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A02342 A myrroure for magistrates Wherein may be seen by example of other, with howe greuous plages vices are punished: and howe frayle and vnstable worldly prosperitie is founde, even of those, whom fortune seemeth most highly to fauour. Anno. 1559.; Mirrour for magistrates. Part 3. Baldwin, William, ca. 1518-1563?; Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375. De casibus virorum illustrium. 1559 (1559) STC 1247; ESTC S104522 67,352 165

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same We thre tryumphed in king Richards time Til Fortune ought both him and vs a spite But chiefly me whom clere from any crime My king did banish from his favour quite And openly proclaymed trayterous knight Wherethrough false slaunder forced me to be That which before I did most deadly flee Let men beware how they true folke defame Or threaten on them the blame of vices nought For infamy bredeth wrath wreke foloweth shames Eke open slaunder oftentimes hath brought That to effect that erst was neuer thought To be misdemed men suffer in a sort But none can beare the griefe of misreport Because my king did shame me wrongfully I hated him and in dede became his foe And while he did at war in Ireland lye I did conspire to turne his weale to woe And through the duke of Yorke and other moe All royall power from him we quickely tooke And gaue the same to Henry Boleynbroke Neyther dyd we this alonely for this cause But to say truth force drave vs to the same For he dispising god and all good lawes Slew whom he would made sinne a very game And seing neither age nor counsayle could him tame We thought it wel done for the kingdomes sake To leaue his rule that did al rule forsake But whan sir Henry had attaynde his place He strayt becam in all poyntes wurse than he Destroyed the piers slewe kyng Rychards grace Agaynst his othe made to the lordes and me And seking quarelles how to disagre He shamelesly required me and my sonne To yeld him Scottes which we in field had wun My Nephew also Edmund Mortymer The very heyre apparaunt to the Crowne Whom Owen Glendour held as prisoner Uilely bound in dungeon depe cast downe He would not raunsum but did felly frowne Agaynst my brother and me that for him spake And him proclaymed traytour for our sake This sowle despite did cause vs to conspire To put him downe as we did Richard erst And that we might this matter set on fyre From Owens ●ayle our cosin we remerst And vnto Glendour all our griefes reherst Who made a bonde with Mortymer and me To pryue the king and part the realme in thre But whan king Henry heard of this devise Toward Owen Gleudour he sped him very quyck Mynding by force to stop our enterprise And as the deuell would then fell I sick Howbeit my brother sonne more politike Than prosperous with an oast fro Scotlād brought Encountred him at Shrewsbury wher they fought The one was tane and kild the other slayne And shortly after was Owen put to flight By meanes wherof I forced was to fayne That I knew nothing of the former fight Fraude oft avayles more than doth sturdy might For by my fayning I brought him in belief I knew not that wherin my part was chief And while the king thus tooke me for his frend I sought all meanes my former wrong to wreake Which that I might bring to the sooner ende To the bishop of Yorke I did the matter breake And to Therle Marshall likewise did I speake Whose father was through Henries cause exyled The bishops brother with trayterous death defiled These strayt assented to do what they could So did lorde Hastinges and lord Fauconbridge Which altogether promised ●hey would Set all their power the kinges dayes to abridge But se the spite before the byrdes wer flidge The king had woord and seysoned on the nest Wherby alas my frendes wer al opprest The bluddy tyrant ●●ought them all to ende Excepted me which into Scotland skapte To George of Dunbar therle of March my frend Who in my cause al that he could ey skrapte And when I had for greater succour gapte Both at the Frenchman and the Flemminges hand And could get none I toke such as I sand And with the helpe of George my very frend I did invade Northumberlande ful bold Whereas the folke drew to me stil vnend Bent to the death my party to vphold Through helpe of these ful many a fort and hold The which the king right manfully had man● I easely wunne and seysed in my hand Not so content for vengeaunce drave me on I entred Yorkeshire there to waste and spoyle But ere I had far in the countrey gon The shirif therof Rafe Rekesby did assoyle My troubled hoost of much part of our toyle For he assauting freshly tooke through power Me and lord Bardolph both at Bramham more And thence conueyed vs to the towne of Yorke Until he knew what was the kinges entent There loe Lord Bardolf kinder than the Storke Did lose his head which was to London sent With whom for frendshippe urine in like case went This was my hap my for●une or my fawte This life I led and thus I came to naught Wherfore good Baldwin wil the pyers take hede Of slaunder malyce and conspiracy Of couetise whence al the rest procede For couetise ioynt with contumacy Doth cause all mischief in mens hartes to brede Ad therfore this to Esperance my wurd Who causeth bludshed shall not skape the swurd BY that this was ended I had found out the storie of Richard earle of Cambridge and because it conteyned matter in it though not very notable yet for the better vnderstanding of the rest I thought it mete to touche it and therfore sayd as foloweth You haue sayd wel of the Percies and favourably For in dede as it should appere the chyefe cause of theyr conspiracie agaynst kyng Henry was for Edmund Mortimer theyr cosins sake whom the king very maliciously proclaymed to haue yelded hym selfe to Owen colourably whan as in deede he was takē forcibly against his wil very cruelly ordered in prison And seing we are in hād with Mortimers matter I wyll take vppon me the person of Richard Plantagenet Earle of Cambridge who for his sake likewise died And therfore I let passe Edmund Holland erle of Kent whom Henry the fowerth made Admirall to skoure the Seas because the Buttons were abrode whiche Earle as many thynges happen in warre was slayne with an arrowe at the assaulte of Briake shortly after whose death thys king dyed and his sonne Henry the fyft of that name succeded in his place In the beginning of this Henry the fyfts rayne dyed this Rychard and with him Henry the lord Scrope others in whose behalfe this may be sayd Hovv Richard erle of Cambridge entending the kinges destruction vvas put to death at Southhampton HAst maketh wast hath commonly ben sayd And secrete mischiefe seeld hath lucky spede A murdering mind with proper pryze is wayd Al this is true I find it in my Crede And therfore Baldwin warne all states take hede How they conspire any other to betrappe Least mischiefe meant light in the miners lappe For I lord Richard heyre Plan●agenet Was Erle of Cambridge and right fortunate If I had had the grace my wit to set To have content me with mine owne estate But o false honours broders of
tendeth to the same Wherof it came and is disposed like Downe sinkes the mold by mountes the fiery flame With horne the hart with hoofe the horse doth strike The Wulfe doth spoyle the suttle For doth pyke And generally no fish flesh fowle or plant Doth any property that their dame had want But as for men sith seuerally they haue A mind whose maners are by learning made Good bringing vp alonly doth them save In vertuous dedes which with their parentes fade So that true gentry standeth in the trade Of vertuous life not in the fleshly line For blud is Brute but Gentry is diuine Experience doth cause me thus to say And that the rather for my countreymen Which vaunt and boast their selues aboue the day If they may strayne their stocke for wurthy men Which let be true are they the better than Nay farre the wurse if so they be not good For why they steyne the bewty of theyr blood How would we mocke the burden bearing mule If he would brag he wer an horses sunne To presse his pride might nothing els him rule His boast to proue no more but byd him runne The horse for swiftenes hath his glory wunne To which the mule could neuer the more aspier Though he should prove that Pegas was his sier Ech man may crake of that which is his own Our parentes vertues theirs are and not oures Who therfore wil of noble kind be knowen Ought shine in vertue like his auncestors Gentry consisteth not in landes and towers He is a Churle though all the world be his He Arthurs heyre if that he liue amys For vertuous lyfe doth make a gentleman Of her possessour all be he poore as Iob Yea though no name of elders shewe he can For proofe take Merlyn fathered by an Hob. But who so settes his mind to spoyle and rob Although he cum by due discent fro Brute He is a Chorle vngentle vile and brute Well thus dyd I for want of better wyt Because my parentes noughtly brought me vp For gentle men they sayd was nought so sy As to attaste by bolde attemptes the cup Of conquestes wyne wherof I thought to sup And therfore bent my selfe to rob and ryue And whome I could of landes and goodes depryue For Henry the fourth did then vsurpe the crowne Despoyled the kyng with Mortimer the heyre For whych his subiectes sought to put him downe And I whyle Fortune offred me so fayre Dyd what I myght his honour to appeyre And toke on me to be the prynce of Wales Entiste therto by many of Merlines tales For whych such Idle as wayte vpon the spoyle From euery parte of Wales vnto me drew For loytring youth vntaught in any toyle Are redy aye all mischiefe to ensue Through help of these so great my glory grew That I defyed my Kyng through lofty hart And made sharp warre on all that tooke his part See lucke I tooke lord Reynolde Grey of Rythen And him enforst my doughter to espouse And so vnraunsomed held him still and sithen In Wygmore land through battayle rygorous I caught the ryght heyre of the crowned house The Erle of March syr Edmund Mortymer And in a dungeon kept hym prysoner Then al the marches longyng vnto Wales By Syverne west I did inuade and burne Destroyed the townes in mountaynes and in vales And riche in spoyles did homward safe retourne Was none so bold durst once agaynst me spurne Thus prosperously doth Fortune forward call Those whom she mindes to geue the forest fall Whan fame had brought these tidinges to the king Although the Skots than vexed him ryght sore A myghty army agaynst me he dyd bryng Wherof the French Kyng beyng warned afore Who mortall hate agaynst kyng Henry bore To greve our foe he quyckely to me sent Twelve thousand Frenchmen armed to war bent A part of them led by the Erle of Marche Lord Iames of Burbon a valiaunt tryed knyght Withheld by winds to Wales ward sorth to marche Tooke lande at Plymmouth pryuily on a nyght And when he had done al he durst or myght After that a mayny of his men were slayne He stole to shyp and sayled home agayne Twelve thousand moe in Mylford dyd aryue And came to me then lying at Denbygh With armed Welshmen thousandes double fiue With whom we went to wurcester well nigh And there encampte vs on a mount on high To abide the kyng who shortly after came And pitched his feild on a Hyll hard by the same Ther eyght dayes long our hostes lay face to face And neyther durst the others power assayle But they so stopt the passages the space That vitayles coulde not cum to our auayle Wherthrough constrayned our hartes began to fayle So that the Frenchmen shrancke away by night And I with mine to the mountaynes toke our flight The king pursued vs greatly to his cost From Hyls to wuds fro wuds to valeyes playne And by the way his men and stuf he lost And whan he see he gayned nought saue payne He blewe retreat and got him home agayne Then with my power I boldly came abrode Taken in my cuntrey for a very God Immediatly after fell a Ioly Iarre Betwene the king and Percies worthy bluds Which grew at last vnto a deadly warre For like as drops engendre mighty fluds And litle seedes sprut furth great leaves and buds Euen so small strifes if they be suffred ●un Brede wrath and war and death or they be don The kyng would haue the raunsum of such Scots As these the Percyes had ●ane in the feeld But see how strongly Luker knits her knottes The king will haue the Percies wil not yeeld Desire of goodes soone craves but graunteth seeld Oh cursed goodes desire of you hath wrought All wyckednes that hath or can be thought The Percies deemed it meter for the king To haue redeemed theyr cosin Mortymer Who in his quarel all his power did bryng To fight with me that tooke him prisoner Than of their pray to rob his Souldier And therfore willed him see sum mean wer found To quit furth him whom I kept vily bound Because the king misliked their request They came them selves and did accord with me Complayning how the kyngdome was opprest By Henries rule wherfore we dyd agre To put him downe and part the realme in three The North part theirs Wales wholy to be mine The rest to rest to therle of Marches line And for to set vs hereon more agog A prophet came a vengeaunce take them all Affirming Henry to be Gogmagog Whom Merlyn doth a Mouldwarp euer call Accurst of god that must be brought in thrall By a wulf a Dragon and a Lyon strong Which should deuide his kingdome them among This crafty dreamer made vs thre such beastes To thinke we were these foresayd beastes in deede And for that cause our badges and our creastes We searched out whych scarcely wel agreed Howbeit the Haroldes redy at such a neede Drew downe such issues
She was sole hayer by due discent of line Wherby her rightes and titles al wer mine But marke me now I pray thee Baldwin marke And see how force oft overbeareth right Waye how vsurpers tyrannously warke To kepe by murder that they get by might And note what troublous daungers do alight On such as seke to reposses their owne And how through rigour right is overthrowen The earle of Herford Henry Bolenbrooke Of whom duke Mowbray tolde thee now of late Whan voyde of cause he had king Richard tooke He murdred him vsurped his estate Without all right or title sauing hate Of others rule or love to rule alone These two excepted title had he none The realme and crowne was Edmund Mortimers Whose father Roger was king Richardes hayre Which caused Henry and the Lancasters To seeke all shiftes our housholdes to appayre For sure he was to sit beside the chayre Wer we of power to clayme our lawfull right Wherfore to stroye vs he did all he might His cursed sunne ensued his cruel path And kept my giltles cosin strayt in duraunce For whom my father hard intreated hath But liuing hopeles of his liues assuraunce He thought it best by politik procuraunce To prive the king and so restore his frend Which brought him selfe to an infamous ende For whan king Henry of that name the fift Had tane my father in this conspiracy He from Sir Edmund all the blame to shift Was fayne to say the French king his ally Had hyred him this trayterous act to trye For which condemned shortly he was slayne In helping right this was my fathers gayne Thus whan the linage of the Mortimers Were made away by this vsurping line Sum hanged sum slayne sum pined prisoners Because the crowne by right of law was mine They gan as fast agaynst me to repine In feare alwayes least I should sturre them strife For gilty hartes have never quiet life Yet at the last in Henryes dayes the sixt I was restored to my fathers landes Made duke of Yorke wherthrough my minde I firt To get the crowne and kingdome in my handes For ayde wherin I knit assured bandes With Nevels stocke whose doughter was my make Who for no wo would ever me forsake O lord what happe had I through mariage Fower goodly boyes in youth my wife she boore Right valiaunt men and prudent for their age Such bretherne she had and nephewes stil in store As none had erst nor any shal haue more The erle of Salisbury and his sonne of Warwike Wer matchles men from Barbary to Barwike Through helpe of whom and Fortunes lovely looke I vndertooke to clayme my lawful right And to abash such as agaynst me tooke I raysed power at all poyntes prest to fight Of whom the chiefe that chiefly bare me spite Was Somerset the Duke whom to annoy I alway sought through spite spite to vistroy And maugre him so choyse loe was my chaunce Yea though the quene that all rulde tooke his part I twise bare stroke in Normandy and Fraunce And last liuetenant in Ireland where my hart Found remedy for euery kind of smart For through the love my doinges there did brede I had their helpe at all times in my nede This spiteful duke his silly king and quene With armed hostes I thrise met in the ●ield The first vnfought through treaty made betwene The second ioynde wherin the king did yeeld The duke was slayne the quene enforst to shylde Her selfe by flight The third the quene did fight Where I was slaine being overmacht by might Before this last were other battayles three The first the erle of Salisbury led alone And fought on Bloreheth and got the victory In the next was I and my kinsfolke euerythone But seing our souldiers stale vnto our foen We warely brake our cumpany on a night Dissolved our hoaste and tooke our selues to flight This boye and I in Ireland did vs save Mine eldest sonne with Warwicke and his father To Caleys got whence by the reade I gave They came againe to London and did gather An other hoast wherof I spake not rather And met our foes slew many a lord and knight And tooke the King and drave the Queene to flight This done came I to England all in haste To make my claime vnto the realme and crowne And in the house while parliament did last I in the kinges seat boldly sat me downe And claymed it wherat the lordes did frowne But what for that I did so wel procede That al at last confest it mine in dede But sith the king had rayned now so long They would he should continue til he died And to the ende that than none did me wrong Protect●ur and heire apparant they me cryed But sith the Quene and others this denied I sped me toward the North where than she lay In minde by force to cause her to obey Wherof she warnde prepared a mighty power And ere that mine were altogether ready Came bold to Boswurth and besieged my bower Where like a beast I was so rashe and heady That out I would there could be no remedy With skant fiue thousand souldiers to assayle Fower times so many encampt to most avayle And so was slayne at first and while my childe Skarce twelve yere olde sought secretly to part That cruell Clifford lord nay Lorell wilde While the infant wept and praied him rue his smart Knowing what he was w t his dagger cla●e his hart This doen he came ●o the campe where I lay dead Dispoylde my corps and cut away my head And whan he had put a paper crowne theron As a gawring stocke he sent it to the Queen And she for spite commaunded it anon To be had to Yorke where that it might be seen They placed it where other traytours been This mischiefe Fortune did me after death Such was my life and such my losse of breath Wherfore see Baldwin that thou set it furth To the ende the fraude of Fortune may be knowen That eke all princes well may way the wurth Of thinges for which the sedes of warre be sowen No state so sure but soone is overthrowen No worldly good can counterpeyze the prise Of halfe the paynes that may therof arise Farre better it wer to loose a piece of right Than limmes and life in sousing for the same It is not force of frendship nor of might But god that causeth thinges to fro or frame Not wit but lucke doth wield the winners game Wherfore if we our follies would refrayne Time would redres all wronges we voyd of payne Wherfore warue princes not to wade in warre For any cause except the realmes defence Their troublous titles are vnwurthy farre The blud the life the spoyle of innocence Of frendes and foes behold my foule expence And never the nere best therfore tary time So right shall raigne and quiet calme ech crime WIth this mayster Ferrers shooke me by the sleve saying why how now man do you forget your selfe
As from the realme and crowne the king did pourge And me both from mine office frendes and wife From good report from honest death and life For Therle of Warwick through a cancard grudge Which to king Edward causeles he did beare Out of his realme by force did make him trudge And set king Henry agayne vpon his chaire And then all such as Edwardes louers were As traytours tane were greuously opprest But chiefly I because I loved him best And for my goodes and livinges wer not small The gapers for them bare the world in hand For ten yeres space that I was cause of all The exeen●ions done within the land For thys did such as did not vnderstand My enmies drift thinke all reportes wer true And so to hate me wurse than any Iewe. For seeldome shall a ruler lose his life Before false rumours openly be spred Wherby this proverbe is as true as rise That rulers rumours hunt about a head Frowne Fortune once all good report is fled For present shew doth make the mayny blind And such as see dare not disclose their mind Through this was I king Edwardes butcher named And bare the shame of all his cruell dedes I cleare me not I wurthely was blamed Though force was such I must obey him nedes With hyest rulers seldome wel it spedes For they ve ever nearest to the nip And fault who shall for all fele they the whip For whan I was by parliament attaynted King Edwardes evilles all wer counted mine No truth avaylde so lyes wer faste and paynted Which made the people at my life repine Crying Crucifige kill that butchers line That whan I should have gone to Blockaut feast I could not passe so sore they on me preast And had not bene the officers so strong I thinke they would have eaten me aliue Howbeit hardly haled from the throng I was in the Fleete fast shrowded by the shrive Thes one dayes life their malice did me give Which whan they knew for spite the next day after They kept them calme so suffeed I the slaughter Now tel me Baldwin what fault doest thou find In me that lustly should such death deserve None sure except desire of honour blind Which made me seke in offices to serve What minde so good that honors make not swerve So mayst thou see it only was my state That caused my death and brought me so in hate Warne therfore all men wisely to beware What offices they enterprise to beare The hyest alway most maligned are Of peoples grudge and princes hate in feare For princes faultes his faultors all men teare Which to auoyde let none such office take Save he that can for right his prince forsake THis Earles tragedy was not so soone finished but one of the cumpany had prouided for an other of a notable person lord Tiptoftes chiefe enemy concerning whom he sayd Lord god what trust is there in worldly chaūces what stay in any prosperity for see the Earle of Warwicke which caused the earle of Wurcester to be apprehended attaynted and put to death triumphing with his olde imprisoned and newe vnprisoned prince king Henry was by and by after and his brother with him flayne at Barnet field by kyng Edward whō he had before time damaged divers wayes As first by his frendes at Banbury field where to revenge the death of his Cosin Harry Nevel Sir Iohn Conyers and Iohn Clappain his seruauntes slewe five thousand Welshemen and beheaded theyr captaynes the earle of Pen broke and syr Rychard Harbert his brother after they wer yelded prisoners of whom syr Rychard Harbert was ●he tallest gentleman both of his person and handes that ever I reade or heard of At which time also Robyn of Ridsdale a rebell of the earle of Warwyks raysing tooke the earle Rivers king Edwardes wifes father and his sonne Iohn at his manour of Grafion and caryed them to Northhampton there without cause or proces beheaded them Whych spites to requite king Edward caused the lord Stafford of Southwike one of Warwikes chyefe frendes to be taken at Brent march and headed at Budgewater This caused the Earle shortly after to raise his power to encounter the king which came agaynst him with an army beside Warwike at Wouluey wher he wan the field tooke the king prisoner and kept him a while at Yorkeshire in Middleham castel whence as sum say he released him agayne but other thinke he corrupted his kepers and so escaped Then through the lordes the matter was taken vp betwene them they brought to talk together but because they could not agree the earle raysed a new army wherof he made captayne the lord Welles sonne which broyle kinge Edward minding to appeace by pollicy fowly distayned his honor committing peruiry For he sent for the lord Welles his brother sir Thomas Dunocke vnder safeconduyte promising thē vpon his fayth to kepe thē harmles But after because the Lord Walles sonne would not dissolve his army beheded thē both and wēt with his power downe into Lincolnshire there fought with sir Robert Welless slewe ten thousand of his souldiers yet ran they away so fast that the casting of of their clothes for the more spede caused it to be called loose-coate fyeld tooke sir Robert other and put them to deth in the same place This misfortune forced the earle of Warwike to saile into Fraūce wher he was wel entertained of y t king a while and at last with such poore helpe as he procured ther of duke Rayner other he came unto England againe increased such a power in Kyng Henries name y t as the lord Tiptoft sayd in his tragedy king Edwarde vnable to abide him was faine to flye over the washes in Lincolnshire to get a ship to saile out of his kingdome to ●is brother in lawe the duke of Burgoyne So was king Hēry restored again to the kingdome Al these despites troubles the Earle w●ought agaynst king Edward but Henry was so ●nfortunate that ere halfe a yeare was exp●red king Edwarde came backe agayne and imprisoned him and gave the erle a sielde wherein 〈◊〉 s●w both him and his brother I have recounted thus much before hande for the better ope●ing of the story which if it should have bene spoken in his traged● would rather have mad● a volume tha● a Pamphlete For I ente●de onelye to say in the tragedy what I have 〈…〉 the Earle of Warwycke person 〈…〉 other noble m●n wham I have by the waye touched should not be forgotten And therfore imagine that you see this Earle lying with his brother in Paules church in his coat armure with such a face countenaunce as he beareth in portrayture ouer the dore in Poules at the going downe to Iesus Chappell fro the south ende of the quier stayres and saying as foloweth Hovv sir Richard Nevell Earle of VVarvvike and his brother Iohn Lord Marquise Mountacute through their to much boldnes vver slayne at Barnet field
AMong the he any heape of happy knyghtes Whom Fortune stalde vpon her stayles stage Oft hoyst on hye oft pight in wretched plightes Behold me Baldwin a per se of my age Lord Richard Nevell Earle by mariage Of Warwike duchy of Sarum by discent Which erst my father through his mariage hent Wouldest thou beholde false Fortune in her kind Note well my life so shalt thou see her naked Ful fayre before but toto foule behind Most drowsy still whan most she semes awaked My fame and shame her shift full oft hath shaked By enterchaunge alowe and vp alofte The Luysard like that chaungeth hewe ful oft For while the Duke of Yorke in life remayned Mine vncle deare I was his happy hand In all attemptes my purpose I attayned Though King and Quene most Lordes of the land With all their power did often me withstand For god gaue Fortune and my good behaviour Did from their prince steale me the peoples fauour So that through me in feldes right manly fought By force mine vncle tooke king Harry twise And for my cosin Edward so I wrought When both our syers were slayne through rashe aduice That he atchieved his fathers enterprise For into Scotland King and Quene we chased By meane wherof the kingdome he embraced Which after he had enioyde in quiet peace For shortly after was king Henry take And put in prison his power to encreace I went to Fraunce and matched him with a make The French kinges doughter whom he did forsake For while with payne I brought his sute to passe He to a widowe rashly wedded was This made the French king shrewdly to suspecte That all my treaties had but yll pretence And whan I sawe my king so bent to lust That with his fayth he past not to dispence Which is a princes honors chiefe defence I could not rest 〈◊〉 I had found a meane To mend his misse or els to marre him cleane Wherfore I allyed me with his brother George Encensing him his brother to maligne Through many a tale I did agaynst him forge So that through power we did from Calays bring And found at home we frayed so the king That he to go to Freseland ward amayne Wherby king Henry had the crowne agayne Then put we the earle of Wurcester to death King Edwardes frend a man to fowle defamed And in the while came Edward into breath For with the duke of Burgoyne so he framed That with the power that he to him had named Unlooked for he came to England strayt And got to Yorke and tooke the towne by sleyte And after through the sufferans of my brother Which like a beast occasion fowly lost He came to London safe with many other And tooke the towne to good king Harries cost Which was through him from post to piller tost Til therle of Oxeford I and other more Assembled power his fredome to restore Wherof king Edward warned came with spede And camped with his oste at Barnet towne Where we right fierce encountred him in dede On Easter day right early on the downe There many a man was slayne and striken downe On eyther side and neyther part did gayne Til I and my brother both at length were slayne For we to harten our overmatched men Forsooke our stedes and in the thickest throng Ran preacing furth on foote and fought so then That down we drave them wer they never so strōg But ere this inche had lasted very long With numbre and force we wer so fowlye cloyed And rescue fayled that quite we wer destroyed Now tell me Baldwin hast thou heard or read Of any man that did as I have done That in his time so many armies led And victory at every vyage wunne Hast thou ever heard of subiect vnder sonne That plaaste and baaste his soveraynes so oft By enterchaunge now low and than alost Perchaunce thou thinkest my doinges were not such As I and other do affirme they were And in thy minde I see thou musest much What meanes I vsed that should me so prefer Wherin because I wil thou shalt not erre The truth of all I wil at large recite The short is this I was no hippocrite I never did nor sayd save what I mente The common weale was still my chiefest care To priuate gayne or glory I was not bent I never passed vpon delicious fare Of nedeful foode my bourde was never bare No creditour did curs me day by day I vsed playnnes ever pitch and pay I heard olde soldiers and poore wurkemen whine Because their dutyes wer not duly payd Agayne I sawe howe people did repine At those through whom their paimentes wer delayd And proofe 〈◊〉 oft assure as scripture sayd That god doth wreke the wretched peoples griefes I sawe the polles cut of fro polling thev●s This made me alway iustly for to deale Which whan the people playnly vnderstoode Bycause they sawe me mind the common weale They still endeuoured how to do me good Ready to spend their substaunce life and blud In any cause wherto I did them move For suer they wer it was for their behove And so it was For whan the realme decayde By such as good king Henry sore abused To mende the state I gave his enmies ayde But whan king Edward sinful pranl●es stil vsed And would not mend I l●kewise him refused And holpe vp Henry the better of the twayne And in his quarel iust I thinke was slayne And therfore Baldwin teach by proofe of me That such as covet peoples love to get Must see their wurkes and wurdes in all agree Live liberally and kepe them out of det On common weale let al their care be set For vpright dealing dets payd poore sustayned Is meane wherby all hartes are throwly gayned ASsoone as the Erle had ended his admonicion sure ꝙ one I thinke the Erle of Warwike although he wer a glorious man hath sayd no more of him selfe than what is true For if he had not had notable good vertues or vertuous qualities and vsed lawdable meanes in his trade of lyfe the people woulde never have loved him as they did But god be with him and send his soule rest for sure his bodye never had any And although he dyed yet ciuil warres ceased not For immediatlye after his death came Quene Margarete with a power out of Fraunce bringing with her her yōg sonne prince Edwarde and with such frendes as she found here gave king Edward a battel at Tewrbury where both she her sonne wer takē prisoners with Edmund duke of Somerset her chiefe captayne whose sonne lord Iohn and the earle of Deuonshire were slayne in the fight and the duke him selfe with divers other immediatlye beheaded whose infortunes are wurthy to be remembred chiefely Prince Edwardes whom the king for speaking truth cruelly stroke with his gauntlet and his bretherne tirannously murdered But seinge the time so farre spente I will passe them over and with them Fawconbridge that ioly rover beheaded at
downe Bellona rang the bell at home and all abrode With whose mishaps amayne fel Fortune did me lode In Fraunce I lost my fortes at home the soughten fielde My kindred slaine my frendes opprest my selfe enforste to yelde Duke Richard tooke me twise and forst me to resigne My crowne and titles due vnto my fathers ligne And kept me as a warde did all thinges as him list Til time my wife through bluddy sword had ●ane me from his fyst But though she slew the duke my sorowes did not slake But like to hiders head stil more and more awake For Edward through the ayde of Warwick and his brother From one field drave me to the Skots and toke me in another Then went my frēdes to wracke for Edward ware the crowne For which for nine yeres space his prison held me downe Yet thence through Warwikes wurke I was againe releast And Edward driven fro the realme to seke his frendes by East But what prevayleth payn or prouidens of man To helpe him to good hap whom destiny doth ban Who moyleth to remove the rocke out of the mud Shall myer him selfe hardly skape the swelling of the flud This al my frendes have found and I have felt it so Ordayned to be the touche of wretchednes and woe For ere I had a yeare possest my seat agayne I lost both it and liberty my helpers all were slayne For Edward first by stelth and sith by gadered strength Arrived and got to Yorke and London at the length Tooke me and tyed me vp yet Warwike was so stout He came with power to Barnet fyelde in hope to helpe me out And there alas was slayne with many a wurthy knight O Lord that ever such luck should hap in helping right Last came my wife and sonne that long lay in exyle Defyed the King and fought a fyelde I may bewalle the whsle For there mine only sonne not thirtene yere of age Was tane and murdered strayte by Edward in his rage And shortly I my selfe to stynt al furder strife Stabbed with his brothers bluddy blade in prison lost my life Loe here the heauy happes which happened me by heape See here the pleasaunt fruytes that many princes reape The payneful plagues of those that breake their lawful bandes Their mede which may wil not save their frendes fro bluddy handes God graunt my woful haps to greuous to rehearce May teache all states to know how depely daungers pearce How frayle al honours are how brittle worldly blisse That warned through my feareful fate they feare to do amys THis tragedy ended an other said eyther you or king Henry are a good philosopher so narowly to argue the causes of misfortunes but ther is nothing to experience which taught or might teach y e king this lesson but to procede in our matter I finde mencion here shortly after y e death of this king of a duke of Excester found dead in the sea betwene Dover and Calays but what he was or by what adventure he died master Fabian hath not shewed and master Hall hath overskipped him so that excepte we bee frendlier vnto him he is like to be double drowned both in the sea and in the gulfe of forgetfulnes About this matter was much talke but because one tooke vppon him to seeke out that story that charge was cōmitted to him And to be occupied the meane while I found the storye of one drowned likewise and that so notably though priuily that al the world knew of it wherfore I sayd because night approcheth and that we wil lose no time ye shall heare what I have noted concerning the duke of Clarens king Edwardes brother who al to be washed in wine may bewayle his infortune after this maner Hovv George Plantagenet third sonne of the Duke of Yorke vvas by his brother King Edvvard vvrongfully imprisoned and by his brother Richard miserably murdered THe foule is fowle men say that files the nest which maketh me loath to speak now might I chuse But seing time vnburdened hath her brest And fame blowen vp the blast of all abuse My silence rather might my life accuse Than shroud our shame though fayne I would it so For truth wil out though all the world say no. And therfore Baldwin hartely I the beseche To pause awhile vpon my heauy playnt And though vnneth I vtter spedy spech No fault of wit or folly maketh me saynt No heady drinkes have geven my tounge attayn●e Through quaffing craft yet wine my wits confoūd Not which I dranke of but wherin I dround What prince I am although I nede not shewe Because my wine bewrayes me by the smell For never was creature sowst in Bacchus dew● To death but I through Fortunes rigour fel Yet that thou mayst my story better tell I will declare as briefly as I may My welth my woe and causers of decay The famous house sournamed Plantagenet Wherat dame Fortune frowardly did frowne White Bolenbroke vniustly sought to set His lord king Richard quite beside the crowne Though many a day it wanted due renowne God so preserved by prouidens and grace That lawful heires did never faile the race For Lionell king Edwardes elder childe Both vncle and haire to Richard yssulesse Begot a doughter Philip whom vnfilde The earle of March espousde and god did blesse With fruyte assinde the kingdome to possesse I mean sir Roger Mortimer whose hayer The earle of Cambridge maried Anne the fayer This earle of Cambridge Richard clept by name Was sonne to Edmund Langley duke of Yorke Which Edmund was fift brother to the same Duke Lyonel that al this line doth korke Of which two houses ioyned in a forke My father Richard prince Plantagenet True duke of Yorke was lawful heire beget Who tooke to wife as you shal vnderstand A mayden of a noble house and olde Raulfe Nebels daughter Earle of Westmerland Whose sonne Earle Richard was a baron bolde A●d had the right of Salysbury in bolde Through mariage made with good Earle Thomas hayer Whose earned prayses never shal appaire The duke my father had by this his wife Fower sonnes of whom the eldest Edward hight The second Iohn who lost in youth his life At wakefield slayne by Clifford cruell knight I George am third of Clarence duke by right The fowerth borne to the mischiefe of vs all Was duke of Glocester whom men Richard call Whan as our syer in sute of right was slayne Whose life and death him selfe declared curst My brother Edward plyed his cause amayne And got the crowne as Warwick hath rehearst The pride wherof so depe his stomacke pearst That he forgot his frendes dispisde his kin Of oth or office passing not a pinne Which made the earle of Warwike to maligne My brothers state and to attempt a waye To bring from prison Henry selly king To helpe him to the kingdome if he may And knowing me to be the chiefest staye My brother had he did me vndermine To cause me to
his treasons to encline Wherto I was prepared long before My brother had bene to me so vnkinde For sure no cankar fretteth fleshe so sore As vnkinde dealing doth a louing minde Loves strongest bandes vnkindnes doth vnbinde It moveth love to malice zele to hate Chiefe frendes to foes and bretherne to debate And though the Earle of Warwike subtile syer Perceyved I bare a grudge agaynst my brother Yet towarde his feat to set me more on fire He kindeled by one firebrand with another For knowing fansie was the forcing rother Which stiereth youth to any kinde of strite He off●red me his daughter to my wife Wherthrough and with his crafty filed tounge He stale my hart that erst vnstedy was For I was witl●s wanton fonde and younge Whole bent to pleasure brittle as the glas I can not lye In vino veritas I did esteme the beawty of my bryde Above my selfe and all the world beside These fond affeccions ioynt with lacke of skyll Which trap the hart and blinde the iyes of youth And pricke the minde to practise any yll So tickled me that voyd of kindly truth Which where it wantes all wickednes ensueth I stinted not to persecute my brother Till time he left his kingdome to an other Thus karnall love did quench the loue of kind Til lust were lost through fansy fully fed But whan at length I came vnto my minde I sawe how lewdly lightnes had me led To seeke with payne the peril of my hed For had king Henry once bene setled sure I was assured my dayes could not endure And therfore though I bound my selfe by othe To helpe king Henry al that ever I might Yet at the treaty of my bretherne both Which reason graunted to require but right I left his part wherby he perisht quite And reconsilde me to my bretherne twayne And so came Edward to the crowne againe This made my father in lawe to fret and fume To stampe and stare and call me false forsworne And at the length with all his power presume To helpe king Henry vtterly forlorne Our frendly profers stil he tooke in skorne Refused peace and came to Barnet field And there was kilde bicause he would not yeeld His brother also there with him was slayne Wherby decayed the kayes of chiualrie For never lived the matches of them twaine In manhode power and marciall pollicy In vertuous thewes and frendly constancy That would to god if it had bene his wil They might have turnde to vs and liued stil. But what shal be shal be there is no choyse Thinges nedes must drive as destiny decreeth For which we ought in all our haps reioyce Because the eye eterne all thing forseeth Which to no yll at any time agreeth For yl● to yll to vs be good to it So farre his skilles excede our reach of wi● The wounded man which must abide the smart Of stitching vp or ●earing of his sore As thing to bad reproves the Surgeons art Which notwithstanding doth his helth restore The childe likewise to science plied sore Countes knowledge yll his teacher to be wood Yet Surgery and sciences be good But as the pacientes griefe and Scholers payne Cause them deme bad such thinges as sure be best So want of wisedome causeth vs complayne Of every hap wherby we seme opprest The poore do pine for pelfe the rich for rest And whan as losse or sicknes vs assayle We curse our fate our Fortune we bewayle Yet for our good god wurketh every thing For through the death of those two noble peres My brother lived and raignde a quiet king Who had they lived perchaunce in course of yeares Would have delivered Henry from the breres Or holpe his sonne to enioye the careful crowne Wherby our lyne should have be quite put downe A careful crowne it may be iustly named Not only for the cares therto annext To see the subiect wel and duly framed With which good care few kinges are greatly vext But for the dread wherwith they are perplext Of losing lordship liberty or life Which woful wrackes in kingdomes happen rife The which to shun while sum to sore have sough● They have not spared all persons to suspect And to destroy such as they gilty thought Though no apparaunce proved them infact Take me for one of this wrong punisht sect Imprisoned first accused without cause And doen to death no proces had by lawes Wherin I note how vengeaunce doth acquite Like yll for yll how vices vertue quell For as my mariage love did me excite Against the king my brother to rebell So love to have his children prosper well Prouoked him against both lawe and right To murder me his brother and his knight For by his quene two goodly sonnes he had Borne to be punisht for their paren●es sinne Whose fortunes kalked made their father sad Such wofull haps were founde to be therin Which to auouch writ in a rotten skinne A prophecy was found which sayd a G Of Edwardes children should destruccion be Me to be G because my name was George My brother thought and therfore did me hate But woe be to the wicked heades that forge Such doubtful dreames to brede vnkinde debate For God a gleve a gibet grate or gate A Graye a Griffeth or a Gregory As well as George are written with a G. Such doubtfull riddles are no prophecies For prophecies in writing though obscure Are playne in sence the darke be very lyes What god forsheweth is euident and pure Truth is no Harold nor no Sophist sure She noteth not mens names their shildes nor creastes Though she compare them vnto birdes and beastes But whom she doth forshewe shal rule by force She termeth a W●lfe a Dragon or a Beare A wilful Prince a raynles ranging horse A bolde a Lyon a coward much in feare A hare or hart a crafty pricked eare A lecherous a Bull a Goote a Foale An vnderminer a Moldwarp or a mole By knowen beastes thus truth doth playne declare What men they be of whom she speakes before And who so can mens properties compare And marke what beast they do resemble more Shall soone discerne who is the griefly bore For God by beastes expresseth mens condicions And not their badges haroldes supersticions And learned Merline whom God gave the sprite To know and vtter princes actes to cum Like to the Iewish prophetes did recite In shade of beastes their doinges all and sum Expressing playne by maners of the dum That kinges and lordes such properties should have As had the beastes whose name he to them gave Which while the folish did not well consider And seing princes gave for difference And knowledge of their issues myxt together All maner beastes for badges of pretence They tooke those badges to expres the sence Of Merlines minde and those that gave the same To be the princes noted by their name And hereof sprang the false namde prophecies That go by letters siphers armes or signes Which all be