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A39768 The true settlement of a Christians faith,bafter shaking assaults, by its own evidence; and by the internal sealing work of the spirit; pointed at, in some special inquiries thereon in a letter to a friend. With some serious reflections on the present times we are in, and those great vicissitudes of providence, wihch have been in the publick state of Britain in this last age, in a II. letter. By a minister of the Ghospel [sic]. Fleming, Robert, 1630-1694. 1692 (1692) Wing F1277A; ESTC R215628 111,123 216

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things of God and the interest of his truth and Kingdome amongst men who with respect to this would account it a small thing fo be the greatest favourits of Princes if these should once come in competition 4. But I must now in the last place add somethings further on this serious Subject since if it be clear and undeniable so as to have our spirits once acquiescing herein what hath been the great design of Providence with respect to Britain and Ireland in all these great and astonishing changes which have of late been there it may be then fully undrstood what the present day does most call for and where the highest improvment of such an extraordinare time does ly which I hope will not be question'd to have the Kingdome of the Lord Jesus Christ and his preēminence herein more entirely acknowledged and settled in these Nations when he is yet once again taking a new tryall of them for this end We find under the Law such a thing which was called the Lords part and tribute payed unto him Numb 31. as a memorial and oblation to witness their holding of him alone all which they did enjoy we see also a national claime layd to a propriety and part in the Lord as their alone greatest interest in the earth and that they might not be shut out herein Josua 22 25. which would be a rare sight in this day to see Nations contending thus for a part in the Lord and to have their joint right secured this way as was then betwixt the two tribes and the half bejond Jordane and the residue of Israel we have also things claim'd by the Son of God as his alone propriety which are called the things of God Matt. 22 1. are purely sacred to him which are not mens and non● may alienate to any private interest or end yea there is a bringing presents to him which is expresly foretold and promised under this blessed Reig● Psalm 72 10. when thus Princes and Kings should serve and do homage to the Lord Jesus Christ not as men only but as Kings in giving their Power to the furthest to uphold the authority of his Regal Power and Dominion and here I must say what ever be threatning in ane unusual manner from the spirit and temper of this Generation when nothing would seem more hopeless then ane unite and publick concurrence to answer this great design of the Lord and herein to stand in the gape before him for turning away of his wrath or to design a National Reconciliation as well as Personal yet may there be no setting bounds to him therein who is able to subdue all things to himself and who in the way of his grace does oft exceed what could be possibly hoped for by men in such a case since now if after such signal indications of Providence this should be the season and time design'd of the Lord for a restoring work in these Nations and in other of the Reformed Churches and that he will yet spare a little as to the cutting down of the tree even when the ax is laid to the root it is then sure that this design shall make way for it's self and go over such difficulties as at other times would be insuperable and make the greatest Mountains be as a plain but if this one tide and opportunity for such a service be now lost in joining in with so eminent a call of Providence for this end it looks to be the shutting of the door with such a judicial barr as should never be again opened and the last woe be more sore and dreadful then all which hath gone before But now I must speak a little more particularly wherein it is these things doe most specially ly which in that sense are the things of God as purely sacred to him since all things whatsoever are his and belongs to him yea wherein that which is the Lords tribute and part is to be understood now in this day that should be returned with a resolute and cheerful consent unto him 1. It does in a peculiar respect ly here to have the same publick and national regard to the authority of the Laws and ordinances of his Kingdome as a people who are stated in as near a relation to God as once the Kingdome of Israël and Juda was this being a truth of the most undeniable evidence tho not in things ceremonial or typical or such Laws of Government as had a temporary respect to that dispensation only yet in a moral sense is it clear as to what does most essentially relate to a Nation or Kingdomes being the Lords For it 's sure these 3 Nations are this day under a higher dispensation of grace have a greater extent of their Priviledges and stated under more singular engagements now under the Messia's Reign then ever Israël was and it is in this sense that the Laws of the Kingdom of Christ are Royal Statuts and Laws James 2 8. suitable to the state and dignity of so great a King and Lawgiver whose authority will not be baffled and hath a higher power then that of Angels or Men to take account of their observance wherein is settled ane obligation on the souls and conscience of men without exception of persons herein in which our life as Christians and the standing and safety of Nations in a publick state does unavoidably ly but these are Laws Ordinances of such a kind as they can not possible be observ'd and not loved nor have any true regard amongst men without internal motives make way thereto and what a sad account may this be that these Kingdomes who were once so entirely subjected to Antichrist under the darkness of that dismal Reign and did give their power to uphold that interest with such ane unite consent yea did so resolutely give implicit obedience to his Decrees and Cannons now under the brightness of the light of the Ghospel comes not up to any such regard to the Authority of the Lord Jesus and to these Laws which he hath establish'd tho with the greatest endearments of love commended to his Church there hath been great stumblings at the Providences of the times past and what it should mean that this last age with such a differencing mark should be call'd the Iron age that thus the Holy God hath in so unusual a manner made use of a rod of Iron in these Western Parts where the Reformed Religion is most professed but it should be no dark riddle when the oppositions there to the Kingdom of his dear Son hath been at such a height that if we could wisely discern the Work of the Lord since the first rise of the civil Wars of Britain we might clearly see how this was the Signal given that he was then gone forth and on the way to take account of Nations as well as Persons that would oppose his interest 2. It is sure this can not be questioned also to be one of the great
who would withstand the same for which end may it be clearly understood what such ane appearance did mean in so strange ane administration of providence by the Sword to these Nations in this age what such unusual shakings and overturnings there yea by such restless oppositions to any civil settlements since the Lord begun to shake Britain to make knowen this solemn period of time was come and the days of the 7t Trumpet when our Lord Jesus should take to himself his great Power and Reign which had been so long darkned by the usurpations and enmity of men thereto yea that he was surely gone forth who hath that name writen on his vesture and thigh King of Kings and Lord of Lords to make good the same and will have this name engraven on all the ways and actings of Providence who must reign until he hath putt all his Enemies under his feet 1 Corinth 15 25. and the Nation and Kingdome that will not serve him shall perish and these Nations shall utterly be layed waste Isay 60 11. for thus hath the Lord spoken and is settled sealed by the decree of him that chaingeth not It is true he hath been walking in the dark as to most in these times past and even from his choisest people there hath been oft a hiding of his work and keeping it out of their sight amidst these strange changes as hath put the most discerning to a stand it might be easie to see mens intent in their actings and under what influences they hake moved yea what bitter risings of heart an● quarrellings hath been upon the miscarrying o● their ends but this is an other sight and of a higher concern to see and discern wisely the Work of the Lord and how amidst all the realings of these strange times his way and course of providence hath been ever steady and sixt 3. It may be thus clearly seen if our spirits were more deeply lett forth on such a study that the strength of our day yea the standing and security of the publick state of these Nations does assuredly ly in a resolute concurrence with this great design of the Lord so as otherwise there can be no standing in the breach before him to turn away his wrath But since this Subject of the Catholick Right and Kingdom of Jesus Christ over the Kingdoms of this Earth is so strange a mystery to many in these times and such different thoughts and conceptions are hereof as I have desired to know the way of truth on these sure principles and grounds that I might have full rest and settlement to my own spirit herein so I may say that in the clearness of this light I have found a special strengthning in the Christian Faith when with the furthest evidence it may be seen 1. How that which is spoken of the donative and universal Kingdom of our Lord Jesus which was given him of the Father as incarnate and after his Ascension is not to be understood of that which is his essential and natural Kingdom which did belong to his person as he is the brightness of the Fathers Glory and God equal with him but is such as was promised and by special donation given to him that the ends and uttermost Coasts of the Earth sould be his inheritance Ps 2 8. and his Dominion to be from Sea to Sea and from the River to the ends of the earth Psalm 72 8. yea is the same which was given to him Dan. 7 v 14. when he was invested with Dominion Glory and a Kingdom that all People Nations and Languages should serve him c. 2. As there can be no suspence or darknes in this so is it no less clear his entring on the administration of his Mediatory Kingdom was reserved only to the times of the N. Testament to which the fall of the 4 greatest Monarchies which ever was in the earth was direct and subordinate to make way for the same and loe here may we see the first period of the visible Glory of Christs Reign and his entrance on the same when after such strong opposi●ions the Pagan World was at last made to bow down and fall before his truth and submit to him 3. But herein it cannot be understood by this special bequeathment of the Kingdoms of the World to be the Lords in that sense only of inbringing the Elect out of the same or of his internal Reign on the hearts of men but that it lyes in a visible surrender and subjecting of the collective body of Nations to the Scepter of his Government when the Princes and Kings of the earth should subject their Regal Authority to his Rule and Empire as holding their Dominion from him to whom all power and judgment is committed and can bear that stile only of being the Catholick King and Lord of all for this is a truth that shines with so clear a light from the whole Scripture as it may be strange how possibly it should be questioned nothing can be more comforting to Christian Magistrates then to have so highly desirable a holding of their power as they may have the Son of God thus interessed in their security and interest as a part of that inheritance which belongs to his Mediatory Kingdom Nor does it evacuate the Magistracy of Heathens for the interest of humane society tho they have none in the Church as it can never make void also his Catholick Right and Dominion over them by whom Kings reign Prov. 8 15. although it restrains the exercise thereof 4. But there is yet a further growing light on this great subject which now meet us to be clearly seen how the more eminent appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Glory and State of his Mediatory Kingdom in the Earth was alone reserved to the dayes of the seventh and last Trumpet for which as nothing can be more evident then the contemporating of the same with that period of time in which was the first rise and restoring of the Church from Antichristian darkness when the Lord did himself go forth in the glory of his power to plant and settle the Reformed Churches and thus to make way for his Kingdom did with the first blast of that Trumpet sound a retreat to his people out of Babylon so I have herein been made to admire with joy the exactness of that correspondence betwixt the events of this Trumpet that hath already taken place with what is so punctually foretold hereof Rev. 11 15. for as it is surely there promised that then should be an opening of the Temple of God in Heaven and the Ark of his Testimony be seen there which had been formerly shut up loe how expresly hath the God of Truth made good his Word herein and keept the time which he had set for the same in the bright shining forth of his truth and the way of Salvation when for so many ages keept hid from the World to which are the
whole Reformed Churches this day a standing witness yea have we not seen his appearance also in so unusual manner in the greatness of his power with garments dyed in blood to make way for the visible Glory of his Reign as we can see it was there foretold how the Nations were angry and by their oppositions to him made way for his wrath in such tremendous effects thereof as it hath had these days past to shew the time was at last come to let the World know that the Lord Jesus Christ is no titular King he to whom all power is given in Heaven and Earth nor will bear that Name and Stile in vain or admit a complemental Profession of the same but that it is sure his Dominion Kingdom hath a setled interest and revenue belonging thereto which none may alienate from him and the greatest of humane powers must be accountable for his claim thereto 5. But now as our day and lot does thus meet in so extraordinar a period of time which hath been so long expected and prayed for in ages past it may be a time of great thoughts and expectation of what is yet to come as to the visible Reign of the Lord Jesus our blessed Head in the Glory and Majesty of his Kingdom without his personal Reign or bodily appearance unto men which with full assurance of faith we sould now wait for when the voice of this Trumpet shall bring with it such a resurrection from the dead of these dry bones of the Jewish Nation with so immediate an appearance of God alone herein as shall dazle with astonishment all the Nations about yea when its sound and voice also shall call the whole Church that 's on the earth to that highest gratulatory song of Moses and the Lamb as once was at the Red Sea for the final stroke judgment on the Kingdom of Antichrist wherein the visible glory of his Reign will then be seen with that evidence and brightness as if he were personally on the earth and here is that true Millennium which is now in some measure begun and we are surely called to expect in a gradual increase to such a hight that in the value and splendor of this blessed Reign the light of one day shall be as seven days in one and the measure of one age then answer yea exceed a thousand Years before and is so before him with whom one day is as a thousand years This seems to many in such a time as a thing remote from their sense whose thoughts are bounded with present appearances whilst our blessed Head is now gone unto a far Country to receive a Kingdom for himself and is invisible to men in these preparations he is making for this higher glory of his Reign upon the Earth so that he is no object of humane sight nor can we come bodily to him to receave his verbal commands from his mouth as from an earthly Monarch and for these inward and great demonstrations of his Reign they ly deep and hid betwixt him and the souls of his People but if our comfort and hope stand by the Christian Faith this day and on that assurance dare venture our soul upon an Eternal State we should then with as full certainty of mind as of any visible things give faith to this that the Son of God will not lose the Work he hath begun and so eminently appeared in that the interest of his Kingdom on the earth is the alone highest object of the divine care and providence and though his Kingdom is not of the World but is purely spiritual yet does the World stand thereby so as it may be justly said sine praecibus pietate non staret mundus nor is it questionable but that his Work will be answerable this day to his revealed will intent or can it be in the dark to us what he is now doing in the World when he hath made such publick intimation hereof by the voice of the last Trumpet as should render this the most desirable part that men can act to fall in with this great and rising interest of his Kingdom in the season and opportunity hereof it will surely be found in this time that where the downfal of the Kingdom of Antichrist is made remarkable in a Nation where the terror of its rise and grouth had so lately gone before and the Kingdom of Christ is not set up in its room nor with a higher regard subjected to that it must then quickly ripen and make way for some great outbreaking of wrath and judgment in such a place for the time is come that nations which have imbraced the Profession of Christ must stand or fall according to their concurrence with that interest on which the Lord is now gone forth whose work carries not for men nor is dependent on humane Counsels yea it 's sure these great Ministers of providence the Angels tho not seen to us are eminently join'd in on this service who are the stated Servants of Christ as Mediator Head of the Church and have accordingly their delegate charge and commission to particular Churches and Kingdoms as that great design of Providence for the advance of his Kingdom in the World does require and if the giving forth of the Law was so glorious upon that solemne entry which the Churches Head then made on his Regal Office over Israël by so extraordinar a ministration of the Angels what a higher Glory must be on his entring on the greatest discovery and administration of his visible Reign within time blessed are they amongst men who may have ane interest in this service tho with most it comes not under their thoughts and apprehension but as it was said of Dux de Alva upon ane Eclips of the Sun which was then when he was in a hot persuit of the Wars that he had so much to do upon the earth as gave him no leasure to look up to Heaven fo is the great noise and business of this day how things may stand sure with us upon the earth It is become the proverb of these times we are in that interest will not lye because according to this men will always appear and discover themselves and when ever that word interest is made use of it 's judg'd to bear no other sense then of some temporal concern only because the scent that most of this Generation seemes to be wholly on is how to seek their own things but not the things of Jesus Christ which is truly the same for men to reckon that their soul is a forreine thing to themselves and that they have no reall interest in the great things of Religion or a hope bejond time but it 's well that there is yet such a party this day on the earth who 's way can give that proverb the lie and are of another spirit so as to lay their greatest temporal interest down that they may intensly persue the
things of God which is alone sacred to him what concerns the publick rights and freedome of the spiritual Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ as a visible politick body with the highest respect to his Royal Authority who is the alone Head and Lawgiver thereto It is known that he hath given ane express Charter for the same to his Church under the New Testament according to which the due limits and bounds of that spiritual Jurisdiction which he hath settled there and the full extent hereof sould be both keep'd clear and closely adhered to as ane Interest of the Lord Jesus which is as the apple of his eye he hath join'd also these two great Interests of the Civil and Ecclesiastick Power in so entire a harmony that tho they are to be ever keep'd distinct yet are not to be divided from other but to move jointly in such a blessed and desirable Union as may most serve the great ends of the Kingdome of Christ and the publick good of humane Society and now when this great promise of Christs entring in a more conspicious manner on the Glory of his Reign is come to the birth and begun to bring forth which is that period where to it may be said hath been reserved the perfections of ihe Churches visible state here on the earth how highly desirable should it be to be found assistant thereto in such a day but oh is it possible that these who have such raised hopes of an eternal Crown and Kingdome in Heaven can have so low desires or designs how to be serviceable to the Kingdome of Christ here in the earth yea when none can want an interest and room in this service where it hath once a weight and value on their heart but yet it may be a matter of hope this day that these who by so singular an appearance of God hath now the Soveraign Power and Authority in these Nations are no less eminently fitted to appear for him herein then they are stated under the highest engagements for such ane end 3. It is surely one of the things of God and an interest which is purely sacred to him wherein the spreading of his Kingdome in the World is most nearly concerned which lyes in a serious and faithful Ministry to the Church and is of that concern as it may be justly called Indicium stantis cadentis Ecclesiae for this is one of the highest Ordinances of Christ given to the Church and that way which he hath himself consecrated for the inbringing and perfeiting of the Elect by which so great effects are wrought in the World where ever there is a divine mission for the same to any part thereof the Church is in a building up there ane Ordinance by which most visible efficacy supernatural influences are conveyed in a moral way under the blessing of that iustitution but on the other hand nothing is more threatning to a Nation as to the falling down of some dismal night of judgement then the corruption and debaesing of that which in it's own nature is so excellent where things that are more extrinsick and of a humane concern are so much looked after but that which is Gods part in the great intent of this erection is of so low regard that if ane Inquiry were made through a great part of Britain they should find the dark places of the earth there stil amidst so bright a day of the Ghospel as is now shining what a multitude is thus perishing thorow want of knowledge whilst it seems so ●itle desired or designed to have such a Ministry whose highest study should be upon the great Intent of Christianity to bring men to Christ not to themselves and to allure and perswade their coming under his blest dominion and yoake to press internal renovation of the heart and a necessity hereof with that seriousnes as might take hold on their conscience and let them see there can be nothing more highly irrational then to sist in ane exterior profession and form of Religion and not prove once upon their own tryall the truth hereof in its power and efficacy and whither it hath not a vital part which lyes in ane inward life of Communion with God for as this alone is such a Ministry that should be the blessing of a Nation and Kingdom so in respect of this to be of such a distinguishing Profession tho in its self most agreable to the truth should be of no regard where this is wanting as a test for so sacred ane Office It is I hope unquestionable that the trust of the souls of men is greater then any temporal concerns of a Kingdom or State and how this Ordinance is that which hath the most peculiar influence to prepare the way of the Lord in this day for that blessed and near approaching time of his more conspicous Reign on the earth in the Glory thereof I abstract here from any thing controversal as things are stated in the present day only as to what I hope there may be ane unite agreement in by all who have a deep sence on their spirits of the blood and perishing of immortal souls this way and a serious respect to that Catholick Interest of the Kingdom of Christ amongst men I know it was never a harder part then in this age to stemm such a tide as seems yet on the growing hand of prejudice against the way of truth when so many are in the dark tearing one another and counting it desirable to have where at they may offend and stumble whilst that study is not more followed to prevent so far as is possible mens taking of offence even where it is not given according that of the Apostle who is offended and I burn not the excess of disputing in this age hath been a peece of our judgement and the managing thereof so little to that end of edification but the defect may be no less evident on the other hand for the suitable improvements of Christian prudence as a duty and service to God so absolutely necessar for the regulating of duties according to the circumstances of the Churches case and what the present day can bear without coolness or indifference in any concern of truth which is that part of our Religion that hath been too little improven We are indeed blessed with an unchangeable rule of Sacred Truth which hath no dependence on humane Counsels or Power to change or alter the same or on the mutable revolutions of time and can never vary from its self yet is the tenderness and wisdom of divine Condescendence in the application thereof to be so far regarded as on of the most weighty parts of Religion lyes therein how present duties may be with a judicious discretion directed to that great end of edification since that which may be necessare in one case as it is cloathed with other circumstances may be hurtful and destructive This is one of the most difficult