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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03504 The strange, vvonderfull, and bloudy battell betweene frogs and mise the occasion of their falling out: their preparation, munition, and resolution for the warres: the seuerall combats of euery person of worth; with many other memorable accidents. Interlaced with diuers pithy and morall sentences, no lesse pleasant to be read, then profitable to be obserued. Couertly decyphering the estate of these times. Paraphrastically done into English heroycall verse by W.F. C.C.C.; Battle of the frogs and mice. English. Fowldes, William.; Homer, attributed name. 1603 (1603) STC 13626; ESTC S104175 24,963 64

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her story That truth may still preuayle with greater glory For as an Image drawne in white and black Though it be well proportioned with care If it do other comely colours lack To beautify the members head and haire Vnto the eye appeares not halfe so faire Nor with so much content doth fill the mind As that pourtrayd with colours in his kind Eu'n so a naked storie simply told Though cause be true and worthy due regard Doth not mens hearts with such affection hold Nor hath the outward sences so in gard As doth that matter which is well declar'd Adorned pleasantly with termes and arte Which pearcing th'row the eares doth moue the heart This knew the learned Poets all of yore This knew th' immortall Sages long agone VVhose works the wisest of our age adore Such store of wisdome in their bookes is shone Such pleasure vnto all offence to none Such graue precepts hid vnder fine deuice As eares and heart with wonderment surprise No fable sweet Philosophy contaynes VVithin the sacred volumes of her cell Dipt in the fount which from Pernassus straynes Whereas the thrice three Nymphes are said to dwel That Barbarisme and ignorance expell But vnder vaile deepe secrets doth vnfold Though bnt a tale by wanton Ouid told By wanton Ouid heauenly Poesie Pardon the rashnesse of my infant Muse That I a client to thy mysterie Should vnaduised by that word abuse And terme him wanton did no folly vse For though his Muse was wanton as he playned Yet Ouids life was chaste and neuer stayned Nor sung he alwayes in a wanton lay And penned pleasing ditties of blind fire Of deeper matters much could Ouid say As he whose soaring spirit mounted higher Than euer Poet after could aspire And saue the famous Homer chiefe of all The Prince of Poets may we Ouid call But neyther Homer Ouid nor the rest That euer tasted Aganippes spring Though but to write of fables they addrest VVhich to th' vnskilfull no contentment bring But with such arte and knowledge did them sing That in their volumes scarce appeares one lyne VVhich to the learned doth not seeme diuine No vice of youth no villayny of age No lewd behauiour of each degree But in the secret myst'ries of the sage And graue instructions of Philosophy Clad in the habit of sweet Poesie Is aptly cowched in some prety fable As well the learned to discusse are able And not alone are vices set to view And horrid plagues attending wickednesse But blessed vertue with the heauenly crew VVhich euer wayt vpon her worthynesse By them are pourtrayd forth with comlinesse The meanest fable Poet e're did make May stand as mirrour for example sake For proofe whereof read but this little booke VVith vnderstanding knowledge care and skill And thou shalt find presented to thy looke Such wit and learning from the Authours quill VVhich vnder fine inuentions meet thee still So pleasant obiects that occurre thine eyes As will thy soule with wonderment surprise And not alone shall pleasure thee awate As thou perusest what I now present Here thou shalt haue fit matter for eche state If thou consider what hereby is ment Then thinke thy time herein not idly spent Ponder with iudgemēt what thou read'st at leasure So may thy profit equallize thy pleasure Batrachomyomachia Or The Battell betweene Frogs and Mise YE thrice three daughters of immortall Ioue Boeotian Nimphs of Helicons sweet spring Bright lamps of honor shining frō aboue Where stil ye sit secure from enuies sting Guiding the sterne of learnings sacred lore Vouchsafe to guide my pen I you implore Your sweet consent conforme my tender brest While I adorne my verse as likes you best Deigne from your pleasant fountaynes of delight And euer-running Riuers of true skill Now to infuse sweet drops into my spright And heau'nly Nectar on my plants distill That they may grow like Bay which euer springs To bud the battels of two mighty Kings And all the world may know how strife did rife Betweene renowned Frogs and gallant Mise The antique deedes which wanton Ouid told To be perform'd by Gyants long agone When mighty hils together they inrold Thinking to pull the Thundrer from his throne Compared to these battels cannot be No more then brambles to the Caedar tree Whose lofty top dare check the heau'ns fayre eye When at midday he sits in maiestie In these approued souldiers of sterne Mars Manhood or Mars himselfe may seeme to dwell For with such valour they endur'd the warres That horrid death their courage could not quell Stout resolution in their foreheads stood Fighting like valiant hearts amid their blood And this alas did cause the mortall strife Whereby so many gallants lost their life The Kings owne sonne a Mouse of royall state Next heire by birth apparent to the Crowne Toyled with trauell flying from the Cat Vnto a pleasant brooke to drinke came downe Where couching low his body on the banke With great delight cold water there he dranke For though that gorged stomacks lothe strong drink Thirst makes the King cold water wine to thinke But while the gentle and debonayre Mouse Bathed his lips within the chanell cleare Quaffing most neatly many a sweet carouse Along the gliding current did appeare * A gallant Frog whose port and mounting pace Show'd him to be chiefe ruler in that place For as quicke sparkes disclose the fire to be So doth mans gesture show his maiestie From forth the riuer like to liquid glasse The Frog ascends vpon the waters brim And seeing where the Mouse lay on the grasse With nimble ioynts he leapeth towards him And bending downe his fayre and yellow brest With kind salutes he welcomes this new ghest Beseeming well a Kings hye dignitie And thus he spoke with solemne maiesty Since that thou art a stranger gentle Mouse From whome dost thou deriue thy pedigree Declare to me thy parents and the house Which haue conceiued such a progenie That if thy worth deserue with greater sway Vnto my pallace thee I might conuay VVhere I with kingly presents will thee grace As shall befit thy vertues and my place And doubt not but we can confirme our word For know it 's spoken by a mighty King The onely Monarch of this running ford VVhich all the Frogs to my subiection bring My promise to performe I want no store My kingdom stretcheth out from shore to shore Scarce he deserues the title of a king That wanteth meanes t' acomplish any thing By birth I am a King borne to the Crowne And hold by right my rushie chayre of state Peleus my durty Sire great in renowne Of Queene Hydromedusa me begate She at the floud of Padus did me beare Whose head and cheeks did put her in great feare And that my name and person might agree Blowne-cheeke Physignathus she cleaped mee But since that valour in thy lookes doth dwell And * Mars