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A79823 Theopolis, or the city of God new Jerusalem, in opposition to the city of the nations great Babylon; comprehending the blessing and benefit of Christs Kingdom, in the thousand years reign before his personal coming and appearing, after the total ruine of the beast, and his kingdom. In a coment upon the 10th. and 21st. chapters of the revelations. With an additional answer to these two material questions: 1. Whether the thousand years reign is not already past, as Brightman, and others affirm. 2. Whether the natural Jew is not most concerned in the latter day promises prophecies, especially in the pulling down Babylon, and building of Zion, as Maton, and others assert Danvers, Henry, d. 1687. 1672 (1672) Wing C4357; Wing D231; ESTC R229614 117,233 260

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at my right hand until I make thine Enemy thy foot-stool compared with Heb. 10.12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever sat down on the right hand of God from henceforth expecting till his Enemies be made his foot-stool And therefore being as an overcomer he sat down with God upon his Throne and the Earth his foot-stool He is upon that Throne to reign till all his Enemies be brought down as 1 Cor. 15.25 26. For he must Reign till he hath put all Enemies under his feet the last Enemy that shall be destroyed is death So that it is most manifest by this positive position that Jesus Christ is to sit upon the Throne of Heaven at Gods right hand till all his Enemies be subdued yea till death it self as the last Enemy be conquered which will not be till the general Resurrection when it shall be said that death is swallowed up in Victory and Death and Hell shall be cast into the lake of fire Therefore by this received principle Christ shall not leave the Fathers right hand personally to encounter Dragon Beast and False-prophet who are to be fought with as is already proved and vanquished before the general Resurrection Nay before the thousand years at the beginning whereof many suppose is this personal coming and Resurrection of the Saints So that according to their apprehensions that seeming coming of Christ to war with the Saints against the Beast Dragon and False-prophet must admit of another sense which is also expressed Page 27 28. Secondly Neither can be properly be said to be personally present in the peaceable part or mountain state during the thousand years First Because besides the constant concurrence of Scripture the universal consent of all parties is that Christ comes not personally till the bodily Resurrection and that there is no bodily Resurrection either of Saints or sinners in the beginning of the thousand years Take these Eleven Arguments from Page 40. to 44. Secondly It appears from the former Argument of his being at the Fathers right hand till the general resurrection till Death the last Enemy be destroyed and if so then the thousand years is to be first over and the Battle of Gog before the general Resurrection shall take place and that this is true Doctrine appears also from all the considerable places that make mention of his personal coming and appearing viz. First From those Scriptures that assert that when he comes all the Saints shall come with him which cannot be short of the great Resurrection 1 Thes 3.3.13 To the end be may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God even our Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his Saints Luke 13.28 29. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when ye shall see Abram and Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of God and your selves thrust out And they shall come from the East and from the West and from the North and from the South and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God 1 Thes 4.14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first 17. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Cor. 15.51 52. Behold I shew you a Mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a Moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the Trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed 54. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written Death is swallowed up in Victory 55. O Death c. By which Scriptures it infallibly appears that at the coming of Christ all the Saints shall come with him The living Saints are to be changed and glorified The dead Saints to be raised and glorified But if this coming of Christ and Resurrection be to be understood at the beginning of the thousand years then cannot all the Saints come with him For as page 37 multitudes both of Jews and Gentiles are to be called and converted in the thousand years Therefore cannot it be short of the general Resurrection after the thousand years Secondly From those Scriptures that inform his coming to be at the general Resurrection p. 40. John 5.28 John 6.39 40.44.54 1 Cor. 15.51.52 1 Thess 4.16 Job 14 12. Job 19.25 26. Secondly From those several Scriptures that assign Christs coming to be at the General Judgement to Judge the wicked and the righteous which is also long after this thousand years Reign viz. 1. To Judge the Wicked 2 Thess 1.7 8. c. When the Lord shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels 8. In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 9. Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and the glory of his Power 10. When he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe c. 2 Tim 4.1 I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom Matth. 25.31 When the Son of man shall come in his Glory and all the Holy Angels with him then shall he sit upon the Throne of his Glory 32. And before him shall be gathered all Nations and he shall separate them one from another as a Shepheard divideth his Sheep from the Goats 33. And he shall set the Sheep at his right hand but the Goats on the left 34. And then shall the King say to them on his right hand c. Jude 14 15. Verses And Enoch also the seventh from Adam Prophesyed of these saying Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints to execute judgement upon all and to convince all that are Ungodly amongst them c. Rev. 20.12 And I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the Books were opened And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the Books according to their works 2. To Judge the Righteous Matth. 25.34 Then shall the King say to them on his right hand c. Rev. 20.12 And another Book was opened which is the Book of Life c. Acts 3.19 Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord 20. And he shall send Jesus Christ which before was Preached unto you 21. Whom the
Scriptures following Mat. 16.28 There be some standing here that shall not tast death till they see the son of man coming in his Kingdom Which in a figure is performed in the next Chapter Mat. 17.2 And was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the Sun and his Raiment was white as the Light c. Compared with Rev. 1 13 14 15. 2 Pet. 1.16 For we have not followed cunning devised Fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but were eye Witnesses of his Majesty viz. They had a vision of that power and glory that Christs Majesty shall have when he come in his Kingdom Mat. 19.28 Ye which have followed me in the Regeneration when the Son of man shall sit on the Throne of his Glory ye also shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel Rev. 3.21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me upon my Throne even as I also overcome and am set down with my Father on his Throne 1 Cor. 15.50 Now this I say Brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God neither doth corruption inherit incorruption Therefore 51. Behold I shew you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed Holding out the necessity of the changed immortal incorruptible estate to qualifie them and make them capable to partake of the blessings and benefits of that Kingdom of God which Christ enters upon at the sounding of this last Trump and the general Resurrection and Judgement 2 Tim. 4.1 I charge thee before our Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the Quick and the Dead at his appearing and Kingdom Luke 13.28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of God and you your selves thrust out 29. And they shall come from the East and from the West and from the North and from the South and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God Math 25.31 32. When the Son of Man shall come in his Glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit upon the Throne of his glory And before him shall be gathered all Nations and he shall separate them one from another as a Shepheard divideth the Sheep from the Goats c. Which fully states and clears up the thing 1. That Christ shall come in his Glory with all the Holy Angels with him 2. That he shall then in his Kingly state as Verse 34 Sit upon the Throne of his Glory 3. That this shall be at the general Resurrection For all Nations good and bad are gathered before him 4. That this shall be at the general Judgement For now is the Judgement and Sentence to be pronounced c. Secondly This shall be upon the Earth Job 19.25 26. For I know that my Redeemer liveth and he shall stand at the latter day upon the Earth And though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God Whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold and not another though my Reins be consumed within me 1 Thess 4.17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with him in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Air and so shall we ever be with the Lord viz. Not to remain with him in the Air but to meet him to come with him to the Earth For so Acts 1.10 11. And while they looked stedfastly towards Heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white Apparel which said Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into Heaven This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven With Zach. 14.4 And his Feet shall stand in that day upon Mount Olivet c. Thirdly The manner of his coming to his Throne it shall be first Visible secondly Glorious thirdly Terrible also 1. Visible Rev. 1.7 Behold he cometh with Clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him c. Matth. 27.30 And they shall see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds of Heaven with power and great Glory Acts 1.11 He shall come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven 2. Glorious And therefore well called the Kingdom of Glory Mark 13.26 And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds with Power and great Glory Which great Glory appears First Because it is in the Fathers Glory Mark 8.38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful Generation of him also shall the Son of Man also be ashamed when he cometh in the Glory of his Father with the Holy Angels Secondly In his own Glory with the Father Luke 9.26 Of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his own Glory and in his Fathers c. Thirdly In the Glory of all the Holy Angels Matth. 25.31 When the Son of Man shall come in his Glory and all the Holy Angels with him 2 Thess 1.7 And to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels Fourthly In the Glory of all the Saints as is already largely proved from Zech. 4.5 1 Thess 4.14 17. 1 Cor. 15.51 52. Luke 13.28 Luke 2.36.2 Thess 2.10 There vile bodies being now raised changed made from Earthly to bear the Image of the Heavenly is to be made glorious like Christs glorified Body 1 John 3.1 2. Phil. 3.21 1 Cor. 15.43 44 49. 3. Terrible also With a shout great noise voice of the Archangel with the Trump of God the last Trump with the dissolution of Heaven and Earth as 1 Cor. 15.52 1 Thess 4.17 Math. 24.31 Math. 24.24 2 Pet. 3. Rev. 20. Rev. 22. 4. What shall be done in this Kingdom 2 Thess 1. Christ shall be glorified and admired and praised Saints shall be glorified and rewarded Wicked Men and wicked Angels shall by Christ and the Saints be Judged and Sentenced according to their deeds and demerits Of being Priests of God and Christ But they shall be Priests of God and Christ THis is another part of the Saints Priviledge this thousand years not only to Reign as Kings but be Priests too as Rev. 1.6 ●ev 5.10 And hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests and we shall Reign on the Earth Alluding hereby to that Dignity and Priviledge of the Priesthood under the Law who were said to draw nigh to God in a more special and peculiar way in his worship which was First Patriarchal or the Priesthood belonging to the first born Num. 17. Secondly Mosaical or Levitical Numb Exod. 28.1 1 Chron. 6.49 Of whom First High-Priest 1 Chron. 6.14 15. Secondly Chief Priests Numb 20.26 Thirdly Ordinary Priests of the same line Lev. 6.29 Which were
in order to the fulfilling of Prophecie to the dissolution of the old material Heavens and Earth and bringing on the new and to the introducing the misphatical Kingdom All these wicked Rebels must not only by Christs appearing be destroyed by fire who cometh in flaming fire to take vengeance of all that know not God nor obey his Gospel but also with the same fire will the material old Heaven and Elements as before melt with heat and pass away the Earth also and all its works be burnt up that the new Heavens and new Earth according to promise may come on And so will the Lord Jesus and the Saints continue therein to judge the quick and dead in that his misphatical Kingdom till he deliver all up into the hands of the Father that God may be all in all 1 Cor. 15.24 28. The second Question WHether the natural Jew is not concerned in the latter day Promises and Prophecies and particularly in those that relate to the pulling down Babylon and building of Zion as Maton and Holmes and others affirm Because as they intimate the promises seemed chiefly to be made in their names and for their sakes viz. to Israel Judea Jacob Ephraim Benjamin and their seed and who by promise are to return to their own Land under one Head Shepherd King to enjoy their Liberty and Priviledge their enemies being all subdued and then the Nations are only to expect good and blessing in and from their happiness to whom must be the first Dominion Mica 4.8 and the Tents of Juda to be saved first Zach. 12.7 and therefore all other hopes expectations and attempts for deliverance short of theirs to be vain fruitless and ineffectual Answ It is true the Prophets do seem in express terms so to carry it in many places which therefore giveth the natural Jew yet at such a distance and enmity to Christ having the Vail before their faces so much confidence to boast of their natural Priviledges looking only at the bare Letter and not at the Gospel mystery contained therein I shall therefore for your better information into this seasonable enquiry do these two things First lay down some certain plain Rules and Principles to help us in the right reading and true understanding of the Prophets relating to the Jews and those good things promised in their names c. Secondly From them draw some sound and safe Conclusions and inferences for the better clearing of this great Question and whereby it will appear I doubt not who are most concerned in the promises the natural or spiritual Jew 1. Rule THat no promise prophesie or precept of the Scriptures be interpreted contrary to the Analogy of Faith and the plain Principles asserted in the New Testament Rom. 12.6 Gospel Principles to be observed concerning the Jews 1. Principle THat Jesus Christ by his death hath broken down the middle Wall of partition and of twain hath made one new man so that the believing Gentile hath the same priviledge with the believing Jew being both built upon the same foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Jesus Christ being the chief Corner stone Eph. 2.14 to the end insomuch that now under the Gospel neither Greek nor Jew Circumcised Barbarian Scythian Bond or Free but Christ is all and in all Col. 3.11 and so he puts no difference betwixt any whose hearts are purified by Faith Acts 15.9 Rom. 3.22 Rom. 10.12 The inward Christian Jew being now the only true Jew Rom. 2.28 29. Rev. Jer. 9.25 26. 2. Principle That the Jewish priviledges of being 1. of the fleshly seed of Abraham 2. Belonging to this or the other Tribe 3. Relating to their holy City or Nation 4. Concerned in their Priest-hood Temple Altar Sacrifices were all Typical and by the Gospel esteemed Carnal and Fleshly and were all done away in Christ Col. 2.17 as may more particularly appear by the following Scripture instances First As to the Natural seed of Abraham Mat. 3.9 Say not within your selves we have Abraham to our Father but bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance and amendment of Life Compared Joh. 8.37 38. and do the works of Abraham otherwise you are of your Father the Devil ver 44. Abrahams true seed which are esteemed the seed of promise is the believer whether Jew or Gentile for if they are Christs they are Abrahams seed and heirs according to promise Gal. Therefore whether to introduce a natural seed of Abraham to any Gospel Priviledge out of Christ doth not deny the authority of these Scriptures and thwart the new Testament is submitted to consideration Secondly The distinction of Tribes was also Fleshly and Typical Phil. 3. If any other man thinketh he hath whereof he may trust in the Flesh I more Circumcised the eighth day of the Tribe of Benjamin an Hebrew of the Hebrews which he esteemed but dung and dogs meat for the excellency and Knowledge of Christ And therefore the same Paul 2 Cor. 5. saith That henceforth know we no man after the flesh yea though we have known Christ after the flesh yet henceforth know we him no more The only Tribe now is the Tribe of Judah into which the Kingship Priest-hood is transferred the believers being Kings and Priests the true Jew that is only of that Tribe of Iudah being the inward Spiritual heart Circumcised Jew therefore whether to hold forth any Principles or interpret any Scriptures to uphold a distinction of Tribes in this new body and Corporation under the Gospel whereby the natural fleshly typical seed was distinguished of old is not to thwart Gospel-principles and no less than to deny Christ to be come in the flesh Thirdly The City Ierusalem which under the Law was called the holy City was typical and so reputed Carnal under the Gospel and therefore as belonging to Hagar the Bond-woman was to be done away and is therefore put in opposition to Ierusalem which is above viz. the new Ierusalem which is the mother of us all Gal. 4.25 26. Heb. 12.12 compared with Esay 54. being an explanation to each other Therefore whether now for any to interpret any Scriptures in the Prophets speaking of Jerusalem a holy City to be meant a material City that is to be rebuilt and to become a Metropolis again amongst the Nations and to be esteemed a holy City is not certainly to advance again Mount Zina above Mount Zion is not to set up Hagar above Sarah to bring in the City of Bondage again to the defacing the free City the new Jerusalem which is above all and the mother of us all from whence alone the free Denizens the Believers whether Jews or Gentiles are to fetch their freedoms and Liberties Fourthly That Territory called the Nation of Iudea whether the lesser contained betwixt Iordan and the West Sea and from Dan to Bersheba or the greater from Sea to Sea viz. Mediterranean Aegyptian and Persian and from the River viz. Euphrates to the end of the Earth taking
rage comes now to have a Spirit of Life from God enter into them enabling them to stand upon their feet And then a voice from Heaven or the Orb of Government and Rule for so Heaven here and in the Rev. 12.7 is to be taken calls them up thereto alluding hereby to Christs dead body that was killed raised and ascended into Heaven And so the Prophet Isa 26.19 Thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise Awake and Sing ye that dwell in the Dust for thy Dew is as the Dew of Herbs and the Earth shall cast out the Dead And parallel to this Hosea 6.2 After two days he will revive us in the third day he will raise us and we shall live in his sight His mistical body the Church being in a mistical way to conform and suit in a figure to the Death Resurrection and Ascension of his real Body The Prophet Hosea also in the 13 14. ver foretelling this promised restauration to the Church in this mistical manner doth it in terms alluding to the Corporeal Resurrection to which also the Apostle refers 1 Cor. 15.55 when he asserts that Doctrine of the Resurrection I will ransom them from the power of the Grave I will redeem them from Death O Death I will be thy Plagues O Grave I will be thy destruction Repentance shall be hid from my Eyes And again by the Prophet Isa 25.8 Speaking of this very time He will swallow up Death in Victory and the Lord will wipe away tears from all faces and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the Earth for the Lord hath spoken it Which very words of the Prophet are repeated by John and applied to this very time Rev. 21.4 Rev. 7.17 Now as is the Death so must the Resurrection be to the Spiritual Death there is a Spiritual Resurrection to the mistical Death a mistical Resurrection to the Corporeal Death a Corporeal Resurrection To this the Assemblies Annotations upon this place seem to concur also Rev. 20.5 6. After Antichrists destruction there will be such a new face of the Church as if the Saints were all raised up again This Resurrection is not of particular persons but of whole Churches and Nations as Rom. 11.15 alluded to in the raising of dead Bones Ezek 37. in which they are said to have part And that the Corporeal Resurrection of the Saints cannot be understood in this place further appears First Because the Text in the Letter of it speaks not of their Bodies but Souls and of the Souls only of them that were beheaded as Rev. 6.9 And I saw under the Altar the Souls of them that were slain for the Word of God c. Now it is no where said that Souls in a proper sense revive and are raised because they never dye being Immortal and so not capable of Resurrection necessitating therefore another sense Secondly Because if we are here to understand a bodily Resurrection of the Saints Martyrs only being here mentioned and beheaded Martyrs too taking in no other Saints and only such too that suffered under Antichrist then will Christ have but a small Kingdom And then only such Martyrs partaking of that first Resurrection are to share of happiness and freedom from second Death excluding all but such both from happiness and exemption from such a curse contrary to the Analogy of Faith and whole current of Scriptures for what by such Doctrine will become of all the Saints from Abel to this time that were not Martyrs under Antichrist Thirdly Because this will hold out an absurdity of a two-fold Resurrection a thousand years distant each from other of bodies contrary to John 5.28 The hour is coming in which all that are in the Graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done Good to the Resurrection of Life and they that have done Evil to the Resurrection of Damnation The state of the Resurrection being there held forth by Christ to be general and universal relating to Good and Bad and to be at one time the hour So in John 6. four several times he refers the Saints Resurrection to the last day verse 39.40 44 54. The professed Faith of the Saints in that day John 11.24 And Martha said unto him I know that he shall rise again in the Resurrection at the last day So 1 Cor. 15.51 52. Behold I shew you a mistery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a Moment in the twinkling of an Eye at the last Trump for the Trumpet shall sound and the Dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed Joh 19.25 26. For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the Earth 26. And though after my skin Worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God So Job 14.12 Man lyeth down and riseth not till the Heavens be no more c. By which two Scriptures in Job the last day and time of the last Trump is explained and limited to Christs personal coming and end of the world or dissolution of the Heavens and the Earth as 2 Pet. 3.10 11 12. Rev. 20.11 Fourthly Because this opinion holds out this to be the first bodily Resurrection contrary to what the Scripture speaks of nine going before it As first the Widow of Sarepta's Son 1. Kin. 17.22 2ly The Son of the Shunnamite 1 Kings 4.35 3ly The man that was raised by the touch of the Prophets Coffin 2 Kings 13.21 4 y The Widow of Naim's Son Luke 7.15 5ly The Daughter of Jairus Luke 8.55 6 y Lazarus John 11.44 7ly Those many that came out of their Graves accompanying Christ at his Resurrection 8ly Tabitha Acts 9.41 9ly Eutichus Acts 20.16 By which several instances it must appear thar either this is not a Corporeal Resurrection spoken of or these nine mentioned were not so for this cannot be said in truth to be the first Corporeal Resurrection when nine went before it but the Tenth Resurrection rather Fifthly The Bodily Resurrection cannot be here meant because that is not to be till a thousand years after this as in this Chapter when all the Elements must give up their Dead Rev. 20.12 13. Sixthly This cannot be the Corporeal Resurection of the Saints for that cannot be till Christs personal coming and appearing and day of Judgment 1 Thes 4.14 Them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him 1 Cor. 15.23 Christ the first fruits afterwards they that are Christs at his coming 2 Tim. 4.1 Who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom And as before Christs personal coming is proved by many arguments not to be till after the thousand years And 't is as clear that the Judgment day is not till after the thousand years and destruction of the Gog Magog Army Seventhly This cannot be the Corporeal Resurrection of the Saints because it inverts Christs
Wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the Desert Amos 9.11 In that day will I raise up the Tabernacle of David that is fallen and close up the breaches thereof and I will raise up his ruines and I will build it as in the days of old 12. That the may possess the Remnant of Edom and of all the Heathen which are called by my name saith the Lord that doth this which is interpreted Acts 15.16 the Conversion of the Gentiles to Christ Jesus Isa 19.24 In that day shall Israel be the third with Aegypt and with Assyria even a blessing in the midst of the Land 25. Whom the Lord of Hosts shall bless saying Blessed be Aegypt my people and Assyrya the work of mine hands and Israel mine Inheritance Zechar. 8.23 Thus saith the Lord of Hosts in those days it shall come to pass that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the Nations even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew saying We will go with you for we have heard that God is with you Rev. 21.24 And the Nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it and the Kings of the Earth do bring their glory and honour into it 27. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lye but they which are written in the Lamb's Book of life Zech. 12.10 And I will pour upon the House of David and the Inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of Grace and of Supplications and they shall look upon him whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his first born Amos 9.10 And in that day I will raise up the Tabernacle of David that is fallen c. Rom. 11.15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the World what shall the receiving of them be but life from the Dead So the 23. And they also if they abide not still in unbelief shall be graffed in for God is able to graff them in again 24. For if thou wert cut out of the Olive Tree which is wild by nature and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good Olive Tree how much more shall these which be the natural branches be graffed into their own Olive Tree 25. For I would not Brethren that ye should be ignorant of this Mystery least you should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is hapned to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in 25. And so all Israel shall be saved as it is written There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer and shall turn away Vngodliness from Jacob. 4. The abounding of Holiness Isa 35.8 And an Highway shall be there and away and it shall be called the way of Holiness The unclean shall not pass over it but it shall be for those Joel 3.17 Then shall Jerusalem be Holy and there shall no stranger pass through her any more Zech. 14.20 In that day shall there be upon the Bells of the Horses Holiness unto the Lord and the Pots in the Lord's House shall be like the Bowls before the Altar 21. Yea every Pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be Holiness unto the Lord of Hosts and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the House of the Lord of Hosts Hos 9. Ezek. 44.9 Rev. 21.1 Isa 60.21 Thy people shall be all righteous Zeph. 3.13 The Remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity nor speak lyes neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouths 2 Pet. 2.13 New Heavens and new Earth wherein dwells righteousness Rev. 21.1 And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth 2. And I John saw the Holy City new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven c. 3. Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men c. 27. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth c. but they that are written in the Lamb's Book Outward and visible acts of Worship Rev. 88. Rev. 21. Freedom from Sorrow Pain and Sickness Isa 25.8 The Lord will in that day wipe away all tears from all faces and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the Earth for the Lord hath spoken it Isa 54.13 14. Thy Children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy Children In righteousness shalt thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come near thee Isa 60 15. Whereas thou hast been forsaken I will make thee an eternal excellency violence shall be no more heard in thy Land the days of thy mourning shall be ended Isa 65.19 I will joy in my people and the voice of weeping or crying shall no more be heard in her Rev. 7.16 17. They shall hunger no more For the Lamb in the midst of the Throne shall feed them and wipe away all tears from their eyes Rev. 21.4 God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more sorrowing nor crying nor pain Ezek. 28.24 Jer. 30.10 Superabounding pouring forth of the Spirit Joel 2.28 And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your Sons and your Daughters shall Prophecy your old Men shall dream Dreams your Young-men shall see Visions 29. And also upon the Servants and upon the Hand-maids in those days will I pour out my Spirit Isa 32.15 Lastly The restauration of the Creature Isa 65.17 For behold I create a new Heavens and a new Earth and the former shall not be remembred no come into mind 25. The Wolf and the Lamb shall feed together c. Rom. 8.18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory which shall be revealed in us 19. For the earnest expectation of the Creature waiteth for the manifestation of the Sons of God 21. Because the creature it self also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God c. This glorious and happy state of the Church in this your Rule Dignity and Soveraignity is called in Scripture the Kingdom of Christ and is so spoken off as if he was personally present with them in all this work before mentioned both in the conquering as well as peaceable part of the Kingdom First As to the Conquering part or as by way of distinction called the Kingdoms of the Stone it is called his Kingdom and spoke of as if he were personally present Dan. 2.44 And in the days of those Kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdom shall not be left to other people c. The interpretation of Verse 34. Thou sawest till that a Stone was cut out without hands which smote the Image upon his
feet that were of Iron and Clay and brake them to pieces Interpreted to be the fourth or last Monarchy Chapt. 7 and Verse 40. of this Chapter 35. And the Stone that smote the Image became a great Mountain and filled the whole Earth Rev. 17.14 These viz. the ten Horns ten Kingdoms or ten Toes of this Image make War with the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful Spoken as though personally present in the work and parallel to this Rev. 19.11 And I saw Heaven opened and behold a white Horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make War 13. And he was cloathed in a Vesture dipt in blood taken out of Isa 63.2 c. And his name is called the Word of God 14. And the Armies which are in Heaven followed him upon white Horses cloathed in fine Linnen white and clean 15. And out of his Mouth goeth a sharp Sword that with it he should smite the Nations and he shall Rule them with a Rod of Iron and he treadeth the Wine-press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God 16. And he hath on his Vesture and Thigh written King of Kings and Lord of Lords And then there is an invitation to the Fouls of Heaven to feast themselves with the flesh of Kings Captains and Mighty Men in the Supper of the great God And in the 45 Psa a Prophecy of the Kingdom Verse 3. Gird thy Sword upon thy Thigh O most Mighty with thy Glory and thy Majesty 4. And in thy Majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things 5. Thine Arrows are sharp in the heart of the Kings enemies whereby the people fall under thee And then after this Conquest as though in it in person 6. Thy Throne O God is for ever and ever The Scepter of thy Kingdom is a right Scepter c. So Psa 66.3 Isa 42.13 Haggai 2.22 As in Page 23. Isa 35.4 Secondly The Peaceable part of the Kingdom or the Kingdom of the Mountain so spoken of as if Christ was personally present Ps 72.1 Give the King thy judgement O God and thy righteousness unto the Kings Son 2. He shall judge thy people with righteousness and thy poor with judgement 3. The Mountains shall bring peace to the people and the little Hills by righteousness 7 In his days shall the righteous flourish and abundance of peace so long as the Moon endureth 8. He shall have dominion also from Sea to Sea and from the River to the ends of the Earth c. 11. Yea all Kings shall fall down before him all Nations shall serve him c. Dan. 7.14 And there was given him viz. the Son of man Christ Jesus Dominion and Glory and a Kingdom that all People Nations and Languages should serve him His Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away and his Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed 27. And the Kingdom and Dominion and the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all Dominions shall serve him Jer. 23.5 6. Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous branch and a King shall reign and prosper and shall execute justice and judgment in the Earth 6. In his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is his name whereby he shall called the Lord our righteousness Ezek. 34.23 24. And I will set up one shepheard over them and he shall feed them even my servant David he shall feed them he shall be their shepherd 24. And I the Lord will be their God and my servant David a Prince among them I the Lord have spoken it Jer. 39.9 They shall serve the Lord their God and David their King whom I will raise up unto them Luke 1.32 He shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his Father David 33. And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever and of his Kingdom there shall be no end And so again upon the sounding of the seventh Trumpet Rev. 11.15 The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever And again Rev. 20.4 And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years Rev. 22.3 Object But why then should not we so take it as the Scripture represents it and so plainly lays it down will you be wiser than what is written why should we not so receive and believe it Answ First it must be taken for granted that as the Beasts Kingdom is a mistery so is the Kingdom of Christ no less and threfore is the mind of wisdom called for to reach into the one as the other And as the Apostle 2 Pet. 3.16 speaking of these things in which as he saith there are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest unto their own destruction Which therefore calls for great sear caution and circumspection in our conversing about these great mysteries Secondly It must be taken for granted that in the speaking to these things no sense ought to be given that denyes received fundimental principles nor thwarts the Analogy of Faith nor crosses the current of Scripture Thirdly That it is the genuine sense true scope and intent of the Scripture comparing Scripture with Scripture and spiritual things with spiritual and not only the litteral reading in some places for otherwise the Racovian Catechisme asserting Socinianisme shall go for good pay Nay what Heresie upon that account may not be asserted and proved And therefore Maton well saith whatsoever Text of Scripture is expounded any other ways than god meant by it it is according to its interpretation the word of man and not of God and consequently in adhearing to such interpretations we believe not what God saith but what man doth make him say Lastly That we cannot receive these Scriptures in the sense that many give of them that thus seem to assert Christ personally to be present either in the smiting or peaceable part of his Kingdom during these thousand years Take these following Reasons and weigh them in the fear of the Lord in the true ballance of the Sanctuary wherein we shall first shew why they cannot so be received Secondly In what sense truly according to the mind of Christ they may and ought to be received First That Christ Jesus cannot properly be said to be personally present in the smiting part besides the five Reasons to this thing Page ●5 26 27. Because it is expresly said Psal 110.2 The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou
of the Land of Magog the head of Mesheck and Tubal the enemy of Israel Gen 10.3 Ezek. 38.39 For this came out of the North parts ours from the four corners of the Earth This appeared at the beginning of Israels Restoration ours after the 1000. years of the Kingdom of the Saints following the Restoration of Jerusalem This before Christs coming in the Flesh ours before his coming to Judgement But another Gog the enemy of the Church of the Gentiles to come immediately before the Resurrection of the Dead and farther it is plain that this Gog and Magog bear not the room of a subject but a convenient Title by which those Nations of the four Quarters might be declared as if he would have said the Nations in the four Quarters Spiritually called Gog and Magog Of the Camp of the Saints and Beloved City THose terms of Camp and City are allusions to Israels twofold state under the Tabernacle and Temple dispensation Of the order of Israels Camp state we read Numb 2. Wherein the Tabernacle of God with the 24 Courses of the Priests and Levites were placed in the midst all the Tribes under their four Standards pitching their Tents round about it Which is alluded to Rev. 4. And may greatly help the explanation thereof Then the City State was under Solomon after the erecting of the Temple to which glorious and beautiful condition this alludes Rev. 21.10 c. Holds forth the excellency it being c●lled the great City the Holy Jerusalem where it is described in all its ●lory and Dimensions called here the Beloved City In opposition to the City of the Nations the great City Babylon containing the ●nti-Christian nay whole World in their Policies and Governments So here the Extent of this City and Camp of the Saints is held forth to be no less then the whole Earth as large in extent as the City of the Nations Christ's Government extending all the World over from Sea to Sea Ps 72.8 Isa 44.6 Of the Fire from Heaven that destroyeth Gog. And Fire came down from God out of Heaven and devoured them THis destruction as typt out in the Gog Magog destruction Ezek. 38. Is here alluded to That as fire came down from Heaven to destroy them So is it here for now is the time that Christ shall come in flaming Fire taking vengeance of his enemies destroying the Heavens also and the Earth and all its works by fire and this in order to the next Scene to be acted viz. The Resurrection of the Dead and Eternal Judgement Of the General Judgement AFter the Saints Reign the Gog Magog gathering and destruction Now in order comes the Lord Jesus in person in the Glory of the Father the Saints Glory and in the glory of all the Holy Angels with the sound of the Trumpet and Voice of the Archangel The Sea Grave and Death giving up their Dead that there may be a general Resurrection of the Just and Unjust And then the preparing of the Throne the sitting of the Judge the opening of the Books the producing of the Witnesses in order to the general Judgement of great and small who are to be judged according to their works by Christ who Judges the quick and dead at his appearing and Kingdom A Paraphrase upon the 20. of Revelations THe Powers and Potentates of the whole World 1. And I saw an Angel come down from Heaven having the Key of the bottomless Pit and a great Chain in his hand whether Heathen or Antichristian being thus vanquished by Christ and his followers under the terms of fighting with and overcoming a Dragon Beast and false Prophet with the Kings of the Earth and whole World in the great Battel in the former Chapter and the Authority consequently now in the hands of the Saints John here in a Vision hath represented to him the Churches Soveraignity in a figure viz. By the Emblematical Representation of a Chain and a Key ensigns of Power in the hand of their Mystical and Spirirual Head though in this Vision their Representative the Lord Jesus is called here an Angel as Rev. 2. And he laid hold on the Dragon that old Serpent which is the Devil and Satan and bound him a 1000. years And having judged and utterly razed the Antichristian state both in its Magistracy and Ministry by the figurative Representation of taking a Beast and false Prophet and casting them alive into a Lake of Fire doth here for the better securing the Churches quiet and peaceable Rule 3. And cast h●m into the bottomless Pit and shut him up and set a Seal upon him that he should deceive the N●tions no mor● till the 1000. years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed a little season wholy cancel and vacate the Heathen Empire also for a thousand years as in the Vision is set forth by the taking a Dragon and casting him bound into a bottemless pit and shutting him up and Sealing him therein the proper Emblem of the now ruined Pagan State the Dragon or Devil being also the Spiritual or Mystical head thereof and here in the Vision their representative As in 12. Chapter by an Angel fighting with overcoming and casting to the Earth a Dragon is held forth the Victory the Church at that day gets over the Heathen Roman Empire So here by the Angels binding him in a pit is the utter extinction of that Power a thousand years the time limited plainly discovered 4. And I saw Thrones and they sat upon them and Judgement was given to them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God and which had not worsh●pped the Beast neither his Image neither had received his mark in their Foreheads or in their right hand and they lived and Reigned with Christs a 1000. 5. But the rest of the dead lived not again till the 1000. years were finisht This is the first Resurrection 6. Blessed and Holy is he that hath part in the first Resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be Priests of God and of Christ and shall Reign with him a 1000. years The enemies of the Church thus casheired and turned off the Stage John hath a further discovery of their setled and happy Rule and Authority by the Vision of the Resurrection of a company of dead and Martyred Saints the proper Emblem of the Church during the Antichristian Tyranny who for witnissing to Christ and not Worshipping the Beast cannot in a civil sense at least be esteemed other ascending Thrones of Judgement And as blessed and holy ones freed from the second Death Reigning with or under the Lord Jesus as Kings and Priests whilst their enemies the Worshippers of the Beast are now as so many dead men at their feet during this space of a thousand years which is called the first Resurrection viz. The mystical general Resurrection that in order of time
Apostle Iames to be restoring the fallen Tabernacle of David Acts 15. And a fulfilling of that blessed prophecy of Amos and which is expected more amply to be fulfilled in the great Conversion and Conjunction of Jews and Gentiles that is foretold in the latter days Therefore whether for any to assert because the Prophets so often speak of a Conjunction of Israel and Iudah and a return into their own Land to the building City and Temple and injoyment of legal rites and ceremonies under one King that therefore those prophecies are to be yet fulfilled in the Letter is not an absolute mistake and such a sence that necessarily offers violence to the principles of the Gospel and not to be reconciled with the first Rule before mentioned and not onely hardens their deluded Jews in their expectation of a Temporary Messiah of whom they have had already so many Impostures but teaches the Gentile Believer to Judaize also of which there have been so many in these Latter dayes though in a mistical and Spiritual sence all those prophecies may admit of a larger and further Accomplishment as before and which with the consideration of what is fulfilled in the Letter as before may reconcile all 4. Rule THat the great Conversion of the Iews to Iesus Christ is not to be till the fulness of the Gentiles be come in Luke 21.24 Rom. 11 25 Mat. 23.38 Which fulness is not to be till Babylons fall and preaching the everlasting Gospel and the erecting of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ for they are contemporary and it is clear that the Gentile Saints who have born the heat of the day under Antichrist and who have kept the Commandments of God and testimony of Jesus must be the special instruments thereof not the Jews who have been such blasphemers of Christ and all by his appointments all that live But then will they so receive the Gospel that they will bless those that come in the name of the Lord Mat. 23.38 And so in those great conversions that will be effected in that day of the Lord amongst Jews and Gentiles all Israel viz. The whole body of the Elect the whole seed of Abraham spiritual shall be saved which is true only in that sence for all Israel in a natural sence shall not be saved as Wollebius well observes upon Rom. 11. FINIS Errata PAge 7. l. 24. r. Conviction p. 10. margent r. 1 John 2. l. 14. r. 2 Kings l. 15. Rev. 4 3. 11. p. 12. l. ult or p. 14. l. 12. for 39. 3. 6. p. 21. l. 10. r. as p. 23. l. 4. r. prophecie is p. 25. l. 27. r. Monarchies p. 26. l. 15. r. he l. ult r. Psal 72.9 10. p. 27. l. 11. r. promised p. 30. l. 8. r. we are to understand p. 31. l. 28. r. in order to the Whores p. 32. l. 23. r. Enemies will be brought to pass by p. 34. l. 1. r. Angels l. 5. r. their p. 36. l. 3. r. same p. 44. l. 7. r. 4. 6. l. 10. r. of the Dead p. 45● l. 21. r. 21. 1. 2. p. 48. l. 10. r. 26. p. 54. l. ult Rev. 1. for 9. r. 6. p. 58. l. 26. for held r. hold p. 59. l. 20. r. their p. 63. l. 6. r. a l. 21. r. Rev. 11.11 l. 22. r. 35. p. 66. l. 24. r. 60. p. 69. l. 10. r. 60. p. 72. l. 21. r. blessed p. 78. l. 20. r. its dignity p. 82. l. 14. r. wiser p. 83. l. 12. r. God p. 84. l. 10. after Throne r. the Heaven being his Throne p. 93. l. 28. r. 9. for Rev. 1.11 p. 127. l. 16. r. precede in the margent add years p. 130. l. 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 l. 4. r. ibid. p. 132. l. 5. r. Relation l. 19. r. three p. 139. r. thus the Lambs wife is one p. 140. l. 7. r. woman p. 143. l. 10. r. Exod. 25. p. 144 l. 3. r. begat us p. 147. l. 11. r. extend p. 149. l. 16. r. Prophet p. 150. l. 10. r. been p. 157. l. 18. r. 3. p. 168. l. 12. r. Bats l. 30. r. not defiled with women p. 182. l. 23. r. to him p. 184. l. 27. r. shout p. 186. r. Zelophebad l. 11. r. Israel p 190. r. 60. 35. 50. p. 197. l. 19. r. Rev. 4.4 p. 204. l. 3. r Doctrine p. 210. l. 2. r. 2. 13. l. 5. r. by p. 214. l. 17. dele not p. 215. l. 10. r. 6. p. 219. l. 3. 1. of p. 222. l. 13. r. had