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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07776 Three homilies upon these three sentences folowing Psal. 55.22. Cast thy burthen vpon the Lord. Iohn 14.27. My peace I giue vnto you. Luk.10.42. One thing is necessarie. Composed by Philip Mornay, lord of Plessis-Marly.; Trois homélies. English. Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623.; Ratcliffe, Anthony, fl. 1626. 1626 (1626) STC 18156; ESTC S100071 41,038 192

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qualities shall but shame both themselues and their Maisters but on the contrary those who are assured of their calling nay of his calling who workes all in all and in all things it cannot be but they should be able to discharge it But yet in humility feeling their owne imbecillity and for the most part aboue that they imagined they could haue done Because they worke by him and he in them by whose power the qualities of things worke the contrary effect to their nature as namely heate to refresh fury to cherrish weaknesse to cause it selfe to be feared the stāmering tong to be able to perswade a childe to pronounce judgement yea bondage it selfe to rule Now this is also in respect of this confidence which they beleeue they haue a right vnto and so they haue indeed to cast themselues vpon the Lord when evill oppresseth them Iehosaphat being affrighted with the Moabites he proclaimes a fast craues helpe from God But how they come saith he 2 Chron. 20.12 to dispossesse vs of thine inheritance which thou gavest vs to possesse O our God wilt not thou iudge them and the rather because the case goeth thus ill with vs there being us strength in vs to stand before so great a multitude But sayth he our eyes are towards thee even towards the Lord who forthwith puts his hand to the burthen and answeres him by his Prophet feare not you shall not neede to fight but God beholde he commeth to their reseue and he alone will doe all for you stand still sayth he and see the salvation of the Lord take you no other care but to prayse mee So important and behoouefull it is vnto every servant of God in such occasions to engage the Lord in his cause and to haue no interest therein but his justice his sanctuary his glory Rabshakeh comes vnto King Ezekias 2 Kings 18. and 19. Let not thy God saith he in whom thou trustest deceiue thee thou seest what the King of the Assyrians hath done vnto all other Countries haue their Gods delivered them that thou shouldest hope better of thine But what doth Ezekias in this anguish Lord sayth he thou art the onely or alone God of Kingdomes belongs it not then properly vnto thee and this argument which he makes comparing the Idolls of the Nations with thee shall he be left vnpunished of thee of thee I say the Creator of heaven and earth Encline thine eare then Lord and hearken vnto the words of this Champion whom Senacherib hath sent to blaspheme the living God Deliver vs therfore O Lord out of his hand that all people may know that thou Lord art the onely God Then comes the Prophet Esay vnto him and allures him in the name of the Lord that his prayer was heard and that the Lord tooke knowledge thereof making the cause his owne who in the same night smot Senacherib and his Armie by the hand of his Angell And Moses speakes to this purpose in more expresse termes and for the ground of this Confidence this holy boldnesse to cast his burden vpon the Lord he takes his measure from faith faith grounded on knowledge For is it not sayd that God spake vnto him face to face The people of Israell being nourished and fed by myracles so many yeares in the desert being enemy to their owne good would not goe into the land of Canaan but murmured thereupon against God and rebelled so farre against Moses Numb 14. that they were ready to stone him The Lord being wrath at this their infidelitie he tells Moses that he is weary of them and that he will destroy them O but Lord saith Moses what then will the Nations say for the Cananites cannot be ignorant that thou Lord art seene of this people face to face that thy Cloud thy protection standeth over them and that thou hast expressely vndertaken the safe conduct of this people and now they will say that thou hast killed them because thou wast not able to bring them into the Land which thou hadst sworne vnto their Fathers to giue them vrging God vpon the point of his owne honour jealous in regard of man no lesse jealous in respect of God who giveth himselfe the title of iealous thereby inducing him as a meanes to restraine his anger and pardon his people As I liue sayth the Lord vnto him the whole earth shall be filled with my glory with my glory in a double respect first because these murmurers shall not see the promised Land yet notwithstanding those who continued faithfull shall possesse the Land for inheritance thereby being equally magnified both in my mercy and in my justice Let all this be granted may some one reply but this was in the time of myracles True but myracles were heretofore done from time to time to none other end but to make it appeare to thee as a glimpse of that infinite power which worketh and disposeth all these myracles of the whole world which being perpetuall are to thee no longer myracles The Prophet sayth Isa 59.1 The Lords hand is not shortened that it cannot helpe nor his eare heavy that he cannot heare Whereas the globe of the earth since so many ages past continueth hanging in the ayre holding by nothing but by the onely powerfull will of the Creator is it not myraculous even at this day It may be more myraculous then the first day that he framed it whereas the Church also continueth being but a point as it were in the middest of this Chaos of vnbeliefe yet swimmes aloft alwayes shewing the head aboue water amiddest so many waues is also no lesse a myracle yea and it may be also more in the middest of so many disordered Natiōs and of so many flouds then when shee floated in the Arke or passed through the red Sea The workes therefore of the Lord though lesse visible to our eyes are not therefore lesse reall in themselues nor lesse considerable in the minds of the faithfull The Prophet saith Isa 59.2 that our iniquities haue made a seperation betweene vs and him causeth him to hide his face from vs. But let vs onely turne our eyes towards him and he will returne againe wholly towards vs. In like proportion towards an estate nation Cittie family or particular person which shall call vpon him where his Church where his service where his feare hath taken vp their dwelling My soule which art often perplexed in thy selfe in anguish for his Church amongst so many waues which tosseth her and thee in her tempted to cast off thy burthen hast thou cast it vpon the Lord and hath he eased thee How oft dispayring of all humaine helpes hast thou sayd vnto him how long and did the Lord ever fayle to answer thee yea to answer thee by visible effects more intelligible then his wordes 2. In the Ministry The like may be sayd of them who are called of God vnto an ecclesiasticall function As heretofore of the Prophets denouncing the
judgements of God against Kings and against Nations after them the Apostles sent to Preach the onely word of salvation vnto the ends of the world to the ruine of false gods and of their Idolls the pretended protectors of States and of Common-weales Those Prophets and Apostles being consequently bound to defend their cause against the persecution of those who disgraced them And so in like manner those who in the Church as they are dispensers of the Gospell hold their place at this day For with what confidence and with what wisedome did Elias and Elizeus with their cloakes stand against Kings Princes and the Priests of Israel Iohn Baptist with his garment of Cammels haire withstood King Herod The Apostles being poorefishermen and vnlearned vndertooke the ruine of Sathans kingdome the Conquest of the world vnder the Crosse of Christ Therefore let those who succeede them in this office accept of this Commission in all humilitie and say Lord who am I that thou hast called mee therevnto And what man is he though never so great that is sufficient for it But yet as vncapable as I am even the least in my selfe yet being assisted by thee who art the greatest what am I not able to doe For so Esay sayth Isa 6. Woe is me for I am vndone because I am a man of polluted lips no sooner had God touched his lips with a liue coale from the Altar but he changeth his speech Who shall I send sayth the Lord he answeres chearefully behold I am here send mee But with what Commission Say vnto this people in hearing you shall heare and not vnderstand c. Make fatte the heart of this people c. Let a man haue ten times as many naturall gifts as Esay had could he without this assistance from the Lord haue vndergone this Charge In like manner the Prophet Ieremy I haue set thee this day sayth the Lord over Nations and over Kingdomes that thou shouldest plucke vp and pull downe that thou shouldest build and plant A pooresilly Priest of Anothoth Iere. 1.1 Therefore he that will wonder let him yet wonder at it Ah Lord God beholde I cannot speake saith he for I am but a childe And behold he had no sooner touched his mouth but presently he girdeth vp his reynes and is resolved that whereas be-before he acknowledged himselfe to be but a childe now he begins to be a man and the terror of men So likewise Christ tells the Apostles Math. 10.19 Yee shall be brought before Kings and you shall beare witnesse of mee even to the ends of the earth being but men of meane condition to stand astonished at the onely looke of a man of authoritie the boldest amongst them at the word of a poore silly mayd But take no care sayth the Lord I will put that into your mouth at the very instant which you shall say Feare not saith he also vnto S. Paul hold not thy peace Act. 18.10 for I am with thee And what he sayd to them let vs take as spoken vnto all vnto all who are Ministers of the same word being never destitute of his spirit nor of his strength to the pulling downe s yth the Apostle of strong holds 2 Cor. 10. casting downe all counsells and every high thing which exalts it selfe against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ having vengeance ready prepared against all d sobedience What can be said more And be not dismayd at this that the liue coale hath not touched thy lippes nor the breath of Christ breathed vpon thee the signes of his word and spirit provided that thou hast his Commission with thee and his word in thy mouth Those signes had their place once for all Timothy had not received them whom notwithstanding the Apostle summons before God and before the Lord Iesus vnto whom he shall giue an account 2 Tim. 4.1 2. Where he sayth Preach the word But how in season and out of season reproue rebuke exhort doe the worke of an Evangelist It may be thou shalt be hated of those which are without and despised sometimes of those within wilt thou haue it bteter cheape then the Mr of the Vineyard Which of the Prophets or which of the Apostles were not abused stoned and vexed Say with David Psal the 31. I haue beene a reproach vnto my adversaries vnto my neighbours much more and those of my acquaintance seeing mee fled from me But Lord I haue sayd thou art my God I trust in thee Learne thou also with the same great Apostle 2 Cor. 6.7.8 to goe through honour and dishonor through good report and evill report by the word of truth by the power of God by the armor of righteousnesse on the right hand and on the left Be not discouraged also if thou fallest vpō a barren ground as it were sowed with salt vpon a brutish and stiffe-necked people Who hath beleeved sayth Esay our report And after him our Saviour himselfe Ioh. 12.36 And of sixe hundred thousand which went on t of Aegypt with Moses ready armed how few of them entred into the Land of promise Of so many people whom our Lord had healed had preached vnto even the eternall word how few of them did beleeue and continued following him How many thinkest thou were there of them who helpt to blaspheme him at his death And notwithstanding did God therefore cease to devide Canaan by lyne vnto his people The word of the Crosse did that cease to subdue the world yea to triumph in the world and over the world Heare our Saviour Christ himselfe in Esay the 49.4 complaining and in his consolation receiue thou thine I sayd I haue laboured in vaine and spent my strength for nothing notwithstanding my reward is with the Lord and my worke with my God The Lord who answeres him afterwards I haue heard thee hold it as if it were already done in an acceptable time in the day of salvation haue I succoured thee It must be a long time after least thou shouldst waxe weary yet in his time in an acceptable time in a time by him eternally pre-ordained And thus of this word which thou publishest to the clearing of his truth to the convincing of errors to the advancement of the kingdom of his Christ to the dissolution of the tyranny of Antichrist waite for the fruit and expect the effect in his time but in the meane time be not thou carelesse but vse all the means to manure the ground which he hath committed vnto thee And say vnto him Lord this ground will be but Iron if the heaven be of Brasse From thy onely blessing I waite for the fruit of my labour by thy Commandement I plant and in this hope I water And thus beholde how in the difficulties of our Callings we are to comfort our selues in the Lord. Is there no other burden which we are to cast vpon the Lord Yes verily the weightiest doth yet