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A07004 Tamburlaine the Great Who, from a Scythian shephearde, by his rare and woonderfull conquests, became a most puissant and mightye monarque. And (for his tyranny, and terrour in warre) was tearmed, the scourge of God. Deuided into two tragicall discourses, as they were sundrie times shewed vpon stages in the citie of London. By the right honorable the Lord Admyrall, his seruauntes. Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593. 1590 (1590) STC 17425; ESTC S122101 73,426 165

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high hill about the citie here tam. Let it be so about it souldiers But stay I feele my selfe distempered sudainly tech. What is it dares distemper Tamburlain tam. Something techelles but I know not what But foorth ye vassals what so ere it be Sicknes or death can neuer conquer me Exeunt Actus 5. Scaena 4. Enter Callapine Amasia with drums and trumpets Callap. KIng of Amasia now our mighty hoste Marcheth in Asia maior where the streames Of Euphrates and Tigris swiftly runs And here may we behald great Babylon Circled about with Limnasphaltis Lake Where tamburlaine with all his armie lies Which being faint and weary with the siege Wee may lie ready to encounter him Before his hoste be full from Babylon And so reuenge our latest grieuous losse If God or Mahomet send any aide Ama. Doubt not my lord but we shal conquer him The Monster that hath drinke a sea of blood And yet gapes stil for more to quench his thirst Our Turkish swords shal headlong send to hell And that vile Carkasse drawne by warlike kings The Foules shall eate for neuer sepulchre Shall grace that base-borne Tyrant tamburlaine Cal. When I record my Parents slauish life Their cruel death mine owne captiuity My Viceroies bondage vnder tamburlaine Me thinks I could sustaine a thousand deaths To be reueng'd of all his Villanie Ah sacred Mahomet thou that hast seene Millions of Turkes perish by Tamburlaine Kingdomes made waste braue cities sackt burnt And but one hoste is left to honor thee And thy obedient seruant Callapine And make him after all these ouerthrowes To triumph ouer cursed Tamburlaine Ama Feare not my Lord I see great Mahomet Clothed in purple clowdes and on his head A Chaplet brighter than Apollos crowne Marching about the ayer with armed men To ioine with you against this Tamburlaine Renowmed Generall mighty Callapine Though God himselfe and holy Mahomet Should come in person to resist your power Yet might your mighty hoste incounter all And pull proud Tamburlaine vpon his knees To sue for mercie at your highnesse feete Cal. Captaine the force of Tamburlaine is great His fortune greater and the victories Wherewith he hath so sore dismaide the world Are greatest to discourage all our drifts Yet when the pride of Cynthia is at full She waines againe and so shall his I hope For we haue here the chiefe selected men Of twenty seuerall kingdomes at the least Nor plowman Priest nor Merchant staies at home All Turkie is in armes with Callapine And neuer wil we sunder camps and armes Before himselfe or his be conquered This is the time that must eternize me For conquering the Tyrant of the world Come Souldiers let vs lie in wait for him And if we find him absent from his campe Or that it be reioin'd again at full Assaile it and be sure of victorie Exeunt Actus 5. Scaena 6. Theridamas Techelles Vsumeasane WEepe heauens and vanish into liquid teares Fal starres that gouerne his natiuity And sommon al the shining lamps of heauen To cast their bootlesse fires to the earth And shed their feble influence in the aire Muffle your beauties with eternall clowdes For hell and darknesse pitch their pitchy tentes And Death with armies of Cymerian spirits Giues battile gainst the heart of Tamburlaine Now in defiance of that woonted loue Your sacred vertues pour'd vpon his throne And made his state an honor to the heauens These cowards inuisiblie assaile hys soule And threaten conquest on our Soueraigne But if he die your glories are disgrac'd Earth droopes and saies that hell in heauen is plac'd tech. O then ye Powers that sway eternal seates And guide this massy substance of the earthe If you retaine desert of holinesse As your supreame estates instruct our thoughtes Be not inconstant carelesse of your fame Beare not the burthen of your enemies ioyes Triumphing in his fall whom you aduanst But as his birth life health and maiesty Were strangely blest and gouerned by heauen So honour heauen til heauen dissolued be His byrth his life his health and maiesty Cas Blush heauen to loose the honor of thy name To see thy foot-stoole set vpon thy head And let no basenesse in thy haughty breast Sustaine a shame of such inexcellence To see the deuils mount in Angels throanes And Angels diue into the pooles of hell And though they think their painfull date is out And that their power is puissant as Ioues Which makes them manage armes against thy state Yet make them feele the strength of Tamburlain Thy instrument and note of Maisty Is greater far than they can thus subdue For if he die thy glorie is disgrac'd Earth droopes and saies that hel in heauen is plac'd tam. What daring God torments my body thus And seeks to conquet mighty Tamburlaine Shall sicknesse prooue me now to be a man That haue bene tearm'd the terrour of the world Techelles and the rest come take your swords And threaten him whose hand afflicts my soul Come let vs march against the powers of heauen And set blacke streamers in the firmament To signifie the slaughter of the Gods Ah friends what shal I doe I cannot stand Come carie me to war against the Gods That thus inuie the health of Tamburlaine ther. Ah good my Lord leaue these impatient words Which ad much danger to your malladie tam. Why shal I sit and languish in this paine No strike the drums and in reuenge of this Come let vs chardge our speares and pierce his breast Whose shoulders beare the Axis of the world That if I perish heauen and earth may fade theridamas haste to the court of Ioue Will him to send Apollo hether straight To cure me or I le fetch him downe my selfe tech. Sit stil my gratious Lord this griefe wil cease And cannot last it is so violent tam. Not last techelles no for I shall die See where my slaue the vglie monster death Shaking and quiuering pale and wan for feare Stands aiming at me with his murthering dart Who flies away at euery glance I giue And when I look away comes stealing on Villaine away and hie thee to the field I and myne armie come to lode thy barke With soules of thousand mangled carkasses Looke where he goes but see he comes againe Because I stay techelles let vs march And weary Death with bearing soules to hell Phi. Pleaseth your Maiesty to drink this potion Which wil abate the furie of your fit And cause some milder spirits gouerne you tam. Tel me what think you of my sicknes now Phi. I view'd your vrine and the Hipostates Thick and obscure doth make your danger great Your vaines are full of accidentall heat Whereby the moisture of your blood is dried The Humidum and Calor which some holde Is not a parcell of the Elements But of a substance more diuine and pure Is almost cleane extinguished and spent Which being the cause of life imports your death Besides my Lord this day is Criticall Dangerous to
are wrought with beaten golde Their swords enameld and about their neckes Hangs massie chaines of golde downe to the waste In euery part exceeding braue and rich Tam. Then shall we fight couragiously with them Or looke you I should play the Orator Tech. No cowards and fainthearted runawaies Looke for orations when the foe is neere Our swordes shall play the Orators for vs Vsum. Come let vs meet them at the mountain foot And with a sodaine and an hot alarme Driue all their horses headlong down the hill Tech. Come let vs martch Tam. Stay Techelles aske a parlee first The Souldiers enter Open the Males yet guard the treasure sure Lay out our golden wedges to the view That their reflexions may amaze the Perseans And looke we friendly on them when they come But if they offer word or violence Wee le fight fiue hundred men at armes to one Before we part with our possession And gainst the Generall we will lift our swords And either lanch his greedy thirsting throat Or take him prisoner and his chaine shall serue For Manackles till he be ransom'd home Tech, I heare them come shal we encounter them Tam. Keep all your standings and not stir a foote My selfe will bide the danger of the brunt Enter Theridamas with others Ther. Where is this Scythian Tamberlaine Tam. Whō seekst thou Persean I am Taburlain Ther. Tamburlaine A Scythian Shepheard so imbellished With Natures pride and richest furniture His looks do menace heauen and dare the Gods His fierie eies are fixt vpon the earth As if he now deuis'd some Stratageme Or meant to pierce Auernas darksome vaults To pull the triple headed dog from hell tamb. Noble and milde this Persean seemes to be If outward habit iudge the inward man tech. His deep affections make him passionate tamb. With what a maiesty he rears his looks In thee thou valiant man of Persea I see the folly of thy Emperour Art thou but Captaine of a thousand horse That vy Characters grauen in thy browes And by thy martiall face and stout aspect Deseru'st to haue the leading of an hoste Forsake thy king and do but ioine with me And we will triumph ouer all the world I hold the Fates bound fast in yron chaines And with my hand turne Fortunes wheel about And sooner shall the Sun fall from his Spheare Than Tamburlaine be slaine or ouercome Draw foorth thy sword thou mighty man at Armes Intending but to rase my charmed skin And Ioue himselfe will stretch his hand from heauen To ward the blow and shield me safe from harme See how he raines down heaps of gold in showers As if he meant to giue my Souldiers pay And as a sure and grounded argument That I shall be the Monark of the East He sends this Sculdans daughter rich and braue To be my Queen and portly Emperesse If thou wilt stay with me renowmed man And lead thy thousand horse with my conduct Besides thy share of this Egyptian prise Those thousand horse shall sweat with martiall spoile Of conquered kingdomes and of Cities sackt Both we wil walke vpon the lofty clifts And Christian Merchants that with Russian stems Plow vp huge furrowes in the Caspian sea Shall vaile to vs as Lords of all the Lake Both we will raigne as Consuls of the earth And mightie kings shall be our Senators Ioue sometime masked in a Shepheards weed And by those steps that he hath scal'd the heauens May we become immortall like the Gods Ioine with me now in this my meane estate I cal it meane because being yet obscure The Nations far remoou'd admyre me not And when my name and honor shall be spread As far as Boreas claps his brazen wings Or faire Botëes sends his cheerefull light Then shalt thou be Competitor with me And sit with Tambulaine in all his maiestie Ther. Not Hermes Prolocutor to the Gods Could vse perswasions more patheticall Tam. Nor are Apollos Oracles more true Then thou shalt find my vaunts substantiall Tec. We are his friends and if the Persean king Should offer present Duke domes to our state We thinke it losse to make exchange for that We are assured of by our friends successe Vsum. And kingdomes at the least we all expect Befides the honor in assured conquestes Where kings shall crouch vnto our conquering swords And hostes of souldiers stand amaz'd at vs When with their fearfull tongues they shall cenfesse Theise are the men that all the world admires Ther. What stronge enchantments tice my yeelding soule Are these resolued noble Scythians But shall I prooue a Traitor to my King Tam. No but the trustie friend of Tamburlaine Ther. Won with thy words conquered with thy looks I yeeld my selfe my men horse to thee To be partaker of thy good or ill As long as life maintaines Theridamas Tam. Theridamas my friend take here my hand Which is as much as if I swore by heauen And calld' the Gods to witnesse of my vow Thus shall my heart be still combinde with thine Vntill our bodies turne to Elements And both our soules aspire celestiall thrones Techelles and Casane welcome him Tech. Welcome renowmed Persean to vs all Cas. Long may theridamas remaine with vs Tam. These are my friends in whō I more reioice Than dooth the King of Persea in his Crowne And by the loue of Pyllades and Orestes Whose statutes we adore in Scythia Thy selfe and them shall neuer part from me Before I crowne you kings in Asia Make much of them gentle Theridamas And they will neuer leaue thee till the death ther. Nor thee nor them thrice noble Tamburlain Shal want my heart to be with gladnes pierc'd To do you honor and securitie Tam. A thousand thankes worthy theridamas And now faire Madam and my noble Lords If you will willingly remaine with me You shall haue herors as your merits be Or els you shall be forc'd with slauerie Agid. We yeeld vnto thee happie Tamburlaine tamb. For you then Maddam I am out of doubt Zeno. I must be pleasde perforce wretched Zenocrate Exeunt Actus 2. Scaena 1. Cosroe Menaphon Ortygius Ceneus with other Souldiers Cosroe THus farre are we towards Theridamas And valiant Tamburlaine the man of fame The man that in the forhead of his fortune Beares figures of renowne and myracle But tell me that hast seene him Menaphon What stature wields he and what personage Mena. Of stature tall and straightly fashioned Like his desire lift vpwards and diuine Sa large of lims his ioints so strongly knit Such breadth of shoulders as might mainely beare Olde Atlas burthen twixt his manly pitch A pearle more worth then all the world is plaste Wherein by curious soueraintie of Art Are fixt his piercing instruments of sight Whose fiery cyrcles beare encompassed A heauen of heauenly bodies in their Spheares That guides his steps and actions to the throne Where honor sits inuested royally Pale of complexion wrought in him with passion Thirsting with souerainty with loue
openly exclaime against the King Therefore to stay all sodaine mutinies We will inuest your Highnesse Emperour Whereat the Souldiers will conceiue more ioy Then did the Macedonians at the spoile Of great Darius and his wealthy hoast Cosr. Wel since I see the state of Persea droope And languish in my brothers gouernment I willingly receiue th' mperiall crowne And vow to weare it for my countries good In spight of them shall malice my estate Ortyg. And in assurance of desir'd successe We here doo crowne thee Monarch of the East Emperour of Asia and of Persea Great Lord of Medea and Armenia Duke of Affrica and Albania Mesopotamia and of Parthia East India and the late discouered Isles Chiefe Lord of all the wide vast Euxine sea And of the euer raging Caspian Lake Long liue Cosroe mighty Emperour Cosr. And Ioue may neuer let me longer liue Then I may seeke to gratifie your loue And cause the souldiers that thus honour me To triumph ouer many Prouinces By whose desires of discipline in Armes I doubt not shortly but to raigne sole king And with the Armie of Theridamas Whether we presently will flie my Lords To rest secure against my brothers force Ortyg We knew my Lord before we brought the crowne Intending your inuestion so neere The residence of your dispised brother The Lord would not be too exasperate To iniure or suppresse your woorthy tytle Or if they would there are in readines Ten thousand horse to carie you from hence In spite of all suspected enemies Cosr. I know it wel my Lord thanke you all Ortyg. Sound vp the trumpets then God saue the King Exeunt Actus 1. Scoena 2 Tamburlaine leading Zenocrate Techelles Vsumeasane other Lords and Souldiers loden with treasure Tam. COme lady let not this appal your thoughts The iewels and the treasure we haue tane Shall be reseru'd and you in better state Than if you were arriu'd in Siria Euen in the circle of your Fathers armes The mightie Souldan of Egyptia Zeno. Ah Shepheard pity my distressed plight If as thou seem'st thou art so meane a man And seeke not to inrich thy followers By lawlesse rapine from a silly maide Who traueiling with these Medean Lords To Memphis from my vncles country of Medea Where all my youth I haue vene gouerned Haue past the armie of the mightie Turke Bearing his priuie signet and his hand To safe conduct vs thorow Affrica Mag. And since we haue arriu'd in Scythia Besides rich presents from the puisant Cham We haue his highnesse letters to command Aide and assistance if we stand in need Tam. But now you see these letters commandes Are countermanded by a greater man And through my prouinces you must expect Letters of conduct from my mightinesse If you intend to keep your treasure safe But since I loue to liue at liberty As easely may you get the Souldans crowne As any prizes out of my precinct For they are friends that help to weane my state Till men and kingdomes help to strengthen it And must maintaine my life exempt from seruitude But tell me Maddam is your grace betroth'd Zen. I am my Lord for so you do import Tam. I am a Lord for so my deeds shall prooue And yet a shepheard by my Parentage But Lady this faire face and heauenly hew Mud grace his bed that conquers Asia And meanes to be a terrour to the world Measuring the limits of his Emperie By East and west as Phaebus doth his course Lie here ye weedes that I disdaine to weare This compleat armor and this curtle-axe Are adiuncts more beseeming Tamburlaine And Maddam whatsoeuer you esteeme Of this successe and losse vnvallued Both may inuest you Empresse of the East And these that seeme but silly country Swaines May haue the leading of so great an host As with their waight shall make the mountains quake Euen as when windy exhalations Fighting for passage tilt within the earth Tec. As princely Lions when they rouse themselues Stretching their pawes and threatning heardes of Beastes So in his Armour looketh Tamburlaine Me thinks I see kings kneeling at his feet And he with frowning browes and fiery lookes Spurning their crownes from off their captiue heads Vsum. And making thee and me Techelles kinges That euen to death will follow Tamburlaine Tam. Nobly resolu'd sweet friends and followers These Lords perhaps do scorne our estimates And thinke we prattle with distempered spirits But since they measure our deserts so meane That in conceit bear Empires on our speares Affecting thoughts coequall with the cloudes They shall be kept our forced followers Till with their eies thee view vs Emperours Zen. The Gods defenders of the innocent Will neuer prosper your intended driftes That thus oppresse poore friendles passengers Therefore at least admit vs libertie Euen as thou hop'st to be eternized By liuing Asias mightie Emperour Agid. I hope our Ladies treasure and our owne May serue for ransome to our liberties Returne our Mules and emptie Camels backe That we may traueile into Siria Where her betrothed Lord Alcidamus Expects th' arriuall of her highnesse person Mag. And wheresoeuer we repose our selues We will report but well of Tamburlaine Tamb. Disdaines Zenocrate to liue with me Or you my Lordes to be my followers Thinke you I way this treasure more than you Not all the Gold in Indias welthy armes Shall buy the meanest souldier in my traine Zenocrate louelier than the Loue of Ioue Brighter than is the siluer Rhodolfe Fairer than whitest snow on Scythian hils Thy person is more woorth to Tamburlaine Than the possession of the Persean Crowne Which gratious startes haue promist at my birth A hundreth Tartars shall attend on thee Mounted on Steeds swifter than Pegasus Thy Garments shall be made of Medean silke Enchast with precious iuelles of mine owne More rich and valurous than Zenocrates With milke-white Hartes vpon an Iuorie sled Thou shalt be drawen amidst the frosen Pooles And scale the ysie mountaines lofty tops Which with thy beautie will be soone resolu'd My martiall prises with fiue hundred men Wun on the fiftie headed Vuolgas waues Shall all we offer to Zenocrate And then my selfe to faire Zenocrate Tech. What now In loue Tam. Techelles women must be flaterrd But this is she with whom I am in loue Enter a Souldier Sould. Newes newes Tamb. How now what 's the matter Sould. A thousand Persean horsmen are at hand Sent from the King to ouercome vs all Tam. How now my Lords of Egypt Zenocrate Now must your iewels be restor'd againe And I that triumpht so be ouercome How say you Lordings Is not this your hope Agid. We hope your selfe wil willingly restore thē Tamb. Such hope such fortune haue the thousand horse Soft ye my Lords and sweet Zenocrate You must be forced from me ere you goe A thousand horsmen We fiue hundred foote An ods too great for vs to stand against But are they rich And is their armour good Sould. Their plumed helmes
set vp her stature And martch about it with my mourning campe Drooping and pining for zenocrate The Arras is drawen Actus 3. Scaena 1 Enter the kings of Trebisond and Soria one bringing a sword another a scepter Next Natolia and Ierusalem with the Emperiall crowne After Calapine and after him other Lordes Orcanes and Ierusalem crowne him and the other giue him the scepter Orca. CAlepinus Cyricelibes otherwise Cybelius son and successiue heire to the late mighty Emperour Baiazeth by the aid of God and his friend Mahomet Emperour of Natolia Ierusalem Trebizon Soria Amasia Thracia Illyria Carmonia And al the hundred and thirty Kingdomes late contributory to his mighty father Long liue Callepinus Emperour of Turky Cal. Thrice worthy kings of Natolia and the rest I will requite your royall gratitudes With all the benefits my Empire yeelds And were the sinowes of th' imperiall seat So knit and strengthned as when Baiazeth My royall Lord and father fild the throne Whose cursed fate hath so dismembred it Then should you see this Thiefe of Scythia This proud vsurping king of Persea Do vs such honor and supremacie Bearing the vengeance of our fathers wrongs As all the world should blot our dignities Out of the booke of base borne infamies And now I doubt not but your royall cares Hath so prouided for this cursed foe That since the heire of mighty Baiazeth An Emperour so honoured for his vertues Reuiues the spirits of true Turkish heartes In grieuous memorie of his fathers shame We shall not need to nourish any doubt But that proud Fortune who hath followed long The martiall sword of mighty Tamburlaine Will now retaine her olde inconstancie And raise our honors to as high a pitch In this our strong and fortunate encounter For so hath heauen prouided my escape From al the crueltie my soule sustaind By this my friendly keepers happy meanes That Ioue sur chardg'd with pity of our wrongs Will poure it downe in showers on our heads Scourging the pride of cursed tamburlain Orc. I haue a hundred thousad men in armes Some that in conquest of the periur'd Christian Being a handfull to a mighty hoste Thinke them in number yet sufficient To drinke the riuer Nile or Euphrates And for their power ynow to win the world Ier. And I as many from Ierusalem Iudaea Gaza and Scalonians bounds That on mount Sinay with their ensignes spread Looke like the parti-coloured cloudes of heauen That shew faire weather to the neighbor morne Treb. And I as many bring from Trebizon Chio Famastro and Amasia All bordring on the Mare-major sea Riso Sancina and the bordering townes That touch the end of famous Euphrates Whose courages are kindled with the flames The cursed Scythian sets on all their townes And vow to burne the villaines cruell heart Sor. From Soria with seuenty thousand strong Tane from Aleppo Soldino Tripoly And so vnto my citie of Damasco I march to meet and aide my neigbor kings All which will ioine against this Tamburlain And bring him captiue to your highnesse feet Orc. Our battaile then in martiall maner pitcht According to our ancient vse shall beare The figure of the semi-circled Moone Whose hornes shall sprinkle through the tainted aire The poisoned braines of this proud Scythian Cal. Wel then my noble Lords for this my friend That freed me from the bondage of my foe I thinke it requisite and honorable To keep my promise and to make him king That is a Gentleman I know at least Alm. That 's no matter sir for being a king For Tamburlain came vp of nothing Ier. Your Maiesty may choose some pointed time Perfourming all your promise to the full T is nought for your maiesty to giue a kingdome Cal. Then wil I shortly keep my promise Almeda Alm. Why I thank your Maiesty Exeunt Actus 2. Scaena 2. Tamburlaine with Vsumeasane and his three sons foure bearing the hearse of Zenocrate and the drums sounding a dolefull martch the Towne burning Tamb. SO burne the turrets of this cursed towne Flame to the highest region of the aire And kindle heaps of exhalations That being fiery meteors may presage Death and destruction to th' inhabitants Ouer my Zenith hang a blazing star That may endure till heauen be dissolud Fed with the fresh supply of earthly dregs Threatning a death and famine to this land Flieng Dragons lightning fearfull thunderclaps sindge these fair plaines and make them seeme as black As is the Island where the Furies maske Compast with Lethe Styx and Phlegeton Because my deare Zenocrate is dead Cal. This Piller plac'd in memorie of her Where in Arabian Hebrew Greek is writ This towne being burnt by Tamburlaine the great Forbids the world to build it vp againe Amy. And here this mournful streamer shal be plac'd Wrought with the Persean and Egyptian armes To signifie she was a princesse borne And wife vnto the Monarke of the East Celib. And here this table as a Register Of all her vertues and perfections tam. And here the picture of zenocrate To shew her beautie which the world admyr'd Sweet picture of diuine Zenocrate That hanging here wil draw the Gods from heauen And cause the stars fixt in the Southern arke Whose louely faces neuer any viewed That haue not past the Centers latitude As Pilgrimes traueile to our Hemi-spheare Onely to gaze vpon Zenocrate Thou shalt not beautifie Larissa plaines But keep within the circle of mine armes At euery towne and castle I besiege Thou shalt be set vpon my royall tent And when I meet an armie in the field Whose looks will shed such influence in my campe As if Bellona Goddesse of the war Threw naked swords and sulphur bals of fire Vpon the heads of all our enemies And now my Lords aduance your speares againe Sorrow no more my sweet Casane now Boyes leaue to mourne this towne shall euer mourne Being burnt to cynders for your mothers death Cal. If I had wept a sea of teares for her It would not ease the sorrow I sustaine Amy. As is that towne so is my heart consum'd With griefe and sorrow for my mothers death Cel. My mothers death hath mortified my mind And sorrow stops the passage of my speech Tamb. But now my boies leaue off and list to me That meane to teach you rudiments of war I le haue you learne to sleepe vpon the ground March in your armour throwe watery Fens Sustaine the scortching heat and freezing cold Hunger and cold right adiuncts of the war And after this to scale a castle wal Besiege a fort to vndermine a towne And make whole cyties caper in the aire Then next the way to fortifie your men In champion grounds what figure serues you best For with the quinque-angle fourme is meet Because the corners there may fall more flat Whereas the Fort may fittest be assailde And sharpest where th' assault is desperate The ditches must be deepe the Counterscarps Narrow and steepe the wals made high and broad
suruay his pride Haling him headlong to the lowest hell ther. Your Maiesty must get some byts for these To bridle their contemptuous cursing tongues That like vnruly neuer broken Iades Breake through the hedges of their hateful mouthes And passe their fixed boundes exceedingly Tech. Nay we wil break the hedges of their mouths And pul their kicking colts out of their pastures Vsu Your Maiesty already hath deuisde A meane as fit as may be to restraine These coltish coach-horse tongues from blasphemy Cel. How like you that sir king why speak you not Ier. Ah cruel Brat sprung from a tyrants loines How like his cursed father he begins To practize tauntes and bitter tyrannies Tam. I Turke I tel thee this same Boy is he That must aduaunst in higher pompe than this Rifle the kingdomes I shall leaue vnsackt If Ioue esteeming me too good for earth Raise me to match the faire Aldeboran Aboue the threefold Astracisme of heauen Before I conquere all the triple world New fetch me out the Turkish Concubines I will prefer them for the funerall They haue bestowed on my abortiue sonne The Cōncubines are brought in Where are my common souldiers now that fought So Lion-like vpon Asphaltis plaines Soul Here my Lord Tam. Hold ye tal souldiers take ye Queens apeece I meane such Queens as were kings Concubines Take them deuide them and their iewels too And let them equally serue all your turnes Soul We thank your maiesty tam. Brawle not I warne yon for your lechery For euery man that so offends shall die Ore Iniurious tyrant wilt thou so defame The hatefull fortunes of thy victory To exercise vpon such guiltlesse Dames The violence of thy common Souldiours lust Tam. Liue content then ye slaues and meet not me With troopes of harlots at your sloothful heeles Lad. O pity vs my Lord and saue our honours tam. Are ye not gone ye villaines with your spoiles They run away with the Ladies Ier. O mercilesse infernall cruelty Tam. Saue your honours t were but time indeed Lost long before you knew what honour meant ther. It seemes they meant to conquer vs my Lord And make vs ieasting Pageants for their Trulles tam. And now themselues shal make our Pageant And common souldiers iest with all their Truls Let them take pleasure soundly in their spoiles Till we prepare our martch to Babylon Whether we next make expedition tech. Let vs not be idle then my Lord But presently be prest to conquer it tam. We wil techelles forward then ye Iades Now crowch ye kings of greatest Asia And tremble when ye heare this Scourge wil come That whips downe cities and controwleth crownes Adding their wealth and treasure to my store The Euxine sea North to Natolia The Terrene west the Caspian north north-east And on the south Senus Arabicus Shal al be loden with the martiall spoiles We will conuay with vs to Persea Then shal my natiue city Samarcanda And christall waues of fresh Iaertis streame The pride and beautie of her princely seat Be famous through the furthest continents For there my Pallace royal shal be plac'd Whose shyning Turrets shal dismay the heauens And cast the fame of Ilions Tower to hell Thorow the streets with troops of conquered kings I le ride in golden armour like the Sun And in my helme a triple plume shal spring Spangled with Diamonds dancing in the aire To note me Emperour of the threefold world Like to an almond tree ymounted high Vpon the lofty and celestiall mount Of euery greene Selinus queintly dect With bloomes more white than Hericinas browes Whose tender blossoms tremble euery one At euery litle breath that thorow heauen is blowen Then in my coach like Saturnes royal son Mounted his shining chariots gilt with fire And drawen with princely Eagles through the path Pau'd with bright Christall and enchac'd with starres When all the Gods stand and gazing at his pomp So will I ride through Samarcanda streets Vntil my soule disseuered from this flesh Shall mount the milk-white way and meet him there To Babylon my Lords to Babylon Exeunt Finis Actus quarti Actus 5. Scaena 1. Enter the Gouernour of Babylon vpon the walles with others Gouer. WHat saith Maximus Max. My Lord the breach the enimie hath made Giues such assurance of our ouerthrow That litle hope is left to saue our liues Or hold out citie from the Conquerours hands Then hang out flagges my Lord of humble truce And satisfie the peoples generall praiers That Tamburlains intollorable wrath May be supprest by our submission Gou. Villaine respects thou more thy slauish life Than honor of thy countrie or thy name Is not my life and state as deere to me The citic and my natiue countries weale As any thing of price with thy conceit Haue we not hope for all our battered walles To liue secure and keep his forces out When this our famous lake of Limnasphaltis Makes walles a fresh with euery thing that falles Into the liquid substance of his streame More strong than are the gates of death or hel What faintnesse should dismay our courages When we are thus defenc'd against our Foe And haue no terrour but his threatning lookes Enter another kneeling to the Gouernour My Lord if euer you did deed of tuth And now will work a refuge to our liues Offer submission hang vp flags of truce That Tamburlaine may pitie our distresse And vse vs like a louing Conquerour Though this be held his last daies dreadfull siege Wherein he spareth neither man nor child Yet are there Christians of Georgia here Whose state he euer pitied and relieu'd Wil get his pardon if your grace would send Gouer. How is my soule enuironed And this eternisde citie Babylon Fill'd with a packe of faintheart Fugitiues That thus intreat their shame and seruitude Another My Lord if euer you wil win our hearts Yeeld vp the towne saue our wiues and children For I wil cast my selfe from off these walles Or die some death of quickest violence Before I bide the wrath of Tamburlaine Gouer. Villaines cowards Traitors to our state Fall to the earth and pierce the pit of Hel That legions of tormenting spirits may ver Your slauish bosomes with continuall paines I care not nor the towne will neuer yeeld As long as any life is in my breast Enter Theridamas and Techelles with other souldiers Thou desperate Gouernour of Babylon To saue thy life and vs a litle labour Yeeld speedily the citie to our hands Or els be sure thou shalt be forc'd with paines More exquisite than euer Traitor felt Gou. Tyrant I turne the traitor in thy throat And wil defend it in despight of thee Call vp the souldiers to defend these wals tech. Yeeld foolish Gouernour we offer more Than euer yet we did to such proud slaues As durst resist vs till our third daies siege Thou seest vs prest to giue the last assault And that shal bide no more regard of parlie Gou. Assault and spare not we