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B01877 A lette[r] from a gentleman in the country, to a member of the House of Commons in England; in reference to the votesof the 14th of December, 97. Relating to the trade of Ireland. Together with an answer to the said letter. / By Sir F. B. F. B. 1698 (1698) Wing B62; ESTC R170408 11,607 28

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Parliaments but 〈◊〉 Governed by the Parliament Laws of England Sixthly That they be not permitted to ma●● any Manufactures whatsoever except Linnen I will trouble you no longer than to pray yo●● Reading of Mr. Carey of Bristols Book who ha●● writ with great Judgment and Affection to 〈◊〉 Country on this subject I wish we had more M●●● that considered the Trade of the Nation the 〈◊〉 of which will be more dangerous than a standin● Army AN ANSWER TO A LETTER from a Getleman in the Country to a Member of the House of COMMONS in ENGLAND On the VOTES of the 14th of December 1697. Relating to the TRADE of IRELAND SIR WE live in an Age where scribling is the Language of one Man to another and too often used on a Subject to which ●●ey are as much strangers as to each other's Per●●n This seems our case we come abroad with the ●●ow'd to please our selves tho' we disturb others ●●t that which brings me in Print is because I ●●ink Men of better Understanding will not trou●●e themselves to Answer your unpolish'd Libel on ●●e Government and our Bretheren in Ireland and by that means your Invectives might have the success you wish't for viz. a belief amongst the Industrious part of the Nation which were the●● true the first work of England should be to remo●● our Friends destroy the Natives and send o●●● a Hundred Thousand Souldiers to keep the Isla●● from them that know how to make a good use 〈◊〉 it if we don't But the best way of confuting yo●● Maxims in Trade and Government is to repe●● them and then a very few words will Answ●● them I begin with your assertion That it cannot 〈◊〉 be the trouble of all thinking Men to see a Kingdom and People once so famous for Trade and Navigation to Fight themselves out of both To t●● it 's answer'd I meet with few of your opinion 〈◊〉 such as think the Nation did ill to fight at all Obedience to the late K. tho in Wooden Sho●●● and Faggots on our backs to Smithfield was our ●●ry your Holy Church tells us but that whi●● makes few believe it is that Doctrine was alw●● preach't by Men of debauch'd Lives and Pro●●●tutes for preferment But Sir I must tell 〈◊〉 what Men that think as much as your's say 〈◊〉 that is They believe that by the War which 〈◊〉 ended with so much honour and advantage to 〈◊〉 Nation we have secured our Trade and Navigation with somthing more that perhaps you are 〈◊〉 friend unto our Laws and Religion but as 〈◊〉 Trade and Navigation pray how should we 〈◊〉 preserved them if the French had been Masters of ●●e United Provinces For seeing we and the Dutch ●●ere fully imploy'd both together to deal with the ●rench alone which way could we have blovvn the ●rench and Dutch Fleets out of the Sea in case ●●ey had been united Those that find fault vvith ●●r War vvould be pleased vvith our Captivity ●●ft vvords are called for by such as are vvounded ●ith Truths therefore I shall not speak my ●houghts of your Principels You tell us of 700 ●●ers Harvest and 50 Millions spent in this War ●●t vvere more English-men think vve have the ●orth of it but I hope you do not believe the ●hole 50 Millions are carryed out of the King●●m it is demonstrable that the greatest part is still ●●ongst us tho' I confess it may be in vvorse hands ●●n before the War I must ovvn my self no ●●end to that practice vvhich inriches the Servant 〈◊〉 beggers the Master It should be the abhor●●●ce of all good Men to see people in Civil Imploy●●●ts ready to burst vvith unrighteous Gain and 〈◊〉 industrious Merchant languishing by the Opression of their Servants but this vve hope vvill ●●●nquired into Your next Paragraph begins thus Among the ●●●y rivals of our Trade and Navigation I have 〈◊〉 thought Ireland to be the most dangerous and 〈◊〉 which led me into this Opinion was the pra●●● of the two last Reigns incouraging the Irish more 〈◊〉 their English Subjects in Trade and Navigation thereby to make Ireland a Nursery for Arbitrary Government to which the English were abettors There needs no other Answer to your Thoughts That Ireland is most dangerous to the Trade o● England but that all the yearly Exports of Ireland amount not to the Value of one East-India Ship● Cargoe as vvill appear by vvhat follovvs That you say of the design of the two last Reigns t● introduce Arbitrary Government is not doubted b● that the English in Ireland were Abettors to it 〈◊〉 most manifestly False there were no Men in th● Three Kingdoms that ventured their Lives mo● bravely against it then they did and to them● think in a great measure we owe our Quiet and o●● Trade on the late happy Revolution of this Kingdom which I fancy is the reason you are so ang●● with them perhaps you cannot forgive the sta●● they of Inneskilling and Londonderry made to 〈◊〉 late Kings Army when they designed for Scotla●● if they could have reduced those Men in their w●● They would then have been troublesome to 〈◊〉 nearer home where you and your Friends were r●●dy to receive them As to the English's being for Arbitrary Government you are as much out as in the number● the Irish Seamen and least you should thin●● speak at randome as you do know I was bor●● a City that hath a great share in the Trade of 〈◊〉 land have been thrice in that Kingdom 〈◊〉 made all the Observation I could of the Nature Trade and Constitution of that Country amongst other Things I found they had very little Navigation Dublin their Capital had not one Ship belonging to it Carickfergus or Belfast and Corck had a few small Craft but not a Ship of Force or Burthen in the Kingdom I enquired particularly the Number of their Irish Seamen and by all I asked was answered they never saw one that could Top and Yard a phrase they have among Seamen Your next Paragraph tells us How dangerous it is to England to leave Ireland to their own conduct in Trade and Government Surely you are a stranger to the Laws of both Kingdoms or else you would have known that they can Pass no Act of Parliament in Ireland but what comes first from the King and Councel here and cannot alter one Word in it but must take the Act just as it comes from England Your following Observations of the Scituation Nature Product c. are true for that Reason I think we should keep it in English Hands and not follow your Proposals to drive them out But of that when I come to your Expedients Now as to your Five particulars wherein you say Ireland Interferes with the Trade of England First in that of their Fishing wherein no doubt they have Advantage above us but they never had yet Men Money or Craft to make use of it the more 's the pity it being a loss to
us and I think a fault that we do not help them Your second Assertion is true in part Their Provisions are Cheaper but then let me tell you they are not so good as ours and their Butter and Cheefe is near as dear Your third and fourth Observations are so aparently False that one Word will Answer them both you say you have been twice in Ireland but besides your self I may venture to say there was never any man in it but can tell you there is not Timber to supply the tenth part of the Use of the Kingdom I have seen a Survey of all the Woods in that Island and except Shellela there is not so much valuable Timber in the whole as one Gentleman hath in England Surely then we are in no danger of their Building Ships or Tanning Leather Your Fifth Observation is of their Wool in which you are right but as for the multitude of Irish Spinners you are in an Error they are so far from being our Rivals in the Woollen Manufactury that this last year they could not get so much in all the Country as to cloath their small Army But however I think we have reason to look carefully into that Manufactury which is the Soul of all we have left of Trade and yet I see Advocates for the East-India Trade to the destruction of our Manufactury at home In this methinks we Act like ill Husbands that being Abused abroad Revenge themselves at home on their Wives and Children We are wheedl'd out of our Manufacturies by Designing Men amongst our selves kick'd out of our Fishing abroad and then like Sampson we pull down the House upon our selves to be reveng'd for our two Eyes So I take our Woollen Manufactury and Fishing to be But let us destroy Ireland beat our Wives and Children and we shall Recover all You end your Fifth Paragraph with that which you think the most unaccountable of all The suffering them to hold Parliaments Now Sir if you never read History and so are ignorant how the Crown of England came first to intituled to Ireland then it is great Assurance in you to talk of the Constitution of a Kingdom you know nothing of if you have Read you must know there was a Compact that they should hold Parliaments with the same Privileges as England and altho' they have by their own Parliaments abridged themselves by Poynings Law in some things yet have they still an Act of Parliament for Annual Parliaments and another Act that all Laws made in England before the Tenth of Henry VII should be in force in Ireland I believe you will own we had Parliaments in England before ●denry VII they have then the same Right 〈◊〉 hold Parliaments that we have but they are a poor People and must submit Have a care of that French Maxim we know not whose turn it may be next I remember in the Reign of Charles II. discoursing with the Duke of Ormond who I think take him every way was one of the greatest Men of that time upon the Tryal of the Earl of Shaftsbury his Grace said My Lord Shaftsbury was never my Friend yet were I a Commoner and one of his Jury I would starve before I would find him Guilty by straining the Law We must have a care of Constitutions and Laws they are of better use to preserve our selves than to take off our Enemies If you were of this opinion you would not be against Ireland's holding Parliaments have a care Sir of breaking into Constitutions we know not who may come next we are sure His present Majesty will preserve our Constitution and it 't is our happiness He is more tender of them then many of our selves but if we will destroy them in a good Reign there may come a time when our own Presidents may bebrought against us You end your Paragraph with an Invective saying You hope the House will make them Remember they were Conquered I remember to have seen a Book in this Reign by Order of Parliament Burnt by the Common-Hangman for Asserting that conquering Doctrine It is by our Laws that all the Monarchs of England and a monst the rest his present Majesty is declared to be King of Ireland de Jure when King of England de Facto● Now if you please to remember the Brittish of Ireland who are Proprietors of most of that Kingdom were as one man in the Interest of England fought as is said before for and with the King that came to deliver them from the Usurpation and Tyranny of the late King James for so it was He having lost his Title by Abdication before he came to Ireland And King William came there to rescue his Protestant Subjects in Ireland from the Ravage and Murders of the Rebellious Irish Subjects This I hope you will not make a Conquest if it be we have had two or three of them in this Reign by the Execution of Traytors at Tyburn You now come to your Expedients wich are like that of an English Sea Captain that being in danger of two Dunkirk Men of War a French Officer on Board him Asked the Captain what he should do for he dreaded being carryed into France Never fear said the Captain I wont be taken How can you be sure of that said the French Man I will first blow up my Ship reply'd the Captain at which Monsieur shrug'd his shoulders and said Par ma foy un tres bon expedient Anglois So are your Expedients as will appear presently I will repeat them in order and then one Answer will serve them all 1. That they should not Build or keep at Sea one Ship 2. That they be Bounded Prescribed in all their Trade by Act of Parliament here not only to the place they shall go but also to the Qualities and Natures of the Commodities they Export and to th● Timewhen they shall export that we may have the sir●● market 3. That they should not Fish but with Men an● Boats of England 4. That their Money be brought to the Standard 〈◊〉 England 5. That they hold no Parliament but be Governe● by the Parliament of England 6. That they be not permitted to make any Man● facturies but Linnen I told you before one Answer should serve 〈◊〉 them all and that shall be with a Question 〈◊〉 as a Porter made a Lord Mayor of London in 〈◊〉 Usurpers time for Regulating the Price of Bee● was Proclaming That none should be sold 〈◊〉 more then a Penny a Quart A Porter standing 〈◊〉 my Lord Mayors Horse call'd out that the● was the most material thing left out which wa● appointing who should drink that small Beer for 〈◊〉 swore he 'd drink none So Sir you should have appointed in your Expedients who should live in Ireland for no Englishman will And surely our Nation will not think it safe in any others Hands Methinks you make a bold stroke to propose Ireland should be Governed by the Parliament of England that in
own Rebellions c. It is plain what you mean but it comes so nea● Arraigning the Government that you durst n●● express it in plain Words the late King JAME● with his Irish Mob that he called a Parliament 〈◊〉 Dublin did there Attaint all the Brittish Protestan● by Name that owned King William their Rightful Lawful King and to make sure of all the Protestants Estates in that Kingdom there pretend● Act named Women and Children that never sa● Irish Ground Now this Rebellious Edict of 〈◊〉 Irish the present Parliament of Ireland have declared and Enacted Illegal and Rebellious and the pretended Parliament that made it to be then in Rebellion against the Crown of England And for this you say the Parliaments of Ireland pardon their own Rebellions for you do insinuate their being in Rebellion when they left the late King James Truly Sir by what I hear of that Parliament they are so far from pardoning Rebellions that they expel'd one of their own Members for but a small overt Act in the time of the late King James's being in Ireland They are a People I am sorry it should be so in respect of our selves tho I commend it in them that are not divided as we are in parties but as one Man in His Majesties interest except a very few that are advanced in the Kings Service as too many have been here by mistake of some and design of others however those plants grow not in Ireland it is Observed no venemous Creature brought from England lives there I suppose you never intend to try I have now done with your Letter and shall end mine with directing what follows to Men of better Principles then you seem to be and such I presume will not use Ireland as the Harlot would have had the Child her Language was like yours divide the Child let it be neither thine nor mine Your Friends have neither right nor Posession of it and they that have you Maligne But all true Englishmen consider them as bone of 〈◊〉 bone and it is reasonable to believe th● House of Commons passed that Vote for ma●●ing the Trade of Ireland more beneficial 〈◊〉 England with that consideration there 〈◊〉 no doubt room enough to make it so I have often thought it would be one 〈◊〉 the first Works the Parliament would 〈◊〉 upon at the conclusion of a Peace and 〈◊〉 to let such a Treasure as that Island mig●● be made to England lie waste as it ha●● always been ever since the English ha●● had Footing in it which is unaccountab●● it would be thought so in the conduct 〈◊〉 a Private Man if he should neglect 〈◊〉 own Inheritance and lay out his Mo●● in Improving that of another Man's 〈◊〉 not so when we imploy our Men and ●●ney to enrich the Subjects of the Mog●● and neglect a Country of our own so 〈◊〉 as that if righty managed would streng●en and enrich our Nation more then all Trade we have in the World besides W●● would France make of it if they had it 〈◊〉 do not think they would cry it down the destruction of their Kingdom have perhaps more reason to value it then is at present seen I doubt we are in more danger of losing our Trade and Navigation then ever we were in since we were a People and it is feared we love nothing left to help us but Ireland but then it must not be let to former Conduct I am loath ●●say what I know in this matter We should also consider the Iason we have to incourage Britt● Planters in that Kingdom for ●●other can secure it to England It I have been too long for a let●● tho too short for the Subject ●hall only give my humble Opinion That it would be for the Ser●●e of England in this great Con●●n of setling the TRADE of both ●●ngdoms to hear the People of Ireland before they conclude them he● him hear him is Parliament Language and Christian Practice be●o●● Judgment I end with the Words Seneca in his Morals He that lives according to R●●son shall never be poor And 〈◊〉 that governs his Life by Opinion shall never be Rich. FINIS