans He cursed the Emperour Frederike for not going to the holy Land and the second time for punishing Rebells and receiued 12000. ounces of gold for absoluing him Vide Plat. and the Mysterie of Iniquitie pa. 360. He cursed the Greeke Church and they him againe he plagued the Clergie of England by exactions foure markes of euery Church the fift part of euery Ecclesiasticall person 10000. markes for maintaining of the warres against the Emperour he stirred vp his sonne against him He wrote to the Sarazens not to agree with him He fell out with the Cardinall Columna because he would not doe a vile message to the Emperour saying I hold thee not hence-forth for Cardinall Nor I thee for Pope sayd Columna and so he departed Math. Paris See the Mystery of Iniquity fol. 304. Gregorie afflicted with so many mischiefes fell sicke and dyed with sorrow and griefe 1241. Celestine the fourth sate eighteen dayes was poisoned Innocent the fourth sate eleuen yeeres and sixe moneths He canonized many Saints made much of begging Friers Hee prescribed the Emperour Frederike and Conrade and then commanded William to be chosen against him He exacted in England the third of all Church-goods and the yeerely fruits of vacant Benefices and halfe of all Non-residences and all the intestate Ecclesiasticall Againe of some Priests fifteene of some tenne of some fiue able men furnished with horse and harnesse to the warres for one whole yeere besides 10000. markes and after 70000. markes to this warre in despite of King Henry besides Peter-pence 60000. markes yeerely of A●…ent Clarkes He reuoked Friers priuiledges excommunicated them and all religious persons The Emperour sayde foreseeing what would follow when hee was chosen Pope I haue lost a Cardinall my friend and haue chosen a Pope mine enemie Plat. So honours change manners and the very pride of the place makes them forget all duty to God and man He dyed miserably at Naples sooner than he thought Naucler 1250. Alexander the fourth sate seauen yeeres he was set vp against Conrade the Emperour hee reuoked the acts of Innocent condemned the Bookes of Gulielmus de Sancto amore written against Begging Friers Plat. popish Clergie calling the Pope Antechrist He lost his armie in Nicrea and comming to Viterbe he dyed there 1261. From Siluester the second that diuellish Magitian vntill this time the Popes haue reigned as incarnate diuells in all trumperies deceits oppression of the good and manifest tyrannies and haue tormented by their infernall furies the greatest monarkes Henry the fourth and fift the second Fredericke and other princes of the earth Vrbane the fourth sate three yeeres and one moneth hee raised vp warres against Maufroy and after against Conradin and ouercame them both and so obtayned the lands but the end was miserable for the Sicillians after the yeere 1282. rebelled against him and slew all his French army in an euening sodainely and opened their women great with childe and cast away their fruit that they nor none of that generation might remaine This occasion was afterward commonly called the Euensong of Sicilie This Pope dyed at Peruse Clement the fourth sate three yeers and nine months He had wife and children Hee was the King of France his Chancellor After his wifes death he was Bishop of Pauy after Archbishop of Narbon after Cardinall and was chosen Pope Hee demanded a certaine tenth in Almayne Iohn Glossator of the Decree and Prouost of Saint Stephen de Alberstate opposed himselfe against it and appealed to the next Counceil for the which hee was excommunicated of the Pope and depriued of his office Sea of Histories Clement had a nephew which held three Benefices he constrained him to forsake two of them Naucler He died at Viterbe Gregorie the tenth sate foure yeeres he assembled a Counsell at Lions where was agreed the tenth part of the goods of the Church to be giuen for sixe yeeres to maintaine the warres for the conquest of the lands beyond the Seas He labored to bring the Greeke Church vnto Rome but all in vaine so as he is not vniuersall Bishop nor his Successors 1272. He came to Aretinum where he died Innocent the fift sate sixe moneths and two dayes Adrian the fift sate fortie dayes he died at Viterbe 1276. before hee was consecrated Iohn the two and twentieth sate eight moneths promising himselfe long life foretold by the Starres as hee affirmed it but in the presence of his people a new Vault Valerius calleth it a playing Hall Stella a rich and precious chamber which he had built in his pallace at Viterbie fell the fourth day following sodainely vpon him in the yeere 1277. and the seauenth day after the sayd ruine he was found miserably slaine betwixt the stones and the timber and was buried in the great Church Here the Pope found by experience the vanity of his diuination At this time was the doctrine of the Waldois holding but two Sacraments baptisme and the Communion The Masse an abhominable and detestable thing and therefore to be abolished All humane tradition to be reiected as not necessary to saluation against many other toyes of Popery against the Popes Supremacie called Rome very Babylon and the Pope the fountaine of all euill Nicholas the third sate foure yeeres He transported to himselfe the dignity of the Senator of Rome He made a Parke for Hares and Conies for his pleasure to hunt in He gaue much to his nephew or rather bastard called Barthand that hee tooke from others by force as some say hee ingendered vpon a Concubine of his bastards a monster whose haire and nayles were like a Beares See Iohn de Naion in his Institutions of Beda And as hee was determined to preferre the house of the Vrsins of which house he was and therefore had caused to be paynted the pictures of Beares in the Pallace being in the towne of Sutry hee was taken with an Apoplexy of which he died sodainly and without speech Anno 1291. Martin the fourth sate two yeeres and eight months he excommunicated Peter King of Aragon and exposed his kingdome for a prey to the first that could get it because hee ordayned an army by Sea into Sicilie against Charles and absolued his subiects of their oath Note that all the pastime of Popes is to set Princes together by the eares Hee
granted to Rome the choyce of two Senators of the Nobilitie and excommunicated Paliolagus Emperour of Greece He tooke the Cencubine of his predecessour Nicholas but lest such an accident might happen him as did vnto others namely that if he had a childe it should be like vnto a Beare he commanded all the Beares which had beene paynted in the Pallace by a Pope of the house of the Vrsins should be defaced For he knew well that the figure of things vpon which women thinke when they conceiue oft-times is certainely imprinted in them The. Cooper Abridgement of Chron. But as once hee was taking his ordinary refection with his Captaines he was taken with a secret mallady whereof he died See Cusalanus Honorius the fourth sate two yeeres he excommunicated Peter King of Aragon who then occupied the kingdome of Sicilie against Charles and confirmed the Edict of his Predecessour against him Thus they succeed one another in cruelty he confirmed the Sect of August He died 1288. Nicholas the fourth sate foure yeeres and one month Naucler Some say six yeeres Many cruell warres murthers dissentions and brawles in his time happened in Rome vpon his occasion giuing more countenance to the one part then to the other and this continued two yeeres Fasci temporum Nicholas died of griefe because all things happened not after his wish 1291. Celestine the fift sate two yeeres and fiue moneths he went about the reformation of the Clergie they grinding their teeth at him called him Sot and Dotard one of these companions killed Benet suborned another who making a cranny in his chamber many nights cryed as it had beene an Angell from heauen Gelestine Gelestine renounce thy Papacy for that charge exceedeth thy force Some also in the day time counselled him to giue ouer his Popedome and prouide for his saluation Note wee here that Rome cannot abide to heare of reformation As he returned from Naples he dismissed himselfe of that charge c. See Christian Massius yet first hee made a constitution by all their consents That it should be lawfull for a Pope to giue ouer such a charge which Boniface his successour subtilly confirmed and placed it in the sixt booke of his Decretalls But this Boniface fearing that the people despising him should cleaue vnto Celestine caused him to be put in close prison where he dyed 1295. Boniface the eight sate eight yeeres and nine moneths He obtained the place as before by fraud and violence to his predecessour Celestine This is he of whom it is spoken that hee entred as a Foxe reigned as a Lion and died as a Dogge He was a terrour to Emperours Kings and Princes Nations and People which he more respected then Religion which gaue and tooke away kingdomes at his pleasure extraordinarily thirsting after gold from all places He was also cruell against the dead for he caused a godly man buried twenty yeeres before to be taken out of his graue and burnt for heresie as he decreed His pride and arrogancie was so hatefull to Princes as Philip King of France to bring vnder his pride made forces against him inuaded him priuily in the night at Anagni and breaking downe the gates tooke him in his fathers house and carried him to Rome prisoner where through griefe of minde he died thirtie fiue dayes after and all his goods and treasure went to pillage Platin. Iohn de la Maire On Ashwednesday he gaue Ashes vnto the people of Genes and Porchat the Archbishop of the Towne presented himselfe before him and vnderstanding that hee was of the Gebellins whom he hated hee being on his knees vncouered respecting neither day nor place people or religion in his malice he cast an handfull of ashes in his eies abusing Scripture said Remember that thou art a Gebelline and that with Gebelius thou shalt be brought to ashes and strait depriued the Archbishop of his dignity though after he restored him Platina Crinis Cor. Abb. 1295. Benet the eleuenth sate eight moneths hee was a good man and studied for concord hee contemned Friers reuoked Bonifaces Decrees Comming to Peruse he there fell sicke and dyed But it was after proued that a certaine Abbesse presented vnto him poysoned figges whereof hee dyed and Leander affirmeth hee dyed of poyson 1304. Clement the fift sate at Auignon eight yeeres and tenne moneths hee was enthronized at Lyons in the Church of Saint Iust with a mighty concourse of the Cleargie and all estates But their great pompe was mixed with great mourning for as an innumerable multitude were mounted vpon an olde wall of Saint Iust the sayd wall fell and slew Duke Iohn of Brittaine The King was there wounded and the Pope throwne ouer his horse and troden vnder foote where he lost a rich Carbuncle out of his triple Crowne esteemed at sixe thousand florens of golde Pride must haue a fall besides more then twelue other noble persons were there wounded and dyed These things done the King departed and the Pope made his residencie at Auignon This Pope kept his Roman Court not at Rome but at Auignon where it abode by the space of seauentie three yeeres before it returned to Rome See Iohn le Maire Hee sent three Cardinalls to gouerne Rome This Clement was a publique whoore-monger and a great maintayner of harlots Chron. Herm. Paralip Vesp He gaue to them that offered themselues against the Turke foure soules out of Purgatory at their will Agrippa de vanitat This Pope commanded the Angells to carry into the ioyes of Paradice and draw out of Purgatory the soule of him whosoeuer should die in the way going in pilgrimage to Rome moreouer that the paines of hell shall no way be inflicted vpon them In a Bull which is kept by Coppy at Vienna and Limego at this day Agrippa de vanit Scient Hee condemned them that would not worship the bread of the Eucharist He ordained That the oathes deliuered to Princes were not oathes of subiection but of fidelity Hee ordayned a feast instituted in the honour of the bread in the Eucharist which the Papists call Gods feast Hee pronounced that the Reliques of Saints ought to be greatly honoured Finally he being tormented with a fluxe of the belly and paine of the stomacke and sides he deceased in a Castle called Rocquemaure vpon Bosue 1314. Behold here how humane traditions doe increase instead of the word of God Iohn the three and twentith sate nineteene yeeres and foure moneths Hee condemned the Constitutions of Nicholas Deer 6. tit 12. He made a Constitution against Friers Minors he taught certaine errours amongst others that soules so soone as they were dispoyled of the bodies should not see God before the last Iudgement Massius witnesseth his father had so taught him before He writ to the Grecians that there was but one Church whereof hee was chiefe and the Vicar of Iesus Christ The Grecians answered Wee beleeue surely that thy power is very great ouer thy subiects we cannot indure thy extreame pride
made Cardinall the eldest he made Duke of Spaine he was slaine at Rome and his brother Cardinall being wearie of Priesthood he espoused one of King Lewis his kinswomen his daughter Lucrece whose carnall copulation himselfe had was married to three Princes successiuely See Iohn Functius He was odious to the whole world and except God had shortned his dayes by an errour of his Cup-bearer giuing him a poysoned Cuppe for another as he poysoned some of the Cardinalls he had a purpose to haue poysoned all whose goods he had challenged after their death See Guiccinard li. 5. Onuphrius Alexander supping vnder a vine neere the Vatican to enioy the coolenesse of the ayre he was sodainely carried away desperately sicke into the Pallace The next morning he dyed blacke swolne and beyond all credit deformed Baleus Being sicke in bed he sent his seruant Madena to his wardrobe to fetch him a little booke enriched with gold and precious stones This booke contained all manner of illusions and inchantments whereby hee would haue beene certified of his life The seruant running thither saw one in the Popes Chaire very like himselfe whereat being afraid he ranne to his master pale and wanne halfe dead which the Pope perceiuing suffering him to recouer willed him to goe the second time where finding the man still in the Chaire hee was wonderfully afraide and being demanded of him what he had to doe there he answered To fetch a certaine garment for the Pope At which words the Diuell being then in the Chaire making an horrible noyse sayd I am the Pope These things reported to the Pope His euill beganne to encrease and Death approached A short time after a man apparrelled like a Lackey knocked at the Popes chamber doore saying he must needes speake with the Pope All other drew aside and great speech was betweene them The Pope pleaded his time was not yet come for he promised him nineteene yeers continuance but the Lackey answered He promised him eleauen yeeres and eight moneths which was accomplished and therefore hee must needes die The Pope pleading for longer time could not be heard This talke was heard by them in the next chamber Finally as Sathan went away the Pope with great cries and sighes and fearefull sobbes died See Onuphrius the Popes Historiographer Guicciardin Volateran Iohn Baleus much more these Authors report This Pope had with his sonne a daughter with whom both the father and sonne lay Pontanus and Samozarius haue left written 1502. Opposition Iohn Weselne an excellent Diuine called Fax mundi against the Pope and his doctrine Rodolph Agricola was of the same opinion Hierom Sauanorola with two more Friers were against Iustification by workes merits pardons they were hanged and burned Sabellicus 1499. This Pope caused to be cut out the tongue and both the hands of Anthonius Mancenellus a learned man because he had written a very elegant Oration against the wicked manners villanies and dishonest life of him Pius the third as soone as he was made Pope hee intended warre with France because they had occupied a part of Italy vnder their subiection whom the Pope hoped to haue driuen cleane out of those Lands hee intended also an army against the Turkes but while hee went about this he dyed the 27. day after his election Anno 1503. Note from Siluester the second Anno one thousand vntill Innocent the fourth 1240. the space of 240. yeers the grashoppers were sent out from the bottomlesse pit to deuoure Christians in soule and body From Innocent the fourth vntill Iulius the second 1504. that is 196. they haue beene permitted to nourish and maintaine it obscuring all truth that by false doctrine and lying myracles they might seduce if it were possible euen the Elect by Friers Mendicants and massing Priests and haue cruelly put to death the gaine-sayers But from that time vnder Iulius the second and euer since the Papacie hath and through Gods mercie is like to decay still euen till the comming of Christ who shal confound Antechrist with the breath of his mouth Iulius the second a man as it were chiefly borne for warre Hee besieged Rauenna and tooke it and from diuers Princes he tooke diuers Townes not without great effusion of bloud He excommunicated the king of Fraunce and king of Nauarre and gaue their Kingdomes to whomsoever could first occupy them Massius cap. 20. Chron. The Counsell of Latterane was begunne by Iulius 1512. This monster died the yeare following after he had begunne the Counsell hauing committed an in finite number of murthers and wickednesses vnheard of before Iulian meaning to goe to warre against Maximilian and Lewis passing ouer the bridge he cast Saint Peters keyes into Tyber and tooke the Sword of Saint Paul saying The Keyes of Saint Peter serue vs to no purpose it may be Saint Paules Sword will doe something He dispensed with King Henry the eight for his marriage hee excommunicated Lewis the French King and gaue away his kingdome Epigram By fraud the Merchant Iulius rakes in pelfe For heauen he sells yet hath it not himselfe 1513 Leo the tenth he gaue himselfe to pleasures and lusts of the flesh he had Singers and Musitians at his Table He hated mortally the Gospell and on a day Bembo the Cardinall vttering a thing out of the Gospell he answered It hath euer sufficiently beene knowne what profit the fable of Christ hath brought vs and ours The same day that Leo made thirty one Cardinalls in the very Temple where they were assembled happened such a great tempest which shooke and carried away the Image of Christ out of his Mothers lappe and the Keyes out of the hands of Saint Peter there 1517. At which very time Luther beganne to thunder against the Pope He commaunded Luthers bookes to be burnt at Rome and Luther burnt his Cannons and popish Decretalls at Wittenberge The Pope reioycing at the ouerthrow of the French King making good cheere sodainly died at his Table Baleus 1524. Opposition Picus Mirandola against reall Presence the worship of the Crosse and Images Adrian the sixt sate two yeeres the Bookes of a certaine Phisitian and Magitian were burnt at Rome some of which were brought to Adrian whereof hee made great account and they were after his death found amongst his secret papers Adrian after hee had persecuted the truth of the Gospell as his predecessors in the person of Luther and Occolampadius dyed suspected of poyson Abb. Vesp Others say he was too good to be a Pope for seeing the abuses of the Court of Rome and going about to reforme them he was taken away by death 1523. See a Bishop of their owne Espenseus a learned man who saith that he deliuered by his Nuncio to the assembly of the States of Germany his resolution that way Therefore they would euer since chuse none but Italians Clement the seauenth sate eleauen yeeres The twentieth of Ianuary following 1522. the iourney of Swises was held at Lucerne where they wholly confirmed
Chrysostom ad populum Antiochenum Homil. 22. sayth After the end of this life there is no occasion of merits Hebrews 1. 3. Christ hath purged our sinnes by himselfe Counsell Aquisgrane lib. 1. cap. 1. speaketh of the punishments two in this life one in the life to come most grieuous Of the two heere the Apostle speaketh If wee would iudge our selues we should not be c. The first is the punishment wherein euery sinner taketh reuenge of himselfe The second but when wee are iudged of God wee are chastised c. This is the punishment which God in mercy doth lay vpon sinners in this world The third is most fearefull and terrible not in this world but in the next Depart from me c. Ergo no Purgatorie The Papists can neuer agree of the place nor continuance of time how long And thus we still conclude that their doctrine is Antichristian condemned by Scripture and all antiquitie and Fathers Merits By Merits wee vnderstand any thing or worke whereby Gods fauour and life eternall from the dignitie of the worke binding God c. Merits are two-fold one of the person another of the worke Of the person dying after Baptisme Of the worke by the condignitie yea more Supererrogation I omit their idle and blasphemous speeches and proofes and come to the Answere Wee renounce all personall merits of any meere man therefore of Infants that cannot worke also of workes done by them Onely wee acknowledge Christs workes to merite which are made ours by imputation But Papists will be saued by their owne workes See Exod. chap. 20. 8. I will shew mercy to them that loue mee and keepe my commandements If these must haue mercy who can pleade merits Romans 6. 23. The wages of sinne is death but eternall life is the gift of God thorow Iesus Christ Ephes 2. 8. 10. By grace ye are saued through faith not of your selues it is the gift of God c. Romans 8. 18. The sufferings of this life are not worthy c. Titus 3. 5. We are saued not by workes which wee wrought but according to his mercy c. Merit hath no place where mercie is required See Fathers Bernard Those which wee call Merits are the way to the Kingdome not the cause of raigning Augustine All my hope is in the death of my Lord His death is my merit my merit is the passion of my Lord. Manuel chapter two and twentie Againe He crowneth thee because hee crowneth his owne gifts not thy merits Psalme 120. Againe Lord thou wilt quicken me in thy Iustice not in mine not because I haue deserued it but because thou hast had compassion Ps 142. See more in the title of Iustification Thus I cease to follow them in their idle discourses concluding our Doctrine to be more auncient as from Christ the Apostles Scriptures and Fathers They obiect places of Scripture for reward Answer Reward is two-fold either of merit or of mercy Life euerlasting is not of merit but of mercy Secondly they obiect merits by couenant Doe this and thou shalt liue Solut. No man can doe this Ergo a legall Couenant condemneth all men Againe there is an Euangelicall couenant this promise is made not to the work but to the person to his faith laying hold on Christ Beleeue and thou shalt be saued Marke 16. 16. Acts 8. 37. and 16. 31. Now to conclude this poynt for Doctrine as before of the liues of the Popes I will vse the Argument our Sauiour Christ vsed against the Scribes and Pharisies who saying they had Abraham to their father Iohn 8. 39. answered If yee were the children of Abraham ye would doe the deedes of Abraham So say I if the Popes be Peters successors concerning Doctrine they would shew it in teaching Doctrine agreeable to Scriptures c. But this they doe not For Peter taught Iustification by faith in Christ alone as the rest of the Apostles and Christ himselfe and haue left the same written in Scriptures for our instruction and imitation See title of Iustification Againe Peter Christ and the Apostles and Scriptures teach only two Sacraments of the new testament But they teach seauen contrary to Christ Peter and the Apostles See title of Sacraments the number Moreouer Christ instituted Baptisme the outward signe whereof is onely Water and the forme to baptize In the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Peter the Apostles and Euangelists rested in this and left the same written in Scripture but the Pope and Papists vse a number of idle ceremonies contrary to Peters practise the Apostles and Scriptures See title of Baptisme Againe for the Sacrament of the Lords Supper In the Supper Christ vsed in the Institution thereof bread and wine as outward signes of his body and his precious bloud shed in remembrance but these will vse but one outward signe bread alone Againe they will haue Christ bodily present in the Sacrament and will vtterly abolish the signes by Transubstantiation a toy of their owne deuising so as no bread shall remayne contrary to common sence against Christ Peter and Stripture See Reall presence Supper and Transubstantiation and so they vtterly destroy the Sacrament Againe wee teach no Images to be vsed in Gods seruice either publique or priuate according to the second Commaundement Scripture and Churches practise foure hundred yeeres after Christ and euer contradicted since but they iustifie Image-seruice as Lay-mens bookes and the seruice of God directly contrary to Scriptures See title of Images We teach that God onely is to be worshipped neither Saints nor Angells and that God is robbed of his honor by how much is giuen vnto them c. according to Peter the Apostles and Scripture They directly teach the contrary as derogatory to the office of Christ See title of Worship of Saints We teach according to Scripture No Purgatorie nor Purgation for sinne but the bloud of Christ in this life according to Peter the Apostles Scriptures But they teach a Purgatory to purge sinnes after death See title of Purgatory We teach that neither person nor worke can merit but the immaculate person of Christ God Man and his innocent workes without sinne They contrary teach Merit of person and workes amongst sinfull men See title of Merits To omit many other Popish points of erronious doctrine we conclude as before That the Pope is no way Peters successour but an Hereticke and plaine Antichrist fore-told by the Apostle 2 Thessal 2. 4. Which sitteth as God in the Temple of God boasting himselfe that he is God Arguments to proue the Pope Anti-christ And first their silly reasons to the contrary The late Counsell of Lateran 1517. commanded all Preachers they should not meddle nor dare once to speake of the comming of Anti-christ which argueth a guiltie Conscience Now obserue their Arguments to proue the Pope not to be Anti christ 1. Argument Anti christ is but one man but the Popes haue beene many Ergo.